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Bayesian Psychometric Modeling

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Chapman & Hall/CRC
Statistics in the Social and Behavioral Sciences Series

Series Editors
Jeff Gill Steven Heeringa
Washington University, USA University of Michigan, USA

Wim J. van der Linden J. Scott Long

Pacific Metrics, USA Indiana University, USA

Tom Snijders
Oxford University, UK
University of Groningen, NL

Aims and scope

Large and complex datasets are becoming prevalent in the social and behavioral
sciences and statistical methods are crucial for the analysis and interpretation of such
data. This series aims to capture new developments in statistical methodology with
particular relevance to applications in the social and behavioral sciences. It seeks to
promote appropriate use of statistical, econometric and psychometric methods in
these applied sciences by publishing a broad range of reference works, textbooks and

The scope of the series is wide, including applications of statistical methodology in

sociology, psychology, economics, education, marketing research, political science,
criminology, public policy, demography, survey methodology and official statistics. The
titles included in the series are designed to appeal to applied statisticians, as well as
students, researchers and practitioners from the above disciplines. The inclusion of real
examples and case studies is therefore essential.
Published Titles

Analyzing Spatial Models of Choice and Judgment with R

David A. Armstrong II, Ryan Bakker, Royce Carroll, Christopher Hare, Keith T. Poole, and Howard Rosenthal
Analysis of Multivariate Social Science Data, Second Edition
David J. Bartholomew, Fiona Steele, Irini Moustaki, and Jane I. Galbraith
Latent Markov Models for Longitudinal Data
Francesco Bartolucci, Alessio Farcomeni, and Fulvia Pennoni
Statistical Test Theory for the Behavioral Sciences
Dato N. M. de Gruijter and Leo J. Th. van der Kamp
Multivariable Modeling and Multivariate Analysis for the Behavioral Sciences
Brian S. Everitt
Multilevel Modeling Using R
W. Holmes Finch, Jocelyn E. Bolin, and Ken Kelley
Ordered Regression Models: Parallel, Partial, and Non-Parallel Alternatives
Andrew S. Fullerton and Jun Xu
Bayesian Methods: A Social and Behavioral Sciences Approach, Third Edition
Jeff Gill
Multiple Correspondence Analysis and Related Methods
Michael Greenacre and Jorg Blasius
Applied Survey Data Analysis
Steven G. Heeringa, Brady T. West, and Patricia A. Berglund
Informative Hypotheses: Theory and Practice for Behavioral and Social Scientists
Herbert Hoijtink
Generalized Structured Component Analysis: A Component-Based Approach to Structural Equation Modeling
Heungsun Hwang and Yoshio Takane
Bayesian Psychometric Modeling
Roy Levy and Robert J. Mislevy
Statistical Studies of Income, Poverty and Inequality in Europe: Computing and Graphics in R Using EU-SILC
Nicholas T. Longford
Foundations of Factor Analysis, Second Edition
Stanley A. Mulaik
Linear Causal Modeling with Structural Equations
Stanley A. Mulaik
AgePeriodCohort Models: Approaches and Analyses with Aggregate Data
Robert M. OBrien
Handbook of International Large-Scale Assessment: Background, Technical Issues, and Methods of Data
Leslie Rutkowski, Matthias von Davier, and David Rutkowski
Generalized Linear Models for Categorical and Continuous Limited Dependent Variables
Michael Smithson and Edgar C. Merkle
Incomplete Categorical Data Design: Non-Randomized Response Techniques for Sensitive Questions in
Guo-Liang Tian and Man-Lai Tang
Handbook of Item Response Theory, Volume 1: Models
Wim J. van der Linden
Handbook of Item Response Theory, Volume 2: Statistical Tools
Wim J. van der Linden
Handbook of Item Response Theory, Volume 3: Applications
Wim J. van der Linden
Computerized Multistage Testing: Theory and Applications
Duanli Yan, Alina A. von Davier, and Charles Lewis
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Chapman & Hall/CRC
Statistics in the Social and Behavioral Sciences Series


Roy Levy
Arizona State University
Tempe, Arizona, USA

Robert J. Mislevy
Educational Testing Service
Princeton New Jersey, USA
CRC Press
Taylor & Francis Group
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Boca Raton, FL 33487-2742
2016 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC
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To Paige, who continues to make all that I do possible, and to Ella, Adrian,

and Skylar, who have joined Paige in making it all worthwhile.Roy

To Robbie, still my best friend after years of this kind of thing, and to Jessica and Meredith,

who must not think this kind of thing is so bad because they do it too.Bob
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Preface ........................................................................................................................................... xix

Acknowledgments ..................................................................................................................... xxv

Section I Foundations

1. Overview of Assessment and Psychometric Modeling .................................................. 3

1.1 Assessment as Evidentiary Reasoning ......................................................................3
1.2 The Role of Probability ................................................................................................. 9
1.2.1 Enter Probability .............................................................................................. 9
1.2.2 Model-Based Reasoning ............................................................................... 11
1.2.3 Epistemic Probability .................................................................................... 14
1.3 The Role of Context in the Assessment Argument ................................................ 16
1.4 Evidence-Centered Design ........................................................................................ 18
1.4.1 Domain Analysis and Domain Modeling .................................................. 19
1.4.2 Conceptual Assessment Framework ........................................................... 19 Student Model................................................................................. 20 Task Models..................................................................................... 20 Evidence Models............................................................................. 21
1.4.3 Assessment Implementation and Assessment Delivery ..........................22
1.4.4 Summary......................................................................................................... 23
1.5 Summary and Looking Ahead ................................................................................. 23

2. Introduction to Bayesian Inference .................................................................................. 25

2.1 Review of Frequentist Inference via ML ................................................................. 25
2.2 Bayesian Inference ...................................................................................................... 26
2.3 Bernoulli and Binomial Models ................................................................................ 31
2.3.1 Frequentist Modeling for Binomial Distributions
viaMLEstimation ................................................................................. 31
2.3.2 Bayesian Modeling for Binomial Distributed Data:
The Beta-Binomial Model ............................................................................. 32
2.4 Summarizing Posterior Distributions ...................................................................... 35
2.5 Graphical Model Representation .............................................................................. 36
2.6 Analyses Using WinBUGS ......................................................................................... 38
2.7 Summary and Bibliographic Note ............................................................................ 41
Exercises ..................................................................................................................................43

3. Conceptual Issues in Bayesian Inference ........................................................................ 45

3.1 Relative Influence of the Prior Distribution and the Data .................................... 45
3.1.1 Effect of the Information in the Prior.......................................................... 45
3.1.2 Effect of the Information in the Data .......................................................... 49
3.1.3 Summary of the Effects of Information in the Prior and the Data ......... 50
3.2 Specifying Prior Distributions .................................................................................. 51
3.3 Comparing Bayesian and Frequentist Inferences and Interpretations ............... 53
x Contents

3.4 Exchangeability, Conditional Independence, and Bayesian Inference ............... 56

3.4.1 Exchangeability .............................................................................................. 56
3.4.2 Conditional Independence ........................................................................... 58
3.4.3 Exchangeability, Independence, and Random Sampling ........................ 59
3.4.4 Conditional Exchangeability ........................................................................ 59
3.4.5 Structuring Prior Distributions via Exchangeability ............................... 60
3.4.6 Exchangeability, de Finettis Theorem,ConditionalIndependence,
and Model Construction ............................................................................... 61
3.4.7 Summary of Exchangeability: From Narrative toStructured
Distributions to Parametric Forms ..............................................................63
3.5 Why Bayes? ..................................................................................................................65
3.5.1 Epistemic Probability Overlaid with Parameters...................................... 65
3.5.2 Prior Probability Judgments Are Always Part of Our Models................ 66
3.5.3 Exchangeability, de Finettis Theorem, and Bayesian Modeling ............ 68
3.5.4 Reasoning through the Machinery of the Model...................................... 70
3.5.5 Managing and Propagating Uncertainty ................................................... 70
3.5.6 Incorporating Substantive Knowledge ....................................................... 70
3.5.7 Accumulation of Evidence ............................................................................ 71
3.5.8 Conceptual and Computational Simplifications ....................................... 72
3.5.9 Pragmatics....................................................................................................... 72
3.6 Conceptualizations of Bayesian Modeling .............................................................. 73
3.7 Summary and Bibliographic Note ............................................................................ 74

4. Normal Distribution Models .............................................................................................77

4.1 Model with Unknown Mean and Known Variance ..............................................77
4.1.1 Model Setup ....................................................................................................77
4.1.2 Normal Prior Distribution ............................................................................ 78
4.1.3 Complete Model and Posterior Distribution.............................................. 78
4.1.4 Precision Parameterization........................................................................... 79
4.1.5 Example Analysis .......................................................................................... 81
4.1.6 Asymptotics and Connections to Frequentist Approaches ..................... 82
4.2 Model with Known Mean and Unknown Variance .............................................. 82
4.2.1 Model Setup .................................................................................................... 82
4.2.2 Inverse-Gamma Prior Distribution ............................................................. 83
4.2.3 Complete Model and Posterior Distribution..............................................84
4.2.4 Precision Parameterization and Gamma Prior Distribution ................... 85
4.2.5 Complete Model and Posterior Distribution for the Precision
Parameterization ............................................................................................ 85
4.2.6 Example Analysis .......................................................................................... 86
4.3 Model with Unknown Mean and Unknown Variance.......................................... 87
4.3.1 Model Setup with the Conditionally Conjugate Prior
Distribution ....................................................................................... 87
4.3.2 Example Analysis .......................................................................................... 89
4.3.3 Alternative Prior Distributions .................................................................... 90
4.4 Summary ...................................................................................................................... 92
Exercises .................................................................................................................................. 92
Contents xi

5. Markov Chain Monte Carlo Estimation .......................................................................... 93

5.1 Overview of MCMC ................................................................................................... 94
5.2 Gibbs Sampling ........................................................................................................... 96
5.2.1 Gibbs Sampling Algorithm .......................................................................... 96
5.2.2 Example: Inference for the Mean and Variance of a Normal
Distribution..................................................................................................... 97
5.2.3 Discussion ..................................................................................................... 100
5.3 Metropolis Sampling ................................................................................................ 101
5.4 How MCMC Facilitates Bayesian Modeling ......................................................... 104
5.5 MetropolisHastings Sampling .............................................................................. 105
5.5.1 MetropolisHastings as a Generalization of Metropolis ....................... 105
5.5.2 Explaining the Acceptance Probability .................................................... 105
5.6 Single-Component-Metropolis or Metropolis-within-Gibbs Sampling............ 107
5.7 Practical Issues in MCMC ........................................................................................ 107
5.7.1 Implementing a Sampler............................................................................. 108
5.7.2 Assessing Convergence............................................................................... 108
5.7.3 Serial Dependence ....................................................................................... 110
5.7.4 Mixing ........................................................................................................... 111
5.7.5 Summarizing the Results from MCMC.................................................... 112
5.8 Summary and Bibliographic Note .......................................................................... 112
Exercises ................................................................................................................................ 114

6. Regression ............................................................................................................................ 117

6.1 Background and Notation ....................................................................................... 117
6.1.1 Conventional Presentation ......................................................................... 117
6.1.2 From a Full Model of All ObservablestoaConditionalModel
forthe Outcomes .......................................................................................... 118
6.1.3 Toward the Posterior Distribution............................................................. 119
6.2 Conditional Probability of the Data ....................................................................... 119
6.3 Conditionally Conjugate Prior ................................................................................ 120
6.4 Complete Model and Posterior Distribution ......................................................... 121
6.5 MCMC Estimation .................................................................................................... 122
6.5.1 Gibbs Sampler Routine for Regression ..................................................... 124
6.6 Example: Regressing Test Scores on Previous Test Scores .................................. 124
6.6.1 Model Specification ..................................................................................... 124
6.6.2 Gibbs Sampling ............................................................................................ 126
6.6.3 MCMC Using WinBUGS ............................................................................. 129
6.7 Summary and Bibliographic Note .......................................................................... 131
Exercises ................................................................................................................................ 131

Section II Psychometrics

7. Canonical Bayesian Psychometric Modeling................................................................ 135

7.1 Three Kinds of DAGs................................................................................................ 135
7.2 Canonical Psychometric Model .............................................................................. 136
7.2.1 Running Example: Subtraction Proficiency ............................................. 139
xii Contents

7.3 Bayesian Analysis ..................................................................................................... 139

7.3.1 Bayesian Analysis for Examinees .............................................................. 139 Running Example: Subtraction Proficiency ............................. 140
7.3.2 Probability-Model-Based Reasoning in Assessment .............................. 141
7.3.3 Enter Measurement Model Parameters .................................................... 142 Running Example: Subtraction Proficiency .............................. 143
7.3.4 Full Bayesian Model .................................................................................... 143
7.4 Bayesian Methods and Conventional Psychometric Modeling ......................... 144
7.5 Summary and Looking Ahead ............................................................................... 148
Exercises ................................................................................................................................ 150

8. Classical Test Theory ......................................................................................................... 153

8.1 CTT with Known Measurement Model Parameters and Hyperparameters,
Single Observable (Test or Measure) ...................................................................... 153
8.1.1 Conventional Model Specification............................................................. 153
8.1.2 Bayesian Modeling ...................................................................................... 155
8.1.3 Example ......................................................................................................... 160 Analytical Solution....................................................................... 160 MCMC Estimation via WinBUGS .............................................. 162
8.2 CTT with Known Measurement Model Parameters and Hyperparameters,
Multiple Observables (Tests or Measures)............................................................. 164
8.2.1 Conventional Model Specification............................................................. 164
8.2.2 Bayesian Modeling ...................................................................................... 165 Model Specification ...................................................................... 165 Hierarchical Specification ........................................................... 166 Sufficient Statistics ....................................................................... 167 Posterior Distribution .................................................................. 167
8.2.3 Example ......................................................................................................... 169 Analytical Solution....................................................................... 169 MCMC Estimation via WinBUGS .............................................. 170
8.3 CTT with Unknown Measurement Model Parameters and
Hyperparameters ...................................................................................................... 171
8.3.1 Bayesian Model Specification and Posterior Distribution ..................... 171
8.3.2 MCMC Estimation ....................................................................................... 173 Gibbs Sampler Routine for Classical Test Theory ................... 175
8.3.3 Example ......................................................................................................... 176 Model Specification and Posterior Distribution ...................... 176 Gibbs Sampling ............................................................................ 177 WinBUGS ....................................................................................... 180
8.4 Summary and Bibliographic Note .......................................................................... 181
Exercises ................................................................................................................................ 184

9. Confirmatory Factor Analysis .......................................................................................... 187

9.1 Conventional Factor Analysis ................................................................................. 187
9.1.1 Model Specification ..................................................................................... 187
9.1.2 Indeterminacies in Factor Analysis........................................................... 190
9.1.3 Model Fitting ................................................................................................ 190
Contents xiii

9.2 Bayesian Factor Analysis ......................................................................................... 191

9.2.1 Conditional Distribution of the Observables.......................................... 192 Connecting Distribution-Based and Equation-Based
Expressions ................................................................................. 193
9.2.2 Prior Distribution ........................................................................................ 194 Prior Distribution for Latent Variables ................................... 194 Prior Distribution for Parameters That Govern
theDistribution of the Latent Variables ................................. 195 Prior Distribution for Measurement Model Parameters ...... 196 The Use of a Prior Distribution in ML Estimation ................ 196
9.2.3 Posterior Distribution and Graphical Model .......................................... 198
9.2.4 MCMC Estimation ...................................................................................... 198 Gibbs Sampler Routine for CFA ............................................... 201
9.3 Example: Single Latent Variable (Factor) Model .................................................. 202
9.3.1 DAG Representation ..................................................................................203
9.3.2 Model Specification and Posterior Distribution .....................................204
9.3.3 WinBUGS .....................................................................................................205
9.3.4 Results .......................................................................................................... 207
9.4 Example: Multiple Latent Variable (Factor) Model .............................................. 208
9.4.1 DAG Representation ................................................................................... 208
9.4.2 Model Specification and Posterior Distribution ..................................... 208
9.4.3 WinBUGS ..................................................................................................... 209
9.4.4 Results .......................................................................................................... 212
9.5 CFA Using Summary Level Statistics .................................................................... 212
9.6 Comparing DAGs and Path Diagrams .................................................................. 214
9.7 A Hierarchical Model Construction Perspective ................................................. 216
9.7.1 Hierarchical Model Based on Exchangeability ...................................... 216
9.7.2 Hierarchical Modeling under Conditional Exchangeability ................ 217
9.8 Flexible Bayesian Modeling .................................................................................... 219
9.9 Latent Variable Indeterminacies from a Bayesian Modeling Perspective .............. 223
9.9.1 Illustrating an Indeterminacy via MCMC ............................................... 223
9.9.2 Resolving Indeterminacies from a Bayesian
9.10 Summary and Bibliographic Note ......................................................................... 228
Exercises ................................................................................................................................ 229

10. Model Evaluation................................................................................................................ 231

10.1 Interpretability of the Results ................................................................................. 231
10.2 Model Checking ........................................................................................................ 232
10.2.1 The Goal of Model Checking .................................................................... 232
10.2.2 The Logic of Model Checking ...................................................................233
10.2.3 Residual Analysis........................................................................................233
10.2.4 Posterior Predictive Model Checking Using Test Statistics ..................237 Example from CFA..................................................................... 238
10.2.5 Posterior Predictive Model Checking Using Discrepancy Measures ....... 240 Example from CFA .................................................................... 241
10.2.6 Discussion of Posterior Predictive Model Checking ............................. 243
xiv Contents

10.3 Model Comparison ................................................................................................... 245

10.3.1 Comparison via Comparative Model Criticism ..................................... 245
10.3.2 Bayes Factor ................................................................................................. 245 Example from CFA .................................................................... 247
10.3.3 Information Criteria ................................................................................... 248 Example from CFA .................................................................... 249
10.3.4 Predictive Criteria ....................................................................................... 249
10.3.5 Additional Approaches to Model Comparison ...................................... 250
Exercises ................................................................................................................................ 250

11. Item Response Theory ....................................................................................................... 253

11.1 Conventional IRT Models for Dichotomous Observables ............................. 254
11.1.1 Model Specification ....................................................................................254
11.1.2 Indeterminacies ...........................................................................................256
11.1.3 Model Fitting ...............................................................................................256
11.2 Bayesian Modeling of IRT Models for Dichotomous Observables .................... 257
11.2.1 Conditional Probability of the Observables ............................................ 257
11.2.2 A Prior Distribution.................................................................................... 258 Prior Distribution for the Latent Variables.............................258 Normal, Truncated-Normal, and Beta Prior
Distributions for the Measurement Model Parameters ........ 259
11.2.3 Posterior Distribution and Graphical Model .......................................... 260
11.2.4 MCMC Estimation ...................................................................................... 261 MetropolisHastings-within-Gibbs Routine for a 3-P
Model for Dichotomous Observables ..................................... 261
11.2.5 Example: Law School Admissions Test ................................................... 263 Model Specification and Fitting in WinBUGS .......................264 Results .........................................................................................265 Model-Data Fit ............................................................................ 267
11.2.6 Rationale for Prior for Lower Asymptote................................................ 269
11.3 Conventional IRT Models for Polytomous Observables .............................. 271
11.4 Bayesian Modeling of IRT Models for Polytomous Observables....................... 272
11.4.1 Conditional Probability of the Observables ............................................ 272
11.4.2 A Prior Distribution.................................................................................... 273
11.4.3 Posterior Distribution and Graphical Model .......................................... 273
11.4.4 Example: Peer Interaction Items ............................................................... 274 Model Specification and Fitting in WinBUGS .......................275 Results ......................................................................................... 277
11.5 Multidimensional IRT Models ................................................................................ 278
11.6 Illustrative Applications .......................................................................................... 280
11.6.1 Computerized Adaptive Testing .............................................................. 280
11.6.2 Collateral Information about Examinees and Items .............................. 282
11.6.3 Plausible Values ........................................................................................... 283
11.7 Alternative Prior Distributions for Measurement Model Parameters .............. 285
11.7.1 Alternative Univariate Prior Specifications for Models for
Dichotomous Observables ......................................................................... 285
11.7.2 Alternative Univariate Prior SpecificationsforModels for
Polytomous Observables............................................................................ 285
Contents xv

11.7.3 Multivariate Prior Specifications for Dependence among

Parameters ............................................................................................. 287
11.7.4 A Hierarchical Prior Specification ............................................................ 289
11.8 Latent Response Variable FormulationandData-Augmented Gibbs
Sampling .................................................................................................................... 292
11.9 Summary and Bibliographic Note ......................................................................... 295
Exercises ................................................................................................................................ 297

12. Missing Data Modeling .................................................................................................... 299

12.1 Core Concepts in Missing Data Theory ................................................................ 299
12.2 Inference under Ignorability ................................................................................... 301
12.2.1 Likelihood-Based Inference ...................................................................... 301
12.2.2 Bayesian Inference ...................................................................................... 302
12.3 Inference under Nonignorability ........................................................................... 306
12.4 Multiple Imputation ................................................................................................. 307
12.4.1 Imputation Phase ........................................................................................308 Obtaining Independent Imputations from MCMC .............. 310
12.4.2 Analysis Phase............................................................................................. 311
12.4.3 Pooling Phase .............................................................................................. 311
12.4.4 Plausible Values Revisited ......................................................................... 312
12.5 Latent Variables, Missing Data, Parameters, and Unknowns ............................ 312
12.6 Summary and Bibliographic Note ......................................................................... 314
Exercises ................................................................................................................................ 315

13. Latent Class Analysis......................................................................................................... 317

13.1 Conventional LCA .................................................................................................... 318
13.1.1 Model Specification ....................................................................................318
13.1.2 Indeterminacy in LCA ................................................................................319
13.1.3 Model Fitting ............................................................................................... 319
13.2 Bayesian LCA ............................................................................................................ 320
13.2.1 Conditional Probability of the Observables ............................................ 320
13.2.2 Prior Distribution ........................................................................................ 321 Prior Distribution for Latent Variables ...................................321 Prior Distribution for Parameters That Govern
theDistribution of the Latent Variables..................................321 Prior Distribution for Measurement Model Parameters ...... 321
13.2.3 Posterior Distribution and Graphical Model .......................................... 322
13.2.4 MCMC Estimation ...................................................................................... 323 Gibbs Sampling Routine for Polytomous Latent and
Observable Variables .................................................................324
13.3 Bayesian Analysis for Dichotomous Latent and Observable Variables ............ 325
13.3.1 Conditional Probability of the Observables ............................................ 325
13.3.2 Prior Distribution ........................................................................................ 325
13.3.3 The Complete Model and Posterior Distribution ................................... 326
13.3.4 MCMC Estimation ...................................................................................... 326 Gibbs Sampling Routine for Dichotomous Latent and
Observable Variables .................................................................327
xvi Contents

13.4 Example: Academic Cheating ................................................................................. 328

13.4.1 Complete Model and Posterior Distribution........................................... 328
13.4.2 MCMC Estimation ...................................................................................... 330
13.4.3 WinBUGS .................................................................................................... 333
13.4.4 Model-Data Fit ............................................................................................337
13.4.5 Model Comparison .....................................................................................338
13.4.6 Comparing the Use of the Full Posterior with Point Summaries
in Scoring ................................................................................................. 338
13.5 Latent Variable Indeterminacies fromaBayesian Modeling Perspective ........ 339
13.5.1 Illustrating the Indeterminacy .................................................................. 339
13.5.2 Resolving the Indeterminacy .................................................................... 340
13.5.3 The Blurred Line between the Prior and the Likelihood......................342
13.6 Summary and Bibliographic Note .........................................................................342
Exercises ................................................................................................................................343

14. Bayesian Networks .............................................................................................................345

14.1 Overview of BNs .......................................................................................................345
14.1.1 Description of BNs ......................................................................................345
14.1.2 BNs as Graphical Models ...........................................................................346
14.1.3 Inference Using BNs ...................................................................................346
14.2 BNs as Psychometric Models .................................................................................. 347
14.2.1 Latent Class Models as BNs ...................................................................... 347
14.2.2 BNs with Multiple Latent Variables .........................................................348
14.3 Fitting BNs ................................................................................................................. 350
14.4 Diagnostic Classification Models ........................................................................... 351
14.4.1 Mixed-Number Fraction Subtraction Example ...................................... 352
14.4.2 Structure of the Distribution for the Latent Variables........................... 353
14.4.3 Structure of the Conditional Distribution for the Observable
Variables ....................................................................................................... 356
14.4.4 Completing the Model Specification ........................................................ 359 Prior Distributions for the Parameters That Govern
theDistribution of the Latent Variables ................................. 359 Prior Distributions for the Parameters That Govern
theDistribution of the Observables ........................................ 360
14.4.5 The Complete Model and the Posterior Distribution ............................ 361
14.4.6 WinBUGS ..................................................................................................... 363
14.4.7 Inferences for Examinees........................................................................... 366
14.4.8 Model-Data Fit ............................................................................................. 367 Checking the Hard Prerequisite Relationship....................... 367 Checking Person Fit ................................................................... 370
14.5 BNs in Complex Assessment .................................................................................. 372
14.5.1 Structure of the Distribution for the Latent Variables........................... 373
14.5.2 Structure of the Conditional Distribution for the Observable
Variables ....................................................................................................... 378
14.6 Dynamic BNs ............................................................................................................ 383
14.7 Summary and Bibliographic Note ......................................................................... 386
Exercises ................................................................................................................................ 389
Contents xvii

15. Conclusion............................................................................................................................ 391

15.1 Bayes as a Useful Framework ................................................................................. 391
15.2 Some Caution in Mechanically (or Unthinkingly) Using Bayesian
Approaches ................................................................................................................ 393
15.3 Final Words................................................................................................................ 395

Appendix A: Full Conditional Distributions ...................................................................... 397

Appendix B: Probability Distributions ................................................................................. 417
References ...................................................................................................................................425
Index ............................................................................................................................................. 453
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Context and Aims

Psychometrics concerns the principles and practices of reasoning in assessment. As a
discipline, it came of age at a time marked by the dominance of frequentist approaches to
probability, statistical modeling, and inference. Despite this backdrop, Bayesian methods
have enjoyed widespread acceptance as solutions to certain problems in psychometrics.
Nevertheless, as of this writing, conventional psychometric practicefitting models,
estimating parameters, evaluating model-data fit, using results to make or equate tests,
evaluate fairness, and so onemploys mainly frequentist approaches. The vast majority
of psychometric texts couch most if not all of their presentations in a frequentist paradigm
(Bartholomew, Knott, & Moustaki, 2011; Bollen, 1989; Collins & Lanza, 2010; Dayton, 1999;
De Ayala, 2009; Embretson & Reise, 2000; Hambleton & Swaminathan, 1985; Kline, 2010;
McDonald, 1999; Mulaik, 2009; Rupp, Templin, & Henson, 2010; Skrondal & Rabe-Hesketh,
2004; van der Linden & Hambleton, 1997). Similarly, much of quantitative training in psy-
chometrics and related methods are dominated by frequentist approaches to inference,
with training in Bayesian methods being rather rare (Aiken, West, & Millsap, 2008).
Bayesian approaches to psychometrics and related latent variable modeling scenarios
have attracted more attention recently, aided in part by shifts in the larger statistical
landscape regarding the viability of conventional approaches to inference (Clark, 2005;
Goodman, 2008; Kruschke, Aguinis, & Joo, 2012; Rodgers, 2010; Wagenmakers, 2007) and
remarkable advances in statistical computing (Brooks, Gelman, Jones, & Meng, 2011; Gilks,
Richardson, & Spiegelhalter, 1996b) that have opened up new possibilities for Bayesian
psychometrics (Levy, 2009). McGrayne (2011) provided a nontechnical account of the his-
tory of Bayesian inference, and the current crest in interest.
The maturation of Bayesian psychometrics is in part reflected by the presence of chap-
ters on such models in general Bayesian statistical texts (Congdon, 2006; Jackman, 2009;
Kaplan, 2014), the inclusion of Bayesian methods as part of conventional practice (e.g.,
Bartholomew et al., 2011; Skrondal & Rabe-Hesketh, 2004), and even more strongly in
recent textbook length treatments of Bayesian approaches to psychometric and related
latent variable modeling paradigms, such as Lees (2007) Structural equation modeling:
A Bayesian approach; Foxs (2010) Bayesian item response modeling: Theory and applications;
and Almond, Mislevy, Steinberg, Williamson, and Yans (2015) Bayesian networks in educa-
tional assessment.
The present effort operates in this lineage, advancing a Bayesian perspective on psycho-
metrics as an alternative to conventional approaches that is not only viable, but in many
respects preferable. More specifically, we believe that Bayesian approaches offer distinct
and profound advantages in achieving many of the goals of psychometrics. There are lots
of things we do in psychometrics. Some involve comparing individuals or groups to stan-
dards or to each other, or deciding what a student should work on next, either inside or
outside of the formal boundaries of the assessment. Other activities include designing
tasks, investigating their psychometric properties for populations of examinees, creating
tests out of many tasks, and equating or linking different tests. We also examine threats to
inference, develop and connect constructs, and deal issues such as those with missing data

xx Preface

(planned and unplanned), all in the service of characterizing an existing assessment or

informing future assessment efforts. In addition, psychometrics can aid in checking and
revising beliefs about the nature of the domain, how people acquire and synthesize profi-
ciency in the domain, and how their behavior reflects that. We touch on some of these, in
particular many that have traditionally been associated with the use of statistical models.
Our position is that Bayesian approaches to reasoning, including but not limited to the use
of full probability models, offer considerable advantages in many if not all of these sorts of
applications. A central purpose of this book is to document those approaches and describe
their advantages.
In advocating for Bayesian psychometrics, the why is just as important as the how. We
aim to show both how to do psychometrics using Bayesian methods and why many of the
activities in psychometrics align with if not call for Bayesian thinking. To be sure, we aim
for the reader to come away knowing how to use Bayesian methods to answer key ques-
tions such as Now that we have conducted an assessment, what do we think about this
examinee? But we also aim for the reader to come away seeing why that question quite
naturally lends itself to Bayesian inference. Broadening this out, we argue that a Bayesian
perspective on inference seamlessly aligns with the goals of psychometrics and related
activities in assessment. As a result, adopting a Bayesian approach can aid in unifying
seemingly disparateand sometimes conflictingideas and activities in psychometrics.
In short, a Bayesian approach allows for one to adopt a single coherent perspective that
provides conceptually and practically a broader set of tools and procedures to get work
This is a statistics book, but one where the focus is on concepts and ideas surround-
ing psychometrics, assessment, and Bayesian inference. Mathematical terminology and
expressions abound, and although we do some mathematics of probability and statistics,
our aim is to do so at a level that illuminates concepts. Along the way we do some history,
etymology, and philosophy. Our forays into the first two are decidedly of the armchair
variety. For the last, we believe we are on more rigorous footing, although we do not pro-
pose that this is a comprehensive account of the issues involved.
It is not our aim, then, to present a balanced approach of all Bayesian and frequentist
approaches to modeling and estimation in psychometrics; that would take a book sev-
eral times as long. We are trying to present a particular Bayesian way of thinking, for a
reader who already knows something about psychometrics and more familiar inferen-
tial approaches from frequentist and perhaps some Bayesian perspectives. Sometimes
particular methods from one of those approaches are more efficient in particular applied
problems, and in fact we use them ourselves at times in our own work. We do note some
of these perspectives and methods along the way, when they add insights, bring out
connections, or are important in the historical development of popular psychometric
In the chapter on the normal model, for example, the reader already knows how to
estimate a mean and standard deviation, understands the procedures in terms of least
squares and probably maximum likelihood, and maybe even conjugate Bayesian analysis.
Our rather long discussion on this basic model, including details of Markov chain Monte
Carlo (MCMC) estimation that are not at all necessary if one only wants to know about the
first two moments of a given dataset, is meant to help the reader see this familiar problem
from a less familiar perspective: in terms of what is known, what is unknown, how they
are related in terms of distributions, and how this knowledge can be visualized directly in
terms of distributions and samples from them. Seeing inference in the normal model from
this perspective adds a considerable insight and a unified way of thinking that will reveal
Preface xxi

itself in the subsequent presentations of factor analysis, item response theory, Bayes nets,
and other psychometric models that are historically seen as more different than we think
they ought to be.

Organization of the Book

This book is organized into two parts, followed by two appendices. Each of the two parts
is prefaced by a short introduction that lays out the topics of the coming chapters. Briefly,
Chapters 1 through 6 comprise the first part of the book, where foundational principles
and statistical models are introduced. This is not intended to serve the purposes of a full
introductory textbook on Bayesian procedures. It is a selected treatment of selected topics,
oriented toward how they will be called into service in Chapters 7 through 15 that com-
prise the second part of the book where we focus more directly on psychometrics. We have
endeavored to cover many of the popular psychometric models, and in doing so we have
traded depth for breadth. Nevertheless, we aim to provide a launching point for readers
who would like more depth. To this end, we list supporting references throughout, and in
many of the chapters the concluding section contains a bibliographic note where readers
may find additional references on these topics, including references to extensions beyond
what is covered in the chapter. The first appendix provides details on the full conditional
distributions presented in Chapters 6, 8, 9, 11, and 13. The second appendix offers a brief
summary of the probability distributions used in the book.

Terminology and Notation

Most of the language and examples used, and applications covered, come from educa-
tional assessment. There is, however, a wider world of psychometrics, as the ubiquity of
measurement error and the generality of probabilistic models have led to the wide appli-
cation of psychometric models throughout education, the social sciences, and the life sci-
ences. Importantly, the principles of assessment, psychometrics, and Bayesian modeling
cut across disciplines. What we have to say about the features of the models primarily in
educational assessment applies with little difference in other disciplines.
We use the notation p() to refer to (a) the probability of an event, (b) the probability mass
function for a discrete random variable, or (c) the probability density function for a con-
tinuous random variable. In the latter case, we use the terms distribution and density
interchangeably. We hope that the usage is clear from context, and that the use of a simple
notation for these variations on the probability concept allows us to better focus on con-
ceptual variations that serve our purposes. Chief among them is conditioning notation.
We write p(B|A) to refer to the conditional probability for B given A. When necessary, we
use P() to denote the probability that a discrete variable takes on a particular value as a
function of other entities.
We primarily use x to denote observable data. We use the subscript i to refer to examinees
(persons, subjects, and cases) and j to refer to observables. Observables are the dependent
variables in psychometrics, the variables we are trying to model in terms of variables for
xxii Preface

properties of examinees and observational situations. (For familiar tests, e.g., the observable
variables in classical test theory and often in factor analysis are test scores; in item response
theory and latent class analysis, the observables are item scores, which usually correspond
1-1 to test items.) We use bold typeface to represent collections, vectors, or matrices, with
subscripts indicating what the collection is specific to. For example, xij refers to the data from
examinee i for observable j, xi = (xi1,, xiJ) is the collection of J such observables that comprise
the data for examinee i, and x = (x1,, xn) is the full collection of data from n examinees.
When using a standard distribution, we also use notation based on its name to com-
municate as much. For example, if x has a normal distribution with mean and variance
2, we write x ~ N ( , 2 ) or p( x) = N ( , 2 ). In some cases, we write the arguments of the
distribution with subscripts to indicate what the distribution refers to. We routinely high-
light the dependence structures of random variables, for example, writing the preceding
as x|, 2 ~ N (, 2 ) and p( x| , 2 ) = N ( , 2 ), respectively, to highlight that what is on the
left side of the conditioning bar depends on what is on the right side of the conditioning
bar. The entities conditioned on may be other random variables or they may be fixed quan-
tities, such as values known or chosen by the analyst.
We have attempted to use notational schemes that are conventional in the different areas
of statistics and psychometrics. Rather than advance a general notation that cuts across
these areas, we have attempted to use notational schemes that are commonly found in each
tradition, that is, we use typical regression notation in Chapter 6, factor analysis notation
in Chapter 9, item response theory notation in Chapter 11, and so on. Table 7.2 summarizes
the notation used in the psychometric models that comprise the second part of the book.
As a consequence, several notational elements are reused. For example, is used as
a parameter in the beta and Dirichlet distributions, as the acceptance probability in
Metropolis and Metropolis samplers, and as a transformed discrimination parameter in
item response theory. We hope that the intended interpretation is clear from the context.
A particularly acute challenge arises with the use of , which is commonly used to refer
to a generic parameter in statistical texts, and a latent variable (or person parameter) in
certain psychometric traditions. We attempt to participate in both traditions. We use to
refer to a generic parameter as we develop core Bayesian ideas in the first part of the book.
When we pivot to psychometrics beginning with Chapter 7, we use to refer to a latent
variable, and then use it as such in several of the subsequent chapters. Again, we hope that
the intended interpretation is clear from the context.

Examples and Software

Throughout the book, we illustrate the procedures using examples, primarily from
educational assessments. When fitting Bayesian models, we primarily use WinBUGS
(Spiegelhalter, Thomas, Best, & Lunn, 2007), which has several advantages that recommend
it for our purposes. First, it is flexible enough to accommodate all of the models we cover in
the book. Second, the WinBUGS code for the model closely corresponds to the mathemati-
cal and graphical expressions of the models we use in this book, a point we illustrate and
elaborate on in Chapter 2. Third, it can be called from other software packages (see http://
www.mrc-bsu.cam.ac.uk/software/bugs/calling-winbugs-1-4-from-other-programs/), so
that users with varied preferences for statistical software may integrate WinBUGS into
their toolkit of statistical software.
Preface xxiii

In addition, we use the Netica software package (Norsys, 19992012) to illustrate the
use of Bayesian networks in Chapter 14. In preparing the examples, we have also made
use of the R statistical programming environment (R Core Team, 2014) for certain analy-
ses, including several packages: BaM (Gill, 2012), coda (Plummer, Best, Cowles, & Vines,
2006), R2WinBUGS (Sturtz, Ligges, & Gelman, 2005), MCMCpack (Martin, Quinn, & Park,
2011), mcmcplots (Curtis, 2015), poLCA (Linzer & Lewis, 2011), pscl (Jackman, 2014), and
RNetica (Almond, 2013), as well as the code given by Nadarajah and Kotz (2006), and code
of our own writing.
Throughout the book, we present WinBUGS code in this font, commenting on fea-
tures of the code pertinent to the discussion. We used WinBUGS for our analyses, but the
code presented here should work with minimal modification in other versions of BUGS
(Lunn, Jackson, Best, Thomas, & Spiegelhalter, 2012) and the closely related JAGS software
(Plummer, 2003).
Our use of these software packages should not be taken as an endorsement of them
over others. Happily, there are many programs that can be used for fitting Bayesian psy-
chometric and statistical models, including some such as WinBUGS that are intended to
be general and so require the user to express the model, and others that have predefined
models built in.

Online Resources
Additional materials including the datasets, WinBUGS code, R code, and Netica files used
in the examples, and any errors found after the book goes to press, are available on the
books website, www.bayespsychometrics.com. Included there is our current contact infor-
mation, where you can send us any comments.

Roy Levy
Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona

Robert J. Mislevy
Educational Testing Service, Princeton, New Jersey
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Our thinking on matters discussed in the book has been influenced by a number of schol-
ars, and these influences manifest themselves in different ways in the book. Some of those
have been direct collaborations, and several of our examples have appeared in articles and
books written with these colleagues. When introducing such examples, we cite our prior
articles and books with these coauthors. Some of Roys work on Bayesian psychometrics
emerged from projects funded by Cisco, the National Center for Research on Evaluation,
Standards, & Student Testing (CRESST) at the University of California at Los Angeles, the
Institute for Education Sciences (IES), and Pearson. In addition to Cisco and CRESST, Bobs
work was also supported by grants from the Office of Naval Research and the Spencer
Foundation. We are grateful to John Behrens and Kristen DiCerbo for their support during
their time leading research efforts at Cisco and now at Pearson. We thank Dennis Frezzo,
Barbara Termaat, and Telethia Willis for their support while leading research efforts at
Cisco. We also thank Eva Baker and Greg Chung of CRESST for their support, and Allen
Ruby and Phill Gagn, Program Officers for IESs Statistical and Research Methodology
in Education program. The findings and opinions expressed in this book are those of the
authors and do not represent views of the IES or the US Department of Education.
Other interactions, projects, and conversations have shaped our thinking and influenced
this book in more subtle but pervasive ways. We are also grateful to a number of col-
leagues who have supported us in more general ways. We thank Russell Almond, John
Behrens, Darrell Bock, Jaehwa Choi, Kristen DiCerbo, Joanna Gorin, Sam Green, Greg
Hancock, Geneva Haertel, Charlie Lewis, Andre Rupp, Sandip Sinharay, Linda Steinberg,
Marilyn Thompson, David Williamson, and Duanli Yan for their collaboration, insight,
and collegiality.
We also thank the students, participants, and institutions that have hosted our courses
and workshops on Bayesian methods at Arizona State University, the University of
Maryland, the University of Miami, and meetings of the National Council on Measurement
in Education. To the students and participants, this book was written with you in mind.
We hope you didnt mind us piloting some of these materials on you.
We thank Arizona State University for granting Roy a sabbatical to work on this book,
and ETS for supporting Bobs work as the Frederic M. Lord Chair in Measurement and
We are indebted to a number of colleagues who read and provided critiques of drafts of
the chapters. The feedback provided by Jaehwa Choi, Katherine Castellano, Jean-Paul Fox,
Shelby Haberman, and Dubravka Svetina was invaluable, and we wish to thank them all
for doing us this great service. Of course, they are not responsible for any shortcomings
or problems with the book; that resides with the authors. We thank Kim Fryer for manag-
ing the reviewing and editing process at ETS. We are indebted to Rob Calver, our editor at
Chapman & Hall/CRC Press, for his support, encouragement, and patience. We also thank
Kari Budyk, Alex Edwards, Sarah Gelson, Rachel Holt, and Saf Khan of Chapman & Hall/
CRC Press for their assistance.
Roys interests in Bayesian psychometrics began when he was Bobs student at the
University of Maryland, and it was there over a decade ago that the first inklings of what
would become this book took shape. The collaboration on this book is but the latest in
professional and intellectual debts that Roy owes to Bob. For his mentorship, support,

xxvi Acknowledgments

friendship, and influence over all these years, in too many ways to recount here, Roy
cannot thank Bob enough. Bob, in turn, cannot express the deep satisfaction in playing
some role in the experiences that have shaped a leading voice in a new generation of
psychometricsnot to mention a treasured friend and well-matched collaborator.
We close with thanks to those closest to us, who may be the happiest to see this book
completed. Roy wishes to thank Paige, whose support is only outdone by her patience. Bob
thanks Robbie, also noting patience and support, spiced with tenacity and humor.
Section I


The first part of the book lays out foundational material that will be leveraged in the
second part of the book. In Chapter 1, we set out background material on assessment,
psychometrics, probability, and model-based reasoning, setting the stage for develop-
ments to come. Chapters 2 and 3 provide an introduction to Bayesian inference and treat
Bernoulli and binomial models. Whereas Chapter 2 focuses on the machinery of Bayesian
inference, Chapter 3 delves into more conceptual issues. Chapter 4 reviews models for
normal distributions. Chapter 5 discusses strategies for estimating posterior distributions,
with an emphasis on Markov chain Monte Carlo methods used in the remainder of the
book. Chapter 6 treats basic regression models. The second part of the book will draw from
and build off Chapters 2 through 6. Our treatment of the material in Chapters 2 through 6 is
somewhat cursory, as our goals here are to cover things only at a depth necessary for us to
exploit them in our treatment of psychometric models later in the book. Importantly, each
of these topics could be treated in more depth, and most introductory Bayesian texts do so;
excellent accounts may be found in Bernardo and Smith (2000), Congdon (2006), Gelman
etal. (2013), Gill (2007), Jackman (2009), Kaplan (2014), Kruschke (2011), Lynch (2007), and
Marin and Robert (2007).
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Overview of Assessment and
Psychometric Modeling

Assessment is an integral aspect of many institutions and disciplines including education,

psychology, medicine, jurisprudence, public policy, and business. Most of us are likely
quite familiar with assessment in the context of educational or professional settings. We
suspect that through the course of their education or occupation every reader of this text
has taken more tests than they can recallsome of which may be remembered as excellent
assessments, no doubt quite a few that engendered skepticism, and still many more that
have been forgotten.
Assessment dates back millennia, transcending geographical and cultural boundaries
(Clauser, Margolis, & Case, 2006; Dubois, 1970; Wainer, 2000; Zwick, 2006), with forms of
educational testing that we would easily recognize as such todaycomplete with asso-
ciated ramifications for students, teachers, schools, and policymakersemerging in the
mid-nineteenth century (Reese, 2013). However, it was not until early in the twentieth cen-
tury that psychometrics crystallized as a distinct discipline focusing on issues such as
scoring and the characterization of tasks, with strong connections to aspects of assessment
design, administration, and validation.* This book describes approaches to psychometrics
from the perspective of Bayesian inference and statistical modeling.
This chapter lays the grounding for this effort, providing an overview of assessment and
the central challenges that we will subsequently argue may be advantageously addressed
by adopting a Bayesian perspective.

1.1 Assessment as Evidentiary Reasoning

On the surface, tests are just thattests. We take a test, we get a score, and it is natural to
think that is all there is to it. Despite appearances, assessment is not really about assigning
scoresit is about reasoning from what we observe people say, do, or produce to broader
conceptions of them that we have notand often cannotobserve. In education, we seek
to reason from what students say or do to what they know or can do more broadly. In
medical diagnosis, we seek to reason from a patients physical characteristics, statements,
and environment to their affliction. In personnel decisions, we seek to reason from an
applicants response to interview questions to how they would perform in the job. In juris-
prudence, we seek to reason from testimony to determine guilt or innocence.
More specifically, we view assessment as an instance of evidentiary reasoning. This view,
and the use of probability-based modeling to carry out this reasoning, draws heavily from

* See Jones and Thissen (2007) for a historical account of psychometrics and alternative perspectives on its
Apologies to Glenn Shafer, quoted in Section1.2.2.

4 Bayesian Psychometric Modeling

Schums (1987, 1994) account of evidentiary reasoning as reasoning from what is known to
what is unknown in the form of explanations, predictions, or conclusions. In the remain-
der of this chapter, we provide an overview of this perspective and how it pertains to psy-
chometrics; see Mislevy (1994) for a more thorough account. Much of the rest of this book
may be seen as elaborating on this overview, providing the mechanics of how to accom-
plish these activities, and discussing the concepts and implications of this perspective.
Observed data become evidence when they are deemed relevant for a desired infer-
ence through establishing relations between the data and the inferential target. We often
employ data from multiple sources of information to serve as evidence. These may be
of similar type (e.g., test questions with the same format targeting the same proficiency,
testimony from multiple witnesses) or of quite different type (e.g., an applicants resume
in addition to her interview, a patients family medical history and a survey of hazardous
materials in her home, crime scene photos in addition to witness testimony). Evidence may
be contradictory (e.g., conflicting testimony from witnesses, a student succeeds at a hard
task but fails at an easy one), and almost always falls short of being perfectly conclusive.
These features have two implications. First, properly marshaling and understanding the
implications of the evidence is difficult. Inference is a messy business. Second, owing to
the inconclusive nature of the evidence, we are necessarily uncertain about our inferences.
To begin to address these, the remainder of this section describes tools that aid in repre-
senting the act of inference and uncertainty.
In evidentiary reasoning, an argument is constructed to ground inferences. Toulmin
(1958) diagrams offer a visual representation of the structure of evidentiary arguments, and
we present versions of them that align with inference in assessment (Mislevy, Steinberg, &
Almond, 2003). Figure1.1 depicts a generic diagram; Figure1.2 depicts a simplified exam-
ple from educational assessment (a one-item test, with a highly informative item!),* where

Since A

account So Supports


Toulmin diagram for the structure of an argument. The flow of reasoning is from Data (D) to a Claim (C),
through a Warrant (W). The Warrant is a generalization that flows the other way: If a Claim holds, certain
kinds of Data usually follow. Backing (B) is empirical and theoretical support for the Warrant. It may not
hold in a particular case, for reasons expressed as alternative explanations (A), which may be supported or
weakened by Rebuttal (R) data. (Mislevy, R. J., Steinberg, L. S., & Almond, R. G. (2003). On the structure of
educational assessments. Measurement: Interdisciplinary Research and Perspectives, 1, 362, figure 2. With permis-
sion of CRESST.)

* One-item tests are not unheard of historically, even in high-stakes circumstances (Wainer, 2000). However, we
typically do not have any one item that is so informative as to be conclusive about an examinee. As a result of
these and other considerations, assessments are typically constructed using multiple items, as developed in
Overview of Assessment and Psychometric Modeling 5

Claim: Elizabeth is
proficient in subtraction

Alternative explanation:
Warrant: Students proficient Elizabeth answered this
in subtraction will answer this Unless
item correctly by guessing
item correctly; students not
proficient in subtraction will Since
answer this item incorrectly

account So Supports

Backing: Cognitive and Data: Elizabeth Rebuttal data: Selected

empirical studies show the answers the response formats are prone
strong positive relationships subtraction item to guessing; Elizabeth
between tests with this and correctly answered the item very
similar items and conceptions quickly; Elizabeth
or applications of subtraction performed poorly on other
proficiency subtraction items

Example Toulmin diagram for the structure of the assessment argument. This example shows reasoning from
Elizabeths correct response to a claim about her proficiency.

weseek to reason about a students subtraction proficiency based on her performance on a

selected-response item designed to measure subtraction proficiency.
Inference in a particular instance flows along the central arrow from the data to the claim;
in educational assessment, from the observations of what students say, do, or produce to
hypotheses about their capabilities more broadly. In the example, we aim to proceed from
the observation that Elizabeth selected the option corresponding to the correct value on
the item to support the claim that she is proficient in subtraction.
This reasoning is justified by the warrant, a generalization that runs in the other direc-
tion, and summarizes the main thrust of the evidentiary relation between the data and the
claim. Warrants require justification, which comes in the form of backing. In assessment,
this comes from substantive theory and/or prior empirical research.
In assessment arguments, the warrant typically expresses the relation by stating that
when some constellation of conditions expressed in the claim holds, certain observations
will occur. In the example, the warrant expresses that students proficient in subtraction
will correctly answer the item, and students who are not proficient in subtraction will
incorrectly answer the item. Importantly, note that the direction of the warrant is from the
claim to the data which may be depicted as

C W D.

The flow from the claim to data along the direction of the warrant is deductive, in that it pro-
ceeds from the general to the particular. In this example, it is from a claim about what people
like Elizabeth, both those who are proficient and those who are not, typically do, to Elizabeths
behavior on a particular item. When particular data are observed we must reason from these
data to a particular claim, back up through the warrant in the opposite direction.
6 Bayesian Psychometric Modeling

Warrants have varying degrees of strength, reflecting the strength of the relationship
between the claims and the data. We begin with an extreme case of formal syllogisms,
which are powerful warrants (Jaynes, 2003; Mislevy etal., 2003). We will bring uncertainty
and multiple items into the picture shortly, but an initial error-free example illustrates the
basic logic and structure. In this special case, the first component of the warrant is the
major premise (P1), the claim is the minor premise (P2), and the data follow inevitably.

P1 W1: Students proficient in subtraction will answer this item correctly.

P2 C: Elizabeth is proficient in subtraction.
Dp: Elizabeth will correctly answer this item.

The notation of Dp indicates that the conclusion of this argument is framed as a predictive
or prospective account of the data, rather than the observed value. In general, deductive
arguments are well equipped to reach prospective conclusions. Given the general state-
ment about Elizabeths proficiency and the warrant, we can make predictions or inferences
about what will happen in particular instances.
Importantly, the directional flow of the inference as it actually plays out is in the opposite
direction from how the warrant is laid out here. We do not start with a premise about stu-
dent capabilities and end up with a prospective statement about what the student will do.
Rather, we start with observations of the students behaviors and seek conclusions about
their capabilities. That is, we would like to reverse the directional flow of the warrant and
reason inductively from the particular observations of Elizabeths behaviors to reach conclu-
sions about her proficiency broadly construed. That is, we would like to reason as follows:

P1 W1: Students proficient in subtraction will answer this item correctly.

P2 D: Elizabeth correctly answered this item.
C: Elizabeth is proficient in subtraction.

However, such an argument is invalid; D and W1 are insufficient to conclude C, as it could

be that students not proficient in subtraction will correctly answer subtraction items. What
is needed is the second component of the warrant. Using W2 as the major premise, we have
the valid argument.

P1 W2: Students not proficient in subtraction will answer this item incorrectly.
P2 D: Elizabeth correctly answered this item.
C: It is not the case that Elizabeth is not proficient in subtraction
(i.e.,Elizabeth is proficient in subtraction).

Figure1.3 depicts another example, where we reason from observing an incorrect response
from another student, Frank, to a claim about his proficiency. This example is similar to
that in Figure1.2, but has different claims and explanations as it is based on different data,
namely, Frank providing an incorrect response. Note that the warrant and the backing are
the same regardless of whether the student provides a correct or incorrect answer. The
warrant is constructed to provide an inferential path regardless of the statuses of the par-
ticular claim and data. The warrant spells out expected behavior given all possible values
of proficiency. In the simple example here, a student is either proficient or is not proficient,
and the warrant specifies what is expected under both these possibilities. Note that the
warrant explicitly links different behaviors with different states of proficiency. This dif-
ferential association embodies the psychometric concept of discrimination, and is crucial
to conducting inference.
Overview of Assessment and Psychometric Modeling 7

Claim: Frank is not

proficient in subtraction

Alternative explanation:
Warrant: Students proficient Frank answered this
in subtraction will answer this Unless item incorrectly because he
item correctly; students not didnt try
proficient in subtraction will Since
answer this item incorrectly

On So
Rebuttal data: The stakes
for Frank are low; Frank
Backing: Cognitive and Data: Frank answered the item very
empirical studies show the answers the quickly; Frank has said
strong positive relationships subtraction item hes focused on starring in
between tests with this and incorrectly the school play that night;
similar items and conceptions
Frank performed well on
or applications of subtraction
other subtraction items in
other contexts

Example Toulmin diagram for the structure of the assessment argument. This example shows reasoning from
Franks incorrect response to a claim about his lack of proficiency.

A Deterministic Warrant Connecting a Students
Proficiency Status with Her Response to an Item
Proficiency Correct Incorrect
Proficient Yes No
Not Proficient No Yes
Note: Rows correspond to possible proficiency states; col-
umns correspond to possible outcomes. Reading
across a row gives the Response Outcome conditional on
that proficiency status.

The warrant is summarized in Table1.1, which is akin to a truth table for the proposi-
tions that the student is proficient and the response is correct. The deductive flow of the
argument proceeds from the students status in terms of proficiency to her response, con-
tained in the rows of the table. The inductive flow proceeds from the students response to
her status in terms of proficiency, contained in the columns of the table.
In real-world situations, however, inferences are not so simple. There are almost always
alternative explanations for the data, which in turn require their own support in the form
of rebuttal observations or theory. In educational assessment, alternative explanations
are ever-present, a point has been articulated in a variety of ways over the years. Rasch
(1960, p. 73) warned that
8 Bayesian Psychometric Modeling

Even if we know a person to be very capable, we cannot be sure that he will solve a
difficult problem, nor even a much easier one. There is always the possibility that he
failshe may be tired or his attention led astray, or some other excuse may be given.

Holland (1990, p. 579) cautioned us that

It is important to remember that performance on a test can depend on many factors in

addition to the actual test questionsfor example, the conditions under which the test
was given, the conditions of motivation or pressure impinging on the examinee at the
time of testing, and his or her previous experiences with tests . . .

In the context of discussing college entrance exams, Lord and Novick (1968, p. 30) stated that

Most students taking . . . examinations are convinced that how they do on a particular
day depends to some extent on how they feel that day. A student who receives scores
which he considers surprisingly low often attributes this unfortunate circumstance to a
physical or psychological indisposition or to some more serious temporary state of affairs
not related to the fact that he is taking the test that day.

Returning to the example in Figure 1.2, one alternative explanation is that Elizabeth
correctly answered the item because she guessed, which is supported by a theoretical
understanding of the response process on selected-response (multiple-choice) items,
perhaps as well as other empirical evidence, say, how quickly she answered, or her per-
formance on other related tasks. Still other possible explanations exist (e.g., that she
cheated), which require rebuttal observations of their own (e.g., Elizabeth gave the same
answer as another examinee positioned nearby, and answered much easier subtraction
items incorrectly). In the second example in Figure 1.3, one alternative explanation is
that Frank did not try to answer the item correctly, which is supported by recognizing
that the stakes are low for Frank and that his attention is focused on another upcoming
As these examples illustrate, each alternative explanation undercuts the application of
the warrant in some way. The explanations that Elizabeth guessed or cheated stand in
opposition to the warrants assertion that students not proficient in subtraction will answer
the item incorrectly. The explanation that Frank did not try contradicts the warrants asser-
tion that students proficient in subtraction will answer the item correctly. Generally speak-
ing, the possibility of alternative explanations weakens the relationship between the data
and claim. Our evidence is almost always inconclusive, yielding inferences and conclu-
sions that are qualified, contingent, and uncertain (Schum, 1994).
In assessment, we are usually not interested in an examinees performance on a test in
its own right, as it is in some sense contaminated with the idiosyncrasies of performance
at that instance (i.e., on that day, at that time, under those conditions, with these particu-
lar tasks, etc.). Rather, we are interested in broader conception of the examinee, in terms
of what they can do in a larger class of situations, or in terms of their capabilities more
broadly construed. In an ideal case, variation in performance is due solely to variation
in these more broadly construed capabilities. Rarely, if ever, do we have such a circum-
stance. Performance is driven not just by the broader capabilities, but also by a variety of
other factors. The implication is that we must recognize that a test, no matter how well
constructed, is an imperfect measure of what is ultimately of interest and what we would
really like to know. A century ago, this disconnect between the observed performance
Overview of Assessment and Psychometric Modeling 9

and the more broadly construed capabilities that are of interest began to be formalized
into the encompassing term measurement error.
Reasoning in assessment relies on the relationship between the examinees capabilities
and what we observe them say, do, or produce, which is weakened by the presence of
measurement error. Table1.1 simply will not do, as it ignores the possibility of measure-
ment error and its resulting disconnect between the proficiency of inferential interest and
the observed data used as evidence. In his review of the field of Measurement of Learning
and Mental Abilities at the 25th anniversary of the Psychometric Society in 1961, Gulliksen
described the central problem of test theory as the relation between the ability of the
individual and his [or her] observed score on the test (Gulliksen, 1961, p. 101). Such a
characterization holds up well today, with a suitably broad definition of ability and test
score to encapsulate the wide variety of assessment settings. Understanding and rep-
resenting the disconnect between observed performance and the broader conception of
capability is central to reasoning in assessment.
As a result of measurement error, our reasoning in assessmentin educational contexts,
reasoning from what we observe students say, do, or produce to what they know or can do
in other situations or as more broadly construedis an instance of reasoning under uncer-
tainty. Because of the imperfect nature of our measurement, we are uncertain about our
resulting inference. Reasoning from the limited (what we see a student say, do, or produce)
to the more general (student capabilities broadly construed) is necessarily uncertain, and
our inference or conclusion is necessarily possibly incorrect.

1.2 The Role of Probability

1.2.1 Enter Probability
What tools should we employ to represent this disconnect, and our uncertainty about
the relationship between observed performances and broader conceptions of capability?
At the 50th anniversary of the Psychometric Society in 1986, Lewis built off Gulliksens
remarks to observe that much progress in test theory had been made by treating the
study of the relationship between responses to a set of test items and a hypothesized trait
(or traits) of an individual as a problem of statistical inference (Lewis, 1986, p. 11). The
centrality if not necessity of framing the problem in this way is evident in statements such
as the following remark from Samejima (1983, p. 159), who drew a direct line between the
notion of measurement error and a probabilistic approach.

There may be an enormous number of factors eliciting [a students] specific overt reac-
tions to a stimulus, and, therefore, it is suitable, even necessary, to handle the situation
in terms of the probabilistic relationship between the two.

This view has come to dominate modern psychometrics, and reflects the utility of
employing the language and calculus of probability theory to communicate the imper-
fection of evidence, and the resulting uncertainty in inferences regardless of discipline
(Schum, 1994). Much of this book is devoted to illuminating how adopting a probabi-
listic approach to psychometric modeling aids not only in representing the disconnect
between proficiency and performance, but also in bridging that divide by employing
10 Bayesian Psychometric Modeling

a framework within which we can reason from one to the other, all the while properly
acknowledging the distinction between them.
As discussed in Section1.1, in deductive reasoning we proceed from the general to the
particular(s), seeing the latter as arising from well-understood relationships between
the two. Deterministic logic is a paradigmatic example of deductive reasoning, but
probabilistic reasoning can be deductive as well. In assessment, deductive reasoning
flows from the unknown or latent variable thought of as the general characterization in
the claim (say, of examinees capabilities) to the observable variables (OVs) that repre-
sent the particular (say, their behavior on tasks). The possibility of alternative explana-
tions undermines the strength of the evidentiary linkage between the claim and the
data. In these cases, the warrant no longer assures that a certain outcome follows neces-
sarily from the claim. Rather, deductive reasoning starts with examinee capability as
the given and, for each of the possible values of that capability, proceeds to arrive at the
likely behavior on tasks.
Framing the warrant probabilistically quantifies how likely the behaviors are for an
examinee with particular capabilities. In educational assessment, we employ a probability
model to quantify how likely certain behaviors on tasks are, given the students profi-
ciencies. A bit more formally, letting x denote the variable corresponding to the students
behavior on a task (e.g., response to an item) and denote the variable corresponding to
the students proficiency status, the relationship is formulated as p( x|)that is, the prob-
ability distribution of x conditional on the value of . Returning to the examples, Table1.2
illustrates these concepts. The rows in the table represent the probabilities of the different
possible responses for the different possibilities of the students proficiency status. If we
begin with the premise that Elizabeth is proficient at subtraction, we arrive at the prob-
ability of .70 that she correctly answers the item, and (its complement) the probability of
.30 that she incorrectly answers the item. Likewise for Frank, we begin with the premise
that he is not proficient at subtraction and arrive at the probability of .20 that he correctly
answers the item, and (its complement) the probability of .80 that he incorrectly answers
the item. Setting up the probability model relating the variables as p( x|), that is, where
variables corresponding to observed behavior are modeled as stochastically dependent on
variables corresponding to unobservable variables representing broadly conceived capa-
bilities, is ubiquitous throughout different psychometric modeling traditions. In Chapter7,
we explore connections between the construction of archetypical psychometric models
and Bayesian approaches to modeling. For the moment, it is sufficient to recognize that the
flow of the probability model directly supports the deductive reasoning; for example, the
rows of Table1.2 are probability distributions.

A Probabilistic Warrant Connecting a Students Proficiency
Status with Her Response to an Item
Proficiency Correct Incorrect
Proficient .70 .30
Not Proficient .20 .80
Note: Rows correspond to possible proficiency states; columns correspond
to possible outcomes. Reading across a row gves the Probabilities for
a Response Outcome conditional on that proficiency status.
Overview of Assessment and Psychometric Modeling 11

In inductive reasoning, we reverse this flow of reasoning and proceed from the particular(s)
to the general. In assessment, inductive reasoning starts with examinee behavior on tasks
and proceeds to arrive at likely values of examinee proficiency. How to do so is not as
straightforward as in deductive reasoning; in Table1.2, we set up the rows as probability
distributions, but we cannot interpret the columns as probability distributions. The war-
rant is framed as a probability model with the flow from examinee proficiency to likely
behaviors. To reverse this flow, we employ probability calculus. In particular, we will
employ Bayes theorem to facilitate this reversal, supporting probability-based reasoning
from particulars to general (i.e., from performances on tasks to proficiency) as well as from
general to particulars (i.e., from proficiency to performances on tasks). But we are getting a
bit ahead of ourselves. Before turning to the mechanics of Bayesian inference in Chapter2,
we lay out more of the necessary groundwork.

1.2.2 Model-Based Reasoning

A model is a simplified version of a real-world scenario, wherein salient features relevant
to the problem at hand are represented, while others are suppressed, as constructed by the
analyst to facilitate the desired inferences. We adopt a philosophical position that asserts
that our models are necessarily wrong, though hopefully useful. This sentiment, most
closely associated with George Box (1976, 1979, Box & Draper, 1987), has been widely rein-
forced throughout the statistical literature (e.g., Freedman, 1987; Gelman & Shalizi, 2013),
as well as the literatures associated with different psychometric modeling paradigms (e.g.,
Edwards, 2013; MacCallum, 2003; McDonald, 2010; Preacher, 2006; Thissen, 2001). Instead
of being correct, our hope for a model is that it (a) represents the relationships among the
relevant entities, (b) provides the machinery for making inferences about what is unknown
based on what is known, and (c) offers mechanisms for effectively communicating results
to take actions in the real world.
The beliefs encoded in a model are a subset of a richer, fuller understanding of the world,
simplified in ways that are suited to the inferential task at hand. Recognizing that a model
is not a perfect representation of the world, the fidelity of the model to the real-world situ-
ation at hand is nevertheless critical. Matching the simplifications made and complexities
preserved in specifying a model with the purpose of modeling is crucial as models that
ignore important aspects of the problem are less likely to yield inferences that are useful
for taking action in the world.
Figure1.4 lays out a schematic adapted from Mislevy (2010) that communicates the pro-
cess of modeling (for a related perspective for modeling in physics, see Hughes, 1997; see
also Morey, Romeijn, & Rouder, 2013, for connections to statistical modeling). The space
at the bottom left next to the picture of Earth refers to the real-world situation of infer-
ential interest. Following the upward-pointing arrow, the plane in the middle refers to
the entities and relationships in the model-space. As the silhouette of Rodins The Thinker
suggests, this model-space is defined by our thinking about the world, as opposed to the
world itself. Note that not all the elements of the real-world situation are included in the
model-space. Those that are included are depicted as polygons, indicating that the fuzzy,
rough, or jagged edges of the real-world problem are approximated in the model-space by
simplified or abstracted versions with smoothed lines and sharp corners. Still other ele-
ments may be introduced in the model-space, depicted in Figure1.4 with the diagonally
filled polygons, without referring to entities in the real world.
In the assessment example of Figure1.2, the bottom left represents the real-world phe-
nomena of Elizabeth struggling with the problems, writing answers, erasing, rewriting,
12 Bayesian Psychometric Modeling

Representational form C

Representational form A
y = ax + b (yb)/a = x
p( | x) p(x | ) p() Representational form B

Mappings among
representational systems
Entities and

Reconceived real-
world situation

Real-world situation

Schematic of model-based reasoning. A real-world situation is depicted at the lower left. It is mapped into
the entities and relationships of the model in the narrative space in the middle plane. The lower right is a
reconception of the real-world situation, blending salient features of the situation with the structures the model
supplies. The upper boxes represent symbol systems that models may have to aid reasoning in the model plane.
Mathematical formulations, diagrams, and graphs are examples of symbol systems used in psychometrics.
(With kind permission from Taylor & Francis: Research Papers in Education, Some implications of expertise
research for educational assessment. 25, 2010, 253270, Mislevy, R. J. Figure 8.)

some quickly, some slowly. Only the correctness of her final responses is represented in
the model-space. The model-space also contains a variable for Elizabeths proficiency, and
relationships that indicate that it determines probability distributions for all the responses
relationships that are not apparent in the world.
Narrowing our focus to that of probability models, choices made in specifying such mod-
els rely on a mixture of considerations including beliefs about the problem, theoretical
conjectures, conventions, computational tractability, ease of interpretation, and commu-
nicative power (Gelman & Shalizi, 2013). In the model expressed in Table 1.2, we have
a dichotomous variable for subtraction proficiency that can take on one of two values,
Proficient or Not Proficient. This amounts to an intentionally simplified framing of the
more complicated real-world situation in light of the desired inferences and available evi-
dence. If we had other purposes, or other evidence that informed on the examinees pro-
ficiency in a more fine-grained manner, we may have specified a variable with more than
Overview of Assessment and Psychometric Modeling 13

twocategories, reflecting multiple stages to proficiency, or continuously, reflecting that one

can have more or less proficiency.
As another example, it is doubtful that any distribution has been called into service in
statistical modeling of data more than the normal distribution. However, it is rarely the
case in which variables are actually normally distributed. We have yet to come across one
variable in real-world phenomena whose distribution exactly follows a normal distribu-
tion. Why then are normal distributions so popular? Several reasons come to the forefront.
First, there are (many!) situations in which a normal distribution is a good approximation
to the actual distribution in that it captures the salient patterns. Second, normal distribu-
tions can be expressed in terms of a few, interpretable parameters; in the bivariate case
we have two means, two standard deviations, and one correlation that capture central
tendency, variability, and association, respectively. Third, we have well-established math-
ematical tools for working with normal distributions (e.g., fitting it to data, and computing
probabilities associated with it). Thus, when we call a normal distribution into service to
represent the distribution of a variable, we are employing it to model the variable and the
datathat is to (a) approximate the real-world situation and (b) provide mechanisms for
effective and efficient summaries for reasoning and communication.
Returning to the middle plane of Figure1.4, once we have built the model, we then con-
duct analyses on the entities in the model-space using the machinery of the model. This
typically involves employing knowledge representations (Markman, 1999) that externalize
information in forms conducive to reasoning. These are depicted above the model-space
in Figure1.4 next to an icon indicating that they are tools for conducting our work in the
model-space. For the example in Figure 1.2, the symbol system at the left is the math-
ematical formulation of the measurement model, the one at the center is a diagrammatic
representation of the model, and the one at the right could be a graph of the relationships.
Table1.2 is an example of a knowledge representation that facilitates deductive reasoning
from an examinees proficiency status to their likely response to an item. Of course, we
will also wish to conduct inductive reasoning from the examinees response to their pro-
ficiency status. As we will see, we will accomplish this via applications of Bayes theorem.
In Chapter2, Bayes theorem itself is expressed via multiple knowledge representations,
including equation forms that guide computations (in Equation 2.5) and tree diagrams
(Figure2.1). The latter is a more efficacious representation for humans reasoning through
frequency problems of this sort (Gigerenzer, 2002); the former may be more efficacious
when embedded in larger syntactical expressions of probability structures, reasoning
with continuous variables, and for use in programming computer algorithms. In psycho-
metrics, we employ knowledge representations found in quantitative methods, including
Bayes theorem and other mathematical equations, graphical models, and graphical rep-
resentations of data (Mislevy etal., 2010; see also Mislevy, 2010). Frequently, working with
the machinery of the model involves gaining an understanding of the models parameters
(e.g., by statistical estimation), which are summaries of features of the representation that
reside in the model-space.
Based on our use of such tools in the model-space, we construct a reconceived notion
of the real-world situation, as represented by the downward-pointing arrow in Figure1.4.
This model-based conception of the situation does not perfectly match the real-world
situation, but allows us to make inferences and decisions. The background shading in
Figure1.4 reflects the extent to which the entities reside in our accounting of the real world
as opposed to the real world itself: the real-world situation is unshaded, reflecting its status
in the real world; the model plane is completely shaded, reflecting that it resides squarely
in our accounting of the world; the reconceived situation is in the partial shade, indicating
14 Bayesian Psychometric Modeling

that it is a blend of the actual real-world situation and the structures supplied by the model.
In the example from Figure1.2, the reconceived situation still addresses only the correct-
ness of Elizabeths responses, but sees them as outcomes of a random process that depends
on her proficiency parameter. This parameter is introduced in the model-space, and may
be retained in our reconceived notion of the real-world situation. The model provides us
an estimate, as well as an indication of its accuracy, and predictions for Elizabeths likely
responses on other items she was not even presented.
In summary, in probability-based reasoning we use a formal probability framework to
capture imperfect relationships, represent our uncertainty, and reason through the infer-
ential situation at hand. We begin with a real-world situation (bottom left of Figure1.4)
and through our understanding of the salient features of this situation we construct a
simplified version in terms of a probability model (the middle layer of Figure1.4). We then
apply tools, including the calculus of probabilities, to the entities in the modeled version.
The results represent, in the probability framework, the implications and conclusions that
constitute the reconceived real-world situation (bottom right of Figure1.4). In our devel-
opment of psychometric modeling, we will routinely employ probability theory as the
machinery of inference, reflecting a sentiment expressed by Shafer (as quoted in Pearl,
1988, p. 77): Probability is not really about numbers; it is about the structure of reasoning.

1.2.3 Epistemic Probability

Having introduced the notion of using probability to aid in representing and bridging
the divide between what is of inferential interest and the observations that constitute
evidence for the desired inference, we take this opportunity to clarify how we conceive
of probability and the interpretations we ascribe to the term. We subscribe to a per-
spective that views probability as a language of expressing uncertain beliefs, commonly
referred to as a subjective, degree-of-belief, or epistemic interpretation (de Finetti, 1974; see
also Bernardo & Smith, 2000; Jackman, 2009; Kadane, 2011; Kyburg & Smokler, 1964). For
expository reasons, it is useful to contrast our view with that of frequentist interpreta-
tions of probability that ground much of conventional approaches to statistical model-
ing. Informally, a frequentist position conceives of probability as a limiting value of a
relative frequency of a repeatable process. For example, the probability that a flipped
coin will land on heads is the long-run frequency that it lands on heads in repeated flips.
From this perspective, probability is property of the world (e.g., it is a property of the
repeated flips of the coin), and strongly relies on a hypothetical if not actual collective
(e.g., the repeated flips of the coin).
From our perspective, the statement that a flipped coin will land on heads with a particu-
lar probability is an expression of a particular belief. Probabilities are represented as num-
bers between 0 and 1; these endpoints mean that I am certain the coin will not land on heads
and certain the coin will land on heads, respectively. Importantly, people may have different
beliefs, and therefore may have different probabilities. Suppose we are standing in a casino,
waiting for an employee of the casino to flip a coin, who will then pay out money to those
who have correctly wagered on the outcome of the coin flip. I think that the probability of the
coin landing heads is .5. You, on the other hand, had witnessed a casino manager discretely
conversing with and accepting a thick envelope from a known mobster, who has now bet
heavily on the coin coming up heads. If you think that these events are connected and the
mobster has influenced things such that he is likely (perhaps very likely) to win, your prob-
ability might then be considerably larger than .5. Moreover, the same person might have
Overview of Assessment and Psychometric Modeling 15

different probabilities at different points in time. If you whisper to me what you observed,
Imight then change my beliefs and assert that the probability is also larger than .5.
That different people may assert different probabilities highlights a key aspect of our
perspective, which is that probability is not a property of the world, but rather a property
of the analyst or reasoning agent. This is summarized by this view being referred to as
one of subjective or personal probability. Our interpretation is that probability is an epistemic
rather than an ontological concept, in that it is a property of the analysts thinking about
the world. For me to initially say that the probability of heads is .5 and then to say the
probability is larger than .5 after you recount what you observed reflects a change in my
thinking about the world, not a change in the world itself.
To readers apprehensive about this interpretation, we might emphasize several related
points. First, this conception is by no means new, and dates to the origins of modern math-
ematical treatments of probability (Hacking, 1975). Second, this perspective is commen-
surate with the usual mathematical expressions and restrictions: probabilities must be
greater than or equal to 0, the probability of an event that is certain is 1, and the probability
of the union of disjoint events is equal to the sum of the probabilities associated with each
event individually. See Kadane (2011) and Bernardo and Smith (2000) for recent accounts
on the alignment between an epistemic probability interpretation and the familiar math-
ematical machinery of probability.
Third, this is the way that probability is often used in scientific investigations. For exam-
ple, The International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC, 2014) reported that it was extremely
likely, meaning the probability was greater than .95, that humans caused more than half of
the observed increase in global average surface temperature between the years 1951 and 2010.
Fourth, this is indeed the usual way that probability is used in everyday language.
For example, consider the following statement from an account of the United States
Governments reasoning on whether to pursue an assault on a compound that indeed
turned out to be the location of Osama bin Laden (Woodward, 2011).

Several assessments concluded there was a 60 to 80 percent chance that bin Laden was
in the compound. Michael Leiter, the head of the National Counterterrorism Center,
was much more conservative. During one White House meeting, he put the probability
at about 40 percent. When a participant suggested that was a low chance of success,
Leiter said, Yes, but what weve got is 38 percent better than we have ever had before.

Here, we have a statement expressing different values for the probability held by different
reasoning agents, and at different times. This reflects how a probability is an expression
of uncertainty that is situated in terms of what is believed by a particular person at a par-
ticular time.
These examples additionally highlight how, from the epistemic perspective, probability
can be used to discuss a one-time event. Indeed, it is difficult to conceive of statements
about changes in global temperatures and Osama Bin Ladens whereabouts as having a
justification from a frequentist perspective. If probability is, by definition, a long-run fre-
quency, we would have to object to statements such as these, not on the grounds that they
are wrong, but on the grounds that they nonsensical. Yet we suspect that these sorts of
statements are quite natural to most readers.
Similarly, probability can be used to refer to characterize beliefs about (one-time) events
in the past for which we are uncertain. These include things we may never know with
certainty, such as the causes of changes in global temperatures or who wrote the disputed
16 Bayesian Psychometric Modeling

Federalist Papers (see Mosteller & Wallace, 1964, for a Bayesian analysis), and even things
we can know with certainty, such as whether Martin Van Buren was the ninth President of
the United States.*
Importantly, the notion of epistemic probability is not antithetical to long-run relative
frequencies. Relative frequencies obtained from situations deemed to approximate the
repeated trials that ground the frequentist interpretation may be excellent bases for belief.
Suppose I am interested in the probability that a given person will be a driver in a car acci-
dent in the next year and consult recent data that suggest that the proportion of drivers of
this age that get in an accident in a year is .12. I might then assert that the probability that
the person will be in an accident is .12. Of course, other possibilities exist. I might believe
this person to be a worse driver, or more reckless, than others of the same age, and might
assert that the probability is a bit higher than .12. In either case, I am making a judgment
and ultimately the probability is an expression of my beliefs (Winkler, 1972).
Long-run relative frequencies can also serve as an important metaphor for thinking
through what is ultimately an expression of belief, even if the subject is a one-time event
that is not amenable to repeated trials. Sports fans, journalists, prognosticators, commen-
tators, and talk show hosts routinely talk about the probability that one team wins an
upcoming gamesuch talk is all but inescapable in sports media before championship
games. One mechanism for doing so is by referring to hypothetical long-run frequencies;
for example, I might explain my probability that a team wins the gamewhich will only
be played onceby saying if they played the game 100 times, this team would win 85
of them. The notion of relative frequency over some repetition is a useful metaphor, but
ultimately the probability statements are expressions of our uncertain beliefs.
Our perspective will manifest itself throughout the book in the language we use, such
as referring to probability distributions as representing our beliefs. But our perspective is
just thatour perspective. Many others exist; see Barnett (1999) for a thorough review and
critique of the dominant perspectives on probability and the statistical inferential frame-
works that trade on these perspectives. More acutely, one need not subscribe to the same
perspective as we do to employ Bayesian methods (Jaynes, 2003; Novick, 1964; Senn, 2011;
Williamson, 2010).

1.3 The Role of Context in the Assessment Argument

The presentation of the assessment argument to this point has focused on the examinee.
We have stated that the inferential task at hand is to reason from what we observe an
examinee say, do, or produce to their capabilities or attributes more broadly conceived.
Correspondingly, the claim in the assessment argument is formulated as an expression
about the examinee. Likewise, the data in the assessment argument on the surface are
simply statements about what the examinee has said, done, or produced. However, exam-
inees behave in context. What we observe as data is really an examinees behavior in a par-
ticular situation (Mislevy, 2006). The data are properly thought of as emerging from the
amalgamation of two contributing sources, the examinee and the context. Importantly, the

* He was not. Van Buren was the eighth President; William Henry Harrison was the ninth.
More properly, it is a particular evaluation of a behavior. We will say more about this later, but different
aspects of the same assessment performance could be identified and evaluated for different purposes.
Overview of Assessment and Psychometric Modeling 17

warrant also refers to both the examinee and the context, expressing the likely behavior
for an examinee in a particular situation. In simple situations such as an examinee taking
a single item, the role of the context is implicit, as it is in the quantitative expression of the
warrant in Table1.2 and even the notation p( x|) , where x and are viewed as examinee
However, once we move to more complicated situations, it becomes apparent that the
simple framing we have developed this far will not suffice. Perhaps the most basic exten-
sion of our example is the use of multiple items to assess proficiency. If the responses to each
item have exactly the same evidentiary bearing on proficiency, it may suffice to assume that
the warrant expressed in Table1.2 holds for every item response for an examinee. More
generally, we would like to allow them to differ, representing the possibilities that the evi-
dentiary bearing of our observations might vary with the situation. This is expressed in a
narrative form casually by saying that some items are harder, some items are easier, and
we should take that into account in our inference. Accordingly, we may specify each item
to have a possibly unique conditional probability table associated with it. When we turn
to these more complicated statistical models as a means to quantitatively express more
complicated warrants, we will have parameters summarizing the inferential relevance of
the situation in addition to the parameters summarizing the examinee. Accordingly, our
notation for denoting the conditional probability for variables standing for observations
will have to expand, for example, to p( x|, ) , where here stands for a parameter sum-
marizing the features of the context.
It is almost always the case that there remain potentially relevant features of the con-
text that lurk unstated in the warrant. Returning to the example of Frank (Figure1.3), an
alternative explanation for his incorrect response is that he did not try on account of the
stakes being low and his attention being focused elsewhere. In addition to undermining
the inferential force of the data on the inference, this calls attention to a presumed but
unstated aspect of the warrant, namely, that examinees are motivated to answer the ques-
tion correctly.
In principle, the list of possibly relevant features of the context is limitless (Are the
examinees motivated? Is the assessment administered in a language foreign to them?
Is there enough light in the room for them to read?) and choices need to be made about
what to formally include in the warrant. What may be ignorable in one case may not be in
another. Issues of motivation play no role in certain assessment arguments, such as those
based on blood tests in medicine, but a crucial role in others, such as those based on wit-
ness testimony in jurisprudence and intelligence analysis. Considerations of the language
of the test may not be important when a teacher gives a test to the students she has had in
class for months and knows well, but may be critical when she gives the test to the student
who just transferred to the school from a country whose people predominantly speak a
different language.
If previously unarticulated aspects of the context are deemed important, one option is to
expand the warrant and the data we collect. Returning to the example of Frank incorrectly
answering an item, we may expand the warrant by framing it as conditional on whether
the examinee is motivated to perform well. For example, we may say that if the examinee
is motivated to perform well, the linkage between the data and the claim as articulated
in Figure1.3 holds; if the examinee is not motivated to perform well, another linkage is
needed. Expanding the complexity of the warrant may call for additional data to be con-
sidered, in this case data that have bearing on whether the examinee is motivated.
An expansion of the evidentiary narrative of the warrant manifests itself in a corre-
sponding expansion of the statistical model that is the quantitative expression of the
18 Bayesian Psychometric Modeling

warrant (Mislevy, Levy, Kroopnick, & Rutstein, 2008). Returning to the example, we may
specify a mixture model, where the conditional probability structure in Table1.2 holds for
examinees who are motivated and a different conditional probability structure holds for
examinees who are not motivated, along with a probability that an examinee is motivated
and possibly a probability structure relating other data that has evidentiary bearing on
whether the examinee is motivated.

1.4 Evidence-Centered Design

The ingredients involved in assessment argumentation and inference can be fleshed out
by adopting the framework of evidence-centered design (ECD), which lays out the funda-
mental entities, their connections, and actions that take place in assessment (Mislevy etal.,
2003). ECD provides a terminology and sets of representations (Mislevy etal., 2010) for use
in designing, deploying, and reasoning from assessments. It is descriptive in the sense that
all forms of assessment may be framed in terms of ECD, regardless of their varying surface
features. ECD is also prescriptive in the sense that it provides a set of guiding principles for
the design of assessment, the aim of which is to articulate how the assessment can be used to
make warranted inferences. Importantly, it is not prescriptive in the sense of dictating what
particular forms, models, and representations to use, nor particular operational processes
to build assessment arguments and the machinery that instantiates them. Rather, ECD (a)
helps us understand the argumentation behind the use of particular psychometric models
like those covered in this book, and (b) helps us through the assessment development pro-
cess that might lead to the use of such models, but (c) does not require the use of such models.
A quotation from Messick (1994, p. 16) is useful to understand the idea of an assessment
argument and the perspective of ECD:

[We] would begin by asking what complex of knowledge, skills, or other attributes
should be assessed, presumably because they are tied to explicit or implicit objectives of
instruction or are otherwise valued by society. Next, what behaviors or performances
should reveal those constructs, and what tasks or situations should elicit those behaviors?
Thus, the nature of the construct guides the selection or construction of relevant tasks
as well as the rational development of construct-based scoring criteria and rubrics.

ECD provides a framework for working through the many details, relationships, and pieces
of machinery that make an operational assessment, including the psychometric models.
It is the grounding in the assessment argument that gives meaning to the variables and
functions in a psychometric model; modeling questions that seem to be strictly technical
on the surface can often only be answered in the context of the application at hand.
To ground such discussions when we need them, this section provides a brief overview
of ECD in terms of the layers depicted in Figure1.5. The layering in this figure indicates
a layering in the kind of work an assessment designer is doing, from initial background
research in Domain Modeling through actual administering, scoring, and reporting the
results of an operational assessment in Assessment Delivery. The ideas and elements con-
structed in a given layer are input for work at the next layer. (The actual design process is
generally iterative, such as moving from design to implementation of a prototype and going
back to revise scoring procedures or psychometric models in the Conceptual Assessment
Framework [CAF], or even finding more foundational research is needed.) Figure1.5 is laid
Overview of Assessment and Psychometric Modeling 19

Domain Analysis
Assessment Delivery

Domain Modeling

Layers of ECD. The layers represent successively refined and specific kinds of work test developers do, from
studying the domain in Domain Analysis, through developing an assessment argument in Domain Modeling,
to specifying the models and forms of the elements and processes that will constitute the assessment in the
CAF, to constructing those elements in Assessment Implementation, to administering, scoring, and reporting
in an operational assessment as specified in the Assessment Delivery layer. Actual design usually requires
iterative movements up and down the layers.

out in such a way to highlight the role of the CAF. Conceptually this is a transition point,
which facilitates our pivoting from our understandings about the domain (the layers to
the left) to the actual assessment the examinees experience (the layers to the right). Most
of the material in this book concerns this layer, though as we will see in various examples,
aspects of the other layers will have bearing on the specifications here. Our focus will be
on how ECD allows us to see the role played by the psychometric models that are the focus
of this book, and we will give short shrift to many features of ECD. Complementary treat-
ments that offer greater depth on different aspects or in different contexts may be found in
Mislevy etal. (2003); Mislevy, Almond, and Lukas (2004); Mislevy and Riconscente (2006);
Mislevy (2013); Behrens, Mislevy, DiCerbo, and Levy (2012); and Almond etal. (2015).
ECD was developed in the context of educational assessment, and in our treatment here
we preserve the language of ECD that reflects this origin, in particular where the examin-
ees are students in educational environments. In Section1.4.4, we discuss the wider appli-
cation of the ideas of ECD to other assessment environments.

1.4.1 Domain Analysis and Domain Modeling

In Domain Analysis, we define the content of the domain(s) to be assessed, namely the sub-
ject matter, the way people use it, the situations they use it in, and the way they represent it.
Resources here include subject matter expertise, task analyses, and surveys of artifacts (e.g.,
textbooks). In Domain Modeling, the information culled in Domain Analysis is organized in
terms of relationships between entities, including observable behaviors we might see people
do that constitute evidence of proficiency, in what situations those actions could occur or be
evoked. It is during this stage that we lay out the assessment argument that will be instanti-
ated when tasks are built, the assessment is delivered, student performances are scored, and
inferences are made. This often involves articulating what claims we would like to be able to
make, Toulmin diagrams for assessment arguments, and design patterns for tasks.

1.4.2 Conceptual Assessment Framework

In the CAF, we take the results from Domain Modeling and, in light of the purposes and
constraints, we devise the blueprint for the assessment. Our focus will be on the three cen-
tral models that address the questions articulated by Messick (1994, quoted in Section1.4).
20 Bayesian Psychometric Modeling

They are the Student, Task, and Evidence models depicted in Figure 1.6. They address
Messicks questions in a way that becomes a blueprint for jointly developing the tasks and
psychometric models. Student Model

The Student Model addresses the first of Messicks questions, what complex of knowl-
edge, skills, or other attributes should be assessed? It is here that we articulate what the
desired claims and inferences are, and what variables will be used to represent beliefs to
support those claims and inferences. The Student Model lays out the relevant configura-
tion of the aspects of proficiency to be assessed and therefore represents choices regarding
what aspects of the proficiency identified in the Domain Analysis and Domain Modeling
will be included in the assessment as variables in the psychometric model. We build the
Student Model by specifying what have variously been termed student model variables
(SMVs), proficiency model variables, or competency model variables. Modern psychomet-
ric models are characterized by their use of latent variables as SMVs, which reflects that
ultimately what is of inferential interest about students cannot be observed directly. These
latent SMVs are shown as circles in Figure1.6, consistent with a convention in structural
equation modeling. Several SMVs are shown in the figure, as occurs in factor analysis and
multivariate item response theory. Unidimensional item response theory, latent class mod-
els, and most applications of classical test theory only have one SMV. Task Models

A Task Model answers the last of Messicks questions, what behaviors or performances
should reveal those constructs, and what tasks or situations should elicit those behaviors?
It specifies the situations in which relevant evidence can be collected to inform upon the val-
ues of the variables in the Student Model and thereby yield inferences about students. Task
Models specify two main aspects: first, what are the features of the tasks, activities, or situa-
tions presented to the student? In the Task Models box in Figure1.6, the two icons on the right
represent the stimulus features and conditions of the task the student interacts with. Second,
what are the work productsthe things students say, create, or do in these situationsthat
will be collected? The jumble of shapes in the icon on the left of the Task Models box repre-
sents the work products a student creates, which could be simply marks on an answer sheet,
or a log of actions in a simulation task, or a video recording of a dance performance.

Student model(s) Evidence models Task models

Meas. Evid. Id.
model rules

Three central models of the CAF. Circular nodes in the Student Model represent SMVs, with arrows indicating
dependence relationships. Task Models consist of materials presented to the examinee, and work products col-
lected from the examinee. These work products are subjected to evidence identification rules in the Evidence
Models yielding OVs represented as boxes, which are modeled as dependent on the SMVs in the psychometric
or measurement model. (With kind permission from Taylor & Francis: Educational Assessment, Psychometric and
evidentiary advances, opportunities, and challenges for simulation-based assessment. 18, 2013, 182207, Levy, R.)
Overview of Assessment and Psychometric Modeling 21 Evidence Models

An Evidence Model connects the work products collected as specified in the Task Model
to the variables in the Student Model. This is achieved via the two ingredients of evidence
identification rules and the psychometric or measurement model. Evidence identification rules
declare how the work products will be evaluated. The Evidence Identification Rules box
on the right in the Evidence Model shows arrows from the work product(s) created by a
student (the same jumble of shapes depicted in the Task Models) to values of OVs, which
are shown as squares to contrast with the latent SMVs. The arrows represent the evidence
identification rules themselves, which might take the form of a scoring key to determine
whether the selected responses on multiple-choice items are correct, automated rules to
evaluate the efficiency of an investigation that is represented in a log file, or a rubric that
human raters apply to evaluate videos of a dance. There can be multiple stages of evidence
identification rules, as when an automated essay-scoring procedure first identifies linguistic
features of a text and then uses logistic regression models to produce a score. Furthermore,
when hierarchies such as finer-grained features of a complex performance are first identi-
fied and then summarized, an analyst might choose to fit a psychometric model at either
level, depending on the purposes of the exercise (e.g., fitting a classical test theory model to
test scores, or item response theory models to the item scores they comprise).
Turing to the left side of the Measurement Models box, a psychometric or measurement
model specifies the relationships between the OVs (the same squares identified via evi-
dence rules) and the SMVs (the same circles in the Student Model). Modern psychomet-
ric modeling is characterized as specifying these relationships by modeling the OVs as
stochastically dependent on latent SMVs.* The arrows in the Measurement Model box in
the Evidence Model represent conditional probability distributions that lie at the heart
of psychometric models. Table1.3 classifies a number of such models in terms of their
specifications regarding the nature of the SMVs and OVs. Readers familiar with classical
test theory will note that it need not be framed as a latent variable model with specified
distributional forms, though there are advantages to conceiving of it as such (Bollen,
1989; McDonald, 1999).

Taxonomy of Popular Psychometric Models
Latent SMVs
Continuous Discrete
OVs Continuous Classical test theory Latent profile analysis
Factor analysis
Discrete Item response theory Latent class analysis
Bayesian networks
Diagnostic classification models

* Note that the observable variables are identified by their role as the dependent variables in the psychometric
model, not by the nature of the tasks or the evaluation rules per se. We avoid ambiguity by using the terms task
for the situations in which persons act, work products for what they produce, and observables for the pieces of
evidence identified from them by whatever means as the lowest level of the psychometric model. For example,
in multiple-choice tests, the word items is used to refer to tasks, responses, evaluated responses, and the
dependent variables in item response models. This does not usually cause problems because these distinct
entities are in one-to-one correspondence. Such correspondences need not hold when the performances and
the evidentiary relationships are more complex, and more precise language is needed.
22 Bayesian Psychometric Modeling

1.4.3 Assessment Implementation and Assessment Delivery

Returning to the layers of ECD in Figure1.5, in Assessment Implementation we manufacture
the assessment, including authoring the tasks, building automated extraction, parsing, and
scoring processes to move from work products to OVs, and forming the statistical models.
Assessment Delivery can be described as a four-process architecture (Almond,Steinberg,&
Mislevy, 2002), depicted in Figure1.7. Assessment Delivery cycles through the steps of (a)
Task Selection (i.e., what should the student work on next?); (b) task presentation (i.e., deliv-
ery of the chosen task); (c) evidence identification through the application of evidence iden-
tification rules, in which the student work products are evaluated to produce values for
OVs; and (d) evidence accumulation, which occurs when values for the OVs are entered into
the measurement model to produce estimates or updated values for the SMVs. Assessments
may vary in terms of what decisions are made (e.g., linear assessments that fix the selection
and presentation order of tasks a priori vs. adaptive assessments that choose a task based
on previous examinee performance, Wainer et al., 2000, vs. assessments that randomly
choose the next task, Warner, 1965), and who makes these decisions (e.g., examiner- vs.
examinee-governed task and SMV selection in adaptive testing, Levy, Behrens, & Mislevy,
2006; Wise, Plake, Johnson, & Roos, 1992), such that they appear quite different on the sur-
face. Nevertheless, the cycle depicted in Figure1.7 is a general account of the ongoings of
an assessment. Likewise, though assessments vary considerably in how they instantiate the

Task Presentation Interaction

Selection to Examinee


Updated Work
student products

Psychometric Observables

A four-process architecture of Assessment Delivery. Activities are determined in the Task Selection process.
The selected task(s) is/are presented to an examinee (e.g., given a test booklet and an answer sheet to fill out,
presented a simulation environment to take troubleshooting and repair actions to repair a hydraulics system
in an airplane). The work products(s) are passed on to the Evidence Identification process, where values of OVs
are evaluated from them. Values of the OVs are sent to the Evidence Accumulation process, where the informa-
tion in the OVs is used as evidence to update beliefs about the latent variables in the Student Model, as can be
done with a psychometric model. The updated beliefs about SMVs may be used in selecting further tasks, as in
adaptive testing. (This is a modification of figure1 of CSE Technical Report 543, A Sample Assessment Using the
Four Process Framework, by Russell G. Almond, Linda S. Steinberg, and Robert J. Mislevy, published in 2001 by
the National Center for Research on Evaluation, Standards and Student Testing (CRESST). It is used here with
permission of CRESST.)
Overview of Assessment and Psychometric Modeling 23

layers in ECD, the framework provides a general account of the work that needs to be done
in developing an assessment to enact an assessment argument that facilitates our reasoning
from the observed examinee behavior to the inferential targets.

1.4.4 Summary
ECD may be seen as an effort to define what inferences about examinees are sought, what
data will be used to make those inferences, how that data will be obtained, how the data
will be used to facilitate the inferences, and why the use of that particular data in those
particular ways is warranted for the desired inferences. Working clockwise from the top
left of Figure1.7, Assessment Delivery may be seen as the underlying architecture behind
seeking the data, collecting it, processing it, and then synthesizing it to facilitate inferences.
The psychometric or measurement model plays a central role in the last of these activities,
evidence accumulation. As the junction point where the examinees behaviors captured by
OVs are used to inform on the SMVs that represent our beliefs about the examinees profi-
ciency, the measurement model is the distillation of the assessment argument. More abstractly,
it dictates how features of examinee performances, which in and of themselves are innocent
any claim to relevance for our desired inferences, are to be used to conduct those inferences.
The terminology of ECD reflects its origins in educational assessment, but the notions
may be interpreted more broadly. For example, student model variables may be viewed
as aspects of inferential interest for those being assessed, such as the political persuasion
of legislators. In this example, bills play the role of tasks or items, evidence identification
amounts to characterizing the legislators votes on the bills (e.g., in favor or opposed), and
a psychometric model would connect observables capturing these characterizations to the
student model variable, namely the political persuasion of the legislator (the student).

1.5 Summary and Looking Ahead

Assessment refers to the process of reasoning from what we observe people say, do, or
produce to broader conceptions of them that we do not, and typically cannot, observe.
Measurement error is a broad term that refers to the disconnect between what we can
observe and what is ultimately of inferential interest. The presence of measurement error
weakens the evidentiary linkage between what we know and what we would like to infer.
As in other disciplines, reasoning in assessment can be a messy business. Measurement
error implies that our inferences are based on data that may be fallible, or only sensible
in light of understanding contextual factors, or jointly contradictory. As a result the evi-
dence is necessarily inconclusiveit always admits multiple possibilities. Psychometric
models are motivated by the fundamental tenet that in education, the social sciences, and
many other disciplines, what is ultimately of most interest cannot be directly observed.
This principle cuts across disciplines where the presence of measurement error dictates
that an observed variable may be related to or an indicator of what is really of interest, but
no matter how well the assessment is devised, it is not the same thing as what is of inter-
est. Recognizing this, modern psychometric models are characterized by the use of latent
variables to represent what is of inferential interest.
24 Bayesian Psychometric Modeling

To meet the challenges of representing and synthesizing the evidence, we turn to prob-
ability as a language for expressing uncertainty, and in particular probability model-based
reasoning for conducting inference under uncertainty. A probability model is constructed
for the entities deemed relevant to the desired inference, encoding our uncertain beliefs
about those entities and their relationships. An ECD perspective suggests that this model
is a distillation of a larger assessment argument, in that it is the junction point that relates
the observed data that will serve as evidence to the inferential targets.
Though surface features vary, modern psychometric modeling paradigms typically
structure observed variables as stochastically dependent on the latent variables. As we will
see, building such a model allows for the use of powerful mathematical rules from the
calculus of probabilitieswith Bayes theorem being a workhorseto synthesize the evi-
dence thereby facilitating the desired reasoning. Adopting a probability framework to
model these relationships allows us to characterize both what we believe and why we
believe it, in terms of probability statements that quantify our uncertainty. We develop
these ideas by discussing Bayesian approaches to most of the psychometric modeling fam-
ilies listed in Table1.3. Along the way we will see instances where Bayesian approaches
represent novel, attractive ways to tackle thorny measurement problems. We will also see
instances where Bayesian approaches are entrenched and amount to doing business as
usual, even when these approaches are not framed or referred to as Bayesian.
Introduction to Bayesian Inference

This chapter describes principles of Bayesian approaches to inference, with a focus on

the mechanics of Bayesian inference. Along the way, several conceptual issues will be
introduced or alluded to; we expand on these and a number of other conceptual issues
in Chapter3. To develop the mechanics of Bayesian inference, we first review frequentist
approaches to inference, in particular maximum likelihood (ML) approaches, which then
serves as a launching point for the description of Bayesian inference. Frequentist inference
and estimation strategies have been the dominant approaches to psychometric modeling,
mirroring their dominance in statistics generally in the past century. Provocatively, as dis-
cussed throughout the book, Bayesian approaches have become well accepted in certain
areas of psychometrics, but not others.
We then turn to Bayesian inference, beginning with a review of foundational principles.
We illustrate the basic computations using two running examples. The first involves two
discrete variables each with two values. This serves to illustrate the computations involved
in working through Bayes theorem in the simplest situation possible. The second example
involves modeling the parameter of Bernoulli and binomial random variables. Such a con-
text is typically discussed in introductory probability and statistics courses and texts, and
as such should be familiar to most readers. This latter example illustrates a number of
key features of Bayesian modeling and will be a basis for a number of the discussions in
Chapter3, as well as a basis for item response models discussed in Chapter11.

2.1 Review of Frequentist Inference via ML

Let x and denote the full collections of observed data and model parameters, respectively.
In frequentist approaches, a model is typically constructed by specifying the conditional
distribution of the data given the model parameters, denoted as p( x|). In this paradigm,
the data are treated as random, modeled by the conditional distribution p( x|) and most
model parameters are treated as fixed (i.e., constant) and unknown. Model fitting and
parameter estimation then comes to finding point estimates for the parameters. Popular
estimation routines include those in ML and least-squares traditions. In many situations,
these estimation routines can provide consistent, efficient, and unbiased parameter esti-
mates and asymptotic standard errors, which can be used to construct confidence inter-
vals and tests of model-data fit.
Conceptually, ML estimation seeks to answer the question, What are the values of the
parameters that yield the highest probability of observing the values of the data that were
in fact observed? ML estimation seeks the single best set of values for the parameters,
where the notion of best is operationalized as maximizing the likelihood function,
defined as the conditional probability expression p( x|) when viewed as a function of

26 Bayesian Psychometric Modeling

the parameters . In practice, once values for x are observed, they can be entered into
the conditional probability expression to induce a likelihood function, denoted as L(|x ).
This likelihood function L(|x ) is the same expression as the conditional probability
expression p( x|). The difference in notation reflects that when viewed as a likelihood
function, the values of the data are known and the expression is viewed as varying over
different possible values of . ML estimation then comes to finding the values of that
maximize L(|x ).
In frequentist approaches, the (ML) estimator is a function of the data, which have a
distribution. This renders the estimator to be a random variable, and a realization of this
random variable, the ML estimate (MLE), is obtained given a sample of data from the pop-
ulation. Standard errors of these estimates capture the uncertainty in the estimates, and can
be employed to construct confidence intervals. Importantly, these estimation routines for
many psychometric models typically rely on asymptotic arguments to justify the calcula-
tion of parameter estimates, standard errors, or the assumed sampling distributions of the
parameter estimates and associated test statistics.
Moreover, the interpretations of point estimates, standard errors, and confidence inter-
vals derive from the frequentist perspective in which the parameters are treated as fixed
(constant). In this perspective, it is inappropriate to discuss fixed parameters probabilisti-
cally. Distributional notions of uncertainty and variability therefore concern the param-
eter estimates, and are rooted in the treatment of the data as random. The standard error
is a measure of the variability of the parameter estimator, which is the variability of the
parameter estimates on repeated sampling of the data from the population. Likewise, the
probabilistic interpretation of a confidence interval rests on the sampling distribution of
the interval on repeated sampling of data, and applies to the process of interval estimator
construction. Importantly, these notions refer to the variability and likely values of a param-
eter estimator (be it a point or interval estimator), that is, the distribution of parameter esti-
mates on repeated sampling. This approach supports probabilistic deductive inferences in
which reasoning flows from the general to the particulars, in this case from the parameters
assumed constant over repeated samples to the data x. A frequentist perspective does not
support probabilistic inductive inferences in which reasoning flows from the particulars,
here, the data x, to the general, here, the parameters . In frequentist inference, probabilis-
tic statements refer to the variability and likely values of the parameter estimator, not the
parameter itself.

2.2 Bayesian Inference

Bayesian approaches to inference and statistical modeling share several features with
frequentist approaches. In particular, both approaches treat the data as random and
accordingly assign the data a distribution, usually structured as conditional on model
parameters, p( x|). It expresses how, through the lens of the model, the analyst views the
chances of possible values of data, given possible values of the parameters. As discussed in
Section2.1, once data are observed and this is taken as a function of the model parameters,
it is a likelihood function. As such, the likelihood function plays a key role in Bayesian
inference just as in ML estimation.
However, a Bayesian approach differs from frequentist approaches in several key ways.
Frequentist approaches typically treat model parameters as fixed. In contrast, a fully
Introduction to Bayesian Inference 27

Bayesian approach treats the model parameters as random,* and uses distributions to
model our beliefs about them. Importantly, this conceptual distinction from how frequen-
tist inference frames parameters has implications for the use of probability-based reason-
ing for inductive inference, parameter estimation, quantifying uncertainty in estimation,
and interpreting the results from fitting models to data. Illuminating this difference and
how it plays out in psychometric modeling is a central theme of this book.
In a Bayesian analysis, the model parameters are assigned a prior distribution, a distri-
bution specified by the analyst to possibly reflect substantive, a priori knowledge, beliefs,
or assumptions about the parameters, denoted as p(). Bayesian inference then comes to
synthesizing the prior distribution and the likelihood to yield the posterior distribution,
denoted as p(|x ). This synthesis is given by Bayes theorem. For discrete parameters and
datum x such that p(x) 0, Bayes theorem states that the posterior distribution is

p( x , )
p(|x ) =
p( x )

p( x|)p()
p( x )
p( x|)p()
= .
p(x| )p( )
* *

p( x|)p().

To explicate, we work through an example in medical assessment and diagnosis drawn

from Gigerenzer (2002). Consider women aged 4050 with no family history and symptoms
of cancer. For this population, the proportion of women that have breast cancer is .008.
Suppose we conduct a mammography screening aimed at the detection of breast cancer.
If the patient has breast cancer, the probability of a positive result on the mammography
screening is .90. If the patient does not have breast cancer, the probability of a positive mam-
mography screening result is .07. A patient undergoes the mammography screening, and
the result is positive. What then should we infer about the patient? Let us frame the situa-
tion in a fairly simple way, namely where a patient either has or does not have breast cancer.
Note that this reflects a modeling choicethere are stages to cancer, or more continuously,
one can have more or less cancer. The simplification here reflects a particular way of fram-
ing the more complicated real-world situation in light of the desired inferences.
Gigerenzer (2002) argued for the use of a natural frequency representation in reasoning.
The situation can be framed in natural frequency terms, with slight rounding, as follows.
Eight of every 1,000 women have breast cancer. Of these eight women with breast can-
cer, seven will have a positive mammogram. Of the remaining 992 women who do not
have breast cancer, 69 will have a positive mammogram. Imagine a sample of women who
have positive mammograms in screenings. What proportion of these women actually has
breast cancer? Figure2.1 contains a graphic adapted from Gigerenzer (2002) that further

* Specifically, they are random in the sense that the analyst has uncertain knowledge about them.
Though this characterization applies to Bayesian inference broadly and will underscore the treatment in this
book, there are exceptions. For example, in some approaches to Bayesian modeling certain unknown entities,
such as those at the highest level of a hierarchical model specification, are not treated as random and modeled via
distributions, and instead are modeled as fixed and estimated using frequentist strategies (Carlin & Louis, 2008).
28 Bayesian Psychometric Modeling


8 992
breast cancer no breast cancer

7 1 69 923
positive negative positive negative
mammogram mammogram mammogram mammogram

p(Breast Cancer = Yes | Mammogram = Positive) = 7 = 7 .09

7 + 69 76

Natural-frequency representation and computation for Breast Cancer diagnosis example. (From Gigerenzer, G.
(2002). Calculated risks: How to know when numbers deceive you. New York: Simon & Schuster, figure 4.2. With

illuminates the situation and the answer. On this description of 1,000 women, we see that
76 will have positive mammograms. Of these 76, only 7 actually have breast cancer. The
proportion of women with positive mammograms who have breast cancer is 7/76 .09.
This is an instance of Bayesian reasoning. The same result is obtained by instantiating
(2.1). Let be a variable capturing whether the patient has breast cancer, which can take on
the values of Yes or No. Let x be a variable capturing whether the result of the mammogra-
phy, which can take on the values of Positive and Negative. To work through this problem,
the first step that is commensurate with frequentist perspective is to define the conditional
probability of the data given the model parameter, p( x|). This is given in Table2.1, where
the rows represent the probability of a particular result of the mammography given the
presence or absence of breast cancer.
We note that ML strictly works off of the information in Table 2.1 corresponding to the
observed data. In this case, the column associated with the positive mammography result is
the likelihood function. ML views the resulting values of .90 for breast cancer being present
and .07 for breast cancer being absent as a likelihood function. Maximizing it then comes
to recognizing that the value associated with having breast cancer (.90) is larger thanthe
value for not having breast cancer (.07). That is, p(x = Positive| = Yes) is larger than
p(x=Positive| = No). The ML estimate is therefore that (breast cancer) is Yes, and
this is indeed what the data (mammography result) has to say about the situation.
In a Bayesian analysis, we combine the information in the data, expressed in the likeli-
hood, with the prior information about the parameter. To specify a prior distribution for

Conditional Probability of theMammography
Result Given Breast Cancer
Mammography Result (x)

Breast Cancer () Positive Negative

Yes .90 .10
No .07 .93
Introduction to Bayesian Inference 29

Prior Probability of Breast Cancer
Breast Cancer ( Probability

Yes .008
No .992

the model parameter, , we draw from the statement that the patient has no family history
of cancer nor any symptoms, and the proportion of women in this population that have
breast cancer is .008. Table2.2 presents the prior distribution, p().
With these ingredients, we can proceed with the computations in Bayes theorem. The
elements in Tables2.1 and 2.2 constitute the terms in the numerator on the right-hand side
of the second through fourth lines of (2.1). Equation (2.2) illustrates the computations for
the numerator of Bayes theorem, with x positive. The bold elements in the conditional
probability of the data are multiplied by their corresponding elements in the prior dis-
tribution. Note that the column for Mammography Result taking on the value of Positive
is involved in the computation, as that was the actual observed value; the column for
Mammography Result taking on the value of Negative is not involved.

p( x = Positive|)p() = p( x = Positive|) p()

Mammography Result
Breast Breast Breast
Cancer Positive Negative Cancer Cancer
Yes .90 .10 Yes .008 Yes .00720
= (2.2)
No .07 .93 No .992 No .06944

The denominator in Bayes theorem is the marginal probability of the observed data under
the model. For discrete parameters this is given by

p( x ) = p(x|)p().


For the current example, we have one data point (x) that has a value of Positive, and

p( x = Positive) = p( x = Positive| = Yes)p( = Yes) + p( x = Positive| = No)p( = No)

= (.90)(.008) + (.07)(.992) (2.4)

= .07664.

Continuing with Bayes theorem, we take the results on the right-hand side of (2.2) and
divide those numbers by the marginal probability of .07664 from (2.4). Thus we find that
the posterior distribution is, rounding to two decimal places, p( = Yes|x = Positive) .09,
p( = No|x = Positive) .91 , which captures our belief about the patient after observ-
ing the test result is positive. Equation(2.5) illustrates the entire computation in a single
30 Bayesian Psychometric Modeling

p( x = Positive|)p()
p(|x = Positive) =
p( x = Positive)

p( x = Positive|) p()

Mammography Result
Breast Breast Breast
Cancer Positive Negative Cancer Cancer
Yes .90 .10 Yes .008 Yes .00720
No .07 .93 No .992 No .06944
p( x = Positive) .07664

p(|x = Positive)

Breast Cancer
Yes .09

No .91

The marginal probability of the observed data p( x ) in the denominator of (2.1) serves as a
normalizing constant to ensure the resulting mass function sums to one. Importantly, as the
notation and example shows, p( x ) does not vary with the value of . As the last line of (2.1)
shows, dropping this term in the denominator reveals that the posterior distribution is pro-
portional to the product of the likelihood and the prior. In the computation in (2.5), all of the
information in the posterior for Breast Cancer is contained inthe values of .00720 for Yes and
.06944 for No. However, these are not in an interpretable probability metric. Dividing each
by their sum of .07664 yields the values that are in a probability metricthe posterior distri-
bution. This last step is primarily computational. The conceptual implication of the last line
of (2.1) is that the key terms relevant for defining the posterior distribution are p( x|) and
p(). In addition, as discussed in Chapter 5, the proportionality relationship has important
implications for estimation of posterior distributions using simulation-based methods.
Equation (2.1) instantiates Bayes theorem for discrete parameters. For continuous
parameters ,

p( x ,)
p(|x ) =
p( x )

p( x|)p()
p( x ) (2.6)

p( x|)p()

p( x|)p().

Similarly, for models with both discrete and continuous parameters, the marginal distribu-
tion is obtained by summing and integrating over the parameter space, as needed.
Introduction to Bayesian Inference 31

2.3 Bernoulli and Binomial Models

To facilitate the exposition of a number of features of Bayesian inference, we develop
Bayesian approaches to modeling data from Bernoulli processes. Let x be an observable
Bernoulli random variable taking on one of two mutually exclusive and exhaustive val-
ues, coded as 1 and 0. Examples of such variables may be the result of a coin flip, whether
or not a product is faulty, or in assessment contexts a dichotomously scored response to
a task or stimulus. As is common in educational assessment, let the values of 1 and 0
represent a correct and an incorrect response, respectively. The probability that x takes
on a value of 1 is an unknown parameter, , and the probability that x takes on a value
of 0 is 1 .
The conditional probability of the variable may be written as

p( x|) = Bernoulli( x|) = x (1 )1 x . (2.7)

Suppose now we have a collection of J independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.)

Bernoulli random variables, x = (x1,, xJ), each with parameter . (Actually, instead of
assuming the variables are i.i.d., what we require for our development is that the vari-
ables are considered exchangeable [de Finetti, 1974], a notion we discuss in more detail in
Chapter3. For the present purposes, it is sufficient to conceive of them as i.i.d. variables.)
The variables in x may represent the results from a collection of J trials, where each trial
is deemed a success or not. For example, we may have dichotomously scored responses
to J tasks, where it is assumed the probability of correct (i.e., success) on any task is . The
conditional probability of the data may be written as


p( x|) = j =1
p( x j |) =
j =1
xj 1 x j
(1 ) . (2.8)

Let y = Jj =1 x j denote the total number of 1s in x. Continuing with the educational assess-
ment example, y is the total number of correct responses in the set of responses to the J tasks.
The conditional probability of y, given and J, then follows a binomial mass function

p( y|, J ) = Binomial( y|, J ) = y (1 ) J y . (2.9)

Suppose then that we observe y = 7 successes in J = 10 tasks. In the following two sections,
ML and Bayesian approaches to inference are developed for this example.

