RARP: Reverse Address Resolution Protocol
RARP: Reverse Address Resolution Protocol
RARP: Reverse Address Resolution Protocol
Internet Protocols:
The protocol that defines the unreliable, connectionless, delivery mechanism is
called the Internet Protocol (IP). IP provides three basic definitions:
1. The IP protocol defines the basic unit of data transfer for internet software.
2. It provides the routing function, i.e., choosing a path over which data is
to be sent.
3. IP includes a set of rules that embody the ides of unreliable packet delivery.
The rules characterize how hosts and routers should process packets, how
and when error messages should be generated, and the conditions under
which packets can be discarded. These form part of the Internet Control
Message (ICMP) protocol suite.
The IP service is connectionless because each packet is treated independently
from all others. The service is unreliable because delivery is not guaranteed,
and packets may well be lost, duplicated, delayed, or delivered out of order.
Finally, the service is best-effort delivery because the software makes an earnest
attempt to deliver packets; unreliability arises only when the resources are ex-
hausted or the underlying networks fail. The key idea in IP is to keep the
network relatively simple and put any necessary intelligence in the end hosts.
The IP layer resembles the postal system. On top of the IP layer, the end hosts
implement transport layer protocols that coordinate the end-to-end delivery of
data between applications.
Internet Datagrams:
The basic transfer unit in the IP layer is called an IP datagram. Like a typical
Ethernet frame discussed in Lecture 2, a datagram is divided into header and
data areas. The IP datagram travels (encapsulated) in the data portion of an
Ethernet frame. The typical datagram format appears in Figure 7.3 of Comer.
The fields in the datagram header are typically set by the operating system
on the sending machine. Although an IP router forwards a packet based on
the destination address, the header includes additional fields that facilitates the
successful communication between sender and receiver:
1. Version number (4 bits): The 4 bit version number typically has a value
of 4. Knowing the version number enables the routers and the receiving
host to interpret the rest of the header correctly. Any other version of the
protocol, such as IPv6, may have a different format.
2. Header length (4 bits): The 4-bit header length indicates the number
of 4-byte words in the header. The basic IP header is 20 bytes long (five
4-byte words), but longer headers are possible when IP options are used.
The length of the IP header is always a multiple of 32 bits.
3. Type of service (8 bits): The 8 type of service (TOS) bits were orig-
inally included in the IP header to influence the path the packet follows
through the network. For example, paths may have different perfor-
mance properties, such as low-delay, high-throughput, or high-reliability.
A packet from a large file transfer might be forwarded on a high-throughput
path because file transfer delays depend on the bandwidth available be-
tween the sender and the receiver. A detailed description of the TOS fields
appears in Section 7.7.2 of Comer.
4. Total length (16 bits): The 16-bit total length field indicates the total
number of bytes in the packet. An IP packet can be up to 65536 bytes long.
However, most link-layer technologies cannot handle such large packets,
and therefore may impose a smaller maximum transmission unit (MTU).
For example, may LANs use Ethernet, which has an MTU of 1500 bytes.
The limitation on the MTU can be handled in two ways. In the first
approach, the sending machine avoids sending IP packets that exceed the
MTU of the links along the path to the receiving machine. But, typically
the application does not know the MTU values in advance. In the second
approach, an oversized IP packet is divided into two or more fragments
by the sender or a router. The fragmentation of IP packets is supported
by the next three fields in the IP header - the 16 bit identifier, the 3-bit
flags, and the 13-bit offset.
5. Identification (16 bits): The 16-bit identifier field contains a unique
value for each IP packet from the sender. Before forwarding a packet to an
outgoing link, an IP router checks that the packet size does not exceed the
links MTU. A packet that is too large is fragmented. Each fragment of the
packet has the same identifier. This enables the destination to recognize
that the fragments belong together. The fragments are reassembled only
at the destination, and a single IP packet is delivered to a higher-layer
protocol such as TCP or UDP.
6. IP flags (3 bits): Two of the three 1-bit flags relate to the fragmentation
process; the other bit is reserved for future use. The more fragments bit
is set to 1 for all but the last fragment of a packet. This ensures that
the destination can determine whether all of the fragments have arrived.
Fragmentation can be disabled by setting the dont fragment bit. Upon
receiving an oversized packet with the dont fragment bit set, the router
discards the packet and notifies the sender. The notification is sent using
the Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP). The dont fragment bit
plays an important role in learning the maximum packet size permitted
by the routers along the path through the network. The sender can ex-
periment by sending packets of various sizes with the dont fragment bit
set to see whether any of the routers along the path generates an error.
