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Getting Rid of Unwanted Ghosts

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Getting Rid Of Unwanted Ghosts

To the best of our knowledge, there is no proven, surefire way to get unwanted ghosts and spirits to
leave a given area. At this time, we personally feel that a lot of the suggested "religious" methods you
will hear about for doing so, are based more on superstitions, old wise tales and Hollywood movies than
anything. However, we also feel that if there is any chance at all for solutions, such as holy water,
crosses, prayers, exorcisms, telling the spirit to "go into the light" and the likes to work, it would rely
entirely on an individuals strong, personal beliefs. Not just the act of going through the motions or
having someone else do so. Many also claim that unless the spirit itself was a Christian in life, these
types of things would not have any effect and in fact could make matters worse.

In the same token, we do not know for a fact whether or not any of the methods, which many ghost and
paranormal research organizations suggest, work either. The Strange Happenings Ghost And Hauntings
Research Society is not in the business of "Ghost Busting", but we do feel that if individuals who are
experiencing ghostly activity are able to learn who the spirits "may" be and why they "might" be there, it
"may" be a step in the right direction towards learning how to rid the location of the activity. Helping
individuals try to learn answers to these things is a large part of what we do in our research.

At any rate, on this page you will find some common, as well as some "not so common" suggestions for
getting rid of ghosts and resolving paranormal activity. We leave it for you to decide what may or may
not work for you.

Types Of Spirits

Many suggest that in order to get rid of ghosts, you must first determine what type of spirits they are.
Listed below are some suggestions for helping you determine what type of spirit you might have. Be
sure to see our "Types Of Spirits" page as well for more information on different kinds of spirits and their

Spirits: Feel a cool breeze when no windows are open? Smell a sweet smell or a smell like that of roses
or oranges? You most likely have a spirit. Notice I only mentioned things you can feel and smell? Spirits
don't have the energy it takes to appear. So you have to rely on your other senses to identify them.

Ghosts: Remember, a ghost was a person and people pretty much retain their full personalities after
death. If someone was a complete grumpy jerk in life - they will remain so in death. Ghosts tend to be
more attracted to places rather than specific people and they can be downright territorial about those
places. In many, many cases, they are just not aware they have passed on. For all the noise and hubbub,
a ghost will NOT hurt you. But, by the same token, don't give it the attention it craves or it will get more
and more demanding in its attention getting antics. Also, just like spirits, a ghost will use your energy for
them to continue manifesting.

Entities: These are the most intense of infestations, and fortunately, very rare. Many people have
opinions on what this final level of ghosts are - some people think they are extremely violent individuals,
murderers, psychotics, and just plain evil people. I tend to believe that they are something that was
never human to begin with. Strangely enough, they are almost exclusively called forth through Ouija
Boards, sances, and necromancy ceremonies. If someone else called forth an entity in a home - it can
remain dormant for years - even decades - until circumstances are right for it to manifest. It is patient
and will wait until it can emerge at it's strongest. It feeds on anger, strive, depression, arguments, and
general turmoil. It makes these emotions worse and the worse it can make the situation, the stronger it
actually becomes.

How To Tell the Type Of Infestation You Have
Spirits: Spirits do not make noises and are not disruptive. They rarely haunt places and tend to be more
attracted to people. They cause little clutter in your daily life and tend to appear when you are stressed
or depressed. Strangely enough, I have found that spirits who are haunting you are rarely someone you
knew in life. The only reason you don't want a spirit around is in times of stress or depression, a spirit
can make matters worse by feeding off your energy and leaving you tired and thus leaving your defenses
down. And they won't stop so before it becomes a problem - better to cleanse your house now.

Ghosts: Ghosts are like Spirits in many ways, they can bring smells with them. Usually oranges or roses. I
have also heard of chocolate and baking cookies. You may catch flashes of light out of the corner of your
eye. Ghosts tend to have more "personality" than a spirit. You may experience any or all of the

Voices out of nowhere.

The feeling someone is watching you.

Footsteps leading into or out of rooms that no one is present in.

An "electric" smell.

Small items moved (favorite items to move are shoes and jewelry).

Lights coming on or going off by themselves.

Electrical appliances coming on by themselves(usually not plugged in).

Phone calls (yes, sometimes they call).

Bed covers moved off you (sometimes jerked right off you).

Touches (light pat on the back, the touch will be warm, never cold).

If you have any or all of these signs of ghost infestation, and you are feeling overly tired or depressed,
wanting to keep your drapes and shades drawn and be in the dark, and you are feeling withdrawn and
tired all the time, with no good reason, you may be having your energy being sapped by an attention
craving ghost. I cannot stress enough to have yourself fully checked and given a clean bill of health - if
you pass with flying colors - you just might have a ghost.

Do not try to communicate with any presence via a Ouija board or sance.

Entities: Often, in the beginning, these are confused with Ghosts. They make noises, project voices,
move things, however there is never a pleasant smell with these - even in the beginning. They leave a
calling card of an odor not unlike rotten eggs. In addition to all the ghost characteristics above, you can
also have any or all of the following:

Bed covers jerked off -usually violently.

Physical damage - slaps, hard pinches, scratches and punches. In rare cases -sexual assault.

Knocks or taps in groups of 3.

Activity will peak at 3:13 in the morning -you may find yourself waking up at that exact time for no
reason in the beginning of the infestation.

Scratches in the walls that sound like animals.

Animal noises at night when there are no animals around (dogs fighting, birds screeching or strange
sounding birds singing).

Materialization of Black forms usually either a man or a dog. normally accompanied by a foul odor.
These forms have no features they look like a solid shadow.