2.3.1 Frequentist Modeling for Binomial Distributions via ML Estimation

In a frequentist approach, the data are treated as random, following a binomial model as
in (2.9). The parameter is viewed as fixed and unknown, in need of estimation. Figure2.2
plots the likelihood function for observing y = 7 with J = 10. The ML estimator is

= . (2.10)
32 Bayesian Psychometric Modeling

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

Likelihood function for a binomial model with y = 7 with J = 10. The maximum likelihood estimate (MLE)of
is .7, and isindicated viaa vertical line.

In the current example, the MLE is .7, the point where the highest value of the likelihood
function occurs, as readily seen in Figure2.2. The standard error of the ML estimator is

(1 )
= . (2.11)

As is unknown, substituting in the MLE yields the estimate of the standard error

(1 )
= . (2.12)

In the current example, .14. When J is large, a normal approximation gives the usual
95% confidence interval of 1.96 , or (.42, .98). In the present example, calculating bino-
mial probabilities for the possible values of y when actually is .7 tells us that 96% of the
MLEs would be included in the score confidence interval [.4, .9]. This interval takes into
account the finite possible values for the MLE, the bounded nature of the parameter, and
the asymmetric likelihood.

2.3.2 Bayesian Modeling for Binomial Distributed Data: The Beta-Binomial Model
Rewriting (2.6) for the current case, Bayes theorem is given by

p( y | , J )p() p( y | , J )p()
p( | y , J ) = = p( y | , J )p(). (2.13)
p( y)

p( y | , J )p()d

To specify the posterior distribution, we must specify the terms on the right-hand side of
(2.13). We now treat each in turn.
The first term, p( y|, J ), is the conditional probability for the data given the parameter.
Once data are observed and it is viewed as a likelihood function of the parameter, the
leading term


Introduction to Bayesian Inference 33

can be dropped as it does not vary with the parameter. It is repeated here with this one
additional expression

p( y|, J ) = Binomial( y|, J ) = y (1 ) J y y (1 )J y . (2.14)

The second term on the right-hand side of (2.13), p(), is the prior probability distribution for
the parameter . From the epistemic probability perspective, the prior distribution encodes
the analysts beliefs about the parameter before having observed the data. A more spread out,
less informative, diffuse prior distribution may be employed to represent vague or highly
uncertain prior beliefs. More focused beliefs call for a prior distribution that is heavily con-
centrated at the corresponding points or regions of the support of the distribution. Once
data are observed, we employ Bayes theorem to arrive at the posterior distribution, which
represents our updated beliefs arrived at by incorporating the data with our prior beliefs.
Section3.2 discusses principles of specifying prior distributions in greater detail; suffice it to
say that we often seek to employ distributional forms that allow us to flexibly reflect a variety
of beliefs, are reasonably interpretable in terms of the problem at hand, as well as those that
ease the computational burden.
In the current context of a binomial, a popular choice that meets all of these goals is a
beta distribution,

p() = p(| , ) = Beta(| , ) 1(1 ) 1 , (2.15)

where the first equality indicates that the probability distribution depends on parameters
and . The beta distribution is a particularly handy kind of prior distribution for the
binomial, a conjugate prior. We will say more about this in Chapter3 too, but for now
the key ideas are that the posterior will have the same functional form as the prior and
there are convenient interpretations of its parameters.
A beta distributions so-called shape parameters and tell us about its shape and the
focus. The sum + indicates how informative it is. When = it is symmetric; when
< it is positively skewed, and when > it is negatively skewed. When < 1 there
is an asymptote at 0 and when < 1 there is an asymptote at 1. Beta(1,1) is the uniform
distribution. When both > 1 and > 1, it has a single mode on (0,1). Figure2.3 contains
density plots for several beta distributions. We see that when used as priors, Beta(5,17)
is more focused or informative than Beta(6,6), which is more diffuse or uninformative.
Beta(6,6) is centered around .5, while Beta(5,17) is positively skewed, with most of its den-
sity around .2. The formulas for its mean, mode, and variance are as follows (see also
Appendix B):

( + )

( + 2 )

Variance: 2
( + ) ( + + 1)
34 Bayesian Psychometric Modeling


0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

Density plots for beta distributions, including Beta(1,1) (solid line); Beta(6,6) (dashed line); Beta(5,17) (dotted
line); Beta(.5,.5) (dashdotted line).

The form of the beta distribution expressed in the rightmost side of (2.15) suggests a useful
interpretation of the parameters of the beta distribution, and . The rightmost sides of
the likelihood expressed in (2.14) and the beta prior in (2.15) have similar forms with two
components: raised to a certain exponent, and (1 ) raised to a certain exponent. For the
likelihood, these exponents are the number of successes (y) and number of failures (J y),
respectively. The similarity in the forms suggests an interpretation of the exponents and
hence the parameters of the beta prior distribution, namely, that the information in the
prior is akin to 1 successes and 1 failures.
It can be shown that, with the chosen prior and likelihood, the denominator for (2.13)
follows a beta-binomial distribution. For the current purposes, it is useful to ignore this
term and work with the proportionality relationship in Bayes theorem. Putting the pieces
together, the posterior distribution is

p(|y , J ) p( y|, J )p(| , )

= Binomial( y|, J )Beta(| , )

y (1 )J y 1(1 ) 1

y + 1(1 ) J y + 1.

The form of the posterior distribution can be recognized as a beta distribution. That is,

p(|y , J ) = Beta(|y + , J y + ). (2.17)

Turning to the example, recall that y = 7 and J = 10. In this analysis, we employ a Beta(6,6)
prior, depicted in Figure2.4. Following the suggested interpretation, the use of the Beta(6,6)
prior distribution is akin to modeling prior beliefs akin to having seen five successes and
five failures. Accordingly, the distribution is symmetric around its mode of .5, embody-
ing the beliefs that our best guess is that the value is most likely near .5, but we are not
very confident, and it is just as likely to be closer to 0 as it is to be closer to 1. Figure2.4
also plots the likelihood and the posterior distribution. Following (2.17), the posterior is a
Introduction to Bayesian Inference 35


0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

Prior, likelihood, and posterior for the beta-binomial model with a Beta(6,6) prior for , y = 7, and J = 10.

Beta distribution, with parameters y + = 7 + 6 and J y + = 10 7 + 6, or more simply,

Beta(13,9). Its mean (.59) and mode (.60) are similar because the parameters of the posterior
(13 and 9) are similar and so it is not far from being symmetric.

2.4 Summarizing Posterior Distributions

The posterior distribution constitutes the solution to the analysis. This probability distri-
bution summarizes the entirety of our belief about from both the prior and the information
in the data. We will see that in some problems using this entire posterior is exactly what we
need to do. But for communicating the results more concisely, researchers often prefer sum-
maries in the form of a few key features of the posterior. The posterior can in fact be summa-
rized using familiar strategies for characterizing distributions. Common point summaries
of central tendency include the mean, median, or mode. Common summaries of variability
include the posterior standard deviation, variance, and interquartile range. Percentiles of
the posterior may be used to construct interval summaries. Generally, a 100(1 )% central
credibility interval extends from the 100(/2)%ile to the 100(1 /2)%ile.* For example, with
= .05, the interval defined by the 2.5th and 97.5 th percentiles of the posterior constitute the
95% central credibility interval. Alternatively, the 100(1 )% highest posterior density (HPD)
interval is the interval that contains (1 )% of the space of where the posterior density of
is maximized. Informally, it is the interval that covers (1 )% of the posterior where the rela-
tive probability of any value of inside the interval is greater than that of any value outside
the interval. The central posterior and credibility intervals will often be similar, and will be
equal when the posterior is unimodal and symmetric. In some cases, the highest posterior
region is discontinuous, rather than an interval (e.g., in bimodal distributions, see Gill, 2007
p. 49). For the example of the beta-binomial model, the posterior is a Beta(13,9) distribution.
The posterior mean, mode, and standard deviation are .59, .60, and .10, respectively. The 95%
central credibility interval is (.38, .78) and the 95% HPD interval is (.39, .79). Figure2.5 plots
the Beta(13,9) posterior, shading the 95% HPD interval, and locating the mode and the mean.

* The use of here refers to a probability, and is not to be confused with the use of as a parameter of a beta
36 Bayesian Psychometric Modeling

Mode = 0.6
Mean = 0.59
95% HPD = (0.39,0.79)

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

Beta(13,9) posterior, with shaded 95% highest posterior density (HPD) interval, mode, and mean.

Importantly, the posterior distribution, and these summaries, refers to the parameter.
The posterior standard deviation characterizes our uncertainty about the parameter in
terms of variability in the distribution that reflects our belief, after incorporating evidence
from data with our initial beliefs. Similarly, the posterior intervals are interpreted as direct
probabilistic statements of our belief about the unknown parameter; that is, we express
our degree of belief that the parameter falls in this interval in terms of the probability .95.
Similarly, probabilistic statements can be asserted for ranges of parameters or among mul-
tiple parameters (e.g., the probability that one parameter exceeds a selected value, or the
probability that one parameter exceeds another).

2.5 Graphical Model Representation

Bayesian models may be advantageously represented as a particular type of graphical
model (Lunn, Spiegelhalter, Thomas, & Best, 2009). We briefly describe a graphical model-
ing approach to representing and constructing models for Bayesian analyses.
An important class of graphical models with connections to Bayesian modeling is acy-
clic, directed graphs (frequently referred to as directed acyclic graphs, DAGs), which consist
of the following elements:

A set of entities/variables represented by ellipses (circles) or boxes (rectangles)

and referred to as nodes.
A set of directed edges, represented by one-headed arrows, indicating depen-
dence between the entities/variables/nodes. A node at the destination of an edge
is referred to as a child of the node at the source of the edge, its parent.
For each variable with one or more parents, there is a conditional probability dis-
tribution for the variable given its parent(s).
For each variable without parents, there is a probability distribution for the variable.

The graphs are directed in that all the edges are directed, represented by one-headed
arrows, so that there is a flow of dependence. Further, the graphs are acyclic in that,
when moving along paths from any node in the direction of the arrows, it is impossible
Introduction to Bayesian Inference 37

to return to that node. The graph also contains a number of plates associated with
indexes, used to efficiently represent many nodes. Following conventions from path dia-
grams in structural equation modeling (Ho, Stark, & Chernyshenko, 2012) we employ
rectangles to represent observable entities/variables and circles to represent latent or
unknown variables/entities. We further discuss and compare path diagrams to DAGs
in Chapter9.
The structure of the graph conveys how the model structures the joint distribution. Let
v denote the full collection of entities under consideration. The joint distribution p(v) may
be factored according to the structure of the graph as

p(v) = p ( v|pa(v)),

where pa(v) stands for the parents of v; if v has no parents, p ( v|pa(v) ) is taken as the
unconditional (marginal) distribution of v. Equation(2.18) indicates that we can represent
the structure of the joint distribution in a model in terms of the graph. For each variable,
we examine whether the node in the graph has parents. If it does not, there is an uncondi-
tional distribution for the variable. If it does have parents, the distribution for the variable
is specified as conditional on those parents. Thus, the graph reflects key dependence and
(conditional) independence relationships in the model* (see Pearl, 2009).
Figure2.6 presents two versions of a DAG for the beta-binomial model. The first version
depicts the graph where the node for y is modeled as child of the node for , which has no
parents. This reflects that the joint distribution of the random variables is constructed as
p( y ,) = p( y|)p(). The second version is an expanded graph that also contains the entities
in the model that are known or fixed, communicating all the entities that are involved in
specifying the distributions. More specifically, the graph reflects that

y y
(a) (b)

Two versions of a directed acyclic graph for the beta-binomial model: (a) depicting entities in the joint distribu-
tion; (b) additionally depicting known or fixed entities.

* We note that the conditional independence relationships expressed in the graph are those explicitly stated by
the model, visible in an ordering of the variables. There may be additional conditional independence relation-
ships among the variables that are not illustrated in a given ordering of the variables, but would show up
under different orderings of variables.
38 Bayesian Psychometric Modeling

xj xj
Observables Observables
j = 1,, J j = 1,, J
(a) (b)

Two versions of a directed acyclic graph for the beta-Bernoulli model: (a) depicting entities in the joint distribu-
tion; (b) additionally depicting known or fixed entities.

The distribution of y involves and J; p( y|, J ) = Binomial(, J ).

The distribution of involves and ; p(| , ) = Beta( , ).
The remaining nodes, J, , are known values.*
This version of the graph is potentially misleading in that it depicts as having parents, whereas
in the model, is substantively exogenous in the sense that it does not depend on any other
variables. However, it is particularly helpful in three respects. First, it lays out all the entities in
the model, including values that are fixed by the design or are chosen by the analyst. Second, it
aids in the writing of the WinBUGS code for the model; see Section2.6 for an example. Third,
it is useful in building models. Note that the nodes with no parents are all rectangles, which
reflects that all such nodes are known entities. In this graph, if there is an unknown entity in
the model (i.e., is a circle) it is assigned a distribution that invokes parent entities. If these enti-
ties are known or chosen values, they are rectangles. If however these entities are themselves
unknown (i.e., they are circles), they must have parents. This process of adding layers of
parents continues until the only remaining entities are known values (rectangles).
Figure2.7 presents two versions of a DAG for the beta-Bernoulli model, where again the
second version is an expanded version of the first, illustrating all the entities that are involved
in specifying the distributions. In the beta-Bernoulli model, the individual observables (i.e.,
the xs), rather than their sum (y), are modeled as dependent on . The presence of multiple
observables is indicated by the plate, depicted as a rectangle that surrounds the node for xj;
the presence of the subscript indicates that there are multiple xs, namely, one for each value
of j. The text in the lower-right corner of the plate indicates that the index j takes on values
from 1,,J. Note that is not inside the plate. This communicates that it does not vary over j,
rather, there is a single that serves as the parent variable for all the xs.

2.6 Analyses Using WinBUGS

The WinBUGS code for the model and a data statement for the beta-binomial example are
given below. In WinBUGS, text following a # on any line is ignored, and is used below
to insert comments. The first section of the code contains the syntax for the model, and

* J is known because that is the size of the sample in the experiment. and are known because we have chosen
them to represent our belief about before we see the data.
Introduction to Bayesian Inference 39

is contained in the bracesthe left-hand brace { following the model statement at the
top, and the right-hand brace } toward the bottom. Within the braces, the two (noncom-
mented) lines of code give the prior distribution for and the conditional distribution of
y given . The (noncommented) line after the right-hand brace is a data statement that
contains known values that are passed to WinBUGS.
# Model Syntax

# Prior distribution
theta ~ dbeta(alpha,beta)

# Conditional distribution of the data
y~ dbin(theta, J)

} # closes the model syntax

# Data statement
list(J=10, y=7, alpha=6, beta=6)

We conducted an analysis in WinBUGS for this example, running a chain for 50,000
iterations. We will have more to say about the underlying mechanisms of the estimation
strategies implemented in WinBUGS in Chapter5. For the moment, it is sufficient to state
that the analysis produces an empirical approximation to the posterior distribution in that
the iterations constitute draws from the posterior distribution. Table 2.3 presents sum-
mary statistics based on these draws. WinBUGS does not produce the HPD interval; these
values were obtained using the coda package in R. Figure2.8 plots a smoothed density of
the 50,000 draws as produced by the coda package. A similar representation is available
from WinBUGS. The empirical approximation to the posterior from WinBUGS is quite
good. Note the similarity in shape of the density in Figure2.8 to the Beta(13,9) density in
Figures2.4 and 2.5. The empirical summaries of the distribution in Table2.3 are equal to
their analytical values, up to two decimal places.
We emphasize how the mathematical expressions of the model, the DAG, and the
WinBUGS code cohere. For the beta-binomial, for example, Figure2.9 depicts the coherence

Summary Statistics for the Posterior for the Beta-Binomial Model with a Beta(6,6) Prior for , y = 7,
and J = 10 from the WinBUGS Analysis
Standard 95% Central Credibility 95% Highest Posterior
Parameter Mean Median Deviation Interval Density Interval

0.59 0.59 0.10 (0.38, 0.78) (0.39, 0.79)

40 Bayesian Psychometric Modeling

0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8

Smoothed density of the draws from WinBUGS for the posterior for the beta-binomial model with a Beta(6,6)
prior for y = 7, and J = 10.

Mathematical expression DAG WinBUGS code

Prior Distribution

Beta(, ) theta ~ dbeta(alpha, beta)

Conditional Probability Based on the Binomial

y Binomial(, J ) y ~ dbin(theta, J)

Conditional Probability Based on the Bernoulli

for (j in 1:J) {
xj Bernoulli()
x[j] ~ dbern(theta)
j = 1,, J
xj }
j = 1,, J

Correspondence among the WinBUGS code and data statement for the beta-binomial and beta-Bernoulli mod-
els. The top row communicates the prior distribution. The second row communicates the conditional probabil-
ity of the data based on the binomial model. The third row communicates the conditional probability of the data
based on the Bernoulli model.

for the prior distribution and the conditional distribution of the data in the top and middle
rows, respectively. (The bottom row shows the DAG and the WinBUGS code when we
instead use the Bernoulli specifications for the J replications individually.) Importantly,
the correspondence between the mathematical model and the DAG is a general point of
Bayesian modeling, which simplifies model construction and calculations of posterior dis-
tributions (Lauritzen & Spiegelhalter, 1988; Pearl, 1988). The correspondence between these
features and the WinBUGS code is fortuitous for understanding and writing the WinBUGS
code. In this case, the correspondence is exact. In other cases, the correspondence between
the code and the mathematical expressions/DAG will be less than exact. Nevertheless, we
find it useful in our work to conceive of models using these various representations: clarity
Introduction to Bayesian Inference 41

can be gainedand troubleshooting time can be reducedby laying out and checking the
correspondence between the mathematical expressions, DAG, and code. For example, it is
seen that any child in the graph appears on the left-hand side of a mathematical expres-
sion and the WinBUGS code. For any such node in the graph, its parents are the terms that
appear on the right-hand side of the mathematical expression and the WinBUGS code.
The WinBUGS code for the model and a data statement for the beta-Bernoulli example
are given below.
# Model Syntax

# Prior distribution
theta ~ dbeta(alpha,beta)

# Conditional distribution of the data
for(j in 1:J){
x[j] ~ dbern(theta)

} # closes the model syntax

# Data statement
list(J=10, x=c(1,0,1,0,1,1,1,1,0,1), alpha=6, beta=6)

There are two key differences from the beta-Binomial code. First, the code for the individ-
ual variables are modeled with a for statement, which essentially serves as a loop over the
index j. Inside the for statement (i.e., the loop), each individual xj is specified as following
a Bernoulli distribution with parameter . The second key difference is that the data being
supplied are the values of the individual xs for the 10 variables, rather than their sum.
Again, we emphasize the coherence among the different representations of the model.
The last row in Figure2.9 contains the conditional probability of the data, expressed, math-
ematically, as a DAG, and as the WinBUGS code. Note that repeated structure over j is
communicated in each representation: with a list in the mathematical expression, as a plate
in the DAG, and as a for statement in WinBUGS.

2.7 Summary and Bibliographic Note

We have introduced the mechanics of Bayesian inference using two examples: (a) two dichot-
omous variables in the context of the medical diagnosis example, and (b) Bernoulli and
binomial models using beta prior distributions. Comprehensive introductory treatments of
42 Bayesian Psychometric Modeling

Bayesian data analysis, modeling, and computation generally and in the contexts covered in
this chapter may be found in a number of texts, including those cited in the introduction to
Part I. To this, we add that Lunn etal. (2013) provided an account rooted in graphical models
introduced in this chapter, as well as details on the use of WinBUGS and its variants.
To summarize the principles of the current chapter on the mechanics of Bayesian analy-
ses, we can hardly do better than Rubin, who described a Bayesian analysis as one that
(1984, p. 1152)

treats known values [x] as observed values of random variables [via p( x|)], treats
unknown values [] as unobserved random variables [via p()], and calculates the con-
ditional distribution of unknowns given knowns and model specifications [p(|x )]
using Bayess theorem.

Following Gelman etal. (2013), this is accomplished in several steps:

1. Set up the full probability model. This is the joint distribution of all the entities,
including observable entities (i.e., data x) and unobservable entities (i.e., parameters
) in accordance with all that is known about the situation. However, specifying
) may be very difficult for even fairly simple situations.
the joint distribution p( x,
Returning to the medical diagnosis example, it may be difficult to articulate the
bivariate distribution for Breast Cancer and Mammography Result directly. Instead,
we structure the joint distribution by specifying the marginal distribution for Breast
Cancer, that is, without appeal to Mammography Result, and then specify a conditional
distribution for Mammography Result given Breast Cancer. This is an instance of the
general strategy, in which we factor the joint distribution as p( x , ) = p( x|)p().
2. Condition on the observed data (x) and calculate the conditional probability dis-
tribution for the unobservable entities ( ) of interest given the observed data. That
is, we obtain the posterior distribution p(|x ) via Bayes theorem

p( x ,) p( x|)p()
p(|x ) = = p( x|)p().
p( x ) p( x )

3. Do all the things we are used to doing with fitted statistical models; examples
include but are not limited to: examining fit, assessing tenability or sensitivity to
assumptions, evaluating the reasonableness of conclusions, respecifying the model
if warranted, and summarizing results. (Several of these activities are treated in
Chapter 10.)

Turning to the specifics of the examples, Bayesian approaches to medical diagnosis of the sort
illustrated here date to Warner, Toronto, Veasey, and Stephenson (1961). The medical diagnosis
model may be seen as a latent class (Chapter13) or Bayesian network (Chapter14) model, and
principles and extensions of this model are further discussed in those chapters. Lindleyand
Phillips (1976) provided an account of Bayesian approaches to inference with Bernoulli
andbinomial models using beta prior distributions, strongly contrasting it with conventional
frequentist approaches. Novick, Lewis, and Jackson (1973) discussed the extension to the case
of multiple binomial processes, arguing that a Bayesian approach assuming exchangeability
offers advantages in criterion-referenced assessment, particularly for short tests.
Finally, we have developed the mechanics of Bayesian inference in part by contrasting
it with frequentist inference. In doing so, we have alluded to a number of reasons why
Introduction to Bayesian Inference 43

adopting a Bayesian approach is advantageous. We take up this topic in greater detail in the
next chapter. Before doing so, it is important to note that our account of frequentist inference
here is far from comprehensive. For our purposes, the key idea is the reversal of the inferen-
tial direction that the Bayesian approach affords. Aside from a theoretical view of probability
per se, there are a variety of methods of statistical inference, that focus on the distribution
of results (statistics, likelihood functions, etc.) that arise from repeated samples of the data
given the fixed but unknown parameters. It is this directionality that we are referring to in
the way we use frequentist as a contrast to the Bayesian paradigm that requires the full
probability model (including priors), where we then base inference on the posterior distri-
bution of parameters and make probability statements about them conditional on data.

2.1 Reconsider the breast cancer diagnosis example introduced in Section2.2. Suppose
another patient reports being symptomatic and a family history such that the pro-
portion of women with her symptoms and family history that have breast cancer
is .20. She undergoes a mammography screening, and the result is positive. What
is the probability that she has breast cancer? Contrast this with the result for the
original example developed in Section2.2.
2.2 Reconsider the breast cancer diagnosis example introduced in Section2.2, for
an asymptomatic woman with no family history; the proportion of such woman
that have breast cancer is .008. Suppose that instead of undergoing a mammog-
raphy screening, the woman is administered a different screening instrument
where the probability of a positive result given the presence of breast cancer is .99,
and the probability of a positive result given the absence of breast cancer is .03.
Suppose the result is positive. What is the probability that she has breast cancer?
Contrast this with the result for the original example developed in Section2.2.
2.3 Revisit the beta-binomial example for a student who has y = 7 successes on J = 10
a. Suppose you wanted to encode minimal prior information, representing beliefs
akin to having seen 0 successes and 0 failures. What prior distribution would
you use?
b. Using the prior distribution chosen in part (a), obtain the posterior distribution
for analytically as well as the solution from WinBUGS. How does the poste-
rior distribution compare to the prior distribution and the MLE, for example
in terms of shapes, and the posterior means and modes for the prior and pos-
terior versus the MLE?
c. Suppose you wanted to encode prior information that reflects beliefs that the
student is very capable and would likely correctly complete 90% of all such
tasks, but to express your uncertainty you want to assign the prior a weight
akin to 10 observations. That is, your prior belief is akin to having seen nine
successes and one failure. What prior distribution would you use?
d. Using the prior distribution chosen in part (c), obtain the posterior distribution
for analytically as well as the solution from WinBUGS. How does the poste-
rior distribution compare to the prior distribution and the MLE?
44 Bayesian Psychometric Modeling

e. Suppose you wanted to encode prior information that reflects beliefs that the
student is not very capable and would likely correctly complete 10% of all such
tasks, but to express your uncertainty you want to assign the prior a weight
akin to 10 observations. That is, your prior belief is akin to having seen one
success and nine failures. What prior distribution would you use?
f. Using the prior distribution chosen in part (e), obtain the posterior distribution
for analytically as well as the solution from WinBUGS. How does the poste-
rior distribution compare to the prior distribution and the MLE?
2.4 Exercise2.3(f) asked you to consider the situation where your prior beliefs were
akin to having seen one success and nine failures, and then you went on to observe
y = 7 successes on J = 10 attempts.
a. Keeping the same prior distribution you specified in Exercise2.3(f), suppose
you had observed 14 successes on 20 tasks. What is the posterior distribution
for ? Obtain an analytical solution for the posterior as well as the solution
from WinBUGS.
b. Keeping the same prior distribution, suppose you had observed 70 successes
on 100 tasks. What is the posterior distribution for ? Obtain an analytical
solution for the posterior as well as the solution from WinBUGS.
c. What do your results from parts (a)(b) and Exercise2.3(f) indicate about the
influence of the prior and the data (likelihood) on the posterior?
2.5 Suppose you have a student who successfully completes all 10 tasks she is
a. What is the MLE of ?
b. Using a prior distribution that encodes minimal prior information representing
beliefs to having seen 0 successes and 0 failures, obtain the posterior distribu-
tion for . Obtain an analytical solution as well as the solution from WinBUGS.
How does the posterior compare to the prior distribution, as well as the MLE?
c. Suppose before observing the students performance, you had heard from
a colleague that she was a very good student, and the student would likely
correctly complete 80% of all such tasks. Suppose you wanted to encode this
information into a prior distribution, but only assigning it a weight akin to 10
observations. What prior distribution would you use?
d. Using the prior distribution chosen in part (c), obtain the posterior distribu-
tion for . Obtain an analytical solution as well as the solution from WinBUGS.
How does the posterior compare to the prior distribution, as well as the MLE?
Conceptual Issues in Bayesian Inference

Chapter2 described the mechanics of Bayesian inference, including aspects of model con-
struction and representation, Bayes theorem, and summarizing posterior distributions.
These are foundational procedural aspects of Bayesian inference, which will be instantiated
in a variety of settings throughout the book. This chapter treats foundational conceptual
aspects of Bayesian inference.
The chief aims of this chapter are to introduce concepts of Bayesian inference that will
be drawn upon repeatedly throughout the rest of the book, and to advance the argument
concerning the alignment of Bayesian approaches to statistical inference. In addition, this
chapter serves to further characterize features of Bayesian approaches that are distinct
from frequentist approaches, and may assuage concerns of those new to Bayesian infer-
ence. We suspect that readers steeped in frequentist traditions might not feel immediately
comfortable treating parameters as random, specifying prior distributions, and using the
language of probability in reference to parameters. For those readers, this chapter may
serve as an introduction, albeit far from a comprehensive one, to the arguments and prin-
ciples that motivate adopting a Bayesian approach to inference.
In Section 3.1, we cover how the prior and data combine to yield the posterior, high-
lighting the role of the relative amounts of information in each. We then discuss some
principles used in specifying prior distributions in Section3.2. In Section3.3, we provide
a high-level contrast between the Bayesian and frequentist approaches to inference. In
Section 3.4, we introduce and connect the key ideas of exchangeability and conditional
independence to each other, and to Bayesian modeling. In Section3.5, we lay out reasons
for adopting a Bayesian approach to conducting analyses. In Section3.6, we describe four
different perspectives on just what is going on in Bayesian modeling. We conclude the
chapter in Section3.7 with a summary and pointers to additional readings on these topics.

3.1 Relative Influence of the Prior Distribution and the Data

In Section2.3, we introduced the Beta-binomial model, illustrating the case of y = 7 suc-
cesses in J = 10 attempts and a Beta(6,6) prior distribution which, following Bayes theo-
rem, yields a Beta(13,9) posterior distribution. Figure2.4 depicted the situation graphically.
We pick up on this example to illustrate the relative influences and effects of the informa-
tion in the prior and the data.

3.1.1 Effect of the Information in the Prior

To illustrate the effects of the information in the prior, we reanalyzed the Beta-binomial model
using the same data (y = 7, J = 10) and different priors. Figure3.1 summarizes the reanaly-
ses of the binomial data using Beta(1,1), Beta(10,2), and Beta(2,10) priors (seeExercise2.3).

46 Bayesian Psychometric Modeling

Case 1 Case 2 Case 3

Beta(1,1) Prior Beta(10,2) Prior Beta(2,10) Prior

0.9 0.1
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

Likelihood (y = 7, J = 10) Likelihood (y = 7, J = 10) Likelihood (y = 7, J = 10)

0.7 0.7 0.7

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

Beta(8,4) Posterior Beta(17,5) Posterior Beta(9,13) Posterior

0.7 0.8 0.4

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

Prior, likelihood function, and posterior for the Beta-binomial model with y = 7 with J = 10 and three different
cases defined by different prior distributions. Reading down the columns presents the prior, likelihood, and
posterior for each case. Where applicable, the mode of the distribution and the MLE is indicated via a ver-
tical line.

Summaries of the resulting posteriors are given in Table3.1, which also lists the results from
the preceding ML analysis and the Bayesian analysis using a Beta(6,6) prior.
As depicted in the first column of Figure3.1, the Beta(1,1) distribution is uniform over
the unit line, which is aligned with the interpretation that it encodes 0 prior successes and
0 prior failures in the information in the prior. The posterior distribution is the Beta(8,4)
distribution. This posterior has exactly the same shape as the likelihood. This is because
the posterior density function (i.e., the height of the curve for the posterior) is just the nor-
malized product of the height of the curve for the likelihood and the height of the curve for
the prior. Accordingly, the posterior mode is identical to the maximum likelihood estimate
(MLE) (.70). The second column in Figure3.1 displays the analysis using a Beta(10,2) prior
that encodes nine prior successes and one prior failure. The prior here is concentrated
toward larger values, and in conjunction with the likelihood that is peaked at .7, the poste-
rior density is concentrated around values near .8. The third column in Figure3.1 displays
Summaries of Results for Frequentist and Bayesian Analyses of Binomial Models for Dichotomous Variables
Point Variability 95% Interval
Approach y J MLEa Estimate of SE b Confidence Interval
Frequentist 7 10 0.70 0.14 (0.39, 0.90)
Conceptual Issues in Bayesian Inference

Posterior Posterior Central Credibility Highest Posterior

y J Prior Posterior Mean Mode Posterior SDc Interval Density Interval
Bayesian 7 10 Beta(6,6) Beta(13,9) 0.59 0.60 0.10 (0.38, 0.78) (0.39, 0.79)
7 10 Beta(1,1) Beta(8,4) 0.67 0.70 0.13 (0.39, 0.89) (0.41, 0.91)
7 10 Beta(10,2) Beta(17,5) 0.77 0.80 0.09 (0.58, 0.92) (0.60, 0.93)
7 10 Beta(2,10) Beta(9,13) 0.41 0.40 0.10 (0.22, 0.62) (0.21, 0.61)
14 20 Beta(2,10) Beta(16,16) 0.50 0.50 0.09 (0.33, 0.67) (0.33, 0.67)
70 100 Beta(2,10) Beta(72,40) 0.64 0.65 0.05 (0.55, 0.73) (0.55, 0.73)
a MLE = Maximum Likelihood Estimate.
b SE = Standard Error.
c SD = Standard Deviation.
48 Bayesian Psychometric Modeling

the analysis using a Beta(2,10) prior that encodes one prior success and nine prior failures.
Here, the prior is concentrated closer to 0, and the resulting posterior is concentrated more
toward moderate values of .
Figure3.1 illustrates the effect of the information in the prior, holding the information
in the data (i.e., the likelihood) constant. In all cases, the posterior distribution is a synthe-
sis of the prior and the likelihood. When there is little or no information in the prior (left
column of Figure3.1), the posterior is essentially a normalized version of the likelihood.
To the extent that the prior carries information, it will influence the posterior such that the
posterior will be located in between the prior and the likelihood. In the middle and right
columns of Figure3.1, this can be seen by noting that the posterior mode is in between the
prior mode and the maximum of the likelihood.
Viewed from a lens that focuses on the influence of the prior on the posterior, we may
say that the posterior gets shrunk from the data (likelihood) toward the prior distribution.
To further demonstrate this point, consider a situation in which we observe a student
correctly complete all 10 tasks she attempts (Exercise2.5). To model our prior beliefs that
she is very capable, but with uncertainty akin to this being based on 10 observations, we
employ the Beta(9,3) distribution, depicted as a dotted line in Figure3.2. The dashed line
in Figure 3.2 depicts the likelihood for y = 10 successes on J = 10 attempts. Following
Bayes theorem, the posterior is the Beta(19,3) distribution, depicted as a solid line in
Figure3.2. The likelihood monotonically increases with , yielding a maximum when
= 1. Substantively, a value of 1 for means that the probability that the student will cor-
rectly complete any such task is 1.0; there is no chance that she will not correctly complete
any such task. Although 1 is in fact the MLE, we do not think concluding that = 1 is rea-
sonable.* In the Bayesian analysis, the Beta(19,3) posterior distribution falls in between the
prior distribution and the likelihood. Relative to the point that maximizes the likelihood
(1.0), the posterior mode of .90 is shrunk toward the prior mode of .80. Based on using
the mode (or similarly the mean of .86) as a point summary, we would conclude that the
student has a high probability of completing such tasks. Such a statement could be but-
tressed by an expression of uncertainty through, say, the posterior standard deviation of


0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

Beta(9,3) prior, likelihood function, and Beta(19,3) posterior for the Beta-binomial example with y = 10 and J = 10.

* If you disagree, note that the same conclusion would be reached by seeing nine successes in nine attempts,
similarly eight successes in eight attempts, and so on down to one success in one attempt. If you think that
is reasonable, the first author would like to report that he just came back from the basketball court where he
took and successfully made a free throw. Please feel free to conclude that he will never miss a free throw.
Unfortunately, everyone who has ever played basketball with him knows better.
Conceptual Issues in Bayesian Inference 49

.07 or a 95% HPD interval of (.72, .98), meaning that the probability that is in the interval
(.72, .98) is .95. We may view this Bayesian analysis as one in which prior distribution reins
in what is suggested by the data, which is subject to substantial sampling variability in
small samples. In this case, the prior distribution guards against the somewhat nonsensi-
cal conclusion suggested by the data alone.
This tempering of what is suggested strictly by the data in light of what is already
believed is common in statistical inference, as in practices of denoting and handling outli-
ers. It is likewise common in inference more broadly: prior beliefs prevent us from aban-
doning the laws of physics when we see David Copperfield make something disappear,
much as they prevented the scientific community from doing so when it was reported that
a particle was measured as traveling faster than the speed of light (Matson, 2011), much
as they prevented the scientific community from concluding that precognition exists when
certain analyses suggested they do (Bem, 2011; Wagenmakers, Wetzels, Borsboom, & van
der Maas, 2011). The point is not that such things are wrongperhaps precognition does
occur or particles do move faster than the speed of lightthe point is that it is appropriate
to reserve concluding as much when presented with finite data situated against a backdrop
of alternative beliefs.

3.1.2 Effect of the Information in the Data

It is instructive to consider the effects of the information in the data. Continuing with the
Beta-binomial model, (2.17) is repeated here,

p(|y , J ) = Beta(|y + , J y + ),

and expresses how the posterior distribution is influenced by the prior and the data.
Consider now what occurs as the amount of data increases. As J increases, the posterior
distribution becomes increasingly dominated by the data, and the influence of the prior
diminishes. Figure 3.3 illustrates the results for J = 10, 20, and 100, holding constant
the prior distribution and the proportion of successes y/J = .7 (Exercise2.4). Numerical
summaries for these cases are contained in Table 3.1. Specifically, the prior distribu-
tion is the Beta(2,10), which concentrates most of the density toward lower values of ,
which does not align with the information in the data encoded in the likelihood. The
precision of the data increases with J, represented by the likelihood becoming more
peaked around .7. As a result, the posterior increasingly resembles the likelihood. This
represents a general principle in Bayesian modeling: as the amount of data increases
the posterior increasingly resembles the likelihood, which represents the contribution
of the data, rather than the prior.* That is, the data swamp the prior, and increas-
ingly drives the solution, reflecting Savages principle of stable estimation (Edwards,
Lindman, & Savage, 1963). The implication is that, for a large class of models, analysts
that specify even wildly different prior distributions but allow for the possibility that
the data may suggest otherwise will find that their resulting posterior distributions will
become increasingly similar with more data (Blackwell & Dubins, 1962; c.f. Diaconis &
Freedman, 1986).

* This is the usually case. Exceptions include situations where the support of the prior does not include the val-
ues suggested by the data. As an extreme case, if the prior states the probability of a discrete parameter taking
on a particular value 0 is p( = 0) = 0, no amount of data is going to yield a posterior where p( = 0 | x) > 0.
50 Bayesian Psychometric Modeling

Case 1 Case 2 Case 3

Beta(2,10) Prior Beta(2,10) Prior Beta(2,10) Prior

0.1 0.1 0.1

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

Likelihood (y = 7, J = 10) Likelihood (y = 14, J = 20) Likelihood (y = 70, J = 100)

0.7 0.7 0.7

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

Beta (9,13) Posterior Beta (16,16) Posterior Beta (72,40) Posterior

0.4 0.5 0.65

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

Prior, likelihood function, and posterior for the Beta-binomial model with a Beta(2, 10) prior and three different
cases defined by different sample sizes. Reading down the columns presents the prior, likelihood, and posterior
for each case. Where applicable, the mode of the distribution and the MLE is indicated via a vertical line.

3.1.3 Summary of the Effects of Information in the Prior and the Data
As the preceding examples in Figures3.1 and 3.3 depict, the posterior distribution is a syn-
thesis of the information in the prior and the data (expressed as the likelihood). Generally
speaking, the influence of the data may be increased by (a) increasing sample size and/or
(b) using a more diffuse prior, reflecting less prior information. Symbolically,*
sample size ,or
information 0
p(|x) p( x|)p() prior
p(|x) p( x|). (3.1)

For the case of data modeled with a binomial distribution, the beta prior distribution
makes for a convenient way to express the relative amounts of information in each of the

* Exactly what prior information 0 means needs further specification in any given case. How to specify
minimally informative priors is a topic of much discussion in the literature (e.g., Bernardo & Smiths [2000]
reference priors, see also Gelman et al. [2013] on alternative approaches on specifying minimally informa-
tive priors).
Conceptual Issues in Bayesian Inference 51

likelihood and the data. Specifically, a Beta( , ) distribution carries the information akin
to + 2 data points, where there are 1 successes and 1 failures. The ease of
interpretability of the parameters is one reason for using a beta as a prior in this context,
a topic we turn to next.

3.2 Specifying Prior Distributions

There are a number of considerations in specifying the prior distributions including
(Winkler, 1972): consistency with substantive beliefs, richness, ease of interpretation,
and computational complexity. First, prior distributions should be consistent with, and
embody, substantive beliefs about the parameters. This may be based on the meaning of
the parameter and the role that it plays. In the models for binomial data, is the prob-
ability of success, and is theoretically bounded by 0 and 1. A distribution with support
from 0 to 1 (e.g., a beta) is therefore more warranted than one that has support outside
that range (e.g., a normal). In addition to these theoretical considerations, an important
source for choosing prior distributions can come from prior research. For example, if prior
research (say, from analyses of an already existing dataset, or from published research) has
yielded or informed beliefs for the parameters, the prior distribution can be based on such
beliefs. Indeed, the posterior distribution from one study can serve as a prior distribution
for another suitably similar study. In this way, the use of a prior distribution allows for the
formal inclusion of past research into the current analysis.
A second consideration is the richness, or flexibility of the distribution. The beta distri-
bution is more flexible than the uniform distribution in the sense that the beta includes
the uniform (the Beta(1,1) is uniform) but also allows for other shapes over the unit inter-
val, including unimodal and symmetric, skewed, and U-shaped (see Figure2.3). Similarly,
using t distributions rather than normal distributions allows for thicker-tailed distribu-
tions. This flexibility is appealing; the more flexible or rich the family of distributions, the
more potential that family has, as rich families can be used to model more and differing
prior knowledge and belief structures. Thus using flexible prior distributions allows for
more nuanced specifications and sensitivity analyses.
A third consideration is interpretability; to the extent that the prior and its parameters
can be easily interpreted and understood, the more useful the prior is. The beta distribu-
tion is a fairly interpretable prior for the binomial parameter , in that the parameters of
the beta may be interpreted in terms similar to that of the data, namely the number of
successes and failures. If the prior is easily interpretable, it is easier to embody alternative
prior beliefs or hypotheses. This also supports sensitivity analyses, which involve assess-
ing the extent to which the posterior is driven by the prior. A basic sensitivity analysis
involves rerunning the model with different reasonable prior distributions. To the extent
that the prior is easily interpretable, it is easier to translate the set of reasonable belief
structures into their corresponding distributions.
A fourth consideration in the specification of the prior distributions is the ease with
which the posterior distribution can be obtained. The choice of prior distributions impacts
the computation needed to obtain or estimate posterior distributions. In particular, conju-
gate prior distributions are those that, when combined with the likelihood, yield a posterior
distribution that is a member of the same family as the prior. This keeps the computational
burden at a minimum. For example, a beta prior distribution for the unknown parameter
52 Bayesian Psychometric Modeling

of a binomial, when combined with the binomial likelihood induced by observing the
data, yields a posterior that is also a beta distribution. Hence, the beta distribution is a
conjugate prior for this parameter. The concept of conjugacy is closely linked with the
tractability of the likelihood, expressed in part by the presence of sufficient statistics; these
are summaries of the data that capture all the relevant information about the parameter
contained in the full data. We can identify a conjugate prior by expressing the conditional
distribution for the data in terms of their sufficient statistics, and then view them as defin-
ing constants that govern the distribution of the parameter (Novick & Jackson, 1974). In
the case of i.i.d. Bernoulli variables considered in Chapter2, the sufficient statistics were
the number of successes y and the total number of attempts J. The conditional probability
for the data can be expressed in terms of these two summaries, as in (2.14). Viewing these
constants and the parameter as a random variable, we can recognize the form of the
beta distribution in (2.15), that is, the conjugate prior. See Novick and Jackson (1974) for a
detailed step-by-step treatment of this approach for this and other examples.
Conjugate priors are available when the conditional probability distribution for the data
(i.e., the likelihood) is a member of the general exponential family (Bernardo & Smith,
2000). However, conjugate priors are often not available in complex multivariate models.
This may be the case even when the model is constructed out of pieces that afford conju-
gate priors if taken individually, but when assembled with the other pieces do not. In other
cases, the use of a conjugate multivariate prior implies modeling a dependence between
parameters that is not consistent with substantive beliefs or is overly difficult to work with
conceptually. One strategy is then to specify priors for parameter separately, and use priors
that would be conjugate if all other parameters were known. Though complete conjugacy
is lost, the computation of the posterior distribution is still somewhat simplified. These
are sometimes referred to as conditionally conjugate, semiconjugate, and generalized con-
jugate priors (Gelman etal., 2013; Jackman, 2009). Importantly, the use of such priors can
ease the computational burden and greatly speed up the necessary computing time of
modern simulation-based approaches to estimate posterior distributions, a topic we treat
in Chapter 5. As a consequence, many applications of Bayesian psychometric modeling
employ such priors. For some software packages they are the default, and, in some cases,
the only options for prior distributions.
Historically, the use of conjugate priors was important to facilitate analytical computa-
tion of posterior distributions. In light of modern simulation-based estimation methods
(Chapter5), this issue is less critical than before, though certain choices are relatively less
computationally demanding. Nevertheless, the modern estimation techniques have, in a
sense, freed Bayesian analysts from a dependence on conjugate priors. Accordingly, we
recommend consideration of substantive knowledge as the primary criterion. In many
situations, we should gladly pay the price of computational complexity for accuracy of
modeling ones belief structure. If the prior is flexible, computationally efficient, and eas-
ily interpretable, all the better. The development of the models in Chapters 4, 6, 8, 9, 11,
13, and 14 will involve priors specified in light of these considerations, and will further
communicate what has typically been done in practice.
Specifying a prior comes to specifying not just a family of distributions, but a particular
distribution (i.e., a member of the family). Two broad strategies are described here. The
first strategy involves modeling existing research. Returning to the Beta-binomial model
for student performance on tasks, if prior research indicates that the probability of a stu-
dent correctly completing these tasks is around .9, then the Beta(10,2) prior distribution
would be a sensible choice. To the extent that existing research is substantive, this should
be conveyed in the prior. For example, a Beta( , ) can be thought of as akin to encoding
Conceptual Issues in Bayesian Inference 53

the results of + 2 trials. The quantity + 2 may be thought of as the pseudo-sample

size expressed in the prior, as the information in the prior is akin to seeing that number
of observations. Thus, one can select the parameters for the prior in such a way that they
correspond to the size of the existing research. As a number of examples in the book illus-
trate, often the parameters of prior distributions can be framed in terms of sample sizes,
which more easily allows for this approach. To date, most approaches to incorporating
prior research have followed these lines, where prior research is essentially translated into
a prior distribution. A related approach to basing prior distributions on existing work
involves formally modeling the results of prior research with the current data. As an early
effort in this vein, De Leeuw and Klugkist (2012) described several alternatives in the con-
text of regression modeling.
A second strategy for constructing priors involves modeling beliefs of experts. It may be
the case that though experts can formulate their prior beliefs, there is difficulty in translat-
ing them into values of parameters of distributions, particularly if experts are unfamiliar
with the language of probability. Families that have natural interpretations for param-
eters (e.g., in terms of relative strength, or sample size) may make this easier. For example,
the interpretation of the parameters of the beta distribution in terms of the number of
successes and failures makes it easier to express prior beliefs. When working with those
who have expertise in the subject matter at hand, but not probabilistic reasoning, a use-
ful strategy is to elicit prior beliefs in a form that the experts are comfortable with and
then transform them as needed. For example, Almond (2010) suggested asking experts to
express their beliefs about the difficulty of tasks by placing them into broad categories of
easy, medium, and hard, which were than translated into probability distributions
for parameters capturing difficulty in the psychometric model.

3.3 Comparing Bayesian and Frequentist Inferences and Interpretations

In frequentist inference, a point estimate is obtained for the parameter. In ML, for example,
the likelihood is maximized to yield the point estimate. In a Bayesian analysis, the likeli-
hood and prior distribution are synthesized to yield the posterior distribution. Visually,
the posterior distribution falls in between the prior distribution and the likelihood, as
seen in Figures3.1 and 3.3. The notion that the posterior distribution is a synthesis of prior
and the likelihood, and therefore falls in between the two will manifest itself repeatedly
in our tour of Bayesian analysis.
To highlight key differences between frequentist and Bayesian approaches to modeling
and estimation, we will draw from a metaphor sketched by Levy and Choi (2013). They
characterized the likelihood as a mountain range, where the goal of ML is to find the high-
est peak among all the mountains in the mountain range. The middle row of Figure3.1
depicts this mountain range for the binomial likelihood for the original example. Most
ML estimation routines are akin to starting at some point and climbing to the top of a
mountain blindfolded, preventing the climber from identifying the highest peak, or even
broadly surveying the terrain. Instead, the climber must incrementally move in ways that
seem optimal in light of the limited, localized knowledge obtained by the feel of moun-
tains slope at her feet. This is fairly straightforward for simple mountain ranges (e.g., the
binomial likelihood in the middle row of Figure3.1). However, a considerable challenge is
54 Bayesian Psychometric Modeling

that there might be multiple peaks in the mountain range (i.e., multiple local maxima exist),
and that the peak that one ends up climbing depends on where one starts the climb, as
some peaks are hidden from ones view at a particular location (i.e., the global maximum
might not be reached). Unfortunately, there is no guarantee that one will obtain the global
maximum as the stopping point of the estimation routine will depend on the actual start-
ing value. Difficulties with local maxima and other threats to model convergence are
usually exacerbated in complex models. A related difficulty is that many ML (and other
frequentist) estimation routines typically involve derivatives of the likelihood function,
which may be difficult to obtain in complex models. Software built for statistical modeling
families, such as generalized linear latent and mixed models (Rabe-Hesketh, Skrondal, &
Pickles, 2004) or structured covariance matrices (Muthn & Muthn, 19982013), obviates
this concern for models that can be framed as a member of that family. However, for mod-
els that cannot be defined in those terms and cannot be fitted by the software, analysts are
left to their own devices to obtain the derivatives and implement the estimation routines.
This is likely a deterrent from using such models.
In a Bayesian analysis, the terrain of interest is a different mountain range, namely the
posterior distribution. As a synthesis of the prior distribution and the likelihood, the pos-
terior distribution falls in between its two ingredients, as seen in Figures3.1 through 3.3.
And instead of seeking the highest peak, a fully Bayesian analysis seeks to map the entire
terrain of peaks, valleys, and plateaus in this mountain range. That is, in a Bayesian analy-
sis the solution is not a point, but rather a distribution.* This difference is relevant to the
conceptual foundations of Bayesian analyses of interest here, and has implications for esti-
mation discussed in Chapter5.
As illustrated in Figure3.1, the mountain ranges may be fairly similar (column 2) or
quite different (column 3), as they depend on the relative strength of the information in
the prior and the likelihood, and the degree of agreement of that information. With large
sample sizes and/or diffuse priors, the posterior distribution usually strongly resembles
the likelihood. If the prior is quite diffuse, the posterior is essentially a normalized like-
lihood. In this case, the mode of the posterior distribution is theoretically equivalent to
the MLE. Similarly, as sample size increases, the data tend to swamp the prior so that
the likelihood comes to dominate the posterior (Figure3.3); the posterior mode is then
asymptotically equivalent to the MLE. More generally, it can be shown that, under fairly
general conditions, the posterior distribution asymptotically converges to a normal dis-
tribution, the central tendency and variability of which can be approximated by the
maximum and curvature of the likelihood (Gelman etal., 2013). As a result, the posterior

* The goal of obtaining the posterior distribution for unknowns lies at the heart of Bayesian analysis. This goal
is fully and immediately achievable with conjugate priors. For models that do not enjoy the benefit of having
conjugate priors at the ready, this goal has historically been aspirational rather than achievable, and analysts
have relied on tools to approximate the full posterior distribution. For example, in maximum a posteriori
estimation in item response theory, we apply the same computational algorithms as used in ML, only now
applied to the posterior. The resulting point identified as the maximum and the analytical expression of the
spread of the surface are then interpreted as features of the full posterior and used to flesh out a normal
approximation of the full posterior. As we discuss in more detail in Chapter 5, breakthroughs in statistical
computing and the recognition of how they can be leveraged in Bayesian modeling have opened up the pos-
sibilities of obtaining increasingly better estimates of the posterior distribution.
In many cases a uniform prior at least conceptually represents a maximally diffuse prior, and we employ
such a specification to convey the ideas about a maximally diffuse prior in our context of binomial models.
However, the application of uniform priors to enact a diffuse prior is not without issue, as a uniform prior
on one scale need not yield a uniform prior when translated to another scale. These issues and alternative
approaches to specifying diffuse or noninformative priors are discussed by Gelman et al. (2013).
Conceptual Issues in Bayesian Inference 55

mode (and mean and median) is asymptotically equivalent to the MLE, and the posterior
standard deviation is asymptotically equivalent to the ML standard error. The asymptotic
similarity between posterior summaries and ML estimates provides a connection between
Bayesian and frequentist modeling. Frequentist analyses can often be thought of as limit-
ing cases of Bayesian analyses, as sample size increases to infinity and/or the prior dis-
tribution is made increasingly diffuse. Bayesian estimation approaches, which map the
entire mountain range, may therefore be useful for exploring, maximizing, and finding
multimodality in the likelihood.
In finite samples, when the prior is fairly diffuse and/or the sample size is large enough,
the posterior summaries are often approximately equal to the estimates from ML. As the
results in Table3.1 illustrate, it is often the case that values emerging from frequentist and
Bayesian analyses are similar: the MLE is similar to the posterior mode and sometimes
the mean (or any other measure of central tendency), the standard error is similar to the
posterior standard deviation, and the confidence interval is similar to a posterior credibil-
ity interval. Importantly, however, even when posterior point summaries, standard devi-
ations, and credibility intervals are numerically similar to their frequentist counterparts,
they carry conceptually different interpretations. Those arising from a Bayesian analysis
afford probabilistic statements and reasoning about the parameters; those arising from a
frequentist analysis do not. In a frequentist analysis, distributional notions are invoked by
appealing to notions of repeated sampling and apply to parameter estimators, that is, the
behavior of parameter estimates on repeated sampling.
To illustrate this point, consider the situation in which we observe a student correctly com-
plete all 10 tasks she attempts (see Exercise2.5). However, rather than model prior beliefs that
the student is very capable, let us model maximal uncertainty by using the Beta(1,1) prior
distribution. The analysis is depicted in Figure3.4. As the prior is uniform, the Beta(11,1)
posterior is simply a normalization of the likelihood, and takes on exactly the same shape
as the likelihood, such that in Figure 3.4 the curve for the posterior obscures that of the
likelihood. Accordingly, the posterior mode (i.e., the value that maximizes the posterior den-
sity) of 1 is the same value that maximizes the likelihood. However, their interpretations are
different. The posterior mode is a summary of the (posterior) distribution; the likelihood is
not a distribution. In this analysis, we have encoded no prior information and found that
the posterior is completely driven by the likelihood and that a summary of the posterior is
numerically identical to a corresponding feature of thelikelihood. But as a Bayesian analysis,


0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

Beta(1,1) prior, likelihood function, and Beta(11,1) posterior for the Beta-binomial example with y = 10 and J = 10.
As the prior is uniform, the shape of the posterior is the same as, and visually obscures, the likelihood.
56 Bayesian Psychometric Modeling

the posterior affords a probabilistic interpretation of the parameter; a frequentist analysis

based on the likelihood does not.*
To sharpen this point, consider notions of uncertainty in both frameworks in terms of
the standard error and the posterior standard deviation. The value of = 1 is a boundary
of the parameter space, which poses problems for ML theory, and the standard error of
the MLE in this case is 0. Conceptually, this may be understood by recognizing that the
standard error reflects the sampling variability of the data, given the value of the param-
eter. If = 1, then each attempt will be successful. There is no variability to speak of, so
the standard error is 0. This characterization of uncertainty is by no means nonsensical.
This characterization of uncertainty is associated with the deductive inference, in which
we reason from a given value the parameter (here = 1) to the particulars in the data. But
this is not the inference at hand, and so this is not the summary of uncertainty we want.
Instead, we would like to characterize the uncertainty associated with the inductive infer-
ence, in which we reason from the known particulars (the data) to the parameter, . This
is what the Bayesian analysis provides. For the Beta(11, 1) posterior distribution, we may
summarize the uncertainty in terms the posterior standard deviation, .08, which commu-
nicates the uncertainty of the parameter.
Similarly, we can express our uncertainty about parameter via posterior probability inter-
vals, such as the 95% HPD interval of (.76, 1) for the Beta(11, 1), which is a probabilistic
statement about the parameter. A Bayesian approach allows us to use the language of prob-
ability to directly discuss what is of inferential interestparameters, hypotheses, models,
and so onrather than indirectly as in frequentist approaches. This allows analysts to say
what they mean and mean what they say (Jackman, 2009, p. xxviii), and overcome the limi-
tations and avoid the pitfalls of the probabilistic machinery of frequentist inference (e.g.,
Goodman, 2008; Wagenmakers, 2007). In assessment, the desire to directly discuss examin-
ees student model variables and the confusions brought on by doing so using conventional
approaches are longstanding traditions (Dudek, 1979). By adopting a Bayesian approach,
we can more clearly, coherently, and correctly frame and achieve the desired inference.

3.4 Exchangeability, Conditional Independence, and Bayesian Inference

3.4.1 Exchangeability
In this section, we develop ideas and practices associated with exchangeability (de Finetti,
1974), one of the foundational elements in Bayesian model conceptualization and con-
struction. The current treatment focuses on the conceptual implications for modeling.

* Although Bayesian and likelihood solutions are numerically similar in straightforward problems, this need
not be the case with more complicated models such as hierarchical models, models with covariate structures,
multiple sources of evidence, or complex patterns of missingness. The Bayesian approach provides a prin-
cipled way to think about them. Historically it was not the case, but now, the Bayesian machinery is more
flexible than the frequentist machinery for tackling such problems, and it is always the same way of thinking
about them (Clark, 2005).
In the case of a binomial, an exact confidence interval for the probability of success can be obtained even when
the MLE is 1 (e.g., Agresti & Coull, 1998). In complex models where approximate confidence intervals are used
based on standard errors, boundaries pose problems for the construction of those intervals.
Conceptual Issues in Bayesian Inference 57

Letusreturn to the context where x = (x1,, xJ) is a collection of J Bernoulli variables (e.g.,
coin flips). We can think about exchangeability in a few ways, with varying levels of statis-
tical formality. At a narrative level, absent any statistical aspects, exchangeability amounts
to saying that we have the same beliefs about the variables in question (prior to observing
their values, or course). Do we think anything different about the first variable (coin flip)
than the second? Or the third? Do we think anything different about any of the variables?
If the answers to these questions are no, we may treat the variables as exchangeable.
A bit more formally, the collection of variables are exchangeable if the joint distribution
p(x1, , x J) is invariant to any re-ordering of the subscripts. To illustrate, for the case of 1 suc-
cess in 5 variables, asserting exchangeability amounts to asserting that

p(1, 0, 0, 0, 0) = p(0, 1, 0, 0, 0) = p(0, 0, 1, 0, 0) = p(0, 0, 0, 1, 0) = p(0, 0, 0, 0, 1).

This amounts to asserting that only the total number of successes is relevant; it is irrelevant
where in the sequence the successes occur (Diaconis & Freedman, 1980a). More generally, a
collection of random variables are exchangeable if the joint distribution is invariant to any
permutation (reordering, relabeling) of the random variables.
A remarkable theorem proved by de Finetti (1931, 1937/1964) and later generalized by
Hewitt and Savage (1955), states that for the current case of dichotomous variables, in the
limit as J ,

1 J

xj 1 x j
p( x1 ,, x J ) = (1 ) dF(), (3.2)
0 j =1

where F() is a distribution function for . The left-hand side of (3.2) is the joint distribution
of the variables. The first term inside the integral on the right-hand side, Jj =1 x j (1 )1 x j, is
the joint probability for a collection of i.i.d. Bernoulli variables conditional on the param-
eter (see Equation 2.8). The second term inside the integral, F(), is a distribution function
for . Thus, de Finettis so-called representation theorem reveals that the joint distribu-
tion of an infinite sequence of exchangeable dichotomous variables may be expressed as
a mixture of conditionally independent distributions. Joint distributions for finite sets of
exchangeable variables can be approximated by conditional i.i.d. representations, with
decreasing errors of approximation as J increases (Diaconis & Freedman, 1980b).
De Finettis theorem has been extended to more general forms, with real-valued variables
and mixtures over the space of distributions (Bernardo & Smith, 2000). In our development
in the rest of this chapter, we will focus on the case where F() is absolutely continuous, in
which case we obtain the probability density function for , p() = F()/d and the theorem
may be expressed as

p( x1 ,, x J ) =
p(x |)dF(),
j =1
j (3.3)


p( x1 ,, x J ) =
p(x |)p()d.
j =1
j (3.4)
58 Bayesian Psychometric Modeling

We discuss the implications of making assumptions of continuity and positing various

parametric forms in Section3.4.7.
The right-hand side of (3.4) is expressed in as a graph in Figure3.5, here using the ellipses
to condense the presentation of all the xs. A key ingredient in de Finettis representation
theorem and the graph in Figure3.5 is that of conditional independence. In the next section, we
provide a brief overview of conditional independence; the following sections resume the dis-
cussion of the implications of exchangeability and conditional independence in modeling.

3.4.2 Conditional Independence

To develop the notions of conditional independence, let us begin with the construction of
the joint distribution of two variables. In general, the joint distribution may be constructed
as the product of the marginal probability distribution of one variable and the conditional
probability distribution of the other, given the first. For two variables x1 and x2,

p( x1 , x2 ) = p( x1 )p( x2 |x1 ). (3.5)

If the variables are independent, the joint distribution simplifies to the product of the mar-
ginal distributions

p( x1 , x2 ) = p( x1 )p( x2 ). (3.6)

The lone difference between (3.5) and (3.6) is that in the latter, the distribution for x2 is not
formulated as conditional on x1. In other words, if the variables are independent then the
conditional distribution for x2 given x1 is equal to the marginal distribution for x2 (without
regard or reference to x1)

p( x2 |x1 ) = p( x2 ). (3.7)

This reveals the essence of what it means for the two variables to be independent or
unrelatedthe distribution of x2 does not change depending on the value of x1. From the
epistemic probability perspective, independence implies that learning the value of x1 does
not change our beliefs about (i.e., the distribution for) x2.
It is very common for variables to be dependent (related) in assessment applications.
For example, consider variables derived from scoring student responses to tasks in the
same domain. Performance on one task is likely related to performance on the other; stu-
dents who tend to perform well on one task also tend to perform well on the other, while
students who struggle with one task also tend to struggle with the other. In this case,
the variables resulting from scoring the student responses will be dependent. In terms

x1 x2 x3 xJ

Graphical representation of the right-hand side of (3.3) or (3.4), illustrating conditional independence of the xs
given , in line with exchangeability.
Conceptual Issues in Bayesian Inference 59

of probability as an expression of beliefs, learning how a student performs on one task

informs what we think about how they will perform on the other task. As a consequence
of their dependence, (3.6) and (3.7) do not hold.
However, such variables may be conditionally independent given some other variable, ,
in which case

p( x1 , x2|) = p( x1|)p( x2|). (3.8)

Conceptually, (3.8) expresses that although x1 and x2 may be dependent (related), once
is known they are rendered independent. More generally, a set of J variables x1, , xJ are
conditionally independent given if

p( x1 ,, x J|) = p(x |).

j =1
j (3.9)

3.4.3 Exchangeability, Independence, and Random Sampling

Exchangeability is sometimes presented as the Bayesian i.i.d. This is perhaps useful as a
first step for an audience steeped in frequentist traditions and i.i.d. probability models, but
from our perspective it misses the mark on several counts. If variables are i.i.d., they are
exchangeable; however, the converse is not necessarily true as exchangeability is a weaker,
more general condition. As that suggests, frequentist statistical modeling and analysis is
grounded in assumptions of exchangeability as well (ONeill, 2009). Moreover, the phrase
potentially gives the impression that i.i.d. aligns only with frequentist approaches to infer-
ence, whereas the preceding developments have shown, and as we will see time and again,
a Bayesian approach makes great use out of i.i.d. structures.
From a frequentist perspectiveand hence, how it is commonly taughti.i.d. is framed as
arising from assumptions of a population and random sampling. From our perspective, ran-
dom sampling is something in the world, specifically a process or mechanism that gives rise
to data, and is particularly powerful in that it warrants independence models given appro-
priate conditioning variables. As we describe in Section3.4.6, exchangeability, however, is
an epistemic statement, reflecting an analysts state of knowledge and purpose at a given
point in time. Random sampling can certainly serve to justify exchangeability, and even as
Bayesians we are quite happy to capitalize on such a circumstance, as it provides a strong
justification for our useful but strong presumption of exchangeability and a corresponding
conditional independence structure in some model we wish to build and reason through.

3.4.4 Conditional Exchangeability

It is often the case that exchangeability cannot be assumed for all units in the analysis.
A paradigmatic example comes from grouping. Such situations may arise in nonexperi-
mental settings, for example, when we study students that are organized into distinct class-
rooms. They may also arise in experimental settings, for example when we study subjects
that have been randomly assigned to treatment or control conditions. In this case, the subjects
may be exchangeable to us before the experiment but once the experiment is complete they
are no longer exchangeable. Here, we may be reluctant to assert that we have the same
beliefs for all units; indeed, we suspect that the grouping (treatment vs. control, teacher A
vs. teacher B) makes a difference, even without articulating what we think such differences
60 Bayesian Psychometric Modeling

may be. Instead, we may be willing to assert that we have the same beliefs for all units in
the treatment group, and the same beliefs for all units in the control group. That is, we
may assert partial or conditional exchangeability, where exchangeability holds conditional on
group membership. This motivates a multiple-group model, where all the units of the treat-
ment group are specified as following a probability model and all the units of the control
group are specified following a different probability model. More generally, we may have
any number of covariates or explanatory variables that are deemed relevant. Once all such
variables are included in the model, (conditional) exchangeability can be asserted.

3.4.5 Structuring Prior Distributions via Exchangeability

Noting that the exchangeability concept can be applied to parameters as well as observable
variables, Lindley (1971; see also Lindley & Smith, 1972) developed a powerful approach
to specifying prior distributions. Consider an assessment situation, the situation with
n examinees, each of whom has a parameter representing proficiency on a set of tasks,
which we collect in = (1 , , n ). The prior distribution is now an n-variate distribution
p() = p(1 , , n ). Treating the examinees as exchangeable, this joint distribution may be
factored into the product of conditionally independent and identically distributed univari-
ate distributions, formulated as conditional on parameters, say, P,

p(| P ) = p(1 , , n | P ) = p( | ).
i =1
i P (3.10)

The situation here is one in which the parameters of the original model, , have a structure
in terms of other, newly introduced parameters P, termed hyperparameters* (Lindley &
Smith, 1972). For example, a specification that the examinee variables are normally dis-
tributed may be expressed as p(i| P ) = N (i| , 2 ), where P = ( , 2 ) are the hyperpa-
rameters. If values of P are known or chosen to be of a fixed value, the prior specification
is complete. If they are unknown, they of course require a prior distribution, which may
depend on other parameters. This sequence leads to a hierarchical specification, with
parameters depending on hyperparameters, which may in turn depend on other, higher-
order hyperparameters.
The implications of conditional exchangeability discussed in Section 3.4.4 hold analo-
gously here. If the parameters are not deemed exchangeable, it is still possible that they be
conditionally exchangeable. Returning to the example, if the examinees come from different
groups, conditional exchangeability implies that we may construct the prior distribution as
G ng

p(| P ) = p ( |
g =1 i =1
g ig Pg ), (3.11)

where ng is the number of examinees in group g, g = 1, , G, ig refers to the parameter for

examinee i in group g, and the subscripting of p and P by g indicates that each group may
have a different functional form and/or parameters governing the distribution. For exam-
ple, we may have p(ig| Pg ) = N (ig| g , 2g ), where Pg = ( g , 2g ) are the hyperparameters
that govern the prior distribution for examinees in group g.

* The use of the subscript P in P is adopted to signal that these are the parameters that govern the prior dis-
tribution for . Similarly, the subscript indicates that, in a directed acyclic graph representation, the elements
of P are the parents of .
Conceptual Issues in Bayesian Inference 61

The upshot in this approach to building prior distributions is that exchangeability sup-
ports the specification of a common prior for each element conditional on some other, pos-
sibly unknown, parameters. This has become the standard approach to specifying prior
distributions in highly parameterized psychometric models, and we will make consider-
able use of it throughout. Further, this connects with a particular conception of Bayesian
modeling as building out, described in Section3.6. We will see in Chapter15 that the
purpose and context of inference can be an important factor in how, and indeed whether,
we include these kinds of structures into a model. In educational testing, even with the
same test and the same examinees, it can be ethical to do so in one situation and unethical
in another; even legal in one situation and illegal in another!

3.4.6 Exchangeability, de Finettis Theorem,ConditionalIndependence,

and Model Construction
In probability-based reasoning, we construct a model by setting up a joint probability
distribution for all the entities. It is here that exchangeability, de Finettis representation
theorem, and conditional independence may be brought to bear. Returning to the right-
hand side of (3.4), we recognize a conditional independence relationship among the xs in
the term Jj =1 p( x j|). De Finettis theorem shows that the distribution of an exchangeable
sequence of variables may be expressed as the expectation of a mixture of conditionally
independent variables, where p() denotes the mixing distribution.
In stressing the importance conditional independence plays in reasoning and statistical
modeling, Pearl (1988, p. 44) argued that employing conditional independence structures
has computational and psychological advantages:

The conditional independence associated with [such variables] makes it a convenient

anchoring point from which reasoning by assumptions can proceed effectively, because
it decomposes the reasoning task into a set of independent subtasks. It permits us to
use local chunks of information and fit them together to form a global inference in
stages, using simple, local, vector operations. It is this role that prompts us to posit that
conditional independence is not a grace of nature for which we must wait passively,
but rather a psychological necessity which we satisfy actively by organizing our knowl-
edge in a specific way. An important tool in such organization is the identification of
intermediate variables that induce conditional independence among observables; if such
variables are not in our vocabulary, we create them. In medical diagnosis, for instance,
when some symptoms directly influence one another, the medical profession invents a
name for that interaction (e.g., syndrome, complication, pathological state) and
treats it as a new auxiliary variable that induces conditional independence; dependency
between any two interacting systems is fully attributed to the dependencies of each on
the auxiliary variable.

De Finettis exchangeability theorem shows that, by expressing our substantive beliefs

within the generally applicable structure afforded by exchangeability, we can greatly
simplify the cognitive task of expressing our beliefs, working with smaller, much more
manageable parts. As Pearls quote stresses, this strategy is so powerful that if variables
that induce conditional independence cannot be found, we introduce them. In employ-
ing de Finettis theorem and conditional independence of the xs given , we are therefore
not asserting that necessarily exists out there in the world. Rather, exists in our model,
as a tool for organizing our thinking and facilitating model-based reasoning (and when
data are in hand, examining whether the structure we proposed needs to be revised).
62 Bayesian Psychometric Modeling

The simplifications afforded by exchangeability and conditional independence assump-

tions have so much appeal that we seek them out. If exchangeability cannot be assumed,
we pursue conditional exchangeability. Building probability models can then be thought
of as the quest for exchangeability. We start with all the units and proceed to ask, what are
the salient differences that we suspect may have bearing on the problem at hand? Do we
think it matters which group you are in? If so, then the units are not exchangeable, at least
until we condition on group. Does it additionally matter when the data were collected? If
so, then the units are not exchangeable, at least until we condition on when the data were
collected. Does it matter whether you are left handed or right handed? What the weather
was like? What your favorite color is? Eventually, we reach the point where the answers to
these questions become no, and we deem variance with respect to the remaining variables
(e.g., the weather, your favorite color) as irrelevant. We arrive at exchangeability when we
can declare that, for us, further differences make no difference. We may admit variability at
this level, but no longer try to model it by entities within our modeling structure. Engaging
in this quest allows us to declare what variables are important, so we can include them in
the model. Achieving conditional exchangeability is important from this perspective not
because it has been attained as a goal, but rather an indication that we have obtained the
goal of identifying themes in the story our model represents that are necessary for the
story to not be misleading in some way that matters.
Conditional exchangeability amounts to asserting that, for us, the relevant variables
are included and that variation with respect to other variables can safely be ignored. The
qualifier in the preceding sentencefor usrequires some unpacking. Our view is that
exchangeability is an epistemic claim in that it concerns our thinking about the situa-
tion at hand, in service of setting up a necessarily imperfect model to serve our purposes
(Lindley& Novick, 1981; Mislevy, 1994). Our thinking is necessarily localized in a variety
of ways, chiefly in that it occurs for a particular person at a particular time. Asserting
exchangeability is not akin to claiming that we have reached the final word on all relevant
aspects of the real-world situation of interest. It is entirely coherent to assert exchange-
ability and simultaneously acknowledge that there may beor perhaps even that there
indeed arefurther differences that are relevant for the problem at hand. Consider a scene
that plays out countless times in our education systems. Students walk into a classroom
and take a test. Once completed, the tests will be sent to the psychometricians for analy-
sis. There may be any number of features that make some students more similar to other
students and less similar to other students in ways that are surely relevant for their perfor-
mance on the test, and the test scores that result (e.g., who their teachers were, study habits,
home life experiences, motivation, amount of sleep the night before). Yet if we, the psycho-
metricians, are not able to distinguish among these features, the scores are exchangeable
to us. Technically, the joint distribution of test scores is invariant to a permutation in the
elements; more conceptually, we do not think anything differently about one examinees
score as any other examinees score.
Thus exchangeability is an expression of beliefs on the part of an analyst, situated in
terms of who is conducting the analysis and what they know at the time. What is exchange-
able for one person may not be exchangeable for another. The archetypical critique that an
analysis is suspect because it has ignored a particular covariate may be seen as a state-
ment that a variable important to condition on when asserting exchangeability has been
ignored. Likewise, what we view to be exchangeable at an earlier time may not be deemed
exchangeable at a later time, in light of what has been learned in the interim.
It is perfectly acceptable for different reasoning agents, be they different people or the
same person at different points in time, to posit different exchangeability claims, which
Conceptual Issues in Bayesian Inference 63

yield contradictory conditional independence relationships. Of course, it is impossible for

any two, let alone all, such contradictory relationships to both (all) be true descriptions
of the real-world mechanisms that give rise to the variables in question. This does not
undercut their use because exchangeability, the resulting conditional independence rela-
tionships, and the parameters introduced to achieve those relationships, are expressions
about our thinking, not about the world. In terms of Figure1.4, exchangeability resides in the
model-space, rather than the real-world situation.
The focus on the epistemic nature of exchangeability, and model construction more gen-
erally, is not to downplay the importance of the fidelity of our specifications to real-world
mechanisms. The better able we are to model salient features and patterns of the real
world, the better our resulting inferences are likely to be and the more useful our model
will be. A central motivation for engaging in model-data fit analyses and model criticism,
discussed in Chapter10, is the desire to critique the plausibility of our specifications, so as
to gain trust in the resulting inferences when they are reasonable, and improve our model
when they are not.

3.4.7 Summary of Exchangeability: FromNarrativetoStructuredDistributions

to Parametric Forms
We can think about exchangeability in terms of different layers, representing increasing
amounts of statistical specification. In the first layer, exchangeability is the term we use
to convey that we think the same thing about multiple entities. Conditional exchange-
ability means that we think the same thing about entities but only after we have taken
other things into account. In assessment, these entities are usually examinees, tasks, or
examinee performances on tasks. For example, asserting that examinees are exchangeable
means that we have the same beliefs about each examinee. Asserting that examinees are
exchangeable conditional on what school they are in means that we have the same beliefs
about each examinee at the same school. At this level, exchangeability is not really about
probability distributions or statistical models, it is part of our narrative or story of the situ-
ation. We may even acknowledge that there may be differences or variation beyond those
that we are explicitly considering, but that we not distinguishing them further in our story
and eventually our model.
De Finettis representation theorem helps move the concept of exchangeability from a
narrative level to one of statistical modeling. It has a decidedly statistical form as it con-
cerns the structure of joint distributions, and facilitates a shift from a hard-to-think-about
joint distribution to easier-to-think-about univariate distributions.* Conceptually, it for-
malizes the intuition that if we think the same thing about multiple entities (i.e., exchange-
ability in the narrative sense), then we can treat them the same in our probability model.
The theorem is very powerful in that it says we use the same thinking as i.i.d. for situations
that we do not actually believe are truly i.i.d., but have no information otherwise. And we
can express this with the marginalized conditional independence expression on the right-
hand side of (3.4). This is tremendously freeing in how we are warranted to think about
and tackle situations, applying the machinery of probability originally developed to deal
with the more limited case of actual i.i.d.

* Really, they are easier-to-think-about lower dimensional distributions. We have considered the case of uni-
variate distributions, but in principle they could multivariate, say, if each p( x j| ) was a joint distribution of a
set of (fewer than J) entities.
64 Bayesian Psychometric Modeling

Throughout, we will make repeated use of exchangeability in formulating our models.

We will say that we are asserting (assuming, positing) exchangeability, and then we will
write out the marginalized conditional independence form with particular distributional
specifications. When we say this, it is really shorthand for a longer, two-part statement:

Part 1: We are using the marginalized conditional independence structure, as

sanctioned by the representation theorem (i.e., through exchangeability we move
from the left-hand side to the right-hand side of Equation 3.4).
Part 2: Further, we are populating that form with a particular distributional form
for the conditionally independent distributional specification (i.e., a particular
form for p( x j |) in Equation 3.4) and a particular distributional form for the enti-
ties that are conditioned on (i.e., a particular form for p() in Equation 3.4).

The exchangeability theorem is powerful in that it provides a structure for the distribu-
tion in terms of the marginalized conditional independence expression (part 1). In and of
itself, the exchangeability representation theorem is just a piece of mathematical machin-
ery. In terms of Figure1.4, it resides in the model-space, and it is unassailable. Importantly,
we cannot be wrong in adopting the marginalized conditional independence form, if we
truly have no distinguishing information or have chosen not to use it in the model we are
But the exchangeability theorem is vacuous because though this expression holds, no
particular form is specified. Things get interesting when we come to actually make the
specifications for the model, for the forms of the distributions (part 2). These vary consid-
erably, and modelers face the challenge of positing models that reflect what they know
substantively about the problem at issue. A goal of the book is to show how many psycho-
metric models are variations on the theme, with different particular forms or extensions,
motivated by what we know about people, psychology, and assessment.
When we posit particular functional forms for the distributions, however, we are taking
an epistemic stance of using a more constrained probability model. Exchangeability qua
exchangeability still holds as a necessarily-true feature of our reasoning. The same can be
said about the conditional independence relationships, even when populated with par-
ticular parametric forms for the distributions. In terms of Figure1.4, the exchangeability
theorem, the marginalized conditional independence structure, and even the particular
parametric forms reside in the model-space, and there they are unassailable as structures
that represent our belief at a given point in time. Populating the marginalized conditional
independence structure with particular parametric forms accomplishes two things. First,
it provides content to the structure justified by the exchangeability theorem. The theorem
is true, but it does not get us far enough. Particular parametric forms are needed for us
to get work done, in terms of model-based implications that guide inferences and yield
substantive conclusions. Second, it gets us to a place where we can critique the model, in
terms of its match to the real-world situation. Included among the model-based implica-
tions generated by the use of particular distributional forms are implications for the data.
In terms of Figure1.4, when we add particular distributional specifications we can proj-
ect from the model-space back down to the real-world situation in the lower level of the
figure. And in this way the specifications can be wrong in that they yield or permit joint
probabilities that are demonstrably at odds with the data. Techniques for investigating
the extent and ways in which the implications of a model are at odds with the data are the
subject of Chapter10.
Conceptual Issues in Bayesian Inference 65

3.5 Why Bayes?

Readers steeped in frequentist traditions and new to Bayesian approaches to modeling and
inference may feel that the use of probabilities in reference to parameters and associated prob-
ability statements about parameters is appealing, but perhaps foreign. And they may ask,
how is it that we can treat parameters as random and use probabilistic expressions for them,
both in terms of prior distributions needed to specify the model and the resulting posterior
distribution? Sections3.2 and 3.4.5 offered some strategies for how to specify prior distribu-
tions, and Bayes theorem instructs us in how to arrive at posterior distributions. The balance
of this section attempts to address why such practices are warranted and advantageous.
There has been considerable debate over the legitimacy or appropriateness of Bayesian
statistical inference. Importantly, there is no controversy over the mechanics of Bayes theo-
rem, as it follows in a straightforward manner from the law of total probability. Rather, the
controversy surrounds whether Bayesian methods, and in particular their use of distribu-
tions for parameters, should be applied to treat certain problems of inference. We say certain
because despite the dominance of frequentist approaches to statistical inference over the last
100 years, some features and applications of Bayesian inference have gained widespread
acceptance, even in the frequentist community. Examples include the specifications that may
be viewed as prior distributions, and the use of Bayes theorem to yield posterior probabili-
ties of group membership in latent class and mixture models. Provocatively, a number of
developments in frequentist modeling strategies can be seen as inherently Bayesian.
We recognize that condensing the debate concerning Bayesian inference to this point
about the use of distributions for parameters is a gross oversimplification. Nevertheless,
we suspect that readers new to Bayesian principles may be most apprehensive about this
aspect. What grounds are there for treating parameters as random, which is the distinguish-
ing feature of Bayesian approach? We endeavor to address that in the coming subsections.
It would be disingenuous to suggest that there is a single, monolithic philosophy or
perspective that has attracted a consensus among those who engage in Bayesian mod-
eling. To the contrary, we suspect that in the years since Good (1971) identified 46,656
possible varieties of Bayesians, the palette of Bayesian flavors has expanded, not shrunk.
Debates carry on over fundamental issues such as the meaning of probability and proba-
bilistic statements, the propriety of treating parameters as random, the meaning and role
of prior and posterior distributions, and the nature of statistical modeling, particularly as
it pertains to ontological commitments. These issues are not without consequence; they
can have considerable implications for the practice of (Bayesian) statistical modeling and
inference, including the specification of models, when certain procedures are warranted
or even permitted, and the relevance of various activities that cut across Bayesian and non-
Bayesian statistical modeling, such as model use, model-data fit, model criticism, model
comparison, and model selection. Bayesian analyses have been motivated and similarly
criticized from a number of perspectives on these issues. We do not aim to survey this
debate or address all of its aspects. In this and the following subsections, we summarize
the key elements as they relate to our position and the developments in the book.

3.5.1 Epistemic Probability Overlaid with Parameters

Once we commit to the use of statistical models with parameters, then the use of probabil-
ity distributions for those parameters is consistent with the epistemic perspective on prob-
ability. In fact, distributional specifications for parameters are natural from the epistemic
66 Bayesian Psychometric Modeling

probability perspective. Prior distributions express our uncertainty about the parameters
before the data are incorporated; posterior distributions express uncertainty about the
parameters after the data are incorporated.

3.5.2 Prior Probability Judgments Are Always Part of Our Models

The epistemic probability perspective illuminates another argument, specifically how
modeling parameters distributionally when specifying models may be viewed as a gen-
eralization of conventional approaches to modeling parameters in frequentist approaches
(Box, 1980; Levy & Choi, 2013). In frequentist traditions, parameter specification typi-
cally amounts to indicating whether a parameter is or is not included in the model. If
it is included, the parameter will be estimated using information in the data; in ML, via
the likelihood. Excluding a parameter may often be seen as specifying it to be equal to a
constant (usually 0). Each of these situations may be specified in a Bayesian analysis that
models parameters distributionally. As the first column of Figure3.1 illustrates, using a
uniform prior over the support of the distribution* yields a posterior that is driven only
by the likelihood, and is akin to the frequentist approach where the parameter is included
in the model. A situation where the parameter is constrained to a constant (e.g., 0) may
be modeled in a Bayesian approach by specifying a prior for this parameter with all of its
mass at that value.
The conventional approaches thereby represent two ends of a distributional spectrum.
At one end, the use of a prior distribution with all of its mass at one point can be viewed as
corresponding to the conventional approach in which the parameter is fixed to that value.
Viewing the prior distribution as an expression of uncertain beliefs, this suggests that
fixing a parameter by concentrating all the mass of the prior at that value represents a par-
ticularly strong belief, namely one of complete certainty about the parameter. At the other
end of the spectrum, the use of uniform prior distribution reflects a very weak assump-
tion, one of maximal uncertainty, about the parameter.
Importantly, a Bayesian approach that specifies parameters distributionally affords the
possibility of specification along the spectrum in between these endpoints. By choosing
a prior distribution of a particular form (shape, central tendency, variability, etc.), we can
encode assumptions of varying strengths or beliefs of various levels of certainty. This is
particularly natural if a prior can be constructed where one of its parameters captures this
strength. For example, the use of a normal prior distribution allows for the specification
of uncertainty via the prior variance. A prior variance of 0 indicates the parameter is con-
strained to be equal to the value of the prior mean (e.g., 0); increasing the prior variance
reflects an increase in uncertainty. Recently, such flexibility has been gainfully employed
in fitting psychometric models reflecting differential amounts of uncertainty, including
those that pose considerable challenges for frequentist approaches, as we discuss in the
context of factor analysis in Chapter9. The flexibility afforded by a distributional approach
to specifying model parameters along a continuum of possibilities has been exploited to

* A uniform prior is an actual probability distribution in case of finite distributions, and in the absence of other
considerations is the greatest uncertainty (maximal entropy) one can express. For variables that can take
infinitely many values, a uniform distribution might have an infinite integral and thus not be an actual distri-
bution. A uniform prior is proper on [0,1], but one on (,) is not. Sometimes the Bayesian machinery works
anyway, producing a true posterior. A more strictly correct Bayesian approach is to use a proper but extremely
diffuse prior, such as N(0,105) for a real-valued parameter, or, with prior distributions that afford them, speci-
fying parameter values that maximize entropy (Jaynes, 1988). Gelman et al. (2013) discussed approaches to
specifying noninformative priors.
Conceptual Issues in Bayesian Inference 67

great advantage in other modeling contexts. For example, this same machinery allows for
partial pooling among groups in multilevel modeling, which lies between the extremes
of complete pooling of all the groups or no pooling among groups (Gelman & Hill, 2007;
Novick etal., 1972).
This modeling flexibility is an important advantage, but is actually somewhat tangential
to the current point, which is that prior probability judgments and assertions are always
present, even when the analysis does not use Bayesian methods for inference. The inclusion
of certain parameters and the exclusion of others (i.e., fixing them to be 0) in a frequentist
analysis amounts to two particular probabilistic beliefscomplete uncertainty about the
former and complete certainty about the latter. That is, any and every structure of the model
amounts to an expression of prior beliefs, in ways that can be viewed as distributions. This
holds for the other so-called model assumptions or model specifications, typically thought
to be distinct from prior probabilistic beliefs. This can readily be seen by embedding a
model into a larger one. For example, modeling a variable as normally distributed (e.g.,
errors in typical regression or factor analysis models) may be viewed as modeling the vari-
able as member of a larger class of distributions with all the prior probability concentrated
in such a way that yields the normal distribution (e.g., as a t distribution where the prior
probability for the degrees of freedom has all its mass at a value of infinity). Generally, all
of our model assumptionseffects/parameters that are included or excluded, functional
forms of relationships, distributional specifications, and so onare the result of prior
probability judgments. Box tidily summarized this view (1980, p.384), remarking that

In the past, the need for probabilities expressing prior belief has often been thought of,
not as a necessity for all scientific inference, but rather as a feature peculiar to Bayesian
inference. This seems to come from the curious idea that an outright assumption does
not count as a prior belief . [I]t is impossible logically to distinguish between model
assumptions and the prior distribution of the parameters. The model is the prior in
the wide sense that it is a probability statement of all the assumptions currently to be
tentatively entertained a priori.

Our view is that the distinction between model specifications/assumptions, which are
central features in conventional modeling, and prior distributions, which are excluded
from such traditions, is more terminological than anything else. The distinction may be
useful for structuring and communicating modeling activities with analysts steeped in
different traditions, but too strict adherence to this distinction may obscure that what is
important is the model as a whole, and the boundaries between parts of the model may be
false. Both model specifications/assumptions and prior distributions involve subjec-
tive decisions (Winkler, 1972); analysts who wish to employ the former but prohibit the
latter on the grounds that the latter are less legitimate have their philosophical work cut
out for them. We prefer to think about model specifications as prior specifications. They
reflect our beliefs about the salient aspects of the real-world situation at hand before we
have observed data, and are subject to possible revision as we learn from data and update
our beliefs. Procedures for learning about the weaknesses (and strengths) in our model
and the theories they represent are discussed in Chapter10.
Historically, disagreement regarding the propriety of incorporating prior beliefs was the
main source of contention between Bayesian and frequentist inference (Weber, 1973). This is
less of an issue currently, partly because of the theoretical considerations such as those just
discussed, and partly because of the recognition that the critique that a Bayesian approach
with priors is subjectiveused as a pejorative term in the critiqueis undermined by
68 Bayesian Psychometric Modeling

the recognition that frequentist approaches hold no stronger claim to objectivity (Berger &
Berry,1988; Lindley & Philips, 1976).* It is also less of an issue because the use of very mild
priors can be applied when we do not have information that would be brought in properly
even in the eyes of frequentists, and because the real issue is seen now as not use-
prior-information-or-not, but as whether to move into the framework where everything
is in the same probability space, and we can make probability statements about any vari-
ables, with any conditioning or marginalizing we might want to do. In complex models
this is really the only practical way to carry out inference in problems people need to
tackle substantively (Clark, 2005; Stone, Keller, Kratzke, & Strumpfer, 2014).
That all modeled assumptions may be seen as prior probability judgments amounts to
a connection between Bayesian approaches and the whole enterprise of statistical model-
ing. But as described next, there are still deeper connections between the formation of
statistical models from first principles and a Bayesian approach that specifies parameters

3.5.3 Exchangeability, de Finettis Theorem, and Bayesian Modeling

The epistemic perspective on probabilistic expressions and modeling aligns well with the
implications of de Finettis representation theorem. Note that does not appear on the
left-hand side of (3.4). In a sense, the parameter and the specification of the variables
being conditionally independent given this parameter emerge from the assumption of
But that is not all that emerges; so too does p(). Thus, de Finettis theorem may be seen in
a Bayesian light where (a) Jj =1 p( x j|) is the conditional probability of the observed variables
given a parameter, with the conditional independence relationship supporting the factoring
into the product, and (b) p() is the prior distribution for the parameter. Some scholars see
the Bayesian approach as following from de Finettis theorem (Jackman, 2009; Lindley &
Phillips, 1976; Lunn etal., 2013). As Lindley and Phillips (1976, p. 115) gently put it

The point is that exchangeability produces p() and demonstrates the soundness of
the subsequent Bayesian manipulations Thus, from a single assumption of exchange-
ability the Bayesian argument follows. This is one of the most beautiful and impor-
tant results in modern statistics. Beautiful, because it is so general and yet so simple.
Important, because exchangeable sequences arise so often in practice. If there are, and
we are sure there will be, readers who find p() distasteful, remember it is only as dis-
tasteful as exchangeability; and is that unreasonable?

At a minimum, de Finettis theorem shows that, from an assumption of exchangeability,

we can arrive at representation that is entirely consistent with the Bayesian approach to
modeling in which the parameter is treated as random and modeled via a distribution.
To be clear, we are not asserting that a Bayesian approach is the only justifiable approach.
Indeed, we subscribe to the statistical ecumenism of Box (1983) that welcomes all methods.
We are asserting that the use of prior distributions for parameters is consistent with an
assumption of exchangeability.

* It may be further argued that Bayesian approaches offer something more than frequentist approaches on this
issue, namely transparency of what is subjective (Berger & Berry, 1988).
Conceptual Issues in Bayesian Inference 69

We are also not asserting that the preceding developments and de Finettis theorem
implies that a parameter exists in any ontological sense; from exchangeability and de
Finettis theorem, we do not conclude that there is some previously unknown parameter,
lurking out there in the world just waiting to be discovered. Viewing probability expres-
sions as reflections of beliefs and uncertainty sheds a particular light on the meaning of
de Finettis theorem. The left-hand side is the joint distribution of the variables, which
amounts to an expression of our beliefs about the full collection of variables. What de
Finettis theorem shows is that if we view the variables as exchangeable, we can param-
eterize this joint distributionindeed, our beliefsby specifying the variables as condi-
tionally independent given a parameter, and a distribution for that parameter.
To summarize, probability-model-based reasoning begins with setting up the joint distri-
bution (Gelman etal., 2013), which represents the analysts beliefs about the salient aspects
of the problem. If we can assert exchangeability, or once we condition on enough vari-
ables to assert exchangeability, de Finettis theorem permits us to accomplish this daunt-
ing task by invoking conditional independence relationshipsmanufacturing entities to
accomplish this if neededwhich permits us to break the problem down into smaller,
more manageable components. That is, we can specify a possibly high-dimensional joint
distribution by specifying more manageable conditional distributions given parameters,
and a distribution for the parameters.
Prior probability distributions for parameters are then just some of the building blocks
of our models used to represent real-world situations, on par with other features we
broadly refer to as specifications or assumptions common in Bayesian and frequentist mod-
eling, including those regarding the distribution of the data or likelihood (e.g., linearity,
normality), characteristics or relationships among persons (e.g., independence of persons
or clustering of persons into groups), characteristics of the parameters (e.g., discrete or con-
tinuous latent variables, the number of such variables, variances being greater than 0), and
among parameters (e.g., certain parameters are equal). What is important in the Bayesian
perspective is modeling what features of situations we think are salient and how we think
they might be related, using epistemic tools such as conditional exchangeability. In this
light, the use of prior distributions is not a big deal. It is the admission price for being able
to put all the variables in the framework of probability-based reasoningnot only from
parameters to variables, like frequency-based statistics can do, but also from variables to
parameters, or some variables to other variables, or current values of variables to future
values, and so onall in terms of sound and natural expression of beliefs of variables
within the model framework through probability distributions.
We specify priors based on a mixture of considerations of substantive beliefs, compu-
tational demands, and ease of interpretability and communication. Importantly, the same
can be said of specifying distributions of the data that induce the likelihood function.
Those new to Bayesian methods are often quick to question the specification of prior distri-
butions, or view the use of a particular prior distribution with a skeptical eye. We support
this skepticism; like any other feature of a model, it and its influence should be questioned
and justifications for it articulated. Analysts should not specify prior distributions without
having reasons for such specifications.
In addition, sensitivity analyses in which solutions from models using different priors
can be compared to reveal the robustness of the inferences to the priors or the unanticipated
effects of the priors. Figure 3.1 illustrates how this could be done for the Beta-binomial
model, where the analyst may see how the use of different prior distributions affects the
70 Bayesian Psychometric Modeling

substantive conclusions. The importance of the prior in influencing the posterior depends
also on the information in the data as the posterior represents a balancing of the contribu-
tions of the data, in terms of the likelihood, and the prior. As the relative contribution of
the data increases, the posterior typically becomes less dependent on the prior and more
closely resembles the likelihood in shape, as illustrated in Figure3.3.
The role of the prior distribution is often the focus of criticism from those skeptical of
Bayesian inference, but the aforementioned issues of justification and examination apply
to other features of the model, including the specification of the likelihood. We disagree
with the perspective that views a prior as somehow on a different ontological or epistemo-
logical plane from the likelihood and other model assumptions. Viewed from the broader
perspective of model-based reasoning, both the prior and the likelihood have the same
status. They are convenient fictionsfalse but hopefully useful accounts we deploy to
make the model reflect what is believed about the real-world situationthat reside in the
model-space as part of the larger model used to enact reasoning to arrive at inferences.
This equivalence is illuminated once we recognize that elements of a likelihood may be
conceived of as elements of the prior, more broadly construed.

3.5.4 Reasoning through the Machinery of the Model

In probability models, reasoning through the machinery of the model amounts to deploy-
ing the calculus of probabilities. The model in (3.4) and Figure3.5 is set up such that given
the value of , we have (conditional) distributions for the observables. This naturally sup-
ports probabilistic deductive reasoning from the former to the latter. Of course, in practice
we need to reason inductively, to reverse the direction of the flow of the model. Bayes theo-
rem enacts exactly this reversal, obtaining p(|x ) by synthesizing p( x |) with the prior
distribution p(), enabling probability-based reasoning about the unknown .

3.5.5 Managing and Propagating Uncertainty

Conventional approaches to psychometric modeling often proceed in stages in such a way
that the uncertainty at one stage is ignored at later stages. For example, modeling and
inference in adaptive testing commonly proceeds by first obtaining estimates of param-
eters of item response theory models, which are then treated as known for estimating
students proficiencies (e.g., Wainer etal., 2000). As another example, many conventional
approaches to model-data fit in psychometric modeling rely on point estimates of param-
eters obtained from samples. A Bayesian approach allows us to incorporate and propagate
uncertainty throughout all aspects of modeling, including parameter estimation, model-
data fit, and the management of missing data. For simple problems with large sample
sizes, the failure to incorporate and propagate uncertainty may be relatively harmless; in
complex problems, the failure to fully account for the uncertainty may prove consequen-
tial. We elaborate on and illustrate these points as they play out in psychometrics in several
contexts throughout the second part of this book.

3.5.6 Incorporating Substantive Knowledge

Adopting a Bayesian approach can make it easier to incorporate substantive knowledge
about the problem into the analysis and specify more flexible models, including those that
pose considerable challenges to frequentist approaches to estimation (see Levy, 2009, Levy,
Mislevy, & Behrens, 2011, and Levy & Choi, 2013 for discussions and references of examples
Conceptual Issues in Bayesian Inference 71

in psychometrics; see also Clark, 2005). One way to incorporate substantive knowledge
is via prior distributions, which can rein in estimates that based on the likelihood alone
may be extreme. This is particularly salient in situations with small samples and/or sparse
data, in which case sampling variability is high. Bayesian approaches, even with fairly
diffuse prior distributions, have been shown to perform as well or better than frequentist
methods with small samples (e.g., Ansari & Jedidi, 2000; Chung, 2003; Chung, Lanza, &
Loken, 2008; Depaoli, 2013; Finch & French, 2012; Hox, van de Schoot, & Matthijsse, 2012;
Kim, 2001; Lee & Song, 2004; Muthn & Asparouhov, 2012; Novick, Jackson, Thayer, &
Cole, 1972; Sinharay, Dorans, Grant, & Blew, 2009). We discuss this issue in more detail
in Chapter 11, where prior distributions can serve to regularize estimates or adjudicate
between competing sets of estimates of parameters in item response theory models.

3.5.7 Accumulation of Evidence

Importantly, Bayesian methods reflect the accumulation of evidence (Jackman, 2009). The
posterior distribution is a synthesis of the prior and the data. With little data, the solution
is more heavily influenced by the prior and less so by the data. As more and more data
arrive, they swamp the prior such that the solution becomes increasingly like what the data
alone dictate (Section3.1.2). As a result, analysts with different prior beliefs (and prior dis-
tributions) may have very different conclusions if there is no or little data. But as more and
more data are increasingly incorporated their conclusions will converge to a common des-
tination, that is, their posterior distributions will increasingly resemble each other as they
increasingly resemble a spike at the point suggested by the data (Blackwell & Dubins, 1962).
A related point concerns the accumulation of evidence as data arrives. Let x1 and x2 be
two datasets; we may think of their subscripts as indicating a temporal ordering, though
this need not be case. Applying Bayes theorem and assuming that x1 and x2 are condition-
ally independent given , we have

p(|x1 , x2 ) p( x1 , x2|)p()

= p( x2|, x1 )p( x1|)p()

= p( x2|)p( x1|)p()

p( x2|)p(|x1 ).

The second line in (3.12) follows from a factorization of the conditional probability of
the data. The third line follows from the assumption that x1 and x2 are conditionally
independent given . The last line follows from recognizing that, from Bayes theorem,
p(|x1 ) p( x1 |)p(). The right-hand side of the last line takes the form of the right-hand
side of Bayes theorem in (2.1), where p( x2|) is the conditional probability of the (new)
data, and p(|x1 ) plays the role of the prior distribution for that is, prior to having
observed x2. But p(|x1 ) is just the posterior distribution for given x1. Equation (3.12)
reveals how a Bayesian approach naturally accommodates the arrival of data and updat-
ing beliefs about unknowns. We begin with a prior distribution for the unknowns, p().
Incorporating the first dataset, we have the posterior distribution p (|x1 ), which in turn
serves as the prior distribution when incorporating the second dataset, x2. At any point, our
current distribution is both a posterior distribution and prior distribution; it is posterior
to the past data, and prior to future data. Todays posterior is just tomorrows prior, and
the updating is facilitated by Bayes theorem. In psychometrics, this line of thinking sup-
ports adaptive testing discussed in Chapter 11, with modeled as constant over time, and
72 Bayesian Psychometric Modeling

models for student learning over time discussed in Chapter14, with modeled as possibly
changing over time.

3.5.8 Conceptual and Computational Simplifications

Finally, a Bayesian approach facilitates simplifications. In psychometrics, the entity we have
so far denoted by has been variously referred to as a parameter and a latent variable.
In frequentist traditions, this difference has implications for what analyses and methods
are permissible (Bartholomew, 1996; Maraun, 1996). In addition, it has been argued that
should be conceived of as missing data (Bollen, 2002), which brings into the picture the
possibilities of associated methods (Enders, 2010). Taken as a whole, we have a set of possi-
ble analyses and methods cobbled together from various corners of the frequentist world.
A fully Bayesian analysis offers considerable simplicity for how to proceed: if is
unknown it gets a prior distribution, and once we condition on what we do know, we
will have a posterior distribution. More broadly, though we may find terminological,
epistemological, or ontological differences useful for conveying ideas or drawing distinc-
tions among the roles that a latent variable, parameter, or missing data point may play,
a fully Bayesian analysis offers considerable simplicity for how to proceed. They are all
unknowns, in the sense that we have uncertainty about each of them. Accordingly, each
such entity gets a prior distribution and once we condition on what we do know, we will
have a posterior distribution for the ones that remain uncertain.
This conceptual simplicity translates to technical matters. Model fitting and estimating
posterior distributions remains the same regardless of what we call , and in Markov chain
Monte Carlo strategies, the process for obtaining a posterior distribution for unknown xs,
often referred to as missing data, is the same as for unknown s, regardless of what we call
it (see Chapter12). This unification and simplification represents in some ways a reduced
burden for the student of quantitative methodsinference is just obtaining the condi-
tional distribution for unknowns given knowns.
Moreover, it can aid in avoiding misconceptions. For example, categorical factor analysis
and item response theory are two different paradigms for models with continuous latent
variables and discrete observables. Traditions within these paradigms evolved over time
in many ways independent from one another. The connections between and equivalence
among models from these various traditions were formalized over a quarter century ago
(Takane & de Leeuw, 1987). However, as noted by Wirth and Edwards (2007), the use of
frequentist estimation routines associated with these modeling paradigms has yielded
contradictory misconceptions about the weaknesses of the models. Adopting a Bayesian
approach to modeling and estimation, the distinctions between the factor analytic and
item response traditions disappear, and the conflicting misconceptions are recognized as
illusory (Levy, 2009; Wirth & Edwards, 2007).

3.5.9 Pragmatics
One need not subscribe to the philosophy sketched here to employ Bayesian methods. One
can adopt different orientations toward probability, parameters/latent variables, measure-
ment, modeling, and inference, and still gainfully employ Bayesian methods. For those
who adopt an alternative philosophical outlook, or do not believe philosophical positions
have any bearing, there is another class of arguments that can be advanced in favor of
adopting a Bayesian approach to inference. These are more practical in their focus, and
advocate adopting a Bayesian approach to the extent that it is useful. These arguments
Conceptual Issues in Bayesian Inference 73

advance the notion that adopting a Bayesian approach allows one to fit models and reach
conclusions about questions more readily than can be done using frequentist approaches,
and allows for the construction and use of complex models that are more aligned with
features of the real world and the data (Andrews & Baguley, 2013; Clark, 2005). See Levy
(2009); Levy etal. (2011); Levy and Choi (2013); and Rupp, Dey, and Zumbo (2004) for dis-
cussions and recent reviews of Bayesian approaches to psychometrics and related models
that survey a number of applications that trade on the utility of Bayesian methods.

3.6 Conceptualizations of Bayesian Modeling

In the course of describing Bayesian modeling we have introduced several different con-
ceptions on what it is we are doing when we engage in Bayesian modeling. These are
briefly reviewed here for the purposes of calling them out as viable lenses through which
we may proceed.
A first perspective views Bayesian inference as a belief updating process. We begin with
what is initially believed about the parameters, expressed by the prior. We then update
that in light of the information in the data, expressed in the likelihood, to yield the poste-
rior. This conceptualization of Bayes as belief updating is strongly aligned with a subjec-
tive, epistemic view of probability. From this perspective, the data count as information
to be folded into previously held beliefs, through a model that expresses our beliefs about
how the data are related to the parameters. In this view, Bayes theorem is a mechanism
for updating distributions (beliefs) in light of observed data.
A second perspective gives more of a conceptual primacy to the data. Here, Bayesian
inference is seen as taking what the data imply about the values of the parameters, which
is contained in the likelihood, and tempering that in light of what was known, believed,
or assumed about the parameters before observing the data, which is contained in the
prior. This perspective views the prior as augmenting the information in data, contained
in the likelihood. Readers steeped in frequentist traditions are likely to initially concep-
tualize Bayesian inference in this way. A similar perspective motivates constructing prior
distributions that are mildly informative in that they contain some information to rein in
or regularize results that would be obtained from a frequentist approach of a Bayesian
approach with extremely diffuse priors (Gelman, Jakulin, Pittau, & Su, 2008). Examples of
the use of priors in this capacity in psychometrics include Chung etal. (2008), Chung etal.
(2013), Martin and McDonald (1975), Mislevy (1986), and Maris (1999).
Both of these conceptualizations trade on the distinction between the prior and the like-
lihood, which results from the factoring of the joint distribution. A third conceptualization
does not rely on this distinction for conceptual grounding, and instead conceives of the
joint distribution as the primary conceptual basis for analysis. This view is consistent with
the recognition that it is not always easy, or necessary, to distinguish what is part of the
likelihood and what is part of the prior (Box, 1980). Likewise, it aligns well with charac-
terizations of Bayesian inference in which the first step is to set up the joint distribution of
all entities and the second step is to condition on whatever is known or observed (i.e., the
data) to yield the posterior distribution for all unknowns (Gelman etal., 2013). Although
somewhat artificial, the distinction is useful in two ways. First, in practice, the specifica-
tion of the joint distribution is typically accomplished by factoring into the likelihood and
the prior components. Second, it is didactically useful for introducing Bayesian principles
74 Bayesian Psychometric Modeling

and procedures to those steeped in frequentist approaches, and accordingly we make use
of it throughout the book.
A fourth conceptualization is one of model building or expansion, in which model con-
struction occurs in stages. This begins not by assuming parameters, but instead by seek-
ing to specify a distribution for the data, x (Bernardo & Smith, 2000). If we can assert
exchangeability, we may structure the distribution based on parameters , as p( x|). If
is unknown, it requires a distribution. In simple cases, a distribution is specified as p().
This perspective does not seem to offer much in simple models, but is especially advanta-
geous in specifying complex, multivariate models which can be framed as having mul-
tiple levels. That is, if p() may be framed as conditional on parameters, say, P, as p(| P )
in (3.10). If P are unknown, they too require a prior distribution p( P ), which itself may
depend on parameters, possibly unknown, and so on. The distributions at the different
levels may have their own covariates and exchangeability structures, such as student
characteristics and school characteristics. This perspective of building out the model is
strongly aligned with strategies in multilevel modeling (e.g., Gelman & Hill, 2007), and is
often framed as a hierarchical specification of the model and prior distributions (Lindley &
Smith, 1972). This perspective has come to dominate Bayesian modeling for wide variety
of psychometric and complex statistical models (Jackman, 2009). At various points in our
treatment of Bayesian psychometric modeling, we will adopt each of these perspectives on
modeling to bring out certain inferential issues.

3.7 Summary and Bibliographic Note

This chapter has toured several key conceptual aspects of Bayesian approaches to psy-
chometric modeling. Bayesian inference may be viewed as an instance of model-based
reasoning, in which we construct a model to represent the salient aspects of a complicated
real-world problem and reason through the machinery of the model. Exchangeability
and conditional independence structures greatly facilitate the process of constructing the
model, and Bayes theorem is our workhorse for conducting inductive inference. In assess-
ment, this will be in reasoning from observations of examinee behaviors to characteriza-
tions of them more broadly construed.
The distinctive feature of Bayesian approaches is the treatment of parameters, indeed, all
entities, as random, with accompanying distributional specifications. Viewing probability
as an expression of beliefs, the posterior distribution is an expression of beliefs arrived at
by the synthesis of the prior beliefs represented in the prior distribution and the informa-
tion in the data represented in the likelihood.
The perspective on Bayesian inference presented in Section3.5 is one of many that have
been advanced. See Barnett (1999), Berger (2006), Box (1983), Gelman (2011), Gelman and
Shalizi (2013), Jaynes (2003), Senn (2011), and Williamson (2010) for recent expositions on
varying perspectives on Bayesian inference, and discussions.
Our treatment has stressed exchangeability as a concept and its role in model construc-
tion. More formal textbook treatments of exchangeability can be found in Bernardo and
Smith (2000) and Jackman (2009); Barnett (1999) provides a discussion of its historical ori-
gins and its role in inference.
Techniques and strategies for eliciting and codifying prior information and for elicit-
ing probabilistic beliefs, including ways to calibrate the performance of individuals in
Conceptual Issues in Bayesian Inference 75

their probability assessment, may be found in Almond (2010), Almond etal. (2015), Chow,
OLeary, and Mengersen (2009), Garthwaite, Kadane, and OHagan, 2005, Kadane and
Wolfson (1998), Novick and Jackson (1974), OHagan (1998), OHagan et al. (2006), Press
(1989), Savage (1971), and Winkler (1972). See De Leeuw and Klugkist (2012) for several
alternatives for basing prior distributions on prior research in the context of regression
modeling. We discuss strategies for specifying prior distributions based on substantive
beliefs and previous research in psychometric models in the context of item response
theory in Chapter11.
This page intentionally left blank
Normal Distribution Models

This chapter provides a treatment of popular Bayesian approaches to working with nor-
mal distribution models. We do not attempt a comprehensive account, instead providing
a more cursory treatment that has two aims. First, it is valuable to review a number of
Bayesian modeling concepts in the context of familiar normal distributions. Second, nor-
mal distributions are widely used in statistical and psychometric modeling. As such, this
chapter provides a foundation for more complex models; in particular, the development
of regression, classical test theory, and factor analysis models will draw heavily from the
material introduced here.
As a running example, suppose we have a test scored from 0 to 100, and we are interested
in the distribution of test scores for examinees. We obtain scores from n = 10 examinees,
and let those scores be x = (91, 85, 72, 87, 71, 77, 88, 94, 84, 92), where xi is the score for exam-
inee i. Assuming that the scores are independently and identically normally distributed,
xi ~ N ( , 2 ), unbiased least-squares estimates of the mean and variance are 84.1 and 66.77;
the MLEs for the mean and variance are 84.1 and 60.09. In what follows, we explore a series
of Bayesian models for this setup. In Section4.1, we model the unknown mean treating the
variance as known. In Section4.2, we model the unknown variance treating the mean as
known. In Section4.3, we consider the case where we model both the mean and variance
as unknown. We conclude this chapter with a brief summary in Section4.4.

4.1 Model with Unknown Mean and Known Variance

4.1.1 Model Setup
We begin by considering the situation where 2 is known and inference is focused on the
unknown mean . Following Bayes theorem,

p(|x , 2 ) p( x|, 2 )p(). (4.1)

The first term on the right-hand side of (4.1) is the conditional probability of the data.
Treating the examinees scores as exchangeable and normally distributed,

p( x| , 2 ) = p(x |, ),
i =1


xi | , 2 N (, 2 ) (4.3)

Note that (4.2) and (4.3) are akin to those in conventional frequentist approaches.

78 Bayesian Psychometric Modeling

4.1.2 Normal Prior Distribution

In a Bayesian analysis, the unknown parameter is treated as a random variable and
assigned a prior distribution, which is the second term on the right-hand side of (4.1).
Apopular choice for the prior distribution in this context is a normal distribution. That is,

~ N ( , 2 ), (4.4)

where and 2 are hyperparameters. The subscript notation adopted here is used to
reflect that these are features of the distribution of prior to observing x, in contrast to the
posterior distribution.

4.1.3 Complete Model and Posterior Distribution

Figure4.1 presents the directed acyclic graph (DAG) for the model. The portion of the DAG
from the top to the node for in the middle represents the prior distribution and corresponds
to (4.4). The portion of the DAG from the middle layer (i.e., and 2) down represents the
conditional probability of the data and corresponds to (4.2) and (4.3). The plate over the index
i indicates that there is a value of xi for i = 1,, n. Importantly, the parents of xi, namely
and 2, fall outside the plate, indicating that they do not vary over i. Taken together, this is a
graphical consequence of the exchangeability assumption that facilitates the factoring in (4.2)
and the specification of each individual xi on a common set of parent variables.
Putting the pieces together and substituting into (4.1), we have

p(|x , 2 ) p( x|, 2 )p()

= i =1
p( xi | , 2 )p(),


xi | , 2 ~ N ( , 2 ) for i = 1, , n

i = 1,, n

Directed acyclic graph for a normal distribution model with unknown mean and known variance 2, where
and 2 are hyperparameters for the unknown mean .
Normal Distribution Models 79

~ N ( , 2 ).

The normal prior distribution is popular in part because it is a conjugate prior in this case.
It can be shown that the posterior distribution is then itself normal (Lindley & Smith, 1972;
see also Gelman etal., 2013; Gill, 2007; Jackman, 2009):

|x , 2 ~ N (|x , 2|x ), (4.6)


|x =
( ) + ( nx ) ,



(1 ) + ( n )


x = n1 xi is the mean of the observed data, and


2|x = . (4.8)
( ) (
1 2 + n 2 )
The subscript notation adopted on the right-hand side of (4.6) and in (4.7) and (4.8) is used
to reflect that these are features of the distribution of posterior to observing x.* The pos-
terior distribution also reveals that n and x are sufficient statistics for the analysis; they
jointly capture all the relevant information in the data.

4.1.4 Precision Parameterization

A number of key features of the result here are more easily seen by a reparameterization of
the normal distribution in terms of the precision, defined as the inverse of the variance. In
this parameterization, we employ the precision in the distribution of the data

= 2 (4.9)
and the prior precision

= 2 . (4.10)

The posterior distribution is then written as

p(|x , ) p( x|, )p()

= p(x |, )p(),
i =1

* As (4.7) and (4.8) reveal, these results are also conditional on the values for the hyperparameters and the
variance of the data. In the current example, these are all known values. When we turn to models that treat
the mean and variance as unknown, we will expand our notation for these expressions accordingly.
80 Bayesian Psychometric Modeling

i = 1,, n

Directed acyclic graph for a normal distribution model with unknown mean in the precision parameteriza-
tion, where is the known precision of the data, equal to the inverse of the variance 2, and and (the
inverse of 2 ) are hyperparameters for the unknown mean .

xi | , ~ N ( , ) for i = 1, , n

~ N ( , ).

