Spiritualist Works
Spiritualist Works
Spiritualist Works
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Of this pious Association
monthly and distributed free
D in prisons, labor patronage
02 ^ 08 Hospitals, etc., and in general it is
3S poor.
The Board of Directors shall send to the
es where to collect at least fifty
co pesetas monthly subscription, if PI-
den partners, a package of fifty
copies, postage paid, that they
By themselves proceed to free propaganda And by
Each equal sum, which is the cost of
Are entitled to as many import packages as
The average package Teintidnco exam-
plares, it shall be submitted three pesetas a month
Twelve monthly numbers, a weigh-
It's fifty cents.
The collection '92 paste two pe-
Mushrooms fifty cents.
189a.-I. The reason for religion.-U. More about reli-
Gin.-lU. If the truth is that God exists. What is it
That of confession? Bourgeois and proletarians.
^ Hji catechism.-Yll. The third, sanctify the feasts
^^^ Ul.Who Has returned from the other world? -IX. For
^ Kifltven The priests -. Catholics and Masons.-
. War to blasphemy, -Xll. I believe in Jesus Christ:
1893.-XIII. And to what, or the indifferent in religion.
-XIV.ia Protestante.-XW farce. A meet / < "
Church.-Wl. The bad readings.
Equality and Fraternity .- \\ l The
\ l . Mother of God *
she is my mother. - XIX. The only science needed. -
XX. Cheerful stories and truths r'se.-XXI. Muer
You, judgment, hell and glory.-Wll. Our religion
is divine (1. 'section) .- XXIII. Our religion is di-
vina (2. 'parle) .- XXIV, The Church and the tavern.
1894. XXV. Witchcraft spirits.
Dirlcirae al'Adminl.
AMclaein, Leganltos, 13, low.
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'R'2dd3'> Ci
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EKERO 1894
AUO} "of the Mkambra," Am. 1.
189 *
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is noissoul,
pure matter
angels, noand that
Nor anything that is not something that is touched or that
Is eaten, are poor zopencos that,
Although they have soul, they deserve not to have it
Of pure foolishness.
Of these gentlemen spirits, who do not de-
To be safely sent by the
Holy spirit, but by the infernal spirit
When so much damage is done in the world,
I am going to speak to you of these spirits, dear lec-
Tor. I want to tell you something about this dia-
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(Notices to
Through the fireplace,
and was under Ira
To go down in the kitchen or to
Do average
But the witches of
Our days, oh! that M
Already something else. Danse
Pisto of sages and of i-
'' 5 ^^ 1
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Sofos, with only being poor
Deceived by Satan. Raise the spi-
Which, with other names, has always been
Pre-occupation of gypsies, pythonisas and bru-
To the category of thiiosophical-religious sect,
Sa; Have communications with spirits
Mysterious, who have always been called
Goblins or demons, this is our
Days, which have the repro-
Dick all the nonsense, follies, heresies
Or simplicity of all ages, but always
With a certain varnish of false or awkward science; from
So that what was always called magic,
Witchcraft, diabolical pact or simply
Play of hands or goblets, today is called
Foolishly and pompously SPIRITISM.
Reality or trickery?
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Nor that he is a sorcerer, nor charming,
or one who k pythons or adivi-
Seek or seek the truth from the dead. "
(Deut, XVIII, 10, 11..) Now the seek
Of the dead the truth is one of the
Main offenses of professional spiritualists.
And even of the novices or amateurs,
That are satisfied with the response of the
psychographic blilla under the pretext of game
Of living room.
Hex or witchcraft, oracles,
The V divinations, are declared deli-
cough capital in Exodus (XX, 18) and the
Leviticus (XX, G). And that crimes have
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Feet on thethat
In a place furniture werenot determine
they could
Which it was and for whom they did not see.
Margarita, lively and determined, said in a voice
safe :
- Whoever you are, hit now
As I counted the blows: one, two and
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Immediately the desire was satisfied
of the girl.
Mrs. Fox came, to which her daughters
They referred to what happened, and asked to be invisi-
That they were told to mark with
Other lashes hit the years each had
One of his daughters, in what was obeyed
Without delay. Do some other tests
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Develop with great activity the rela-
Between the world of the living and the
World of the dead.
It was not long before the
And compatriots of the Fox family
sen 'd witness the unique experiences
Which took place in the house of the spirits,
And soon enough in many others
They rolled chairs and tables,
inspiring answers to the mediums 6 in-
Between the living and the dead,
Writing phrases, letting oneself see in forms
Diverse and provoking, in short, all gen-
Number of phenomena.
Before many years, 60,000 mediums
Were engaged in giving flights to the new
Inc. Since the joke of the
In the Fox family home to the
day spiritualistic communications have been
Increased by innumerable prodigies.
Now are the chairs and tables that are
Come without anyone touching them; In other cases
Large cabinets and large
Pieces of furniture seem to be attacked by ver-
Dance or dance.
