CISI Securities & Investment Workbook
CISI Securities & Investment Workbook
CISI Securities & Investment Workbook
PubLIShEd by:
Chartered Institute for Securities & Investment
Chartered Institute for Securities & Investment 2013
8 Eastcheap
Tel: +44 20 7645 0600
Fax: +44 20 7645 0601
dr Robert Currie
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Ruth Martin
Managing director
Chapter 1: Securities 1
Glossary 177
It is estimated that this workbook will require approximately 70 hours of study time.
1. Securities Investment 3
2. Shares (Equities) 6
3. Debt Instruments 9
4. Warrants 18
9. Principles of Trading 34
U Liquidity the market in many securities is 2. Income payments the investor may be
relatively liquid, meaning that a buyer can paid income (ie, dividends or interest) on
be found without either delay or a significant the securities that they have bought.
effect on market price when the investor Equities investors (ie, ordinary share-
wishes to sell a security, and vice versa. If holders) may be entitled to a share
an investor feels that the market for certain of any profits that the company has
securities is likely to move up or down, it is made through a dividend payment that is
important that the investor can increase or approved at the company annual general
reduce the size of their securities holdings meeting (AGM).
without delay in response to these market bondholders will usually be paid a fixed
trends. rate of interest (known as the coupon) at
U High volume, low relative costs many fixed intervals throughout the period of
securities trade in high volume in securities the loan.
markets on a daily basis. Consequently, the
costs of securities trading can be relatively
low compared with trading in some other
1.3 Who Invests in
categories of investment. Securities?
For the sake of simplicity, we have referred so
far to an individual investor who has purchased
1.2 Sources of Investment
stocks and bonds in order to realise an income
Return and a potential capital gain on their initial
Equities and fixed income products offer two investment. however, pension schemes, life
principal avenues for generating return on insurance companies, mutual funds and other
investment: institutional investors also invest widely in
securities markets in order to generate returns
1. Capital appreciation if the price of on the investments that they hold on behalf of
the security rises, the investor has an their members.
opportunity to sell the asset in order to
realise a profit. The principle of buying and Members and sponsors of pension funds, for
selling securities is in many ways similar to example, will pay into the scheme throughout
buying and selling used cars, gold coins, or their working life and will expect to receive
other tradeable items: the investor aims an income from the pension scheme on
to buy securities at market price and later retirement. These monies will be invested by
sell for a higher price in the hope that the pension scheme in a range of financial
they will be able to realise a capital gain instruments, including equities and fixed
on their investment. If the company is income instruments, to meet the liabilities
generating strong profits then the share that the pension scheme will have to pay to its
price is likely to rise as demand for the members when they retire.
stock increases. For example, if the investor Governments and sovereign wealth funds may
buys 100 shares in a company called AbC also invest in international capital markets to
Manufacturing Company at 0.80 per share, optimise investment return and to provide a
and later sells these shares when the price diversified portfolio of assets that will afford
has risen to 1.60 per share, the investor protection against movements in global
will have realised a profit (or capital gain) markets.
of 80, ie:
Investment management companies (often
Capital gain = (100 x 1.60) (100 x 0.80) known also as asset managers or fund
= 160 80 = 80. managers) will invest in securities markets,
1. to generate investment returns for investors property of the ordinary shareholders. hence,
(eg, private investors, pension funds) who ordinary shares are often known as equities.
have paid money into the funds that they The money that a company raises by issuing
manage; or ordinary shares and selling them to investors is
2. to generate returns on the companys own called equity capital.
account by investing its own money. This
situation, where the investment company unlike debt capital, which is borrowed money,
acts as principal for the invested funds, is equity capital does not need to be repaid
known as a proprietary investment. since it represents continuous ownership of the
company. In return for investing in the company,
Investment banks have traditionally been high- ordinary shareholders are part-owners of the
volume players in global securities markets, company and have rights to:
trading both as principal in order to generate
investment returns on their own accounts, U attend and vote at shareholder meetings,
and as agency traders, placing trades on including the annual general meeting (AGM)
behalf of third-party clients. Investment and any extraordinary general meeting
banks historically have not catered directly (EGM);
for the retail investor, but have concentrated U receive the annual report and accounts;
on providing services to corporations, U share in the companys profits by receiving a
governments and other financial institutions. dividend paid on each share that the investor
In some cases, however, they may also provide holds (although in some circumstances the
investment services to wealthy private banking directors may elect not to pay a dividend);
clients, often known as high net worth U participate in the appointment and removal
individuals. of company directors;
U share in the remaining assets of a company if
having provided a brief introduction to the it goes into liquidation;
world of securities investment, and to the U receive a capitalisation (bonus) issue in
functioning of capital markets, we will now look proportion to their existing holdings;
more closely at the characteristics of some of U participate in rights issues or other offers of
the broad range of securities available to the new shares;
investor. U be consulted in special circumstances (eg,
when a merger is proposed);
U additional benefits, or perks (eg, eligible
2. Shares (Equities) shareholders in a construction company may
be offered a discount on the price of a new
All listed companies issue ordinary shares, but
property, and eligible shareholders of a train
some may also issue preference and deferred
company may be offered discounts on the
price of rail travel typically, the company
will specify a minimum number of shares that
2.1 Ordinary Shares must be held to qualify for these benefits).
until specified conditions are met, at which U The exchange will provide regular reporting
time they are then said to rank pari passu with on sales and purchases of listed securities.
the ordinary shares. For example, a dividend U disposal of shares by company directors
may not be paid until a specified date has been and associated persons must be publicly
reached, or until the company has reached a disclosed.
specified level of profitability. U Companies wishing to list on a registered
stock exchange will typically be subject to a
detailed investigation designed to safeguard
2.1.1 Share Registration
the integrity of the exchange and to offer a
In the uK, and many other major markets, degree of protection to investors that they
the shareholders name and address will be are buying securities in a bona fide company;
recorded electronically in the issuers register listing is also subject to regulatory approval.
of shareholders, maintained by the company U The liquid nature of exchange trading can
registrar or transfer agent, plus on CREST, the facilitate price determination; typically, prices
legal register. Legal title to the share will rest of listed securities will move up and down
with the person whose name appears on this according to supply and demand across
shareholder register. Share registration and potential buyers and sellers active on the
transfer of legal title are covered in Chapter 4. exchange.
Some countries place restrictions on the sale Unlisted securities are those that are
or transfer of certain categories of shares to not listed on a registered exchange. These
non-resident investors. See Section 2.1.4. securities will be traded off-exchange or over-
In some jurisdictions, takeover regulations
require that a shareholder make an open offer
to acquire shares from all remaining public 2.1.3 Bearer Securities
shareholders when his/her holding reaches a
historically, new issues of equity resulted in
specified threshold limit (eg, in the uK, this
the issue of share certificates in the name
threshold is currently 30% of a companys
of the shareholder. Some markets continue
issued capital).
to issue and process certificated securities.
If the security is unregistered, legal title will
2.1.2 Listing rest with the investor who physically holds the
security (the bearer). This is known as a bearer
Listed securities are those that have been
security. A bearer security is a security where
accepted for trading on a registered stock
no registration of ownership is required and
exchange. To list their securities, issuing
proof of ownership lies in physical possession
companies must, typically, fulfil conditions
of the security certificate. The investors name
specified under the listing requirements of the
does not appear on the security and, thus,
stock exchange.
anyone who presents the certificate has the
The listing process may offer a number of right to receive the cash value. dividends are
benefits to the issuer and the holder of the normally reclaimed by detaching coupons from
security: the certificate.
Take as an example an investor who is prepared to lend 1,000 to a company for five years and
assume that interest rates are 7% per annum. In return for that loan, the company issues the lender
with a bond. The bond is a legal acknowledgement of the debt and, under the terms of the bond, the
company makes a number of promises to the lender.
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5
Year 0
7% or 70 7% or 70 7% or 70 7% or 70 7% or 70
Bond + 1,000
a lower risk in the company than shareholders. company may pay no dividend on ordinary
hence, in the long-term, returns on equities shares. however, it will still be required
may be higher than on bonds (though bonds to pay interest on bonds and other debt
may outperform equities for more prolonged securities.
times during this period). This additional return
generated on equities, compared with bonds, is From the perspective of a company issuing
known as the equity risk premium. bonds:
bonds typically carry lower risk than equities U bond issues typically allow the issuing
because of the following factors: company to obtain fixed-term finance at
lower cost than it could via a bank loan;
U bondholders have a prior claim on the U bondholders do not represent part of the
companys assets relative to shareholders. companys equity share capital. hence,
hence, if the company goes into liquidation, issuing bonds does not dilute the ownership
shareholders will face a higher likelihood that of the company;
they may lose their money than bondholders. U bondholders do not share in the rising
U The return that the bondholder will usually profitability of the company, nor do they
receive is fixed at the time of issue and will carry other corporate ownership privileges
be predictable if the bond is held until the held by shareholders.
redemption date. Specifically, the bondholder
will receive an interest payment at fixed The term coupon comes from the traditional
intervals throughout the period of the loan feature of bond certificates where coupons
and will be repaid the par value of the bond were attached to the certificate. These were
at maturity. In contrast, shares have no fixed cut off and submitted to the company in order
maturity and the shareholders return will be to claim interest entitlement. Many bonds are
dependent on the companys profitability and now dematerialised (that is, paper certificates
a number of other factors. In lean years, the have been eliminated and bonds are held
and registered electronically, with transfer The coupon reflects the interest rate payable
of legal title also taking place electronically) on the nominal amount. however, an investor
or immobilised (where the share certificate will have paid a different amount to purchase
is held by a central depository and, again, the bond, so a method of calculating the true
transfers and legal title are registered return is needed. The return, as a percentage
electronically), but the term coupon is still of the cost price, which a bond offers is often
used to denote the periodic interest payment. referred to as the bonds yield. The interest
paid on a bond as a percentage of its market
The coupon rate is the rate of interest paid
price is referred to as the flat or running
on the nominal value (also known as the face
yield. This is calculated by taking the annual
value, par value or redemption value) of
coupon and dividing by the bonds price and
the bond.
then multiplying by 100 to obtain a percentage.
The coupon might be paid every six months
or annually. Referring back to the example Risk of Default
above, if the bond paid a semi-annual coupon, The price of a bond will reflect interest rates.
then 35 would be paid every six months. uK It will also reflect the risk that the issuer of the
government bonds (known as gilts) and uS bond will fail to meet the two promises to pay
government Treasury bonds both pay a semi- interest and to repay the capital on maturity.
annual coupon. Occasionally a bond may pay a This is known as default risk.
quarterly coupon, eg, some floating rate notes.
It is difficult to quantify default risk with the
With some bonds, the coupon is paid without same precision as yields, but the investor
tax being withheld. This is termed a gross must draw on as broad a range of risk
payment. Other bonds pay the coupon with measures as possible in order to evaluate the
tax withheld. This is termed a net payment. expected return on a bond investment against
Whether payments are made gross or net the associated risks borne in holding this
depends on the tax legislation of the country instrument.
concerned, but the coupon rate in the title of
the bond will always be the gross amount. For large issues of bonds, such as those taking
place in the eurobond market (see Section
When the bond reaches its redemption date, it is 3.1.4), there are specialist rating agencies (for
said to mature and the bond is then redeemed. example Standard & Poors, Moodys, Fitch),
In the example, the bond was issued with a which give each bond issue a credit rating
five-year maturity. After one year has elapsed, that reflects the agencys assessment of the
it will have a four-year maturity. The repayment likelihood of default. The most secure bonds
of the principal of the loan at maturity is not are given an AAA rating, referred to as triple
usually subject to withholding tax. A, according to Standard & Poors rating. bonds
that are less secure will have a lower price, and
bonds are typically classified as short, medium
thus a higher yield, than a triple A-rated bond.
and long maturity. The uK debt Management
bonds with a Standard & Poors rating of bb or
Office (dMO), for example, which issues uK
below are considered to be speculative/junk/
gilt securities (ie, uK government bonds),
high-yield/sub-investment grade rather than
categorises gilt maturities as follows:
investment grade.
U Short: 07 years.
U Medium: 815 years.
U Long: 15+ years.
3.1 Types of Fixed Income
Gilts with a maturity of less than three years
are sometimes labelled ultra-short. Gilts with bonds are typically labelled according to
a 50-year maturity, which have been issued by who issues the bond, which market they are
the dMO since 2005, are sometimes labelled issued in, and any defining characteristics that
ultra-long. differentiate the instrument from a standard
fixed-interest bond.
issue is at a discount to the capital redemption to securitise this package of loans by issuing
price at maturity. As such, the investor receives securities underpinned by cash flows from
no coupon income, but receives a capital gain the pool of underlying loans which can be
at redemption. bought and sold by investors just like any other
tradeable securities. On purchase, the AbS
This type of issue may be attractive for
holder will acquire the right to a share of the
companies wishing to borrow money to finance
cash flows resulting from loan repayments, but
a project that has a long development time. As
will also take on the risk of potential default by
such, they do not wish to be paying out coupon
borrowers on their repayments.
payments throughout the loan period when
income generated by the project may be low,
but would prefer to repay a capital lump sum at 3.1.9 Mortgage-Backed Securities
redemption, when it is hoped that the project (MBSs)
will be well established and generating sizeable
An MbS is a type of asset-backed security (see
above) that uses a single mortgage, or a pool
discount securities may also be attractive of mortgage loans, as collateral. Investors
to investors because of, for example, tax receive payments derived from the interest and
considerations and the timing of cash flows. principal of the underlying mortgage loans.
A floating rate note is like a bond, except that Index-linked bonds (variable or floating rate)
its coupon is linked to a floating interest rate. are fixed-income securities where the coupon
For example, an FRn might pay a semi-annual payment (ie, the income) and the principal (the
or quarterly coupon linked to a reference or price at which the bond will be redeemed) are
benchmark rate, such as the London Interbank adjusted to take into account movement in
Offered Rate (LIbOR). This is the rate of retail prices. In the uK, this adjustment may
interest at which banks will lend to one another be made according to movement in the Retail
in London and is often used as a basis for Prices Index (RPI), for example.
financial instrument cashflows.
A company might issue an FRn if it believes
that interest rates will fall in the future and Assume that an index-linked bond is issued at
it does not want to lock into a high fixed its par value of 100, with a 2% coupon.
coupon rate; or it may wish to issue an FRn
if it has floating rate receipts so as to match Consider that, over a five-year term, retail
the interest rate basis of its receipts and prices rise by 25%. As a result, the bond will be
payments, thereby hedging against unexpected redeemed at 125.
and/or adverse changes in interest rates.
The interest paid on these bonds will also
increase by 25% over this five-year period,
3.1.8 Asset-Backed Securities such that the bond pays a real interest rate of
(ABSs) 2%. Thus, the interest paid after five years will
be 2% on the revised redemption value of 125
Asset-backed securities are securities issued (which is equivalent to 2.5% on the original
against a pool of loans which may be credit 100 nominal value).
card debt, student loans, automobile loans,
property loans or other types of loan contract.
3.2 Clean and Dirty Prices When a price is quoted for a debt security that
includes the accrued interest, this is known as the
Interest entitlements on uK gilt-edged dirty price.
securities, and on many other fixed income
securities, are paid twice per year. during the
period leading up to the next value date for 3.3 Calculating Accrued
a coupon payment, interest will accrue on a Interest on Bonds
daily basis. If the security is sold during this
When a bond is sold, the accrued interest will
period, the seller typically has an entitlement
need to be calculated and added to the clean
to any interest that has accumulated since the
price that the buyer pays the seller.
last coupon date. Market convention dictates
that the buyer will normally compensate the If the trade date is after the record date (see
seller for this accrued interest at the time of Chapter 4, Section 5.5), the coupon will be
settlement. hence, the accrued interest due to paid to the seller and the accrued interest then
the seller will be added to the buyers purchase subtracted from the clean price.
cost and forwarded to the seller.
The first of these is known as a cum-interest
In many jurisdictions, the transaction price transaction and the second is known as an
actually quoted for the debt security must ex-interest transaction.
exclude the accrued income. This is known as
the clean price.
(due seller)
181 days
The interest due to the seller can be calculated by the following formula:
days of accrual
Accrued interest = nominal value x coupon for the period x
days in coupon period
The days of accrual will be between the day of the most recent coupon payment (15 January) and the
day before transaction settlement date (3 March), both days included, which is 48 days, and there are
181 days in the coupon period.
More generally, it will be annual coupon/number of coupons in the year. This would give:
181 days
11 July 14 July
(due buyer)
The accrued interest on an ex-interest transaction is called rebate interest. The rebate interest is
deducted from the clean price.
The days of accrual are the days from the day of the transaction settlement date (11 July) through to
the day before the next coupon payment (14 July), both days inclusive, which is 4 days.
This case assumes and bases the calculation on there being 30 days in each and every month and
360 days in a year.
For example, if XyZ bonds are acquired on settlement date 1 April and sold for settlement day 2 July,
the buyer would receive all the interest accrued during the period 1 April to 1 July (ie, the day before
settlement date). The settlement process would be calculated as follows:
1 April 30 April = 30
1 May 31 May = 30
1 June 30 June = 30
1 July = 1
91 days
Accrued interest = nominal x interest x no. of days in period (assuming 30 days in month)
100 360
The calculation for actual/actual is the same as above, except that the number of days would be:
1 April 30 April = 30
1 May 31 May = 31
1 June 30 June = 30
1 July = 1
92 days
This convention assumes the number of days in the year is equal to the calendar days in the interest
period, multiplied by the number of interest periods in the year.
Accrued interest =
calendar days in period
nominal value x annual coupon (%) x
(calendar days in period) x (number of interest periods in year)
Actual/360-Day Convention
This case assumes and bases the calculation on a 360-day year.
Actual/365-Day Convention
This case assumes and bases the calculation on a 365-day year.
Investor X holds 1 million corporate bonds of ABC Ltd with a coupon of 6%. Interest is paid quarterly
and the interest periods are:
U 1 January to 31 March;
U 1 April to 30 June;
U 1 July to 30 September;
U 1 October to 31 December.
Calculate the amount received by the investor per period and in total for each of the four interest rate
The interest rate periods are 90 days, 91 days, 92 days and 92 days respectively.
Actual/360-Day Convention:
U Q1:Interest paid = 1m x 0.06 x 90/360 = 15,000
U Q2:Interest paid = 1m x 0.06 x 91/360 = 15,166.67
U Q3:Interest paid = 1m x 0.06 x 92/360 = 15,333.33
U Q4:Interest paid = 1m x 0.06 x 92/360 = 15,333.33
Actual/365-Day Convention:
U Q1:Interest paid = 1m x 0.06 x 90/365 = 14,794.52
U Q2:Interest paid = 1m x 0.06 x 91/365 = 14,958.90
U Q3:Interest paid = 1m x 0.06 x 92/365 = 15,123.29
U Q4:Interest paid = 1m x 0.06 x 92/365 = 15,123.29
30/360-Day Convention:
U Q1:
Interest paid = 1m x 0.06 x (3x30)/360 = 15,000
U Q2:
Interest paid = 1m x 0.06 x (3x30)/360 = 15,000
U Q3:
Interest paid = 1m x 0.06 x (3x30)/360 = 15,000
U Q4:
Interest paid = 1m x 0.06 x (3x30)/360 = 15,000
Actual/Actual Convention:
U Q1: Interest paid = 1m x 0.06 x 90/(90x4) = 15,000
U Q2: Interest paid = 1m x 0.06 x 91/(91x4) = 15,000
U Q3: Interest paid = 1m x 0.06 x 92/(92x4) = 15,000
U Q4: Interest paid = 1m x 0.06 x 92/(92x4) = 15,000
Example Exercise 3
On 22 July, purchaser X buys 100,000 bonds 100,000 7% bonds are traded ex-interest.
at 98.125% from seller Y. These bonds have a Interest is calculated on actual/360-day
coupon of 6%, which is paid semi-annually on convention basis. How much interest will the
1 April and 1 October. Interest is calculated on seller pay to the buyer if there are 175 days of
Actual/365-day convention basis. accrued interest and the coupon period is 180
What is the total amount payable to seller Y,
assuming that the trade settles on a T+3 basis The answer can be found in the Appendix at the
and that accrued interest is calculated up to the end of this chapter.
day prior to settlement date?