Figure4.2 contains the DAG for the model in the precision parameterization. It differs from
the DAG in Figure4.1 by modeling as a parent for xi and as a parent for . Thesepre-
cision terms are modeled as the children of the associated variance terms, reflecting the
deterministic relations in (4.9) and (4.10).
Under this parameterization, the posterior distribution for is normal,

|x , ~ N (|x , |x ), (4.12)

with posterior mean

+ nx n
|x = = + x (4.13)
+ n + n + n

and posterior precision

|x = + n. (4.14)

The precision parameterization reveals several key features of the posterior distribtion.
First, (4.14) indicates that the posterior precision (|x ) is the sum of two components: the
precision in the prior () and the precision in the data (n). Conceptually, the variance of a
distribution is a summary of our uncertaintya distribution with a relatively large (small)
variance indicates relatively high (low) uncertainty. In this light, the precision is a sum-
mary of our certaintya distribution with a relatively large (small) precision indicates
relatively high (low) certainty. In these terms, (4.14) states that our posterior certainty is the
sum of certainty from two sources, namely the prior and the data.
Normal Distribution Models 81

The posterior mean ( |x ) in (4.13) is a weighted average of the prior mean ( ) and the
mean of the data (x). The weight for the prior mean ( /[ + n]) is proportional to the priors
contribution to the total precision. Similarly, the weight for the mean of the data (n /[ + n])
is proportional to the datas contribution to the total precision. Viewing the posterior mean
as a point summary of the posterior distribution, (4.13) also illustrates the general point that
the posterior will be a synthesis of the information in the prior and the information in the
data as expressed in the likelihood. In the current case, the relative contribution of the prior
and the data in this synthesis is governed by the relative precision in each of these sources.

4.1.5 Example Analysis

To illustrate, we develop an analysis of the n = 10 examinee test scores listed at the outset
of this chapter, which have a mean of x = 84.1. The variance of the data is known, 2 = 25;
equivalently the precision of the data is = .04. We employ the following normal prior dis-
tribution for expressed in the variance parameterization

~ N ( 75, 50 ) , (4.15)

which implies the prior precision is = .02. This prior, depicted in Figure4.3, expresses the
prior belief that is almost certainly larger than 50 and probably in the high 60s to low 80s.
The likelihood is also depicted in Figure4.3. It takes a maximum value at 84.1, the mean
of the data. The posterior mean and precision are calculated through (4.13) and (4.14) as

+ nX (.02)(75) + (10)(.04)(84.1)
|x = = 83.67
+ n .02 + (10)(.04)

|x = + n = .02 + (10)(.04) = .42.

This last result implies that the posterior variance is 2|x 2.38 . The posterior distribution,
expressed in the variance parameterization, is

|x , 2 ~ N (83.67 , 2.38). (4.16)


50 60 70 80 90 100

Prior distribution, likelihood, and posterior distribution for the example with an N(75, 50) prior for the unknown
mean , where 2 = 25, x = 84.1, and n = 10.
82 Bayesian Psychometric Modeling

The posterior is depicted in Figure4.3. It may be summarized in terms of its central ten-
dency, the posterior mean (and median and mode) is 83.67; and variability, the posterior
standard deviation is 1.54. The 95% central and HPD interval is (80.64, 86.69).

4.1.6 Asymptotics and Connections to Frequentist Approaches

It is instructive to consider some properties of the posterior distribution in limiting cases as
the information in the data increases or the information in the prior decreases. Consideration
of (4.7) and (4.8) reveals that, holding the prior distribution constant, as n ,

2|x (4.17)


|x x . (4.18)

Accordingly, as n ,

|x , 2 N x , . (4.19)

Likewise, these limiting properties obtain as 2 , holding the features of the data
These results illustrate a number of the principles discussed in Section3.3. As the rela-
tive contribution of the data increaseseither through the increased amount of data (n)
or the decrease in the information in the prior (larger values of 2 )the results become
increasingly similar to what would be obtained from a frequentist analysis. Point sum-
maries of the posterior (i.e., mean, median, and mode) get closer to x, which is the MLE
of . The posterior standard deviation of gets closer to the sampling variance of x. And
posterior credibility intervals resemble frequentist confidence intervals. Importantly, as
discussed in Section3.3, though the results may be numerically similar to their frequentist
counterparts, their interpretations are different. Unlike a frequentist analysis, a Bayesian
analysis yields probabilistic statements and reasoning about the parameters. The 95% cen-
tral and HPD interval indicates that, according to the model, there is a .95 probability
that is between 80.64 and 86.69.

4.2 Model with Known Mean and Unknown Variance

4.2.1 Model Setup
We turn to the situation where is known and inference is focused on the unknown vari-
ance 2. Following Bayes theorem,

p(2 |x , ) p( x| , 2 )p(2 ). (4.20)

Normal Distribution Models 83

The first term on the right-hand side is the conditional probability of the data, which is
the same as given in (4.2) and (4.3). The second term on the right-hand side is the prior
distribution for 2.

4.2.2 Inverse-Gamma Prior Distribution

A popular choice for the prior distribution of the variance of a normal distribution is an
inverse-gamma distribution. That is,

2 ~ Inv-Gamma( , ), (4.21)

where and are hyperparameters. Figure4.4 depicts several inverse-gamma distribu-

tions, where it is seen that the support of the distribution is restricted to positive values
and is positively skewed.
Inverse-gamma distributions are not as well known as normal distributions. Choosing
the values of the hyperparameters is likely not natural to analysts not well steeped in
them. One strategy for working with them involves a parameterization of the inverse
gamma where = 0 / 2 and = 002 / 2,

2 Inv-Gamma( 0 / 2, 002 / 2) (4.22)

Under this parameterization, 02 has the interpretation akin to a best estimate for the vari-
ance and 0 has the interpretation akin to the degrees of freedom, or pseudo-sample size
associated with that estimate. This could come from prior research, or from subject matter
expert beliefs. For example, a subject matter expert may express their beliefs by saying
Ithink the variance is around 30. But Im not very confident, its only as if that came from
observing 10 subjects. This could be modeled by setting 02 = 30 and 0 = 10, yielding an
Inv-Gamma(5,150) distribution. Then the inverse-gamma distribution may be plotted and
inspected as to whether it represents prior beliefs as intended.
The inverse-gamma distribution has a positive skew shape like the more familiar 2 dis-
tribution. In fact, the 2 distribution is related to the inverse-gamma and the gamma dis-
tribution. Specifically, if 2 ~ Inv-Gamma( 0 / 2, 002 / 2), then the quantity 002 / 2 ~ 20 .
Accordingly, some authors refer to this as a scaled inverse-2 distribution (Gelman etal.,


0 1 2 3 4

Inverse-gamma densities.
84 Bayesian Psychometric Modeling

4.2.3 Complete Model and Posterior Distribution

Figure4.5 presents the DAG for the model. The portion of the DAG from the top to the
node for 2 in the middle represents the prior distribuion and corresponds to (4.22). The
portion of the DAG from the middle layer down represents the conditional probability of
the data and corresponds to (4.2) and (4.3).
Putting the pieces together and substituting into (4.20), the posterior distribution is

p(2 |x , ) p( x| , 2 )p(2 )
n (4.23)
i =1
p( xi | , 2 )p(2 ),


xi | , 2 ~ N ( , 2 ) for i = 1, , n


2 ~ Inv-Gamma( 0 / 2, 002 / 2).

It can be shown that the posterior distribution is also an inverse-gamma distribution


+ n 002 + SS( x|)

2 |x , ~ Inv-Gamma 0 , , (4.24)
2 2

SS( x|) = ( x )
i =1

is the sum of squares from the data, with the conditioning notation indicating the sum
of squares is taken about the known population mean . The posterior distribution also

0 02

i = 1,, n

Directed acyclic graph for a normal distribution model with unknown variance 2 and known mean , where
0 and 02 are hyperparameters for the unknown variance 2.
Normal Distribution Models 85

reveals that n and SS ( x| ) are sufficient statistics for the analysis; they jointly capture all
the relevant information in the data.

4.2.4 Precision Parameterization and Gamma Prior Distribution

In the precision parameterization, the posterior distribution is

p(|x , ) p( x|, )p(), (4.26)

where p() is the prior distribution for the precision. As discussed in Section 4.2.2, the
inverse gamma is the conjugate prior for 2. Recognizing that is the inverse of 2, it is not
surprising that the gamma distribution is the conjugate prior for . Thus, we specify the
prior distribution for as

~ Gamma( , ), (4.27)

where and are hyperparameters that govern the distribution. Figure4.6 depicts several
gamma distributions. Again, a convenient parameterization is one in which =0/2 and
= 002/2 with the interpretations of 02 and 0 as a prior best estimate for the variance and
pseudo-sample size, respectively.

4.2.5 Complete Model and Posterior Distribution for the Precision Parameterization
Figure 4.7 contains the DAG for the model in the precision parameterization. It differs
from the DAG in Figure4.5 by modeling as the parent for xi. The DAG also includes 2
as a child of , reflecting the deterministic relation between the two. 2 is included here
to reflect that we might model things in terms of the precision, but for reporting we often
prefer to employ the more familiar variance metric.
Putting the pieces together, the posterior distribution in the precision parameterization is

p(|x , ) p( x|, )p()

n (4.28)
= p(x |, )p(),
i =1


0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5

Gamma densities.
86 Bayesian Psychometric Modeling

0 02

i = 1,, n

Directed acyclic graph for a normal distribution model in the precision parameterization, with unknown pre-
cision (inverse of variance, 2 ) and known mean , where 0 and 02 are hyperparameters for the unknown
precision .

xi | , ~ N ( , ) for i = 1, , n

~ Gamma( 0 / 2, 002 / 2).

The posterior distribution is then a gamma distribution

+ n 002 + SS( x|)

|x , ~ Gamma 0 , . (4.29)
2 2

4.2.6 Example Analysis

We return to the example with n = 10 scores, assuming a known mean = 80. The sum of
squares of the 10 scores around is 769. The prior distribution was developed based on
modeling the belief that the variance is around 30, but expressing the amount of uncertainty
as being akin to having observed that variance on the basis of 10 observations. Entering in
values of 02 = 30 and 0 = 10 into (4.22) yields the following prior distribution for 2,

2 ~ Inv-Gamma(5, 150), (4.30)

depicted in Figure4.8.
The likelihood is also depicted in Figure4.8. The posterior distribution, also depicted in
Figure4.8, is then

+ n 002 + SS( x|)

2 |x , ~ Inv-Gamma 0 ,
2 2
10 + 10 (10 )( 30 ) + 769 (4.31)
= Inv-Gamma ,
2 2
= Inv-Gamma(10, 534.5).
Normal Distribution Models 87


0 50 100 150 200 250 300


Prior distribution, likelihood, and posterior distribution for the example with an Inv-Gamma(5,150) prior for
the unknown variance 2, where = 80, SS(x|) = 769, and n = 10.

We may summarize the posterior numerically in terms of its central tendency, variability,
and HPD interval: the posterior mean is 59.39 and the posterior mode is 48.59, the posterior
standard deviation is 21.00, and the 95% HPD interval is (27.02,100.74).*

4.3 Model with Unknown Mean and Unknown Variance

4.3.1 Model Setup with the Conditionally Conjugate Prior Distribution
We now consider the situation where both and 2 are unknown. Following Bayes

p(, 2 |x ) p( x|, 2 )p( , 2 ). (4.32)

The first term on the right-hand side is the conditional probability of the data, which
remains as given in (4.2) and (4.3).
The second term on the right-hand side is the joint prior distribution for and 2. To
specify this distribution, we first assume independence between and 2, implying

p( , 2 ) = p()p(2 ). (4.33)

This independence assumption is common in the specification of a number of models,

particularly complex psychometric models. Of course, if there is substantive information
to the contrary, it can be incorporated into the model by using a joint prior; we will see
one way this can be done shortly. Importantly, using independent priors does not force the
parameters to be independent in the posterior. Specifying the joint independence prior
then comes to specifying the individual terms on the right-hand side of (4.33). Drawing
from the previous developments, we employ a normal prior for and an inverse-gamma
prior for 2 or, equivalently, a gamma prior for . The DAGs for the model in both the

* These values came from calculator for the inverse-gamma distribution. We will see shortly how to approxi-
mate them empirically. We do not need to do so in this problem, but it is a general approach we can use for
more complicated posterior distributions.
88 Bayesian Psychometric Modeling

variance and precision parameterizations are given in Figure4.9. The posterior distribu-
tion is then

p( , 2 |x ) p( x| , 2 ) p() p(2 )
n (4.34)

= i =1
p( xi | , 2 ) p() p(2 ),

where the terms on the right-hand side of (4.34) are the conditional probability of the data
and the prior distributions:

xi | , 2 ~ N (, 2 ) for i = 1, , n,

~ N ( , 2 ),


2 ~ Inv-Gamma( 0 / 2, 002 / 2).

Though these prior distributions are conjugate priors in the cases where there is only one
unknown, they do not constitute a conjugate joint prior in the current context and do not
yield a closed-form joint posterior (Lunn etal., 2013). However, the posterior can be easily
approximated empirically using simulation techniques illustrated in the next section and
described more fully in Chapter 5. For the moment, it is sufficient to state that these proce-
dures yield a series of values that, taken as a collection, constitute an empirical approxima-
tion to the posterior distribution. Following Jackman (2009), we refer to this situation as
one where the priors are conditionally conjugate. They have also been termed generalized
conjugate and semi-conjugate. All of these terms are aimed at reflecting that though this
prior distribution does not yield a closed form for the posterior distribution, it does yield a
manageable form, both conceptually and computationally using simulation strategies that
involve conditioning.

2 0 02 0 02

2 2

xi xi
i = 1,, n i = 1,, n
(a) (b)

Directed acyclic graphs for a normal distribution model with unknown mean and unknown variance 2 or
precision in the (a) variance parameterization and (b) precision parameterization.
Normal Distribution Models 89

4.3.2 Example Analysis

We return to the example with n = 10 scores and pursue inference for both and 2.
Collecting all the pieces, the model is given in the variance parameterization by

p( , 2 |x ) p( x| , 2 )p()p(2 )

= p(x |, )p()p( ),
i =1
2 2

xi | , 2 ~ N ( , 2 ) for i = 1, , 10,

~ N (75, 50),
2 ~ Inv-Gamma(5, 150).

This model was analyzed in WinBUGS using the following code.

# Model Syntax

# Conditional distribution for the data

for(i in 1:n){
x[i] ~ dnorm(mu, tau)

# Define the prior distributions for the unknown parameters

mu ~ dnorm(mu.mu, tau.mu) # prior distribution for mu

mu.mu <- 75 # mean of the prior for mu

sigma.squared.mu <- 50 # variance of the prior for mu
tau.mu <- 1/sigma.squared.mu # precision of the prior for mu

tau ~ dgamma(alpha,beta) # precision of the data

sigma.squared <- 1/tau # variance of the data

nu.0 <- 10 # hyperparameter for prior for tau

sigma.squared.0 <- 30 # hyperparameter for prior for tau
90 Bayesian Psychometric Modeling

alpha <- nu.0/2 # hyperparameter for prior for tau

beta <- nu.0*sigma.squared.0/2 # hyperparameter for prior for tau

} # closes the model statement

Data statement
list(n=10, x=c(91, 85, 72, 87, 71, 77, 88, 94, 84, 92))

Note that WinBUGS uses the precision parameterization for the normal distribution. In
this example, the values for the observables and sample size are contained in the list state-
ment for the data. The values for the hyperparameters are specified in the model portion
of the code. As they are known values, they could have been specified as part of the data
statement. We have specified them in the model portion to more clearly illustrate which
hyperparameters go with which parameter, and how some of the hyperparameters are
calculated as functions of others, to yield quantities used in WinBUGSs parameterization
of the normal and (inverse-)gamma distributions. Figure4.10 depicts the joint distribution
for and 2 in the form of a scatterplot based on an analysis of the code above using 50,000
iterations.* As depicted there, the posterior correlation between the parameters is weak;
in these 50,000 draws, the correlation was .13. Figure4.11 depicts empirical approxima-
tions to the marginal posterior distributions for and 2 produced by WinBUGS. Table4.1
contains summary statistics for these marginal posterior distributions.

4.3.3 Alternative Prior Distributions

A variety of alternatives have been proposed for the joint prior distribution p( , 2 ). A con-
jugate prior is given by p( , 2 ) = p(|2 )p(2 ), where






75 80 85 90

Scatterplot of the joint posterior distribution for the parameters of the normal distribution where both the mean
and the variance 2 are unknown.

* We will have more to say about choices regarding the number of iterations to use in Chapter5. Suffice it to say
that 50,000 is plenty sufficient to characterize the posterior in the current case.
Normal Distribution Models 91

70 75 80 85 90 95 0 50 150 250
(a) (b) 2

Marginal posterior densities for the parameters of the normal distribution: (a) the unknown mean and (b) the
unknown variance 2.

Summaries of the Marginal Posterior Distributions
95% Highest Posterior
Parameter Mean Median Standard Deviation Density Interval
83.23 83.27 2.20 (78.80, 87.48)
53.19 49.32 19.45 (23.22, 91.34)

2 ~ Inv-Gamma( , ) (4.35)


|2 ~ N ( , 2 / ), (4.36)

with being a hyperparameter that aids in defining the prior variance for in terms of 2 .
may be thought of as a pseudo-sample size in that, as 0, the prior variance for gets
larger, reflecting that the prior is expressing less certainty, as would be consistent with
having fewer prior observations.
Though this approach affords conjugacy, it has seen limited application in psychomet-
rics and latent variable models (see Lee, 2007, for examples) and we do not purse it further.
The specification of independent priors for and 2 is attractive because (a) it is conceptu-
ally simpler to conceive of the mean and variance of the normal distribution as indepen-
dent entities, and (b) the computation of the posterior using the independent, conditionally
conjugate priors is fairly straightforward and usually quite fast, thereby minimizing the
computational advantages of having full conjugacy.
Another choice for the prior distribution that is motivated by a desire to specify an
increasingly diffuse prior distribution is the improper prior

p( , 2 ) 2 , (4.37)

which is also uniform on ( , log ). Provocatively, the posterior distribution in this case
aligns closely with forms taken for sampling distributions in frequentist inference
(Jackman, 2009). On reflection this is unsurprising and reinforces a key conceptual point:
to the extent that there is less information in the prior(4.37) is a limiting case of reducing
the information in the priorthe posterior is increasingly similar to the likelihood.
92 Bayesian Psychometric Modeling

4.4 Summary
This chapter has briefly described Bayesian approaches when the observable data is
modeled via a normal distribution. Key ideas introduced include the precision as the
inverse of 2, conjugate and conditionally conjugate prior distributions, and the posterior
distribution for the mean as a precision-weighted synthesis of the prior mean and the
mean of the data. Our treatment has been cursory, only going to a depth sufficient to sup-
port the development of models covered later. More comprehensive accounts can be found
in any of a number of texts on Bayesian modeling, including those cited in the introduction
to Section I. The specifications introduced here will re-emerge most prominently in our
treatments of regression (Chapter6), classical test theory (Chapter8), and factor analysis
(Chapter 9) models. The underlying principles will be used throughout the remaining

4.1 An example for an inference about a mean () when the variance is known was
given in Section4.1. A related analysis now conducting inference about the mean
and the variance was given in Section 4.3. Compare the results for the two, in
terms of the (marginal) posterior distribution for the mean. How do they differ?
What explains why they differ in these ways? Under what circumstances would
the results from such analyses yield increasingly similar results? Under what cir-
cumstances would the results from such analyses yield increasingly dissimilar
4.2 An example for an inference about a variance (2) when the mean is known was
given in Section4.2. A related analysis now conducting inference about the mean
and the variance was given in Section4.3. Compare the results for the two, in terms
of the (marginal) posterior distribution for the variance. How do they differ? What
explains why they differ in these ways? Under what circumstances would the
results from such analyses yield increasingly similar results? Under what circum-
stances would the results from such analyses yield increasingly dissimilar results?
4.3 In the WinBUGS code in Section4.3.2, add a line defining the standard deviation
sigma as the square root of the variance, and examine its posterior distribution.
What is WinBUGS doing to produce this approximation of its posterior? Is the
posterior mean of sigma equal to the square root of the posterior mean for sigma.
squared? Why or why not?
4.4 (Advanced) Compare the posterior standard deviation of sigma with an approxi-
mation based on the posterior standard deviation of sigma.squared, trans-
formed by the delta method. How close is the approximation, and why does it
differ? Repeat the exercise with larger samples of data produced by creating multi-
ple copies of the sample data, so the sample mean and dispersion remain constant
as n increases. How large does n need to be for the asymptotic approximations in
this exercise and the preceding one to be accurate?
Markov Chain Monte Carlo Estimation

In a Bayesian analysis, the posterior distribution is the solution obtained from fitting the
model to the data. Analytical solutions are available for simple models with conjugate
priors, such as the beta-binomial model, or a model for the mean of a normal distribution
with a known variance. These situations arise when the likelihood is a member of the gen-
eral exponential family of distributions (Bernardo & Smith, 2000), so that a special related
distribution exists that can be used as a prior, and the posterior takes the same form with
updated parameters.
Many complex statistical and psychometric models do not enjoy the benefit of hav-
ing conjugate priors. When there is no closed form solution for the product of the prior
and the likelihood, evaluating the possibly high-dimensional integrals in Bayes theo-
rem quickly become intractable, in practice preventing the analyst from obtaining the
full posterior distribution. In some cases, Taylor series analytic approximations can be
derived for moments (e.g., Tierney & Kadane, 1986), or posterior modes may be estimated
via optimization techniques such as NewtonRaphson or the EM algorithm when deriva-
tives are amenable (e.g., Mislevy, 1986). These resulting estimates and complementary
estimates of the curvature of the posterior may be used to define an asymptotic approxi-
mation of the posterior. Such estimation procedures may be useful even in situations
where the posterior is of a known form, say, in estimating the mode of the posterior when
there is no closed form for it.
An attractive alternative when computing resources are available is to simulate values
from distributions in such a way that the collection of such values forms an empirical
approximation of the posterior distribution. Ideally these simulated values would be
independent (or pseudo-independent). In some cases in psychometric modeling, certain
choices for distributional forms (e.g., normality assumptions for the data and associ-
ated conjugate priors) yield posterior distributions of manageable form, in which case
an empirical approximation may be obtained by simulating values using standard pro-
cedures (Lee, 2007).
However, in models that do not employ conjugate priors and/or have complicated fea-
tures that preclude the specification of conjugate priors, the posterior distribution is often
not of a form that facilitates independent sampling. An alternative is to simulate values
that are dependent, which is sufficient if the values can be drawn throughout the poste-
rior distribution and in the correct proportions (Gilks, Richardson, & Spiegelhalter, 1996a).
Ahighly flexible framework for estimating distributions in this vein that supports Bayesian
analyses in such complex models is provided by Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) esti-
mation (Brooks, 1998; Brooks, Gelman, Jones, & Meng, 2011; Gelfand & Smith, 1990; Gilks,
Richardson, & Spiegelhalter, 1996b; Smith & Roberts, 1993; Spiegelhalter, Thomas, Best, &
Lunn, 2007; Tierney, 1994). Although (possibly highly) dependent, if enough samples are
simulated such that the values are obtained throughout the support of the distribution in

94 Bayesian Psychometric Modeling

the correct proportions, drawing such dependent samples provides an empirical approxi-
mation to the posterior distribution.
This chapter gives an overview of MCMC estimation. In Section 5.1, we give a broad
description and comparison of MCMC to frequentist estimation. Next, we describe certain
specific algorithms that have become the dominant approaches in Bayesian psychomet-
ric modeling with MCMC (Sections5.2, 5.3, 5.5, and 5.6), and in doing so illuminate the
conceptual alignment between MCMC and Bayesian statistical modeling (Section5.4). We
then briefly survey a number of matters pertaining to the practice of MCMC estimation
(Section5.7). We conclude in Section5.8 with a summary and bibliographic note.

5.1 Overview of MCMC

MCMC routines are used to empirically approximate a distribution using a collection of
values. The last two words, Monte Carlo, indicate that the process will involve simulating
(sampling, generating, drawing) values from distributions. The word chain indicates that
the drawn values are done so in ways that the values are linked, occurring in sequence.
This stands in contrast to other sampling techniques in which the draws are independent
(e.g., Rubin, 1988). To begin to formalize things, let ((1) , , (T ) ) denote T values that con-
stitute the chain, where the superscript denotes the iteration in the sequence. It is useful
to think of this as an indicator of time. The dependence of the values in the chain follows
the Markov property, which states that, given the value of the chain at any time t, the value
of the chain at any later time is conditionally independent of the value at any earlier time.
More formally,

p((t + a ) |(t ) , (t b ) ) = p((t + a ) |(t ) ), a > 0, b > 0. (5.1)

Given that certain general conditions hold (see, e.g., Jackman, 2009; Roberts, 1996; Tierney,
1994), a properly constructed chain is guaranteed to converge to a unique stationary distri-
bution. Briefly, the transition kernel of the chain must be:

Time-homogeneous: the transition probability from one state to another is constant;

Irreducible: from any given point in the distribution, the chain can reach any other
point with positive probability in some number of iterations; and
Positive recurrent: in the long run, the chain will visit each state an infinite num-
ber of times.

Further, the chain should be aperiodic, which means it will not just oscillate between
different states in a regular period. If these conditions hold, then the chain is said to
be ergodic, and the chain will converge to its unique stationary distribution. This is
accomplished by constructing chains that are reversible, discussed in more detail in
To leverage Markov chains in Bayesian analysis, we set up the chain so that the desired
posterior distribution is the chains stationary distribution. If the chain is properly
Markov Chain Monte Carlo Estimation 95

constructed, then (t ) ~ p(|x ) as t . As such, MCMC estimation in a Bayesian analysis

consists of drawing from a series of distributions that is, in the limit, equal to drawing
from the posterior distribution. In practice, we seek to determine when the chain con-
verges to its stationary distribution, which in our case is the posterior distribution. Let
(C ) denote this point. The remaining draws ((C +1) ,, (T ) ) are considered draws from the
posterior distribution p(|x ).
The use of MCMC in Bayesian modeling aligns nicely with the Monte Carlo principle,
which states that anything we want to know about a random variable can be learned
by sampling many times from f(), the density of (Jackman, 2009, p. 133). The upshot of
using MCMC in a Bayesian analysis is that the collection of values ((C +1) ,, (T ) ) from the
chain constitute an empirical approximation to the posterior distribution p(|x ). Features
of the distribution of interest (e.g., the mean, standard deviation, intervals) are then empiri-
cally approximated by the corresponding features of the collection of draws, with increas-
ing fidelity as more draws are taken.
Monte Carlo simulation offers an attractive approach when functions of interest do not
have standard densities. Let g() denote some function of the parameters . Even in situ-
ations where the posterior density p(|x ) is well known, the posterior density p( g()|x )
might not be. Recall the situation in Section4.2 where we sought inference for the vari-
ance of a normal distribution with known mean. In that case, = 2 and (using the conju-
gate prior) the posterior distribution p(2 |x ) was an inverse-gamma. However, suppose
we were interested in the posterior distribution for the standard deviation defined as
= g(2 ) = 2 . It is important to note that in general the features of a distribution of a
transformation of parameters cannot be obtained by applying the transformation to the fea-
tures of the distribution of the parameters. For example, the mean of the posterior distribu-
tion of the standard deviation is not the square root of the mean of the posterior distribution
for the variance; symbolically E ( 2 |x ) E(2 )|x . We can however sample values for
2 from p(2 |x ) and then take the square root of each of those sampled values. This set of
transformed values does indeed empirically approximate the posterior density p ( 2 |x ) ,
which can be summarized by its mean or any other function as desired. More generally,
we may empirically approximate the (posterior) density of a function g() that transforms
the parameters by sampling values from the (posterior) density of and then applying the
transformation to those sampled values.
Before turning to descriptions of specific algorithms, we pause to clarify some points
of departure between frequentist and Bayesian approaches as they play out in notions of
estimation. The principal issue concerns what is being evaluated. In ML estimation, the
function of interest is the likelihood. In a Bayesian analysis, what is of interest is the pos-
terior distribution.
A second issue concerns the goals of estimation, and the methods of achieving those
goals. In frequentist modeling that treats parameters as fixed, parameter estimation comes
to arriving at a point estimate of the parameter. In ML, this amounts to finding the maxi-
mum of the likelihood function, often via iterative search methods (see, e.g., Sli & Mayers,
2003), akin to finding the highest point in a mountain range. In a fully Bayesian analysis,
we do not seek a point, but rather a whole distribution. Continuing with the metaphor,
Bayesian estimation works with a different mountain range than ML, and rather than
seeking the highest peak, it seeks to map the entire terrain of peaks, valleys, and plateaus.
The iterative simulation methods addressed in this chapter are flexible tools for accom-
plishing this mapping for a wide array of models.
96 Bayesian Psychometric Modeling

5.2 Gibbs Sampling

5.2.1 Gibbs Sampling Algorithm
A popular algorithm for constructing the Markov chain is the Gibbs sampler, which relies
on alternatively sampling components of conditional on the remaining components of
and, in the Bayesian context, the data x as well (Gelfand & Smith, 1990; Geman & Geman,
1984; see also Brooks, 1998; Casella & George, 1992; Gilks etal., 1996b). Suppose has R com-
ponents and let r denote the rth component of . In the example below each component
r is a single parameter, but in general it may be a collection. Let r denote the remaining
components in , that is, all components except r . Then p( r | r , x ) is the distribution of the
rth component given the remaining components and the data, referred to as the full condi-
tional distribution for r . It can be shown that a joint distribution can be fully determined by
the complete set of such full conditional distributions (Besag, 1974; Gelfand & Smith, 1990).
That is, the posterior p(|x ) is fully determined by p(1| 1 , x ), , p( R | R , x ). A Gibbs
sampler iteratively samples from these full conditional distributions. Letting (rt ) denote
the value of the model parameters in component r at iteration t, Gibbs sampling consists of
proceeding with the following steps:

1. Assign initial values for all the components, yielding the collection (10 ) , , (R0 )
where the superscript of t = 0 conveys that these are initial values.
2. For r = 1,, R, draw values for component r from its full conditional distribution
given the observed data and the current values of all other components. In other
words, for each component r , we obtain the value of the chain at iteration t + 1 by
drawing from its full conditional distribution p( r | r , x ) using the current values
for the remaining components r . One complete iteration is given by sequentially
drawing values from

(1t +1) ~ p(1|(2t ) ,, (Rt ) , x )

(2t +1) ~ p( 2 |(1t +1) , (3t ) ,, (Rt ) , x )


(rt +1) ~ p( r |(1t +1) ,, (rt+11) , (rt+)1 ,, (Rt ) , x )


(Rt+1) ~ p( R |(1t +1) ,, (Rt+11) , x ).

Employing this process using the initial values (t = 0) yields the collection
(1) = ((11) ,, (R1) ) that constitutes the first draw for the components.
3. Increment t, by setting t = t + 1.
4. Repeat steps 2 and 3, for some large number T iterations.
Markov Chain Monte Carlo Estimation 97

5.2.2 Example: Inference for the Mean and Variance of a Normal Distribution
We return to the situation introduced in Chapter4 for conducting a Bayesian analysis in the
situation with data modeled as normally distributed with unknown mean and variance. For
clarity of presentation, we collect and repeat the relevant expressions here. An exchangeabil-
ity assumption regarding subjects supports the factorization of the conditional probability
of the data as

p( x| , 2 ) = p(x |, ),
i =1


xi | , 2 ~ N ( , 2 ). (5.3)

We employ a conditionally conjugate prior, assuming independence of the parameters

p( , 2 ) = p()p(2 ), (5.4)


~ N ( , 2 ) (5.5)


2 ~ Inv-Gamma( 0 / 2, 002 / 2). (5.6)

The full conditional distributions are therefore p(|2 , x ) and p(2 | , x ). It can be shown
that the full conditionals are (Lunn etal., 2013)

|2 , x ~ N (|2 , x , 2|2 , x ), (5.7)


|2 , x =
( ) + ( nx ) ,



(1 ) + ( n )


2|2 , x = , (5.9)
( ) (
1 2 + n 2 )

+ n 002 + SS( x|)

2 | , x ~ Inv-Gamma 0 , , (5.10)
2 2


SS( x|) = ( x )
i =1
98 Bayesian Psychometric Modeling

being the sums of squares from the data taken about the population mean. These results
for are the same as those obtained in the analysis where 2 was assumed known; com-
pare (5.7)(5.9) to (4.6)(4.8). Similarly, the results for 2 are the same as those obtained in
the analysis where was assumed known; compare (5.10) and (5.11) to (4.24) and (4.25).
Working with the full conditionals puts us back in the contexts where, for each parameter,
the other parameter is treated as known. Here lies the computational payoff of a condition-
ally conjugate prior specification. Although the joint posterior does not have a closed form,
the full conditionals do. We are still capitalizing on the conjugacy, now just localized to each
This greatly eases the computational burden needed in the steps of Gibbs sampling.
AGibbs sampling algorithm for the current example is as follows:
1. Assign initial values for all the parameters: ( 0 ) and 2 , where the superscript
indicates that t = 0.
2. For iteration t + 1, draw

( t +1) + n 002 + SS(t ) ( x|)

2 ~ Inv-Gamma 0 ,
2 2

(t )
SS ( x|) = (x
i =1
(t ) 2


(t +1) ~ N
2 + nx 2( t+1)
1 )

1 + n )
2( t +1)
( ) ( ) (
1 + n 2
2 ( t +1)

3. Increment t, by setting t = t + 1.
4. Repeat steps 2 and 3, for some large number T iterations.

We return to the example from Section 4.3 where = 75, 2 = 50 , 02 = 30, and (0)
0 = 10.
Here, we briefly illustrate the computations for a few iterations. Let ( 0 ) = 70 and 2 = 10 be
the initial values for the parameters. These were arbitrarily selected; we will have more
to say about strategies for selecting initial values in Section5.7. These values are listed in
the first row of Table5.1 in the second and third columns, and represent the values for the
iteration listed in the first column.
To conduct the first iteration, we work with the particular inverse-gamma full condi-
tional distribution for 2 using the initial value for . For the first iteration, the first param-
eter of the inverse-gamma is

0 + n 10 + 10
= = 10.
2 2

In fact, this will be the first parameter for the inverse-gamma full conditional in every
iteration, as its ingredients do not involve and therefore do not vary over iterations.
However, the second parameter will vary with each iteration, as it depends on SS(x | ),
Markov Chain Monte Carlo Estimation 99

Computations in the Gibbs Sampler for a Normal Distribution Model with Conditionally
Conjugate Priors
Parameters Full Conditional for 2 Full Conditional for

0 + n 0 02 + SS( x|)
( ) + ( nx )



Iteration 2
2 SS(x | ) 2 (1 ) + ( n )

(1 ) + ( n )


0 70.00 10.00
1 81.19 110.89 10 2589.00 1444.50 82.45 9.08
2 82.78 31.70 10 685.76 492.88 83.56 2.98
3 82.38 43.39 10 618.42 459.21 83.37 3.99
4 81.82 51.72 10 630.32 465.16 83.25 4.69
5 83.16 76.20 10 652.69 476.34 82.90 6.61

which varies over iterations. We first compute the sums of squares of the data about the
current value for the population mean, ( 0 ) = 70:
n n

SS( 0 ) ( x|) = i =1
( x i ( 0 ) )2 = (x 70)
i =1
= 2589.

Note that this is the value of SS that is used to define the full conditional for 2 in the current
iteration; however, it is computed based on the value for from the previous iteration. Using
this value for SS yields the following for the second parameter in the inverse gamma full
conditional distribution:

002 + SS( 0 ) ( x|) 10 30 + 2589

= = 1444.5.
2 2
( 1)
We then take a draw from the full conditional: ~ Inv-Gamma(10, 1444.5). The value
drawn from this distribution was 110.89, which is now the value for 2 for iteration 1. This
value is reported in the second row of Table5.1.
We then turn to the full conditional distribution for . The mean for this distribution is

( ) + ( nx ) (75 50 ) + (10 84.1 110.89 )


2( 1)

= 82.45

(1 ) + ( n )

(1 50 ) + (10 110.89 )
2( 1)

and the variance is

1 1
= 9.08.
(1 ) + ( n

2( 1)
) (1 50 ) + (10 110.89 )

Note the use of the just-drawn value of 110.89 for 2 in these computations. We then take
a draw from the full conditional: (1) N (82.45, 9.08). The drawn value was 81.19, which
is now the value for for iteration 1, and is reported in the second row of Table5.1. This
completes one iteration of the Gibbs sampler.
To conduct the second iteration, we return to the full conditional distribution for 2. We
compute the sums of squares of the data about the current value for the population mean
100 Bayesian Psychometric Modeling

n n
SS(1) ( x|) = i =1
( xi (1) )2 = (x 81.19)
i =1
= 685.76

and the second parameter of the full conditional,

002 + SS(1) ( x|) 10 30 + 685.76

= = 492.88.
2 2
We then take a draw from the full conditional: 2 ~ Inv-Gamma(10, 492.88). The value
drawn from this distribution was 31.70, which is now the value for 2 for iteration 2.
Turning to , the mean for the full conditional distribution is

( ) + ( nx


2( 2 )
) = (75 50 ) + ((10 84.1) 31.70 ) 83.56
(1 ) + ( n ) (1 50 ) + (10 31.70 )
2 2

and the variance is
1 1
= 2.98.

(1 ) + ( n

2( 2 )
) (1 50 ) + (10 31.70 )
Accordingly, we then take a draw from the full conditional: ( 2 ) N (83.56, 2.98). The drawn
value was 82.78, which is now the value for for iteration 2. These drawn values are listed
in Table5.1, as are values for three more iterations of the Gibbs sampler (see Exercise5.6).
Recalling that the goal is not to arrive at a point estimate, but rather a (posterior) distribu-
tion, five iterations are hardly sufficient to characterize the distribution. In applications,
we would typically conduct many more iterations, and summarize them via densities and
summary statistics. For this example, the results of running 50,000 iterations in WinBUGS
were given in Figures 4.10 and 4.11 and Table4.1.

5.2.3 Discussion
Many variations and extensions on the Gibbs sampling architecture are possible. One can
work with subsets of the parameters, treating multiple parameters as a set and sampling
from multivariate full conditionals (e.g., Patz & Junker, 1999b). One need not sample every
parameter at each iteration, as long as each value will be visited infinitely many times in the
long run. In cases where some parameters explore the parameter space more slowly than
others, say due to poor mixing or high autocorrelation (see Section5.7), it may be advanta-
geous to devote more resources to sampling for those parameters, rather than others.
Note that the full conditional distribution for each parameter is formulated as condi-
tional on all the remaining parameters. In complex models with many parameters, this
potentially involves conditioning on a great many parameters. However, the full condi-
tional distributions often simplify due to conditional independence specifications. It is
here that the use of DAGs in conceptualizing the model can greatly aid in computation,
as it can be shown that the full conditional distribution for any entity depends at most on
its parents, its children, and the other parents of its children; all other parameters can be
ignored (Lunn etal., 2009; Spiegelhalter & Lauritzen, 1990). In large problems built from
simpler structures with conditional independence relationships, the simplification can be
Markov Chain Monte Carlo Estimation 101

Returning to the normal distribution example considered in Section5.2.2, Figure4.9a

provides an expanded version of the DAG that includes all the entities in the model that are
known or fixed, including the hyperparameters for the prior distributions. Working with the
expanded DAG leads to an expanded notational scheme for the full conditionals, namely one
that includes the hyperparameters of the prior distribution for the parameter in question.
Reading off the DAG in Figure4.9a, the full conditional for involves conditioning on its
parents ( , 2 ), its children (x), and the other parents of its children (2). The full conditional
for 2 involves conditioning on its parents ( 0 , 02 ), its children (x), and the other parents of its
children (). The expanded DAG suggests writing the full conditionals with an expanded
notation that includes the hyperparameters. This would involve rewriting (5.7)(5.9) as

|2 , , 2 , x ~ N (|2 , ,2 , x , 2|2 , ,2 , x ),


|2 , ,2 , x =
( ) + ( nx ) ,



(1 ) + ( n )


2|2 , ,2 , x = ,
(1 ) (
+ n 2 )

and rewriting (5.10) as

+ n 002 + SS( x|)

2 | , 0 , 02 , x ~ Inv-Gamma 0 , .
2 2

This expanded notation aids in the derivation of full conditionals, as it highlights all
the entities that are involved in computations. We employ this expanded notation in
AppendixA where we develop the full conditional distributions for many of the models
described in the rest of the book. For the rest of the chapters that comprise the main text,
we use the briefer-if-not-fully-complete notation that ignores the hyperparameters on the
right side of the conditioning bar.
If the full conditional distributions are of familiar form (as in the preceding example),
sampling from them may proceed using Monte Carlo procedures. They can be particu-
larly simple when we construct a larger model from constituent models and relationships
that have conjugate or conditionally conjugate priors. However, in complex models, it
might be the case that full conditional distributions are not of known form. In these cases,
more complex sampling schemes are required. Sections 5.3, 5.5, and 5.6 describe such

5.3 Metropolis Sampling

In complex Bayesian models, the posterior distribution is often difficult to obtain through
analytical methods, and not often easier to sample from directly. Metropolis sampling
offers a powerful approach to handle such situations (Metropolis et al., 1953; see also
102 Bayesian Psychometric Modeling

Brooks, 1998; Gilks etal., 1996b). The basic idea is that in lieu of drawing a value from the
difficult-to-sample-from posterior distribution, we draw a value from a different distribu-
tion that we can easily sample from, and then decide to accept or reject that value as the
next value in the chain. This decision rule is constructed in such a way that, after the chain
reaches its stationary distribution, a subsequent draw has the same distribution as a draw
from its posterior distribution. At this point, the frequency distribution of a large number
of draws from the sequence converges to the posterior distribution. The procedure consists
of conducting the following steps:

1. Initialize the parameters by assigning a value for (t ) for t = 0.

2. Draw a candidate value * ~ q(|(t ) ) from a proposal distribution q that we can easily
sample from (e.g., a normal distribution).
3. Define the acceptance probability

p(*|x )
(*|(t ) ) = min 1, (t ) ,
p( |x )

where p((t ) |x ) is the probability (or ordinate of the probability density) for the
current value (t ) in the chain in the posterior distribution and p(*|x ) is the prob-
ability (or ordinate of the probability density) for the candidate value * in the
posterior distribution.
4. Set (t+1) = * with probability (*|(t ) ). Set (t +1) = (t ) with probability 1 (*|(t ) ).
Operationally this is typically accomplished by drawing a random variate U ~
Uniform(0,1), and setting (t+1) = * if (*|(t ) ) > U and setting (t +1) = (t ) otherwise.
5. Increment t, by setting t = t + 1.
6. Repeat steps 25 for some large number T iterations.

The proposal distribution q in step 2 may be any symmetric distribution that is defined over
the support of the stationary distribution, which in our case is the posterior distribution.
Here, symmetry refers to a distribution being symmetric with respect to its arguments;
that is, q(*|(t ) ) = q((t ) |*). The most popular choice for q is a normal distribution centered
at the current value of the chain. To simplify the presentation, first consider the situation
where there is only one parameter so that q is a univariate normal distribution, and let 2*
denote the variance of this distribution. Consideration of the normal probability density

1 1
q(*|(t ) ) = N (*|(t ) , 2* ) = exp 2
(* (t ) )2 (5.12)
2 2
2 *

reveals that interchanging the roles of * and (t ) yields the same resulting value. That
is, N (*|(t ), 2* ) = N ((t ) |*, 2* ) and as such the normal distribution is symmetric with
respect to its arguments.
Figure5.1 illustrates the use of the situation for a model with a single parameter, where
the posterior distribution takes on an irregular shape. Beginning with panel (a) the cur-
rent value of the chain is (t ) . Centered at that value is the normal proposal distribution q.
Suppose that at this iteration, the value drawn from this proposal distribution is *. The
question then becomes whether to accept this as the next value for the chain, (t+1).
Markov Chain Monte Carlo Estimation 103

p( | x) q( |(t) )

p((t) | x)


p((t) | x) q( |(t) )

p( | x)

(b) (t)

Illustration of two iterations of the Metropolis sampler: (a) a proposed value * that will necessarily be accepted;
once accepted it becomes the current value (t ) in (b), which shows a new proposed value that will possibly be
accepted (with probability [p(*|x)/p((t)|x)]). (Modified and used with permission from Educational Testing

The acceptance probability (*|(t ) ) = min 1, p(*|x )/ p((t ) |x ) in step 3 is so named

because it is the probability that the candidate value * is accepted as the value for the (t +1)st
iteration in the chain; accordingly, 1 (*|(t ) ) is the probability that the current value (t ) is
retained as the value for the (t + 1)st iteration in the chain. This reveals a conceptual interpre-
tation for the Metropolis sampler, which applies with slight modification to the Metropolis
Hastings sampler discussed in the Section5.5. In Metropolis sampling, a symmetric proposal
distribution q generates a candidate value *. If * has a higher probability (or ordinate of the
probability density) than (t ) in the posterior, it is accepted as the next value in the chain.
* has a lower probability (or ordinate of the probability density) than (t ) in the posterior, it
is accepted as the next value in the chain with a probability determined by its relative prob-
ability to that of (t ). In the case of Figure5.1 (panel a), the value of * in the posterior density
is greater than that associated with (t ). As a result, * will be accepted as the next value (with
probability 1).
The next iteration proceeds by centering the normal proposal distribution at this value.
Figure 5.1 (panel b) depicts this situation, where the just-accepted value is now (t ) and
the proposal distribution is centered at this point. Suppose that at this iteration, the value
drawn from this proposal distribution is * depicted in panel (b). The value of * in the
posterior density is less than that associated with (t ) . As a result, * will be accepted as the
next value with probability [p(*|x )/p((t ) |x )].
More casually, the acceptance probability in step 3 means that if * is more likely in the
posterior than the current value (t ), the chain will move to * (Figure 5.1, panel a). On
the other hand, if * is less likely in the posterior than the current value (t ) (Figure 5.1,
panelb), the chain will only move to * sometimes, other times it will stay at the current
value (t ). How often the chain moves to * in this context is governed by how likely * is in
the posterior relative to (t ). Putting it together, the Metropolis sampler will always move
to a candidate value if it is more likely than the current value, but only sometimes move
104 Bayesian Psychometric Modeling

if a candidate value is less likely than the current value. And it will do so in a way that
the series of values in the chain produced from this process occur in a relative frequency
dictated by the posterior distribution.
Remarkably, Metropolis sampling works to approximate a distribution for practically
any proposal distribution as long as the mild regularity requirements are met. Some pro-
posal distributions lead to more efficient estimation than others, though. Efficiency is gov-
erned by a number of factors including the dimension of the problem and conditional
independence and conjugacy relationships, and proposal distributions that lead to a
30%40% acceptance rate tend to be the most efficient (Gelman etal., 2013). As mentioned
above, a common proposal distribution is a normal distribution centered at the previous
value in the chain. Seeing that the rate of acceptance is too low suggests the proposal dis-
tribution is too wide, and the variance should be reduced. If the acceptance rate is too high,
the variance should be increased.

5.4 How MCMC Facilitates Bayesian Modeling

As discussed previously, the denominator in Bayes theorem for complex models is often
analytically and computationally intractable. In these cases, the posterior distribution is
usually only known up until a constant of proportionality (see Equation 2.1). As discussed
in Section2.2, this is sufficient to capture all the substantive aspects of the model, namely
the synthesis of prior beliefs and the information in the data. The denominator serves only
as a computational device to yield a proper distribution.
Inspection of the Metropolis sampler reveals that the posterior distribution appears in
both the numerator and denominator of the acceptance probability and therefore only
needs to be known up to a constant of proportionality. To see this, note that

p(*|x )
(*|(t ) ) = min 1, (t )
p( |x )

p( x|*)p(*) p( x|)p()d

= min 1, (5.13)

p( x|(t ) )p((t ) ) p( x|)p()d

p( x|*)p(*)
= min 1, (t ) (t )
p( x| )p( )

The second line results from applications of Bayes theorem. The simplification from the
second to third line reveals that the denominator in Bayes theorem does not factor into the
calculations. All that is required is the numerator: the prior and the likelihood.
As such MCMC alleviates the need to perform the integration over the parameter space in
the denominator of Bayes theorem to obtain the posterior distribution. This is the key feature
of MCMC estimation that permits the estimation of complex Bayesian models. Prior to the
advent of MCMC, applications of Bayesian modeling were limited because of the difficulty
Markov Chain Monte Carlo Estimation 105

in analytically evaluating or empirically approximating the marginal probability of the data

in the denominator of Bayes theorem.* Practically speaking, MCMC is a general and now
widely available way to avoid high-dimensional, prohibitively complex integration by repeat-
edly sampling from a distribution that is, in the limit, equal to the posterior distribution. The
resulting drawn values thereby constitute an empirical approximation to the posterior.

5.5 MetropolisHastings Sampling

5.5.1 MetropolisHastings as a Generalization of Metropolis
MetropolisHastings sampling generalizes Metropolis sampling by allowing the pro-
posal distribution to be asymmetric with respect to its arguments (Hastings, 1970; see also
Brooks, 1998; Chib & Greenberg, 1995; Gilks etal., 1996b). The proposal distribution q may
be any distribution that is defined over the support of the stationary distribution, which
in our case is the posterior distribution. As such, the MetropolisHastings algorithm is an
extremely flexible approach to estimating posterior distributions.
In MetropolisHastings, the acceptance probability outlined in Section5.3 is replaced by
(*|(t ) ) = min [1, p(*|x )q((t ) |*)/p((t ) |x )q(*|(t ) )], where, in addition to the terms pre-
viously defined, q((t ) |*) is the probability (or ordinate of the probability density) for the
current value (t ) in the chain in the proposal distribution, and q(*|(t ) ) is the probability (or
ordinate of the probability density) for the candidate value * in the proposal distribution.
The acceptance probability involves evaluating the posterior distribution and the pro-
posal distribution q at both the current and candidate values. The MetropolisHastings
algorithm generalizes the acceptance probability from the Metropolis algorithm to say
that, if the proposal distribution by which the candidate values is generated is not symmet-
ric with respect to its arguments, the relative probability of the current and candidate val-
ues in the proposal distribution must also be taken into account. Note that if the proposal
distribution is indeed symmetric, the terms involving q in the numerator and denominator
of (*|(t ) ) in the MetropolisHastings sampler cancel, yielding the Metropolis sampler
in which (*|(t ) ) = min 1, p(*|x )/p((t ) |x ).

5.5.2 Explaining the Acceptance Probability

To facilitate an explanation of the acceptance probability, we consider discrete space mod-
els, though the logic generalizes. On the surface, it may not be obvious why the acceptance
probability (*|(t ) ) accomplishes the goals of yielding values in concert with the desired
distribution. To develop it conceptually, let us recognize that to iterate the chain we need
a transition kernel to move from any point to any other point. In other words, when the
chain is at a particular point, this transition kernel defines the probability of moving to
another particular point, as well as its complement, the probability of not moving to that
particular point. Letting p(*|(t ) ) denote the probability of moving from the current point
(t ) to another point *, the reversibility condition may be written as

* Conjugate priors are convenient, but they are limited to relatively simple models that can be expressed in the
general exponential family. Graphical methods, analytic approximations, and numerical methods to find the
maxima of posteriors often require specialized solutions (Bernardo & Smith, 2000), although in given prob-
lems, they can be an efficient choice for practical work.
106 Bayesian Psychometric Modeling

p((t ) |x )p(*|(t ) ) = p(*|x )p((t ) |*). (5.14)

The left-hand side of (5.14) is the probability of being at (t ) in the posterior distribution
and then moving to *. The right-hand side is the probability of being at * in the poste-
rior distribution and then moving to (t ). If the equality in (5.14) holds, it is said that the
reversibility condition holds. This is sometimes referred as the equation being time revers-
ible (Brooks, 1998), or that it exhibits detailed balance (Gilks etal., 1996a). Conceptually,
Equation (5.14) states that the joint distribution of sampling the two points * and (t ) is
the same regardless of which comes first. One way to think of the reversibility condition is
that it implies that if we ran the chain backwards, we would obtain the values we did with
the same probability. If this condition is satisfied, the transition kernel will yield a sample
from the distribution of interest, namely the posterior distribution p(|x ).
The goal then becomes defining the transition kernel p(*|(t ) ) that makes (5.14) true. We
begin by choosing a proposal distribution q. If it is the case that

p((t ) |x )q(*|(t ) ) = p(*|x )q((t ) |*), (5.15)

then defining p(*|(t ) ) = q(*|(t ) ) makes (5.14) true. Generally, this will not be case; in
general our proposal distribution q will be such that (5.15) does not hold. This means that
the unconditional probability of being at a particular point (e.g., (t ), without loss of gen-
erality) and moving to the other point ( *) is greater than the unconditional probability of
being at * and moving to (t ). Relatively speaking (in terms of achieving the equality in
Equation 5.14), we move from (t ) to * too often and from * to (t ) too rarely. To combat
this, we devise a mechanism such that we reduce the probability of moving from (t ) to *.
More specifically, we only accept the move from (t ) to * with a certain probability and
remain at (t ) with the complement of that probability. We denote this acceptance prob-
ability as (*|(t ) ).
The probability of moving from (t ) to * is then

p(*|(t ) ) = q(*|(t ) )(*|(t ) ). (5.16)

This states that the probability of moving from (t ) to * is defined as the probability of
selecting * from a proposal distribution multiplied by the probability of accepting that
value of *. Likewise, the probability of moving from * to (t ) is defined as

p((t ) |*) = q((t ) |*)((t ) |*). (5.17)

Recall that, relatively speaking, we move from * to (t ) too rarely. To make sure that we
never miss a chance to move from * to (t ), set

((t ) |*) 1. (5.18)

Substituting (5.16) and (5.17) into (5.14),

p((t ) |x )q(*|(t ) )(*|(t ) ) = p(*|x )q((t ) |*)((t ) |*). (5.19)

Substituting (5.18) into (5.19) yields

p((t ) |x )q(*|(t ) )(*|(t ) ) = p(*|x )q((t ) |*). (5.20)

Markov Chain Monte Carlo Estimation 107

A little algebra yields

p(*|x )q((t ) |*)

(*|(t ) ) = , (5.21)
p((t ) |x )q(*|(t ) )

which defines the probability for accepting a move from (t ) to *. If the value of (*|(t ) )
exceeds one, the move from (t ) to * is made. If the value of (*|(t ) ) is less than one, the
move is made with that probability and not made with probability 1 (*|(t ) ).

5.6 Single-Component-Metropolis or Metropolis-within-Gibbs Sampling

It is easily seen that the Metropolis sampler is a special case of the MetropolisHastings
sampler where q(*|(t ) ) = q((t ) |*). It is somewhat less obvious that the Gibbs sampler may
be viewed as a special case of the Metropolis sampler, namely where the proposal distribu-
tion for each parameter is the full conditional distribution, which implies that the accep-
tance probability (*|(t ) ) = 1 (Brooks, 1998). In this sense, Gibbs sampling is as an instance
of Metropolis(Hastings) sampling in which the candidate value is always accepted.
Recognizing the relation between Gibbs- and Metropolis-sampling facilitates ways to
combine them (Brooks, 1998; Tierney, 1994). Conceptually, the Gibbs sampler is attractive
because it decomposes the joint posterior into more manageable components. However, it
is limited in that it requires the full conditionals to be of known form to facilitate sampling.
The Metropolis (and MetropolisHastings) sampler is attractive because it can sample from
distributions even when they are not of known form. However, it is sometimes limited in
multivariate distributions in that it may be difficult to specify a proposal distribution that
yields a candidate that is reasonably likely in the posterior with respect to all the components.
The single-component-Metropolis sampler, also termed the Metropolis-within-Gibbs sam-
pler, combines the component decomposition approach of Gibbs sampling with the flex-
ibility of Metropolis sampling (or, if asymmetric proposal distributions are used, with
MetropolisHastings sampling). Specifically, the full conditionals are constructed as in
Gibbs sampling. When they are of familiar form, they can be sampled from directly. When
the full conditional for a parameter is not of known form, a Metropolis (or Metropolis
Hastings) step may be taken where a candidate value is drawn from a proposal distribu-
tion q and accepted with probability as the next value in the chain for that parameter. This
approach capitalizes on the advantages of each: we employ the one-component-at-a-time
advantage of Gibbs, but take advantage of the flexibility of Metropolis(Hastings) when the
full conditionals are not of known form.

5.7 Practical Issues in MCMC

There are a number of important issues in the practice of MCMC. Popular software pack-
ages for Bayesian statistical and psychometric modeling hide or address these via defaults
to varying degrees. Nevertheless, several of them are important for a few reasons. First,
certain choices must be made by the analyst in many software programs. Second, they are
108 Bayesian Psychometric Modeling

useful for understanding some of the issues that arise in the use of such software. In the
authors experience, the fidelity and quality with which software programs implement
Bayesian ideas and MCMC estimation vary considerably. Analysts are better off if they are
prepared to spot results that should signal caution is needed before interpreting the output
from software.

5.7.1 Implementing a Sampler

The first step in conducting MCMC is determining and implementing a sampling
scheme. As examples, in Gibbs sampling this involves determining all the full condi-
tional distributions and effective ways of sampling from them, and in Metropolis sam-
pling with a normal proposal distribution centered at the current point this involves
determining the variance of the proposal distribution for optimal acceptance rates
(Gelman etal., 2013). These determinations and choices may be made and programmed
by an analyst, but programs such as WinBUGS automate these procedures to the extent
that usually the user just needs to specify the joint distribution of all the entities. From
there, the program determines the structure of the full conditional distributions and
an effective, if not necessarily optimal, computational scheme for a very wide range of
The following subsections address issues that are important to the analyst making these
determinations and choices, or those using existing MCMC software such as WinBUGS.
We focus our attention on analysts who use a program like WinBUGS rather than those
who program their own samplers. Accordingly, we address these issues to the extent that
most users of Bayesian psychometric models may need to consider them. Those wishing
to program their own MCMC algorithms must consider these as well as several other

5.7.2 Assessing Convergence

The chain of draws from an MCMC process is guaranteed to converge to the target (pos-
terior) distribution (see, e.g., chapter 4 of Jackman, 2009; Roberts, 1996; Tierney, 1994 for
technical details of conditions that ensure convergence). However, there is no guarantee
when that will occur. Assessing whether the chain has converged is therefore an important
part of MCMC estimation.
To start, it is important to remember that, whereas in a frequentist paradigm we seek con-
vergence to a point, in the fully Bayesian paradigm we seek convergence to a distribution. That
is, we seek to a collection of points that occur with a specific relative frequency, namely
that which is given by the posterior distribution. Returning to the mountain metaphor,
whereas convergence in a frequentist approach means that we have reached the highest
peak, convergence in the fully Bayesian approach means we are mapping the elevation of
the correct terrain.
To illustrate the general idea of convergence, Figure5.2 contains a trace plot of the draws
from three chains for a parameter.* The trace plot is essentially a time-series plot of draws.
In this case, there are three chains, run from disparate starting points. We see three chains
start apart, and then come together at about iteration 600 and then continue to explore

* The parameter in the illustration is one from an item response theory model (Chapter 11). Here, we focus on
the patterns of the behavior of the chains generally.
Markov Chain Monte Carlo Estimation 109

0 200 400 600 800 1000

Trace plot from three chains illustrating monitoring convergence.

the same space. Because all chains eventually must converge to the same distribution, the
coming together is taken as evidence, but not proof, of that convergence.
A number of approaches to diagnosing convergence have been proposed, and many can
be viewed as comparing summaries of a subset of the draws to another. Examples include
viewing trace plots as a graphical check of when the draws stabilize and related ANOVA-
like analyses of multiple chains run in parallel examining the ratio of total-variability (i.e.,
from all chains) to within-chain variability (Brooks & Gelman, 1998; Gelman & Rubin,
1992). Following Gelman et al. (2013), these analyses may be conducted as follows. Run
some number C chains from different starting points assumed to represent disparate loca-
tions in the posterior. For any parameter, the pooled within-chain variance obtained based
on running T iterations in each of C chains is given by

1 (t )
W= (c) ( c ) )2 , (5.22)
C(T 1)
c =1 t =1

where ((tc)) is the value from iteration t in chain c and ( c ) is the mean of such values in chain c.
The between chain variance is given by

B= (c) )2 . (5.23)
C 1
c =1

The potential scale reduction factor is

(T 1 / T )W + (1 / T )B
R = , (5.24)

which decreases to 1 as T . The interpretation is that if R is close to 1 (frequently opera-

tionalized as being < 1.1), this supports the inference that the sets of iterations from each
chain are close to the target distribution. See Brooks and Gelman (1998) for a multivari-
ate extension, and versions based on percentiles rather than variances. Other approaches
suitable for evaluating chains individually include tests invoking normal statistical theory
for whether the mean of the draws from a later part of the chain differs significantly from
that from an earlier part of the chain (Geweke, 1992). The reader is referred to Cowles and
Carlin (1996), Gill (2007), and Jackman (2009) for thorough treatments of MCMC conver-
gence assessment.
Draws obtained before the chain converges are discarded as burn-in iterations. Upon
convergence, subsequent iterations reflect draws from the stationary distribution and are
retained and used to empirically approximate the posterior distribution. In practice using
WinBUGS, the user typically must specify a number of iterations and then inspect whether
there is evidence of convergence. If there is sufficient evidence of convergence, then the
110 Bayesian Psychometric Modeling

draws preceding the point of convergence are discarded as burn-in. If there is not suf-
ficient evidence of convergence, more iterations can be conducted, and then the resulting
draws can be inspected for evidence of convergence. In this way, the process of evaluating
convergence and conducting iterations may itself be iterative, cycling between running
more iterations and inspecting the resulting draws. Once there is sufficient evidence of
convergence, the draws preceding the point of convergence are discarded as burn-in and
the draws from subsequent iterations may be used to approximate the posterior.

5.7.3 Serial Dependence

The Markov property states that, given the current value of the chain, all future draws are
conditionally independent from all past draws. However, successive draws are serially
dependent, which induces a marginal dependence across the draws even with a lag greater
than 1. The dependence between draws can be captured by the autocorrelation at various lags
where values close to zero indicate approximate independence between draws. To illustrate,
Figure5.3 contains a plot of the autocorrelation by different lags for a chain. At lag 0, the
autocorrelation is 1 (i.e., everything is perfectly correlated with itself). As the lag increases, the
autocorrelation decreases. The presence of nonzero autocorrelation indicates that the values
from the chain should not be considered independent draws from the posterior distribution.
One approach to managing high autocorrelations involves reparameterizing the model
in some way (e.g., centering predictors in regression; see Dunson etal., 2005, for an applica-
tion in the context of latent variable models).
The serial dependence in a set of draws may be mitigated by thinning the chain, in which
only draws from a certain lag are retained. Figure5.4 depicts the autocorrelation plot after
thinning the chain by 5 (i.e., saving iterations 1, 6, 11, 16, etc.), 10 (i.e., saving iterations 1, 11,
21, 31, etc.), 30 (i.e., saving iterations 1, 31, 61, 91, etc.), and 40 (i.e., saving iterations 1, 41, 81,
121, etc.). As illustrated in Figure 5.4, increasing the thinning reduces the autocorrelation
considerably. If approximately independent draws are desired, then thinning by 30 or cer-
tainly 40 gets us fairly close. As should be obvious, this is true for the iterations that are retained.
Although it might be natural to prefer to retain a set of approximately independent draws,
thinning does not provide a better portrait of the posterior. Thinning may be desirable if a
fixed number of draws are to be retained, say for reasons of storage limitations. In that case
it may be preferable to have the saved draws approximately independent. However, the dis-
carded draws (assuming convergence has been reached) are legitimately considered draws
from the posterior; thinning therefore represents a loss of information.
An alternative approach retains all the drawn values but takes their serial dependence
into account as may be warranted for a particular analysis. For example, if the T draws
are independent, the familiar equation for the standard error of the mean captures the


0 10 20 30 40 50

Autocorrelation plot.
Markov Chain Monte Carlo Estimation 111

Thin by 5 Thin by 10
1 1


0 0

1 1
0 50 100 150 200 250 0 100 200 300 400 500
(a) Lag (b) Lag

Thin by 30 Thin by 40
1 1

0 0

1 1
0 500 1000 1500 0 500 1000 1500 2000
(c) Lag (d) Lag

Autocorrelation plots when thinning by (a) 5, (b) 10, (c) 30, and (d) 40.

accuracy of the estimate of the posterior mean as a function of the number of draws and
posterior standard deviation,

= , (5.25)

where is the posterior standard deviation for . But if there is autocorrelation, we have
less information from a given number of draws. Borrowing from time series analysis, we
can approximate the impact of autocorrelation with a corrected-for-autocorrelation stan-
dard error of the mean. If is the autocorrelation in a first-order autocorrelation model,
then the corrected standard error of the mean is

= . (5.26)
T 1

The degree of autocorrelation can be very different for different variables in the same
model, as it depends on the amount of information that data convey about a variable and
its joint relationship with other variables.
One additional point about serial dependence is worth noting. Although draws may
be dependent within a chain, they are independent between chains. Running multiple
chains and then pooling the resulting iterations therefore also helps mitigate the effects
of serial dependence.

5.7.4 Mixing
Informally, mixing refers to how well the chain moves throughout the support of the
distribution. That is, we do not want the chain to get stuck in some region of the dis-
tribution, or ignore a certain area. Figure5.2 illustrates how things look with relatively
poor mixing of each of the chains for the first few hundred iterations. Each one appears
112 Bayesian Psychometric Modeling

stuck at a certain value. This could happen in the Metropolis(Hastings) sampler if

the candidate values are only rarely accepted. In that example, each chain mixes much
better after about 500 iterations. This happens much faster in some problems and much
slower in others.
A few comments on mixing are worthwhile. First, although the consideration of multiple
chains (i.e., Figure5.2) can be useful, mixing refers to how well an individual chain moves
throughout the support of the distribution. Good mixing does not mean that the chain has
converged, and poor mixing does not mean that the chain has not converged. But better
mixing usually leads to faster convergence. Mixing is also distinct from serial dependence,
but better mixing usually goes along with lower autocorrelations and cross-correlations
between multiple parameters. Slow mixing is therefore often present when there is a high
dependence among parameters, such as when high levels of multicollinearity are present
in regression models. Reparameterizing the model (e.g., centering predictors in regression)
can improve mixing. Alternatively, one can employ MCMC with block samplers in which
highly correlated parameters are sampled jointly.
For a given number of draws, better mixing usually gives more information about
the posterior, as suggested by the autocorrelation correction for the accuracy of the
posterior mean. With worse mixing, more iterations are usually needed to achieve con-
vergence and to achieve a desired level of precision for approximating the posterior or
summaries of it.

5.7.5 Summarizing the Results from MCMC

Inferences are based on the draws obtained after the chain has converged. This is deter-
mined using the checks mentioned in the previous section. The draws prior to this point are
referred to as burn-in iterations and are discarded. The draws obtained after convergence
form an empirical approximation to the posterior, and inferences are made using familiar
methods for summarizing distributions. Histograms or smoothed density plots for each
parameter graphically convey the marginal posterior distributions. Figure4.11 contained
such plots for the example analysis of the unknown mean and variance of a normal distri-
bution. Similarly, scatterplots, contour plots, and correlations between draws for parameters
provide evidence about their dependence. Figure 4.10 contained the scatterplot from the
normal distribution example; the correlation between the draws there was .13. Numerical
summaries of the posterior distribution are estimated via summaries of the series of draws;
posterior means, standard deviations, percentiles, and credibility intervals are estimated
by those quantities computed on the draws from the chain. Commonly, point estimates of
posterior central tendency and variability (e.g., posterior means and standard deviations)
and credibility intervals (e.g., a 95% central or HPD interval) are reported in documentation,
for example as in Table4.1.

5.8 Summary and Bibliographic Note

This chapter provided an overview of MCMC, focusing on the conceptual alignment of
MCMC with the estimation of posterior distributions in Bayesian analyses, and on practi-
cal aspects of MCMC.
Markov Chain Monte Carlo Estimation 113

MCMC estimation is different from more traditional estimation procedures in terms of

objectives and procedures. It is not calculating a solution, as can be done, say, in a closed form
least-squares or ML solutions to regression. It is not optimizing any equation/condition, as is
typically done, say, in iterative ML or least-squares analyses of complex models. Rather, it
is approximating the posterior solution in a Monte Carlo framework by generating samples
from the posterior.
However, we caution against simply associating iterative search approaches for opti-
mization with frequentist estimation on one hand, and associating iterative simulation
approaches for representing distributions with Bayesian estimation. The same optimiza-
tion routines prevalent in ML estimation may be used to obtain estimates of the mode
and curvature of the posterior, in support of an approximation of the full posterior (e.g.,
Mislevy, 1986). And the simulation methods described here in the context of estimating
posterior distributions may be used to approximate, explore, and maximize likelihood
functions (e.g., Cai, 2010; Fox, 2003; Geyer & Thompson, 1992; Lee & Zhu, 2002). This may
be approximated even in the current context of Bayesian modeling by using completely
diffuse priors, in which case the posterior is effectively a normalized likelihood. Here,
the simulation techniques provide a survey of the normalized likelihood, and the high-
est peak in this mountain range is theoretically equivalent to the point estimate of tradi-
tional ML estimation methods. Similarly, as sample size increases the likelihood comes to
dominate the posterior so that, asymptotically, posterior modes are equivalent to ML esti-
mates.* The increasing similarity between the likelihood and the posterior distribution
as sample size increases and/or the prior becomes more diffuse provides a connection
between frequentist and Bayesian estimation. The methods reviewed in this chapter may
therefore provide an attractive option for exploring, maximizing, or finding multimodal-
ity in likelihoods.
We briefly described Gibbs and Metropolis(Hastings) samplers. These may be seen as
ends of a spectrum of ease. When full conditionals are of a known form, Gibbs sampling
is often an efficient and attractive option. When full conditionals are not of known form,
Metropolis(Hastings) is a very flexible approach, but comes at the price of additional com-
putational demands. A number of algorithms reside in between these two in terms of com-
plexity and efficiency, and may be gainfully employed in Bayesian analyses (see, e.g., Gelman
etal., 2013; Jackman, 2009, for textbook treatments of a number of algorithms). Although there
are differences between the versions of BUGS (Lunn etal., 2013), we may loosely describe its
algorithm selection process as follows. If the full conditional is a known form, it will sample
from it. If not, it will proceed to attempt to match features of the full conditional to a sampling
scheme, and if no other sampling scheme is viable it will use a Metropolis sampler with a
normal proposal distribution centered at the current value of the chain.
More comprehensive treatments of the theory and practice of MCMC estimation may be
found in dedicated texts (Brooks etal., 2011; Gilks etal., 1996b) as well as texts on Bayesian
modeling (Gelman etal., 2013; Jackman, 2009; Lynch, 2007). In addition, the reader is referred
to Cowles and Carlin (1996), Gill (2007), and Jackman (2009) for thorough treatments of
MCMC convergence assessment. Sinharay (2004) reported on the performance of a number
of approaches to convergence assessment in the context of psychometric models.
It is difficult to overstate the importance of MCMC in the growth of Bayesian model-
ing generally, and in psychometrics. Gelfand and Smiths (1990) paper marked a turning
point in the acceptance and application of MCMC in the broader statistics community,
opening up possibilities for Bayesian modeling that were previously unobtainable due

* The relationship is not as straightforward in more complex models such as hierarchical models.
114 Bayesian Psychometric Modeling

to computational intractability (Robert & Casella, 2011; McGrayne, 2011). We can iden-
tify a similar pivot point for MCMC and Bayesian modeling in psychometrics about a
decade later with publications by Arminger and Muthn (1998) and Scheines, Hoijtink,
and Boomsma (1999) in factor analysis and structural equation modeling, Hoijtink (1998)
in latent class analysis, and particularly those of Patz and Junker (1999a, 1999b) in item
response theory. Although seminal work by Albert (1992, Albert & Chib, 1993) had
shown how normal-ogive item response theory parameters could be estimated via Gibbs
sampling via data-augmentation strategies (Tanner & Wong, 1987), the full power of
MCMC was not fully appreciated in the psychometric community until Patz and Junker
(1999a, 1999b) described a MetropolisHastings-within-Gibbs sampling approach for
the most common logistic IRT models without requiring conjugate relationships. The
emergence of MCMC has precipitated the explosion in applications of Bayesian psycho-
metrics (Levy, 2009), mirroring the effects of its recognition in other complex statistical
modeling scenarios (Brooks et al., 2011; Gilks et al., 1996b). In the following chapters,
we will employ MCMC estimation to empirically approximate posterior distributions,
which is particularly powerful in light of psychometric models for which analytic solu-
tions are intractable.

5.1 Reconsider the beta-binomial model example introduced in Section2.3. WinBUGS
code for the model is given in Section2.6. Conduct an analysis of the beta-binomial
model in WinBUGS, monitoring .
a. List at least three possible dispersed initial values for that may be used gain-
fully in running multiple chains. How did you come up with them?
b. Using the initial values identified in (a), run three chains and monitor conver-
gence. When do the chains appear to have converged, and what evidence do
you have for that assessment?
c. Run 10,000 iterations for each chain past the point determined in (b). Obtain
the density and summary statistics for . How does this representation of the
posterior compare to the analytical solution depicted in Figure2.4 and sum-
marized in Section2.6?
5.2 Conduct an analysis of the beta-Bernoulli version of the model in WinBUGS, mon-
itoring .
a. Would the same initial values as used in Exercise5.1 be sensible here? If not,
why not and what values could be used instead?
b. Using the initial values identified in (a), run three chains and monitor conver-
gence. When do the chains appear to have converged, and what evidence do
you have for that assessment? How does this compare to what happened in the
beta-binomial model in Exercise5.1?
c. Run 10,000 iterations for each chain past the point determined in (b). Obtain
the density and summary statistics for . How does this representation of the
posterior compare to that from the beta-binomial model in Exercise5.1?
Markov Chain Monte Carlo Estimation 115

5.3 Reconsider the example from Section4.1 for inference about the mean of a normal
distribution () with the variance known.
a. Develop WinBUGS code for the model. (Hint: Consider modifying the code
given in Section4.3.2.)
b. List at least three possible dispersed initial values for that may be used gain-
fully in running multiple chains. How did you come up with them?
c. Using the initial values identified in (b), run three chains and monitor conver-
gence. When do the chains appear to have converged, and what evidence do
you have for that assessment?
d. Run 20,000 iterations for each chain past the point determined in (c). Obtain
the density and summary statistics for . How does this representation of
the posterior compare to the analytical solution depicted and summarized in
5.4 Reconsider the example from Section 4.2 for inference about the variance of a
normal distribution (2 ) with the mean known.
a. Develop WinBUGS code for the model. (Hint: Consider modifying the code
given in Section4.3.2.)
b. List at least three possible dispersed initial values for 2 that may be used gain-
fully in running multiple chains. How did you come up with them?
c. Using the initial values identified in (b), run three chains and monitor conver-
gence. When do the chains appear to have converged, and what evidence do
you have for that assessment?
d. Run 20,000 iterations for each chain past the point determined in (c). Obtain
the density and summary statistics for 2. How does this representation of
the posterior compare to the analytical solution depicted and summarized in
5.5 Reconsider the example from Section4.3 and Section5.2.2 for inference about the
mean and variance of a normal distribution. Now suppose we are interested in
reporting results for the variability in terms of the standard deviation.
a. Develop WinBUGS code for the model. (Hint: Consider modifying the code
given in Section4.3.2.)
b. Would the initial values for from Exercise 5.3 and the initial values for 2
from Exercise 5.4 be appropriate here? If not, why not and what values could
be used instead?
c. Are additional initial values for the standard deviation needed? If so, what are
some possible useful values? If not, why not?
d. Using the initial values identified in (b) and possibly (c), run three chains
monitoring the mean, variance, and standard deviation. When do the chains
appear to have converged, and what evidence do you have for that assessment?
e. Run 20,000 iterations for each chain past the point determined in (d). Obtain
the marginal densities and summary statistics for all the parameters.
f. Consider an estimate of the standard deviation based on taking the square
root of the posterior mean of the variance. How does this result compare to the
marginal posterior distribution of the standard deviation from (e)?
116 Bayesian Psychometric Modeling

5.6 Reconsider the example Section5.2.2 for inference about the mean and variance
of a normal distribution. The computations involved in the first two iterations of
a Gibbs sampler were given in Section5.2.2. The results for three additional itera-
tions are given in Table5.1. Show the computations for each of these additional

This chapter provides a treatment of popular Bayesian approaches to working with

regression models. It builds on the normal distribution models discussed in Chapter4.
The current chapter once again offers a brief treatment; rather than seeking a comprehensive
account, we aim to offer a depth sufficient to support the development of the psychometric
models that are the focus of this book. In particular, this chapter focuses on the widely
used normal linear model for a continuous outcome variable as it provides a foundation
for the development of more complex classical test theory and factor analysis models.
In Section6.1, we cover some background material, including a review of how regres-
sion models are conventionally perceived, as well as a high-level, abstract statement of
the posterior distribution. In the following two sections, we fill in the details of the ingre-
dients in the posterior, including the conditional probability of the data (Section6.2) and
the prior distribution (Section6.3). We tie these developments together into a statement
of the complete model and the posterior distribution in Section 6.4, and describe fit-
ting the model using MCMC in Section 6.5. An example is analyzed in Section 6.6. In
Section 6.7, we conclude the chapter with a brief summary and pointers to additional

6.1 Background and Notation

6.1.1 Conventional Presentation
Regression models relate an outcome variable to a set of predictor variables. Let y = (y1, , yn)
denote the collection of outcome variables from the n subjects. Let xi = (xi1, , xiJ) be the col-
lection of J predictor variables for subject i. Further, let x be the full collection of J predictors
from all n subjects.
We specify a linear model for the conditional expectation of the outcome variable given
the predictors, a set of coefficients = (1 , , J ) for those predictors, and an intercept term
0. For an outcome variable at the level of an individual,

E( yi |0 , , x ) = 0 + 1xi 1 ++ J xiJ . (6.1)


i = yi E( yi |0 , , x ) (6.2)

denote the error for subject i, then following assumptions of normality and homogeneity
of variance for the s, the regression model is given by

yi = 0 + 1xi 1 + + J xiJ + i , (6.3)

118 Bayesian Psychometric Modeling


i ~ N (0, 2 ) (6.4)

and 2 is the error variance. The normal distribution of error terms assumed here is typical,
although alternatives such as thicker-tailed distributions and variances that depend on the
xs can be useful.
We suspect that readers are familiar with this manner of expressing a regression model.
That is, if asked to write down the standard regression model, most readers would write
down the contents of (6.3), or some notational variant of it, possibly including the distri-
butional statement in (6.4). One theme of our approach to statistical modeling is that it is
advantageous to shift from this sort of strategy of thinking equationally to one of think-
ing probabilistically. Combining the deterministic expression in (6.3) with the probabilistic
expression in (6.4), the standard linear regression model is expressed distributionally as

yi |0 , , xi ~ N (0 + 1xi 1 + + J xiJ , 2 ). (6.5)

Rather than being an estimate or an answer to a particular question, the distributional

expression in (6.5) tells us what we would believe about the value of yi if we knew xi and
the model parametersthat is, it is a conditional expression of belief, which can be use-
ful for a variety of inferential questions in its own right, and it can be a building block for
managing evidence, belief, and uncertainty in a more complicated situation.

6.1.2 From a Full Model of All ObservablestoaConditionalModel

for the Outcomes
As (6.5) makes explicit, the regression parameters 0, , and 2 describe the conditional dis-
tribution of the outcome given the predictors. The data in our regression situation include
the predictors x as well as the outcomes y. A fully Bayesian analysis that views the data as
observed values of random variables includes a distributional specification for x as well as y.
If the values for x are fixed, such as when they are chosen in experimental studies, then it
can be viewed as if their probability p(x) is known (Gelman etal., 2013) or alternatively as
though they are not drawn from a density at all (Jackman, 2009). More generally, letting
denote the parameters that govern the distribution for x, p( x | ), the posterior distribution
for the full model is then

p(0 , , 2 , | y , x ) p(y , x | 0 , , 2 , )p(0 , , 2 , ). (6.6)

The first term on the right-hand side is the conditional probability of all of the data. The
second term is the prior distribution for all the parameters. Assuming prior independence
of (0 , , 2 ) and allows for the factorization p(0 , , 2 , ) = p(0 , , 2 )p( ). It can be
shown (e.g., Jackman, 2009) that the posterior distribution can be then factored as

p(0 , , 2 , | y , x ) = p(0 , , 2 | y , x )p( | x ). (6.7)

This implies that we can analyze the first term on the right-hand sidethe elements of
the standard regression modelby itself with no loss of information. As a consequence,
the distinction between x being fixed or stochastic is irrelevant in the Bayesian analysis
of the model (Jackman, 2009). Either way, the p(x) and terms drop out of the model and
subsequent analysis. This highlights the utility of thinking distributionally and express-
ing the model in (conditional) probabilistic terms in (6.5); namely, for inference about the
Regression 119

standard regression model parameters 0, , and 2, once we have conditioned on x, there

is no additional information gained from knowing .

6.1.3 Toward the Posterior Distribution

The implication of these developments is that we can condition on x throughout our analy-
sis of the regression model that specifies the conditional distribution of y. The posterior
distribution is therefore

p(y | 0 , , 2 , x )p(0 , , 2 )
p(0 , , 2 | y , x ) = p(y | 0 , , 2 , x )p(0 , , 2 ). (6.8)
p(y | x )

6.2 Conditional Probability of the Data

The first term on the right-hand side of (6.8) is the conditional probability of the outcomes
y given the predictors x and the parameters (0 , , 2 ). Assuming exchangeability among
subjects amounts to assuming that the outcome for any subject, yi, is conditionally inde-
pendent of the outcome from any other subject given xi and (0 , , 2 ). This allows for
p(y | 0 , , 2 , x ) to be factored as

p(y | 0 , , 2 , x ) = p(y | , , , x ).
i =1
i 0
i (6.9)

To complete the specification, p( yi | 0 , , 2 , xi )is the normal distribution given in (6.5).

Figure6.1 contains a fragment of the DAG corresponding to the conditional probability
of the data. The plate over i containing nodes xij and yi indicates a repeating of the xs and
y over subjects. The plate over j containing the xij and j nodes indicates a repeating over
the various predictors and their associated coefficients. The DAG fragment in Figure6.1
depicts the conditional probability of the data, and as such is a graphical representation of
the regression model as conceived of in frequentist modeling traditions. To complete the
Bayesian specification, we turn to the description and specification of the prior distribu-
tion for the unknown parameters.

j 0 2

xij yi
i = 1,, n

j = 1,, J

DAG fragment for the conditional probability of the outcomes (yi) for the regression model that specifies predic-
tors (xij), slopes (j), an intercept (0), and the error variance (2 ).
120 Bayesian Psychometric Modeling

6.3 Conditionally Conjugate Prior

The second term on the right-hand side of (6.8) is the prior distribution for (0 , , 2 ).
Recognizing that the outcome has a conditional normal distribution, we employ the strate-
gies and distributional forms introduced in Chapter 4 to yield a conditionally conjugate
prior specification. The conditionally conjugate prior is adopted in part for its mathematical
convenience, as it yields full conditionals of known form (see AppendixA). In addition, it
simplifies things conceptually in that we can specify the prior one parameter at a time and
it involves distributional forms that are familiar, with parameters that are reasonably easy
to interpret when expressing prior beliefs. For alternative prior specifications in regression,
see Gelman etal. (2013), Gill (2007), Jackman (2009), and Levy and Crawford (2009).
To begin, an assumption of a priori independence supports the factorization of the
prior distribution p(0 , , 2 ) = p(0 )p()p(2 ). This does not restrict the parameters to be
independent in the posterior. If the data indicate dependences, the posterior will reflect
that. See AppendixA for an alternative approach that does not assume a priori indepen-
dence between 0 and . See Jackman (2001) for an approach that does not assume a priori
independence among 0, , and 2.
We employ a normal prior distribution for the intercept 0,

0 ~ N (0 , 20 ), (6.10)

where 0 and 20 are hyperparameters. For the regression coefficients , an assumption of

exchangeability motivates the factorization of their prior distribution,

p() = p( ).
j =1
j (6.11)

Of course, if we had beliefs about the values of the js through our knowledge of the sub-
stance of an applicationeven for example just knowing the scales that the xs are mea-
sured onwe could forego the presumption of exchangeability for some or all of the js,
or have subsets of exchangeable groups of them, as appropriate. It is quite common to treat
the coefficients as exchangeable, or include enough conditioning variables to treat them
as conditionally exchangeable. For ease of exposition, we continue with model assuming
exchangeability. Each regression slope j, j = 1, , J, is specified as having a (common)
normal distribution,

j ~ N ( , 2 ), (6.12)

where and 2 are hyperparameters.

As we did in Chapter4, we employ an inverse gamma for the prior distribution for the
variance, specifically the error variance 2,

2 ~ Inv-Gamma( 0 / 2, 020/2), (6.13)

where 20 and 0 are hyperparameters that may be interpreted as an estimate for the error
variance and degrees of freedom or pseudo-sample size associated with that estimate,
Regression 121

2 0 20 0 2 0

j 0 2

j = 1,, J

DAG fragment for the prior distribution for the regression model, with hyperparameters for the normal prior
distributions for slopes (j), normal prior distribution for the intercept (0), and an inverse-gamma prior for the
error variance (2 ).

Figure6.2 contains a fragment of the DAG corresponding to the prior distribution for
the parameters. The specification of independent priors for the parameters 0, , and 2
is reflected in the graph by the absence of directed edges connecting the nodes for the
parameters. Further, the plate over j containing the j nodes indicates replication over
the coefficients for the J predictors. Note that the hyperparameters and 2 lie outside the
plate, indicating that the js have a common prior distribution, as is motivated by treat-
ing the js as exchangeable. As noted above, if we had beliefs about the values of the js
through our knowledge of the substance of an application, we could forego the presump-
tion of exchangeability for some or all of the js.

6.4 Complete Model and Posterior Distribution

Assembling the DAGs in Figures 6.1 and 6.2, the DAG for the complete model is given
in Figure6.3, depicting the dependence structure for each entity in the model. The cor-
responding distributional expressions are given in (6.5) and (6.10)(6.13). We collect them
here and state the posterior distribution:

p(0 , , 2 | y , x ) p(y | 0 , , 2 , x )p(0 , , 2 )

n J
i =1
p( yi | 0 , , 2 , xi ) p(0 ) p( ) p( ),
j =1


yi | 0 , , 2 , xi ~ N (0 + 1xi 1 +  + J xiJ , 2 ) i = 1,..., n,

0 ~ N (0 , 20 ),

j ~ N ( , 2 ) j = 1, , J ,


2 ~ Inv-Gamma( 0 / 2, 020/2).
122 Bayesian Psychometric Modeling

2 0 20 0 2 0

j 0 2

xij yi
i = 1,, n
j = 1,, J

DAG for the regression model for outcomes (yi) regressed on predictors (xij), with normal prior distributions for
the slopes (j) and intercept (0), and an inverse-gamma prior for the error variance (2 ).

With the conditionally conjugate prior, the model is conceptually simple in that prior
distributions are specified for each parameter individually. Furthermore, these specifica-
tions yield reasonably simple steps in MCMC techniques used to empirically approximate
the posterior, to which we now turn.

6.5 MCMC Estimation

A Gibbs sampler is constructed by specifying initial values for all of the parameters
(00 ) , (10 ) , , (J0 ) , 2 where the parenthetical superscript refers to iteration t (here, t = 0) and
sampling from the full conditional distributions. For iteration t + 1, we take a draw for
each parameter from its full conditional distribution, which have the following structural
(t )
(0t +1) ~ p(0 |1(t ) , , (Jt ) , 2 , y , x ),
(t )
(1t +1) ~ p(1|(0t +1) , (2t ) , , (Jt ) , 2 , y , x ),
(t )
(2t +1) ~ p(2 |(0t +1) , (1t +1) , (3t ) , , (Jt ) , 2 , y , x ), (6.15)

(t )
(Jt +1) ~ p( J |(0t +1) , 1(t +1) , , (Jt+11) , 2 , y , x ),

( t +1)
2 ~ p(2 |(0t +1) , 1(t +1) , , (Jt +1) , y , x ).

The choice of the conditionally conjugate prior distribution for the parameters renders
these full conditionals to be of known form (see Appendix A for derivations). We express
the full conditional distributions in the following equations. On the left-hand side, the
Regression 123

parameter in question is written as conditional on all the other relevant parameters and
data.* On the right-hand side of each of the following equations, we give the parametric
form for the full conditional distribution. In several places, we denote the arguments of the
distribution (e.g., mean and variance for a normal distribution) with subscripts denoting
that it refers to the full conditional distribution; the subscripts are then just the condition-
ing notation of the left-hand side.
To present all of them compactly, let x A be the (n [J + 1]) augmented predictor matrix
obtained by combining an (n 1) column vector of 1s to the predictor matrix x, where x
has been arranged such that xi is in the ith row of x. Let A be the ([J + 1] 1) augmented
vector of coefficients obtained by combining the intercept 0 with the J coefficients in . Let
A( j ) denote the (J 1) vector obtained by omitting j from A. Similarly, let x A( j ) denote
the (nJ) matrix obtained by omitting the column of values from x A. When j > 0, x j refers
to column vector with values for the jth predictor; when j = 0, x j refers to the column
vector of 1s.
The full conditional distribution for j, j = 0,, J, is then

j | A( j ) , 2 , y , x ~ N ( j | A( j ) ,2 ,y , x , 2 j | A( j ) ,2 ,y , x ), (6.16)

1 1 1 1
j | A( j ) , 2 , y , x = 2 + 2 xj x j 2 j + 2 xj (y x A( j ) A( j ) ) (6.17)

1 1
= 2 + 2 xj x j . (6.18)
j | A ( j ) ,2 , y , x j

When j = 0, j and 2 j in (6.17) and (6.18) refer to the prior mean and variance of the inter-
cept, which we had denoted as 0 and 20 in (6.10). When j > 1, j and 2 j in (6.17) and (6.18)
refer to the prior mean and variance of the coefficient for the jth predictor, which under
exchangeability was denoted as and 2 in (6.12).
The full conditional distribution for 2 is

+ n 020 + SS(E )
2 | A , y , x ~ Inv-Gamma 0 , , (6.19)
2 2


SS(E ) = (y x A A )(y x A A ). (6.20)

A Gibbs sampler is constructed by iteratively drawing from the full conditional distribu-
tions defined by (6.16) and (6.19) using the just-drawn values for the conditioned parameters.

* We suppress the role of specified hyperparameters in this notation; see AppendixA for a presentation that
formally includes the hyperparameters.
124 Bayesian Psychometric Modeling

A summary of the Gibbs sampler, for one generic iteration (t + 1) that occurs in a sequence
of many such iterations, is as follows:

6.5.1 Gibbs Sampler Routine for Regression

1. Sample the augmented regression coefficients. For each coefficient j for j = 0, , J, let
A( j ) denote the current values of the A omitting j. (current)
A( j ) will contain just-
drawn values for coefficients that have already been sampled in the current itera-
tion (t + 1), and the values from the previous iteration for coefficients that have
not yet been sampled in the current iteration. Let us sample the coefficients in the
order given by their index j, j = 0, , J. In this case, (current)
A( j ) = ((jt<+1j ) , (jt>) j ), where j< j
is the collection of parameters with an index less than j and j> j is the collection
ofparameters with an index greater than j. That is, for 0 : (current) A( 0 ) = ((1t ) , , (Jt ) ); for
1 : A( 1) = (0 , 2 , , J ); and so on up until J : A( J ) = ((0t +1) , , (Jt+1t ) ). For
(current) ( t + 1) (t ) (t ) (current)

each coefficient j for j = 0, , J, compute

( t + 1)
1 1 1 1
= 2 + 2( t ) xj x j 2 j + 2( t ) xj (y x A( j ) A( j ) )
(t )
j |(current) , 2 ,y ,x
A( j )

( t +1) 1 1
2 = 2 + 2( t ) xj x j , (6.22)
j |(current)
(t )
A ( j ) , ,y , x j

and sample a value from (6.16) using these values for j | A( j ) , 2 , y , x and 2 j | A( j ) , 2 , y , x:

2( t ) (t +1) ( t +1)
(jt +1) | (current)
A( j ) , , y , x ~ N 2( t )
, 2 (current) 2( t ) . (6.23)
j |(current) j | A ( j ) , , y , x
A( j ) , , y , x

2. Sample the error variance. Compute the sums of squares using the just-drawn values
for the augmented vector of regression coefficients,

SS(E (t +1) ) = (y x A(At+1) )(y x A(At+1) ), (6.24)

and sample from (6.19) using this value for SS(E ),

( t +1) + n 020 + SS(E (t +1) )

2 | (At+1) , y , x ~ Inv-Gamma 0 , . (6.25)
2 2

6.6 Example: Regressing Test Scores on Previous Test Scores

6.6.1 Model Specification
To illustrate, we describe analyses based on an example originally reported by Levy and
Crawford (2009). The current analyses are conducted to facilitate the exposition of key
ideas and differ slightly from that original source. The context is a prototypical one for
education research, and involves the use of regression to model the relationships among
Regression 125

scores among three end-of-chapter tests in a course. Specifically, scores from the tests in
Chapters1 and 2 are used to predict scores from that in Chapter3. Test scores were formed
by summing the number of correctly answered items. Table6.1 contains summary statis-
tics obtained from 50 students.
The posterior distribution is

p(0 , , 2 | y , x ) p(y | 0 , , 2 , x )p(0 , , 2 )

n J

i =1
p( )p( ),
p( yi | 0 , , 2 , xi )p(0 )
j =1

yi |0 , 1 , 2 , xi , 2 ~ N (0 + 1xi 1 + 2 xi 2 , 2 ) i = 1, , 50,

0 ~ N (0, 1, 000),

j ~ N (0, 1, 000) j = 1, 2,


2 ~ Inv-Gamma(1, 1).

In addition, we obtain the posterior distribution for the proportion of variance in y

explained by the model (R2). There are a number of potential ways to formulate versions
of R 2 for Bayesian models. Following Gelman and Hill (2006), we work with a version that
computes a residual for each person:

i = yi (0 + 1xi 1 + 2 xi 2 ). (6.26)

The proportion of variance explained is then constructed as

R2 = 1 , (6.27)
var( y)

where var( y) = n11 ni =1 ( y y )2 is the usual finite-sample variance formula, and analo-
gously var() = n11 i =1 (i )2 . The first of these is straightforward because all ys are
known and we are simply calculating a measure of their dispersion. The latter, var(), has

Summary Statistics for the Three End-of-Chapter Tests for n = 50 Subjects
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3

Number of items 16 18 15
Mean 14.10 14.34 12.22
Standard deviation 2.02 3.29 2.96
Chapter 1 Chapter 2
Chapter 2 .58
Chapter 3 .69 .68
Note: The bottom half of the table gives the correlations between the test scores.
126 Bayesian Psychometric Modeling

a straightforward interpretation from a Bayesian perspective but would seem an odd mix
of parameter and estimate from a frequentist perspective. Once the full joint distribu-
tion of all the variables in the regression model has been constructed and the ys and xs
have been observed, we have posterior distributions conditional on them for the s and, as
functions of variables in the model, for the s, var(), and R2 as well. If the s were known
with certainty, R2 would characterize the uncertainty remaining about the ys for the real-
ized data when we condition on the xs. The posterior distribution for R2 additionally takes
the uncertainty about the s into account for this descriptor of the predictive value of the
model for the data in hand. This contrasts with the frequentist calculation of a single esti-
mate of R2 using point estimates of the model parameters, and interest in its distribution
in repeated samples of y.

6.6.2 Gibbs Sampling

To illustrate the process of Gibbs sampling, we briefly present the computations for sev-
eral iterations of the Gibbs sampler (0)
defined in Section6.5. We begin by specifying initial
values (00 ) = 3 , (10 ) = 1, (20 ) = 0.5, 2 = 5. These are given in the first row in each section of
Table6.2. To enact the Gibbs sampler, we cycle through taking draws from the full condi-
tional distributions using the current values for the other parameters:

1. Sample the augmented regression coefficients.

a. In general, when sampling the (t + 1)st value for 0, (current)
A( j ) = (current)
A( 0 ) = ((1t ) , (2t ) ).
When sampling a value for the first iteration 0 , A( j ) = A( 0 ) = (1( 0 ) , (20 ) ).
(1) (current) (current)

We compute
1 1 1 1
(1) (0) = 2 + 2( 0 ) x0 x0 2 0 + 2( 0 ) x0 (y x A( 0 )(current)
A( 0 ) )

0 |(current)
0 0
A( 0 ) , ,y,x
1 1 1 1
= 2 + 2( 0 ) x0 x0 2 0 + 2( 0 ) x0 (y x A( 0 ) (1 , 2 ))
(0) (0)

0 0
1 1 1 1
= + 11 0 + 1(y x A( 0 ) (1, 0.5)) 9.05
1, 000 5 1, 000 5

1 1
( 1) 1 1 1 1
2 (0) = 2 + 2( 0 ) x0 x0 = + 11 0.10.
0 |(current) 2
A( 0 ) , ,y , x
0 1, 000 5

We draw a value from the full conditional for 0 from (0)

its full conditional using
these values for the arguments (01) |(10 ) , (20 ) , 2 , y , x ~ N (9.05, 0.10). The
drawn value was 9.17, as reported in the second row of the appropriate sec-
tion in Table6.2.
b. In general, when sampling the (t + 1)st value for 1, (current)
A( j ) = (current)
A( 1) = ((0t +1) , (2t ) ).
Note that we are using the value drawn in step (a) for 0. For sampling (11),
A( j ) = (current)
A( 1) = ((01) , (20 ) ). We compute
Regression 127

Computations in the Gibbs Sampler for the Example Regressing Chapter3
Test Scores on Chapter1 Test Scores and Chapter2 Test Scores
Iteration Ingredients of the Full Conditional

0 1(y x A( 0) A( 0))
2 +
0 2 1
1 1 1 1
2 + 2 11 2 + 2 11
0 0 0
0 3.00
1 9.17 9.05 0.10
2 9.13 8.90 0.07
3 8.89 8.69 0.09

1 x1 ( y x A( 1) A( 1) )
2 +
1 2 1
1 1 1 1
2 + 2 x1 x1 2 + 2 x1 x1
1 1
0 1.00
1 0.98 1.00 0.0005
2 0.99 0.98 0.0004
3 0.97 1.00 0.0004

2 x2 ( y x A( 2) A( 2) )
2 +
2 2 1
1 1 1 1

2 + 2 x 2 x 2 2 + 2 x2 x 2
2 2
0 0.50
1 0.51 0.52 0.0005
2 0.48 0.50 0.0003
3 0.49 0.51 0.0004

0 + n 0 20 + SS(E)
2 2 SS(E) 2
0 5.00
1 3.55 26.00 220.26 111.13
2 4.33 26.00 221.38 111.69
3 3.92 26.00 219.61 110.81

1 1 1 1
2( 0 )
= 2 + 2( 0 ) x1 x1 2 1 + 2( 0 ) x1 (y x A( 1) A( 1) )
1 |(current)
A( 1) , ,y,x
1 1
1 1 1 1
= 2 + 2( 0 ) x1 x1 2 1 + 2( 0 ) x1 (y x A( 1) (0 , 2 ))
(1) (0)

1 1
1 1 1 1
= + x1 x1 0 + x1 (y x A( 1) (9.17 , 0.5)) 1.00
1, 000 5 1, 000 5
128 Bayesian Psychometric Modeling

1 1
( 1) 1 1 1 1
2 2( 0 )
= 2 + ( 0 ) x1 x1 = + x1 x1 0.0005.
1 |(current)
A( 1) , ,y ,x 2
1 1, 000 5

We draw a value from the full conditional for 1 from (0)

its full conditional using
these values for the arguments (11) |(01) , (20 ) , 2 , y , x ~ N (1.00, 0.0005). The
drawn value was .98, as reported in Table6.2.
c. In general, when sampling the (t + 1)st value for 2, (current)
A( j ) = (current)
A( 2 ) = ((0t +1) , 1(t +1) ).
Note that we are using the value drawn in steps (a) and (b) for 0 and 1, respec-
tively. For sampling the first value, (current)
A( j ) = (current)
A( 2 ) = ((01) , (11) ). We compute
1 1 1 1
(1) 2( 0 )
= 2 + 2( 0 ) x2 x 2 2 2 + 2( 0 ) x2 (y x A( 2 ) A( 2 ) )
2 |(current)
A( 1) , ,y,x
2 2
1 1 1 1
= 2 + 2( 0 ) x2 x 2 2 2 + 2( 0 ) x2 (y x A( 2 ) ((01) , (11) ))

1 1 1 1
= + x2 x 2 0 + x2 (y x A( 2 ) (9.17 , 0.98)) 0.52
1, 000 5 1, 000 5

1 1
2( 1)
1 1 1 1
2( 0 )
= 2 + 2( 0 ) x2 x 2 = + x2 x 2 0.0005.
2 |(current)
A( 2 ) , ,y , x
1, 000 5

We draw a value from the full conditional for 2 from (0)

its full conditional using
these values for the arguments (21) |(01) , (11) , 2 , y , x ~ N (0.52, 0.0005). The
drawn value was .51, as reported in Table6.2.
2. Sample the error variance. Turning to 2, we compute the first parameter for the full
conditional as 02+n = 2+250 = 26 , which will not vary over iterations. To compute the
second parameter, we compute the sums of squares using the values for the aug-
mented vector of regression coefficients drawn in step 1:

SS(E (1) ) = (y x A(A1) )(y x A(A1) )

= (y x A (10 , 11 , 12 ))(y x A (10 , 11 , 12 ))

= (y x A (9.17 , 0.98, 0.51))(y x A (9.17 , 0.98, 0.51)) 220.26,

and then compute the second parameter

020 + SS(E (1) ) (2)(1) + 220.26

= = 111.13.
2 2
( 1)
Accordingly, we draw a value from the full conditional 2 | (01) , (11) , (21),y, x ~ Inv-
Gamma(26, 111.13). As reported in Table6.2, the drawn value was 3.55.

Table6.2 lists the results from the first three iterations of a Gibbs sampler (seeExercise6.1).
Regression 129

6.6.3 MCMC Using WinBUGS

The posterior distribution was empirically approximated using MCMC by fitting the
model in WinBUGS, which employs the precision parameterization for the normal distri-
bution, using the following code.

# Model Syntax

# Prior distributions
beta.0 ~ dnorm(0, .001) # prior for the intercept
beta.1 ~ dnorm(0, .001) # prior for coefficient 1
beta.2 ~ dnorm(0, .001) # prior for coefficient 2
tau.e ~ dgamma(1, 1) # prior for the error precision
sigma.e <- 1/sqrt(tau.e) # standard deviation of the errors

# Conditional distribution of the data
# Via a regression model
for(i in 1:n){
y.prime[i] <- beta.0 + beta.1*x1[i] + beta.2*x2[i]
y[i] ~ dnorm(y.prime[i], tau.e)

# Calculate R-squared
for(i in 1:n){
error[i] <- y[i] - y.prime[i]

var.error <- sd(error[])*sd(error[])

var.y <- sd(y[])*sd(y[])

R.squared <- 1 - (var.error/var.y)

} # closes the model statement

Three chains were run from dispersed start values. Convergence diagnostics including the
history plots and the potential scale reduction factor (Section5.7.2) suggested convergence
within just a few iterations. The first 1,000 iterations were discarded as burn-in and then
10,000 iterations from each chain were obtained and saved, yielding 30,000 iterations that
served to empirically approximate the posterior distribution.
Figure6.4 contains density plots representing the marginal posterior distributions for the
intercept (0), slope for the Chapter1 test score (1), slope for the Chapter2 test score (2),
130 Bayesian Psychometric Modeling

10 5 0 5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5

0 1

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 0.45 0.50 0.55 0.60
2 R2

Marginal posterior densities for the parameters and R 2 from the example regressing tests scores on previous
test scores.

standard deviation of the errors = 2 , and R2. The marginal distributions are unimodal
and fairly symmetric, with the distribution for having a slight positive skew and that for
R2having a negative skew. Accordingly, we report the posterior median as well as the pos-
terior mean in Table6.3, along with posterior standard deviations and 95% HPD intervals
as summaries of the marginal posterior distributions for these parameters, as well asR2.
Table6.3 also contains the results from a frequentist (ML) solution to the model. Note
the similarity in the values between the Bayesian and frequentist analysis. This illustrates
thegeneral point that, with diffuse priors, the posterior distribution strongly resemblesthe
likelihood function and the results from the two approaches will be similar. We stress that
these results are numerically similar, but conceptually different. TheBayesian analysis yields
direct summary and probabilistic statements about the parameters themselves, which
represent our uncertain beliefs about their values. For 1, a posterior mean of 0.66 and
posterior standard deviation of 0.17 are descriptions of the distribution for the parameter,
not a parameter estimator as in frequentist analyses. Similarly, the credibility interval is

Summary of the Results from Bayesian and Frequentist Analyses of the Example Regressing the
Chapter 3 Test Scores on the Chapter 1 Test Scores and the Chapter 2 Test Scores
Bayesian Analysis Frequentist Analysis
Posterior Mean Posterior Median Posterior SDa 95% HPDb Int. Est. SEc 95% Conf. Int.
0 2.53 2.54 1.94 (6.43, 1.15) 2.54 1.93 (6.41, 1.34)
1 0.66 0.66 0.17 (0.34, 0.99) 0.66 0.17 (0.33, 0.99)
2 0.38 0.38 0.10 (0.17, 0.57) 0.38 0.10 (0.18, 0.59)
1.91 1.90 0.20 (1.54, 2.31) 1.95 0.28 (1.60, 2.37)
R2 0.58 0.59 0.02 (0.55, 0.60) 0.60
Source: The frequentist results are from Levy, R., & Crawford, A. V. (2009). Incorporating substantive knowledge
into regression via a Bayesian approach to modeling. Multiple Linear Regression Viewpoints, 35, 49.
Reproduced here with permission of the publisher.
a SD = Standard Deviation.

b HPD = Highest Posterior Density.

c SE = Standard Error.
Regression 131

interpreted as a probabilistic statement about the parameter; there is a .95 probability that
1 is between 0.34 and 0.99, according to this model. As noted above, in contrast to fre-
quentist approaches, a Bayesian approach yields a distribution for R2, which captures our
uncertainty regarding the predictive power of the model.

6.7 Summary and Bibliographic Note

This chapter has briefly described Bayesian approaches to linear regression models rooted
in normality assumptions. Our treatment has been cursory, aiming for an account sufficient
to support the development of models covered later. Classic accounts can be found in Box
and Tiao (1973), Zellner (1971), Lindley and Smith (1972), Smith (1973), and Goldstein (1976).
More recent accounts far more comprehensive than that given here can be found in any of
a number of texts on Bayesian modeling, including those cited in the introduction to Part I.
Regression models play a key role in classical test theory and factor analysis models
(Chapters 8 and 9). A number of features of the model developed here associated with lin-
ear modeling and normal distributions will re-appear in those contexts. These include the
use of conditionally conjugate normal prior distributions for coefficients and intercepts,
and inverse-gamma prior distributions for error variances. Furthermore, several of the
more abstract features of the model described here will appear throughout essentially all
of the psychometric models. These include key assumptions of exchangeability and condi-
tional independence of outcome variables conditional on predictors.
Jackson, Novick, and Thayer (1971) and Novick etal. (1972) discussed an extension to
the regression models presented here that will be important for our developments later.
Their work considered the case of fitting regression models simultaneously in multiple
groups, and showed that a hierarchical approach to constructing the prior distribution
for the regression parameters based on assumptions of exchangeability improved esti-
mation, particularly in small sample sizes, by facilitating the borrowing of information
across groups. This can be cast as an instance of partial pooling as in multilevel modeling
(Gelman & Hill, 2006). We take up such hierarchical constructions in more detail in the
second part of the book.

6.1 Reconsider the multiple regression model example introduced in Section 6.6.
The computations involved in the first iteration of a Gibbs sampler were given in
Section6.6.2. The results for two additional iterations are given in Table6.2. Show
the computations for each of these additional iterations.
6.2 Based on the results reported in Table6.3, write a brief summary of the results
of fitting the model using a Bayesian approach, including interpretations for each
6.3 The posterior implies that 0 is most likely negative. Calculate the posterior proba-
bility of this, p(0 < 0 | y , x ), by running a modified model in WinBUGS. This can be
accomplished by adding the following lines to the WinBUGS code in Section6.6.3.
132 Bayesian Psychometric Modeling

is.beta.0.greater.than.0 <- max(beta.0, 0)
probability.beta.0.less.than.0 <- equals(is.beta.0.greater.than.0, 0)

The posterior probability that p(0 < 0|y , x ) is then given by the posterior mean of
6.4 Given the interpretation of a regression intercept in Exercise6.2, is it sensible to
think that 0 could be negative? If not, why does this occur? What could be done
to prevent this from happening, that is, how could the model be modified to build
in the restriction that 0 should not be negative?
6.5 Fit a modified model based on Exercise6.4 in WinBUGS, monitoring convergence,
and summarize the results. How do they compare to those for the original model
reported in Table6.3?
Section II


Having reviewed foundational elements of Bayesian statistical modeling, we now turn

our attention to psychometrics. Chapter 7 gives an overview of a Bayesian perspective on
psychometric modeling, presenting core elements in a fairly abstract manner. This is then
instantiated and extended in the context of several psychometric modeling paradigms:
classical test theory in Chapter 8, factor analysis in Chapter 9, item response theory in
Chapter 11, latent class analysis in Chapter 13, and Bayesian networks in Chapter 14. In each
of these chapters, we present a conventional treatment of the modeling family in question.
Such treatments are necessarily incomplete accounts of the conventional approaches, but
serve two purposes: (1) for readers familiar with the model, they are a refresher; for readers
new to the model, they are an overview sufficient to support our second purpose, namely
that (2) they may be leveraged as launching points for Bayesian conceptualizations and
developments. The treatments in these chapters operate within the traditional boundaries
of these psychometric modeling paradigms as they have historically developed. Although
these boundaries are useful as a didactic organizational tool, they are somewhat artificial.
The possibilities for building models that cross these boundaries, and the advantages of
adopting a Bayesian approach when doing so, are discussed in Chapter 15.
Chapters 10 and 12 cover model evaluation and missing data modeling. These are of
course important topics in the broader statistical literature. Our treatments of them are
situated in the contexts of the psychometric models that have been introduced at each
point, but they apply generally. In Chapter 10, for example, the factor analysis models of
Chapter 9 provide a first deeply substantive context to illustrate model evaluation tech-
niques as they apply to particularly psychometric concerns. Similarly, in each of the chap-
ters devoted to a modeling family, we discuss applications or ideas in the context of that
family. Examples include small-variance priors for added flexibility in the context of factor
analysis, adaptive testing in the context of item response theory, and models for learning
over time in the context of Bayesian networks. Although our presentations occur in the
context of a particular model, they are more general and apply with little difference to
many of the psychometric models discussed in the rest of the book. These applications
were selected in part because of their strong alignment with Bayesian thinking. Other
applications and areas of psychometric modeling that benefit from a Bayesian approach
are mentioned in Chapter 15.
134 Bayesian Psychometric Modeling

One purpose of covering multiple psychometric modeling paradigms is to highlight

similarities due to a shared structure. Our goal is to provide a coherent Bayesian account
that is widely applicable and transcends the usual boundaries between these modeling
families, as a counterpart to texts that achieve these ends from a predominantly frequen-
tist perspective (e.g., Bartholomew et al., 2011; Skrondal & Rabe-Hesketh, 2004). This aids
both in expanding the possibilities for conceiving of existing models and in service of the
construction of new models. This emphasis on breadth comes at a price of depth. Each
chapter is intended to provide an introductory account of Bayesian approaches to the mod-
els and their applications, and concludes with suggested additional readings.
Canonical Bayesian Psychometric Modeling

We now pivot from foundational issues that comprised the first half of the book to focus
on psychometrics. We begin by introducing what we refer to as the canonical psychometric
model, an abstraction of the popular psychometric models that are the foci of the second half
of the book. We develop Bayesian approaches to common psychometric activities in the con-
text of this model. We consider these approaches to be canonical as well, and they will shape
much of the rest of this book. After introducing them, we briefly discuss the extent to which
these approaches are prevalent in operational assessment. We conclude with a summary
discussion that looks ahead to the rest of the book. The treatment is abstract throughout the
chapter, and may be seen as the platform for instances and extensions of these core ideas that
make up most of the balance of the book. To facilitate the developments in the chapter, we
first introduce a distinction among different kinds of DAGs.

7.1 Three Kinds of DAGs

In our development of Bayesian approaches to psychometrics, we will find it useful to dis-
tinguish among three kinds of DAGs that differ in their level of granularity. Regression
models introduced in the last chapter are a convenient means of illuminating the distinc-
tions. Figure7.1 contains three DAGs for a regression model with one predictor. The first
(panel a) is the simplest, and expresses that there is a variable y that depends on another
variable x. Here, only entities associated with persons (examinees) are included in the DAG.
Accordingly, subscripting by i and an associated plate is implicit and need not be shown.
This just-persons DAG is useful for thinking about what is going on vis--vis a single person.
It also connects strongly with path diagrammatic representations from path analysis and
structural equation modeling traditions, which we treat in more depth in Chapter9.
In the just-persons DAG, the parameters 1, 0, and 2 are implicit, in a sense lurking
behind the directed edge from x to y. Panel (b) contains an all-unknowns DAG that may
be seen as bringing out these regression parameters, making their role in governing the
distribution of y explicit. The subscripting by i and associated plate over persons is now
needed to communicate that certain entities are hypothesized to vary for different per-
sons. This second DAG connects strongly with fully Bayesian modeling in that it contains
all the entities that are treated as random in our fully Bayesian model, and expresses how
their joint distribution is structured in terms of parentchild relationships.
The third DAG (panel c) augments the second by including the hyperparameters that are
used in specifying the prior distributions for the unknowns. This DAG is the most transpar-
ent in that it includes the greatest amount of information involved in model specification.
Asnoted in Chapter 2, this representation is useful for triangulating among graphical repre-
sentations of models, mathematical expressions of models, and software code or commands.