Unleashing surprising din, air
Fierce monasties, glow of lights, sensace
Or exchanged ... Who is attacked by catalepsy,
Who writhes like a convulsion,
Who shouts like a madman,
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The Jansenist Paris; Before the camisardos
Of the Cvennes .., and before, in the centuries of the
The Middle Ages, the phenomena that today
Have the spiritists were the reason for
The sabbaths, and the same as with the
Names of magic, goecia and theurgy, in the
riios secrets / in rich mitracos, inva-
Gave and East and the West, practiced
The Etruscans, the Greeks, the Egyptians, the
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Blacks in Persians
the centerand Indians.
of Africa,
In some regions of Oceania, the
Americans, you put them, the
Taros, the tibelauos and as many others as they give
Cult of the devil, offer patent examples
At present that the spirit of evil
Has relations with eilos ... With what you see
That spiritualism is as bad as it is
And it can not be olro mode. When
Deny Jesus Christ, when the
Gospel and apostate of the Church, who
Was the one who drove Satan, Sa-
So he regains his empire, prey on them
Souls and insights mad ... The
Spiritism, if God were not God, with Luci-
Fer for father, would become master of the world 1
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Set of goblets.
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Whole credit for being on these issues
Witness of greater exception:
"The ordinary method (1) which is saved
In these sessions is the following: first,
The minutes of the previous one being read by the Secretary,
The President recommended much silence and
Unity of thought, to be sanding
In which he said the prayers that by uu
Another is read or recited; These are for
Tell God his protection and the spirits
Their assistance and teachings,
Going all with one of our Father. Act se-
guido mediums, placed around
A table, begin, more or less soon,
According to their activity, to function.
The communications obtained are only read
Then, and explained by who the President-
He thinks he has to do better, he
Discuss and arrange to include them in a book
To the effect. Finally, a bag is circulated
Where the participants deposit their pro--
Written positions or their alms for the
Poor of the population; Are dealt with
Administrative or other types of
There are pending, and after giving thanks to
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That if they are not spent on public and private
They are engaged in
"When I was convinced that in the Cen-
Only one that was marked by
The spirits in the couiuuications, I pro-
I exploited the credulity of the
Tes ... If you want more clear, my eagerness to ga-
Land and rise in the consideration of
Those people to make me an in-
among others, induced me to wits dur-
During the night to communicate with the
tions to all astonished and raise
Projects that should not be delayed in
To become ...
Nothing, that the friend Huertas, as ready
That was, saw that it was a love,
And the attendants a bunch of lambs,
And proposed to take their hair, or rather,
the money. And he took it and even sheared it,
They deserved it, wonderfully, because
, The same author says later:
"The principal purpose that moved me to accept
And to continue with a real frenzy the spiritis-
It was, no doubt, because it was perfected
Met with my way of thinking and offered me
many elements of combat against
Catolic religion. On the other hand, its facts
Provoked by myself to the measure of desire,
Nourished the fantasy of my imagination.
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18 '.
writing my words, then we
We prayed to the spirit that had been
release him to do again, I vol-
way to sleep and repeat the above - said
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Very much about its scope, does not deserve to be
Listened: those men never say more
<Ie what they know; And if they speak or write
Ben of what they do not understand, they do so
<Of what they do not understand:
each step, or saying a thousand nonsense and ridiculous-
Despite everything, as the result of
these operations were always favorable to my
And also understood that all this
"A powerful attraction for the people,
I did with all my will; Every new in-
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His family unknown to me, I
Raba conmaa find out the name of the death-
So that neither the same as-asked
The communication is noticeable; Said or wrote
After which he calculated that there
To please the subject, and in the end he left
The name of the person evoked.
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'That which is said is well, because the trace
Of women and children lends itself to
Give the descriptions; In the first assumption-
I'm excited, the one who consults when he hears
To say that his deudo is already there, but not
Appears clearly, unknowingly opens
To continue: "Look at us
ted if you have a mustache or beard ... ... or such other
Thing ... "; Commonly, what they say is
Which had the deceased dear. Giving them very
Generals, insensibly binds himself to the
Petitioners to specify details, which are
They return surrounded by mysteries; And a
In another word they pronounce of as-
Denial, and by their gestures,
By their gestures, etc., it is very simple to obtain
Ner good result.
I remember being in a session in
Madrid ... one of the attendees asked that
If Carmencita appeared. At the moment that-
Ecstatic, and shortly // I appeared to me a
The gentleman girl was filled with joy to
To know that I saw his daughter; Made me one
Portion of questions, to which I replied
In the name of the apparition, until I arrived
k specify that the girl had a small
On the right leg and a fan
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2. 3
Of your victims.
