3g4g Question Bank
3g4g Question Bank
3g4g Question Bank
10 mark questions
16.What is 1xEVDO ?
17.What is WCDMA?
10 marks Questions
1. Explain about Frequency Reuse?
2. Draw the block diagram of basic cellular systems and explain operation of cellular systems?
3. What is handover and Explain about hand over scenarios.
4. Explain about Teletraffic Theory?
5. Explain Multiple Access Technologies?
6. Explain about jakes model for wireless communication.
7. Explain delay spread in wireless communications
8. Write a brief introduction about Cellular process and call set-up.
9. Explain the Coherent bandwidth in wireless communication.
10. Explain about diffent types of Doppler effects on Doppler spectrum
10 marks Questions
1. Explain briefly about the introduction to CDMA and basic CDMA mechanism.
2. (a)Write spreading codes based on Pseudo-Noise(PN) Sequence
(b)Write the properties of PN sequence
3.(a)Write a short note on Multicarrier transmission of OFDM .
(b)write the short note on orthogonal spreading codes in cdma.
Two marks
10 mark questions
4. What MSME receiver?And Explain how it is used for the MIMO wireless communication
5. With neat sketch explain MIMO-OFDM Transmitter and Receiver.
6.Dfine UWB and mention its features.
7.What are the single band UWB modulation schemes? Explain.
8.Give the analysis of BER performance in UWB detection.
9.Explain MIMO Diversity with a neat block diagram.
10.Write a brief note on V-BLAST architecture.
10 mark questions
8. In _______, Multiple Access is achieved by allocating different time slots for the
different users. [ ]
9. The basic GSM is based on ___________ traffic channels? [ ]
A) Connection Oriented B) connection less C) packet switching D) circuit switching
10. An Antenna which attempts to direct all its energy in a particular direction is called as
[ ]
A) Reflector Antenna B) Directional Antenna C) Parabolic Antenna D) Lens Antenna
11. What do you call an attenuation that occurs over many different wavelengths of the carrier?
A)Rayleigh Fading B) Rician Fading C) Wavelength Fading D) Slow Fading
12. Which is the Narrow Band Fading channel model without LOS path? [ ]
A) Small B) Large
C) Medium D) None
31. The proposed MRC-based precoding technique by means of ___ [ ]
A) Simulation B) Modulation
C) Calculation D)None
32. Optical linear transmit and receive strategies for a variety of ____ [ ]
A) Min input Max output B) Min input Max input
C) Min output Max output D)None
33. The slight decrease in the ____ SNR is due to the noise accumulation [ ]
A) Min input Max output B) Min input Max input
C) Min output Max input D)None
34. Relay and Destination nodes are equipped with two antennas ____ [ ]
A) M=N=1 B) M=N=0
C) M=N=2 D) None
35. Numerical results shows the proposed trans receive techniques can improve the
________ SNR [ ]
A) Transmitted B) Received
C) Both D) None
36. Two natural questions of relay networks are problems of ________ strategies [ ]
A) Transmission and reception B) Only Transmission
C) Only reception D) None
37. The destination that combines the two signals using two weight vectors w1 and
w2 to construct the ______ signal [ ]
A) Transmitter B) Receiver
C) Both D) None
38. The transmitter symbol x is precoded at ______ by precoder w [ ]
A) Transmitter B) Receiver
C) Both D) None
39. The transmitter symbol x is precoded at ______ by precoder vector w [ ]
A) Transmitter B) Receiver
C) Both D) None
40. Transmitters are equipped with __ antennas when the receiver has N antennas
A) M B) N
C) Both D)Zero
1. When the mobile unit is moving from one zone to another zone call will be continued by a
process called [ ]
(A) Dropped call (B) Handoff (C) Cell Splitting (D) None
(A) 1.76 mins (B) 1.76 sec (C) 1.76 msec (D) 1.76 hrs
(A) Time domain (B) Space domain (C) Both (A) & (B) (D) none
5. The threshold level set for a noise limited system to provide hand off is _______ [ ]
6. The C/I value at the cell boundary for handoff should be _________ [ ]
(A) C/I ratio (B) signal strength (C) Both (A) & (B) (D) none
8. FCC means [ ]
9. MTSO means [ ]
(A) Mobile telephone switching office (B) Mobile tested switching office
10. The average of the CM score obtained from the listeners is called [ ]
(A) Maximum opinion score (B) Mean opinion score (C) minimum opinion score (D) All
14.GSM means [ ]
16. ____ acts as interface between MTSO and the mobile units. [ ]
17. ____ reduces the neighboring cell interferences & enhances weak spots. [ ]
