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Journal of Food Engineering 59 (2003) 391403


Drying kinetics of some vegetables

M.K. Krokida , V.T. Karathanos b, Z.B. Maroulis a, D. Marinos-Kouris a

Laboratory of Process and Analysis Design, Department of Chemical Engineering, National Technical University of Athens,
Zografou Campus, 15780 Athens, Greece
Department of Agricultural Machinery, Technological Educational Institute of Larissa, 41110 Larissa, Greece
Received 5 July 2002; accepted 8 December 2002

The eect of air conditions (air temperature, air humidity and air velocity) and characteristic sample size on drying kinetics of
various plant materials (potato, carrot, pepper, garlic, mushroom, onion, leek, pea, corn, celery, pumpkin, tomato) was examined
during air drying. A rst-order reaction kinetics model was used, in which the drying constant is function of the process variables,
while the equilibrium moisture content of dried products within the range of 0.100.90 water activity at two temperatures (30 and 70
C) was tted to GAB equation. The parameters of the model considered were found to be greatly aected by the air conditions and
sample size during drying. In particular the temperature increment increases the drying constant and decreases the equilibrium
moisture content of the dehydrated products.
2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Vegetables; Air drying; Air temperature; Air humidity; Air velocity; Sample size

1. Introduction Maroulis, 1997). Signicant color changes occur during

air drying (Krokida, Tsami, & Maroulis, 1998), and
Dehydration operations are important steps in the most frequently the dried product has low sorption ca-
chemical and food processing industries. The basic ob- pacity (Maroulis, Tsami, & Marinos-Kouris, 1988).
jective in drying food products is the removal of water in Literature data for drying kinetics in foods materials
the solids up to a certain level, at which microbial were selected and presented in Marinos-Kouris and
spoilage and deterioration chemical reactions are greatly Maroulis (1995). Drying constant depends strongly on
minimized. The wide variety of dehydrated foods, which air conditions and size of the material.
today are available to the consumer (snacks, dry mixes The drying constant depends on both material and
and soups, dried fruits, etc.) and the interesting concern drying air properties as it is the phenomenological
for meeting quality specications and energy conserva- property representative of several transport phenomena.
tion, emphasize the need for a thorough understanding The eect of air temperature, relative humidity, air ve-
of the drying process. locity and material size on drying constant has been
Conventional air-drying is the most frequently used studied extensively (Karathanos & Belessiotis, 1997;
dehydration operation in food and chemical industry. In Mulet, Berna, & Rossello, 1989; Lee, Voung, Schiman,
this case, the drying kinetics is greatly aected by air & Coggins, 1983).
temperature and material characteristic dimension, The objective of this work is to investigate the drying
while all other process factors exert practically negligible kinetics of some vegetables. These vegetables are of
inuence (Kiranoudis, Maroulis, Tsami, & Marinos- particular interest in preparation of dry mixtures used
Kouris, 1997). Dried products are characterized by for soups, etc. More specically the aim of this work was
low porosity and high apparent density (Krokida & to study the eect of some drying parameters on the
progress of the drying process. The range of the studied
parameters was that of usage in actual industrial air
Corresponding author. Fax: +30-10-7723155.
drying applications. The air temperature was 6585 C,
E-mail addresses: mkrok@chemeng.ntua.gr (M.K. Krokida), vka- the relative humidity 2040% and the air velocity varied
rath@tee.gr (V.T. Karathanos). from about 1.52.5 m/s.
0260-8774/03/$ - see front matter 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
392 M.K. Krokida et al. / Journal of Food Engineering 59 (2003) 391403


