Who Are Entitled To Practice Law?: Questions
Who Are Entitled To Practice Law?: Questions
Who Are Entitled To Practice Law?: Questions
version of the canons of professional responsibility.
This seems to have been confirmed in Endaya vs.
Who are entitled to practice law? Oca, where it was held that: the lawyer's oath
embodies the fundamental principles that guide
every member of the legal fraternity. From it springs
Section 1. Who may practice law. Any person
the lawyer's duties and responsibilities that any
heretofore duly admitted as a member of the bar,
infringement thereof can cause his disbarment,
or hereafter admitted as such in accordance with
the provisions of this rule, and who is in good and suspension or other disciplinary actions. (Source:
regular standing, is entitled to practice law. The Lawyers Oath by Jose L. Sabio, Jr.)
A contingent fee contract is where the lawyer is The lawyer and client may enter into a
paid for his services depending on the success combination of the above arrangement or an
of the case. This applies usually in civil suits for entirely different agreement not contrary to law,
money or property where the lawyers fee is public morals or public policy.
taken from the award granted by the court.
problem areas in legal ethics
In the absence of any fee non-lawyers are not amenable to disciplinary
arrangement, what fee arrangement measures. (Hariman v Straham)
would govern?
Quantum meruit will govern. Quantum meruit Explain the concept of a retaining
lien and a charging lien.
means as much as he deserved. The recovery of
attorneys fees on the basis of quantum meruit is
permitted when there is no express agreement for
the payment of attorneys fees, and is basically a A retaining lien is a passive lien and may not be
legal mechanism which prevents an unscrupulous actively enforced. It amounts to a mere right to
client from running away with the fruits of legal retain papers as against the client until the lawyer is
services of counsel without paying for it, while fully paid. (5 Am Jur.392) Under the Rules of Court,
avoiding unjust enrichment on the part of the lawyer it is a lien upon funds, documents and papers of his
himself. (Pineda v De Jesus 499 SCRA 608) client which have lawfully come into his possession
and may retain the same until his lawful fees and
disbursements have been paid and may apply such
May a lawyer share his fees with a
funds to the satisfaction thereof.
non-lawyer? Are there exceptions? A charging lien is the equitable right of the attorney
Explain. to have the fees due him for services in a particular
suit. The object of this lien is to protect the claim on
No. Under Rule 9.02 of CPR, a lawyer shall not the fruits of the lawyers labor. (Myers v Miller)
divide or stipulate to divide a fee for legal Under the Rules of Court, It is a lien upon all
services with person not licensed to practice law. judgments for the payment of money and
execution issued in pursuance of such judgment
However, there are exceptions. The following which he has secured in a litigation for his client.
are provided in Rule 9.02:
To enforce a charging lien, it is necessary that
a) Where there is a pre-existing agreement the lawyer shall have caused a statement of such
with a partner or associate that, upon the lien to be entered upon the records of the court
latters death, money shall be paid over a which rendered favorable judgment with written
reasonable period of time to his estate or notice to the client and to the adverse party.
to persons specified in the agreement;
b) Where a lawyer undertakes to complete
unfinished legal business of a deceases What is barratry? Is it permitted
lawyer; in this jurisdiction?
c) Where a lawyers or law firm includes non-
lawyer employees in a retirement plan, Barratry is the offense of frequently exciting and
even if the plan is based in whole or in stirring-up quarrels and suits, either at law or
part on a profit sharing arrangement. otherwise. It is the lawyers act of formenting suits
If attorneys fees were allowed to non-lawyers, it among individuals and offering his legal services to
would leave the public in hopeless confusion as to one of them for monetary motives or purposes.
whom to consult in case of need and also to leave
the bar in chaotic condition, aside from the fact that
It is prohibited in this jurisdiction. A lawyer should not problem areas in legal ethics
allow himself to become an instigator of controversy
The punishment for the first is generally summary
and a predator of conflict instead of a mediator for
and immediate, and no process or evidence is
concord and conciliator for compromise a virtuoso of
necessary because the act is committed in facie
technicality in the conduct of litigation instead a true
curiae. The inherent power of courts to punish
exponent of the primacy of truth and moral justice. A
contempt of court committed in the presence of the
lawyer must resist the whims and caprices of his
courts without further proof of facts and without aid
client and temper with his clients propensity to
of a trial is not open to question, considering that
litigate. (Castaneda v Ago 65
this power is essential to preserve their authority
SCRA 512)
and to prevent the administration of justice from
falling into disrepute; such summary conviction and
punishment accord with due process of law.
What is meant by sub judice?
