The Insurance Industry in India
The Insurance Industry in India
The Insurance Industry in India
With the largest number of life insurance policies in force in the world, Insurance
happens to be a mega opportunity in India. It’s a business growing at the rate of 15-20
per cent annually and presently is of the order of Rs 1560.41 billion (for the financial
year 2006 – 2007). Together with banking services, it adds about 7% to the country’s
Gross Domestic Product (GDP). The gross premium collection is nearly 2% of GDP
and funds available with LIC for investments are 8% of the GDP.
Even so nearly 65% of the Indian population is without life insurance cover while
A large part of our population is also subject to weak social security and pension
systems with hardly any old age income security. This in itself is an indicator that
as it provides long term funds for infrastructure development and strengthens the risk
taking ability of individuals. It is estimated that over the next ten years India would
require investments of the order of one trillion US dollars. The Insurance sector, to
In India, insurance has a deep-rooted history. It finds mention in the writings of Manu
calamities such as fire, floods, epidemics and famine. This was probably a pre-cursor
to modern day insurance. Ancient Indian history has preserved the earliest traces of
insurance in the form of marine trade loans and carriers’ contracts. Insurance in India
has evolved over time heavily drawing from other countries, England in particular.
1818 saw the advent of life insurance business in India with the establishment of
the Oriental Life Insurance Company in Calcutta. This Company however failed in
1834. In 1829, the Madras Equitable had begun transacting life insurance business in
the Madras Presidency. 1870 saw the enactment of the British Insurance Act and in
the last three decades of the nineteenth century, the Bombay Mutual (1871), Oriental
(1874) and Empire of India (1897) were started in the Bombay Residency. This era,
however, was dominated by foreign insurance offices which did good business in
India, namely Albert Life Assurance, Royal Insurance, Liverpool and London Globe
Insurance and the Indian offices were up for hard competition from the foreign
in India. The Indian Life Assurance Companies Act, 1912 was the first statutory
measure to regulate life business. In 1928, the Indian Insurance Companies Act was
enacted to enable the Government to collect statistical information about both life and
provident insurance societies. In 1938, with a view to protecting the interest of the
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Insurance public, the earlier legislation was consolidated and amended by the
Insurance Act, 1938 with comprehensive provisions for effective control over the
activities of insurers.
The Insurance Amendment Act of 1950 abolished Principal Agencies. However, there
were a large number of insurance companies and the level of competition was high.
There were also allegations of unfair trade practices. The Government of India,
An Ordinance was issued on 19th January, 1956 nationalising the Life Insurance sector
and Life Insurance Corporation came into existence in the same year. The LIC
Indian and foreign insurers in all. The LIC had monopoly till the late 90s when the
The history of general insurance dates back to the Industrial Revolution in the west
and the consequent growth of sea-faring trade and commerce in the 17th century. It
came to India as a legacy of British occupation. General Insurance in India has its
roots in the establishment of Triton Insurance Company Ltd., in the year 1850 in
Calcutta by the British. In 1907, the Indian Mercantile Insurance Ltd, was set up. This
was the first company to transact all classes of general insurance business.
1957 saw the formation of the General Insurance Council, a wing of the Insurance
Association of India. The General Insurance Council framed a code of conduct for
In 1968, the Insurance Act was amended to regulate investments and set minimum
solvency margins. The Tariff Advisory Committee was also set up then.
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In 1972 with the passing of the General Insurance Business (Nationalization) Act,
general insurance business was nationalized with effect from 1st January, 1973. 107
insurers were amalgamated and grouped into four companies, namely National
Insurance Company Ltd., the New India Assurance Company Ltd., the Oriental
Insurance Company Ltd and the United India Insurance Company Ltd. The General
This millennium has seen insurance come a full circle in a journey extending to nearly
200 years. The process of re-opening of the sector had begun in the early 1990s and
the last decade and more has seen it been opened up substantially. In 1993, the
The objective was to complement the reforms initiated in the financial sector. The
committee submitted its report in 1994 wherein , among other things, it recommended
that the private sector be permitted to enter the insurance industry. They stated that
autonomous body to regulate and develop the insurance industry. The IRDA was
incorporated as a statutory body in April, 2000. The key objectives of the IRDA
increased consumer choice and lower premiums, while ensuring the financial security
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The IRDA opened up the market in August 2000 with the invitation for application
Authority has the power to frame regulations under Section 114A of the Insurance
Act, 1938 and has from 2000 onwards framed various regulations ranging from
policyholders’ interests.
were restructured as independent companies and at the same time GIC was converted
into a national re-insurer. Parliament passed a bill de-linking the four subsidiaries
Today there are 14 general insurance companies including the ECGC and Agriculture
The insurance sector is a colossal one and is growing at a speedy rate of 15-20%.
Together with banking services, insurance services add about 7% to the country’s
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1912: The Indian Life Assurance Companies Act enacted as the first statute to
1928: The Indian Insurance Companies Act enacted to enable the government to
1938: Earlier legislation consolidated and amended by the Insurance Act with the
1956: 245 Indian and foreign insurers along with provident societies were taken over
Parliament- LIC Act 1956- with a capital contribution of Rs. 5 crore from the
Government of India.