Aw water activity, dimensionless (0 < Aw < 1) t time (min)

b1 ; b2 ; b3 dimensionless empirical constants in GAB V air velocity of drying air (m/s)
equation (Eq. (4)) X material moisture content in dry basis (db)
db dry basis (kg water/kg dry solids) (kg water/kg dry solids)
dp particle diameter (m) Xe equilibrium moisture content of dehydrated
k1 ; k2 ; k3 ; k4 dimensionless constants (Eq. (3)) material (kg/kg db)
k0 constant in Eq. (3) (h1 or min1 ) Xi initial moisture content of material (kg water/
kr drying rate (min1 ) kg dry solids)
N number of experimental points
Rh relative humidity of the air (%)
i ith experimental observation
RR drying ratio
exp experimental
S standard deviation
cal calculated
T temperature (C)

2. Mathematical modelling dX =dt kX  Xe 1

A rst order kinetic model describing the moisture where, X is the material moisture content (dry basis)
transfer during drying is considered: during drying (kg water/kg dry solids), Xe , is the equi-

Table 1
Mathematical model
Model: X Xe  Xi  Xe ekrt ; k k0 dpk1 T k2 V k3 Rhk4 ; Xe b1 expb2 =T  aw =1  aw b3
K0 K1 K2 K3 K4 Xi
Panel A
Celery 1.57 1.33 )0.20 )0.10 0.00 4.81
Leek 2.66 4.15 )0.55 0.25 )1.38 14.65
Spinach 2.54 4.77 )1.35 0.09 0.00 8.47
Onion 1.30 2.68 )0.63 0.2 )1.01 10.92
Garlic 1.55 2.80 )0.9 0.01 0.00 2.37
Mushroom 2.70 2.1 )0.52 0.38 )1.53 10.63
Tomato 0.82 3.15 )0.49 0.48 0.00 21.1
Corn 1.49 4.04 )0.99 )0.11 0.00 1.30
Carrot 1.7 4.06 )1.41 )0.07 )0.94 7.67
Green pea 1.31 5.56 )0.75 0.42 0.00 2.06
Pumpkin 1.77 4.90 )0.21 0.45 0.00 14.9
Yellow pepper 1.05 4.55 )0.25 0.18 0.00 10.12
Red pepper 1.05 2.17 )0.13 0.30 0.00 9.36
Green pepper 1.45 1.25 )0.20 0.1 0.00 16.47

b1 b2 b3
Panel B
Corn 0.0004 1840.000 0.5372
Red pepper 0.0004 1839.997 1.0646
Yellow pepper 3E)06 3647.025 0.7647
Pumpkin 5E)07 3796.777 1.2848
Garlic 3E)05 2596.817 0.9307
Tomato 2E)06 3796.953 0.7665
Green pea 2E)07 3796.777 1.2848
Mushroom 3E)07 3796.777 1.2848
Onion 3E)07 3796.777 1.2848
Celery IE)06 3796.777 1.2629
Green pepper IE)06 3796.777 1.2629
M.K. Krokida et al. / Journal of Food Engineering 59 (2003) 391403 393

Fig. 1. Drying kinetics of green pepper. Fig. 2. Drying kinetics of red pepper.

librium moisture content of dehydrated material (kg the time of drying (min). The drying rate is determined
water/kg dry solids), k is the drying rate (min1 ), and t is as the slope of the falling rate-drying curve.
394 M.K. Krokida et al. / Journal of Food Engineering 59 (2003) 391403

Fig. 4. Drying kinetics of yellow pepper.

Fig. 3. Drying kinetics of pumpkin at various drying conditions.

At zero time, the moisture content (dry basis) of the and Eq. (1) is integrated to give the following expres-
dry material X (kg water/kg dry solids) is equal to Xi , sion:
M.K. Krokida et al. / Journal of Food Engineering 59 (2003) 391403 395

