Sales Nature and Form of Contracts Art. 1458 FACTS: Petitioner Was The Owner of A 8,015 Square Meter
Sales Nature and Form of Contracts Art. 1458 FACTS: Petitioner Was The Owner of A 8,015 Square Meter
Sales Nature and Form of Contracts Art. 1458 FACTS: Petitioner Was The Owner of A 8,015 Square Meter
Facts: A big parcel of lot was originally owned by Spouses Laquian. -assignment was done prior to the application.
When the Spouses died, the property was left with the wife’s ARTICLES 1469-1474
siblings. Through an "Extrajudicial Settlement of the Estate of the Art. 1469. In order that the price may be considered certain, it shall
Deceased Constancia R. Socco (wife)," the parcel of land was be sufficient that it be so with reference to another thing certain, or
partitioned into 3 lots. Before the partition, Miguel Socco, 1 of the that the determination thereof be left to the judgment of a special
heirs sold his share to Arturo Reyes as evidenced by the Contract to person or persons.
Sell stating that he is to inherit a particular portion. But upon
partition, the said portion sold was adjudicated to respondent, Elena Should such person or persons be unable or unwilling to fix it, the
Socco – Beltran, and not to Miguel Socco. contract shall be inefficacious, unless the parties subsequently agree
upon the price.
SC: Article 1459 of the Civil Code on contracts of sale, “The thing
must be licit and the vendor must have a right to transfer ownership If the third person or persons acted in bad faith or by mistake, the
thereof at the time it is delivered.” The law specifically requires courts may fix the price.
that the vendor must have ownership of the property at the time it is Where such third person or persons are prevented from fixing the
delivered. Petitioners claim that the property was constructively price or terms by fault of the seller or the buyer, the party not in
delivered to them in 1954 by virtue of the Contract to Sell. fault may have such remedies against the party in fault as are
However, as already pointed out by this Court, it was explicit in the allowed the seller or the buyer, as the case may be. (1447a)
Contract itself that, at the time it was executed, Miguel R. Socco
was not yet the owner of the property and was only expecting to Art. 1470. Gross inadequacy of price does not affect a contract of
inherit it. Hence, there was no valid sale from which ownership of sale, except as it may indicate a defect in the consent, or that the
the subject property could have transferred from Miguel Socco to parties really intended a donation or some other act or contract. (n)
Arturo Reyes. Without acquiring ownership of the subject property, Art. 1471. If the price is simulated, the sale is void, but the act may
Arturo Reyes also could not have conveyed the same to his heirs, be shown to have been in reality a donation, or some other act or
herein petitioners. contract. (n)
The law specifically requires that the vendor must have ownership of Art. 1472. The price of securities, grain, liquids, and other things
the property at the time it is delivered. Petitioners cannot derive shall also be considered certain, when the price fixed is that which
title to the subject property by virtue of the Contract to Sell. It was the thing sold would have on a definite day, or in a particular
stated in the Contract that the vendor was not yet the owner of the exchange or market, or when an amount is fixed above or below the
subject property and was merely expecting to inherit the same. It price on such day, or in such exchange or market, provided said
was also declared that conveyance of the subject to the buyer was a amount be certain. (1448)
conditional sale. It is, therefore, apparent that the sale of the
Note: Failure of consideration is different from the lack of Held: As to the last contention, the court ruled that the contract to
consideration, the former results in a right to demand the sell is not a unilateral promise to sell:
fulfillment/ cancellation of the obligation under the existing valid In the instant case, the consideration of P100,000.00 paid by
contract. This is different from lack of consideration w/c prevents respondent to petitioners was referred to as "option money."
the existence of a valid contract. However, a careful examination of the words used in the contract
B. Effect of earnest money (1482) indicates that the money is not option money but earnest money.
"Earnest money" and "option money" are not the same but
Art. 1482. Whenever earnest money is given in a contract of sale, it distinguished thus: (a) earnest money is part of the purchase price,
shall be considered as part of the price and as proof of the while option money is the money given as a distinct consideration for
perfection of the contract an option contract; (b) earnest money is given only where there is
a. It is considered part of the price, unless the contract is otherwise already a sale, while option money applies to a sale not yet
b. It is proof of perfection of the contract perfected; and, (c) when earnest money is given, the buyer is bound
to pay the balance, while when the would-be buyer gives option
Earnest money- it is something of value that the buyer was really in money, he is not required to buy, but may even forfeit it depending
earnest and given after the perfection of the contract. on the terms of the option.20
-part of the purchase price. The sum of P100,000.00 was part of the purchase price. Although the
same was denominated as "option money," it is actually in the nature
Option money- distinct consideration. of earnest money or down payment when considered with the other
terms of the contract. Doubtless, the agreement is not a mere
unilateral promise to sell, but, indeed, it is a Contract to Sell as both
Oesmer v. Paraiso Devt Corp the trial court and the appellate court declared in their Decisions.
