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Optical Communication & Networking Lab

NEC 751

Prepared by

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering

G L Bajaj Institute of Engineering and Technology
Greater Noida- 201306

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering

List of Experiments

Minimum Ten / Eight experiments to be performed (As per syllabi)

S. No. List of Experiments Page No.

1. To setting up fiber optic analog link.

2. Study and measurement of losses in optical fiber.

3. Study and measurement of numerical aperture of optical fiber.

4. Study and perform time division multiplexing (digital).

5. Study of Manchester coding and decoding.

6. Study of propagation loss in optical fiber.

7. Familiarization of different types of cables

a) Identify Cat5 cable, RJ 45 Connector, Crimping Tool, Wire Stripper
b) Use Wire Stripper for Cutting wire shield and Understanding of
Internal Structure of Cat5 Cable

8. a) Preparation of Straight cable (used for Dissimilar devices such as PC

to Switch , PC to router ) and Cross cables (used for similar devices
such as PC to PC , Router to Router ,Switch to Switch)
b) Understand different commands like ping, treacert, ifconfig, dig etc.

9. Making a subnet and configuring router

a) Understand the working of a router & method to access the router via
console or using telnet, different types of cables used for connectivity.
b) Different types of show commands & their purpose.

10. a) Configuring web and DHCP servers

b) Understand Internet Information Services tool and its installation.

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Practical Objectives
Mapping of Program Outcomes with Practical Objectives
Mapping of Program Educational Objectives with Program Outcomes
Session Plan
Laboratory policies & Report format
Evaluation sheet
Each experiment should be with post lab questions with answer key

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering


Periods Evaluation Scheme

S. Sessional ESE
No . Subject Name of the Assessment Subject Credit
Code Subject L T P Total
CT TA Total

1 NEC-751 Optical 0 0 2 20 20 30 50 1
Communication &
Networking lab

Practical Objectives (PrO):

The students will have

S. No. Objectives
NEC751.01 Expertise in setting up of optical fiber link and calculating the losses occurring.
NEC751.02 Knowledge of practical usage in networking cables.

Mapping of Program Outcomes with Practical Objectives

S. PrO/PO PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12
1 NEC751.01
2 NEC751.02

(Put 1, 2, 3 for mapping)

1: Slight (low) 2: Moderate (Medium) 3: Substantial (High)

If there is no correlation put -

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering

Session Plan


TITLE: Optical Communication and Networking lab


LOCATION: OFC Lab (Room No.)


Basics of optical communication and data communication


Ray theory transmission, Total internal reflection, acceptance angle, numerical aperture, skew rays.


Text Book:
1. John M. Senior, Optical Fiber Communications, PEARSON, 3rd Edition, 2010.
2. Gerd Keiser, Optical Fiber Communications, TMH, 4th Edition, 2008.

Date/Week Name of Experiment Objectives

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering

Internal Evaluation Method

S.No. Item %
1. Attendance 20
2. In lab performance 40
3. Record 30
4. Post lab Viva-voce 10


1. Lab reports should be submitted on A4 paper.Your report is a professional presentation of

your work in the lab. Neatness, organization, and completeness will berewarded. Points will
be deducted for any part that is not clear.

2. The lab reports will be written individually. Please use the following format for your lab

a. Cover Page Include your name, Subject Code, Subject title, Name of the College

b. Evaluation Sheet Gives your internal mark split up

c. Index Sheet Includes the name of all the experiments
d. Experiment It includes experiment name, date,objective, flowchart, algorithm,
documentation formulae used, Model calculation,problem solution, simulated
output and print-outs

e. Post lab question Should be written after completing the experiments.

3. Your work must be original and prepared independently. However, if you need any guidance
or have any questions or problems, please do not hesitate to approach your staffin charge.
The students should follow the dress code in the Lab session.

4. Labs will be graded as per the following grading/marks policy:

5. Reports Due Dates: Reports should be submitted immediately after next week of the
experiment. A late lab report will have 20% of the points deducted for being one day late.If a
report is 3 days late, a grade/marks of D/0 will be assigned.

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering


Object: - To setting up fiber optical analog link.

Apparatus Required:-

S. No. Name of Apparatus Specifications

1 OFT Trainer Kit
2 CRO and CRO probes
3 Function Generator
4 1mm diameter ,1.25 m fiber

This experiment is familiarizing the user with OFT. An analog fiber optic link is to be setup in this
experiment. The preparation of the optical fiber for coupling light into it and the coupling of the fiber to
the LED and detector are described in appendix a. the LED used is an 850nm LED. The fiber is a
multimedia fiber with a core diameter of 1000m. The detector is a simple PIN detector. The LED
optical power output is directly proportional to the current driving the LED. Similarly for the pin diode
the current is proportional to the amount of light falling on the detector. Thus even though the LED and
the pin diode are non-linear devices, the current in the pin diode is directly proportional to the driving
current of LED. This makes the optical communication system a linear system.