Your communications have ceased
When a man does not
And resolute decision has been taken to
J) with a revolver or a lock, means
By the way very spiritual. The gossip
Popular literature refers to this anecdotal
Very edifying but fun-
you give. And why are you enveloping the sound-
Your mysteries? Why do not you evoke
In the light of day to your dead? They fear
The examination of the public your appearances?
The divine Jesus raised Lazarus from the
Of the Jewish people, and our
Saints have wrought their wonders in the streets
And squares. To what obscurity if you are the ver-
Dad What do you say about the odd looks?
Cials Why do not your
To us, who will know how to answer
Them or drive them away? Jesus Christ always spoke
Before the scribes and Pharisees, that is,
In front of a public warned against Him
If your spirits desire to become
His teaching, we should address ourselves ^
Not to you, who are already delivered to you
in body and soul. Poor victims!
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Who certifies to me that what Alian says
Kardc is the same thing that the spirits
Ritus, if something revealed? Alian Kardec.
Who, finally, is a guarantor of the
Infallibility of these spirits, since,
The same author, there are evil spirits and
Deceivers who indulge in mocking
of the men ? Alian Kardec.
So we never leave this
Mere difficulty; The spirits and their doctrine
Have their publisher responsible for the public
In Alian Kardec. And of this good subject,
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4 who
while thatNolord
one,oflet's facedid
Kardec it. not
Give us more evidence, or do other miracles
In confirmation of their doctrines, I say that
I do not think so, and if you have actually had
Deal with spirits, it must be of the spirits.
Your mockers and thugs, for neither will there be
known face, nor the things that you
Revealed are their own rather than dis-
Paratad and crazy, full of contradictions and
With no basis or even common sense.
And if not, let us examine briefly,
Since the limits of a pamphlet do not per-
Something else, nothing more than the
Of the spiritualist doctrine.
God, say the spiritualists, created since
ah aeterno countless spirits not
^ were angels nor demon, but purely
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Human spirits; That is, apt for information
Sea human bodies. The same gross
They are destined to be, over time, rational-
Or be real men. This doc-
trina'nos gives the key bestial love with
That spiritualists promote the societies
Protection of animals,
That all, brutes and men, good and bad,
They will have to reach, according to them, the good,
Adventurism; That is, a perfection per-
Sonal, and with it a calm and full state
Of natural joys.
In order to reach perfection, the
Spiritualists, there is no need for grace
Bureaucratic, or of faith in Jesus Christ, nor of
Swim that Church teaches. The great medium
purification involves eticarnacin
In human bodies, and in earthly life
With its trials and sufferings.
Thus, when souls are incarnated one
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To settle the trial, but at the
Will be converted and will be perfect and
Blessed: not even the most unbridled
No evildoers have to fear another
Thing more than a delay of happiness co-
Bad, or a greater turn of earthly lives
In human or bestial bodies.
Let us leave to one side that this destroys by
Complete the whole Catholic dogma, which,
God has in his support such reasons
That in vain they want to refute the nonsense
I omit that all these old fables
Of the transmigration of souls are re-
Fanned by all philosophers who have not
Deserved to go to an insane asylum, and only ask
I, the Spiritualists, how they have ascertained
They ignore and deny that
Feet. Because I believe, like mud
World, that my soul is mine and forms with me
Body or I, or be my person. But nothing:
These gentlemen have ascertained, it is not known
How, not, that my soul is not exclusive-
Mine, but, if it is now mine, ma-
Tomorrow may be from my grandmother or Perico the
the Palotes, and on his way reen-
carnaciones the same can go to stop a
Holy than to a thief, to a Solomon who
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How many times will you be changing
Pos, like shirts, this my unhappy
spirit? No one knows, nor spiritualists
neither. But the truth is, according to them, and
They should know this in a good way (though
Do not try it), the truth is that the spirit
Which fifteen centuries ago was St. Augustine,
Twelve centuries later he was perhaps Luther, and a
Century ago was perhaps Louis XVI, and today it is
Perhaps Bismarck, or Sagasta, or Leo XIII. Your
That now you read me, you mortal, you were miserable
Maybe one day Alejandro, Santa Teresa de Je-
Ss, and maybe in forty years
Dancer of the cancan, however much you may feel.
No one is sure what his spirit was
Woe to what will be. This is how the
Spiritism (of course, without proving it).
Can this philosophy be seriously refuted? Do not
It is a shame that in our century
Present as novelty metempsychosis or
Transmigration of souls, which has already fallen
Of pure old woman before Jesus Christ without
So that no one refuted it?
And spiritism is not yet contented with
All this accumulation of nonsense. They look like
Few, and seriously affirms that the spirits
Can emigrate the same to a donkey who
to a cabbage or lettuce to.