Sub judice, Latin for "under judgment", means What is forum shopping?
that a particular case or matter is under trial or
being considered by a judge or court. The term
may be used synonymously with "the present There is forum shopping when as a result of an
case" or "the case at bar" by some lawyers. adverse opinion in one forum, a party seeks a
favorable opinion (other than appeal or
Sub judice rule restricts comments and disclosures certiorari) in another or when he institutes two
pertaining to pending judicial proceedings. The or more actions or proceedings grounded on
restriction applies not only to participants in the the same cause, on the gamble that one or the
pending case, i.e., to members of the bar and other court would make a favorable decision.
bench, and to litigants and witnesses, but also to
Note: Please refer to Rule 71 of the ROC. (Annex A)
the public in general, which necessarily includes
the media. The principal purpose of the sub judice
rule is to preserve the impartiality of the judicial
system by protecting it from undue influence. When may a lawyer criticize a
courts decision?
Generally, criticism of a courts rulings or decisions
is not improper, and may not be restricted after a
What is direct contempt?
case has been finally disposed of and has ceased
Indirect Contempt? How are
to be pending. So long as critics confine their
they instituted and on what
grounds may a person be held criticisms to facts and base them on the decisions
in direct and indirect contempt? of the court, they commit no contempt no matter
how severe the criticism may be; but when they
pass beyond that line and charge that judicial
Direct Contempt is a willful disregard or conduct was influenced by improper, corrupt, or
disobedience of a public authority committed in the selfish motives, or that such conduct was affected
presence of or so near the judge as to obstruct him by political prejudice or interest, the tendency is to
in the administration of justice. While Indirect create distrust and destroy the confidence of the
Contempt is the willful disregard or disobedience of people in their courts. (Cagas v. Comelec 2013)
the lawful process or order of the court.
When may a lawyer criticize a problem areas in legal ethics
courts decision?
will represent the State when
an accused is being tried
While criminal actions, as a rule, are prosecuted before the RTC?
under the direction and control of the public
prosecutor, however, an offended party may
The authority to represent the State in appeals of
intervene in the proceeding, personally or by
criminal cases before the Supreme Court and the CA
attorney, especially in cases of offenses which
is solely vested in the Office of the Solicitor General
cannot be prosecuted except at the instance of the
(OSG). Administrative Code explicitly provides that
offended party. The only exception to this rule is
the OSG shall represent the Government of the
when the offended party waives his right to [file the]
Philippines, its agencies and instrumentalities and its
civil action or expressly reserves his right to
officials and agents in any litigation, proceeding,
institute it after the termination of the case, in which
investigation or matter requiring the services of
case he loses his right to intervene upon the theory
lawyers. It shall have specific powers and functions to
that he is deemed to have lost his interest in its
represent the Government and its officers in the
prosecution. (Lee v. Lee G.R. No. 181658)
Supreme Court and the CA, and all other courts or
tribunals in all civil actions and special proceedings in
which the Government or any officer thereof in his
What is the duty of a prosecutor?
official capacity is a party.
May a prosecutor suppress because
the evidence would establish the Under Sec 5 of Prosecution Service Act of 2010,
innocence of the accused? The Prosecution Staff, which shall be under the
control and supervision of the Secretary of
Under Rule 6.01, the primary duty of a lawyer Justice, shall act as counsel for the People of the
engaged in public prosecution is not to convict Philippines in any case involving or arising from a
but to see that justice is done. He should see to it criminal complaint investigated by any of its
that the accused is given a fair and impartial trial prosecutors and pending before any trial court.
and not deprived of any of his statutory or
constitutional rights. (State v Platon)
What is the significance of
No, a prosecutor cannot suppress evidence. Under compliance with the Mandatory
Rule 6.01, the suppression of facts or the Continuing Legal Education?
concealment of witnesses capable of establishing
the innocence of the accused is highly
Continuing legal education is required of members
reprehensible and is a cause of disciplinary action.
of the Integrated Bar of the Philippines (IBP) to
ensure that throughout their career, they keep
abreast with law and jurisprudence, maintain the
Read the Rules on Notarial Practice
ethics of the profession and enhance the standards
of the practice of law. (B.M. 850)
When an accused appeals his
conviction in the Court of Appeals,
who will represent the State? Who When is advertising by a lawyer
permitted? Prohibited?
problem areas in legal ethics
When permitted: What is the best advertisement
for a lawyer?
Lawyers are only allowed to announce their
services by publication in reputable law lists or
use of simple professional cards. A lawyers best advertisement is a well-merited
reputation for professional capacity and fidelity
Professional calling cards may only contain the
to trust based on his character and conduct.
following details:
(Linsangan v. Tolentino, A.C. No. 6672)
a) lawyers name;
b) name of the law firm with which he is
connected; What is meant by a counsel
c) address; de officio? When may a lawyer
d) telephone number; and refuse his appointment as
e) special branch of law practiced. counsel de officio? Explain