1. Set the switch position to analog in the kit.

2. Apply a 1 V P-P sine wave without any D.C. to I/O 3 BNC post.

3. Connect the 3 pin patch cord between I/O 3 and I/O 2 and P11 post.

4. Connect the 1.25m fiber patch cord between LED1 and PD1.

5. Connect a 2 pin patch cord between P31 and I/O 1.

6. Connect I/O 2 to oscilloscope channel 1 and I/O 1 to channel 2.

7. Observe the input sine wave at channel 1 and output at channel 2.

8. Adjust the gain such that no clipping take place.

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9. Vary the input signal from 100 Hz to 5 MHz and measure the amplitude of the received signal.

10. Plot the received signal amplitude as a function of frequency using a logarithmic scale and
measure the frequency range for which the response is flat to find the bandwidth.


Analog Fiber optical link was set up.

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering


Object: The objective of this experiment is to measure the losses in an optical fiber communication

Apparatus Required:-

S. No. Name of Apparatus Specifications

1 OFT.
2 Two channel, 20MHZ Oscilloscope.
3 Function generator, 1HZ-10 MHZ.
4 Fiber alignment unit.

Attenuation measurement:
1. Set the switch position to Analog in the kit.
2. Apply a 1 V P-P sine wave without any D.C. to I/O 3 BNC post.
3. Connect the 3 pin patch cord between I/O 3 and I/O 2 and P11 post.
4. Connect the 1.25m fiber patch cord between LED1 and PD1.
5. Connect a 2 pin patch cord between P31 and I/O 1.
6. Connect I/O 2 to oscilloscope channel 1 and I/O 1 to channel 2.
7. Observe the input sine wave at channel 1 and output at channel 2.
8. Adjust the gain such that no clipping take place.
9. Measure it as V1.
10. Replace the 1.25m cable with 3.25m cable without changing the gain.
11. Measure the received signal as V3.
Bending loss measurement:
1. Setup an Analog link.
2. Bend the fiber to form a loop.
3. Reduce the diameter of the loop and measure the amplitude of the received signal.
4. Plot the graph between radius of the bend and output amplitude.
Coupling loss:
1. Setup an Analog link.
2. Remove the fiber from LED1 and insert the 3.25m fiber.
3. Now align these two pieces of fiber using the Fiber Alignment Unit.

Measure the received signal amplitude as V4.


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Losses in an optical fiber communication link were measured.

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Object:- To estimate the Numerical Aperture of the 1mm diameter plastic fiber at 650 nm.

Apparatus Required:-

S. No. Name of Apparatus Specifications

1 OFT Trainer Kit
2 Numerical Aperture Measurement Unit
3 1mm diameter 1m fiber

Numerical aperture of the fiber is a measure of the acceptance angle of light in the fiber. Light which is
launched at angles greater than this maximum acceptable angle does not get coupled to propagating
modes in the fiber, and therefore does not reach the receiver at other end of the fiber. The NA is useful
in the computation of optical power coupled from an optical source to the fiber, from fiber to a photo
detector, and between two fibers.

1. The interfaces used in the experiment are summarized in Table. Identify them on OFT kit with the
layout diagram. The block diagram is shown in fig. ensure that the shorting plugs of Tx data shorting
link S4, coded data shorting link S6, and Tx clock shorting link S5 in the Manchester coder block are
in position. Also ensure that the shorting plug of clock select jumper JP1 is across the posts B&A1. A
TTL signal from the multiplexer should now be driving LED2 in optical Tx2 block. This experiment is
best performed in a less illuminated room.
2. Ensure that the cut planes of the 1m plastic fiber are perpendicular to the axis of the fiber. If
required, prepare 1m of plastic fiber as per the instructions in appendix A.
3. Insert one end of fiber in to NA measurement unit as shown in figure. Adjust the fiber such that its
tip is 10mm from the screen.
4. Gently tighten the screw to hold the fiber firmly in place.
5. Connect the other end of the fiber to LED2 through the simplex connector. The fiber will project a
circular patch of red light on to the screen. Now measure the diameter of the circular patch of red light
in two perpendicular directions (BC and DE in Fig). The mean radius of the circular patch is given by
X = (DE +BC)/4
6. Carefully measure the distance d between the tip of the fiber and the illuminated screen (OA in Fig).
The Numerical Aperture of the fiber is given by
NA = Sin () =X/ ( (d2+X2)
7. Repeat steps 3 to 6 for different values of d. compute the average value of Numerical aperture.