The eect of process variables during drying can be

embodied in the model parameters. Simple power-low
equations can be used:

k k0 dpk1 T k2 V k3 Rhk4 3

where, k0 , constant (h1 or min1 ), k1 , k2 , k3 , k4 are di-

mensionless constants (), T is the dry bulb temperature
of air (C), V is the air velocity (m/s), Rh is the relative
humidity of the air (%) and dp particle diameter (m).
The equilibrium moisture content of foods (Xe ) can be
described by several mathematical models with two or
more parameters (Van den Berg, 1984). However,
models having more than three parameters are too
complicated for straightforward interpretation or use.
GAB equation (Maroulis, Tsami, & Marinos-Kouris,
1988) is the most successful three parameter model,
which includes parameters with physical meaning:
Xe b1 expb2 =T aw =1  aw 4
where Xe is the equilibrium moisture content of the
material, aw is the water activity, b1 , b2 , b3 are empirical
constants and T is the temperature. The water activity in
the dried product comes to equilibrium with the relative
humidity of the air thus it may be related to the relative
humidity by the formula aw Rh=100.
The model parameters are estimated by directly
minimizing the mean standard deviation between ex-
perimental and calculated values:
" #,
S Xi;calc  Xi;exp =Xi;exp N 5

where, Xi;calc is the model tted value which corresponds

to the experimental observation Xi;exp and N is the
number of residuals produced. This form of residuals is
based on relative errors between experimental and cal-
culated values, and accounts for data with dierent or-
ders of magnitude.

3. Materials and methods

Fresh vegetables (such as carrot, corn, garlic, green

pea, leek, mushroom, onion, pepper, potato, pumpkin,
tomato) were used. The water and sugar content of these
products are given by Lee, Shalenberg, and Vittum
The samples were dehydrated in an experimental air-
dryer, which consists of four basic sections: air ow rate
control, heating control, humidity control and drying
test compartments.
Fig. 5. Drying kinetics of green pea. Experiments to determine the inuence of process
variables on the drying kinetics were performed. The
variables taken into consideration were the characteris-
X Xe  Xe  Xi ekt 2 tic size of the sample, air temperature, air humidity and
396 M.K. Krokida et al. / Journal of Food Engineering 59 (2003) 391403

Fig. 6. Drying kinetics of carrot.

air velocity. The drying experiments were carried out at Readings of the RH% and T C were taken from the
three levels of the characteristic sample size (5, 10 and 15 digital Hygroskop BT screen (Art no. BT/O).
mm), three levels of air-temperature (65, 75 and 85 C),
three levels of air velocity (1.5, 2 and 2.6 m/s) and at
three levels of relative humidity of the air (20%, 30% and 4. Results and discussion
The water content of the samples during dehydration The parameters of the proposed model (constants k0 ,
and drying procedures was determined using a vacuum k1 , k2 , k3 and k4 ) (Eq. (3)) for prediction of the drying
oven (AOAC, 1980). constant k are given in Table 1 (Panel A). These pa-
The moisture sorption isotherms were determined rameters resulted from an optimisation technique to
hygroscopically using Rotronic-Hygroskop BT appara- minimize the mean standard deviation between experi-
tus attached to a water circulator (Haake N2 ). This mental and calculated values of moisture content (Eq.
apparatus consists of a humidity and temperature sensor (5)). The data of equilibrium moisture (Xe ) which are
(DMS 100M, PT 100 respectively, model Art no. WA- used in Eq. (2) were resulted from GAB equation (Eq.
40TH) that was attached to either one of the three (4)) using some constants (b1 , b2 , b3 ) taken from experi-
ceramic airtight chambers, where the samples being mental results of sorption isotherms. These constants
measured were placed. (b1 , b2 , b3 ) of GAB equation were resulted from
With the help of the water circulator the temperature an optimization technique and are given in Table 1
of these chambers was kept constant at 30 and 70 C. (Panel B).
M.K. Krokida et al. / Journal of Food Engineering 59 (2003) 391403 397

Fig. 7. Drying kinetics of corn.

Fig. 8. Drying kinetics of tomato.

The experimental results and the results of the model gure the eect of various parameters is shown. The
for the drying of green pea are given in Fig. 1. In this eect of air temperature on the drying process is shown
398 M.K. Krokida et al. / Journal of Food Engineering 59 (2003) 391403

Fig. 9. Drying kinetics of mushroom.

