Allele-In-One MasterMix
Allele-In-One MasterMix
Allele-In-One MasterMix
Description Features
2 X Allele-In-One PCR MasterMix is a pre-mixed solution
containing Taq DNA polymerase, MgCl2, dNTPs, an
inhibitor of Taq at low temperatures, and optimal PCR
RT-PCR Ready: Reverse transcription can be performed in
all Allele PCR mixes by simply adding reverse transcriptase
reaction buffers. The MasterMix contains all necessary
components for PCR; template and primers are not included. Convenient: Reduces time required to assemble PCR
Allele-in-one PCR MasterMix is optimized for consistent use reactions. HQ loading dye included at no additional charge.
in Allele’s LineSilenceTM productions and other routine
PCR amplification. Fast: Only need to add template and primers
The 1.1X Allele-In-One PCR MasterMix is formulated for Scalable: Can be scaled to any reaction volume required
the utmost convenience. It contains the same components
as the 2X Mix except the final concentrations are 1.1X. Add Reliable: Strict quality-control provides consistency and
only PCR primers and template with a combined volume of certainty in our products
roughly 1/10 of the final reaction volume before running the
Both 2X and 1.1X Mixes come with pre-added loading
dye at no extra cost. The inert red colored dye does not
interfere with PCR reactions. PCR products can be directly
loaded onto the gel after completion of reactions
2X MasterMix
ABP-PP-MM02961 96 x 10μl reactions
ABP-PP-MM02965 96 x 50μl reactions
Box 2 | Dose Response
For 10μl PCR reaction: __________________________________________
2X PCR MasterMix 5μl __________________________________________
Template DNA 0.02-2 ng** __________________________________________
Forward Primer ~0.5-1μM final**
Reverse Primer ~0.5-1μM final** __________________________________________
Fill to 10μl final volume with nuclease-free water. __________________________________________
Proceed to using a thermo-cycler for the PCR reaction. __________________________________________
Allele recommends the following assembly reactions __________________________________________
using 1.1X PCR MasterMix:
For 27.5μl PCR reaction: __________________________________________
1.1X PCR MasterMix 25μl __________________________________________
Template DNA 1-10 ng** __________________________________________
Forward Primer ~0.5-1μM final**
Reverse Primer ~0.5-1μM final**
The combined volume of template and primers should be
about 2.5 μl. Do not add nuclease-free water, there is no
need to adjust final reaction volume.
Proceed to using a thermo-cycler for the PCR reaction.
For 10μl PCR reaction: Welcome to Join in the Discussion at Allele’s Network:
1.1X MasterMix is particularly suited for high throughput Allele News:
colony screening. Using 10 μl reaction pre-aliquoted in PCR Allele Blog:
Allele Facebook:…
reaction thin-wall tubes, user needs only add primers and use
toothpicks to transfer E. coli cells in colonies to the reaction. Allele Twitter:
Allele Homepage:
Proceed to using a thermo-cycler for the PCR reaction.
**Template and primer concentrations vary based on primer
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