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The Numerical Aperture of the 1mm diameter plastic fiber at 650 nm is measured.

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Object:- The objective of this experiment is to learn to set up the multiplexer and de-multiplexer and
to observe the simultaneous transmission of several channels (two voice and 8 data channels) using
Time Division Multiplexing.

Apparatus Required:-

S. No. Name of Apparatus Specifications

2 Two channel 20 MHz Oscilloscope
3 Function generator, 1Hz-1MHz

OFT is as much a synchronous Time Division Multiplexing unit as it is a fiber optic communication
unit. The basic Multiplexer has twelve 64 kbps channels which are time multiplexed. The multiplexed
data stream is Manchester coded and the resulting TTL bit-stream drives the LEDs (E/O
converters).At the receiver the TTL signal is fed to a Manchester decoder which recovers the clock and
the data. Time Division Multiplexing is also the basis of time- switching used today in telecom
services. While multiplexing, say the voice signal from port1,V1 is transmitted before V2, the voice
signal from port2.but the receiver ,the first received signal can be fed to port2,and the later signal to
port1 ,resulting in switching between the two ports. If an asynchronous low bit rate signal is to be
inserted in a synchronous mux the simplest technique is to sample the input signal using submultiples
of mux output clock. However this gives rise to jitter in the received signal. This phenomenon is
studied in this experiment.

Set up:

1. Set the jumpers and switches and short the shorting links as given in table. The experiment
requires the setting up of an 850 nm or 650 nm digital links as discussed in experiment.
2. Turn on at least one of the switches SW0-SW7 in the 8 bit data transmit block. This ensures
that this multiplexer is correctly aligned, and should be the normal practice when-ever the mux-
demux are being used.
3. Connect LED1 in the optical Tx1 block and PD1 in the optical Rx1 block using the 1m optical
fiber to set up the 850 nm digital link. Adjust the GAIN control until the LEDs L0-L7 in 8 bit
data receiver block light up corresponding to the ON positions of SW0-SW7.when the TDM
link is working the LEDs L8 and L9 in the marker detection block will be off without any
flicker. Toggle SWO and observe the toggling of L0.The digital link and the TDM MUX-
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering
DEMUX are now set up. Connect the telephone handsets at PHONE1&PHONE 2.If there is
any difficulty in setting up the link, first set up the digital link as described in
experiment2.Ensure that the marker pattern settings are as per the power-on settings given in
table. Turn the power off and turn it on again to reset the markers in case they are different.
Press the reset switch in the marker detection block. The multiplexer demultiplexer should now
4. OFT is now being used in the loop-back mode. The data and multiplexed on the transmit side
and demultiplexed on the receive side of the trainer. The voice input at the mouth piece is now
being looped backed through the fiber to the earpiece. Check this by disturbing the fiber link by
removing the fiber from PD1, while speaking into the mouth piece of one of the handsets.
5. Establish the fiber link again. Remove the shorting plugs of the voice enable shorting links S7
andS8 in the timing and control block on the transmitter side. Using the patch cards,
interchange the voice slots by interconnecting the slot Select 1 signal (postA of S7) to the voice
enable2 (postB of S8) and the slot select2 signal (post A of S8) to the voice enable1 (postB of
S7) at the TX side.voice1 and voice2 are cross connected and the conversation can be carried
out between the two people using the two phones. The two slots carrying voice data are now
time switched to provide necessary connection. Carry on a conversation, while at the same time
turning data switches SW0-SW7 on and off, to observe the simultaneous transmission of 8-bit
data in one channel and two voice channels on the link. Reconnect the shorting links S7and S8
to restore the original connection. However now remove the shorting plugs of voice enable
shorting links S27&S28 in the timing& control block on the receiver side, and cross connect
them as explained before. Note that once again the voice1 &voice2 are cross connected. This
cross connection is now on the Rx side. Now remove S7&S8 again and cross connect as before.
Note that voice 1 TX signal is now connected back to voice1 Rx. switching at both transmitter
and receiver cancel out each other.
6. Reconnect shorting links S7, S8, S27 and S28.Remove the shorting plugof voice1 shorting
linkS1 in the voice coder block (the phone1 mike is now detached).Feed a sinusoidal signal of
1KHz and 1V p-p with zero DC at postB of S1 and display it on channel 1 of the oscilloscope
.Trigger the scope on channel1.Observe the received signal at voice1 signal postP23 on
channel2 of the scope. Vary the frequency of the input signal and observe the received signal.
Note the lower frequency cutoff and higher frequency cutoff when the out put voltage falls to
0.7V peak to peak (3 db below 1V p-p).The signal is being digitized by a CODEC at 64 kbps,
multiplexed and transmitted on the fiber link. The received optical signal is converted to a TTL
signal demultiplexed to obtain the transmitted signal back. The signal at P23 is the
reconstructed version of the signal. The frequency response obtained is that of the CODEC
used to digitize and reconstruct the voice signal. Observe the received signal closely on the
oscilloscope. Note that it is a step approximation of the original signal as shown in fig .can you
explain why?