Don Quixote de la Mancha, please! I-
A new Cervantes is not born today for '
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a loved one in them there and sien-
tea. "So says spiritualism. I will not eat
in my life collards, asparagus and tomatoes,
sink for fear of my tooth in a po-
bre spirit of some unhappy neighbor in
they have been reincarnated. I will not leave one
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our first parents under the guise of
snake, so it stirs anxious
to seduce all mortal. " We know
from the Bible that the devil is the enemy of
* A human nature, and God, in his
inscrutable providence, allows the
devil can tempt mortals to evi-
ba and merit of these. Catholic doctors
{And also many Protestants) attribute
spiritualistic phenomena together to the
diabolical action. And indeed, what spirit
intelligent and evil we can imagine
capable of producing phenomena, almost always
themselves vile rogues and charlatans, and
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ous, often wicked,
harmful destroyers
to man, indeco-
Christian religion and harmful to the Igle-
sia? They are certainly not angels, nor Nor
little righteous souls of the dead, and
They are purging in place of atonement, and
They are blessed in heaven. The souls
santas not act as impostors thick-
tescos not impel to vice, not detest
revealed truth, not preach a doctrine
destroyer of the Bible and traditions
Christian and even natural religion;
disparalan not contradict or not say
one thing today and another tomorrow, nor do they
the sky to the rascals and rogues, or canoniza-
nizan to the lost and to the (Ramadas.
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Let us put this argument more clear ^
ara ioenteadaa to spiritualists.
Or they are farce, or are truly your spinal
If they are farce, no more to do interviews
be refuting; games will be ma-
We as any mountebank. '
If they are true, or are reality pro-
. They come from God, or not.
Not from God, of course: God
absurdity can not come y.contradic-
thorium; God can not come one doctrine
na perverse that makes him origin of evil; what
destroys human freedom, responsibility
ity, and consequently the morality of
human actions; mining at its base and \
social order based on law and jus-
tice. It can not be of God leading
directly to fatalism and to la'negacin of
the afterlife under the pretext of explaining it.
God can not be the ridiculous, the tontoi
immoral and antisocial. It is so the doc-
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ace. Thus, according to Christianity, not
'^^ and one that has that power more than the UK-
malignant Pirilu; then the spiritual operations
tors, in reality what they are work
Deta the evil spirit or demon. He
' "Aciociuio can not be more concluiente.
I compendimoslo. The spinal operations
ritistas belong to a supernatural order,
by confession of their sectarian and sages
that have examined.
Soio two can be the authors of operation
rations supernatural God with power
all, and the devil with his limited power
state, "but always very large.
very clear reasons show that
Spiritualists operations may not work
of God.
infallible consequence: then they are the work
the devil.
Mo will be few that carefree
oirmc loose laughter to pronounce lau
clean and so round this word. the in-
determined call me gullible fan;
some sort of Catholics to their mode con-
They will be tempted to be labeled as gullible into too
sa. I will not address to the first; ridiculous
Serious empease me to believe in
6-1 devil who refuse to believe in Jesucris-
to. I go straight to the second, to the
q "and I have more dangerous enemies.
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3. 4
The existence of the devil, or is a UK-
superior spirit that followed hear you, are re-
He Bel against God and was condemned for it to
eternal fire, where it is allowed to continue
putting us against God and his
rebellion, is a dogma of the Catholic faith. The
Catholic doctrine teaches, in addition to the exist-
tence of the devil, his constant intervention
you in our affairs to induce us to
error and sin against God and hatred con-
against our souls.
And in such a way it teaches the Catholic Church
this real, effective and daily intervention
Demon in our affairs, that TIE-
ne lulled into a portion of their ritual
exorcisms to exorcise in cases de-
finished. Even in many cases pub-
natural ramente supports the Church as
diabolical possible intervention, such as
storms, diseases, etc., etc. This
belief in the devil and his power, allow
direction and limited by God; this belief in his
and ordinary practice intervention in many
of sets of our life, it belongs to the
Catholic doctrine, and I dare to say to
the faith of all ages and all can
peoples, and only one pedantic illustration or
total ignorance of science theologi-
gicas, or, which is more common, some
principle of disbelief, may induce
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^ Many Catholics consider it
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Superstition women.
It happens with this one thing very regrettable
Ble. Certain class of Catholics (I do not know
what are called such) have in the Lord of
consider the devil as a character
funny comedy, always willing to
entangling between racks and make desternillar
laughter the audience with their jokes and bufona-
you give. I know that this dramatic tradition dates
the dawn of our national theater and
It is in all our sacramental cars
such, but not for this I find more
justified. No, by God: the malignant spirit
It is not very serious thing to serve mu-
eco great fun to children,
They need to have fun with slapstick; the de-
venturado launched the first cry of apos-
Tasia against God, and since then CA-
pitanea eternal war waged from
down here against him and his representative
Church, uo should be the buffoon of our
ters dramas.
