Class-VIII Subject - Hindi-II
Class-VIII Subject - Hindi-II
Class-VIII Subject - Hindi-II
Subject- Hindi-II
Class- VIII
Subject- Science
Month Lesson Name of Chapter Test Marks
April 1. Crop Production & Management
2. Micro Organism- Friend & Foe
May 3. Synthetic fibers & plastics Class test
(30 Marks)
July 4. Metals & Non Metals Holiday H.W.
6. Combustion & Flames
August 16. Light 1st Unit
7. Conservation Of Plants & Animals (Periodic
(30 Marks)
September 9. Reproduction In Animals
8. Cell- Structure & Function
Revision [Ch- 4 to 9]
October 11. Force And Pressure 1st term
12. Friction (Half Yearly)
Half Yearly Exam (80 Marks)
Revision [All Chapters]
Class- VIII
Subject- G.K.
Month Unit Name of Chapter Test Marks