The answer can be found in the Appendix at the See opposite for an example.
end of this chapter.
An investor buys a warrant at a strike price of 1. He pays a premium of 20p per warrant.
U If the warrant expires without the underlying share price going above 1, the investor will make
a loss of 20p (the premium). A warrant is said to be out-of-the-money if the underlying share price
is lower than the strike price.
U If the underlying share price rises above 1, the investor has the right to buy the shares at 1,
sell them on the market at the higher price and keep the difference. A warrant is said to be in-the-
money if the underlying share price is higher than the strike price.
Strike price
Warrant premium
Price of
underlying share
If the price of the shares goes up as far as 1.20, he will break even. He can buy the shares at 1
as per his warrant, and then sell them to the market at 1.20. He will make 20p on this transaction,
which will offset the 20p he paid for the warrant. Any further increase in the price of the share is profit.
Profit per warrant = Price of underlying share strike price warrant premium
= 1.60 1 20p
= 40p
The investor, therefore, has a limited loss the 20p he paid but potentially an unlimited profit.
hence, we note that the warrant provides a share. On this basis, the premium is made up
degree of gearing to the investor. A 20p initial of the intrinsic value of the warrant and its time
investment in the warrant has translated into value. The time value will erode as it moves
a 40p profit (ie, a 200% profit). This profit will towards expiry.
increase further if the share price continues to
A covered warrant has similar behavioural
characteristics to those outlined for a warrant
The price that the warrant trades at in the above. however, a warrant is issued by a
market will be related to the current share company over its own underlying shares. When
price, but also to the expectation of what the the warrant expires, the company will deliver
share price will do before the warrant expires. the requisite quantity of shares to the warrant-
A range of variables can shape how the price of holder. In contrast, a covered warrant is a
a warrant will move, including the price of the synthetic product structured by an investment
underlying instrument, the exercise price of the bank or another financial institution over a
warrant, time left to expiry date, the volatility range of possible underlying assets, which
of the underlying instrument, interest rates may be a share in a company, a share price
and dividend expectations for the underlying
Cash settlement = (140 100) x 5,000 = Warrants are sometimes used to improve the
2,000. appeal of loan stock to potential investors.
In times of rising inflation, investors may be
cautious about taking on fixed-interest loans.
The terms European-style and American-
In these circumstances, subscribers to a bond
style are sometimes used to describe the
issue may be offered one warrant for each
exercise of covered warrants. The distinction
3.00 of loan, eg, as an equity sweetener that
makes the offer more attractive to the investor.
U American-style means the warrants can
If the share price of the company rises above
be exercised at any time on or before their
the warrant strike price, this will enhance
expiry date.
the returns accruing to the investor. When
U European-style exercise means the
warrants are issued in this manner, they are
warrants may only be exercised on the expiry
commonly traded separately from the loan and
date of the warrant.
are said to be detachable.
Exercise 4
An investor buys 50 warrants for a premium
of 0.20 each and a strike price of 1.25. To
what level will the share price need to rise if the
investor is to make a profit of 30.00?
Foreign Some countries do not allow foreign As a uS security, the AdR is not subject to
ownership ownership of local companies. local ownership restrictions.
Settlement Ordinary shares traded in the local AdRs settle according to a T+3 settlement
procedures market may be subject to extended cycle, just like any other uS-listed share.
settlement cycles and inefficient
settlement procedures.
Liquidity There may be a lack of liquidity in AdRs trade on uS stock exchanges and
the foreign market. OTC. Consequently, they can be more liquid
than underlying shares.
Legal The legal framework in the foreign AdRs comply with uS securities legislation
framework country may offer limited protection and accounting principles.
to the investor. Local legal
procedures may be difficult to
interpret in the case of a dispute.
instruct NYC to cancel the BHM ADR at any point pre-release of dRs. The underlying shares
and to convert this back into the underlying must be delivered within a specified time
BHM share. period, usually three months.
NYC, as investment bank, will typically receive a Typically the depository will only pre-release
commission or management fee for overseeing dRs when:
the ADR issuance and marketing process.
1. the dR issuer verifies in writing to the
depository that it owns the underlying
To summarise, dRs overcome a number of equity shares to be deposited;
problems facing investors wishing to hold a 2. the pre-release is fully collateralised with
foreign companys shares. The table above cash or other acceptable collateral;
uses AdRs as an example. 3. the depository is able to close out the pre-
release within a specified notice period;
4. other indemnities required by the depository
5.2 Pre-Release Facility are provided.
In certain circumstances, a depository may
The dR pre-release can be closed out by
issue depositary receipts before the underlying
presenting either the underlying equities or the
shares have been deposited. This is called the
pre-released dRs to the depository.
funds) attempt to track the performance of
an index (eg, FTSE 100) by investing in
all the shares in that index or in an index-
based financial instrument in their relevant
6.1 Mutual Funds/Unit
Trusts Like unit trusts, the price per share in an OEIC
is calculated on the basis of assets that the
A unit trust is a trust formed to manage
OEIC owns. however, the OEIC quotes a single
securities on behalf of investors that offers
price for buying and selling shares, rather than
the combined benefits of diversification and
a separate bid and offer price as is the case for
sufficient weight of assets to ensure cost-
a unit trust.
The term open-ended means that, as
U A fund will use its investors money to buy investor money flows into or out of the
shares or other financial instruments. The fund, the fund manager can create new
fund will then issue units in this underlying shares or cancel existing shares in order
portfolio. to meet investor demand. In contrast, in a
U A unit trust is open-ended; this means that closed-ended fund such as investment trust
the manager can create new units when new (see Section 6.4), only a finite number of
investors subscribe, and can cancel units shares or units are issued in the fund.
when investors cash in their holdings. units
can be sold back to the fund at any point. Open-ended investment companies or mutual
U The daily price of the units will vary depending funds registered in France, belgium or
on how the underlying portfolio is performing, Luxembourg are commonly known as SICAVs
ie, is based on the net asset value of the (Socits dInvestissement Capital Variable).
underlying constituents.
uCITS are harmonised fund products that can be
U The fund managers will either sell the units
established in all Eu member states, providing
on to other investors, or, if no other investors
a robust and consistent level of investor
are willing to buy, they will sell shares and
protection independent of where the uCITS
use the cash to meet the cost of redemptions.
product is manufactured. Since the launch
U The fund managers will charge a commission
of the original undertakings for Collective
on units sold. hence, the price at which a
Investments in Transferable Securities
fund manager sells a unit to a retail investor
(uCITS) directive in 1985, uCITS have
(the offer price) will typically be higher than
provided an important tool through which
the price at which a fund manager will buy a
asset management companies can market
unit from a retail investor (the bid price).
fund products internationally to eligible retail
and institutional investors.
6.2 Open-Ended Investment
Companies (OEICs) 6.3 Exchange-Traded Funds
Open-ended investment companies are another
type of collective investment vehicle, and these Exchange-traded funds, commonly known as
have many similar characteristics to unit trusts. ETFs, allow an investor to buy an entire basket
however, OEICs are companies, not trusts, and of stocks through a single security that tracks
consequently they issue shares rather than the returns of a stock market index. Investors
units. can buy an ETF, for example, that will track
global indices such as the FTSE 100 or S&P 500.
ETFs are a special type of index mutual fund, enables fund managers to plan ahead. unit
but they are listed on an exchange and trade trusts and OEICs, in contrast, are open-
and settle like a stock. As such, they are ended: they expand or contract as people
designed to combine the diversification benefits invest in or leave the fund.
offered by mutual funds with the simplicity of U Pricing methodology the price of shares
holding shares. ETFs typically have lower costs in an investment trust is established by the
than conventional mutual funds or unit trusts stock market. hence, the price of investment
and are often more tax-efficient. trust shares may be above or below the
value of the underlying assets, expressed as
ETFs also differ from mutual funds in the
the net asset value (NAV) per share. In
following ways:
contrast, the prices of OEICs and unit trusts
U ETFs trade on a major exchange throughout are calculated on the basis of the value of
the day, just like ordinary stocks, and are their underlying assets (ie, by dividing the
priced intra-day. In contrast, transactions in value of the investment assets held by the
OEICs and unit trusts only occur once per day fund by the number of issued shares/units in
at the markets close and units are repriced the fund).
daily. U Different share classes some investment
U because ETFs trade on an exchange, their trusts issue different classes of shares to
prices are determined by market demand meet different investors needs. These are
for the ETF shares. hence, ETF shares may called split capital investment trusts
be bought at a discount or a premium to (splits). different classes of share have
the value of the underlying assets if trading varying rights and entitlements within the
conditions push their price up or down. In trust. Some split shares aim to pay regular
contrast, mutual funds (unit trusts) take their dividends for investors who want an income.
price from the net value of assets owned by Others aim to pay out only a capital amount
the fund. at the end of the trusts life.
U Independent boards of directors
investment trusts are companies listed on
6.4 Investment Trusts the stock market. This dictates that they
must have independent boards of directors
An investment trust, despite its name, is not whose duty it is to look after the interests of
a trust but a company whose business is to the shareholders. The directors are directly
invest in the shares of other companies. Like answerable to the shareholder. hence,
unit trusts and OEICs, investment trusts pool the latter may challenge the actions of
investors money and employ a professional the directors, call for changes in company
fund manager to invest in the shares of a wider strategy, and vote for or against issues at
range of companies than most retail investors the AGM and any other special shareholder
could practically invest in themselves. meeting called during the year.
U Gearing investment trusts, being
Investment trusts have a number of features
companies, can borrow to purchase addi-
that differentiate them from unit trusts and
tional investments. This is called gearing or
leverage. This allows an investment trust to
U Closed-ended investment trusts raise increase the risk that it takes in its investment
money for investing by issuing shares. strategy in search of additional return.
Generally, this happens just once, at the
launch of the fund. This makes investment
trusts closed-ended: the number of shares
the trust issues and, therefore, the amount
of money it raises to invest, is fixed at the
start. Knowing this amount of money is fixed
Fixed income arbitrage exploiting hong Kong, Japan, Taiwan, the netherlands
interest rate opportunities by taking and a range of other jurisdictions. REITs have
offsetting positions in fixed income also been available in the uK market since 1
securities and their derivatives. January 2007. Prior to this, investors had the
Statistical arbitrage by using quanti- opportunity for a number of years to invest in
tative criteria, the hedge fund manager property through property unit trusts (PuTs).
selects a long portfolio of temporarily These unlisted collective investment vehicles
undervalued stocks and a roughly equal- have often been registered in offshore tax
sized short portfolio of temporarily domiciles such as Jersey and Guernsey,
overvalued stocks. This is also sometimes Luxembourg (as a self-managed investment
referred to as pairs trading. company with variable capital, SICAV) or the
Cayman Islands.
In recent years we have also witnessed a
dramatic rise in investment in Funds of hedge The unlisted property fund market has attracted
Funds (FohFs). FohF managers attempt to strong investment flows in the uS market for
select and invest in a range of individual many years. Luxembourg also continues to
hedge funds that will offer positive returns to attract strong investment flows into real estate
investors, while providing the diversification investment funds (REIFs) closed-ended or
needed to ensure that investors are not over- open-ended investment funds that invest in
exposed to the risks associated with any property.
individual hedge fund or investment strategy.
note that REITs and PuTs bear the
Many hedge fund strategies, particularly characteristics of investment trusts and unit
arbitrage strategies, are limited as to how much trusts outlined above. As unlisted vehicles,
capital they can successfully employ before PuTs trade in parallel with their underlying
returns diminish. These are often termed value. As a listed share, REITs may trade at a
capacity constraints. As more investment premium or discount to underlying valuations,
money flows into the fund, the opportunities to depending on demand for the share within the
profit from that investment idea progressively stock market.
become exhausted. As a result, many successful
hedge fund managers limit the amount of
capital they will accept into their funds.
6.7 Private Equity Funds
Private equity firms invest in unlisted assets
that are not publicly traded on a stock exchange
6.6 Real Estate Funds
or MTF, or in some instances they may purchase
Real estate investment trusts (REITs) are publicly traded assets with the intention of
listed investment trusts (see Section 6.4) taking these private.
through which investors purchase exposure to
Typically, a private equity firm will raise funds
investments in the real estate sector. A pool
from a group of investors. These pooled funds
of investors money will thus be invested in
will be used to purchase assets that it believes
property assets and shares issued to underlying
will rise in value (this may be a distressed
company, for example, when it believes through
Tax will typically not be levied on rental or improved management and a more favourable
capital gains earned within a REIT, provided business climate may have the opportunity to
that at least 90% of its income is distributed to return to strong profitability in the future).
investors via dividends.
Also, these funds may be invested in ventures
Listed real estate trusts have been available that it believes will generate attractive cash
on the Australian Stock Exchange since the flow (this might be, for instance, investment
1970s. REITs have also attracted strong money in public-private partnerships to build schools,
flows in recent years in the uS (in parallel hospitals, airports, or other infrastructure
with the unlisted property fund marketplace), projects).
by the master file service of the London Stock Legal Entity Identifiers (LEIs)
Exchange. until 5 January 2004, SEdOL
The LEI programme for financial contracts will
codes had a seven-digit numeric format.
establish a universal standard for identifying
however, given the number of requests for
any organisation involved in a financial
new SEdOL codes, and concerns that the
transaction worldwide. by establishing a
seven-digit numeric format was reaching its
distinct identifier for each legal entity, this
capacity, a decision was taken to move to the
will help financial regulators to improve their
new seven-character alphanumeric code.
supervision of financial institutions and the
Other national conventions include: transactions these institutions conduct with
their financial counterparties across products
U SVM code, employed in belgium. and markets.
U WKn code, employed in Germany.
U Valoren code, employed in Switzerland. The importance of creating such a system of
U ASX code, employed in Australia. legal entity identifiers has been highlighted in
statements from (among others) the Financial
Once a local identifier has been allocated, it Stability board, the International Organization
is possible to derive the global ISIn identifier, of Securities Commissions (IOSCO) and the
using the convention outlined above. (For a G-20 finance ministers. In the uS, the dodd-
SEdOL code, which is only seven digits, the Frank Act has established a requirement for
ISIn consists of the prefix Gb00, followed by each financial entity to have its own standard
the SEdOL, followed by a single check digit.) LEI, and the uS Treasurys Office of Financial
Research will drive the implementation of this
A stock ticker is an identifier code used to initiative. In Europe, a parallel commitment
identify a security when it trades on a stock has been established under the supervision of
market or in the OTC market. For example, the the European Securities and Markets Authority
stock ticker for uK-listed telecoms Vodafone (ESMA).
Group plc is VOd, the ticker for StatPro Group
plc is SOG, and the ticker for the iShares dJ The International Organization for
Euro STOXX MidCap Exchange-Traded Fund is Standardization has created a new draft
dJMC. standard, ISO 17442, that will provide a
template for the LEI. SWIFT will serve as LEI
note: ticker can also refer to a running feed registration authority, co-ordinating allocation
of current pricing and trading volume for a of LEIs to financial companies according to
given security, alerting the investor to the sale this draft standard. The depository Trust
price and quantity of recent transactions in a and Clearing Corporation (dTCC) has been
specified instrument. appointed facilities manager, collecting requests
for LEIs, storing reference data associated with
A Market Identifier Code (MIC) is a unique
each LEI, and maintaining and updating the LEI
identification code used to identify securities
reference database.
trading exchanges, regulated trading venues
and non-regulated trading venues. The MIC Consultation is still ongoing regarding which
is a four alpha character code defined by the LEIs must be included when submitting trade
International Organization for Standardization and settlement instructions associated with
under ISO Standard 10383. For example, a financial transaction. For a securities trade,
trades that are executed on the uS nASdAQ for example, this is likely to include LEIs for
market are identified by the MIC XNAS. Trades buyer and seller, associated brokers, execution
identified on bATS Europe are identified using venue, clearing facility and potentially other
the MIC BATE. Trades executed on Chi-X systemically important infrastructure entities
Europe are identified by the MIC CHIX. (CSd, ICSds for example) associated with
trading or post-trade functions during the
lifecycle of the trade.
sale to the public. For the issuing company, Any unsold bonds will be retained by the
private placements can yield substantial cost issuing authority and may be offered for resale
savings when compared to the public offers at a later date. This is known as tap stock. In
described above, since it will eliminate a layer exceptional circumstances, if it considers bids
of administration and publicity costs demanded to be unacceptably low, the issuing authority
when a company, via an issuing house, sells may opt not to allot all of the stock on offer at a
shares to retail investors. conventional or index-linked auction.
GEMMs are the only institutions eligible to Trustees act on behalf of the investors,
submit a competitive bid by telephone directly ensuring that the issuer adheres to conditions
to the debt Management Office (dMO). All set out in the bond sale and ensuring that the
other market participants wishing to bid at a rights and entitlements of bondholders are
gilt auction must route their orders through a protected and met in full.
GEMM. GEMM firms are entitled to submit non-
The paying agent is responsible for receiving
competitive bids for a 10% share of the total
coupon payments from the issuer and
amount of stock on offer at a gilt auction. In
distributing this income to the bondholders.
conventional auctions, this 10% allowance is
split evenly amongst all GEMM firms, whereas
in index-linked auctions each firms individual
allowance will be determined by its successful
purchases at the three previous auctions.
South Korea
Equities are traded on the Korea Stock
Exchange (KSE).
Equities are traded on the Shanghai Stock
Exchange and Shenzhen Stock Exchange.
Exchange-traded OTC
Instruments generally have Instruments are often tailored to the specialised needs of a
high liquidity and can be specific buyer. This may include when an order is large and needs
traded on to other buyers. to be negotiated to meet the buyers specific requirements.
The exchange regulations and Any legal agreements that are set in place around an OTC
governing body specify trading trade must typically be negotiated directly between the trade
procedures and detail actions counterparties involved. Master legal agreements between
to follow in case of dispute. trade counterparties may specify basic terms that will apply to
all transactions. In case of dispute, trading parties may need to
seek resolution through the law courts subject to the contractual
terms that they have set in place.
Participants dealing on a Trades made with an OTC counterparty may have a higher risk
recognised exchange normally as there is no central clearing counterparty and exposure is
benefit from clearing through directly related to the OTC counterparty chosen.
a central counterparty.
Exchange provides a price Pricing is more complex. When the OTC market for an instrument
discovery mechanism. hence, is still immature, investment banks can often make large profits
pricing of exchange trades is by exploiting the lack of an effective price-finding mechanism
typically relatively transparent. and the resultant difficulties faced by counterparties in pricing
instruments accurately (to help them, trading parties may
employ the services of an independent valuation agent that
specialises in providing mark-to-market pricing for OTC traded
instruments). As the market develops, and price-discovery
mechanisms become more mature, spreads tend to narrow. As
trading activity in the instrument grows, there may be benefits
to bringing the instrument on-exchange.
Trading participants are In some jurisdictions, OTC trades may be subject to more lenient
typically required to publish post-trade reporting requirements than those conducted on
the price, volume and time a recognised stock exchange. however, under MiFId, trading
of securities traded on a participants are required to report price, volume and time of
recognised stock exchange trades in listed shares, even if executed outside a regulated
within a specified timeframe market (for EEA countries). note that in some jurisdictions (for
after a transaction. example, the uK and Ireland) OTC trades in local instruments
are conducted subject to the rules of the stock exchange.
Market makers always quote a price for are delivering best execution (ie, executing
buying and a price for selling (known as trades on the most favourable terms, taking
the spread) and they make their profits into account price, costs, speed, likelihood
through such dealing. of execution and settlement, size and other
buyers and sellers may still have brokers considerations relevant to the execution of the
acting on their behalf, but, instead of order) for all clients that they service.
trying to find a matching counterparty,
MiFId classifies trading venues into three
the broker arranges the transaction with
explicit categories:
a market maker. As in the order-driven
market, the broker makes a profit by 1. Regulated markets referring to
charging a commission to their client. regulated stock exchanges such as nySE
Euronext, the London Stock Exchange or
When a securities house deals in the market it
Frankfurt Stock Exchange.
is acting either as principal or as an agent.
