This document lists 100 acronyms and their meanings that are commonly used in computer hardware and networking. Some of the more common acronyms include CPU for Central Processing Unit, RAM for Random Access Memory, ROM for Read-Only Memory, HDD for Hard Disk Drive, LAN for Local Area Network, and USB for Universal Serial Bus. The acronyms cover topics such as components, ports, memory, networking protocols, and standards.
This document lists 100 acronyms and their meanings that are commonly used in computer hardware and networking. Some of the more common acronyms include CPU for Central Processing Unit, RAM for Random Access Memory, ROM for Read-Only Memory, HDD for Hard Disk Drive, LAN for Local Area Network, and USB for Universal Serial Bus. The acronyms cover topics such as components, ports, memory, networking protocols, and standards.
This document lists 100 acronyms and their meanings that are commonly used in computer hardware and networking. Some of the more common acronyms include CPU for Central Processing Unit, RAM for Random Access Memory, ROM for Read-Only Memory, HDD for Hard Disk Drive, LAN for Local Area Network, and USB for Universal Serial Bus. The acronyms cover topics such as components, ports, memory, networking protocols, and standards.
This document lists 100 acronyms and their meanings that are commonly used in computer hardware and networking. Some of the more common acronyms include CPU for Central Processing Unit, RAM for Random Access Memory, ROM for Read-Only Memory, HDD for Hard Disk Drive, LAN for Local Area Network, and USB for Universal Serial Bus. The acronyms cover topics such as components, ports, memory, networking protocols, and standards.
1 ACR Advance Communication Riser 51 KB Kilobyte (written with uppercase B (1024 bytes) 2 AGP Accelerated Graphics Port (Advanced Graphics Port) 52 LAN Local Area Network 3 ALU Arithmetic Logic Unit 53 LCD Liquid Crystal Display 4 AMI American Megatrends, Incorporated 54 LED Light Emittin Diode 5 AMR Audio Modem Riser 55 LGA Land Grid Array 6 AP Access Points 56 LPT Line Printer Port 7 AS Application Software 57 MAN Metropolitan Area Network 8 ASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange 58 Mb Megabit 9 AT Advanced Technology 59 MB Megabyte 10 ATA/ ATAPI AT Attachment/ AT Attachment Packet Interface 60 MODEM Modulator-Demodulator 11 ATAPI Advanced Technology Attachment Packet Interface 61 NCII National Certificate 2 12 ATX Advanced Technology Extended 62 NIC Network Interface Card 13 BASIC Beginner's All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code 63 OS Operating System 14 BIOS Basic Input Output System 64 OSI Open System Interconnection 15 BOOTP Bootstrap Protocol 65 P2P Peer-to-Peer 16 CD-Rom Compact Disk Read Only Memory 66 PATA Parallel Advanced Technology Attachment 17 CGA Color Graphics Adapter 67 PC Personal Computer 18 CHS Computer Hardware Servicing 68 PCB Printed Circuit Board 19 CLRCMOS Clear CMOS (for password) 69 PCI Peripheral Component Interconnect 20 CMOS Carbon Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor 70 PGA Pin Grid Array 21 CNR Communications Network Riser 71 POST Power-On Selt Test 22 CPU Central Processing Unit 72 PPP Point-to-Point Protocol 23 DDR Dual/ Double Data Rate 73 PPPoE Point-to-Point Protocol Over Ethernet 24 DHCP Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol 74 PS2 Personal System 2 25 DIMM Dual Inline Memory Module 75 PSU Power Supply Unit 26 DP Dual-Processor 76 RAM Ramdon Access Memory 27 DSL Digital Subscriber Line 77 RJ45 Registered Jack 45 28 ECP Enhance Capability Port 78 ROM Read-Only Memory 29 EGA Enhance Graphics Adapter 79 SATA Serial Advanced Technology Attachment 30 EIA Electronic Industries Association 80 SCSI Small Computer System Interface 31 EPP Enhance Parallel Port 81 SDR Single Data Rate 32 FDD Floppy Disk Drive 82 SDRAM Synchronous Direct Random Access Memory 33 FDDI Fiber Distributed Data Interface 83 SIMM Single Inline Memory Module 34 FTP File Transfer Protocol 84 SMPSU Switch-Mode Power Supply Unit 35 Gb Gigabit (1024 megabits) 85 SODIMM Small Outline DIMM 36 GB Gigabyte (1024 megabytes) 86 Tb Terabit (1024 gigabits) 37 HDD Hard Disk Drive 87 TB Terabyte (1024 gigabytes) 38 HPNA Home Phoneline Networking Alliance 88 TCP/ IP Transmission Control Protocol/ Internet Protocol 39 HTML HyperText Markup Language 89 TESDA Technical Education and Skills Development Authority 40 HTTP Hypertext Transfer Protocol 90 TIA Telecommunications Industry Association 41 I/O Input-Output 91 UPS Uninterruptible Power Supply 42 IBM Integrated Business Machine 92 URL Uniform Resource Locator 43 IC Integrated Circuit 93 USB Universal Serial Bus 44 IDE Integrated Drive Electronics 94 UTP Unshielded Twisted Pair 45 IP Internet Protocol 95 VGA Video Graphics Adapter 46 IRQ Interrupt Request 96 WAN Wide Area Network 47 ISA Industry Standard Architecture 97 WAP Wireless Access Points 48 ISDN Integrated Services Digital Network 98 WLAN Wireless Local Area Network 49 ISP Internet Service Provider 99 WWW World Wide Web 50 Kb Kilobit (written with lowercase b (1024 bits) 100 ZIF Zero Insertion Force