Li Report
Li Report
Li Report
Company background
The aim of the company is to produce more tools or machine by trough the research and
development project that are mostly doing with the cooperation of the masters and PHDs
students that are taking the food and processing course. The company was produced
numbers of machine
One of the famous machine is Pepper Peel-O-Matic and the Ezy Cooker machine which
already have achieved several award and already have their customers that are interested in
the machine.
The company is also have the commercialization under Universiti Putra Malaysia Company
which is Innohub,UPM. The Innohub UPM is the board that are do the commercialization on all
the product that are from the research that are doing in the UPM included our machine.
Work background
A survey was conducted starting on 31/07/2017 until 18/08/12017 which is in three weeks. The
survey was conducted is about the problem that are have been facing by the food
entrepreneur in Malaysia generally, they are have been requested to give their own opinion
about the problem that are we going to ask them, in order to get the pro and cons of the
problem that we already listed to them in the same time we are also here to promote our
product from RJ Machine Solution Sdn Bhd which is Neudol Maker.
The survey was conducted in Kajang and Shah Alam area because at the area the food store
is cant be arguably is in numbers.
a) Organizational chart
b)Process flow
1. Give a welcoming statement, such as introducing where we came from and little bit about
the company background.
2. Collect the demographic, collect the early adopter which is the factor that will make the
chance of them get our product.
Week 1/17/07/17
b) Do lab task such as testing and cleaning the machine which is the food processing
From that I was learn about the flow of the some tender to be proceeded.
There are several company that come for the tender which have their own strength such as
innovation and some is having research.
Week 1/18/07/2017
I was doing the editing in the text and layout of the journal based on the given format.
The figure must be redraw because to claim the figure is from us and not are going to be a
credits to the original authors.
Editing the text and layout of the journal based on the manuscript specification I which every
manuscript that must submitted to different places have their own type of format.
Through the editing I was learn about the restricted law of patent concept, for example all the
details that have been included in the text must be come along with their source which is their
author name must be put along the information that we are taken.
Week 1/21/07/2017
I was roughly take part in explaining the working principle and process description of the food
processing machine which is Ezy Cooker Machine. The machine is used to cook several type
of food with flexible temperature setting programme.
Al-Mounajed company is the local company that based in Saudi Arabia. They are very
interested in the large scale with limited time consume for the production of the food.
In the visit, the presenter from the company was explaining about their problem which are they
need a tool that will help them to cook the pallete in large amount and will produce a quality
From the visit I was learn the way of dealing with the customer which we must get t know them
first and must be global to them that will make them comfortable in dealing with us.
Week 2/25/07/2017
Edit text and the layout of the journal based on the given format.
Do the editing for the reference that require us to check every lines to indentify the type of the
reference which has some catagories which are author,manuscript, text ad journal type.
Do the editing of the main text to reduce the similarity with all the original source of the
information that are included in the text.
The similarity was been checked by turnitin software that available online.
From there I was learn how to do the whole editing with the right way.
Week 2/28/07/2017
I was attend a meeting on a Research ad Development project which is Asam Laksa project
which is the mini project.
I was been briefing about the task on the project which I have to:
a) Conduct a survey about the problem that are facing by food entrepreneur in current
economic status in our country.
b) Come with the listed problem that usually faced by food entrepreneur and ask their
opinion and get some information about how exactly the problem was really is.
c) Come out with our solution that suggesting them to try out our product that produced by
the food processing machine from RJ Machine Solution Sd. Bhd.
Week 3/31/07/2017
I was doing the survey about the problem that have been facing by the food entrepreneur while
promoting the brand of RJ Machine Solution Sdn. Bhd.
Based on the survey overally the food entrepreneur was been agree with the main problem
that we have listed which is the worker problem.
They stated the workers in food industries are very difficult to be maintained for such long time
even the Restaurant that already establish as the well known store.
I was gain some extra knowledge from them through their experiences sharing in the food
The respondent
Week 4/03/08/2017
I was gain some training in dealing with different type of people during conduct the problem
interview, I was learn to deal with the serious issue with them which is the business and
development of their business.