2. Multilateral trading facilities (MTFs)
Principal trading is when an instrument sometimes referred to as alternative
is bought and held on a firms own account trading systems, MTFs are registered
(rather than on behalf of a client), with the non-exchange trading venues which
view that the price will move up or down and bring together purchasers and sellers of
the instrument can later be sold for profit. securities. Subscribers can post orders into
The price does not always have to move up for the system and these will be communicated
the firm to make a profit. A falling share price (typically, electronically via an electronic
can create a profit if the firm has invested in communication network, ECn) for other
an appropriate derivatives-based instrument subscribers to view. Matched orders will
(refer back, for example, to comments on then proceed for execution.
short-selling earlier in this chapter). 3. Systematic internalisers an investment
firm that, on an organised, frequent and
Agency trading is when a firm acts as an systematic basis, deals on its own trading
intermediary, or agent, on behalf of a client. account by executing clients orders outside
This arrangement is commonly employed when a regulated market or a MTF. This practice
the client does not have its own trading is broadly synonymous with agency crossing
capability, or does not have direct access to (above), whereby a crossing network
a market (ie, it may not be an member of the electronically matches orders for execution
local stock exchange). without routing these to an exchange or
A crossing network is an electronic network MTF.
(eg, MTF) that matches orders for execution Market makers are firms that maintain a
without routing the order to a registered firm bid and offer price in a given security,
exchange. making themselves available to buy or sell a
In an agency cross, a broker matches an specified list of securities at publicly quoted
order between two of its own clients on prices within a specified quoted trade size.
its own books, rather than going via the The bid price is the price at which the market
market. Although the broker will typically maker is prepared to purchase a security from
charge a commission to both clients, this another investor. The offer price is the price
arrangement will save clients the need to pay at which the market maker is prepared to sell
all of the spread charged by market makers. that security to the counterparty. by providing
Agency cross-trades are tightly regulated to such a service, market makers promote a liquid
ensure that brokers do not give preferential market in the trading of specified securities
treatment to favoured customers. under the (thereby serving as liquidity providers),
Eu Markets in Financial Instruments directive ensuring that a buyer is available when a firm
(MiFId), implemented on 1 november 2007, all wishes to sell and a seller is available when a
brokers are required to demonstrate that they firm wishes to buy. Examples of quote-driven
markets, where market makers publish quoted In some smaller firms, agency trading and
prices on computer screens, are nASdAQ in proprietary trading may be conducted off the
the uS, SEAQ in the uK, and the eurobond same trading desk.
market. Trade execution may be electronic, or
by manual media such as fax or telephone. For MTFs and dark pools, see Section 9.1.2.
Settlement procedures will be similar to those to identify trading opportunities and to execute
for single shares, but note the following points: multiple orders in a short time-frame in order
to take advantage of these opportunities.
U It may be difficult to obtain or dispose of all
shares in the market on the same day.
U Trade confirmation typically occurs after the 13. Multi-Listed Shares
complete order has been filled. Therefore, the
time from execution in the market to trade
Learning Objective 1.2.6
confirmation may be longer for some shares
in a programme trade than it would be had Understand the principles of multiple listed
they been executed individually. shares
ensure that working stock is available, when The listing requirements for a dR on a
required, for trades to proceed to settlement. particular exchange are typically less
Some organisations (eg, SIS SegaInterSettle, stringent than for a share.
the Swiss central securities depository) have A dR does not necessarily require the
established a third-party service that allows co-operation of the underlying company.
traders to hold stock in a single securities Increases the size of the potential investor
account and for the intermediary to realign community.
the stock on the traders behalf.
U Globally Registered Share
With increasing consolidation of, and Llisted on multiple exchanges in multiple
co-operation between, exchanges, companies currencies.
are exploring the opportunity of listing Can be transferred across markets.
their shares on multiple exchanges rather has to meet the listing requirements of
than issuing AdRs. This is particularly true each exchange on which it is listed.
of multinational companies whose revenue Creation is driven by the issuing company.
streams are received in multiple currencies. Increases the size of the potential investor
however, companies that are looking to multi- community. Extends the global reach and
list shares must assess the costs involved global reputation of the issuing company.
against the potential benefits offered by this
strategy. The significant costs involved have
caused some companies to cancel multi-listings 14. Settlement Periods
in recent times. For example, the company
will typically incur listing fees on each stock
for Equities and
exchange on which it wishes to list its stock. Bonds in the
Also, multiple listing can add cost and complexity
Selected Markets
to the task of disseminating shareholder
information, scheduling shareholder meetings
and processing voting entitlement, or in Learning Objective 1.2.7
managing income distribution, rights issues or Know the settlement periods for equities and
other corporate events across shareholders in bonds in the selected markets
multiple jurisdictions.
Country Trade Type: Settlement
More broadly, multiple listing can have a
Cycle: Settlement System
negative impact on the liquidity of the issuers
stock in its home market. If an issuers primary Australia Equities: T+3 (ChESS)
listing is in a developing market (eg, Latvia, bonds: T+3 (Austraclear)
Czech Republic), a decision to dual-list its stock
on a large international stock exchange (eg, brazil Equities: T+3 (CbLC)
nySE Euronext, London Stock Exchange) may Corporate debt: T+1 (CETIP)
cause the stocks liquidity to decline on the Government debt: T+0 (SELIC)
domestic exchange. France Equities and bonds: T+3
(Euroclear ESES)
These are some of the key characteristics of
dRs and GRSs: Germany* Equities and bonds: T+2 or T+3
(Clearstream banking Frankfurt)
U Depositary Receipt
Shares are listed on a single exchange in a hong Equities: T+2 (hKSCC)
single currency, but dRs can be listed on Kong debt: T+2 (CMu)
multiple exchanges in multiple currencies. India Equities and debt: T+2
dRs are generally not transferable (CdSL or nSdL)
across markets (although they can be Government debt: T+2
converted). (Reserve bank of India)
Answers to Exercises
Exercise 1
(i) Number of days of accrued interest under 30/360 convention for period 1 April (settlement date for
purchase) to 27 June (settlement date 1 for sale):
1 April30 April = 30
1 May31 May = 30
1 June27 June = 27
= 87 days
The investor would receive 1,691.67 in accrued interest under 30/360 convention.
1 April30 April = 30
1 May31 May = 31
1 June27 June = 27
= 88 days
The investor would receive 1,687.67 in accrued interest under Actual/365 convention.
Exercise 2
Days of accrued interest due to seller = 100
Accrued interest = nominal value x annual coupon rate / annual divisor x days of accrual
Exercise 3
Days of accrued interest due to seller = 175
Accrued interest = nominal value x annual coupon rate / annual divisor x days of accrual
Exercise 4
Profit per warrant = price of underlying share strike price warrant premium (1)
Profit per warrant + strike price + warrant premium = price of underlying share (P) (2)
To make an overall profit of 30.00, the buyer will make a profit of 30.00/50 = 0.60 per warrant.
2.05 = P
Therefore the buyer will make a profit of 30.00 if the share price rises to 2.05.
Think of an answer for each question and refer to the appropriate section for confirmation.
1. What is equity?
3. What are the advantages and disadvantages to an investor of holding preference shares
relative to ordinary shares?
4. List the order in which obligations will be paid out if a company goes into liquidation or is
wound up.
5. What are the advantages to a company of issuing a bond over issuing shares?
10. What is a depositary receipt? how are depositary receipts issued? What are the benefits of
holding depositary receipts rather than the underlying shares?
11. What is a unit trust? What is bid price and offer price? Why are these different prices quoted?
i. a CuSIP?
ii. a SEdOL?
15. List the qualification criteria that a company must typically satisfy to list its shares on a
registered stock exchange.
16. Who are the main parties involved in the issuance of a eurobond?
17. What are the differences between on-exchange and OTC transactions? What are the
advantages and disadvantages of each type of trading?
18. What are the characteristics of an order-driven and quote-driven market? Give two examples
of each.
1. Participants 51
own risk. Thus, they are afforded fewer may have the wrong level of taxation applied
regulatory protections. to their income;
U Eligible counterparties (ECPs) are U inefficiencies in transaction-processing and
investment firms, credit institutions, asset servicing may generate high costs or
insurance companies, asset management losses that compromise the returns generated
companies and other regulated financial on invested assets;
institutions. MiFId provides a light-touch U the investor may be subject to penalties/
regulatory regime when investment firms fines and face potential disqualification from
engage in transactions with ECPs. investing in the market if they fail to comply
with regulatory requirements and legal
2. Investment
Administration With these points in mind, the risks and costs
involved with holding and servicing securities
and Operations: can be substantial, even when an investor is
bank A
Global Custodian b Global in Market b
Subcustodian A employs bank A use bank b
as subcustodian in Custodian b
as a global
Market A custodian to
their global
Corporate bank and Sumitomo Mitsui banking A local custody bank may be perceived to have
Corporation in Japan, Maybank in Malaysia and the following disadvantages when compared
united Overseas bank in Singapore, Fondaco in with a regional custodian:
Luxembourg, Sanpaolo IMI in Italy and CACEIS
in France. U Its credit rating may not match up to
requirements laid down by some global
A principal selling point is that they are local custodians or global broker/dealers.
market specialists and that is what they do U It cannot apply developments in its
hence, they can remain focused on their local technology and client service across multiple
business without spreading their attentions markets (unlike a regional custodian)
broadly across a wide range of markets. A hence, product and technology development
local specialist bank may be attractive in a may lag behind the regional custodians which
market in which local practices tend to differ it competes.
markedly from global standards, or where a U It may not be able to offer the price discounts
providers long-standing relationship with the that can be extended by regional custodians
local regulatory authorities and/or political offering custody services across multiple
lite leaves it particularly well placed to lobby markets.
for reforms on behalf of its cross-border U For the global custodian or global broker/
clients. dealer client, it will be necessary to conduct
due diligence, performance and risk reviews
Reciprocal arrangements may be influential in
across a host of single-market custodians
shaping the appointment of a local provider in
within its global network. As we see
some instances. under such an arrangement,
below, appointing a regional custodian can
a global custodian (A) may appoint the local
sometimes reduce the administrative burden
provider (b) to deliver subcustody in its local
that this involves.
market (market b). In return, the custodian (A)
may offer subcustody in its own home market
(market A) for pension and insurance funds in Regional Providers
market b that use provider b as their global A regional custodian is able to provide agent
custodian. See the diagram, left. bank services across multiple markets in a
In summary, the advantages of a local
provider may include: For example, Standard Chartered bank and
hSbC have both been offering regional custody
U They are country specialists (especially on
and clearing in the Asia-Pacific and South
Asian region for many years, competing with
U They act as the eyes and ears of global
Citi, deutsche bank and some strong single-
custodian or global broker/dealer in local
market providers for business in this region.
In Central and Eastern Europe, bank Austria
U They will have regular dealings with financial
Creditanstalt/unicredit Group, deutsche bank,
authorities and local politicians, and may
InG Group, Raiffeisen Zentralbank Osterreich
be well placed to lobby for reforms that will
and Citi each offer a regional clearing and
improve the efficiency of the local market.
custody service.
U They will have expert knowledge of local
market practice, language and culture; they In Central and South America, Citi and bank
often have a long track record in the local Itau (the brazilian bank that purchased bank
market. bostons established regional custody service)
U They may offer opportunities for reciprocal offer regional custody, in competition in
business. selected markets with hSbC, banco Santander
and deutsche bank.
Employing a regional custodian may offer a range U Some regional custodians may lack the long
of advantages to global custodian or global track record, customer base and goodwill
broker/dealer clients: held by some local custodians in their own
U Its credit rating may be higher than for a
single market custodian.
U It can cross-fertilise good practice across 2.2 Custody and Subcustody
multiple markets lessons learned in one Agreements
market may be applied, where appropriate,
across other markets in its regional offering.
Learning Objective 2.1.3
U It can leverage innovation in technology,
Understand the purpose and provisions of
product development and client service across
custody and subcustody agreements
multiple markets delivering economies of
scale benefits. Learning Objective 2.1.5
U It can offer standardised reporting, manage-
Understand the requirements of a Service
ment information systems and market
Level Agreement between an investor and its
information across multiple markets in its
regional offering.
U Economies of scale may support delivery
of some or all product lines from a regional
processing centre offering potential cost 2.2.1 Custody Agreement
savings and efficiency benefits. To formalise the custody arrangements outlined
U Its size and regional importance, plus the above, it is standard for the institutional
strength of its global client base, may allow investor and the global custodian to sign a
a regional custodian to exert considerable custody agreement that details:
pressure on local regulators, political
authorities and infrastructure providers. This U the legal conditions under which the investors
may be important in lobbying for reforms that assets are held by the global custodian, and
support greater efficiency and security for are protected and segregated from the assets
foreign investors in that market. of the global custodian;
U using a regional custodian may help in U the responsibilities and obligations required
resolving language barriers for individual of the global custodian under the custody
countries as they are likely to be multilingual. relationship;
U The global client may be able to secure price U the authority for the custodian to accept
discounts by using a regional custodian instructions from fund managers, in instances
across multiple markets. where an institutional investor employs
investment managers to manage assets on
In some situations, a regional provider may its behalf.
be perceived to have certain disadvantages
when compared with a local custody bank: The global custodian will negotiate a separate
custody agreement with each institutional
U A regional custodians product offering may investor with which it conducts business. Given
be less well attuned to local market practice, that these institutions may have markedly
service culture and investor needs than that different investment strategies, allocating their
of a well-established local provider. assets across a different range of markets
U A regional custodian may spread its focus and investment instruments, the structure
across a wider range of clients and a wider and content of the legal agreement may differ
range of markets than a single market significantly from client to client. however,
provider. hence, a cross-border client may each custody agreement is likely to address the
not receive the same level of attention, and following:
the same degree of individualised service as
may be extended by a local custodian.
U the method through which the clients assets U the legal conditions under which client
are received and held by the global custodian; assets are held by the subcustodian, and are
U reporting obligations and deadlines; protected and segregated from the assets of
U guidelines for use of CSds and other relevant the subcustodian;
use of financial infrastructure; U the responsibilities and obligations required
U business contingency plans to cope with of the subcustodian by the global custodian
systemic malfunction or disaster; under the custody relationship.
U liability in contract and claims for damages;
U standards of service and care required under A subcustodian, global custodian and its
the custody relationship; foreign investor clients are bound by the
U a list of persons authorised to give legal regulations prevailing in the overseas
instructions; market. hence, while many provisions of the
U actions to be taken in response to instructions; subcustodian agreement will resemble those
U actions to be taken without instructions; appearing in the investor-global custodian
U default options for corporate action elections; agreement outlined above, these provisions
U specification of contractual settlement date will be amended in certain instances to comply
accounting (CSdA) or actual settlement with local regulatory requirements and legal
date accounting (ASdA) where relevant (see practice.
further in Chapter 3, Section 3.5).
book-entry movement between participants each member, which shows the net balance
accounts at the CSd. note that Euroclear uK of payments made and received at any time
& Ireland provides depository services for during the course of a settlement day. however,
dematerialised uK and Irish securities (see uS dollar settlements are excluded from real-
below) and, thus, certificated securities are time gross settlement in CREST.
never immobilised within this CSd.
As mentioned earlier, firms that wish to settle
their securities transactions and hold their stock
3.3 Depository in CREST have two main options: to become
Arrangements in the a user (ie, direct member) or to become a
sponsored member operating through another
Selected Markets
CREST user (a sponsor). users are firms that
have the hardware and software to connect
Learning Objective 2.2.1 directly to CREST. A user can be a direct
Understand the roles of ICSDs and CSDs member of CREST and/or can act as a sponsor
generally for the selected markets: depositories for other members that do not have a direct
available; participation requirements connection to CREST. A member (whether
direct or sponsored) has securities and cash
depository arrangements in the selected functionality in CREST and is the legal owner of
markets are summarised below: the securities held in its account in CREST.
1. SCLV is the platform for securities traded on settlement (RTGS) system and lies at the
the Spanish equities exchanges and Latibex. heart of the Australian payments clearing
2. CADE is the platform for the securities and settlement system. RITS also provides
traded on the AIAF fixed income and public cash settlement facilities for other interbank
debt markets. obligations (ie, low-value transactions and those
arising from Australian equity transactions in
The securities register system is structured at
ChESS) on a netted basis.
two levels:
between 1991 and February 2002, RITS
1. IbERCLEARs central register records
provided depository and settlement services
aggregate securities holdings held by CSd
for government securities (known as
Commonwealth Government Securities, or
2. CSd participants maintain a detailed
CGS). These services are now provided by the
record of their beneficial clients holdings.
Austraclear system, which is operated by the
IbERCLEAR also maintains a historical
ASX Settlement Corporation. Austraclear also
record of operations and account entries.
provides settlement and depository services
When a securities transaction results in
for corporate debt, semi-government debt
change of ownership, IbERCLEAR attaches
(debt issued by state governments) and a
a register reference (RR) to the transaction.
range of other instruments.
This will result in cancellation of original
ownership and transfer on the register to ASX Group was established in July 2006 out of
the new legal owner. The intention of the RR the merger of the Australian Stock Exchange
identifier is to ensure that: (ASX) Ltd and the Sydney Futures Exchange
IbERCLEARs central register remains Corporation (SFE).
synchronised at all times with individual
registers maintained by CSd participants; Japan
Japan Securities Depository Centre
the relevant security and original owner
(JASDEC) acts as the CSd for equities,
can be clearly identified throughout the
along with corporate and municipal bonds.
trade life cycle.
Settlement within JASdEC is by book-entry
transfer. dematerialisation of stock certificates
in JASdEC became mandatory in January
All securities traded on the Australian Stock 2009. JASdECs book entry transfer system for
Exchange (ASX) are cleared and settled corporate bonds was launched in January 2006.
through the ASXs Clearing House Electronic
Bank of Japan (BOJ) provides the central
Sub-register System (CHESS). ChESS is
clearing system and depository for Japanese
owned and operated by the ASX Settlement
government bonds (JGbs) and Treasury bills.
Corporation, a wholly owned subsidiary of the
ASX Group.
Hong Kong
Share certificates are dematerialised in ChESS.
The Hong Kong Securities Clearing
Investors can choose to have their holdings
Company (HKSCC) is the central depository
registered electronically in one of two ways:
for equities, and share certificates are
U on an Issuer-Sponsored Subregister; or immobilised at the hong Kong and Shanghai
U on the ChESS Subregister. banking Corporation Ltd. All shares, and most
warrants, must be registered. depository
Final settlement of payments system obligations shares are registered to the CCASS nominee,
occurs through transactions on accounts at the hKSCC nominees Ltd.
Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA). The RbAs
The depository for corporate and government
Reserve Bank Information and Transfer
debt securities is the Central Moneymarkets
System (RITS) is Australias real-time gross
Unit (CMU) operated by the hKMA (hong Kong and 95% of bonds are dematerialised within
Monetary Authority). the KSd.
Link up Markets draws on the service The facilities provided by Euroclear bank and
capabilities offered by the participating CSds, Clearstream are summarised below. you will
enabling each CSd to connect to any other note that there is significant overlap between
CSd within the Link up Markets network via the services provided by these two ICSds.
a central communication link. The project
aims to build a central infrastructure that will
3.4.1 Euroclear Bank
enable CSds to narrow the gap between the
costs of processing domestic and cross-border The Euroclear System was founded in december
securities transactions. 1968 by Morgan Guaranty Trust Company of
new york, and is headquartered in brussels.
first step towards the delivery of the Euronext and investing institutions. Euroclear currently
Single Order book and the delivery of the holds securities valued at approximately 21.9
Single Platform. trillion euros in custody on behalf of its clients.
and custody services offered through the Clearstream also provides a comprehensive
CreationOnline package, including the following: suite of order management and settlement
services to investment funds via its Vestima+
Settlement and Central Facility for Funds (CFF).