Result do this is that the devil, and total
do as it relates to operations not
It is for these Catholics in his own way rather than
A mythology of more or less good taste,
A dramatic epic spring or that intro-
reduce the marvelous in a poem; no HE-
Real cho, living among us, and,
Page 38
especially effective influence and position
tive, neither more nor less than the sun, the
stars and other creatures that can
blan the universe. There are many souls CA-
tlicas a great fontlo of disbelief. The
damn hobby lights and pretend contempt
occupation; disdain for foolish doctrines
old by the mere fact of being new
ras; to distinguish themselves from what is-called
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of all idolatrous cults in the world
ancient. And now we must add that
explorations of the missionaries Encoun-
tran in all modern nations not
illuminated by the Gospel.
You can, in a word, set into law
mstrica that magic has filled the world
everywhere where you have not filled the truth
aera religion, just as the how-
curidad covers the points where there HSIL
beneficial influence of sunlight. Y
It can be set as a corollary other analogous law
en- Magic has been disappearing to pro-
portion which has been growing the truths
dera faith, as darkness is to pro- relira
portion advancing sunlight.
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iey aInvery
of the Catholic philosophy
explanation. The world,has this
by original sin, is heritage do Sa-
Tanas; it is his altar and his slave man
and his victim. God's mercy solve
hbrar saw the human race y.reconquistar
in a way for himself what the hell HA-
cia invaded. World history is,
So the story of a great struggle between
God and the devil; both have in him a
army, addicted people, worship established
do, etc. Thus before the altar of God
evanta at all times the altar of the idol,
to the chair of truth capita rises
Page 40
tedra error. Thus the devil does not yield
without resistance its conquests God, but
Fighting with him, either with force de-
rramando the blood of his disciples, well
with cunning, seducindolot; and pervirtin-
Therefore, according to the beautiful phrase
St. Augustine, the demon has become like
the monkey God, simian Dd, usurping their
worship, contrahaciendo his miracles, counterfeiting
Cando its mysteries, reaching the point
to establish an order in the world so-
brenatural satanic imitation or in con-
traposicin the divine supernatural order.
Therefore, if Moses work wonders before
Pharaoh in the name of God, presntanse
magicians also to obrarlas on behalf of
their idols; Therefore, if Israel has Prophets
that lit the Holy Spirit announce
the future, the heathen nations have
diviners, soothsayers and fortune tellers who work
diabolical inspiration for similar effects.
Therefore, if the Apostles performed miracles
on behalf of Christ, Simon Magus has po-
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soar through
arts. Forthe airmagic
this making
is use of
reigning and dominating always there where no
Queen Christianity, and it is in a state
latent, disguised, covered, but insidiously
always, where he has it as tablets
Page 41
It gives the beneficial influence of the Cross. By
^ Sto, from which it is removed in a way the
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its vigor and reappears again as do-
nant the diabolical art. It is the dualism
Everyone centuries. They imagined not as the
Manichaean, assuming two principles ab-
solutes or independent, one principle
good and another evil, but as taught by the
Catholicism, letting us know a spirit
your rebellious that although punished, has yet
God's permission to continue lioslilizando
to his men, to give them opportunity to test
and worthiness. It is the dualism that reflects
its splendors, heavenly pray, pray sinies-
centers, throughout history; It is the great hichaem-
PEZADA in the earthly Paradise and even earlier in
heaven, a struggle that will end at one of the
centuries with Antricrislo. Ks demon re-
turning against God. Religion, or-
den supernatural, forgery () n the verdade-
ro; worship, its mysteries and wonders
They are magic, witnessed by the Scriptures
ras, for Theology and History in
centuries past and present are the spinal
ritismo. Where, summing it up
here indicated, we can lay this formula:
Spiritualism is the magic of the nineteenth century.
Talk about magic in the decimono- century
do not! Do not you fear get in ridiculous with such
No, reader, whoever you are, no;
the pride of our material progress.
Page 43
Wnos and useful as they are in themselves; noise
our machines, the speed of our
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In a Paris salon, back in 1850,
that the Church had not yet heard his
voice against the rotating tables and other co-
sas of this genre, some people hon-
roadsteads, once wing Christians, wanted to see
themselves that question updated
Dad. Placed effect a pencil in the con-
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The pen wrote hurray !, accompanying
algniios word of uncertain signs
- Write clearly: Long live Jesus! -
They said.
Pencil, for the second time, wrote: Vi,
"^ A .-. L, and Iaro.
- In the name of God do to send
you write: Viva Je ^ s.!
The pen wrote back: Viva ... and!
after a few moments of hesitation
He continued to move in a way verli-
Sinosa; He withdrew the paper and read: Viva
He wanted to force more to the spirit; is working
t to know who he was; so, he was asked:
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- J you convicted?
Yes, - he said.
- What is your name?...
- Lucifer.
Consecuenolas sad.
Page 46
test, and just know something of the life and mission
won- spiritualists holy men.
Leaving aside considerations of an organic
den speculative, and by looking, being more
understandable for all, inother more practical
policies, we will begin to study the charac-
ter of spiritualistic meetings deducted
cir who can not be more than monipodios
people unholy.