136 Bayesian Psychometric Modeling

x y

1 0 2

xi yi
i = 1,, n

21 0 20 0 2 0

1 0 2

xi yi

i = 1,, n

Three kinds of directed acyclic graphs for a regression model: (a) just-persons, (b) all-unknowns, and (c) with

7.2 Canonical Psychometric Model

The psychometric or measurement model is the junction between the observable variables
and the latent variables of inferential interest. A large number of psychometric models
share a common strategy for the structure of this junction, varying principally in terms
of the assumed continuous or discrete natures of the variables (see Table1.3). We refer to
this as the canonical psychometric model, and depict it in the just-persons DAG in Figure7.2,
where denotes a latent student model variable and x1, , xJ are J observables.*
We can recognize that, remarkably, this structure is the same as that in Figure3.5, which
expresses de Finettis representation theorem in DAG form. Accordingly, the model for the

* In the psychometric model, observables x are the connection between the latent-variable space and per-
sons real-world actions. Recall that the nature of observable variables and how they come to take their values
differ substantially across types of measuring instruments (e.g., multiple-choice tests, opinion-survey
responses, evaluations of dance performances). The observables in applications of classical test theory are
often test scores, while the observables in item response theory could be item scores on the same test. There
can be several stages in evaluating complex responses, as when essays are scored by computers and distinct
processes of lexical, syntactic, and semantic analyses are carried out and combined to approximate human
raters. Although these considerations are integral to the meaning of the s in any application of a latent vari-
able model and essential to the design and interpretation of any assessment, they are not focus of the present
volume. The reader is referred to Mislevy et al. (2003) for further discussion of these issues.
Canonical Bayesian Psychometric Modeling 137

x1 x2 x3 xJ

The just-persons directed acyclic graph for the canonical psychometric model.

observables may be seen as arising from an assumption that they are exchangeable and
may be modeled as conditionally independent given the latent student model variable

p( x ) = p( x1 , , x J ) =
p(x |)p()d.
j =1
j (7.1)

This conditional independence assumption is also referred to as local independence in the

psychometric literature.* Many psychometric models may be seen as variations on this
theme. Accordingly, time and again we will see our models take the following generic
form implied by the representation theorem; letting xi = (xi1,, xiJ) be the full collection of
observables for examinee i, the model for examinee i is

p( xi ) = p( xi1 , , xiJ ) =
p(x | )p( )d .
i j =1
ij i i i (7.2)

Recall that the representation theorem says that a marginalized conditional independence
structure exists to express beliefs about an exchangeable set of variables, but does not spec-
ify the forms of either the conditional distribution or the mixing distribution. In practical
work, these must come from the analysts beliefs about the substance of the problem. Based
on the form of the data and theory about the nature of proficiency, the various psychomet-
ric models differ in terms of the chosen forms of the distributions and variables (e.g., con-
tinuous or discrete xs, continuous or discrete s, the latter of which implies replacing the
integral in (7.2) with a summation) and possibly additional parameters needed to warrant
exchangeability and the conditional independence structures.
The importance of structuring psychometric models via conditional independence relation-
ships has long been recognized for its computational benefits. We briefly rehash some of the
discussion from Section 3.5 to additionally stress its psychological role in psychometric mod-
els. As Pearl (1988) noted, conditional independence relationships are so powerful for reason-
ing that we not only seek out variables that induce them, but we also invent these variables
if they do not exist. This in line with an epistemic lens on probability models, in which the
formal entities are abstractions defined in a model space to facilitate the use of the machin-
ery of the model, namely probability calculus. De Finettis representation theorem does not
imply that necessarily exists in an ontological sense, out there in the world to be discovered.
Rather, it is introduced as a tool in the model space to organize our thinking about the world.
The implication is that using a psychometric model does not require assuming that
exists out there in the world. It is constructed or defined in the model space to be that

* In certain Bayesian and graphical modeling traditions the term local independence is used in a different sense
than that used here (Spiegelhalter & Lauritzen, 1990).
138 Bayesian Psychometric Modeling

which renders the observables conditionally independent, or actually, as close to con-

ditionally independent as it needs to be, given additional features of the model. It is a
piece of machinery we build to help us reason about complicated relations and patterns
among what we can observe in the world. The role of as a modeling device subject to
the beliefs and purposes of the analyst may be best seen in the common psychometric
question regarding the number of latent variables used to characterize examinees. To
fully render the observables as conditionally independent, we might need as many latent
variables as there are observables. Unfortunately this does not offer much in the way of a
simplification for model-based reasoning; we need a strategy for arriving at fewer latent
variables in the model. In commenting on research aimed at determining the true
number of latent variables, Reckase (2009, p. 181) articulated that the answer to the ques-
tion about the number of latent variables (or dimensions in his terminology) to include
comes not only from the world but also from the analysts thinking and purposes at

The position taken here is that a true number of dimensions does not exist, but that a
sufficient number of dimensions is needed to accurately represent the major relation-
ships in the . . . data. If the fine details of the relationships in the data are of interest, more
dimensions are needed to accurately show those details.

An analyst chooses the number of latent variables based on the desired purposes in con-
cert with the dependencies in the data. Our goal in building a psychometric is not to be
correct, but to be useful for the purposes at hand. We want the observables to be as close
to conditionally independent as will balance the technical advantages of conditional inde-
pendence, the practicality of implementation and understanding, and the modeling (or
circumvention) of conditional dependence that would cause unacceptable errors in the
inferences we make through the model.
In summary, when conducting model-based reasoning in educational assessment,
we introduce latent variables as modeling devices. Latent variables lurk in the realm
of the model space that we as analysts build, and are introduced to organize our think-
ing about examinee capabilities, proficiencies, and attributes. This reflects a constructive
nature of modeling, in that models are based on certain beliefs and directed towards
achieving certain purposes. The beliefs that are being modeled are better thought of
as epistemological entities, rather than literal or ontological entities. The use of a con-
ditional independence structure is not an ontological statement about the world, but
rather an epistemological statement about our thinking about the world as it pertains to
our beliefs and reasoning about the situation at hand. Though a latent variable is often
interpreted as representing examinee capabilities, it arguably has more to do with what
is going on in our heads than the examinees heads. Our beliefs are informed by what
we actually do know about the situation from theory and experience, but also tailored
to the purposes we have in mind. This makes us more comfortable with using models
of different grain sizes or different qualitative structures, when they highlight different
aspects of situations that might be differentially relevant for different problems. To be
sure, the fidelity of our thinking to the real-world situation is critical. We may of course
decide that a simpler model is insufficient for desired inferences or find that it simply
does not do sufficient justice to the data. Modeling involves balancing tradeoffs among
fidelity to the real-world situation we aim to reason about, practicality of use and inter-
pretability, computational ease, and consequences of inferential errors that may result
from the model.
Canonical Bayesian Psychometric Modeling 139

7.2.1 Running Example: Subtraction Proficiency

We have already seen the basis for a psychometric model in Chapter 1 when we sketched
a situation where we had

a dichotomous latent variable denoted corresponding to subtraction proficiency

that can take on a value of Proficient or Not Proficient;
a dichotomous observable variable x corresponding to the response of an exam-
inee to an item that can take on a value of Correct or Incorrect;
a probability structure modeling the dependence of the observable on the latent

Suppose we have multiple observable variables derived from responses to several sub-
traction items. Specifically, in this chapter we will employ a running example where
there are two such subtraction items, yielding two observables corresponding to scored
responses to those items. Treating the observables (items) as exchangeable, we may repre-
sent the joint distribution of the observables for any examinee via (7.2), which motivates
the introduction of to render the observables conditionally independent. Its use in the
model does not correspond to an ontological claim regarding any such variable. Rather,
the specification of here is a choice made to frame and organize our thinking as tailored
to our assessment purposes and desired inferences, informed by the fit of the proposed
model to the data. Other choices could be made, reflecting interest in more and finer-
grained distinctions regarding subtraction proficiency, a point we return to in an example
in Chapter 14.

7.3 Bayesian Analysis

7.3.1 Bayesian Analysis for Examinees
Note that the edges in the DAG for the canonical psychometric model in Figure 7.2 are
directed with a source at and destinations at the xs. This direction naturally facilitates the
deductive reasoning, which flows from the latent variable () thought of as the general char-
acterization, to the observable variables (xs) that represent the particulars. This is expressed
notationally in the conditioning of the latter on the former on the right-hand side of (7.1).
The model expressed in the conditional distribution p( x j |) explicitly articulates what we
think or what we expect for an observable given the value of the latent variable.
In assessment we need to reason inductivelyfrom the particular examinee behav-
iors we observe back to the general conception of their capabilities. To accomplish this
we need to reverse the direction of the flow of the model. The deductive structures
p( x j |) express beliefs about behavior given proficiency, so we now need to reason back
through this structure to arrive at beliefs about proficiency given behavior. Bayes
theorem engineers this reversal, yielding the posterior distribution that synthesizes the
information in the data carried through p( x j |) with the prior information expressed

* We had a similar example in the context of the medical diagnosis model in Chapter 2, with x being the result
from a mammography screener and being cancer status.
140 Bayesian Psychometric Modeling

in p(), enabling probability-based reasoning about the unknown . For examinee i, the
posterior distribution for the latent variable given values for the J observables is

p(x | )p( )
ij i i J

p(i |xi ) =
j =1
J p(x | )p( ). ij i i (7.3)

p(x | )p( )d
i j =1
ij i i i
j =1

where the integral for the normalizing constant in the denominator is replaced by a sum-
mation in the case of a discrete latent variable. The posterior summarizes our beliefs about
the examinee after having observed her performance.
To complete the model specification in (7.3), we must specify p(i ). The form of the distribu-
tion is in part determined by the proposed nature of the latent variable. As we will see, a nor-
mal distribution is commonly specified when the latent variable is continuous, and Bernoulli
or categorical distributions are commonly specified when the latent variable is discrete. For
our current development, we let P generically denote the parameters of the prior distribution
that is specified.* As examples, if i is modeled as a normal random variable, P contains the
mean and variance of the normal distribution; if i is modeled as a Bernoulli random variable,
P contains the probability that i takes on one of its possible values.
To extend inference to the case of multiple examinees, an assertion of exchangeability
implies the use of a common measurement model and prior distribution for all examinees.
A hierarchical model results. Letting = (i ,, n ) be the full collection of latent variables
from n examinees, the joint posterior of all the examinees latent variables is

n J

p(|x ) p(x | )p( ).
i =1 j =1
ij i i (7.4) Running Example: Subtraction Proficiency

Returning to the subtraction proficiency example, i is a Bernoulli random variable and
suppose p(i = Proficient) = .6, indicating that our prior belief is that the examinee is most
likely Proficient, but there is considerable uncertainty about that. Suppose we have two
items, with conditional probabilities of response given in Table 7.1. It can be seen that

Conditional Probabilities for the Responses to Two Items
Response to Item 1 Response to Item 2
Proficiency Correct Incorrect Correct Incorrect
Proficient .70 .30 .65 .35
Not Proficient .20 .80 .15 .85

* Recall that the use of the subscript P in is adopted to signal that these are the parameters that govern

the prior distribution for . Similarly, the subscript indicates that, in a DAG representation, the elements of P

are the parents of .

Canonical Bayesian Psychometric Modeling 141

item 2 is slightly harder than item 1 by recognizing that, for each level of proficiency, the
(conditional) probability of a correct response is lower for item 2 than item 1.
Now suppose we observe an examinee correctly answer the first item, and incorrectly
answer the second item. The posterior probability for the examinees latent variable taking
on a value of c (in the current example: Proficient or Not Proficient) is given by

p(x | = c)p( = c)
j =1
ij i i

p(i = c|xi ) = J .
p(x | = g)p( = g)
g j =1
ij i i

Working through the computations, the posterior probabilities are

p(i = Proficient|xi1 = Correct, xi 2 = Incorrect )

p( xi1 = Correct|i = Proficient) p( xi 2 = Incorrect|i = Proficient) p(i = Proficient)


g =Proficient, Not Proficient
p( xi1 = Correct|i = g) p( xi 2 = Incorrect|i = g) p(i = g)

(.70)(.35)(.60) .147
= = .68
(.70)(.35)(.60) + (.20)(.85)(.40) .147 + .068


p(i = Not Proficient|Xi1 = Correct, Xi 2 = Incorrect )

p( xi 1 = Correct|i = Not Proficient) p( xi 2 = Incorrect|i = Not Proficient) p(i = Not Proficient)


g = Proficient, Not Proficient
p( xi 1 = Correct|i = g ) p( xi 2 = Incorrect|i = g ) p(i = g )

(.20)(.85)(.40) .068
= = .32.
(.70)(.35)(.60) + (.20)(.85)(.40) .147 + .068

On the basis of the observed data, the posterior probability that the examinee is profi-
cient is .68, which is slightly higher than the prior probability (.6). This indicates that
the evidentiary bearing of the observed data serves to slightly increase our belief that
the examinee is proficient (see Exercise7.1). Note that the posterior probability that the
examinee is not proficient is .32 = 1 .68, which reflects the general relationship ensured
by Bayes theorem that our posterior belief is still expressed as a probability distribu-
tion; in this case, implying that p(i = Not Proficient|Xi1 = Correct, Xi 2 = Incorrect ) = 1
p(i = Proficient|xi1 = Correct, xi 2 = Incorrect ).

7.3.2 Probability-Model-Based Reasoning in Assessment

To summarize, exchangeability, de Finettis representation theorem, and the simplifica-
tions afforded by conditional independence support the construction of a psychometric
model with a particular flow, namely from the latent variable to the observables. The latent
variable need not exist in an ontological sense; it is an expression of our thinking, the result
142 Bayesian Psychometric Modeling

of articulating exchangeability assumptions, conditional independence relationships, and

substantive beliefs. We then reverse the directional flow of the model, via Bayes theorem,
effecting probability-based reasoning from the observables to the latent variable.
We can now address, at an abstract level, the lingering question from Chapter 1 on how
we can represent and construct an argument to bridge the divide between what is avail-
able, namely observations of an examinees behaviors, and what is of inferential interest,
namely the examinees capabilities more broadly conceived. We engage in model-based
reasoning, in particular using a probability model to represent the situation and probabil-
ity calculus to reason within the model. This approach was advocated by Mislevy (1994),
who summarized why such an enterprise is appealing (pp. 447448)

When it is possible to map the salient elements of an inferential problem into the prob-
ability framework, powerful tools become available to combine explicitly the evidence
that various probans [facts offering proof] convey about probanda [facts to be proved],
as to both weight and direction of probative force . . . . A properly-structured statistical
model embodies the salient qualitative patterns in the application at hand, and spells
out, within that framework, the relationship between conjectures and evidence. It over-
lays a substantive model for the situation with a model for our knowledge of the situ-
ation, so that we may characterize and communicate what we come to believeas to
both content and convictionand why we believe itas to our assumptions, our con-
jectures, our evidence, and the structure of our reasoning.

Operating in a probability model, Bayes theorem is the key tool in probability calculus for
reasoning from examinee performances, captured by observable variables, to their capa-
bilities more broadly conceived, as captured by the latent variable.

7.3.3 Enter Measurement Model Parameters

The p( xij |i ) terms play a critical role in reasoning via (7.3) and (7.4). When we employ
multiple observables (i.e., evaluated features of task performances) in assessment, we usu-
ally want to allow for them to vary in terms of their evidentiary relevance; that is, we
wish to allow p( xij |i ) to vary over j. Many psychometric models commonly express the
conditional distributions of the observables by making use of parameters (e.g., loadings in
factor analysis, difficulty parameters in item response theory, slip and guessing parame-
ters in diagnostic classification models; cf. nonparametric models, Ramsay, 1991; Sijtsma &
Molenaar, 2002). We refer to these as measurement model parameters, as they govern the con-
nection between the latent and observable variables within a posited functional form. We
denote the measurement model parameters for observable j as j. The DAG in Figure7.3
expands on the earlier just-persons DAG and reflects that the conditional distribution for
each observables is now expressed as p( xij |i , j ).
One way to proceed that does not involve much in the way of new activities is to spec-
ify the values for the measurement model parameters, say, on the basis of subject matter
experts beliefs about them. Such an approach may be sufficient in low-stakes assessment
applications. However, this often will not suffice in higher stakes and research settings
where we seek to learn about the measurement model parameters from data. To proceed
in this setting, we treat the measurement model parameters as unknowns in our model.
Letting = (1 , , J ) denote the full collection of measurement model parameters and
assuming a priori independence between the latent variables and measurement model
parameters, the posterior distribution is
Canonical Bayesian Psychometric Modeling 143

Examinees i

xi1 xi2 xi3 xiJ

1 2 3 J

Directed acyclic graph for the canonical psychometric model including the measurement model parameters.

n J

p(, |x ) p(x | , )p( )p( ).

i =1 j =1
ij i j i j (7.5)

To specify p( j ), an assumption of exchangeability with regard to the tasks and the
resulting observables supports the use of a common prior for the measurement model
parameters for different observables. Let P denote the parameters of the prior distribu-
tion that is specified for the j s. Again we will see that particular choices for the forms
of the distribution will vary based on the nature of the psychometric model. Further, it
is possible when substantive considerations merit to fall back to conditional exchange-
abilityfor example, among the difficulty parameters of test items that share the same
key features (Rijmen & de Boeck, 2002). Running Example: Subtraction Proficiency

In the subtraction proficiency example, the observables had different conditional dis-
tributions, reflecting their difference in difficulty and relationship to the proficiency of
inferential interest. This can be seen by defining the conditional distribution for each
observable in terms of two measurement model parameters j = (Proficient,j , Not Proficient,j ),
where cj = p( xij = Correct|i = c). In the previous analyses, these were treated as known
with 1 = (Proficient,1 , Not Proficient,1 ) = (.70,.20) and 2 = (Proficient,2 , Not Proficient,2 ) = (.65,.15).
When modeling these as unknown, they require prior distributions. As the elements of
the js are probabilities, a beta prior distribution is a natural choice (see Chapters 2 and 13).

7.3.4 Full Bayesian Model

Figure 7.4 contains a now-expanded DAG, using a plate over observables to more com-
pactly represent the model. If P and P are unknown, they too require prior distributional
specifications. Assuming prior independence, we denote the priors for P and P by p( P )
and p( P ), respectively. Accordingly, our posterior will now include P and P as well.
Again, the particular forms used will depend on the nature of the psychometric model.
The full Bayesian model is then
144 Bayesian Psychometric Modeling

Examinees i


Observables j

The all-unknowns directed acyclic graph for the canonical psychometric model including the hyperparameters.

n J

p(, , P , P |x ) p(x | , )p( | )p( | )p( )p( ).

ij i j i P j P P P (7.6)
i =1 j =1

7.4 Bayesian Methods and Conventional Psychometric Modeling

Although Bayesian approaches are not the dominant paradigm in psychometric model-
ing, they have become widely used in certain applications, including some where there is
apparent unanimous consent as to their propriety and advantages. Further, the recogni-
tion of the power of MCMC for obtaining posterior distributions has led to an explosion
in applications of Bayesian methods in psychometrics (Levy, 2009), a trend that is likely to
continue as computing resources become more accessible. Over the next few chapters, we
will discuss a number of both entrenched and more novel applications of Bayesian meth-
ods. In places where Bayesian approaches depart from conventional methods, we aim to
highlight the relative strengths and weaknesses of adopting a Bayesian approach.
As a first example, the Bayesian methods described in the previous section are by no
means ubiquitous in psychometrics. In operational assessment, a distinction is commonly
drawn between two processes, often called scoring and calibration. Scoring refers to arriv-
ing at a representation for an examinee (in terms of i ) based on her performance on an
assessment. In ECD terms, it is the result of working through the processes of: evidence
identification, in which we extract key features of examinee work products and encode the
results as observables (i.e., task scoring); and evidence accumulation, in which the infor-
mation in the observables can be synthesized to yield updated values for the examinees
latent student model variables via the psychometric model (i.e., test scoring). Scoring is
also commonly referred to as estimating the latent variables or person parameters, the latter
Canonical Bayesian Psychometric Modeling 145

being a term for the s popular in item response theory traditions, or factor scores, a term
popular in factor analysis traditions.
The second process, calibration, refers to arriving at a representation for the (other) param-
eters of the model: principally, the measurement model parameters (the j s), and possibly
the hyperparameters ( P or P ) if they are unknown. In the Bayesian analysis described in
Section 7.3.4, the representations come in the form of a posterior distribution. This could
of course be used to construct other representations, such as using a measure of central
tendency as a point representation. In frequentist analyses, the representations are point
estimates, say, from maximum likelihood (ML) estimation. Calibration is also commonly
referred to as estimating the model parameters, particularly in traditions that do not refer to
as a person parameter. To avoid possible confusion over whether estimating the model
parameters includes the s, we avoid this terminology and refer to the distinct processes
of scoring and calibration. Further, because the psychometric models we discuss start with
observables that have already been identified, the focus here is on test scoring.
A few paradigmatic situations in operational assessment are as follows:

Scoring only: If we have values for the measurement model parameters, say, from
having set them in advance, or from some previous calibration, or from divine
revelation, we can use them to conduct scoring for any examinee. The posterior
analysis in the subtraction proficiency example in Section 7.3.1 is an instance of
Calibration only: Conversely, if we have values for the examinees latent vari-
ables, we can use them to conduct calibration for the tasks (observables),
obtaining representations of the measurement model parameters and possibly
hyperparameters. In the subtraction proficiency example, if we knew which
examinees were proficient and which were not, we could estimate the condi-
tional probabilities of correct response as the proportions of each group that
correctly answer the items. A similar situation arises in operational assessment
when some tasks have been previously calibrated, but others have not. Here, the
previously calibrated tasks are used to conduct examinee scoring, and then the
resulting values for the examinees latent variables are used to conduct calibra-
tion for the new tasks.
Calibration and scoring: If we do not have values for either the examinees latent
variables or the measurement model parameters, we need to conduct inference
for both.

The first two scenarios may be viewed as special cases of the last scenario, which is typi-
cally what is meant when analysts talk about fitting psychometric models, and is the most
complicated of the three from a statistical perspective.
Equation(7.6) provides an answer to this scenario from a Bayesian perspective, yielding
a joint posterior distribution for all the unknowns. However, that is not how things are
always handled in operational assessment. More commonly, analysts employ a two-stage
strategy in which calibration is conducted first (e.g., from an initial sample of examinees)
followed by scoring (e.g., for the examinees from that initial sample, or for a large number
of subsequent examinees). We begin our development working from an ML framework,
and mention Bayesian variations along the way.
In the first stage, the joint distribution of the observable and latent variables is con-
structed, conditional on the (fixed in the frequentist framework) measurement model
parameters and hyperparameters that govern the distribution of the latent variables:
146 Bayesian Psychometric Modeling

p( x , |, P ) = p( x|, )p(| P )

= p(x | , )p( | )
i =1
i i i P
n J

= p(x | , )p( | ).
i =1 j =1
ij i j i P

To conduct calibration, the marginal distribution of the observables is obtained by inte-
grating the latent variables out

p( x|, P ) = p( x , |, P )d

= p( x|, )p(| P )d

n (7.8)
i =1 i
p( xi |i , )p(i | P )di

n J

= p(x | , )p( | )d .
i =1 i j =1
ij i j i P i

Viewed as a function of the model parameters, (7.8) is a marginal likelihood function, which
can be maximized to yield estimates for and P. These estimates are referred to as ML
estimates in factor analysis and latent class analysis, and marginal maximum likelihood
(MML) estimates in item response theory (Bock & Aitkin, 1981).*
One Bayesian variation on this theme includes the use of prior distributions for some or
all of the measurement model parameters; maximizing the resulting function yields Bayes
modal estimates (Mislevy, 1986). Another Bayesian variation conducts the fully Bayesian
analysis in (7.6), obtains the marginal posterior for each element of and P, and then uses
a measure of central tendency (e.g., posterior mean) as a point summary or estimate. The
key point for our purposes is that this first stage yields a set of point estimates for and
P, be they ML estimates or some summary of the posterior distribution. Let ( , P ) denote
these values from the first stage.
The second stage proceeds by conducting scoring using ( , P ) as the values for and P.
An MLE for for each examinee may be obtained by defining a likelihood function for by

* The terminological differences between psychometric modeling traditions are no doubt due to a several rea-
sons (e.g., historical development, the stronger emphasis on estimating values for examinee latent variables in
many applications of item response theory, where they are sometimes referred to as person parameters), and
we leave such pursuits to professional etymologists. At present we merely wish to highlight that that despite
the differences in terminology, there are core structures common to many paradigms, and suggest that the
different terminology may be related to the more pervasive use of Bayesian approaches in some traditions as
opposed to others.
Canonical Bayesian Psychometric Modeling 147

p( xi |i ) = p(x | , = )
j =1
ij i (7.9)

as a function of i . A Bayesian perspective involves obtaining a posterior distribution for

each examinee as an instance of (7.3),

p(i |xi ) p(x | , = )p( |
j =1
ij i i P = P ), (7.10)

or taking a point summary of it such as a posterior mean, sometimes referred to as the

expected a posteriori (EAP) estimate, or the mode, sometimes referred to as the maximum
a posteriori (MAP) estimate. The Bayesian analysis in (7.10) taking point estimates from a
prior stage as known are often called empirical Bayes estimates. We prefer the term par-
tially Bayesian because (a) it better calls out that there is a distinction from fully Bayesian
analyses where all unknowns are modeled stochastically, (b) the term empirical Bayes sug-
gests that other (fully) Bayesian analyses are not empirical, and (c) the resulting estimates
may not be Bayes estimates (Deely & Lindley, 1981).
An advantage of this two-stage approach is that it splits the inferences of unknown
examinee latent variables from that of the remaining parameters. This has considerable
practical advantages. Once a set of tasks (observables) are calibrated using a dataset, the
estimates can be used not only to score the examinees in that dataset, but future exam-
inees as well. In addition, it is generally easier to work with point estimates of measure-
ment model parameters than distributions for them when we come to do all the other
things that go in psychometrics, such as selecting tasks, creating comparable test forms,
and equating multiple assessments.
However, this approach is potentially limited in that the uncertainty associated with
the point estimates from calibration is ignored in scoring. A bit more formally, (7.10)
amounts to specifying the posterior distribution for an examinees latent variable using
point values for the other parameters: p(i |xi ) = p(i |xi , = , P = P ). In contrast, if we
have the full posterior distribution for all unknowns, the marginal posterior distribution
for an examinees latent variable is p(i |xi ) = p(i |xi , , P )p(, P |x )d P d, which will
be more diffuse to the extent that there is posterior variability in and P. By using the full
posterior distribution for and P, our uncertainty in those parameters is acknowledged
and induces some additional uncertainty about the examinees latent variables. This is not
so if we use ( , P ) as the values for and P. We would then be treating these parameters
if they were known with certainty, on a par with us coming to know them through divine
revelation, as opposed to based on fallible information in the forms of a finite dataset, sub-
ject matter expertise, or some combination thereof.
In many cases, the practical demands of an operational assessment dictate that this lim-
itation is acceptable. Resources are limited, and decisions must be made to accomplish
multiple, possibly misaligned or conflicting purposes. Maintaining and carrying through
the uncertainty from one stage of an analysis to another may be a casualty of pragmat-
ics. The consequences of doing so are likely minimal to the extent that the measurement
model parameter estimates have relatively less uncertainty associated with them (which
is subsequently ignored). The consequences are likely more severe the greater amount of
uncertainty is being ignored. The fully Bayesian framework articulated here allows us to
investigate just what the implications are when taking the simpler approach. InSection13.4,
148 Bayesian Psychometric Modeling

we will examine a simple scenario in the context of latent class models where the differ-
ences are small, and the consequence are not dire. In other scenarios, the differences and
consequences may be striking. Tsutakawa and Soltys (1988) and Tsutakawa and Johnson
(1990) investigated paradigmatic applications of item response theory models for scor-
ing, comparing the use of an approximation to the full posterior for measurement model
parameters to the use of point estimates from ML and partially Bayes procedures. They
found that the procedures that treated point estimates of measurement model parameters
as known had substantially smaller standard errors and correspondingly narrower inter-
val estimates.
In test construction, ignoring estimation error in measurement model parameters can
lead to capitalizations on chance that causes items with higher magnitudes of errors to be
selected in constructing fixed and adaptive tests (Hambleton & Jones, 1994; Hambleton,
Jones, & Rogers, 1993; Patton, Cheng, Yuan, & Diao, 2013; van der Linden & Glas, 2000).
This can lead in turn to overestimates of information and precision of estimation during
scoring. Johnson and Jenkins (2005) investigated a complicated scenario in the context of
the National Assessment of Educational Progress, comparing a fully Bayesian specifica-
tion to typical operational procedures in which the measurement model parameters are
estimated at one stage, and are then treated as known with certainty in later stages that
estimate parameters of subpopulations of examinees (Mazzeo, Lazer, & Zieky, 2006; von
Davier, Sinharay, Oranje, & Beaton, 2007). Using simulated and real data, they concluded
that the procedures that treated point estimates from an earlier stage as known system-
atically underestimated posterior uncertainty for parameters estimated at a later stage. In
addition, the fully Bayesian analysis provided more stable estimates of the sampling vari-
ability as compared to the typical approach.

7.5 Summary and Looking Ahead

In summary, we construct a probability model that encodes our beliefs about the situa-
tion directed toward our purposes and desired inferences. In assessment this typically
involves, at a minimum, beliefs about the examinees capability, their behavior, and the
relationship between the two. In line with the implications of de Finettis representation
theorem and the power afforded by conditional independence relationships, modern psy-
chometric models typically specify variables representing behaviors on tasks as stochasti-
cally dependent on variables representing proficiencies. Once the model is constructed,
we employ the calculus of probabilities to reason through the model, arriving at model-
based implications for features of inferential interest. The directionality of the depen-
dence of the model quite naturally supports deductive reasoning, from the general (i.e.,
examinee proficiency) to the particulars (i.e., examinee behaviors on tasks). Of course, in
most assessment situations we seek to reverse this directional flow, to reason inductively
from the particulars (examinee behaviors on tasks) to the general (examinee proficiency).
Operating in a probability model constructed this way, Bayes theorem is the workhorse
for accomplishing the reversal. This process amounts to a model-based synthesis of the
implications of the data. It is particularly powerful in situations where multiple chunks of
Canonical Bayesian Psychometric Modeling 149

data are available, have complex relationships with the inferential target, and are possibly
in conflict with one another.
If measurement model parameters are unknown, our probability model expands to
accommodate them, specifying prior distributions for them, again often capitalizing on
exchangeability assumptions. They too become subject to posterior inference, now jointly
with examinees latent variables in the full Bayesian model. Conventional practices in vari-
ous psychometric modeling paradigms vary in the extent to which Bayesian approaches
are employed. Commonly, they depart from the fully Bayesian perspective by estimating
parameters in stages, often treating point estimates from earlier stages as known in later
The model in (7.6) and Figure 7.4 serves as a cornerstone of Bayesian psychometric
modeling. It is well targeted to what we may call the standard assessment paradigm
(Mislevy, Behrens, DiCerbo & Levy, 2012), which is driven in part by twentieth century
conceptions of psychology (Mislevy, 2006; Rupp & Mislevy, 2007) and technological
capabilities (Cohen & Wollack, 2006; DiCerbo & Behrens, 2012; Dubois, 1970). Here, data
from each examinee are fairly sparse, typically in the form of a single attempt on tasks
that were chosen beforehand. Feedback does not occur during the assessment, so learn-
ing during the assessment is assumed to be negligible, and performance can then be
interpreted as information regarding an examinees static level of proficiency conceived
in trait or behaviorist psychology.
Much of the material in the following chapters describes how this model and extensions
of it play out in a variety of psychometric traditions. Along the way, we will also mention
the practices that have emerged as the conventional approaches in these psychometric
modeling paradigms. Provocatively, though many of these paradigms share the structure
illustrated in Figure7.4, we will see that the standard conventional practices in each tra-
dition vary considerably in the degree to which they involve Bayesian approaches when
conducting scoring and calibration.
Not all psychometric models can be framed as an instance of this model, but many can,
and it is a useful starting point for building more complicated models that depart from
the standard assessment paradigm, particularly in ways that harness shifts in psychol-
ogy (Mislevy, 2006, 2008; Rupp & Mislevy, 2007) and technological capabilities to collect
and process data that vary in type, quality, and quantity (Behrens & DiCerbo, 2013, 2014;
Cohen& Wollack, 2006; Drasgow, Luecht, & Bennett, 2006). In the coming chapters, we
discuss several such examples including: seeking inferences about multiple aspects of pro-
ficiency; acknowledging and modeling the possibility of learning during the assessment
(which may be its very intent); leveraging collateral information about examinees and
tasks and formulating exchangeability conditional on relevant covariates; and adding lay-
ers to the hierarchical specification by specifying P or P as dependent on other unknown
parameters, thereby borrowing strength from the collective of examinees or tasks for esti-
mating the parameters for individual members.
In our tour, we will use notation specific to each modeling paradigm. Table 7.2 lists some
key elements of the notation for the various modeling paradigms, including elements not
present in the canonical psychometric model discussed here. What is listed in the table is
not broad enough to cover all of the variations and extensions of the basic model we will
cover. It is intended to serve as a reference and illuminate how the basic model developed
in this chapter will reappear across the modeling paradigms, list some of the directions for
150 Bayesian Psychometric Modeling

Notation for the Psychometric Models in This Part of Book
Psychometric Modeling Paradigm
Latent Class
Item Networks,
Classical Factor Response Diag.
General Test Theory Analysis Theory Classification
Parameter (Chap. 7) (Chap. 8) (Chap. 9) (Chap. 11) (Chap. 1314)
Examinee T

Hyperparameters for P T , T2 , , 2
examinees (first level)
Hyperparameters for , 2 , 2
examinees (second
d, 0 d, 0
Measurement model E d (or b)

Hyperparameters P 2 , 2
, 2
d , d2
(firstlevel) , 2 a , 2a

, 0 c , c

Hyperparameters for ,
observables (second

extensions to come, and aid readers familiar with some but not all of these traditions and
notations in seeing the connections between them.

7.1 Reconsider the subtraction proficiency example, where the prior probability that a
student is proficient is p(i = Proficient) = .6 and the conditional probabilities of cor-
rect responses to the two items are given in Table 7.1. In Section 7.3.1, we obtained
the posterior distribution for proficiency for a student who correctly answered the
first question and incorrectly answered the second question:

p(i = Proficient|xi1 = Correct, xi 2 = Incorrect ) .68

p(i = Not Proficient|xi1 = Correct, xi 2 = Incorrect ) .32.

a. Explain how this posterior distribution can be interpreted from the Bayes-as-
using-data-to-update-prior perspective.
Canonical Bayesian Psychometric Modeling 151

b. Explain how this posterior can be interpreted from the Bayes-as-prior-reining-

in-data perspective.
c. Obtain the posterior distributions for the remaining possible response patterns
(both responses correct, only the second correct, and both incorrect).
7.2 Reconsider the subtraction proficiency example, where the prior probability that
a student is proficient is p(i = Proficient) = .6 and the conditional probabilities of
correct responses to the items on a two-item test are given in Table 7.1.
a. Suppose we observe a student respond correctly to the first item, and at this
point that is all we have observed. What is the posterior distribution for her
b. We now plan to administer the second item, and will update our distribution
for her proficiency based on her response. What will our prior distribution be
for this analysis?
c. Suppose we observe that she responds incorrectly to this second item. What is
the posterior distribution for her proficiency?
d. Suppose we have another student and decide to administer the second item
first this time. Suppose we observe he incorrectly answers this item and at this
point that is all we have observed. What is the posterior distribution for his
e. We now plan to administer the first item, and will update our distribution for
his proficiency based on his response. What will our prior distribution be for
this analysis?
f. Suppose we observe that he responds correctly to this item. What is the poste-
rior distribution for his proficiency?
g. Compare the results from (c), (f), and the computations shown in Section 7.3.1.
What does this indicate about Bayesian inference?
h. In general terms, how would we proceed if we thought that might change
from the first response to the second? What inferential errors might result if
did indeed change but we used a standard model assuming it was constant
during the time of observation?
7.3 Reconsider the subtraction proficiency example, where the prior probability that a
student is proficient is p(i = Proficient) = .6
a. Suppose we have an item with the following conditional distribution of

Response to Item
Proficiency Correct Incorrect
Proficient .90 .10
Not Proficient .20 .80

and we observe a student responds correctly to the item. What is the posterior
for his proficiency?
b. Suppose we have an item with the following conditional distribution of
152 Bayesian Psychometric Modeling

Response to Item
Proficiency Correct Incorrect
Proficient .90 .10
Not Proficient .90 .10

What is the posterior distribution for the examinees proficiency given a cor-
rect response? Given an incorrect response? (Hint: you can answer these with-
out doing any calculations.)
c. Compare the results from (a), (b), and Exercise 7.2(a). Why do the posteriors
differ? What does that indicate about the discrimination of the items?
7.4 In Section 7.4, we discussed how it is common to first conduct calibration and
then, using the results of calibration, scoring for both the examinees employed in
the calibration analysis and other examinees. Explain how the use of the results
from a calibration for scoring other examinees (i.e., not those used in the calibra-
tion) may be seen as relying on notions of exchangeability.
Classical Test Theory

We begin our tour of psychometric modeling paradigms with classical test theory (CTT).
Textbook treatments and overviews of CTT from a conventional perspective can be found
in Crocker and Algina (1986), Lewis (2007), Lord and Novick (1968), and McDonald (1999).
The CTT model has been conceived of in several distinct ways, differing in terms of whether
an author develops the model from single or multiple observables, and from one of sev-
eral different distributional notions of error (cf. Bollen, 1989; Haertel, 2006; Lewis, 2007;
Lord & Novick, 1968; McDonald, 1999). What follows is a cursory treatment of the model
focusing on consensus notions. Readers are referred to the above cited works for consider-
ably more details on CTT, and for constructing assessments that lead to the scores that
our look at Bayesian modeling for CTT takes as a starting point. We begin our develop-
ment of CTT in Section 8.1 by considering a single observable (test) assuming that the
measurement model parameters and the hyperparameters are known. In Section8.2, we
generalize to the case where there are multiple observables (tests), still assuming that the
measurement model parameters and hyperparameters are known. In Section8.3, we treat
the case where the measurement model parameters and hyperparameters are unknown.
Section8.4 concludes this chapter with a summary and bibliographic note.

8.1 CTT with Known Measurement Model Parameters and

Hyperparameters, Single Observable (Test or Measure)
We begin with the situation in which there is a single test or measure, the resulting score
on which will serve as the observable. We describe the model as it is conventionally con-
ceived, and then turn to a Bayesian treatment, which is developed in stages. We then
extend the model to the case of multiple observables (tests or measures) in Section 8.2.
Throughout, our focus will be on inference about examinees, or scoring, in the parlance
of Chapter7.

8.1.1 Conventional Model Specification

Consider first the situation where examinees from a population are administered a single
measure or test. For each examinee i, xi denotes the resulting observable score on the test.
In most applications the test is made up by several items and the test score is the sum of the
scored responses to the individual items. In this chapter, the observable xi may be taken as
a test score formed in this way. Much the same can be said for the factor analysis models
of Chapters9 and 10. We return to situations where the observables are item responses in

154 Bayesian Psychometric Modeling

The CTT model specifies xi as an additive combination of two components that may vary
over examinees,

xi = Ti + Ei , (8.1)

where Ti is a true score (for examinee i) with mean T and variance T2 and Ei is an error
(for examinee i) with mean 0 and variance E2 . Errors are uncorrelated with true scores in
the population,

TE = 0, (8.2)

and similarly in all subpopulations.

The CTT model implies that the mean of the observed scores x is equal to the mean of
the true scores,

x = T . (8.3)

The observed score variance 2x is given by

2x = T2 + E2 + 2TE
= T2 + E2 ,

where TE = TE T E = 0 is the covariance between true scores and errors.

On this basis, the classical definition of reliability of the test is given as the proportion of
observed score variance that is accounted for by the true score variance,

T2 2
= 2
= 2 T 2, (8.5)
x T + E

which is also the squared correlation between observable and true scores, 2xT .
True scores for examinees may be estimated via Kelleys formula, which dates to at least
Kelley (1923, p. 214). In the current notation,

Ti = xi + (1 ) x
= x + ( xi x ),

where x is the mean of the observed scores and Ti is the estimated true score for examinee i.
The use of the prime notation in Ti to stand for an estimate is derived from noting that
the formula in (8.6) may be framed as the regression of true scores on error scores (e.g.,
Crocker & Algina, 1986; Haertel, 2006; Lewis, 2007; Lord & Novick, 1968; the same idea
appears in hierarchical modeling as well, as in Raudenbush, 1988). The second formulation
on the right-hand side in (8.6) yields an interpretation of Kelleys formula as one in which
we get an estimate for an examinees true score by starting with the mean, and then mov-
ing away from the mean in the direction of their observed score. We do not move all the
wayrather, the amount we move is in proportion to the reliability.
Importantly, the last interpretation reveals that Kelleys formula contradicts the
intuitive notion that we should use the examinees observed score as the estimate of
the true score (i.e., Ti = xi ). The reasoning for the latter approach is that xi is obviously
Classical Test Theory 155

related to the true score, only differing by a random error component and that, after
all, xi is all we have for the examinee. This line of reasoning is quite appealing on the
surface, so it is instructive to consider how Kelleys formula departs from this, and what
it reveals about assessment. Note that Kelleys formula will indeed yield the observed
score as the estimate of the true score when = 1. At the other end of the spectrum,
when = 0, Kelleys formula will yield x as the estimate of the true score.* In this case,
Kelleys formula instructs us to ignore the actual observed score for the examinee. The
reason is that the variance of x is all due to error variance. The test is essentially worth-
less as an inferential tool to differentiate examineeswe would do just as well if did
not administer the test at all. Kelleys formula therefore instructs us to ignore the exam-
inees observed score for this purpose.
Thankfully, in practice it is highly unlikely that = 0. If falls between the extremes
of 0 and 1, the estimated true score will fall between xi and x . To understand what this
captures, we can hardly do better than Kelley himself, who remarked (1947, p. 409)

This is an interesting equation in that it expresses the estimate of true ability as the
weighted sum of two separate estimates,one based upon the individuals observed
score, X1 [xi in the current notation], and the other based upon the mean of the group
to which he belongs, M1 [ x in the current notation]. If the test is highly reliable, much
weight is given to the test score and little to the group mean, and vice versa.

Finally, the variability associated with estimation of the true score is captured by the
standard deviation of the errors of estimation of the true score,

T|x = T (1 ), (8.7)

known as the standard error of the true score (Guilford, 1936) or the standard error of
estimation (Lord & Novick, 1968). Note that this refers to the variability of the true scores
given the observed scores, and differs from the standard error of measurement that refers
to the variability of observed scores given true scores (Dudek, 1979).

8.1.2 Bayesian Modeling

In the present development, let us assume that the mean and variance of the distribution
of the true scores, T and T2 , and the variance of the errors, E2 , are known. In Section8.3,
we will relax this assumption of known parameters. For the moment, the only stochastic
entities are the observed scores and the true scores of individual examinees, of which only
the latter are unknown.
Following Bayes theorem, the posterior distribution for the full collection of true scores,
T = (T1 , , Tn ), given the full collection of the observed scores, x = (x1, ,xn), and the other,
assumed known entities is

* In the rest of this section and Section 8.2, we assume that x is known. If it is unknown, a conventional approach
estimates x as the mean of the test scores from a sample of examinees. We treat the situation of unknown x
in Section 8.3.
In this case, we might have reservations about estimating true scores at all, because our best estimate for
everyone is the population mean. If it comes to pass that = 0, the next step is not really to estimate true scores
to facilitate interpretations and decisions, but rather to revisit and revise the assessment process.
But it is about as likely as = 1. If was indeed 1, that would indicate that there was no measurement error,
obviating the need for much of psychometrics. In practice, many achievement tests have reliability estimates
that exceed .8.
156 Bayesian Psychometric Modeling

p(T|x , T , T2 , E2 ) p( x|T , E2 )p(T|T , T2 ). (8.8)

The first term on the right-hand side of (8.8) is the conditional distribution of the data given
the true scores and the error variance. To structure this distribution, we assume that, given
the examinees true score, the observed score from the examinee is conditionally inde-
pendent of all other observed scores. This assumption allows for the factorization of the
conditional distribution of the data as

p( x|T , ) =
E p(x |T , ).
i =1
i i
E (8.9)

CTT, as formulated so far, defines the model in terms of the first two moments. In our
development of a Bayesian analysis, we will specify the full distributions.* For each exam-
inee, we now model the observed score as being normally distributed around the exam-
inees true score,

xi |Ti , E2 ~ N (Ti , E2 ). (8.10)

The second term on the right-hand side of (8.8) is the prior distribution for the true scores.
An assumption of exchangeability regarding the examinees implies the use of a common
prior distribution for each, supporting the factorization of the joint prior of all n examin-
ees true scores as

p(T|T , T2 ) = p(T | , ).
i =1
i T
T (8.11)

For each examinee, we now also model the true score as being normally distributed,

Ti |T , T2 ~ N (T , T2 ). (8.12)

Note that these normal distribution specifications for the observables in (8.10) and for
the true scores in (8.12) are common in conventional presentations of the model rooted in
frequentist paradigms (e.g. Bollen, 1989; Crocker & Algina, 1986) as well as in Bayesian
developments (Lindley, 1970; Novick, 1969; Novick, Jackson, & Thayer, 1971). Other
assumptions can be made, such as assuming normal distributions for errors, but estimat-
ing the distribution of true scores (Mislevy, 1984).
A DAG representation of the model is given in Figure8.1. Each examinees observable
is modeled with the associated true score and the error variance as parents, in accordance
with (8.10). Similarly, each true score is modeled with the hyperparameters T and T2 as
parents, in accordance with (8.12).
Substituting into (8.8), the posterior distribution is

p(T|x , T , T2 , E2 ) p( x|T , E2 )p(T|T , T2 )

n (8.13)

= p(x |T , )p(T | , ),
i =1
i i
E i T

* An alternative development might involve just the first- and second-order moments, capitalizing on Bayesian
analyses of linear models without invoking a full distributional specification (Hartigan, 1969).
Classical Test Theory 157

T T2


i = 1,, n



Directed acyclic graph for the classical test theory model for one observable variable, with known true score
mean, true score variance, and error variance.


xi |Ti , E2 ~ N (Ti , E2 ) for i = 1, , n,


Ti |T , T2 ~ N (T , T2 ) for i = 1, , n.

Note that the right-hand side of (8.13) has a form where all the elements are inside the
product operator. This reveals that the conditional independence assumptions imply
that the model for all the examinees can be viewed as a model for an individual exam-
inee, which is then repeated over all examinees. The DAG illustrates this in that the only
stochastic entities, namely the true scores and the observables, lie inside the plate for
This implies that the model is one where, for each examinee, the data xi is normally
distributed with unknown mean Ti and known variance E2 . The unknown mean Ti is nor-
mally distributed with known mean T and variance T2 . This is exactly the situation dis-
cussed in Section4.1. The expression in (8.13) is just an instantiation of (4.5), as can be seen
by framing the notation of the former in terms of the latter:

Notation in (8.13) Notation in (4.5)

E2 2
T2 2

Thus, the posterior distribution for each Ti is an instantiation of (4.6) and is a normal
158 Bayesian Psychometric Modeling

Ti |xi , T , T2 , E2 ~ N (Ti |Ti|xi , T2i|xi ), (8.14)


Ti|xi =
( T ) ( )
T2 + xi E2
(1 ) + 1


T2i|xi = . (8.16)
(1 ) (2
T + 1 E2 )

A little algebra reveals that the posterior mean can be expressed as

T2 2
Ti|xi = 2
x + 2 E 2 T .
2 i
+ E
T T + E

The coefficient for xi is recognized as . A little more algebra reveals that the coefficient for
T is 1 . Thus, the posterior mean for an examinees true score is

Ti|xi = xi + (1 )T
= T + ( xi T ).

Recalling that the means of the true and observed scores are equal (see Equation 8.3),
we see from the right-hand side of (8.18) that, remarkably, the posterior mean is just an
expression of Kelleys formula as given in (8.6). In the Bayesian analysis, the posterior
mean is a precision-weighted combination of the mean of the data and the mean of the
prior. For inferences about an examinees true score in CTT, the precision of the data is
captured by the reliability of the test, , and the precision in the prior for the true score
is captured by 1 . Echoing similar statements made in Chapter4, this reveals that to
the extent that the test is reliable (i.e., the variation in observed scores is due to variation
in true scores), the observed test score should drive the solution and our beliefs about
the examinees true score. To the extent that the test is unreliable (i.e., the variation in
observed scores is due to something other than variation in true scores), the influence of the
data ought to be reduced. Thus, we may echo Kelleys sentiments quoted in Section8.1.1
with some slight revisions in our phrasing: Kelleys formula, as it appears in (8.18), is
indeed an interesting equation in that it expresses a point summary of our posterior
beliefs about an examinees true ability as the weighted sum of two separate sources of
information: one being the examineess observed score, xi, and the other being what was
believed about the true ability prior to observing any data, captured by T . If the test is
highly reliable, much weight is given to the observed score and little is given to our prior
beliefs, and vice versa.
Classical Test Theory 159

In Bayesian terms, Kelleys formula amounts to saying that the best estimator for an
examinees true score is the posterior mean. For several reasons, it is important to note that
Kelley did not derive his formula in Bayesian terms, but rather as the regression of true
score on observed score (Kelley, 1923, 1947). Whats more, it can be shown that the poste-
rior standard deviation,

Ti|xi = T2i|xi = , (8.19)
(1 ) (
T + 1 E2)

is equal to the standard error of the estimate of the true score in (8.7), which in conven-
tional approaches is framed as the unexplained variation of the regression of true scores
on observed scores.
The conventional framing of Kelleys formula as the regression of true score on observed
scores, and the standard error of the estimate of true scores as the associated variation from
that regression (Haertel, 2006; Lord & Novick, 1968), brings to light the alignment between
the goals of assessment and the Bayesian approach to inference. To begin, we can recog-
nizethat the formulation of CTT in (8.1) has the appearance of regressing the observables x
on the true scores T. The flow of the model here and in the associated DAG in Figure8.1
is from the true score to the observable, supporting deductive reasoning. Kelleys formula
reverses this flow, regressing the true scores T on the observables x in support of induc-
tive reasoning. The model is constructed with x conditional on T, but once a value for x is
observed, the goal is to reason back from the observed score to the true score. Kelleys formula
facilitates this reasoning partially, by regressing T on x, giving the expectation E(T | x).
The standard error of the estimate of the true scores complements this partial reasoning,
providing a first inkling of variation. A Bayesian perspective makes explicit this reversal of
flow and reasoning back, recognizes Kelleys formula as the posterior mean and the stan-
dard error of the true scores as the posterior standard deviation, and goes beyond these to
give the full posterior distribution in (8.14).
Confusion over the appropriate way to reason back from observed scores to true
scores has been with us almost as long as CTT itself (Dudek, 1979) and does not appear
to be disappearing, at least in some disciplines (McManus, 2012). Generally, a Bayesian
approach to inference constructs a joint distribution for all entities and then conditions
on what is known to yield a conditional distribution for all unknown entities. As such
it offers a framework well suited to reasoning in either direction. If true scores are
known, we have the conditional distribution for observables in (8.10). If observed scores
are known, we have the conditional distribution for true scores in (8.14). No entity has
any special status that prevents us from formulating conditional distributions for it.
Our construction of the joint distribution emerges from structuring the observables
as conditional on true scores. In the current situation with one observable, this choice
does not seem of great importance. When we expand our scope to include multiple
observables, we will model the multiple observables for each examinee as conditionally
(locally) independent given their true score, in line with the implications of exchange-
ability and the utility in organizing our beliefs around conditional independence speci-
fications. Bayes theorem is then the machinery for taking this construction of the joint
distribution and turning it into a conditional distribution for unknown true scores
given observed scores.
160 Bayesian Psychometric Modeling

8.1.3 Example
Suppose we have a test scored from 0 to 100.* We are interested in the posterior distributions
of true scores for individuals, where it is known that the mean of the true scores is T = 80,
the standard deviation of the true scores is T = 6, and the standard deviation of the error
scores is E = 4. The reliability of the test is calculated via (8.5); rounding to two decimal
places, .69. Analytical Solution

For each examinee, the posterior distribution is normal with the mean given by (8.17),

T2 2
Ti|xi = 2
x + 2 E 2 T
2 i
+ E
T T + E
36 16
= xi + 80
36 + 16 36 + 16
.69xi + 24.62.

Alternatively, using the equivalent re-expression in (8.18) and substituting in for ,

Ti|xi = T + ( xi T )
+ E2

= 80 + ( xi 80)
36 + 16
80 + .69( xi 80)).

The latter expression affords the interpretation that the posterior mean for an examinees
true score can be viewed as departing from the mean for all examinees (80) in the direc-
tion of the examinees score (xi), and in an amount proportional to the reliability (.69).
Again, we note that each examinees posterior mean is exactly what is obtained by the
conventional application of Kelleys formula. The posterior variance is constant for all

1 1
T2i|xi = = 11.08.
( ) (
1 T2 + 1 E2 )
(1 36 ) + (1 16 )
To illustrate, we compute the posterior distribution for examinees, with scores 70, 80, and 96,
rounding the values obtained to two decimal places. For xi = 70, p(Ti |=
xi 70=) N (73.08, 11.08);
for xi = 80, p(Ti |= =
xi 80 ) N (80, 11.08); for xi = 96, p(Ti |= =
xi 96 ) N (91.08, 11.08). Figure 8.2
depicts these results.
For each examinee, the posterior is a synthesis of the information in the prior and the
information in the data. In CTT, the information in the data is imperfect, as reflected

* As noted above, tests usually contain multiple items, and the test score is the aggregation over the items, say,
by summing the scored responses for the individual items. Estimates of are obtained as functions of varia-
tion among items. But for the purpose of laying out a Bayesian treatment of CTT, the starting point is a single
observed (test) score for each examinee, however, obtained, such that the CTT structure applies.
Classical Test Theory 161

Prior x = 70

50 60 70 80 90 100 110
x = 80

50 60 70 80 90 100 110
x = 96

50 60 70 80 90 100 110

Plotting the components of a Bayesian analysis for selected examinees true scores, with the prior distribution
(dotted), likelihood (dashed), and posterior distribution (solid).

Prior = 0.95
Observed score

= 0.80

= 0.50
= 0.05

65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100

Posterior densities (solid lines) for the true score for an N(80, 36) prior (dotted line) and an observed score of 96
(dashed line) as the reliability () changes.

by the reliability being less than 1. To further illustrate this point, consider the effect of
different values for the reliability. Figure8.3 depicts analyses where T = 80, T = 6, and
xi = 96. The curves depict different posterior distributions corresponding to different
values of the reliability of the test. When the reliability is near 0, the posterior distribu-
tion is very similar to the prior distribution. As the reliability increases, the posterior
distribution moves closer to the observed test score of 96 and becomes more narrowly
162 Bayesian Psychometric Modeling MCMC Estimation via WinBUGS

The WinBUGS code for the model, using the precision parameterization for the normal
distribution, and the data statement are given as follows.

# Model Syntax

# Classical Test Theory
# With Known
# True Score Mean, True Score Variance
# Error Variance

# Known Parameters
mu.T <- 80 # Mean of the true scores
sigma.squared.T <- 36 # Variance of the true scores
sigma.squared.E <- 16 # Variance of the errors

tau.T <- 1/sigma.squared.T # Precision of the true scores

tau.E <- 1/sigma.squared.E # Precision of the errors

# Model for True Scores and Observables

for (i in 1:n){
T[i] ~ dnorm(mu.T, tau.T) # Distribution of true scores
x[i] ~ dnorm(T[i], tau.E) # Distribution of observables

} # closes the model statement

# Data statement
list(n=3, x=c(70, 80, 96))

The model was run with three examinees. Three chains were run from dispersed starting
values. Convergence diagnostics, including the history plots and the potential scale reduc-
tion factor (Section 5.7.2), indicated convergence within a few iterations. This is unsur-
prising given that the posterior is of a known form (see Equation 8.14) that is recognized
as such by WinBUGS. To be conservative, we discarded the first 100 iterations and 1,000
Classical Test Theory 163

additional iterations were run, yielding 3,000 iterations for use in summarizing the poste-
rior distribution.
Figure8.4 contains plots of the analytical marginal posterior distributions for the true
scores (solid line, akin to the solid lines in Figure8.2) and empirical approximations from
WinBUGS (dashed line) for the three examinees. Table8.1 gives, for each examinee, the
posterior mean and standard deviation from the analytical solution, and the estimated
posterior mean and standard deviation from the empirical approximation from WinBUGS.
The empirical approximations come quite close to the analytical solutions in terms of
shape, location, and scale.

Analytical x = 70

50 60 70 80 90 100 110
x = 80

50 60 70 80 90 100 110
x = 96

50 60 70 80 90 100 110

Analytical (solid) and empirical (dashed) marginal posterior densities for true scores for three examinees. The
empirical density closely mirrors the analytical density, such that it is obscured by the latter when plotted.

Analytical Solutions and Empirical Approximations to the
Posterior Distributions for Three Examinees
Empirical Solution from
Analytical Solution MCMCa
Posterior Posterior Posterior Posterior
xi Mean SDb Mean SDb
70 73.08 3.33 73.07 3.28
80 80.00 3.33 79.96 3.34
96 91.08 3.33 91.13 3.36
a MCMC = Markov chain Monte Carlo.
b SD = Standard deviation.
164 Bayesian Psychometric Modeling

8.2 CTT with Known Measurement Model Parameters and

Hyperparameters, Multiple Observables (Tests or Measures)
We now extend the CTT model to the case of multiple observables (tests or measures) for
examinees. Conceptually, we may think of administering the same exam to the examinees
on multiple occasions absent the effects of learning or fatigue. Alternatively, we may think
of administering parallel tests or forms, which are different tests (or test forms) where
each examinees true score on one test (form) is the same as their true score on another
test (form), and the error variances for the observable test scores are the same for each test
(form). As before, we consider the case where T , T2 , and E2 are known; we turn to the case
where these are unknown in Section8.3.

8.2.1 Conventional Model Specification

Let xij denote the observable variable corresponding to examinee i on observable j, i = 1, , n
denoting the examinee, and j = 1, , J denoting the observable (test, test form, measure).
The CTT model specifies xij as an additive combination of the examinees true score and an
error score for the examinee,

xij = Ti + Eij , (8.20)

where Eij is now the error for examinee i on observable j. The means of the errors for all
observables are 0, and the variances of the errors for the observables are equal, denoted
by E2 . Letting Ej denote the error scores for observable j, the correlation between the true
scores and the errors for observable j is

TEj = 0 (8.21)

for all j. The correlation between errors for observable j and observable j is

EjEj = 0 (8.22)

for j j.
Letting xj and 2x j denote the mean and variance of the scores for observable j, the CTT
model implies that, for j = 1, , J,

x j = T (8.23)


2x j = T2 + E2 . (8.24)

As xj and 2x j are the same for all j, we drop the second subscript and use x and 2x to
denote the mean and variance for any observable.
Under these specifications, the reliability of any observable is given by (8.5). The reli-
ability of an equally weighted composite of the J observables, such as their sum or mean,
is given by the SpearmanBrown prophecy formula,
Classical Test Theory 165

J J 2
c = = 2 T 2, (8.25)
( J 1) + 1 J T + E

where c denotes the reliability of the composite of the J observables.

8.2.2 Bayesian Modeling Model Specification
The DAG for the model is given in Figure8.5. The lone difference between this and the
DAG in Figure8.1 is the existence of multiple observables, represented here by the plate
over j. Implicit in this plate structure is the conditional independence assumptions that
allow for the factorization of the conditional probability of the data.
Following Bayes theorem, the posterior distribution is

p(T|x , T , T2 , E2 ) p( x|T , E2 )p(T|T , T2 ), (8.26)

where now x is the full collection of (n J) observables. The second term on the right-hand
side of (8.26) is the prior distribution for examinees true scores. As before, following assump-
tions of exchangeability and normality, the prior distribution is given in (8.11) and (8.12).
The first term on the right-hand side of (8.26) is the conditional distribution of the data given
the true scores and the error variance. As before, we assume conditional independence between
the values of the observables from different examinees. This supports the factorization

p( x|T , E2 ) = p(x |T , ),
i =1
i i
E (8.27)

where xi = (xi1, , xiJ) is the collection of J observable variables for examinee i. Assuming
that, for each examinee, the observables are conditionally (locally) independent given their
true score allows for the specification of a common distribution for each observable,

T T2

i = 1,, n

j = 1,, j



Directed acyclic graph for the classical test theory model for multiple observable variables, with known true
score mean, true score variance, and error variance.
166 Bayesian Psychometric Modeling

p( xi |Ti , ) =
E p(x |T , ).
j =1
ij i
E (8.28)

Combining these two expressions, we have the factorization of the conditional distribu-
tion of the data as

n J

p( x|T , E2 ) = p(x |T , ).
i =1 j =1
ij i
E (8.29)

For each examinee, we model the observables as being normally distributed around the
examinees true score,

xij |Ti , E2 ~ N (Ti , E2 ). (8.30)

Substituting into (8.26), the posterior distribution is then

p(T|x , T , T2 , E2 ) p( x|T , E2 )p(T|T , T2 )

n J (8.31)

= p(x |T , )p(T | , ),
i =1 j =1
i i
E i T


xij |Ti , E2 ~ N (Ti , E2 ) for i = 1, , n, j = 1, , J


Ti |T , T2 ~ N (T , T2 ) for i = 1, , n. Hierarchical Specification

At this point it is worth taking a step back to develop the model from the perspective
of building out from the data. We begin with the (n J) collection of observed values.
For any examinee i, we have a collection of J values in xi. To specify the distribution for
xi, we invoke an assumption of exchangeability. This allows for the specification of the
distribution as a product of conditional distributions, given a possibly vector-valued
parameter. This is expressed in (8.28), where the conditioning parameter consists of the
known error variance and the unknown true score. The latter of these, being unknown,
requires a distributional specification. An assumption of exchangeability with respect
to the examinees implies that the same conditional distributions for observables can be
used for all examinees, as expressed in (8.29). This process yields n true scores in need
of distributional specification. Again, the exchangeability assumption with respect to
examinees allows for the specification of a common conditional distribution, as in (8.11).
The conditional distribution here is specified with respect to a parameter that consists of
the known mean and variance of the true scores. This completes the specification of the
Classical Test Theory 167

model. To recap, we begin with the data and build out by invoking exchangeability
assumptions to simplify the specification of the distribution of the data. But that intro-
duces new unknown parameters (here, true scores) that stand in need of distributional
specification. We accomplish this by again invoking exchangeability assumptions to
simplify the specification of the distribution of the true scores. Sufficient Statistics

The full model in (8.31) has the structure where, essentially, there is a model for an individ-
ual examinee that is repeated over examinees. For each examinee, the model is one where
there are multiple normally distributed observables, xi1,, xiJ, with known variance E2
and unknown mean Ti . This is therefore an instance of the model described in Section4.1.
Asdiscussed there, the model may be formulated in terms of the sufficient statistics, which
in this case is the sample mean, xi = Jj =1 xij/J , and the number of observables, J.
We may therefore model the observables in terms of the observable sample means for
examinees conditional on the true scores and error variance,

xi |Ti , E2 ~ N Ti , E . (8.32)

The DAG for this version of the model is given in Figure8.6. Posterior Distribution

Collecting the preceding developments, the posterior distribution is

p(T|x , T , T2 , E2 ) p( x|T , E2 )p(T|T , T2 )

n (8.33)

= i =1
p( xi |Ti , E2 )p(Ti |T , T2 ),

T T2


i = 1,, n



Directed acyclic graph for the classical test theory model for multiple observable variables formulated using the
mean of the observables, with known true score mean, true score variance, and error variance.
168 Bayesian Psychometric Modeling


xi |Ti , E2 ~ N Ti , E for i = 1, , n,


Ti |T , T2 ~ N (T , T2 ) for i = 1, , n.

The posterior distribution for each Ti is again an instantiation of (4.6),

Ti |xi , T , T2 , E2 ~ N (Ti |Ti|xi , T2i|xi ), (8.34)


Ti|xi =
( ) + ( Jx )
T i
(1 ) + ( J )


T2i|xi = . (8.36)
(1 ) (
T + J E2 )
A little algebra reveals that the posterior mean can be expressed as

J T2 2
Ti|xi = 2
x + 2 E 2 T .
2 i
J T + E J T + E

The coefficient for xi is recognized as the reliability c. A little more algebra reveals that the
coefficient for T is 1 c . Thus, the posterior mean for an examinees true score is

Ti|xi = c xi + (1 c )T
= T + c ( xi T ).

The right-hand side of (8.38) is an instantiation of Kelleys formula expressed in terms

of the sample mean (Lewis, 2007). In light of the connection between Kelleys formula
and Bayesian inference, this result is unsurprising. To restate, the posterior mean is the
weighted composite of the mean of the observables for the examinee and the mean of the
prior, where the weights are the reliability of the observables and its complement, respec-
tively. This concept is even more clearly seen in the precision parameterization of the nor-
mal distribution. Recalling that the precision is the inverse of the variance, the posterior
distribution for an examinees true score may be written as

Ti |xi , T , T , E ~ N (Ti |Ti|xi , Ti|xi ), (8.39)

where T = 1/T2 is the precision of the true scores, E = 1/E2 is the precision of the error
Classical Test Theory 169

Ti|xi = xi + T , (8.40)
T + J E T + J E


Ti|xi = T + J E (8.41)

is the posterior precision. Equation (8.41) reveals how the precision in the data and therefore
the total precision in the posterior increases as the number of observables J increases. This
reflects the principles of the SpearmanBrown prophecy formula in CTT and the notion of
Bayesian inference as the mechanism for the accumulation of evidence and the represen-
tation of uncertainty as evidence accumulates. Equation (8.40) reveals that the posterior
mean is a precision-weighted average of the mean of the observables and the prior mean.
This lends the following interpretation to the reliability; namely, the proportion of the pos-
terior precision that is due to the precision in the observables. The complement of the reli-
ability is the proportion of the posterior precision due to the prior.

8.2.3 Example
We continue the example scenario, where we have a test scored from 0 to 100 and we are
interested in true scores for students where it is known that the mean of the true scores
is T = 80, the standard deviation of the true scores is T = 6, and the standard deviation
of the error scores for each observable is E = 4. The reliability of each test is calculated
via (8.5), .69. The reliability of an equally weighted composite is calculated via (8.25),
c .92. We consider a dataset of 10 examinees and 5 tests, given in Table8.2. Analytical Solution

For each examinee, the posterior distribution is normal with mean

J T2 E2
Ti|xi = x i + T
J T2 + E2 J T2 + E2
(5)36 16
= xi + 80
(5)36 + 16 (5)366 + 16

.92 xi + 6.53.

Again, we note that each examinees posterior mean is exactly what is obtained by the
conventional application of Kelleys formula. The posterior variance is constant for all

1 1
T2i|xi = = 2.94.
(1 ) (
+ J E )
( ) ( 5 16 )
1 36 +

For example, the posterior distribution for the first examinees true score is
p(T1|x1 ) = N (76.88, 2.94). Table8.2 lists the posterior means and standard deviations for all
examinees under the columns headed by Posterior (Analytical).
170 Bayesian Psychometric Modeling

Dataset with Observed Scores from 10 Examinees to 5 Tests, and the Results from a
Bayesian Classical Test Theory Analysis
Posterior Posterior
Test Mean (Analytical) (MCMCa)

Examinee 1 2 3 4 5 x Mean SDb Mean SDb

1 80 77 80 73 73 76.6 76.88 1.71 76.87 1.73
2 83 79 78 78 77 79.0 79.08 1.71 79.12 1.70
3 85 77 88 81 80 82.2 82.02 1.71 81.91 1.72
4 76 76 76 78 67 74.6 75.04 1.71 75.01 1.72
5 70 69 73 71 77 72.0 72.65 1.71 72.65 1.74
6 87 89 92 91 87 89.2 88.45 1.71 88.47 1.70
7 76 75 79 80 75 77.0 77.24 1.71 77.26 1.67
8 86 75 80 80 82 80.6 80.55 1.71 80.54 1.74
9 84 79 79 77 82 80.2 80.18 1.71 80.22 1.67
10 96 85 91 87 90 89.8 89.00 1.71 88.99 1.71
a MCMC = Markov chain Monte Carlo.
b SD = Standard deviation. MCMC Estimation via WinBUGS

The WinBUGS code for the model is given as follows.

# Model Syntax

# Classical Test Theory
# With Known
# True Score Mean, True Score Variance
# Error Variance

# Known Parameters
mu.T <- 80 # Mean of the true scores
sigma.squared.T <- 36 # Variance of the true scores
sigma.squared.E <- 16 # Variance of the errors

tau.T <- 1/sigma.squared.T # Precision of the true scores

tau.E <- 1/sigma.squared.E # Precision of the errors

# Model for True Scores and Observables
Classical Test Theory 171

for (i in 1:n) {
T[i] ~ dnorm(mu.T, tau.T) # Distribution of true scores
for(j in 1:J){
x[i,j] ~ dnorm(T[i], tau.E) # Distribution of observables
} # closes the model statement

# Data statement
list(n=10, J=5, x=structure(.Data= c(
80, 77, 80, 73, 73,
83, 79, 78, 78, 77,
85, 77, 88, 81, 80,
76, 76, 76, 78, 67,
70, 69, 73, 71, 77,
87, 89, 92, 91, 87,
76, 75, 79, 80, 75,
86, 75, 80, 80, 82,
84, 79, 79, 77, 82,
96, 85, 91, 87, 90), .Dim=c(10, 5))

The model was run with the data contained in Table8.2. Three chains were run from
dispersed starting values. Convergence diagnostics including the history plots and the
potential scale reduction factor (Section5.7.2) indicated convergence within a few itera-
tions. This is unsurprising given that the posterior is of a known form (see Equation
8.39) that is recognized as such by WinBUGS. To be conservative, 100 iterations were
discarded as burn-in and 1,000 additional iterations were run, yielding 3,000 iterations
for use in summarizing the posterior distribution. The marginal posterior distributions
for the true scores for the examinees were all approximately normal. The final two col-
umns in Table8.2 report the estimated posterior mean and standard deviation for each
examinee from the MCMC estimation. It is clear that these closely approximate the ana-
lytically derived values.

8.3 CTT with Unknown Measurement Model

Parameters and Hyperparameters
8.3.1 Bayesian Model Specification and Posterior Distribution
In the preceding development of CTT, the mean and variance of the true scores were
assumed known, as was the variance of the errors. In the parlance of Chapter7, our focus
was on scoring. In this section, we generalize to conditions where these quantities are not
assumed known and are therefore incorporated into the model as random variables, mov-
ing to a situation where we are conducting calibration as well as scoring.
172 Bayesian Psychometric Modeling

2 T T2
T T 0

T T2

i = 1,, n

j = 1,, J



E E20

Directed acyclic graph for the classical test theory model for multiple observable variables, with unknown
hyperparameters: true score mean, true score variance, and error variance.

The DAG for the model is given in Figure8.7. In contrast to the DAGs for the previous
models, the mean and variance of the true scores and the error variance are depicted as
circles, reflecting that they are unknown. Accordingly, they are modeled with a higher
structure needed to specify their distributions. As stochastic entities, they will need to be
incorporated into the distributional specification.
Following Bayes theorem, the posterior distribution for the full collection of unknowns
given the full collection of the observed scores x is

p(T , T , T2 , E2 |x ) p( x|T , E2 )p(T|T , T2 )p(T , T2 , E2 ). (8.42)

The first two terms on the right-hand side of (8.42) are (a) the conditional distribution of
the data given the true scores and the error variance and (b) the prior distribution for true
scores given the mean and variance of the true scores. These terms are unchanged from
the situation in which T , T2 , and E2 are assumed known and we adopt the same distribu-
tional specifications in (8.11), (8.12), (8.29), and (8.30).
The third term on the right-hand side of (8.42) is the prior distribution for T , T2 , and E2 .
As the structure of the DAG in Figure8.7 conveys, we proceed by assuming independence
in the prior distribution,

p(T , T2 , E2 ) = p(T )p(T2 )p(E2 ). (8.43)

Classical Test Theory 173

We complete the task by specifying conditionally conjugate priors:

T ~ N (T , 2 T ), (8.44)

T2 ~ Inv-Gamma(T/2, T T20 /2), (8.45)


E2 ~ Inv-Gamma(E/2, EE20 /2), (8.46)

where T and 2 T are hyperparameters that govern the distribution of T , T,, and T20 are
hyperparameters that govern the distribution of T2 , and Eand E20 are hyperparameters
that govern the distribution of E2 .
Substituting into (8.42), the posterior distribution is then
n J

p(T , T , T2 , E2 |x ) p(x |T , )p(T | , )p( )p( )p( ),
i =1 j =1
ij i
E i T
E (8.47)


xij |Ti , E2 ~ N (Ti , E2 ) for i = 1, , n, j = 1, , J ,

Ti |T , T2 ~ N (T , T2 ) for i = 1, , n,

T ~ N (T , 2 T ),

T2 ~ Inv-Gamma(T/2, T T20 /2),

E2 ~ Inv-Gamma(E/2, EE20 /2).

8.3.2 MCMC Estimation

With the conditionally conjugate prior, the full conditional distributions are of known
form, and we express them in the following equations (see AppendixA for derivations).
On the left-hand side, the parameter in question is written as conditional on all the other
relevant parameters and data.* On the right-hand side of each of the following equations,
we give the parametric form for the full conditional distribution. In several places, we
denote the arguments of the distribution (e.g., mean and variance for a normal distribu-
tion) with subscripts denoting that it refers to the full conditional distribution; the sub-
scripts are then just the conditioning notation of the left-hand side.
Beginning with the examinees latent variables, we present the full conditional for any
examinee i. The same structure applies to all the examinees. The full conditional distribu-
tion for the latent variable for examinee i is

* We suppress the role of specified hyperparameters in this notation; see Appendix A for a presentation that
formally includes the hyperparameters.
174 Bayesian Psychometric Modeling

Ti |T , T2 , E2 , xi ~ N (Ti|T ,2 ,2 , xi , T2i|T ,2 ,2 , xi ), (8.48)



Ti|T ,2 ,2 , xi =
( ) + ( Jx )
T i

(1 ) + ( J ) 2


T2i|T ,2 ,2 , xi = .

(1 ) ( 2
T + J E2 )
The full conditional for the mean of the true scores is

T |T , T2 ~ N (T|T ,2 , 2 T|T ,2 ), (8.49)



T|T ,2 =
( ) + ( nT )

(1 ) + ( n )


2 T|T ,2 = .

(1 ) (
T + n T2 )
The full conditional for the variance of the true scores is

+ n T T20 + SS(T )
T2 |T , T ~ Inv-Gamma T , , (8.50)
2 2


SS(T ) = (T ) .
i =1
i T

Finally, the full conditional for the error variance is

+ nJ EE20 + SS(E )
E2 |T , x ~ Inv-Gamma E , , (8.51)
2 2
Classical Test Theory 175


n J

SS(E ) = (x
i =1 j =1
ij Ti )2 .

A Gibbs sampler can be constructed by iteratively drawing from these full conditionals,
using the just-drawn values for the conditioned parameters.( 0 )We( 0begin by setting t = 0 and
(0) )
specify initial values for the parameters: T1( 0 ) , , Tn( 0 ), T ,T2 ,E2 , where the parenthetical
superscript of 0 indicates that this is the initial value. We then proceed with a Gibbs sam-
pler, repeating the following steps, generically written below for iteration (t + 1): Gibbs Sampler Routine for Classical Test Theory

1. Sample the latent variables for examinees. For each examinee i = 1, , n, sample a value
for the true score from (8.48) using the current values for the other parameters,

(t ) (t )
Ti(t +1) |(Tt ), T2 , E2 , xi ~ N ( (t ) (t ) , 2 ( t+1) (t ) (t ) ), (8.52)
Ti( t +1)|(Tt ), T2 , E2 , xi Ti |(Tt ), T2 , E2 , xi


( ) + ( Jx )
(t )
2( t )
2( t )

(1 ) + ( J )
(t ) (t )
Ti( t +1)|(Tt ), T2 , E2 , xi 2( t ) 2( t )


2 ( t+1) = .
(1 ) + ( J )
(t ) (t )
Ti |(Tt ), T2 , E2 , xi 2( t ) 2( t )

Note that this uses values of the other parameters from the previous iteration (t).

2. Sample the parameters for the latent variable distribution. We conduct this by
sampling in a univariate fashion.
a. Sample a value for the mean of the true scores from (8.49) using the current
values for the remaining parameters,
(t )
(Tt +1) |T (t +1), T2 ~ N ( (t ) , 2( t+1) (t ) ), (8.53)
(Tt +1)|T ( t +1),T2 T |T ( t +1),T2


( T ) (
2 T + nT (t +1) T2
(t )
(1 ) + ( n )
(t )
(Tt +1)|T( t +1),T2 2 2 (t )

176 Bayesian Psychometric Modeling


2( t+1) = .
(1 ) + ( n )
(t )
T |T ( t +1) ,T2 2 2( t )

Note that this includes the just-sampled values for the true scores (i.e., from
iteration t + 1) along with the values of the true score variance from the previ-
ous iteration (t).
b. Sample a value for the variance of the true scores from (8.50) using the current
values for the remaining parameters,

( t +1) + n T T20 + SS(T (t +1) )

T2 |T (t +1) , (Tt +1) ~ Inv-Gamma T , , (8.54)
2 2
SS(T (t +1) ) = (T
i =1
( t +1)
(Tt +1) )2 .

Note that this includes the just-sampled values for the true scores and the
mean of the true scores (i.e., from iteration t + 1).
3. Sample the measurement model parameters. Sample a value for the error variance
from (8.51) using the current values of the remaining parameters,

( t +1) + nJ EE20 + SS(E (t +1) )

E2 |T (t +1) , x ~ Inv-Gamma E , , (8.55)
2 2
n J

SS(E (t +1) ) = (x
i =1 j =1
ij Ti(t +1) )2 .

Note that this includes the just-sampled values for the true scores, the mean of the
true scores, and the variance of the true scores (i.e., from iteration t + 1).

8.3.3 Example Model Specification and Posterior Distribution
We continue with the example scenario and the data in Table 8.2 containing observed
values from n = 10 examinees for J = 5 observables, now with T , T2 , and E2 treated as
unknown. We construct a prior distribution for the mean of the true scores based on the
prior beliefs that the mean is likely around 80, and almost certainly between 60 and 100.
Accordingly, we specify a normal prior with mean T = 80 and variance 2 T = 100,
Classical Test Theory 177

T ~ N ( 80, 100 ) .

We construct a prior distribution for the true score variance expressing the beliefs that the
variance of the true scores is likely about 36 (i.e., the standard deviation is about 6), but we
are not very confident, it is as if our beliefs were based on having observed two examinees.
Accordingly, we specify 2 2 = 36 and 2 = 2, yielding

T2 ~ Inv-Gamma(1, 36).

We construct a prior distribution for the error variance expressing the beliefs that the vari-
ance of the errors is likely about 16 (i.e., the standard deviation is about 4), but we are not
very confident, as if that were based on two examinees. Accordingly, we specify 2 2 = 16
and 2 = 2, yielding

E2 ~ Inv-Gamma(1, 16).

Writing out the posterior distribution for the model using these chosen values for the
hyperparameters, we have

n J

p(T , T , T2 , E2 |x ) p(x |T , )p(T | , )p( )p( )p( ),
i =1 j =1
ij i
E i T


xij |Ti , E2 ~ N (Ti , E2 ) for i = 1, , 10, j = 1, , 5,

Ti |T , T2 ~ N (T , T2 ) for i = 1, , 10,
T ~ N (80, 100),

T2 ~ Inv-Gamma(1, 36),


E2 ~ Inv-Gamma(1, 16). Gibbs Sampling

The computations for several iterations of a Gibbs sampler defined in (8.52)(8.55) are sum-
marized in Table8.3. We briefly step through the computations for the (0)
first iteration.
begin by specifying initial values (T1( 0 ) , , T10( 0 ) ) = (80, , 89) , (T0 ) = 75, T2 = 50, E2 = 10 . To
enact the Gibbs sampler, we cycle through (8.52)(8.55):

Computations in the Gibbs Sampler for the Classical Test Theory Example with Unknown True Scores (T), Mean of the True Scores
(T ), Variance of the True Scores (T2 ), and Error Variance (E2 )

True Scores Full Conditional for T1

2 2
( ) + ( J x ) 1 E 1
2 2
Iteration T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 T8 T9 T10 T
(1 ) + ( J ) E ( 1 T2 + J E2
) ( )
0 80.00 81.00 82.00 83.00 84.00 85.00 86.00 87.00 88.00 89.00 76.54 1.92
1 77.65 78.62 81.72 71.70 74.38 89.17 75.79 82.19 76.41 89.00 76.54 1.92
2 76.31 80.28 82.03 74.94 72.78 89.21 76.92 77.15 78.12 88.70 76.63 1.76
3 77.40 78.83 82.41 74.83 71.12 86.99 76.36 79.56 79.06 85.85 76.66 1.80
4 77.90 79.24 82.17 76.21 73.26 88.37 74.51 80.27 81.96 87.62 77.04 1.85
5 76.07 79.72 82.37 70.90 74.66 85.72 78.16 79.94 80.52 89.44 76.79 2.62

Parameters Full Conditional for T Full Conditional for T2 Full Conditional for E2
2 2
( ) + ( nT ) 1 T
T + n T T20 + SS(T) E + nJ EE2 0 + SS(E)
2 2 2 2
2 2 T T
(1 ) + ( n ) (1 ) + ( n ) T T
Iteration T T E 2 SS(T) 2 2 SS(E) 2
0 75.00 50.00 10.00 84.29 4.76 6.00 985.00 528.50 26.00 2625.00 1328.50
1 76.99 26.11 9.45 79.68 4.76 6.00 381.46 226.73 26.00 641.87 336.94
2 77.23 19.96 9.88 79.66 2.54 6.00 334.38 203.19 26.00 568.27 300.13
3 80.07 14.49 10.57 79.26 1.96 6.00 218.09 145.05 26.00 592.83 312.42
4 79.84 45.44 13.91 80.15 1.43 6.00 232.51 152.25 26.00 572.36 302.18
5 77.38 31.60 14.35 79.76 4.35 6.00 313.59 192.80 26.00 647.43 339.72
Bayesian Psychometric Modeling
Classical Test Theory 179

1. Sample the latent variables for examinees. For the first examinee, we compute

( ) + ( Jx ) = (75 50 ) + ((5)(76.6) 10 ) 76.54
2( 0 )
T 1
2( 0 )

(1 ) + ( J ) (1 50 ) + ( 5 10 )
(0) (0)
T1( 1)|(T0 ),T2 ,E2 , xi 2( 0 ) 2( 0 )


2 ( 1) = 1.92,
(1 50 ) + ( 5 10 )
(0) (0)
T1 |(T0 ),T2 ,E2 , xi

(0) (0)
and draw a value from the full conditional T1(1) |(T0 ), T2 , E2 , x1 ~ N (76.54, 1.92). The
drawn value was 77.65. Repeat this process for the remaining examinees i = 2, , 10.
2. Sample the parameters for the latent variable distribution.
a. Turning to the full conditional for T , we compute

( ) ( ) = ( 80 100 ) + ((10)79.67 50 ) 79.68

T 2 T + nT (1) T2
(1 ) + (n ) (1 100 ) + (10 50 )
(T1)|T( 1),T2 2 2(0)


2 ( 1) = 4.76,
(1 100 ) + (10 50 )
T |T( 1) ,T2

and draw a value from the full conditional (T1) |T (1), T2 ~ N (79.68, 4.76). The
drawn value was 76.99.
b. Turning to T2 , we compute the first parameter of the full conditional as
T + n/2 = 2 + 10/2 = 6, which will not vary over iterations. To compute the sec-
ond parameter for the first iteration, we compute

n n

SS(T ) = (1)
(Ti =1
) = (1) 2
T (T
i =1
76.99)2 381.46

and then

T T20 + SS(T (1) ) (2)(36) + 381.46

= 226.73.
2 2
( 1)
Accordingly, we draw a value from the full conditional T2 |T (1), (T1) ~ Inv-Gamma
(6,226.73). The drawn value was 26.11.
3. Sample the measurement model parameters. Turning to E2 we compute the first param-
eter of the full conditional as E + nJ/2 = 2 + (10)(5)/2 = 26, which will not vary over
iterations. To compute the second parameter for the first iteration, we compute
180 Bayesian Psychometric Modeling

n J
SS(E ) = (x
i =1 j =1
ij Ti(1) )2 641.87

and then

EE20 + SS(E (1) ) (2)(16) + 641.87

= 336.94.
2 2

( 1)
Accordingly, we draw a value from the full conditional E2 |T (1), x ~ Inv-Gamma
(26,336.94). The drawn value was 9.45.
Table8.3 lists the results from five iterations of the Gibbs sampler, including the
relevant computations for the parameters and the true score for the first examinee. WinBUGS
The WinBUGS code for the model, including the reliability of a single observable and the
reliability of the composite of the observables, is given as follows. The data statement is the
same as that given in the example in Section8.2.3, and will not be repeated here.

# Model Syntax

# Classical Test Theory
# With Unknown
# True Score Mean, True Score Variance
# Error Variance

# Prior Distributions for Parameters
mu.T ~ dnorm(80,.01) # Mean of the true scores,
# in terms of its mean and precision

tau.T ~ dgamma(1, 36) # Precision of the true scores

tau.E ~ dgamma(1, 16) # Precision of the errors

sigma.squared.T <- 1/tau.T # Variance of the true scores

sigma.squared.E <- 1/tau.E # Variance of the errors

# Model for True Scores and Observables
Classical Test Theory 181

for (i in 1:n) {
T[i] ~ dnorm(mu.T, tau.T) # Distribution of true scores
for(j in 1:J){
x[i,j] ~ dnorm(T[i], tau.E) # Distribution of observables

# Reliability
reliability <- sigma.squared.T/(sigma.squared.T+sigma.squared.E)
reliability.of.composite <- J*reliability/((J-1)*reliability+1)

} # closes the model statement


The model was run with the data contained in Table8.2. Three chains were run from dispersed
starting values. Convergence diagnostics including the history plots and the potential scale
reduction factor (Section5.7.2) suggested convergence within a few iterations. The quick con-
vergence here is in part due to the use of the conditionally conjugate prior specification, which
yields full conditional distributions that are of known form (Section8.3.2) and recognized as
such by WinBUGS. To be conservative, 100 iterations were discarded as burn-in and 10,000
additional iterations were run, yielding 30,000 iterations for use in summarizing the posterior
distribution. The marginal posterior densities for the parameters are given in Figure8.8. The
reliability of each test () and the reliability of the composite (c) are also included. Table8.4
gives the summary statistics describing these marginal posterior distributions. The posterior
mean and median are given as measures of central tendency. These are quite similar for all
parameters, despite the skewness in the posterior distributions for the variances and the reli-
ability terms. The Bayesian approach results support probabilistic expressions of our uncer-
tainty about the parameters. For example, the 95% HPD interval for is (.53, .90), indicating
that, based on our data and the model specifications, we are 95% sure that the reliability of
each test is between .53 and .90.

8.4 Summary and Bibliographic Note

This chapter has detailed a Bayesian approach to analysis in CTT, the first of several psy-
chometric modeling paradigms to be considered. We have seen the role of the exchange-
ability and conditional independence in constructing the models, a theme that will
reappear throughout.
Early treatments of elements of Bayesian CTT were given by Novick (1969) and Lindley
(1970), and crystallized in Novick et al.s (1971) more comprehensive treatment focusing on
the variance components, with model specification and estimation strategies reflecting the
then-available foci and methods. Our development has taken a slightly different approach
that directly exploits connections to the foundational material in Chapters 4 and 6 and
serves as a foundation for the treatment of factor analysis models, which we turn to in the
next chapter.
182 Bayesian Psychometric Modeling

70 75 80 85 75 80 85 75 80 85
T1 T2 T3

70 75 80 66 70 74 78 80 85 90 95
T4 T5 T6

70 75 80 85 74 78 82 86 75 80 85
T7 T8 T9

85 90 95 70 75 80 85 90 0 100 300
T10 T T2

5 10 20 30 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.70 0.80 0.90 1.00

E2 c

Marginal posterior densities for the classical test theory example: the 10 examinees true scores (T1, , T10), the
mean of the true scores (T ), true score variance (T2 ), error variance (E2 ), reliability of each test (), and the reli-
ability of the equally weighted composite (c ).

Before turning to other models, let us review the developments in light of the assess-
ment goal of making inferences about examinees. In CTT, the inferential target is the
examinees true score, so it is worthwhile to consider the various options in estimating an
examinees true score. An obvious candidate is the observed score for the examinee. In the
case of one observable, this is xi. In the case of multiple observables, this may be the mean
for the observables for the examinee, xi . However, this fails to account for the uncer-
tainty due to the (un)reliability of the tests. Kelleys formula for estimating true scores
overcomes this, involving two parameters, the reliability () and the population mean of
the observed scores ( x). (Note that if the unit of analysis is the mean over observables for
an examinee, xi, the second parameter is the population mean of the xi, denoted as x .
Classical Test Theory 183

Summaries of the Marginal Posterior Distributions for the Classical
Test Theory Example
Standard 95% Highest Posterior
Parameter Mean Median Deviation Density Interval
T1 76.85 76.85 1.53 (73.87, 79.83)
T2 79.07 79.07 1.53 (76.00, 82.03)
T3 82.04 82.05 1.52 (79.04, 85.03)
T4 75.00 75.00 1.55 (71.97, 78.07)
T5 72.6 72.59 1.55 (69.51, 75.60)
T6 88.54 88.56 1.56 (85.50, 91.60)
T7 77.23 77.22 1.54 (74.23, 80.26)
T8 80.57 80.55 1.53 (77.48, 83.49)
T9 80.2 80.19 1.52 (77.18, 83.13)
T10 89.09 89.11 1.55 (86.02, 92.10)
T 80.1 80.11 1.98 (76.23, 84.11)
T 38.78 33.72 21.30 (10.83, 78.59)
E 12.54 12.17 2.86 (7.59, 18.21)
0.73 0.74 0.10 (0.53, 0.90)
c 0.93 0.93 0.04 (0.86, 0.98)

Itcan easily be shown that x = x .) In applications, these parameters are unknown. A fre-
quentist approach employs point estimates of these parameters. A point estimate of reli-
ability may be obtained via any number of methods (Crocker & Algina, 1986; Haertel,
2006; Lewis, 2007). The population mean of the observed scores may be estimated via the
sample mean of the observables. (Similarly, if xi is the unit of analysis, x may be estimated
as the mean of the xi). However, this ignores the uncertainty in the parameters. A fully
Bayesian approachone that models parameters as random, using distributions to rep-
resent uncertaintyincorporates the uncertainty about and x (alternatively, x ). (Note
that in our Bayesian formulations this appears as T ; this is simply a change in notation, as
x = T = x.) This incorporation of uncertainty is accomplished by using the posterior dis-
tribution for the parameters, rather than point estimates, in the estimation of true scores. Of
course, the uncertainty in the resulting estimation of true scores is also represented by the
posterior distribution for a true score, rather than a point estimate. Finally, the same logic
applies to the other parameters of interest, such as reliability. Here again, we have the pos-
terior distribution as a synthesis of our prior beliefs and the information in the data. This
affords the expression of beliefs and uncertainty about the reliability in probabilistic terms.
We close by noting that Kelleys formula is sometimes formulated using the mean of the
observed scores for the group rather than a population parameter. Results of a Bayesian
analysis of normal distributions using the observed mean in this way date to Lindleys
discussion of Stein (1962). A more complete development in the context of evaluating true
scores was given by Lindley and reported in Novick (1969). It is here that the connection
between Kelleys formula and Bayes theorem was recognized, culminating with Novick
et al. (1971) explicitly stating the connection. This is certainly not the only time that that
184 Bayesian Psychometric Modeling

a methodological development that is well accepted as part of conventional statistical

practice has subsequently been seen to be an instance of, or aligned with, Bayesian infer-
ence. Indeed, Bayesian inference has often been found to be sweeter by any other name
(McGrayne, 2011).* Novick et al.s (1971) development of the Bayesian analysis of true scores
that reflects the emphasis of those times on maximally diffuse prior distributions, which
may be obtained as a limiting case in the hierarchical formulation adopted here.

8.1 Consider again the model in Section8.3.1, depicted in the DAG in Figure8.7. Based
on the DAG, for each entity, list the entities that need to be conditioned on in the
full conditional distribution.
8.2 Section8.3.3 demonstrated the computations involved in the first iteration of a
Gibbs sampler for the CTT model with unknown hyperparameters. The results for
this and four additional iterations are given in Table8.3. Show the computations
for each of these additional iterations.
8.3 Consider again a CTT model with a test scored from 0 to 100 and E = 4 is the stan-
dard deviation of the error scores. There are two groups of examinees: In Class A,
T ( A ) = 85, in Class B, T ( B) = 75, and in both groups the standard deviation of the
true scores is T = 6. Both within-group true-score distributions and the error dis-
tributions are normal. Generate 200 observed scores for both groups, in each case
by first drawing a true score from the group distribution and then drawing an
error term to add to it, so you know each simulees and x. Round each observed
score to the closest integer.
a. For each observed score between 70 and 90, calculate the mean of the true scores
of simulees who obtained that x, within each group separately and combining
across groups.
b. Calculate the posterior mean that corresponds to each observed score between
70 and 90, for each group separately and combining across groups. (Hint: Use
Kelleys formula for the combined-group answers. Calculate the combined-
group variance using the within-group variance and the squared difference
between group means.)
c. Compare the results of (a) and (b).
d. What is the correct posterior mean for an individual with an observed score of
80? For an observed score of 70? (Hint: You may want to revisit this question
after you have answered the next one.)
8.4 Some of the students in the classes from the previous problem are going on a
field trip to the museum. There is one more place left, and the determination will

* For another instance of the issue considered here, see Efron and Morris (1977). For examples of other situations
where advances in conventional approaches may be seen as Bayesian, see Good (1965); Goldstein (1976); Clogg,
Rubin, Schenker, Schultz, and Weidman (1991); and Galindo-Garre, Vermunt, and Bergsma (2004).
Classical Test Theory 185

be made on the basis of their proficiency. It comes down to deciding between

Prayoon, from Class A, for whom x = 79, and Pat in Class B, for whom x = 81.
a. Who do you think should get to go on the trip?
b. If the students took a parallel form of the same test, meaning the true score
variance, error variance, and individuals respective true scores would be the
same on two forms, who do you think would be likely to get a higher score?
c. Are your answers to (a) and (b) the same or different? Why?
d. What would your answers to (a), (b), and (c) be if we knew Prayoons and Pats
scores, but not which classes they were in?
e. Suppose Pat is selected, and Prayoon sues the school district claiming that he
is more deserving to go on the trip. What is your argument if you are Prayoons
lawyer? What is your argument if you are the school districts lawyer?
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Confirmatory Factor Analysis

In factor analysis, continuous observable variables are modeled as dependent on continuous

latent variables or factors, as the inventor of the technique, Charles Spearman (1904), called
them. This chapter treats flavors of factor analysis that have come to be termed confir-
matory factor analysis (CFA), in which the analyst specifies the number of latent vari-
ables (factors) and the pattern of dependence of observables on those latent variables. This
stands in contrast to exploratory factor analysis (EFA; Gorsuch, 1983), in which the central
goals are determining the number of latent variables and the pattern of dependence of
observables on them. This distinction is not as sharp as some believe, as models typically
viewed as belonging to one may be seen as belonging to the other, and because practices
involved in CFA have exploratory elements and practices involved in EFA have confirma-
tory elements. Our view is that the terminological distinction reflects less of a difference
in models and more of one in the strength of a priori beliefs and purposes at hand. The
distinction is further blurred by a Bayesian approach to modeling, which can soften some
of the restrictions involved in CFA models (Section9.8).
Modern treatments typically couch CFA in a structural equation modeling (SEM) frame-
work (e.g., Bollen, 1989, Brown & Moore, 2012; Kline, 2010; Mulaik, 2009), and we will do the
same in this development. Following a conventional presentation of CFA in Section9.1, we
turn to describing a Bayesian approach (Section9.2) and illustrative examples (Sections9.3
and 9.4). In Section9.5, we describe a Bayesian approach to CFA using summary statis-
tics rather than individual data points. In the next several sections, we discuss additional
practical and conceptual issues, including comparing DAGs to the path diagrams that
are popular in conventional approaches to CFA and SEM (Section9.6), model formulation
via hierarchical structuring (Section9.7), the flexibility of Bayesian approaches to model-
ing (Section 9.8), and Bayesian approaches to resolving the indeterminacies in psycho-
metric models with continuous latent variables (Section9.9). We conclude the chapter in
Section9.10 with a brief summary and bibliographic note.

9.1 Conventional Factor Analysis

9.1.1 Model Specification
Let x be an (n J) matrix containing the potentially observable values from n examinees
to J observable variables.* At the individual level, xi = (xi1, , xiJ) is the (J 1) vector of

* As was the case for CTT in Chapter8, these observables may be the result of taking aggregates or other func-
tions of other variables. And that is indeed the case for the example introduced in Section9.3, where we have
five observables, each of which is an average of the scored responses to items. For our purposes of laying out a
Bayesian treatment of CFA, the starting point is a set of observed scores for each examinee, however obtained,
such that the CFA structure applies.

188 Bayesian Psychometric Modeling

observed values from examinee i (i.e., the contents of the ith row of x, arranged as a col-
umn vector). These observables are related to a set of latent variables via a factor analytic
measurement model,

x i = + i + i , (9.1)


i = (i1 , , iM ) is the (M 1) vector of M latent variables for examinee i; these

may be collected in an (n M) matrix (i.e., i has the contents of the ith row of ,
arranged as a column vector), where = ( 1 , , M ) = E( i ) is an (M 1) mean vec-
tor and = var( i ) is an (M M) covariance matrix of the latent variables;
= (1 , , J ) is a (J 1) vector of observablevariable intercepts;
is a (J M) matrix of factor loadings, the jth row of which is denoted as
j = ( j1 , , jM ), containing the loadings for observable j on the M latent variables;
i is a (J 1) vector of errors, where E( i ) = 0 and var( i ) = is a (J J) covariance

It is also usually assumed that all the sources of covariation among the observables are
expressed in the latent variables and therefore that is diagonal; this assumption may
easily be relaxed in ways discussed later.* Here , , and are the measurement model
parameters as they govern the dependence of the observables on the latent variables,
which is made more explicit in Section9.2.
The expression in (9.1) is a compact way to represent a system of equations. For expository
reasons, we write them out more fully as

xi 1 = 1 + i 1 + i 1 = 1 + 11i 1 + 12i 2 +  + 1M iM + i 1

xi 2 = 2 + i 2 + i 2 = 2 + 21i 1 + 22i 2 +  + 2 M iM + i 2

xij = j + i j + ij = j + j 1i 1 + j 2i 2 +  + jM iM + ij

xiJ = J + i J + iJ = J + J 1i 1 + J 2i 2 +  + JM iM + iJ .

EFA models commonly estimate a loading for each observable on each latent variable. CFA
models typically specify the pattern of loadings, meaning that they express which observ-
ables load on which latent variables. To communicate this, path diagrams are commonly
employed when specifying and communicating CFA models within the SEM framework
(Ho et al., 2012). Figure9.1 contains representations of one-factor and two-factor models
for five observables in panels (a) and (b), respectively. The path diagrams correspond to

* The model may be viewed as simultaneously regressing the xs on the s, with , , and the diagonal elements
of playing the roles of regression intercepts, coefficients, and error variances, respectively, only now the
predictors in the regression model (the s) are unknown. See Exercise9.1.
Confirmatory Factor Analysis 189

11 22

1 1 1 1 2 2

1 1 1
5 11 51 5
21 41 11 31 42 52
1 4 31 21 2
2 4
3 3

x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x1 x2 x3 x4 x5

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5

(a) 11 22 33 44 55 (b) 11 22 33 44 55

Path diagrams for confirmatory factor analysis models for five observables with (a) one latent variable (factor)
and (b) two latent variables (factors).

systems of structural equations. Figure9.1a corresponds to a one-factor model expressed

in the following equations:
xi1 = 1 + 11i1 + i1

xi 2 = 2 + 21i1 + i 2

xi 3 = 3 + 31i1 + i 3 (9.3)

xi 4 = 4 + 41i1 + i 4

xi 5 = 5 + 51i1 + i 5 .

The path diagram depicted in Figure9.1b corresponds to a two-factor model expressed in

the following equations
xi1 = 1 + 11i1 + i1

xi 2 = 2 + 21i1 + i 2

xi 3 = 3 + 31i1 + i 3 (9.4)

xi 4 = 4 + 42i 2 + i 4

xi 5 = 5 + 52i 2 + i 5 .
For each model, the path diagram conveys the same information contained in the equa-
tions, and additionally communicates the mean, variance, and covariance terms for the
latent variables (1, 2, 11, 22 ,21) and variance terms for errors (11 , , 55 ).*

* Although not typically done, the systems of expressions in (9.3) and (9.4) could be expanded to better include
these elements formally. The path diagrams contain a 1 in a triangle that does not seem to appear in the
equations. As discussed in Section9.6, this is a modeling device to aid in connecting path diagrams to equations.
For now, it suffices to say that this 1 is a constant, and may be seen in structural equations as the often-not-
written value for which the parameter on the path emanating from it serves as a coefficient.
190 Bayesian Psychometric Modeling

The observant reader may have noticed that the path diagrams in Figure 9.1 do not
include subscripts for examinee variables: xs, s, and s. This follows conventional use of
path diagrams for CFA from within the SEM framework. Correspondingly, most presenta-
tions do not include such subscripts in the equations (e.g., Bollen, 1989). We have included
them in (9.1)(9.4) to make explicit that these entities are examinee variables and for con-
tinuity with our presentation throughout the book. It is worth more fully contrasting the
structural equation and path diagrammatic representation of models with the probabilis-
tic and DAG representation, a task we defer until Section9.6.

9.1.2 Indeterminacies in Factor Analysis

Several indeterminacies exist in FA models, the implications of which are that transforma-
tions of the parameters result in the same conditional probability for the data. Conceptually,
these indeterminacies may be seen as arising because the continuous latent variables do
not possess a natural metric. As a result there are indeterminacies associated with location
(origin), scale, and orientation, which ought to be resolved before interpreting the results.
This is typically accomplished by fixing various parameters.
To resolve the indeterminacy in location, a common choice in CFA is to fix the means of
the latent variables, usually to 0. Other strategies include fixing the intercepts or their sum,
as may be preferred when the model is constructed such that the latent variable means are
of inferential interest, as in growth modeling (Bollen & Curran, 2006). Similarly, the inde-
terminacy in scale may be resolved by fixing the variance of the latent variables, usually
to 1. Another common choice to resolving the indeterminacy in scale is to fix a loading for
each latent variable to a value, usually 1.
This latter approach also resolves an indeterminacy in the orientation of each of the
latent variables that may otherwise manifest itself in a reflection of the loadings, as the
model-implied features of the data are invariant to a transformation that multiplies each
loading by 1. Fixing a loading to a particular value obviates this concern. Put another
way, fixing 11 to 1 resolves the scale of 1 (by associating it with the scale of x1); fixing 11 to
positive 1 resolves the orientation of 1, orienting it such that larger values of 1 are associ-
ated with larger values of x1.
This orientation indeterminacy may be seen as akin to that of rotation; the latent variable
may be rotated 180 or flipped. For models with multiple latent variables, the rotational
indeterminacy looms larger. This is a primary concern in EFA models in which there is a
loading estimated for each observable on each latent variable, and it is typically resolved by
defining a rotational criterion to be optimized (Gorsuch, 1983). It can be also be addressed
by fixing loadings; this is commonly done in CFA by fixing certain loadings to be 0 (Bollen,
1989; for related discussions in item response theory, see Davey, Oshima, & Lee, 1996, and
Jackman, 2001). For example, the model in (9.3) and Figure9.1b does not include loadings
for x4 and x5 on 1 or loadings for x1, x2, and x3 on 2; these can be conceived of as being
present in the model but fixed to 0, a view we discuss in greater detail in Section9.8.
In the frequentist framework, these indeterminacies are commonly viewed as a matter of
identification, because failing to adequately resolve them will result in the lack of a unique
point estimate. We revisit these considerations from a Bayesian perspective in Section9.9.

9.1.3 Model Fitting

The systems of equations and the path diagrams play a central role in conventional CFA
modeling. Inference typically proceeds by working out the model-implied first- and
Confirmatory Factor Analysis 191

second-order moments for the observables in terms of the model parameters through the
algebra of expectations or via path-tracing rules for path diagrams (Mulaik, 2009; Wright,
1934), which in general yields

E( xi | , , , , ) = + (9.5)


var( xi | , , , , ) = + . (9.6)

The notation on the left-hand side of (9.5) and (9.6) stresses conditioning variables, which
aids in contrasting these with representations that come later.
Frequentist approaches dominate conventional approaches to model fitting, which
amounts to fitting these model-implied moments to data via least-squares or ML routines
assuming normality of the observables to yield estimates for , , , , and . In the par-
lance of Chapter7, estimating these parameters amounts to model calibration. Following
the introduction of some necessary terms in Section9.2, we sketch an overview of ML esti-
mation to draw out connections to Bayesian approaches (for treatments of these and other
options in the frequentist framework, see Bollen, 1989, chapter 4; Mulaik, 2009, chapter 7;
Yanai & Ichikawa, 2007; Lei & Wu, 2012). As we will see, the popular normal-theory ML
routines can be grounded in distributional assumptions of normality for the latent vari-
ables and errors.
Interestingly, arriving at representations of the examinees latent variablesreferred to
as scoring in Chapter7is less common in CFA as compared to other psychometric mod-
eling traditions. This is no doubt in part due to the purposes of those applications of CFA
where values for examinees latent variables are not of inferential interest. We suspect
that it is also in part due to the so-called problem of factor score indeterminacy (not to
be confused with the indeterminacies discussed earlier) that has resulted in a number of
proposed ways to represent examinees latent variables (Bartholomew et al., 2011; Yanai &
Ichikawa, 2007) and considerable debate (see, e.g., Maraun, 1996, and surrounding discus-
sion articles).
Working from the principle that the latent variables are random variables, Bartholomew
(1981) argued for the use of Bayesian inference for scoring in CFA, in which the poste-
rior distribution p( i |xi ) is obtained using point estimates for the model parameters from
frequentist calibration, akin to (7.10). However, this approach is hardly one of consensus.
Bartholomew (1981) also noted that what are typically called regression scores for latent
variables correspond to the expectation of this posterior distribution (see also Aitkin &
Aitkin, 2005; Bartholomew etal., 2011). The situation here is akin to what was observed for
CTT, in which Kelleys formula for arriving at a point estimate of a true score coincided
with the posterior mean from a Bayesian analysis.

9.2 Bayesian Factor Analysis

In a Bayesian analysis, fitting a model involves obtaining the posterior distribution for all
unknowns, given the observed data. In CFA, the collection of unknowns are values of the
), means and (co)variances for the latent variables (
latent variables ( and , respectively),
192 Bayesian Psychometric Modeling

and parameters for the measurement model relating the observables to the latent variables
(, , and ). Once the data are observed, the posterior distribution following Bayes
theorem is

p( , , , , , |x ) p( x| , , , , , )p( , , , , , ). (9.7)

The first term on the right-hand side of (9.7) is the conditional probability distribution of
the observables. The second term is the prior distribution for the unknowns. Specifying
the model involves specifying these terms. In the following sections, we will treat each in
turn, and discuss some connections and departures from frequentist approaches to CFA.

9.2.1 Conditional Distribution of the Observables

The first term on the right-hand side of (9.7) is the probability distribution of the observables,
expressed as conditional on all the parameters in the model. This may be simplified to
express the conditional probability distribution of the observables given the latent vari-
) and the measurement model parameters (, , ), as
ables (

p( x| , , , , , ) = p( x| , , , ). (9.8)

This expression reflects that, given the values of the latent variables ( ) of examinees, the
observables x are conditionally independent of the parameters that govern the distribution
of the latent variables, namely the means ( ) and (co)variances (
). Put another way, once
we know the values of the latent variables, knowing their means and (co)variances does
not tell us anything new about the observables.
Looking at the right-hand side of (9.8), x contains the values for the observables for exam-
inees, and contains the values for the latent variables for examinees. These vary over
examinees. The remaining parameters are the measurement model parameters that gov-
ern the conditional distribution of the observables given the latent variables: the intercepts
, loadings , and error (co)variances . That these parameters do not vary over examin-
ees reflects an exchangeability assumption with respect to the measurement model: we
think the measurement quality of the observables is the same for each examinee. When
exchangeability of measurement is not assumed, different measurement model parame-
ters are specified for different examinees. This usually occurs by way of specifying group-
specific parameters when group membership is known or unknown (as in latent class or
finite mixture models; Pastor & Gagn, 2013), with applications in invariance or differen-
tial functioning analyses (Millsap, 2011; Verhagen & Fox, 2013).
Assuming exchangeability with respect to the measurement model, the joint conditional
distribution for the observables may be factored into a product over examinees,

p( x| , , , ) = p(x | , , , ).
i =1
i i (9.9)

The assumption that is diagonal embodies the local independence assumption and
reveals why local independence is best thought of with respect to the model as a whole,
not just the latent variables (Levy & Svetina, 2011). To see why, consider what happens if
we do not condition on the errors. If there are no error covariances (i.e., is diagonal), local
independence will hold. In the more general case where error covariances are present,
failing to condition on them will not render the observables independent; a nonzero error
Confirmatory Factor Analysis 193

covariance indicates that the observables are dependent above and beyond that which can
be accounted for by the latent variables (and other measurement model parameters).
As a result of the local independence assumption, the conditional probability of the
observables for any examinee can be further factored into the product over observables,

p( xi | i , , , ) = p(x | , , , ).
j =1
ij i j j jj (9.10)

The form of the distribution is dictated by the factor analytic model and the distribu-
tional assumption of the errors. The system of equations in (9.1) and the assumption that
the errors have expectation of 0 for all variables and covariance matrix imply that the
conditional expectation and variance of the observables for an examinee given the latent
variables and the measurement model parameters are

E( xi | i , , , ) = + i (9.11)


var( xi | i , , , ) = . (9.12)

Following the assumption of normality of errors, the conditional distribution of the observ-
ables for each examinee is normal. Working at the level of the vector of observables for any
examinee (i.e., the right-hand side of 9.9)

xi | i , , , ~ N ( + i , ). (9.13)

Drilling down further to the level of each observable for any examinee (i.e., the right-hand
side of 9.10)

xij | i , j , j , jj ~ N ( j + i j , jj ). (9.14)

Collecting the preceding developments in (9.8)(9.10), (9.13) and (9.14), we are now ready to
state the conditional distribution of all the observables, expressed by drilling down to the
level of each observable for each examinee.* The conditional distribution is

n J

p( x| , , , , , ) = p( x| , , , ) = p(x | , , , )
i =1 j =1
ij i j j jj (9.15)

xij | i , j , j , jj ~ N ( j + i j , jj ). Connecting Distribution-Based and Equation-Based Expressions

We pause in our development of the model to emphasize that though these last two
expressions differ on the surface from the usual presentation of CFA as a system of equa-
tions, they express the same model. Working at the level of the vector of observables for

* As an exercise, we encourage the reader to create a DAG corresponding to the specifications described in this
194 Bayesian Psychometric Modeling

any examinee, coupling the deterministic expression in (9.1) with the assumption that
i ~ N (0 , ) implies the probabilistic expression in (9.13). Working at the level of any indi-
vidual observable for any examinee, coupling the deterministic expression for observable j
in (9.2) with the assumption that ij ~ N (0, jj ) implies the probabilistic expression in (9.14).
Note that we have been working with a model for the conditional distribution of the
data, structuring the data as dependent on model parameters. There is nothing particu-
larly unique to Bayesian modeling here. The conditional distribution for data given the
parameters plays a role in Bayesian inference of course, but it also plays a role in frequen-
tist inference, namely by defining the likelihood function.
The conventional approach to expressing statistical and psychometric models is equa-
tion oriented. For CFA, the standard approach is to use structural equation modeling, as in
(9.1)(9.3); path diagrams such as those in Figure9.1 closely correspond to those structural
equations. This engenders us to think equationally. We value this perspective, and it serves
psychometrics quite well in many respects. However, we find that it is often preferable to
express models using distributional forms, as in (9.13) or (9.14). The equations of course
play a role in specifying the distribution, as they yield the parameters of the resulting
distribution in (9.11) and (9.12). Formulating the model in this latter way is an important
step towards our aim of thinking probabilistically. Formulating and explicitly expressing the
model in terms of probability distributions more naturally coheres with probability-based
reasoning to conduct inference, and probabilistic expressions of beliefs. In addition, it aids
with making conditioning explicit in notation, which allows us to more easily express local
and other conditional independence relationships. This approach is well aligned with hier-
archical strategies to building models, which we flesh out more fully in the current context
in Section9.7. The distributional form is also better connected to the substantive stories
about the data we come to see. We also suspect that this approach may better encourage
the specification of models that depart from or generalize those covered here, such as the
specification of thicker-tailed distributions in support of modeling rather than discarding
outlying observations (Lee & Xia, 2008; Zhang, Lai, Lu, & Tong, 2013).

9.2.2 Prior Distribution

The second term on the right-hand side of the posterior distribution in (9.7) is the joint
prior distribution for all the unknowns. We factor this joint prior as
p( , , , , , ) = p(| , )p( , , , , )
= p(| , )p( , )p( , , ).

