Position-Paper-Rape Repaired NO. 1
Position-Paper-Rape Repaired NO. 1
Position-Paper-Rape Repaired NO. 1
That on February 14, 2017at 11:00 AM, in the City of Baguio, and
within the jurisdiction of this Honorable Court, the said accused, with
lewd and unchaste designs, did then and there willfully, unlawfully and
feloniously grabbed a knife and pointed it to the neck of JULIA T.
TORRES who is minor of 10 years while she was while she was
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cooking their lunch and threatened her not to shout or else the accused
will stab her. The accused, there and then, willfully, unlawfully, and
feloniously, had carnal knowledge of the said JULIA T. TORRES
against her will and by means of force, violence, intimidation and
c. While I was busy wiping the kitchen sink, waiting for the rice to
boil, Tatay Amboy suddenly appeared behind me, grabbed me
and made me sit in the kitchen sink facing him;
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g. Tatay Amboy then grabbed my skirt up and pulled my
underwear down while his other hand is covering my mouth;
j. When I felt the pain, I tried to struggle for freedom while biting
his palm which was covering my mouth. It was then that I heard
a loud noise of the door being forcibly opened;
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2. Medical Certificate----------------------------------Exhibit B
(This medical certificate is issued by Dr. Estrella Herras of
Baguio General Hospital (BGH) after conducting a medical
examination of the victim. This medical certificate shows that Julia T.
Torres has hymenal lacerations which tend to show that she has been
forced to have sexual intercourse with the accused).
3. Information--------------------------------------------Exhibit C
(This is a sworn, written accusation of a crime to prove the
facts of the raped incident that transpired at Kias, Baguio city)
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The defendants allegation that the crime of rape could not have
happen because the accused had a Total Penectomy wherein the
genitalia had to be removed due to Fournier Gangrene is without
merit. One of the significant amendment introduce by Republic Act
No. 8353 is the pronouncement that the insertion of any instrument,
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object, or any part of the human body other that the sexual organ into
the genital or anus of another person as rape and not merely acts of
lasciviousness (People v. Campuhan, G.R. No. 129433, March 30,
The Court has held time and time that testimonies of rape
victims who are young and immature deserve full credence,
considering that no young woman, especially of tender age, would
concoct a story of defloration, allow an examination of her private
parts, and, thereafter, pervert herself by subjecting herself to a public
trial, if she was not motivated solely by the desire to obtain justice for
the wrong committed against her. Youth and immaturity are generally
badges of truth. A young girls revelation that she had been raped,
coupled with her voluntary submission to medical examination and
willingness to undergo public trial where she could be compelled to
give out the details of an assault on her dignity, cannot be so easily
dismissed as mere concoction. (People vs. Arnel Macafe y
Nabong, G.R. No. 185616, November 24, 2010).
It is not impossible for the child to have mistaken the accuseds finger
as his penis which entered the genital of the victim. The defense
allegation regarding the victims inconsistency in depicting the actual
scene during the vicious moment of rape stating that it is impossible
that a penis entered the genitalia of the victim because of the
accuseds Total Penectomy is a frail attempt to dismiss the credibility
of the victim. Citing the cases of People v. Saludo where the court
ruled that rape is a painful experience which is oftentimes not
remembered in detail. For such an offense is not analogous to a
persons achievement or accomplishment as to be worth recalling or
reliving; rather, it is something which causes deep psychological
wounds and casts a stigma upon the victim, scarring her psyche for
life and which her conscious and subconscious mind would opt to
forget. Thus, a rape victim cannot be expected to mechanically keep
and then give an accurate account of the traumatic and horrifying
experience she had undergone.
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removed her panty; inserted his penis in her vagina; and threatened
her bodily harm if she would shout and reveal the rape (People VS.
Bangsoy G.R. No. 204047, January 13, 2016).
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Sec. 11. Allegations not specifically denied deemed
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The commission of the crime is duly corroborated by the Medico
Legal report showing that the private complainant suffered from
complete laceration with sharp coaptable border without congestion of
the hymen at 9 oclock, a test tube with a diameter of inch entered
with slight difficulty in the vagina, and in a non-virgin state physically.
The defendants also alleged that the charge against the accused
were fabricated stories because Julias mother, Juliana, wanted to
seek revenge against the accused because the accused left Juliana
for a certain Margaux B. Buenavista, and that the filing of this instant
complaint is a product of personal vendetta by Julias mother, due to
the accuseds refusal to return home with Juliana. This allegation
does not hold water. Contrary to the allegation of the defense, it was
Juliana who left the accused and kicked him out of the house she and
the victim are staying in because of the accuseds infidelity and
tendency to hit her whenever he is drunk. They have been living
separately since November 2016, however, the accused still goes to
Julianas house to eat whenever Juliana is not at home. Due to this
fact, Juliana was also unaware of the operation done to the accused.
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As it has been reiterated, it is highly improbable for an innocent
girl, who is very nave to the things of this world, to fabricate a charge
so humiliating not only to herself but to her family. Moreover, it is
doctrinally settled that testimonies of rape victims who are of tender
age are credible. The revelation of an innocent child whose chastity
was abused deserves full credit, as the willingness of the complainant
to face police investigation and to undergo the trouble and humiliation
of a public trial is eloquent testimony of the truth of her complaint.
Therefore, the contention of the accused that the charge was
fabricated due to ill feelings or ill motives of the mother of the victim
cannot be given merit.
Respectfully submitted.
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Rm. 4, 2/F Baguio Masonic Temple
180 Cabinet Hill, Baguio City
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