A gathering of men and women,
different ages and inclinations, in which
It purports to speak with the dead, from lue-
to go beyond witchcraft from a hundred leagues.
For the moment, an impious curiosity or ri-
dicula is the Moving containing them
grega; the chain / luidica to be made
to take place the phenomena
more easily, standing alternative forms
ized individuals precisely different
sex; It is constant in the room there
low light, and better yet, it is evident
!, you to stay in the dark, which is
It gives reason to all kinds of gatuperios and co-
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Four. Five
those pantomimes always start
61 spirit, and almost always end the
meat. The good listener few words.
Considering the seances
only in this respect, as is clear from the
which slightly just point out that
offered to a thousand pranks, where the
ioral expu.st is, to suffer, and suf-
ce indeed serious ailments.
nn '^ I' "" P "^ '- and considering that
-orent ': jtj: |' 't' '^ r' '^' '' ^^^^
there is a rebiia, " '' '' ^^.? '- ^" "' ^ P '' ^ il">
na Aul? n "^ '^ ^' ^ ' ^ g - ^^ dad human
cho ONTR ^ '' '^' ^^ '' 'i' '^' P'T 1 HE-
Session ^ '' ''? f ^ '' '' 5 temptation, or the ob-
session and even the comple or possession, with
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river is the handling of people
They devoted to divination and magic
They are aimed to provide the subject
that see the end uu consecuciu
lor impossible to realize the media hones-
cough and righteous man and society ia
available; from which it follows that the auxiliary
liar they are looking for is not couforme with such
means, but, on the contrary, it is completely
rectly opposed to them.
Another reason for our large residue
propsilo is:
Respectability of the person of a
diviner or magic, their social position
it is, is a respectability that makes
laugh. Everyone feels not know what kind of de-
contianza, suspicion eu presence of such
gentlemen, even those who try utilized
Lizar services. Well, taking into
account the seriousness and importance of the
issues in magical cabinets
elucidates, surprises a blinder
a remarkable and wonderful thing is performed
lice by who appears at the sight of people lus
a pretender, or a fool, or an entity
only own hors d'oeuvres or small squares. Former-
csanse the many occasions such eu
say that God sometimes uses media
insignificant to produce large
effects; but here you can and should contes-
Page 49
tar that not God but the devil take hold
acrobats and jugglers to discover,
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facts that are advertised enter the num-
mere natural consequences of
acts of life, and deduction de-
production Lucifer finds that, de-
after all, not be demon has loss
his angelic nature do nothing more
that grace and holiness.
DI3 all cx) ueslo follows that
doctrines and practices of spiritualism are
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Page 51
farms in the health of the individual subject
to such diabolical experiences.
Moreover, being the devil Jan-
migo of God, seeks revenge on the Hom-
bre, who sees in the image and likeness of
God, because God Himself can not sell
Where is drawn gated accordingly
that, on the one hand, the action determined
exerted on the human personality
who takes possession, and secondly, the evil
seeks to be the image of God, are two
powerful elements that brings into play the
demon to destroy man and make
all the evil possible, in revenge of the ho-
rribles tortures of eternal condemnation
Finely it is suffering in the depths in-
If to this is added the constant preocu-
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I do not think anyone doubt, after this,
immorality and monstrosity of the
spiritualist doctrines and practices.
The same considerations may be-
Suicide virnos respect to the entrepre-
ritus push those who are deceived
for them.
And speaking of suicide, it is not
stop saying that it is tacitly sanctioned
mind the credo spiritualist.
In effect, consisting, according to this growing
do, the bliss of spirit reached
zar a sum perfection through a long
series of incarnations in different cuer-
pos, is self-evident that,
As will happen faster
these incarnations, will be reached soon
the supreme goal of perfection spiritualist;
luegoal spiritualist, to be logical, it is very
convenientey to stick untiro necessary,
or crashing, or hung on a tree; go de-
Well another body and poisoned him; go
to another and cut his throat, and so successive
tively ... Unless I come and cheer
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reach, constantly making the most ho-
rrendos crimes.
To prove that leads to spiritualism
crazy, just examine them one by one to the UK-
You piritistas. Look its kind and what types has
!, spiritualism and without much work advertiris
low mass that they ..gran way
phalanx of the common people with great One
called crackpots; many seem languages
tas and other / they are without appearing, and more
I look and they are; Few not populate
demented houses, etc. Leed news-
Spiritualists doctors, for example. The witness
Faithful, and certainly agree with me
that think and how enrevesadamente
eliLegans are no longer write, or because
there is no justice on earth, or because,
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quently to consult their oracles. exercised
They cieron for some time this profession
witches, until one day they were found
asphyxiated in his room.
On a table he was found the next
written by their letter: "To not cul-
eg to one of our death, we have believed
convenient, before leaving esle world,
to state the reasons that have prevented us
lido reach this end.
