Accounting and Finance For Bankers - JAIIB
Accounting and Finance For Bankers - JAIIB
Accounting and Finance For Bankers - JAIIB
Timing: 3 Hours
Question : 100
1. When simple rate of interest is calculated, the interest rate % age is expresses as:
a. Rate/100
b. Rate*100
c. 100/Rate
d. 1+rate/100
2. Identify a personal account out of the following
a. Commission account
b. Machinery account
c. Income accrued but not received account
d. Cash account
3. In the case of loan obtained from the bank, the amount repayable is represented by the ______
value and the amount taken represents the ______ value:
a. Present, future
b. Future, present
c. Present, present
d. Future, future
4. Which of the following is not true
a. Principal= amount minus simple interest
b. Amount= principal plus simple interest
c. Amount =principal + *(principal * interest rate % * time)
d. None of the above
5. A principal amount of Rs.40000 becomes Rs.44400 at simple interest rate of 2.75% in a period
a. 2 years
b. 3 years
c. 4 years
d. 5 years
6. Amount = Principal (1+r)n is the formula for calculation of :
a. Simple interest
b. Floating interest
c. Compound interest
d. Annuity
7. In which of the following, normally, the closing stock is not included:
a. Trial balance
b. Profit and loss account
c. Balance sheet
d. None of the above Page 1
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d. Rs.16140 profit
22. Which of the following is a correct statement:
a. Conversion of future value into present value, at a given discount rate, is called
b. Conversion of present value into present value, at a given discount rate, is called discounting
c. Conversion of future value into present value, at a given discount rate, is called hedging
d. Conversion of present value into future value, at a given discount rate, is called
23. A difference (deficit of surplus) between the total amount of present value of future cash flows
and initial investment in the project is called:
a. Internal rate of return
b. Net present value
c. Pay back
d. Return on the project
24. An investment of Rs.140000 is made in a project that generates a profit of Rs.60000 each in the 1 year,
nd rd th
2 year, 3 year and 4 year. What is internal rate of return (IRR) of the project:
a. 22.98%
b. 23.22%
c. 24.65%
d. 25.68%
25. On the basis of internal rate of return, under what situation a project should be taken up for
a. When IRR= market interest rate
b. When IRR < capital cost
c. When IRR > capital cost
d. When IRR = capital cost
26. In which of the following methods of depreciation, the amount of depreciation remains same
throughout the life of the asset:
a. Machine hour method
b. Written down value method
c. Straight line method
d. Diminishing balances method
27. An equipment costing RS.1 lac with a useful life of 5 years was purchased, Its salvage value is
estimated at Rs.10000. What is the amount of depreciation for the 2nd year and 5th year at
double declining balance method.
a. 24000,2960
b. 25000,3000
c. 26000,3140
d. 28000,3360 Page 4
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28. The depreciation under sum of years digit (SYD) is calculated with the help of which of the
a. (written down value-salvage value)* (remaining useful life / sum of years digit)
b. (original cost-salvage value)*(sum of years digit / remaining useful life)
c. (written down value-salvage value)* (sum of years digit / remaining useful life)
d. (original cost-salvage value)* (remaining useful life / sum of years digit)
29. An equipment has original cost of Rs.100000 with a salvage value of Rs.25000 and useful life of 5
year. Calculate depreciation for the 2nd year by using sum of years digit (SYD) method
a. 20000
b. 22000
c. 25000
d. 26600
30. Which of the following statement is correct in the context of book keeping and accounting:
a. Accounting deals with recording of transactions of business and book keeping deals with the
b. Book keeping deals with recording of transactions of business and accounting deals with the
c. Book keeping and accounting deals both with recording of transactions of business and their
d. Book keeping deals with recording of transaction of business and accounting deals with the
audit of those transactions.
