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Class-VIII Subject - Hindi-II

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Class- VIII

Subject- Hindi-II

Month Lesson Name of Chapter Test Marks

April 1. भाषा, बोली, िलिि तथा व्याकरण
2. वणण-िवचार
May 3. शब्द-िवचार Class test
4. शब्द- िनमाणण (उिसगण, प्रत्यय, संिध, समास) (30 Marks)
Holiday H.W
July 5. शब्द-भडं ार (ियाणयवाची, िवलोम, वाकयांशों के िलए
एक शब्द, श्रिु तसमिभन्नाथणक शब्द, ऄनेकाथी शब्द)
6. संज्ञा
August 7. संज्ञा के िवकार 1st Unit
8. सवणनाम (Periodic
9. िवशेषण Assessment-I)
(50 Marks)
September 19. 10. ििया, महु ावरे और लोकोिियााँ
30. 11. काल। ऄनच्ु छे द, ित्र-लेखन
31. 12. ऄिवकारी िद (ििया-िवशेषण)
October 32. 13. िद-िररचय। िनबंध 1st term
Revision [Ch- 4 to 13] (Half Yearly)
(80 Marks)
November 14. िदबधं Project
15. वाकय
16. िवराम-िचन्ह
December 17. सामान्य-ऄशिु ियााँ और शोधन Class test
18. वाच्य (30 Marks)
19. महु ावरे और लोकोिियााँ
20. ऄलंकार
January 21. ऄििित बोध IIndUnit
22. सार-लेखन (periodic
23. लघक ु था-लेखन Assessment –II)
(50 Marks)
24. संवाद-लेखन
February 25. उद्घोष-लेखन
26. िचत्र-दशणन
27. िवज्ञािन लेखन
28. सचू ना लेखन
March 29. संदशे -लेखन IIndterm
30. ऄनच्ु छे द-लेखन (Annual Exam)
31. 32. ित्र-लेखन। िनबंध-लेखन (80 Marks)
Revision [Ch- 14 to 32]
Class- VIII
Subject- English-Ist
Month Lesson Name of Chapter Test Marks
April 1. Mission To Mars
2. The Run
May 3. If Class test
C.T.-I [Ch- 1 to 3] (30 Marks)

July 4. A Christmas Carol Holiday H.W

5. As You Like It
6. The Charge Of The Light Bridge
August 7. Bon Voyage 1st Unit
8. The Judgment Of India (Periodic
P.A.-I [Ch- 3 to 6] Assessment-I)
(50 Marks)
September 9. A Shadowed Horizon
10. A Marathon Man
October Half Yearly Exam 1st term
Revision [L- 6 to 10] (Half Yearly)
11. Rushing For Gold (80 Marks)

November 12. Daffodils Project

13. The President Has Been
14. Road Rage to Nowhere
December 15. Stopping by Woods on a Class test
16. The Healer (30 Marks)
C.T.-II [Ch- 11 to 13]
January 17. Attack by Night IInd Unit
18. The Frog (periodic
P.A.-II [Ch- 12 to 16] Assessment-II)
(50 Marks)
February 19. The Flying Machine
20. The History Of Paper

March Annual Examination IIndterm

Revision [L- 16 to 20] (Annual Exam)
(80 Marks)
Class- VIII
Subject- English-II
Month Lesson Name of Chapter Test Marks
April 1. Sentences &Phrases
2. Nouns & Pronouns
3. Adjectives & Degrees Of Comparison

May 4. Articles & Determiners Class test

5. Verbs –Infinitives (30 Marks)
6. Verbs- Gerunds & Participles
July 7. Clauses
8. Subject-Verb Agreement
9. Modals
10. Present Tense
August 11. Past Tense 1st Unit
12. Future Tense (Periodic
13. Active & Passive Voice Assessment-I)
(50 Marks)
September 14. Adverbs & Degrees Of Comparison

October Half Yearly Exam 1st term

Revision (Half Yearly)
[Ch- 1 to 13 & 23 to 36] (80 Marks)
November 15. Preposition &Their Correct Use Project
17. Verbs & Prepositions
18. Phrasal Verbs

December 19. Conditionals Class test

20. Direct & Indirect Speech (30 Marks)
21. Synthesis
22. Similes
January 37. Punctuation &Capital Letters IInd Unit
38. Spellings (periodic
39. Understanding Words Better Assessment–II)
40. Synonyms & Antonyms (50 Marks)
February Revision [Ch- 1 to 14 & 23 to 36]
March Annual Examination IIndterm
(Annual Exam)
(80 Marks)
Class- VIII
Subject- Hindi-I
Month Lesson Name of Chapter Test Marks
April 1. सखु -दख

2. नादान दोस्त
May 3. सोना [L- 1 & 2] Class test
(30 Marks)
July 4. कृ तयगु ी िवनोबा
5. ऄकबरी लोटा
6. भगत िसंह के ित्र
August 7. भारत की सांस्कृ ितक एकता 1st Unit (Periodic
8. घमु ककडी [L- 3 to 5] Assessment-I)
(50 Marks)
September 9. िमिाईवाला
10. िभक्षक