They can remain dormant for many, many years and can suddenly be drawn forward to active duty if
there is a general atmosphere of arguments and tension within a family. The Entity will first center on
one person in the home, and this person may think they are losing their mind. That is precisely what the
entity wants - the more stressed it can make you the more anxious energy it can draw off of you, thus
becoming stronger. The person who tends to become withdrawn or depressed in stressful situations is
their ideal candidate.

Less Common Suggestions For Getting Rid Of Spirits, Ghosts And Entities

Sunlight will diminish a spirit's activity almost immediately. Rosemary works beautifully to render a spirit
dormant. If you don't want the dried herbs around - try planting a little. Keep a little potted plant of
rosemary in the room that the activity seemed centered around.

Sunlight - sunlight - sunlight - let the light in! Stop acknowledging it and don't talk to it, don't talk about
it in your home.. even if it manifests itself right in front of you. If you don't put energy into it - it can't
stay. Consider blessing, if you are of a religious nature, consider having the clergyman or religious figure
of your choosing bless your home and everyone in it.

Natural light can render the entity dormant if you take measures to clear up your home life too. No
more yelling, and work on clearing up problems, and you can stop the problem before it starts. DO NOT
throw holy water around your house or attempt any spirit depart rituals by yourself, this will tend to
only anger the entity and it will show you precisely how displeased it is with you between midnight and

The Following Is An Excerpt From "Footsteps in the Attic" by Paul F. Eno. Be sure to visit his website at
www.newenglandghosts.com. He seems to be a very educated individual, and very experienced in ghost
and paranormal research. He has many different, metaphysical/quantum physics based views and
theories on ghosts and the paranormal. I (Aedryan Methyus) personally feel that these sciences may
hold the key to learning many secrets about the paranormal as well as the universe in general. Paul Eno
states as follows:

If you believe you are having a paranormal problem in your home, here are some steps you should take:

1. Don't jump to conclusions. Always look for everyday explanations for whatever is happening before
deciding that you have ghost problems. Consider psychiatric and other health factors as well. (Hearing
and seeing things can be a sign of schizophrenia or temporal-lobe epilepsy.) Banging sounds on the walls
or in the heating system can have very mundane explanations!

One fascinating explanation for many phenomena are very low-frequency sound waves or "standing
waves." Trapped in a building, these can cause many of the phenomena associated with ghosts. These
waves are inaudible to humans but not to many animals. In humans, they can cause feelings of cold,
nervousness, "hair standing up on the back of the neck," minor poltergeist activity and even your basic

2. Bear in mind that if what we've said about "quantum reality" is true, every person and every house
will experience space-time "glitches" now and then: the occasional shadow seen out of the corner of
your eye, or the iron or bit of clothing found now and again where you didn't put it.

Don't let your imagination take over!

Remember, too, that in places where highly traumatic events are occurring in your house in other areas
of space-time, you may experience some of the psychic "ripples." Violent deaths, great suffering and
other such events that happened or will happen there can affect your reality. Depending on how
sensitive you are, you may hear or see things that don't necessarily mean that your house is "haunted"
or that you or other household members are the targets of negative entities.

Nevertheless, it's always best to be on the safe side and to do what's suggested below.

It's when these "glitches" begin to rule your everyday life, when you feel threatened by them and/or
when entities begin to clearly manifest and interact with you or your family that you have a paranormal

3. If you conclude that you do have such a situation, realize that you and/or one or more household
members are part of the problem. Consciously or unconsciously, people in troubled houses always have
a part in causing and/or feeding the phenomena. So you need to find what you're doing that's
introducing or encouraging negative energy.

4. Then you need to stop it and bring in positive energy to replace it. I find this always eases the
situation and often cures it.

Examples of negative energy: using Ouija boards or other occult practices that "open the door" to
parasites, negative feelings among those who live in the house (fights, grudges, financial strains, etc.)
and the extreme depression or anxiety of you or any other household member.

5. Part of bringing in this positive energy is fostering good feeling, humor, love and other unifying and
uplifting factors in your household. Also, good physical exercise and developing healthy interests outside
the home will help.

This is always good for a household, whether you have paranormal problems or not.

6. If you do encounter an "orb," entity or other manifestation, try to avoid fear or anger. If it really is a
negative entity, this will deny it the negative energy it subsists on. As a matter of fact, always try to send
out feelings of love, compassion and peace.

7. In general, however, do not give these entities attention. Do not try to communicate with them: They
are not your friends! Don't try to get "chummy" and don't convince yourself to feel comfortable with
them around, even if they seem "friendly."

Instead, concentrate on fostering positive energy among the household members.

8. Anytime you are afraid, pray in whatever way is comfortable for you. Visualize yourself, other
household members and your home engulfed in a peaceful, positive white light. This will "take the wind"
out of a negative manifestation by strengthening you instead of it.

9. This is not advice you often hear in the Western Hemisphere but, when you are afraid, you can call
upon your good ancestors (not the horse thieves or mad monarchs) to help protect you and your home.
I find that this is a very powerful practice! Each of us is the sum of our ancestors, no matter how far back
they go. We are part of them and they are part of us. Since there really is no death, these loved ones are
always in some parallel world and there is a bond between you and them. Many are in a position to

Call especially on particular loved ones you have known, a beloved grandmother, for example. If you are
fortunate enough to have a picture of the person, put it in a prominent place in your home or carry it in
your pocket or purse. These people will manifest as quiet and loving presences, and some may be
protecting you already. Their presence is a far cry from the cold, sterile and sometimes violent presence
of parasites and tulpas.

10. If you belong to a particular religion, praying and using "sacramentals" and sacred objects such as
icons, your scriptures or holy water can help. Strange to say, beware of calling in clergy unless you are
very sure they can be trusted. Believe it or not, very few of them are trained in how to deal with these
phenomena and if they don't know what they're doing they can complicate the situation.

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