Reforms in the Insurance sector were initiated with the passage of the IRDA Bill in
Parliament in December 1999. The IRDA since its incorporation as a statutory body
in April 2000 has fastidiously stuck to its schedule of framing regulations and
independent statutory body the IRDA has put in a framework of globally compatible
The other decision taken simultaneously to provide the supporting systems to the
insurance sector and in particular the life insurance companies was the launch of the
IRDA online service for issue and renewal of licenses to agents. The approval of
institutions for imparting training to agents has also ensured that the insurance
companies would have a trained workforce of insurance agents in place to sell their
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The life insurance industry in India grew by an impressive 47.38%, with premium
income at Rs. 1560.41 billion during the fiscal year 2007-2008. Though the total
volume of LIC's business increased in the last fiscal year (2007-2008) compared to
the previous one, its market share came down from 85.75% to 81.91%.
The 17 private insurers increased their market share from about 15% to about 19% in
a year's time. The figures for the first two months of the fiscal year 2008-09 also
speak of the growing share of the private insurers. The share of LIC for this period
has further come down to 75 percent, while the private players have grabbed over 24
With the opening up of the insurance industry in India many foreign players have
entered the market. The restriction on these companies is that they are not allowed to
Since the opening up of the insurance sector in 1999, foreign investments of Rs. 8.7
billion have poured into the Indian market and 19 private life insurance companies
fledgling private insurance companies to sign up Indian customers faster than anyone
expected. Indians, who had always seen life insurance as a tax saving device, are now
suddenly turning to the private sector and snapping up the new innovative products on
offer. Some of these products include investment plans with insurance and good
returns (unit linked plans), multi – purpose insurance plans, pension plans, child plans
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Reforms in the Insurance sector were initiated with the passes of the IRDA Bill in
Parliament in December 1999. The IRDA since its incorporation as a statutory body
in April 2000 has fastidiously such to its schedule of framing regulations and
The other decision taken simultaneously to provide the supporting systems to the
insurance sector and in particular the life insurance companies was the launch of the
Section 14 of IRDA Act, 1999 lays down the duties, powers and functions of IRDA..
(1) Subject to the provisions of this Act and any other law for the time being in force,
the Authority shall have the duty to regulate, promote and ensure orderly growth of
(2) Without prejudice to the generality of the provisions contained in sub-section (1),
(b) protection of the interests of the policy holders in matters concerning assigning of
surrender value of policy and other terms and conditions of contracts of insurance;
(c) specifying requisite qualifications, code of conduct and practical training for
(d) specifying the code of conduct for surveyors and loss assessors;
(f) promoting and regulating professional organisations connected with the insurance
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and re-insurance business;
(g) levying fees and other charges for carrying out the purposes of this Act;
(h) calling for information from, undertaking inspection of, conducting enquiries and
(i) control and regulation of the rates, advantages, terms and conditions that may be
regulated by the Tariff Advisory Committee under section 64U of the Insurance Act,
1938 (4 of 1938);
(j) specifying the form and manner in which books of account shall be maintained and
(o) specifying the percentage of premium income of the insurer to finance schemes
(p) specifying the percentage of life insurance business and general insurance
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A Research Design is the framework or plan for a study which is used as a guide in
collecting and analyzing the data collected. It is the blue print that is followed in
completing the study. The basic objective of research cannot be attained without a
proper research design. It specifies the methods and procedures for acquiring the
pattern of the project that stipulates what information needs to be collected, from
other insurance company for HDFC standard life insurance company ltd.”
This study was undertaken to identify which type of insurance plans HDFC SLIC
should market to beat other insurance company in India. A survey was undertaken to
marketing policies the sole duty of an advisor/ agent is to provide insurance plans as
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In effect plans (insurance products) should be flexible to suit individual requirements.
This research tries to analyze some key factors which influence the purchase of
insurance like the term of the policy, the type of company, the amount of annual
premium payable (capacity and willingness to spend), risk taking ability and the
To analysis the product details of HDFC Standard life Insurance Company limited
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There are two types of data used. They are primary and secondary data. Primary data
is defined as data that is collected from original sources for a specific purpose.
These include the survey or questionnaire method, telephonic interview as well as the
These include books, the internet, company brochures, product brochures, the
Sampling refers to the method of selecting a sample from a given universe with a
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The sample size for the survey conducted was 270 respondents. This sample size was
taken on 95% confidence level and 6 significant level. Data universe for this sample is
Tables were used for the analysis of the collected data. The data is also neatly
presented with the help of statistical tools such as graphs and pie charts. Percentages
and averages have also been used to represent data clearly and effectively.
The samples referred to were residing in Jodhpur City. The areas covered were
Paschim Vihar, Panjabi Bagh, Naraina, New Friends Colony, Nehru Place.
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objectives of the study, research methodology, sampling, plan of analysis and study
HDFC Profile, Standard life Profile, Join venture, products and services, Awards and
Competitive analysis – Information about the plans offered by LIC, ICICI prudential,
Marketing problems - The techniques used to market insurance and their advantages
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Analysis and Interpretation – A survey on factors that influence people to purchase
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HDFC Standard Life Insurance Company Limited. is one of India's leading private
Limited (HDFC Limited), India's leading housing finance institution and a Group
Company of the Standard Life Plc, UK. As on February 28, 2009 HDFC Ltd. holds
72.43% and Standard Life (Mauritius Holding) 2006, Ltd. holds 26.00% of equity in
As a joint venture of leading financial services groups, HDFC Standard Life has the
HDFC SLIC have a range of individual and group solutions, which can be easily
customised to specific needs. Group solutions have been designed to offer complete
The gross premium income, for the year ending March 31, 2009 stood at Rs. 5,564.69
The company has covered over 8,33,070 lives as on March 31, 2009.
