Diarrhoea Cattle
Diarrhoea Cattle
Diarrhoea Cattle
in cattle
D. Luseba
2002 First print
Information provided by
Animal Health for Developing Farmers
ARC-Onderstepoort Veterinary Institute
Private Bag X05, Onderstepoort 0110
Tel. (012) 529 9158
When is diar
diarrrhoea ver
veryy risk y?
Calf diarrhoea can cause a greater financial loss to
cow/calf producers than any other disease-related problem they encounter.
The age of the animal is very important. The younger the animal, the greater the
chance of death. Many diarrhoea cases can be directly related to a lack of
colostrum intake by the newborn calf.
A calf that consumes 750 ml to 1 l colostrum in the first few hours after
birth will absorb an adequate number of antibodies and therefore will be less
susceptible to infections that can cause diarrhoea.
Diarrr hoea in calves
Viral diar
diarrr hoea
Rotavirus diarrhoea
Within 24 hours of birth, a germ called rotavirus
causes this type of diarrhoea.
Infected calves are severely depressed. There may be drooling of saliva and
watery diarrhoea.
The faeces will vary in colour from yellow to green.
Calves lose appetite and the death rate may be as high as 50 %.
There are no signs on dead animals; however, there is an increased volume of
fluid in both the small and large intestine.
Coronavirus diarrhoea
This occurs in calves that are over 5 days of age; the germ is called
The animal is not as depressed as in rotavirus diarrhoea.
The initial signs may be the same as in rotavirus, but later on the faeces may
contain clear mucus that resembles the white of an egg.
Mortality is low (125 %).
Bacterial diar
diarrr hoea
Colibacillosis (Eschericia coli)
Eschericia coli is a major cause of diarrhoea in young calves.
E. coli germs attack the intestinal mucous membrane and other mucous
membranes and produce toxins (poisons).
The toxins cause severe inflammation of the intestinal lining (enteritis) and can
lead to death within hours. A less severe form of the disease is usually
characterised by diarrhoea accompanied by progressive dehydration.
Colibacillosis lasts 2 to 4 days and its severity depends on the age of the calf.
E. coli inhabits the intestine and is excreted in the faeces. It can contaminate
kraals, stables, floors, paddocks and even water supplies.
Control of E. coli scours can be difficult in a severe herd outbreak. Early
detection (as well as isolation of affected animals) and treatment of scours
help to prevent new cases. Speak to your state veterinarian or animal health
technician for advice on the use of the available remedies, which are usually
mixtures of sulphas and antibiotics.
Animals may be vaccinated 6 weeks and 3 weeks before
calving. However, the calves must get colostrum in the first few hours of life
for the vaccine to be effective.
Guidelines for colibacillosis control consist of letting cows calve in an
uncontaminated environment, e.g. in the veld; ensuring that calves consume
enough colostrum and assisting weak calves; feeding or treating cows with a
vitamin A preparation during dry periods (winter); keeping calves in clean
pens and paddocks; feeding calves out of clean buckets; and the
vaccination of pregnant cows.
Salmonella germs produce a poison called an endotoxin.
Calves are usually affected at 6 days of age or older (the same as in
coronavirus diarrhoea).
Signs of salmonella scours include diarrhoea, presence of blood and fibrin
(yellow clots) in the faeces, depression and elevated temperature.
Salmonella germs multiply in the intestine and many reach the bloodstream,
causing blood infection and sudden death.
Finding a membrane-like cover in the intestine of a dead animal suggests
Tick-borne diseases and underfeeding of calves predispose them to
salmonella scours. Heavily infected animals may become severely depressed
following treatment with antibiotics because treatment causes the salmonella
organisms to release toxins.
Treatment should therefore be designed to combat the effects of endotoxins.
Consult your state veterinarian if possible. Animals that recover may become
sources of infection and therefore should preferably be destroyed.
Poor feeding, unhygienic conditions and other predisposing causes should be
guarded against. Vaccines are available and details on their use may be
obtained from the state veterinarian or animal health technician.
Nutritional diarrhoea
Nutritional scours are caused by anything that disrupts the normal
nursing pattern, for example storms, strong wind or the mothers
temporary absence. When the hungry calf gets the opportunity to
nurse, the cows udder may contain more milk than normal and the calf
may take in excessive quantities, resulting in nutritional scours.
It is usually white scours caused by undigested milk passing through the
intestinal tract.
It usually presents little problems. Milking the cow to limit the milk intake
by the calf usually clears up the problem. Oral antibiotics may be used
if the calf becomes depressed.
Diarrr hoea in adult cattle
It is of greater concern in dairy herds than in beef operations. This difference
reflects variations in management practicesespecially close confinement in
dairy operations, which promotes easier transmission of the organism.
The germ causes an infectious inflammation of the intestines with severe
weight loss and diarrhoea.
It is economically important because some animals may become so
emaciated that they are unfit for slaughter.
Milk production is reduced.
Johnes disease should be suspected when, despite persistent diarrhoea,
animals continue to eat well and look bright. The manure of typical cases is not
mixed with blood or mucus.
An adult cow with persistent diarrhoea, lasting for months, that is not
responding to treatment, is likely to have Johnes disease.
A veterinarian or animal health technician should be consulted if possible on
the best course of treatmentespecially when diarrhoea is severe or
Try to determine the cause and then apply appropriate treatment.
Always administer clean water or barley water at intervals of 2 to 3 hours to
compensate for the loss of body fluids.
Dosing activated charcoal with water may be of benefit in cases of poisoning.
Limewater, tannic acid or commercial diarrhoea remedies could be used to
treat diarrhoea if the animal is in danger of dehydrating. If the diarrhoea is not
severe and the animal is not dehydrating it is better not to stop the diarrhoea.
Sulphas and antibiotics should only be used on the recommendation of a
veterinarian or animal health technician.