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Tiny House Coodo

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A coodo is not a house.

A coodo brings you in closer contact

Its a coodo. with nature than you have ever imagined.
This photo was taken at the event OPEN HOUSE
SLOVENIA (OHS) 2012, on 6th October 2012.
How are we living?

Youre desperately searching for a parking spot when

suddenly your phone starts ringing. You pick up and clamp
the phone with your shoulder to your ear while you con
tinue cruising for a spot. The caller had just said hello when
the battery beeps and the phone goes dead. Someone
behind you is honking. Oh yeah, the lights green. You toss
the phone on the passengers seat and put your foot on the
gas. Then you recognize theres a traffic jam on the other
side of the crossing, so you make a last moments decision
to turn left and take a detour. The guy behind you honks
again: Youre not supposed to turn left here. Too bad!
You pull the car into a hard left, which makes your phone
slide to the right and dive into the gap between the seat
and the door. Then it starts ringing again, even more
vigorously. How is that even possible, with a dead battery?
You rack your brain for someone living nearby who owns
a charger. Ah, Peter. Just two blocks ahead. But theres no
parking spot. Which reminds you that you had been looking
for a parking spot in the first place. But why? What was it
that you wanted in this neighborhood?

Oh, right. You live here.

But how well?
A new way of life starts with a new way of living.

Soaking in the stillness, you watch the sun climb over

the horizon. Nothing is ringing, beeping or blinking. Nobody
bothers you. You can actually finish a thought. Or a dream.
Or do nothing at all. Seems a bit strange, at the beginning.
But after a while, youll get into it. Find yourself watching
a brave little beetle stumble through a jungle of grass.
Follow the shadows of high clouds silently passing over
the landscape and then across yourself. All you can hear is
silence the hum of the fields, the waying of the wind.
Somewhere, someone is laughing. About what, you dont
know. And you dont care.

Which is the best thing about it, anyway.

You dont have to care about so much all the time.
A coodo is not a house. Its a coodo.
A coodo brings you in closer contact with nature
than you have ever imagined.

Your coodo can stand in many nice places

in a meadow, on water, near heaven.

Youre out of the city, but in the midst of life

with summers rain as a background concerto
and the clouds passing through your tent of glass.

The design is minimalistic.

The space you experience is beyond all limits.
Your coodo provides you with almost everything
you need. But not more. And thats nice.
Because more you have. What you need, is more out of life.

Life is simple, in a coodo.

At first you think, well, its all right for the weekend.
But after a while, youll find yourself
ever so often driving out on Thursday
and coming back on Tuesday.

You cant remember when you last felt this relaxed,

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while at the same time so full of energy.

( 11 )
Its not about more, more, more.
Its about good, good, good.

A coodo, simply put, is a frame with nicely rounded corners

stabilizing sturdy walls constructed of heavy glass. Its
heating, cooling and power systems are all neatly concealed
within the flooring, ceiling, and inner walls of the unit.

With your selected model, you choose from different options,

and we install it. After all, youre not buying a coodo
to trifle with the little details, but to enjoy the bigger picture.
The architects who created the coodo know this, and
went above and beyond to create a simple product that
is practical, beautiful and good.

You choose your colors, fabrics, and details and let us do

the rest. So when you move in, everything matches
everything else. And everything matches you. Now your
new life can begin.
( 12 ) ( 13 )
The watercoodo is a mobile living unit of 35 m2 (with roof 45 m2),
which is intended to be combined with a floating platform . It can be
used as a private summer home, as a working space (for conferences)
or as a part of a resorts holiday accomodation.
coodo 24
The watercoodo is primarily intended for two people, with two
bedroom kitchen/dining room area BATHROOM additional beds on the sofa. It is divided in two parts: one is a
more intimate sleeping area with the bedroom at the end and bathroom
799 as the link between the two parts, and the other is a spacious
living/dining room area, full of light not just from the front but
also from the window on the side facade.