31. Which of the following accounting concept is observed at reporting stage and not at the
recording stage:
a. Money measurement concept
b. Cost concept
c. Consistency concept
d. Dual aspect concept
32. The valuation of assets is done at their cost price or market price, as per which o the following
accounting standards:
a. Money measurement concept
b. Going concern concept
c. Cost concept
d. Dual aspect concept
33. Prepaid expenses and outstanding expenses are taken into account by a firm on the basis of
which following concept:
a. Money measurement concept
b. Accrual basis of accounting
c. Cost concept
d. Dual aspect concept
34. Accounting standards are prescribed by: Page 5
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a. Cash advance
b. Imprest amount
c. Petty cash amount
d. Any of the above
43. The periodical totals, monthly or weekly, of the purchase book is:
a. Posted to the credit of credit book
b. Posted to the debit of credit book
c. Posted to the debit of purchase book
d. Posted to the debit of sales book
44. Which of the following does not match:
a. Sales return book records return of goods to the customers
b. Sales return book records return of goods by the customers
c. Purchase return book records return of the goods to the supplier
d. None of the above
45. When the credit side of the cash book is undercast, it has the same effect as overcasting of;
a. Credit side of pass book
b. Debit side of cash book
c. Debit side of pass book
d. There is no relationship between two
46. The bank reconciliation statement is prepared to reconcile the following:
a. Difference in the pass book and cash book
b. Difference between the opening and closing balance of cash book
c. Difference between the opening and closing balance of pass book
d. Difference in the cash and bank column of the cash book
47. Which of the following does not match:
a. When subscription is made by the bank, there is a debit entry in the pass book debiting the
firms account
b. When cash is deposited in the bank, there is a debit entry in the cash book debiting the bank
c. When a customer directly deposits the amount, bank is credited in the cash book
d. None of the above
48. Bank charges of Rs.100 have been recorded twice in the cash book. If the pass-book showing
debit balance is taken as staring point:
a. Rs.100 will be deducted
b. Rs.100 will be added
c. Rs.200 will be added
d. Rs.200 will be deducted
49. Which of the following statement does not match in the context of trial balances:
a. Trial balances take care of arithmetic accuracy
b. In the trial balance, the balances of liabilities are recorded on the debit side
c. In the trial balance, the balances of expenses are recorded on the debit side Page 7
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d. In the trial balance, the balances of capital account are recorded on the debit side
50. Debit and credit totals of each ledger account are shown in the trial balance instead of the
outstanding balance, against the name of each account. It is called:
a. Trial balance
b. Net trial balance
c. gross trial balance
d. any of the above
51. Expenses incurred on wages paid to a labour of the factory, have been debited to wages
account, while his services have been used for construction of factory building. This is:
a. Compensating error
b. Error of commission
c. Error of ommission
d. Error of principle
52. Firm ABC purchased a new machinery and expenses incurred on its transportation have been
debited to the cartage account. This will affect:
a. Trading & manufacturing account and balance sheet
b. Profit and loss account and balance sheet
c. Only profit and loss account
d. Only balance sheet
53. Firm XYZ purchased goods worth Rs.20000 from P & Company and these have been routed
through sales book as Rs.10000. The rectification of this will be through the following journal
a. Debit purchases Rs.20000 and credit sales Rs.20000
b. Debit sales Rs.20000 and credit purchases Rs.20000
c. Debit sales Rs.10000 and credit P & Company
d. Debit sales Rs.10000 and debit purchases Rs.20000 and credit P & Company Rs.30000
54. A firm had written off Rs.3000 as a bad debt of Z and the amount recovered from him later on
has been credited to his account. Rectification of this error will result into:
a. Decrease in the debtors
b. Decrease in the profit
c. Decrease in the capital
d. Increase in profit leading to increase in capital
55. Find out, which expenditure is wrongly classifies:
a. Purchase of goods- revenue expenditure
b. Purchases of machinery revenue expenditure
c. Payment of technical fee for selection of machinery for a project- revenue expenditure
d. None of the above
56. A firm incurred substantial marketing expenses to expand their market reach. This will be
classified as:
a. Revenue expenditure Page 8
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d. Cost price -non- recurring expenses incurred by the consignee and the consignor
77. The goods were sent to the consignee and were lost in transit. The consignor did not get the
goods insured for transit risk. The abnormal loss will be met debiting to:
a. Profit and loss account
b. Trading account
c. Stock account
d. Loss to consignment account
78. Stock of Rs. 4000 is destroyed by fire. It was fully covered by insurance. Accounting entry is:
a. Dr. Stock A/c 4000, Cr. Trading A/c 4000
b. Dr. P & L A/c 4000, Cr. Trading A/c 4000
c. Dr. Insurance Claim 4000 Cr. Trading A/c 4000
d. Dr. Trading A/c 4000, Cr. Insurance Claim A/c 4000
79. In the trial balance, there is an item reading interest rebate. It will be transferred to which of the
a. Trading & manufacturing account
b. Profit and loss account
c. Profit and loss appropriation account
d. Balance sheet
80. A business has assets of Rs.44312 and owners equity is Rs.13120. What is the amount of other
a. 31192
b. 57522
c. 44312
d. None of these
81. Goods have been supplied by R. Sharma and Sons for Rs.850/- but while posting, the amount
has been put on the credit side of S. Sharma & Sons. The credit side of the trial balance total is
Rs.43570. Assuming no other error, what should be the total of credit side of the trial balances?
a. 41870
b. 44420
c. 43570
d. 42720
82. In a business the net assets as on Jan. 1st are Rs.6000 and on January 31st are Rs.1000, the net
income during January is:
a. 2500
b. 1500
c. 500
d. None of these
83. X gets a car on hire purchase basis costing Rs.250000. The down payment is Rs.50000.
The balance is to be paid in 24 monthly instalments at 10% rate of interest. The EMI would
be: Page 12
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a. Rs.11500
b. Rs.11000
c. Rs.10000
d. Rs.9500
84. A company comes out with a public issue of 10000 shares of Rs.10 each on which application
money @ Rs.5 is received. But allotment money on 500 shares @ Rs.5 is not received. If the
share capital is forfeited, what is amount of share capital to be forfeited?