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7. The multiplexer also multiplexes the TTL signals controlled by switches SW0-SW7.at the
receiver, the received signal is demultiplexed and switch inputs are displayed at the LEDs L0-
L7 respectively. OFT also provides for directly feeding in two low frequency TTL signals
instead of the static switch settings at SW7&SW6.If SW7&SW6 are kept in the ON position,
then asynchronous TTL signals from a function generator (the function generator signal is not
synchronized to the clock of the multiplexer) can be inserted at P1&P2, as per fig. received
signal can then be observed atP21&P22 respectively.


The simultaneous transmission of several channels (two voice and 8 data channels) using Time
Division Multiplexing are observed.

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering


Aim: - The objective of this experiment is to study the Manchester Coding/Decoding used in the OFT
Trainer. The circuits used for Manchester coding and decoding, as well as their functioning at different
bit rates.

Apparatus: -
S. No. Name of Apparatus Specifications
2 Two channel 20 MHz Oscilloscope
3 Function generator, 1Hz-1MHz

Most line coding techniques introduce extra transitions, and in the process increase the overall
bandwidth of the signal. The simplest of the line coding schemes used in optical communications is
MANCHESTER CODING. Here each ZERO is transmitted as a ZERO followed by a ONE and
each ONE is transmitted as a ONE followed by a ZERO as shown in Fig. Thus a transition is
introduced at the middle of each data bit, which can be used to easily recover the CLOCK at the
receiver. The price paid is the doubling of the effective bit rate on the fiber. In other line coding
schemes like mBnB, each m bits of data are coded into n bits, with n greater than m [usually by 1].


1. Set the switch position to digital in the kit.

2. Apply a TTL signal to I/O 3 BNC post.
3. Connect the 3 pin patch cord between I/O 3 and I/O 2 and B post of S6.

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4. Connect the 1.25m fiber patch cord between LED1 and PD1.
5. Connect a 2 pin patch cord between A post of S26 and I/O 1.
6. Connect I/O 2 to oscilloscope channel 1 and I/O 1 to channel 2.
7. Observe the input TTL signal at channel 1 and output at channel 2.
8. Vary the input signal from 100 Hz to 5 MHz and observe the cut-off frequency at the received signal
becomes distorted.
9. Use the Tx frame clock (TxFCO) signal available at P9 as an external trigger to the oscilloscope.
Observe the signals Tx data at S4 (the data input of the Manchester coder), and coded data at S6 (the
data output of the coder) on channels 1 and 2 of the scope. Sketch the two signals and note the
Manchester coded signal for each data bit.
10. With TxFC0 [P9] as external trigger, observe the signals Rx coded data at S26 (the data input to
the decoder), and Rx data at S24 (the output of the decoder) simultaneously on channels 1 and 2 of the
oscilloscope. Sketch the two signals. Note the bit-by-bit decoding.
11. With TxFC0 [P9] still as the external trigger, observe the signals S4, the data input of the
Manchester coder, and S24, the data output of the decoder, simultaneously on channels 1 and 2 of the
oscilloscope. Sketch the two signals.
12. The clock recovery circuit recovers the clock used for transmission of data. Observe the transmit
bit clock signal TxBCLK at S5 on channel 1 of the oscilloscope. Observe the receive bit clock
RxBCLK at S25 on channel 2 of the oscilloscope. Sketch the two clocks. Note that the two clocks are
the same except for a delay. Note the ON time and OFF time and calculate the duty cycle of the two
signals. The duty cycle change is due to the specific clock recovery circuit.
13. Next, feed an external signal and a clock to the coder as follows: Remove the shorting links S4 and
S5 as well as S24 and S25.Tie the data input at S4 to HIGH [S4 post B connected to pin 1 of P101].
Feed a TTL signal at 740 KHz from a function generator as clock to S5 [post B]. Observe the input
TTL signal and the signal at S25 (post A) on the oscilloscope. Note that the recovered clock matches
the input clock. Note the duty cycle.
14. Vary the frequency of the function generator and determine the frequency region for which the
recovered clock continues to match the input clock. Note the duty cycle variation as the input clock is
varied. Note that the ON time of the recovered clock is always constant irrespective of the clock input.
Note this value.
15. Wire the Manchester coder circuit given in Fig 8.5 on the breadboard. Tie the data input to either
HIGH or LOW. Feed a TTL signal from the function generator as the clock input to the Manchester
coder. Observe on the oscilloscope the clock signal and the Manchester coded data. Vary the clock and
see the data being coded. Note that the coder works at all frequencies.
10. Feed the data and the clock to the coder circuit on the breadboard from S4 [post A] and S5 [post A]
respectively. Observe the signals at the points marked A, B, C and D in the circuit in Fig 8.5 on the
oscilloscope. The signal A is the TxBCLK and B is TxDATA. The signal C is a half-bit delayed and
inverted version of TxDATA. The Manchester coded data is obtained at D by XORing the inverted.
16. Remove the coder circuit from the breadboard and use the coder in OFT. Wire the decoder & clock
recovery circuit shown in Fig 8.6 on the breadboard. Use R = 27 K and C = 47 pF. Feed the TTL signal
from the function generator to S5 as in Step 5, with the data input at S4 tied HIGH. Remove the
shorting links at S24, S25 and S26 to disconnect the on-board Manchester Decoder unit. Feed the
normal received Manchester coded data at S26 [post A] to point D" in the decoder circuit. Observe the
input clock S5 and the recovered clock G in the decoder circuit on channels 1 and 2 of the scope. Vary
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering
the frequency of the function generator and find the frequency range over which the clock recovery
unit works. Note that the ON time of the recovered clock again remains constant but now has a new
value. Is the value equal to 0.69RC?