The roof of the unit can be turned into a roof terrace, which can
be a great viewpoint and pleasant sundeck. There is also a narrow
deck on all the sides of the unit, (except the back, the main
entrance that is connected to the mooring) which allows easy passage
around it and provides the access to the stairs leading to the

roof terrace.



optional: Pergola entrance



watercoodo P watercoodo B

Empty coodo without interior

Empty coodo with bathroom

24 P 24 B

Standard interior
watercoodo P:

watercoodo B:

Our coodos are available in seven different sizes which fit individually to
The coodo 24 is primarily available as a glazed pavilion of any yourself. Furthermore we offer the coodo 24 and the watercoodo in three
required function (24 P), or with the addition of a bathroom (24 B) versions: without interior ( P), bathroom only ( B ) and fully equipped ( 24,
and/or kitchen. Its mostly glazed facade on both sides makes the
unit very transparent and thus open to the exterior, blending the
watercoodo). You can configurate your own coodo at our webpage and
architecture with its surroundings. There is a small C-shaped pergola create your new living experience.
24a attached on the side of the living room, forming enough space to
use it as a dining area or just as a chillout spot.
The coodo configurator: Create your own coodo at home with our con

Empty coodo without interior

figurator. Visit our website and personalize your own coodo. Afterwards,

Empty coodo with bathroom

Because of its small size the coodo 24 is especially suitable for
a private garden resting place or a guest house. send us your configuration for a quote, or share your creation online.

Standard interior
24a main room as living / dining room
24b main room as bedroom For more infos visit www.coodo.eu

coodo 24 P:

coodo 24 B:

coodo 24:
( 14 ) ( 15 )
coodo 32
The 32 version is a considerably compact mobile living unit, prima-
rily intended for two people, with two additional beds on the
extendable sofa. It has a longitudinal layout, which makes the unit
suitable for narrow plots. Its long window that stretches through
the whole kitchen and living room allows the views to the outside not
just on the front facade of the unit but also on the back.

There is a C-shaped pergola attached on one side of the unit which

protects the main entrance and with its access through the sliding
doors in the living room forms a useful and cozy terrace in front.

The option of folding the bed can make the bedroom become anything
else an office, workshop, atelier, studio, reading room, playroom,
lounge, etc.

coodo 47
The coodo 47 is a unit smaller in length but much wider than the pre-
vious two, as it is made of two units bound together. One unit forms
a large living space, while the other functions as a sleeping area.
It is accompanied by a pergola of the same length, thus adding to the
unit a large shaded terrace that gives a lot of additional space for
outdoor activities.

There are two different models available:

The coodo 47a is primarily intended for four inhabitants,containing
a master bedroom and a childrens room with bunk bed. It also
has additional sleeping space on the extendable sofa. The entrance
to this unit is from the front facade.

The coodo 47b is equal in size, but comes with only one bedroom.
The children's room is replaced with the main entrance. It is thus
primarily intended for two people, with additional sleeping space
on the extendable sofa. The unit is especially suitable for plots
with access from the back.

coodo 55
The coodo 55 is the largest unit, containing two bedrooms with
private bathrooms, and a spacious living/dining room area with two
additional beds. It is primarily intended for four people. Because
of its size and lay
out this is a luxurious unit, suitable for larger
plots, with the entrance from the back facade.

A long longitudinal window through the whole kitchen and living room
55a makes the center of the unit more open and transparent, while the
sides are closed to the back. There is a C-shaped pergola attached
that stretches from the master bedroom to the kitchen, forming
a large shaded terrace in front of the unit.

The coodo 55b is the other version of the largest unit with a master
bedroom and a childrens room with private bathrooms. The living/
dining room area is the same as in the other model.

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Does fix of inner city stress with the only aim of
a coodo serve empowering people to seamlessly get back into
its purpose? the same stress again. The true objective is
to fight stress at its root by learning to see life
The purpose of a coodo is to release stress. differently: Natural, relaxed and from a joyful
In order to achieve this purpose, the coodo pro perspective. In this respect, a coodo more
vides its customers with an opportunity to get than fulfills its requirement to release stress.

out of a dense city environment and spend more
time in nature. But it has to do so without pro
ducing new stress caused by fears of Does a coodo serve

a high investment complicated zoning or its purpose

coodo makes
building laws and/or the long-term commit using only
ment to a fixed location. the absolute minimum
of resources?
The coodo circumvents this kind of stress,

because it provides a smart alternative to We think yes. Because which other form of

other nature-related housing offers an housing serves its purpose (the safe, weather
uncomplicated installation approval process independent and long-term habitation of

(subject to local legislation) is, due to its people) with a similar consumption of resources
portability, independent of a fixed location and than a coodo. Traditional houses do the job,
can be transported by truck to any suitable but need many more resources. Tents need less
place, which you can reach easily, if you choose resources but lack in performance.
a smart space outside the city. Meaning, deep
and enduring relaxation can be obtained with A coodo, meanwhile, serves both requirements.
out flying to the obvious holiday spots, leaving Because it was originally planned to do so.
a substantial carbon footprint. Plus, you dont It all starts with the design. In Feng Shui the
live in an impersonal hotel room, but in your house is considered square, while nature is
own coodo. With everything in ityour music, round. With a coodo however, the borders blur
your books, your stuff, the things you like to because the walls, forming the interface bet
eat and drinkyou feel at home. This way, you ween house and nature, are rounded, lending
can relax from the first minute on. the coodo its perfect energetic harmony.