A) 4 B) 6 C) 1 D)0
24.The blocking probability for no queuing on either the originating or handoff call is [ ]
25. When the terrain contour blocks the direct wave path we call it as [ ]
(A) Indirect path (B) Reflected path (C) Forward path (D) Obstructive path
(A) Man-made noise (B) Ignition noise (C) Both (A) & (B) (D) none
(A) Co channel reuse scheme (B) frequency reuse scheme (C) real time scheme (D) none
30. In Q calls if one call is dropped then the call drop rate is given by [ ]
(A) Incident angle (B) Reflected angle (C) Elevation angle (D) none
32.Which database contains subscribers information and current location of the subscriber [ ]
33. If there is a possibility of call drop due to no availability of voice channels is called [ ]
34. If the average calling time is 1.76 then the offered load can be derived as [ ]
35. In Q calls if one call is dropped then the call drop rate is given by [ ]
1. CDMA stands for [ ]
A) Code division multiplexing B)column division multiplexing C)Code divided multiplexing D)None
3.The multiple access is at the heart of modern wireless technologies ,especially .and. [ ]
cellular technologies
4.CDMA as the name suggests ,is a multiple access technology based on division [ ]
6.A jammer is basically a malicious user in a communication network who transmits with a very high power
to cause [ ]
7.The idea of gracefull degradation is key to understanding the big advantages of ..networks [ ]
8.The important advantage of CDMA is its ability to achieve ..gain via multipath scatter [ ]
9.The term multipath diversity and is achieved through coherent combining of the . Signal
A)High speed downlink packet access B) High speed data link packet C)Both D)None
A)High speed uplink packet access B) High speed under link packet C)Both D)None
cellular techniques
A)Frequency Division multiple access B)Frame division multi Access C)Both D)None
18. The balance property basically supports the notation of a noise like .chip sequence [ ]
20. When we represent data in Code Division Multiple Access, a station is idle then it sends [ ]
21.The OFDM forms the basis for ..generation wireless communication systems [ ]
22.The OFDM is a key broad band technology which supports data rates in excess of .Mbps [ ]
A)On frequency division multiplexing B)Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing C)both D)All
26.OFDM divides the available wide band amongst a set of ..overlapping subcarriers [ ]
29.The SC-FDMA can be employed to reduce the peak to average power ratio in an system [ ]
30.The SC-FDMA receiver incorporates two new blocks compared to the .receiver [ ]
33. Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) differs from Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA) because
there is no [ ]
34. In Code Division Multiple Access, orthogonal sequence is unique for each [ ]
36. The consistently provides better capacity for voice and data communications than other [ ]
37. Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) is a ..cellular technology used for mobile communication[ ]
38. The. Codes are most commonly used in the orthogonal codes of CDMA applications [ ]
39. The technicality of technology has given significant advantages over other parallel
40. Direct Sequence Code Division Multiple Access (DS-CDMA) is a technique to .users by [ ]
different codes
1) _________is a wireless technology for transmitting large amounts of digital data over a wide
spectrum of frequency bands with very low power for a short distance. [ ]
2) The UWB has two modulation modes___________ [ ]
3) The frequency range of UWB is [ ]
A) 3.1-10.6 GHz B) 2.1-5.6GHz C) 1.1-4.6GHz D) NONE
4) The advantage OF UWB is________ [ ]
A) Low power B) low cost C) high data rate D) all above
5) The UWB can be used in __________ [ ]
A) Communications B) radar C) intelligence sensors D) all above
6) The UWB is ___________ [ ]
A) Multiple access mechanism B) unique access mechanism C) both A&B D) none
7) Ultra wideband (UWB) communication is based on the transmission of very ________with relatively low energy
A) Short pulses B) Wide pulses C) Mid pulses D) None [ ]
8) Ultra wideband (UWB) communication is based on the transmission of very short pulses with relatively[ ]
A) Low energy B) high energy C) Medium energy D) None
9) The main feature of the UWB technology provides the capability of _________which has already been used in the