HDFC Standard Life believes that establishing a strong and ethical foundation is an
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well trained sales force, and setting up appropriate systems and processes with
optimum use of technology. As all these areas form the basic infrastructure for
Our core values are drilled down to all levels of employees, as these are inviolable.
We continue to promote high integrity in business practices and shun short cuts and
standing. Since our inception in 2000, when the Indian insurance space was opened
aspect on insurance business. Being the first private player to be registered with the
IRDA and the first to issue a policy on December 12, 2000, our differentiators are:
Strong promoter
HDFC Standard Life is a strong, financially secure business supported by two strong
and secure promoters – HDFC Ltd and Standard Life. HDFC Ltd’s excellent brand
strength emerges from its unrelenting focus on corporate governance, high standards
of ethics and clarity of vision. Standard Life is a strong, financially secure business
Our brand has managed to set a new standard in the Indian life insurance
communication space. We were the first private life insurer to break the ice using the
idea of self-respect instead of ‘death’ to convey our brand proposition (Sar Utha Ke
Jiyo). Today, we are one of the few brands that customers recognize, like and prefer
to do business. Moreover, our brand thought, Sar Utha Ke Jiyo, is the most recalled
Investment Philosophy
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We follow a conservative investment management philosophy to ensure that our
customer’s money is looked after well. The investment policies and actions are
savings with us for the long term, with specific objectives in mind. Thus, our
investment focus is based on the primary objective of protecting and generating good,
consistent, and stable investment returns to match the investor’s long-term objective
Despite the criticality of life insurance, sales in the industry have been characterized
by over reliance on tax benefits and limited advice-based selling. Our eight-step
structured sales process ‘Disha’ however, helps customers understand their latent
needs at the first instance itself without focusing on product features or tax benefits.
Need-based selling process, 'Disha', the first of its kinds in the industry, looks at the
whole financial picture. Customers see a plan not piecemeal product selling.
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Risk Control Framework
HDFC Standard Life has fully implemented a risk control framework to ensure that
all types of risks (not just financial) are identified and measured. These are regularly
reported to the board and this ensures that the company management and board
members are fully aware of any risks and the actions taken to ensure they are
Focus on Training
Training is an integral part of our business strategy. Almost all employees have
undergone training to enhance their technical skills or the softer behavioural skills to
be able to deliver the service standards that our company has set for itself. Besides the
mandatory training that Financial Consultants have to undergo prior to being licensed,
aspects including product knowledge, selling skills, objection handling skills and so
HDFC Standard Life do not focus in the business of ramping up the topline only, but
the base that we have created for the long-term success of this company.
Transparent Dealing
We are one of the few companies whose product details, pricing, clauses are clearly
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communicated to help customers take the right decision.
We have initiated and implemented many new processes, some of which were found
useful by the IRDA and later made mandatory for the entire industry.The agents who
successfully completed this training only, were authorized by the company to sell
ULIPs. This has now been made compulsory by IRDA for all insurance companies
HDFC Standard Life’s wide and diversified product portfolio help individuals meet
Savings: Save for the milestones and protect your savings too
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Actuaries in Scotland.
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Limited. He joined HDFC Limited in 1981 and became an Executive
to this, Mr. Skeoch was working with M/s. James Capel & Co.
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holding the positions of UK Economist, Chief Economist, Executive
November 2005.
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Wharton School and BE (Honours) from Birla Institute of
also associated with various committees of SEBI and the Reserve Bank
of India (RBI).
|Page 24
Chartered Accountants of India, he has been associated with the
interactions etc.
HDFC Incorporated in 1977 with a share capital of Rs 10 Crores, HDFC has since
emerged as the largest residential mortgage finance institution in the country. The
corporation has had a series of share issues raising its capital to Rs. 119 Crores. The
gross premium income for the year ending March 31, 2007 stood at Rs. 2,856 Crores
and new business premium income at Rs. 1,624 Crores. The company has covered
HDFC operates through almost 450 locations throughout the country with its
corporate head quarters in Mumbai, India. HDFC also has an International Office in
Dubai, UAE with service associates in Kuwait, Oman and Qatar. HDFC is the largest
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Almost 90% of initial shareholding in the hands of domestic institutes and
Besides the core business of mortgage HDFC has evolved into a financial
Mr. Deepak S Parekh is the Chairman of the Company. He is also the Executive
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as a whole-time director of HDFC Limited in 1985 and was appointed as its Executive
Chairman in 1993. He is the Chief Executive Officer of HDFC Limited. Mr. Parekh is
Mr. Deepak M Satwalekar is the Managing Director and CEO of the Company since
November, 2000. Prior to this, he was the Managing Director of HDFC Limited since
1993. Mr. Satwalekar obtained a Bachelors Degree in Technology from the Indian
HDFC Bank: World Class Indian Bank- among the top private banks in India.
HDFC AMC: One of the top 3 AMCs in India- Preferred investment manager.