When you are living in a coodo, Especially kids love living in a coodo, because Starting on the conceptual level, a coodos
in nature, they can act out their instinctive sustainability is self-referential down to its very
you will enjoy nature.
sense of agility. By discovering nature, they es last item:
The question is: Does nature enjoy you, too? tablish the most important frame of reference
for their entire life: By watching plants grow, A coodo lasts very long, because its corrosion-
How sustainable is they comprehend the principle of sustainable free, water-resistant shell consists of the glass
growth. By living close to wild animals like fibre reinforced polyester which rests on
a coodo?
birds, rabbits and deer they learn to have a robust frame of corrosion-resistent steel. But

respect for life and joy in diversity. By growing it can also be made of other natural materials
Sustainability means to produce something in a way that makes it serve its up in nature, they develop a strong inhibition like fibreC completely natural material

purpose entirely while using only the absolute minimum of resources against exploiting it. These are important thin concrete with integrated glass fibre. The

and extending the time of use to, ideally, infinity. Regarding its sustainability, lessons, not only for our children, but for all
of us if we want to learn to share the planet
window frames are made from aluminium.

we must ask ourselves if and to what degree a coodo comes up to the above in a peaceful, ecological and communal manner.
mentioned requirements In essence, a coodo is not made for the quick
( 20 ) ( 21 )
A coodo offers a healthy form of living in A coodo is eco-friendly. Its components are
comfort, due to its low-pollutant, ecological chosen to save resources and protect the en-
compatible and mostly natural materials and its vironment during the entire product cycle from

intelligent installation scheme: perceptibly production to recycling. From cradle to cradle,
balanced wellness atmosphere thanks to a the coodo puts all its efforts into structural sus-
coodos thermal, hygienic, acoustic and visual
tainability: integral planning, implemented

ease micro-filtered ventilation and air mois- by an optimized building supervision
ture system for a stable atmosphere, free of
and documentation avoidance of unnecessa-

dust and pollen natural moisture and tempe-
rily long transport routes preferred sourcing
rature balancing due to diffusion permeable of regional materials (all components made

wall systems (with fibreC) optimal acoustics
in the EU ) high performance recuperator to

due to planned partitioning layout hypoaller-
gain energy from spare warmth hybrid
genic. system allows optimal integration of regenera
tive energies (solar, wind, water etc.).
A coodo is energy-conscious. To minimize
energy consumption, we employ only the latest As a houseboat, it is called watercoodo, and it

smarthome technologies: low energy cost fits into many marinas, with max. 15 x 4,60 m

due to innovative insulation high performan- measurements (without special requirements)
ce 3-pane insulation glass (according to the
similar to many sporting boats is placed

strict German RAL standards) airtight on an individually constructed ponton, built of
concept and warmth recovery according to the
a special concrete has an optional roof
German Passivhausstandard PHPP (passive
terrace with wooden floor offers a special
house standard, meaning: the house doesnt connection with nature through water-based

need external heating) deck planking made living.

from recyclable bio material ( WPC ) all house
hold appliances according to the German A coodo is modest, because due to its flexibility

energy efficiency class A (top) modern ligh- and its compact form it is free to follow the lay
ting technology using LED and the German of the land and consider its cardinal points.
Smarthouse technology.
A coodo adapts to nature,
A coodo is intelligent and easy to use. Its con not the other way round.
temporary loft design allows for a relaxed
lifestyle with a maximum of living ease at a mini- The coodos minimal aesthetic signifies

mum of maintenance and care: attractive a culture of minimal consumption. No tree has
ecological and economical building cost balance to fall for a coodo to stand. Because a coodo

caused by minimal acreage low installation touches the ground only in a few tiny foun

and usage costs intelligent electronic day- dation points. It stands as if it were on tiptoe.

and sunlight management optimal floor uti- Nature can stay just the way it was.
lization due to extensive glazing, accessible roof
terrace and spacious outer area with And if you remove a coodo, just a couple

planting facilities and pergola easy to clean, of days later you will hardly see one ever having
nearly carefree exterior and interior surfaces been there.
flawless security: automatic CCTV, electronic
card reading access system, security glass, stan-
dardized emergency safety system

( 22 ) ( 23 )
The coodo
fulfils its purpose
and does so through cautious
consumption of natural resources.