radar applications and is now underway in the wireless communications. [ ]
A) accurate position B) narrow position C) wide position D) None
10) The UWB radio signal occupies a bandwidth of __________ [ ]
A) >500MHz B) <500MHz C) 500MHz D)None
11) Bandwidth of the UWB technique is [ ]
A) Huge B) narrow C) medium D) None
12) The major feature of this technique is the very low transmit power [ ]
A) Very low transmit power B) very high transmit power C) medium transmit power D) None
13) The low transmit power in UWB (in the order of microwatts) causes a ______to the existing systems [ ]
A) low level of interference B) high level interference C) medium level interference D) None
14) The low transmit power in UWB in the order of____ [ ]
A) Milli watts B) micro watts C) Nano watts D) None
15) Conventional wireless systems transmit with a _______ MAX bandwidth (WLAN) [ ]
A) 20MHz B) 10MHz C) 5MHz D) 15MHz
16) UWB Antennas are_______ [ ]
A) Directional antennas B) Omni-directional antennas C) bothA&B D) None
17) UWB is a________ communication scheme [ ]
A) Carrier less B) carrier C) bothA&B D) None
18) UWB utilizes______ impulses [ ]
A) Nanosecond impulses B) microsecond impulses C) millisecond impulses D) None
19) UWB technology has had applications in_______ ` [ ]
A) consumer electronics B) personal area networks C) bothA&B D) None
20) Ultra-wide band wireless radios send __________over a broad spectrum [ ]
A) short signal pulses B) long signal pulses C) medium signal pulses D) None
21) MIMO technology has been standardized for_______ [ ]
A) wireless LAN B) 3G mobile phone networks C) 4G mobile phone networks D) All
22) MIMO technology can be used in______systems [ ]
A) Wireless communication B) Non-wireless communication C) both A&B D) None
23) MIMO is a technique where multiple antennas are used at both the transmitter and the receiver to increase
the________ [ ]
A) Link reliability B) Spectral efficiency C) Both A&B D) None
24) MIMO is a technique where_______ antennas are used at both the transmitter and the receiver. [ ]
A) Multiple B) Single C) both A&B D) None
25) One major source of fading is________ propagation [ ]
A) Multipath B) Single path C) both A&B D) None
26) We can create transmit diversity by using multiple antennas at the transmitter. This configuration is
called___________. [ ]
27) We can create receiver diversity by using multiple antennas at the receiver. This configuration is
called___________. [ ]
28) _________starts when multiple antennas are used both at the transmitter and the receiver [ ]
29) The main forms of MIMO are ______ [ ]
A) Diversity coding B) spatial multiplexing C) both A&B D) None
30) Diversity coding is used to increase________ in the presence of fading conditions [ ]
A) Link reliability B) Spectral efficiency C) Both A&B D) None
31) The Alamouti code is one of the most popular space-time block codes used for_____ diversity coding.[ ]
A) 22 B) 33 C) 44 D) 55
32) Spatial multiplexing exploits the same concept of multiple propagation channels, but to increase the _____
instead of the link reliability. [ ]
A) Spectral efficiency B) Spatial efficiency C) Link reliability D) None
33) The transceiver design based on the SVD of the MIMO channel matrix is usually called_____ transmission
1) Which of the following is 3G STANDARD [ ]
2) Which of the following is 4G STANDARD [ ]
3) Which of the following switching technique can be used in 3G [ ]
A) Packet switching B) message switching C) both a& b D) None
4) Which of the following switching technique can be used in 4G [ ]
A) Packet switching B) message switching C) both a& b D) None
5) Which of the following codes are used for error correction in 3G [ ]
A) Turbo codes B) concatenated codes C) both a& b D) None
6) Which of the following codes are used for error correction in 3G [ ]
A) Turbo codes B) concatenated codes C) both a& b D) None
7) The download rate in 3G [ ]
A) 100kbps B) 100Mbps C) 1Gbps D) 10Gbps
8) The download rate in 4G [ ]
A) 100kbps B) 100Mbps C) 1Gbps D) 10Gbps
9. The frequency band of 3G is [ ]
A) 1.8-2.5GHz B) 2-8 GHz C) 0.8-1.5 GHz D) 1-4 GHz
10) The frequency band of 4G is [ ]
A) 1.8-2.5GHz B) 2-8 GHz C) 0.8-1.5 GHz D) 1-4 GHz
11) The upload rate in 3G is [ ]
A) 5Mbps B) 500Mbps C) 5Kbps D) none
12) The upload rate in 4G is [ ]
A) 5Mbps B) 500Mbps C) 5Kbps D) none
13) Which of the following network architecture used in 3G [ ]
A) Wide area cell based B) LAN and wide area C) LAN only D) wide area only