4.3 The STP/T+1 Initiative and increase risk and cost (through higher fail
rates and repair costs) on the other.
One of the key drivers that has given momentum
to efforts to promote STP has been the STP/T+1 In Europe, moves towards a standardised
initiative, a project conceived by the Securities T+2 settlement cycle are again on the table,
Industry Association (SIA) and the Canadian with the European Commission publishing a
Capital Markets Association (CCMA) to address proposal in early 2012 to harmonise settlement
rising trading volumes in the uS and Canadian periods across Eu member states as part of
securities markets. The original goal of the wider initiatives to strength Europes post-trade
STP/T+1 programme was to move from T+3 to infrastructure. According to existing plans, a
T+1 settlement in the uS and Canada by 2005. T+2 cycle for securities settlement is expected
In practice, the challenge of moving to a next- in Europe from January 2015.
day settlement cycle (ie, T+1) was abandoned
In line with many participants within the
in October 2002, but the SIA and CCMA have
securities industry, the SIA adjudged that,
continued with their efforts to promote STP in
while T+1 settlement may be a realistic goal for
their respective markets.
the industry in the future, it is not currently an
Why was the T+1 goal put on hold? because, appropriate time to be trying to put next-day
ultimately, the SIA and CCMA felt that the 2005 settlement into practice. Rather, the industry
deadline, which had initially been important in must make further progress in its transition
galvanising market participants, had gradually towards universal STP before a T+1 business
become an obstacle to the real job in hand, case can be considered to be a realistic
namely to improve levels of STP within the objective.
Since its inception as a protocol designed To address these inefficiencies, 239 banks from
to promote standardised communication 15 countries formed a co-operative to, as they
and straight-through processing for equities termed it, automate the telex. This co-operative
trading, FIX protocol is gathering momentum was named the Society for Worldwide
as it continues to expand across the foreign Interbank Financial Telecommunication,
exchange, fixed income and derivative markets. or SWIFT. Registered in brussels, this became
operational in May 1977. The goal was to
develop a series of standardised financial
5. Society for messages that could be employed to transmit
Think of an answer for each question and refer to the appropriate section for confirmation.
1. What is:
i. an investment manager?
ii. an institutional investor?
iii. an individual investor?
2. What is a custodian? Why does an investor appoint a custodian to administer and safekeep its
3. What is a global custodian? Summarise the range of services offered by a global custodian to an
investor client.
6. What is the purpose of a custody agreement signed between a custodian and an investor client?
Summarise the main elements that a custody agreement is likely to address.
7. What is the purpose of a service level agreement between a global custodian and a subcustodian?
What are the key service elements addressed by the SLA?
8. What is the purpose of an RFP in the selection of a global custodian by an investor? What are the
key elements addressed in an RFP?
9. What is:
i. an immobilised security; and
ii. a dematerialised security?
10. List the CSds and settlement systems employed in each of the core markets addressed in this
11. List three mechanisms through which settlement can take place within Euroclear.
12. List three communication gateways through which customers may access Clearstreams
CREATIOn system.
13. What function is served by the electronic bridge between Clearstream and Euroclear?
14. Why is STP a requirement for improving efficiency, and reducing risk and cost, in the securities
15. What is SWIFT and what are its main areas of activity?
2. Pre-Settlement 82
3. Settlement 86
Settlement Characteristics
1. The Trade Cycle The matching of the buyers and sellers trade
data is typically conducted at two levels:
The process of investing money in securities
1. Trading counterparties compare trade
(eg, equities, government bonds, corporate
details. This may take place bilaterally,
bonds) will involve a number of steps:
via matching facilities extended by the
U Trading mechanisms have been described in securities settlement system (at the CSd
Chapter 1. The process of buying or selling an for example), or via a third-party central
instrument is generally termed execution, matching facility (such as Omgeo CTM, see
representing the procedure through which Section 2.5) that will compare trade details
counterparties agree to conduct a financial electronically and issue a report on matching
transaction on specified terms. status (ie, whether matched or unmatched).
U Pre-settlement. As soon as a trade has For centrally cleared transactions, matched
been executed, a number of procedures and instructions may be forwarded to the CCP
checks must be conducted before actual for clearing (see below).
settlement can be completed. These will 2. Custodians acting on behalf of buyer and
include matching the trade instructions seller will compare settlement instructions
supplied by each counterparty to ensure that in order to identify potential mismatches
the details they have supplied for the trade prior to settlement date.
correspond. It will also involve conducting
Generally the following data is required for the
checks to ensure that the seller has sufficient
matching of settlement instructions:
securities to deliver and that the buyer has
sufficient funds to cover the purchase cost. U Title of security.
U Settlement is the process through which U Security identification code.
legal title (ie, ownership) of a security is U Counterparty details and account numbers
transferred from seller to buyer in exchange (ie, custodian depot/nostro account details).
for the equivalent value in cash. Ideally, these U Trade date.
two transfers should occur simultaneously. U Trade price.
U Post-settlement entails the management U Whether a purchase or sale of securities.
of failed transactions and the subsequent U Quantity of security.
accounting of trades. U Settlement currency.
U net settlement value (the cash value to be
paid or received).
2. Pre-Settlement U Trading conditions (eg, ex-dividend,
ex-rights, etc).
2.1 Matching Settlement U The number of days and the amount of
accrued interest, if a fixed-income security.
U Settlement date.
U Settlement method (ie, dvP, FOP).
Learning Objective 3.1.1
Understand the data required for matching of
2.2 Clearing
settlement instructions
simple terms, this procedure establishes what provides a central counterparty service for
each of the counterparties expects to receive exchange-traded equities executed on Xetra
when the trade is settled. It also defines that are denominated in euro and listed on
the obligations each must fulfil, in terms of Xetra. Also, ISE Xetra is the electronic trading
delivering securities or funds, for the trade to system for the Irish Stock Exchange, and
settle successfully. Eurex Clearing provides clearing services for
trades conducted via this system. In its role
Specifically, the clearing process includes:
as clearing house, Eurex Clearing additionally
U recording key trade information so that assures the fulfilment and clearing of trades on
counterparties can agree on its terms; the Eurex derivatives exchange, Eurex bonds
U formalising the legal obligation between and Eurex Repo.
counterparties; Since MiFId implementation, a number of new
U matching and confirming trade details; CCP facilities have been established in Europe,
U agreeing procedures for settling the predominantly to clear trade flow from MTF
transaction; platforms. These CCPs include the European
U calculating settlement obligations and Multilateral Clearing Facility (EMCF), SIS x-clear
sending out settlement instructions to the and EuroCCP.
brokers, custodians and CSd;
U managing margin and making margin calls.
This relates to collateral paid to the clearing 2.3 Clearing via a Central
agent by counterparties to guarantee their Counterparty (CCP)
positions against default up to settlement.
A CCP interposes itself between the
Trades may be cleared bilaterally between counterparties to a trade, becoming the buyer
the trading counterparties or via a central to every seller and the seller to every buyer.
counterparty that interposes itself between As a result, buyer and seller interact with the
buyer and seller. When trades are cleared CCP and remain anonymous to each other. This
bilaterally, each trading party bears a direct process is known as novation.
credit risk against each counterparty that
The introduction of a CCP can offer a number of
it trades with. hence, it will typically bear
benefits for its members:
direct liability for any losses incurred through
counterparty default (see below and Chapter 6). 1. The credit risk that market participants
previously held against each counterparty
Central counterparty services are available in
that they trade with is substituted by a
a range of markets in order to mitigate this
single credit risk held against the CCP.
risk. For example, LCh.Clearnet provides CCP
2. hence, clearing relationships are streamlined
services in the uK and nySE Euronext European
and counterparty risk is significantly reduced.
markets for trading in equity, derivatives and
Each market participant communicates only
energy products, for platforms trading the
with the CCP in managing risk mitigation
majority of euro-denominated and sterling
measures (eg, requesting collateral or
bond and repo products, along with commodity
margin payments), rather than managing
and energy derivatives and the bilaterally
a series of bilateral relationships with each
traded interbank interest rate swaps market.
counterparty that it deals with.
In the uS, clearing of broker-to-broker trades 3. The risk of default by the CCP is, typically,
in equities, corporate bonds, municipal bonds, significantly lower than that of individual
unit investment trusts (uITs) and exchange- counterparties. A CCP is expected by
traded funds (ETFs) takes place through regulatory authorities to maintain effective
the national Securities Clearing Corporation risk management controls that are sufficient
(nSCC), a subsidiary of the depository Trust to withstand severe shocks, including
& Clearing Corporation (dTCC). Eurex Clearing defaults by one or more of its participants.
AG, which is part of deutsche brse Group,
2.4 Netting
counterparties. netting will allow counterparties The Omgeo solution consists of:
to offset their mutual obligations, and this will
be particularly advantageous when the stock U a central matching system (eg, the Omgeo
is illiquid and may be difficult and expensive to Central Trade Manager) that notifies each
secure. entity of settlement from the same source;
U a central static database of settlement
While we have outlined the benefits extended instructions (Alert) which are applied
by CCPs in this section, the introduction of a automatically to transactions.
CCP may not always be welcomed by all market
participants. The costs of developing a CCP Standard Settlement Instructions (SSIs) should
can be substantial and will typically need to be now appear on the ETC confirmation as they
borne, at least in part, by clearing members. are attached with Alert.
Trading parties will need to bear the cost of
Settlement instructions will only pass to a
CCP fees and the associated cost of putting up
subcustodian/agent bank if the Omgeo
collateral at the CCP. Furthermore, netting of
participant has a direct custody relationship
trades will reduce volumes passing through to
with that party. Otherwise, settlement
settlement, thereby reducing the transaction-
instructions will go via the global custodian who
based income that accrues to settlement
will, in turn, instruct the subcustodian/agent
agents, unless they raise their settlement
bank. This arrangement will ensure that the
fees to adjust for this drop in volume. CCPs
global custodians records remain aligned with
typically bring added surety and efficiency, but
those of the subcustodian.
the benefits that ensue need to be carefully
weighed up against the costs involved. With the launch of the Omgeo Connect facility,
buy-side customers can monitor trades from
2.5 Automating the point of execution through to settlement in
Omgeo, and in third-party systems, providing
Functions Between
a single point of entry for equity and fixed
Execution and income trades matched via Omgeo CTM and
Settlement Omgeo Oasys Tradematch.
a third party. For example, some investment Interbank Payments System (ChIPS), a private
managers have chosen to outsource their back sector funds transfer network specialising
office responsibilities to a global custodian. in international payments, and through the
Federal Reserve banks Fedwire Funds Transfer
Many hedge funds employ an investment bank Service.
(such as Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley) to
manage their execution, clearing and settlement
functions globally, as well as to provide them 3.2.1 The Clearing House
with access to credit lines, extend securities Interbank Payments
lending and borrowing facilities, and provide System (CHIPS)
collateral management, cash management,
The Clearing house Interbank Payments
market information and reporting, and a range
System (ChIPS) is a computerised network for
of other services.
the transfer of uS dollar payments. This was
This bundled function extended to hedge funds originally launched in 1970 by the new york
is generically known as prime brokerage, and Clearing house Association, a group of the
has represented a major growth area for a largest new york City commercial banks, for
number of leading investment banks in recent eight of its members that held Federal Reserve
times. system membership. ChIPS operates on a
multilateral netting basis and enables banks to
by employing a third-party clearing agent in settle dollar payments by electronic transfer.
this way, the investor eliminates the need to Messages are transmitted by SWIFT.
become a member of the clearing house itself.
In Europe, for example, the clearing agent is until 1981, final settlement (ie, the transfer
typically a clearing member (either directly or of funds at the Federal Reserve) took place
via a local agent acting on its behalf) of each the morning after a transfer. however, this
of the major clearing houses and is able to arrangement exposed funds to overnight (or
provide a pan-European clearing function via over-weekend) risk. Consequently, the Federal
a single point of entry, managing the clients Reserve extended same-day settlement finality
collateral, extending credit lines, and covering to ChIPS participants though Fedwire, the
the requirement (via its agent network) to Feds electronic funds and securities transfer
settle trades. network, in August 1981.
A number of leading international investment ChIPS now provides intraday payment finality
banks provide this style of service package on through a real-time system. ChIPS settles
a global or regional basis. small payments, which can be met by the
banks available balances, on an RTGS basis.
Other payments are netted bilaterally or
3.2 Payment Systems multilaterally.
system (see below). The vast majority of ChIPS The ChAPS RTGS payments infrastructure is
members are Fedwire participants. extended to ChAPS members by the bank of
England and the ChAPS Clearing Company.
3.2.2 Fedwire
3.2.4 Faster Payments
Fedwire is the Federal Reserves electronic
funds transfer system. It is a real-time gross Faster Payments Service was launched in May
settlement system in which more than 11,000 2008 to handle the processing of internet,
depository institutions initiate funds transfers telephone and standing order payments in the
that are immediate, final, and irrevocable when uK market. This service runs alongside existing
processed. It allows member banks to transfer uK payment schemes bACS (for direct debits
funds on their own behalf, or on behalf of their and direct credits) and ChAPS, and represents
customers. Participants that maintain a reserve the first new payments service to be introduced
or clearing account with a Federal Reserve bank to the uK market for more than 20 years.
may use Fedwire to send payments to, or receive
payments from, other account-holders directly. Although it was initially operated by ChAPS
Participants use Fedwire to handle large-value, Co, responsibility for operation of the Faster
time-critical payments, such as payments for Payments system was transferred to Faster
the settlement of interbank purchases and Payments Schemes Ltd when the latter
sales of federal funds, the purchase, sale, company was formed in november 2011.
and financing of securities transactions, the Faster Payments Service membership is open
disbursement or repayment of loans and the to credit institutions with a settlement account
settlement of real estate transactions. at the bank of England that can connect to
All Fedwire transfers are completed on the the central payments infrastructure. Since the
day they are initiated, generally in a matter of beginning of 2012, all internet and telephone
minutes. They are guaranteed to be final by payments in the uK have been processed via
the Fed as soon as the receiving institution is Faster Payments. All payments must reach the
notified of the credit to its account. recipients account by the next working day
after the customer has initiated the transaction.
The Fedwire Funds Transfer Service operates In practice, telephone or internet payments
from 00:30 to 18:30 new york time. These sent using Faster Payments will typically be
hours of operation overlap with both the available for withdrawal from the beneficiarys
European and Asia/Pacific time zones. The account on the same day that the payment is
Fedwire Securities Transfer Service operates sent.
from 08:30 to 15:30 new york time, Monday to
3.2.5 TARGET
party customers as part of their agreement settlement would have been completed by
with CLS bank. physical delivery of certificates from buyer to
seller in return for cash. however, we have
user members can submit settlement noted that many securities markets are now
instructions for themselves and their dematerialised or immobilised and transfer
customers. however, user members do not takes place electronically by book entry rather
have an account with CLS bank. Instead they than physical movement of certificates.
are sponsored by a settlement member, acting
on their behalf. Each instruction submitted To minimise the principal risk incurred in
by a user member must be authorised by a the case of default by either counterparty, a
designated settlement member. The instruction working group of the worlds leading securities
is then eligible for settlement through the regulators and central banks recommended
sponsoring settlement members account. that settlement providers should reduce to a
minimum the credit risk created if securities or
cash are delivered without receipt of assets of
3.3 Key Concepts in the corresponding value by the counterparty.
Settlement Process
3.3.1 Free of Payment (FoP)
Learning Objective 3.2.3
Understand the following settlement concepts:
trade for trade; netting bilateral and Free of payment settlement refers to the
multilateral; trade date netting, continuous separate, non-simultaneous exchange of cash
net settlement; fixed date settlement; rolling and securities between counterparties (see dvP
settlement; free of payment transactions; arrangements below). In FoP settlement, one
delivery vs payment; book entry settlement; or both parties to the trade will be forced to
physical settlement; foreign exchange deliver securities or pay cash before they have
settlement taken delivery of the corresponding asset from
the other counterparty. Owing to the higher
risks of FoP settlement when compared with
Settlement of a securities transaction refers
dvP, regulatory authorities are encouraging
to the process of exchanging securities and
companies to employ dvP whenever possible.
cash between the buyer and seller in order to
discharge their respective obligations. delivery
of securities commonly takes place at a CSd 3.3.2 Delivery versus Payment
(or ICSd). Funds transfer (ie, delivery of cash) (DvP)
commonly takes place through a banking or
dvP is a procedure whereby appropriate
payments system.
technical, legal and contractual arrangements
A trade cannot be deemed to be settled until are in place to ensure that a transfer of securities
both the securities transfer and cash transfer is final if, and only if, the corresponding
are final and irrevocable (ie, neither of the transfer of funds is final. More simply, dvP
transfers can be rescinded). Traditionally, trade involves simultaneous exchange of securities
and cash between buyer and seller (in practice,
this commonly takes place via their respective
custodians on the books of the CSd and central
payments system). hence, both parties are
protected against risk of counterparty default.
Settled on a trade-for-trade basis, BCD would need to settle each trade individually with these
three respective counterparties. By netting multilaterally via the CCP, each trading company settles
just a single cash balance and a single securities balance with the CCP. This can be represented
Receive 800 shares Deliver 7,000 shares
Pay 3,180.00 cash Receive 28,000.00 cash
Receive 2,000 shares Receive 4,200 shares
Pay 7,600.00 cash Pay 17,220.00 cash
security quantity irrespective of the intended settlement finality and in limiting systemic
settlement date. risk. Gross settlement systems have been
U For cash the CnS algorithm will attempt widely employed to mitigate the risks in large-
to net opposite-signed cash amounts, with value funds transfer systems where the main
the oldest positions netted first. The net cash participants have access to intra-day liquidity
amount is always kept on the position having extended by the central bank.
the bigger cash amount in absolute value,
irrespective of the intended settlement date. however, trade-for-trade settlement can place
substantial demands on liquidity, requiring that
cash and securities obligations are met in full
3.3.4 Finality of Transfer
for each trade (ie, without being netted against
Whichever settlement model is employed, the other positions). This can create gridlock within
settlement system must specify the moment of the system, when delivery of funds or securities
finality of transfer in its rules through binding does not move sufficiently quickly to release
contracts on the parties involved. Once finality the liquidity needed to allow subsequent trades
of transfer has been assured, these rules must to settle.
allow the buyer to use the securities, and the
We have seen above that netting systems can
seller to use the cash, without further delay
ease these liquidity pressures, since positions
in the safe knowledge that the transaction will
are offset and settled at the end of the settle-
not at that stage fail and the trade have to be
ment batch. by reducing the overall value of
money that market participants must transfer
to deliver their obligations at the end of
We have noted above that RTGS systems have
a settlement batch, the efficiency of cash
an important role to play in ensuring real-time
Intended settlement date (ISD) for these securities is, respectively, D3 for POS1, D2 for POS2, D1
for POS3 and D+1 for POS4. The oldest position will be forwarded for netting first.
Source: LCH.Clearnet
payments and securities transfer mechanisms counterparties with which it has conducted
can be improved. transactions during the settlement batch. If
adequate cover is not in place (eg, requiring
On the downside, a participants true exposure participants to put up collateral in advance to
may only be revealed at the end of the cover their intra-day credit exposure), then
settlement batch. If a market participant default by a counterparty may dictate that
defaults on its settlement obligations at this whole series of trades may need to be
this point, this could impact on a series of unwound.