"The spirit that has befallen us inspiration
Rando said many years ago
few days: "You are in a position that you,
- ^ >> I PUTS covered with the vagaries of form
"TUUA; You have excellent health in spite
"Of your seventy years; on the other hand,
"You are in good relations with your
'Neighbors, and, in short, have a direction
"Chosa old age. However, at your age
>; the sweetness of life have lost the ma-
"Yor part of its charms; if you want me
"Believe, you must put an end to your life,
"And you will see how the other will go much less
"Jor; then you will know and you will know everything
"I could say as I. I advise,
'Therefore, that encendis a brazier in
"Your room and you asfixiis, which is the
"nanera sweetest die without feeling dO '
"Lor none.
"My wife and I have not hesitated a
Page 55
follow this advice when the entre-
Poor people! They tell them what has
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He before his death,
returned to tellbut
us none
how the demon
It has already in hell forever,
pngar making it their apostasies
and their crimes.
Page 56
Roman Apostolic, and the consequences
derived therefrom; this conformity ex-
escrow and is understood without making large UK-
He is the father of the demon I lied
ra and inspiring spiritualists, it is na-
tural requiring them to declare enemies
jurors what the supreme Truth.
See how spiritualists fight all
known religions, how fun,
They deride eat them ... and yet, ved
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i) t>
DRA force a espirilisla to obey
the king, if it is easier than in other encarnacio-
nes the spiritualist be king and the current king
executioner? For what perhaps is it going to consent
his mother fight you when you may
his mother has him doubt flogging, or will per-
mitir his father corrected him when he has po-
dido happen that his father, cu other guardians
nation, and he was cabailo coachman?
Vyanle, vyanle with reflections UK-
piritista that in any embodiment has been
a general bravo, so that it would obli-
gue ... convict to be pursuing the UK-
piritista his cronies murderer, and they
You can say:
- What I ra with those? Do you not know that I
I have been your judge, or that I'll pull the
scruff tomorrow if I neglected
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must be deleted to shine with all UK-
splendor absolute equality ...
And from here to the constitution of a state
anarchic no more than a step. no HA-
biendo limitation for pride or for
human imbecility, it is understood that
by necessity must fall into the absurdities
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but regeneration
disappearance ofissuch
not absurdities.
compatible with the
Many houses crazy, and feathering to
the Spiritualists by simpletons, would re-
Page 59
effective means against debauchery and
disgusting immorality that dominates in these
masses of unfortunates who, driven by
vice and pride, they dorechos to
Hell, where they expected the enjoyment of iutinilo
live with Sataus, foster parent who
They have sought the paths that teach- them
Allan Kardec NARA, grau preacher pa-
entrails and sovereign manufacturer gibberish.
A objection and a response.
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- But these facts come from the UK-
- I also deny; I just
wanted to prove to you that come from the spi-
ritus malignant.
- Bah! And they come from good or
evil spirits, they will stop being so lie-
CLIOs? Will they be true? If I need
cure, cure stay, but to heal me
Satan himself. If I want to know the portion
come or my dead, I know what quie-
ro, though instead of my deceased is
the devil who takes her voice. I said: Is there
or no reality?
- Good very good. Tarry therefore with
such realities. But I remember it : also
It is actually the murder, and it is theft, and
it is adultery. The hecJio no proof
that the existence of the thing; but no proof
His goodness, no less the truth of his doc-
triune. Thus the true philosopher gives more
importance to the reasons that to the facts,
for more to take them into account.
The true philosophy is to put together the exam-
men of the facts examining the reasons
that explain them. So act philosophers. The
which they are based only on facts without administrative
tir reasons, are not philosophers; They are pure
and just stubborn.
But I guess you, my friend, are
Page 61
still Catholic, and that aficionarte the UK-
Spiritism has not wanted with this abjure
true religion, but go to the bait
the novcdud. In this cuso weighs well this ultra-
tima reason, which is decisive:
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tionsIt of
is not
faitha and
Catholic who
morals doescondemns
which not support in material
Catholicism or the Catholic Church.
So that the Catholic Church has condemned
swimming spiritualism; then you're not Catholic
if you are a spiritualist.
- Is it true that the Church has condemned
- Most certain. And I do not want detener-
Pastoral me to quote Bishops and statements
Roman rations occupy rae dema-
I TOO, I only answer me
to these questions:
It is condemned ipso fado by the Church
the system that denies the principal dogmas
of the Christian faith?
Undoubtedly yes. And in this case
rather it is the aforementioned system which
separates himself from the Church, not the
Church who con'iena him.
Well. In case the spinal ESLC is
In his works you find denied the divinity
ity of Jesus Christ. According to Allan Kardec, Je-
sus Christ was merely a spirit of supplied
Page 62
upper hierarchy, embodied in a body
perfectsimo that without medium
He manifested to men. It was not the se-
second person! to Holy Trinity,
eternal Son of God and Redeemer of gender
Also nieg.i in spiritualism the
reality of miracles referred by the
Gospel inclusa the glorious resurrection
of Christ, which is the foundation of our
faith. All of them, according to the same author, not
were more than spiritualistic phenomena.