October Half Yearly Exam 1st term
Revision [L- 4 to 10] (Half Yearly)
(80 Marks)
November 11. िमत्रता Project
12. िखलौना
13. ररश्ता
December 14. भोलाराम का जीव Class test
15. नन्हें िौधे (30 Marks)
[L- 11 & 12]
January 16. तीथणयात्रा IInd Unit
17. िहदं महासागर का मोती “मॉररशस” (periodic
18. प्रकाश का महत्त्व Assessment –II)
[L- 13 & 15] (50 Marks)
February 19. मनष्ु यता
20. ऄगर नाक न होती
March Annual Examination IIndterm
Revision [L- 14 to 20] (Annual Exam)
(80 Marks)
Class- VIII
Subject- Mathematics
Month Lesson Name of Chapter Test Marks
April 1. Rational Numbers

May 2. Linear Equations In One Variable Class test

(30 Marks)
July 3. Understanding Quadrilaterals Holiday H.W
4. Practical Geometry

August 5. Data Handling 1st Unit

6. Squares And Square Roots (Periodic
7. Cubes And Cube Roots Assessment-I)
(50 Marks)
September 8. Comparing Quantities
October Half Yearly Exam 1st term
[Ch- 1 to 8] (Half Yearly)
9. Algebraic Expressions & Identifies (80 Marks)
November 10. Visualizing Solid Shapes Project
11. Mensuration
12. Exponents And Powers
December 13. Direct And Inverse Proportions Class test
14. Factorisation (30 Marks)
January 15. Introduction to Graphs IInd Unit
Assessment -II)
(50 Marks)
February 16. Playing With Numbers
[Ch- 1,3,5,6,7,9 to 16]
March Annual Examination IIndterm
Revision (Annual Exam)
[Ch- 9 to 16] (80 Marks)

Class- VIII
Subject- Science
Month Lesson Name of Chapter Test Marks
April 1. Crop Production & Management
2. Micro Organism- Friend & Foe
May 3. Synthetic fibers & plastics Class test
(30 Marks)
July 4. Metals & Non Metals Holiday H.W.
6. Combustion & Flames
August 16. Light 1st Unit
7. Conservation Of Plants & Animals (Periodic
(30 Marks)
September 9. Reproduction In Animals
8. Cell- Structure & Function
Revision [Ch- 4 to 9]
October 11. Force And Pressure 1st term
12. Friction (Half Yearly)
Half Yearly Exam (80 Marks)
Revision [All Chapters]

November 5. Coal And Petroleum Project

10. Reaching The age of adolescence

December 13. Sound Class test

14. Chemical Effect of electric current (30 Marks)
15. Some Natural Phenomena
January 17. Stars And Solar System IInd Unit
(30 Marks)
February 18. Pollution of Air & Water
March Annual Examination IIndterm
Revision [Ch- 5, 10, 13, 15, 17, 18] Annual Exam
(80 Marks)
Class- VIII
Subject- Social studies
Month Lesson Name of Chapter Test Marks

April History.1. How, When & Where

History.2. From Trade to Territory
Geography.1. Resources
Civics.1 The Indian Constitution
May History.3. Ruling The Country Side Class test
Civics.2. Understanding Secularism (20 Marks)

July History.4. Colonialism &Tribal Societies

History.5. When People Rebel
Geography.2. Land, Soil &Water
Civics.3. The Need of aParliament

August History.6. Colonialism & The City 1st Unit (Periodic

Geography.3. Natural Vegetation &Wildlife Resources Assessment-I)
Civics.4. Understanding Laws (30 Marks)

September History.7. Craft & Industries During The Colonial Rule

Geography.5. Agriculture
Civics.5. Judiciary

October Civics.6. Criminal Justice System 1st term

Half Yearly Exam (Half Yearly)
Revision [History.4,5,6] (80 Marks)
[Geography.2,3] [Civics.4,5,6]
November History.8. Educating the Nation Project
History.9. Women, Caste & Reform,
Geography.6. Industries
Civics.7. Understanding Marginalization

December History.10. Indian fine arts and architecture Class test

Geography.7. Human Resources (20 Marks)
Civics.8. Confronting Marginalization

January History.11. The National Movement IInd Unit (periodic

Civics.9. Public Facilities Assessment –II)
(30 Marks)
February History.12. Indian History- Post Independence
Civics. 10. Economic And Social Security
March Annual Examination IIndterm
Revision[History.10,11,12] (Annual Exam)
[Geography.6,7][Civics.8,9,10] (80 Marks)
Class- VIII
Subject- Sanskrit
Month Lesson Name of Chapter Test Marks
April L- 1. सदाचारः
L- 2. बकस्य प्रितकारः
May L- 3. ऄंधः गृध्रराजः Class test
C.T.-I [L- 1 & 2] (30 Marks)
Holiday H.W
July L- 4. कृ िषकाः कमणवीराः
L- 5. समाजे सवेषामेव उत्सवाः महत्त्वं
August L- 6. वाराणसी नगरी 1st Unit (Periodic
L- 7. िवज्ञानस्य चमत्काराः Assessment-I)
P.A.-I [L- 3,4,5] (50 Marks)
September L- 8. वसतं ऋतःु
L- 9. सभु ािषतािन
October Revision- िनबंध- िवद्या 1st term
Half Yearly Exam (Half Yearly)
[L- 4 to 9] (40 Marks)
November L- 10. समद्रु तटः Project
L- 11. िरोिकारी मत्स्यजीवकः
December L- 12. िष्ु िोत्सवः Class test
L- 13. समे भारतीयाः िमथो बान्धवाः (30 Marks)