But for how long can it do this?

For a fairly long time. Due to the fact that the

coodo is neither bound to an owner, a place or
one specific use. It can change hands, locations,
and even change purpose.

And it will always be fun to live there.

For further information concerning
sustainability visit this website:
( 24 ) ( 25 )
A mobile society maybe you enjoy travelling or are drawn back
demands mobile living. to the city so you reduce your coodo again
to its original purpose as a weekend home.
Many of us want to be free to choose our You can also reassemble it to the demands of
next experiences without being tied to a speci- advanced age, even with the opportunity of a
fic place. A traditional house, however, is built modern multi-generational living project.
according to the needs of its owners. If they
change, it has to be elaborately rebuilt, renova- You can group and stack coodos into whole
ted or, if its technology is out-dated, torn down. building complexes, even small villages, where
Which consumes a great deal of resources families, friends, interest groups and/or com
and produces vast quantities of waste. With a panies can live and work together. If you are plan
coodo you can take your own house to your ning such a village, let our experienced team
With coodos you can easily build groups of buildings. next field of dreams, your new location of des of builders help you with the infrastructure like
The modular components are easy to transport and can be
extended into length and height. tiny and experiences. On our website, youll a kindergarten, club facilities, pool and anything
soon find many of these locations, and we will else you may need.
continue the search. Should you know of a
good coodo location, contact us and get rewar- One can drastically reduce the aging process
ded if we choose yours. of the coodo by regular upkeep and with
the replacement of used parts. The depreciation
A coodo follows your life. Even if you like of the coodo is markedly reduced through this
staying in one place for a long period, your coo- attention. It is a strong assumption that the
do will always be exactly as big or small as you demand for coodos will rise in the future for
need it. Lets say it starts out as a weekend even in metropolitan areas with high real estate
home, but then you like it so much that you prices it allows for a life in nature. This is
use it as a permanent residence. This is possible a great yearning of many urban dwellers and as
because the modular, light-weight components the size of cities increases so will the desire
are easy to transport and assemble. Then per- to live a simpler life closer to nature. Living with
haps, you have children, so you extend your nature, however, is the most pressing desire of
coodo further. A bit later, the kids move out, people living away from it. The more the cities
so you sell the extension. During retirement, grow, the more this desire will, too.
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A coodo creates its own space. The last thing A coodo also has its mid- and long-term charm,
that we, the builders of the coodo, want is
because the visionary housing technology
to accelerate urban sprawl. This phenomenon the sustainability of product and company
is mainly driven by traditionally built houses.
the unlimited mobility and the at least
The coodo doesnt need as much space and is mid-term exclusive position in the market will
mainly self-sufficient, therefore it can activate preserve its investment value for the foreseeable
areas as housing land which up to this point future.
could not be used. The large window panes
include the surrounding nature into your expe- The risk of a sudden decrease of maintaining
rience of roominess. It replaces the well-worn value due to external factors, on the other hand,
real estate key figure of floor space with a new is excluded. If new zoning laws or the building
one: The head space. The room you feel. of a new road in the vicinity diminish your
As a houseboat, at the latest, the coodo can use living experience, you just pack up the coodo
even the remote riverbanks and lakes that and move it to a better place.
surround many cities as first rate recreational
living areas. In conclusion, the coodo presents itself as
a solid investment which can pay back not only
A coodo is for everybody. A coodo adapts to the owner but to further generations, too
perfectly to almost any use or user. In this way, be it by reselling, renting, sharing or other crea-
it substitutes the old way of buying and dis tive marketing channels yet to be explored.
carding with a new culture of sharing. A coodo As an interesting detail: in Germany, a coodo

can be communally bought and facilitated is taxed as a mobile asset.
or rented: We are developing a smartphone
app which coodo owners around the world All in all, the coodo is a real option in times
can use to swap or sublet their coodo to other of a high demand for living space, scarse land
coodo proprietors or the general public. to build on and high real estate prices, especially
for people for whom the impact and ethical
A coodo can be anything, become anything consequeces of their actions is important.
and back again. If your coodo started out as
a weekend home, you can turn it easily into
an office, should the demand arise, or a creative
powerhouse, a meeting room close to nature,
a gallery filled with birdsong, an artists studio
close to heaven

You can invite friends as well as business

associates, clients and colleagues to co-work, co-
think, co-enjoy and co-chill.

A coodo is interesting
as an investment, too.

The fascination starts out with the coodos

unique combination of high value design, func-
tional equipment, and an attractive purchasing
price without substantial follow-up costs.
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How to get your coodo in three simple steps.