3.3.5 From Physical Settlement As such, the Group of Thirty (G30), a global
to Book-Entry Transfer industry working group represented by senior
figures from financial services companies,
Many trading and settlement systems have regulators, central banks, academics and a
advanced from the days when securities were range of other industry bodies, has issued
held and traded in physical form, with paper recommendations indicating that infrastructure
certificates exchanged between counterparties providers (eg, exchanges, clearing houses,
against transfer of funds in order to conduct CSds and payments systems) and regulatory
a trade a process known as physical authorities should work with issuers and
settlement. securities industry participants to phase out
physical securities without delay. Some private
When a depository does accept certificated
investors in certain markets continue to have
securities, these will typically be immobilised,
a preference for holding physical certificates
such that they no longer need to be delivered
and debate continues on how best to promote
physically from one counterparty to another.
cultural change within this community in order
In practice, the certificated security remains
to secure more widespread acceptance of
in the vaults of the CSd throughout the
transaction (hence it is immobilised), with the
security being debited from the account of the
seller and credited to the account of the buyer. 3.3.6 Fixed Date Settlement and
Rolling Settlement
Many markets now employ computer-based
mechanisms for transferring ownership, with Most countries have now adopted rolling
records of ownership being held in electronic settlement, including each of the core markets
book-entry format. The security ceases to highlighted in Chapter 2. Settlement occurs on
exist in paper form, with the certificate being a specific number of business days after the
replaced by computer records. This transition trade date. In the uK, for example, settlement
from physical to electronic format is known as occurs three days after trade date, which is
dematerialisation. ESES, for example, holds commonly denoted as T+3.
securities in dematerialised form.
Some smaller markets continue to operate a
The shift to a dematerialised securities fixed settlement period (sometimes known as
environment has: account settlement), whereby trades executed
within a specified period (known as an account
U improved processing efficiency by allowing period) would settle on a specified date. For
trading, clearance, settlement and asset example, all trades executed during the week
servicing procedures to be increasingly beginning Monday 9 May would settle on
automated; Monday 16 May; all trades conducted during
U enabled shorter settlement timing; the week beginning Monday 16 May would
U improved security by reducing the possibility settle on Monday 23 May, and so on.
that a physical security may be lost, stolen or
fraudulently copied. Fixed date settlement has the following
The transition to book-entry settlement and
dematerialised trading commonly demands a
U There can be a lengthy delay between trade
execution and trade settlement, dictating
corresponding change in the markets legal
that sellers may not receive prompt payment
framework in order to ensure that ownership
for their securities and resulting in extended
rights are fully protected through electronic
credit exposure to the counterparty.
records. necessary business continuity
procedures must also be put in place to ensure
U Failed trades cannot be re-presented for
settlement until settlement date at the end
effective back-up of electronic records and
of the next account period. hence, failed
systems in the instance of any systemic shock
trades may remain unsettled for an extended
or crisis.
U The market value of the security may move When a price is quoted on a trading screen or a
significantly during this period, creating a website it will look something like this:
sizeable replacement risk (the risk that non-
defaulting parties will incur a loss when GbP/uSd 1.742630
replacing unsettled contracts) in instances of U The three-letter acronyms denote the
trade failure. currencies. The first currency is the base
U Fixed date settlement creates peaks and currency and the second is the quoted
troughs of settlement activity, with trades currency. Many currencies are quoted
being queued to settle on a specified date against the uS dollar as the base currency
at the end of the account period; this puts a (ie, the reverse of the rate shown above).
strain on operations at these peak times. Sterling and the euro are exceptions to this
generalisation. both Aud and nZd are also
The longer the period from trade execution to quoted as the base against the uS dollar.
settlement, the greater the risk that one of the U One unit of the base currency will buy the
parties may become insolvent or default on amount shown in the quoted currency. In
the trade, the larger the number of trades that the example quoted, one pound sterling will
will be awaiting settlement, and the greater purchase uS$1.7426.
the opportunity for the prices of the securities U The first price is the bid price, which is what
to move away from the contract prices. These an investor would obtain if buying the second
factors collectively accentuate the risk that currency with the first.
non-defaulting parties will incur a loss when U The second price is the offer price, which is
replacing the unsettled contracts. the amount of the second currency that one
In contrast, under a rolling settlement cycle, would need to pay to buy one unit of the
trades settle a specified number of business first, in this case uS$1.7430 will buy 1.00.
days after the trade date, rather than at the note that the second price is not quoted in
end of an account period, thereby limiting the full, only the last two digits; this is because
number of outstanding trades and reducing the spread is normally less than 1% and the
aggregate market exposure. whole amount does not need to be quoted.
U The spread is the difference between the
In 1989, the G30 recommended that final bid and offer prices and is the traders profit
settlement of cash transactions should occur margin on the transaction.
on T+3, that is, three business days after U The mid-price is the average of the bid and
the trade date. however, in reviewing its offer prices. It is normally not quoted for
recommendations in 2003, the G30 specified trading, but it is reported in the financial
that, in order to minimise counterparty risk press, for example, to illustrate how
and market exposure associated with securities currencies are moving relative to one other.
transactions, the goal should be ultimately to
further shorten the securities settlement cycle. FX is not traded on-exchange. Instead,
FX traders deal directly with each other,
informed by screen-based pricing systems
3.3.7 Foreign Exchange and transacting by phone or electronically.
Settlement banks are the main players. Settlement of FX
transactions (the actual movement of cash)
Foreign exchange (FX) transactions are used
may take place immediately (spot, ie, on a T+2
for three main purposes:
basis, see below) or in the future (forward),
U to obtain currency to settle immediate either as outright forwards or as foreign
payment commitments; exchange swaps. In addition, currency futures
U to hedge against future exchange rate contracts can be traded on many derivatives
movements; and exchanges.
U to speculate, or trade, in currencies in order
to make profits from changes in exchange
Note: the following text is for information only the uS dollar will depreciate against uK sterling
and will not be examined. by 1.5% annually.
This Law of One Price describes the principle The forward rate will be calculated such that the
of Absolute PPP. investor will not profit from this arrangement.
In this example, it means that forward dollars
The principle of Relative PPP tells us that the will have to be more expensive than spot
rate of appreciation of a currency (ie, currency A dollars (ie, forward dollars will be at a premium
relative to currency b) is equal to the difference to the spot rate). If uS interest rates were
in inflation rates between the two countries. higher than uK rates, forward dollars would be
For example, if the uK has an inflation rate of cheaper than spot (thus, forward dollars would
2.0% and the uS has an inflation rate of 3.5%, be quoted at a discount to the spot rate).
Only after these funds have been fully paid into If both buyer and seller have securities accounts
CLS will the latter pay out the funds owed to at the CSd (or with the same custodian), transfer
each party. hence, if either counterparty fails of legal title can take place electronically by
to meet its obligations to pay in funds, it will book-entry transfer, without the immobilised
not receive its payout; rather, the funds will certificates leaving the vaults of the CSd (or
be returned to the party that had originally the vaults of the custodian concerned).
remitted them.
Bearer Registered (dematerialised)
Typical method of Certificate and Register and certificate Register and book entry
holding securities book entry
may, for example, underestimate its overall barriers are classified as technical or market-
credit exposure, or be faced with an account practice barriers, legal barriers, and barriers
overdraft in circumstances where a provisional related to tax procedures:
credit is reversed.
In response to these barriers, the European
Commission outlines a set of proposals
3.6 The Giovannini Barriers designed to promote a safe and efficient
to the Creation of a European clearing environment and a level
playing field across providers of clearing and
Harmonised Securities
settlement services. To achieve this objective,
Market for Europe the Commission plans:
Barrier 1 There is need to eliminate connectivity problems resulting from national differences
in information technology and interfaces used by clearing and settlement providers.
This includes encouraging the use of standardised communication based on ISO
standard electronic messaging.
Barrier 2 national restrictions on the location of clearing and settlement should be removed
as an essential pre-condition for a market-led integration of Eu clearing and
settlement arrangements. barrier 2 is to be treated jointly with barrier 9, as they
both address location restrictions. unlike barrier 9, however, barrier 2 is more
of a market structure issue, since it refers to the linkage between exchange and
settlement systems.
Barrier 4 Intra-day settlement finality in all links between settlement systems within the Eu
should be guaranteed.
Barrier 5 national governments should draw up a set of conditions that will enable remote
access to national clearing and settlement mechanisms to be guaranteed across
the Eu. The Giovannini report stresses the need to tackle barrier 5 with action from
public authorities, so as to ensure remote access on a strictly non-discriminatory
Barrier 6 Settlement periods for all equity markets within the Eu should be harmonised.
barrier 6 is linked to barrier 1, as both aim to render the settlement process more
efficient by standardising operational procedures across Eu states.
Barrier 7 Operating hours for national clearing and systems should be standardised across
the Eu.
Barrier 10 Restrictions on the activity of primary dealers and market makers should be
Barrier 11 All financial intermediaries established within the Eu should be allowed to offer
withholding agent services in each of the Eu member states.
Barrier 12 Any provisions requiring that taxes on securities transactions be collected via local
systems should be removed.
Barrier 13 There is need to establish an Eu-wide framework for the treatment of ownership
of securities.
Barrier 14 There is need to address inconsistencies across Eu states in the legal treatment of
netting procedures.
Barrier 15 There is need to address inconsistencies in conflict of law rules applicable across Eu
states. The current framework addressing conflicts of laws (the Settlement Finality
directive and Financial Collateral directive) is incomplete, and could potentially be
improved through the approval of the hague Securities Convention.
example, in Singapore trades not settled on that the non-failing party should submit a claim
Sd+1 are posted on a buy-in board. for fails penalty charges to the failing party. This
is also the case for trades in agency mortgage-
backed securities that do not settle within
4.3 Fines two business days following the contractual
A firm may be fined by the exchange or CSd if settlement date. The recommended threshold
it fails to match or settle trades within a defined for claims is uS$500; claims below this amount
period. For example, in the uK, Euroclear uK will not be raised or honoured.
& Ireland (EuI) applies fines to a firm that
has failed to match a given percentage of its
4.4 Interest Claims
overall trades on T+1 and T+2. For transactions
involving market or CCP matching, for example,
a firm will be fined if it has failed to match Learning Objective 3.3.3
98% of its overall trades during the preceding Understand interest claims (ICMA rules on fixed
two-month period by close of business (COb) income and ISITC for equities)
on T+1, and 100% of trades by COb on T+2
Learning Objective 3.3.4
(figures accurate at november 2011).
Be able to calculate interest claims based on
For trade settlement, EuI will impose a fine if a the above rules
firm fails to meet the following targets for trade
settlement during the two-month period:
If a buyer or its clearing agent has caused a
U 85% must settle on Sd; trade settlement to fail, the seller will normally
U 90% must settle by Sd+1; make an interest claim for the loss of interest
U 95% must settle by each of Sd+2 to Sd+9; on the net amount that they would have
U 98% must settle by each of Sd+10 to received had settlement happened on time.
The International Capital Market
U 99% must settle by each of Sd+16 to Sd+20.
Association (ICMA) has rules and
recommendations relating to these claims for
A trading firm will often use stock borrowing
fixed-income products. If both counterparties
arrangements as a means to cover a shortfall
are members of ICMA, then they are bound by
of securities in a securities transaction, in order
these rules. For equities, the International
to prevent the exchange initiating a buy-in or to
Securities Association for Institutional
prevent a fine.
Trade Communication (ISITC) has advanced
In the uS, the Federal Reserve bank of new a comparable set of guidelines relating to
yorks Treasury Market Practice Group (TMPG) claims for interest. The worked example is for
advises that financial penalties be imposed on a fixed-income product and the differences
parties failing to meet their obligation to deliver under ISITC are noted at the end. The amount
securities required to settle a trade in uS is calculated according to the following formula:
Treasury securities, agency debt securities (ie,
Claim amount =
debentures issued by Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac
or the Federal home Loan bank) and agency overdraft rate no. calendar days
mortgage-backed securities. net amount x x
100 360 or 365/366
For inter-dealer trades in uS Treasury securities
The overdraft rate is the one applicable to the
and agency debt securities, the Fixed Income
seller at its agent bank.
Clearing Corporation (FICC) will calculate any
outstanding fines automatically and these will The number of days in the third term (360 or
be applied to FICC members monthly bills. 365/366) is that used for cash overdrafts in the
cash market of the settlement currency. For
When the trade involves one or more parties
example, for GbP it is 365/366, but many other
that are not FICC members, the TPMG advises
currencies use 360.
A buyer was due to pay 219,000 for a number The claims threshold is uS$500. netting and
of bonds. bulking of claims under uS$500 are at the
counterparties discretion. The timetable for
Settlement was delayed by five days because response by each entity involved is shown
the buyer instructed its agent bank incorrectly below:
and then took several days to recognise and
correct the error. The seller pays 4% on its Time Cumulative
overdraft: (Days) Time
Initial claim issuance
Claim amount =
(to investment 60 60
4 5 manager)
219,000 x x = 120
100 365 Initial claim
The buyer has 15 days to dispute the claim or 07
issuance (by
30 days to pay it. A buyer would dispute the investment manager)
claim if, for example, it disagreed about the
Onward claim
number of days that a transaction remained
transmission to third 10 70
unsettled, or it believed that the overdraft rate
used in the calculation was significantly above
the published borrowing rate. To ensure that Claim
the claims process is not excessively onerous, acknowledgement by 07
there are two recommendations: third party
Claim investigation/
1. That any claim under USD500 (or the 20 90
equivalent in another currency) is written
Claim settlement/
off. This is to prevent more money being 30 120
rejection acceptance
spent on the administration (checking and
payment) of a claim than the claim is worth. Source: ISITC, International Interest Claims
Best Practices & Market Guidelines
2. That a claim is not paid if 30 calendar days
have lapsed since the actual settlement
date. For claims beyond this period, it may
be difficult or exceptionally time consuming
to investigate.
Think of an answer for each question and refer to the appropriate section for confirmation.
1. define the following processes involved when an investor decides to buy securities:
i. trading;
ii. pre-settlement;
iii. settlement.
4. What is novation?
5. What functions are performed by a central counterparty? how can use of a central counterparty
reduce credit risk for its members?
7. What is positioning?
8. Give four examples of secure payment systems and summarise their main features.
11. What is delivery versus payment? List four mechanisms through which dvP may be
i. bilateral netting;
ii. multilateral netting?
Answer Reference: Section 3.3.3
13. What advantages does book-entry transfer offer over physical transfer of securities?
i. an immobilised security?
ii. a dematerialised security?
16. describe the bid price, the offer price and the spread. Why are these different prices quoted for
FX transactions?
i. a spot transaction
ii. a foreign exchange swap
iii. an outright forward transaction, and
iv. an FX option?
20. What are the principal differences between ASdA and CSdA?
22. List two reasons why a counterparty may have insufficient securities to meet its settlement
24. What system of fines does EuI have in place to penalise firms that fail to meet its targets for
matching and trade settlement?
1. Safekeeping 115
nominees can be classified into three types: U Transfers of securities between clients of the
custodian do not need to be reregistered.
U Pooled nominee holdings, whereby indi- Legal title to the securities remains in
vidual clients assets are grouped together in the name of the custodian, as nominee,
a single nominee registration (also called an before and after the transaction. hence, the
omnibus account). transaction is recorded purely as a transfer of
U Designated nominee holdings can also securities against cash from Client A to Client
provide anonymity, where each clients b on the books of the custodian. however,
asset holding is registered separately next custodians will typically be required to report
to the nominee companys name. hence, the the transaction to the relevant authorities
nominee name includes a unique account and to account for any transfer taxes or other
identifier for each individual client, eg, XyZ obligations that may be due.
nominees Account 1, XyZ nominees Account
2, XyZ nominees Account 3 When deciding whether it is happy to allow
U Sole nominee holdings, where a single, an intermediary (eg, its custodian) to use a
dedicated nominee name is used for each nominee account structure to administer its
specific client, eg, LMn Pension Fund assets, an investor should take into account
nominees Ltd. how it will affect the following:
Appropriate regulations need to be in place U receipt of annual report and accounts;
to ensure that the firm properly accounts for U voting rights on shares;
such nominee holdings and to safeguard the U timing of dividend receipts;
investors position. Regulations governing firms U impact on other corporate ownership
holding client assets (see Section 1) typically privileges and benefits;
require that the custodian has a separate U cost structure applied by the nominee;
nominee company to hold clients investments, U legal status of the nominee concept in the
thus ensuring that a clients investments are jurisdiction concerned;
segregated from those owned by the firm U security and segregation of assets;
itself. The money that is attributable to clients U corporate action instructions.
must also be held in a designated client money
account that is beyond the reach of creditors, Indeed, the type of registration structure
should the firm go into liquidation. employed has an important bearing on the
rights held by beneficial owners when it comes
For a large custodian providing safekeeping to voting shares. Clients pooled together with
services for a large number of cross-border others in an omnibus account structure are
clients, using an omnibus account structure typically not visible to the company: the
can reduce the complexity and costs involved nominee is recognised by the company as
in servicing clients assets in a number of ways: legal owner of the clients assets. Thus, from a
U Entitlements due to the custodians investor voting perspective, it is only the nominee that
clients will be paid directly by the issuing is entitled to vote. no separate entitlement is
company into the custodians nominee extended by the registrar to each individual
account as an aggregated payment, rather client making up the total omnibus holding. In
than as many individualised payments for practice the nominee may canvass the voting
each beneficial owner. preferences of the underlying clients, but it
U The custodian has only to reconcile one may not hold a formal obligation to do so unless
holding on receipt of each issue, rather than this is spelt out in the custody agreement.
multiple beneficiary-level accounts. Given the growing importance attached to
U Only the nominees name appears on the corporate governance, some investors may
records of the registrar, providing anonymity wish to maintain their visibility on the share
to beneficial shareholders. register and to ensure that their voting rights
A further reason why the fee might be larger in 5.1 Risks for the Custodian
an emerging market is that there might be less
competition, ie, not as many viable providers as
Learning Objective 4.2.3
there might be in a developed market.
Understand the importance of receiving timely
and accurate corporate action data and the
While most custodians will offer clients the risks involved
option of paying for their clearing, settlement
and custody services as part of a bundled Corporate actions involve a high level of risk
package, some providers are attempting to for the custodian. If the custodian fails to
differentiate themselves from their competitors inform its investor client of an upcoming
by offering to price their services on an corporate event, or fails to process the clients
unbundled pay-as-you-use basis. instructions accurately or in a timely fashion,
This option is designed to provide freedom of then the custodian will typically be required to
choice to the user, allowing the user, if they make good any financial loss that results.
so wish, to purchase clearing services from When an error is made in processing a corporate
one clearing agent, to settle their trades with action, then there is a high possibility that this
a different settlement agent, and to buy their will result in a capital loss for the investor. The
custody/asset servicing from somebody else. size of this loss can be difficult to quantify until
the custodian has closed that exposure down
by buying shares for the client to which it was
5. Corporate Actions entitled (or selling unsolicited shares issued
The term corporate action refers to events through a corporate action that the client had
that arise when an issuer opts to change the not wanted). until this point, the custodian is
structure of its companys securities, or to at the mercy of the market, and the more the
issue benefits to shareholders, commonly in market moves against the custodian, the larger
the form of cash dividends, shares, or the right the financial loss it is likely to incur.
to buy newly issued shares. Given these considerations, receipt of timely
Corporate actions may be initiated by and accurate corporate actions data is crucial
a company, for example when it makes a to effective risk management.
dividend or interest payment, or when it puts The principal challenge in processing corporate
a motion to a shareholder vote at a company actions is to ensure that the entitlements owing
meeting. Corporate actions may also result to the beneficial owner of the securities are
from action on the part of the shareholder, for collected in full and at the earliest possible
example when a shareholder opts to exercise a point. Custodians bear a primary responsibility
warrant, to take up a rights issue, or to convert for alerting their investor clients to forthcoming
a convertible bond. corporate events, ensuring that they have
Any benefit arising from a corporate action comprehensive information on the structure
is due to the beneficial owner. however, the of the corporate event and, in the case of
benefit will actually accrue to the registered voluntary corporate actions, that clients
holder (this may be a nominee acting on behalf instructions are conveyed to the company
of the beneficial owner) on ex-date (see Section registrar before the deadline in order for its
5.5). Given that shares may have been bought entitlement to be upheld. The custodian will
or sold in the lead-up to this event, this may also need to be aware of the regulations in
give rise to claims in the market if the buyer is different juridictions, as there may be local
not registered in time for the corporate action. rules that stipulate that residents should not be
sent the documentation (eg, in Japan, Canada
and South Africa).
make a statement on their level of compliance In the uS, the Securities and Exchange
with the Combined Code. A companys directors Commission (SEC) initiated a ruling in 2003
are not legally required to apply all elements that now requires uS-registered mutual funds
of the Code, but, if they do not do so, they to provide details of their voting policy, and
should explain why not. This is known as the their records of voting, to the SEC. This dove-
comply or explain principle. A similar principle tailed with broader legislation introduced under
operates in the netherlands and a number of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, designed to
other jurisdictions. protect investors by enhancing the reliability
and accuracy of corporate disclosure. The
overarching principles are:
5.4.2 How the Voting Process
Works U Mutual funds must demonstrate that they
have a clear chain of responsibility for voting
When a general meeting is convened, the
shares and their voting policies must be
company registrar will issue voting papers and
transparent to their members and other con-
details of the agenda to the shareholders and/or
cerned members of the public.
custodians acting on behalf of investor clients.
