Project Charter
Project Charter
Project Charter
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Project Charter
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Project Charter
Table of Contents
PROJECT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY...............................................................................................................................1
PROJECT OVERVIEW...............................................................................................................................................1
PROJECT OBJECTIVES............................................................................................................................................1
PROJECT SCOPE........................................................................................................................................................2
IN SCOPE:....................................................................................................................................................................2
OUT OF SCOPE:................................................................................................................................................... 2
DELIVERABLES PRODUCED:.................................................................................................................................... 2
ORGANIZATIONS AFFECTED OR IMPACTED:.............................................................................................................. 3
PROJECT ESTIMATED EFFORT/COST/DURATION......................................................................................4
ESTIMATED COST:................................................................................................................................................ 4
ESTIMATED EFFORT HOURS:.................................................................................................................................. 4
ESTIMATED DURATION:......................................................................................................................................... 4
PROJECT ASSUMPTIONS.......................................................................................................................................5
PROJECT RISKS........................................................................................................................................................5
PROJECT CONSTRAINTS.......................................................................................................................................6
PROJECT DEPENDENCIES.....................................................................................................................................6
PROJECT ORGANIZATION....................................................................................................................................7
ORGANIZATION CHART:......................................................................................................................................... 7
Project Approvals..........................................................................................................................................................8
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Revision History
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and conditions of your TenStep, Inc. license agreement (Member, Browse, Consultant, etc.) Unauthorized
use, sale, resale, copying, etc. are strictly forbidden by USA and international copyright law. (Remove this
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Project Overview
Describe the background and context for the project and why it is being undertaken. Speak to the
business value of the work being performed. Put enough information here so that the rest of the sections
in the Project Charter make sense. (Remove this comment section from final document.)
Project Objectives
Objectives are statements that describe what this project will achieve and deliver. The completion of an
objective should be evident through the creation of one or more deliverables. If the statement is at a
high level and does not imply the creation of a deliverable, it may be a goal instead. If the statement is
too low level and describes features and functions, then it may be a requirement statement instead.
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Project Scope
This section is where you clearly define the logical boundaries of your project. Scope statements are used
to define what is within the boundaries of the project and what is outside those boundaries. Examples of
areas that could be examined are data, processes, locations or business areas. If the scope statement is
a true boundary you should be able to tie at least one out-of-scope statement for each in-scope
statement. (Remove this comment section from final document.)
The scope of this project includes and excludes the following items:
In Scope:
Out of Scope:
Deliverables Produced:
All projects have deliverables. In this section, describe the deliverables of the project. Provide enough
explanation and detail that the reader will be able to understand what is being produced. (Remove this
comment section from final document.)
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Copyright 2005-2013 TenStep, Inc. All Rights Reserved
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Project Charter
Estimated Cost:
Estimated Duration:
Milestone Date Deliverable(s) Completed
Project Planning mm/dd/yy Project Charter
Milestone 1 mm/dd/yy Deliverable 1
Deliverable 2
Milestone 2 mm/dd/yy Deliverable 3
Milestone 3 mm/dd/yy Deliverable 4
Milestone 4 mm/dd/yy Deliverable 5
Project Conclusion mm/dd/yy
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Project Assumptions
Assumptions are statements that you believe to be true typically for planning purposes. Project
assumptions are circumstances and events that need to occur for the project to be successful. They are
listed as assumptions if there is a HIGH probability that they will, in fact, happen. The assumptions
provide a historical perspective when evaluating project performance and determining justification for
project-related decisions and direction. (Remove this comment section from final document.)
Certain assumptions and premises need to be made to identify and estimate the
required tasks and timing for the project. Based on the current knowledge today, the
project assumptions are listed below. If an assumption is invalidated at a later date,
then the activities and estimates in the project plan should be adjusted accordingly.
Assumption 1
Assumption 2
Assumption 3, etc.
Project Risks
Project risks are circumstances or events that exist outside of the control of the project team that will
have an adverse impact on the project if they occur. (In other words, whereas an issue is a current
problem that must be dealt with, a risk is a potential future problem that has not yet occurred.) All
projects contain some risks. Risks may not be able to be eliminated entirely, but can be anticipated and
managed, thereby reducing the probability that they will occur.
Risks that have a high probability of occurring and have a high negative impact should be listed below.
Also consider those risks that have a medium probability of occurring. For each risk listed, identify
activities to perform to eliminate or mitigate the risk.
Project risks are characteristics, circumstances, or features of the project environment that may
have an adverse effect on the project or the quality of its deliverables. Known risks identified with
this project have been included below. A plan will be put into place to minimize or eliminate the
impact of each risk to the project.
Risk Area Level Risk Plan
1. Project risk 1 Risk plan activity 1
Risk plan activity 2, etc.
2. Project risk 2
3. Project risk 3
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Project Constraints
Constraints are events or limitations that are outside the control of the project team and need to be
managed around. They are facts. They are not necessarily problems, but could be. Date constraints, for
instance, imply that certain events (perhaps the end of the project) must occur by certain dates.
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The project manager should be aware of constraints because they refer to limitations
that the project must execute within.
Constraint 1
Constraint 2
Constraint 3, etc.
Project Dependencies
List any other projects that are in progress of pending that have a dependency with your project. These
dependencies are deliverables-based. That is, a project will pass a deliverable to you or you will pass a deliverable
to the other project. (Remove this comment section from final document.)
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Project Organization
It is important to understand who the major players are on the project. An organization chart works well.
Otherwise list the major project roles and the actual people involved. (Remove this comment section
from final document.)
Organization Chart:
Add a project organization chart, if available. (Remove this comment section from final document.)
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Project Approvals
Add any signatures that are important for the approval of the project. (Remove this comment section
from final document.)
______________________________________ ___________________
Project Executive Sponsor xxxxx Date
______________________________________ ___________________
Project Sponsor xxxx xxxx Date
______________________________________ ___________________
Project Director xxxx xxxx Date
______________________________________ ___________________
Project Manager xxxx xxxx Date
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