Fig. 10. Drying kinetics of garlic.

in Fig. 1a. The eect of the relative humidity of the Fig. 1b and the eect of the air velocity of the drying air
drying air on the drying process of green pea is shown in on the drying process of green pea is shown in Fig. 1c.
M.K. Krokida et al. / Journal of Food Engineering 59 (2003) 391403 399

Fig. 11. Drying kinetics of onion.

Fig. 12. Drying kinetics of spinach.

Similarly, for other products, such as red pepper, yellow onion, spinach, leek and celery the results are given in
pepper, pumpkin, corn, tomato, mushroom, garlic, Figs. 217.
400 M.K. Krokida et al. / Journal of Food Engineering 59 (2003) 391403

Fig. 13. Drying kinetics of leek. Fig. 14. Drying kinetics of celery.

As expected, there is an acceleration of the drying drying air from 65 to 85 C. This is very obvious
process due to the increase of the temperature of the during the rst periods of drying. The eect of air
M.K. Krokida et al. / Journal of Food Engineering 59 (2003) 391403 401

Fig. 15. Isotherms of corn, red pepper, yellow pepper and spinach.

Fig. 16. Isotherms of pumpkin, garlic, tomato and green pea.

temperature is considered very important, which tant factor of drying rate for all the examined mate-
makes the temperature of drying as the most impor- rials.
402 M.K. Krokida et al. / Journal of Food Engineering 59 (2003) 391403

Fig. 17. Isotherms of mushroom, onion, celery and green pepper.

The eect of air velocity on the acceleration of the Temperature of drying is the most important factor
drying progress is considered, in general, as low. The of drying rate for all the examined materials, while the
reason may rely on the fact that the lower air velocity eect of air velocity and air humidity is considered lower
studied was considered already relatively high (1.5 m/s). than that of air temperature.
An air velocity of that size is essential to limit the re-
sistance to air drying to the interior of the vegetables
(Mulet et al., 1989; Marinos-Kouris & Maroulis, 1995;
Karathanos & Belessiotis, 1997). Thus, the diusion of Acknowledgements
water prevails to the resistance and the resistance at the
exterior of the product is not very important. This research was partially supported by a grant from
The eect of air humidity on the acceleration of the EY.GE Pistiolas S. A. (Agrino) and a grant received by
drying progress is considered, in general, as lower than Greek Secreteriat for Research and Development
that of air temperature. As expected, there is an accel- (Dehydrated products).
eration of the drying process due to the decrease of the
air humidity of the drying air from 40% to 20%.

Association of Ocial Analytical Chemists (AOAC) (1980). O-

5. Conclusions cial Methods of Analysis, 13th ed., Washington DC, pp.130
The eect of drying parameters, such as air temper- Karathanos, V. T., & Belessiotis, V. G. (1997). Sun and articial air
drying kinetics of some agricultural products. Journal of Food
ature, relative humidity of drying air, air velocity and Engineering, 31(1), 3546.
particle size on the progress of the drying process of Kiranoudis, C. T., Maroulis, Z. B., Tsami, E., & Marinos-Kouris, D.
various vegetables were investigated. A drying model (1997). Drying kinetics of some fruits. Drying Technology, 15(5),
was developed, incorporating the eect of the above 13991418.
Krokida, M. K., & Maroulis, Z. B. (1997). Eect of drying method on
parameters on the drying process. The equilibrium
shrinkage and porosity. Drying Technology, 10, 11451155.
moisture content of the vegetables was also found based Krokida, M. K., Tsami, E., & Maroulis, Z. B. (1998). Kinetics on color
on a GAB model. The drying model predicted success- changes during drying of some fruits and vegetables. Drying
fully the drying of several vegetables. Technology, 16(35), 667685.
M.K. Krokida et al. / Journal of Food Engineering 59 (2003) 391403 403

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