HDFC securities
|Page 27
Standard Life is Europe’s largest mutual life assurance company. Standard Life,
which has been in the life insurance business for the past 175 years is a modern
company surviving quite a few changes since selling its first policy in 1825. The
company expanded in the 19th century from kits original Edinburgh premises, opening
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Standard Life Currently has assets exceeding over £ 70 billion under its management
and has the distinction of being accorded “AAA” rating consequently for the six years
Currently over 5 million Policy holders benefiting from the services offered.
HDFC Standard Life Insurance Company Limited was one of the first companies to
be granted license by the IRDA to operate in life insurance sector. Reach of the JV
player is highly rated and been conferred with many awards. HDFC is rated ‘AAA ’
by both CRISIL and ICRA. Similarly, Standard Life is rated ‘AAA’ both by Moody’s
and Standard and Poor’s. These reflect the efficiency with which HDFC and Standard
Life manage their asset base of Rs. 15,000 Cr and Rs. 600,000 Cr. respectively.
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HDFC Standard Life Insurance Company Ltd was incorporated on 14 th August 2000.
HDFC is the majority stakeholder in the insurance JV with 81.4% staple and Standard
of as a staple 18.6% Mr. Deepak Satwalekar is the MD and CEO of the venture.
HDFC Standard Life Insurance Company Ltd. Is one of India’s leading Private Life
Limited (HDFC Ltd.) India’s leading housing finance institution and the Standard
Life Assurance Company, a leading provider of financial services from the United
Kingdom. Both the promoters are will known for their ethical dealings and financial
strength and are thus committed to being a long-term player in the life insurance
Track Record so far
The gross premium income of HDFC, for the year ending March 31, 2010 stood at Rs.
3,256 crores and new business premium income at Rs. 1,924 crores.
The company has covered over 9, 22,000 lives year ending March 31, 2010. Company
also declared our 5th consecutive bonus in as many years for our ‘with profit’
Financial Expertise
|Page 30
As a joint venture of leading financial services groups. HDFC standard Life has the
Range of Solutions
HDFC SLIC has a range of individual and group solutions, which can be easily
customized to specific needs. These group solutions have been designed to offer
HDFC SLIC was awarded No-1 Private Insurance Company in 2004 by the World
Class Magazine Business World for Integrity, Innovation and Customer Care.
'The most successful and admired life insurance company, which means that we are
the most trusted company, the easiest to deal with, offer the best value for money, and
|Page 31
.Integrity .Innovation
The right investment strategies won't just help plan for a more comfortable tomorrow
-- they will help you get “Sar Utha ke Jiyo”. At HDFC SLIC, life insurance plans are
created keeping in mind the changing needs of family. Its life insurance plans are
designed to provide you with flexible options that meet both protection and savings
needs. It offers a full range of transparent, flexible and value for money products.
HDFC SLIC products are modern and contemporary unitized products that offer
unique customer benefits like flexibility to choose cover levels, indexation and partial
Individual Products
Protection Plans
A person can protect his family against the loss of his income or the burden of a loan
in the event of his unfortunate demise, disability or sickness. These plans offer
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Investment Plans
HDFC SLIC’s Single Premium Whole of Life plan is well suited to meet long term
investment needs. This provides attractive long term returns through regular bonuses.
Pension Plans
Pension Plans help to secure financial independence even after retirement. Pension
range includes Personal Pension Plan, Unit Linked Pension, Unit Linked Pension
Savings Plans
Savings Plans offer a flexible option to build savings for future needs such as buying
Savings range includes Endowment Assurance Plan, Unit Linked Endowment, Unit
Linked Endowment Plus, Unit Linked Endowment Plus II, Money Back,
Unit Linked Enhanced Life Protection II, Children's Plan, Unit Linked Young Star,
Unit Linked Young Star Plus, Unit Linked Young Star Plus II.
Group Products
HDFC Standard Life has the most comprehensive list of products for progressive
employers who wish to provide the best and most innovative employee benefit
employers ranging from term insurance plans for pure protection to voluntary plans
HDFC SLIC offers the following group products to esteemed corporate clients:
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A) Group Term Insurance
Also suitable for other employee benefit schemes such as salary saving schemes and
Social Product
members of a Development Agency for a term of one year. On the death of any
member of the group insured during the year of cover, a lump sum is paid to those
member beneficiaries to help meet some of the immediate financial needs following
their loss.
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Employees of the Development Agency are not eligible to join the group. The group
Premium Payments
The premium to be paid will be quoted per member in the group and will be the same
The premium can only be paid by the Development Agency as a single lump sum that
includes all premiums for the group to be covered. Cover will not start until the
premium and all the member information in our specified format has been received.
