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Research Scholar
and utilization where they wont be forced any
Manju Kapur is one of the renowned precincts. One peculiarity of the pictures of
Indian women writer and the representation women all over history is that social stereotypes
of the suffering but stoic female characters have been armored by archetypes. Where they
wont have combat rules for them. That time
had a noteworthy consequence in her novels. would be ahead of social prejudice and then
She has mainly talked regarding esteemed we can say that the women are empowered. In
contemporary Indian English woman novelist. every era woman has been described either as a
Like Shashi Deshpande, Arundhati Roy, Gita mother, a wife, a mistress or an objective of allure
Hariharan, Anita Nair, Shobha De, Manju Kapur and their roles have been discrete in relationship
is one of the emergent Indian woman writers in to male equivalent.
English who live and write in India itself. Inspite Portrayals of women as achievers or
of some interruptions, protagonists of Manju leaders have been relatively only some. But even
Kapurs novels represents women of middle these outstanding representations of power
class families who bear on deportment towards
empowerment and lead them to a world of qualities of women which inclined to overlook
their own individual, devoid of any prejudices the lives of the ordinary and adequate ones. The
search for control over ones fortune represents upper middle class-woman who are at a loss
the key theme of the novel and refers to the to revile social convention and society. Manju
liberty desire to and achieved by a individual as Kapur represents two contradictory features
well as by a woman dwelling in between family of female image, betrayal and barrenness in
and self is primarily considered in Kapurs novel her most recent novel . Kapur in
. The humanisms substance is feasible in her novel observes how woman has commence
Manju Kapurs as feminist discussion not to cultivate as an individual and the primary
because she is a woman writing about womens centre of collide for her befalls the organization
issues, but because she tries to understand a of marriage which has, so far away, forms the
woman both as a woman and as a human being restrictions of her freedom. The woman now has
stirred to the centre and has develops into a vital
illustrates a peep of feminism remaining in mind creature in the social situate. Kapur represents
the Indian background. Manju Kapurs
deals with to be all together both Indian and
Universal. The post colonial writers of Indo- confrontation to thwart patriarchal traditions
English novels settle with a new education and principles. She depicts a womanly character,
and sociability have diverse perceptions of the
descriptions of woman in their works. In the appropriates its generative attitude throughout a
post colonial era freedom and liberty thought conscious inversion of patriarchal ethics. Manju
was carried in to our country and it was also Kapur represents two opposing feature of female
disseminated by western education. The woman
novelists were liable for the new picture of in her novel . Betrayal authorizes a
woman besieged against the repressive social
customs of the male governed society. The image replicates and preserves womens right to
of the woman in the post colonial novel is a longing, and the quest of the accomplishment of
The representation of woman as a curator egalitarianism politics.
Kapur in her novel
woman has started to cultivate as an individual
archetype. The picture of woman in quest of her
identity has comes out from the archetype image association of marriage which has, so far, forms
of woman in history. The researcher evaluates
portrayal of women as described by Manju Kapur with the character of Shagun that woman now
in the novel in this research paper. Upala has inspired to the hub and has become a crucial
Sen in reviewing the book in Hindustan Times component in the social organization. Kapur
writes: And what he (Dhondy does in this book demonstrates illegitimate relationship between
is not to restrict the telling) to a simplistic tale of Shagun and her husbands boss Ashok Khanna
pati, patni aur woe. If adultery is like a shadow to an
individual, shifty and unshakable, that socio moral instrument of resistance to thwart patriarchal
myths and values. She depicts a female character
story has an overt, regular, narrative and a shadowy
adulterous subnarrative. Some very adult tales told appropriates its generative belief through a
with child like ease(qtd. in Kumar : 2013, p.189). consciousness of patriarchal principles. Her
Manju Kapur has well portrayed in which she is empowered to employ her body
the irritation, anguish and travails of Indian
and patriarchal system of observation and Shagun has not capitulated to the notions of the
control. Shagun and Ramans marriage has been patriarchy society but deploys with her ability
approved beside ordinary appearance; she is the and potential to defeat troubles so to obtain
beauty, he is the one with glowing projection. pleasure in her new relationship. The supremacy
She convenes Ashok Khanna, a business man ensuing from investigation, elucidation and
who is attracted by her beauty. Kapur mentions
Shagun is also enticed by his loving words and as an individual in Shagun. Shagun chases her
sterling elegance and leaves behind the essential heart and asks for a divorce from Raman and
gets on a new life with Ashok. So, the association
of marriage which in our country is much more
woman she worried from her love affair, her
reservations about being trapped. As Kapur purity through divorce. Shagun tells Raman
mentions in the novel, In the beginning she had which clearly shows her longing for freedom in
so brave and matter-of-fact, now she was more her life, Dont make this harder. I have left you
fearful (Kapur, 2011, p.80). She encounters with the best part of the marriage. Surely my freedom
contradiction as she neither sustains the sturdy
2011, p.109). Shagun emerges as a new woman
nor restrains her perilous feminine wishes. She in the novel who recognizes the prospective of
her being throughout a procedure of fetching
herself to social conventional or come out as by induction herself on personal struggle
dissenter is a problem for her. Her mother who with society on the basis of the precedence of
having patriarchy visions, her mother requests
her daughter that not to convey disgrace to the She, as a woman, in this new correlation of her
selection is an important and new literary create,
marital relationship. Her annotations show conscious of the preferences release to her and
social outlook and treatment towards a female
support association for the female is inadequate disheartenment governing outlook.