Manchester Coder Circuit

Manchester Decoder Circuit

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering

17. Repeat Step 11 with R = 27 K and C = 33 pF. Note the ON time value of the recovered clock. The
ON time value of the clock is obtained from the edge triggered multivibrator [74LS221] and is equal to
0.69RC. In the Manchester decoder & clock recovery circuit on-board OFT, the values used are R= 33
K and C = 33 pF.
18. To understand the working of the Manchester decoder better, study the accompanying description
of the decoder circuit. Use the input data stream from the MUX and the on-board clock and the on-
board Manchester coder [short S4, S5 and S6]. Observe the signals at points D", E, F, G in the circuit
in Fig on the oscilloscope using the Data slot-select signal as trigger (with negative slope) and plot
them. Explain the relationship between the frequency range for which the decoder circuits worked in
steps 8, 11 and 12, and the values of R and C used with the monostable multivibrator.

Manchester Coding/Decoding was studied.

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering


Aim: - To measure propagation or attenuation loss in optical fiber

Apparatus: -
S. No. Name of Apparatus Specifications
2 Two channel 20 MHz Oscilloscope
3 Function generator, 1Hz-1MHz

Attenuation is loss of power. During transit, light pulse lose some of their photons, thus reduce their
amplitude. Attenuation for a fiber is usually specified in decibels per kilometre. For commercially
available fibers attenuation ranges from 1dB/km for premium small-core glass fibres to over
2000dB/Km for a large core plastic fiber. Loss is by definition negative decibels. In common usage,
discussions of loss omit the negative sign. The basic measurement for loss in a fiber is done by taking
the logarithmic ratio of the input power (Pi) to the output power (Po).

= 10log (Pi/Po),
Where is Loss in dB / Meter
1. Connect Power Supply to board.
2. Make the following connections.
Function generators 1 KHz sine wave output to Input 1 socket of emitter 1circuit via 4 mm
Connect 0.5 m optic fiber between emitter 1 output and detector l's input.
Connect detector 1 output to amplifier 1 input socket via 4mm lead.
3. Switch on the Power Supply.
4. Set the Oscilloscope channel 1 to 0.5 V / Div and adjust 4log - 6 div amplitude by using X 1 probe
with the help of variable pot in function generator block at input 1 of Emitter 1.
5. Observe the output signal from detector TP10 on CRO.
6. Adjust the amplitude of the received signal same as that of transmitted one with the help of gain
adjust potentiometer in AC amplifier block. Note this amplitude and name it V1.
7. Now replace the previous FG cable with 1 m cable without disturbing any previous setting.
8. Measure the amplitude at the receiver side again at output of amplifier 1 socketTP 28. Note this
value end name it V2.
Calculate the propagation (attenuation) loss with the help of following formula.

V1 / V2 = e- (L1 + L2)

Where, is loss in nepers / meter

1 neper = 8. 686 dB
L1 = length of shorter cable (0.5 m)

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L2 = Length of longer cable (1 m)

Propagation loss for optical fiber was calculated.