The communication software on most computers imposes a de facto MTU
(576 or 1500 bytes) that is small enough to avoid fragmentation inside the
7. Fragment offset (13 bits): The 13 bit fragment offset field contains the
offset (in 8-byte units) of the fragment from the beginning of the original
IP packet. Using 8-byte units enables the 13 bit field to identify offsets
within an IP packet that is upto 216 (8 213 ) bytes long. Togethe, the
offset and the length enable the destination to determine what range of
bytes is covered by this fragment. Once all the fragments have arrived,
the destination can reassemble the packet.
8. Time to live (TTL) (8 bits): The 8-bit TTL field limits the number of
hops in the path traversed by the packet. The sender sets the TTL field
to an initial value. Then each router along the path decrements the field
by one. When the TTL reaches 0, the packet is discarded, and an ICMP
error message is sent to the sender. This procedure addresses a potential
robustness problem in IP routing. Sometimes a misconfigured router or
a link failure can cause a temporary routing loop. As a result, a packet
may repeatedly travel over the same set of links, not making any progress
toward the destination. The packet may eventually reach the destination
long after the two end points have stopped communicating. The arrival
of such a very old packet may confuse the recipient. Discarding packets
with expired TTLs avoids this problem.
9. Protocol (8 bits): The 8-bit protocol field identifies the higher-level pro-
tocol (TCP, UDP, ICMP) responsible for sending the IP packet. Knowing
the protocol is important for the recipient of the packet to interpret the
data after the IP header.
10. Header checksum (16 bits): The 16-bit checkum provides a way to
detect if any of the bits in the header is corrupted as the packet travels
through the network. Before transmitting the packet, the sender computes
the 16-bit sum of the bits in the IP header and includes the result in the
header checksum field. An IP packet with an incorrect header checksum
is discarded by the receiving machine. Routers along the path update the
header checksum as part of forwarding an IP packet to account for any
changes in the header, such as decrementing the TTL field. It is important
to note that the checksum applies only to the IP header and not to the
contents of the packet. IP does not check whether the data was corrupted.
This is the task of a high-level protocol such as TCP or UDP.
11. Source IP address (32 bits): The IP header includes the 32 bit address that
identifies the sender of the packet. This allows the recipient or an interme-
diate router to contact the sender. For example, the receiving application
may want to send a reply message. In addition, an intermediate router
may need to know the source address to send an ICMP error message.
12. Destination IP address (32 bits): The 32-bit destination address is
necessary to identify the intended recipient of the packet. Upon receiving
a packet, a router uses the destination IP address to determine the next
hop en route to the destination.
13. IP options (variable length): The final field of the IP header contains
a variable-length list of optional information, ending on a 32 bit bound-
ary. IP options can be used to exercise additional control over routing or
security or to have routers add a timestamp to the packet. A description
of some options appears in Section 7.8 of Comer.
Internet Routing:
Routing refers to the process of choosing a path over which to send packets,
and router refers to the computer making the choice. We distinguish hosts from
routers; host computers can be configured to act as routers, but we will assume,
unless otherwise specified, that host computers do not perform the routers
function of transferring packets from one network to another. We can divide
routing into two forms:
1. Direct Delivery over a single network: To see that a host computer
lies on a directly connected network, the sender has simply to extract the
network id portion of the destination IP address, and this is the same
as the network portion of its own IP address. In this case, the sender
simply encapsulates the datagram within an Ethernet frame, maps the
destination IP address to a physical address (using the ARP protocol
discussed in Lecture 2, and Chapter 5 of Comer), and uses the network
hardware to deliver it. No router is involved in this case.
2. Indirect Delivery: This is more difficult than direct delivery because
the sender must identify a router to which the datagram can be sent. In
this case, the sender encapsulates the datagram in a physical frame, and
sends it to the nearest (in most cases a default) router. The sender then
invokes an ARP request to map the router IP address (not the destination
IP address) to a physical address, and sends the input datagram to the
router using the physical network. Once the frame reaches the router, the
software extracts the IP datagram, and the router selects the next router
(next hop) en route to the next destination. The datagram is again placed
in a frame and sent over the next physical network to a second router, and
so on, until it can be delivered directly. To select the next hop, the router
consults its routing tables. Typically, a routing table consists of ordered
pair (N,R), where N is the IP address of a destination network, and R is
the IP address of the next router (next hop) along the path to network
N. The routing table thus contains one step along the path from router
R to the destination network, the router itself is unaware of the complete
path to the destination. The routing tables contain the IP addresses of
the destination network, and the individual host to keep the routing tables
small, and to make routing efficient. Thus, all traffic destined for the same
network takes the same path.