On the death of each member covered by the policy during the year of cover a lump
sum equal to the sum assured will be paid to their beneficiaries or legal heirs. Where
the death is as a result of an accident, an additional lump sum will be paid equal to
half the sum assured. There are no benefits paid at the end of the year of cover and
Due to the nature of the groups covered, HDFC Standard Life will be passing certain
administrative tasks onto the Development Agency. By passing on these tasks the
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Recording changes in the details of group members
Disbursement of claim payments and the mortality rebate (if any) to group
These tasks would be in addition to the usual duties of a policyholder such as:
Payment of premiums
Reporting of claims
Training and support will be available to give guidance on how to complete the tasks
appropriately. Since these additional tasks will impose a burden on the Development
Agency, the Development Agency may charge a Rs. 10 administration fee to their
Prohibition of rebates
to any person to take out or renew or continue an insurance in respect of any kind of
risk relating to lives or property in India, any rebate of the whole or part of the
commission payable or any rebate of the premium shown on the policy, nor shall any
person taking out or renewing or continuing a policy accept any rebate, except such
rebate as may be allowed in accordance with the published prospectus or tables of the
If any person fails to comply with sub regulation (previous point) above, he shall be
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Unit linked plans are based on the component of the premium or the contribution of
the customer towards the plan. This contribution can be in different modes like yearly,
half yearly, quarterly and monthly. Unit linked plans have multiple benefits like life
The premium is collected from the policy holder. He is allotted a certain number of
units based of his contribution. The Net Asset Value is the value of each unit of the
fund. It is found by subtracting the charges and current liabilities from the current
assets and investments and dividing this number by the total number of outstanding
Let us take an example. There are 100 investors and each invests Rs. 10 in a fund. The
total value of the fund is Rs. 1000 and each person is allotted 1 unit of Rs 10. Now the
money (Rs. 1000) is invested in the debt or equity market. Suppose the fund value
increased by 20%. As a result the Rs. 1000 invested became Rs. 1200. Hence the
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We find that life insurance unit linked plans is a good area to invest money in as it
provides liquidity, safety, high returns, life cover and tax benefits in a single plan.
HDFC SLIC offers the option of indexation to beat inflation. Risk is reduced to a
Tax Benefits
Rs. 1,00,000.
Sec. 80 CCC Across all income Upto Rs. 33,990 All the pension plans.
of Rs.1,00,000.
Sec. 80 D Across all income Upto Rs. 3,399 saved All the health
|Page 38
conventional plans.
SAVINGS Rs37,389
Rs. 33,990 under Sec. 80C and under Sec. 80 CCC , Rs.3,399 under Sec.
Sec. 10 (10)D Under Sec. 10(10D), the benefits you receive are completely tax-free,
Sept, 2008
100,’ recognized those executives and organizations that embraced great risk for the
HDFC Standard Life has also been one of the five recipients of the Special 2008 CIO
Security Award aimed at CIOs, whose pioneering implementations have taken their
enterprise security to the next level. This award category identifies innovative and
|Page 39
groundbreaking deployment of technologies aimed at creating a secure business
May, 2008
HDFC Standard Life received the PCQuest Best IT Implementation Award 2008 for
Consultant Corner, the applications for its financial consultants, providing centralized
control over a vast geographical spread for key business units such as inventory,
training, licensing, etc. Read more about the ‘Consultant Corner’ tool in the
HDFC Standard Life has won the PCQuest Best IT Implementation Award for two
years consequently. Last year, the company received the award for Wonders, its path-
March, 2008
|Page 40
HDFC Standard Life's radio spot for Pension Plans won a Silver Abby in the radio
writing craft category at the Goafest 2008 organised by the Advertising Agencies
Association of India (AAAI). The radio commercial ‘Pata nahin chala’ touched
several changes in life in the blink of an eye through an old man’s perspective. The
objective was drive awareness and ask people to invest in a pension plan to live life to
March, 2008
The Unit Linked Savings Plan advertisement of HDFC Standard Life, one of the
leading private insurance companies in India, has topped Mint’s Top Television
Advertisement survey conducted, for February 2008. HDFC Standard Life’s Unit
Linked Savings Plan advertisement was ranked 4th in terms of a combined score of ad
awareness and brand recall and 3rd in terms of ad diagnostic scores (likeability,
enjoyment, believability, and claim). The respondents were between 18 and 40 years.
Mint’s exclusive report, ‘New voices in a makeover’ outlines the survey in detail.
February, 2008
received the QIMPRO Gold Standard Award 2007 in the business category at the 18th
January, 2008
Advertising & Marketing Moments' over the last 60 years in India,’ by 4Ps Business
|Page 41
and Marketing magazine. The magazine said that HDFC Standard Life is one of the
first private insurers to break the ice using the idea of self respect (Sar Utha Ke Jiyo)
instead of 'death' to convey its brand proposition. This was then, followed by others
including ICCI Prudential, thus giving HDFC Standard Life the credit of bringing up
one such glorious advertising and marketing moment in the last 60 years.
HDFC is validated by bajaj Capital report. HDFC pacify the need of invertors up to
1977. It has a very handsome experience in the field of finance because it completely
involved in finance Sector only where as the others are running in many other field
|Page 42
3. Ethics and Values: HDFC is an ethical and cultural organization which
prevents the false selling and prohibit the false commitment to the customer.
4. Sales Force: Properly trend licensed and Educated People are the strength of
the company. So that they could give the best customer service.
5. Huge branch network HDFC is having 450 branches in all over the country.
6. Online accessibility : It makes the process faster and make the customer
Section 42(4) of the amended Insurance Act, 1938 states an agent to be one who is
not: A minor.
The FC is the interface between the customer and insurance company. The agent
Objective of FC:
|Page 43
Recruitment of Financial consultant (FCs) of a excellent profile and their retention
strategies and what are their benefit that company going to provided for retention of
their FCs.
1- Committed people who have the drive, determination and ability to become
2- Sell at least 5 policies each month once after licensed with company.
Brand value and the reputation of the partners (HDFC Limited) Market leader in
housing finance:
Product innovation.
|Page 44
Strategies Employed to achieve the target are as follows:-
Collect references.
Clearly succinctly explain how the meeting will be benefiting the prospect.
