Icebreakers, Warm-Up, Review, and Motivator Activities
Icebreakers, Warm-Up, Review, and Motivator Activities
Icebreakers, Warm-Up, Review, and Motivator Activities
For the following activities, it often helps to break the group into dyads (pairs) or
triads (trios). The smaller groups allow for more discussion, keeps participants
from mentally wondering off, builds rapport, and allows for one-on-one
You can break a large group into small groups by having them discuss the
activity with the person behind them or beside of them, or having people take a
different seat when they return from breaks or activities. The idea is to get them
to meet and learn about other people ideas besides their friends or favorite
Icebreakers are structured activities that are designed to relax learners, introduce them to each other, and
energize them in what is normally an unduly formal atmosphere or situation. Icebreakers are not normally
related to the subject matter, where as openers are related to the subject matter that is to be discussed. In
addition, they often help to break up the cliques and invite people to form random groupings in a non-
threatening and fun way.
The term icebreaker comes from break the ice, which in turn comes from special ships called
icebreakers that are designed to break up ice in the arctic regions. And just as these ships make it easier
for other ships to travel, an icebreaker helps to clear the way for learning to occur by making the learners
more comfortable by helping to bring about conversation.
You are marooned on a island. What five (you can use a different number, such as seven, depending upon
the size of each team) items would you have brought with you if you knew there was a chance that you
might be stranded. Note that they are only allowed five items per team, not per person. You can have them
write their items on a flip chart and discuss and defend their choices with the whole group. This activity helps
them to learn about other's values and problem solving styles and promotes teamwork.
The Interview
Break the group into two-person teams (have them pick a partner that they know the least about). Have
them interview each other for about twenty minutes (You can also prepare questions ahead of time or
provide general guidelines for the interview). They need to learn about what each other likes about their job,
past jobs, family life, hobbies, favorite sport, etc. After the interviews, reassemble the group and have each
team introduce their team member to the group. This exercise helps them to learn about each other.
Prior to the meeting, make a list of about 25 items relating to work and home life. For example, a list for a
group of trainers might have some of the following:
o Is a mother
o Enjoys hiking
Ensure there is plenty of space below each item (3 or 4 lines) and then make enough copies for each
Give each person a copy of the list and have them find someone who can sign one of the lines. Also, have
them put their job title and phone number next to their names. Allow about 30 minutes for the activity. Give
prizes for the first one completed, most names (you can have more that one name next to an item), last one
completed, etc. This activity provides participants with a list of special project coaches and helps them to
learn about each other.
Make up a reasonable problem scenario for your organization where people need to get introduced, e.g.
The manufacturing department is bringing in 20 temporaries to help with the peak season. They want us to
build a short activity that will allow the permanent employees to meet and introduce themselves to the
temporaries. Break the group into small teams. Have them to discuss and create a solution:
o Analyze the problem Is it a training problem? If they decide that it is not a training
problem, then remind them that most problems can be solved by following an ADDIE type
o Perform a short task analysis How do people get to know each other?
o Develop the activity Outline how they will perform the activity and trial it.
o Implement Have each small team in turn, introduce themselves in front of the group
This activity allows them to learn about each other's problem solving styles and instructional development
methods, it also introduces the members to each other. This method can also be used to introduce the
ADDIE method to new trainers. Time about 60 minutes.
Go around the room and have each person complete one of these sentences (or something similar):
You can also move on to a new subject by asking a leading question. For example if you are instructing time
management, The one time I felt most stressed because I did not have enough time was ...
While icebreakers are used to start a learning session, reviews are used in the closing of a session or
module. They help to reinforce key concepts or topics.
Frame Game
Give each learner four blank cards and instruct them to fill in four different responses on the subject: What
were main concepts or learning points of the material we just covered? Give them about five minutes to
complete the exercise, then collect the cards, shuffle them, and randomly deal three cards to each learner.
(Note: If desired, the trainer can make up four cards of her own, but they should be philosophically
unacceptable with the principles presented. That is, play devil's advocate.)
Ask everyone to read the cards they just received, and then to arrange them in order of personal preference.
Place the extra cards on the table and allow them to replace the cards in their hand that they do not like.
Next, ask them to exchange cards with each other. They must exchange at least one card.
After about three minutes, form them into teams and ask each team to select the three cards they like the
best. Give them time to choose, then have them create a graphic poster to reflect the final three cards.
Prior to class, set the desks up in the old traditional classroom row style. Except, that you should set your
stage (podium, flip chart, etc.) in the back of the class. Start your presentation (you will be behind them,
facing their backs). Explain to them that this is how a lot of change is implemented in organizations. The
leaders get behind their employees and attempt to push them into change. And the attempt to change is
about as successful as trying to conduct a class this way. Note: for another change activity, see Push and
Pull Change.
Also, point out that this is how a lot of traditional organizations are set up, in nice even rows (departments),
where it is hard to communicate and learn from each other. But, real teams develop when we break out of
our boxes and design organizations that have cross functional teams working with each other. Ask them to
rearrange the room so that real learning, communication, and teamwork can take place. Depending upon
your learners, you might have to give them a few pointers to get started, but then get out of
the way.
During the next break or after lunch, have them rearrange the room again, using some of
the techniques that they learned. This can be repeated several more times, depending
upon the length of the presentation. But, each time they change the setting, it needs to
reinforce a concept that they previously learned.
Toy Story
Using Legos, Tinker Toys, clay, log cabins, etc., have each person or small group build a
model of the main concept that they have just been presented. After a given time period,
have each person or team present their model to the group. They should describe how
their model relates to their work or the subject being taught.
Encourage creativity!
This is a semi-review and wake-up exercise when covering material that requires heavy concentration. Have
everyone stand up and form a resemblance of a circle. It does not have to be perfect, but they should all be
facing in, looking at each other. Toss a nerf ball or bean bag to a person and have tell what they thought was
the most important learning concept was. They then toss the ball to someone and that person explains what
they though was the most important concept. Continue the exercise until everyone has caught the ball at
least once and explained an important concept of the material just covered.
Process Ball
This is similar to the above exercise, but each person tells one step of a process or concept when the ball is
tossed to them. The instructor or learner, in turn, writes it on a chalkboard or flip chart. For example, after
covering Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, you would start the ball toss by having everyone give one step in
the pyramid of needs, e.g. Safety, Physiological, Esteem, etc.
Calm Down!
Sometimes the problem is not warming up, but the need to calm or come down to reality after a session of
intensive material is given. Also, to get the full benefit of new material, some introspective time might be
Have the learners lay their heads on their desks, lay on the floor, or get in a comfortable position. Then,
have them reflect on what they have just learned. After about five minutes, say a key word or short phase
and have them reflect on it for a couple of minutes. Repeat one or two more times then gather the group into
a circle and have them share what they believe is the most important points of the concept and how they
can best use it at their place of work.
Note: This may seem like slack time to many, but reflection is one of the most powerful learning techniques
available! Use it!
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