The first line reflects that the prior distribution for the examinee latent variables is gov-
erned by the parameters and , and is independent of the measurement model parameters
(, , and ). The second line reflects that these parameters that govern the distribution
of the latent variables ( and ) are independent of the measurement model parameters
(, , and ). We now step through the further specifications of the three terms on the
right-hand side of the second line. Prior Distribution for Latent Variables

Beginning with the examinee latent variables (i.e., the first term on the right-hand side of
9.16), assuming exchangeability with regard to the examinees allows for the joint prior to
be factored into the product of a common prior distribution
Confirmatory Factor Analysis 195

p(| , ) = p( |, ).
i =1
i (9.17)

Assuming normality for the latent variables, the prior for each examinee is then

i | , ~ N ( , ). (9.18) Prior Distribution for Parameters That Govern

theDistribution of the Latent Variables
Turning to the parameters that characterize the distribution of the latent variables in the
second term of the right-hand side of the last line of (9.16), we pursue a conditionally con-
, ), which are the mean vector and covariance matrix of
jugate prior specification for (
a multivariate normal. As was the case with the parameters of the univariate normal dis-
tribution (Chapter4), the conditionally conjugate prior in the multivariate normal case of
interest here involves specifying the mean vector and covariance matrix to be independent
in the prior,

p( , ) = p( )p( ). (9.19)

, ) now comes to specifying a prior for and a prior for .

Specifying the prior for (
An assumption of exchangeability regarding the latent variables allows for the specifica-
tion of a common prior for all elements of ,

p( ) = p(
m =1
m ). (9.20)

As the m are means of normal distributions, a common choice for the prior is a normal

m ~ N ( , 2 ), (9.21)

where and 2 are parameters that govern these prior distributions, specified by the
For , we employ an inverse-Wishart distribution, denoted by Inv-Wishart( ),

~ Inv-Wishart(0 , d), (9.22)

where 0 is a matrix of values reflecting prior expectation for and d M is a speci-

fied weight, with smaller values for d yielding a more diffuse prior distribution. The
inverse-Wishart is a multivariate generalization of the inverse-gamma. If we were to
take a univariate approach to modeling the latent variables, such as in a model with one
latent variable, we might employ an inverse-gamma prior distribution for the univariate
latent variable.
196 Bayesian Psychometric Modeling Prior Distribution for Measurement Model Parameters

Turning to the measurement model parameters in the third term on the right-hand side
of the second line of (9.16), we present procedures associated with the common practice of
assuming exchangeability and conditionally conjugate prior specifications. An exchange-
ability assumption with respect to the observables allows for the joint prior distribution
for the observables measurement model parameters to be factored into the product of a
common prior distribution,

p( , , ) = p( , , ).
j =1
j j jj (9.23)

To specify p( j , j , jj ), we employ conditionally conjugate priors. In this case, all the ele-
ments, including the possibly multiple loadings for each observable, are modeled as inde-
pendent in the prior,

p( j , j , jj ) = p( j ) p(
m =1
jm )p( jj ). (9.24)

The intercepts are assigned a normal prior distribution,

j ~ N ( , 2 ), (9.25)

as are the loadings along each latent variable,

jm ~ N ( , 2 ), (9.26)

and error variances are assigned an inverse-gamma distribution,

jj ~ Inv-Gamma( /2, 0 /2). (9.27)

where , 2, , 2 , , and 0 are hyperparameters that govern these prior distributions,

typically specified by the analyst. The Use of a Prior Distribution in ML Estimation

We pause our development of a Bayesian treatment to highlight an often-overlooked but
important shared feature common to Bayesian and ML approaches to CFA, namely that
the latter can also be justified by the specification of a (normal) prior distribution for latent
variables. For the readers steeped in frequentist approaches to CFA, the notion of a prior
distribution for the latent variables may seem strange, as conventional presentations of ML
estimation of CFA do not typically refer to a distribution of latent variables (e.g., Bollen,
1989; Lei etal., 2012; Yanai & Ichikawa, 2007), and when a distribution is mentioned, it is not
typically referred to as a prior distribution (Skrondal & Rabe-Hesketh, 2004; Wall, 2009).
To see that this distributional specification is present in ML estimation, it is worth
pursuing another difference between Bayesian and frequentist estimation, namely how
the dependence of observables on the parameters is typically expressed. The formulation
in the previous section expressed the observables as conditional on the latent variables as in
Confirmatory Factor Analysis 197

(9.11) through (9.14). Typical frequentist presentations do not include the latent variables in
expressing the distribution of the data, instead presenting them as in (9.5) and (9.6). The dif-
ferences in formulations can be reconciled by recognizing what is being conditioned on,
and what each approach considers to be parameters.
We begin by constructing the joint distribution of the observable and latent variables:

p( x , | , , , , ) = p( x| , , , )p(| , )
n (9.28)

i =1
p( xi | i , , , )p( i | , ).

The first term on the right-hand side of (9.28) is the conditional distribution of the observables
given the latent variables (and measurement model parameters), defined in (9.15). The second
term on the right-hand side of (9.28) is the distribution of the latent variables for examinees,
defined in (9.17) and (9.18). The marginal distribution of the observables, without reference
to the latent variables, is obtained by integrating (9.28) over the distribution of the latent
variables as an instance of (7.8),

p( x| , , , , ) = p( x , | , , , , )d

= p( x| , , , )p(| , )d


= p(x | , , , )p( |, )d .
i =1 i
i i i i

Given normality assumptions about the conditional distribution of the data (the first term
in the second and third lines of (9.29) and of the prior distribution for the latent variables
(the second term on these lines), the marginal distribution that results from integrating i
out is also normal:

xi | , , , , ~ N ( + , + ). (9.30)

The resulting joint conditional distribution of all the observables on the left-hand side of
(9.29) is the collection of i.i.d. normal xi with mean vector given by ( + ) and covariance
matrix given by ( + ). Thus, we see from (9.30) that the conventional frequentist
description of CFA in (9.5) and (9.6) may be derived from a probabilistic approach that
integrates the latent variables out. The result expresses the dependence of the observables
on the parameters that characterize the distribution of the latent variables, and , as well
as the measurement model parameters, , , and . Once values for the observables are
known, the conditional distribution in (9.30) induces a likelihood function for these param-
eters. It is this likelihood that yields the (normal-theory) ML fit function that is optimized
in ML estimation of CFA models (e.g., Bollen, 1989).
Of course, that a multivariate normal specification for a prior for the latent variables
yields a convenient marginal distribution might not have quite the same sway in a fully
Bayesian analysis as it might in a frequentist analysis. However, the use of a normal distri-
bution does aid the computational tractability of a fully Bayesian analysis (Section9.2.4),
198 Bayesian Psychometric Modeling

it is a distributional form that many analysts are familiar with, and it has a long track
record of successful use in the analysis of data in psychometric contexts generally and
specifically for continuous latent variables. Whats more, like any other feature, we may
critically evaluate it using follow-up analyses such as those described in Chapter10.

9.2.3 Posterior Distribution and Graphical Model

Collecting the preceding developments, we are now ready to state the posterior distribu-
tion for all the unknowns:
p( , , , , , |x ) p( x| , , , , , )p( , , , , , )

= p( x| , , , )p(| , )p( )p( )p()p( )p( )

n M
= p(x | , , , )
i =1 j =1 m=1
ij i j j jj

p( i | , )p( m )p()p( j )p( jm )p( jj ),

xij | i , j , j , jj ~ N ( j + i j , jj ) for i = 1, , n, j = 1, , J ,

i | , ~ N ( , ) for i = 1, , n,

m ~ N ( , 2 ) for m = 1, , M ,
~ Inv-Wishart(0 , d),

j ~ N ( , 2 ) for j = 1, , J ,

jm ~ N ( , 2 ) for j = 1, , J , m = 1, , M ,


jj ~ Inv-Gamma( /2, 0/2) for j = 1, , J .

Figure9.2 contains the DAG for the model, expressing the joint distribution of all the enti-
ties. We emphasize the correspondence between the DAG and elements of (9.31). Taken as a
whole, the model is fairly complex, relative to those covered previously in the book. However,
a modular approach recognizes the use of familiar structures developed earlier: (1) normal-
theory regression-like structures for the observables as dependent on the latent variables and
measurement model parameters, (2) associated prior distributions for those regression-like
structures, (3) a normal model for the latent variables, (4) a normal prior on the means, and (5)
an inverse-Wishart as a generalization of the inverse-gamma for the covariance matrix.

9.2.4 MCMC Estimation

The use of conditionally conjugate prior distributions makes for full conditional distribu-
tions of known form. It is possible to construct the full conditionals for the intercepts and
loadings individually. A more compact representation is afforded by framing the inter-
cept and loadings for an observable as a single entity. Both approaches are developed in
Appendix A. Here, we present the latter, where jA denotes the ([M + 1] 1) augmented
vector of loadings obtained by combining the intercept j with the M loadings in j, and
A denotes the (n [M + 1]) augmented matrix of latent variables obtained by combining
Confirmatory Factor Analysis 199

2 d 0

m = 1,, M

i = 1,, n

j = 1,, J

m = 1,, M
j jm jj

2 0

Directed acyclic graph for a confirmatory factor analysis model supporting multiple observables loading on
multiple latent variables.

an (n 1) column vector of 1s to the matrix of latent variables . We employ a multivariate

normal prior for the intercept and loadings for each observable j,

jA ~ N ( A , A ). (9.32)

where A is an ([M + 1] 1) prior mean vector and A is an ([M + 1] [M + 1]) prior

covariance matrix. Note that the univariate specification of the intercept and the loadings
obtains as a special case when A is diagonal. All other prior distributions remain the
We express each full conditional distribution in the following equations. On the left-
hand side, the parameter in question is written as conditional on all the other relevant
parameters and data.* On the right-hand side of each of the following equations, we give
the parametric form for the full conditional distribution. In several places we denote the
arguments of the distribution (e.g., mean vector and covariance matrix for a normal dis-
tribution) with subscripts denoting that it refers to the full conditional distribution; the
subscripts are then just the conditioning notation of the left-hand side.
Beginning with the examinees latent variables, we present the full conditional for any
examinee i. The same structure applies to all the examinees. The full conditional distribu-
tion for the latent variables for examinee i is

i | , , , , , xi ~ N ( i| , , , , , xi , i| , , , , , xi ), (9.33)

* We suppress the role of specified hyperparameters in this notation; see Appendix A for a presentation that
formally includes the hyperparameters.
200 Bayesian Psychometric Modeling


i|, , , , , xi = ( 1 + 1 )1( 1 + 1( xi )),

i| , , , , , xi = ( 1 + 1 )1 ,

and xi = (xi1, , xiJ) is the (J 1) vector of J observed values from examinee i. The subscript
of i | , , , , , xi in (9.33) is rather unwieldy, but by writing it out fully explicitly indi-
cate what the mean vector and covariance matrix in the full conditional for i do and do not
depend on. They do depend on the structural parameters , , , , and . They do depend
on examinee is vector of observed scores, xi. Given these variables, however, they do not
depend on the latent variables or observed scores of other examinees, i* and xi* for i* i.
The same scheme applies to interpreting the subscripts in the rest of the full conditional
distributions that follow. The full conditional for the mean vector for the latent variables is
| , ~ N ( | , , | , ), (9.34)

| , = ( 1 + n 1 )1( 1 + n 1 ),

| , = ( 1 + n 1 )1 ,

and is the (M 1) vector of means of the treated-as-known latent variables over the n
examinees. The full conditional for the covariance matrix for the latent variables is

| , ~ Inv-Wishart(d 0 + nS , d + n), (9.35)


( )( ).
S = i i

Turning to the measurement model parameters, we present the full conditionals for any
observable j. The same structure applies to all the observables. The full conditional for the
augmented loadings for observable j is

jA | , jj , x j ~ N ( jA| , jj , x j , jA | , jj , x j ), (9.36)

1 1
jA| , jj , x j = 1A + A A 1A A + A x j ,
jj jj
jA| , jj , x j = 1A + A A ,
and xj = (x1j,, xnj) is the (n 1) vector of observed values for the n examinees for observ-
able j.
The full conditional distribution for the error variance for observable j is

+ n 0 + SS(E j )
jj | , jA , x j ~ Inv-Gamma , , (9.37)
2 2
Confirmatory Factor Analysis 201


SS(E j ) = ( x j A jA )( x j A jA )

and x j = (x1j,,xnj) is the (n 1) vector of observed values for the n examinees for
observable j. A Gibbs sampler is constructed by iteratively drawing from these full con-
ditional distributions using the just-drawn values for the conditioned parameters, generi-
cally written below (for iteration t + 1). Gibbs Sampler Routine for CFA

1. Sample the latent variables for examinees. For each examinee i = 1,, n, using the
values of measurement model parameters and parameters that govern the latent
distribution from the previous iteration (t), compute
1 1 1 1
( t+1)|( t ),( t ),( t ),( t ),( t ), xi = ((t ) + (t ) (t ) (t ) )1((t ) (t ) + (t ) (t ) ( xi (t ) ))

1 1
( t+1)|( t ),( t ),( t ),( t ),( t ), xi = ((t ) + (t ) (t ) (t ) )1 ,

where xi = (xi1,, xiJ) is the (J 1) vector of observed values for examinee i (i.e., the
ith row of x). Sample a value for the latent variables from

(i t +1) | (t ), (t ), (t ), (t ), (t ), x i ~ N ( ( t+1)|( t ) , ( t ) , ( t ) , ( t ) , ( t ) , xi , ( t+1)|( t ) , ( t ) , ( t ) , ( t ) , ( t ) , xi ).

i i

2. Sample the parameters for the latent variable distribution.

a. Using the just-sampled values for the latent variables (from iteration t + 1) and
the latent variable covariance matrix from the previous iteration (t), compute
1 1
( t+1)|( t+1),( t ) = ( 1 + n(t ) )1( 1 + n(t ) (t +1) )

( t+1)|( t+1),( t ) = ( 1 + n(t ) )1 ,

where (t+1) is the (M 1) vector of means of the treated-as-known values of the
latent variables (t+1) over the n examinees. Sample a value for the mean of the
latent variables from

(t +1) | (t +1), (t ) N ( ( t+1)|( t+1),( t ) , ( t+1)|( t+1),( t ) ).

b. Using the just-sampled values for the latent variables and the means of the
latent variables (from iteration t + 1), compute

S(t +1) = 1/ni ((i t +1) (t +1) )((i t +1) (t +1) ).

Sample a value for the covariance matrix for the latent variables from

| (t +1), (t +1) ~ Inv-Wishart(d 0 + nS(t +1), d + n).

202 Bayesian Psychometric Modeling

3. Sample the measurement model parameters.

a. For each observable, j = 1,, J, using the just-drawn values for the latent vari-
ables (from iteration t + 1) and the error variance from the previous iteration (t),
1 1 1
( t+1)|( t+1) , ( t ) , X j = 1A + (t ) A(t +1) (At+1) ( t + 1)
A A + (t ) A x j
jA jj
jj jj
( t+1)|( t+1),( t ), X j = 1A + (t ) A(t +1) (At+1) ,
jA jj
where xj = (x1j,, xnj) is the (n 1) vector of observed values for observable j
(i.e., the jth column of x). Sample a value for the augmented vector of loadings
(jAt+1) | (t +1), (jjt ), x j ~ N ( ( t+1)|( t+1),( t ),x j , ( t+1)|( t+1),( t ),x j ).
jA jj jA jj

b. For each observable, j = 1, , J, using the just sampled values for the latent
variables and the augmented vector of loadings (from iteration t + 1), compute
SS(E (j t +1) ) = ( x j (At+1) (jAt+1) )( x j (At+1) (jAt+1) )

where xj = (x1j,, xnj) is the (n 1) vector of observed values for observable j
(i.e., the jth row of x). Sample a value for the error variance from
+ n 0 + SS(E (j t +1) )
(jjt +1) | (t +1), (jAt+1), x j ~ Inv-Gamma , .
2 2
Note that the joint posterior distribution includes all unknowns, including the latent vari-
ables. As a result, a Gibbs sampler will yield draws for the latent variables from the pos-
terior distribution. When working within a probability model, Bayes theorem provides a
mechanism for arriving at a representation of the examinees latent variables, be it scoring
using point estimates for other parameters (Bartholomew, 1981, 1996) or in a fully Bayesian
analysis such as that described here (see also Aitkin & Aitkin, 2005). Within the probability
model, the latent variables are unknowns, and Bayes theorem provides the mechanism
for yielding a posterior distribution for all the unknowns. Mechanically, this shows up in
the Gibbs sampler taking draws for the latent variables for each examinee from the full
conditional. For each examinee, the collection of the draws is an empirical approximation
to the marginal distribution for their latent variables, which may be summarized in the
usual ways (e.g., density plots, point and interval summaries, and standard deviations).

9.3 Example: Single Latent Variable (Factor) Model

We illustrate a Bayesian approach to CFA via an analysis on a subset of data previously
reported in Levy (2011) using an example drawn from Mitchell (2009), who examined the
factor structure of a web-based version of the Institutional Integration Scale (Pascarella &
Confirmatory Factor Analysis 203

Terenzini, 1980). The scale measures students collegiate experiences with and percep-
tions of peers, faculty, intellectual growth, and academic goals. It contains 31 five-point
Likert-type items with rating categories of strongly disagree, disagree, neutral, agree, and
strongly agree, coded as integers from 1 to 5. The items are organized into five subscales:
Peer Interaction, Faculty Interaction, Academic and Intellectual Development, Faculty Concern,
and Institutional Goal Commitment. The current analysis is based on a subset of 500 exam-
inees from the sample analyzed in Levy (2011). For each examinee, scores on the subscales
are obtained by averaging the scores for the items in that subscale. Summary statistics for
the subscales are given in Table9.1.
In this example we pursue a model with a single latent variable (factor, i.e., M = 1) for the
five observable subscale scores. In Section9.4, we pursue a model with two latent variables
(French & Oakes, 2004; Mitchell, 2009), which is but one of several possible alternatives.*
The path diagram for the model is depicted in Figure9.1a. For simplicity we can drop the
subscripting associated with multiple latent variables, denoting the latent variable for an
examinee by i, the mean of the latent variable by , and the variance of the latent variable
by . In the current illustration, we resolve the indeterminacies by fixing the latent vari-
ablemean to be 0 and fixing the loading for the first observable (for Peer Interaction) 1
to be 1.

9.3.1 DAG Representation

The general DAG given in Figure9.2 is fairly open in the sense that it does not contain
any of the restrictions typically seen in applications, including those needed to resolve
indeterminacies. For any parameter that is fixed to a particular value, the associated node
would not be specified as a child of any other node, and in the conventions adopted here,
it would be specified as a rectangle rather than a circle.
Figure9.3a presents a DAG for the model for this example where the indeterminacies
are resolved by specifying a value for the mean of the latent variable, , and the loading
for the first observable, 1. As a result, these nodes are rectangles, rather than circles.

Summary Statistics for the Institutional Integration Scale Subscales Data,
Including Means, Standard Deviations, and the Correlations
Subscale PI AD IGC FI FC
IGC .41 .64
FI .56 .56 .31
FC .54 .63 .46 .67
Mean 3.33 3.90 4.60 3.03 3.71
Standard Deviation 0.83 0.60 0.46 0.89 0.79
PI = Peer Interaction; AD = Academic and Intellectual Development; IGC=Institutional
Goal Commitment; FI= Faculty Interaction; FC = Faculty Concern.

* One set of alternatives analyzes the individual items rather than the subscale aggregates, and we pursue an
example analyzing the items of one subscale using the tools of item response theory in Section11.4. This could
be extended, for instance to simultaneously modeling all the items, using five latent variablesone for every
subscaleusing the tools of multidimensional item response theory discussed in Section11.5.
204 Bayesian Psychometric Modeling


i = 1,, n
i i = 1,, n

j = 2,, J
xi1 xij
xij j j=1

1 j 11 j jj j
j jj j j = 2,, J

j = 1,, J

2 0 2 2 0 2
(a) (b)

Two representations for the model with one latent variable with fixed latent variable mean and fixed loading. (a)
Exact directed acyclic graph representation. (b) Inexact but less cluttered representation, where the shaded box
indicates that there is a subset of the larger plate for j with a common structure.

1 is now specified differently than the remaining loadings, and so resides outside the
plate for observables, which is now amended to start at j = 2. Whats more, the intercept
(1) and error variance (11) for the first observable must now lie outside the plate even
though they are assigned the same prior distributions as the remaining intercepts and
error variances. This is exact but somewhat unfortunate, as it produces some additional
clutter at the bottom of the graph. On the positive side, it makes it more clear that there
is something importantly different going on with the loading for the first observable, but
not the intercept or error variance.
A visually simpler representation is given in Figure9.3b. Here, there is a single plate for
all observables j = 1, , J indicating the basic structure. The shaded plates inside that plate
also define values for the observables indexed by j. These indicate that the first loading is
fixed to a specified value and the loadings for the remaining observables are unknown
and follow a prior distribution governed by and 2 . Though technically inexact and not
a representation that directly corresponds to the probability distribution, this type of pre-
sentation is somewhat more elegant in communicating the big idea. Generally speaking,
it combats the tendency for DAGs to get increasingly messy as additional restrictions are
placed on certain parameters.

9.3.2 Model Specification and Posterior Distribution

For completeness, we write out the posterior distribution for the model with the chosen
values for the fixed parameters and the hyperparameters:

n J J

p( , , , , |x )
i =1 j =1
p( xij |i , j , j , jj )p(i |, )p()p( j )p( jj ) p( ),
j =2
Confirmatory Factor Analysis 205

xij |i , j , j , jj ~ N ( j + j i , jj ) for i = 1, , 500, j = 1, , 5, (9.38)
i |, ~ N ( , ) for i = 1, , 500,
= 0,

~ Inv-Gamma(5, 10),

j ~ N (3, 10) for j = 1, , 5,

1 = 1,
j ~ N (1, 10) for j = 2, , 5.

jj ~ Inv-Gamma(5, 10) for j = 1, , 5.

The priors are reasonably diffuse, and we wish to draw attention to the choice of the priors
for the loadings and the intercepts. An assumption of exchangeability reflects that we do
not a priori believe anything different about the measurement quality of the observables.
As a result, the loadings 2 , , 5 are assigned a common prior. That this common prior is
centered at 1 reflects the exchangeability assumption with respect to 1, which was fixed
to 1. The use of a prior with a mean of 1 reflects that we do not believe anything different
about the measurement quality of Faculty Interaction, Academic and Intellectual Development,
Faculty Concern, and Institutional Goal Commitment, whose loadings are unknowns in the
model, as we do about Peer Interaction, whose loading is fixed to 1 in the model. The prior
mean of 3 for the (common) prior distribution for the intercepts is based on the knowl-
edge of the response scale. The intercept is the expected value for the observable when
the value of the latent variable is 0, which is also the mean of the latent variable, given by
the choice of the fixed value for . Thus, for each observable, the intercept represents the
expected response for an examinee at the mean of the latent variable. With items scored in
integers from 1 to 5, it is sensible to choose a value in that range. We opt for a value in the
middle, and use a prior variance that yields a diffuse density over 15.

9.3.3 WinBUGS
WinBUGS code for the model and list statements for three sets of initial values are given
as follows.
# Model Syntax

# Specify the factor analysis measurement model for the observables
for (i in 1:n){
for(j in 1:J){
mu[i,j] <- tau[j] + ksi[i]*lambda[j]
x[i,j] ~ dnorm(mu[i,j], inv.psi[j])
206 Bayesian Psychometric Modeling

# Specify the prior distribution for the latent variables
for (i in 1:n){
ksi[i] ~ dnorm(kappa, inv.phi)

# Specify the prior distribution for the parameters that govern
# the latent variables
kappa <- 0 # Mean of factor
inv.phi ~ dgamma(5, 10) # Precision of factor
phi <- 1/inv.phi # Variance of factor

# Specify the prior distribution for the measurement model parameters
for(j in 1:J){
tau[j] ~ dnorm(3, .1) # Intercepts for observables
inv.psi[j] ~ dgamma(5, 10) # Precisions for observables
psi[j] <- 1/inv.psi[j] # Variances for observables

lambda[1] <- 1.0 # Loading fixed to 1.0

for (j in 2:J){
lambda[j] ~ dnorm(1, .1) # Prior for remaining loadings

} # closes the model

# Initial values for three different chains
list(tau=c(.1, .1, .1, .1, .1), lambda=c(NA, 0, 0, 0, 0), inv.phi=1,
inv.psi=c(1, 1, 1, 1, 1))

list(tau=c(3, 3, 3, 3, 3), lambda=c(NA, 3, 3, 3, 3), inv.phi=2,

inv.psi=c(2, 2, 2, 2, 2))

list(tau=c(5, 5, 5, 5, 5), lambda=c(NA, 6, 6, 6, 6), inv.phi=.5,

inv.psi=c(.5, .5, .5, .5, .5))

A few comments about the code are warranted. First, note that the error variances are
defined in the code as psi[j]. The use of a single index of j here contrasts with the
double subscripting in jj. This double subscripting reflects that the error variances are
the diagonal of the (J J) error covariance matrix . A matrix representation is useful
when error covariances on the off-diagonal are included, as discussed in Section 9.8. In
the current setting where is diagonal, we can conceive of the diagonal being a vector
of error variances. This simplifies the coding of the model and the inputting of initial
Confirmatory Factor Analysis 207

values in WinBUGS. Second, we call out the use of NA for the first loading in the list
statements for initialvalues. The first loading is fixed to 1 and therefore not a stochas-
tic node. As a result, no initial value (not even 1) can be supplied to WinBUGS for this
node. Finally, the three sets of initial values were specified to contain values that were
anticipated to represent values for the parameters that would be fairly dispersed in the
posterior distribution.*

9.3.4 Results
The model was fit in WinBUGS using three chains with these start values for the inter-
cepts, loadings, error precisions, and the precision of the latent variable. The start values
for the latent variables were generated by WinBUGS. Based on convergence diagnostics
(Section5.72), there was strong evidence of convergence within a few iterations. To be con-
servative, 500 iterations were discarded as burn-in, and 5000 subsequent iterations from
each chain were used, totaling 15,000 draws used to empirically approximate the posterior
distribution. The marginal densities were unimodal and fairly symmetric. Summary sta-
tistics are given in Table9.2.
The loadings for Faculty Interaction and Faculty Concern are comparable to each other
and the fixed loading for Peer Interaction, and the error variances for these variables are

Summary of the Posterior Distribution for the Single Latent Variable Model,
Including Summaries for Two Examinees Latent Variables (1 and 8 )
Parameter Mean Standard Deviation 95% Highest Posterior Density Interval
PI 1.00
AD 0.73 0.04 (0.64, 0.82)
IGC 0.42 0.04 (0.35, 0.49)
FI 1.05 0.07 (0.92, 1.18)
FC 0.98 0.06 (0.87, 1.10)
PI 3.33 0.04 (3.25, 3.41)
AD 3.90 0.03 (3.84, 3.95)
IGC 4.60 0.02 (4.55, 4.64)
FI 3.03 0.04 (2.95, 3.12)
FC 3.71 0.04 (3.65, 3.79)
PI 0.37 0.03 (0.32, 0.43)
AD 0.18 0.01 (0.16, 0.21)
IGC 0.18 0.01 (0.16, 0.20)
FI 0.38 0.03 (0.32, 0.44)
FC 0.27 0.02 (0.22, 0.31)
0.44 0.04 (0.35, 0.52)
1 0.20 0.26 (0.70, 0.30)
8 0.86 0.26 (0.35, 1.38)

PI = Peer Interaction; FI = Faculty Interaction; AD = Academic and Intellectual Development;

FC=Faculty Concern; IGC = Institutional Goal Commitment.

* The data statement is not shown here on space considerations. Like all the other code used in the examples, it
is available from the website for the book.
208 Bayesian Psychometric Modeling

comparable, suggesting that the observables have comparable relations to the latent
variable. The loading for Academic and Intellectual Development is a bit lower, as is its error
variance. Most notably, the loading for Institutional Goal Commitment is quite a bit lower
than the others, suggesting it has a weaker relationship to the latent variable. Table 9.2
includes results for two examinees, where it is easily seen that examinee 8 has a higher
standing on the latent variable than examinee 1. These results do not speak to the viability
of this model for this data, and we defer a treatment of techniques for evaluating models
until Chapter10, where this example forms the basis for discussing a variety of techniques
for criticizing and comparing models.

9.4 Example: Multiple Latent Variable (Factor) Model

We reanalyze the data on the subscales of the Institutional Integration Scale, illustrating
a model with two latent variables. More specifically, we consider an organization where
the first three observables, Peer Interaction, Academic and Intellectual Development, and
Institutional Goal Commitment, load on one latent variable interpreted as pertaining spe-
cifically to Students, and the other two observables, Faculty Interaction and Faculty Concern,
load on a second latent variable interpreted as pertaining to Faculty (French & Oakes, 2004;
Mitchell, 2009). The path diagram for the model was given in Figure9.1(b). We resolve the
indeterminacies by fixing the latent variable means, = 0, and fixing the loading for the
first observable (Peer Interaction) along the first latent variable, 11 = 1, and the loading for
the fourth latent variable (Faculty Interaction) along the second latent variable, 42 = 1.

9.4.1 DAG Representation

When there are multiple latent variables, we often specify many fixed loadings (e.g., to 1 to
resolve indeterminacies, to 0 to reflect the lack of loading of an observable on a latent vari-
able), which can make for a cluttered DAG. We opt to present the model via the technically
inexact but more elegant presentation given in Figure9.4. Here, there is a single plate for all
the observables, j = 1, , J, indicating the general structure as it pertains to most of the vari-
ables and parameters. Within this larger plate, we have introduced two smaller plates that
indicate the structure for the loadings. One plate indicates that 11 and 42 are fixed and the
other plate indicates that 21, 31, and 52 are assigned a common prior distribution. There
are a number of possible loadings that are not specified at all: namely 12 , 22, 32, 41, and
51. These loadings are not part of the model. As discussed more in detail in Section9.8, we
could conceive of them as being fixed to 0, but there is little gained by doing so in the DAG.

9.4.2 Model Specification and Posterior Distribution

We write out the posterior distribution for the model using these chosen values for the
fixed parameters and for the hyperparameters:
n J M

p( , , , , |x ) p(x | , , , )p( |, )p()

ij i j j jj i

i =1 j =1 m=1
p( j )p( jj )p( 21 )p( 31 )p( 52 ),
Confirmatory Factor Analysis 209

d 0

m = 1, 2 m

i = 1,, n

xij jm j = 1, m = 1
j = 4, m = 2

j = 2, 3, m = 1
j jj jm j = 5, m = 2

j = 1,, J

0 2

An inexact directed acyclic graph representation for the model with two latent variables with fixed latent vari-
able means and fixed loadings.

xij | i , j , j , jj ~ N ( j + j1i1 , jj ) for i = 1, , 500, j = 1, 2, 3,

xij | i , j , j , jj ~ N ( j + j 2i 2 , jj ) for i = 1, , 500, j = 4, 5,

i | , ~ N ( , ) for i = 1, , 500,
= 0,
1 .3
~ Inv-Wishart ,2 ,
.3 1

11 = 1,
42 = 1,

j1 ~ N (1, 10) for j = 2, 3,

52 ~ N (1, 10),

j ~ N (3, 10) for j = 1, , 5,


jj ~ Inv-Gamma(5, 10) for j = 1, , 5.

The priors are similar to those for the single-latent variable (factor) model. One key differ-
ence is that with multiple latent variables comes the specification of covariance matrix .
The adopted prior reflects beliefs that the latent variables are probably positively corre-
lated, in the area of .3, but there is a lot of uncertainty.

9.4.3 WinBUGS
WinBUGS code for the model and list statements for three sets of initial values is given as
210 Bayesian Psychometric Modeling

# Model Syntax

# Specify the factor analysis measurement model for the observables
for (i in 1:n){

# expected value for each examinee for each observable

mu[i,1] <- tau[1] + lambda[1,1]*ksi[i,1]
mu[i,2] <- tau[2] + lambda[2,1]*ksi[i,1]
mu[i,3] <- tau[3] + lambda[3,1]*ksi[i,1]
mu[i,4] <- tau[4] + lambda[4,2]*ksi[i,2]
mu[i,5] <- tau[5] + lambda[5,2]*ksi[i,2]

for(j in 1:J){
x[i,j] ~ dnorm(mu[i,j], inv.psi[j])


# Specify the prior distribution for the latent variables
for (i in 1:n){
ksi[i, 1:M] ~ dmnorm(kappa[], inv.phi[,])

# Specify the prior distribution for the parameters that govern
# the latent variables

# Means of latent variables

for(m in 1:M){
kappa[m] <- 0

# precision matrix for the latent variables

inv.phi[1:M,1:M] ~ dwish(dxphi.0[ , ], d)

# the covariance matrix for the latent vars

phi[1:M,1:M] <- inverse(inv.phi[ , ])

phi.0[1,1] <- 1
phi.0[1,2] <- .3
phi.0[2,1] <- .3
phi.0[2,2] <- 1
d <- 2
Confirmatory Factor Analysis 211

for (m in 1:M){
for (mm in 1:M){
dxphi.0[m,mm] <- d*phi.0[m,mm]

# Specify the prior distribution for the measurement model parameters
for(j in 1:J){
tau[j] ~ dnorm(3, .1) # Intercepts for observables
inv.psi[j] ~ dgamma(5, 10) # Precisions for observables
psi[j] <- 1/inv.psi[j ] # Variances for observables

lambda[1,1] <- 1.0 # Loading fixed to 1.0

lambda[4,2] <- 1.0 # Loading fixed to 1.0

for (j in 2:3){
lambda[j,1] ~ dnorm(1, .1) # Prior for the loadings
lambda[5,2] ~ dnorm(1, .1) # Prior for the loadings

} # closes the model

# Initial values for three different chains
list(tau=c(.1, .1, .1, .1, .1), lambda= structure(.Data= c( NA, NA, 2,
NA, 2, NA, NA, NA, NA, 2), .Dim=c(5, 2)), inv.phi= structure(.Data=
c(1,0, 0, 1), .Dim=c(2, 2)), inv.psi=c(1, 1, 1, 1, 1))

list(tau=c(3, 3, 3, 3, 3), lambda= structure(.Data= c( NA, NA, 5.00E-01,

NA, 5.00E-01, NA, NA, NA, NA, 5.00E-01), .Dim=c(5, 2)), inv.phi=
structure(.Data= c(1.33, -.667, -.667, 1.33), .Dim=c(2, 2)), inv.psi=c(2,
2, 2, 2, 2))

list(tau=c(5, 5, 5, 5, 5), lambda= structure(.Data= c( NA, NA, 1, NA, 1,

NA, NA, NA, NA, 1), .Dim=c(5, 2)), inv.phi= structure(.Data= c(1.96,
-1.37, -1.37, 1.96), .Dim=c(2, 2)), inv.psi=c(.5, .5, .5, .5, .5))

Much of the code mimics code introduced earlier, including the specification of initial
values for the chains that were anticipated to represent values for the parameters that
would be fairly dispersed in the posterior distribution. We concentrate on what is new
here, specifically the portion of the code that specifies the prior distribution for the param-
eters that govern the latent variables. The first section of that code specifies that the means
of the latent variables are all 0 by means of a loop over the latent variables. The loop goes
from 1 up to M, the number of latent variables. The value of M could be supplied in the
code, but in this example it is part of our data statement, much like the other constants
n and J. The rest of this section pertains to the covariance matrix of the latent variables.
212 Bayesian Psychometric Modeling

Thespecification of the node inv.phi is the precision matrix, which is what WinBUGS
requires for specifying the multivariate normal distribution, in this case for latent variables.
The specification of the node phi uses the inverse function in WinBUGS to transform the
precision matrix into the covariance matrix.
The prior for the precision matrix (inv.phi) is a Wishart distribution; the rest of the
code in this section details the hyperparameters of that prior distribution. First, we define
a matrix inv.phi.0, corresponding to 0, by plugging in a value for each element in the
matrix. Next we define d, corresponding to d. The next portion of code loops over the num-
ber of latent variables twice, which defines a particular row and column of the covariance
matrix, and for each element multiplies the corresponding element of 0 by d, and places
it in a corresponding place in a node dxphi.0. The double looping effectively carries out
the multiplication of the matrix 0 by the scalar d. This process is conducted because the
result is used in WinBUGS parameterization of the Wishart distribution (Lunn etal., 2013).

9.4.4 Results
The model was fit in WinBUGS using three chains with these start values for the inter-
cepts, loadings, error precisions, and the precision of the latent variable. The start values
for the latent variables were generated by WinBUGS. Based on convergence diagnostics
(Section5.72), there was strong evidence of fast convergence. To be conservative, 500 itera-
tions were discarded as burn-in, and 5000 subsequent iterations from each chain were used,
totaling 15,000 draws used to empirically approximate the posterior distribution. Density
plots for the marginal distributions were unimodal and fairly symmetric. Summary statis-
tics for the marginal posterior distributions are given in Table9.3.

9.5 CFA Using Summary Level Statistics

An alternative approach to Bayesian CFA conceives of the data in terms of the first- and
second-order moments as the data (Hayashi & Arav, 2006; Press & Shigemasu, 1997;
Scheines, Hoijtink, & Boomsma, 1999). To accomplish this, we begin by conceiving of the
model in terms of the conditional distribution of the data given , , , , and , marginal-
ized over the latent variables . In this formulation, the distribution of the data is multivar-
iate normal with mean vector + and covariance matrix + (see Equation 9.30).
In this case, it can be shown that the distribution of the mean vector of the observables, x,
and the covariance matrix of the observables, S, have the following distribution:

p( x , S| , , , , ) = p( x | , , , , )p(S| , , ), (9.39)


x N + , ( + )

S ~ Wishart( + , n 1).
Confirmatory Factor Analysis 213

Summary of the Posterior Distribution for the Two Latent Variable Models,
Including Summaries for Two Examinees Latent Variables (11 , 12 , 81 ,
and 82 )
Parameter Mean Standard Deviation 95% Highest Posterior Density Interval

PI 1.00
AD 0.77 0.05 (0.67, 0.88)
IGC 0.46 0.04 (0.38, 0.54)
FI 1.00
FC 0.92 0.05 (0.81, 1.02)
PI 3.33 0.04 (3.26, 3.41)
AD 3.90 0.03 (3.84, 3.95)
IGC 4.60 0.02 (4.55, 4.64)
FI 3.04 0.04 (2.96, 3.12)
FC 3.71 0.04 (3.64, 3.78)
PI 0.36 0.03 (0.31, 0.42)
AD 0.17 0.01 (0.14, 0.20)
IGC 0.17 0.01 (0.15, 0.20)
FI 0.34 0.03 (0.28, 0.40)
FC 0.24 0.02 (0.20, 0.28)
11 0.39 0.04 (0.30, 0.47)
22 0.49 0.05 (0.39, 0.59)
21 0.38 0.04 (0.31, 0.45)
11 0.15 0.27 (0.70, 0.38)
12 0.31 0.3 (0.90, 0.27)
81 0.88 0.27 (0.36, 1.43)
82 0.84 0.30 (0.26, 1.45)

PI = Peer Interaction; FI = Faculty Interaction; AD = Academic and Intellectual

Development; FC=Faculty Concern; IGC=Institutional Goal Commitment.

The posterior distribution is then

p( , , , , |x , S) p( x , S|, , , , )p( , , , , ), (9.41)

where the second term on the right-hand side is the prior distribution, which may be
specified in the same manner as described in Section9.2.2.
This approach using summary statistics has a number of advantages over the individ-
ual-level approach. It can be employed when summary statistics are available but the raw
data are not (e.g., in a secondary analysis of published summary statistics; Hayashi & Arav,
2006). Note that in contrast to the individual-level approach, the specification here does not
involve the examinees values of the latent variables, as they are marginalized over in con-
struction of the conditional distribution of the data. This can be advantageous in a simu-
lation-based estimation environment, such as Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC), where
the computational burden and time needed increase with each additional parameter to
be estimated. Because the summary-level approach takes the mean vector and covariance
matrix as the data, the number of parameters and the associated computational burden
214 Bayesian Psychometric Modeling

does not increase as sample size increases. In contrast, in the individual-level approach,
each additional examinee brings with them another M latent variables. More concretely,
in Gibbs sampling a full conditional distribution must be defined and sampled from
for each examinees latent variables at each iteration. Thus for the same model, the time
needed to fit a model using the summary-level approach is likely to be less than in the
individual-level approach, especially in large samples with many latent variables (Choi,
Levy, & Hancock, 2006). The estimation-time advantage of the summary-level approach
is likely to be diminished in the future as technological advances increase the compu-
tational power available to analysts. A related point is that the full conditional distribu-
tions for the examinee latent variables are normal distributions, and relatively easy to
sample from. In the authors experience, it is usually not prohibitively time-consuming to
analyze individual-level models in WinBUGS. And in situations where it is prohibitively
time-consuming, the analyst may turn to other software that is faster than WinBUGS
for CFA and related models, such as Mplus (Muthn & Muthn, 19982012) and Amos
(Arbuckle, 2007).
However, the summary-level approach suffers relative to the individual-level approach
in several respects. It does not yield a posterior distribution for the values of the exam-
inees latent variables. If inferences about the examinees latent variables are desired,
auxiliary analyses are required. Options here include taking draws from the full con-
ditional distributions of the latent variables given the drawn values for the parameters
(Aitkin & Aitkin, 2005), or partially Bayesian solutions using point estimates of param-
eters (Bartholomew etal., 2011) that could be applied here using a point summary of the
parameters. Importantly, the typical summary-level approach relies on the assumption of
multivariate normality of the observables, which was derived from an assumption of con-
ditional normality of the observables given the latent variables. Hayashi and Yuan (2003)
proposed a robust analysis to account for non-normality, though it is possible that greater
flexibility is afforded by adopting an approach that specifies non-normal distributions for
the individual-level data (e.g., Lee & Xia, 2008; Zhang etal., 2013).

9.6 Comparing DAGs and Path Diagrams

There are a number of similarities between the graphical modeling approach in the DAGs
and the path diagrammatic approach from conventional SEM traditions. Importantly, how-
ever, there are also a number of differences. We briefly highlight key similarities and dif-
ferences between these two approaches by way of comparing the structure of Figure9.1b
and Figure9.2. Both approaches use nodes to represent observable and latent variables for
examinees. The use of rectangles for observables and circles for latent variables is standard
for path diagrams but not DAGs; we have adopted this convention for the DAGs in the book.
For both approaches, this convention is useful, but imperfect in more complicated situations
(e.g., modeling missing data, specifying fixed values for latent variables). Path diagrams
additionally use triangles to represent constants. The 1 in Figure9.1b is in a triangle to rep-
resent that this node does not vary over examinees. As discussed below, this is really a mod-
eling trick that derives from path diagrams being representations of structural equations.
Traditionally, DAGs do not model constants as nodes, as they are not needed for structuring
dependence relationships in multivariate distributions. We have used expanded DAGs (see
Sections2.5 and 7.1) to aid in exposition, in which case constants are denoted by rectangles.
Confirmatory Factor Analysis 215

The need to indicate a constant via a different shape in path diagrams brings into relief
a key distinction between path diagrams and DAGs. Path diagrams implicitly express that
the nodesthe rectangles and circlesvary over examinees. As a result, the parameters
which do not vary over examineesare not nodes in path diagrams. They are placed along
the paths in the diagram. For directed paths (i.e., one-headed arrows), the parameter resid-
ing along the path serves as a coefficient for the variable at the source of the path for the
structural equation for the variable at the destination of the path. When the source of the
path is a constant (i.e., the 1 in the triangle) this just expresses that the parameter along
the path is an intercept in the structural equation. For nondirected paths (i.e., two-headed
arrows), the parameter residing along the path refers to the covariance between the vari-
ables connected by the path; when the connection is between a variable and itself, this
is just the variance of the variable. Conventions for what are and are not represented as
nodes align well with a frequentist perspective on inference: nodes correspond to vari-
ables associated with examinees that are assigned distributions; because parameters are
treated as fixed entities in a frequentist framework, they are not depicted as nodes.
In contrast, DAGs make explicit the replication of variables over examinees, and other
replications, via plate structures. In a fully probabilistic framework, unknown parame-
ters are assigned distributions and appear as nodes in the graph. Path diagrams are well
aligned with a frequentist perspective in which distributions are invoked only where a
sampling concept is applied, namely for examinee variables. DAGs are well aligned with
a Bayesian perspective in which all entities are treated as random variables, with dis-
tributions assigned to all. In this light, examinee variables do not have a distinct status;
other entities appear as nodes in the graph and so the replication over examinees must be
made explicit. This underscores a general point about a Bayesian approach; in contrast to
the conventional frequentist approach, the latent variables have the same status as other
Importantly, path diagrams and DAGs differ in how they represent correlational struc-
tures. Path diagrams employ nondirectional (two-headed) arrows to indicate a correlation
between variables, such as the correlation between the latent variables in Figure9.1b. DAGs
only employ directed (one-headed) arrows, and take a multivariate approach to specify-
ing correlational structures. As the DAG in Figure9.2 illustrates, we specify the vector of
latent variables (for each examinee i) and express the correlation via the specification of a
multivariate distribution with covariance structure . Path diagrams also allow for cyclic
dependences, where setting out on a path of directed arrows from a certain node, we can
return to that node. The simplest example of this is when there two variables and between
them are two directed arrows facing in opposite direction, indicating a feedback or recip-
rocal dependence (Kline, 2013).
We stress that though path diagrams are not as closely aligned with the probability-
based modeling approach as DAGs, they pose certain advantages over DAGs. Path models
are especially adept at communicating a number of key features: how many observable
and latent variables are in the model; which observables load on which latent variables;
and the means, variances, and correlations among the latent variables and possibly other
exogenous entities (indicated by a bidirectional arrow). As such they are a powerful knowl-
edge representation for analysts when formulating models and communicating the model
to others. As path diagrams expressing the dependence and conditional independence
relationships among the entities associated with examinee variables, they more easily
support the derivation of model-implied mean and covariance structures via path tracing
(Mulaik, 2009; Wright, 1934), which in turn supports other analyses such as determining
how models are related (Levy & Hancock, 2007, 2011). For these reasons, path diagrams
216 Bayesian Psychometric Modeling

and DAGs may complement each other in how they express and facilitate reasoning using
models, and both may be gainfully called into service simultaneously, as warranted by the
needs of the analyst.

9.7 A Hierarchical Model Construction Perspective

9.7.1 Hierarchical Model Based on Exchangeability
In the preceding sections, we have developed Bayesian procedures to CFA by first present-
ing the CFA model and representations in terms that readers familiar with conventional
approaches should recognize, and then shifting to a Bayesian perspective by overlaying
prior distributions on unknown parameters. This has been the didactic approach taken
throughout most of the book, as we suspect that most readers will find this approach to
be the most accessible for learning Bayesian approaches to psychometrics. As noted in
Section3.6, the perspective that views Bayes as using priors to augment what is done in
frequentist procedures is but one of many perspectives on Bayesian analyses, and it is
worth viewing Bayesian procedures through other lenses to highlight key principles of
Bayesian modeling and illustrate complementary interpretations.
Here, we develop the Bayesian CFA model from the perspective of a hierarchical model
construction, in which we build a model through a layering of distributional specifications
for unknowns introduced at lower levels (see Section3.6). We begin with the joint distribu-
tion of the data, x. This distribution is specified in (9.15). This structuring of thedistribution
of x introduces a number of parameters: , , , and . As these are unknown entities, they
require prior distributions.
Starting with the first of these, we tackle the challenge of specifying a J-variate prior
distribution for by assuming exchangeability, which allows for the specification of a
common univariate (normal) prior for all elements of , given in (9.25), with values of the
hyperparameters and 2 specified by the analyst. Similarly, an exchangeability assump-
tion allows for the specification of a common univariate (normal) prior for the elements
in included in the model, given in (9.26), with hyperparameters and 2 , the values of
which are specified by the analyst. Likewise, an exchangeability assumption allows for
the specification of a common prior for the diagonal elements of , given in (9.27), with
hyperparameters 0 and 0, the values of which are specified by the analyst.
Turning to the latent variables, , an assumption of exchangeability about the examinees
supports the specification of a common (normal) prior for all examines in (9.18), with hyper-
parameters and . As unknown entities, these also require prior distributions. An assump-
tion of exchangeability with respect to the latent variables allows for a common univariate
(normal) prior to be specified for the elements of in (9.21) with its own hyperparameters
and 2 , with values specified by the analyst. The prior distribution for in (9.22), with its
own hyperparameters 0 and d specified by the analyst, completes the model specification.
To recap, x is an (n J) matrix of observables and we seek to specify a probabilistic model
to facilitate desired inferences about the examinees and the tasks that yield the observ-
ables. Following de Finettis representation theorem, we accomplish modeling this joint
distribution by assuming exchangeability, introducing parameters that induce conditional
independence, and specifying distributions for the newly introduced parameters. To spec-
ify the joint (prior) distribution for the newly introduced parameters, we follow the same
Confirmatory Factor Analysis 217

steps. If this introduces new unknown parameters, we repeat the process until we reach
the point where there are no more unknowns. Equation (9.9) expresses the first layer in the
hierarchy, where we have structured the (n J)-variate distribution of observables in terms
of the (n M) latent variables , (J M) loadings , J intercepts , and J error variances in
. As M is usually far less than J, this represents a considerable simplification.
We are now tasked with specifying a (prior) distribution for the newly introduced param-
eters, again by capitalizing on exchangeability, introducing parameters that induce condi-
tional independence, and specifying distributions for them as needed. For the (n M) matrix
of unknowns in , (9.17) contains the next level of this hierarchy and introduces hyperpa-
rameters and , for which (hyperprior) distributions are needed. These are specified in
the next level of the hierarchy, in (9.20) and (9.22). To specify the former, again an assumption
of exchangeability is invoked to allow for a common univariate prior for the elements of ,
in (9.21). In short, by invoking exchangeability assumptions and approaching the problem
in a hierarchical manner, we have solved the problem of specifying an (n M)-variate prior
distribution with the following (collecting Equations 9.18, 9.21, and 9.22):

i | , ~ N ( , ) for all i ,

m ~ N ( , 2 ) for all m,

~ Inv-Wishart(0 , d).

We adopt the same strategies for the measurement model parameters. Assuming exchange-
ability allows for the specification of common priors for in (9.25), in (9.26), and in (9.27).
Note that we could specify a hierarchical structure on the measurement model parameters,
that is, where the (hyper)parameters of their prior distributions are unknown and modeled
via their own (hyper)priors. This specification is not common in CFA, but has been used more
in the context of item response theory (Section11.7.4).
This line of reasoning develops the model in a slightly different manner than CFA has
typically been conceived. It is distinctly probabilistic in nature in that it (a) focuses on
the specifications of (conditional) distributions and (b) for every parameter that is intro-
duced, a (prior) distributionitself possibly conditional on other parametersis specified.
Combining this approach with assumptions of exchangeability allows for the efficient con-
struction not only of the distribution of the data (the first layer in the hierarchy) but of the
prior distributions as well (the subsequent layers). The process concludes when there are
no more unknown parameters in need of distributional specification.

9.7.2 Hierarchical Modeling under Conditional Exchangeability

Assumptions of exchangeability greatly facilitate the efficient construction of joint distri-
butions, including prior distributions, via specifying a common distribution for its ele-
ments. This is not a requirement of Bayesian modeling. If assumptions of exchangeability
are not warranted, the model can still be formulated. For example, if we cannot assume
exchangeability between the measurement quality of two observables that load on a latent
variable, we need not assign their loadings the same prior distribution. Rather, each load-
ing can have a different prior.
In general, every parameter can have a unique prior. However, it is often the case that
we need not resort to this extreme. Rather, if exchangeability cannot be assumed, we
218 Bayesian Psychometric Modeling

construct the model to allow for an assumption of conditional exchangeability (Jackman,

2009; Lindley & Novick, 1981), which means elements are exchangeable conditional on
some other relevant entity. For example, in multiple-group modeling, examinees from dif-
ferent groups might not be assumed to be exchangeable, but examinees may be assumed to
be exchangeable within groups, that is, conditional on the grouping variable. In that case, a
conditionally exchangeable prior for is given by

ig | g , g ~ N ( g , g ),

mg ~ N ( g , 2 g ),

g ~ Inv-Wishart(0 g , dg ),

where the additional subscripting by g indicates group-specific parameters. Models that

assume conditional exchangeability about examinee parameters are commonly used in
multiple-group modeling and in examinations of differences in latent means (Thompson &
Green, 2013).
In addition, we might assume that the measurement parameters are exchangeable within
groups, but not across groups. In that case, a conditionally exchangeable model specifica-
tion is given by

xijg | ig , jg , jg , jjg ~ N ( jg + ig jg , jjg ),

jmg ~ N ( g , 2 g ),

jg ~ N ( g , 2 g ), (9.44)


jjg ~ Inv-Gamma( g /2, g 0 g /2).

Models that assume the measurement model parameters are conditionally exchangeable
are commonly used in measurement invariance and differential item functioning analyses
where group membership is known (Millsap, 2011; Verhagen & Fox, 2013) or unknown as
in latent class or mixture models (Pastor & Gagn, 2013).
Note that in (9.43) and (9.44) each group has distinct hyperparameters, reflecting dif-
ferent a priori beliefs about the group-specific parameters. This need not be the case. For
example, we may specify the model as

jmg ~ N ( , 2 ),

jg ~ N ( , 2 ),

jjg ~ Inv-Gamma( g /2, g 0 g /2),

which allows the measurement model parameters to vary by groups, as may be suggested
by the data, but reflects that a priori we do not believe anything different about them for
Confirmatory Factor Analysis 219

the different groups. Still other possibilities involve not only different hyperparameters
for groups, but different parametric forms as well.

9.8 Flexible Bayesian Modeling

It has been argued that Bayesian approaches to modeling are more flexible than frequen-
tist approaches, and may therefore offer a greater potential to better represent substan-
tive theories (Levy, 2009). This is evidenced in part by researchers turning to Bayesian
approaches when they run up against the limits of what is possible in conventional fre-
quentist approaches to modeling and estimation (for examples in factor analysis, see
Ansari & Jedidi, 2000; Ansari, Jedidi, & Dube, 2002; Muthn & Asparouhov, 2012; Segawa,
Emery, & Curry, 2008; Zhang etal., 2013). This section discusses some examples that high-
light some of the flexibility of Bayesian approaches above and beyond those associated
with conventional frequentist approaches.
In CFA, this flexibility tis most naturally seen in terms of the loadings when there are
multiple latent variables. A conventional approach to CFA specifies observables as either
loading on a latent variable or not. A hallmark of conventional CFA is that at least some
observables do not load on at least some latent variables. Drawing from Thurstones (1947)
terminology, observables that load on multiple latent variables are referred to as factori-
ally complex, and those that load on only one latent variable are referred to as factorially
simple. When the observable is factorially complex, it is often the case that it loads more
strongly on a latent variable that is primarily associated with; the (usually) weaker load-
ings on the other latent variables are sometimes termed cross-loadings. Perhaps the most
common specification is for all observables to be factorially simple in which all the cross-
loadings are 0 (e.g., Figure9.1b), a situation that is commonly called simple structure, and
has also been termed independent clusters (McDonald, 1999), between-item multidimen-
sionality (Adams, Wilson, & Wang, 1997), and heterogeneous test structure (Lucke, 2005).
In conventional CFA, when an observable is specified as loading on the latent variable,
the loading is included in the model and estimated from the information in the data. When
an observable is specified as not loading on a latent variable, the loading is not included
in the model. These loadings may be viewed as indeed being part of the model but con-
strained to be 0, a perspective that underlies the common use of likelihood ratio tests for
models with and without additional loadings (e.g., Bollen, 1989).
Each of these options may be accommodated in a Bayesian approach. The use of a prior
distribution that is sufficiently diffuse (e.g., a uniform distribution, a normal distribution
with a large variance) yields a posterior that is driven predominantly by the likelihood,
and is akin to the frequentist approach in the situation where the loading is included. The
frequentist situation where the loading is constrained to 0 may be modeled in a Bayesian
approach by specifying a prior for this parameter with all of its mass at 0. Viewing a prior
distribution as an expression of a priori beliefs and modeled assumptions, this suggests
that the use of prior distribution with a large variance reflects a very weak assumption or
belief about the parameter. At the other end of the spectrum, fixing a parameter by concen-
trating all the mass of the prior at that value represents a particularly strong assumption
or belief about the parameter.
Importantly, and in contrast to a frequentist approach, a Bayesian approach easily affords
specifications in between these extremes. By choosing a prior distribution of a particular
220 Bayesian Psychometric Modeling

form we can encode various beliefs and at various levels of certainty. This is particularly
natural if a prior can be constructed where one of its parameters captures this strength.
Using a normal prior for a loading allows for the specification of the certainty via the prior
variance. A prior variance of 0 indicates the loading is constrained to be equal to the value
of the prior mean; increasing the prior variance represents a weakening of this belief.
Working from this perspective, Muthn and Asparouhov (2012) drew upon the added
flexibility of a Bayesian approach over conventional frequentist approaches to construct a
model that better reflected their substantive theory. They argued that the constraint that a
cross-loading is 0 is in many cases overly stringent. Substantive theory typically does not
imply that the cross-loadings are exactly 0, just that they are low in magnitude, meaning an
observables dependence on that latent variable is weak relative to its dependence on the
latent variable on which it (primarily) loads. Note however that the alternative in a conven-
tional frequentist tradition is to include the parameter and estimate it from the data, which
places the parameter on par with the primary, substantive loading. Seeking an alternative
to these extremes, Muthn and Asparouhov (2012) advocated the use of prior distributions
for cross-loadings that are normal with mean 0 and a small variance. The specification
of the variance encodes how willing the analyst is to constrain the cross-loading to be 0
versus allowing it to be dictated by the data. Smaller values of the variance reflect a firmer
belief that the cross-loading is exactly 0; larger values reflect an increasing willingness to
allow the cross-loading to be farther from 0.
Another example concerns the associations between error terms. In our present develop-
ment, was assumed to be diagonal, containing error variances on the diagonal and 0s off
the diagonal for the error covariances. This implies that the only source of association for
the observables is expressed by the loadings and the latent variables. This can be relaxed
in a number of ways. One natural approach is to model as a complete covariance matrix,
like , assigning a prior distribution such as an inverse-Wishart for .
Muthn and Asparouhov (2012) studied this and two other approaches. In one, the error
covariance matrix is defined as

= + * , (9.46)

where *is a diagonal matrix and is a covariance matrix that is not assumed to be diago-
nal. * may be assigned a prior using the same strategies we had previously developed
for , say, using inverse-gamma priors for each of the diagonal elements. is assigned an
inverse-Wishart prior specified such that all the elements are relatively small. As a result
is a covariance matrix with possibly nonzero off-diagonal elements, but these elements
are fairly small. In the other approach, the diagonal elements of are assigned inverse-
gamma priors (as in our development) and each of the off-diagonal elements are modeled
with a univariate normal prior with mean 0 and a small variance. In this approach, condi-
tional conjugacy is not preserved as the full conditional distributions in the Gibbs sampling
scheme are not of known form; a more complex Metropolis-type sampler is utilized.
For our current discussion, the salient point is that these approaches allow for nonzero
covariances among all the errors. Such a model is not identified in a frequentist approach;
however, this does not necessarily pose the same sort of problems for a Bayesian analysis
as it would for a frequentist analysis. More generally, CFA models that are not identified
in a frequentist analysis can often by specified by using a Bayesian approach (Scheines
etal., 1999).
It is worth taking a step back and considering just what these sorts of developments
reveal. First, adopting a Bayesian perspective allows the analyst to specify models akin
Confirmatory Factor Analysis 221

to the two choices available in a conventional frequentist analysis: (a) let the parameter
be estimated by the data by way of using a sufficiently diffuse prior or (b) constrain the
parameter to a particular value by way of a prior with all its mass at that point. Second, a
Bayesian perspective allows for the analyst to specify models that lie in between these two
extremes, by using a prior that is in between a maximally diffuse and degenerate distri-
bution. In the situations described here, this frees the analyst from needing to adhere to
the strictness of an equality constraint, without conceding the substantive theory that the
parameters in question should be weak in magnitude. We note that the flexibility in using
distributional representations to encode a continuum of possibilities has been exploited to
considerable advantage in other modeling contexts (e.g., to facilitate partial pooling among
groups in multilevel modeling, Gelman & Hill, 2007; Novick etal., 1972). Third, on a tech-
nical level, model structures that are unidentified in a frequentist approach may be speci-
fied and fitted using a Bayesian approach.
The added flexibility of a Bayesian approach allows for a closer representation of the real-
world situation in the modeled space, which allows for a potentially closer correspondence
between the model and the substantive theory about the real-world situation. Substantive
theory typically does not dictate that the cross-loadings are exactly 0, or that all of the
reasons that observables are associated are captured by the latent variables (Muthn &
Asparouhov, 2012). A Bayesian approach allows for some flexibility here while still pre-
serving the core of the substantive theory, which is that the associations can be mainly
accounted for by the hypothesized factor structure.
More generally, a Bayesian approach allows for the easy imposition of hard constraints
(e.g., a parameter equals 0 or is equal to another parameter) and soft constraints (e.g., a
parameter is likely near 0, or slightly different from another parameter) as warranted by
various hard and soft aspects of the analysts substantive theory and thinking the
model is constructed to represent. The salient point is that the Bayesian approach allows
for the choices that are typically made in conventional frequentist modeling, and addition-
ally allows for choices in between these options, in ways that more closely align the model
with substantive theory and the desired inferences.
Although these examples were studied in the context of CFA, they have implications for
psychometrics more broadly. The possibility of cross-loadings depends on the presence of
multiple latent variables, which has been a feature of applications of CFA since its origin.
Historically, applications of item response and latent class models (Chapters 11 and 13)
have tended to employ one latent variable, though multiple latent variable item response
and latent class models are on the rise (Reckase, 2009; Rupp et al., 2010; see Section11.5 and
Chapter14), and these concepts apply directly to those situations as well.
The example surrounding the residual correlations strikes at the heart of all psychomet-
ric models where observables are modeled as depending on latent variables, and is there-
fore germane to the models covered in the rest of the book. The notion of 0 off-diagonal
elements in is a manifestation of the assumption that the observables are condition-
ally (locally) independent given the latent variables and the measurement model param-
eters. Recall that these conditional independence assumptions are aligned with notions of
exchangeability (Section7.2).
Tying these themes together, an assumption of exchangeability allows us to simplify
the construction of the joint distribution for the observables. In latent variable psycho-
metric models, this exchangeability is conditional on the latent variables and the mea-
surement model parameters; the observables are modeled as conditionally independent
given these entities. However, exchangeability assumptions and implied conditional inde-
pendence structures in the model reflect the analysts thinking about the complexities of
222 Bayesian Psychometric Modeling

the real world in terms of modeled entities to facilitate reasoning. This thinking is an
inexact account of the more complicated real-world scenario of interest. Allowing error
covariances and/or loadings to depart slightly from 0 may be seen as a recognition that the
dependence and conditional independence relationships in the model, and the analysts
thinking it represents, is possibly (if not certainly) not exactly correct. Including these
parameters with small-variance priors represents a softening of the almost-sure-to-be-
wrong-about-the-world independence structures warranted by exchangeability assump-
tions. This serves to better align the modeled scenario with the real-world scenario it is
intended to represent.
This also serves as something of an internal check on the viability of the substantive
components in the model and serves as an opportunity to learn about things that were not
expected. If an analysis with a small-variance prior around 0 for a parameter in fact yields
a posterior where the parameter is rather different from 0, this suggests that the original
thinking that the weakness of the parameter may need to be revised. In this situation,
Muthn and Asparouhov (2012) advocated re-specifying the model so that the parameter
has a more diffuse prior. The broader topic of model checking to alert the analyst to weak-
nesses in the model is taken up in more detail in Chapter10.
These examples also highlight that the distinction between the prior and the likelihood
is inexact. Let us return to the case of a loading being included or excluded from the
model. Readers steeped in frequentist traditions may naturally consider this feature of the
model to be part of the likelihood, and whether a loading is specified is of course a concern
of frequentist analyses, which eschew notions of priors for parameters. On the other hand,
we can conceive of a parameter being included or excluded as being a prior distribution
specification. In the case of a loading, excluding it may be seen as specifying a prior distri-
bution concentrating all its mass at 0.
Resuming a theme introduced in Section3.5.2, we might say much the same about other
model specifications that typically are the focus of conventional modeling approaches,
like specifying which observables load on which latent variables, or whether the latent
variables or certain errors are correlated. These are just some of the issues analysts address
when specifying a CFA model in the conventional frequentist approach to CFA modeling,
estimation, and inference.*
But what are these if not prior specifications? As we have seen, they can be expressed as
prior distributional specifications. The CFA structure, as typically developed in frequentist
traditions, is itself a prior specification. More generally, all of the model specifications,
including when they are framed in frequentist light, may be seen as prior probability
We close this section with a word of caution. We have argued that a Bayesian approach
opens up possibilities for employing models, including those that are not identified
in a conventional sense (for conventional treatments of identification in CFA, see, e.g.,
Bollen, 1989; Mulaik, 2009). The use of a model small-variance prior is an example of
this (Muthn & Asparouhov, 2012). However, with these new possibilities come potential
pitfalls. We suspect that the rules and guidelines that have been developed in conven-
tional approaches to modeling may not apply as forcefully when employing Bayesian
approaches. But just how different things are when operating in a Bayesian framework

* And this is to say nothing about other specifications that often go unstated, like the choice that is almost
always made to use normal distributions for the observables and latent variables in CFA and SEM.
Confirmatory Factor Analysis 223

has not been worked out in sufficient detail. Analysts would do well to heed the lessons
learned in conventional approaches to modeling, and proceed cautiously when exploring
unchartered territories. These themes are echoed in the discussion of resolving indeter-
minacies, to which we now turn.

9.9 Latent Variable Indeterminacies from a Bayesian Modeling Perspective

9.9.1 Illustrating an Indeterminacy via MCMC
The example in Section9.3 resolved the indeterminacies in the single latent variable model
by fixing the mean of the latent variable to 0 and the loading for the first observable to 1.
An alternative approach common in CFA is to fix the variance of the latent variable, usu-
ally to 1, and free the restriction on the loading. In this section, we illustrate that approach,
and potential pitfalls that await the analyst. The model differs from that expressed in (9.38)
in terms of the variance of the latent variable and the loadings. Here we have



j ~ N (1, 10) for j = 1,, 5.

This specification fixes the variance of the latent variable to 1 and releases the constraint
on the first loading, specifying it to have the prior as the remaining loadings. All the other
expressions remain the same. The DAG for the model is given in Figure9.5.

i = 1,, n

j = 1,, J

j jj j

0 2

Directed acyclic graph for the model with one latent variable with fixed latent variable mean and variance
(which is denoted by the boxes for and ).
224 Bayesian Psychometric Modeling

WinBUGS code for the model is given as follows.

# Model Syntax

# Specify the factor analysis measurement model for the observables
for (i in 1:n){
for(j in 1:J){
mu[i,j] <- tau[j] + ksi[i]*lambda[j]
x[i,j] ~ dnorm(mu[i,j], inv.psi[j])

# Specify the prior distribution for the latent variables
for (i in 1:n){
ksi[i] ~ dnorm(kappa, inv.phi)

# Specify the prior distribution for the parameters that govern
# the latent variables
kappa <- 0
inv.phi <-1
phi <- 1/inv.phi

# Specify the prior distribution for the measurement model parameters
for(j in 1:J){
tau[j] ~ dnorm(3, .1)
inv.psi[j] ~ dgamma(5, 10)
psi[j] <- 1/inv.psi[j]

for (j in 1:J){
lambda[j] ~ dnorm(1, .1)

} # closes the model

Confirmatory Factor Analysis 225

# Initial values for two different chains
list(tau=c(3, 3, 3, 3, 3), lambda=c(3, 3, 3, 3, 3), inv.psi=c(2, 2, 2, 2,

list(tau=c(3, 3, 3, 3, 3), lambda=c(-3, -3, -3, -3, -3), inv.psi=c(2,

2,2, 2, 2))

Two chains were run in this analysis using starting values listed above. History plots for
the first 1000 iterations for the measurement model parameters for the first observable
and for examinee 8s latent variable are given in Figure 9.6. They are representative of
the other results for parameters of the same type. By the standards of diagnosing conver-
gence by way of inspection of multiple chains, the behavior of the chains values for the
intercepts and error variances look pretty good. However, the behavior for the loadings
(represented by the top plot for 1) and the examinees latent variables (represented by the
bottom plot for 8) would seem to be a clear-cut case of a lack of convergence, or at best that
one chain has converged and the other has not (but which one?). In fact, the chainsboth
of themhave converged. They are just exploring different parts of the posterior distribu-
tion. Figure9.7 contains density plots of several of the parameters. The multimodality in
the posterior for the loadings and the latent variable for examinee 8 can be connected to
the separate chains. The chain on the top in the history plots provides the values that con-
stitute the density for positive values; the chain on the bottom in the history plots provides
the values that constitute the density for negative values.

0 200 400 600 800 1000


0 200 400 600 800 1000


0 200 400 600 800 1000


0 200 400 600 800 1000

History plots for parameters for the model with fixed variance and estimated loadings, including the loading (1),
intercept (1), and error variance (11) for the first observable, and the latent variable for the eighth examinee (8 ).
226 Bayesian Psychometric Modeling

1.5 0.5 0.5 3.0 3.2 3.4 0 2 4 6 8 2 0 2 4

1 1 11 8

Density plots for parameters for the model with fixed variance and estimated loadings, including the loading
(1), intercept (1), and error variance (11) for the first observable, and the latent variable for the eighth examinee
(8 ).

The densities in Figure9.7 are indeed representative of the posterior distribution. The
multimodality is a manifestation of the orientation indeterminacy associated with the
factor model, namely that the loadings can be reflected by multiplying them by 1 and
still reproduce the data equally well. With one orientation, the loadings are positive; with
another orientation, the loadings are negative. A similar reflection of positive negative val-
ues takes place in the values of the latent variables. Note that there is no reflection in the
intercept or error variance.
The multimodality exists in the posterior because of the multimodality in the
likelihoodas discussed in Section9.1.2 the indeterminacy in orientation issue pertains
to frequentist estimation as welland the information in the prior is not strong enough
to steer the posterior towards one orientation as opposed to the other. As the information
in the prior diminishes, the posterior more closely resembles the likelihood. Thus, MCMC
may be a useful tool for exploring multimodality and more generally the shape of the
likelihood (see Scheines etal., 1999, for a discussion in CFA; see also Jackman, 2001, for a
discussion in item response theory).
This example has illustrated that resolving the indeterminacy in the scale of the latent
variable by fixing the variance does not resolve the indeterminacy in orientation. As illus-
trated in Section9.3, fixing the first loading to 1 was sufficient to resolve this issue.

9.9.2 Resolving Indeterminacies from a Bayesian Modeling Perspective

The indeterminacies are features of the model for the conditional probability of the data,
or the likelihood. In a frequentist framework, they are commonly viewed in terms of an
issue of identification, as the data alone are not sufficient to adjudicate among the multiple,
equally viable solutions. This needs to be resolved in order for there to be a unique point
estimate, such as the MLE.
In a Bayesian analysis, the situation is a little more nuanced. On one hand, this is not an
issue of identification in the sense of uniquely identifying a solution. In a Bayesian analysis,
the solution is the posterior distribution. Thus, concerns about identification are not about
whether we have arrived at a unique point, but whether the posterior density is proper. For
example, Figure9.7 depicts the bimodality in the posterior that resulted when the indeter-
minacy in orientation was not addressed. In a sense, there is nothing underidentified
about this result, as the posterior is well defined. In another sense, however, we recognize
that the multimodality in the posterior density in this situation does not reflect a substan-
tive issue (which can occur), rather it emerges simply from the arbitrary nature of the
metric of latent variables. We may wish to resolve the indeterminacy to better support
Confirmatory Factor Analysis 227

Again, we may view this as an issue of the prior specification. When no prior information
is supplied about the orientation, the posterior reflects the indeterminacy as the data are
insufficient for resolving it. As discussed in Section9.8, our adopted approach of fixing
loadings to take on particular values may be seen as a prior specification. This approach is
standard in frequentist analyses. It is also common in Bayesian analysis, particularly if, as
was the case here, rather diffuse priors are used for the remaining parameters. However,
other possibilities exist, such as fixing values or imposing ordinal constraints on examinee
latent variables, which is most viable when there is prior knowledge that two examin-
ees are quite distinct in terms of what the latent variable is intended to capture (Bafumi,
Gelman, Park, & Kaplan, 2005; Jackman, 2001), or fitting the more open model, with-
out constraints, and then postprocessing the resulting draws from MCMC to rescale to a
desired metric (Bafumi etal., 2005, Erosheva & Curtis, 2011; Fox 2010).
Most of the mechanisms used to resolve the indeterminacies may be seen as prior infor-
mation. Fixing the loading to a particular value (e.g., 1, as was done in the examples in
Sections9.3 and 9.4) may be seen as modeling highly specific prior information about that
loading. We may frame this issue in terms of the variance of a normal prior distribution
for the loading. A bit more formally, suppose that this loading has a N (1, 2 j ) prior distribu-
tion. If 2 j = 0 the loading is set equal to 1, which effectively resolved the issue. If 2 j = ,
weareineffect supplying no prior information, and we will have the multimodality result-
ing from the indeterminacy.
These two situations are akin to the two choices in a conventional frequentist analy-
sis: either fix the parameter so that the data have no bearing on its value (2 j = 0 ), or let
it be estimated solely from the information in the data (2 j = ). But as was argued in
Section9.8, in a Bayesian analysis there is room in between these extremes.
When 2 j = 0 the issue was effectively resolved. As we saw in Figures9.6 and 9.7, with a
large but finite value of 2 j the indeterminacy rears its head. How small 2 j needs to be in
order to resolve the indeterminacy depends on the features of the situation, in particular
the separation between the modes in the likelihood, and other prior information that may
be modeled with an informative prior. What we can say is that increasing the variance
2 j moves us further along the undesirable path to the indeterminacy rearing its head
and complicating the posterior. See Jackman (2001) for examples of dwindling differences
between the modes, which increases the chances of a chain flipping to another mode. See
also Loken (2004, 2005) for discussions of the role of seemingly arbitrary constraints in
mode separation.
A few additional comments on the use of MCMC in light of the indeterminacy are
warranted. The multimodality in the posterior in Figures9.6 and 9.7 was immediately
seen in part because the two chains were run from dispersed starting points. It is
tempting to say that if we had only run one of these chains, we would not have seen it.
And this is true, for the finite iterations considered. If a chain was run sufficiently long
enough it would explore the full posterior and would reveal the multimodality. That is,
each chain would eventually flip or jump and start exploring the space associated
with the reflected values. Of course, there is no guarantee when that will happen. In
this and many other applications of CFA and item response models that employ con-
tinuous latent variables (Chapter11), the data are informative enough to yield a separa-
tion between the modes sufficient to greatly reduce the chance of an individual chain
flipping to another mode, such that it might occur only once every thousand years. That
would still be in accordance with theorems of the behavior for infinitely long chains, as
in the long run the chain would hop back and forth, covering the areas in proportion to
the right posterior densities.
228 Bayesian Psychometric Modeling

Finally, though MCMC may be effective in revealing instances of indeterminacies, it is

no substitute for understandings of the model in place. Conceptual, analytical, and empiri-
cal analyses, including those in the frequentist traditions, have taught psychometricians a
variety of nuances of latent variable models. These lessons and others sure to come should
not be dismissed in light of powerful computational tools like MCMC. These issues are
subtle, and negotiating the challenges they pose to inference requires more than just run-
ning MCMC and uncritically reporting the results.

9.10 Summary and Bibliographic Note

This chapter has focused on Bayesian approaches to CFA. For Bayesian treatments of EFA,
see Ghosh and Dunson (2009), Koopman (1978), Lopes and West (2004), and Martin and
McDonald (1975). See also Mavridis and Ntzoufras (2014) on exploratory approaches to
identifying observables for use in factor analysis. Early Bayesian approaches to CFA may
be found in Lee (1981) and Press and Shigemasu (1997) and the references therein. The use
of MCMC for Bayesian CFA dates at least to Geweke and Zhou (1996), and gained promi-
nence in psychometrics with publications by Arminger and Muthn (1998) and Scheines
etal. (1999).
We have focused on CFA as expressed from an SEM perspective. Accordingly, related
Bayesian treatments of CFA may be found in or derived from treatments of Bayesian SEM
(Dunson, Palomo, & Bollen, 2005; Kaplan & Depaoli, 2012; Lee, 2007; Levy & Choi, 2013).
In fact, viewing SEM as an extension of CFA that structures the distribution of latent vari-
ables via regression models, we have covered all the ingredients in Bayesian SEM here.
Rowe (2003) and Aitkin and Aitkin (2005) provided recent treatments of CFA not strongly
connected to SEM; see also Press and Shigemasu (1997).
We have confined ourselves to CFA assuming conditional normality of the observables
and using conditionally conjugate priors for models. A number of variations are possible.
Lee (2007) presents an alternative approach using recursive conditional distributions, pre-
serving conjugacy; see also Press and Shigemasu (1997), and Lee and Press (1998) for a
sensitivity analysis to prior specifications. Hayashi and Yuan (2003) provide an alterna-
tive based on robust estimation and the approach to Bayesian factor analysis proposed by
Press and Shigemasu (1997). Ghosh and Dunson (2009) developed the use of thicker-tailed
t distributions as priors for loadings.
A number of other extensions have been developed in CFA or in SEM, often in light of a
desire to estimate nonstandard models that pose challenges to ML and least-squares esti-
mation. These including models for multiple groups, be they observed (Song & Lee, 2001,
2002b) or latent mixtures (Depaoli, 2013; Lee & Song, 2003; Zhu & Lee, 2001), models with
other covariates (Kim, Suh, Kim, Albanese, & Langer, 2013; Lee, Song, & Tang, 2007), latent
growth curve and dynamic factor models for longitudinal data (Song & Ferrer, 2012; Song,
Lee, & Hser, 2009; Zhang et al., 2013), multilevel models (Ansari & Jedidi, 2000; Ansari
etal., 2002; Goldstein & Browne, 2002, 2005; Kim etal., 2013; Song & Lee, 2004), and models
that employ thicker-tailed distributions of the data (Lee & Xia, 2008; Zhang etal., 2013). An
important class of Bayesian factor analysis treats discrete observables (e.g., Dunson, 2000;
Edwards, 2010, Kim etal, 2013), a topic we discuss in the context of item response theory
in Chapter11.
Confirmatory Factor Analysis 229

Additional developments have included models with stochastic constraints (Lee,

1992), quadratic, interaction, or other nonlinear relationships among the latent variables
(Arminger & Muthn, 1998; Harring, Weiss, & Hsu, 2012; Lee, 2006; Lee & Zhu, 2000; Song
& Lee, 2002b, 2004; Lee et al., 2007; Song etal., 2009), models with varying parametric and
semiparametric distributional assumptions for the latent variables (Chow, Tang, Yuan,
Song, & Zhu, 2011; Fahrmeir & Raach, 2007; Lee, Lu, & Song, 2008; Song etal., 2009; Song,
Lu, Cai, & Ip, 2013; Yang, Dunson, & Baird, 2010), procedures for modeling ignorable and
nonignorable missingness (Cai & Song, 2010; Lee, 2006; Song & Lee, 2002a), as well as mod-
els that integrate many of these features. A number of these are discussed and illustrated
in the texts by Lee (2007) and Song and Lee (2012).

9.1 Factor analysis models may be seen as simultaneously regressing the observables
on the factors.
a. In what ways are the specifications of the factor analysis models analogous to
those in regression models of Chapter6?
b. In what ways are they different?
c. How could regression models of Chapter 6 be converted to factor analysis
models, and what changes would need to be made in the inputs to WinBUGS
for such a model?
9.2 The CTT model of Chapter8 may be seen as an instance or special case of factor
a. Formulate the CTT model in Section8.3 as a CFA model with one latent variable
(factor) in terms of mathematical expressions. Alternatively, what restrictions
can be placed on a CFA model with one latent variable to obtain the CTT model?
b. Create a DAG for the model created in (a).
c. Conduct a Bayesian analysis of the model formulated in (a) and (b) in WinBUGS
using the data in Table8.2. Compare your results in terms of convergence and
the resulting posterior distribution to that reported in Section8.3.3.
9.3 An alternative CFA model for the Institutional Integration Scale posits two latent
variables, where Peer Interaction and Faculty Interaction load on one latent vari-
able interpreted as pertaining specifically to Social Integration, and the other three
observables, Academic and Intellectual Development, Institutional Goal Commitment,
and Faculty Concern load on a second latent variable interpreted as pertaining to
Academic Integration.
a. Formulate the model in terms of mathematical expressions.
b. Specify a path diagram and DAG for the model. How do they compare to those
for the model with two latent variables in Section9.4?
c. Conduct a Bayesian analysis of the model formulated in (a) and (b) in
WinBUGS. Interpret the results in terms of convergence and the resulting pos-
terior distribution.
230 Bayesian Psychometric Modeling

9.4 Figure9.4 contains an inexact DAG for the model with one latent variable with
fixed latent variable mean and fixed loading. Create an exact DAG for the model.
How does it compare to that in Figure9.4 in terms of representation and ease of
9.5 Reconsider the model in Section9.9 where the rotational indeterminacy is pres-
ent. Explain how a chain sampling values near one mode could jump to sample
values of another mode in the context of a Gibbs sampler, and in the context of a
Metropolis sampler.
Model Evaluation

Researchers often use models to account for real-world phenomena in parsimonious and
theoretically meaningful ways to guide inference. In this chapter, we take up the task
of evaluating models. Model criticism and comparison are core activities in statistical
modeling generally, and Bayesian psychometric modeling is no exception. Whats more,
these are active areas of research and debate within the Bayesian community on appro-
priate goals, procedures, and conclusions. In this chapter, we aim to survey and discuss
methods that have gained popularity in Bayesian psychometrics, and point the reader
to existing applications and research on these and other methods. The CFA model of the
previous chapter provides us with the first opportunity to illustrate the methods with a
rich psychometric model, and bring out ways that more general techniques interact with
particularly psychometric concerns.
We describe approaches to the criticism of an individual model in Sections10.1 and 10.2.
In Section10.3, we turn to the situation in which there are multiple models under consider-
ation and we wish to compare them. In this chapter, we return to the use of to generically
denote all the unknowns in the model (i.e., latent variables, measurement model param-
eters, and parameters that govern their priors). When discussing how the methods apply
to the CFA examples, we will employ CFA-specific notation, which does not utilize .

10.1 Interpretability of the Results

As a first step in critiquing a model, we may consider the interpretation of the results. Does
the posterior distribution make sense? Are the substantive conclusions based on model-
based reasoning using this model, be they about examinees or tasks, reasonable? If not,
what features of the model and the data may be responsible for the unreasonable results?
Gelman etal. (2013) argued that when analysts deem that the posterior distribution and
inferences are unreasonable, what they are really expressing is that there is additional
information available that was not included in the analysis. This underlies the common
practice, found in frequentist as well as Bayesian analyses, of revising a model in light of
non-sensical results or implications. One place for such additional information is in the
prior distribution. This aligns with viewing a prior distribution as a mechanism to rein
in or regularize parameter estimates, which is particularly important for parameters that
are difficult to estimate based on the data alone. Examples in conventional approaches
to psychometrics include negative variances (Heywood cases) and correlations greater
than 1 in factor analysis, and likelihood-based estimates of discrimination parameters in
item response models (Chapter11) that are far beyond the range of plausible parameter
values. If a Bayesian analysis with a diffuse prior (or a frequentist analysis) yields a pos-
terior distribution (point estimate) for a parameter that is far beyond any credible value, a
sensible thing to do is to re-analyze the data, using a more informative prior distribution

232 Bayesian Psychometric Modeling

that indicates that such results are highly unlikely or impossible (Martin& McDonald,
1975; Mislevy, 1986). In conventional approaches, it is often recommended that this should
be addressed by the analyst specifying appropriate bounds for such parameters or using
software that automatically does this (Gorsuch, 1983; Kline, 2010), which may be seen as
incorporating this prior information into the analysis.
In the next chapter on item response theory, we discuss a related situation where the
parameters are poorly determined from the data such that there may be many sets of
measurement model parameters that are almost equally good at fitting the data, some of
which are reasonable and others of which are not. Setting aside research uses that aim for
true estimates, production uses of item response theory need to use the reasonable ones
for very practical reasons. Here again, even a mild prior accomplishes this. Knowing what
item parameter estimates should look like is kind of prior knowledge about the parameters,
but is also about knowing control limits on the factory floor.

10.2 Model Checking

10.2.1 The Goal of Model Checking
A model-based reasoning perspective recognizes that a model is an analyst-created,
purpose-driven construction used to facilitate reasoning about a complex real-world
situation. Such a perspective readily acknowledges that all models are wrong; the cen-
tral issue is not whether the model is correctit is not!but whether it is useful in
the sense that it facilitates adequate inferences for the job at hand. This point has long
been recognized in the statistical community (e.g., Box, 1976, 1979; Box& Draper, 1987;
Freedman, 1987; Gelman & Shalizi, 2013) as well as in the psychometric community
spanning various modeling traditions (e.g., Edwards, 2013; MacCallum, 2003; McDonald,
2010; Preacher, 2006; Thissen, 2001).
Models are convenient fictionsfictions because they are necessarily incorrect, con-
venient because they are handy tools for representing, processing, and communicating
information. Our hope is that they are useful convenient fictions, in that they facilitate our
arriving at adequate inferences or conclusions. Thissen (2001) noted that useful models
live up to the principle Tukey expressed in his famed dictum (1962, pp. 1314, emphasis
in the original): Far better an approximate answer to the right question, which is often
vague, than an exact answer to the wrong question, which can always be made precise.
Any model, if subjected to sufficiently rigorous examination, can be shown to be false.
The goal of model checking is therefore not to judge whether the model is correct, but
whether it is useful in this sense. A model is more likely to be useful if it captures salient
features of the real-world situation that are important to reasoning in the situation, which
are in part defined by the purposes and associated desired inferences. It is less likely to
be useful if it ignores aspects of the situation that have a bearing on the desired infer-
ences. We examine whether the model captures or ignores key features by examining the
ways in which the model does and does not fit the data. We are less concerned when the
misfit is confined to aspects of the model that are peripheral to the desired inferences,
but are troubled when the model exhibits considerable misfit to the data in ways that
indicate that the inferences may be undermined. Just which aspects, magnitudes, and
patterns of misfit are consequential, and which ones are not, is likely to vary based on
the analysts purposes and the model being used. For example, the majority applications
Model Evaluation 233

of CFA tend not to focus on the estimation of examinees latent variables, whereas many
applications of item response theory (discussed in Chapter11) do. Accordingly, we may
be willing to tolerate certain types or amounts of error in estimating examinees latent
variables in the former case, but less so in the latter case. The onus is on the analyst to
know what can be safely ignored, and what requires careful checking and attention. As
Box succinctly put it (1976, p. 192), it is inappropriate to be concerned about mice when
there are tigers abroad.
We advocate that Tukeys dictum quoted above applies to model checking. In our view,
asking whether the model is true is almost always the wrong question, and using sophis-
ticated statistical machinery in pursuit of this question, while an interesting exercise, may
be something of a misallocation of resources. In applied work, it is better to devote those
resources to addressing the right question, which is whether the inferences emerging from
using the model are adequate. As Tukeys dictum suggests, this question is indeed vague,
and requires an understanding of what constitutes serious threats to the viability of the
inferences and how those threats may reveal themselves in the data or the discrepancy
between the model and the data. Just what those threats are and how they manifest them-
selves, let alone what is to be done about them, is likely to vary based on the uses of the
models, the consequences of misfit, and potentially other considerations such as whether
revising the model is a viable option in light of the available resources.

10.2.2 The Logic of Model Checking

Model checking aims to evaluate the fit of the data and the model, and proceeds accord-
ing to a particular logic (Gelman& Shalizi, 2013). A statistical model is a story about how
the data could have come about. The story is not correct in detail or in its mechanism, but
it does not have to be; if it accords satisfactorily with the patterns in the data, we are war-
ranted in reasoning through it as if it were (bearing in mind the alternative explanations
that this logic entails). To address whether a story is plausible, model checking examines
the consistency or alignment between the data and the model. The model has implica-
tions for what we ought to see going on in the data if it were in fact true. Model checking
amounts to working out what those implications are, examining whether we do see those
features in the data, and whether we see other features in the data, not present in the mod-
els implications, as well. To the extent that the data do exhibit and conform to the models
implications, we have evidence of model-data fit with respect to that feature of the model
and the data. To the extent that the data do not exhibit or conform to those implications, we
have evidence of model-data misfit with respect to that feature of the model and the data.
In the following subsections, we cover three approaches to model checking: residual
analysis, posterior predictive model checking (PPMC) using test statistics, and PPMC using
discrepancy measures. We organize each approach in terms of three steps that roughly cor-
respond to addressing questions concerning: (1) what is going on in our data, possibly in
relation to the model, (2) what the model has to say about what should be going on, and then
(3) how what is going on in the data compares to what the model says should be going on.

10.2.3 Residual Analysis

Residual analyses have the basic form of the difference between an observed quantity and
a model-based implication for that quantity, possibly with adjustments to aid interpret-
ability. Residuals may be framed in terms of the three-step approach as addressing the
following questions:
234 Bayesian Psychometric Modeling

1. What is the feature of the data that is of interest?

2. What does the model imply about this feature?
3. How does the feature of the data compare to what the model implies for that

We will look at a number of examples shortly, to see how the strategy can be applied to a
variety of features, how the features are suggested by the way the model is being used,
and how evaluating the impact of model-data differences can be evaluated in terms of its
effect on targeted inferences.
The above characterization speaks to the computation of residuals but belies the key
role residual analysis plays in the larger modeling enterprise. The crucial conceptual role
of residuals is perhaps best expressed in exploratory data analysis (Mosteller& Tukey,
1977; Tukey, 1977; see also Behrens, DiCerbo, Yel,& Levy, 2013), which stresses the foun-
dational relationship DATA = MODEL + RESIDUALS. This reminds us that a model is
a simplified representation of the complex real-world situation and is necessarily inex-
act, implying that residuals will always be present. Exploratory data analysis manipu-
lates this equation to focus on the residuals as what remains when one subtracts the
model away from the data. The rationale is that a model being fit embodies the analysts
storyhis/her beliefs and understandings in light of purposesof the real-world situ-
ation. Residual analyses proceed by subtracting away the model (i.e., the analysts story)
from the data. What remains is therefore what goes beyond that story. With that story
removed, it is easier to see just what is left over; that is, it is easier to see and seek pat-
terns that were previously obscured. Interactive exploration with tools such as those
pioneered by Data Desk (Data Description, 2011) make this a real-time detective mission
(Tukey, 1969). This kind of interaction is strongly aligned with a view that modeling is
a cyclical process of specification, criticism in light of data, and revision (Box, 1976) as
opposed to the traditional, less cyclical fitting a model to data of confirmatory data
analysis (Tukey, 1986).
As a first example, we describe a foundational residual analysis that may be applied
across a wide variety of psychometric models. To address the first question, we identify
the value of the observables from the examinees as the feature of interest. This is eas-
ily obtained from our data as xij, the value of observable j (such as a test score under
classical test theory or an item response under item response theory) for examinee i.
To address the second question, we work through the model to arrive at its implica-
tions. We denote the model-implied value for the value for observable j from examinee
i by E( xij |). In the context of CFA, the relevant model parameters are i for examinee i
and j and j for observable j, so E( xij | ) = E( xij | j , j , i ) = j + j i . To address the third
question, a natural comparison is to form the difference; the residual for the value from
examinee i on observable j is

Residual ij = xij E( xij |), (10.1)

with larger values indicating a larger departure of the observed data from the story of the
This residual is applicable in a variety of psychometric modeling scenarios and may
be of primary interest, especially in early stages of analysis either to catch data errors
or identify instances where the particular situations that led to certain observations are
really coming from different mechanisms than most of the data. The overall story that a
model seeks to tell, despite variations it allows in its structure, just does not apply very
Model Evaluation 235

well to these instances, which may need their own special storiespersons who mis-
understood directions or followed atypical solution strategies, for example, or coding
errors in the data.
There is a value of Residualij for every examinee on every observable. With a large sam-
ple size or number of observables, this may be too many to efficiently investigate one at a
time. In addition, the individual values of the observables may not be of primary interest,
so we ought to employ residuals that target what is valued or is of chief concern. CFA mod-
els are frequently employed to reflect theories regarding the associations among variables.
Accordingly, we might prefer a residual that more directly targets associations among
the variables to characterize the adequacy of the model. To address the first question, the
covariances among the observables are a natural first choice for features of the data. Let sjj
be the element in row j and column j of the observed covariance matrix S, usually calcu-
lated in the CFA literature* by

( xij x j )( xij x j )
sjj = i =1
. (10.2)
To address the second question, we again work through the CFA model to arrive at the
models implications. The model-implied covariance for observables j and j is denoted by
() jj, and may be obtained as the element in row j and column j of the model-implied
covariance matrix:

() = + . (10.3)

Turning to the third question, a natural comparison is to form the difference; the residual
covariance for observables j and j is then sjj () jj, which corresponds to the element in
row j and column j of the residual covariance matrix

Ecov = S (). (10.4)

In applications of CFA, we might be primarily interested in modeling the associations

among the variables, rather than their univariate features such as their variances. In this
case, we might restrict attention to the off-diagonal elements in (10.4). We might also
employ the correlation as a basis for model-data fit. Doing so might be warranted if we are
less interested in the particular metrics of the variables, as the covariance is metric depen-
dent. Let R be the sample correlation matrix, where each element rjj is given by

rjj = . (10.5)
sjj sjj

Let P() denote the model-implied correlation matrix, where each element () jj is given by

() jj
() jj = , (10.6)
() jj () jj

* The covariance could be formulated using n in the denominator, and that may be better justified in the context
of model-data fit analyses. Nevertheless, the following form is common in CFA and the difference becomes
irrelevant as n increases.
236 Bayesian Psychometric Modeling

where () jj is the element in row j and column j of (). The residual correlation matrix is
Ecor = R P (). (10.7)

A non-zero residual correlation occurs when the observed correlation differs from the
model-implied value, and speaks to the presence of a conditional dependence. In the con-
text of the CFA model for the Institutional Integration Scale introduced in Section9.3, the
Faculty Interaction and Faculty Concern observables both concern the role of faculty in the
students experience, and may be more correlated than can be accounted for by a single
latent variable modeled as underlying all the observables. Similarly, scores derived from
tests taken at the same time, or with shared format, often result in higher correlations if
these contributing factors are not taken into account. It is not only the size of residuals that
matters, but perhaps patterns among them.
Other residuals may be of central importance to applications of CFA. In the context of
mean-structure modeling, we may focus on residuals for means of the observables,

Emean = x (), (10.8)

where () = + is the vector of model-implied means.

In frequentist analyses, residual analyses are conducted by using a particular set of val-
ues for the model parameters obtained from fitting the model. These values are obtained
either from a priori specifications (e.g., setting a loading equal to 1) or from point estimates
from a frequentist solution. In frequentist approaches, residuals may be used descriptively
or in formal inferential settings, the latter of which may rely on asymptotic theory. That is,
the magnitude of a residual is judged in comparison with the distribution of values that
would obtain if the model were correct.
In a Bayesian analysis, we may compute residuals in a similar manner, using a point
summary of the posterior distribution. An analysis more in line with fully Bayesian
principles utilizes the complete posterior distribution, rather than a point summary, for
any unknowns. This yields a posterior distribution for the model-implied entities as well
as the residual values. In a simulation environment such as MCMC, we can obtain an
empirical estimate for the posterior distribution for the residual by calculating the value
of the residual in each iteration of the chain.
Applications of Bayesian approaches to residual analyses can be found in a variety
of psychometric paradigms (Albert& Chib, 1993, 1995; Lee, 2007; Sinharay& Almond,
2007). Albert and Chib (1993) noted that for dichotomous data the frequentist concep-
tion of the residual in (10.1) can only take on two values, as the model-implied expected
value is a single probability value calculated with a point estimate for all the unknown
parameters. In contrast, the Bayesian formulation can take on a continuous distribution,
and may therefore be more informative.
Residual analyses suffer from three key limitations. First, though they are well aligned
with investigating features for which the model-based implications are simple functions
of the parameters, if the feature of interest is not a simple function of the parameters,
it may be difficult to proceed. Second, it is not always obvious how to gauge whether
the magnitude is large. Third, though the use of the posterior distribution formally
incorporates uncertainty in the parameters, there is no formal recognition of the uncer-
tainty associated with the conditional distribution of the data given the parameters. The
next sections present alternative model-checking approaches that may address these
Model Evaluation 237

10.2.4 Posterior Predictive Model Checking Using Test Statistics

This and the next section describe PPMC (Gelman, Meng,& Stern, 1996; Guttman, 1967;
Rubin, 1984). We begin by describing its application using test statistics, which we use to
refer to quantities that are functions of the data only.* Our three key questions are

1. What is the feature of the data that is of interest?

2. What does the model imply about this feature?
3. How does the feature of the data compare to what the model implies for that

As in residual analyses, we address the first question by defining summaries based on

the data. That is, we declare what are the test statistics that represent the features of the
data that are of interest. To make this a bit more formal, let T denote a test statistic of
interest. Again, prime examples for applications in CFA are the covariances and correla-
tions. Calculating the test statistic on the observed data yields the realized value of the test
statistic, denoted by T(x).
Where we depart from residual analyses is in addressing the second question concern-
ing the models implications for those entities. In probabilistic modeling, the story of the
model is expressed in probabilistic assumptions, and probabilistic implications follow
accordingly (Gelman& Shalizi, 2013). PPMC expresses those implications by way of the
posterior predictive distribution for the data, given by

p( x postpred |x ) = p( x postpred |)p(|x )d, (10.9)

where x postpred denotes posterior predictive data of the same size as the observed data, which
in the current case of CFA is an (n J) matrix. The first term on the right-hand side is the
conditional distribution of the posterior predicted data given the model parameters. The
second term on the right-hand side is the posterior distribution for the parameters given
the observed data. The integration reflects a marginalization. If we knew the values for the
model parameters, we would predict data based on those (using the first term). But we do
not know the values for the model parameters, so we marginalize over the posterior dis-
tribution for them. The result is the posterior predictive distribution on the left-hand side.
It is posterior because it is conditional on the observed data. It is predictive because it refers
to data that were not observed. Indeed, x postpred may be interpreted as data that could have
been observed, or data that may be observed in the future, if the same real-world processes
as captured by the model and values for are replicated in the future.
It is worth noting that, in general, the first term on the right-hand side of (10.9) should
be p( x postpred |, x ). The use of the simpler p( x postpred |) reflects an assumption that the pos-
terior predictive data are conditionally independent of the observed data given the model
parameters. This reflects the broader notion that the model captures the salient features of
the real-world processes that give rise to the data, and so future or potential (i.e., posterior
predictive) data are independent of past (observed) data, given the model.
In practice, the posterior predictive distribution is often empirically approximated using
simulation techniques in concert with those used to empirically approximate the posterior

* This specialized use of the phrase test statistic differentiates it from the fit measures called discrepancy
measures, which are functions of both the observable data and model entities (see Section 10.2.5).
238 Bayesian Psychometric Modeling

distribution of the parameters. For each draw from the posterior distribution, we take the
additional step of generating a posterior predicted dataset via the conditional probability
distribution for the data. Letting (1) , , ( R) denote the R simulations of the model param-
eters from the posterior distribution, we obtain R replicate posterior predicted datasets

x postpred(1) ~ p( x| = (1) )

x postpred( 2 ) ~ p( x| = ( 2 ) )

x postpred( R) ~ p( x| = ( R) ).

The posterior predictive distribution serves as a reference distribution, against which the
observed data are ultimately compared in terms of the test statistic. In particular, we
obtain the posterior predictive distribution for the test statistic by computing the test sta-
tistic in each of the posterior predicted datasets, yielding T ( x postpred(1) ), , T ( x postpred( R) ). The
posterior predictive distribution constitutes the answer to our second question concerning
what the model implies about this feature of data.
Turning to the third question, we now compare the realized value of the test statistic,
T( x ) to the posterior predictive distribution T ( x postpred(1) ), , T ( x postpred( R) ). We recommend
the use of graphical procedures to facilitate the comparison. A simple example in current
context involves a histogram or smoothed density for the posterior predictive distribution,
with a marker or line indicating the location of the realized value.
The results may be numerically summarized via the posterior predictive p-value,

ppost = p(T ( x postpred ) T ( x )|x ), (10.11)

where the probability is taken over both posterior distribution of and the posterior pre-
dictive distribution of x postpred,

ppost = ) T ( x )]p( x postpred |)p(|x )dx postpredd, (10.12)

where I is the indicator function taking on the value of 1 when its argument is true and 0
when its argument is false. An estimate of ppost may be obtained in a simulation environ-
ment as the proportion of draws in which the posterior predicted value T( x postpred ) exceeds
the realized value T( x ). Example from CFA

To illustrate, we return to the example introduced in Section 9.3 where we specified a
CFA model with one latent variable for five observables derived from the Institutional
Integration Scale and examine the correlations. The realized values for the correlations
were presented in Table 9.1. In Section 9.3, we fit the model using MCMC and retained
15,000 iterations to empirically approximate the posterior distribution. For each of the
15,000 iterations, we simulated a posterior predicted dataset and computed the correla-
tions from the dataset. It is possible to perform these computations in WinBUGS, and
in the current example, the computational burden is fairly light. However, it is often the
Model Evaluation 239

case that considerable efficiencies may be gained by doing these sorts of computations
outside of WinBUGS. This is particularly so for more involved computations such as those
involved in the model-checking methods discussed in the following sections. For this rea-
son, we used a modified version of the code from Levy (2011) to import the draws into R
and perform the computations associated with PPMC.*
Figure 10.1 displays the densities for the posterior predicted correlations; the vertical
line in each corresponds to the realized value (i.e., the correlation in the observed data).
Consider first the results for the pairing of Peer Interaction and Faculty Concern. The realized
(observed) correlation is .54. As the vertical line in the graph in the last row and first col-
umn of Figure10.1 reveals, this falls near the middle of the posterior predicted distribution.
The position of the realized value in the posterior predictive distribution is summarized
numerically via the ppost value, which is .65, indicating that 65% of the 15,000posterior pre-
dicted values were greater than the realized value. Substantively, the correlation that was
found between these variables is generally consistent with the models implications for
their correlation, which is evidence of adequate model-data fit.
On the other hand, consider the situation for the correlation between Faculty Interaction
and Faculty Concern, depicted in the last row and fourth column of Figure10.1. The pos-
terior predictive distribution is unimodal and symmetric, centered at .56. The realized
value for the correlation is .67, which falls way out in the upper tail of the posterior pre-
dictive distribution. The ppost value is estimated as the proportion of the 15,000 posterior
predicted values that exceeded .67, which is .0004. The correlation that was found between
these variables is considerably larger than the models implications, which is evidence of



0.35 0.55


0.2 0.4 0.2 0.5


0.35 0.55 0.40 0.60 0.2 0.4


0.40 0.60 0.40 0.60 0.2 0.4 0.40 0.60

Posterior predicted densities, with vertical lines for realized values, for the correlations between the latent vari-
ables based on the confirmatory factor analysis model with one latent variable (factor) for the observables from
the Institutional Integration Scale. PI = peer interaction, FI = faculty interaction, AD = academic and intellectual
development, FC = faculty concern, IGC = institutional goal commitment.

* The R code for doing this is available on the website for the book.
240 Bayesian Psychometric Modeling

model-data misfit. Whether the misfit is substantively meaningful depends on the pur-
pose of the analysis. In this case, where we seek to account for the associations among the
variables, the size of the discrepancy between what the model implies (as represented by
the posterior predicted distribution) and what was observed is concerning. This is particu-
larly so when we consider the other results for the correlations. A similar result occurred
for the pairing of Academic and Intellectual Development and Institutional Goal Commitment
(Figure10.1, second row, second column), where the misfit is even more pronounced. Here,
the realized correlation of .64 is much larger than the models implications as expressed in
the posterior predicted distribution (mean of posterior predicted distribution = .39; esti-
mated ppost = 0). In both of those situations, the realized value falls in the upper tail of the
posterior predictive distributions, indicating that the model underpredicts the associations.
We see the opposite for the pairing of Institutional Goal Commitment and Faculty Interaction
(third row, third column). Here, the realized value of .31 falls out the lower tail (mean of
posterior predictive distribution = .39, estimated ppost = .95), indicating the model overpre-
dicts this association, which is also evidence of model-data misfit.

10.2.5 Posterior Predictive Model Checking Using Discrepancy Measures

In the current section, we frame our three questions slightly differently:

1. How discrepant are the data and the model in ways that are of interest?
2. What does the model imply about how discrepant they ought to be?
3. How does the discrepancy based on the observed data compare to what the model
implies for this discrepancy?

The key difference from PPMC using test statistics is that here we are focused on a feature of
the data and the model, rather than a feature of the data alone. Instead of focusing just on char-
acteristics or features of the data, we explicitly build in the comparison between the observed
data and the models implications at the outset by focusing on the discrepancy between the
data and the model, as in the formulation of a residual. Formally, let D( x ; ) denote a discrep-
ancy measure of interest, where the notation reflects that it is a function of both the data and the
model parameters. Casually, if the function of interest is a function of the model parameters
as well as the data, it is a discrepancy measure; if it is just a function of the data, it is a test
statistic. Many functions that are referred to as test statistics, fit statistics, and fit indices
in the psychometric literature are considered discrepancy measures in the current treatment.
To address the first question, we define a discrepancy measure and evaluate it using
the observed data. In a simulation-based environment, this is empirically approximated
by calculating the discrepancy measure using each simulated value from the posterior
distribution for the parameters. This yields the collection D( x ; (1) ), , D( x ; ( R) ), which are
referred to as the realized values of the discrepancy measure. These summarize the discrep-
ancy between the (observed) data and the model. It is a distribution because we have a
posterior distribution, rather than just a point estimate, for the model parameters.
To address the second question, we calculate the discrepancy measure using the posterior
predicted data from (10.10), yielding an empirical approximation to the distribution of pos-
terior predicted values D( x postpred(1) ; (1) ), , D( x postpred( R) ; ( R) ). This distribution expresses what
the model implies the discrepancy ought to be for observable data if the model were correct.
Turning to the third question, we now compare the distribution of the realized values,
D( x ; (1) ), , D( x ; ( R) ), to the distribution of posterior predictive values, D( x postpred(1) ; (1) ), ,
Model Evaluation 241

D( x postpred( R) ; ( R) ). In the current context where there is now a distribution of realized val-
ues, a simple example involves a scatterplot of the pairs of corresponding realized and
posterior predicted values, where for each value r, a point is plotted in the coordinate
plane as (D( x ; ( r ) ), D( x postpred( r ) ; ( r ) )). The results may also be numerically summarized via
the posterior predictive p-value,

ppost = p(D( x postpred ; ) D( x ; )|x ), (10.13)

where the probability is taken over both the posterior distribution of and the posterior
predictive distribution of x postpred,

ppost = , ) D( x , )]p( x postpred |)p(|x )dx postpredd
. (10.14)

ppost may be empirically approximated as the proportion of times that the posterior pre-
dicted value exceeds the corresponding realized value. Example from CFA

To illustrate, we return to the CFA example with one latent variable and examine two
discrepancy measures that target the overall fit of the model in terms of the covariance
structure. The first is the popular likelihood ratio (LR),

LR = (n 1)ln () + tr(S()1 ) log S J . (10.15)

This is commonly referred to as the 2 or the 2 statistic for the model, as the sampling
distribution of LR computed using the sample-based normal-theory ML estimates of
asymptotically follows a 2 distribution under mild regularity conditions (West, Taylor,&
Wu, 2012). The second discrepancy measure is the standardized root mean square residual
(SRMR; Bentler, 2006)

J j
2 [(sjj () jj )/(sjj sjj )]2
j =1 j=1
SRMR = . (10.16)
J ( J + 1)

Figure10.2 contains a scatterplot of the realized and posterior predicted values of LR, with
the unit line added as a reference. Observing points that appear to be randomly scattered
about the line would have indicated that the realized and posterior predicted values were
of similar magnitudes. But in Figure 10.2, it is clearly seen that the realized values are
considerably larger than the posterior predictive values. The estimated ppost value is the
proportion of draws above the line, which in this case was 0. This indicates that the dis-
crepancy between the observed and model-implied covariance structure is larger than the
discrepancy implied by the model.
The results for SRMR support this conclusion. The scatterplot for the realized and pos-
terior predicted values is given in Figure10.3 (panel a), where it is seen that the realized
values are consistently larger than their posterior predicted counterparts. The estimated
ppost value is the proportion of draws above the line, which in this case was .004.
242 Bayesian Psychometric Modeling


Posterior predicted LR



0 50 100 150 200
Realized LR

Scatterplot of the realized and posterior predicted values of the LR, with the unit line, based on the confirmatory
factor analysis model with one latent variable (factor) for the observables from the Institutional Integration Scale.

Posterior predicted SRMR




0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8
(a) Realized SRMR (b) Realized SRMR

(a) Scatterplot of the realized and posterior predicted values of the SRMR, with the unit line and (b) density of
the realized values of SRMR, based on the confirmatory factor analysis model with one latent variable (factor)
for the observables from the Institutional Integration Scale.

The standardization involved renders SRMR to be in a correlation metric, making it a

more easily interpretable characterization of fit as opposed to LR (Bentler, 2006; Maydeu-
Olivares, 2013). In frequentist approaches, the SRMR is typically evaluated by compar-
ing its realized value computed using the frequentist point estimate to a cutoff based
on a value that either (a) represents meaningful misfit as interpreted by the analyst
(Maydeu-Olivares, 2013) or (b) prior research suggests is indicative of discriminating
between well- and poor-fitting models (e.g., .08; Hu& Bentler, 1999; cf. Fan& Sivo, 2005,
2007; Marsh, Hau,& Wen, 2004; Nye& Drasgow, 2011). In a Bayesian analysis, the use of
the posterior distribution for the parameters yields a posterior distribution for realized
values of SRMR. In a simulation environment, this posterior distribution is approximated
by the realized values obtained based on the simulations. This supports a characteriza-
tion of its value, possibly with respect to a cutoff. Figure10.3 (panel b) presents the density
based on the 15,000 realized values. The use of a distribution supports a probabilistic
evaluation of SRMR. Here, the posterior mean is 0.37, the 95% HPD interval is (.25, .52), and
p(SRMR .08) = 0. That is, the typical difference between what the correlations would be
if the model is correct and what the actual data produce is likely between .25 and .52, and
averages .37rather high discrepancies, it would seem, for fitted correlations.
Model Evaluation 243

Synthesizing the various PPMC analyses, the results from the analysis of LR and SRMR
constitute evidence that the model suffers in explaining the overall covariance structure of
the observables. The analysis of the individual correlations drills down to a finer grained
conclusion, which is that the model suffers chiefly in terms of severely underpredicting the
association between Academic and Intellectual Development and Institutional Goal Commitment
and between Faculty Interaction and Faculty Concern while overpredicting the association
between Institutional Goal Commitment and Faculty Interaction. These results suggest that a
model with two latent variables in which the subscales are organized around one latent
variable associated with Faculty measures and one associated with Student measures,
aswas examined in Section9.4, might provide better fit (see Exercise10.2).