RouteDatagram(Datagram, RoutingTable)
1. Extract destination IP address, D, from the datagram, and compute the
network prefix, N
2. If N matches the network prefix of the router IP address then
deliver datagram to directly destination D over that network.
else if N matches a network IP address specified in the table then
send datagram to next-hop specified in table
else if if the table contains a default route then
send datagram to the default router specified in the table
else declare a routing error
end if
physical frame, after an ARP request resolves the physical address of the
destination D.
2. In the 2nd and 3rd cases, the datagram is sent to a next hop router
specified in the table. An ARP request resolves the physical address of
this next hop router, and the datagram is forwarded to this router in a
physical frame. At all times, the IP datagram contains only the IP address
of the final destination. The IP address of the next-hop router is discarded
once one has resolved the physical address of this router.
3. In the final case, the router sends an ICMP message to the original sender
whose IP address is specified in the IP datagram.
Figure 8.2 in Comer illustrates an example on which you can test this routing
Subnetting is a technique used to allow a single network address to span multiple
physical networks. Instead of dividing a 32 bit IP address into a network prefix
and a host suffix, subnetting divides the address into a network portion and
a local portion. The interpretation of the network portion remains the same
as for networks that do not use subnetting. This network portion needs to be
advertised to the rest of the internet. However, the interpretation of the local
portion of an address is left up to the site. The local portion is in turn divided
into subnet and host id portions. The result is a form of hierarchical addressing
that also leads to corresponding hierarchical routing.
As an example, consider McMaster University, and two departments at Mac,
namely the Computing & Software (CAS) and ECE departments. Let the Mc-
Master University physical network have the class B address (the
network id is the first 2 octets of the 32 bit IP address). Also, the CAS and ECE
department physical networks have the IP addresses and
(the subnet id here is the 3rd octet of the IP address) respectively. Finally,
lets say Kartiks host machine karmarkar.cas.mcmaster.ca has the IP address (the host id of Kartiks machine is contained in the last octet of the
IP address).
A site using subnet addressing needs to choose a 32 bit subnet mask for its
network. Bits in the subnet mask are set to 1 if machines on the network treat
the corresponding bit in the IP address as part of the subnet prefix, and 0 if they
treat the bit as part of the host identifier. A subnet mask also has 1s for all
bits that correspond to the network portion of the address. For the McMaster
University example above, the 32 bit mask is in dotted decimal
representation. Usually, subnet masks choose contiguous bits of the IP address.
bits correspond to the network and which to the host from the address alone.
Instead, the modified algorithm maintains an additional field called subnet mask
in the routing table. The entry in this field specifies the subnet mask used with
the network in that entry.
The unified routing algorithm is given in Figure 10.8 of Comer. I present a
simplified version of this algorithm below. For simplicity, I assume that ther is
no default entry in the table.
Route-IP-Datagram(Datagram, Routing-Table)
1. Extract destination IP address, D, from datagram.
2. Let N be the bitwise-and of D and the subnet mask associated with the
router physical networks.
3. If N matches the network address to which the router attaches then send
datagram directly to the destination over the network
for each entry in the routing table do
Let N be the bitwise-and of D and the subnet mask
if N matches the network address field of the entry then
route the datagram to the specified next hop address
end for
end if Router R consults its routing table, and finds that a bitwise and
of and yields Since the router R attaches
directly to this physical network, this datagram is delivered directly.
Recommended Reading
1. Chapter 6 of Comer [1], and Chapter 5 of Stevens [2] for a discussion of
the RARP protocol.
2. Chapter 7 of Comer and Chapter 3 of Stevens for a discussion of the IP
3. Chapter 8 of Comer for a discussion on the routing algorithm.
4. Chapter 10 of Comer, especially Section 10.6-10.10 for subnet addressing,
and Sections 10.11-10.13 for the subnet routing algorithm. Also, Section
3.4 of Stevens for subnet addressing, and Chapter 9 of Stevens for the
general routing algorithm.
[1] D.E. Comer, Internetworking with TCP/IP: Principles, Protocols, and Ar-
chitectures, 4th edition, Prentice Hall, NJ, 2000.
[2] W. Richard Stevens, TCP/IP Illustrated, Volume I: The Protocols, Ad-
dison Wesley Professional Computing Series, 1994.