Got the knowledge about, how to differentiate our product form that of LIC.
Made more and more people aware about my companies Products (Policies)
Taken some appointments for policies and got positive response from 8 persons with
|Page 45
So though the study aim to achieve the above mentioned Objective in full earnest and
accuracy, it may be hampered due to certain limitation. Some of the limitations are as
Getting accurate response form the respondents due to their inherent problem
is difficult.
The methodology adopted in the field to collect the data represented diagrammatically
Segmentation of
|Page 46
Meeting with People
Filling up questionnaire
and Schedule
In order to determine the willingness of the people to become FC for HDFC SLIC in
Yes No Total
Professional 2 28 30
Working employees 2 33 35
House wives 2 18 20
Students 3 22 25
Investment consultants 2 18 20
Post office agents 3 12 15
Others - - 10
Total 14 131 155
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LIC has an excellent money back policy which provides for periodic payments of
partial survival benefits as long as the policy holder is alive. 20% of the sum assured
is payable after 5, 10, 15 and 20 years and the balance 40% is payable at the 20 th year
For a 25 years term , 15% of the sum assured becomes payable after 5,10,15 and 20
years and the balance 40% plus the accrued bonus becomes payable at the 25 th year.
An important feature of these types of policies is that in the event of the death of the
policy holder at any time within the policy term the death claim comprises of full sum
assured without deducting any of the survival benefit amounts which have already
been paid. The bonus is also calculated on the full sum assured.
HDFC SLIC does not have a money back policy. It could offer a money back plan
and capture some portion of this market. While marketing insurance products I found
LIC offers 66 different plans; plans are formulated for specific occasions – whole life
plans, term assurance plans, money back plan for women, child plans, plans for the
individuals, pension plans, unit linked plans, special plans, social security schemes –
diversified portfolio of products. HDFC SLIC could diversify its product portfolio. It
could add more plans for high worth individuals and women.
|Page 51
ICICI Prudential is a stiff competitor for HDFC SLIC. The company is a merger
between ICICI Bank which is the biggest private bank in India and Prudential Plc
The company has an investment plan which is market related – Invest Shield Life. In
this plan even if the market falls, the premium will be returned to investors. It is a
guaranteed plan which ensures the company carefully invests your money. The stock
market performance of ICICI Prudential is much better than HDFC SLIC. The returns
on the growth fund were 46.28% compared to the 42.70% offered by HDFC SLIC.
Customers are attracted by higher returns and this is a plus point for Prudential.
The company is very well advertised. The advertisements are showcased in movies,
television, newspapers, magazines, bill boards, radio etc. The company has an
excellent brand ambassador – Mr. Amitabh Bacchan. His promotion of the company
However the charges are very high in the plans offered by ICICI Prudential. It is 35%
during the first year, 15% in the next year and 3% from the third year onwards. Also a
higher minimum premium of Rs. 8000 is charged. Hence the policies are not
Birla Sun Life Insurance Company Limited is a joint venture between The Aditya
Birla Group, one of the largest business houses in India and Sun Life Financial Inc., a
Aditya Birla Group combined with the expertise of Sun Life Financial Inc., offers a
|Page 52
The Aditya Birla Group has a turnover close to Rs. 33000 crores with a market
capitalization of Rs. 53400 crores (as on 31st March 2007). It has over 72000
employees across all its units worldwide. It is led by its Chairman - Mr. Kumar
Mangalam Birla. Some of the key organizations within the group are Hindalco and
Sun Life Financial Inc. and its partners today have operations in key markets
worldwide, including Canada, the United States, the United Kingdom, Hong Kong,
the Philippines, Japan, Indonesia, India, China and Bermuda. It had assets under
Being a customer centric company, BSLI has invested heavily in technology to build
world class processing capabilities. BSLI has covered more than a million lives since
inception and its customer base is spread across more than 1000 towns and cities in
India. All this has assisted the company in cementing its place amongst the leaders in
the industry in terms of new business premium income. The company has a capital
Its Flexi Life Line Plan offers life long insurance cover till the policy holder is 100
years of age. There are guaranteed returns of 3% p.a. net of policy charges after every
5 years from the eleventh policy year onwards. However the charges are very high.
The initial charges for the first year are 65%. Hence the fund value is greatly reduced.
|Page 53
Bajaj Allianz is a joint venture between Allianz AG with over 110 years of experience
in over 70 countries and Bajaj Auto, a trusted automobile manufacturer for over 55
years in the Indian market. Together they are committed to offering you financial
solutions that provide all the security you need for your family and yourself. Bajaj
Allianz is the number one private life insurer for the year 2005 – 2006. It is leading by
78 crores. It has experienced a whopping growth of 216% in the last financial year.
The company has sold 13, 00,000 policies and is backed by 550 offices across India.
It offers travel insurance, motor insurance, home insurance, health and corporate
insurance. The mortality charges are lower than HDFC SLIC. The entry age could be
Tata Aig is a joint venture between the Tata group and American International Group
Inc. In one of the plans the company offers hospital cash benefit wherein it will pay
Rs. 2500 per day in case of hospitalization and Rs.12.5 lakhs in case the person
suffers from any critical illness. Annual premium is much less (about Rs. 6712) to
avail such a good benefit. Charges are relatively low compared to HDFC SLIC for
some policies.