10.2.6 Discussion of Posterior Predictive Model Checking

PPMC deserves further discussion, as it has been the most widely applied and studied
model criticism method in Bayesian psychometrics, with applications and methodologi-
cal research in factor analysis (Depaoli, 2012; Levy, 2011; Muthn & Asparouhov, 2012;
Scheines et al., 1999), item response theory (Bguin & Glas, 2001; Glas & Meijer, 2003;
Karabatsos& Sheu, 2004; Levy, Mislevy,& Sinharay, 2009; Li, Bolt,& Fu, 2006; Sheng&
Wikle, 2007; Sinharay, 2005, 2006a; Sinharay, Johnson,& Stern, 2006; Zhu& Stone, 2011,
2012), latent class models (Berkhof, van Mechelen,& Gelman, 2003; Depaoli, 2012; Emons,
Glas, Meijer,& Sijtsma, 2003; Hoijtink, 1998; Hoijtink& Molenaar, 1997; van Onna, 2002),
and Bayesian networks (Almond etal., 2015; Crawford, 2014; Levy, 2006; Sinharay, 2006b;
Yan, Mislevy,& Almond, 2003).
The choice of the test statistics and discrepancy measures in PPMC is crucial. To illus-
trate this point, let us consider the CFA example using the sample mean for each observ-
able as test statistics. As the reader may verify in Exercise10.1, the results using the sample
mean indicate adequate model-data fit in terms of this feature of the data. If we had only
used the sample mean in PPMC, we might conclude that the model-data fit is adequate
overall. However, to do so would be a serious overstatement, as we have seen that the
model suffers in accounting for the associations among the observables.
The takeaway message is that the conclusion of adequate fit extends only as far as the dis-
crepancy measures used. It is always possible that we could construct a discrepancy mea-
sure that would indicate model-data misfit. More than that, recognizing that our model is
necessarily an inexact representation, it is inevitable that such a discrepancy measure could
be constructed. Model-data misfit in terms of discrepancy measures that capture tangen-
tial aspects of a model are not of concern, but model-data misfit in terms of discrepancy
measures that capture key aspects of the model are central. It is incumbent on the analyst
to use those that are sensitive to particular aspects of misfit that are both possible and a
threat to the successful use of the model.
Ideally, an analyst would proceed by identifying aspects of the model that are the most
important for the purposes at hand and then employ discrepancy measures that would
reveal when those aspects are working well or working poorly. For example, local inde-
pendence structures are central to the formulation of psychometric models. Incorrectly
assuming that observables are locally (conditionally) independent may lead to incorrect
estimates of parameters and other variables as well as incorrect estimates of the precision
of the estimates. Accordingly, assessing whether the dimensional structure has been suffi-
ciently specified to render the observables close to conditionally independent typically is of
great importance when investigating model-data fit of psychometric models (Hambleton,
Swaminathan, Cook, Eignor,& Gifford, 1978; Swaminathan, Hambleton,& Rogers, 2007),
244 Bayesian Psychometric Modeling

and a number of discrepancy measures have been proposed to evaluate these features
(e.g.,Chen& Thissen, 1997; Levy etal., 2009; Levy, Xu, Yel,& Svetina, 2015; Stout etal., 1996).
There is no shortage of residuals, test statistics, and discrepancy measures that have been
proposed for evaluating psychometric models, with justifications for broad or targeted
use. Research on the performance of these in psychometric models is an active area of
research. Note that in this chapter, we have described machinery associated with model
checking, but exactly which residuals, statistics, and discrepancy measures should be pur-
sued depends on the model and the purpose as well. This chapter used examples pertinent
to certain applications of CFA. We will further illustrate the use of PPMC in the context of
item response theory (Section 11.2.5), latent class analysis (Section 13.4.4), and Bayesian
networks (Section14.4.8), and give an indication about how the nature of the models sug-
gests particular features to examine.
The machinery in PPMC is in some ways similar to that used in frequentist approaches.
In its current form, hypothesis testing from a frequentist perspective is an amalgamation
of different traditions (Gigerenzer, 1993), but may be casually summarized as follows.
The null hypothesis implies how data would vary randomly from sample to sample even
though the same (fixed) values of the parameters govern the data generating process. This
is represented by the sampling distribution of the data, which is equivalent to the first term
in the integral on the right-hand side of (10.9), p( x postpred |). In frequentist approaches, the
sampling distribution is constructed by using point estimates for unknown parameters.
This serves as the reference distribution, against which the observed data are compared.
Note that relying on point estimates for defining the sampling distribution suffers in that it
ignores the uncertainty in these estimates. This has been recognized as a limitation of fre-
quentist approaches, and one that is not easily circumvented (Molenaar& Hoijtink, 1990;
Snijders, 2001; Stone& Hansen, 2000). In PPMC, we employ the posterior distribution for
the parameters, p(|x ), as it appears as the second term inside the integral on the right-
hand side of (10.9), which incorporates our uncertainty about the parameters.
The connections and departures from frequentist hypothesis testing approaches raises
the question of whether ppost values afford the same interpretations as p values in frequen-
tist hypothesis tests. There has been much research and discussion about when they have
frequentist interpretations as in hypothesis testing, and whether we should desire them
to behave as such, and we will not review these issues here (see Bayarri & Berger 2000a,
2000b; Dahl, 2006; Gelman, 2003, 2007; Johnson, 2007; Meng; 1994b; Robins, van der Vaart,&
Ventura, 2000; Rubin 1996a; Stern, 2000). In most situations, we advocate an interpretative
lens that views the results of PPMC as diagnostic pieces of evidence regarding, rather than a
hypothesis test of, (mis)fit of a model that is known a priori to be incorrect (Box, 1976; Gelman,
2003, 2007; Gelman etal., 1996; Gelman& Shalizi, 2013; MacCallum, 2003; Stern, 2000). From
this perspective, ppost values have direct interpretations as expressions of our expectation of
the extremity in future replications, conditional on the model (Gelman, 2003, 2007). Graphical
representations are often employed as summaries of the results of PPMC (e.g., Gelman, 2004),
and ppost is simply a way to summarize the results numerically. From this perspective, model-
data fit analyses using PPMC plays much the same role as residual analyses in exploratory
data analysis. PPMC, graphical summaries, and ppost have less to do with the probability of
rejecting a model in the already-known-to-be-false situation where the model is correct, and
more to do with aiding the analyst in characterizing the ways in which the necessarily incor-
rect but hopefully useful model is (and is not) working well, and the implications of using
such a model (Box, 1979; Box& Draper, 1987; Gelman, 2007; McDonald, 2010).
Several other Bayesian approaches to model checking that have been proposed may be
viewed as differing from PPMC in how it constructs a distribution for the parameters (the
Model Evaluation 245

second term on the right-hand side of (10.9)). These include prior predictive model check-
ing (Box, 1980), partial PPMC (Bayarri& Berger, 2000a), and cross-validated PPMC (Evans,
1997, 2000). Still other strategies work to calibrate ppost emerging from PPMC to ensure it
has frequentist properties (Hjort, Dahl,& Steinbak, 2006). The reader is referred to Levy
(2011) for descriptions and illustrations of these procedures in the context of the CFA.

10.3 Model Comparison

When multiple models are under consideration, we may wish to critically compare them
and possibly select one for use. In this section, we review several popular strategies com-
monly used in psychometric modeling.

10.3.1 Comparison via Comparative Model Criticism

One natural approach to model comparison is to critically evaluate each model under con-
sideration using one or more of the techniques just described and compare the results.
For example, if PPMC evidences adequate model-data fit for one model but not another,
that would support the former over the latter. This approach also allows for the analyst
to compare the models in terms of different features of the model-data fit. We might find
that one model evidences superior fit in terms of some discrepancy measures, but not
others. Though such an approach does not come with built-in criteria for what counts as
sufficiently different fit for competing models, such comparisons are often useful at least
Such strategies have been gainfully employed in psychometrics, and have compared
favorably to alternative methods (Li, Bolt, & Fu 2006; Li, Cohen, Kim,& Cho 2009; Sahu,
2002; Song, Xia, Pan, & Lee, 2011; van Onna, 2002). Rubin and Stern (1994) proposed a
posterior predictive checking for model comparisons for determining the number of latent
classes in latent class models (Chapter13), which in principle is applicable to other com-
parisons of nested models.

10.3.2 Bayes Factor

A classic Bayesian procedure for comparing competing models uses the Bayes factor. To
develop this idea, let M1 and M2 be two competing models. The posterior odds of M2 to M1
is the ratio of posterior probabilities,

p( M2 | x ) p( x | M2 ) p( M2 )
p( M1 | x ) p( x | M1 ) p( M1 )


( 2 )
p( x | ( 2 ) )p(( 2 ) | M2 )d( 2 )

p( M2 )

( 1)
p( x | (1) )p((1) | M1 )d(1) p( M1 )

where (1) is the collection of parameters for M1 , p( M1 ) is the prior probability for M1 , and
analogous definitions hold for ( 2 ) and M2. The second term on the right-hand side of (10.17)
246 Bayesian Psychometric Modeling

is the ratio of prior probabilities (i.e., the prior odds). The first term on the right-hand
side is the ratio of the marginal likelihoods under each model. This term is the Bayes
factor (e.g., Kass & Raftery, 1995), in particular the Bayes factor for M2 relative to M1,
which we denote as BF21. Note that the Bayes factor has the form of an LR (and in certain
cases specializes to the familiar LR; Kass& Raftery, 1995). The Bayes factor effectively
transforms the prior odds into the posterior odds via the likelihoods of the data and as
such is sometimes interpreted as the weight of evidence in favor of one model over the
other. Importantly, the Bayes factor is not limited to applications in which the models
are hierarchically related (nested). Jeffreys (1961) provided a classic set of recommenda-
tions for interpreting the magnitudes of Bayes factors; Kass and Raftery (1995) provided
a slightly revised set of recommendations, summarized in Table10.1. Included there are
recommendations for working in (twice) the log metric. Note that since the Bayes factor
is the ratio of marginal likelihoods, the log of the Bayes factor is equal to the subtraction
of the logs of the marginal likelihoods and

p( x|M2 )
2 log(BF21 ) = 2 log = 2(log[p( x|M2 )] log[p( x|
|M1 )]). (10.18)
p( x|M1 )

Bayes factors and its variants have been among the most widely used and studied model
comparison approaches in Bayesian psychometrics (Berkhof et al., 2003; Bolt, Cohen, &
Wollack, 2001; Fox, 2005b; Hoijtink, Bland, & Vermeulen, 2014; Kang& Cohen, 2007; Klein
Entink, Fox,& van der Linden, 2009; Lee& Song, 2003; Li etal., 2006; Li etal., 2009; Raftery,
1993; Sahu, 2002; Song, Lee,& Zhu, 2001; van Onna, 2002; Verhagen& Fox, 2013; Zhu&
Stone, 2012).
Bayes factors attempt to capture the evidence in favor of one model as compared to
another. When used to compare models representing null and alternative hypotheses, this
affords the possibility of concluding that the data provide evidence against the null, much
like frequentist hypothesis testing. Importantly, the use of Bayes factors also affords pos-
sibly concluding that the data provide evidence in favor of the null, or that the data are
inconclusive about which model is to be preferred. As the construction in (10.17) suggests,
implicit in the use of Bayes factors is the perspective that one or the other model could be
a good description of the data. See Gelman etal. (2013) and Gill (2007) for broader discus-
sions and criticisms of Bayes factors, both generally and in specific use contexts.
One set of criticisms involves the challenges in computing Bayes factors, though approxi-
mations make Bayes factors more accessible (Bollen, Ray, Zavisca,& Harden, 2012; Carlin&
Chib, 1995; Chib, 1995; Chib& Jeliakov, 2001; Han& Carlin, 2001; Kass& Raftery,1995).

TABLE 10.1
Guidelines for Interpreting the Magnitude of Bayes Factors
Evidence in Favor of M 2
BF21 2log(BF21) andagainst M1

13 02 Not worth more than a bare mention

320 26 Positive
20150 610 Strong
>150 >10 Very strong
Source: Kass, R. E., & Raftery, A. E. (1995). Bayes factors. Journal of
the American Statistical Association, 90, 773795.
Model Evaluation 247

Inwhat follows, we adopt an approach that employs approximations to the models mar-
ginal likelihood based on predictive distributions and cross-validation strategies. For the
moment, we suppress the conditioning on M as the following applies to computations for
individual models. To begin, a cross-validation strategy involves the examination of pre-
dictions of a subset xi of the data x, when the complement of xi is employed to fit the model.
Following the notation in Chapter 5, let xi denote this complement, such that x = (xi, xi).
The conditional predictive ordinate (CPO) is the value of x i in the conditional predictive
density, which, assuming conditional independence of xi and xi given is*

CPO i = p( xi | x i ) = p( xi | )p( | x i )d. (10.19)

The collection of p( xi |x i ) fully determine the marginal likelihood p( x ) (Besag, 1974). An

estimator of this likelihood, referred as a pseudomarginal likelihood (PsML) is given by
(Geisser& Eddy, 1979)

PsML = p( x ) = p(x |x
i =1
i i ). (10.20)

The ratio of the PsMLs for two models yields a pseudo Bayes factor (Gelfand, 1996).
Equation (10.19) suggests that the CPOs may be estimated by running n separate model-
fitting analyses, each one holding out a single examinee and using the remaining n 1
examinees to yield the posterior distribution and the CPO for the held-out examinee.
We employ an alternative approach that estimates the CPOs based on a single analysis
using MCMC. For a set of R iterations, we compute a Monte Carlo estimate of the CPO
(Congdon, 2007),

CPO i , (10.21)

1 R
[p( xi |( r ) )]1
R r =1

where ( r ) contain the values for the unknown parameters from iteration r. We then need
to aggregate these over examinees. For numerical stability, we work with logarithms. An
estimate of the log of PsML is given by
log(PsML) log(CPO ).
i =1
i (10.22) Example from CFA

We illustrate these computations in the context of comparing CFA models for the five
observables derived from the Institutional Integration Scale. Let M1 refer to single-latent
variable (factor) model from Section 9.3 and let M2 refer to two-latent variable (factor)
model from Section9.4.

* Note that this has a similar form as the posterior predictive distribution in (10.9), and may be seen as the pos-
terior predictive distribution based on obtaining the posterior distribution for the parameters using xi. This
perspective supports traditional cross-validation approaches, where an observed dataset is split into a cross-
validation sample (x i) and a calibration sample (xi) (see Bolt et al., 2001 for an application in psychometrics).
248 Bayesian Psychometric Modeling

For each model, we can compute the core ingredient of the CPO, [p( xi |( r ) )]1, in WinBUGS
by adding the following lines of code to that given in Sections9.3.3 and 9.4.3, respectively:

# Model Syntax to Compute Ingredients for CPO
for(i in 1:n){
for(j in 1:J){
p.x[i,j] <- (1/sqrt(2*3.141593))*sqrt(inv.psi[j])*exp(-

inv.p.x[i] <- 1/(p.x[i,1]*p.x[i,2]*p.x[i,3]*p.x[i,4]*p.x[i,5])


The posterior mean of the node inv.p.x[i] is the denominator in (10.21). For each
model, we obtained these posterior means for the n examinees, computed the estimate
of CPO foreach examinee using (10.21), and then the log(PsML) using (10.22). The value
oflog(PsML) for the single-latent variable (factor) model was 2053.55 and the value of
the log(PsML) for the two-latent variable (factor) model was 2030.38. Twice the difference
yields an estimate of 2log(BF21) = 46.34. Following the guidelines in Table10.1, this is inter-
preted as strong evidence in favor of the model with two latent variables (factors) over the
model with one latent variable (factor).

10.3.3 Information Criteria

An alternative method for approximating the Bayes factor is based on transformations of
the Bayesian information criterion (BIC) which is constructed as twice the Schwarz (1978)
criterion (see also Kass& Raftery, 1995),

BIC = 2(  |x ) + p ln(n), (10.23)

where (  |x ) is the maximized log-likelihood and p is the number of parameters. More

commonly, analysts use BIC and related information criteria (Burnham& Anderson, 2002)
to conduct model selection via examining the values for each model and selecting the
model with the smallest value.
Working in this tradition of comparing values of information criteria, Spiegelhalter, Best,
Carlin, and van der Linde (2002) introduced the deviance information criterion (DIC),

DIC = D() + pD = 2D() D( ) + 2pD , (10.24)

where pD is a complexity measure defined as the difference between the posterior mean of the
deviance, D(), and the deviance evaluated at the posterior mean, D( ). Model selection here
involves choosing the model with the smallest DIC value, a strategy that is gaining attention in
Bayesian psychometrics (Kang& Cohen, 2007; Kang, Cohen,& Sung, 2009; Klein Entink etal.,
2009; Lee, Song,& Cai, 2010; Lee, Song,& Tang, 2007; Li etal., 2006, 2009; Zhu& Stone, 2012).
WinBUGS provides values for the DIC and its constituent elements for models. However,
WinBUGS does not automatically guard against the use of DIC in situations where it may
Model Evaluation 249

not be appropriate. Note the use of the deviance evaluated at the posterior mean for the
parameters, D( ). This construction relies on the posterior mean being a reasonable point
summary of the parameters, as may be relevant in CFA models analyzed here, and item
response models of Chapter11 (see Exercises11.1 and 11.2). If the posterior mean is not
a reasonable summary of the posterior, the DIC may not be appropriate. For example,
the latent variables in latent class and Bayesian network models (Chapters13 and 14) are
discrete and often nominal in nature, and a mean is not a reasonable point summary for
them. The DIC is not recommended for use in such cases.
The addition of pD in the DIC is intended to capture the model complexity and penal-
ize the model accordingly. The rationale for this sort of construction comes from Occams
razor, which suggests that, all else equal, we should prefer models that are more parsimo-
nious in that they posit fewer entities or are otherwise simpler. In the case of model com-
parison, we recognize that models that are more complex (less parsimonious) will provide
better fit by virtue of their increased flexibility. When it comes to model selection, the more
complex models capability to provide better fit should therefore be penalized. This sort of
rationale is present in the BIC and other information criteria in the form of adjusting the
absolute fit as captured by the likelihood by adding a penalty term based on the number
of estimated parameters, p. As we have seen in Section9.8, a maximally diffuse prior is
akin to a frequentist approach that has the parameter in the model to be estimated, and a
prior with its mass concentrated at a single point is akin to having the parameter fixed and
not estimated. Whether or not to count the parameter as part of the penalty in these cases
is fairly clear. With a prior distribution for a parameter in between these two extremes, it
is not as obvious. What is more, not all parameters have the same impact in terms of the
capability of the model to fit data (Fan & Sivo, 2005; Preacher, 2006). Model complexity
is not just about how many parameters, but which ones. pD is one approach to capturing
model complexity and folding it in to a model comparison process. More advanced discus-
sions of DIC appear in Gelman etal. (2013), Gill (2007), and Plummer (2008). Example from CFA

Returning to the factor analysis models of the Institutional Integration subscales, the DIC
for the model with one latent variable (factor) was 3818.59 and the DIC for the model with
two latent variables (factors) was 3761.46, agreeing with the Bayes factor in lending support
for the latter over the former.

10.3.4 Predictive Criteria

An alternative approach to model comparison focuses on the predictive quality of the mod-
els. Working in the context of discrete data, Gilula and Haberman (2001) proposed model
comparison procedures based on the expected improvement in prediction for a new obser-
vation, and which may be seen as addressing the question, given the information in the
datax, how much better would M2 be expected to predict a new observation than M1? We
can begin to address this in terms of the reduction in entropy. The entropy for a model Mr is
Ent( Mr ) = p (x )log(p (x )),
i =1
r i r i (10.25)

where pr ( xi ) is the modeled probability of xi under Mr. The difference in entropy values for
two models,
250 Bayesian Psychometric Modeling

Ent( M1 ) Ent( M2 ), (10.26)

captures how much better one model predicts a new observation. The difference is posi-
tive if M2 yields a better prediction, and negative if M1 yields a better prediction. If M1 is
nested within M2, the difference is non-negative; however, the construction of the differ-
ence does not require that one model be nested within another. Additional extensions or
versions are possible. When counting the number of parameters is straightforward, divid-
ing (10.26) by the difference in the number of parameters supports an evaluation of the dif-
ference in terms of improvement per parameter. Similarly, dividing (10.26) by n supports
an interpretation in terms of the improved prediction for a single observation.
Gilula and Haberman (2001) suggested a criterion for model comparison that is analo-
gous to the proportion of variance accounted for. Letting M0 denote a baseline model, the
proportional improvement obtained by using Mr is

Ent( M0 ) Ent( Mr )
. (10.27)
Ent( M0 )
The above description of entropy-based comparisons applies naturally to discrete data.
However, the same properties of entropy do not necessarily hold for continuous data. We illus-
trate these approaches in the context of latent class analysis for discrete data in Section13.4.5.

10.3.5 Additional Approaches to Model Comparison

A number of other model comparison procedures have also been proposed, including
those that aim to circumvent computational difficulties (Carlin& Chib, 1995) as well as
those that do not aim to select the models. Raftery (1993) and Hoeting, Madigan, Raftery,
and Volinksy (1999) discussed model averaging, in which the results of different models
are pooled. Gelman etal. (2013) discussed model expansion, in which models are extended
and model comparison is enacted by analyzing the parameters related to those expan-
sions. See Karabatsos and Walker (in press) for a related approach to model selection for
psychometric models. See Gill (2007) and Gelman etal. (2013) for overviews, critical dis-
cussions, and additional references on many of the methods discussed here.

10.1 Reconsider the CFA model with one latent variable for the data from the
Institutional Integration Scale described in Section9.3.
a. Recreate the Bayesian analysis reported there using WinBUGS (see Section
9.3.3) and:
1. Obtain the DIC for the model.
2. Conduct PPMC using correlations among the observables, LR, and SRMR.
Compare your results to those reported here.
3. Conduct PPMC using the means of the observables. Interpret these results
in terms of the adequacy of model-data fit. What feature of the model is
responsible for this (in)adequacy of fit?
Model Evaluation 251

b. Fit the model using ML estimation, and compute LR and SRMR using ML
c. Compare the results from the frequentist approach in (b) to the Bayesian
approach in (a). How do LR and SRMR differ across the two approaches? Why
do they differ in these ways?
10.2 Reconsider the CFA model with two latent variables introduced in Section9.4,
in which the subscales are organized around one latent variable associated with
Faculty measures and one associated with Student measures.
a. Recreate the Bayesian analysis reported there using WinBUGS (see Section9.4.3)
1. Obtain the DIC for the model.
2. Conduct PPMC using correlations among the observables, LR, and SRMR.
Interpret these results in terms of the adequacy of model-data fit.
b. Compare your results for this model to those for the model with one latent
variable in Exercise10.1.
1. What does model comparison based on DIC suggest?
2. What does the comparison of the PPMC results from the correlations, LR,
and SRMR suggest?
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Item Response Theory

Item response theory (IRT) models employ continuous latent variables to model dichoto-
mous or polytomous observables, as occur frequently in assessment and social and life
science settings (e.g., item responses given by students on an achievement test and scored
as correct or incorrect, personal preferences rated on a Likert scale by subjects on a survey,
votes in favor or against a bill by politicians, or presence or absence of a patients symp-
toms). IRT models specify the probability for an observable taking on a particular value
as a function of the latent variable for the examinee (subject, politician, and patient) and
the measurement model parameters for that observable. The latter are often referred to as
item parameters, a term that reflects developments that occurred in the context of model-
ing response data to items in educational assessment (as does the name item response
theory). In this context, IRT was initially developed for and applied to dichotomous test
items. Such items are a special case of assessment tasks; examinees responses are a spe-
cial case of work products; the evaluations of responses that become the dependent vari-
ables in IRT models are special cases of observable variables. Tasks, work products, and
observable variables correspond one-to-one here, and the word item is commonly asso-
ciated with all three of these distinct entities. Ambiguities arise when the correspondence
breaks down, as occurs when questions are clustered within the same task or when dif-
ferent evaluation rules of the same multiple-choice response produce different observ-
ables (e.g., classifying responses as right/wrong, versus partial credit, versus partially
ordered categories of conceptions and misconceptions). In this chapter, we consider
only situations where the one-to-one correspondence among task, work product, and
observable holds.* Accordingly, we predominantly use the terms items and responses
from educational assessment, though the model applies to situations where this terminol-
ogy does not apply (e.g., vote for or against, symptom present or absent).
Treatments and overviews of IRT from conventional perspectives can be found in De
Ayala (2009), Embretson and Reise (2000), Hambleton and Swaminathan (1985), Lord (1980),
McDonald (1999), and van der Linden and Hambleton (1997). These and other conven-
tional sources include Bayesian elements, reflecting that Bayesian perspectives and pro-
cedures are more prevalent in IRT than in other psychometric modeling paradigms. This
is no doubt in part due to some key difficulties associated with frequentist approaches to
IRT that do not arise as forcefully in other psychometric modeling paradigms. The com-
plexities of modeling discrete data with continuous latent variables have led to a variety of
Bayesian approaches, and we endeavor to cover the main themes and procedures.
The majority of work in IRT has concerned the use of a single latent variable to model
dichotomous observables, and it is in this context that we begin in Section11.1, reviewing
conventional approaches. In Section11.2, we give a Bayesian approach to modeling dichot-
omous observables. We extend this foundation to the case of polytomous observables,
reviewing conventional approaches in Section 11.3 and turning to Bayesian approaches

* We will see examples where this correspondence breaks down: in Chapter13, we consider an example where
one observable is defined based on work products from two tasks, and in Chapter14, we consider an example
where multiple observables are defined based on work products from a single task.

254 Bayesian Psychometric Modeling

in Section11.4. In Section11.5, we consider models with multiple latent variables. IRT is

a workhorse of modern operational assessment, and in Section11.6 we cover conceptual
aspects of several applications of IRT in assessment that are strongly aligned with Bayesian
perspectives. In Sections11.7 and 11.8, we survey and discuss alternative specifications for
aspects of the model; the former gives an overview of a number of alternative prior distri-
butions that have been proposed and the latter treats an alternative formulation of IRT. We
conclude the chapter with a summary and a bibliographic note in Section11.9.

11.1 Conventional IRT Models for Dichotomous Observables

11.1.1 Model Specification
Let xij be the value from examinee i on observable j, and without loss of generality let
the possible values for each xij be 1 (indicating a correct response to an item, success on a
task, endorsement of a statement, voting in favor of a bill, having a symptom, etc.) and 0
(indicating an incorrect response to an item or failure on a task, disagreeing with a state-
ment, voting against a bill, not having a symptom etc.). Let x denote the full collection
of the xijs, which may be arranged in an (n J) matrix as in CFA. The most widely used
models differ primarily in the specification of the form of the model for the dependence
of the observables on the latent variable, and the number of parameters.
Many of the most widely used IRT models in educational measurement may be expressed
as a version of

P( xij = 1|i , dj , a j , c j ) = c j + (1 c j )F( a j i + dj ), (11.1)

with elements described next. i is the latent variable for examinee i. In typical educational
measurement contexts, i represents the examinees proficiency such that higher values
indicate more proficiency. dj , a j, and c j are the measurement model (item) parameters,
and IRT models are often referred to by how many of these are included per observable.
dj (or a transformation of it described below and denoted bj ) is a location parameter
for observable j, often referred to as a difficulty parameter for observable (item) j, as it is
strongly related to the overall mean of the observable (which is the proportion correct on an
item scored correct or incorrect). a j is a coefficient for i capturing its relationship to observ-
able j. a j is often referred to as a discrimination parameter for the observable (item), as it is
related to the capability of the observable (item) to discriminate between examinees with
lower and higher values along the latent variable. c j is a lower asymptote parameter for the
observable, bounded by 0 and 1, and is the probability that an examinee will have a 1 on
the observable as . c j is often referred to as a pseudo-guessing parameter, reflecting
that examinees with low proficiency may have a nonzero probability of a correct response
due to guessing, as may be prevalent on a multiple-choice achievement test. In practice, F
is almost always selected to be the logistic cumulative distribution function or the normal
cumulative distribution function, which yields a result for (11.1) that is in the unit interval.
The model may be written equivalently as

P( xij = 1|i , bj , a j , c j ) = c j + (1 c j )F[a j (i bj )], (11.2)

Item Response Theory 255

differing from (11.1) by the relationship dj = a j bj. The form in (11.2) is useful for viewing
IRT as a scaling model that locates examinees (s) and item difficulties ( bs ) on the same
scale, particularly when c j = 0 in which case the probability in (11.2) is .5 when i = bj. The
version in (11.1) allows for easier extensions to certain models with multiple latent variables
(Section11.5) as well as a recognition of the connections between IRT and CFA (Section11.8).
Versions of (11.1) and (11.2) are referred to as the item response function, and named in
terms of how many of the measurement model parameters they contain. For example,
choosing F in (11.1) to be the normal distribution function yields a three-parameter normal
ogive (3-PNO) model,
P( xij = 1|i , dj , a j , c j ) = c j + (1 c j )( a j i + dj ), (11.3)
where () is the cumulative normal distribution function. Choosing F to be a logistic dis-
tribution function would yield the three-parameter logistic (3-PL) model. Figure11.1 illus-
trates the 3-PNO item response function for two items. Comparing the two, we see that
the item plotted as a dashed line is easier (d = 0) than that plotted as a solid line (d = 4), in
that the probability of observing a 1 is higher for the former than the latter. The slope of the
solid item is steeper than the dashed line, as captured by their discrimination parameters
(a = 2 and a = 1, respectively). Finally, the dashed item has a lower asymptote at c = .25,
whereas the solid item has a lower asymptote at c = 0.
Setting c j = 0 yields a two-parameter (2-P) model. Adopting the logistic form, the 2-P
logistic model is
exp( a j i + dj ) (11.4)
P( xij = 1|i , dj , a j ) = ( a j i + dj ) = ,
1 + exp( a j i + dj )

where () is the cumulative logistic distribution function. Further setting all the a j equal
to one another yields a one-parameter model. One mechanism for resolving an indeter-
minacy in the latent variable (Section11.1.2) involves fixing a discrimination parameter to
a particular value. In the case of a one-parameter model, this fixes all the discrimination
parameters to that value. Choosing that value to be 1, and continuing with the logistic
form, we have the one-parameter logistic (1-PL) or the Rasch (1960) model,
exp(i + dj )
P( xij = 1|i , dj ) = (i + dj ) = . (11.5)
1 + exp(i + dj )

d = 4, a = 2, c = 0
d = 0, a = 1, c = 0.25

P(x = 1)



4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4

Item response functions for two items following a three-parameter normal ogive (3-PNO) model.
256 Bayesian Psychometric Modeling

The 2-PNO and 1-PNO models may be specified by using the normal distribution function
rather than the logistic distribution function in (11.4) and (11.5), respectively. The choice
between using a normal or logistic distribution function is in some sense arbitrary as the
logistic model may be rescaled by multiplying the exponent by 1.701 to make the resulting
function nearly indistinguishable from the normal ogive version (e.g., McDonald, 1999),
though one may prove more tractable for certain purposes in assessment, or under differ-
ent estimation paradigms.

11.1.2 Indeterminacies
The 2-P and 3-P models are subject to the same indeterminacies as CFA models (Sections9.1.2
and 9.9; see also Hambleton & Swaminathan, 1985, and Lord, 1980, for treatments in unidi-
mensional IRT). In the 1-P models, the lone indeterminacy is the location indeterminacy. In
IRT the metric of each latent variable is often specified by fixing the mean and the variance
of the latent variable, and the orientation of each latent variable is often specified by con-
straining the discriminations to be positive. As was the case with CFA, options abound,
in some cases constraints made on one or more measurement models parameters may be
employed to resolve the indeterminacies.

11.1.3 Model Fitting

A variety of approaches have been proposed and are applicable for calibrating models
with continuous latent and discrete observable variables from IRT and CFA traditions
(Embretson & Reise, 2000; Hambleton & Swaminathan, 1985; Wirth & Edwards, 2007).
We briefly characterize marginal maximum likelihood (MML) approaches and variants
of it, in line with the general discussion in Section7.4. Let j denote the collection of mea-
surement model parameters for observable j. For example, for the 3-PNO model in (11.3),
j = (dj , a j , c j ). We may write the conditional probability for any particular observed value,
whether it is 1 or 0, as

x 1 xij
P( xij |i , j ) = P( xij = 1|i , j ) ij (1 P( xij = 1|i , j )) . (11.6)

As was the case in CTT and CFA, IRT models typically invoke assumptions of inde-
pendence among examinees and conditional (local) independence among observables.
Letting = (1 , , n ) denote the collection of latent variables for n examinees and letting
= (1 , , J ) denote the full collection of measurement model parameters, the joint prob-
ability of the data is then
n n J

P( x|, ) = i =1
P( xi |i , ) = P(x | , ),
i =1 j =1
ij i j (11.7)

where xi = (xi1,, xiJ) is the collection of J observables for examinee i.

The marginal probability of the observables is obtained via the marginalization as in (7.8),

P( x|, P ) = P( x|, )p(| P )d,


where in the current case P( x |, ) is given by (11.7). The distribution of the latent vari-
ables is typically assumed normal, in which case P = ( , 2 ) are the mean and variance,
though other specifications are possible and in general it may be empirically defined.
Item Response Theory 257

Once values of the data are observed, (11.8) may be treated as a likelihood function for
and P. Maximizing this with respect to and P yields MML estimates of these parameters.
Note that elements of and P will drop out of the estimation if they are specified in advance
to resolve the indeterminacies. In general, there is no closed form solution, and a variety of
methods have been proposed for evaluating the integrals and maximizing the resulting mar-
ginal likelihood (Bock & Aitkin, 1981; Bock & Moustaki, 2007; Harwell, Baker, & Zwarts, 1988).
The likelihood may be sufficiently complex that the parameters may be poorly deter-
mined from the data. In particular, for 2-P and even more so for 3-P models, discrepant
sets of measurement parameter values might yield quite similar model-implied proba-
bilities, at least over the region(s) of the latent continuum where examinees are located
(Hulin, Lissak, & Drasgow, 1982). As a result, the likelihood surface is nearly flat in cer-
tain regions along one or more dimensions of the parameter space, which may give rise
to problems associated with unstable MML estimates. An implausible set of parameter
values may produce nearly as high a value for the likelihood, or perhaps even a slightly
higher value, than that resulting from a set of plausible parameter values. Moreover, MML
estimates are likely to vary considerably from sample to sample, as the sampling vari-
ability induces ever-so-slight differences in the likelihood surface. In these sorts of cases,
it may be difficult to distinguish between competing sets of values for the measurement
model parameters based on the data alone. Conventional practice often turns to the use
of a prior distribution for some or all of the measurement model parameters that places
more of its density at plausible values to mitigate these problems (Lord, 1986). In a sense,
the prior steps in where the data are equivocal to adjudicate in favor of a priori plausible
sets of parameters values over a priori implausible ones. With priors specified, application
of the same sort of estimation methods for maximizing likelihoods yields Bayes modal
estimates (Mislevy, 1986; see also Harwell & Baker, 1991). This has become fairly common
if not standard practice, and represents the area where Bayesian approaches to calibration
have penetrated operational psychometric practice the most.
Turning to scoring, a variety of approaches have been proposed for estimating examin-
ees latent variables, including maximum likelihood, weighted likelihood, and Bayesian
approaches (Bock & Mislevy, 1982; Embretson & Reise, 2000; Warm, 1989). Of the latter, one
option is to obtain the posterior distribution for an examinees latent variable using point
estimates for parameters as in (7.10). Two popular Bayesian methods involve obtaining
either the mode (MAP) or the mean (EAP) of the posterior distribution for the examinees
latent variable. These offer advantages in that they yield estimates in situations that pose
challenges for frequentist methods, such as situations where a unique maximum of the
likelihood does not exist (Samejima, 1973; Yen, Burket, & Sykes, 1991), or for examinees
with so-called perfect response patterns of all 1s or 0s. The example in Section11.2.5 illus-
trates this point.

11.2 Bayesian Modeling of IRT Models for Dichotomous Observables

11.2.1 Conditional Probability of the Observables
The preceding developments amount to the specification of the conditional probability of
the data in an equation-oriented fashion. We restate them here in a compact but precise
manner in a more distribution-oriented way, drawing on the equations as needed. The
conditional probability of the data is
258 Bayesian Psychometric Modeling

n n J

p( x|, ) =
i =1
p( xi |i , ) = p(x | , ),
i =1 j =1
ij i j (11.9)


xij |i , j ~ Bernoulli[P( xij = 1|i , j )], (11.10)

P( xij = 1|i , j ) is the item response function, and the j are the associated measurement
model (item) parameters for the model.

11.2.2 A Prior Distribution

Equation (11.9) contains unknown latent variables ( ) and unknown measurement model
parameters ( ). A Bayesian analysis requires a specification of a prior distribution for these
unknowns. As a first step in constructing the prior distribution, we will express the joint
prior p(, ) for the unknowns introduced so far as the product of priors for p() and p();
that is,

p(, ) = p()p(), (11.11)

which reflects an independence assumption between the examinees latent variables and
the measurement model parameters. Specifying the prior distribution comes to specifying
distributions for the terms on the right hand side of (11.11), and any hyperprior distribu-
tions for any unknown hyperparameters introduced in such specifications. Prior Distribution for the Latent Variables

The first term on the right-hand side of (11.11) is the joint prior distribution of the latent
variables, where there is one latent variable for each of n examinees. An exchangeability
assumption allows for this joint prior distribution to be factored into the product of com-
mon prior distributions,

p() = p( | ),
i =1
i P

where P denotes the hyperparameters for specifying the prior for the i. Commonly, the
latent variable is assumed to be normally distributed, in which case P = ( , 2 ), and the
prior for each examinees latent variable is

i | , 2 ~ N ( , 2 ), (11.13)

If these hyperparameters are unknown they require a hyperprior distribution, p( P ).

Aconvenient choice is to use the now familiar conditionally conjugate prior structures,
namely a normal prior on the mean and an inverse-gamma prior on the variance. In
practice, many applications of IRT specify values for the hyperparameters to resolve the
location and scale indeterminacies. The choices of the values are arbitrary, with the most
popular being = 0 and 2 = 1.
Item Response Theory 259 Normal, Truncated-Normal, and Beta Prior Distributions

for the Measurement Model Parameters
To complete the specification of the prior distribution, we need to specify the prior distribu-
tion for the measurement model (item) parameters, p(). An exchangeability assumption with
respect to the observables allows for the factorization of the joint prior distribution for the
observables measurement model parameters into the product of common prior distributions,

p() = p( | ),
j =1
j P (11.14)

where P denotes the hyperparameters for specifying the prior for the j. If these hyper-
parameters are unknown they require a hyperprior distribution, p( P ). We consider this
case in Section11.7.4, but for the moment we focus on issues surrounding the specification
of the prior for the measurement model parameters themselves.
In CFA, the two dominant approaches to specifying the prior distribution for the mea-
surement model parameters are the conditionally conjugate priors detailed in Section9.2
or a slightly more complex prior that preserves full conjugacy. Though other specifications
are possible, these two are popular in part because they yield easily manageable compu-
tational strategies for obtaining the posterior distribution when the data are assumed to
be conditionally normally distributed, as has long been popular in CFA. In IRT, the situ-
ation is more complex. For many formulations of the popular models, there is no conju-
gate or conditionally conjugate prior. In addition, a number of developments in Bayesian
approaches to IRT, including recommendations for prior distributions, occurred prior to
the advent of MCMC when the focus was on employing optimization routines to estimate
posterior modes and the curvature of the posterior. The model specifications that simplify
the computational burden in one of these contexts may not simplify the computational
burdens in others.
In this section, we develop and illustrate a particular set of common choices for prior
distributions, introducing an MCMC estimation routine that is flexible enough to han-
dle the situation without conditionally conjugate priors. We return to this issue and dis-
cuss alternative prior distributions and associated MCMC routines aligned with them in
Sections11.7 and 11.8.
Assuming a priori independence between the different types of measurement model
parameters, we factor the joint prior for each observables measurement model parameters
j = (dj , a j , c j ) into the product of prior distributions for each parameter individually:

p( j ) = p(dj )p( a j )p(c j ). (11.15)

The assumption of exchangeability with respect to the observables supports the specifi-
cation of a common prior for each instance of the different types of measurement model
parameters. The location parameters are continuous and unbounded, and are therefore
typically assigned a normal prior distribution,

dj ~ N ( d , 2d ), (11.16)

where d and 2d are hyperparameters that in the current development are specified by the
analyst. Normal prior distributions are similarly common for b parameters in the formula-
tions of IRT that employ the b parameterization.
260 Bayesian Psychometric Modeling

Turning to the discrimination parameters, recognize that a j governs the association

between the latent variable and the probability of a correct response to the item. It is com-
mon to specify a prior distribution that is restricted to be over the positive real line, which
restricts the association between the latent variable and the probability of a correct item
response to be positive. Doing so resolves the indeterminacy in the orientation of the latent
variable. More substantively, in educational assessment it renders an interpretation of the
latent variable as one where higher values of the latent variable correspond to higher levels
of proficiency as it yields higher probabilities of a correct response. This can be enacted via
a normal distribution truncated below at 0,
a j ~ N + ( a , 2a ), (11.17)
where N+ denotes the normal distribution truncated to the positive real line and a and 2a are
hyperparameters that in the current development are specified by the analyst. Checks on the
restriction implied by the positivity constraint may be conducted using methods discussed in
Chapter10 or via basic descriptive statistics such as the correlation between the item response
variable and the total score on a set of items. Furthermore, if an analyst does not wish to
impose the restriction that higher values of the latent variable yield higher probabilities of
a correct response for some of the items, the positivity restriction in (11.17) can be removed.
The lower asymptote parameters reflect the probability of success on the item when profi-
ciency is low and is bounded by 0 and 1. A natural choice is therefore the beta distribution,
c j ~ Beta( c , c ). (11.18)

Note that the hyperparameters in (11.16)(11.18) are not indexed by j, indicating that each
instance of each type of parameter is assigned the same prior in line with the exchangeabil-
ity assumption. This can be relaxed to specify group-specific hyperparameters reflecting
conditional exchangeability of items, possibly given covariates, or even a unique prior for
each parameter. We discuss alternative prior structures and parametric forms in Section11.7.

11.2.3 Posterior Distribution and Graphical Model

The directed acyclic graph (DAG) for the model with fixed values for the mean ( ) and
the variance ( 2 ) of the latent variables is given in Figure 11.2. Letting d = (d1 , , dJ ),
a = ( a1 , , aJ ) , and c = (c1 , , c J ) , the posterior distribution is

n J

p(, d, a , c|x ) p(x | , d , a , c )p( )p(d )p(a )p(c ),

i =1 j =1
ij i j j j i j j j (11.19)

xij |i , dj , a j , c j ~ Bernoulli[P( xij = 1|i , dj , a j , c j )] for i = 1, , n, j = 1, , J ,

P( xij = 1|i , dj , a j , c j ) = c j + (1 c j )( a j i + dj ) for i = 1, , n, j = 1, , J ,

i ~ N ( , 2 ) for i = 1, , n,

dj ~ N ( d , 2d ) for j = 1, , J ,
+ 2
a j ~ N ( a , ) for
a j = 1, , J ,
c j ~ Beta( c , c ) for j = 1, , J .
Item Response Theory 261

i = 1,, n

j = 1,, J

dj aj cj

d d2 a a2 c c

Directed acyclic graph for a three-parameter item response theory model.

11.2.4 MCMC Estimation

As we do not have the benefit of conditional conjugacy under this specification, we turn to
the more flexible but more computationally demanding strategy of a MetropolisHastings-
within-Gibbs sampler (also known as a single-component MetropolisHastings sampler). In
this routine, we characterize the posterior in terms of the full conditional distributions and
then apply a MetropolisHastings step for each full conditional. Here, we lay out the sam-
pling scheme generically (for iteration t + 1), and then discuss particular choices of symmet-
ric proposal distributions that enact a Metropolis rather than MetropolisHastings sampler. MetropolisHastings-within-Gibbs Routine for a 3-P

Model for Dichotomous Observables
1. Sample the latent variables for examinees. For each examinee, i = 1, , n, sample a
uniform variable Ui ~ Uniform(0,1) and sample a candidate value for the latent
variable *i from a proposal distribution possibly dependent on the current value
(i t ), *i ~ qi (*i |(i t ) ), and set (i t +1) = *i if i Ui, where

p(i* | , 2 , (t ), xi )qi ((i t ) |i* )

i = min 1, (t ) 2 (t ) * (t )
p(i | , , , xi )qi (i |i )
p( xi |*i , (t ) )p(i* | , 2 )qi ((i t ) |*i )
= min 1, (t ) (t ) (t ) 2 * (t )
p( xi |i , )p(i | , )qi (i |i )
and xi = (xi1, , xiJ) is the collection of J observed values from examinee i; and set
(i t +1) = (i t ) otherwise. Note the use of the values of the measurement model param-
eters from the previous iteration (t).
2. Sample the measurement model parameters. For each observable, j = 1, , J, sample the
measurement model parameters in a univariate fashion.
262 Bayesian Psychometric Modeling

a. For each observable, sample a uniform variable U dj ~ Uniform(0, 1) and sample

a candidate value for the observables location parameter dj* from a proposal
(t )
distribution possibly dependent on the current value dj , dj* ~ qdj (dj* |d(j t ) ), and set
( t +1) (*)
dj = dj if dj U dj , where

p(dj* |dP , a(jt ), c(jt ), (t +1), x j )qdj (d(j t ) |dj* )

dj = min 1, (t ) (t ) (t ) ( t +1) * (t )
p(dj |dP , a j , c j , , x j )qdj (dj |dj ) (11.21)
p( x j |(t +1) , dj* , a(jt ), c(jt ) )p(dj* |dP )qdj (d(j t ) |dj* )
= min 1, ( t +1) (t ) (t ) (t ) (t ) * (t )
p( x j | , dj , a j , c j )p(dj |dP )qdj (dj |dj )

and xj = (x1j, , xnj) is the collection of n observed values for observable j. Note
that the current values for the other unknowns include the just-sampled val-
ues for from step 1 (from iteration t + 1), and the values of a j and c j from the
previous iteration (t).
b. For each observable, sample a uniform variable U aj ~ Uniform(0, 1) and sample
a candidate value for the observables discrimination parameter a*j from a pro-
posal distribution possibly dependent on the current value a(jt ), a*j ~ qaj ( a*j |a(jt ) ),
and set a(jt +1) = a(*)
j if a j U a j , where

p( a*j |a P , d(j t +1), c(jt ), (t +1), x j )qaj ( a(jt ) |a*j )

aj = min 1, (t ) ( t +1) ( t ) ( t +1) * (t )
p( a j |a P, dj , c j , , x j )qaj ( aj |a j )
p( x j |(t +1), d(j t +1) , a*j , c(jt ) )p( a*j |a P )qaj ( a(jt ) |a*j )
= min 1, ( t +1) ( t +1) ( t ) ( t ) (t ) * (t )
p( x j | , dj , a j , c j )p( a j |a P )qaj ( aj |aj )

and xj = (x1j, , xnj) is the collection of n observed values for observable j. Note
that the current values for the other unknowns include the just-sampled values
for and dj (from iteration t + 1), and the value of c j from the previous itera-
tion (t).
c. For each observable, sample a uniform variable U c j ~ Uniform(0, 1) and sample
a candidate value for the observables lower asymptote parameter c *j from a pro-
posal distribution possibly dependent on the current value c(jt ), c *j ~ qc j (c *j |c(jt ) ), and
set c(jt +1) = c(*)
j if c j U c j, where

p(c *j |c P , d(j t +1), a(jt +1), (t +1), x j )qc j (c(jt ) |c *j )

c j = min 1, (t ) ( t +1) ( t +1) ( t +1) * (t )
p(c j |c P, dj , a j , , x j )qc j (c j |c j )
p( x j |(t +1), d(j t +1), a(jt +1), c *j )p(c *j |c P )qc j (c(jt ) |c *j )
= min 1, ( t +1) ( t +1) ( t +1) ( t ) (t ) * (t )
p( x j | , dj , a j , c j )p(c j |c P )qc j (c j |c j )
and xj = (x1j, , xnj) is the collection of n observed values for observable j. Note
that the current values for the other unknowns include the just-sampled val-
ues for , dj, and a j (from iteration t + 1).
Item Response Theory 263

A convenient set of choices for the proposal distributions utilize the following forms:

qdj (dj* |d(j t ) ) = N (b(j t ) , 2qbj ), (11.24)

qaj ( a*j |a(jt ) ) = N + ( a(jt ) , 2qaj ), (11.25)


qc j (c *j |c(jt ) ) = Uniform(c(jt ) , c(jt ) + ), (11.26)

where 2qbj , 2qaj, and are parameters that govern the variability of the proposal distribu-
tions. These proposal distributions are symmetric with respect to their arguments and the
MetropolisHastings steps in the routine above reduce to be Metropolis steps, in which
case the qdj, qaj, and qc j terms drop out of the calculations of in (11.21)(11.23).

11.2.5 Example: Law School Admissions Test

To illustrate these procedures, we conduct an analysis of item responses from 1000 examin-
ees to 5 dichotomously scored items on the Law School Admissions Test (LSAT). The data
were originally given by Bock and Lieberman (1970) and are reported here in Table11.1. All
of the items were multiple-choice items with five response options.

TABLE 11.1
Frequency of the 32 Item Response Vectors for the Five-Item LSAT Data Example
Item Item
Vector ID 1 2 3 4 5 Frequency Vector ID 1 2 3 4 5 Frequency
1 0 0 0 0 0 3 17 1 0 0 0 0 10
2 0 0 0 0 1 6 18 1 0 0 0 1 29
3 0 0 0 1 0 2 19 1 0 0 1 0 14
4 0 0 0 1 1 11 20 1 0 0 1 1 81
5 0 0 1 0 0 1 21 1 0 1 0 0 3
6 0 0 1 0 1 1 22 1 0 1 0 1 28
7 0 0 1 1 0 3 23 1 0 1 1 0 15
8 0 0 1 1 1 4 24 1 0 1 1 1 80
9 0 1 0 0 0 1 25 1 1 0 0 0 16
10 0 1 0 0 1 8 26 1 1 0 0 1 56
11 0 1 0 1 0 0 27 1 1 0 1 0 21
12 0 1 0 1 1 16 28 1 1 0 1 1 173
13 0 1 1 0 0 0 29 1 1 1 0 0 11
14 0 1 1 0 1 3 30 1 1 1 0 1 61
15 0 1 1 1 0 2 31 1 1 1 1 0 28
16 0 1 1 1 1 15 32 1 1 1 1 1 298
Source: Bock, R. D., & Lieberman, M. (1970). Fitting a response model for n dichotomously scored items.
Psychometrika, 35, 179197. Used with kind permission from Springer.
264 Bayesian Psychometric Modeling Model Specification and Fitting in WinBUGS

We fit a 3-PNO model in (11.3), employing the prior distributions specified in (11.13) and
(11.16)(11.18). For completeness, we write out the model with the chosen values for the
hyperparameters as
n J

p(, d, a , c|x ) p(x | , d , a , c )p( )p(d )p(a )p(c ),

i =1 j =1
ij i j j j i j j j


xij |i , dj , a j , c j ~ Bernoulli[P( xij = 1|i , dj , a j , c j )] for i = 1, , 1000, j = 1, , 5,

P( xij = 1|i , dj , a j , c j ) = c j + (1 c j )( a j i + dj ) for i = 1, , 1000, j = 1, , 5,

i ~ N (0, 1) for i = 1, , 1000,

dj ~ N (0, 2) for j = 1, , 5,

a j ~ N (1, 2) for j = 1, , 5,

c j ~ Beta(5, 17) for j = 1, , 5.

As noted in Section 11.2.2, the prior distribution for the latent variables is sufficient to
resolve the location and metric indeterminacies in the latent variable. Note the restriction in
the truncated normal distribution ensures that each a j > 0, embodying the assumption that
the probability of a correct response should be monotonically increasing with proficiency.
This restriction is sufficient to resolve the rotational indeterminacy in the latent variable. The
prior distributions for the d and a parameters are relatively diffuse. We discuss the particular
choice of beta prior distribution for the c parameters in more detail in Section11.2.6. A more
general discussion of specifying the forms and parameters of prior distributions is given in
Chapter3, and Section11.7 discusses several alternatives popular in IRT.
WinBUGS code for the model and list statements for three sets of initial values for the
measurement model parameters are given as follows.

# Model Syntax

# Specify the item response measurement model for the observables
for (i in 1:n){
for(j in 1:J){
P[i,j] <- c[j]+(1-c[j])*phi(a[j]*theta[i]+d[j])
x[i,j] ~ dbern(P[i,j])
Item Response Theory 265

# Specify the prior distribution for the latent variables
for (i in 1:n){
theta[i] ~ dnorm(0, 1)
# Specify the prior distribution for the measurement model parameters
for(j in 1:J){
d[j] ~ dnorm(0, .5)
a[j] ~ dnorm(1, .5) I(0,)
c[j] ~ dbeta(5,17)

} # closes the model

# Initial values for three chains
list(d=c(3, 3, 3, 3, 3), a=c(.1, .1, .1, .1, .1), c=c(.05, .05, .05,

list(d=c(-3, -3, -3, -3, -3), a=c(3, 3, 3, 3, 3), c=c(.5, .5, .5,

list(d=c(1, 1, 1, 1, 1), a=c(1, 1, 1, 1, 1), c=c(.2, .2, .2, .2, .2))


Note that WinBUGS uses the precision as the second argument of the normal distribu-
tion. Further, the I(0,) in the line specifying the prior for the a parameters enacts that the
restriction that the a parameters are positive. The initial values for the measurement model
parameters were chosen to represent what we anticipate to be fairly dispersed values for
the parameters in the posterior distribution. WinBUGS was used to generate initial values
for the latent variables. In this model, WinBUGS uses a slice sampler for the as and the
cs, and the Metropolis sampler for the s and the ds. To complete the specification of the
normal proposal distributions, WinBUGS uses the first 4000 iterations as an adaptive
phase to select an appropriate variance which it then uses for the remaining iterations.
Iterations from this adaptive phase should be discarded. Upon running the analysis, there
was evidence of convergence (see Section5.7.2) by 4000 iterations. To be conservative, we
discarded an additional 2000 iterations as burn-in. Results
The chains exhibited high serial dependence, with nontrivial autocorrelations for several
parameters, particularly those associated with observable (item) 3. To mitigate these effects,
we ran each chain for 20,000 iterations after burn-in, yielding 60,000 iterations for use in
summarizing the posterior distribution. The marginal posterior distributions were uni-
modal and mostly symmetric, with several of them exhibiting some skewness. Accordingly,
we report the median in addition to the mean as summaries of the central tendency of the
marginal posterior distributions for the measurement model parameters, and, as an exam-
ple, one of the examinees latent variables in Table11.2. The location (d) parameters indicate
266 Bayesian Psychometric Modeling

TABLE 11.2
Summary of the Marginal Posterior Distributions for the
Measurement Model Parameters and One Examinees Latent Variable
(1000) for the Three Parameter Normal Ogive (3-PNO) Model of the
Law School Admissions Test Data
Standard 95% Highest Posterior
Parameter Mean Median Deviation Density Interval

d1 1.41 1.40 0.14 (1.13, 1.68)

d2 0.28 0.33 0.24 (0.20, 0.60)
d3 0.50 0.38 0.46 (1.44, 0.09)
d4 0.51 0.53 0.16 (0.21, 0.77)
d5 1.03 1.03 0.13 (0.77, 1.28)
a1 0.46 0.44 0.18 (0.13, 0.81)
a2 0.65 0.57 0.35 (0.22, 1.26)
a3 1.11 0.89 0.65 (0.30, 2.51)
a4 0.50 0.48 0.18 (0.20, 0.85)
a5 0.44 0.42 0.17 (0.13, 0.76)
c1 0.24 0.23 0.09 (0.08, 0.42)
c2 0.26 0.25 0.10 (0.08, 0.47)
c3 0.26 0.26 0.08 (0.10, 0.41)
c4 0.25 0.24 0.10 (0.08, 0.44)
c5 0.25 0.24 0.09 (0.07, 0.43)
1000 0.70 0.69 0.87 (1.08, 2.35)

that items are fairly easy for these examinees. The hardest item is item 3, which is the only
item with most of the HPD interval for the location parameter that is mostly negative. It is
also the most discriminating item. The posterior standard deviations and HPD intervals
indicate that there is considerable uncertainty about many of the parameters. A related point
is that the marginal posteriors for the c parameters are not too different from the Beta(5, 17)
prior distribution (rounding to two decimal places: mean = .23, standard deviation = .09, 95%
highest density interval of (.07, .40)), suggesting that the data are not very informative about
the lower asymptotes, or at least not strongly contradictory to the information in the prior.
This is consistent with the items being relatively easy for these examinees.
The last row in Table11.2 and Figure11.3 summarizes the marginal posterior distribu-
tion for the latent variable for an examinee who correctly answered all the questions. For
sake of comparison, Figure11.3 also depicts the prior distribution and the likelihood func-
tion evaluated using the posterior medians of the measurement model parameters. The
likelihood function does not have a finite maximum; it increases as . Conceptually,
ever higher values of represent ever better accounts of this examinee, where better is
interpreted in terms of the information in the data as expressed by the likelihood function.
However, as Figure 11.3 depicts, the marginal posterior distribution does have a maxi-
mum, right around a value of .7. Conceptually, ever higher values of do not represent ever
better accounts of this examinee, where better is now interpreted in light of the informa-
tion in the data as expressed by the likelihood function and the information expressed in
the prior distribution. On the basis of the posterior distribution, we conclude that the value
of for this examinee is likely near .7, and almost certainly not greater than 3. Despite their
responding correctly to all five of the items, we are pretty sure that their proficiency is not
infinite. We suspect analysts using ML would have the same beliefs, and then would face
Item Response Theory 267


3 2 1 0 1 2 3

Marginal posterior distribution (solid line), prior distribution (dotted line), and likelihood function evaluated
using the posterior medians for the measurement model parameters (dashed line) for the latent variable for an
examinee with all correct responses to the items in the Law School Admissions Test example.

the prospect of reconciling the disparity between their beliefs and the MLE through some
post hoc adjustment. An advantage of a Bayesian approach is that the fully probabilistic
framework affords a tighter integration among our beliefs, evidence, and statistical model
of them. We gain by implementing our beliefs in a statistical framework that includes for-
mal, theory-based, model-checking, and sensitivity tools. Model-Data Fit

The adequacy of the model-data fit may be assessed in a number of ways. Here we focus on
a few aspects of model-data fit common to applications of IRT in educational assessment.
In the following examples, we use 15,000 iterations from MCMC (5,000 from each of three
chains) to conduct PPMC.
We begin by checking the distribution of raw or total scores obtained by summing the scores
on the items for each examinee (Hambleton & Han, 2005; Sinharay, 2005). Figure11.4 compares
the frequencies of raw scores in the observed data to the frequencies obtained in the poste-
rior predicted data. To compactly present the latter, a boxplot depicting the interquartile range
(the box), median (notch in the middle of the box), and whiskers extending to the 2.5th and
97.5th percentiles graphically represents the posterior predictive distribution of the number of

Number of examinees




0 1 2 3 4 5
Raw score

Observed and posterior predicted raw score distributions for the Law School Admissions Test example. At each
raw score, the box depicts the interquartile range, the notch in the middle depicts the median, and the whiskers
depict the 2.5th and 97.5th percentiles. The points indicate the frequency in the observed data.
268 Bayesian Psychometric Modeling

examinees with that particular raw score. The points indicate the number of examinees with
that particular raw score in the observed data; line segments connect the points as a visual aid.
We employ a similar representation in Figure 11.5 to investigate the adequacy of item
fit (Sinharay, 2006a). Here, a boxplot depicts the posterior predictive distribution of the
proportion of examinees that respond correctly to each item at each raw score. Observed
proportions are plotted as points, with line segments connecting them. For both the distri-
bution of raw scores and the proportion correct given the raw score, the observed values are
well within the posterior predictive distributions, supporting the notion that the model fits
adequately in terms of accounting for the distributions of individual items and raw scores.
Two important and related aspects of model-data fit in IRT concern the assumptions of
local independence and dimensionality, the latter of which is typically framed as whether
the assumed number of latent variables is adequate. To pursue possibilities of local depen-
dence, we employ the standardized model-based covariance (SMBC; Levy et al., 2015); for
the pairings of observables (items) j and j,

i =1
ij E( xij |i , j ))( xij E( xij |i , j ))

SMBC jj = n ,
n n

i =1
ij E( xij |i , j )) 2
i =1
ij E( xij |i , j )) 2

n n

where E( xij |i , j ) is the conditional expectation of the value of the observable, given by
the item response function. In the current context, this is the 3-PNO, and correspondingly
i = i and j = (dj , a j , c j ). SMBC may be interpreted as a conditional correlation among the
observables. To evaluate the adequacy of the assumed unidimensionality of the model,
we employ the standardized generalized discrepancy measure (SGDDM, Levy et al.,
2015) that is the mean of the absolute values of SMBC over unique observable pairs,

Item 1 Item 2 Item 3

1.0 1.0 1.0
Prop. correct

Prop. correct

Prop. correct

0.8 0.8 0.8

0.6 0.6 0.6
0.4 0.4 0.4
0.2 0.2 0.2
0.0 0.0 0.0
0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5
Raw score Raw score Raw score
Item 4 Item 5
1.0 1.0
Prop. correct

Prop. correct

0.8 0.8
0.6 0.6
0.4 0.4
0.2 0.2
0.0 0.0
0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5
Raw score Raw score

Item fit plots for the Law School Admissions Test example with observed and posterior predicted proportion correct
by raw score. At each raw score, the box depicts the interquartile range, the notch in the middle depicts the median,
and the whiskers depict the 2.5th and 97.5th percentiles. The points indicate the frequency in the observed data.
Item Response Theory 269

j > j

J ( J 1)/ 2

and is interpreted as the average magnitude of the conditional correlations among the observ-
ables. Scatterplots of the realized and posterior predicted values for SGDDM and SMBC are
given in Figures11.6 and 11.7. The results for SGDDM indicate that, overall, the associations
among the observables are well accounted for by the model. The realized values are small and
commensurate with the posterior predicted values from the model. The scatterplots for SMBC
reveal much the same at the level of the observable-pairs, with realized conditional associa-
tions varying around 0 in ways consistent with the posterior predicted values.
The overall finding that the model fits well with respect to the aspects investigated here
is unsurprising given the complexity of the 3-PNO and the small number of items.

11.2.6 Rationale for Prior for Lower Asymptote

This section is a case study illustrating the principles analysts may use to specify prior dis-
tributions, and how they can be advantageous, illuminated in the context of the specifica-
tion of a Beta(5,17) prior distribution for the lower asymptote (c) parameters in the analysis
of the LSAT data in previous section. Consider first the choice to use of the family of beta
distributions. A c parameter is interpreted as a probability, namely the probability that an
examinee with a low value of proficiency (as captured by ) will correctly respond to the
item. Accordingly, c parameters are bounded below by 0 and above 1. The beta distribution
has its density over [0,1], and is flexible to take on any of several shapes as may be desired
(see Figure2.3). The parameters of the beta distribution may also be naturally interpreted
in terms of the prior successes and failures for a corresponding probability. Furthermore,
recall that the beta distribution is a conjugate prior for an unknown probability in simple
Bernoulli and binomial models. Although not conjugate in the current context, the use of a
beta prior does offer conditional conjugacy for data-augmented samplers (see Section11.8).
A number of rationales may justify the use of a particular beta distribution, in our case
the Beta(5,17). One is theoretical consideration. The parameter in question represents the
probability of an examinee of extremely low proficiency responding correctly to a multi-
ple-choice question, say, by guessing. A theoretical analysis might reason that an examinee

Posterior predicted SGDDM






0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06

Realized SGDDM

Scatterplot of the realized and posterior predicted values of the standardized generalized dimensionality dis-
crepancy measure (SGDDM) for the Law School Admissions Test example with the unit line.
270 Bayesian Psychometric Modeling

Item 1
0.00 Item 2

Posterior predicted SMBC

0.00 Item 3
0.00 Item 4

0.00 Item 5
0.15 0.00 0.15 0.15 0.00 0.15 0.15 0.00 0.15 0.15 0.00 0.15
Realized SMBC

Scatterplots of realized and posterior predicted values of the standardized model-based covariance (SMBC) for
item-pairs from the Law School Admissions Test example, with the unit line.

guessing on a question that has five options would be correct with probability .2, and then
build a beta distribution around that anchoring idea. A Beta(5,17) may be interpreted as
akin to having seen 5 1 = 4 correct guesses in 5 + 17 2 = 20 attempts, expressing a belief
that the probability should be about .2, and weighting that belief as if it was based on 20
observations. It is fair to say that such reasoning could be accomplished even without high
levels of familiarity with the features of the assessment situation such as examinee capa-
bilities, item properties, or history of the assessment.
A related strategy does capitalize on understanding these issues, usually in form of
quantifying beliefs of subject matter experts who have knowledge about the situation that
is being modeled. Strategies for eliciting and quantifying such expertise are an emerging
issue; references to examples in the broader Bayesian literature were given in Section3.7.
Almond (2010); Almond, Mislevy, Steinberg, Yan, and Williamson (2015); Jiang etal. (2014);
Novick and Jackson (1974); and Tsutakawa (1992) presented conceptual and computational
strategies for eliciting and encoding information to aid in specifying prior distributions
for measurement model parameters in psychometric models.
A different strategy involves past research. If items like the ones in question that have
been calibrated have tended to yield certain c values, then the items in question now will
likely yield similar c values. In the context of our current example, if analyses of response
Item Response Theory 271

data of previous items from section 6 of the LSAT had yielded c values around .2, that
would be justification for using a Beta(5,17) prior. Note that there is an exchangeability
assumption lurking in saying that the current items are like other items. Indeed, there
are several exchangeability assumptions lurking, for instance about the other examin-
ees that took those other items, and the context of those interactions such as the stakes
associated. It is an open question just how similar other situations should be to be relevant
for the current one. Or to put it another way, it is not always obvious when differences
make a difference. Should we consider the results for these examinees taking other items
that have appeared on section6 of the LSAT? Other examinees taking the items of current
interest? Other examinees taking other items? What about other sections of the LSAT, or
other assessments? The answer to these questions is that there is no right answer. These
are judgments and decisions that need to be made by the analyst, just like judgments and
decisions that are made in specifying other aspects of the model.
These strategies may be combined. If there are five response options for an item, reason
and subject matter expertise usually suggest that the chances of guessing the correct one
are probably around .2. If other items for which we have estimates of the lower asymptote
yielded values between .1 and .4, then the lower asymptote for these items is probably
between .1 and .4. These considerations suggest specifying a prior that places higher prob-
abilities for relatively lower values. A Beta(5,17) distribution captures the thrust of these
rationales, giving them weight akin to having seen four correct guesses in 20 attempts.

11.3 Conventional IRT Models for Polytomous Observables

A number of IRT models have been proposed for modeling polytomous observables, includ-
ing those that assume the categories of the observable are nominal (Bock, 1972) or ordered,
including the rating scale model (Andrich, 1978), partial credit model (Masters, 1982), gener-
alized partial credit model (Muraki, 1992), and the graded response model (GRM) (Samejima,
1969, 1997). For ordered data, models with comparable parameters that use different para-
metric forms typically exhibit comparable fit and are equally appropriate (Maydeu-Olivares,
Drasgow, & Mead, 1994). Accordingly, in the current development we focus on one such
model, namely a version of the GRM for ordered categories (Samejima, 1969, 1997).
To state the model, let xij refer to the observable variable corresponding to the response
from examinee i to item j that can take on integer values that range from 1 to K j, where K j
denotes the number of possible response categories for observable j. The choice to encode
the response categories as integers from 1, , K j is arbitrary, but reflects how polytomously
scored items are often framed (e.g., rate the following from 1 to 5) and also simplifies the
coding of the model in WinBUGS. The GRM specifies the conditional probability for the
value from examinee i on observable j being in category k as the difference between the
conditional probability of the value being at or above a particular category k and the con-
ditional probability of the value being at or above the next category (k + 1),

P( xij = k|i , dj , a j ) = P( xij k|i , djk , a j ) P( xij k + 1|i , dj( k +1) , a j ), (11.27)

where dj = (dj1 , , djK j ) is a collection of location parameters and P( xij k|i , djk , a j ) is the
conditional probability of the value being at or above a particular category k. This is given
by a 2-P structure,
272 Bayesian Psychometric Modeling

P( xij k|i , djk , a j ) = F( a j i + djk ). (11.28)

For each observable, the model consists of expressions in (11.27) for k = 1, , K j 1. For
the highest response category, P( xij = K j |i , dj , a j ) = P( xij K j |i , djK j , a j ). Conceptually, the
subtraction in (11.27) is not needed, as the probability of a value being at or above a (hypo-
thetical, and in some sense counterfactual) category above the highest category is tautologi-
cally equal to 0. Similarly, the probability of a value being at or above the lowest category
is tautologically equal to 1, which may be seen as setting dj1 = . Non-negativity in the
response probabilities is preserved by restricting djk dj( k +1).
Much of what was described for conventional modeling of dichotomous observables
holds for polytomous observables. With these specifications, no additional indetermina-
cies in the latent variable are introduced* and the conventional approaches to calibration
and scoring are similarly applicable save that the conditional probability for the value of
an observable in (11.6) is


P( xij |i , j ) = P(x
k =1
ij = k|i , j )
I ( xij =k )
, (11.29)

where I is the indicator function that here takes on a value of 1 when the response from
examinee i for observable j is k, and 0 otherwise.

11.4 Bayesian Modeling of IRT Models for Polytomous Observables

11.4.1 Conditional Probability of the Observables
The preceding descriptions are sufficient to describe the conditional probability of the
data, albeit in a somewhat equation-oriented way. We formulate the conditional probabil-
ity of the data in a compact manner here in a more distribution-oriented way, drawing on
the equations as needed. The conditional distribution of the data is
n n J

p( x|, ) = i =1
p( xi |i , ) = p(x | , ),
i =1 j =1
ij i j (11.30)

where each xij is specified as a categorical random variable (a generalization of the


xij |i , j ~ Categorical(P ( xij |i , j )), (11.31)

P( xij |i , j ) = ( P( xij = 1|i , j ),, P( xij = K j |i , j )) are the collection of probabilities for the
K j possible values for observable j, and j are the associated measurement model (item)
parameters. In the GRM, the P( xij = k|i , j ) are given by (11.27) which involve (11.28), and
j = (dj , a j ).

* For certain polytomous IRT models, additional indeterminacies are present when considering models with
multiple latent variables (Section11.5), though we do not discuss them here (see Reckase, 2009).
Item Response Theory 273

11.4.2 A Prior Distribution

As with the dichotomous IRT models, we specify the prior distribution first by assuming a
priori independence between the examinees latent variables and the measurement model
parameters. Once again assuming exchangeability and normality yields the prior struc-
ture for examinees latent variables expressed in (11.12) and (11.13).
Turning to the measurement model parameters, we again assume (a) exchangeability
and the specification of a common prior for all observables, as expressed in (11.14), (b) a
priori independence between the discrimination and location parameters, which in the
current context is

p( j ) = p(dj )p( a j ), (11.32)

and (c) a truncated normal prior distribution for the discriminations, as expressed in (11.17).
Thus, the lone difference from the case of dichotomous observables is the specification of
the now multiple location parameters for each observable. Again, we will employ normal
distributions for the location parameters, though the key issue here is imposing the restric-
tion that djk dj( k +1).
Recalling that the probability of a value being at or above the lowest category is equalto1
may be seen as setting dj1 = , we begin with the prior for dj2 and adopt a normal prior as
in the case of dichotomous data,
dj 2 ~ N ( d2 , 2d2 ), (11.33)

where d2 and 2d2 are hyperparameters specified by the analyst.

Several strategies for the remaining location parameters are possible. Here, we specify
the remaining location parameters via truncated normal prior distributions, where the
truncation bounds the location parameter to be less than the location parameter for the
preceding category. A bit more formally,

< dj ( k 1)
djk ~ N ( dk , d2k ) for k = 3,..., K j , (11.34)

where N j ( k 1) denotes the normal distribution truncated to be less than dj( k 1). Note that
if the b parameterization is used, the model would restrict each location parameter
to be greater than the location parameter for the preceding category (e.g., Zhu & Stone,

11.4.3 Posterior Distribution and Graphical Model

The DAG for the model adopting this prior is given in Figure11.8 for the case where all
observables have Kj = 5 categories. Note the directed edges among the d parameters,
reflecting that dj3 depends on dj2, dj4 depends on dj3 , and dj5 depends on dj4, as implied
by the truncation in (11.34).
The posterior distribution for all the unknowns is

n J Kj

p(, d, a |x )
i =1 j =1
p(d ),
p( xij |i , dj , a j )p(i )p( a j )
k =2
jk (11.35)
274 Bayesian Psychometric Modeling

i = 1,, n

j = 1,, J

dj2 dj3 dj4 dj5 aj

d2 d22 d3 d23 d4 d24 d5 d25 a a2

Directed acyclic graph for the graded response model.

xij |i , dj , a j ~ Categorical(P ( xij |i , dj , aj )) for i = 1, , n, j = 1,,, J ,

P ( xij |i , dj , aj ) = ( P( xij = 1 |i , dj , aj ), , P( xij = K j |i , dj , aj )) for i = 1, , n, j = 1, , J ,

P( xij = k|i , dj , a j ) = P( xij k|i , djk , a j ) P( xij k + 1|i , dj( k +1) , a j ),

for i = 1, , n, j = 1, , J , k = 1, , K j 1,
P( xij = K j |i , dj , a j ) = P( xij K j |i , djK j , a j ) for i = 1, , n, j = 1, , J ,
P( xij k |i , djk , a j ) = F( a j i + djk ) for i = 1, , n, j = 1, , J , k = 2, , K j ,
P( xij 1) = 1 for i = 1, , n, j = 1, , J ,
i | , 2 ~ N ( , 2 ) for i = 1, , n,
a j | a , 2a ~ N + ( a , 2a ) for j = 1, , J ,
dj 2 ~ N ( d2 , ) for j = 1, , J ,

djk ~ N j ( k 1) ( dk , 2dk ) for j = 1, , J , k = 3, , K j .

To conduct MCMC estimation of the posterior distribution the general structure of the
MetropolisHastings-within-Gibbs approach outlined in Section 11.2.4 may be applied.
The key differences are that here we have multiple location parameters per observable,
and no lower asymptote. Alternatively, we might employ a sampler that capitalizes on
latent response variable formulations outlined in Section11.8 (see Fox, 2010, who discusses
such an approach using bounded uniform priors for the location parameters). Finally, we
note that WinBUGS uses an adaptive rejection sampler for this model (Gilks & Wild, 1992).

11.4.4 Example: Peer Interaction Items

To illustrate these procedures, we conduct an analysis based on response data from 500
examinees to the seven items in the Peer Interaction subscale of the Institutional Integration
Scale described in Section9.3. All of the responses were scored as integers from 1 to 5, cor-
responding to increasing agreement with the statement, interpreted as indicative of more
positive interactions with peers.
Item Response Theory 275 Model Specification and Fitting in WinBUGS

In our experience, WinBUGS tends to run into more computational problems with normal-
ogive IRT models than logistic IRT models, particularly as model complexity increases. We
employ a logistic version of the GRM with prior specifications developed in the previous
sections. For completeness, we write out the posterior distribution for the model with the
chosen values for the hyperparameters:
n J Kj

p(, d, a |x ) i =1 j =1
p(d ),
p( xij |i , dj , a j )p(i )p( a j )
k =2

xij |i , dj , a j ~ Categorical(P ( xij |i , dj , aj )) for i = 1, , 500, j = 1, , 7 ,

P ( xij |i , dj , a j ) = ( P( xij = 1 |i , dj , a j ), , P( xij = 5|i , dj , a j ))
for i = 1, , 500, j = 1, , 7 ,

P( xij = k |i , dj , a j ) = P( xij k |i , djk , a j ) P( xij k + 1|i , dj( k +1) , a j )
for i = 1, , 500, j = 1, , 7 , k = 1, , 4,
P( xij = 5|i , dj , a j ) = P( xij 5|i , dj 5 , a j ) for i = 1, , 500, j = 1, , 7 ,
exp( a j i + djk )
P( xij k |i , djk , a j ) = for i = 1, , 500, j = 1, , 7 , k = 2, , 5,
1 + exp( a j i + djk )

P( xij 1) = 1 for i = 1, , 500, j = 1, , 7 ,
i | , 2 ~ N (0, 1) for i = 1, , 500,

a j | a , 2a ~ N + (0, 2) for j = 1, , 7 ,

dj2 ~ N (2, 2) for j = 1, , 7 ,
< dj 2
dj 3 ~ N (1, 2) for j = 1, , 7 ,
< dj 3
dj 4 ~ N (1, 2) for j = 1, , 7 ,
dj 5 ~ N j 4 (2, 2) for j = 1, , 7.

WinBUGS code for the model and a list statement for three sets of initial values for the
measurement model parameters are given as follows.
# Model Syntax
# Specify the item response measurement model for the observables
for (i in 1:n){
for(j in 1:J){
276 Bayesian Psychometric Modeling

# Specify the probabilities of a value being greater than or
# equal to each category
for(k in 2:(K[j])){

P.gte[i,j,k] <-
P.gte[i,j,1] <- 1

# Specify the probabilities of a value being equal to each
# category
for(k in 1:(K[j]-1)){
P[i,j,k] <- P.gte[i,j,k]-p.gte[i,j,k+1]
P[i,j,K[j]] <- P.gte[i,j,K[j]]

# Specify the distribution for each observable
x[i,j] ~ dcat(P[i,j,1:K[j]])

# Specify the prior distribution for the latent variables
for (i in 1:n){
theta[i] ~ dnorm(0, 1)

# Specify the prior distribution for the measurement model parameters
for(j in 1:J){
d[j,2] ~ dnorm(2, .5)
d[j,3] ~ dnorm(1, .5) I(d[j,4],d[j,2])
d[j,4] ~ dnorm(-1, .5) I(d[j,5],d[j,3])
d[j,5] ~ dnorm(-2, .5) I( ,d[j,4])
a[j] ~ dnorm(1, .5) I(0,)

} # closes the model

# Initial values for three chains
list(d= structure(.Data= c(
NA, 3, 1, 0, -1,
Item Response Theory 277

NA, 3, 1, 0, -1,
NA, 3, 1, 0, -1,
NA, 3, 1, 0, -1,
NA, 3, 1, 0, -1,
NA, 3, 1, 0, -1,
NA, 3, 1, 0, -1), .Dim=c(7, 5)),
a=c(.1, .1, .1, .1, .1, .1, .1))

list(d= structure(.Data= c(
NA, 2, 0, -1, -2,
NA, 2, 0, -1, -2,
NA, 2, 0, -1, -2,
NA, 2, 0, -1, -2,
NA, 2, 0, -1, -2,
NA, 2, 0, -1, -2,
NA, 2, 0, -1, -2), .Dim=c(7, 5)),
a=c(3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3))

list(d= structure(.Data= c(
NA, 1, -1, -2, -3,
NA, 1, -1, -2, -3,
NA, 1, -1, -2, -3,
NA, 1, -1, -2, -3,
NA, 1, -1, -2, -3,
NA, 1, -1, -2, -3,
NA, 1, -1, -2, -3), .Dim=c(7, 5)),
a=c(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1))

The line for d[j,5] expresses the prior distribution for the dj5. The use of the I( ,d[j,4])
imposes the boundary that dj 5 < dj 4. Note that there is no lower bound here. In the line for
d[j,4], the I(d[j,5],d[j,3]) imposes the boundary. In particular, the second argument
imposes the boundary that dj 4 < dj 3 , in accordance with the specification of the model and
Figure11.8. Though conceptually this is sufficient, WinBUGS also requires the first argu-
ment as a lower bound to honor to the constraint that dj 5 < dj 4, even though that is imposed
in the line for d[j,5] as just discussed. The line for d[j,3] is structured similarly.
The list statements with the initial values also deserve some comment. The d parameters
are arranged as a matrix of J = 7 rows and K = 5 columns. For each observable (row), the
first entry is NA, as the dj1 parameters are not really in the model (recall, they may be
conceived of as all being infinite). The remaining entries for each observable is numeric,
giving the initial value for dj2,, dj5 . Results
The model was run with three chains as just described using WinBUGS to generate initial
values for the latent variables. There is evidence of convergence (see Section5.7.2) within a
few hundred iterations. To be conservative, we discarded 1,000 iterations as burn-in, and
ran each chain for 15,000 more iterations after burn-in, yielding 45,000 iterations for use in
summarizing the posterior distribution. The marginal posterior densities were unimodal
and fairly symmetric. Summary statistics for these marginal posterior distributions are
reported in Table11.3, and may be used to characterize the results. For each item, the loca-
tion parameters are fairly well spread out over the latent continuum. And for each item,
278 Bayesian Psychometric Modeling

TABLE 11.3
Summary of the Marginal Posterior Distribution for the Measurement Model Parameters from the
Logistic Graded Response Model of the Peer Interaction Data
Parameter Mean SDa 95% HPDb Interval Parameter Mean SDa 95% HPDb Interval

a1 2.15 0.16 (1.83, 2.48) d42 6.41 0.45 (5.54, 7.28)

a2 3.53 0.27 (3.01, 4.06) d43 2.75 0.25 (2.26, 3.26)
a3 3.97 0.30 (3.39, 4.57) d44 0.74 0.21 (1.15, 0.34)
a4 3.57 0.26 (3.07, 4.08) d45 4.78 0.34 (5.47, 4.11)
a5 2.46 0.18 (2.11, 2.82) d52 4.82 0.32 (4.19, 5.45)
a6 1.87 0.15 (1.59, 2.16) d53 2.73 0.21 (2.32, 3.15)
a6 1.50 0.13 (1.26, 1.75) d54 0.31 0.16 (0.62, 0.00)
d12 4.97 0.34 (4.32, 5.64) d55 3.58 0.25 (4.07, 3.10)
d13 2.98 0.21 (2.57, 3.39) d62 3.86 0.25 (3.38, 4.37)
d14 0.68 0.15 (0.39, 0.97) d63 1.98 0.17 (1.66, 2.31)
d15 2.49 0.19 (2.87, 2.12) d64 0.46 0.13 (0.72, 0.19)
d22 5.24 0.38 (4.52, 5.98) d65 3.19 0.21 (3.61, 2.78)
d23 1.23 0.21 (0.82, 1.64) d72 4.30 0.29 (0.06, 4.88)
d24 1.72 0.22 (2.16, 1.29) d73 2.47 0.17 (2.14, 2.80)
d25 5.09 0.36 (5.81, 4.39) d74 0.29 0.12 (0.05, 0.52)
d32 6.57 0.46 (5.66, 7.47) d75 2.72 0.19 (3.10, 2.36)
d33 3.39 0.30 (2.83, 4.00)
d34 1.25 0.23 (1.71, 0.80)
d35 5.52 0.42 (6.33, 4.71)
a SD = Standard Deviation.
b HPD = Highest Posterior Density.

the extreme location parameters (dj2 and dj5) have higher posterior standard deviations
than those in the middle, reflecting relatively less information in accordance with fewer
examinees using the extreme response categories.

11.5 Multidimensional IRT Models

The models presented so far may be extended to include multiple latent variables for each
examinee. The most popular of the multivariate or multidimensional IRT (MIRT) models
formulates a linear combination of the latent variables akin to that in CFA. A 3P-MIRT
model is given by
P( xij = 1|i , dj , a j , c j ) = c j + (1 c j )F(aj i + dj ), (11.36)
where, in addition to the terms defined previously, i = (i1 ,, iM ) is a vector of M latent
variables that characterize examinee i and a j = ( a j 1 , , a jM ) is a vector of M coefficients or
discrimination parameters for observable j that capture the discriminating power of the
associated examinee variables. As with unidimensional IRT models, popular choices for
F include the logistic and normal distributions. As in was the case in CFA, confirmatory
approaches to MIRT typically specify some observables as not being dependent on some of
the latent variables. Commonly, many observables are modeled as being factorially simple
in that they depend on only on one of the latent variables.
Item Response Theory 279

The expansion to multiple latent variables and multiple discrimination parameters per
observable necessitates an expansion of the prior specifications for these unknowns. For
the latent variables, the situation is akin to that of CFA with multiple latent variables, and
we may specify a multivariate normal prior distribution,

p() = p( )
i =1

and (11.37)

i ~ N ( , ),

where and are hyperparameters to be specified.

Conventional approaches to model estimation mimic those for unidimensional models
(Bock, Gibbons, & Muraki, 1988; McDonald, 1999; Reckase, 2009; Wirth & Edwards, 2007)
The MIRT model here is subject to the same indeterminacies as those discussed for CFA
in Section9.1.2 (see also Davey, Oshima, & Lee, 1996, and Jackman, 2001, for discussions
in the context of MIRT). These may be addressed in the same ways, which may involve
specifying values for and . Alternatively, if and are treated as unknown they
are assigned prior distributions, such as the conditionally conjugate forms that were intro-
duced in the context of CFA,

p( ) = p(
m =1
m ),
m ~ N ( , 2 ),


~ Inv-Wishart( 0 , d). (11.39)

For the multiple discrimination parameters, we may again draw upon the connection to the
specifications introduced for the multiple loadings in CFA and specify normal distributions,

p(a j ) = p(a
m =1
jm ),

a jm ~ N + ( a , 2a ),

now with the positivity restriction as in the unidimensional IRT models. The 2P versions
of this type of MIRT model have been extended to modeling polytomous observables.
Amultidimensional GRM model is specified by replacing (11.28) with

P( xij k|i , djk , a j ) = F(aj i + djk ). (11.41)

The preceding MIRT models may be referred to as compensatory models, which reflects
that high values on one latent variable may compensate for low values on other latent
variables to yield a high probability of a correct response. Conjunctive MIRT models spec-
ify the response probability in such a way that low values on one latent variable cannot
280 Bayesian Psychometric Modeling

be compensated by high values of another; rather, high values on all latent variables are
needed to yield a high probability of a correct response. This is typically operational-
ized via specifying the response function via a product of probabilities. Although we
could employ the normal ogive form and/or the +d parameterizations, this is typically
done using logistic versions of one-parameter structures with the b parameterization
(Embretson, 1984, 1997; Whitely, 1980),

exp(im bjm )
P( xij = 1|i , bj ) = 1 + exp(
m =1 im b jm )
, (11.42)

where bj = (bj1 , , bjM ) is the collection of M location parameters for observable j, and bjm
is interpreted as the difficulty parameter for component m of the item.
The expansion to multiple location parameters per observable calls for an expansion of
the prior specifications for these unknowns. Following an assumption of exchangeability
with respect to how difficult each item is along each dimension, we may assign a common
prior to each of the location parameters. As in previous situations, normal distributions are
a natural choice for these parameters,

bjm ~ N (b , b2 ), (11.43)

where b and b2 are hyperparameters specified by the analyst.

11.6 Illustrative Applications

IRT has grown to become a dominant approach to psychometric modeling in educational
assessment, and accordingly has been leveraged to accomplish a number of aims involved
in this enterprise. In this section, we briefly review several assessment activities that are
strongly aligned with the Bayesian perspective on reasoning and inference.

11.6.1 Computerized Adaptive Testing

In computerized adaptive testing (CAT; van der Linden & Glas, 2010; Wainer, Dorans,
Flaugher, Green, & Mislevy, 2000), examinees are presented items that are tailored to them.
When an examinee completes an item, the next item administered to them is selected or
constructed on the fly. The idea is that we can take into account how the examinee is per-
forming to select an item that is best for them, or at least better than having chosen the
items before having observed their performance. CAT may be seen as an instance of the
four process delivery architecture reviewed in Section1.4.3. Somewhat casually, the pro-
cesses in a CAT typically correspond to moving clockwise around Figure1.7 beginning
with the upper-left node as follows:

1. Select the best item to administer to the examinee based on beliefs about the exam-
inees proficiency.
2. Administer the item and capture the examinees response/behavior (via computer).
Item Response Theory 281

3. Evaluate the examinees response/behavior (say, for correctness of their response).

4. On the basis of their performance, update beliefs about the examinees proficiency.
5. Repeat steps 15 until some stopping rule has been reached (e.g., beliefs about the
examinee are sufficiently precise).
The notion of what constitutes the best item in step 1 is usually based on optimizing some
criterion related to the amount of information we expect to gain from observing the exam-
inees performance on the item, possibly subject to various constraints. We do not focus
on this aspect beyond noting that our choice for the next item to administer obviously
depends on what we believe about the examinee. Loosely speaking, if we believe an exam-
inee to be very proficient, we ought to select a more challenging item, while if we believe
an examinee to not be very proficient, we ought to select a less challenging item. This
reflects an intuition that not much is learned by observing a proficient examinee success-
fully complete an easy item or observing a low-proficiency examinee struggle with a dif-
ficult item, and this is indeed how things turn out when formalized.
We focus on how we revise beliefs about examinee proficiency in step 4. Here, we are
reasoning from the evidence provided by the examinees response. How are we to capture
the evidentiary contribution of a response to our reasoning process of revising our beliefs
about the examinees proficiency? By expressing the problem as a probability model, such
as IRT, we express the reasoning problem using the associated components of the model.
Once the response to the item is observed, the item response function for the item plays
the role of the likelihood function. If the response is correct, the likelihood is the item
response function; suppressing the notation for the measurement model (item) param-
eters, L(; x = 1) = P( x = 1|). If the response is incorrect, the likelihood is one minus the
item response function, L(; x = 0) = 1 P( x = 1|). The item response function serves to
express the evidentiary contribution of the response to that particular item. A Bayesian
approach offers a natural solution here; the likelihood may be combined with a prior dis-
tribution for to yield an updated or posterior distribution for via Bayes theorem. This
distribution then serves as the prior distribution for the next cycle through steps 14. By
repeatedly cycling through steps 14, we keep on updating our beliefs in light of the accru-
ing evidence from the increasing number of observations. At any point in time, our distri-
bution for is a posterior distribution relative to the responses we have observed, and is a
prior distribution for the response we are about to observe.
Several other comments are worth making. First, this example highlights an impor-
tant benefit of adopting a probability-based approach to evidentiary reasoning in assess-
ment. We see that our psychometric models, be they IRT or some other variety, express
the evidentiary contribution of the observation for our reasoning about the examinee. We
formulate these reasoning structures in one directionspecifying observable behavior
as conditional on unobservable parametersonly to reverse that direction when doing
assessment and making inferences about the examinee. We may view our psychometric
models as the avenues we take when conducting evidentiary reasoning from observa-
tions to beliefs about the examinee. For dichotomous models, the item response function
indicates the neighborhood of values where the observation is most informative, which
is surrounding b in the 1-P and 2-P models and slightly higher than b in the 3-P model.
Sharply increasing item response functions characterized by relatively high values of a
and low values of c offer more evidence than slowly increasing item response functions for
making inferences about where the examinee is with respect to that neighborhood.
Second, Bayesian procedures have been developed for many of the processes involved in
CAT (Lewis & Sheehan, 1990; Owen, 1969, 1975, Segall, 1996; van der Linden, 1998; van der
282 Bayesian Psychometric Modeling

Linden & Pashley 2010) as well as supporting or follow-up investigations (Bradlow, Weiss, &
Cho, 1998). As noted above, we can update the distribution for in step 4 via Bayes theo-
rem. We may select an item in step 1 based on Bayesian arguments such as minimizing the
expected posterior variance of or optimizing other criteria. And we can define a stopping
rule based on when the posterior variance or standard deviation is sufficiently small.
Third, though the Bayesian machinery just mentioned is a fruitful way to enact these
steps in CAT, one may adopt frequentist machinery to these ends. Instead of using Bayes
theorem in step 4, we might use ML estimation of once at least one correct and one
incorrect response is observed. We may select the next item based on maximizing the
item information function, and define a stopping rule based on the standard error being
sufficiently small. And yet our CAT process will still have undertones that strongly align
with Bayesian inference, namely the logic of updating what we believe about the examinee
in light of what was just observed, and preparing to update that further in light of new
information that is to come.

11.6.2 Collateral Information about Examinees and Items

Modeling collateral information refers to the formal inclusion of additional sources of infor-
mation to facilitate inference. Such collateral information is often expressed via covariates
in a model for examinees and/or for items (De Boeck & Wilson, 2004). For examinees,
this involves variables related to their proficiencies captured by the latent variables. The
multiple-group CFA model presented in Section9.7 is one example, where group mem-
bership was a covariate, and each examinees latent variable was specified as following a
group-specific prior distribution. More generally, we may embed discrete covariates (e.g.,
gender, whether the examinee has received instruction on the material being assessed)
and continuous covariates (e.g., age, performance on other assessments of the material)
in regression-like structures for examinees.* In the current context of IRT, we expand the
prior distribution for examinees latent variables in (11.13) to be an augmented regression

i | , 2 , yi ~ N (yi , 2 ), (11.44)

where yi is a (1 [Q + 1]) augmented predictor matrix obtained by combining a scalar of

1 with a vector of values for examinee i on Q predictors, is a ([Q + 1] 1) augmented
vector of coefficients, and 2 is the error variance in the regression structure.
For items, collateral information comes in the form of features of the item that are known
that relate to their psychometric properties. Structured IRT models extend the foundational
IRT setup by modeling the measurement model parameters as dependent on relevant fea-
tures of the item. Research to date has focused principally on features that influence item
difficulty and therefore involve models for location parameters. We expand the prior dis-
tribution for items location parameters in (11.16) to be

dj | d , 2d , w j ~ N (w j d , 2d ), (11.45)

* In this and the following section, our focus is on the mechanics of incorporating collateral information about
examinees into the model. The propriety of doing so is a situation-specific question involves purposes and
values associated with the model and the desired inferences, points we take up in more detail in Section15.2.
Item Response Theory 283

where wj is a (1 [Qd + 1]) augmented predictor matrix obtained by combining a scalar of

1 with a vector of values for item j on Qd predictors, d is a ([Qd + 1] 1) augmented vector
of coefficients, and 2d is the error variance in the regression structure.
Basic IRT and other psychometric models formally model differences among examinees
and items, but offer no explanatory account of those differences. Expanding the model
to incorporate covariates for examinee and item parameters allows for the modeling of
hypotheses for the underlying reasons for the differences. On the examinee side, we can
model features of the individual that drive differences in proficiency, for example via the
latent regression in (11.44). On the item side, we can model how the psychometric proper-
ties depend on features of the item, for example via the regression in (11.45). This is par-
ticularly powerful when those item features are part of a larger substantive theory about
the knowledge or cognitive processes they require or evoke from examinees engaging
with them (Rupp & Mislevy, 2007).
Models of this type align with several aspects of Bayesian thinking. Exchangeability
is assumed conditional on the covariates, and these models are another example of the
perspective on model construction that invokes hierarchical structures in pursuit of con-
ditional exchangeability. At a more conceptual level, the situation here is one in which our
beliefs about the unknown parameters are shaped in part by things other than just the
examinees responses. This collateral information constitutes evidence used in our reason-
ing, and can be naturally built into the model using a Bayesian approach.

11.6.3 Plausible Values

Large-scale surveys are often used to facilitate inference about groups. For example, the
National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) aims to support inferences about the
students in the United States as a whole, or in meaningful subgroups, rather than individuals
(Mazzeo, Lazer, & Zieky, 2006; von Davier, Sinharay, Oranje, & Beaton, 2007). This is accom-
plished by administering items to individuals and aggregating up to the desired grouplevel.
A simple approach to performing this aggregation would estimate the distribution of the
latent variables for a group by the distribution of the individual estimates. Practical constraints
prevent the administration of sufficient numbers of items to support accurate estimates at
the individual level. Happily though, we may obtain accurate group-level estimates without
first obtaining accurate estimates for the individuals that comprise the group. This counterin-
tuitive claim is aligned with the general statistical principle that when there is uncertainty in
lower levels of hierarchical designs, different procedures are optimal for inferences at differ-
ent levels rather than one single procedure being optimal for all, a point famously illustrated
by Steins (1956; James & Stein, 1961) work on the estimation of the mean vector of a multi-
variate normal distribution. In our context, what might be needed for accurate estimation at
the lower level of individuals latent variables, namely administering many informative items
to each individual, is not needed for accurate estimation at the higher level, namely estima-
tion of the groups distribution of latent variables (Mislevy, Beaton, Kaplan, & Sheehan, 1992).
Importantly, absent precise estimates at the individual level, nave aggregations to the
group level are insufficient owing to the failure to acknowledge and properly propagate
uncertainty. With only a few items per examinee, the uncertainty associated with each
individuals latent variable is considerable; ignoring that via simple aggregations is unten-
able (Mislevy etal., 1992). In summary, precise estimates at the individual are not available,
but they are not neededwhat are needed are characterizations of the information about
the distributions obtained from individuals that (1) properly acknowledge the uncertainty
and (2) lead to correct estimates of population-level parameters.
284 Bayesian Psychometric Modeling

To accomplish this, NAEP and other large scale surveys employ plausible value meth-
odology (Mislevy, 1991; Mislevy etal, 1992; Mislevy, Johnson, & Muraki, 1992). For each
examinee, a set of plausible values is obtained via draws from the posterior distribution
for the examinees latent variable(s). For simplicity, we consider the case of a single latent
variable. For each examinee, we construct the posterior distribution for the latent variable
conditional on the observables for the examinee xi and collateral information yi if the latter
are available,

p(i |xi , yi ) p( xi |i , yi )p(i |yi )

= p( xi |i )p(i |yi ),

where p(i |yi ) is the prior distribution for i, here formulated as conditional on the
collateral variables yi, and the second line follows from the conditional independence
assumption. Plausible value methodology involves taking draws from such posterior
Analyzing the draws supports inferences at the group level; details can be found in
the cited sources. For our purposes, we call out a few key points. On the computational
front, the draws for the values of the s in any one iteration of an MCMC sampler repre-
sent a set of plausible values for the examinees s. Multiple draws, from multiple itera-
tions of the MCMC sampler, constitute multiple plausible values for the examinees s.
Conceptually, the draws (plausible values) are taken from the posterior distributions for
individuals s building in everything we know, believe, and have estimated from data
about their relationships with all the collateral variables in the model, in addition to the
observables. Finally, we note that, with respect to the group-level distribution of latent
variables, the individuals latent variables may be conceived as missing data. Cast in this
light, plausible value methodology is an instance of using Rubins (1987) multiple imputa-
tion approach to missing data analysis (Mislevy etal., 1992), a topic we take up in more
detail in Chapter12.
Note that in (11.46), p( xi |i ) is the likelihood function for the examinees latent variable
induced by the observed values in xi and treating the measurement model parameters
as known. Similarly p(i |yi ) is the prior distribution treating the parameters that govern
the dependence of the latent variables on the covariates (e.g., the parameters and 2 in
the latent regression model in (11.44)) as known. This reflects that operational demands
necessitate practical solutions to addressing the complexities of large-scale assessment
surveys, such as drawing on (a) multiple imputation analyses that account for the sam-
pling design, but use point estimates of the parameters of the IRT model and the latent
regression model (Beaton, 1987), (b) estimates of the IRT parameters that ignore the com-
plex sampling (Scott & Ip, 2002), and (c) superpopulation-based analyses for educational
surveys with hierarchical structures assuming error-free dependent variables (Longford,
1995; Raudenbush, Fotiu, & Cheong, 1999). As noted in Section7.4, Johnson and Jenkins
(2005) developed a fully Bayesian model that allows for the estimation of a joint model
addressing all of these design features. Using simulated and real data from operational
NAEP assessments, they found that both the standard analysis with its piece-wise approxi-
mations and their unified model provided consistent estimates of subpopulation features,
but the unified model more appropriately captured the variance of those estimates. By
treating IRT item parameters and population variances as known the standard analysis
tended to underestimate posterior uncertainty by about 10%. Whats more, the unified
model provided more stable estimates of sampling variance than the standard procedures.
Item Response Theory 285

11.7 Alternative Prior Distributions for Measurement Model Parameters

The lack of a general class of conjugate or conditionally conjugate priors for IRT models
and the rise of Bayesian approaches to IRT that leverage optimization routines for point
estimation has led to a number of prior specifications that have been proposed for mea-
surement model parameters. In this section, we present several alternative choices.

11.7.1 Alternative Univariate Prior Specifications for

Models for Dichotomous Observables
Several prior distributions are commonly employed for measurement model parameters
in IRT. For discrimination parameters, researchers have used a normal distribution (with-
out truncation). Setting the prior such that the mean is sufficiently larger than 0 and
the variance is sufficiently small so that most of the density is over values larger than
0 effectively resolves the rotational indeterminacy. Another choice is a lognormal prior

a j ~ log N ( a , 2a ), (11.47)

where the lognormal distribution implies that ln( a j ) ~ N ( a , 2a ).

For lower asymptote parameters, alternatives to the beta distribution include a uniform
distribution over some portion between 0 and 1, or the specification of a normal prior dis-
tribution for a transformation of c j that places it over the real line. For example, we may
employ the logit transformation,

logit(c j ) = 1(c j ) = log ,
1 cj

and then specify a normal prior (Mislevy, 1986),

1(c j ) ~ N ( c , 2c ). (11.48)

Similarly, the probit transformation 1(c j ) may be employed, with the result modeled as a
normal distribution (Fox, 2010).

11.7.2 Alternative Univariate Prior SpecificationsforModels

for Polytomous Observables
The lognormal or unrestricted normal distributions for discriminations just described
in the context of dichotomous models may be employed in polytomous models as well.
Polytomous models bring with them the additional location parameters, which we focus
on here.
In the analysis of the GRM in Section11.4, we employed a strategy of specifying a normal
prior for the first location parameter for each observable and then specifying the remaining
location parameters as via truncated normal distributions, where the truncation bounds
the location parameter to be less than the location parameter for the precedingcategory.
286 Bayesian Psychometric Modeling

A different strategy specifies the remaining location parameters as successive deviations

from the location parameter for the preceding category in such a way that the order restric-
tions are preserved. A bit more formally,

djk = dj( k 1) sjk for k = 3,..., K j . (11.49)

The deviation terms are then specified as following a distribution, such that they are non-
negative. A natural choice would be a uniform distribution bounded below by 0. Setting
the maximum to be, say, 10 or larger, enacts a diffuse prior over the latent continuum
in most applications of IRT. An alternative strategy that does not require the analyst to
specify a maximum of the deviation capitalizes on the log transformation of a normal
distribution over the real line:

sjk = exp(ljk ),

where (11.50)

ljk ~ N (l , l2 ) for k = 3,..., K j .

A generalization of this model specifies the distribution for ljk to vary over j or k. A third
strategy specifies unrestricted versions of all the location parameters included in the

djk* ~ N ( d , 2d ) for k = 2,..., K j , (11.51)

and then sets the location parameters in terms of order statistics of these unrestricted ver-
sions (Curtis, 2010; Plummer, 2010). For observable j,

dj 2 = dj*,[ K j ] ,

dj 3 = dj*,[ K j 1] , (11.52)


djK = dj*,[ 2].

The reverse ordering of the order statistics with the location parameters (i.e., as we go up
from dj2 to djK, we go down from the Kjth to the second-order statistic) is due to the con-
struction of the GRM in (11.27) in terms of probabilities of being at or above a category.
This strategy of using order statistics is a bit more straightforward in versions of the GRM
model that work with cumulative probabilities, in which we model the probabilities of
being at or below a certain category. In that case the kth location parameter corresponds to
the kth-order statistic from the unrestricted versions (Curtis, 2010).
Item Response Theory 287

11.7.3 Multivariate Prior Specifications for Dependence among Parameters

The use of univariate priors for the measurement model parameters reflects an assump-
tion of a priori independence. Although this does not force the parameters to be indepen-
dent in the posterior, it does not formally model their possible dependence. We take up
this topic here, working in the context of models for dichotomous data; the same principles
apply to models of polytomous data.
We might expect location and discrimination parameters to be dependent, as they are
primarily reflective of first- and second-order moments, respectively, which are depen-
dent in dichotomous data (Carroll, 1945; see Fox, 2010, pp. 3637 for a related argument).
Similarly, we might expect location and lower asymptote parameters to be dependent as
higher d and c parameters represent competing explanations for higher rates of success on
the item.
To formally model the dependence among the measurement model parameters, we may
employ a multivariate prior for the j (Mislevy, 1986). For the 2-P models, a natural exten-
sion of the univariate approach involves a truncated multivariate normal prior, where the
truncation applies to a j . In this case, j = (dj , a j ) and

j ~ N ( , ) I R+ ( a j ) (11.53)

where and are hyperparameters and I R+ ( a j ) is the indicator function that is equal to
1 when a j is in the region defined by the positive real line, and 0 otherwise.*
In software environments where the truncated multivariate normal is difficult to imple-
ment (e.g., WinBUGS), or if a 3-P model is of interest, an alternative strategy involves using
some of the alternative forms presented in this section. The multivariate normal prior may
be specified without the truncation; a judicious choice for the prior mean and variance
for the a parameters may help to resolve the rotational indeterminacy. Alternatively, to
preserve the positivity restriction on the a parameters, we may employ a log transforma-
tion. The idea here is to take the a parameters, which we wish to bound below by 0, and
express them on the real line. Along the same lines, we can define a function that maps
from the restricted space of the c parameters, which we bound by 0 and 1, to the real line
via thelogit or probit transformation. That is, we work with a reparameterization that uses
the identity transformation for the locations, the log transformation for the discrimina-
tions, and the logit transformation for the lower asymptotes:

j = dj ,

j = log( a j ),


j = 1(c j ) = log .
1 cj

* To point out a connection with the simpler, more common notation used earlier in the univariate case, note
+ 2
that (11.17) can be written in indicator notation as a j ~ N ( a , a ) I R+ .
288 Bayesian Psychometric Modeling

We can then specify an (unrestricted) multivariate normal prior on the transformed set of
parameters j = ( j , j , j ),

j ~ N ( , ). (11.54)

The original parameters can be recovered by taking the inverses of the transformations
involved in the reparameterizations,

dj = j ,

a j = exp( j ),

exp( j )
c j = ( j ) = .
1 + exp( j )

The hyperparameters and may be specified by the user. As thinking in the log and
inverse-logit parameterizations is not natural to most, it may be useful to use the original
parameterization as a guide for defining the hyperparameter values and, roughly speaking,
apply the corresponding transformations to these values. In the example in Section11.2.5,
we employed an N(0, 2) prior for the d parameters. As the s are obtained by the identity
transformation, a comparable specification using the multivariate approach would sim-
ply specify = 0 and 2 = 2 . For the a parameters, we employed an N+(1,2) prior. Taking
the log of the mode of this distribution (here, 1) yields a suggested value of = 0. If the
geometric average of the slopes were 1, then choosing 2 = .25 yields a prior where the a
parameters are highly likely to be between about 1/3 and 3 (Mislevy, 1986), which is in line
with the N+(1,2) prior. For the c parameters, we employed a Beta(5,17) prior, which has a
mean of 5/22 .227. Applying the logit function to that value yields a suggested value
of = 1.225, and using 2 = .25 yields a distribution of the cs that closely matches the
Beta(5, 17). These means may be collected into and these variances may be collected into
the diagonal of .
The off-diagonal elements of capture the dependency among the items measurement
model parameters. One source of information about their dependence comes in the form
of analyses of the items with other examinees or from analyses of similar items. The exam-
ple in Section11.2.5 specified a prior distribution reflecting a priori independence among
the measurement model parameters; however, they were correlated in the posterior. These
correlations, suitably transformed to reflect the reparameterization, could be the basis for
a future analysis of either (a) these items with different examinees, (b) different items with
these examinees, or (c) different items with different examinees. (We would not use these
posterior correlations as the prior in a reanalysis of the same items and same examinees;
see Exercise 11.9). Note the implicit exchangeability assumptions inherent in using the
results of this analysis in any of scenarios (a)(c): The results from the current analysis
would be relevant for an analysis of (a) different examinees if the two sets of examinees
were exchangeable with respect to the current items. They would be relevant for an analy-
sis of (b) different items if the sets of items were exchangeable with respect to the cur-
rent examinees. They would be relevant for an analysis of (c) different items with different
examinees if both exchangeability assumptions are warranted. To the extent that these
exchangeability assumptions are not warranted, the use of the current strategies may be
suspect. Next, we describe a mechanism that potentially accommodates these situations.
Item Response Theory 289

11.7.4 A Hierarchical Prior Specification

As we have seen, one perspective on Bayesian modeling views the role of the prior distri-
bution as augmenting the information from the data. From this viewpoint, the posterior
distribution will be shrunk toward the prior distribution, relative to the likelihood. This
most clearly manifests itself in the result common to Bayesian analyses where the pos-
terior mean for a parameter is a precision-weighted average of the prior mean and the
mean suggested by the data. This may be seen as the prior distribution regularizing or
reining in the estimates that would be obtained by consideration of the data alone. This
can be particularly advantageous in situations where the parameters may be ill-defined
by the data, such as in IRT. The analysis of the latent variable for an examinee with a
perfect response vector of all correct answers in Section11.2.5 was an example of this,
as is the situation mentioned in Section11.1.3 where multiple sets of values of the item
parameters produce nearly the same model-implied probabilities yielding complicated
However, if the prior distribution is poorly specified, the effect will shrink the posterior
away from the actual center of the parameter values, which may have deleterious effects
on interpretations of those parameters and other inferences (e.g., claims about examinees).
To address this, a hierarchical prior structure can be specified, where a second-level prior
structure is placed on the hyperparameters for the measurement model.
We develop these ideas in the context of the univariate approach to prior specifications.
For the location parameters, we again specify a normal prior,

dj ~ N ( d , 2d ). (11.55)

However, instead of specifying values for these hyperparameters, we now specify a hyper-
prior for these parameters. As these are parameters of a normal distribution, a condition-
ally conjugate specification is given by

d ~ N (d , 2 d ) (11.56)


2d ~ Inv-Gamma( d/2, d02d /2), (11.57)

where d, 2 d , d, and 02d are hyperparameters specified by the analyst. Viewed as a hier-
archy, (11.55) represents the first level of the hierarchy, and (11.56) and (11.57) represent the
second level of the hierarchy.
First consider the mean of the location parameters, d, which is a parameter in the first
level of the hierarchy. d captures the central tendency of the prior distribution for the ds.
The value of d may be thought of as an answer to the question What should we shrink
the estimate of each dj towards? In the single-level prior specification for the ds, the value
of d is chosen by the analyst, which may be problematic if chosen poorly. Our current
focus is to examine how the hierarchical prior structure offers a mechanism to, in a sense,
relieve the pressure placed on the analyst to make such a choice. To delve into how, con-
sider the full conditional for d given by

d |d ~ N (d|d ,2 , d , 2 d|d , 2 ), (11.58)

d d , d
290 Bayesian Psychometric Modeling

d Jd
2 d 2d
d|d, 2 = ,
,d 1 J
2 d 2d
2 d|d , 2 = ,
,d 1 J
2 d 2d

d = (d1 ,, dJ ),

d = 1/j JJ =1 dj .
The prior variance 2 d may be seen as controlling the degree to which the hierarchical prior
structure departs from the single-level prior with known hyperparameters. For small val-
ues of 2 d, the mean of the location parameters (i.e.,d, which is a parameter at level-1 in the
hierarchy) is more strongly influenced by the prior mean at the second level of the hierar-
chy. In the limit, as 2 d 0, d|d ,2 d ,d d and the two-level hierarchical prior degener-
ates into the single-level prior with known hyperparameters. For large values of 2 d, the
mean of the location parameters (i.e., d , which is a parameter at level-1 in the hierarchy) is
more strongly influenced by the values of the location parameters suggested by the data. In
the limit, d|d, 2 ,d d as 2 d . Casually, this corresponds to answering the question
What should we shrink the estimate of each dj towards? with the mean of the ds as sug-
gested by the data. This same limit for the posterior mean, d|d ,2 d ,d d , obtains as J .
More generally, the hierarchical prior structure has the attractive feature of retaining
the core goal of specifying a prior distribution for the posterior distribution to be shrunk
towards (relative to the possibly unstable likelihood), but allows where that prior distri-
bution is located to depend to some degree on the information in the data. How much
it depends on the data is governed principally by relative amounts of information in the
prior, captured by 2 d , and in the data, captured by J.
d governs where we should shrink the data-based estimate of dj towards. The other
parameter in the first level of the prior distribution for the ds in (11.55), 2d , governs how
much we should shrink the data-based estimate. If 2d is large, there will be relatively less
shrinkage, and the posterior for each dj will be more strongly influenced by the data. If2d
is small, there will be relatively more shrinkage. The limiting case of this has 2d 0, in
which case dj d and the data become irrelevant. In the single-level model, the analysts
choice of 2d expresses the variability of the d parameters and constitutes an answer to
the question: How much should we shrink each data-based estimate? By building a
hierarchical prior structure as in (11.57), we again have a mechanism for relieving the pres-
sure on the analyst to specify a value, and enact a balancing of the analysts prior beliefs,
expressed in (11.57), with the information in the data. Generally speaking, the information
in the data becomes more important for 2d and therefore our answer to the question
How much should we shrink each data-based estimate?as d decreases or J increases.
A hierarchical prior structure provides an elegant mechanism to address any uneasy
feelings the analyst may have about specifying values for the hyperparameters of prior
distributions. It allows the influence of the analysts prior beliefs to be softened a bit.
Instead of being represented in the first (and only) level of a prior distribution which more
Item Response Theory 291

directly influence the posterior distribution for the parameters of interest, they are bumped
up to a second level and are further away from the parameters of interest.
It is also very much a Bayesian mechanism. To the extent that the analyst is unsure about
what to specify as the hyperparameters, we do what we always do in Bayesian modeling
when encountered with things we are not sure of: assign a distribution! After conditioning
on the observed data, the posterior distributions for these parameters (the hyperparam-
eters of the first level of the prior distribution) will themselves be a mix of the analysts
prior beliefs (expressed in the second level of the hierarchy) and the data.
A similar logic applies for a hierarchical prior structure on the other measurement model
parameters. For the discrimination parameters, the first level of the prior is

a j ~ N + ( a , 2a ), (11.59)

and instead of specifying values for the hyperparameters, we again specify normal and
inverse-gamma hyperprior distributions as the second level in the hierarchy,

a ~ N (a , 2 a ) (11.60)

2a ~ Inv-Gamma( a / 2, a02a / 2), (11.61)

where a, 2 a, a, and 02a are hyperparameters specified by the analyst. Normal and
inverse-gamma hyperprior distributions may be similarly used if the lognormal prior for
discriminations in (11.47) is employed.
For the lower asymptote parameters, the first level of the prior is
c j ~ Beta( c , c ), (11.62)

and instead of specifying values for the hyperparameters, we specify a second level of the
hierarchy. An interpretation of the parameters of the Beta distribution in terms of counts
of successes and failures suggests the use of a Poisson distribution at the second level of
the hierarchy (Levy, 2014):

c ~ Poisson( c ) (11.63)

c ~ Poisson(c ), (11.64)

where c and c are hyperparameters specified by the analyst. If a logit-normal

(seeEquation 11.48) or probit-normal prior distribution is specified for lower asymptotes,
we are again in a situation where normal and inverse-gamma distributions may be conve-
nient choices for the second level of the hierarchy.
A hierarchical construction on a multivariate prior for the measurement model parame-
ters supports modeling the dependence among them. Recall our multivariate normal prior
for the set of transformed parameters

j ~ N ( , ).

Rather than specify values for these hyperparameters, they may be assigned hyperprior
distributions. Desires for conditional conjugacy imply a multivariate normal hyperprior
for and an inverse-Wishart hyperprior for . In addition to allowing where and by how
292 Bayesian Psychometric Modeling

much the data-suggested estimates should be shrunk, this approach allows for learning
about the dependence among the measurement model parameters, as expressed by the
posterior distribution for the off-diagonal elements of (see Exercises11.7 and 11.8).

11.8 Latent Response Variable FormulationandData-Augmented

Gibbs Sampling
Albert (1992; see also Albert & Chib, 1993) introduced an alternative strategy that formu-
lates the model via a latent response variable (e.g., Wirth & Edwards, 2007) and enacts a
data-augmented Gibbs sampler (Tanner & Wong, 1987). Thinking in terms of the examinee
variables, a latent response variable resides in between the usual latent variable and an
observable. A latent response variable is a continuous variable posited to underlie the dis-
crete observable variable; the discrete observable results from a process of discretizing the
continuous latent response variable. This is a reasonable interpretation in some circum-
stances (e.g., in surveys, there is continuum of age that underlies the examinees response
to a question of whether they are at least 18 years old). In other circumstances we may be
hard pressed to conceive of a continuous variable as underlying a discrete observable. This
does not necessarily undermine formulating the model in this way, as it may be viewed as
a modeling device or piece of machinery. Importantly, the use of latent response variables
does not change the model substantively; it is simply a reparameterization (really, an extra-
parameterization) that yields a number of advantages. For the 2-PNO model, these include
illuminating connections between IRT models and normal-theory CFA and CTT models
(Kamata & Bauer, 2008; Lord & Novick, 1968; McDonald, 1999; Takane & de Leeuw, 1987),
and closed form expressions for the full conditional distributions resulting from conju-
gacy, which we focus on here. Only slight differences are needed to implement a data-
augmented Gibbs sampler for the logistic models (Maris & Maris, 2002; see also Fox, 2010).
Various treatments of the normal-ogive model in terms of an underlying latent response
variable can be found in the IRT and CFA literatures, many of which are formally equiva-
lent (Kamata & Bauer, 2008). This notion of a continuous latent response variable is com-
mon and is particularly natural in CFA traditions, as it may be seen as a way to move from
modeling discrete variables to the more-natural-to-CFA situation of continuous variables
modeled as dependent on continuous latent variables. Casually, a CFA perspective might
see the latent response variable formulation as a way to undo the discretization, putting
us squarely back in the camp of linear, normal-theory CFA. As we will indeed see, intro-
ducing the latent response variable results in the same or nearly the same full conditional
distributions as those in CFA.
We focus on the case of dichotomous observables; extensions to polytomous observables
contain the same key ideas. For each observable, the 2-PNO model is essentially a probit
model where the predictor is a latent variable (). The probit model may be thought of as
regression model with a latent outcome which is censored and observed only in terms
of its sign (Jackman, 2009). Let xij* denote the latent response variable for examinee i and
observable j, where

xij* = a j i + dj + ij (11.65)

and, for each j, ij ~ N (0, 2j ). Distributionally, this may be expressed as

Item Response Theory 293

xij* ~ N ( a j i + dj , 2j ). (11.66)

The probability for an observable taking on a value of 1 is then modeled as the probability
that the latent response variable is greater than or equal to a threshold for the observable, j ,

P( xij = 1|i , dj , a j , ij ) = P( xij* j |i , dj , a j , ij )

= P( a j i + dj + ij j |i , dj , a j , ij ).

