42 Rallos vs. Yango
42 Rallos vs. Yango
42 Rallos vs. Yango
GIVE DUE NOTICE business withYangco through the said Collantes, as his factor,
- The general rule is that, when the relationship of principal and sending to him as agent forYangco a good deal of produce to be sold
agent is established, and the principal gives notice of the agency and on commission.
holds out the agent as his authorized representative, upon the
termination of the agency it is the duty of the principal to give due Rallos sent to the said Collantes, as agent for Yangco, 218 bundles
and timely notice thereof, otherwise, he will be held liable to third of tobacco in the leaf to be sold on commission, as had been other
parties acting in good faith and properly relying upon such agency. produce previously.
RALLOS VS. YANGO The said Collantes received said tobacco and sold it for the sum of
P1,744.The charges for such sale were P206.96, leaving in the hands
FLORENTINO RALLOS, ET AL., plaintiff-appellee, of said Collantes thesum of 1,537.08 belonging to Rallos. This sum
vs. was, apparently, converted to hisown use by said agent.
TEODORO R. YANGCO, defendant-appellant.
It appears, however, that prior to the sending of said tobacco Yangco
G.R. No. 6906 hadsevered his relations with Collantes and that the latter was no
September 27, 1911 longer acting as hisfactor. This fact was not known to Rallos; and it
Potente: MORELAND, J.: is conceded in the case that nonotice of any kind was given by
Yangco of the termination of the relations betweenYangco and his
agent, Collantes.
Yangco thus refused to pay the said sum upon demand of Rallos,
This is an appeal from a judgment of the Court of First Instance of placingsuch refusal upon the ground that at the time the said tobacco
the Province of Cebu was received andsold by Collantes, he was acting personally and not
as agent of Yangco.
Yangco sent Rallos a letter inviting the latter to be the consignor in Whether or not Yangco as principal is liable brought by the sale of
buyingand selling leaf tobacco and other native products. Terms and the produce
conditions were alsocontained in the letter.
SC: Affirmed.