Mindset Self-Assessment Questionnaire
Mindset Self-Assessment Questionnaire
Mindset Self-Assessment Questionnaire
Instructions: Read the questions below to assess your current mindset. Mark a check ✓ or ✗ under “Yes” or “No” to
each question based on your experiences in the workplace.
Questions Yes No
When you are dealing with a difficult problem, do you get stressed out easily and
give up?
Do you try to avoid certain tasks or responsibilities because you’re bad at them?
Are you nervous of making a mistake in front of your peers during meetings?
When you get feedback from others on a project, do you ignore it and just use your
own judgement?
Do you get embarrassed to ask for help from your team members?
When new ideas or processes are offered, do you tend to be hesitant to embrace
If you marked “Yes” to most of these questions then you have a fixed mindset. If you marked “No” to the majority of
them then you have a growth mindset.
Johnwp. (2021, February 2). Revisiting the growth mindset definition - we are a mixture of both. Growth Mindset Institute partnering with Prof Carol Dweck.
Retrieved October 4, 2021, from https://www.growthmindsetinstitute.org/2018/03/08/growth-and-fixed-mindset-definition/.
Ortiz, R. Reset your mindset - self discovery exercises. Retrieved September 22, 2021.