a. Rs.500
b. Rs.1000
c. Rs.5000
d. Rs.2500
85. Tangible net worth is
a. Owners equity-Intangible Assets
b. Owners equity-Long term liabilities
c. Owners equity-Tangible Assets
d. None of these
86. An entry representing bad debt of Rs.10000 appears outside the trial balance. How these are to
be adjusted?
a. Debit bad debt and credit profit and loss account
b. Debit debtors account and credit profit and loss account
c. Debit bad debt and credit debtors account
d. Debit cash debt and credit debtors account
87. Posting of wrong amount in the ledger
a. Causes the ledger to be out of balance
b. Does not cause trial balance to be out of balance
c. Causes the trial balance to be out of balance
d. None of these
88. A firm receives commission in advance . Where will this transaction be classified:
a. Real account(tangible)
b. Personal account (liability)
c. Personal account (asset)
d. Real account(intangible)
89. Which of the following is not a balance sheet equation:
a. Asset= Liabilities + capital
b. Capital= Assets + Liabilities
c. Liabilities = assets capital
d. Assets= equities
90. A firm has capital of Rs.4 lac and liabilities of Rs.1 lac and liabilities of Rs.1 lac. Its losses are
Rs.0.50. The assets are equal to:
a. 5.00 lac Page 13
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b. 4.50 lac
c. 1.50 lac
d. 0.50 lac
91. Which of the following is an error of principle:
a. On purchases of goods in cash, sellers account credited
b. Purchases of furniture debited to purchases account
c. Wrong amount posted while the journal entry was correct
d. None of these
92. Interest paid on capital of the partners by a firm would be categorized as:
a. Expenditure for the business
b. Loss for the business
c. Expenses for the business
d. Gain for the business
93. Closing Stock appearing in the trial balances indicates that:
A. Opening Stock appear outside the trial balance
b. Opening Stock has been adjusted into the Stock figure
c. Purchases have been included in the Closing Stock
d. Closing Stock will appear only in the trading account
94. The Income Tax deducted from Interest paid on debentures is shown on the
a. Asset side of the Balance sheet
b. Liability side of the balance sheet
c. Credit side of the P & C A/s
d. Debit side of the P & C A/c
95. If preference Shares are redeemed at premium, such premium may be provided out of the
a. Share premium A/c
b. Proceeds of fresh issue of shares
c. Shares forfeited A/c
d. Any of the above
96. The amount listed for Cash in the trial balance represents
a. The cash at the beginning of the period
b. Cash receipts during the period
c. The balance of cash on the date of trial balance
d. Cash receipts minus disbursement during the period
97. Sales- direct expenses- opening stocks- purchases+ closing stocks=
a. Net profit
b. Gross profit
c. Cost of sales
d. Any of the above
98. A company raised funds from public through a public issue ar premium. The amount premium
can be used for (a) issue of fully paid bonus shares (b) paying premium on redemption expenses. Page 14
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a. A, b and c only
b. B, c and d only
c. A, c and d only
d. A to d all
99. When shares are allotted to employees and directors to reward them for a consideration other
than cash, these are called:
a. Equity shares
b. Employee stock option
c. Sweat equity
d. Management quota shares
100. Which of the following is not correct in the context of bank balance sheet:
a. The amount of bad debts and provision for bad debts is charged under the heading
provision and contingencies
b. The amount of bad debts and provision for bad debts is charged in the profit and loss
c. In the balance sheet the amount of advances is shown after deducting the bad debts and
provisions from bad debts.
d. None of the above Page 15
1. A
2. C
3. B
4. D
5. C
6. C
7. A
8. C
9. C
10. A
11. B
12. B
13. C
14. B
15. B
16. C
17. B
18. C
19. B
20. B
21. D
22. D
23. B
24. D
25. C
26. C
27. A
28. D
29. A
30. B
31. C
32. B
33. B
34. C
35. B
36. C
37. A
38. B
39. A
40. D
41. A
42. B
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20. B
21. D
22. D
23. B
24. D
25. C
26. C
27. A
28. D
29. A
30. B
31. C
32. B
33. B
34. C
35. B
36. C
37. A
38. B
39. A
40. D
41. A
42. B
43. C
44. A
45. C
46. A
47. C
48. B
49. B
50. C
51. D
52. B
53. D
54. D
55. C
56. B
57. C
58. B
59. B Page 16
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60. B
61. D
62. D
63. C
64. A
65. D
66. C
67. D
68. A
69. C
70. C
71. A
72. C
73. D
74. D
75. D
76. D
77. A
78. C
79. D
80. A
81. C
82. A
83. C
84. C
85. A
86. C
87. C
88. B
89. B
90. B
91. B
92. C
93. B
94. B
95. D
96. C
97. B
98. D
99. C Page 17
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100. D Page 18