U Mutual funds must be clearly accountable
These could be:
to those on whose behalf they act and they
U an institutional investor; should be required to explain periodically how
U a fund manager investing on its own account; they have discharged their voting obligations.
Similarly, in his high-profile report on proxy
U a fund manager investing on behalf ofan
voting to the uK Shareholder Voting Working
institutional investor. In this case, the institu-
Group in February 2004, Paul Myners indicated
tional investor may vote itself, or may dele-
that beneficial owners should be responsible
gate this responsibility to the fund manager.
for ensuring that there is a clear chain of
Many global custodians now employ the responsibility for voting their shares in the
services of proxy voting specialists such as companies in which they own holdings. In this
broadridge (formerly AdP Investor Services) report, Myners pointed to a range of obstacles
or ISS Governance Services (formerly to transparency in the uK voting process:
Institutional Shareholder Services, but now
U The voting process involves many participants
a part of RiskMetrics Group) to manage the
and the chain of responsibilities between
voting process on their behalf. under this
these parties is not always clear.
arrangement, the custodian will pass voting
U The system is not fully automated, in that
papers to the proxy voting agent, along with
some participants still rely on faxes and paper
details of all holdings in the company, broken
proxy cards.
down by client. The proxy voting agent will then
U Legal title to the shares often rests with
pass details on the resolutions to be voted, and
the custodian as nominee and, with indi-
the relevant holding details, to each investor
vidual holdings pooled into an omnibus
account, the beneficial owner is effectively
The investor will subsequently instruct the disenfranchised. This can create difficulties in
custodian (or the proxy voting agency acting tracing information from and to the registrar.
on the custodians behalf) how the votes should U The beneficial owners that own the shares
be cast. The latter will communicate the vote to often delegate voting to their fund managers
the company registrar. The company registrar the fund manager can only issue voting
will compare the votes received against its instructions indirectly, given that it is not the
record of owners and will tally the votes cast. legal owner. Automatic confirmation of receipt
In the uK, the Combined Code recommends of voting instructions is usually only possible
that issuers should publish a breakdown of when the votes are cast electronically.
votes cast.
5.4.3 The Problem of Lost Votes to be paid, the amount to be paid per share,
the payable date (ie, the value date) and the
As a result of these inefficiencies, Myners record date. The ex-dividend date (ex-date)
reported instances where pension funds had is the date that determines the eligibility of a
cast votes and these votes had not been shareholder to receive the declared benefit.
recorded by the company registrar. This he The registrar will inspect the share register on
termed the problem of lost votes. record date, and will pay the declared dividend
per share to all shareholders whose names
To address these problems, Myners recom-
appear on the register at that point. This
mended that:
entitlement will be paid to these shareholders
U beneficial owners should publish, and adhere on pay date (also known as payment date, or
to, a clear voting policy, detailing the chain of payable date).
responsibilities involved in voting shares.
The same principle applies for rights issues.
U Levels of automation throughout the proxy
Companies raising additional money may do
voting chain should be extended, with more
so by offering their shareholders the right to
extensive use made of electronic voting.
subscribe to new or additional stock, usually at
U The use of designated nominee holdings
a discount to the prevailing market price. The
should be employed to make the voting pro-
buyer of a stock selling ex-rights is not entitled
cess more transparent and to make it easier
to the rights.
to trace votes from shareholder through to
registrar. When considering claims on rights issues, note
that in some markets the ex-date will precede
Many of these principles are enshrined in the
the record date (often known as record date-
International Corporate Governance networks
driven markets). In other markets, the ex-date
best practice guidance, providing a foundation
will be after the record date (typically labelled
for global efforts to encourage active and
ex-date-driven markets).
efficient shareholder voting and to raise
standards of corporate governance worldwide.
Custodians and investment managers can make
it easier for their institutional clients to be Consider a situation where Investor A purchases
confident that votes are being cast by reporting 1,000 shares from Investor B in a market that is
on their systems and internal controls through record-date-driven, operating a T+3 settlement
a FRAG 21 or SSAE 16 report (see Chapter cycle for equities.
6), which will normally include details of their
The ex-date for a rights issue event is 3
voting process. beneficial owners should
November. The record date is 5 November.
ensure that they receive copies of such reports.
Investor A purchases shares on 1 November
(ie, two days before ex-date) and thus will be
5.5 Ex-Benefit vs entitled to the rights. This transaction will settle
Cum-Benefit on T+3 (ie, 4 November). The registrar will
examine who is the owner of the shares at close
of business on record date (5 November) and
Learning Objective 4.2.4
will pay the rights to Investor A, who is legal
Understand the following terms: record date; owner of the shares at this time.
ex-date; pay date; effective date; cum-benefit;
ex-benefit; special-ex and special-cum Now consider a situation where Investor A
purchases 1,000 shares from Investor B in a
market that is ex-date-driven, operating a T+3
If a companys board of directors votes to
settlement cycle for equities.
pay a dividend (quarterly, semi-annually or
annually), it will announce the type of dividend
The ex-date for a rights issue event is 4 The date on which entitlement is accredited to
November. The record date is 3 November. the legal owner of the security is commonly
Investor A purchases shares on 2 November known as the effective date. After a stock split,
(ie, two days before ex-date) and thus will for example, the owner would receive their
be entitled to the rights. The registrar will converted shares on the effective date.
examine who is legal owner of the shares at
close of business on record date and will pay When shares are traded, you should be aware
the rights to Investor B (who is still legal owner whether they are traded with the entitlement to
since the transaction will settle on T+3, ie, the next dividend (cum-dividend) or without
5 November). that entitlement (ex-dividend).
Consequently, Investor A will need to claim While we have used dividend payments
these rights from Investor B. as an example, the same logic will apply
when considering interest payments on debt
securities, and some other entitlements due
If the security has been purchased before to shareholders by virtue of their corporate
the ex-date, the purchaser is entitled to the ownership rights.
dividend or rights (this is called the cum-
benefit), given that they will be the beneficial 5.5.2 Special Ex and Special Cum
owner of the security on record date.
In some markets, counterparties conducting
If the security has been purchased on or a trade during the cum-benefit period have
after the ex-date, the seller is entitled to the the right to agree that the security is being
dividend or rights (this is called the ex-benefit). sold ex-benefit. This is known as special ex.
Consequently, after the ex-date, the stock Similarly, in some markets, counterparties
begins to trade in the market at a lower price conducting a trade during the ex-benefit
because it assumes no dividend or rights. period may agree to trade the security
cum-benefit. This is known as special cum.
5.5.1 Ex-Benefit and
When these special conditions are applied, the
Cum-Benefit Periods for trade price agreed between buyer and seller
Dividend Payments will reflect whether the security is traded
See the diagram below. ex-benefit or cum-benefit.
6 7 8 9 11 12 13
to ensure clients cash holdings remain legally large global corporation with high-volume
separated from those of the custodian and cross-border business in multiple locations.
other clients. U The potentially smaller amounts being
converted may result in a wider spread on
the FX rates offered, or the custodian may
6.3 Single-Currency use a conversion rate that benefits itself.
With single-currency accounts, cash manage- 6.4 Multi-Currency Accounts
ment is conducted in the investors base
currency. Credits paid to the investor in a Multi-currency accounts are commonly
foreign currency (eg, income generated from employed by companies that need to process
dividend and interest payments, proceeds regular and sizeable payments and credits in a
realised from trading in securities) will be foreign currency.
converted through an FX transaction back
The benefits of multi-currency account
into the investors base currency and held in a
structures include:
cash account maintained in the base currency.
Similarly, debits paid by the investor (eg, the U Securities can be settled on a dvP basis in
cost of settling the cash leg of a securities foreign currency.
purchase) will be drawn from this single cash U These reduce the costs and risks incurred in
account maintained in the base currency and maintaining multiple FX transactions required
converted through an FX transaction into the by a single-currency account structure.
required foreign currency. U A global custodian may offer integrated custody
and banking services, providing a one-stop
The benefits of maintaining a single-currency
shop for investors cross-border service needs.
account structure include:
Potential disadvantages of a multi-currency
U Cash reconciliation, audit and accounting arrangement include:
processes are conducted in a single currency,
aiding simplicity and control. U The use of multi-currency accounts adds to
U Risk exposure to foreign currency volatility is the complexity of reconciliation and control
mitigated by using a single-currency account. processes as a result of maintaining accounts
Transactions that yield payment in a foreign in multiple currencies, especially because of
currency are converted immediately back into dividends received in different currencies.
the base currency. U A bundled package bought from a global
U The client can shop for the best FX rates custodian may not always be cheaper for
for each transaction, which may be more a sizeable investment manager client than
competitive than FX rates offered by its managing its own FX trading internally, or via
global custodian. If the client wishes to do a third-party FX desk.
so, it will need to maintain bank accounts U not every market in which an investor client
in currencies other than the base currency is active will require a centralised cash
in order to effect FX settlement (ie, bank management function, such as that provided
accounts in the settlement currency). by a multi-currency account structure offered
by a custodian.
Potential disadvantages of employing a
single-currency account structure include: The client must evaluate how a market-by-
market approach compares to the economies of
U Multiple FX transactions engender settlement scale offered by a centralised cash management
risk and counterparty risk associated with facility.
each individual FX trade.
U Single account structures may lack the
sophistication and flexibility necessary to
process the cash management needs of a
The existence of liquid markets for securities U marking exposures and collateral to market
lending reduces the risks of failed settlements. (ie, ensuring that exposures and collateral
Market participants with an obligation to deliver are valued at current market prices) on a
securities that they have failed to receive, and daily basis and making margin calls to bring
do not hold in inventory, can borrow these collateral and exposure into line;
securities to complete delivery. U employing master legal agreements that
set out clear legal parameters that dictate
Securities that are on loan cannot typically be
the structure and process of the lending
voted by the lender in case of, for example,
arrangements, and how the lender will be
an annual or extraordinary general meeting.
compensated in the event of default or
Should the lender wish to exercise voting
systemic crisis.
rights on the stock, they will need to recall the
stock before the requisite deadline (ie, before When collateral is taken in securities-lending
effective date). arrangements, the value of collateral taken
will typically exceed the market value of the
7.3 Risks Involved and borrowed assets by an agreed percentage,
known as a haircut. This protects the lender
Precautionary Measures
from adverse price movements of the collateral
Learning Objective 4.4.1
Understand the role of a custodian in securities
lending and the risks and rewards to those
Repo transactions can be arranged directly As such, some counterparties may accept
between counterparties on a bilateral basis. This asset-backed securities, high-grade corporate
is commonly known as direct repo. however, debt and, in some instances, equities as
use of a tri-party collateral agent (known collateral.
as tri-party repo) has become increasingly
Lenders can specify their eligibility criteria
widespread, particularly in the wake of some
for collateral that they are willing to accept.
high-profile defaults in bilateral repo markets
Tri-party agents have become increasingly
that have prompted counterparties to look
sophisticated in their ability to use their
to the extra security afforded by using a tri-
powerful collateralisation engines to provide
party repo agent. use of tri-party repo also
a mix of different grades of collateral that
offers benefits to clients that do not have
meet the collateral takers eligibility criteria,
the operational capacity to take in collateral
while making optimal use of assets in the
themselves, or that do not wish to dedicate
collateral-givers portfolio that might otherwise
staff and resources to managing their own repo
be unutilised.
Think of an answer for each question and refer to the appropriate section for confirmation.
1. What requirements do the client asset rules (CASS) impose regarding how safe custody
investments must be held by a firm?
3. name three types of nominee holding. What are the main differences between these types of
nominee arrangement?
4. List five factors that an investor should take into account when deciding whether to allow an
intermediary (eg, its custodian) to use a nominee account structure.
5. Which two types of fee arrangement are typically employed by custodians when charging an
investor client for its services?
6. What steps can custodians take to ensure that they collect timely and accurate information on
corporate actions?
7. Why do corporate actions typically involve a substantial level of risk for custodians?
i. stock splits?
ii. stock consolidations?
11. Which obstacles to transparency did Paul Myners identify in the uK proxy voting system? What
recommendations did he make to address the problem of lost votes?
18. Who holds legal title to on-loan securities? Who will hold voting rights on the shares that are on
21. What is a repurchase agreement (or repo)? What benefits do repo arrangements offer to lender
and borrower?
i. direct repo?
ii. tri-party repo?
i. marking to market?
ii. a margin call?
Aspects of Taxation
If the investors income, including dividends, back from hM Revenue & Customs (hMRC).
means that they pay tax at a higher rate, they Since this dividend tax credit was removed,
will have to pay more tax on their dividend pension funds no longer receive concessionary
income. The dividend tax rate on income above status and are treated in the same way as
the basic tax rate threshold of 32,011 but other investors. It does not make a difference
below the higher rate tax threshold of 150,000 whether the investor receives dividends from
in the 2013/14 tax year is 32.5%. Given that a company, a unit trust or an open-ended
the first 10% of the tax due on this dividend investment company. All dividends are taxed in
income is already covered by the tax credit, in the same way.
practice the investor will pay 22.5% tax on the
gross amount of dividend income falling into
this tax band. 2. Tax Treatment of
In the 2013/14 tax year, investors will pay a Bond Interest
total of 37.5% tax on dividend income that
exceeds the higher rate income tax limit Learning Objective 5.1.2
(currently 150,000). but because the first Understand the tax treatment of bond interest
10% of the tax due on this dividend income is
already covered by the tax credit, in practice
the investor will pay 27.5% tax on the gross
amount of dividend income falling into this
2.1 Conventional and
higher rate tax band. Index-Linked Gilts
If the dividend income comes from foreign uK individual investors are liable for
shares, there is no automatic tax credit. income tax on interest receivable on
dividend income from foreign companies falling gilts (including the interest uplift on
below the basic rate threshold is liable for tax at index-linked gilts when an interest rate is
10%. Income which exceeds the basic rate limit revised upwards). Interest is normally paid
is taxed at 32.5%. The taxpayer is usually able gross, but investors may opt for net payment
to claim a credit for any foreign withholding tax (ie, payment made after deduction of tax or
paid, up to the amount of the uK tax. other adjustments) on application to the gilts
registrar, Computershare. however:
1.2 UK Corporate Tax U individuals are not liable to capital gains tax
Treatment of Dividend (CGT) or income tax on the sale of gilts;
U no stamp duty or stamp duty reserve tax is
payable on purchases or sales of gilts;
Generally, a uK company is not taxed on U uK individual investors may be liable for tax
dividends received from another uK company. on accrued interest on the purchase and
however, if it receives dividend income from transfer of gilts (see Chapter 1).
a foreign company, it is taxed at the uK
corporation tax rate applicable to the company,
which is typically 30%. The taxpayer is able to
claim a credit for foreign tax deducted (see the Investor A invested 50,000 in a fixed-term
sections on withholding tax and double taxation bond on 1 June 2012 which lasts one year and
treaties later in this chapter). matures on its first anniversary, 1 June 2013.
On this date, interest of 1,500 is paid to the
The dividend tax credit that was previously
investor. The interest will be taxable in the
available to pension funds was abolished in
tax year 2013/14 because this is the tax year
July 1997. Prior to this date, pension funds
in which this income is paid. Investor A would
were entitled to a 20% tax credit on dividend
not need to pay tax on this income if her total
income. This meant that an 0.80 dividend paid
income for the tax year 2013/14 was below her
to a pension fund was actually worth 1.00
personal allowance of 9,440.
when a 0.20 tax credit had been claimed
no stamp duty or stamp duty reserve tax is Capital gains tax (CGT) is payable on profits
payable on purchases or sales of uK corporate generated on the sale of most assets, including
bonds. equities. however, private investors in the
uK are exempt from paying CGT on profits
generated from the sale of gilts and qualifying
2.3 Gilt Strips corporate bonds (although gilt strips are
taxable, see above). Investors are entitled to
Cash flows resulting from ownership of fixed
tax relief on any capital losses.
income securities may be stripped into their
components (the right to receive principal The capital gain generated on an equities
on redemption, the right to receive periodic transaction can be calculated as the difference
interest payments) and sold separately as between the sale price and purchase price of
zero-coupon securities. When a gilt is stripped, the quantity of shares concerned.
the principal element (or corpus) is known as
a gilt strip and is traded independently from the
If fixed-income securities are sold before In the uK, hM Revenue & Customs (hMRC) has
maturity, the investor may realise a capital gain a set of rules that must be followed to identify
or loss on the transaction. The amount of gain which acquisitions should be allocated to a sale.
(or loss) will equal the difference between the These are known as the Matching Rules. They
amount realised from the sale and the adjusted are applied in the following order:
tax basis (see example below).
U Acquisitions on the same day as the sale.
U Acquisitions during the 30 days following the
Example sale on a first-in, first-out basis.
U Shares bought at any other time. All shares
Purchase price: 20.00
acquired prior to the day of the sale, of the
Sale proceeds: 21.60 (including 0.30 same share class in the same company, are
in accrued income) pooled together. This is called a Section 104
Adjusted tax basis: (20.30) (purchase price
+ 0.30 accrued income in The cost of any given share in a Section 104
sale price) holding is calculated by dividing the total
amount paid for shares in the Section 104
Capital gain: 1.30
holding by the number of shares.
Taxable income: 0.30 (the accrued income
received on sale) Example
An investor buys 5,000 shares in March 2006
Although a gain or loss on a sale of a security for 4000. In August 2007, the investor buys
is generally considered to be capital, special another 7000 shares of the same type in the
rules apply to securities purchased at market same company for 6,000.
discount, ie, for an amount less than par value
This will create a Section 104 holding of 12,000
(see Section 4). Subject to the exemption
shares at a cost of 10,000 (ie, price per share
mentioned below, gains on the sales of equities
= 0.83)
are subject to capital gains tax (CGT). Gains on
which the investments are incorporated. This is network of treaties, covering more than
known as withholding tax (WhT). 100 countries. hM Revenue & Customs has
established dTTs to:
Income that is paid to investors on their
securities portfolio, via stock dividends and U protect against the risk of double taxation
coupon payments, for example, is typically where the same income is taxable in two
subject to WhT in the country in which the states;
issuing company is incorporated. U provide certainty of treatment for cross-
border trade;
Investors may be eligible to reclaim WhT (in full
U prevent tax discrimination against uK
or part) in instances where the governments
business interests abroad;
of the two countries involved have signed a
U protect the uK governments taxing rights
double taxation treaty (see below).
and protect against attempts to avoid or
WhT is typically deducted at source (ie, evade uK liability (dTTs typically contain
deducted by the issuer or paying agent and provisions for the exchange of information
paid directly to the local tax authorities) and between the taxation authorities of states).
must be reclaimed by the investor from the
local tax authorities. This is typically done If there is no dTT in place, a foreign investor
on the investors behalf by its custodian. may be able to secure unilateral relief against
To support this process, global custodians double taxation in their country of residency.
must maintain clear and up-to-date records For example, an investor resident in the uK may
of their clients tax status, with supporting offset against their uK tax liability any WhT
documentation (including signed declarations) already paid on investment income overseas.
available to present to the local tax authorities Tax administration remains a challenging area
as required. for custodians holding assets on behalf of
In some jurisdictions, eg, in the uS, tax relief foreign investors. The following obstacles exist
may be applied at source, removing the need to efforts to automate and streamline tax
for the custodian to reclaim WhT on behalf of processing:
its investor clients. U There is a distinct lack of harmonisation
of tax procedures, with many jurisdictions
5.2 Double Taxation Treaties clinging firmly to the tax frameworks that
have evolved historically within their own
To address investor concerns over double U different instruments may attract different
taxation (ie, being taxed on income in both WhT rates within the same jurisdiction,
the country where the income is paid, and reinforcing the degree to which tax reclaims
the country where the investor is resident must be processed on a case-by-case basis.
or registered), many governments have U Lack of harmonisation obstructs efforts by
established bilateral double taxation treaties custodians to standardise and automate
(dTTs) with governments in other jurisdictions. tax processing; this adds to costs and
accentuates risks that tax reclaims may be
non-resident companies or individuals may be missed or processed incorrectly.
eligible for a refund of WhT levied on income U Tax-reporting obligations can be highly
payments in instances when their country of demanding in some jurisdictions. A number of
domicile has a dTT in place with the country custodians report, for example, that meeting
where the payment is made. Tax relief at IRS nRA 1441 obligations in the uS has
source may be possible on application to the placed heavy demands on them in terms of
relevant tax authorities. staffing costs and workflow pressures.