The company offers high coverage plans at low cost. There is a plan even for a policy
term of 1 year. Your family can continue to enjoy their current lifestyle even in the
case of something happening to you. These plans are very flexible and HDFC SLIC
could adopt this idea of insuring individuals for short periods of time. For example;
|Page 54
He has just taken a loan from a bank of 20 lakhs to purchase a new home. He is able
to repay the loan with his current salary in 15 years. The problem arises if something
were to happen to him within these fifteen years. Not only will the family face the
emotional and financial loss of their father but they will also have to repay the home
|Page 55
The old and out dated technique of tele marketing is used to prospect customers. More
modern techniques must be adopted. The company must sponsor shows and give
presentations in corporate houses. The financial health check must be performed for
every prospect to assess his/her true financial position and needs. Some of the
advisors skip this vital step and the prospect ends up with a plan they do not
Other brands are well advertised and have higher recall value
Some prospects have already invested and are not interested in further
|Page 56
purchase insurance
Speak about the good features a plan offers like high returns, life cover, tax
Try to sell the product/plan which the consumer requires and not the plan
Bring out policies with small premiums payable for short periods of time – Rs.
Attract the youth of India with higher returns on investment as returns are the
|Page 57
18 - 25 years 127
26 - 35 years 67
36 - 49 years 46
50 - 60 years 24
|Page 58
From the chart above we find that 47% of the respondents fall in the age group of 18 –
25 years, 25% fall in the age group of 26 – 35 years and 17% fall in the age group of
36 – 49 years.
|Page 59
Therefore most of the respondents are relatively young (below 26 years of age). These
individuals could be induced to purchase insurance plans on the basis of its tax saving
Individuals at this age are trying to buy a house or a car. Insurance could help them
with this and this fact has to be conveyed to the consumer. As of now many
consumers have a false perception that insurance is only meant for people above the
age of 50. Contrary to popular belief the younger you are the more insurance you need
as your loss will mean a great financial loss to your family, spouse and children (in
|Page 60
|Page 61
From the chart above it can clearly be seen that 43% of the respondents are working
professionals, 23% are students and 18% are into business. Therefore the target
market would be working individuals in the age group of 18 – 25 years having surplus
income, interested in good returns on their investment and saving income tax.
|Page 62
This graph shows that out of total 270 respondents only 103 or 38% respondents have
life insurance policy in their name. Rest all don’t have a single policy in their name.
So there is a very big scope for life insurance companies to cover these people. So in
|Page 63
In India, the largest life insurance company is Life Insurance Corporation of India. It
has been in existence in India since 1956 and is completely owned by the Government
of India. Today the organization has grown to 2048 offices serving 18 crore policies
|Page 64
|Page 65
From the chart above we find that, 39% of the respondents surveyed pay an annual
premium less than Rs. 10001 towards life insurance. 25% of the respondents pay an
annual premium less than Rs. 15001 and 17% pay an annual premium less than
Rs. 25000. Hence we can safely say that HDFC SLIC would be able to capture the
Only 19% of the respondents pay more than Rs. 25000 as premium and most products
sold by HDFC SLIC have Rs.12000 as the minimum annual premium amount. They
should introduce more products like Easy Life Plus and Safe Guard where the
minimum premium is Rs.6000 p.a. and Rs. 12000 p.a. respectively. This would
definitely increase their market share as more individuals would be able to afford the
policies/plans offered.
|Page 66
From the chart given above we can clearly see that 45% of the respondents hold
endowment plans and 39% of the respondents hold term insurance plans. Endowment
plans are very popular and serve two purposes – life cover and savings.
If the policy holder dies during the policy term the nominee gets the death benefit that
is, sum assured and accumulated bonus. On survival the policy holder receives the
A term plan is a pure risk cover plan wherein the insured pays a lower premium for a
higher sum assured. Term insurance is the cheapest form of insurance and helps the
policy holder insure himself for a relatively low premium. For the returns sensitive
investor term plans do not find favor as they do not offer a return in case the
|Page 67
From the chart given above we find that 57% of the respondents are aware of unit
linked life insurance plans and 43% are not aware of such plans. These plans should
|Page 68
radio, newspapers, bill boards and pamphlets. This would increase awareness and
arouse curiosity in the minds of the consumer which would enable the company to
Unit – linked plans are those where the benefits are expressed in terms of number of
units and unit price. They can be viewed as a combination of insurance and mutual
funds. The number of units a customer would get would depend on the unit price
When the policy matures the individual gets his fund value. The value of his fund is
calculated by multiplying the net asset value and number of units held by them on that
|Page 69
Willingness to spend on premium No. of respondents Percentage
From the graph above, we can clearly see that 41% of the respondents would be
willing to spend between Rs. 10001 – Rs. 25000 for life insurance. 27 % would be
|Page 70
willing to spend between Rs. 6001 – Rs. 10000 per annum. Only 15% would be
willing to spend more than Rs. 25000 per annum as life insurance premium.
We could say that the maximum premium payable by most consumers is less than Rs.