I was doing the start-up progress of the process of comersializing the Neudol Machine, the
machine is used to make several type food such as muruku,mee kuning and cendol.
I was learn about the skills of communication with the effective way during the problem
Week 4/07/08/2017
I was attending the Public Private Research Network(PPRN) tender presentation about two
1) The difficulty to maintain the temperature of the process system which was make them
are unable to produce their product in the continuous process since the temperature of the
product to be product in good quality cannot be maintained.
2) To find a way to produce the keropok lekor with cheese inside it with one method.
From the meeting I was learn how the process of tender presentation is going and the way of
doing it with a right and proper way. The presentation must be come with good and simple with
all information have been included, while take a strict way of our looking.
Week 7/28/08/2017
I was attend Anugerah Inovasi Negeri Selangor(AINS) 2017.
During the event I was presenting the Sesame Craker Machine as our material.
The event was held in Laman Kenanga, Majlis Perbandaran Subang Jaya,MPSJ.
There are 22 contestants was take part in this event which are they come from overally from
educational background board such as Universiti Putra Malaysia(UPM), Secondary school and
Polytech College.
All the contestants must be present their materials to the valuation panel in 20 minutes.
Week 9/09/12/2017
I was doing the poster for Hari Peladang,Penternak dan Nelayan Kebangsaan.
The poster is on Currypuff maker that are going to exhibits at the event.
I was doing a video of the production of currypuff using manual way and using the currypuff
The manual way of making the currypuff the usual way was use:
1) Make the dough by the flour and margerine mix with water.
3) Put in the contain of the currypuff and make the shape of the currypuff.
2) The handle is swinged forward to cut the excessive dough and sharp the currypuff.
After all the procedure was taken the currypuff are ready are ready to be fry
In conclusion, by using the machine the number of currypuff production can be multiple than
the manual one.
Week 10/19/09/2017
The aim of making the video was to give the people the early adopter of how the machine is
can help them to consume less their energy and time to made the currypuff in large number of
I was doing cleaning the machine in the lab for an inspection by authorities.
d) Mini Project
Report of the Survey
on the problem that
are facing by the
food entrepreuer
A survey was conducted starting on 31/07/2017 until 18/08/12017 which is in three weeks. The
survey was conducted is about the problem that are have been facing by the food
entrepreneur in Malaysia generally, they are have been requested to give their own opinion
about the problem that are we going to ask them, in order to get the pro and cons of the
problem that we already listed to them in the same time we are also here to promote our
product from RJ Machine Solution Sdn Bhd which is Neudol Maker.
The survey was conducted in Kajang and Shah Alam area because at the area the food store
is cant be arguably is in numbers.
9. Give a welcoming statement, such as introducing where we came from and little bit about
the company background.
10. Collect the demographic, collect the early adopter which is the factor that will make the
chance of them get our product.
11. Tell a context, give an assume problem
13. Do the exploring, ask about how exactly the problem is occur.
Bahagian 1: Terima kasih atas masa yang tuan berikan. Saya Iskandar dari RS Machine
Solution Sdn Bhd, satu syarikat di bawah UPM dimana kami cuba menghubungkan jarak
antara universiti dan industri.
Sekarang kami sedang menjalankan kajian tentang proses makanan. Sekarang kami sudah
mempunyai prototaip sahaja tetapi belum bersedia untuk dijual kerana kami masih menkaji
tentang masalah yang dihadapi oleh pengusaha-pengusaha makanan dan kami harap dapat
mengatasi masalah-masalah tersebut dengan kepakaran yang kami ada.
Tujuan kami di sini adalah untuk belajar tentang industri makanan dari tuan dan bukan untuk
menjual atau menawarkan apa-apa untuk tuan.
Bahagian 2: Sebelum kita pergi lebih jauh, boleh saya tahu serba sedikit tentang latar
belakang perniagaan tuan ?
1) Nama :
2) Emel :
3) No. Telefon :
4) Sila nyatakan jenis menu dan kuantiti menu tersebut :
3) Jumlah pekerja : ..