U The fees may make smaller tax reclaims not
There are more than 1,300 double taxation
treaties worldwide. The uK has the largest
Answers to Exercises
Exercise 1
The capital gain generated on the investment in these 500 shares would be:
The investor is permitted to offset associated costs against this capital gain for CGT calculation. Thus
the capital gain subject to CGT would be:
200 30 = 170
Think of an answer for each question and refer to the appropriate section for confirmation.
2. how is tax applied to capital gains and interest on uK government and corporate bonds?
U Credit risk the risk of loss caused by standards introduced in 1988 had become
the failure of a counterparty to settle its outdated and no longer reflected the advances
obligations. in business practice and developments in
U Market risk the risk of loss of earnings risk assessment methodologies that had been
or capital arising as a result of movements introduced during the subsequent period.
in market prices, including interest rates,
Consequently, in June 1999, the Committee
exchange rates and equity values.
issued a proposal for a New Capital Adequacy
U Operational risk the risk of loss resulting
Framework to replace the 1988 Accord. The
from inadequate or failed internal processes,
proposed capital framework consists of three
people and systems or from external events.
A prime mover in identifying sources of risk in the
1. Efforts to establish new minimum capital
banking industry, and in formulating strategies
requirements, which are more sympathetic
for protecting against risk, has been the Basel
to the actual risks that firms face and the
Committee on Banking Supervision. This
risk controls they have put in place to
was established by the central bank governors
mitigate these risks.
of the Group of Ten countries at the end of 1974.
2. A supervisory review of an institutions
The Committees members now come from
internal assessment process and capital
Argentina, Australia, belgium, brazil, Canada,
adequacy in order to give banks the
China, France, Germany, hong Kong SAR, India,
opportunity to develop their own advanced
Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Korea, Luxembourg,
methodologies for measuring their internal
Mexico, the netherlands, Russia, Saudi Arabia,
and external risks.
Singapore, South Africa, Spain, Sweden,
3. Effective use of disclosure in order to
Switzerland, Turkey, the united Kingdom and
strengthen market discipline by enhancing
the united States. The Committee meets four
transparency in banks financial reporting.
times a year. It has around 25 technical working
This will complement the supervisory efforts
groups and task forces that also meet regularly.
described in 1 and 2.
The basel Committee sets out to formulate
Following extensive consultation with banks
broad supervisory standards and best practice
and industry groups, a revised framework,
guidelines, which national financial authorities
commonly known as Basel II, was approved by
can refine as necessary to suit the circumstances
the basel Committee on 26 June 2004. This text
of their own national systems. In this way, the
served as a foundation for: (i) reforms at the
Committee encourages convergence towards
level of individual firms, designed to enhance
common approaches and common standards
their own internal controls; and (ii) legal reforms
without attempting to enforce harmonisation of
at the national level designed to strengthen the
member countries supervisory techniques.
overarching risk control framework. basel II
In 1988, the Committee introduced a risk came into effect in the European union on 1
evaluation system commonly known as the January 2007 under the Capital Requirements
Basel Capital Accord. This system requires Directive (CRD). Lenders covered by the CRd
securities firms to set aside a percentage of were required to implement its provisions from
their overall capital to protect against the the beginning of 2008.
risks that they face in their business. broadly
Following the global financial crisis, banks have
speaking, the greater a firms exposure to risk,
been required by financial regulators to raise
the higher the capital charge that it will be
the level of capital that they must hold against
required to bear. Since 1988, this framework
the lending, trading and operational activities.
has been progressively introduced not only in
Reforms proposed under the Basel III Accord
member countries, but also in virtually all other
will be implemented by member countries from
countries with active international banks.
1 January 2013. Among other requirements,
by the late 1990s, however, many in the banks will be expected under basel III to hold
banking world felt that the capital adequacy specified minimum capital levels against their
1. market infrastructure that may process or U Market information and data flows does
hold clients assets; and the agent have the contacts and experience
2. the subcustodians that it employs to service needed to provide timely notification of
these assets in the local market. key developments within the market? In
high-risk areas, such as corporate actions,
Relating to the first of these areas, it is
does the agent have access to multiple,
standard practice among global custodians
reliable sources of event information and the
that client assets should not be held in any
ability to provide a cleansed, consolidated
overseas market until a thorough risk review
notification of forthcoming events?
has been conducted on clearing and settlement
U Staff expertise and succession issues
infrastructure, the local CSd and national
does the agent have the required level
payments system (these points are discussed
of staff expertise and experience, and
more fully when we discuss uS SEC Regulations
effective provision in place if key staff leave
17f-5 and 17f-7 in Section 2.1).
or are unable to work? does the market
Factors that must be taken into account when have sufficient depth of talent to ensure
conducting risk reviews on subcustodian effective replacements? What procedures
networks include the following (note that these does the bank have in place to address these
factors apply to agents in all markets, but may succession issues?
assume special importance when appointing U Transparency and integrity does the
agents in low-volume, emerging markets): agent, or do its employees, have any history of
financial misconduct or negligence? does the
U A banks credit rating and strength of its legal framework applicable in the jurisdiction
balance sheet if using a small local bank concerned provide effective recourse in
as agent in a low-volume market, does it instance of loss, threat to business continuity
provide an appropriate level of credit comfort? or damage to reputation?
And are clients assets fully protected in case
of insolvency either of the agent or an entity Global custodians will typically insulate investor
(eg, depository, registrar) holding assets on clients from fraud, gross negligence or wilful
its behalf? misconduct within their own organisation, or
U Contingency planning are necessary on the part of agents (eg, subcustodians) that
business continuity provisions in place to they employ.
protect against natural hazards (earthquake,
hurricane, flooding), political instability or Most global custodians will not indemnify
terrorist threat? investor clients against losses sustained
U Track record and commitment to the through systemic shocks to infrastructure,
business can the agent provide assurance such as a CSd, clearing house or payments
of its long-term commitment to the local system. This is deemed to be part of the
custody business? What provisions are market risk borne by the investor. however,
in place, should client assets need to be custodians will make every reasonable effort to
migrated to another agent? ensure that investor clients are informed about
U Technological capability are the agents prevailing risks associated with investing in a
technology platforms sufficiently robust to particular market.
cope with predicted daily business volumes This said, there is nothing currently to stop
and peaks in activity? What commitment has a global custodian providing indemnity to an
the agent made to support IT upgrades and investor client against this category of risk,
technical enhancements? should it choose to do so. The custodian must
U Communication and reporting does the balance the potential for winning new business
agent employ communication media (eg, by offering this level of indemnity to the client
SWIFT ISO 15022 messaging) that conform against the sizeable additional risks that it will
to global industry standards? be taking on.
Whether nominee arrangements are in Although SEC 17f-5 and 17f-7 regulations
place. apply specifically to uS-based firms, the
Procedure for transfer of legal ownership principles enshrined in these regulations have
(ie, when is finality of transfer estab- been widely adopted in other jurisdictions as
lished?). a foundation for conducting risk reviews of
market infrastructures and custodial networks.
U Settlement and Asset Servicing
Settlement options provided by the
depository (eg, availability of dvP, real- 3. Global Custody
time settlement, batch settlement).
What broader range of services does Risks
the depository provide (eg, collection
of dividends and interest, collection of Learning Objective 6.1.3
corporate actions entitlements, supply Understand the areas of global custody risk and
of information on issues and corporate appropriate countermeasures
events, tax services, securities lending
and borrowing, collateral handling)?
Links that the depository has with other Firms providing global custody services can
CSds or ICSds. What protection is be exposed to a wide range of risks. These
afforded against the collapse of an ICSd/ may be linked to the nature of the business,
CSd with which it maintains a link? the counterparties involved, credit, liquidity,
market conditions, operational hazards,
U Protection against Losses settlement, systemic and transfer risks.
The degree to which local law protects
participants assets from claims and
liabilities of the depository.
Whether the depository imposes a lien
on participants accounts (allowing the
depository to hold or sell a participants
securities in payment of a debt).
Whether the depository delegates any
responsibilities to third-party service
providers. does it accept responsibility
for any losses or error resulting from the
actions of these third parties? up to what These risks can be managed effectively,
limit? providing that appropriate controls are set in
Whether the depository accepts liability place. however, special care may be required
for loss in instances of theft, fraud, force in emerging markets, where the technological
majeure... infrastructure, the market systems or the
Insurance policies that the CSd has in regulatory framework may still be weak.
place to cover CSd default, systemic
threat, etc. Is there a guarantee fund 3.1 Settlement Risk
independent of stock exchange or other
market guarantees? In this Global Securities Operations workbook,
Any business continuity provisions that we have identified a range of possible sources
are in place to address such contingencies. of trade and settlement risk. Also, we have
identified a range of countermeasures that
U Record of Losses might be employed to mitigate these risks. A
Any default by a depository participant selection of key risks and countermeasures are
that may have resulted in a significant summarised overleaf:
loss over the last three years.
Cause Countermeasures
Inaccurate or outdated Periodically check prices against a range for information sources/
pricing feeds for listed vendors supplying pricing data. Ensure regular (in many cases daily)
and unlisted securities interaction with market vendors to ensure the integrity of a firms
market data.
Transaction with a use a clearing organisation that assumes counterparty risk through
failing counterparty novation.
Clients history of failed trades should be closely monitored, with
periodic analysis of settlement failures sent to the client.
Failure of trading Industry associations and market practice groups to promote use of
parties to adhere to industry standards and global best practice.
market standards and Potential use of price discounts for settlement messages communicated
codes of practice (eg, by ISO standard, rather than by fax or proprietary message formats.
use of ISO standard
electronic messaging)
Poor cash management, Set intra-day credit limits and ensure these are not exceeded.
failure to ensure money
transfers in local or
foreign currency occur
on time
Lack of reliable and use multiple information sources, including local press, to collect
timely dividend and information on forthcoming corporate events. Subcustodians should be
corporate actions responsible for providing timely information of client entitlements.
Cause Countermeasures
delayed income collection dividend, interest and redeemable principal should only be credited
on due date if timely payment is expected from issuer. Provision
should be made in the custody contract to allow credit to be
reversed if funds are not actually received from the issuer.
the custodian should maintain a regular, this reporting process, a standardised audit
ongoing review process with investment methodology has been developed in the uK,
managers and investor clients to identify entitled AAF 01/06, and in the uS, entitled
whether or not agreed investment SSAE 16 and ISAE 3402.
standards are being met and whether
instructions are being received on a timely
4.1 AAF 01/06
Financial services companies must be able to
3.4.1 Relationship with demonstrate that their internal control proce-
Subcustodians dures are robust and efficient. In line with this
requirement, the Audit and Assurance Faculty
In managing its relationship with subcustodians, of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in
the global custodian must ensure that each England and Wales (ICAEW) issued reporting
subcustodian is selected on the basis of guidelines to assist directors needing to
effective research and due diligence. The global verify that their organisations have strong
custodian must maintain a regular and ongoing internal controls in place. This guidance, AAF
review of subcustodian performance to ensure 01/06, replaces FRAG 21, and provides an
that required service standards are being independently audited record of the internal
met. This will include periodic site visits to the controls employed by investment services
market concerned. companies, including investment custodians.
Although not yet a statutory requirement, the
AAF 01/06 is a widely used report designed
to make it easier for investment custodians
(and other service organisations) to respond
to requests for information from auditors and
investor clients wishing to review the internal
risk controls the organisation has in place.
investment managers, pensions administration been taken to address these areas of reported
companies and other providers of financial weakness.
services to establish an independently audited
review of their own internal control environment by reporting, accountants will include an
that can be presented to regulators and to their audit of the physical controls and reconciliation
own clients. procedures maintained by the custodian to
ensure that:
The AAF 01/06 reporting package should
include: U physical securities are released only on
receipt of a customer-authorised validated
1. a report on the custodians internal risk controls instruction;
prepared by the custodians board of directors U all customers are contacted annually to verify
(ie, an internal risk evaluation from within the accuracy of the authorised signatory list;
the company); and U six-monthly physical counts of all securities
2. a report on the custodians internal controls are undertaken by staff not responsible for
prepared by the reporting auditors (ie, an recording and authenticating transactions;
independent external risk evaluation). U reconciliation is conducted, on a six-monthly
basis, of physical securities held against the
The directors report should contain a review count recorded in the custodians books and
of the main control procedures employed by the records. This reconciliation is to be conducted
custodian, and an analysis of how these engage by persons not responsible on a day-to-
with the internal control objectives employed day basis for providing physical custody of
by its customers. These main features should these assets, or for recording and verifying
include: customer instructions;
U the securities compliance department,
U a general description of the custodians independent of custody operations,
activities and its dependence (if any) on
reviews and scrutinises the results of the
fellow group members;
securities counts and stock reconciliations.
U the overall control objectives that the These reconciliations must be reviewed by
directors have established;
management on a timely basis to ensure that
U a review of specific procedures designed to any anomalies are promptly resolved.
control custodial functions in accordance
with the control objectives. These may Reporting accountants will also test the
include arrangements for the segregation of procedures employed by the custodian for
customer assets, reconciliation procedures, appointing and monitoring its network of
procedures for selecting and monitoring subcustodians to ensure that:
subcustodians, procedures for monitoring IT
systems and communications networks, and U arrangements with independent sub-
level of compliance with investor mandates; custodians are documented and subject to
U other relevant information that the directors review by the compliance department;
may wish to provide (eg, controls that should U subcustodians provide written confirmation
be employed by the client when sending that customer assets are held in segregated
or receiving information to or from the accounts in order to afford maximum
custodian). protection in the event of any default;
U monthly reconciliations of securities held with
For the statement by directors to be fairly the subcustodian are conducted against the
described, the directors should include in custodians records. These reconciliations are
their report a description of any material to be reviewed by management on a timely
weaknesses that they feel may compromise the basis to ensure that any differences are
effectiveness of the internal control procedures adequately resolved.
that the custodian has in place. directors
should also detail any corrective action that has
4.2 SSAE 16 and ISAE 3402 Without a current service auditors report, a
custodian may need to respond to multiple
Statement on Standards for Attestation audit requests from its customers and their
Engagements (SSAE) no. 16 and International respective auditors. Multiple visits from
Standard on Assurance Engagements user auditors can place a strain on the
(ISAE) 3402 are internationally recognised service organisations resources. A service
audit standards developed respectively by auditors report, which provides evidence of
the American Institute of Certified Public effectively designed control objectives and
Accountants (AICPA, which created SSAE) control activities, can be valuable in helping
and the International Auditing and Assurance organisations and their auditors to ensure that
Standards board (IAASb) of the International they have the information necessary to meet
Federation of Accountants (IFAC), which their compliance and reporting requirements.
created ISAE 3402.
Foreign investment is highly regulated in brazil. There are upper aggregate limits
on the foreign ownership of investments in air transportation 20%, cable television
companies 49%, highway cargo transportation 20% and media 30%. In order to
obtain a 30% share of the voting capital of a media company, a foreign investor
must first create a corporation in brazil governed by brazilian law.
France A non-Eu residents stake in a company listed on the Premier, Second or nouveau
March may not exceed 20% without previous authorisation from the French
Finance Ministry.
There are some restrictions on foreign ownership. For example, foreigners can own
no more than 49.99% of Lufthansa registered shares. The Federal Cartel Office
must authorise transactions if a foreign owner is gaining a dominant market position
in a particular sector.
Federal Savings bonds (Bundesschatzbriefe) cannot be acquired by foreign
institutional investors, and Federal Finance bonds (Finanzierungsschatze) cannot be
acquired by foreign banks. Issuing companies may also reject purchases by foreign
institutional investors.
There are some restrictions on foreign investment. no single investor may hold
more than 5% of hKExs shares without approval from the Securities and Futures
Commission (SFC). Furthermore, no single non-resident investor may hold more
than 10% of a television broadcasting company. Aggregate foreign ownership in
the latter case is capped at 49% of a companys voting shares. If a foreign investor
wishes to own 2% or more of the companys voting rights, it must obtain prior
written approval from the broadcasting Authority.
South Korea petroleum companies, airlines and mining stocks have foreign
ownership limits of 50%.
The individual limits for banks vary, depending on whether they are large national
city banks (4%) or regional banks (15%).
There are some restrictions on overseas investors. Some voting shares in industries
of national importance have limits on foreign ownership.
Overseas investors are barred from direct investments in certain industries, eg,
communications, aviation, mining on federal land, energy and banking.
The author would like to thank Thomas Murray for their assistance in collating information contained
in this table.
2. securities are recorded as having been how exposure to the counterparty changes
received and added to the inventory of with time. time. Among other problems,
securities held in the relevant custodian failure to do so may tie up a companys
depot account; capital and liquidity unncessarily.
3. cash is recorded as having been paid and 6. Its cash account may fall overdrawn if a
has been deducted from the relevant cash securities transaction has settled but this
account (nostro account) at the custodian. has not been recorded accurately in the
companys internal records. Alternatively,
The objective of open trade reconciliation is to
an open trade reconciliation failure may
prove that trades recorded as open (ie, not yet
dictate that the seller fails to make available
settled) on the firms internal trading book are
securities required to complete trade
in reality open at the relevant custodian, and
vice versa, and that they correspond with the
settlement instructions that the custodian is
holding. 6.1 Assets and Entitlements
Failure to do so may leave the firm susceptible In the context of the above, a firm must
to the following risks: maintain an accurate and up-to-date record of
its asset holdings and must reconcile its own
1. Its contractual commitment with its trading
internal records regularly with custodian depot
counterparties is not represented accurately;
accounts in order to identify:
2. It fails to make optimal use of its operational
resources: timely and effective reconciliation 1. unauthorised removal of securities from one
is vital to ensure that operations staff focus of the firms accounts at the custodian;
on the settlement of genuinely open trades 2. unexpected receipt of securities within one
and dedicate their time to investigating of the firms accounts at the custodian (eg,
genuine errors and exceptions; as a result of a corporate action, or an FoP
3. Its traders may trade off incorrect book transfer from another account that has not
positions or may open new positions when been recorded correctly);
previous trading positions are not complete. 3. errors in updating ownership records
Given restrictions on short selling in some subsequent to a completed transaction
markets, a firm may be subject to penalty if settlement.
a trader sells a stock that it does not legally
own; This process is crucial to support efficient
4. Its stock-lending department may lend out processing of dividends and interest payments.
securities that the firm does not legally own, An accurate record of ownership and location
or, alternatively, borrows securities to meet is required to ensure that income paid on
shortfalls that do not actually exist. Similarly, a security has been credited to the correct
repo trading requires accurate and current client cash account and that non-delivery of
information regarding open trades and entitlement can be investigated. Given that
settled securities and cash at each custodian. entitlement is contingent on who was the legal
The firm must ensure that securities listed owner of the security on record date, this
on internal records as being available for use demands an up-to-date picture of open trades
as collateral are genuinely available at the and settled securities.
