This document contains parameters for two sets of data related to BCM Naphtha in a piping system. It includes physical properties of the fluid, dimensions and material properties of the piping components, and calculated values like natural frequencies and vortex shedding frequency. The parameters are the same between the two sets except for the fluid velocity and some geometry-dependent values that vary based on differences in fluid velocity and pipe dimensions between the two sets.
This document contains parameters for two sets of data related to BCM Naphtha in a piping system. It includes physical properties of the fluid, dimensions and material properties of the piping components, and calculated values like natural frequencies and vortex shedding frequency. The parameters are the same between the two sets except for the fluid velocity and some geometry-dependent values that vary based on differences in fluid velocity and pipe dimensions between the two sets.
This document contains parameters for two sets of data related to BCM Naphtha in a piping system. It includes physical properties of the fluid, dimensions and material properties of the piping components, and calculated values like natural frequencies and vortex shedding frequency. The parameters are the same between the two sets except for the fluid velocity and some geometry-dependent values that vary based on differences in fluid velocity and pipe dimensions between the two sets.
This document contains parameters for two sets of data related to BCM Naphtha in a piping system. It includes physical properties of the fluid, dimensions and material properties of the piping components, and calculated values like natural frequencies and vortex shedding frequency. The parameters are the same between the two sets except for the fluid velocity and some geometry-dependent values that vary based on differences in fluid velocity and pipe dimensions between the two sets.
kg/m3 Fluid Density 760.00 760.00 c m/s Speed of sound Ref p157 (gases) also calculated in Flowchart T2-7 p 67 (liquids) 1225.00 1225.00 Pa.s Dynamic Viscosity 320.00 320.00 v m/s Steady State fluid velocity 10.20 3.38 T mm Main line wall thickness 10.31 10.31 Dext mm Main line External diameter 508.00 508.00 dint mm internal diameter of sidebranch 487.38 487.38 Lbranch m Length of sidebranch 0.54 0.54 Dint mm Main line Internal diameter 487.38 487.38 3 _plate kg/m Plate barred density 7850.00 7850.00 K_1 Constant from Roark , Mode 1, both end fixed, uniform beam 22.40 22.40 K_2 61.70 K_3 121.00 K_4 200.00 S Stroul number 0.13 0.13 g m/s^2 Gravititional accelation 9.82 9.82
T_barred mm Wall thickness of plate bar 12.70 12.00
h_barred mm High of plate bar 63.50 75.00 L_barred mm Length of plate bar 667.20 487.38
M Kg/Mr Bar mass per length 6.33 7.07
w N/Mr Bar weight per length 62.18 69.39 I nmm^4 10839.36 10800.00 f_1 Hz Natural frequency of barred 150.77 266.98 f_2 Hz 735.38 f_3 Hz 1442.15 f_4 Hz 2383.72 f_v Hz Vortex shedding frequency 104.41 36.66 V_r m/s Reduction velocity 7.69 7.69