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering

Experiment -7
Familiarization of different types of cables
a) Identify Cat5 cable, RJ 45 Connector, Crimping Tool, Wire Stripper
b) Use Wire Stripper for Cutting wire shield and Understanding of Internal Structure of Cat5 Cable

Apparatus Used:
S. No. Name of Apparatus Specifications
1 Cat5 cable
2 RJ 45 Connector
3 Crimping Tool
4 Wire Stripper

Category 5 cable, commonly referred to as cat 5, is a twisted pair cable for carrying signals. This type
of cable is used in structured cabling for computer networks such as Ethernet. The cable standard
provides performance of up to 100 MHz and is suitable for 10BASE-T, 100BASE-TX (Fast Ethernet),
and 1000BASE-T (Gigabit Ethernet). Cat 5 is also used to carry other signals such as telephony and
video. This cable is commonly connected using punch-down blocks and modular connectors. Most
category 5 cables are unshielded, relying on the balanced line twisted pair design and differential
signaling for noise rejection. Category 5 was superseded by the category 5e (enhanced)
specification and later category 6 cable.

The specification for category 5 cable was defined in ANSI/TIA/EIA-568-A, with clarification in TSB-
95 These documents specify performance characteristics and test requirements for frequencies up to
100 MHz. Cable types, connector types and cabling topologies are defined by TIA/EIA-568-B. Nearly
always, 8P8C modular connectors (often referred to as RJ45 connectors) are used for connecting
category 5 cable. The cable is terminated in either the T568A scheme or the T568B scheme. The two
schemes work equally well and may be mixed in an installation so long as the same scheme is used on
both ends of each cable.

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering

RJ45 Connector: The RJ45 generally refers to the connector that is used in the standard network
Ethernet connection. The Ethernet is a network of communication cables and it is how computers talk
to each other. There are to significantly different types of cable that feed into the RJ45 connector.

Begin by stripping the outer covering from the end of the cable. Remove about an inch of covering.
Eventually you'll have to cut down the amount of exposed cable, but the process of installing the RJ-45
connector will be easier if you have plenty of exposed cable to work with (but not too much). Once
you remove the outer cover, you'll see that some of the pairs of wire are twisted together (hence the
name twisted-pair cable). Untwist these wires. Once all the wires have been separated, pull them
backward, as shown below, so you can cut off the exposed plastic core, as shown below. Remove as
much of this core as you can. Be careful not to accidentally cut the wires in the process.

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering

Once you remove the outer cover, you'll see that some of the pairs of wire are twisted together
(hence the name twisted-pair cable). Untwist these wires. Once all the wires have been separated,
pull them backward, as shown below, so you can cut off the exposed plastic core, as shown
below. Remove as much of this core as you can. Be careful not to accidentally cut the wires in
the process. Now that the core has been removed, your next task is to straighten the wires that
were previously twisted. The easiest way to do this is by using two pairs of tweezers. Use one set
of tweezers to firmly hold the wire just beneath a bend, and the other pair to straighten the bend.
The wires don't have to be perfectly straight, but the straighter they are, the easier your job will
be. Once you've straightened the wires, your next task is to arrange them in the order they'll be
placed into the RJ-45 connector. Working from left to right, the order of the wires is:

Orange with a white stripe


Green with a white stripe


Blue with a white stripe


Brown with a white stripe


Since the leftmost wire is the orange with the white stripe, there's a natural tendency to start with
this wire on the left. Although it's possible to get the wires in the correct order using this
technique, getting the wires to stay in order when you insert the RJ-45 connector becomes very
difficult. Rather than starting with the orange and white wire, lining up the wires is a lot easier if

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you start with the green wire with the white stripe, and then work on lining up the blue, blue and
white, and green wires. When all is said and done, the wires will still have to be in the correct
order, but starting with the green and white wire forces you to turn the cable a different direction
than if you were initially working with the orange and white wire. This seems to make all the
difference in the world for getting the wires lined up in a way that facilitates easy installation of
the RJ-45 connector.

Now that the wires are in the correct order, hold the RJ-45 connector next to the cable, as shown
below, to determine how much wire needs to be cut off, as shown below. You'll want to make
the cut so that the ends of the wires line up evenly. The proper length can be determined by
looking at the cable's outer insulation. The insulation should stop just inside of the RJ-45
connector. It's better to make a series of small cuts to determine the appropriate cable length than
to try to get it exactly right on the first cut. Test-fit the RJ-45 connector between each cut. If you
try to get the length exactly right on the first cut, you risk cutting the wires too short.

The easiest way to slide the RJ-45 connector onto the cable is to use your thumb to apply
pressure to the cable in the spot where the wires are first exposed from beneath the insulation.
This will help keep the wires in order. When the cable is finally cut to the correct length, you
should check a few things before crimping the cable. First, make sure the wires go all the way to
the end of the RJ-45 connector, as shown below. The easiest way to do this is to look at the end
of the connector and make sure you see copper in each wire slot. This is difficult to photograph,
the figure below shows that the wire goes all the way to the end of the connector.