Facts: Petitioners in this case are brothers and sisters and the co-
owners of undivided shared is parcels of land originally owned by Manila Metal Container Corporation v. PNB
their parents. One the petitioners, Ernesto, met with the President
of Paraiso for purpose of brokering the sale of petitioners’ properties Facts: Petitioner was the owner of a parcel of land and to be able to
to respondent corp. A contract to sell was the executed, signed by secure a loan from PNB, petitioner executed a real party mortgage
the siblings except Adolfo and Jesus. An amount of P100,000 was also over the land. For its failure to pay, PNB foreclose the mortgaged
given as option money. Later however, petitioners informed PAraiso and sold at public auction for which PNB was the winning bidder,
of their intention to rescind the Contract to sell and to return the with a one year period of redemption by the petitioner. Petitioner
requested that there be an extension of time to redeem the property
Firstly the demand letter made by the petitioner to vacate the xxx xxx xxx
premises does not constitute notice of cancellation. Second . . . Not only is an action for reconveyance conceptually different
petitioner cannot insist on compliance with the requirement by from an action for rescission but that, also, the effects that flow
assuming that the cash surrender value payable to the buyer had from an affirmative judgment in either case would be materially
been applied to rentals of the property after respondent failed to dissimilar in various respects. The judicial resolution of a contract
pay the installments due. gives rise to mutual restitution which is not necessarily the situation
Therefore a deed of absolute sale shall be made after payment of that can arise in an action for reconveyance. Additionally, in an
purchase price. action for rescission (also often termed as resolution), unlike in an
action for reconveyance predicated on an extrajudicial rescission
c. Rules when the buyer has paid less than 2 years of installments (rescission by notarial act), the Court, instead of decreeing
( Refer to case below) rescission, may authorize for a just cause the fixing of a period. 23
1) where the buyer paid less than 2 years installments
Respondents Ang and Cuason claimed in their answer with As found by the Court of Appeals, in the case at bar, the
counterclaim 16 that respondent Casal remained the registered requirements of Sections 4 and 5 of P.D. [No.] 957 do not go into the
owner of the subdivided lots when they were transferred to them validity of the contract, such that the absence thereof would
and that the failure by petitioners to annotate their claims on the automatically render the contract null and void. It is rather more of
title indicated that they were unfounded. Respondent CRS Realty and an administrative convenience in order to allow a more effective
the Heirs of Laudiza were declared in default for failure to file their regulation of the industry.
respective answers.
Chapter 2
Whether or not the absence of a license to sell has rendered the Capacity to Buy or Sell
sales void; (2) whether or not the subsequent sale to respondent Arts. 1489 – 1492
Cuason and Ang constitutes double sale;
I. Parties and their Consent
Held: A. Capacity in general (1489)
Petitioners assail the Court of Appeals' ruling that the lack of the Art. 1489. All persons who are authorized in this Code to obligate
requisite license to sell on the part of respondent CRS Realty themselves, may enter into a contract of sale, saving the
rendered the sales void; hence, neither party could compel modifications contained in the following articles.
performance of each other's contractual obligations.
Where necessaries are sold and delivered to a minor or other
The only requisite for a contract of sale or contract to sell to exist in person without capacity to act, he must pay a reasonable price
law is the meeting of minds upon the thing which is the object of the therefor. Necessaries are those referred to in article 290.
contract and the price, including the manner the price is to be paid
Note: A person who has both juridical capacity and capacity to act is
by the vendee. Under Article 1458 of the New Civil Code, in a
said to have full civil capacity. It is understood that he is of legal age
contract of sale, whether absolute or conditional, one of the
and suffers no restriction on his capacity to act, such person may
contracting parties obliges himself to transfer the ownership of and
enter into any contract including sale.
deliver a determinate thing, and the other to pay therefor a price
certain in money or its equivalent. B. Special Disqualifications to Buy
In the instant case, the failure by respondent CRS Realty to obtain a a. Between Spouses
license to sell the subdivision lots does not render the sales void on