It is clear from the expression on the right-hand side of (11.67) that a location indetermi-
nacy is present, as a constant can be added to both dj and j and the probability will be
preserved. An (arbitrary) constraint is needed to resolve this. Interestingly, CFA strategies
rooted in covariance structure analysis typically assume that the location parameters in
the latent response variable equation (here, the ds) are 0, and the thresholds (s) remain in
the model. In IRT traditions, it is more common to assume that the thresholds are 0 and the
location parameters remain in the model.
It is less obvious that an indeterminacy in scale exists as well. This should not be surpris-
inglatent variables do not have inherent metrics, so the introduction of a latent response
variable brings with it the need to resolve these indeterminacies. For each observable, this
can be resolved by setting the 2j equal to a constant; the value of 1 is often chosen for
convenience (see Kamata & Bauer, 2008, for details on this and other alternatives). This
renders ij ~ N (0, 1), which implies that (11.67) may be expressed as

P( xij = 1|i , dj , a j ) = P( xij* 0|i , dj , a j ) = P( a j i + dj + ij 0|i , dj , a j )

= P(ij ( a j i + dj )|i , dj , a j ) = P(ij < a j i + dj |i , dj , a j ) (11.68)

= (( a j i + dj ).

Making the now familiar assumptions of a priori independence between the latent
variables and the measurement model parameters, exchangeability of examinees, and
exchangeability of the observables, the posterior distribution is then

p(, d, a , x * |x ) p( x|, d, a , x * )p(, d, a , x * )

= p( x|x * )p( x * |, d, a )p()p(d)p(a ) (11.69)

n J

= p(x |x )p(x | , d , a )p( )p(d )p(a ),

i =1 j =1
ij i j j i j j

1 if xij 0
xij |xij* = *
for i = 1, , n, j = 1, , J
0 if xij < 0

xij* |i , dj , a j ~ N ( a j i + dj , 1) for i = 1, , n, j = 1, , J .

Employing the normal prior for examinee latent variables in (11.13) and the truncated mul-
tivariate normal prior for the measurement model parameters in (11.53), the full conditional
distributions are expressed in the following equations (see Appendix A for derivations).
294 Bayesian Psychometric Modeling

On the left-hand side, the parameter in question is written as conditional on all the other
relevant parameters and data.* On the right-hand of each of the following equations, we
give the parametric form for the full conditional distribution. In several places we denote
the arguments of the distribution (e.g., mean and variance for a normal distribution) with
subscripts denoting that it refers to the full conditional distribution; the subscripts are
then just the conditioning notation of the left-hand side.
For the examinee latent variables, introducing the latent response variables make the
model akin to a CFA model, with the continuous latent response variables playing the role
of the observables in CFA. The full conditional distribution for examinee i is

i |d, a , xi* ~ N (i|d,a , xi* , 2i|d,a , xi* ), (11.70)


a (x d )
+ j ij j
2 j
i|d,a , xi* = ,
+ a
1 2
2 j

2i|d,a , xi* = ,

+ a j2
2 j

d = (d1 ,, dJ ), a = ( a1 ,, aJ ), and xi* = ( xi*1 , , xiJ* ). The same structure applies to all the
For each examinee i and observable j, the associated latent response variable has a nor-
mal distribution given by its prior, now truncated to be positive or negative depending on
whether the corresponding observable was 1 or 0,

N ( a j i + dj , 1) I ( xij* 0) if xij = 1
xij* |i , dj , a j , xij ~ *
N ( a j i + dj , 1) I ( xij < 0) if xij = 0,

where I is the indicator function.

Turning to the measurement model parameters, we present the full conditionals for any
observable j. The same structure applies to all the observables. The full conditional distri-
bution for the measurement model parameters j = (dj , a j ) is

j |, x *j ~ N ( j| , x *j , j| , x*j ) I(a j > 0), (11.72)


j| , x *j = ( 1 + A A )1( 1 + A x *j ),

j| , x *j = ( 1 + A A )1 ,

* We suppress the role of specified hyperparameters in this notation; see Appendix A for a presentation that
formally includes the hyperparameters.
Item Response Theory 295

and A is the (n 2) augmented matrix of latent variables obtained by combining an (n 1)

column vector of 1s to the (n 1) column vector of latent variables .
There are a number of variations on the latent response variable model that have been
proposed or implemented in software, differing primarily in terms of how they resolve the
indeterminacies associated with the latent response variables and formulate the trunca-
tion (Kamata & Bauer, 2008). The model may also be extended to the 3-PNO, in which case
a data-augmentation scheme may be enacted by introducing an additional set of auxiliary
variables (Bguin & Glas, 2001; Sahu, 2002; see Fu, Tao, & Shi, 2009 for 3-PL models).
As noted above, the latent response variable formulation is natural and quite common
in a factor analytic perspective for modeling discrete variables (Wirth & Edwards, 2007).
The equivalence of FA and IRT versions of the models (for the latter, 2-P versions that
exclude lower asymptotes) has been demonstrated and repeatedly recognized (Takane &
de Leeuw, 1987; see also Kamata & Bauer, 2008). However, as noted by Wirth and Edwards
(2007), conflicting misconceptions in each of these paradigms may be traced to histori-
cal estimation traditions. In IRT, traditional estimation proceeds by integrating over the
prior distribution of the latent variables to produce a marginal likelihood for the mea-
surement model parameters. This becomes increasingly difficult as the number of latent
variables increases. As a consequence, IRT analysts sometimes believe their models are
suited to situations with few latent variables, and the number of observables is for the
most part inconsequential. On the other hand, traditional FA approaches to estimation
in the presence of discrete data involve the computation of polychoric correlations. These
are then then submitted to traditional CFA routines, which easily accommodate many
latent variables. The difficulties arise with the computation of the polychoric correlations,
which involves integration over the distribution of the latent response variables. As there
is a latent response variable for each observable, this becomes increasingly difficult as the
number of observables increases. As a consequence, FA analysts sometimes believe their
models are suited to situations with relatively few observable variables, and the number
of latent variables is for the most part inconsequential. Thus, despite the recognition of the
equivalence of IRT and FA perspectives on the model with continuous latent variables for
discrete data, analysts steeped in the traditions of either of these approaches might have
a view of their models that is unnecessarily limited by the estimation machinery associ-
ated with them. A fully Bayesian approach, with any of the MCMC sampling algorithms
described above, may be a unifying and illuminating framework, freeing analysts from
certain misconceptions.

11.9 Summary and Bibliographic Note

There is a wide world of IRT, and we have restricted our focus to some of the more popular
IRT models. Similarly, there is considerable variation in Bayesian model specifications in
IRT, owing in part to the variation in applications of IRT, computational challenges of IRT
models, and the rise of Bayesian approaches prior to the advent of MCMC. Early work on
fully Bayesian IRT models was conducted by Swaminathan and Gifford (1982, 1985, 1986),
Tsutakawa and Lin (1986), Mislevy (1986), and Tsutakawa (1992). Albert (1992) conducted
the first analysis of Bayesian IRT using MCMC by way of a data-augmentation Gibbs sam-
pling solution for the 2-PNO model. The algorithm was extended to handle polytomous
data by Albert and Chib (1993). The growth in Bayesian IRT via MCMC was precipitated
296 Bayesian Psychometric Modeling

by Patz and Junker (1999a, 1999b), who introduced a more flexible MetropolisHastings-
within-Gibbs approach demonstrating how logistic IRT models for dichotomous data,
polytomous data, missing data, and rater effects could be handled without requiring par-
ticular forms of prior distributions. The flexibility of MCMC estimation has allowed the
expansion to more complex IRT models.
We have confined our treatment to commonly used parametric models where the latent
variable is monotonically related to the probabilities of dichotomous or ordered polytomous
responses. Fox (2010) provides a textbook length treatment of such Bayesian IRT models
emphasizing hierarchical formulations. Various Bayesian approaches to compensatory
and conjunctive MIRT for dichotomous and polytomous variables have been discussed by
Babcock (2011), Bguin and Glas (2001), Bolt and Lall (2003), Clinton, Jackman, and Rivers
(2004), Edwards (2010), Jackman (2001), Kim etal. (2013), Maris and Maris (2002), Reckase
(2009), Sheng and Wikle (2008), Yao and Boughton (2007), and Yao and Schwarz (2006).
Bayesian approaches to other models for dichotomous and polytomous data include
other specifications for ordinal and nominal data (Dunson, 2000; Wollack, Bolt, Cohen, &
Lee, 2002; Yao & Schwarz, 2006) as well as for dichotomous data representing alternative
response processes (Bolfarine & Bazan, 2010; Bolt, Deng, & Lee, 2014; Bolt, Wollack, & Suh,
2012; Jin & Wang, 2014; Loken & Rulison, 2010), including randomized response admin-
istrations (Fox, 2005a; Fox, Klein Entink, & Avetisyan, 2014). Bayesian models have also
been developed for semiparametric (Miyazaki & Hoshino, 2009) and nonparametric mod-
els (Duncan & MacEachern, 2008; Fujimoto & Karabatsos, 2014; Karabatsos & Sheu, 2004;
Karabatsos & Walker, in press) as well as unfolding IRT models that posit a nonmonotonic
relationship between an item response and the latent variable as may be prevalent in psy-
chological assessment (de la Torre, Stark, & Chernyshenko, 2006; Johnson & Junker, 2003;
Roberts & Thompson, 2011; Wang, Liu, & Wu, 2013).
Procedures for accommodating ignorable and nonignorable missingness have also
been developed (Fu, Tao, & Shi, 2010; Maier 2002; Patz & Junker, 1999a), and we discuss
these topics in greater detail in the next chapter. Chang, Tsai, and Hsu (2014) described a
Bayesian approach to modeling a related situation in which the time limit of an assessment
affects the response process.
Section11.7.4 described basic ideas of modeling latent variables and measurement model
parameters with a hierarchical structure. Applications and extensions of this include
models for rater effects (Patz, Junker, Johnson, & Mariano, 2002), testlet effects (Wainer,
Bradlow,& Wang, 2007), differential functioning of items in subpopulations (Frederickx,
Tuerlinckx, De Boeck, & Magis, 2010; Fukuhara & Kamata, 2011; Soares, Gonalves, &
Gamerman, 2009; Verhagen & Fox, 2013), items organized around areas of the domain
(Janssen, Tuerlinckx, Meulders, & De Boeck, 2000), and families of items with members
designed to reflect a common pattern (Geerlings, Glas, & van der Linden, 2011; Johnson &
Sinharay, 2005; Sinharay, Johnson, & Williamson, 2003). Similarly, we may gainfully
employ multilevel structures for the organization of examinees based on groupings or
covariates (Fox, 2005b; Fox & Glas, 2001; Huang & Wang, 2014a; Jiao & Zhang, 2015; Maier,
2002; Natesan, Limbers, & Varni, 2010) or modeling change over time (Segawa, 2005). See
Fox (2010) for a treatment of a number of these models.
Many of these models may be seen as instances of incorporating collateral information
in the form of covariates or conditioning variables for model specifications. Finite mixture
IRT models extend this idea to where the conditioning variables are discrete and latent
(Bolt, Cohen, & Wollack, 2001; Cho, Cohen, & Kim, 2014; Finch & French, 2012; Meyer, 2010)
and possibly dependent on covariates (Dai, 2013), which has been gainfully employed in
the analysis of differential functioning (Cohen & Bolt, 2005; Samuelsen, 2008) including
Item Response Theory 297

in situations recognizing the hierarchical organization of examinees (Cho & Cohen, 2010).
Collateral information about items may be used to model the measurement model parame-
ters, and shed interpretative light on differences among latent groups (Choi & Wilson, 2015).
An alternative source of collateral information may come in the form of other aspects
of the examineeitem interaction, such as performance on items measuring other latent
variables in MIRT (de la Torre, 2009; de la Torre & Song, 2009), the selection of distractors
(Bolt etal., 2012), and response times (Klein Entink etal., 2009; Meyer, 2010; van der Linden;
2007; Wang, Fan, Chang, & Douglas, 2013).
The majority of adaptive testing has focused on adapting the items presented to the
examinee in support of scoring. The same principles may be applied in support of opti-
mizing calibration of measurement model parameters (van der Linden & Ren, 2014). The
principles of adaptive testing are more general than the particular forms of IRT models
and apply equally to other models (Vos, 1999) including those that employ discrete latent
variables as in latent class and Bayesian network models discussed in Chapters 13 and 14
(for focused treatments of adaptive testing using models with discrete latent variables,
see Cheng, 2009; Collins, Greer, & Huang, 1996; Jones, 2014; Macready & Dayton, 1992;
Marshall, 1981; Rudner, 2009; Welch & Frick, 1993). See Almond and Mislevy (1999) for a
general account of adaptive testing via graphical models, including the incorporation of
collateral information.

11.1 Recreate the 3-PNO analysis of the LSAT data in Section11.2.5. Verify your results
with those reported here and obtain the DIC.
11.2 Compare the results from the 3-PNO to those from 1-PNO and 2-PNO models of
the LSAT data.
a. For each of the 1-PNO and 2-PNO models, obtain the posterior distribution for
the measurement model parameters, conduct PPMC using the statistics and
discrepancy measures reported in Section11.2.5, and obtain the DIC.
b. Compare the results for the measurement model parameters to those in
Table11.2. How are the similar, how are they different, and why?
c. Compare the models in terms of their fit.
11.3 Consider what occurs if there are fewer items. Fit the 3-PNO model to the first
four items of the LSAT data.
a. Compare the results for the measurement model parameters to those in
Table11.2. How are they similar, how are they different, and why?
b. Compare the result for examinee 1,000 to that in Table11.2. How are they simi-
lar, how are they different, and why?
11.4 Fit a multidimensional GRM-L model for the item response data from the Peer
Interaction and Academic and Intellectual Development subscales of the Institutional
Integration Scale.
a. Specify and write out the DAG for a model with two latent variables, where
the items associated with each subscale load on one latent variable. Be sure to
consider the resolution of the indeterminacies in the model.
298 Bayesian Psychometric Modeling

b. Interpret the results for the measurement model parameters and the param-
eters that govern the distribution of the latent variables. Compare the results
for the correlation between the latent variables to the correlation between the
observed subscale scores of .57.
11.5 In the description of CAT, it was suggested that ML could be used to estimate
after each response if the examinee has at least one correct and at least one incor-
rect response. Why is this needed for ML estimation? Why is it not needed for
Bayesian estimation?
11.6 Consider a 1-PL model that specifies collateral information for examinees and
the items in the forms of (11.44) and (11.45).
a. Write out the DAG for the model.
b. For each parameter, write out what other entities need to be conditioned on in
the full conditional distribution.
11.7 Analyze a 3-PNO model for the LSAT data in Table 11.1 using a prior distribution
that formally models the dependence among the measurement model parameters.
a. Write out the DAG for the model.
b. How do the results for the measurement model parameters compare to those
for the model that specifies a priori independence among the parameters
reported in Table11.2?
11.8 Consider what occurs if data arrive sequentially.
a. Using the same prior as you specified in Exercise 11.7, analyze a 3-PNO model
for a random subset of 500 examinees from the LSAT data. How do the results
differ from those in Exercise11.6?
b. Use the information in the posterior from part (a) to specify a new prior distri-
bution for the measurement model parameters.
c. Obtain the posterior distribution now using the remaining 500 examinees.
How do the results differ from those in Exercise 11.6 and part (a)?
11.9 In Section11.7.3, we described how the results for an analysis of data from exam-
inee responses to a set of items could be used as the basis for the prior distribution
of an analysis of (a) the same items with different examinees, (b) different items
with the same examinees, or (c) different items with different examinees, but not
(d) a reanalysis of the same items and the same examinees. Why would this latter
analysis be dubious?
11.10 Show that, under the stated assumptions and model specifications, the full con-
ditional distribution for d in the hierarchical prior is given by (11.58).
Missing Data Modeling

Missing values for potentially observable variables are ubiquitous in psychometric and
related social science scenarios for a variety of reasons, including those that may or may
not be planned, anticipated, or controlled by the assessor. This chapter covers Bayesian
perspectives on missing data as they play out in psychometrics through the lens of Rubins
(1976) missing-data framework. The key insight is this: when there is a hole in the data,
a Bayesian perspective tells us to build a predictive distribution for what we might have
seen, given all the data we did see, our model for the data had it all been observed, and a
model that expresses our belief about the mechanisms that caused part of the data to be
missing (Rubin, 1977).
In Section 12.1, we review foundational concepts pertaining to missing data and
introduce a running example that we will revisit in several of the following sections. In
Section12.2, we focus on conducting inference when the missingness is ignorable, and in
Section12.3, we focus on inference when the missingness is nonignorable. InSection12.4,
we review multiple imputation, drawing connections to the fully Bayesian analyses of
missing data. In Section 12.5, we discuss connections and departures among missing
data, latent variables, and model parameters. Section12.6 concludes the chapter with a
summary and bibliographic note.

12.1 Core Concepts in Missing Data Theory

When some values for the data are missing, we may partition the full set of potentially
observable variables x into two subsets, x = (xobs, x mis), where xobs are the observed data
and x mis are the missing data. Though we do not know the values of x mis, we do know that
they are missing. That is, we know which values are observed and which are missing. If
we again let x be the collection of potentially observable values from n examinees to J
variables, let Iij be an indicator of the presence or absence of the value from examinee i to
observable j, where Iij = 1 if the value of xij is observed (known) and Iij = 0 if the value xij
is missing (unknown). Let I denote the full collection of the Iij. We may view the missing-
ness indicator as inducing the partition x = (xobs, x mis). In this light, x represents all possible
values for the observables, some of which are known (xobs), others of which are obscured
(x mis). Which ones are known and which are obscured are reflected by I, so a model for I
is therefore a model for the mechanism(s) at play that result in the presence or absence of
values for x.
Consider the joint distribution of x and I conditional on parameters that govern their
distribution, denoted as p( x , I |, ) where, in addition to the terms previously introduced,
are parameters relevant for characterizing the missingness mechanism and are the
parameters that govern the distribution of the data. Here, we return to the use of to denote
all the parameters that govern the distribution of the datalatent variables, measurement

300 Bayesian Psychometric Modeling

model parameters, and parameters that govern the distributions of those entities. In our
examples below, we primarily focus on scoring in unidimensional IRT, and so in most of
the cases we discuss, just refers to the latent variable in IRT. When we consider examples
that expand the situation such that includes measurement model parameters, we will
note it as such.
The joint distribution for x and I may be constructed as

p( x , I |, ) = p( x|)p( I |x , ). (12.1)

The first term on the right-hand side of (12.1) is the familiar conditional distribution of x
given parameters . What is new is the second term, the conditional distribution of the
missingness given and x, which may be interpreted as a model for the missingness.
In most cases, the joint parameter space of and can be factored into a -space and a
-space. In some cases, such as the intentional-omitting example we will be considering,
missingness can depend directly on . We will then either consider an element of , or
denote the dependence explicitly as p( I |x , , ).
The role of x in the conditioning here is crucial. Equation (12.1) states that the missing-
ness mechanism may depend on x, including potentially both the observed values xobs and
missing values x mis. We briefly cover the various ways this plays out.
Missing data are missing completely at random (MCAR) if the probability of missingness
does not depend on either the observed or unobserved values:

p( I |x , ) = p( I |xobs , xmis , ) = p( I |). (12.2)

Missing data are missing at random (MAR) if the probability of missingness depends on the
observed values xobs, but once they are conditioned on, the probability of missingness is
independent of the actual unobserved values x mis:

p( I |x , ) = p( I |xobs , xmis , ) = p( I |xobs , ) . (12.3)

Missing data are missing not at random (MNAR) if the probability of missingness depends
on the unobserved values x mis, even when the observed values xobs are taken into account:

p( I |x , ) = p( I |xobs , xmis , ). (12.4)

As x = (xobs, x mis), (12.4) is tautological. Nevertheless, it is useful for communicating that x mis
is relevant to the missingness mechanisms, and as a foil for the previous two characteriza-
tions of missingness mechanisms. Note that MAR is a special case of MNAR, and MCAR
is a special case of MAR.

We will use a simple running example from IRT to illustrate the key ideas of modeling
missing data. We will focus our attention on inference about for a single examinee,
and can therefore omit the subscripting by i to simplify notation. There are three test
items, with dichotomous responses xj. The 1-PL (Rasch) model is assumed to hold for
the item responses, and the item difficulty parameters expressed as bj are known to be
0, 1, and 1, respectively. In the examinee population, ~ f (). The missingness indi-
cator Ij is 1 if a response is observed and 0 if it is missing. We will consider inference
about for a single examinee, Sally, for whom I = (1,1,0) and x = (1,0,*). That is, we have
observed her responses to only the first two items, so xobs = (x1, x2) = (1,0) and x mis = (x3).
Missing Data Modeling 301

We will see that even when the Rasch model is assumed to be wholly sufficient for the
process of how item responses are produced, our inference about depends materially
on the process of how the response to x3 came to be missing. We will consider several
situations: using multiple test forms, adaptive testing, Sally running out of time, and
Sally intentionally omitting a response.

12.2 Inference under Ignorability

12.2.1 Likelihood-Based Inference
Given values for I and x, including the hypothetically observable, but not actually observed
values in x mis, (12.1) may be viewed as a complete-data likelihood function of the (unknown)
parameters and . Of course, not all the elements in x are known. Assuming that the joint
parameters space of and can be factored into a -space and a -space, the observed-data
likelihood is given by

p( xobs , I |, ) = p( x , I |, )dxmis

= p( x|)p( I |x , )dx mis (12.5)

= p( x , x |)p( I |x
obs mis obs , xmis , )dxmis .

The observed-data likelihood may be recognized as an average over all of the possible
complete-data likelihoods p( xobs , xmis |) that accord with the observed data xobs, each
weighted by the probability of the (known) missingness pattern (I) given the observed
data (xobs) and the possible missing data (x mis).
A likelihood analysis that ignores the missing data mechanisms works with a likelihood
based only on xobs, namely

p( xobs |) = p( x|) dxmis = p( xobs , xmis |) dxmis. (12.6)

This forms the basis of full-information ML approaches to modeling missing data (Enders,
When is it safe to work with the likelihood in (12.6) rather than the one in (12.5)? Rubin
(1976, Theorem 7.1) showed that in addition to the assumption of the factorable parameter
space, when the missing data are MAR (or its special case, MCAR), the missingness mecha-
nisms are considered ignorable for likelihood-based inference. This means that an analysis
can safely ignore the reasons for missingness when conducting inference about through
the likelihood. That is, the likelihood based on xobs in (12.6) yields the same inferences
about as does the likelihood based on (xobs, I) in (12.5). Ignoring the missingness mecha-
nism essentially treats the realized values of I as fixed, ignoring its stochastic process. If the
data are MAR (or MCAR), nothing is lost here for inferences based on just likelihoods. In
contrast, mechanisms that are MNAR are nonignorable; the pattern of missingness, I, con-
tains information about beyond the information contained in xobs. Inference for depends
on the model for the missingness, captured in part by the model for .
302 Bayesian Psychometric Modeling

Example (continued)
Multiple test forms. Suppose that there are two forms of the example test, the first
consisting of Items 1 and 2, the second consisting of Items 1 and 3. Sally was assigned
to Test Form 1 by a coin flip with outcomes denoted as H and T for the two sides of the
coin. Letting represent the outcome, the assignment rule was to administer Form 1 if
= H and Form 2 if = T.* The missingness process p( I |x obs , x mis , ) can be written as

p( I = (1, 1, 0)|x , ) = 1 if = H

p( I |xobs , xmis , ) = p( I = (1, 0, 1)|x , ) = 1 if = T
p( I = (i , i , i )|x , ) = 0 if (i , i , i ) {(1, 1, 0),(1, 0 , 1)}.
1 2 3 1 2 3

Because the coin flip does not depend on what Sallys responses were, or would have been
had she also responded to Item 3, it follows that p( I = (1, 1, 0)|x , ) = p( I = (1, 1, 0)|)
and p( I = (1, 0 , 1)|x , ) = p( I = (1, 0 , 1)|), so the missingness is MCAR. The complete-
data likelihood function simplifies to p( x obs |), which is the likelihood ignoring the
missingness process.
Adaptive testing. Suppose Sally took a computerized adaptive test (CAT), where
themiddle-difficulty item, Item 1, is presented first. If the examinees response is right,
the more difficult Item 2 is administered, and if it is wrong, the easier Item 3 is adminis-
tered. In this case,

p( I = (1, 1, 0)|x ) = 1 if x1 = 1

p( I = (1, 0, 1)|x ) = 1 if x1 = 0
p( I = (i , i , i )|x ) = 0 if (i , i , i ) {(1, 1, 0),(1, 0, 1)}.
1 2 3 1 2 3

The missingness process now depends on Sallys response to Item 1, which is part of
xobs, but not on her response to Item 3, which is part of x mis. This missingness is not
MCAR, but it is still MAR, so again the likelihood ignoring the missingness is appropri-
ate under likelihood inference.
Running out of time. Suppose Sally was administered a test form with all three items,
and worked sequentially from the beginning. Sally answered the first two, producing
xobs = (1,0), but ran out of time before looking at Item 3. We have assumed that the
Rasch model accounts for response probabilities, but there is a speed factor at work as
well. It may well be the case that is correlated to say, fast examinees are generally
more proficient than slow examineesso that p(,) = p(|)p(). Here the missingness
process depends on and not x, so MAR holds; and is distinct from in the sense of
separate parameter spaces. The missingness is again ignorable under likelihood infer-
ence, and the MLE of Sallys depends only on her first two responses.

12.2.2 Bayesian Inference

The situation for Bayesian inference is similar, and it should be unsurprising that the
conditions for ignorability in Bayesian inference are similar to those for likelihood-based
inference, only requiring an additional requirement on the prior distribution. To see this,
consider the joint posterior distribution for and

* This is a simplified form administration process, but relates to more complicated procedures in which the
order of forms are predetermined and administered in a spiraled manner in a classroom (e.g., Mazzeo
Missing Data Modeling 303

p(, |I , xobs ) = p(, , xmis |I , xobs )dxmis

p( x obs , xmis , I |, )p(, )dxmis (12.7)

= p( x obs , xmis |)p( I |xobs , xmis , ) dxmis p(, ).

The first line in (12.7) marginalizes with respect to x mis. The second line follows from
Bayes theorem, and the third line substitutes in the observed-data likelihood from (12.5).
This suggests that the observed-data posterior distribution may be recognized as an aver-
age over all of the complete-data posterior distributions that accord with the observed data
xobs, with weights given by the probability of the (known) missingness pattern (I) given the
observed data (xobs) and the possible missing data (x mis).
A Bayesian analysis that ignores the missing data mechanisms works with a posterior
distribution for based only on xobs, namely

p( |xobs ) p( xobs |)p()


= p( xobs , xmis |)dxmis p().

When is it safe to work with the posterior distribution in (12.8) rather than the one in
(12.7)? Rubin (1976, theorem8.1) showed that when the missing data are MAR (or its special
case, MCAR), the parameter space can be factored into a -space and a -space, and these
parameters are independent in the prior,

p(, ) = p()p(), (12.9)

then the missingness mechanisms are ignorable for Bayesian inference about . This can
be understood by simplifying the general characterization of the joint posterior for and
in (12.7) in accordance with these assumptions,

p(, |I , xobs ) p( xobs , xmis |)p( I |xobs , ) dxmis p(, )

= {p() p( xobs , xmis |) dxmis }{p()p( I |xobs , )}.

The first line in (12.10) follows from the general characterization of joint posterior for
and in (12.7) and the MAR assumption, in that the distribution of I may depend on
x obs, but not x mis. The second line follows from the a priori independence of the parame-
ters in (12.9). This last line reveals that the joint posterior may be factored into two terms
in braces: one for and one for . Focusing on the former, we have the simpler poste-
rior for based only on x obs in (12.8). This means that, under the stated assumptions,
an analysis can safely ignore the reasons for missingness when conducting Bayesian
inference about . That is, the posterior based on x obs in (12.8) yields the same inferences
about as does the posterior based on (x obs, I) in (12.10). This essentially treats the real-
ized values of I as fixed, ignoring its stochastic process. If the data are MAR (or MCAR),
nothing is lost here.
304 Bayesian Psychometric Modeling

In contrast, there are two cases when missingness mechanisms are nonignorable under
Bayesian inference:

1. Nonfactorable parameter space. When the missingness process is MAR and and
are distinct parameter spaces, ignorability holds for likelihood inference but not
for Bayesian inference if p(, ) does not factor as in (12.9). (For example, in an
application of IRT where is proficiency and is tendency to omit items, sup-
pose we believe that low-proficiency examinees are more likely to omit items; then
p(, ) p()p().) Here, inference for depends not only on xobs but on indirect
information about through I, in the form of

p(|I ) = p(|)p(|I ) d.

2. MNAR mechanisms. When the missingness process is MNAR and nonignorable

under likelihood inference, it is usually nonignorable under Bayesian inference as
well.* Again inference for depends on the model for the missingness, as both I
and x mis hold information about .

Methods for conducting inference under nonignorability will be discussed in Section12.3.

Under ignorability, a Bayesian analysis seeks the posterior distribution based only on
the xobs given in (12.8). Recognizing that p( xobs , xmis , ) = p( xobs , xmis |)p(), the last line in
(12.8) may be interpreted as saying that the posterior distribution for the model param-
eters given the observed data may be obtained by first constructing the joint distribution
of the model parameters, observed data, and the missing data, and then integrating out
the latter.
When an analytical evaluation of the integral is not feasible, we may once again turn to
simulation strategies. A Gibbs sampling approach may be enacted by iteratively sampling
from the full conditionals

~ p(|xobs , xmis )

and (12.11)

xmis ~ p( xmis |xobs , ).

This level of generality is sufficient for our purposes, which is to highlight that there is a
full conditional for x mis. In practice, we may employ variations on this theme. For example,
a univariate approach to Gibbs sampling would work with the univariate full conditionals,
where each parameter in is conditioned on the remaining parameters in in addition
to xobs and x mis, and each missing value in x mis is conditioned on the remaining missing
values in x mis in addition to and xobs. Of course, the full conditional distributions may
simplify in light of the conditional independence assumptions in the model. In particular,

* MAR and distinctness are sufficient but not necessary conditions for ignorability. One can construct cases
in which a missingness process is MNAR and missingness is nonignorable under likelihood inference, yet a
specially built p(, ) cancels out the confounding and ignorability obtains under Bayesian inference.
Missing Data Modeling 305

the local independence assumption in psychometric models implies that, given the model
parameters, the observables are conditionally independent. Under local independence, the
full conditional for the missing data simplifies to

xmis ~ p( xmis |). (12.12)

Gibbs sampling proceeds by iteratively drawing from the full conditionals. The marginal dis-
tribution for from a chain of draws approximates the posterior distribution for in (12.8).

Example (continued)
The previous block of examples showed that under IRT assumptions, the cases of
multiple test forms, adaptive testing, and running out of time were ignorable under
likelihood inference. We revisit them here, and see that Bayesian ignorability still
holds if (12.9) holds. If (12.9) does not hold, we have Bayesian nonignorable inference
of the Nonfactorable parameter space type.
Multiple test forms. The missingness process for multiple test forms is still MAR, because
it does not depend on an examinees responses to the items not presented. We saw that the
missingness was ignorable under likelihood inference. It is ignorable under Bayesian infer-
ence as well, as long as form assignment does not depend on . Such is the case if the form is
assigned by a coin flip, the result of which has nothing to do with the examinees . Instead,
suppose eighth-grade students are assigned to the harder Test Form 1 with probability
.67 and the easier Test Form 2 with probability .33; fourth-grade students are assigned
randomly to the forms with probabilities .25 and .75, respectively. Again is a coin
flip,butwith differently biased coins at the two grades. If p(|Grade = 4) p(|Grade = 8),
then p(, |Grade = k ) = p(|Grade = k )p(|Grade = k ) but p(, ) p()p(). Ignorability
holds under Bayesian inference only given grade, and the correct conditionally ignor-
ability posterior is p(|x obs , Grade = k ) p( x obs |)p(|Grade = k ). If we know that Sally
is a fourth grader, we should calculate her posterior distribution using the Grade 4 prior
p(|Grade = 4). (If we know she was assigned Form 1 under the grade-dependent admin-
istration scheme but we do not know her grade, the prior we should use is a mixture of
the Grade 4 and 8 distributions with weights proportional to .25 and .67, the probability
of assignment to Form 1 to students in the two grades respectively.)
Adaptive testing. Similar results hold for ignorability under Bayesian inference, with
the exception that if the initial item or the item selection probabilities depend on
some examinee covariate Z, it must be conditioned on in both the prior and posterior:
p(|x obs , Z=z) p( xobs |)p(|Z=z).
Running out of time. Recall that xmis is MAR if the responses are missing because the
examinee ran out of time before getting to them, and speed is assumed to be a separate
parameter from . Ignorability holds under likelihood inference whether or not (12.9)
holds. If (12.9) does not hold, and are not distinct in the required Bayesian sense and
the missingness is not ignorable under Bayesian inference. Inference must proceed with
a marginal posterior for that is proportional to the IRT likelihood times a prior that
takes into account how many items the examinee has reached, or p( x obs |)p(|I ) where
p(|I ) = p(|)p( I |)p() d.
What this means for Sally is that her likelihood function based on Items 1 and 2 remains
the same, but a prior for has also been incorporated that reflects the distribution of
examinees who, like Sally, did not reach Item 3. If this distribution is lower than the undif-
ferentiated population, for example, Sallys posterior distribution will be shifted down-
ward and her Bayes modal (MAP) estimate will be lower than her MLE would have been.
306 Bayesian Psychometric Modeling

12.3 Inference under Nonignorability

When the missingness is nonignorable, the situation is more complex as we cannot conduct
inference for without consideration of the model for missingness. We will not be able to
factor the posterior distribution as before, and thus must consider the full joint posterior
, , xmis) given the known data (xobs, I),
distribution for all unknown entities (

p(, , xmis |I , xobs ) p( I |xobs , xmis , , )p( x obs , x mis |)p(|)p(). (12.13)

The key component is the first term on the right-hand side, which is the model for the
missingness pattern given the observed data, missing data, parameters that govern the dis-
tribution of the data, and additional parameters that govern the missingness mechanism.
Given a structure for the missingness process, we may employ MCMC procedures to
empirically approximate the posterior distribution. A Gibbs sampler would iteratively
draw from the full conditionals for the unknowns , , and x mis. What needs to be condi-
tioned on and the actual form of each full conditional will depend on the dependence and
conditional independence structures in the model (e.g., does I depend on some or all of the
other entities in the model?).
The marginal distribution for from the chain of draws approximates the marginal
posterior distribution for ,

p(|I , xobs ) =
p(, , x mis |I , xobs )d dxmis. (12.14)

Similarly, MCMC may be used to approximate the marginal distribution of or its depen-
dence on if it is of inferential interest.

Example (continued)
Intentional Omits. Suppose Sally chooses not to respond to a dichotomously scored item
on the three-item test if her probability of getting the item correct is less than .5. Note that
her probability depends on both her proficiency variable and the items parameters, both
included in in the following equations for convenience. The missingness model is then

p( I |x obs , x mis , , ) = p( I |)
I j = 1 if p(correct|) .5
I j = 0 if p(correct|) < .5 .

and the term for drops out of the model.

A more complex model for the missingness expands on this to specify that the value
will be missing if Sally thinks that her probability of getting the item correct islessthan.5.
In this case, may contain person-specific parameters that capture the accuracy of that
persons assessment of her or his probabilities of correctly answering the items. Let
denote the parameter for Sally. In this case, the missingness model is then

p( I |x obs , x mis , , ) = p( I |, )

I j = 1 if p(believe correct|, ) .5
I j = 0 if p(believe correct|, ) < .5.
Missing Data Modeling 307

Furthermore, the examinees judgment parameters may be related to their proficiency,

task features, or their true probability of correctly responding. For example, examinees
with higher proficiency may be better judges of whether they know the correct answer.
The dependence of examinee judgment parameters on the model parameters is cap-
tured by p(|). At the low end, examinees beliefs about their chances of correctness
might be totally unrelated to the actual correctness. This situation approaches MAR. At
the high end, the examinees beliefs might be so related to the actual correctness that
they know which ones they would get correct, and selectively answer them accordingly.
In an analog of this situation, Sally video-records herself attempting 100 basket free
throws. She makes only 20, but she knows exactly which ones they are. She edits the
video down to an impressive string of 20 successful attempts in a row. We are wrong to
take 20-out-of-20 to estimate her free-throw percentage.
As long as intentional omitting depends on xmis, the missingness is not MAR, and it
is not ignorable under likelihood inference. We can estimate the missingness function
p( I |x obs , x mis , , ) empirically from a study like that of Sheriffs and Boomer (1954). Their
subjects answered or omitted items under standard conditions, then later provided
responses to the items they omitted. It is then an empirical question as to whether the
results would support acceptable inference from a scoring function based on only xobs
and I (e.g.,Moustaki& Knott, 2000). As a computational expedient for operational work,
Lord (1974) suggested treating omitted responses in multiple-choice tests as fractionally
correct. This is consistent with positing that p= ( x j 1=
|I j 0) = c , where c is the reciprocal
of the number of response alternatives. Note that neither nor any appears in this
formulation. The justification is that this is the optimal strategy for omitting when an
examinees beliefs are accurate.

12.4 Multiple Imputation

In this section, we review a closely related strategy for conducting inference in light of
missing data, highlighting its connections to the previously described procedures.
A natural approach to dealing with missing data is to impute a value for each missing
data point. That is, for each missing data point, we fill in the empty spot with a value. The
result is a complete dataset that is then subjected to whatever analysis would have been
conducted had the dataset been fully observed from the outset. Enders (2010) reviewed a
number of these procedures, as well as their limitations. A problem common to many of
these procedures is that they understate our uncertainty, which manifests itself in under-
estimating posterior standard deviations or standard errors.
Multiple imputation tackles the problems posed by missing data for inference by imput-
ing multiple values for each missing data point and guiding the subsequent analyses in a
way that properly accounts for our uncertainty (Rubin 1978, 1987, 1996b). As we will see,
it has a distinctly Bayesian grounding, but it supports frequentist as well as Bayesian
approaches to inference, making it popular among analysts of various persuasions
(Enders, 2010; Gelman etal., 2013). In this section, we briefly give an overview of mul-
tiple imputation, highlighting its Bayesian nature and connections to the procedures in
Multiple imputation approaches to inference in light of missing data may be seen as pro-
ceeding in three phases (Enders, 2010). The first is the imputation phase, in which multiple
complete datasets are constructed based on augmenting the observed data with values
for the missing data. The second is an analysis phase, in which the desired analysis is
308 Bayesian Psychometric Modeling

conducted for each of the just-constructed complete datasets. The third phase is a pool-
ing phase in which the results from the analyses in the second phase are synthesized.
The following sections detail these phases, and then revisit the plausible values approach
to estimating distributions of latent variables introduced in the previous chapter. It is a
straightforward application of multiple imputation for missing data.

12.4.1 Imputation Phase

In the first phase, multiple values are imputed for the missing data. The imputations are
draws from the posterior predictive distribution

p( xmis |I , xobs ) =
p(, , x mis |I , xobs )dd. (12.17)

Under the general case of MNAR, this amounts to the marginalization of the joint poste-
rior in (12.13). From a Bayesian perspective, the posterior predictive distribution in (12.17)
is the answer to the question of how to impute missing values: what we believe about each
missing value is fully represented by its predictive distribution given the assumed model,
the observations, and the prior distributions for the unknown parameters (Little & Rubin,
2002; Rubin, 1977).
Multiple imputation is typically employed using the observed-data likelihood reflect-
ing an assumption of MAR, and we focus on this case in the following development.
Owing to the factorization of the posterior in (12.10), the joint posterior distribution for the
unknowns and x mis given xobs is

p(, xmis |xobs ) p( xobs , xmis |)p()

= p( xmis |, xobs )p( xobs |)p()

p( xmis |, xobs )p(|xobs )

= p( xmis |)p(|xobs ),

where the last line follows from local independence of observables in psychometric
models. Marginalizing over the parameters yields the posterior predictive distribution for
the missing data

p( xmis |xobs ) = p(, xmis |xobs )d

= p( x mis |)p(|xobs )d.

A value drawn from this posterior predictive distribution constitutes a single imputation.
Multiple imputations are obtained by repeatedly drawing from this distribution. This is
typically carried out by cycling through two steps, which correspond to an iteration of the
Gibbs sampler that draws from the full conditional distributions for the parameters and
the missing data. The full conditional distributions are:

~ p(|xobs , xmis ),
xmis ~ p( xmis |xobs , ).
Missing Data Modeling 309

Note that p( xmis |xobs , ) = p( xmis |) under local independence. First, we simulate a value for
from its full conditional distribution given the observed data xobs and initial values for the
missing data xmis. Next, we simulate a value for xmis from its full conditional distribution
given xobs and the just-simulated value for . To generate the next imputation, we simulate a
new value for from its full conditional distribution, using the just-simulated value for x mis,
and then use that value to simulate xmis from its full conditional. Upon convergence of the
chain, the distribution of the draws for ( , xmis) approximates the joint posterior distribution.
Accordingly, the marginal distribution for xmis from a chain of draws approximates the pos-
terior predictive distribution for xmis in (12.19). Each draw for xmis constitutes an imputation.
Importantly, the process for obtaining multiple imputations using MCMC is the same
as the process for conducting Bayesian inference about using MCMC. Both involve
obtaining draws from the joint posterior distribution of parameters and the missing
data given the observed data. The full conditionals in (12.20) are the same as the those
in (12.11). In Section12.2.2, where we focused on inference, we marginalized over the
missing data to yield the marginal posterior distribution for the parameters. In a simula-
tion environment, this amounted to simulating from the joint posterior distribution and
then paying attention only to the values for the parameters. In this treatment focusing
on imputations, we marginalize over the parameters to yield the posterior predictive
distribution for the missing data to yield imputations. In a simulation environment, this
amounts to simulating from the joint posterior distribution and then paying attention
only to the values for the missing data. The central point is that the procedures are the
same. The mechanisms for obtaining multiple imputations are the same mechanism for
conducting Bayesian inference. Producing imputations also yields Bayesian inference
for the parameters. Conducting Bayesian inference for the parameters also produces
imputations. Instead of discarding the draws for the parameters in multiple imputa-
tion, they could be retained and used to conduct inference for the parameters. Instead
of discarding the draws for the missing data in conducting inference, they could be
retained and viewed as imputations. The same holds for Bayesian inference under the
more general case of nonignorability. The draws for x mis, when simulating values from
the joint posterior distribution in (12.13) amount to multiple imputations.
Under this approach, when we formulate a single model there is no need to distinguish
between an imputation phase and an analysis phase. We conduct inference for the param-
eters at the same time as we obtain imputations. In fact, as noted in Section 12.2.2, we
do not even need to pay attention to the imputations to perform inference. The payoff of
multiple imputation strategies to missing data analysis, and in particular, the distinction
between imputation and analysis phases, comes in situations when a dataset is intended to
be used in different contexts (Rubin, 1996b): by different analysts, at different times, with
different models; or when auxiliary variables not of inferential interest may be useful in
predicting the missing values (Meng, 1994a; Rubin, 1996b; Schafer, 2003). Essentially, the
imputation phase handles the missingness and the resulting multiple completed datasets
are turned over as a set to other analysts for whatever analyses they have in mind in the
analysis phase, with guidelines for how to combine the results obtained from the multiple
datasets in the pooling phase.
With this distinction between imputation and analysis phases, the model and parameters
used for imputations need not be the same as those used in the analysis phase. To make
this explicit, in the imputation phase we specify an imputation model with parameters
that specifies the conditional distribution for the data given and a prior distribution
for . In general, need not equal . Once imputations are obtained, we proceed to the
analysis phase for inference about .
310 Bayesian Psychometric Modeling Obtaining Independent Imputations from MCMC

It is important that the imputations be independent of one another to use the simple pooling
procedures discussed in Section12.4.3. Independence is achieved when the values for xmis are
drawn independently. In the more general case of dependent draws from MCMC sampling
schemes, there are two strategies for generating independent imputations. In one approach,
multiple chains are run independently, capitalizing on the fact that though the iterations are
dependent within chains, they are independent between chains. Suppose we wish to obtain K
imputations. We run K chains independently and, following an evaluation of convergence,
obtain one draw from each chain, that is, a vector with a value for all of the nonobserved
variables in the problem drawn in that particular cycle in that chain. In another approach, a
single chain is run, and the draws are thinned by an amount needed to render the remaining
draws approximately independent.

Example (continued)
Sallys missing response is MAR in the cases of multiple forms, adaptive testing, and
running out of time. Obtaining a draw for x3 is therefore accomplished using the results
of the ignorability analysis under Bayesian inference. If no covariate Z is involved in
form assignment or in item selection algorithms, then an imputation for x3 is drawn in
these two cases from

p( x mis |x obs , ) = p( x mis |) p(|x obs )

= p( x3 |) p(|x1 = 1, x2 = 0)

p( x3 |) p( x1 = 1, x2 = 0|)p().

That is, first the likelihood for that is induced by observing x1 and x2, p( x1 = 1, x2 = 0|), is
combined with the prior p() to produce a predictive distribution for given what we
have learned from xobs. Then, we draw a value of from it. Finally, we draw a value of x3
from the IRT function p( x3 |) evaluated with that draw.
Because of MAR, the procedure is the same in running out of time except that the infor-
mation about contained in the fact that Sally did not reach Item 3 must be taken into
account. Let again represent a speed parameter which may be correlated with . We see
the difference in the imputation model in terms of the predictive distribution for :

p( x mis |I , x obs , , ) = p( x mis |) p(|x obs , I , )

= p( x3 |) p(|x1 = 1, x2 = 0, I , )

p( x3 |) p( x1 = 1, x2 = 0|)p(|I , )

= p( x3 |) p( x1 = 1, x2 = 0|)p(|)p(|I = (1, 1, 0))

p( x3 |) p( x1 = 1, x2 = 0|)p(|)p( I = (1, 1, 0)|)p().

The key difference is that the distribution for is now conditional on , and informa-
tion about is contained in its posterior p(|I = (1, 1, 0)) p( I = (1, 1, 0)|)p(). In practice,
a value for is first drawn from its predictive distribution given I = (1,1,0). Then a value
for is drawn from p(|) evaluated with this draw. Finally we draw a value of x3 from
the IRT function p( x3 |) evaluated with that draw.
Missing Data Modeling 311

12.4.2 Analysis Phase

As a result of the first phase, some number K multiple imputations for the missing data are
obtained, and can be used to construct K multiple completed datasets. In the analysis phase,
each of these datasets is analyzed as if they were the lone dataset, using either Bayesian
or frequentist methods. Here, inference centers on the model parameters. For simplicity
of exposition let us consider a single parameter . Let k be some point estimate or sum-
mary from the analysis of completed dataset K, and let W k be the associated variance. For
example, in a frequentist context, k may be the MLE for from fitting a model to dataset K,
and W k is then the squared standard error of the MLE. In a Bayesian context, k may be the
posterior mean for from fitting a model (including a prior distribution) to dataset K and
W k is then the posterior variance of . In a simulation-based approach to fitting Bayesian
models, note that we also would have K sets of simulations, each representing draws from
the posterior distribution for based on one of the K datasets.

12.4.3 Pooling Phase

In the final phase, we pool the results from the analyses of the K completed datasets. If the
analysis phase yielded a set of K point estimates or summaries and their associated vari-
ances, then they may be pooled in ways derived by Rubin (1987). The multiple imputation
point estimate or summary is given by

= k (12.21)
K k =1

The total variability associated with this estimate is constructed from two components,

K +1
V =W + B, (12.22)

where the first component captures the variability within imputations,


W ,
W= k (12.23)
K k =1

and the second captures the variability between imputations,


( ) .
1 2
B= k (12.24)
K 1 k =1

If the previous phase involved a Bayesian analysis simulating values from the posterior
(for each completed dataset), the pooling phase amounts to combining the K sets of simula-
tions from the analyses of the completed datasets, effectively creating a single set of simu-
lations (Gelman etal., 2013). This combined set of simulations may then be summarized as
we would any individual set of simulations in the usual ways (e.g., using graphical sum-
maries or point or interval summaries).
312 Bayesian Psychometric Modeling

12.4.4 Plausible Values Revisited

The previous chapter described the plausible values methodology used in many large-scale
surveys of examinee proficiency to estimate population characteristics, from test forms with
too few items to estimate individual examinees proficiencies. Having developed machinery
in this chapter to handle missing data from a Bayesian perspective, we now see the plausible
values machinery as a straightforward application of the Bayesian way to view missing data
and the multiple imputation approach to deal with it (Mislevy, 1991; Rubin, 1977, 1987).
The key insight here is realizing that in a latent variable model such as IRT, the examinee
proficiency variable can be viewed as missing, for everyone, regardless of its value.
Thus latent variables are always MAR, for everyone. The traditional use of in IRT for an
individuals proficiency and the generic use of in this chapter for variables that are infer-
ential targets makes the connection a little less obvious. However, the imputation model
for plausible values for individual students (Equation11.46) is an instance of (12.8), with
i xmis and ( xi , yi ) xobs . Note that the predictive distribution involves the population
level parameters, such as and 2 in the latent regression model used in surveys like
NAEP. Features of the population distribution are then calculated using the examinee-
level imputations by the three phases described above.

12.5 Latent Variables, Missing Data, Parameters, and Unknowns

The previous discussion highlighted that, in plausible value analyses, the latent variables
were treated as missing values. In this section, we set out some connections and depar-
tures among perspectives on latent variables associated with missing data, Bayesian com-
putation, and the modeling perspective developed in this book. To begin, Bollen (2002)
advocated an interpretation of latent variables in terms of missingness. On this account, a
latent variable is a variable in which there are no values for some or all of its observations.
The latent variables we employ in psychometric models are on conceptual par with observ-
able variables; they are just observable variables with missing values. This accords nicely
with Bayesian modeling and inference in two senses: one that concerns computational
strategies, and one that takes a high-level view of Bayesian inference. First, computational
strategies such as the expectation-maximization (EM) algorithm, data augmentation, and
MCMC algorithms for computation in Bayesian modeling treat latent variables as missing
data. In Gibbs sampling, the full conditional distributions that define the posterior include
distributions for the examinees latent variables and distributions for the examinees miss-
ing data. An iteration of the MCMC sampler yields drawn values for the latent variables
and drawn values for the missing data. Practically then, what we call a latent variable and
what we call a variable with missing data does not matter.
Second, latent variables structure the joint distributions of observables. Structuring joint
distributions has been the role of parameters, and in this light latent variables are also
referred to as person parameters, particularly when they of inferential interest. If we have
latent variables, we have a posterior distribution for them. If we have missing data val-
ues, we have a posterior distribution for them. And we have had a posterior distribution
for unknown parameters all along. To summarize, on this account latent variables may be
seen as akin to missing data. And they may be seen as parameters, in particular, unknown
parameters. We can achieve a synthesis by recognizing that all three have the following
Missing Data Modeling 313

in common: (1) they are entities in a probability model constructed by an analyst to aid
in reasoning and (2) they are not known with certainty. From a high-level perspective, in
Bayesian inference we place entities into one of two big buckets, one labeled KNOWNS
and the other labeled UNKNOWNS. Missing data, latent variables and parameters all get
placed in the latter and have the same status: they are unknowns in a probability model,
and through the machinery of Bayes theorem we can condition on the knowns in the
model to obtain the posterior distribution for them. This synthesis is most sensible when
in the context of both elements (1) and (2) just mentioned. The point is that once inside the
probability model, we can use the same machineryBayes theorem, setting up and draw-
ing from full conditionals, and so onto coherently tackle all of them.
Importantly, this does not suggest that we should discontinue the use of separate terms,
as they convey potentially crucial differences. We gain by understanding what kinds of
distinctions among these various entities are useful and which are meaningless for various
purposes. We may accrue considerable benefits from capitalizing on the connections among
these entities when suitable. The distinctions are somewhat artificial when it comes to
estimation, and ignoring them may be quite effective in being able to trick computer pro-
grams into doing what we want. In Section13.5.2, we discuss how treating latent variables
as missing data opens up possibilities for resolving estimation difficulties in the context of
latent class analyses. Seeing past the distinctions may also facilitate understanding con-
nections among different domains. In this respect, Little and Rubins (2002) book Statistical
Analysis with Missing Data exploits this power to great effect; we see that missing data
in surveys, experimental design, latent variable modeling, semisupervised learning, and
resolving mixtures may all be seen as variations of the same basic ideas.
On the other hand, we may draw conceptual benefits from having distinct terms for
different entities. To see this, first consider the various entities in the bucket labeled as
KNOWNS, which includes things like data, fixed values of parameters, and specified val-
ues of hyperparameters in the highest level of a hierarchical prior specification. Again,
the high-level perspective views Bayesian inference as conditioning on the knowns in the
model to obtain the posterior distribution for unknowns. We flesh out the twin emphases
on knowns and in the model. Here, the emphasis on knowns calls out that this is a
technical point about statistical machinerythe knowns are those things that are condi-
tioned on in Bayes theorem. However, lumping them all together may obscure key dis-
tinctions among them. The emphasis on in the model calls out that they are knowns in
the context of our reasoning about some situation of interest. Data are things we observe
or collect from the world. On the other hand, fixing parameters may be based on the need
to resolve indeterminacies. Similarly, hyperparameters in the highest level of hierarchical
priors are not known because they are observed, but because we stipulate them as what
we know from previous experience, expectations, and awareness of how their values
affect what happens in estimationusually in a manner vaguely explicated if at all. Thus,
the grounding, conceptual meaning, and role played by the various entities that all get
tossed into KNOWNS bucket vary considerably.
Much the same can be said for latent variables, missing data, and parameters that occupy
the UNKNOWNS bucket. They may be treated the same by the statistical machinery, but
they may reflect differences in grounding, conceptual meaning, and the roles they play.
An important distinction between missing data and latent variables may be seen by recon-
sidering our characterization of the role of latent variables. From a measurement perspec-
tive, latent variables are employed in psychometric models where what is ultimately of
inferential interest is not directly observable. From a statistical perspective, latent vari-
ables are used in structuring the distribution of variables we can observe. De Finettis
314 Bayesian Psychometric Modeling

representation theorem for exchangeability is a powerful tool for structuring high dimen-
sional joint distributions of observables in terms of simpler conditional distributions given
latent variables that induce conditional independence. Pearl (1988) pointed out that con-
ditional independence is such a central tool in building and reasoning through models,
when the variables that induce conditional independence are unknown or unavailable,
we create them. This reveals a key distinction between latent variables and missing data.
Whereas missing data are things that we do not observe but potentially could have under
different circumstances or choices, this is not the case for the latent variables, at least how
they are employed in psychometrics. We do not choose whether to observe them; we choose
whether to introduce them when constructing a model. It is not that they are entities out
there in the world that we happened to not have observed but could have under differ-
ent choices or circumstances; there are not values out there in the world to observe. The
terminology may represent an interpretative shorthandwe often use the term missing
data to stand for values that in some sense we conceivably could have observed, latent
variable to stand for things we could not, and parameter or person parameter to
highlight that it is of inferential interest.*
On this account, latent variables are entities introduced for and used in a modeling
context to organize our thinking and reason through the messy real-world problem of
making sense of examinees behaviors. The behaviors are situated and our reasoning
task is one of interpreting certain behaviors by certain examinees in certain contexts.
Our thinking and reasoning are likewise situated, against a backdrop of many things we
know or believe with some degree of confidence, and a potentially related backdrop of
purposes and constraints. And it is in this context of a complex reasoning task that we
employ latent variables to summarize and capture our thinking about the examinees.
Adopting the role of the assessor or analyst, the nature and values of latent variables have
more to do with what is going on in our heads than whats going on in the examinees
heads. A latent variables purposeto organize our thinking in the context of a model
constructed to reason from situated data to situated endsand its role as a parameter on
which other things dependnamely observable variables that are rendered conditionally
independentreveal that a latent variable is quite a different beast than what is usually
denoted by the term missing data.
To summarize, the distinctions among these are often not relevant for doing work within
the probability model, but are indeed typically relevant for how they arrive in the model
and what we think about what a model and model-based reasoning has to say about them.

12.6 Summary and Bibliographic Note

Missing data are prevalent in assessment. Inference regarding model parameters can proceed
using just the observed data when the missingness is ignorable. In a Bayesian analysis, ignor-
ability holds when the missing data are MAR, the parameters that govern the missingness
mechanism are distinct from and a priori independent of those that govern the data. In this

* Without advancing a causal account, we suspect that the relative paucity of use of the term person param-
eter in CFA is related to the relative lack of applications in which inferences about the values of the person
parameters/latent variables are sought. The relatively more frequent use of person parameter in IRT is
related to the relative plethora of applications in which inferences about the values of the person parameters/
latent variables are sought.
Missing Data Modeling 315

case, correct inferences result from analyses that take the pattern of missingness as given,
and simply use p( xobs |) as the likelihood. Most statistical packages now offer this option.
However, if the missingness is nonignorable, inference about the parameters requires includ-
ing a model for missingness. A brief review of multiple imputation was proffered, and it
was emphasized that the imputation phase is explicitly Bayesian. A Bayesian perspective on
modeling brings to light connections among missing data, latent variables, and parameters.
In addition to the foundational work of Rubin (1978, 1987, 1996b), excellent didactic
treatments of multiple imputation can be found in Enders (2010), Schafer and Graham
(2002), and Sinharay, Stern, and Russell (2001). In psychometrics, procedures and examples
for modeling ignorable and nonignorable missingness have also been developed in CFA
(Cai & Song, 2010; Lee, 2006; Song & Lee, 2002a) and IRT (Fu, Tao, & Shi, 2010; Maier 2002;
Patz & Junker, 1999a). Additional examples, analyses, and notable discussion can be found
in Mislevy (in press) in the context of IRT and Lee (2007) in the context of CFA and SEM.

12.1 Beginning with the joint posterior distribution for , , and xmis, show that the
posterior distribution for and is separable under the assumptions of factoriza-
tion of the parameter space into a -space and a -space, MAR, and a priori inde-
pendence of and .
12.2 You receive six values x from a population in which x ~ N ( , 1):
0.99, 0.68, 0.23, 0.89, 1.16, 2.27.
Use the prior ~ N ( 0, 1) . Obtain the posterior for , including the posterior mean
and variance, assuming the six values are a random sample from the population.
12.3 Use the same population distribution, prior, and six observations from Exercise
12.2, but now assume that the six values are xobs from a random sample of 10 from
the population, where the missing values are MCAR.
a. Use multiple imputation to create five imputed data sets.
b. Obtain the posterior distribution for in each completed data set separately.
c. Obtain the posterior distribution for under Rubins formulas for pooling the
information across multiple imputations.
d. Compare the results of Exercises12.2, 12.3(b), and 12.3(c). How do they differ,
and why?
12.4 Analysts who are new to multiple imputation are sometimes suspicious that
answers are too accurate because we are making up data. Do you agree or
disagree? Explain your answer.
12.5 Build an imputation model for Sallys response for x3 under random assignment
to the two multiple forms.
12.6 Build an imputation model for Sallys response for x3 under random assignment
to the two forms, but with probabilities .67 and .33 to Forms 1 and 2 for eighth
graders and .25 and .75 for fourth graders, and p(|Grade = 4) = N (1, 1) and
p(|Grade = 8) = N (1, 1), under the following states of knowledge:
a. You know Sally is in Grade 4.
316 Bayesian Psychometric Modeling

b. You know Sally is in Grade 8.

c. You do not know what grade Sally is in.
12.7 Suppose Sallys response for x3 is missing because she ran out of time. To sim-
plify, suppose only Item 3 is subject to the time limit. Assume ~ N (0, 1) . Suppose
the missingness process is such that the probability an examinee will reach Item3
is 1()that is, the cumulative normal probability of the speed parameter ,
where ~ N (0, 1).
a. Build an imputation model for Sallys response for x3, additionally assuming
the correlation between and is 0.
b. Build an imputation model for Sallys response for x3, additionally assuming
the correlation between and is .5.
c. Build an imputation model for Sallys response for x3, additionally assuming
the correlation between and is .5.
d. How would estimates of Sallys differ under conditions (a)(c)?
12.8 Suppose Sally intentionally omits x3. Assume ~ N (0, 1) . Build an imputation
model for Sallys response for x3, assuming the missingness process is the one
described in (12.15).
12.9 Suppose Sally intentionally omits x3. Assume ~ N (0, 1) . Build an imputation
model for Sallys response for x3, assuming the missingness process is the one
described in (12.16). Note that you will need to provide additional structure for the
missing process.
Latent Class Analysis

Latent class analysis (LCA) departs from the psychometric models previously presented
in that it employs discrete latent variables. We focus on the case of discrete observables as
well. Analysts employ discrete latent variables when they want to organize their think-
ing about examinees in terms of categories or groupings, as opposed to organizing their
thinking about examinees along a continuum by using continuous latent variables.* We
have in fact already encountered simple latent class models in the subtraction proficiency
example in Chapters1 and 7 and the medical diagnosis example in Chapter2. In those
treatments we confined our analyses to the context of scoring examinees, where the mea-
surement model parameters and the parameters governing the distribution of the latent
variables were known. Here, we expand our treatment and conduct inference for these
parameters of the model as well as for examinees. We will see a number of the themes
present in CTT, CFA, and IRT, including conditional independence assumptions and hier-
archical specifications.
Treatments and overviews of LCA from conventional perspectives can be found in
Collins and Lanza (2010), Dayton (1999), Dayton and Macready (2007), Lazarsfeld and
Henry (1968), and McCutcheon (1987). These and other conventional sources emphasize
Bayesian elements for some aspects of inference, but not others. LCA is often employed
in an exploratory manner, where the goal is to determine the number of latent classes
(i.e., levels of the latent variable) and examine the pattern of dependence of the observ-
ables on those classes. This chapter treats more confirmatory flavors of LCA, in which a
particular number of latent classes are specified, possibly with constraints on the con-
ditional probabilities that capture the dependence structure of the observables (Croon,
1990; Dayton & Macready, 2007; Goodman, 1974; Hoijtink, 1998; Lindsay, Clogg, & Grego,
1991; van Onna, 2002).
In Section13.1, we review conventional approaches to LCA. In Section13.2, we present
a Bayesian analysis for the general case of polytomous observable and latent variables.
In Section 13.3, we present a Bayesian analysis for the special case of dichotomous
observable and latent variables. An example is given in Section 13.4. In Section 13.5,
we discuss strategies for resolving indeterminacies associated with the use of discrete
latent variables. We conclude this chapter in Section13.6 with a summary and biblio-
graphic note.

* The distinction between continuous and discrete latent variables is not always sharp, as models that posit
differences here may be exactly or approximately equivalent (e.g., Haertel, 1990; Heinen, 1996; von Davier,

318 Bayesian Psychometric Modeling

13.1 Conventional LCA

13.1.1 Model Specification
As in IRT model specifications, let x be the full collection of potentially observable values
from n examinees to J observable discrete variables. As before in the general polytomous
case, we code each xij as integers 1,, K j. For ease of exposition, we proceed assuming
that all the observables have the same number of response categories, in which case the
subscript of j can be dropped from K j. This may be relaxed if the observables have dif-
fering numbers of response categories. In Section13.3, when we examine the special case
of dichotomous xijs, we will once again adopt the coding of the value as either 0 or 1. The
data setup here is the same as in IRT models; the difference lies in the specification of the
latent variables and the dependence of the observables on the latent variables. Let i stand
for a discrete latent variable for examinee i; and let = (1 , , n ) stand for the collection
of latent variables from n examinees. In general, i {1, , C}, where C is the total number
of latent classes. We refer to the latent classes as class 1, class 2, and so on. In general, this
labeling should be interpreted as a nominal feature, not one that necessarily represents
any particular ordering or magnitude.
Let cjk denote the conditional probability of observing a value of k for observable j given
that the examinee is a member of latent class c, and let j denote the collection of the cjk
parameters for observable j. The role of the cjk parameters may be seen in Table13.1, which
presents the conditional probabilities for the values of an observable (j) given the latent
class value for the examinee when there are C = 2 latent classes and K = 3 possible values
of the observable. Accordingly, j are the measurement model parameters for observablej.
The entries in the first column in Table13.1 reflect that, for each possible value of c, the
conditional probabilities are restricted such that for each class c,

k =1
cjk = P(x
k =1
ij = k|i = c) = 1.

A traditional formulation of a C-class model specifies the probability that examinee i has
a value of k on observable j as

P( xij = k ) = P(x
c =1
ij = k|i = c ,
j ) c , (13.1)

TABLE 13.1
Conditional Probability Table for Observable j with K = 3 Categories, Given
Membership in One of C = 2 Classes (), Where cjk Denotes the Probability
of Responding to Observable j in Category k Given Membership in Class c
Category (k)
Latent Class () 1 2 3
1 1 j1 = 1 (1 j 2 + 1 j 3 ) 1j2 1j3
2 2 j 1 = 1 (2 j 2 + 2 j 3 ) 2j2 2j3
Latent Class Analysis 319

where c = P(i = c) is the proportion of examinees in class c, also referred to as the size of
class c, which are subjected to the restriction that

P( = c) = 1.
c =1
c =
c =1

In other words, (13.1) says that the marginal probability of the response xij = k is the weighted
average of the probability of this response from examinees in each class c, weighted by the
class proportions.
The framework can also accommodate multiple discrete latent variables by constructing a
single discrete latent variable that captures all the possible patterns generated from the mul-
tiple discrete variables. Consider a situation in which we conceive of three dichotomous latent
variables, each of which can take a value of 1 or 2. There are 23 = 8 possible profiles correspond-
ing to combinations of values on these variables: [1,1,1], [1,1,2], [1,2,1], [1,2,2], [2,1,1], [2,1,2], [2,2,1],
and [2,2,2], where the sequence of three numbers refers to the levels of the three variables
(e.g., [2,1,2] refers to an examinee being in the second class on latent variable 1, the first class
on latent variable 2, and the second class on latent variable 3). We could reconceive the situa-
tion as one in which there is a single latent variable with eight classes, each corresponding to
one of the profiles. In this way, we can naturally fold the situation of multiple discrete latent
variables into one in which there is a single discrete latent variable, and we are squarely back
to the model described in (13.1). We therefore restrict our attention in the rest of this chapter
to the situation in which there is a single discrete latent variable. In Chapter14, we revisit this
situation and describe approaches to modeling multiple distinct discrete latent variables.

13.1.2 Indeterminacy in LCA

The labeling of the latent variable in LCA as formulated so far is arbitrary. There is nothing
inherent in the model that determines which class we call class 1, which class we call class2,
and so on. As a result, LCA is subject to problems associated with label switching. For
any LCA model, another model holds that is substantively equivalent, but differs in how
the classes are labeled (i.e., what is class 1 in one model is class 2 in another model). This
may be seen as multimodality in the likelihood resulting from different labeling schemes
(Loken, 2004). This is sometimes viewed as an issue of identification, though we conceive
of it as an indeterminacy akin to those associated with the metric of continuous latent vari-
ables. Continuous latent variables do not come with an inherent metric, and discrete latent
variables do not come with inherent labels. We delve deeper into the indeterminacies from
a Bayesian perspective in Section13.5.

13.1.3 Model Fitting

The dominant paradigm in calibrating LCA models involves maximum likelihood estima-
tion of = (1 , , J ) and = ( c , , C ) based on the marginal probability distribution of
the observables. The development is akin to that for CFA and IRT, and relies on the same
assumptions of independence among examinees and conditional (local) independence
among observables. The joint probability of the data conditional on the latent variables
and measurement model parameters is
n n J

P( x|, ) = P( xi |i = c , ) = P(x | = c, ),
ij i j (13.2)
i =1 i =1 j =1
320 Bayesian Psychometric Modeling

where xi = (xi1,, xiJ) is the collection of J observables for examinee i,

P( xij |i = c , j ) =
k =1
I ( xij =k )
, (13.3)

and I is the indicator function that here takes a value of 1 when the response from exam-
inee i for observable j is k, and 0 otherwise. The marginal probability of the observables is
a version of (7.8), instantiated with a discrete latent variable:

n C

P( x| , ) = p(x | , )p( | ).
i =1 i =1
i i i (13.4)

The distribution of the latent variables is a categorical distribution with category prob-
abilities or proportions contained in . Once values for the data are observed, (13.4) may
be treated as a likelihood function for and . In general, there is no closed-form solu-
tion, and numerical methods are typically employed (Dempster, Laird, & Rubin, 1977;
Goodman, 1974).
Turning to scoring, the consensus approach is to use Bayes theorem to obtain the
posterior distribution for an examinees latent variable using point estimates for the
response-probability and class-proportion parameters, as in (7.10). The resulting poste-
rior distribution may be reported as such or summarized via the MAP, which amounts
to estimating the value of the latent variable as the class with the highest posterior

13.2 Bayesian LCA

This section develops a Bayesian approach to LCA for the general case of possibly
polytomous latent and observable variables. We then turn to a popular special case of
dichotomous latent and observable variables for a fuller discussion in Section13.3, and a
worked-through example in Section13.4.

13.2.1 Conditional Probability of the Observables

The preceding developments ground the specification of the conditional probability of the
data, expressed here from a distributional perspective as
n n J

p( x|, ) = p(x | , ) = p(x | = c, ),
i =1
i i
i =1 j =1
ij i j (13.5)

where for observables taking values coded 1,, K,

( xij |i = c , j ) ~ Categorical( cj ), (13.6)

and cj = (cj1 , , cjK ) are the conditional probabilities for observable j associated with
class c, captured in row c of tables like that in Table13.1.
Latent Class Analysis 321

13.2.2 Prior Distribution

As a first step in constructing the prior distribution, we factor the joint prior for the param-
eters introduced so far as
p(, ) = p()p() (13.7)

following an assumption of independence between the examinees latent variables and the
measurement model parameters. Specifying the prior distribution involves specifying dis-
tributions for the terms on the right-hand side of (13.7) and any hyperprior distributions
for any unknown hyperparameters introduced in these specifications. Prior Distribution for Latent Variables

An exchangeability assumption allows for the factorization of the joint prior distribution
for the examinees latent variables into the product of common prior distributions,

p() = p( | ),
i =1
i P (13.8)

where P denotes the hyperparameters for specifying the prior for each i . In the cur-
rent context, the latent variable is assumed to be categorically distributed, in which case
P = = ( 1 , , C ) are the latent class proportions and

i | ~ Categorical( ). (13.9) Prior Distribution for Parameters That Govern

theDistribution of the Latent Variables
If the elements of are unknown, they require a prior distribution. A convenient choice is
to use the Dirichlet distribution,
~ Dirichlet( ), (13.10)

where = ( 1 , , C ) is a collection of hyperparameters. The Dirichlet is a generalization
of the beta distribution to the polytomous case. Just as the beta distribution is a conjugate
prior for the Bernoulli and binomial likelihoods, the Dirichlet is a conjugate prior for the
polytomous extensions of the Bernoulli and binomial, namely the categorical and multi-
nomial, respectively (Spiegelhalter & Lauritzen, 1990). Suppose a collection of probabilities
or proportions is assigned a Dirichlet prior, ~ Dirichlet(), and some variable y is mod-
eled as y ~ Multinomial( ), where y = ( y1 , , yC ) contains counts of the number of obser-
vations in the C categories. The posterior distribution for is also a Dirichlet, specifically
| y ~ Dirichlet(1 + y1 , 2 + y2 , , C + yC ). In our context, we do not have the counts of the
observations in each of the C categories, as s are unknown. However, we will make use of
this conjugacy relationship in MCMC sampling. Prior Distribution for Measurement Model Parameters

To develop the second term on the right-hand side of (13.7), an assumption of exchange-
ability allows for the factorization of the joint prior distribution for the measurement
model parameters into the product over common prior distributions,
322 Bayesian Psychometric Modeling

p() =
j =1
p( j | P ) = p(
j =1 c =1
cj | P ), (13.11)

where P denotes the hyperparameters spelled out in more detail below. Each j is com-
posed of C vectors of length K that are the conditional probabilities for the observable tak-
ing a value of k given membership in class c, for k = 1,, K, and c = 1,, C. More formally,
j = (1 j , , Cj ), where each cj = (cj1 , , cjK ). The right-hand side of (13.11) reflects a prior
independence assumption among the cj. As each cj is a vector of conditional probabilities
for a categorically distributed variable, a natural choice is to again employ Dirichlet prior
cj ~ Dirichlet( c ), (13.12)

where c = ( c 1 , , cK ) are hyperparameters that govern the Dirichlet distribution for
the conditional probabilities given membership in latent class c. The exchangeability
assumption is reflected in the absence of the j in the subscript for c . This may be relaxed
if exchangeability is only partial or conditional on other variables; in the limit, unique
prior distributions may be specified for each observable. Continuing the development
assuming exchangeability, the full collection of hyperparameters for the measurement
model parameters is P = ( c , , C ).

13.2.3 Posterior Distribution and Graphical Model

The DAG for the model is given in Figure13.1. Collecting the preceding developments, the
posterior distribution for all the unknowns is

i = 1,, n

j = 1,, J


c = 1,, C

Directed acyclic graph for a latent class model for J observables from each of n examinees, with a single discrete
latent variable with C classes.
Latent Class Analysis 323

p(, , | x ) p( x | , , )p(, , )

= p( x | , )p( | )p( )p()

n J C

= p(x
i =1 j =1
ij | i , j )p(i | )p( ) p( ),
c =1

( xij|i = c , j ) ~ Categorical( cj ) for i = 1, , n, j = 1, , J ,

i | ~ Categorical( ) for i = 1, , n,

~ Dirichlet( ),


cj ~ Dirichlet( c ) for c = 1, , C , j = 1, , J .

This specification is fairly open in the sense that it does not include any constraints that
may be imposed to resolve the indeterminacies and prevent label switching or to reflect
substantive theory. For ease of exposition, we continue with the current specification when
describing the full conditional distributions and then MCMC approaches next. We return
to this issue in the context of an example in Section13.4.

13.2.4 MCMC Estimation

We express each full conditional distribution in the following equations. On the left-
hand side, the parameter in question is written as conditional on all the other relevant
parameters and data.* Beginning with the examinees latent variables, we present the full
conditional for any examinee i. The same structure applies to all the examinees. The full
conditional distribution for the latent variable for examinee i is

i | , , xi ~ Categorical(si ), (13.14)

where x i = (xi1, , xiJ) refers to the collection of J observed values from examinee i,
si = (si1 ,, siC )

( )
I ( xij =k )
cjk c
j =1 k =1
sic = , (13.15)
I ( xij =k )
gjk ) g
g =1 j =1 k =1

and I is the indicator function that here takes a value of 1 when the response from exam-
inee i for observable j is k, and 0 otherwise.

* We suppress the role of specified hyperparameters in this notation; see Appendix A for a presentation that
formally includes the hyperparameters.
324 Bayesian Psychometric Modeling

The full conditional for the latent class proportions is

| ~ Dirichlet( 1 + r1 , , C + rC ), (13.16)

where r1 , , rC are counts of the number of examinees for whom = c (i.e., are members of
class c).
Turning to the measurement model parameters, we present the full conditional for cj,
which is the collection of conditional probabilities for the possible values of observable
j given the examinee is a member of latent class c. The same structure applies to all the
observables, for all classes. The full conditional distribution for each cj is

cj | , x j ~ Dirichlet( c 1 + rcj1 , , cK + rcjK ), (13.17)

where xj = (x1j, , xnj) refers to the collection of n observed values for observable j and
rcj1 , , rcjK are counts of the of the number of examinees for whom = c (i.e., are members of
class c) who have a value of k for observable j. Derivations for these full conditional distri-
butions are given in Appendix A.
A Gibbs sampler is constructed by iteratively drawing from these full conditional dis-
tributions using the just-drawn values for the conditioned parameters, generically written
below (for iteration t + 1). Gibbs Sampling Routine for Polytomous Latent and Observable Variables
1. Sample the latent variables for examinees. For each examinee i = 1,, n, use the val-
ues of the measurement model parameters and parameters that govern the latent
distribution from the previous iteration, (t ) and (t ) for and , respectively, to
compute si(t ) = (si(1t ) , , siC
(t )
) where each

( )
( t ) I ( xij =k ) ( t )
cjk c
(t ) j =1 k =1
sic =C .
( )
( t ) I ( xij =k ) ( t )
j =1 k =1
g =1

Sample a value for the latent variable from

(i t +1) | (t ) , (t ) , xi ~ Categorical(si(t ) ), (13.18)

where xi = (xi1,, xiJ) is the collection of J observed values from examinee i.

2. Sample the parameters for the latent variable distribution. Count the number of exam-
inees in each class based on the just-sampled values of the latent variables,
(t +1) = ((1t +1) , , (nt +1) ), yielding the frequencies in each class (r1(t +1) , , rC(t +1) ). Sample
a value for the latent class proportions using these values for (r1 , , rC ) from

(t +1) | (t +1) ~ Dirichlet( 1 + r1(t +1) , , C + rC(t +1) ). (13.19)

Latent Class Analysis 325

3. Sample the measurement model parameters. For each observable j = 1,, J, use the
values of the latent variables from step (1), (t+1), and count the number of exam-
inees in each class that had a value of k for the observable. These counts are the
class- and observable-specific frequencies of values in each category of the observ-
able (rcj(t1+1) , , rcjK
( t +1)
). For each observable j, and each latent class c, use these values
for (rcj1 , , rcjK ) and sample a value for the conditional probabilities of observing a
value in the categories from

(cjt+1) | (t +1) , x j ~ Dirichlet( c 1 + rcj(t1+1) , , cK + rcjK

( t +1)
), (13.20)

where xj = (x1j, , xnj) is the collection of n observed values for observable j.

13.3 Bayesian Analysis for Dichotomous Latent and Observable Variables

A model with dichotomous latent and observable variables can be specified in terms of
the model just developed, namely where C = 2 and K = 2. This is a popular special case,
and affords the possibility of a somewhat simpler specification. We make all of the same
conditional independence assumptions, and focus on the distributional forms.

13.3.1 Conditional Probability of the Observables

Coding the dichotomous observables as 0 and 1, we may specify the conditional distribu-
tion of each observable as

( xij |i = c , j ) ~ Bernoulli(cj ), (13.21)

where cj is the element in j that captures the conditional probability of xij being a value
of 1 given an examinee is in class c.

13.3.2 Prior Distribution

As before, we have = (1 , , n ), now with each i being dichotomous. Accordingly, we
may again make use of the Bernoulli specification. For each examinee,

i | ~ Bernoulli( ). (13.22)

We note that under the usual specification of Bernoulli variables, the two classes of the
latent variable are coded as 0 and 1, with being the proportion of examinees in the class
coded as 1. The proportion of examinees in the class coded as 0 is 1 . In some situations,
this coding may be desirable. In the next chapter, we will use this coding for a latent vari-
able capturing whether an examinee possesses a skill (coded as 1) or does not possess the
skill (coded as 0). Alternatively, we may prefer coding the latent variable as 1 and 2. This
is usually the case when programming a model in WinBUGS (or other software) in terms
of tables of conditional probabilities, such as that in Table 13.1. Here, we need to refer-
ence the rows of the table defined by the possible values of the latent variable, and it is
sometimes difficult or impossible to reference the 0th row of a table; referring to the rows
(latent classes) as 1 and 2 rather than 0 and 1 is more convenient. One option is to move
326 Bayesian Psychometric Modeling

to the categorical specification in (13.9); in the current case of a dichotomous latent variable,
the collection of probabilities in the categorical variable specification reduces to = ( , 1 ).
Asecond option is to recode the result of a Bernoulli specification from its natural 0/1 coding
to a 1/2 coding. This could be done formally via the introduction of a new parameter, but
we prefer the following expression intended to communicate that i is the result of taking
a Bernoulli random variable and adding 1, effectively converting 0/1 to 1/2 coding:

i | ~ Bernoulli( ) + 1. (13.23)

Either way, we are left with a single parameter that governs the distribution of the dichot-
omous latent variable, in effect capturing the probability of being in a particular class,
regardless of whether it is coded as 1 in the 0/1 coding or 2 in the 1/2 coding. We therefore
specify a beta prior for :

~ Beta( , ), (13.24)

where and are hyperparameters.

Turning to the measurement model parameters, we now have for each observable
j = (1 j , 2 j ), where each cj is the conditional probability of the observable (j) taking a
value of 1 given membership in class c (coded here as 1/2). As each cj is the probability for
a dichotomous variable, a natural choice is again the beta distribution,

cj ~ Beta( c , c ), (13.25)

where c and c are hyperparameters.

13.3.3 The Complete Model and Posterior Distribution

Collecting the preceding developments, the posterior distribution for all the unknowns is

n J C

p(, , | x )
i =1 j =1
p( ),
p( xij |i , j )p(i | )p( )
c =1

where = (1 , , J ), j = (1 j , 2 j ), cj is the probability of a value 1 on observable j given

membership in class c, and, adopting the Bernoulli-plus-one construction in (13.23),

( xij |i = c , j ) ~ Bernoulli(cj ) for i = 1, , n, j = 1, , J ,

i | ~ Bernoulli( ) + 1 for i = 1, , n,

~ Beta( , ),


cj ~ Beta( c , c ) for c = 1, 2, j = 1, , J .

13.3.4 MCMC Estimation

We present the full conditional distributions for the parameters, coding the dichotomous
latent variable as taking values of 1 or 2, in which case is the proportion of examinees in
Latent Class Analysis 327

the class coded as 2. Beginning with the examinees latent variables, we present the full
conditional for any examinee i; the same structure applies to all the examinees. The full
conditional distribution for the latent variable for examinee i is

i | , , xi ~ Bernoulli(si ) + 1, (13.27)

p( xi |i = 2, )p(i = 2| )
si =
p( xi )

x 1 xij
(2 j ) ij (1 2 j )
j =1
= .

x 1 xij x 1 xij
(2 j ) ij (1 2 j ) + (1 j ) ij (1 1 j ) (1 )
j =1 j =1

The full conditional for the proportion of examinees in latent class 2 is

| ~ Beta( + r2 , + r1 ), (13.28)

where rc is the number of examinees for whom = c (i.e., are members of class c), where
r1 + r2 = n.
Turning to the measurement model parameters, we present the full conditional for cj,
the conditional probability that the value of observable j is 1 given the examinee is a mem-
ber of latent class c. The same structure applies to all the observables, for all classes. The
full conditional for cj is

cj | , x j ~ Beta( c + rcj , c + rc rcj ), (13.29)

where rcj is the number of examinees for whom = c (i.e., are members of class c) that have
a value of 1 for observable j. Derivations for these full conditional distributions are given
in Appendix A.
A Gibbs sampler is constructed by iteratively drawing from the full conditional distri-
butions defined by (13.27)(13.29) using the just-drawn values for the conditioned param-
eters, generically written below (for iteration t + 1). Gibbs Sampling Routine for Dichotomous Latent and Observable Variables
1. Sample the latent variables for examinees. For each examinee i = 1,, n, use the val-
ues of the measurement model parameters and parameters that govern the latent
distribution from the previous iteration, (t ) and (t ) for and , respectively, to

p( xi | i = 2, (t ) )p(i = 2 | (t ) )
si(t ) =
p( xi )

x 1 xij
((2tj) ) ij (1 (2tj) ) (t )
j =1
= .

x 1 xij x 1 xij
((2tj) ) ij (1 (2tj) ) (t ) + (1(tj) ) ij (1 1(tj) ) (1 (t ) )
j =1 j =1
328 Bayesian Psychometric Modeling

Sample a value for the latent variable from

(i t +1) | (t ) , (t ) , xi ~ Bernoulli(si(t ) ) + 1, (13.30)

where xi = (xi1,, xiJ) is the collection of J observed values from examinee i.
2. Sample the parameters for the latent variable distribution. Count the number of
examinees in class 2 based on the just-sampled values of the latent variables,
(t +1) = (1(t +1) , , (nt +1) ), yielding the frequency r2(t +1). Compute r1(t +1) = n r2(t +1) and
use this value for r to sample a value for the proportion of examinees in latent
class 2 from
(t +1) | (t +1) ~ Beta( + r2(t +1) , + r1(t +1) ). (13.31)

3. Sample the measurement model parameters. For each observable j = 1,, J, and each
class c = 1, 2, count the number of examinees in each class (out of the rc(t +1)) that
had a value of 1 for the observable, yielding the class- and observable-specific fre-
quency of values of 1, denoted as rcj(t +1). For each observable j, and each latent class
c, using these values for rcj, sample a value for the conditional probability of a value 1
on the observable from

(cjt+1) | (t +1) , x j ~ Beta( c + rcj(t +1) , c + rc(t +1) rcj(t +1) ), (13.32)

where xj = (x1j,, xnj) is the collection of n observed values for observable j.

13.4 Example: Academic Cheating

We illustrate a Bayesian approach to LCA via an analysis of response data from univer-
sity juniors and seniors on a survey of cheating behavior previously reported by Dayton
(1999). Responses from n = 319 students were obtained to five questions that asked stu-
dents whether or not, during their undergraduate years, they had (1) lied to avoid taking
an exam, (2) lied to avoid handing a term paper in on time, (3) purchased a term paper to
hand in as their own, (4) obtained a copy of an exam prior to taking the exam, and (5) cop-
ied answers during an exam from someone sitting near to them. The proportions of stu-
dents endorsing each of these were .11, .12, .03, .04, and .21, respectively. Following Dayton
(1999), as the third and fourth items had such small frequencies of positive responses, they
were pooled in a manner that produced a single observable that took on two categories:
1 if a student had given a positive response to either or both items, and 0 if a student had
given a negative response to both items. The proportion of 1s on this observable was .07.
This leaves us with four observables for analysis, where the third observable is derived
from the combination of the third and fourth items and the fourth observable corresponds
to the fifth item. Coding positive responses as 1 and negative responses as 0, Table13.2
contains the observed frequencies for the vectors of observables.

13.4.1 Complete Model and Posterior Distribution

We fit a model that specifies two latent classes, which we endeavor to interpret as cheater
and noncheater classes. To illustrate various possibilities, we employ beta-Bernoulli
Latent Class Analysis 329

TABLE 13.2
Frequency of Response Vectors for the Cheating Data
Vector ID 1 2 3 4 Frequency
1 0 0 0 0 207
2 1 0 0 0 10
3 0 1 0 0 13
4 1 1 0 0 11
5 0 0 1 0 7
6 1 0 1 0 1
7 0 1 1 0 1
8 1 1 1 0 1
9 0 0 0 1 46
10 1 0 0 1 3
11 0 1 0 1 4
12 1 1 0 1 4
13 0 0 1 1 5
14 1 0 1 1 2
15 0 1 1 1 2
16 1 1 1 1 2
Source: Dayton, C. M. (1999). Latent class scaling analysis. Thousand Oaks, CA:
SAGE Publications. With permission.

specifications for the conditional probabilities of the dichotomous observables and

Dirichlet-categorical specifications for the probabilities of the dichotomous latent variable.
For completeness, we write out the posterior distribution for the model with the chosen
values for the hyperparameters:

n J C

p(, , | x )
i =1 j =1
p( ),
p( xij | i , j )p(i | )p( )
c =1


( xij |i = c , j ) ~ Bernoulli(cj ) for i = 1, , 319, j = 1, , 4,

i | ~ Categorical( ) for i = 1, , 319,

~ Dirichlet(1, 1),
cj ~ Beta(1, 1) for c = 1, 2, j = 1, 2, 3,
14 ~ Beta(1, 1),

24 ~ Beta(1, 1) I (24 > 14 ).

The DAG for the model is given in Figure13.2.

Under this formulation, cj is the conditional probability of a positive response for
observable j given membership in latent class c. For all but the last observables these are
specified as following Beta(1,1) (i.e., uniform) priors. This is also used as the prior for the
330 Bayesian Psychometric Modeling

i = 1,, 319

j = 1, 2, 3
xij xi4

cj 14 24

c c 1 1 2 2

c = 1, 2

Directed acyclic graph for a 2-class latent class model for the academic cheating example. The nodes for the
values for the fourth observable (x i 4), the conditional probabilities of the value for the fourth observable (14 and
24), and the hyperparameters that govern their prior distribution ( , , , and ) lie outside the plates over
1 1 2 2

j and c owing to the constraint that 24 > 14 .

conditional probabilities for the last observable, subject to the constraint that the condi-
tional probability for class 2 is larger than that for class 1. This is sufficient to resolve the
indeterminacy in the latent variable. Conceptually, this constraint renders class 2 to be
the class that was more likely to have copied answers. The distinct treatment of the last
observable manifests itself in terms of the observable and the conditional probabilities
(14 and 24) lying outside the plate over the remaining observables. Additionally, the DAG
expresses that 24 depends on 14, as implied by the last line of specifications in (13.33). The
constraint amounts to specifying truncated beta prior distributions for these parameters
and implies that the corresponding full conditional distributions are truncated beta dis-
tributions. Analogously, the full conditional distribution for the probability vector for a
polytomous variable so constrained is a truncated Dirichlet distribution (Gelfand, Smith,
& Lee, 1992; Nadarajah & Kotz, 2006; Sedransk, Monahan, & Chiu, 1985).

13.4.2 MCMC Estimation

The Gibbs sampler in the current case draws elements from each of those sketched in
Sections 13.2.4 and 13.3.4. By using the Dirichlet-categorical specification for the latent
variable, steps 1 and 2 are based on those in (13.18) and (13.19). By using the beta-Bernoulli
specification for the observables, step 3 is based on that in (13.32). Importantly, although
the notation would differ depending on whether we employed the Dirichlet-categorical or
beta-Bernoulli specifications, the computations would be the same.
Latent Class Analysis 331

One salient feature of the model in this example is the constraint that 24 > 14 . As a
result, the full conditionals for these parameters will be truncated beta distributions.
For 14,

14 | , 24 , x j ~ Beta <24 ( 1 + r14 , 1 + r1 r14 ), (13.34)

where Beta <24 denotes the beta distribution truncated to be less than 24, r1 is the number of
examinees for whom = 1 (i.e., are members of class 1), and r14 is the number of examinees
for whom = 1 (i.e., are members of class 1) that have a value of 1 for observable 4.
For 24,

24 | , 14 , x j ~ Beta >14 ( 2 + r24 , 2 + r2 r24 ), (13.35)

where Beta >14 denotes the beta distribution truncated to be greater than 14, r2 is the number
of examinees for whom = 2 (i.e., are members of class 2), and r24 is the number of examin-
ees for whom = 2 (i.e., are members of class 2) that have a value of 1 for observable 4.
The Gibbs sampler is modified accordingly. Suppose in each iteration we draw a value
for 14 before we draw a value for 24. The instantiations of (13.32) then become

< (24
(14t +1) | (t +1) , (24t ) , x j ~ Beta ( 1 + r14(t +1) , 1 + r1(t +1) r14(t +1) ) (13.36)


> (14t +1) (13.37)

(24t +1) | (t +1) , (14t +1) , x j ~ Beta ( 2 + r24(t +1) , 2 + r2(t +1) r24(t +1) ).

To illustrate, we step through the computations of the first iteration of the Gibbs sampler.
We begin by specifying initial values. We will say more shortly about choosing start values
in Section13.4.3 where we fit the model in WinBUGS, using multiple sets of dispersed start
values. The ones used here were arbitrarily chosen for the sake of illustration. For the con-
ditional probabilities for the observables, we set (110) = .4, (210) = .8, (120) = .3, (220) = .7, (130) = .2,
(230) = .5, (140) = .1, and (240) = .5. Note that these last two honor the constraint that 24 > 14 .
For the latent variables, (10 ) , , (219 0)
are set to 1 and (220
, , (319
are set to 2. Finally, we set
the initial value for the proportion of examinees in latent class 2 to be .2. In the Dirichlet-
categorical specification adopted here, this amounts to specifying ( 0 ) = ( 1( 0 ) , (20 ) ) = (.8,.2) .
The first iteration of the Gibbs sampler is composed of the following steps.

1. Sample the latent variables for examinees. For the first examinee, the response vector was
(0,0,0,0). We use these values to compute the ingredients of sic( 0 ) based on each class:

j =1
( 0 ) xij
1j ) (1 (10j ) )
1 xij
(10 ) = (.4)0 (.8)1 (.3)0 (.7)1 (.2)0 (.8)1 (.1)0 (.9)1 .8 = .06048,

j =1
( 0 ) xij
2j ) (1 (20j) )
1 xij
(20 ) = (.8)0 (.2)1 (.7)0 (.3)1 (.6)0 (.4)1 (.5)0 (.5)1 .2 = .0024,
332 Bayesian Psychometric Modeling

and then

x 1 xij
(1( 0j ) ) ij (1 1( 0j ) ) (10 )
(0) j =1 .06048
s = = .96.

i1 J J
( 0 ) Xij
( ) (1 ) ( 0 ) 1 xij
+ ( 0 ) xij
( ) (1 ) ( 0 ) 1 xij
(0) .0024 + .06048
2j 2j 2 1j 1j 1
j =1 j =1


s =
( j
( 0 ) xij
2j ) (1 (20j) )
1 xij ( 0 )
( (
( 0 ) xij
2j ) (1 ) ( 0 ) 1 xij ( 0 )
2j 2 + ( 0 ) xij
1j ) (1 ) ( 0 ) 1 xij ( 0 )
.0024 + .06048
j j

We then sample a value for the latent variable from (13.18) using these values to
define the distribution,

(i1) | ( 0 ) , ( 0 ) , xi ~ Categorical(.96,.04).

This process is repeated for each examinee, yielding a value of 1 or 2 for each
2. Sample the parameters for the latent variable distribution. Count the number
of examinees in class 2 in the just-sampled values of the latent variables,
(1) = ((11) , , (n1) ). This frequency is r2(1), which in the current case was 17. Compute
r1(1) = n r2(1) = 319 17 = 302 and sample a value for the latent class proportions
from (13.19),

(1) | (1) ~ Dirichlet( 1 + r1(1) , 2 + r2(1) )

= Dirichlet(1 + 302, 1 + 17)

= Dirichlet(303, 18).

The sampled value was (1) (.96,.04).
3. Sample the measurement model parameters. For each observable, j = 1,, J and class
c= 1, 2, count the number of examinees in each class (out of the rc(1)) that had a
value of 1 for the observable, yielding the class- and observable-specific frequency
of values of 1, denoted as rcj(1). The counts are shown in Table13.3.

For observable 1, sample a value for 11 as in (13.29) using r1(1) = 302 and r11(1) = 27,

(111) | (1) , x j ~ Beta(28, 276).

TABLE 13.3
Class- and Observable-Specific Counts from the First Iteration of a Gibbs Sampler
for a 2-Class Latent Class Model for the Cheating Data Example
Class 1 2 3 4
1 r(1)
11 = 27 r (1)
12 = 30 r (1)
13 = 14 r(1)
14 = 55
2 r21(1) = 7 r22(1) = 8 r23(1) = 7 r24(1) = 13
Latent Class Analysis 333

The drawn value was .08. Continuing with observable 1, we sample a value for 21 as in
(13.29) using r2(1) = 17 and r21(1) = 7 ,

(211) | (1) , x j ~ Beta(8, 11).

The drawn value was .29. Likewise for observables 2 and 3, we have

(121) | (1) , x j ~ Beta(31, 273),

(221) | (1) , x j ~ Beta(9, 10),

(131) | (1) , x j ~ Beta(15, 289),


(231) | (1) , x j ~ Beta(8, 11),

yielding drawn values of (121) = .09, (221) = .76, (131) = .05, and (231) = .41. For observable 4, we
sample a value for 14 as in (13.36), noting that (240) = .5

(141) | (1) , (240) , x j ~ Beta <.5 (56, 248),

yielding a value (141) = .22. This value is then used in sampling from the full conditional for
24 as in (13.37),

(241) | (1) , 14
, x j ~ Beta >.22 (14, 5),

yielding a value of (241) = .68.

13.4.3 WinBUGS
The WinBUGS code and three sets of initial values are given as follows.

# Model Syntax

# Conditional probability of the observables via a latent class model

for (i in 1:n){
for(j in 1:J){
x[i,j] ~ dbern(pi[theta[i],j])
334 Bayesian Psychometric Modeling

# Prior distribution for the latent variables
for(i in 1:n){
theta[i] ~ dcat(gamma[])
# Prior distribution for the parameters that govern the distribution
# of the latent variables
gamma[1:C] ~ ddirch(alpha_gamma[])
for(c in 1:C){
alpha_gamma[c] <- 1

# Prior distribution for the measurement model parameters
for(c in 1:C){
for(j in 1:(J-1)){
pi[c,j] ~ dbeta(1,1)

pi[1,J] ~ dbeta(1,1) I( ,pi[2,J])

pi[2,J] ~ dbeta(1,1) I(pi[1,J], )

} # closes the model

# Initial values for three chains
list(gamma=c(.9, .1),
pi= structure(.Data= c(
.37, .20, .06, .04,
.41, .47, .32, .19)
, .Dim=c(2, 4)))

list(gamma=c(.1, .9),
pi= structure(.Data= c(
.58, .62, .69, .77,
.81, .84, .90, .88)
, .Dim=c(2, 4)))

list(gamma=c(.5, .5),
pi= structure(.Data= c(
.32, .49, .29, .61,
.48, .54, .44, .70)
, .Dim=c(2, 4)))

The final lines of the model express the prior distribution for the conditional probabilities
of a value of 1 for the last observable. The use of the I(pi[1,J], ) in the last line ensures
Latent Class Analysis 335

that 24 > 14 . Though conceptually this is sufficient, WinBUGS also requires the construc-
tion in the previous line, where I( ,pi[2,J]) ensures that 14 < 24.
The model was fit in WinBUGS using three chains from dispersed starting values for
the parameters listed above in the code, using WinBUGS to generate values for the latent
variables. There was evidence of fast convergence (see Section5.7.2). To be conservative, for
each chain we discarded the first 1,000 iterations and ran an additional 20,000 iterations
for use in inference.
The marginal posterior densities for the conditional probabilities and latent class pro-
portions are plotted in Figure13.3 and numerically summarized in Table13.4. The sum-
maries reported here suggest that, for all the observables, the conditional probability of a
value 1 given the examinee in latent class 2 is higher than the conditional probability in
latent class 1 (i.e., 2 j > 1 j for all j). This was imposed via the prior distribution for the last
observable, but not the others. This lends credence to the desired interpretation of class 2

0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4
1 2

0.00 0.04 0.08 0.12 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

11 21

0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

12 22

0.00 0.04 0.08 0.12 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8

13 23

0.10 0.20 0.30 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8

14 24

Marginal posterior densities for the 2-class model for the academic cheating example, where c is the proportion
of examinees in class c and cj is the conditional probability of observing a value of 1 on observable j given the
examinee is a member of class c.
336 Bayesian Psychometric Modeling

TABLE 13.4
Summary of the Posterior Distribution for a 2-Class Latent Class Model for the Academic
Cheating Data
Parameter Median Standard Deviation 95% Highest Posterior Density Interval
11 0.03 0.02 (<.01, 0.06)
21 0.61 0.14 (0.36, 0.90)
12 0.04 0.02 (<.01, 0.08)
22 0.63 0.13 (0.40, 0.90)
13 0.04 0.01 (0.01, 0.07)
23 0.24 0.08 (0.10, 0.41)
14 0.19 0.03 (0.14, 0.24)
24 0.40 0.09 (0.23, 0.58)
1 0.86 0.04 (0.77, 0.94)
2 0.14 0.04 (0.06, 0.23)

as those who are more inclined to cheat. The marginal posterior for indicates that the
proportion of students in the cheater class is around .14, and we are 95% certain that the
proportion is between .06 and .23. Table13.5 reports the marginal posterior probability of
membership in class 2 for each response vector under the column labeled Full Posterior.
Positive responses to the first two observables are more strongly indicative of membership

TABLE 13.5
Posterior Probability of Membership in Class 2 (The Nominally Labeled Cheaters Class) for
Each Response Vector in the Cheating Data Example Computed in Two Waysa
Observable p( = 2|x )

Vector ID 1 2 3 4 Full Posterior Posterior Medians

1 0 0 0 0 .02 .02
2 1 0 0 0 .44 .43
3 0 1 0 0 .39 .38
4 1 1 0 0 .96 .97
5 0 0 1 0 .12 .10
6 1 0 1 0 .79 .85
7 0 1 1 0 .75 .82
8 1 1 1 0 .99 .996
9 0 0 0 1 .05 .04
10 1 0 0 1 .64 .68
11 0 1 0 1 .60 .63
12 1 1 0 1 .98 .99
13 0 0 1 1 .25 .24
14 1 0 1 1 .90 .94
15 0 1 1 1 .87 .93
16 1 1 1 1 .998 .998
a The results labeled Full Posterior were obtained by marginalizing over the posterior distribution for the
measurement model parameters and the parameters that govern the distribution of latent class membership.
The results labeled Posterior Medians were obtained by using the marginal posterior medians as the values
for the measurement model parameters and the parameters that govern the distribution of latent class mem-
bership. Values rounded to two decimal places, except where doing so they would round to 1.00, in which
case they are rounded to three decimal places.
Latent Class Analysis 337

in class 2 (i.e., the cheating class). A positive response to either yields a posterior probabil-
ity in latent class 2 that exceeds .5.

13.4.4 Model-Data Fit

The adequacy of the model-data fit may be assessed in a number of ways, including varia-
tions on the ways employed in the CFA and IRT examples. Here we focus on twin aspects
of observable fit (OF) and person fit (PF). In Section11.2.5, we examined observable (item)
fit using graphical methods in PPMC. Here we employ an approach based on using resid-
uals as discrepancy measures in PPMC to examine both OF and PF. We investigate fit
using simple discrepancy measures examined by Yan, Mislevy, and Almond (2003; see
also Almond et al., 2015). This is constructed by considering the squared Pearson residual
for examinee i and observable j, which may be written in the notation of discrepancy mea-
sures in the current context of LCA as
( xij Pij )2 (13.38)
Vij ( xij , i , j ) = ,
Pij (1 Pij )

where Pij = E( xij | i , j ) is the probability of xij = 1. In the current context, Pij is equal to cj for
examinees for which i = c (i.e., are members of class c). A discrepancy measure targeting
OF for observable j is then given by
1 n
OFj ( x j , , j ) =

Vij ( xij , i , j ) ,

i =1

which is a root mean square error taken with respect to the values for the observable,
where xj = (x1j,, xnj) is the collection of observed values for observable j from the n exam-
inees. Taking the root mean square with respect to each examinee yields a discrepancy
measure for PF. For examinee i,
1 J 2
PFi ( xi , , j ) =
J Vij ( xij , i , j ) ,

j =1
where xi = (xi1,, xiJ) is the collection of J observed values from examinee i.
We conducted PPMC employing (13.39) and (13.40), using 15,000 iterations from MCMC
(5,000 from each of the three chains). We computed ppost as a numerical summary of the
results. The values of ppost for the analyses of (13.39) for the four observables were .54, .54, .53,
and .49, suggesting that the model performs well in terms of accounting for the univariate
distributions of the observables.
Turning to examinees, we confine our discussion here to a select set of results. Examinees
with a response pattern of (0,0,0,0) had ppost values of .29, which is evidence of adequate fit.
This is unsurprising as this was the most common response pattern in the data and there-
fore the posterior is attuned to this pattern. Examinees with a response pattern of (1,1,0,0)
had ppost values of .68, which is evidence of adequate fit. This result is sensible in that it con-
forms to the models implication that the first two items are endorsed more often than the
others. Examinees with a response pattern of (0,0,1,1) had ppost values of .03, which were the
smallest in the data. This is evidence of a lack of fit for these examinees. This reflects that
the models implications are that the items forming the last two observables are endorsed
338 Bayesian Psychometric Modeling

rarely, and with less frequency than the first two items. The examinees in question do not
behave in accordance with these implications, resulting in poorer PF. This lack of PF may
undermine the inferences for the examinees in question. Generally, poor PF suggests that
the inferential argument expressed in the psychometric model may be dubious, at least for
the examinees in question.
Note however that in the current case, the structure of the model does not imply that
having a value of 1 on the last two observables must be accompanied by having a value of
1 on the first two, as would be in the case of latent class models for deterministic versions
of Guttman scaling (Dayton & Macready, 1976; Guttman, 1947; Proctor, 1970). This model
allows for more patterns, though the results of fitting the model suggest that a pattern of
(0,0,1,1) should occur rarely. And that is indeed the case, as only 5 of the 319 examinees
exhibited this pattern. The results from PPMC for these examinees amount to a red flag
indicating that additional considerations may be needed to understand the viability of the
model or alternative explanations for these examinees.

13.4.5 Model Comparison

We illustrate the use of the predictive criteria described in Section10.3.4. More specifically,
we compare the 2-class model, denoted as M2, with a baseline model where the observables
from examinees are independent and, for each observable, the probability of a value of 1 is
given by proportion of 1s in the sample. This baseline model may be thought of as a 1-class
model in which all the examinees are in the same class, and we denote it as M1. For sake of
illustration, we employ the posterior medians as point summaries of the parameters when
computing the entropy for the 2-class model. We will have more to say about the use of
point summaries of these parameters and the consequences for scoring in Section13.4.6.
Following (10.25), the entropy for the 2-class model was Ent(M2) = 78.29, which is
lower than the entropy for the 1-class model, Ent(M1) = 85.69. This yields a difference
(Equation10.26) of

Ent( M1 ) Ent( M2 ) = 85.69 78.29 = 7.4.

This being positive indicates that the 2-class model is expected to yield better predictions
for a new observation than the 1-class model. Following (10.27), the proportional improve-
ment obtained by using the 2-class model is, rounding to two decimal places,

Ent( M1 ) Ent( M2 ) 7.4

= .09.
Ent( M1 ) 85.69

This indicates that the modeling of two separate classes improves prediction a bit, a little
under 10%. Under Gilula and Habermans (2001) suggestion of thinking of this index as
analogous to a proportion of variance explained, the improvement seems worthwhile.

13.4.6 Comparing the Use of the Full Posterior with Point Summaries in Scoring
It is instructive to consider how the inferences for examinees would be affected by using
point values for the and parameters rather than the full posterior distribution. In con-
ventional approaches to LCA, (frequentist) point estimates of and are obtained first
and then used to obtain the posterior distribution for latent class membership. In the pres-
ent example, we compare the use of the full posterior with an approach that uses the
Latent Class Analysis 339

posterior medians reported in Table13.4. The posterior probability of membership in class

2 for each response vector using the posterior medians for and is reported in Table13.5
in columns adjacent to those obtained from using the full posterior distribution. The dif-
ferences are slight, but reveal that the use of the posterior medians yields posterior prob-
abilities for examinees that are more extreme than when the full posterior distribution is
used. Looking at it going in the other direction, when we use the full posterior distribution
rather than the medians, the posterior probabilities of membership in class 2 are closer
to.5. This may be interpreted as having less certainty regarding latent class membership.
Echoing the discussion in Section7.4, the posterior distribution for an examinee using a
point for the elements of and yields the posterior distribution as if the and param-
eters took on the values used; nowhere is our uncertainty regarding those values incorpo-
rated in the analysis. A bit more formally, when using the point values = 0 and = 0 ,
the posterior distribution for an examinee is p(i |xi ) = p(i |xi , = 0 , = 0 ). When the full
posterior distribution is used, the posterior distribution for an examinee becomes

p(i |xi ) =
p( |x , , )p(, | x)dd,
i i

which will be more diffuse to the extent that there is variability in and . Conceptually,
by using the full posterior distribution for and , our uncertainty in those parameters
is acknowledged and induces some additional uncertainty about the examinees. To the
extent that there is considerable uncertainty about and , ignoring that uncertainty by
the use of a point value (e.g., a point summary of the posterior, or an MLE) may be deleteri-
ous in inferences regarding examinees.

13.5 Latent Variable Indeterminacies fromaBayesian

Modeling Perspective
13.5.1 Illustrating the Indeterminacy
The example in Section13.4 resolved the indeterminacy in the latent variable via a constraint
on the conditional probabilities for the last observable. Consider now a model that differs
only in that it does not include this constraint, namely one that specifies cj ~ Beta(1, 1) for
all c and all j. The WinBUGS code may be enacted by taking the code given in Section13.4.3
and removing the I() constructions in the last two lines.
Two chains were run in this analysis from starting values generated in WinBUGS. History
plots and associated density plots for the first 1,000 iterations for the latent class propor-
tions and the conditional probabilities for the first observable are given in Figure13.4. The
results for the conditional probabilities for the remaining observables followed the same
patterns as that shown here.
A cursory look at the history plots would suggest that at most one but not both the
chains have converged. In fact, they have converged, but are exploring different regions
of the posterior distribution, which results in the multimodality of the density plots. The
chain on the top of the history plot for 1 and 21 provides the values that constitute the
density for the larger values of those parameters. This chain on the bottom of the history
plot for 2 and 11 providing the values that constitute the density for the smaller values of
those parameters. The other chain in each case provides the complementary values.
340 Bayesian Psychometric Modeling

Parameter History Density


0 200 400 600 800 1000 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0


0 200 400 600 800 1000 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0


0 200 400 600 800 1000 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0


0 200 400 600 800 1000 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

History plots and density plots for parameters for the 2-class model without constraints to resolve the indeter-
minacy for the academic cheating example, including the proportion of examinees in class 1 ( 1), the proportion
of examinees in class 2 ( 2), the conditional probability of observing a value of 1 on the first observable given
membership in class 1 (11), and the conditional probability of observing a value of 1 on the first observable
given membership in class 2 (21).

The densities in Figure13.4 are indeed representative of the posterior distribution. The
multimodality is a manifestation of the indeterminacy associated with the discrete latent
variable, namely that the roles of the classes can be interchanged: the latent class pro-
portion and conditional probabilities associated with one class could be associated with
another class (and vice versa) and still reproduce the data equally well. The multimodal-
ity in the posterior exists because of the multimodality in the likelihoodas discussed
in Section13.1.2 the indeterminacy and associated label switching pertain to frequentist
estimation as welland the information in the prior is not strong enough to steer the
posterior toward one orientation as opposed to the other. As the prior is quite diffuse, the
posterior closely resembles the likelihood. This example illustrates how MCMC may be
a useful tool for exploring multimodality and the shape of the likelihood more broadly.

13.5.2 Resolving the Indeterminacy

There are several strategies that may be adopted to resolving the indeterminacy in the
latent variable in Bayesian approaches to LCA (Chung, Loken, & Schafer, 2004; Hoijtink,
1998; Loken, 2004; Richardson & Green, 1997; Rodrguez & Walker, 2014). The analysis
in Section 13.4 illustrated the use of a constraint on the conditional probabilities of the
observables, 24 > 14 , labeling the second class as the one with the higher conditional
probability of a value of 1 on the last observable. This approach extends naturally to the
Latent Class Analysis 341

case of polytomous observables, in which case CjK > > 1 jK labels the classes in order cor-
responding to increases in the conditional probabilities of the highest value of a particular
observable (j). Any unique ordering would be sufficient (e.g., ordering on another observ-
able, or on another response category).
Another option involves a specification of the latent class proportions. Setting 1 < < C
renders the latent classes to be labeled according to their size. Again, any unique ordering
would be sufficient (e.g., reverse order of their size, 1 > > C ).
Still another option involves assigning one or more examinees to each of the classes. For
computational and interpretative ease, we may select examinees with the most extreme
response patterns. In the case of the cheating data example, we may take one or more
examinees with a response pattern of (0,0,0,0) and assign them to a particular class, say,
class 1, and take one or more examinees with a response pattern of (1,1,1,1) and assign
them to the other particular class, here class 2. This strategy is similar to setting the val-
ues of the latent variables for certain examinees to resolve the indeterminacies associated
with continuous latent variables in IRT and CFA. This can be accomplished by capitalizing
on computational strategies that treat latent variables as missing data. In WinBUGS, we
would supply values of the latent variable as part of the data statement, with numerical
values for those examinees assigned to classes, and NA for the remaining examinees.
This approach suffers from certain drawbacks. First, the assigning of examinees to classes
is a fairly strong assumption. On the other hand, when working with a 2-class model for
the cheating data, it stands to reason that examinees with the response patterns of (0,0,0,0)
and (1,1,1,1) ought to be in the different classes; any other account would strain credu-
lity. Still, this approach is limited in that posterior inference and expressions of posterior
uncertainty are not available for those examinees assigned to classes; they are treated as
belonging to the classes with certainty.
All of the strategies just described may also be adopted in frequentist approaches to
LCA modeling and estimation. A Bayesian approach offers an additional variation on each
of these in the form of alternative prior distributions. Instead of imposing a constraint
such as 24 > 14 , we may express the desire to have the second class have higher con-
ditional probability of a value of 1 on the last item via the hyperparameters of the prior
distribution. For example, specifying 14 ~ Beta(2, 5) and 24 ~ Beta(5, 2) would orient the
posterior toward a class labeling where the second class has higher probabilities of a posi-
tive response to the last item. But it does not constrain the posterior to honor this notion.
An example in the next chapter illustrates this approach. Similarly, instead of constraining
the latent class proportions to be ordered in size, the prior distribution may be specified
using hyperparameters to orient the posterior toward a particular class labeling. Likewise,
instead of assigning examinees to particular classes with certainty, we may specify a dif-
ferent prior distribution that orients the solution as such.
Each approach may in fact be fairly weak in supplying information to resolve the inde-
terminacy if the model does not accord with the imposed constraints. For example, if two
classes have comparable sizes, adopting the strategy that orders them by class sizes may
not perform well in resolving the indeterminacy when fitting the model. This applies even
more so for the use of prior distributions that orients but does not constrain the posterior
to just one labeling scheme.
Another strategy involves analyzing a model without constraints needed to resolve the
indeterminacy and then relabeling results based on inspection of the results. In our cheat-
ing data example, we may examine the trace plots in Figure13.4, recognize the situation for
what it is, and simply relabel the classes in one chain to accord with that of another. This
would address the situation here where multiple chains are exploring different regions
342 Bayesian Psychometric Modeling

of the (multimodal) posterior. Things are more complicated when label switching occurs
within a chain, as is possible and indeed guaranteed to happen for an infinitely long chain.
This calls for more complicated algorithms for postprocessing or relabeling each succes-
sive iteration from MCMC (Rodrguez & Walker, 2014; Stephens, 2000).