Catatan :
Terima kasih.
Bahagian 3: Daripada kajian saya, antara kekangan terkini bagi pengusaha makanan adalah :
Mari kita bercakap tentang masalah-maslah yang dihadapi. Bagaimanakah tuan tuan
menyatakan masalah-masalah tersebut menjadi kekangan untuk perniagaan tuan?
Contoh :
-Tentang masalah menu makanan tak cukup, bagaimana tuan mengenal pasti masalah
ini sebagai masalah utama?
-Boleh tuan ceritakan bagaimana contoh situasi apabila ada pelanggan yang merungut
tentang menu maknanan tidak cukup ini?
Berdasarkan apa yang kita bincangkan, adakah Tuan berminat untuk mencuba produk kami
yang sudah tersedia ?
Adakah tuan bersetuju jika saya ingin melakukan satu lagi temubual tentang maklum balas
produk itu ?
Kami masih mencari restoran seperti ini untuk temubual seterusnya. Bolehkah tuan
menyarankan kepada kami mana-mana restoran?
Data analysis
Problem The lack of the menu Workers problem The difficulty to serve
certain menu
Cibiuk 3 1 2
Dulang Mas 3 1 2
Laman Santai 2 1 3
Sidah Cafe 1 2 3
Laman Grill 2 1 3
Amin Cafe 2 1 3
Belanga 3 1 2
Deli Thai 2 1 3
Mia Seafood 2 1 3
Umbut Cafe 1 2 3
Molek Cafe 3 2 1
DE Rasa 1 2 3
Kopi Kaw 2 1 3
Babygrove Tomyam 3 1 2
Cafe Sameer 2 1 3
Umi Cafe 3 1 2
Tomyam Putra 2 1 3
Ali Sate 3 1 2
Giduk Cafe 1 2 3
Table 2: The decision of the food enterpreneur to take our food sample
Cibiuk /
Dulang Mas /
Bunga /
Laman Santai /
Sidah Cafe /
Laman Grill /
Amin Cafe /
Belanga /
Deli Thai /
Mia Seafood /
Umbut Cafe /
Molek Cafe /
DE Rasa /
Kopi Kaw /
Babygrove Tomyam /
Cafe Sameer /
Umi Cafe /
Tomyam Putra /
Ali Sate /
Restaurant Picture
Dulang Mas
Laman Grill
Amin Cafe
Deli Thai
Mia Seafood
Umbut Cafe
Cafe Chef Bob
DE Rasa
Kopi Kaw
Cafe Sameer
Umi Cafe
Tomyam Putra
Ali Sate
Based on the data that collected during the interview many of them is having problem about
the workers. Based on their explanation all the problem that are we listed was have their own
way of occurrence.
1. Workers problem
The workers problem can be in many ways, one of them is when the workers did not come to
work, in that case the management must have the backup plan which for example equipped
theirself with the cooking skill for emergency replacement to the workers that did come to work
that day.
Next, the attitude of the workers is lack which the food entrepreneur is hard to find the workers
that are very loyal and stable.
Lastly, certain of the restaurant are using the foreigner as their worker which will be some
problem in making their way in the country which few times must to dealing with the
immigration board.
The lack of menu cant be problem to many restaurant because they are already know the
what are going to be serve to their customers and some restaurant was changes their menu
based on the customers interest, if the menu is get the high demand the production of the
menu will be sustain while if the menu is get low demand the production of the menu will be
slowly reduced.
The problem of the difficulty of serve certain menu is not be the big problem to them as they
are already know what is their special menu in their restaurant and people also know their
restaurant through that menu, that will be the second name of their company.
Conclusion of the survey
As the conclusion the main problem that are having by the food entrepreneur was all about the
person itself, if the person is having proper management itself it will overcome all the problem
that are they are having.
As the conclusion from all that I has done in my Industrial Training programmed I was learn
about the how exactly the project manager work is going by doing the market analysis from the
information have been collected from the respondents through the survey conducted.