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You should also verify that the wires are still in the correct order. It's easy for the wires to get out
of order when installing the cable end. A quick check at this point will keep you from having to
cut the cable end off and starting over later. Assuming the wires are in order, you can go ahead
and crimp the cable.

Crimping Tool: A crimping tool is a device used to conjoin two pieces of metal by deforming
one or both of them in a way that causes them to hold each other. The result of the tool's work is
called a crimp. A good example of crimping is the process of affixing a connector to the end of a
cable. For instance, network cables and phone cables are created using a crimping tool (shown
below) to join the RJ-45 and RJ-11 connectors to the both ends of either phone or CAT5 cable.

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Working of crimping tool: To use this crimping tool, each wire is first placed into the
connector. Once all the wires are in the jack, the connectors with wires are placed into the
crimping tool, and the handles are squeezed together. Crimping punctures the
plastic connector and holds each of the wires, allowing for data to be transmitted through the
connector. When you've finished crimping both cable ends, you can use a cable tester to verify
that the ends were installed correctly.

Result: Hence, We have successfully studied about the different types of cables.

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a. Preparation of Straight cable (used for Dissimilar devices such as PC to Switch , PC to router
and Cross cables (used for similar devices such as PC to PC , Router to Router ,Switch to
b. Understand different commands like ping, treacert, ifconfig, dig etc.

Apparatus Used:
S. No. Name of Apparatus Specifications
1 Cat5 cable
2 RJ 45 Connector
3 Crimping Tool
4 Wire Stripper

Straight Cable
Straight cable is usually used to connect dissimilar devices. This type of cable will be used most
of the time and can be used to:

1) Connect a computer to a switch/hub's normal port.

2) Connect a computer to a cable/DSL modem's LAN port.
3) Connect a router's WAN port to a cable/DSL modem's LAN port.
4) Connect a router's LAN port to a switch/hub's uplink port. (normally used for expanding
5) Connect 2 switches/hubs with one of the switch/hub using an uplink port and the other one
using normal port.

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Both side (side A and side B) of cable have wire arrangement with same color.

Crossover Cable

Crossover cable, is usually used to connect same type of devices. A crossover cable can be used

1) Connect 2 computers directly.

2) Connect a router's LAN port to a switch/hub's normal port. (normally used for expanding
3) Connect 2 switches/hubs by using normal port in both switches/hubs.

Both side (side A and side B) of cable have wire arrangement with following different color .

Understand different commands:

Ping command: The ping command is a Command Prompt command used to test the ability of
the source computer to reach a specified destination computer. The ping command is usually
used as a simple way to verify that a computer can communicate over the network with another
computer or network device.

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Traceroute is a command which can show you the path a packet of information takes from your
computer to one you specify. It will list all the routers it passes through until it reaches its
destination, or fails to and is discarded. In addition to this, it will tell you how long each 'hop'
from router to router takes.

TRACERT prints out an ordered list of the intermediate routers that return ICMP "Time
Exceeded" messages. In the following example of the tracert command and its output, the packet
travels through two routers ( and to get to host In this example,
the default gateway is and the IP address of the router on the network is at

The command:
The output from the command:

Tracing route to over a maximum of 30 hops


1 2 ms 3 ms 2 ms

2 75 ms 83 ms 88 ms

3 73 ms 79 ms 93 ms

Trace complete.

Ifconfig is used to configure the kernel-resident network interfaces. It is used at boot time to set
up interfaces as necessary. After that, it is usually only needed when debugging or when system
tuning is needed.

If no arguments are given, ifconfig displays the status of the currently active interfaces. If a
single interface argument is given, it displays the status of the given interface only; if a single -
a argument is given, it displays the status of all interfaces, even those that are down. Otherwise,
it configures an interface.

Dig: The preferred way to query for DNS information from the command line is the Domain
Information Groper or dig dns tool. Using dig, you can find out what a particular DNS server

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thinks the given hosts IP address should be, including a lot of other information that is also very
helpful. For example, running this command:

Result: Hence, We have successfully studied about the different types of commands.

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Making a subnet and configuring router

a) Understand the working of a router & method to access the router via console or using telnet, different
types of cables used for connectivity.

b) Different types of show commands & their purpose.

Apparatus Required: Computer System

Subnetting is a process of dividing large network into the smaller networks based on layer 3 IP
address. Every computer on network has an IP address that represent its location on network.
Two version of IP addresses are available IPv4 and IPv6. In this article we will perform
subnetting on IPv4.
IP addresses are displayed in dotted decimal notation, and appear as four numbers separated by
dots. Each number of an IP address is made from eight individual bits known as octet. Each octet
can create number value from 0 to 255. An IP address would be 32 bits long in binary divided
into the two components, network component and host component. Network component is used
to identify the network that the packet is intend for, and host component is used to identify the
individual host on network.
IP addresses are broken into the two components:

Network component:- Defines network segment of device.