1st On our website or in our sales office in Berlin you

can customize your coodo to your preferences and needs.
We will be with you all the way until youre really satisfied.

2nd After you have chosen your own perfect personal

coodo, the customization records will be saved to serve as
the core element of the contract. Thereafter, please contact
us by email and we will forward all relevant contractual
documents to you on a non-binding basis.

3rd After you order, we will assemble your personal

coodo and deliver it by flatbed truck to a suitable destina
tion where we lift it off the truck by crane, set it on its eight
foundation points and plug everything inwater, power,
telecom, TV, all that. (If there is no previous structure to plug
in to, we establish a self-sufficient system.)

And thats it.

Have fun with, in, on and next to your new coodo!
( 32 )
Arrival of the first coodo in Berlin,

( 34 )
The coodo Story

Until five years ago, I used to live in the lovely, but densely populated Berlin-Mitte
(center) area. Then I moved to live close to the river and personally experienced
how much that improved my well-being. But what would come of this experience, I was yet
to find out.

At first, I just wanted even more nature, so I started to explore the region in
Berlins vicinity. And discovered Europes largest network of inland waterways
including 180 kilometers of navigable canals and 1700 bridges, all set in a glorious
landscape boasting dense forests, rich meadows, and terrific views.

Now it slowly dawned on me, the idea of a new way of living: Why cant there be mobile
houses that can be situated on solid ground as well as on water, that seamlessly blend
into their surroundings and can be utilized as a weekend home as well as a permanent

Wouldnt that be great?

I was sure that a life closer to nature would have the same positive effect on every
body else as it had on me. But how? I started to dig deeper into the challenge. Finally
I discovered the outstanding work of coodoa Slovenian team of architects and
designers, who had already put a lot of thought into the principle of mobile living.
We connected immediately. We formed a company, developed coodos principals into
maturity and took a lot of considerations to make it perfect.

So many people seemed to have waited for something like the coodo. Now orders are
coming in, for floating versions as well as for land-based ones.

Meanwhile, we can offer our clients a variety of seven different coodo versions for
all sorts of applications. Our work, however, is far from done. A coodos purpose, you
remember, is to relieve stress, but without an appropriate location, it cannot work.
So we started scouting for nice spots. Today, we are happy to announce to have secured
already over 50 prime waterfront lots in and around Berlin.

Step by step, our dream of a new, stress-free life close to nature is coming true
for us, for you, for everybody. And maybe the coodo will even bring nature back
to the city. With coodos situated on the flat roofs of other buildings, amidst their
own private garden, in Urban Gardening Projects, or as a communicative hub in

(big figures): Laura Knoops / P. 12 (big figures): Laure Boer

public parks.

Do I still have butterflies in my stomach? You bet. With the coodo, we are taking
a route nobody has taken before. But when I see the sheer elation in the eyes of people

Photos and figures: coodo / except P. 11, 29, 30

who see the coodo for the first time, I positively know its the right thing to do.

The coodo isnt exactly big, you know. But it makes a big impression.
Or, as it says in the old German folk tune my children like to sing around

Design: BANK / www.bankassociates.de

our house: Froh zu sein bedarf es wenig, und wer froh ist, ist ein Knig!
To be happy, you dont need much. But if youre happy, you are king!

Text: www.matthiasmayer.de
Mark Dare Schmiedel

PS: I want to thank my family, my friends, the coodo team and everybody who supported us.
Without you, all this would never have been possible.

( 36 ) ( 37 )
MfG, Kind regards, Muchos saludos, Sincres salutations, Tanti saluti,
Beste Gre, , , Cordiali saluti,
Atentamente & Cheers...

LTG Lofts to go GmbH & Co. KG

Represented by LTG Lofts to go Verwaltungs
GmbH represented by Mark Dare Schmiedel

Bahnhofstrae 1, Haus 28 / 15745 Wildau

T +49 (0)3375 57 93 33
info@loftstogo.com / www.loftstogo.com

Commercial register: HRA 2719 CB

coodo mobile living (Amtsgericht Cottbus)

LTG Lofts to go Verwaltungs GmbH

LTG Lofts to go GmbH & Co. KG Bahnhofstrae 1, Haus 28 / 15745 Wildau
Bahnhofstrae 1, Haus 28 / 15745 Wildau Commercial register: HRB 89577 B
T +49 (0)3375 57 93 33 (Amtsgericht Charlottenburg)
Responsible for the content 55 Abs. 2 RStV:
www.coodo.eu Mark Dare Schmiedel

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