Spiritualism denies original sin,
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Page 63
them given to poetry, she is relieved in odes
Divinity; another of Jerez de la Frontera
It must be very republican ideas and something
miis, he does not speak but the benefits
International and Urania of capital
talist overran the jornalcr. So that the
espirilismo, cumo the -liablo or as men-
strip (ue are a mirima thing is soft and
accommodative, and adapts never fell view
ease the vain humor of his disciples,
from the aicioues & uper> about liciosas
Hasla the same borders of atheism in
living others. Only one thing cu agree
all spiritualists, and this is a symptom
mortal. Everyone agrees hate the Catholics
chism and the Pope his head. With this may not
transigir..Spaslo den, then, reader; Not only
espirilismo condemns Catholicism, but
the espirilismo itself itself forward
to declare mortal enemy everywhere
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(1) Sarda.
Page 64
final bomb.
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the lying and mockery; playing them
at the whim of the medhms, and, se-
Guir indications, the scJciedad would do-
dealgunos pride undermined by puppeteers
without conscience or shame. Which ve-
rifican with some involvement of entrepre-
ritus are characterized by disorder,
impiety and blasphemy and for all
capitals sins.
4. "Spiritualism is not science; science
sinduimo really is, and can not be ver-
give what is inspired by the devil,
father of lies and error. For other
, many of its fundamental concepts
such contradict each other, which de-
shows that are false, as are the flames
Madas spiritual sciences, etc., which
they are derived.
5 'Spiritualism is immoral in their
practices that lend to abuses that
Dishonest characters are of marcadsi-
We, because debase human dignity,
because they offer a chance that Hom-
Bres deceive others with serious prejudice
the interested.
(5 ' is heretical in their teachings because
motiv giving mock give it justice
. God, to deny his providence and to revolt
against their love determinations.
7. ' It is a criminal doctrine because,
Page 66
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When practiced, destroys health
men, pushed to suicide and overturns
his intellectual and moral faculties,
8 / and last. Spiritualism destroys
all ties of family, touches the foundations
elements of society and tends to de-
appear the principle of authority, necessary
River life of communities.
In view therefore that spiritualism
It is absurd, immoral, and it is criminal
prejudicial to the divine and human dcrechcs
We, the Holy Catholic Church APOSTOLIC
ROMANA is condemned and anathematized, and
him to all those who, knowingly or not so sa-
bindolo, persislen to believe in Spiritism
mo and practice his teachings.
^. -Qnhay Truth in Spiritualism 3
II.-Realidad or fraud? -6
III.-game goblets .... 14
IV.-Dreams, follies and follies 24
V. Dios or Satan? 30
VI.-Tristes consequences 43
VII.-wars, devastations, fierce evils 48
VIII.-Ni king nor Roque 63
IX.-One objection and response 67
X-Bomb final 62
Page 67
publication of a popular library baratsi-
ma in nice volumes in 8 300 pages Pr
ximamente, carefully printed, which,
bound in cloth with beautiful plates,
They sold to peseta copy, and for each
ten are given two gifts; so leaving
0.80 each volume.
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Page 68
To the satisfaction of the people who contribute their sus-
descriptions and donations to this work of Catholic propaganda and populist
lar, the distribution lyihlicamos free (\ ae made in Madrid
Board of printed pamphlets in 1893:
First semester 47,350
To the members of the Conferences of San Vicente for
their poor 2,400
Hospital, prison and military barracks in Madrid, by means
Chaplains gave lords and other men of zeal. 2,500
A street sweepers, through the protection association dq
tora thereof .. , 1,200
For extrt neighborhoods' [TFB "4e Madrid you ^ SU
A ladies Sunday School 2.t0
At Patronatos workers ^. 2,800
For Telun neighborhoods and Cuatro Caminos, porm> -
: Mr. Chaplain gave the Sisters of San Fer-
Nanao 1,200
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At Catholics
the railway workshops, through employees 2 .OCO
In hospitals, for ladies associations and social
ts of Christian Doctrine 2,500
At Madrid Jails 3.00
In the prisons and jails of Alcala de Henares, by means
He gave the RDOS. PP. Philippians and other priests .. 2,400
A Parent Company and other priests
prisons, hospitals, adult schools, etc. 4,600
A number of factories and industrial centers of Madrid and
neighboring towns 6,000
At three associations for arranging marriages. 400
At Havens San Bernardino, San Fernando, etc .... 900
A ios subscribers and their dependents Madrid
propaganda ". 8.00o
Board for Youth Correctional 900
distributed free Administration THE apos-
tolate 8,500
TOTAL 54,630
Booklets distributed free in Madrid
1893 102,000
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