Similarly, accurate reconciliation is required to
5. Its credit risk department is unable to evaluate
support efficient processing of mandatory and
counterparty risk accurately. In doing so, it
voluntary corporate actions ensuring timely
must be able to view trades listed as open
delivery of entitlements and, in the case of
on internal records, confident that data is
voluntary corporate actions, that instructions
complete, timely and accurate. This demands
are conveyed to the company registrar before
an accurate record of counterparty cash
the deadline in order for the entitlement to
payments and collateral position to monitor
be upheld; there is a risk of huge losses if a This process is also important to enable the
corporate action deadline is missed. accounting department to calculate profit
and loss information accurately; and, as we
As we noted in Chapter 4, in the uK a firm is
have noted, for the credit risk department
periodically required (usually at least every 25
to monitor counterparty cash payments and
business days) to perform a reconciliation of its
collateral positions in order to calculate its
record of safe custody investments for which it
credit exposure to each of its counterparties.
is accountable, but which it does not physically
hold itself. This reconciliation process must
be supported by appropriate statements or
electronic equivalent obtained from custodians
detailing client assets held in their safekeeping.
Similarly, for any dematerialised investments
that are not held through a custodian (eg, assets
held at a CSd), appropriate statements must
be obtained from the person who maintains the
record of legal entitlement.
Think of an answer for each question and refer to the appropriate section for confirmation.
1. What is the bank for International Settlements and what functions does it serve?
3. What are the three categories of risk addressed by the basel Committee?
5. define operational risk and identify six factors that contribute to operational risk.
6. name seven elements that a global custodian will give attention to when conducting a risk
review on a subcustodian.
7. What is SEC Rule 17f-7 and what actions must be taken in order to comply with this rule?
10. What is relationship risk? What are the principal sources of relationship risk experienced by a
global custodian?
12. What are the risks associated with failure to implement open trade reconciliation?
Cash Funding
bank of Japan, which also runs bOJ-nET a yen
Process whereby the buyer ensures that there
payment system.
will be sufficient cash in place to pay for the
purchase of securities. Also called Positioning.
A marketable debt instrument issued by a
company or a government or government
Central Application for Settlement, Clearing
and depository Expansion. German securities
settlement system maintained by Clearstream.
Bonus Issue (Capitalisation)
The issuance of additional shares by a company
Central Clearing and Settlement System
to its shareholders, free of cost, at a fixed ratio
to the original shares held by the shareholder.
Clearing system for the Stock Exchange of hong
Book Entry Transfer
A system of transfer of ownership which
Central Securities Depository (CSD)
entails only a change in the computer record of
ownership. There is no movement of certificates An organisation that holds securities in either
and no new certificates are issued. immobilised or dematerialised form, thereby
enabling transactions to be processed by
book entry transfer. Also provides securities
administration services.
An electronic link between Clearstream and
Euroclear bank, across which settlement of
Central Trade Manager (CTM)
trades is effected between the two ICSds.
An STP (straight-through processing) solution
provided by Omgeo.
brokers execute trades on an agency basis
on behalf of their clients, finding buyers for
securities that investors wish to sell and vice See Share Certificate.
Clearing organisation and CSd for the Rio de
Janeiro Stock Exchange.
Convertible (Bond)
Clearing House Electronic Sub-Register
A bond that can be converted into shares of
System (CHESS)
the issuing company on terms specified at the
Equities settlement system maintained by the
time of issue. Called a convertible bond (Cb) or
Australian Stock Exchange.
Convertible unsecured Loan Stock (CuLS).
Entrepreneurs Relief
Dematerialised Shares
Relief granted under uK capital gains tax against
Shares that are recorded in a central computer
business assets. This allows individuals and
system and for which no certificates exist.
some trustees to claim relief on gains made
Transfer is by book Entry Transfer.
through the disposal of a company (or part of a
company) or the assets of a company after it has
Depository Trust and Clearing Corporation stopped trading. This relief applies for the years
(DTCC) 200809 onwards.
A clearing, settlement, CSd and information
service for uS securities. Exchange-Traded Fund
An instrument that tracks an index or a basket
Depository Trust Company (DTC) of assets, but is traded like a share on a stock
depository for uS equities. The uS CSd that is a exchange or Multilateral Trading Fund (MTF),
subsidiary of dTCC. thus experiencing price changes throughout the
day as it is bought and sold.
Forward Rate (FX) The yield on a bond that combines the income
together with any profit or loss arising on
A foreign exchange rate for delivery at an agreed
maturity, expressed as a percentage of the
future date.
market price of the bond. Also called yield to
Gilt-Edged Security
uK government bond. Gross Settlement
Each trade is settled separately from any other.
Gilt Strip There is no netting. Also called trade-for-trade
An entitlement to a stream of income payments settlement.
from a gilt security, without owning or having
exposure to fluctuations in price of the underlying Group of 30
gilt. Gilt strips originated from the practice of
Private international organisation aiming to
separating coupons from the underlying bond
deepen understanding of international economic
and trading them separately. hence, the holder
and financial issues.
could own the coupon (or strip) and be entitled
to the coupon payment, without owning the
underlying security. Hedging
The use of securities and derivatives to protect a
Giovannini Barriers portfolio against an adverse movement in value.
Also can be applied to one or more securities.
Fifteen barriers identified by the Giovannini
Group in its 2001 Giovannini Report to the
efficient provision of cross-border clearing and Herstatt Risk
settlement services within the Eu. The risk on an FX transaction where there is
a non-simultaneous exchange of the different
Global Depositary Receipt (GDR) currencies.
A fund that is run by a computer algorithm to An option or warrant with intrinsic value.
track a particular set of stocks.
ISAE 3402
Initial Public Offering (IPO) An internationally recognised auditing standard
This first issue that makes shares available for developed by the International Auditing and
trading. Assurance Standards board (IAASb) of the
International Federation of Accountants (IFAC)
that succeeds the earlier SAS 70 standard. Like
Institutional Investor
a AAF 01/06 (which succeeds FRAG21) report
An institution that is usually investing money on in the uK, a ISAE 3402 report in the uS verifies
behalf of others. Examples are mutual funds and that a service organisation has had its control
pension funds. activities reviewed by an independent auditing
Inter-Dealer Broker
A firm that acts as an intermediary between Japan Securities Clearing Corporation
market-maker firms, meeting the latters needs (JSCC)
for securities that they need to support their
Clearing organisation in Japan. CSd and clearing
own trading requirements. An Idb also provides
organisation for the Korean Stock Exchange.
Trading partners offset their positions, thereby Only one party to the transaction, usually the
reducing the number of positions for settlement. broker or dealer, submits trade details to a
netting can be bilateral, Multilateral or centralised trade confirmation system. The other
Continuous net Settlement. counterparty merely affirms or rejects the trade.
The value at which the capital, or principal, of a dealing of securities through a regulated
bond will be redeemed by the issuer. Also called investment exchange.
Par Value.
Option Pre-Settlement
A contract that gives the holder the right but The term for the checks and procedures
not the obligation to buy (or to sell) a specified undertaken immediately after execution of a
quantity of a specified financial instrument at trade prior to settlement.
a specified price called the exercise price
during or at the end of a specified period. A call Primary Market
option is an option providing the holder with a
The issuance of new securities to raise funds.
right but not an obligation to buy the underlying
asset at a specified price within a specified time
Prime Broker
period A put option is an option providing a right
but not an obligation to sell the underlying asset A one-stop clearing and custody service,
for a specified price on or before a specified commonly used by hedge funds.
Private Investor
Order-Driven Market An individual who holds securities to realise
A stock market where brokers acting on behalf investment returns for his or her own benefit.
of clients match trades with each other either on
the trading floor of the exchange or through a Proprietary Trading
central computer system. A trader that buys, sells and holds securities to
make profit on its own account, not acting as an
Ordinary Shares agent for investors.
See Equity Shares.
Quote-Driven Market
Out-of-the-Money A stock market where dealing is carried out with
An option or warrant with no intrinsic value. market-makers.
Record Date
For equities, the date at which shareholders
Positioning assets for settlement see Cash
on the issuers register are identified for the
purpose of distributing dividends and other
shareholder entitlements.
Preference Shares
Shares that are entitled to profits and assets For fixed income securities, the date at which
in priority to the ordinary shares. Also called the owner of the security is identified for receipt
preferred stock. of income payments or redemption monies.
Repurchase agreements are collateralised
The unit of ownership of a company.
lending transactions whereby securities are sold
with the agreement to buy them back. These
represent a means of borrowing stock with cash Share Capital
provided as collateral, or a means of borrowing The figure in the balance sheet representing
money with stock provided as collateral. the nominal value of the shares that have been
Rights Issue
A new issue of shares offered to the existing Share Certificate
shareholders in proportion to their existing A certificate issued by a company to a
holdings. shareholder stating either that a named person
is the registered owner or that the bearer is the
Rolling Settlement owner.
Trade confirmation system for the Euro-markets
operated by ICMA.
Treasury Bill
Money market instrument issued with a life of
less than one year issued by, for example, the
uS and uK governments.
Investment bank or other financial institution
that will guarantee to buy unsold shares following
an IPO or rights issue.
OTC Over-the-Counter
T2S TARGET2-Securities
The following questions have been compiled to reflect as closely as possible the standard you will
experience in your examination. Please note, however, they are not the CISI examination questions
Tick one answer for each question. When you have completed all questions, refer to the end of this
section for the answers.
1. deferred shares normally differ from conventional ordinary shares in which key area?
A. Voting rights
b. dividend payments
C. Tax treatment
d. Shareholder perks
2. What would an American depositary Receipt (AdR) holder expect to receive when the issuing
company makes a rights issue?
3. An investor buys 100 call warrants for a premium of 0.40 each and a strike price of 1.00.
What will the share price have to reach for the investor to make a profit of 50?
A. 50.40
b. 1.90
C. 1.40
d. 0.90
4. A buyer was due to pay 650,000 for shares on 1 July. due to a computer processing error his
payment arrived four days late. The seller incurred a 6% overdraft and discovered this on 28
July. The seller submitted a claim for interest on 2 August. under ISITC guidelines, what is the
likely amount of settlement of the sterling interest claim?
A. nil
b. 254.82
C. 427.40
d. 433.33
A. Tax reclamation
b. dividend collection reporting
C. Safekeeping services
d. Funds transference on trade settlement
8. A foreign exchange rate between currencies which is determined via the two currencies
respective dollar exchange rates is known as a:
A. bridge rate
b. Cross rate
C. Spot rate
d. Split rate
9. What role does the CMu play regarding hong Kong securities?
10. One of the generally recognised advantages of rolling settlement, compared to fixed date
settlement, is:
12. What is the main purpose of a Request for Proposal in the context of an institutional
investors custodianship needs?
13. Which of the following pairs correctly matches a country and its central securities depository
for equities?
A. uK and SETS
b. France and LCh.Clearnet
C. Germany and Euroclear
d. Japan and JASdEC
15. Which OnE of the following is the best description of the Electronic Transfer of Title (ETT)
facility offered by the CREST system?
A. The facility whereby all CREST eligible securities trades are instantly registered at the point of
settlement following the acknowledgment of an actioned RuR
b. The function of the positioning of securities post-matching but pre-settlement
C. The instant legal registration of uK securities upon settlement
d. The system that ensures full intra-bank cash settlement happens at the point of trade
A. T+0
b. T+1
C. T+2
d. T+3
A. GbP
b. uSd
C. ChF
d. EuR
A. uS$100
b. uS$300
C. uS$500
d. uS$1,000
19. The primary difference between bilateral netting and multilateral netting relates to:
20. A firm has chosen a new custodian to hold its safe custody investments. To comply with the
regulations, how often must it carry out a risk assessment on this custodian?
21. under the Substantial Shareholder Reporting rules, a company is empowered to:
22. If a broking firm is managing a private investors portfolio and registers the clients shares
into a nominee company name, the beneficial owner and the legal owner of the shares will be:
23. An investment manager has a portfolio of invested assets with a market value of uS$50
million. If the custodian charges an annual custody fee at 20 basis points, the annual charge
will be:
A. uS$10,000
b. uS$20,000
C. u$100,000
d. uS$1,000,000
25. What is the electronic method by which Euroclear bank communicates with Clearstream
A. bridge settlement
C. CreationOnline
d. Link up Markets
27. If a net dividend of 10p per share is paid by a uK company, what would be the value of the
dividend after all tax liabilities for a uK basic rate taxpayer?
A. 7.5p
b. 7.8p
C. 9p
d. 10p
A. That an issuer may default on its obligation to meet interest payments and to redeem
principal on redemption date
b. Of loss resulting from inadequate or failed internal processes, people and systems, or from
external events
C. Of loss of earnings or capital arising from changes in the value of financial instruments
d. Of material loss, liability or reputational damage resulting from failure to comply with the
requirements of financial services regulators
30. An investor buys a gilt for 8,200 and sells it for 9,600. If this investor is a higher rate
taxpayer who has exhausted his annual capital gains tax allowance, how much capital gains
tax (if any) will be charged on this gain?
A. nothing
b. 140
C. 280
d. 560
31. If the holder of a convertible preference share takes up the conversion option, what type of
share will it usually become?
A. deferred share
b. A share
C. b share
d. Ordinary share
32. Which of the following correctly describes a benefit extended by the process of listing
A. The issuing house will specify a minimum price for the share offer and invite offers from
investors at prices of their own choosing
b. Companies will be subject to detailed scrutiny designed to ensure that investors are buying
securities in a bona fide company
C. unsold stock will be retained by the debt Management Office and may be offered for sale at
a later date
d. The issuing company will sell shares directly to an investment bank or another sponsor,
which will then sell shares to its preferred clients
A. year of issuance
b. Check code: confirming validity
C. Country code
d. Securities type: whether an equity, bond, mutual fund, ETF
A. A regulated stock exchange that supports trading from broker members from multiple
b. A registered non-exchange trading venue that brings together buyers and sellers of securities
C. A share trading facility for the sole purpose of supporting trading of small cap equities
d. An order-driven market where investors can route orders to the platform electronically or
via a floor broker
36. Which of the following statements is TRuE regarding the execution of programme trades?
A. It may be difficult to obtain all the required shares on the same day
b. The operational risk and credit risk on programme trades will typically be lower than for
single-security transactions
C. Time from trade execution to trade confirmation will typically be shorter than for trades
executed individually
d. The trades must be settled at an ICSd
37. In their capacity as fiduciaries, pension fund trustees are required to:
A. Manage sub-custodian selection for pension fund assets held in overseas markets
b. Ensure that withholding tax agreements are in place with tax authorities in markets in which
the pension fund invests
C. Ensure that pension fund assets are at all times sufficient to cover scheme liabilities
d. Monitor and review the tasks that they delegate to custodians to ensure that these are
discharged effectively
38. Which OnE of the following systems operates on a multilateral netting basis for the transfer of
uS dollar payments?
b. ChIPS
C. Fedwire
39. Contractual settlement date accounting works to the advantage of the seller because:
A. The seller will receive funds on the original settlement date, even if settlement is delayed
b. The seller will receive due funds three days after the proposed settlement date
C. delivery of requisite securities on settlement date is guaranteed
d. Settlement will take place free of payment
40. due to internal problems, a firm is unable to carry out its periodic reconciliation of safe
custody investments held with a nominee company within the required period. What action
therefore must it urgently take?
41. When securities are placed on loan, legal title to the securities lies with:
A. The lender
b. The borrower
C. The securities lending agent
d. The local central securities depository
42. Why might a cash lender enter into a repo agreement, rather than lending on an unsecured
A. It will typically earn a higher premium through repo agreements than through unsecured
b. unsecured lending is illegal in many European jurisdictions
C. There is no possibility that the cash borrower may default on its obligations when a repo
agreement is in place
d. Repo agreements afford security by ensuring that the lender will inherit collateral if the
borrowing counterparty defaults on its obligations
43. An investor buys 2,500 shares in a company at 9.00 per share. She sells the same number
of shares later in the tax year for 10.25 per share. She incurs brokerage costs of 20.00
on buying the shares, and a further 20.00 on their sale. The amount potentially subject to
capital gains tax will therefore be:
A. 3,085
b. 3,105
C. 3,185
d. 25,625
44. Which OnE of the following is considered to be a prime benefit of using a multi-currency cash
46. An investor holds 5,000 shares in a company priced at 8.50 per share. The company
subsequently makes a one for five share rights issue at 6.50. nil paid rights on the share
issue will therefore be worth:
A. 1.67
b. 2.00
C. 6.50
d. 8.17
47. One of the main reasons why custodians sometimes adopt a pooling approach to client
accounts is to:
A. Of loss of earnings or capital arising from changes in the value of financial instrument
b. Of loss resulting from inadequate or failed internal processes, people and systems, or from
external events
C. That a counterparty will fail to meet its obligations in accordance with agreed terms
d. That an act conducted by a firm or one of its employees damages the reputation of the firm
49. Which OnE of the following is not a reason for failed settlement?
50. Corporate actions typically present a high level of risk to the custodian because:
Answers to Questions
U quote-driven markets
U principal trading
U agent trading
U agency crosses (systematic internalisers)
U multilateral trading facilities
U dark pools
1.2.4 know the roles of: Section 11
U market makers/liquidity providers
U sales traders
U proprietary traders
1.2.5 know the principles of programme trades, algorithmic trading and Section 12
high frequency trading
1.2.6 understand the principles of multiple listed shares Section 13
1.2.7 know the settlement periods for equities and bonds in the selected Section 14
3.2.2 know the characteristics of the following cash systems: Section 3.2
U Fedwire
3.2.3 understand the following settlement concepts: Section 3.3
U trade for trade
U netting bilateral and multilateral
U trade date netting, continuous net settlement
U fixed date settlement
U rolling settlement
U free of payment transactions
U delivery vs. payment
U book entry settlement
U physical settlement
U foreign exchange settlement
3.2.4 understand the transfer of legal title: Section 3.4
U bearer
U registered
3.2.5 understand Contractual Settlement date Accounting (CSdA) and Section 3.5
Actual Settlement date Accounting (ASdA)
3.2.6 know the main Giovannini barriers to the creation of a harmonised Section 3.6
market for Europe
3.3 Failed Settlement
On completion, the candidate should:
3.3.1 understand the main reasons for failed settlement: Section 4.1
U failure to match
U insufficient stock
U insufficient cash
U counterparty default
U corporate event
3.3.2 understand the risks associated with: Section 4
U buy-ins
U sell-outs
U interest claims
U settlement fines
U matching fines
U suspension of trading
U short sale fines
3.3.3 understand interest claims (ICMA rules on fixed income and ISITC for Section 4.4
3.3.4 be able to calculate interest claims based on the above rules Section 4.4
U issuer
U settlement
U operational
U political
U regulatory
6.1.2 understand the factors that should be taken into account when Section 2
conducting risk reviews of market infrastructures and sub-custodian
6.1.3 understand the areas of global custody risk and appropriate Section 3
6.1.4 know the purpose of an ISAE 3402 report Section 4
6.1.5 understand the concept of shareholder limits and restrictions Section 5
6.2 Mitigating Risk through Reconciliation
On completion, the candidate should:
6.2.1 understand the risks associated with a failure to reconcile the Section 6
U open trades
U counterparty cash
U corporate actions
U cash accounts
U custodian holdings
U client assets
U entitlements
Examination Specification
Each examination paper is constructed from a specification that determines the weightings that will be
given to each element. The specification is given below.
It is important to note that the numbers quoted may vary slightly from examination to examination as
there is some flexibility to ensure that each examination has a consistent level of difficulty. however,
the number of questions tested in each element should not change by more than plus or minus 2.
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