25000 p.a. This is further reduced as most customers have already invested with LIC,
HDFC SLIC is faced with a large amount of competition. There are 18 insurance
companies in India inclusive of LIC. Hence to capture a larger part of the market the
company could introduce more reasonable plans with lesser premium payable per
|Page 71
16 - 20 years 38
21 - 25 years 24
26 - 30 years 5
More than 30 years 3
Whole life Policy 13
From the chart given above it can be seen that 35% of the respondents prefer a policy
term of 10 – 15 years, 19% prefer a term of 3 – 5 years and 15% prefer a term of 6 – 9
years. This means that HDFC SLIC could introduce more plans wherein the premium
The outlook of insurance as a product should be changed from something which you
pay for your whole life (whole life policy) and do not receive any benefit (the
nominee only receives the benefit in case of your death) to an extremely useful
|Page 72
investment opportunity with the prospects of good returns on savings, tax saving
opportunities as well as providing for every milestone in your life like marriage,
|Page 73
From the chart above it can be seen that 33% of the respondents purchase life
insurance to secure their families, 33% take life insurance to get high returns, 17%
purchase insurance on the advice of their friends and 13% purchase insurance because
The main purpose of insurance is to cover the financial or economic loss that occurs
to the family in case of the uncertain death of the policy holder. But now a day this
trend is changing. Along with protection (life cover), a savings element is being added
to insurance.
With the introduction of the new unit linked plans in the market, policy holders get
the option to choose where their money will be invested. They can invest their money
in the equity market, debt market, money market or a combination of these. The debt
and money markets usually have low risk attached whereas the equity market is a high
|Page 74
Private Company 49 18%
|Page 75
From the graph above we find that 60% of the respondents preferred to purchase
purchase insurance from a public limited company and only 4% of the respondents
|Page 76
From the chart above it can clearly been seen that 18% of the respondents would like
16 – 20% returns, 17% would like returns between 21 – 25% and 17% would like
should be at least 16 – 20 %.
Most consumers are willing to adapt to some amount of risk but still want some
guaranteed returns. Therefore the bulk of investment should be made in the balanced
fund with 50% debt and 50% equity. The returns on the Secure Fund are guaranteed
as these involve investment is government securities and the debt market. But the
returns on these instruments are low (8 – 10%). If the company invests in shares,
returns are higher (39%) but correspondingly risk borne by the policy holder is also
higher. Therefore a good combination of the two instruments is often a wise choice.
|Page 77
1- Customers are less aware about the private insurance company in market.
3- Many professions like CA, tax planner wants corporate agency rather than to
be a financial consultant.
4- HDFC is too selective in making a FC rather than to appoint any one like LIC.
due to the attractive packages and services provided by various new insurance
7- LIC has created a branded image in 3-4 decades, due to which new insurance
8- If the customers are joining HDFC the segment is more of tax consultant,
investment for consultant and other people who are engaged in investment business
|Page 78
9- HDFC SLIC is having good retention strategies for their financial consultant.
through advertisement.
The insurance companies should try to nurture their brand name timely and
|Page 79
The future topics for research in the organization could be setting up of an appropriate
ad campaign. It is very vital to the companies’ success that the people of India know
about HDFC SLIC, its products and their special features and how insurance in
general can help them in their future. The advertisements have to be emotionally
appealing. They might also include a celebrity. The brand name of HDFC could be
used to give a push to HDFC SLIC and its products. The general perception of
The other area of research could be in the management of funds HDFC SLIC
possesses and how it can maximize returns for its investors. A research project could
be undertaken on how to ensure that the money gets invested in the right companies
and earns a medium – high return on investment. Another area of research could be an
analysis of the sales and marketing techniques used by HDFC SLIC. A large number
of changes could be introduced and this would help in saving operating costs and
|Page 80
HDFC standard life insurance is first life insurance company in India. It has
businesses spread out across the globe. It was registered on 23 rd December 2000. It
currently ranks number 4 amongst the insurers in India (Source: annual premium
The company faces a large amount of competition. To sustain itself it must promote
its products through advertising and improve its selling techniques. Consumers must
be aware of the new plans available at HDFC SLIC. The medium of advertising used
could be television since most of its competitors use this tool to promote their
The unit linked concept must be specifically promoted. The general perception of life
insurance has to change in India before progress is made in this field. People should
not be afraid to invest money in insurance and must use it as an effective tool for tax
HDFC SLIC could tap the rural markets with cheaper products and smaller policy
terms. There are individuals who are willing to pay small amounts as premium but the
|Page 81
plans do not accept premiums below a certain amount. It was usually found that a
large number of males were insured compared to females. Individuals below the age
Dear Sir/Madam,
do a research based project. Kindly spend a few minutes of your valuable time and fill
in this questionnaire.
o Yes o No
|Page 82
o Rs. 15,001 – Rs. 25,000 o Rs. 25,001 – Rs. 50,000
What kind of insurance policy would suit you best in your current stage of life?
Are you aware of the new unit linked insurance plans in the market?
o Yes o No
How much would you be willing to spend per annum if you were to go for an
investment/insurance plan?
Which according to you is an ideal policy term? (Number of years you would be
o 3 to 5 years o 6 to 9 years
o 10 to 15 years o 16 to 20 years
o 21 to 25 years o 26 to 30 years
|Page 83
o Advertisements o High Returns
o Others (specify)
Typically what kind of returns would you look at from your investments? (Please
o Less than 5% o 6% - 10 %
o 11% - 15 % o 16% - 20 %
Personal Details :
Name :
Address :
Age :
Contact No. :
Profile of respondent:
Student Business
|Page 84
Housewife Self-Employed
Web-Site :
Magazine –
Insurance World
|Page 85
The Outlook Money
|Page 86