January L- 14. राष्रीयसचं यः IInd Unit

L- 15. स्वतंत्रतािदवसः समारोहः (periodic
Assessment –II)
(50 Marks)
February L- 16. वीरोऽिभमन्यःु
L- 17. व्याकरण- बोधः
March L- 18. िररिशष्टः IIndterm
Annual Examination (Annual Exam)
[L- 12 to 18] (40 Marks)

Class- VIII
Subject- G.K.
Month Unit Name of Chapter Test Marks

April 1. African Safari

2. Natural Disasters
3. Hidden Secrets Of Mangoes
4. Extra Terrestrial Life
5. Poisonous Plants
May 6. Tribes Of India Class test
7. National Waterways (30 Marks)
8. Defense Organizations
9. Bridges And Tunnels
July 10. National Highways Holiday H.W.
C.T.- [Ch- 1 to 7]
11. International Organizations
12. Newspapers And Their Countries
August 13. Mysteries Around The World 1st Unit (Periodic
14. Oceania Assessment-I)
15. Accounts Of Foreign Travelers (50 Marks)
P.A.- I [Ch- 1 to 10]

September 16. Famous Magazines

17. South Indian Literature
October 18. Famous Speeches 1st term
19. Interesting Facts About ISBN (Half Yearly)
Half Yearly Exam (40 Marks)
Revision [Ch- 1 to 20]
November 20. Extreme Sports Project
21. World Records In Sports
22. Paralympics Games
December 23. Gymnastics Class test
24. Digital India (30 Marks)
25. Artificial Organs
C.T.- [Ch- 20 to 25]

January 26. Cyber Security IInd Unit (periodic

27. World Wide Web And The Internet Assessment –II)
28. Organic Farming (50 Marks)
February 29. Impressive Status And Sculptures
30. Fashion World
31. The World Of Cinema
32. Creative Thinking
March 33. Money Management IIndterm
34. Interesting Professions (Annual Exam)
35. Animal Rights (40 Marks)
36. Gender Inequality
37. Behavior in Public Places
38. The Importance Of Charity
39. Ozone Layer Protection
40. Preserving Biodiversity
41. Afforestation And Green Cover
Annual Examination
[Ch- 26 to 41]
Class- VIII
Subject- E.V.S
Month Lesson Name of Chapter Test Marks
April 1. Balance In Nature
2. Impact Of Population On The Environment
May C.T.- I [Ch- 1 & 2] Class test
3. Source Of Energy (30 Marks)

July 4. Crop Farming, Animal Farming & The Holiday H.W

August 5. P.A.- I [Ch- 3& 4] 1st Unit
Industries And The Environment (Periodic
(50 Marks)
September 6. Environmental Concerns

October Half Yearly Exam 1st term

[Ch- 3 to 6] (Half Yearly)
(80 Marks)
November 7. Population Growth, Modern Lifestyles And Project
The Environment
December 8. Soil, Water, Air And Noise Pollution Class test
C.T.- II [Ch- 7 & Exercise Of Previous ch.] (30 Marks)
January 9. Disasters IInd Unit
P.A.- II [Ch- 7,8,9] (periodic
(50 Marks)
February 10. Impact Of Human Activities On Natural
Habitats And Living Beings
11. Our Role In Environmental Conservation
March Annual Examination IIndterm
[Ch- 7 to 11] (AnnualExam)
(80 Marks)
Class- VIII
Subject- Computer
Month Lesson Name of Chapter Test Marks
April 1. Networking Concepts
2. Animation In Animate CC
May C.T.- I [L- 1 & 2] Class test
3. Microsoft Access 2010 (30 Marks)
July 4. Queries, Form And Reports In MS Access Holiday
5. Lists, Table And Image In HTML 5 H.W.

August P.A.-I [L- 3 & 4] 1st Unit

6. Inserting Links And Media In HTML 5 (Periodic
(50 Marks)
September 7. Operators In Python

October Half Yearly Exam 1st term

[L- 5 & 6] Half Yearly
8. Conditional Statements And Loops In (80 Marks)
November 9. Adobe Photoshop CC Project
10. Audacity
December C.T.- II [L- 7 & 8] Class test
11. Light Works (30 Marks)

January P.A.- II [L- 9 & 10] IInd Unit

12. Cyber Security (periodic
(50 Marks)
February Revision- [L- 11]

March Annual Examination IIndterm

Revision- [L-12] Annual Exam
(80 Marks)

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