in material world as society emits a malicious
Kapur illustrates in Shagun who milieu in upper middle class Indian society. Ishita
has vanished her individual person self in her is second leading heroine of this novel who wants
earlier marriage life with Raman now looking to freedom her bareness and represents with
for the missing self in her love affair with Ashok. depraved stepmother condition. Kapur shows
This relationship provides her an amusing the realism of modern marriages in which the
characters like, Raman, Shagun and Ishita feel at
convinced, potent, self-governing and ingenious some accent emptiness and aloofness in their life.
Ishita is simple looking Indian girl who believes in
reliant. She replicates her individual personality traditional marriage and who wants to surpass a
with boldly and then forms appropriate retort peaceful life with her husband Suryakanta. Ishita
incisively. Shagun delineates her wish, preference is victim of Indian patriarchy notions as her in-
laws wants grand children for their family After
acknowledges herself. She considers in Ashok. the eighteen months of her marriage life with
As he states: Traditonal versus modern values, her husband Suryakanta, Ishita did not convince.
individual versus society( Kapur, 2011, p.81). She is criticized by her in-laws and society for
Manju Kapur differs from this category of woman character in as a person in her own
and breaks all social taboos, and conventions and precise is at formerly analytic of the authors
emerge as a new woman who is aware of herself. supplement of womens ambition as well as
The women in the novels of Manju Kapur are the deterrence of conventional customs. It utters of
her aims to consider an idyllic character on one
Kapur tries to depict the susceptibility of side and on the other it illustrates the writers
woman: how a woman seems at herself and her capability to shatter the convention. However,
troubles. is not only about infertility and
shows woman is associated with amends in
that the issue of divorce, dichotomy of modern womens position in Indian society. Feminine
society, and relationship between parents and aesthetics from time to time grounds numerous
child are various themes woven by Kapur. Kapur change between authorial perceptions and that
tires to show that woman should endeavor to of the character itself. While the characters
comprehend and apprehend herself as a human
being and not just as an attachment to some male talk, the authorial tone points out her essential
life. In her all novels women stands for diverse incapability to speak up. Subaltern talk, in other
sorts of qualities. They do not suffer but preserve words, does not accomplish the dialogic level
their place. Kapur characterizes new principles,
according to which woman is not to be taken as a aesthetics as it is but the tendency towards a
meager puppet, a creature of lust and temporary feminist aesthetics is what provides her hope.
enjoyment, but mans equivalent and honored It is this that set up the dialogue- the two way
communication in her novel. It completed the
marital relationship with one person Ashok literary backdrop enlarge to contain as the centre
Khanna. Her both women Shagun and Ishita what was previously considered periphery.
are victims of a patriarchy Indian society which This prototype change may be observing in the
does not allow women to avow their privileges novels of Nayantara Sahgal, Anita Desai, Shashi
pertaining to their individual autonomy and Deshpande and more recently Manju Kapur
believe the very issue of identity-crisis as absurd
concerning women. Kapur illustrates womens
anguish in marriage-life and then choosing feminist concern in her novel . Kavita
to come out of the suffocating bondage by rightly observers : Manju Kapurs novels offer
choosing for divorce. She portrays in her women a fascinating glimpse into the workings of a
protagonist deciding to favor for divorce rather womans mind as she struggles to come to terms
than live a domineering life of prejudice and with her identity in a patriarchal world (Kavita,
anguish. Her women Shagun and Ishita leave 2013, p.179).
their husband or shatter the marriage which Hence, is entirely representation
does not permit them to be liberated and living of Indian Modern woman, who tiled new path in
their life in their own way. Kapur shows that the peripheral world. Self boldness and seditious
through divorce they will be liberated from the
torment and torture of a dejected or undeserved the new woman is rising in modern Indian
relationship it does not decipher the troubles and society. Kapurs novel divulges the unimagined
women have to persist to struggle and endure suspicions of modern marriage occurring in
present time. The wifes perception of suffocation,
psychological. the husbands trepidation of inferiority and the
In conclusion, research has analysis in continuous shifting of children, like possessions,
this paper that the structure of the woman from one home to the other, are inducing with