Host component:- Defines the specific device on a particular network segment
Advantage of Subnetting:

Subnetting breaks large network in smaller networks and smaller networks are easier to
Subnetting reduces network traffic by removing collision and broadcast traffic, that overall
improve performance.
Subnetting allows you to apply network security polices at the interconnection between
Subnetting allows you to save money by reducing requirement for IP range.

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a) Understand the working of a router & method to access the router via console or using telnet,
different types of cables used for connectivity.

Routers are special computers built to handle internetwork traffic. Routers are very important
network infrastructure devices and they serve many users at same time. The end users not
communicate with the routers, but the network traffic generated by the end users communicate
through the router.

There are no input devices for router like a monitor, a keyboard, or a mouse. An administrator
can choose any of the following methods to communicate with the router.

Connection by using Console Port

By connecting the router's console port to a workstation through a console cable. The console
port is the management port which is used by administrators to log into a router directly-that
without using a network connection. You require a terminal emulator application like hyper
terminal or PuTTY to connect to router. Console port connection is a way to connect to the
router when a router cannot be accessed over the network. Click the following link to learn how
to connect and access a router using console connection.

Connection by using protocol like telnet

The routers can be managed over the network by using standard TCP/IP protocols like Telnet,
SSH, HTTP or HTTPS. Telnet was developed in the early days of the UNIX operating system to
manage computers remotely. A Telnet client and server application ships with Cisco's IOS
software and most computer operating systems.

b) Different types of show commands & their purpose.

show arp - Displays the ARP table of the device.

show mac-address-table - (switch only) Displays the MAC table of a switch.
show startup-config - Displays the saved configuration located in NVRAM.
show running-config - Displays the contents of the currently running configuration file or
the configuration for a specific interface, or map class information.
show ip interfaces - Displays IPv4 statistics for all interfaces on a router. To view the
statistics for a specific interface, enter the show ip interfaces command followed by the
specific interface slot/port number. Another important format of this command is show ip

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interface brief. This is useful to get a quick summary of the interfaces and their operational

Result: Hence, We have successfully studied about the subnet and configuring router.

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering

a) Configuring web and DHCP servers
b) Understand Internet Information Services tool and its installation.

The Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) is a standardized network protocol used
on Internet Protocol (IP) networks. The DHCP protocol is controlled by a DHCP server that
dynamically distributes network configuration parameters, such as IP addresses, for interfaces
and services. A router or a residential gateway can be enabled to act as a DHCP server. A DHCP
server enables computers to request IP addresses and networking parameters automatically,
reducing the need for a network administrator or a user to configure these settings manually. In
the absence of a DHCP server, each computer or other device (eg., a printer) on the network
needs to be statically (ie., manually) assigned an IP address.

This example shows how to configure the device as a DHCP server.


Before you begin:
Determine the IP address pools and the lease durations to use for each subnet.
Obtain the MAC addresses of the clients that require permanent IP addresses. Determine the IP
addresses to use for these clients.
List the IP addresses that are available for the servers and devices on your network; for example,
DNS, NetBIOS servers, boot servers, and gateway devices. See the Understanding Management
Predefined Policy Applications.
Determine the DHCP options required by the subnets and clients in your network.

In this example, you configure the device as a DHCP server. You specify the IP address pool as and from a low range of to a high range of You set
the default-lease-time to 1,209,600 and the maximum-lease-time to 2,419,200. You then set the

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domain search suffixes as mycompany.net and mylab.net. These suffixes specify the domain
search list used by a client when resolving hostnames with DNS.

Then you specify the DNS server IP address as You set the IP address for the
device solicitation address option (option 32) as The IP address excluded from the
IP address pool is reserved for this option. Finally, you assign a fixed IP address as
with the MAC address of the client, 01:03:05:07:09:0B.


CLI Quick Configuration

To quickly configure this example, copy the following commands, paste them into a text file,
remove any line breaks, change any details necessary to match your network configuration and
then copy and paste the commands into the CLI at the [edit] hierarchy level.

set system services dhcp pool address-range low high

set system services dhcp pool default-lease-time 1209600 maximum-lease-

time 2419200

set system services dhcp pool domain-search mycompany.net

set system services dhcp pool domain-search mylab.net

set system services dhcp pool name-server

set system services dhcp pool option 32 ip-address

set system services dhcp static-binding 01:03:05:07:09:0B fixed-address

Result: Hence, We have successfully studied about the DHCP servers and IIS tool.

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