13.5.3 The Blurred Line between the Prior and the Likelihood
The preceding discussion underscores two larger points. First, echoing themes from our
treatments of CFA and IRT, we can recognize that imposing constraints on the parameters
is itself a type of prior specification. Specifying 14 ~ Beta(2, 5) and 24 ~ Beta(5, 2) consti-
tutes a prior where 24 is probably larger than 14 . We can control how likely that is by
manipulating the forms and or hyperparameters of these prior distributions. The con-
straint that 24 > 14 may be seen as a limiting case of these prior expectations, where 24
is certainly larger than 14 . Second, though the indeterminacy exists in the likelihood, we
have been discussing resolutions in terms of prior distributions. Should a specification
such as 24 > 14 be viewed as a feature of the likelihood, or of the prior? Echoing the
discussions in Sections3.5, 3.6, and 9.8, one perspective is that such a question is largely
irrelevant. Distinctions between the likelihood and the prior may be useful for certain
purposes, but may be unnecessary, or worse, inhibitive to understanding.

13.6 Summary and Bibliographic Note

This chapter has focused on Bayesian approaches to LCA in a confirmatory setting. For
Bayesian treatments of LCA in more exploratory settings, see Garrett and Zeger (2000),
Pan and Huang (2014), Richardson and Green (1997), and Rubin and Stern (1994). Garrett,
Eaton, and Zeger (2002) provide a Bayesian account of LCA that fits models with different
numbers of classes from a confirmatory model comparison perspective. Additional treat-
ments of Bayesian approaches to confirmatory LCA with emphases on the use of ordinal-
ity constraints may be found in Hoijtink (1998) and van Onna (2002). Hojtink and Molenaar
(1997) provided a related treatment that invoked connections with nonparametric MIRT.
Extensions include Bayesian approaches for producing point and interval estimates for
quantities derived from the basic LCA parameters (Garrett, Eaton, & Zeger 2002; Lanza,
Collins, Schafer, & Flaherty, 2005), fitting models that are unidentified in frequentist con-
ceptions (Evans, Gilula, & Guttman, 1989), incorporating covariates (Chung, Flaherty, &
Schafer, 2006), or modeling the conditional probabilities via linear logistic models (Garrett
& Zeger, 2000) as in Formann (1985, 1992). Examples of the last of these will be developed
in the context of Bayesian networks in the next chapter. Similarly, many extensions of the
LCA models can be grouped under the heading of involving models with multiple dis-
crete latent variables, including latent transition and profile analyses (Chung & Anthony,
2013; Chung, Lanza, & Loken, 2008; Chung, Walls, & Park, 2007; Lanza, Collins, Schafer, &
Flaherty, 2005), diagnostic classification models (Rupp et al., 2010), and Bayesian networks
(Almond etal., 2015). Several of these are treated more explicitly in the next chapter.
Latent Class Analysis 343

13.1 The first step in the Gibbs sampler described in Section 13.2.4 involves sam-
pling the values of the latent variables for examinees. In Section13.4.2, we showed
the computation for the first iteration for examinees with the response vector of
(0,0,0,0) in the cheating data example. Show the computations for the remaining
response vectors.
13.2 The third step in the Gibbs sampler described in Section13.2.4 involves sampling
the values for the measurement model parameters for dichotomous observables.
In Section13.4.2, we showed the computation for the first iteration for 11 in the
cheating data example. Show the computations for the remaining measurement
model parameters.
13.3 Replicate the analysis of the 2-class model for the cheating data in Section13.4
using WinBUGS.
a. Verify your results for the measurement model parameters with those reported
b. When fitting the model, compute the probabilities that the conditional prob-
abilities of a positive response are higher in class 2 than class 1 for each observ-
able. (Hint: recall the WinBUGS code in Exercise6.3).
c. Interpret the probabilities from part (b).
13.4 Conduct an analysis of a 3-class model for the cheating data.
a. Specify a model that yields an ordinal interpretation of the classes in terms of
their proclivity for cheating.
b. Obtain and interpret the posterior distribution for the measurement model
parameters and the latent class proportions.
13.5 The chains for the model in the example in Section13.5 explored different parts
of the posterior distribution, corresponding to different labels of the classes.
a. Explain why label switching will eventually happen within a chain.
b. Explain how this could occur in the context of a Gibbs sampler, and in the
context of a Metropolis sampler.
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Bayesian Networks

Bayesian networks (BNs) model multivariate distributions of discrete variables. When

brought to bear in psychometric contexts they are typically constructed as modeling dis-
crete observables as dependent on discrete latent variables. As such they are similar to the
LCA models discussed in Chapter13. There, we focused on models with a single latent
variable. In this chapter, we focus mainly on models with multiple latent variables. In this
light, BNs may be seen as generalizations of LCA models as developed in Chapter 13.
Inanother light, BNs may be seen as instances of LCA models more broadly conceived,
as models with multiple discrete latent variables may be recast as having a single discrete
latent variable (see Section13.1.1).
However, BNs are not as frequently used in the psychometric community as CFA, IRT,
and LCA models. Accordingly, we organize this chapter beginning with a broader treat-
ment of BNs in Section14.1, discussing them in terms that do not immediately map onto
latent variable psychometric models. We then focus on how BNs can be leveraged as psy-
chometric models and briefly describe how the developments of the previous chapter apply
to the current case in Sections14.2 and 14.3. We then discuss three examples of other psy-
chometric models that can be framed as BNs in Sections14.4 through 14.6. Section14.7 pro-
vides a brief summary and bibliographic note regarding related treatments and extensions.
Additional accounts of BNs from a general statistical perspective may be found in Jensen
(1996, 2001), Neapolitan (2004), and Pearl (1988). Almond et al., (2015) provided a broad
treatment, focusing on their application in educational assessment.

14.1 Overview of BNs

14.1.1 Description of BNs
We begin our general description of BNs with a simple four-variable example. Consider a
system of four variables, W, X, Y, and Z, each representing one of four skills a student may
possess. A BN is a statistical model that structures the joint distribution for a set of discrete
variables by recursively specifying conditional distributions. Any joint distribution can be
expressed as a product of a distribution for the first variable, a distribution for the second
variable conditional on the first, a distribution for the third variable conditional on the first
and second, and so on. The joint distribution for our system of four variables (W, X, Y, Z)
can be written as

p(W , X , Y , Z) = p(W )p(X |W )p(Y |W , X )p(Z|W , X , Y ). (14.1)

Any ordering is possible; for example we might specify a reversal of this ordering and
specify a distribution for Z, the conditional distribution for Y given Z, and so on. Certain
orderings may be preferable according to certain criteria, including interpretability and

346 Bayesian Psychometric Modeling

implications of substantive theory. In particular, we will capitalize on conditional inde-

pendence relationships to organize our thinking. One such model is

p(W , X , Y , Z) = p(W )p(X )p(Y |W , X )p(Z|Y ), (14.2)

which departs from (14.1) in expressing X as independent of W, and Z as conditionally

independent of W and X given Y. The model in (14.2) expresses a structuring of the joint
distribution in accordance with a theory of skill acquisition in which

Skills W and X are mastered first and independently;

Mastery of skill Y then depends on whether skills W and X are mastered; and
Mastery of skill Z depends on whether skill Y is mastered, but not on mastery of
skills W or X above and beyond mastery of skill Y.

We can now characterize a BN as a model that structures the joint distribution. For a set of
variables generically represented as v, a BN structures the joint distribution as

p(v) = p ( v|pa(v)),

where pa(v) are the parents of variable v, namely, the variables on which v directly depends.
If v has no parents p ( v|pa(v) ) is taken as the unconditional (marginal) distribution of v.

14.1.2 BNs as Graphical Models

As the characterization of variables as dependent on their parents suggests, BNs are strongly
associated with graphical models, owing to the correspondence between the structure of a
graph and the conditional independence relationships in the model (Pearl, 1988, 2009). BNs
may be characterized as DAG models in which all of the nodes correspond to discrete vari-
ables. The DAG for the BN in (14.2) is depicted in Figure14.1, and expresses that the joint
distribution may be factored in accordance with the right-hand side of (14.2). Furthermore,
the conditional independence relationships may be read off the graph. Given its parents,
children, and other parents of its children, each variable is conditionally independent of
all other variables (Pearl, 1988, 2009). For example, the DAG in Figure14.1 indicates that Z
depends on Y (its parent), but once we condition on Y, Z is independent of W and X.

14.1.3 Inference Using BNs

The models are referred to as Bayesian networks because, once data have been observed,
they support the application of Bayes theorem across multivariate systems. The DAG


Directed acyclic graph for four variables in the model in (14.2).
Bayesian Networks 347

plays a key role here too: in addition to structuring the joint distribution of a system of
variables, the DAG structures the computations involved in obtaining the posterior distri-
bution (Lauritzen & Spiegelhalter, 1988; Pearl, 1988).

14.2 BNs as Psychometric Models

BNs can be employed as psychometric models by specifying observable variables as
dependent on latent* variables for an examinee. In assessment applications, once values
for the observables are known they are entered into the network and the posterior dis-
tribution of the remaining variablesprimarily that for the latent variables of inferential
interestis obtained. In the parlance of Chapter7, scoring for examinees is conducted by
Bayesian inference.
We have already encountered several examples of models that may be seen as BNs, specifi-
cally the subtraction proficiency example in Chapters1 and 7, the medical diagnosis example
in Chapter2, and the LCA models in Chapter13. We revisit some of these before turning
to other BN psychometric models. As with LCA, the characterization of BNs as involving
only discrete variables refers to a just-persons perspective on the model, meaning that the
examinee variables are discrete. As we will see, modeling the conditional probabilities may
involve parameters that are specified as continuous random variables. For the moment, we
confine ourselves to the just-persons perspective before expanding our lens in Section14.3.

14.2.1 Latent Class Models as BNs

The medical diagnosis example introduced in Chapter2 may be seen as a BN. The DAG for
the model is given in Figure14.2 where C is the patients cancer status (Yes or No) and M
is the result of the mammography screening (Positive or Negative). This is the simplest of
BNs of any substance, containing just two variables, each of which can take on two values,
with a directed edge linking them.
Following the structure of the DAG, the joint distribution is given by

p(C , M ) = p(C )p( M|C ). (14.4)

The elements on the right-hand side of (14.4) are given in Tables2.1 and 2.2, repeated here
as Tables14.1 and 14.2 for p( M|C ) and p(C), respectively.

Directed acyclic graph for the medical diagnosis example, where the mammogram result (M) is modeled as
dependent on cancer status (C).

* In the BN literature, latent variables are also referred to as hidden variables.

348 Bayesian Psychometric Modeling

TABLE 14.1
Conditional Probability of the Mammography
Result (M) Given Breast Cancer (C)
Mammography Result
Breast Cancer Positive Negative
Yes .90 .10
No .07 .93

TABLE 14.2
Prior Probability of Breast Cancer (C)
Breast Cancer Probability
Yes .008
No .992

Once the value of the observable variable M is known, the posterior distribution for C
is obtained via Bayes theorem. Revisiting the example in Section2.2, once it is observed
that M = Positive, the posterior probability for a patients cancer status, rounding to two
decimal places, is p(C = Yes | M = Positive) .09 and p(C = No | M = Positive) .91.
The medical diagnosis model is a simple LCA model with one dichotomous observable.
The more general LCA model expressed in Chapter13 may be seen as expanding the situ-
ation to one where there are J possibly polytomous observables modeled as dependent on,
and rendered conditionally independent by, a possibly polytomous latent variable. As the
variables are all discrete, the LCA model may be seen as a BN. The just-persons DAG for
the model is given in Figure14.3, which is just the structure of the canonical psychometric
model characterized in Chapter7.
Following the structure of the DAG, the joint distribution for any examinee (suppressing
the subscripting by i) is given by

p( x1 , , x J , ) = p(x |)p().
j =1
j (14.5)

14.2.2 BNs with Multiple Latent Variables

We now extend our treatment to consider BNs with multiple latent variables. Figure14.4
contains a DAG with three latent variables and eight observable variables. We considered
multiple continuous latent variables in the context of CFA (Chapter 9) and then in IRT
(Section11.5). In both of these contexts, we specified a multivariate normal distribution

x1 x2 x3 xJ

Directed acyclic graph for the latent class model as a Bayesian network.
Bayesian Networks 349

2 3

x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8

Directed acyclic graph for a Bayesian network with three latent variables, illustrating factorially simple and
factorially complex observables, and dependence among multiple latent variables.

for the multiple latent variables. In the current context with multiple discrete latent vari-
ables, we model the associations among the latent variables by recursively specifying dis-
tributions for the latent variables in a univariate fashion, conditioning on the previously
specified latent variables to reflect the dependence. As expressed by the directed edges
in Figure14.4, we will specify a distribution for 1, a distribution for 2 conditional on its
parent, 1, and a distribution for 3 conditional on its parents, 1 and 2. As we will see, the
form of the conditional distributions for latent variables mimic those of the conditional
distributions for the observables.*
Turning to the observables in Figure14.4, the first three observables (x1, x2, x3) and the last
three observables (x6, x7, x8) are modeled as being factorially simple, each having one latent
parent variable and may be modeled like the (unidimensional) LCA models in Chapter13.
Observables x4 and x5 are modeled as factorially complex, having both 1 and 2 as parents.
For each combination of the parent variables, there is a conditional distribution for the
possible values of the observable. Table14.3 illustrates this, with a conditional distribution
for a dichotomous observable coded as 0 and 1 that depends on two dichotomous latent
variables, each coded as taking on values of 1 or 2. The directed edges connecting the
latent variables indicate a dependence structure. As all the latent variables are discrete, the
dependence may also be expressed in terms of conditional probability tables.

TABLE 14.3
Conditional Probability Table for Observable j That Depends
on Two Latent Variables, Where ( ab ) jk Is the Probability of
Observing a Value of k for Observable j When 1= a and 2 = b
p( x j |1 , 2 )

1 2 0 1
1 1 (11) j 0 = 1 (11) j1 (11) j1
1 2 (12 ) j 0 = 1 (12 ) j1 (12 ) j1
2 1 ( 21) j 0 = 1 ( 21) j1 ( 21) j1
2 2 ( 22 ) j 0 = 1 ( 22 ) j1 ( 22 ) j1

* We note that the same approach may be taken with continuous latent variables, where the associations among
the latent variables are modeled with direct effects. As is the case here, not every latent variable needs to be
associated with every other latent variable. This approach makes the model a member the larger family of
structural equation modeling. See Levy and Choi (2013) for a treatment of Bayesian structural equation mod-
eling in line with the perspectives adopted here. For additional treatments, see Dunson, Palomo, and Bollen
(2005); Kaplan & Depaoli (2012); and Lee (2007).
350 Bayesian Psychometric Modeling

Following the structure of the DAG, the joint distribution is given by

3 5 8

p( x1 , , x8 , 1 , 2 , 3 ) = p(x | ) p(x | , )p(x | ) p(x | )

j =1
j 1
j 1 2 6 2
j =7
j 3

p(1 )p(2 |1 )p(3 |1 , 2 ).

14.3 Fitting BNs

The presentation so far has assumed that the conditional probability tables capturing the
dependence among the entities and the marginal probabilities for variables with no parents
are known. Inference then concerns scoring, which is conducted by obtaining the posterior
distribution for the examinees latent variables given the values of the observables. This is
enacted via recursive application of Bayes theorem across the system of variables. If the
probability tables are not known, the situation expands to consider them as well. As with
LCA, conventional approaches employ ML estimation of the conditional probabilities.*
In the fully Bayesian approach presented here, Dirichlet and beta distributions are con-
venient choices for the prior distribution for unknown (conditional) probabilities for cat-
egorically and Bernoulli distributed variables (Almond etal., 2015; Neapolitan, 2004). For
BNs with observable variables only and complete data, these distributions are conjugate
priors (Spiegelhalter & Lauritzen, 1990). Full conjugacy is lost in models with latent vari-
ables or missing data, but conditional conjugacy is preserved and makes for efficient Gibbs
Once again let denote the full collection of conditional probabilities for the values of
the observables given the latent variables, and now let denote the full collection of prob-
abilities that govern the distribution of the latent variables. Returning to the example in
(14.6), = ( 1 , 2 , 3 ) where 1 contains the unconditional probabilities for 1 (which define
p(1 )), 2 contains the conditional probabilities for 2 given 1 (which define p(2 |1 )), and
3 contains the conditional probabilities for 3 given 1 and 2 (which define p(3 |1 , 2 )).
Making the familiar assumptions of independence among and and among and , the
posterior distribution for all the unknowns is

p(, , |x ) p( x |, , )p(, , )

= p( x |, )p(| )p( )p()

n J
= p(x | , )p( | )p( )p( ),
i =1 j =1
ij i j i j

where p( xij |i , j ) is the conditional probability distribution for the value of observ-
able j for examinee i. As in the LCA model, this is given by the measurement model
parameters associated with observable j and examinee is values for the latent vari-
ables, and p(j) is the prior distribution for the measurement model parameters. Next,
p(i | ) = p(i1| 1 )p(i 2 |i1 , 2 )p(i 3 |i1 , i 2 , 3 ) is the prior distribution for the multiple
latent variables for examinee i, and p( ) is the prior distribution for the parameters that
govern the distribution of the latent variables.

* This is the semantically confusing circumstance in which the conditional probabilities in a Bayesian network
are estimated via frequentist methods.
Bayesian Networks 351

This differs from the posterior distribution for the LCA model in (13.13) in two respects.
First, we now have multiple latent variables for each examinee. Second, as a result of the
possibly different patterns of dependence of the observables on the latent variables, the prior
distribution for the measurement model parameters for each observable j is not further fac-
tored. In any particular application, common dependence structures and exchangeability
assumptions may support further simplifications of the model in (14.7). As the forms of the
distributions presented here are the same as those in LCA, namely categorical (or Bernoulli)
distributions for latent and observable variables and Dirichlet (or beta) prior distributions
for the probabilities that govern those distributions, the full conditional distributions may be
derived in a straightforward extension of those for LCA in Chapter13 (see also Appendix A).
The development so far has characterized BNs in a fairly open manner. Commonly, BNs
are specified in ways that may be seen as constrained versions of these models. Such con-
straints may be employed for a variety of reasons including resolving indeterminacies in latent
variables as discussed in Chapter13, specifying the model to reflect substantive theory, and
reducing the parameterization. The latter issue frequently arises in BNs when variables have
many possible categories and/or many parent variables that result in many possible combi-
nations of the values of the parent variables. Letting Kj denote the number of categories for
observable j and letting Cm denote the number of categories for latent variable m, then assum-
ing the observables are conditionally (locally) independent given the latent variables, there are

(K 1)
j =1
m:mpa( x j )
(Cm )

conditional probabilities altogether for the observables. In these cases, the conditional
probability tables become large, increasing the number of entities in need of specification
and estimation. This can be difficult if the data are sparse with respect to the parameters.
Impositions made to reduce the parameterization should be in line with substantive the-
ory. Of course, constraints motivated by substantive theory often yield a reduced param-
eterization. In the rest of this chapter, we illustrate these ideas in the discussing three
examples of BNs as psychometric models.

14.4 Diagnostic Classification Models

Many cognitive diagnosis models or diagnostic classification models (DCMs; DiBello,
Roussos, & Stout, 2007; Rupp et al., 2010) may be characterized as modeling discrete observ-
ables as dependent on multiple discrete latent variables. To simplify the presentation, we
confine the current discussion of DCMs to those that specify dichotomous observables and
dichotomous latent variables. In educational assessment, each latent variable is postulated
to represent a skill, attribute, or other aspect of proficiency. The levels of the latent variable
correspond to whether the examinee does or does not possesses (alternatively, has mas-
tered or has not mastered) the associated skill. A key goal of most applications of DCMs is
to characterize examinees with respect to the constellation of skills they do or do not pos-
sess. Central to this goal, DCMs usually specify the dependencies of the observables on the
latent variables in ways that reflect substantive theory about how examinees bring together
these skills to complete tasks. The models may also specify particular relationships among
the latent variables in accordance with substantive theory. DCMs may be seen as related to,
352 Bayesian Psychometric Modeling

and perhaps versions of, a number of different types of models (Rupp etal., 2010). BNs may
be seen as enacting diagnostic measurement akin to DCMs (Almond, DiBello, Moulder, &
Zapata-Rivera, 2007; Rupp etal., 2010). Further many DCMs may be cast as BNs that model
the conditional probabilities in the BN via parameters that both express the theory of cogni-
tion and simplify the conditional probabilities that define the BN.

14.4.1 Mixed-Number Fraction Subtraction Example

We further define and illustrate these points in the context of an example in the domain of
mixed-number fraction subtraction. Klein, Birnbaum, Standiford, and Tatsuoka (1981) identi-
fied two methods that students use to tackle these sorts of problems. Briefly, they are as follows:

Method A: Convert mixed numbers to improper fractions, subtract, and reduce if

Method B: Separate mixed numbers into a whole number part and a fractional
part, subtract as two sub-problems, borrowing one from minuend whole number
if necessary, and simplify and reduce if necessary.

Tatsuoka (1984) reported on analyses of student responses to test items designed to illumi-
nate which method they were using, and characterized the sorts of errors they were mak-
ing with the various procedures. Mislevy (1995) described BN models for middle school
students performances on mixed-number subtraction tasks based on Tatsuokas (1987,
1990) data and cognitive analyses. Model-fitting strategies and model-data fit analyses for
portions of this model that we describe here have additionally been discussed by Almond
etal. (2015); Mislevy, Almond, Yan, and Steinberg (1999); Sinharay and Almond (2007); Yan,
Almond, and Mislevy (2004); and Yan et al., (2003), and we draw from their work in the
current presentation. Related DCM and cognitive diagnostic modeling of data from these
tasks have been investigated by de la Torre and Douglas (2004, 2008); DeCarlo (2011, 2012);
Henson, Templin, and Willse (2009); and Tatsuoka (2002).
We confine ourselves to a model for Method B and observables associated with 15 items
for which it is not necessary to find a common denominator; extensions to this model
are briefly discussed in Section14.4.8. Following Mislevy (1995), the BN model involves
linking the observables to five latent variables representing the components of executing
Method B for these tasks. Following the parlance of DCMs for these sorts of situations, we
refer to these latent variables as the attributes or skills:

Skill 1: Basic fraction subtraction;

Skill 2: Simplify/reduce a fraction or mixed number;
Skill 3: Separate a whole number from a fraction;
Skill 4: Borrow one from the whole number part to the fraction part in a given mixed
Skill 5: Convert a whole number to a fraction.

We specify a dichotomous latent variable for each skill, intended to capture our beliefs
about whether the examinee possesses or does not possess each skill. Inference centers on
diagnosing which skills are possessed by which examinees. In principle, there are 25 = 32
possible skill profiles defined by combinations of the values of the five dichotomous latent
Bayesian Networks 353

Picking up on the final point in Section 14.3, even with the assumption that the
observables are conditionally (locally) independent given the latent variables, there are
511 (conditional) probabilities in need of specification: 31 are needed to model the joint
distribution of the five latent variables;* and 480 are needed to model the dependence of
the observables on the latent variables (as for each of 15 observables there is a conditional
probability table with 32 conditional probabilities, one for each skill profile). Happily,
substantive theory and cognitive analyses of examinee responses to these types of tasks
(Klein etal., 1981; Tatsuoka, 1984, 1987, 1990, 2009) implies several simplifications in both
portions of the model, as described in the next two subsections.

14.4.2 Structure of the Distribution for the Latent Variables

With five dichotomous latent variables, there are 32 logically possible skill profiles defined
as combinations of the values of the latent variables. However, based on cognitive analyses
of student responses (Tatsuoka, 1987, 1990, 2009), Mislevy (1995) and Mislevy etal. (1999)
proposed a model for the latent variables that simplifies things in that some of the skill
profiles are entertained as distinct, some are pooled or collapsed together, and others are
ruled out as implausible.
To facilitate the presentation, we will at times employ a just-persons perspective on the
model. The DAG for this portion of the model, which comprises the student model in ECD
terms, is depicted in Figure14.5. For each examinee i the nodes i1 , , i 5 are the latent vari-
ables for Skill 1, , Skill 5; the other node will be explained in the course of our description
of the model.
The structure and details of the dependencies reflect particular hypotheses concerning
the various aspects of proficiency. 1 is modeled as a parent of the others because normally
students would gain proficiency on Skill 1 (basic fraction subtraction) before the others. As
before, we begin by specifying a Bernoulli distribution for the value of 1; for each examinee
i1| 1 ~ Bernoulli( 1 ). (14.8)
We proceed by modeling the values of 2 as conditional on 1; for each examinee
(i 2 |i1 = z , 2 ) ~ Bernoulli( 2 z ) for z = 0, 1, (14.9)

i = 1,, n




i3 i4

Directed acyclic graph fragment for the latent variables in the mixed-number subtraction example.

* These may be formulated in a number of ways. One way is to think of the 31 being needed to uniquely define
the joint distribution of the 32 skill profiles, the last probability being constrained by the requirement that they
sum to 1.
354 Bayesian Psychometric Modeling

where 2 = ( 20 , 21 ), with 2z denoting the conditional probability of 2 taking a value of

1 given 1 = z. Table14.4 demonstrates the probability structure for 1 and for 2 given 1.
Following the flow of the DAG, we now turn to the specification of the values of 5. In
principle, we could specify a unique distribution for each combination of 5 given 1 and
2, yielding four conditional distributions. Following Mislevy etal. (1999), a simplification
is afforded by specifying a unique distribution depending on whether the examinee has
mastered neither, one, or both of 1 and 2. For each examinee,

(i 5 |i1 , i 2 , 5 ) = (i 5 |i1 + i 2 = z , 5 ) ~ Bernoulli( 5 z ) for z = 0, 1, 2, (14.10)

where 5 = ( 50 , 51 , 52 ), with 5z denoting the conditional probability of 5 taking a value

of 1 given 1 + 2 = z. Table 14.5 demonstrates the probability structure. Note that there
are four rows for the possible conditional distributions, but only three parameters: 50, 51,
and 52. The choice to model the conditional distribution of 5 given 1 and 2 in this way
reflects the substantive belief that we need not distinguish between the situation in which
an examinee possesses Skill 1 but not Skill 2 and the situation in which an examinee pos-
sesses Skill 2 but not Skill 1. In addition, it effects a small reduction in terms of the number
of parameters, modeling the four conditional probabilities in terms of three parameters.
These relationships may be viewed as expressing the dependencies as a type of prereq-
uisite relationship. If 21 > 20 , this implies that students are more likely to be proficient
with respect to Skill 2 if they are proficient on Skill 1. Similarly, if 52 > 51 > 50 , students are
more likely to possess Skill 5 if they possess Skill 1 and Skill 2 than if they possess just one
or neither of Skill 1 and Skill 2. These structures are viewed as soft prerequisites, because
they express that possessing certain skills is less likely, but not impossible, if they are lack-
ing some other skills.

TABLE 14.4
Probability Tables for 1 and 2 in the Mixed-Number
Subtraction Example, Where 1 Is the Probability That 1 = 1
and 2c Is the Probability That 2 = 1 Given the Value of 1 = c
p(2 |1)

1 Probability 0 1
0 1 1 1 20 20
1 1 1 21 21

TABLE 14.5
Conditional Probability Table for 5 in the Mixed-Number
Subtraction Example, Where 5z Is the Probability That 5 = 1
Given the Sum of 1 and 2 , Denoted by z
p(5 |1 , 2 )
1 2 z 0 1
0 0 0 1 50 50
0 1 1 1 51 51
1 0 1 1 51 51
1 1 2 1 52 52
Bayesian Networks 355

In contrast, the model hypothesizes a hard prerequisite relationship between Skill 3 and
Skill 4. Examinees must possess Skill 3 to possess Skill 4; not possessing Skill 3 implies not
possessing Skill 4. The implication is that of the four logically possible combinations of
values of 3 and 4, only three are deemed possible in the model; the situation where 3 = 0
and 4 = 1 is excluded. We could specify this portion of the model in terms of a conditional
distribution for 3 given 1, 2, and 5, and then a conditional distribution for 4 addition-
ally conditioning on 3 = 1 (see Exercise14.2). Following Mislevy etal. (1999) and Almond
etal. (2015), we take an alternative approach and introduce an intermediary polytomous
variable that enacts the hard prerequisite relationship. This is expressed in the DAG as MN,
standing for mixed number skills, and represents the count of Skill 3 and Skill 4 possessed
by an examinee. This is specified as a categorical variable taking on values of 0, 1, or 2
corresponding to neither, one, or both of Skill 3 and Skill 4. As we did with 5, we adopt a
simplification based on specifying a conditional distribution given the count of the parent
skills the examinee possesses: with the count taking on values of 0, 1, 2, 3 corresponding
to whether the examinee possesses none, one, two, or all three of its parents, Skill 1, Skill 2,
and Skill 5. Formally, we have

(iMN |i1 , i 2 , i 5 , MN ) = (iMN |i1 + i 2 + i 5 = z , MN )

~ Categorical( MN,z ,0 , MN,z ,1 , MN,z ,2 ) for z = 0, 1, 2, 3,

subject to the usual restriction that, for each value of z,

MN,z ,0 + MN,z ,1 + MN,z ,2 = 1. (14.12)

Table14.6 lays out the conditional probability structure for MN. The restriction in (14.12)
implies that there are in principle 16 free elements in Table14.6. The choice to model the
conditional distribution of MN given the number of preceding skills possessed reduces
this to eight parameters, and reflects the substantive belief that possessing Skill 3 and
Skill 4 depends on how many of Skill 1, Skill 2, and Skill 5 the examinee possesses, not
which ones.

TABLE 14.6
Conditional Probability Table for MN in the Mixed-Number
Subtraction Example, Where MN,z ,a Is the Probability That
MN = a Given the Sum of 1, 2 , and 5, Denoted by z
p(MN |1 , 2 , 5 )
1 2 5 z 0 1 2
0 0 0 0 MN,0 ,0 MN,0 ,1 MN,0 ,2
0 0 1 1 MN,1,0 MN,1,1 MN,1,2
0 1 0 1 MN,1,0 MN,1,1 MN,1,2
0 1 1 2 MN,2 ,0 MN,2 ,1 MN,2 ,2
1 0 0 1 MN,1,0 MN,1,1 MN,1,2
1 0 1 2 MN,2 ,0 MN,2 ,1 MN,2 ,2
1 1 0 2 MN,2 ,0 MN,2 ,1 MN,2 ,2
1 1 1 3 MN,3 ,0 MN,3 ,1 MN,3 ,2
356 Bayesian Psychometric Modeling

So far, this specifies that the number of mixed number skills (i.e., Skill 3 and Skill 4) an
examinee possesses depends on possessing the other skills, but this does not encode the
prerequisite relationship among Skill 3 and Skill 4. To accomplish this, we include the fol-
lowing deterministic dependence structures for 3 and 4 given MN:

0 if MN = 0
i 3 |iMN = (14.13)
1 if MN = 1 or 2

0 if MN = 0 or 1
i 4 |iMN = (14.14)
1 if MN = 2 .

Tying this all together, the distribution for the examinees latent variables is

p(| ) = p( | )
i =1

= p( | )p(
i =1
i1 1 i2 |i1 , 2 )p(i 5 |i1 , i 2 , 5 )

p(iMN |i1 , i 2 , i 5 , MN )p(i 3 |iMN )p(i 4 |iMN ),

where = ( 1 , 2 , 5 , MN ).

14.4.3 Structure of the Conditional Distribution for the Observable Variables

Substantive theory also implies considerable simplifications to the model for the condi-
tional distributions of the observables on the latent variables. To begin, not every task
requires each skill. Table14.7 lists the text of the items and marks the skills they depend
on, as well as responses from select examinees discussed later. It is seen that two of the
observables are factorially simple with only one latent variable parent. Of the factorially
complex observables, nine have two latent variable parents, three have three latent vari-
able parents, and one has four latent variable parents. These patterns of dependence may
be depicted by the pattern of directed edges from latent to observable variables that are
present in a just-persons DAG as in CFA and IRT models with multiple latent variables (as
we will see later in Figure14.6). In DCMs, this same information is often expressed math-
ematically in a Q-matrix, which is a (J M) incidence matrix where qjm = 1 if observable j
depends on latent variable m, and 0 otherwise. This is just the information in the middle
of Table14.7, where entries of X are converted to 1, and empty cells are converted to
0.* The jth row of the Q-matrix, qj = (qj1,, qjM) contains elements declaring which latent
variables the jth observable depends on.
The second simplification due to substantive theory pertains to the factorially complex
observables, in particular it concerns how these observables depend on the latent variables.
The model was specified to reflect the theory that, for each task, an examinee who possesses
all of the relevant skills should successfully complete the task, but an examinee who does not

* As the Q-matrix captures which observables depend on which latent variables, it is similar to the matrix of
loadings in CFA and the matrix of discrimination parameters in compensatory MIRT.
Bayesian Networks 357

TABLE 14.7
Q-matrix and Examinee Records for Two Examinees for the Mixed-
Number Subtraction Example
Skill Examinee
Item Text 1 2 3 4 5 527 171
6 6 4 X 1 0

7 7
8 2 2 X 1 0

3 3
12 11 1 X X 1 1

8 8
9 7 X X 1 0
3 2
14 4 2 X X 1 0
3 3
5 5
16 5 4 X X 1 1
4 1
7 7
4 1 3 X X X 1 0
3 2
2 2
11 1 4 X X X 0 0
4 2
3 3
17 3 4 X X X 0 1
5 5
18 1 8 X X X 0 1
4 2
10 10
20 1 5 X X X 0 1
4 1
3 3
7 1 X X X X 0 0
15 1 X X X X 1 0
19 4 X X X X 0 0
4 1
10 4 7 X X X X 0 0
4 2
12 12
Source: A portion of this is based on Table 4 of Probability-Based Inference in
Cognitive Diagnosis by Robert J. Mislevy, Published in 1994 by ETS as
Research Report RR-94-3-ONR, and is Used with Permission from ETS.

possess all of the relevant skills should not successfully complete the task. This is an example
of what may be called a conjunctive condensation rule (Klein etal., 1981; Rupp etal., 2010). The
result of the conjunction of the relevant latent variables for observable j can be expressed as

ij =
m =1
q jm

1 if examinee i has mastered all of the skiills required for task j
0 otherwise.
358 Bayesian Psychometric Modeling

j = 9, 14, 16 j = 4, 11, 17, 18, 20

xij xij

i1 i2 i5 iMN i3 i4

xij xij
j = 6, 8 j = 7, 15, 19


i = 1,, n


ij xij

i3 i4 j = 1,, J

Two versions of the directed acyclic graph for the mixed-number subtraction example: (a) just-persons version
highlighting which observables depend on which latent variables and (b) an expanded version that highlights
the role of the Q-matrix and the measurement model parameters.

We then define the conditional probabilities of a value of 1 on observable j as j = ( j1 , j 0 ),

where j1 denotes the conditional probability given the examinee possesses all of the rel-
evant skills for task j (i.e., ij = 1) and j0 denotes the conditional probability given the
examinee does not possess all of the relevant skills for task j (i.e., ij = 0). The conditional
distribution for the value from examinee i for observable j is specified as

( xij |i , j ) = ( xij |ij = z , j ) ~ Bernoulli( jz ) for z = 0, 1. (14.17)

The model then structures the conditional distribution of an observable given the latent
variables in terms of just two parameters, j1 and j0, further effecting a simplification.
We note in passing that many DCMs refer to j0 as a guessing parameter, as it captures
Bayesian Networks 359

the probability of a correct response given the examinee does not possess the requisite
skills. Such DCMs typically use a parameterization that defines j1 = 1 sj , where sj is a slip
parameter capturing the probability that an examinee who does have the requisite skills
will respond incorrectly.
Tying this all together, the conditional probability of the observables is given by
n n J

p( x|, ) =
i =1
p( xi |i , ) = p(x | , ),
i =1 j =1
ij i j (14.18)

where p( xij |i , j ) is given by (14.17). Figure14.6 contains two versions of the DAG for the
model that now includes the conditional distribution of the data. The first is a just-persons
version that only contains examinee variables. It is distinguished by the presence of mul-
tiple nodes for the observables, with plates indicating replication over sets of observables.
It highlights which observables depend on which latent variables, essentially communi-
cating the information contained in the Q-matrix. This is masked in the second version,
which collapses the multiple nodes for observables and more strongly emphasizes the
parentchild relationships in the probability model. This version highlights the role of the
Q-matrix, which, in combination with the latent student model variables, dictates whether
the examinee has mastered all the requisite skills for a particular observable (ij ). It also
includes the measurement model parameters, j1 and j0, which, in combination with the
s, govern the distribution of the observables.

14.4.4 Completing the Model Specification

The two preceding sections have introduced the prior distribution for the latent variables
and the conditional distribution of the data, both of which introduced new parameters in
need of specification. We treat them in turn. Prior Distributions for the Parameters That Govern

the Distribution of the Latent Variables
So far we have developed the model by characterizing the dependencies among the latent
variables via the parameters in . To complete the specification of the prior distribution for
the latent variables, the unknown values in require a prior specification. As in LCA we
employ beta and Dirichlet prior distributions. For the parameter that governs the distribu-
tion of Skill 1, we specify

1 ~ Beta(21, 6). (14.19)

This reflects a belief that the probability that an examinee possesses Skill 1 is akin to hav-
ing seen 21 1 = 20 examinees who have mastered Skill 1 and 6 1 = 5 examinees who have
not. Put another way, it reflects a belief that proportion of examinees who have mastered
Skill 1 is about .8 (i.e., 20/25), and this is given a weight akin to 25 observations.* Similarly,
we specify

21 ~ Beta(21, 6), (14.20)

* The choice to weight the prior belief in this way may reflect the expression of confidence by subject matter
experts, analyses of previous data, or a desire to have our prior beliefs influence the posterior in a certain
amount relative to the data at hand.
360 Bayesian Psychometric Modeling

which reflects a belief that if an examinee possesses Skill 1, the probability that she also
possesses Skill 2 is about .8, and this is given a weight akin to 25 observations. Conversely,
if a student does not possess Skill 1, we would not expect them to possess Skill 2. This is
embodied by specifying

20 ~ Beta(6, 21), (14.21)

which expresses that the probability is likely around .2, again afforded a weight akin to 25
observations. Turning to the parameters that govern the conditional distribution for Skill 5,
a similar line of reasoning leads to expressing that the probability of an examinee possess-
ing Skill 3 is about .8 if she possesses both Skill 1 and Skill 2, about .5 if she possesses one of
Skill 1 and Skill 2, and about .2 if she possesses neither Skill 1 nor Skill 2. The following prior
encodes these beliefs, again affording a weight of 25 observations to each:

50 ~ Beta(6, 21), (14.22)

51 ~ Beta(13.5, 13.5), (14.23)

52 ~ Beta(21, 6). (14.24)

As MN has three categories, we employ Dirichlet prior distributions for the conditional
probabilities. Letting MN,z = ( MN,z ,0 , MN,z ,1 , MN,z ,2 ) denote the collection of probabilities for
the three categories of MN given the number of Skills 1, 2, and 5 possessed is z,

MN, 0 ~ Dirichlet(16, 8, 6), (14.25)

MN,1 ~ Dirichlet(12, 10, 8), (14.26)

MN,2 ~ Dirichlet(8, 10, 12), (14.27)

MN,3 ~ Dirichlet(6, 8, 16). (14.28)

These reflect the belief that the more skills among Skills 1, 2, and 5 that an examinee pos-
sesses, the more likely she is to possess Skills 3 and 4. The weight afforded to the prior in
each case is akin to having observed these patterns in 27 observations, a slight departure
from the weight of 25 afforded to the other parameters, but one that more easily allows for
the division into three values. Prior Distributions for the Parameters That Govern

the Distribution of the Observables
For each observable, we have two conditional probabilities of correctly completing the
task: one conditional on the examinee possessing all the requisite skills (j1), and one con-
ditional on the examinee not possessing all of the requisite skills (j0). Assumptions of
exchangeability imply the use of a common prior for the j1s for all the observables, and a
common prior for the j0s for all the observables. We employ the following priors:

j1~ Beta(23.5, 3.5) (14.29)

Bayesian Networks 361

j0 ~ Beta(3.5, 23.5). (14.30)

These choices reflect the beliefs that examinees who possess the requisite skills are highly
likely to correctly complete the task (probability of about .90) and that examinees who do
not possess all the requisite skills are highly unlikely to correctly complete the task (prob-
ability of about .10), with weights on these beliefs akin to having seen 25 observations of
each situation.

14.4.5 The Complete Model and the Posterior Distribution

The DAG for the model including the hyperparameters is given in Figure14.7. Collecting
the preceding specifications, the posterior distribution is
p(, , |x ) p( x|, , )p(, , )

= p( x|, )p(| )p( )p() (14.31)

n J 1

i =1 j =1
p( xij |i , j )p(i | )p( ) p( ).
c =0

(1, 1) 1

(20, 20)
i = 1,, n
(21, 21) i1

(50, 50) i2

(51, 51) 51
(52, 52) 52 j1 (1, 1)
ij xij
MN,0 MN,0 j0 (0, 0)

MN,1 MN,1 j = 1,, J

MN,2 i3 i4


Directed acyclic graph for the mixed-number subtraction example including hyperparameters.
362 Bayesian Psychometric Modeling

Note the similarity between the structure of (14.31) and the posterior distribution for the
LCA model in (13.13). The key difference is that we now have multiple latent variables for
each examinee. This results in a multivariate distribution of the latent variables for each

p(i | ) = p(i1 | 1 )p(i 2 |i1 , 2 )p(i 5 |i1 , i 2 , 5 )p(iMN |i1 , i 2 , i 5 , MN )p(i 3 |iMN )p(i 4 |iMN ).

The remaining terms in (14.31) are

( xij |i , j ) = ( xij |ij = z , j ) ~ Bernoulli( jz ) for i = 1, , n, j = 1, ,, 15, z = 0, 1,

ij =
m =1
q jm
im for i = 1, , n, j = 1, , 15,

i1| 1 ~ Bernoulli( 1 ) for i = 1, , n,

(i 2 |i1 = z , 2 ) ~ Bernoulli( 2 z ) for i = 1, , n, z = 0, 1,

(i 5 |i1 + i 2 = z , 5 ) ~ Bernoulli( 5 z ) for i = 1, , n, z = 0, 1, 2,

(iMN |i1 + i 2 + i 5 = z , MN ) ~ Categorical( MN,z , 0 , MN,z ,1 , MN,z , 2 ) for i = 1, , n, z = 0, 1, 2, 3,

0 if MN = 0
i 3 |iMN = for i = 1, , n,
1 if MN = 1 or 2

0 if MN = 0 or 1
i 4 |iMN = for i = 1, , n,
1 if MN = 2

1 ~ Beta(21, 6),

20 ~ Beta(6, 21),

21 ~ Beta(21, 6),

50 ~ Beta(6, 21),

51 ~ Beta(13.5, 13.5),

52 ~ Beta(21, 6),

MN, 0 ~ Dirichlet(16, 8, 6),

MN,1 ~ Dirichlet(12, 10, 8),

MN,2 ~ Dirichlet(8, 10, 12),

Bayesian Networks 363

MN,3 ~ Dirichlet(6, 8, 16),

j1 ~ Beta(23.5, 3.5) for j = 1, , 15,


j 0 ~ Beta(3.5, 23.5) for j = 1, , 15.

14.4.6 WinBUGS
WinBUGS code for the model is given as follows, making use of the pow function, which
raises the first argument of the function to the power of the second argument of the func-
tion (e.g.,pow(3,2) corresponds to the formula 32).

# Model Syntax

# Conditional probability of the observables

for (i in 1:n){
for(j in 4:4){
delta[i,j] <- pow(theta[i,1], Q[j,1])*pow(theta[i,2],
Q[j,2])*pow(theta[i,3], Q[j,3])*pow(theta[i,4],
Q[j,4])*pow(theta[i,5], Q[j,5])
delta_plus_1[i,j] <- delta[i,j] + 1
x[i,j] ~ dbern(pi_plus_1[delta_plus_1[i,j],j])

for(j in 6:12){
delta[i,j] <- pow(theta[i,1], Q[j,1])*pow(theta[i,2],
Q[j,2])*pow(theta[i,3], Q[j,3])*pow(theta[i,4],
Q[j,4])*pow(theta[i,5], Q[j,5])
delta_plus_1[i,j] <- delta[i,j] + 1
x[i,j] ~ dbern(pi_plus_1[delta_plus_1[i,j],j])

for(j in 14:20){
delta[i,j] <- pow(theta[i,1], Q[j,1])*pow(theta[i,2],
Q[j,2])*pow(theta[i,3], Q[j,3])*pow(theta[i,4],
Q[j,4])*pow(theta[i,5], Q[j,5])
delta_plus_1[i,j] <- delta[i,j] + 1
x[i,j] ~ dbern(pi_plus_1[delta_plus_1[i,j],j])

364 Bayesian Psychometric Modeling

# Prior distribution for the latent variables
for(i in 1:n){
theta[i,1] ~ dbern(gamma_1)

theta_1_plus_1[i] <- theta[i,1] + 1

theta[i,2] ~ dbern(gamma_2[theta_1_plus_1[i]])

theta_1_plus_theta_2_plus_1[i] <- theta[i,1] + theta[i,2] + 1

theta[i,5] ~ dbern(gamma_5[theta_1_plus_theta_2_plus_1[i]])

theta_1_plus_theta_2_plus_theta_5_plus_1[i] <- theta[i,1] +

theta[i,2] + theta[i,5] + 1
theta_MN_plus_1[i] ~
dcat(gamma_MN[theta_1_plus_theta_2_plus_theta_5_plus_1[i], ])
theta_MN[i] <- theta_MN_plus_1[i] - 1

theta[i,3] <- step(theta_MN[i] - .5)

theta[i,4] <- step(theta_MN[i] - 1.5)

# Prior distribution for the parameters
# that govern the distribution of the latent variables
gamma_1 ~ dbeta(21,6)

gamma_2[1] ~ dbeta(6,21)
gamma_2[2] ~ dbeta(21,6)

gamma_5[1] ~ dbeta(6,21)
gamma_5[2] ~ dbeta(13.5,13.5)
gamma_5[3] ~ dbeta(21,6)

gamma_MN[1,1:3] ~ ddirch(alpha_gamma_MN[1, ])
alpha_gamma_MN[1,1] <- 16
alpha_gamma_MN[1,2] <- 8
alpha_gamma_MN[1,3] <- 6

gamma_MN[2,1:3] ~ ddirch(alpha_gamma_MN[2, ])
alpha_gamma_MN[2,1] <- 12
alpha_gamma_MN[2,2] <- 10
alpha_gamma_MN[2,3] <- 8

gamma_MN[3,1:3] ~ ddirch(alpha_gamma_MN[3, ])
alpha_gamma_MN[3,1] <- 8
alpha_gamma_MN[3,2] <- 10
alpha_gamma_MN[3,3] <- 12

gamma_MN[4,1:3] ~ ddirch(alpha_gamma_MN[4, ])
alpha_gamma_MN[4,1] <- 6
Bayesian Networks 365

alpha_gamma_MN[4,2] <- 8
alpha_gamma_MN[4,3] <- 16

# Prior distribution for the measurement model parameters
for(j in 1:J){
pi_plus_1[1,j] ~ dbeta(3.5,23.5)
pi_plus_1[2,j] ~ dbeta(23.5,3.5)
pi_0[j] <- pi_plus_1[1,j]
pi_1[j] <- pi_plus_1[2,j]

} # closes the model


For our illustration, we take the publicly available data published by Tatsuoka (2002),
which contains dichotomous scores coded as 1/0 corresponding to correct/incorrect
responses from 536 middle school students. The model was fit in WinBUGS using three
chains from dispersed starting values, and appeared to converge within 100 iterations (see
Section5.7.2). To be conservative, for each chain we discarded the first 1,000 iterations, and
ran an additional 9,000 iterations (3,000 per chain), sufficient to get a stable portrait of the
posterior, for use in inference. The marginal posterior densities were unimodal and fairly
symmetric, with departures from symmetry occurring when the densities for the param-
eters were located near a boundary of 0 or 1. Table14.8 contains numerical summaries of
the marginal posterior distributions.
Beginning with the measurement model parameters, the conditional probabilities for a
correct response given the examinee possesses the requisite skills are all fairly high. For
example, for item 4, the probability of a correct response from an examinee that possesses
all the requisite skills (4,1) has a marginal posterior distribution centered at .89 (and a 95%
HPD interval of (.85, .92)). Conversely, the conditional probabilities for a correct response
given the examinee does not possess all of the requisite skills are fairly low. For item 4,
the probability of a correct response from an examinee that does not possesses all the
requisite skills (4,0) has a marginal posterior distribution centered at .20 (95% HPD of (.16, .25)).
An exception is item 8, which only depends on Skill 1. The item requires the examinee
to subtract a quantity from itself. Such tasks might be solved correctly by reasoning that
anything minus itself is 0, which does not really involve proficiency with respect to frac-
tions per se.
Turning to the parameters for the relationships among the latent variables, we see that the
posterior reflects that examinees have higher probabilities of possessing skills if they pos-
sess the parent skills on which they depend, an idea that was weakly encoded in the prior
distribution, and borne out or at least not strongly contradicted by the data. For example,
the posterior indicates that the probability of an examinee possessing Skill 5 if they possess
neither Skill 1 nor Skill 2 is fairly low (posterior median for 5 ,0 of .21, 95% HPD interval of
(.08, .37)), the probability if they possess exactly one of Skill 1 or Skill 2 is higher (posterior
median for 5 ,1 of .45, 95% HPD interval of (.27, .62)), and the probability if they possess both
Skill 1 and Skill 2 is higher still (posterior median for 5 ,2 of .73, 95% HPD interval of (.64, .82)).
366 Bayesian Psychometric Modeling

TABLE 14.8
Summary of the Posterior Distribution for the Mixed-Number Subtraction Example
95% 95%
Parameter Median SDa HPDb Interval Parameter Median SDa HPDb Interval
4,1 .89 .02 (.85, .92) 1 .80 .02 (.76, .84)
4,0 .20 .02 (.16, .25) 2,0 .21 .08 (.08, .38)
6,1 .95 .01 (.93, .97) 2,1 .90 .02 (.86, .94)
6,0 .13 .04 (.05, .22) 5,0 .21 .08 (.08, .37)
7,1 .87 .03 (.82, .92) 5,1 .45 .09 (.27, .62)
7,0 .13 .02 (.09, .16) 5,2 .73 .05 (.64, .82)
8,1 .83 .02 (.79, .87) MN,0,0 .53 .09 (.36, .71)
8,0 .37 .04 (.29, .46) MN,0,1 .26 .08 (.12, .43)
9,1 .77 .02 (.72, .80) MN,0,2 .19 .07 (.06, .33)
9,0 .30 .04 (.23, .37) MN,1,0 .40 .08 (.25, .57)
10,1 .80 .03 (.75, .85) MN,1,1 .40 .09 (.24, .57)
10,1 .04 .01 (.02, .07) MN,1,2 .20 .06 (.08, .33)
11,1 .92 .02 (.89, .95) MN,2,0 .14 .04 (.06, .23)
11,0 .08 .02 (.05, .11) MN,2,1 .41 .08 (.26, .55)
12,1 .95 .02 (.92, .98) MN,2,2 .45 .07 (.32, .58)
12,0 .12 .03 (.06, .19) MN,3,0 .05 .02 (.02, .09)
14,1 .94 .01 (.91, .96) MN,3,1 .28 .05 (.19, .37)
14,0 .10 .03 (.04, .17) MN,3,2 .66 .04 (.58, .76)
15,1 .92 .02 (.88, .96)
15,0 .17 .02 (.13, .21)
16,1 .90 .02 (.87, .93)
16,0 .11 .03 (.06, .17)
17,1 .87 .02 (.83, .91)
17,0 .05 .01 (.03, .08)
18,1 .85 .02 (.80, .89)
18,0 .14 .02 (.10, .17)
19,1 .81 .03 (.75, .86)
19,0 .03 .01 (.01, .05)
20,1 .83 .02 (.78, .87)
20,0 .02 .01 (.01, .04)
a SD = Standard Deviation.
b HPD = Highest Posterior Density.

14.4.7 Inferences for Examinees

The preceding analysis also yields marginal posterior distributions for examinees, and rep-
resents a fully Bayesian account. In this section, we illustrate the use of a BN for scoring pre-
suming given values for the measurement model parameters () and the parameters that
govern the distribution of the latent variables (). To illustrate the inferences for examinees
using the model, we work with a version of the BN that uses the posterior medians of these
parameters from fitting the model via MCMC as values for the parameters. This ignores
the uncertainty in the measurement model parameters and conditional probabilities in the
BN. However, consequences for inferences about the examinees are slight because there is
considerable precision in the posterior distribution as indicated by the relatively small pos-
terior standard deviations and narrow credibility intervals in Table14.8.
Bayesian Networks 367

A screenshot of the model formulated in Netica (Norsys, 19992012), prior to having any
values for the observables, is given in Figure14.8. Each node is depicted with a bar captur-
ing the probability for the node being in that state, which is also represented numerically
as a percentage.
We use Examinee 527 as a case study for illustration. Table 14.7 lists the response vec-
tor from this examinee. It can be seen that examinee 527 performed well on the items that
required combinations of Skills 1, 2, and 3, but struggled with the items that additionally
required Skill 4, including those that additionally required Skill 5. Entering the observed val-
ues for this examinee into the BN yields the posterior distribution represented in Figure14.9.
On the basis of the model, we are nearly certain the examinee possesses Skills 1, 2, and 3,
and nearly certain the examinee does not possess Skill 4. These reflect the broad patterns
identified in the examinees response vector. Note however that our posterior probability for
the examinee possessing Skill 5 is .65, reflecting considerable uncertainty. This can be under-
stood by recognizing that we only have three items (items 7, 15, and 19) that depend on Skill
5, and they also depend on Skill 4, which the examinee almost certainly does not possess. As
a consequence, we have little in the way of evidenceaboutSkill5 forthis examinee.

14.4.8 Model-Data Fit

The adequacy of the model-data fit may be assessed in a number of ways. Initial checks
are first just checking the sensibility of the results, which was basically what the preceding
paragraphs were about. Here, we focus on two aspects of model-data fit that are particu-
larly germane to this example, which motivates a subsequent discussion of possible model
extensions. In the following examples, we use 3,000 iterations from MCMC (1,000 from
each of chain) to conduct PPMC using code written in R. Checking the Hard Prerequisite Relationship

For models that are built with features aimed at reflecting a substantive theory, it is impor-
tant to critically evaluate how those features of the model are performing. In the current
example, theory about student cognition in the domain included that Skill 3 is a hard prereq-
uisite of Skill 4. The model was specified such that if an examinee did not possess Skill3, they
necessarily did notthat is, they could notpossess Skill 4. To the extent that such a speci-
fication is indeed commensurate with student cognition and performance on these tasks,
we might expect that examinees who perform poorly on tasks that require Skill 3 will also
perform poorly on tasks that require Skill 4. Owing to the probabilistic nature of the measure-
ment model reflecting uncertainty of measurement, the model does allow for the possibility
that an examinee could perform poorly on a task that requires Skill 3 while also performing
well on a task that requires Skill 4. The model allows for these possibilities in two ways. An
examinee who possess both skills might still incorrectly complete tasks that require Skill
3, the probability of such an occurrence is captured by the value of 1 j1 for those tasks.
Conversely, an examinee who does not possess either skill might still correctly complete
tasks that require Skill 4, as captured by the value of j0 for those tasks. Nevertheless, we
may pursue the adequacy of this feature of the model by examining how often examinees
perform poorly on tasks that require Skill 3 and perform well on tasks that require Skill 4.
Let J3 denote the number of tasks that require Skill 3 and let y3 be the sum obtained
by adding the scores on these J3 tasks. Defining J4 and y4 analogously, we might then
investigate the conditional distributions

p= =
(Y4 l| y3 =
k ) k 0=
, , J 3 , l 0 , , J 4 . (14.32)

Possess 80.0
NotPossess 20.0

Theta2 Theta5
Possess 76.2 Possess 61.4
NotPossess 23.8 NotPossess 38.6

Zero 16.9
One 32.4
Two 50.7

Theta3 Theta4
Possess 76.2 Possess 50.7
NotPossess 23.8 NotPossess 49.3

X10 X7
One 37.3 One 40.1
One 71.8 X4 Zero 59.9
Zero 28.2 Zero 62.7
One 51.9
Zero 48.1

X6 One 44.5
One 64.0 X11 X17 Zero 55.5
One 78.6 Zero 36.0
Zero 21.4 One 46.9 One 43.0
Zero 53.1 Zero 57.0

X8 X14 X16 X18 X20 X19

One 73.8 One 70.8 One 68.2 One 46.9 One 39.5 One 31.6
Zero 26.2 Zero 29.2 Zero 31.8 Zero 53.1 Zero 60.5 Zero 68.4

Netica representation of the mixed-number subtraction example prior to observing any values. The slightly darker shading for the nodes for Theta3 and Theta4
Bayesian Psychometric Modeling

reflect that they are deterministically related to their parent, ThetaMN.

Possess 100
NotPossess 0.26

Theta2 Theta5
Possess 98.2 Possess 64.6
NotPossess 1.81 NotPossess 35.4
Bayesian Networks

Zero 0.97
One 99.0
Two .027

Theta3 Theta4
Possess 99.0 Possess 0.27
NotPossess 0.97 NotPossess 100

X10 X7
X12 One 0
One 100 One 0 X4
Zero 100 Zero 100
Zero 0 One 100
Zero 0

X9 One 100
One 0 X11 X17 Zero 0
One 100 Zero 100
Zero 0 One 0 One 0
Zero 100 Zero 100

X8 X14 X16 X18 X20 X19

One 100 One 100 One 100 One 0 One 0 One 0
Zero 0 Zero 0 Zero 0 Zero 100 Zero 100 Zero 100

Netica representation of the posterior distribution for the mixed-number subtraction example for examinee 527. The slightly darker shading for the nodes for Theta3
and Theta4 reflect that they are deterministically related to their parent, ThetaMN. The darker shading for the nodes for the Xs reflect that their values are known
with certainty.
370 Bayesian Psychometric Modeling

If the prerequisite structure holds, we would expect low frequencies of occurrences for
l being large when k is small, meaning that it is unlikely that a student would correctly
complete the tasks requiring Skill 4 given that they incorrectly completed the tasks requir-
ing Skill 3.
In the current example this approach is complicated by the fact that we do not have
tasks that measure Skill 3 or Skill 4 in isolation. As the Q-matrix in Table14.7 expresses,
the situation is somewhat messy for our purposes of honing in on performances that
depend on Skill 3 and Skill 4. First, all the items require Skill 1. Items 9, 14, and 16 are the
purest evaluation of Skill 3 in the sense that they depend on Skill 3 and Skill 1 only. We
do not have any items that only depend on Skill 4 in addition to Skill 1. Items 4, 11, 17, 18,
and 20 require Skill 4 in addition to Skill 1 and Skill 3. These are the purest evaluation of
Skill4, as the other items that depend on Skill 4 (i.e., items 7, 15, 19, and 10) throw either Skill 2
or Skill5 into the mix. Several options for moving forward with subsets of items are pos-
sible. For the following illustration, we take the subsets that are the purest in the sense
used above. We use items 9, 14, and 16 for Skill 3, even though they additionally depend on
Skill 1. We use items 4, 11, 17, 18, and 20 for Skill 4, even though they additionally depend
on Skill1 and Skill 3. Extending the notation in (14.32), let the sums of the scores from
these subsets of items be y13 and y134, respectively. Even though these values are clouded
reflections of Skill3 and Skill 4, the underlying logic still holds: the prerequisite rela-
tionship between Skill 3 and Skill 4 suggests that examinees with low values of y13 ought
not have high values of y134.
Owing to the uncertainty associated with the dependence of performance on skills, we
know the model allows for some deviations from the expected pattern, but how many?
And how does the fact that we do not have tasks that only measure Skill 3 or Skill 4
in isolation complicate things? To work out the details of the models implications, we
again turn to simulation, and through the use of PPMC we can articulate the models
implications and the correspondence or lack thereof between those implications and the
observed data.
We conducted PPMC compiling the posterior predictive frequencies that y134 takes on
any of its possible values 0,, 5 given the y13 takes on any of its possible values 0,, 3.
The results for the combinations where y134 was 3, 4, or 5 (the three highest values) and
y13 was 0 or 1 (the two lowest values) are depicted in Figure14.10. For each combination
of y134 and y13, the plot depicts the histogram of the 3,000 posterior predicted values
for the frequencies, and the vertical line is placed at the realized value. For y13=0, the
realized frequencies of y134 = 3, 4, and 5 are all 0, which obviously accords with the
substance of the hypothesis, and the model-based expectations expressed in the densi-
ties. A similar picture emerges for y13 = 1. Here, the realized frequencies are 3, 2, and
5 for y134 = 3, 4, and 5, respectively. The posterior predictive distributions suggest that
these are reasonably in accordance with the model-based expectations expressed in the
posterior predicted densities. Overall, these results amount to support for this aspect
of the models performance, and correspondingly for the hypothesis that Skill 3 is a
prerequisite for Skill 4. Checking Person Fit

We next consider the discrepancy measure of person fit presented in Chapter 13. The
formulation here generalizes (13.38) and (13.40) to the case of multiple latent variables
(Almond etal., 2015; Yan etal., 2003). As a simple example, the squared Pearson residual
for examinee i and observable j is
Bayesian Networks 371

y13 3 4 5

0 2 4 6 1 0 1 2 3 4 1 0 1 2 3 4

0 2 4 6 8 0 5 10 0 5 10 15

FIGURE 14.10
Posterior predictive model checking results for the conditional distribution of y134 given low and high values of
y13 in the mixed-number subtraction example.

( xij Pij )2
Vij ( xij , i , j ) = , (14.33)
Pij (1 Pij )

where Pij = E( xij |i , j ) is the probability of a correct response, which in the current case is
Mq q M
j1 if ij imjm = 1 and j0 if ij imjm = 0. A person fit discrepancy measure is then given
m =1 m =1
by the root mean square error taken with respect to the values. For examinee i,
1 J 2
PFi ( xi , , j ) =
J Vij ( xij , i , j ) ,

j =1

where xi = (xi1,, xiJ) is the collection of J observed values from examinee i. We conducted
PPMC using (14.34), computing 3,000 realized values by employing the observed data for x
along with the 3,000 draws for the parameters, and 3,000 posterior predicted values by using
the 3,000 posterior predicted datasets along with the 3,000 draws for the parameters. For each
examinee, we computed ppost as a numerical summary of the results. We confine our discus-
sion here to the results for two examinees whose response vectors are given in Table14.7.
Examinee 527 exhibited solid fit (ppost = .501), with a response vector that affords an inter-
pretation that coheres with the model, as the examinee performed well on tasks requiring
just Skill 1, Skill 2, or Skill 3, but struggled with tasks additionally requiring Skill 4 and Skill 5.
In contrast we see poor fit for the model when it comes to examinee 171 (ppost = .003), who
incorrectly answered the two simplest tasks that only required Skill 1, but yet correctly
answered some of the more complex tasks that required Skill 1 as well as additional skills.
This pattern does not cohere with the assumed model structure; this discord manifests
itself in the lack of person fit.
372 Bayesian Psychometric Modeling

A lack of person fit may undermine the inferences for the examinee(s) in question, and
suggests that the inferential argument expressed in the psychometric model may be dubi-
ous, at least for the examinees in question. In the current context, it may be that examinees
are using Method A in working through the tasks, which involves a different set of skills.
The account provided by the BN for Method B would then be a poor basis for making infer-
ences about the examinees. We might employ a BN developed to represent our reasoning for
examinees using Method A (Mislevy, 1995), and then employ the appropriate BN for which-
ever method the examinee uses. Of course, we may not know which method an examinee is
using. To address this, Mislevy (1995) proposed the use of an expanded BN that contains BN
fragments for each method, and an additional latent variable indicating which method the
examinee is using. The conditional distribution for each observable would then depend on
this variable as well as method-specific skills and parameters. Ifthere is evidence that exam-
inees use multiple methods, say, based on perceived features of the task, this could be further
extended to include a latent variable capturing which method is being used for each task.
Formally, the expanded model may be seen as a mixture of the method-specific BNs,
with the latent variable(s) for which method is being used as defining the components of
the mixture. This represents an expanded narrative regarding the situation, and a corre-
sponding expansion to the argument used in reasoning from observed performances to
what is of inferential interest (Mislevy et al., 2008).

14.5 BNs in Complex Assessment

Our next example extends the use of BNs to polytomous latent and observable variables
and illustrates its use in a complex assessment. We focus on strategies used in specify-
ing the BN psychometric model. The context for this work is Cisco Learning Institutes
NetPASS, a simulation-based performance assessment of computer networking proficien-
cies. A more thorough overview of the assessment, its grounding, and the BN that is of pri-
mary interest here is given by Williamson, Almond, Mislevy, and Levy (2006); the details
of several of these aspects are described in Williamson etal. (2004), DeMark and Behrens
(2004), and Levy and Mislevy (2004).
Briefly, nine tasks were created, three each targeting proficiencies associated with
designing, implementing, and troubleshooting computer networks. To complete each
task, examinees interacted with a simulator which in turn manipulated hardware. For
each task, several work products were produced. Examples include logs of the commands
entered when troubleshooting and repairing the network, the final state of the network,
and a diagram depicting the network. Examinee work products were automatically evalu-
ated in terms of several features, some of which were used as task level feedback only
(e.g., the number of times the examinee used the help system), others of which were evalu-
ated to produce values of observable variables for use in a psychometric model. Examples
of the latter included observables capturing whether the final network was in working
order, whether the correct diagram was drawn, and how efficiently the examinee arrived
at a solution. Each observable could take on three values, corresponding to low, medium,
or high levels of performance. These were used to support inferences about examinees
in terms of several latent variables, including Design, Implement, and Troubleshoot, which
refers to the proficiency in each of these areas, as well as three higher order latent vari-
ables: Networking Disciplinary Knowledge, Network Modeling, and Network Proficiency.
Bayesian Networks 373

In what follows we present a portion of the fuller analysis reported in Levy and Mislevy
(2004). Much of the reasoning in developing the full model and analysis was similar to
that displayed in the mixed-number fraction subtraction example from Section14.4, so the
goal here is to illustrate some additional issues and how they are handled. In particular,
we highlight the use of parametric forms to smooth the elements of a conditional prob-
ability table in a BN, while also encoding substantive beliefs about relationships among
the variables.

14.5.1Structure of the Distribution for the Latent Variables

The BN fragment for the latent variables is given in Figure14.11, which is a just-persons
DAG where the replication is assumed over examinees. Each latent variable can take on
any of five values: Novice, Semester 1, Semester 2, Semester 3, and Semester 4. These names
reflect the desire to characterize the level of the examinees proficiencies in terms of Ciscos
four semester curriculum on computer networking.
The conditional probability table for Design is given in Table14.9. Note that, for each of
the five levels of the parent variable Network Proficiency, there are five conditional prob-
abilities, four of which need to be specified (the fifth is subject to the constraint that each
conditional distribution sum to 1). This is a challenge, be it for subject matter experts defin-
ing the values of these conditional probabilities, or for their estimation based on data. To
tackle this, Levy and Mislevy (2004) adopted a simplification based on parameterizing
these conditional probabilities introduced by Almond et al. (2001) that uses Samejimas
graded response model (GRM) from IRT (see Section11.3) in ways akin to linear logistic
specifications of LCA models (Formann, 1985, 1992). Let i,NP and i,Design denote the values
of the latent variables for Network Proficiency and Design, respectively, for examinee i that can
take on values of 1,, 5, corresponding to the five levels of each (Novice,, Semester 4).
Letting **i, Design denote the effective theta (defined below) for Design for examinee i, the model

P(i ,Design = k|i ,NP , b, a)

= P(i ,Design k|** **
i , Design , bk , a) P(i , Design k + 1|i , Design , bk +1 , a)



Design Implement Troubleshoot

FIGURE 14.11
Directed acyclic graph fragment for the latent variables in the student model for the NetPASS example.
374 Bayesian Psychometric Modeling

TABLE 14.9
Conditional Probability Table for Design in NetPASS, Where NP Is the Value of the
Latent Variable for Network Proficiency and **
Design Is the Effective Theta Obtained
from (14.37) Using Values for the Parameters Based on Subject Matter Expert Beliefs
p(Design | Network Proficiency)
Proficiency NP **
Design Novice Semester 1 Semester 2 Semester 3 Semester 4
Novice 1 3.8 .690 .253 .049 .007 .001
Semester 1 2 1.8 .231 .458 .253 .049 .008
Semester 2 3 0.2 .039 .192 .458 .253 .057
Semester 3 4 2.2 .005 .034 .192 .458 .310
Semester 4 5 4.2 .001 .005 .034 .192 .769
Source: Levy, R., & Mislevy, R. J. (2004). Specifying and refining a measurement model for a
computer-based interactive assessment. International Journal of Testing, 4, 333369.

for k = 1,, 5 (for the five possible values of Design), where

P(i ,Design k|** **
i , Design , bk , a) = logit [ a(i , Design bk )] (14.36)

for k = 2,, 5. For k = 5, the greater than or equal relationship is one of equality. The effec-
tive theta method fixes the values for a and the bs in (14.36). This in turn shifts the depen-
dence of Design on Network Proficiency to the effective theta, defined as

i , Design = cDesign , NP i , NP + dDesign,NP , (14.37)

where the parameters cDesign,NP and dDesign,NP now govern the dependence of Design on Network
Proficiency. This modeling approach effects a parametric smoothing of the conditional prob-
abilities in the table, yielding a structure that is specified in terms of now just two parameters
(here cDesign,NP and dDesign,NP ) regardless of the number of levels of the parent and child vari-
ables. Table14.9 displays the probabilities resulting from fixing a=1 and b = (3, 1, 1, 3) in
(14.36) using cDesign,NP = 2 and dDesign,NP = 5.8. These latter two values were chosen because
they best captured the prior beliefs of subject matter experts; likewise for the choices of the
parameters of the effective theta model for the remaining conditional probability tables.
WinBUGS code for this portion of the model is given as follows. To begin, the code for
the computation of the effective theta for Design instantiates (14.37) for the five possible
values of Network Proficiency:

# general form: etDesign<- cDesign*NP+dDesign

etDesign[1]<- cDesign*1+dDesign
etDesign[2]<- cDesign*2+dDesign
etDesign[3]<- cDesign*3+dDesign
etDesign[4]<- cDesign*4+dDesign
etDesign[5]<- cDesign*5+dDesign
Bayesian Networks 375

This takes the five possible values of Network Proficiency and yields the associated effective
theta. This effective theta is then entered into the GRM. Code for (14.36) is given as follows.
for (aa in 1:5){ # index for which effective theta
for (bb in 1:4){ # index for which category boundary
des.p.greater[aa,bb] <- 1/(1+exp((-a)*((etDesign[aa])-(smb[bb]))))

The loop over the index aa refers to the computation for each possible value of the effec-
tive theta, and the loop over the index bb refers to the computation for each of the category
boundaries. a refers to the a parameter of (14.37). smb refers to the collection of b param-
eters in (14.37). The first two letters in this name, sm, indicate that this is the collection
of b parameters for the Student Model variables, in contrast to the b parameters used in the
modeling of the observable variables (discussed in the following section). In the effective
theta method, these are fixed. Code for doing so is as follows.
a<- 1
smb[1]<- -3.0; smb[2]<- -1; smb[3]<- 1; smb[4]<- 3;

The object des.p.greater contains the probabilities for Design exceeding the associated
category boundary. To complete the GRM and obtain the probabilities for Design being
equal to a particular value, the code for the computations in (14.35) is as follows.
for (aa in 1:5){
des.p[aa,1] <- 1- des.p.greater [aa,1]
des.p [aa,2] <- des.p.greater [aa,1]- des.p.greater [aa,2]
des.p [aa,3] <- des.p.greater [aa,2]- des.p.greater [aa,3]
des.p [aa,4] <- des.p.greater [aa,3]- des.p.greater [aa,4]
des.p [aa,5] <- des.p.greater [aa,4]

des.p is the conditional probability table for the Design variable, akin to Table14.9. Finally,
the distributional specification for the Design variable for examinee i is a categorical dis-
tribution with probabilities given by the row of this table corresponding to the examinees
value for Network Proficiency, which in the code below is denoted NP.
for (i in 1:n){
Design[i] ~ dcat(des.p[NP[i], ])

Structures analogous to that for Design were specified for the conditional probabilities for
Implement and Troubleshoot.
A similar structure was specified for the conditional probability table for Network
Modeling given Network Disciplinary Knowledge. However, subject matter experts indi-
cated that a students level of Network Modeling could not be higher than their level for
376 Bayesian Psychometric Modeling

TABLE 14.10
Conditional Probability Table for Network Modeling in NetPASS, with Values Based
on Subject Matter Expert Beliefs
p(Network Modeling | Network Disciplinary Knowledge)
Network Disciplinary
Knowledge Novice Semester 1 Semester 2 Semester 3 Semester 4
Novice 1 0 0 0 0
Semester 1 .768 .233 0 0 0
Semester 2 .282 .485 .233 0 0
Semester 3 .050 .233 .485 .233 0
Semester 4 .007 .041 .222 .462 .269
Source: Levy, R., & Mislevy, R. J. (2004). Specifying and refining a measurement model for a
computer-based interactive assessment. International Journal of Testing, 4, 333369.

Network Disciplinary Knowledge. This constraint was imposed by forcing the resulting
probabilities for levels of Network Modeling that were higher than Network Disciplinary
Knowledge to 0 and renormalizing. In effect, Network Disciplinary Knowledge acts as a
ceiling for Network Modeling. Table 14.10 illustrates this structure using cNM,NDK = 2
and dNM,NDK = 8, where it can be seen that p(Network Modeling > Network Disciplinary
Knowledge) = 0.
The WinBUGS code for specifying the distribution of Network Modeling is similar to that
given for Design, with the addition of the renormalization. Code mimicking that given
above for Design is given as follows.

# general form: etNM[NDK]<- cNM*NDK+dNM
etNM[1]<- cNM*1+dNM
etNM[2]<- cNM*2+dNM
etNM[3]<- cNM*3+dNM
etNM[4]<- cNM*4+dNM
etNM[5]<- cNM*5+dNM

for (aa in 1:5){ # index for which effective theta

for (bb in 1:4){ # index for which category boundary
nm.p.greater[aa,bb] <- 1/(1+exp((-a)*((etNM[aa])-(smb[bb]))));
for (aa in 1:5){ # index for which effective theta
nm.p[aa,1] <- 1-nmp[aa,1];
nm.p [aa,2] <- nm.p.greater [aa,1]- nm.p.greater [aa,2]
nm.p [aa,3] <- nm.p.greater [aa,2]- nm.p.greater [aa,3]
nm.p [aa,4] <- nm.p.greater [aa,3]- nm.p.greater [aa,4]
nm.p [aa,5] <- nm.p.greater [aa,4]
Bayesian Networks 377

At this point, the code enacts the renormalization.

nm.p.ren[1,1] <- 1
nm.p.ren[1,2] <- 0
nm.p.ren[1,3] <- 0
nm.p.ren[1,4] <- 0
nm.p.ren[1,5] <- 0

nm.p.ren[2,1] <- (nm.p[2,1])/(nm.p[2,1]+nm.p[2,2])

nm.p.ren[2,2] <- (nm.p[2,2])/(nm.p[2,1]+nm.p[2,2])
nm.p.ren[2,3] <- 0
nm.p.ren[2,4] <- 0
nm.p.ren[2,5] <- 0

nm.p.ren[3,1] <- (nm.p[3,1])/(nm.p[3,1]+nm.p[3,2]+nm.p[3,3]);

nm.p.ren[3,2] <- (nm.p[3,2])/(nm.p[3,1]+nm.p[3,2]+nm.p[3,3]);
nm.p.ren[3,3] <- (nm.p[3,3])/(nm.p[3,1]+nm.p[3,2]+nm.p[3,3]);
nm.p.ren[3,4] <- 0
nm.p.ren[3,5] <- 0

nm.p.ren[4,1] <- (nm.p[4,1])/(nm.p[4,1]+nm.p[4,2]+nm.p[4,3]+nm.p[4,4])

nm.p.ren[4,2] <- (nm.p[4,2])/(nm.p[4,1]+nm.p[4,2]+nm.p[4,3]+nm.p[4,4])
nm.p.ren[4,3] <- (nm.p[4,3])/(nm.p[4,1]+nm.p[4,2]+nm.p[4,3]+nm.p[4,4])
nm.p.ren[4,4] <- (nm.p[4,4])/(nm.p[4,1]+nm.p[4,2]+nm.p[4,3]+nm.p[4,4])
nm.p.ren[4,5] <- 0

nm.p.ren[5,1] <- nm.p[5,1]

nm.p.ren[5,2] <- nm.p[5,2]
nm.p.ren[5,3] <- nm.p[5,3]
nm.p.ren[5,4] <- nm.p[5,4]
nm.p.ren[5,5] <- nm.p[5,5]

nm.p.ren contains the renormalized conditional probabilities, as in Table14.10. The

distributional specification for the Network Model variable for examinee i is a categor-
ical distribution with probabilities given by the row of this table corresponding to
the examinees value for Network Disciplinary Knowledge, which in the code below is
denoted NDK.

for (i in 1:n){
NM[i] ~ dcat(nm.p.ren[NDK[i], ])

A baseline-ceiling relationship was employed for the specification of the conditional

distribution of Network Proficiency given its two parents: Network Disciplinary Knowledge
378 Bayesian Psychometric Modeling

and Network Modeling. To develop the model, an initial effective theta was defined as a
function of Network Disciplinary Knowledge. For each examinee this is defined as

*i ,NP = cNP,baselinei ,NDK + dNP,baseline, (14.38)

where i,NDK is the value of the Network Disciplinary Knowledge for examinee i. The final
effective theta is then modifies the initial effective theta, as

** *
i , NP = i , NP + cNP,compensatory [i , NM (i , NDK 1)]. (14.39)

This allows for the examinees value of Network Modeling (i,NM) to partially compensate
for Network Disciplinary Knowledge. When Network Modeling is one level below Network
Disciplinary Knowledge, as it was expected to be based on conversations with subject matter
experts, the contribution of Network Modeling is zero. When Network Modeling is equal to
Network Disciplinary Knowledge the contribution is cNP,compensatory. On the other hand, when
Network Modeling is two or more levels below Network Disciplinary Knowledge, the contribu-
tion is negative the number of levels less one multiplied by cNP,compensatory. In principle, there
are 25 combinations of the parent variables Network Disciplinary Knowledge and Network
Modeling. However, some of these are rendered impossible by the ceiling relationship
(aswas the case in Table14.10). Table14.11 illustrates this structure for Network Proficiency
using cNP,baseline = 2, cNP,compensatory = 1, and dNP,baseline = 6.
WinBUGS code for this specification is given below, making use of aa as an index for
possible values of Network Disciplinary Knowledge and bb as an index for possible values of
Network Proficiency.

for (aa in 1:5){
etNP.1[aa]<- c1NP*(aa)+dNP
for (bb in 1:5){
etNP.2[aa, bb]<- etNP.1[aa]+c2NP*(bb-(aa-1))

The line for etNP.1 corresponds to (14.38) and the line for etNP.2 corresponds to (14.39).
etNP.2 is the effective theta that can then be subjected to the GRM and renormalization
strategies discussed above.
To complete the model for the latent variables, the i,NDK are specified as following a cat-
egorical distribution in ways discussed previously.

14.5.2 Structure of the Conditional Distribution for the Observable Variables

Figure14.12 contains a DAG for the BN fragment corresponding to the observables from
the first task targeting Design. There are three types of variables here: observable variables
referred to as Correctness of Outcome Design 1 and Quality of Rationale Design 1; the latent
variables Network Disciplinary Knowledge and Design that are of inferential interest; and
intermediary latent variables DK and Design 1 and Design Context 1. As we now discuss,
Bayesian Networks 379

TABLE 14.11
Conditional Probability Table for Network Proficiency in NetPASS, with Values Based on
Subject Matter Expert Beliefs
p(Network Proficiency | Network Disciplinary Knowledge, Network
NDKa NM b Novice Semester 1 Semester 2 Semester 3 Semester 4
Novice Novice 1 0 0 0 0
Semester 1 Novice .368 .632 0 0 0
Semester 1 .238 .762 0 0 0
Semester 2 Novice .135 .432 .432 0 0
Semester 1 .065 .303 .632 0 0
Semester 2 .036 .202 .762 0 0
Semester 3 Novice .05 .233 .485 .233 0
Semester 1 .02 .115 .432 .432 0
Semester 2 .009 .056 .303 .632 0
Semester 3 .005 .031 .202 .762 0
Semester 4 Novice .018 .101 .381 .381 .119
Semester 1 .007 .041 .222 .462 .269
Semester 2 .003 .016 .101 .381 .500
Semester 3 .001 .006 .041 .222 .731
Semester 4 <.001 .002 .016 .101 .881
Source: Levy, R., & Mislevy, R. J. (2004). Specifying and refining a measurement model for a computer-based
interactive assessment. International Journal of Testing, 4, 333369.
a NDK = Network Disciplinary Knowledge.

b NM = Network Modeling.

DK and Correctness of
Design 1 Outcome Design 1

Design Quality of
Context 1 Rationale Design 1

FIGURE 14.12
Directed acyclic graph fragment for the observables from the first task targeting Design in the NetPASS example.

these latter variables are not of inferential interest, but are relevant for representing our
beliefs about the situation in the psychometric model.
Conversations with subject matter experts indicated that a conjunctive condensation
rule was useful for combining Network Disciplinary Knowledge and Design to specify the
intermediary variable DK and Design 1, which can take on any of the same five values of
its parents (i.e., Novice,, Semester 4). We expand on the conjunctive models presented
in Section14.4.3 and define a leaky conjunction relationship for polytomous variables. For
polytomous variables, the conjunction is enacted by taking the minimum value. We there-
fore begin by defining

*i ,DKandDesign = min(i ,NDK , i ,Design ) (14.40)

380 Bayesian Psychometric Modeling

to initially represent the conjunctive relationship. We could use this value as an effective
theta, and then zero out possible values of for DK and Design 1 that exceed this mini-
mum, and renormalize. This would effect a leaky conjunction, in which the probabilities
are allowed to leak below the level that represents the conjunction, but not above. Levy and
Mislevy (2004) employed an expanded form of this, allowing for the leak to vary depend-
ing on which of the two parent variables was the minimum, specifying the effective theta
for DK and Design 1 as

** *
i , DKandDesign 1 = [cDKandDesign 1,*DKandDesign i , DKandDesign + dDKandDesign 1 ]

+ [cDKandDesign1,NDK (i ,NDK i*,DKandDesign )] (14.41)

+ [cDKandDesign1,Design (i ,Design *i ,DKandDesign )].

Table 14.12 illustrates this structure, using cDKandDesign1,*DKandDesign = 2 , dDKandDesign1 = 6,

cDKandDesign1,NDK = .2, and cDKandDesign1,Design = .4.
WinBUGS code for this specification is given below, making use of aa as an index for
possible values of Network Disciplinary Knowledge and bb as an index for possible values of

for (aa in 1:5){
for (bb in 1:5){
etNDKDesign1[aa, bb] <- c1NDKDesign1*(min(aa, bb))
+ dNDKDesign1
+ c2NDKDesign1*(aa-min(aa, bb))
+ c3NDKDesign1*(bb-min(aa, bb))

etNDKDesign1 is the effective theta that can then be subjected to the GRM and renormal-
ization strategies discussed above.
The Design Context 1 variable is introduced to account for the shared dependencies
among the observables derived from performances obtained from the same task (namely,
the first Design task), akin to parameters in testlet and bi-factor models (Rijmen, 2010). In
the current context of a BN, it is defined as having two values, High and Low. As Design
Context 1 has no parents it may be specified as a Bernoulli distribution in ways previously
discussed, with a slight modification discussed next.
Formally, the context variable enters the model for the observable via a compensatory
specification of the effective theta, akin to a CFA or compensatory MIRT model. For observ-
able j, the effective theta is defined as

ij = c j , DKandDesign 1i , DKandDesign 1 + c j , DesignContext 1i , DesignContext 1 + dj, DKandDesign 1 , (14.42)

where i,DesignContext1 takes on a value of 1 or 1. The context variable has the effect of raising
or lowering the effective theta by the amount of c j,DesignContext1. The idea here is that there
may be a contextual effect that raises or lowers the level of performance as captured by the
multiple observables derived from a single task.
Bayesian Networks 381

TABLE 14.12
Conditional Probability Table for DK and Design 1 in NetPASS Example, with Values Based
on Subject Matter Expert Beliefs
p(DK and Design 1 | Network Disciplinary Knowledge, Design)
NDKa Design Novice Semester 1 Semester 2 Semester 3 Semester 4
Semester 4 Novice 1 0 0 0 0
Semester 1 1 0 0 0 0
Semester 2 1 0 0 0 0
Semester 3 1 0 0 0 0
Semester 4 1 0 0 0 0
Semester 1 Novice 1 0 0 0 0
Semester 1 0.368 0.632 0 0 0
Semester 2 0.306 0.694 0 0 0
Semester 3 0.258 0.742 0 0 0
Semester 4 0.222 0.778 0 0 0
Semester 2 Novice 1 0 0 0 0
Semester 1 0.335 0.665 0 0 0
Semester 2 0.065 0.303 0.632 0 0
Semester 3 0.050 0.256 0.694 0 0
Semester 4 0.040 0.218 0.742 0 0
Semester 3 Novice 1 0 0 0 0
Semester 1 0.306 0.694 0 0 0
Semester 2 0.057 0.279 0.665 0 0
Semester 3 0.009 0.056 0.303 0.632 0
Semester 4 0.007 0.043 0.256 0.694 0
Semester 4 Novice 1 0 0 0 0
Semester 1 0.281 0.719 0 0 0
Semester 2 0.050 0.256 0.694 0 0
Semester 3 0.008 0.049 0.279 0.665 0
Semester 4 0.001 0.006 0.041 0.222 0.731
Source: Levy, R., & Mislevy, R. J. (2004). Specifying and refining a measurement model for a computer-
based interactive assessment. International Journal of Testing, 4, 333369.
a NDK = Network Disciplinary Knowledge.

This effective theta is then entered into a version of the GRM that specifies the con-
ditional distribution for the observable taking on any of its three possible values.
Table14.13 contains conditional probabilities from setting a = 1 and b = (2, 2) in (14.36)
and c j,DKandDesign1 = 2, c j,DesignContext1 = .4, and dj,DKandDesign1 = 5.
WinBUGS code for this portion of the model begins by specifying the Design Context 1
variable as a Bernoulli, and then converting it from its usual 0/1 coding to a 1/1

for (i in 1:n){
DesignC1[i] ~ dbern(.5)
DesignContext1[i] <- 2*DesignC1[i]-1
382 Bayesian Psychometric Modeling

TABLE 14.13
Conditional Probability Table for an Observable in the NetPASS, with Values Based
on Subject Matter Expert Beliefs
p(Observable | DK and Design 1, Context)
DK and Design 1 Context Low Medium High
Novice Low 0.802 0.193 0.004
High 0.646 0.344 0.010
Semester 1 Low 0.354 0.613 0.032
High 0.198 0.733 0.069
Semester 2 Low 0.069 0.733 0.198
High 0.032 0.613 0.354
Semester 3 Low 0.010 0.344 0.646
High 0.004 0.193 0.802
Semester 4 Low 0.001 0.068 0.931
High 0.001 0.032 0.968
Source: Levy, R., & Mislevy, R. J. (2004). Specifying and refining a measurement model for a
computer-based interactive assessment. International Journal of Testing, 4, 333369.

The code corresponding to (14.42) for an observable j is given by:

for (i in 1:n){
etDesign1[i, j] <- c1Design1[j]*NDKDesign1[i]
+ c2Design1[j]*DesignContext1[i]
+ dDesign1[j]

The effective theta is then entered into the GRM, with code as follows, here, using WinBUGS
logit function to enact (14.37):

for (i in 1:n){
for (k in 1:K){
logit(p.greater[i, j, k])<- a*(etDesign1[i, j] - emb[j, k])

Here, a refers to the a parameter of (14.37). emb refers to the collection of b parameters
in (14.37). The first two letters in this name, em, indicate that this is the collection of b
parameters for the Evidence Model variables, in contrast to the b parameters used in the
modeling of the Student Model variables (discussed in the preceding section). In the effec-
tive theta method, these are fixed. Code for doing so is as follows.

emb[j, 1] <- -2
emb[j, 2] <- 2
Bayesian Networks 383

The object p.greater contains the probabilities for the observable exceeding the asso-
ciated category boundary. To complete the GRM and obtain the probabilities for the
observable being equal to a particular value, the code for the computations in (14.35) is
as follows.

for (i in 1:n){
p[i, j, 1] <- 1-p.greater[i, j, 1]
p[i, j, 2] <- p.greater[i, j, 1] - p.greater[i, j, 2]
p[i, j, 3] <- p.greater[i, j, 2]

p is the collection of conditional probabilities for examinee i for observable j. Finally, the
distributional specification for the observable itself is a categorical distribution with prob-
abilities given by p for the examinee and observable:

for (i in 1:n){
x[i, j] ~ dcat(p[i, j, ])

Analogous specifications were made for the other observables from this and the two other
tasks targeting Design, which had DAGs akin to that in Figure14.12, as well as the three
tasks targeting Implement, and the three tasks targeting Troubleshooting. See Levy and
Mislevy (2004) for complete details on these specifications, prior distributions based on
subject matter experts expectations, MCMC estimation, and resulting inferences about
the tasks and examinees.

14.6 Dynamic BNs

All of the models considered so far have modeled the latent variables as static, in line
with an assumption that an examinees proficiency remains constant during the course of
assessment. However, several types of assessment systems are explicitly designed so that
learning is at least possible if not desirable during the assessment. Such systems are char-
acterized by the presence of at least a minimum level of feedback to examinees regard-
ing their performance. Examples include remediation triggered by incorrect responses in
tutoring systems, or being sent back to the beginning of a level in a game.
Dynamic BNs (DBNs) extend the basic BN to model changes over time and related lon-
gitudinal data structures, and so can be gainfully employed in psychometric modeling
of change during the course of an assessment. Figure 14.13 lays out the structure over
three time slices. The model has two basic components. The first is the within-time com-
ponent. This is the now familiar structure where the observable from that time depends
on the latent variable representing the proficiency at that time. The version depicted in
Figure 14.13 may be extended to have multiple latent variables and multiple observable
384 Bayesian Psychometric Modeling

Time 1 Time 2 Time 3

i1 i2 i3

xi1 xi2 xi3

Examinees i

FIGURE 14.13
Directed acyclic graph for a dynamic Bayesian network.

variables within each time slice. The second component is a between-time or transition com-
ponent in which the latent variable at a particular time is modeled as dependent on the
latent variable and observable at the previous time.
To simplify the situation, suppose we have a model for one dichotomous latent variable
that represents possessing a skill and one dichotomous observable variable that corre-
sponds to the correctness of a response to a task. The within-time component is then a
latent class model, discussed previously. We focus our attention on the transition compo-
nent that models the latent variable at any time as dependent on the latent and observable
variable at the previous time. Let it denote the value of the latent variable for examinee i at
time t, taking on a value of 1 or 0 corresponding to examinee i possessing or not possess-
ing the skill at time t. Similarly, let xit denote the observable coded as 1 or 0 for a correct
or incorrect response from examinee i at time t. The conditional probability table for the
transition component is given in Table14.14, where kl denotes the conditional probability
that an examinee with values of it = k and xit = l at time t will possess the skill at time t+1
(i.e., i(t +1) = 1).
11 and 10 represent the conditional probabilities that an examinee will possess the skill
at time t + 1 given that they possessed the skill at time t, accompanied by a correct and
incorrect response at time t, respectively. A common simplifying assumption sets these
values at 1, reflecting that if an examinee possesses a skill, they do so at the next time
period(s). 01 and 00 represent the transition probabilities from not possessing a skill to
possessing a skill following a correct or incorrect response, respectively.
A number of simplifications or extensions of this general structure are possible. For
example, Levy (2014) constructed a DBN for Save Patch, an educational game targeting
rational number addition (Chung etal., 2010) in which

TABLE 14.14
Conditional Probability Table for the Transition
Component in a Dynamic Bayesian Network
t xt x(t+1|t, x t)
1 1 11
1 0 10
0 1 01
0 0 00
Bayesian Networks 385

Players (examinees) complete levels (tasks) by using math skills to navigate from
the beginning of the level to the end;
Feedback occurs in that successfully completing a level leads to being presented
a new level, while unsuccessfully completely a level leads to being presented the
same level for another attempt;
The performance of each player on each level of the game was evaluated as rep-
resenting a correct solution or errors of various kinds, defining a polytomous
observable for each attempt at each level;
Multiple latent variables representing a variety of skills of inferential interest and
possible misconceptions were specified;
The conditional probabilities in the within-time component were smoothed via an
IRT parameterization.

See Levy (2014) for complete details, as well as specifications of prior distributions for the
unknown parameters of the parametric forms used to enact smoothing, and the results of
fitting the model using MCMC. For our current purposes of illustrating DBNs, we present
a simplified account of a portion of the model corresponding to performance on Level 19 of
the game, making the simplifying assumption that the player does not possess the miscon-
ception measured on that level and using point summaries of the posterior distribution
obtained from model-fitting.
Table14.15 presents the conditional probability table for the observable corresponding
to performance on Level 19 given the targeted skill, Adding Unit Fractions. This structure
is assumed to hold, with the same conditional probabilities, over all attempts (time points)
at the level.
If a player (examinee) possesses the Adding Unit Fractions skill, they will almost certainly
complete the level with the Standard Solution, meaning they successfully complete the
level in a way that reflects the skill. There is only a small probability that they will provide
an Incomplete Solution, or commit an error, possibly one identified as evidencing certain
misconceptions (Wrong Numerator Error) or one not associated with any misconceptions
(Unknown Error). In contrast, a player who does not possess the skill is much less likely to
successfully complete the level and is more likely to make an error.
Table 14.16 presents the conditional probabilities of the possessing the Adding Unit
Fractions skill at time t + 1 given Adding Unit Fractions and the observable for performance
on the level at time t. The first row reflects the previously mentioned assumption that once
a player (examinee) acquires a skill, she will retain it. The second row gives the probabili-
ties of transitioning from a state of not possessing to a state of possessing the skill, which
vary based on the performance on the level.

TABLE 14.15
Conditional Probability Table for Performance on Level 19 in Save Patch
p(Observable for Level 19 | Adding Unit Fractions)
Adding Unit Standard Alternate Incomplete Wrong Numerator Unknown
Fractions Solution Solution Solution Error Error
Possess 0.95 0.00 0.01 0.03 0.01
Not Possess 0.58 0.02 0.02 0.25 0.13
386 Bayesian Psychometric Modeling

TABLE 14.16
Conditional Probabilities for Possessing Adding Unit Fractions at Time t + 1 on Level 19 in Save Patch
Observable for Level 19 at Time t
Adding Unit Standard Alternate Incomplete Wrong Numerator
Fractionsat Time t Solution Solution Solution Error Unknown Error
Possess 1 1 1 1 1
Not possess .38 .17 .19 .20 .09

To complete the specification the current illustration, the probability of possessing

Adding Unit Fractions at time 1 is set to be .70.
Figure14.14 contains screenshots from Netica depicting the situation at four different
points in time corresponding to four different states of knowledge. In panel (a), no obser-
vations have been made. The probability that the player possesses the skill at time 1 is .7.
The probabilities for the remaining nodes may be thought of as predictive distributions.
For example, the probability of .79 that the player will possess the skill at time 2 is the
model-based expectation, obtained by marginalizing over the uncertainty in its parent
Panel (b) represents the state of the network after observing the player commit an
Unknown Error on their first attempt at Level 19. The posterior probability that the player
possesses the skill at that time is now .15, the drop from .70 due to the evidentiary bear-
ing of having observed this result. Again, the probabilities for the remaining nodes may
be thought of as predictive distributions, now posterior to the observation at time 1. The
posterior predictive distribution for the player possessing the skill at time 2 is .23, which
reflects a synthesis of the two possibilities: they possessed the skill at time 1 and kept it,
or they did not possess the skill at time 1 but acquire it (i.e., transition) following their first
Panel (c) updates the situation based on the observation of an unsuccessful attempt
where the player committed a Wrong Numerator Error. This augments the previous data,
and as a result we think it is highly unlikely that the player possessed the skill at time 1
(probability = .02) or at time 2 (probability = .03). As before, the model allows for the pos-
sibility that the player will possess the skill at time 3, though this is not very likely (prob-
ability = .23).
Finally, panel (d) displays the state of the network on observing that the player provides
the standard solution on their third attempt. The posterior probability that they possessed
the skill at time 3 has increased to .33. The posterior probabilities that they possessed the
skill earlier, at timepoints 1 and 2, have increased very slightly. Figure14.14 illustrates how
DBNs are used to represent the evolution of our beliefs about a dynamic latent variable as
data arrive.

14.7 Summary and Bibliographic Note

We have described BNs as extensions to LCA models that employ multiple discrete latent
variables, illustrating a fully Bayesian approach to BNs in several assessment settings.
Almond et al. (2015) provide a textbook length treatment of these and other topics sur-
rounding BNs in assessment.
Bayesian Networks 387

Adding_Unit_Fractions_1 Adding_Unit_Fractions_2 Adding_Unit_Fractions_3

Possess 70.0 Possess 78.7 Possess 84.8
NotPossess 30.0 NotPossess 21.3 NotPossess 15.2

Level_19_Observable_1 Level_19_Observable_2 Level_19_Observable_3

Standard Solution 83.9 Standard Solution 87.1 Standard Solution 89.4
Alternate Solution 0.60 Alternate Solution 0.43 Alternate Solution 0.30
Incomplete Solution 1.30 Incomplete Solution 1.21 Incomplete Solution 1.15
Wrong Numerator 9.60 Wrong Numerator 7.69 Wrong Numerator 6.33
(a) Unknown Error 4.60 Unknown Error 3.56 Unknown Error 2.82

Adding_Unit_Fractions_1 Adding_Unit_Fractions_2 Adding_Unit_Fractions_3

Possess 15.2 Possess 22.8 Possess 45.2
NotPossess 84.8 NotPossess 77.2 NotPossess 54.8

Level_19_Observable_1 Level_19_Observable_2 Level_19_Observable_3

Standard Solution 0 Standard Solution 66.5 Standard Solution 74.7
Alternate Solution 0 Alternate Solution 1.54 Alternate Solution 1.10
Incomplete Solution 0 Incomplete Solution 1.77 Incomplete Solution 1.55
Wrong Numerator 0 Wrong Numerator 20.0 Wrong Numerator 15.1
(b) Unknown Error 100 Unknown Error 10.3 Unknown Error 7.58

Adding_Unit_Fractions_1 Adding_Unit_Fractions_2 Adding_Unit_Fractions_3

Possess 2.29 Possess 3.43 Possess 22.7
NotPossess 97.7 NotPossess 96.6 NotPossess 77.3

Level_19_Observable_1 Level_19_Observable_2 Level_19_Observable_3

Standard Solution 0 Standard Solution 0 Standard Solution 66.4
Alternate Solution 0 Alternate Solution 0 Alternate Solution 1.55
Incomplete Solution 0 Incomplete Solution 0 Incomplete Solution 1.77
Wrong Numerator 0 Wrong Numerator 100 Wrong Numerator 20.0
(c) Unknown Error 100 Unknown Error 0 Unknown Error 10.3

Adding_Unit_Fractions_1 Adding_Unit_Fractions_2 Adding_Unit_Fractions_3

Possess 3.27 Possess 4.91 Possess 32.5
NotPossess 96.7 NotPossess 95.1 NotPossess 67.5

Level_19_Observable_1 Level_19_Observable_2 Level_19_Observable_3

Standard Solution 0 Standard Solution 0 Standard Solution 100
Alternate Solution 0 Alternate Solution 0 Alternate Solution 0
Incomplete Solution 0 Incomplete Solution 0 Incomplete Solution 0
Wrong Numerator 0 Wrong Numerator 100 Wrong Numerator 0
(d) Unknown Error 100 Unknown Error 0 Unknown Error 0

FIGURE 14.14
States of a portion of the dynamic Bayesian network over multiple time points for performance on Level 19 in
Save Patch: (a) prior to observing any attempts, (b) after observing an unknown error on the first attempt,
(c) after observing a wrong numerator error on the second attempt, and (d) after observing a standard solution
on the third attempt.

Cast in the current light, DCMs that employ discrete latent and observable variables
may be seen as BNs, underscoring the appeal of BNs as a powerful approach to diagnostic
assessment (Almond etal., 2007). Bayesian approaches have also been popular for exten-
sions of such models. One line of research incorporates continuous latent variables in sev-
eral different ways, including as an aspect of proficiency on which observables depend
(Bradshaw & Templin, 2014; Hong, Wang, Lim, & Douglas, 2015; Roussos et al., 2007),
388 Bayesian Psychometric Modeling

and as a higher order latent variable to model the dependence among the discrete latent
skills (de la Torre & Douglas, 2004). See also Hoijtink, Bland, and Vermeulen (2014) for a
Bayesian treatment of DCMs and cognitive diagnostic models of other types.
Another line of research expands DCMs to model differential attractiveness of response
options to partially correct examinee understandings (DiBello, Henson, & Stout, 2015) or
models slip and guessing parameters as a function of examinees (Huang & Wang, 2014b).
Another extension comes in the form of specifying prior distributions for the entries of
the Q-matrix, reflecting the uncertainty regarding whether correctly completing a task
depends on possessing a particular skill (DeCarlo, 2012). Similarly, a mixture of BNs could
be specified to reflect that multiple solution strategies are possible, with different skills
being invoked under different strategies, possibly with examinees adopting or switching
strategies across tasks (de la Torre & Douglas, 2008; Mislevy, 1995).
A more complete description of construction, MCMC estimation, and use of the BN for
the NetPASS example in Section14.5 is given by Levy and Mislevy (2004). See also Almond
etal. (2001) and Mislevy etal. (2002) for descriptions of functional forms that may be used to
model the conditional probabilities in BNs in complex assessments. See also Almond, Mulder,
Hemat, and Yan (2009), who focused on options for models of dependence that can arise in
different ways when multiple observables are derived from complex assessment. This flex-
ibility of BNs has made it an attractive option for complex assessments, such as in the works
just cited, VanLehn and Martin (1997), Rupp etal. (2012), and Quellmalz etal. (2012).
The use of discrete variables makes the updating in BNs computationally fast, supporting
real-time or near real-time updating as examinees engage with assessments. Accordingly,
BNs have become popular for use in adaptive assessment (Almond & Mislevy, 1999) and
related systems that adapt what they do in light of the examinees performance. Examples
of BNs used in such capacities may be found in applications of intelligent tutoring systems
(Chung, Delacruz, Dionne, & Bewley, 2003; Conati, Gertner, VanLehn, & Druzdzel, 1997;
Mislevy & Gitomer, 1996; Reye, 2004; Sao Pedro, Baker, Gobert, Montalvo, & Nakama, 2013;
VanLehn, 2008) and games (Iseli, Koenig, Lee, & Wainess, 2010; Rowe & Lester, 2010; Shute,
2011; Shute, Ventura, Bauer, & Zapata-Rivera, 2009). Reye (2004) demonstrated how preced-
ing lines of work on modeling longitudinal patterns assuming learning could be framed
as DBNs, paving the way for their applications in tutoring systems (Reye, 2004; VanLehn,
2008) and game-based assessments of learning or change (Iseli etal., 2010; Levy, 2014). See
Levy (2014) for a description of the fully Bayesian specification and estimation of the com-
plete DBN for the game-based assessment example in Section14.6.
BNs may be specified in advance, or partially constructed on the fly in light of examinee
performance. The DBN in Section14.6 represents a simple example of where the BN could be
constructed on the fly. Here, the network adds nodes for the next time slice for the current
level if the player (examinee) is unsuccessful on the previous attempt, or adds nodes for next
level if the player is successful on the previous attempt. Mislevy and Gitomer (1996) described
a more complicated scenario in the context of HYDRIVE, a simulation-based assessment
of troubleshooting for the F-15 aircrafts hydraulics systems. The open-ended nature of the
assessment implies that there are an enormous number of possible states to potentially moni-
tor, which poses challenges to developing psychometric models (Levy, 2013). Rather than
model all possibilities, HYDRIVE was designed to recognize when the examinee had worked
her or his way into a situation that could be characterized as providing evidence regarding
one of the proficiencies of interest. Such situations could occur frequently, sparingly, or not at
all depending on the examinees chosen actions. Once a situation was recognized as such, the
BN for the examinee could be augmented to include the appropriate variables.
Bayesian Networks 389

14.1 Reconsider the just-persons DAG for the BN in Figure14.4
a. Assuming each observable and latent variable is dichotomous and the (condi-
tional) probabilities are unknown parameters, write out the model in terms of
the distributions, including conditionally conjugate prior distributions on the
unknown parameters.
b. Write out a DAG for the model in (a) that expands Figure14.4 to include all the
c. For each unknown entity list out the relevant entities that need to be con-
ditioned on in the full conditional distribution. (Hint: This can be done just
using the DAG from b.)
d. For each unknown entity, write out the full conditional distribution.
e. Repeat (a)(d) now assuming each observable and latent variable is polytomous.
14.2 The BN for the mixed-number subtraction example developed in Section 14.4
introduced MN to structure the conditional distributions of 3 and 4 on the
remaining latent variables honoring the substantive theory, which states that
(a) how many of Skill 1, Skill 2, and Skill 5 the examinee possesses is relevant, not
which ones; and (b) Skill 3 is a hard prerequisite for Skill 4.
a. Specify a model that honors these substantive beliefs, but (i) expresses the
conditional probability of possessing Skill 3 given Skill 1, Skill 2, and Skill 5,
p(3 |1 , 2 , 5 ), in terms of the parameters of the model, and (ii) expresses the
conditional probability of possessing Skill 4 given Skill 1, Skill 2, Skill 5, and
Skill3, p(4 |1 , 2 , 5 , 3 ), in terms of the parameters of the model.
b. How could the conditional probabilities p(3 |1 , 2 , 5 ) and p(4 |1 , 2 , 5 , 3 )
be monitored in WinBUGS?
c. Create an alternative model for the latent variables that honors the substantive
theory but does not involve the intermediary variable MN. That is, create a
model that specifies 3 and 4 as directly dependent on 1, 2, and 5 (and pos-
sibly each other).
14.3 Write out the joint distribution for the entities depicted in Figure14.13 in terms
of recursive conditional distributions given other entities.
14.4 Compute the marginal distributions for the entities in the DBN for Save Patch
example in Figure14.14 in the following situations.
a. Using the prior probability of possessing the Adding Unit Fractions skill at
Time 1 of .70 and the conditional probability tables in Tables 14.5 and 14.6,
compute the marginal distributions for all the entities. Verify your results with
Figure14.14 panel (a).
b. Suppose the examinee exhibits an Unknown Error on their first attempt.
Compute the posterior distribution for the Adding Unit Fractions skill at Time
1, and the posterior predictive distribution for the remaining entities. Verify
your results with Figure14.14 panel (b).
390 Bayesian Psychometric Modeling

c. Suppose the examinee next exhibits a Wrong Numerator Error on their sec-
ond attempt. Compute the posterior distribution for the Adding Unit Fractions
skill at Time 1 and at Time 2, and the posterior predictive distribution for the
remaining entities. Verify your results with Figure14.14 panel (c).
d. Suppose the examinee next completes the level with a Standard Solution
on their third attempt. Compute the posterior distribution for the Adding
Unit Fractions skill at Time 1, Time 2, and Time 3. Verify your results with
Figure14.14 panel (d).
e. Given the observations of these three attempts, what is the probability that the
examinee possesses the Adding Unit Fractions skill at Time4?

We conclude our treatment of Bayesian psychometric modeling in this chapter first by

summarizing the main developments in Section 15.1. In Section 15.2, we work through
a situation where caution is warranted in applying the principles we have espoused. We
conclude the chapter with some parting words in Section15.3.

15.1 Bayes as a Useful Framework

Our investigation began by seeking a way to support or make claims about examinees in
assessment, and we landed on the posterior distribution p( | x ) as an expression of what
we believe about examinees having observed the data. Recognizing that the evidentiary
value of the data may vary from task to task in ways we might not precisely know before
we collect the data, we extended this out to p(, | x ) that now expresses what we believe
about examinees and the psychometric properties of tasks they interacted with that pro-
duced the data. This could be further extended, for example, to include posterior represen-
tations for hyperparameters that govern these parameters or data not yet observed, but for
our current purposes of summarizing the broad themes, this level of generality is suffi-
cient. Exchangeability, de Finettis representation theorem, and conditional independence
relationships are indispensable tools for setting up probability models in service of arriv-
ing at posterior distributions via Bayes theorem. We have endeavored to articulate how
these ideas play out in popular psychometric modeling families by providing introductory
treatments of Bayesian approaches to these models, highlighting common choices made
in specifying these models. We may summarize the thrust behind adopting a Bayesian
approach, which cuts across the modeling families and choices, with two points:

1. p(, | x ) is what we want. It is the result of first encoding a real-world situation

in terms of a probability model that honors and makes explicit our substantive
understanding of the situation and purposes, and then reasoning through that
model to express what we believe about what we do not know, based on what we
do know.
2. p(, | x ) is attainable. The power of Markov chain Monte Carlo has allowed us to
obtain posterior distributions even in very complex models, including situations
where other approaches are intractable.

The specifics of these ideas and how their extensions play out in particular psychometric
modeling families are instantiations of a general approach described in Chapter7. We orga-
nized our presentation in terms of the psychometric modeling families mainly for didactic
reasons. We resist the notion that there are sharp boundaries between these families or
that analysts must choose from among them. Instead, we advocate a modular approach to

392 Bayesian Psychometric Modeling

modeling (Rupp, 2002) that views the models we have covered as some of the options in a
menu of structures that we can call into service, combine, modify, and extend as needed.
These are tools to help us achieve some of inferential goals we have when we employ mod-
els, and serve as useful answers to the questions and needs that we have in assessment.
Want to characterize examinees in terms of a continuum of proficiency? Use a continu-
ous latent variable (Chapters8, 9, and 11). Want to also characterize examinees in terms
of finite distinct strategies they use? Use a discrete latent variable for that (Chapters 13
and 14). Want to pursue learning during the assessment? Build a transition component for
change over time (Chapter14). Are examinees organized in terms of meaningful clusters,
or can tasks be grouped in terms of common design features? Add a multilevel structure
with collateral information to render them conditionally exchangeable (Sections9.7 and
11.7.4). And so on. In this text, we have mentioned some of these situations, with pointers
to examples of applications that blur the boundaries between the modeling families as we
have organized them.
We advance that Bayesian approaches allow us to better build and reason with statistical
models. We have examined how such approaches play out in several different psychometric
modeling paradigms, as well as when it comes to statistical issues that transcend psycho-
metric applications such as model-data fit and accommodating missing data. Our view is
that a Bayesian perspective provides an attractive framework for accomplishing reasoning
activities. It allows us to derive things as seemingly disparate as the posterior predictive
distribution for missing data on the one hand and Kelleys formula for estimating true
scores in CTT on the other hand. It has the technical machinery that allows us to carry
our uncertainty from one stage of analysis forward to a later stage, and the technical and
conceptual flexibility to build models with different degrees of firmness of constraints to
reflect the different firmness of our substantive beliefs or theories. Though Bayes is the not
only way to think about the sorts of things that go on in psychometrics, it is a powerful and
useful way to approach psychometric challenges, old and new.
Throughout the second part of the book, we have described a number of psychometric
activities and applications that lend themselves to, or benefit from, adopting a Bayesian
perspective. There are more, many of which may be characterized as capitalizing on one
or more of the key advantages of Bayesian inference, such as leveraging prior information,
properly accounting for uncertainty, borrowing strength across hierarchical structures,
and updating beliefs as information arrives. Examples in assessment include modeling the
use of raters (Cao, Stokes, & Zhang, 2010; Johnson, 1996; Patz, Junker, Johnson, & Mariano,
2002), equating (Baldwin, 2011; Karabatsos & Walker, 2009; Liu, Schulz, & Yu, 2008;
Mislevy, Sheehan, & Wingerksy, 1993), vertical scaling (Patz & Yao, 2007), determining test
length (Hambleton, 1984; Novick & Lewis, 1974), obtaining scores based on subsets of the
assessment (de la Torre & Patz, 2005; Edwards & Vevea, 2006), evidence identification with
complex work products (Johnson, 1996; Rudner & Liang, 2002), modeling in the absence
of predetermined evidence identification rules (Karabatsos & Batchelder, 2003; Oravecz,
Anders, & Batchelder, 2013), and instrument development and validation (Gajewski, Price,
Coffland, Boyle, & Bott, 2013; Jiang etal., 2014).
Bayesian approaches have also been advanced for examining the viability of a psycho-
metric model and our understandings of the real-world assessment situation, including
detecting aberrant responses (Bradlow & Weiss, 2001; Bradlow, Weiss, & Cho, 1998) or
response times (Marianti, Fox, Avetisyan, Veldkamp, & Tijmstra, 2014; van der Linden &
Guo, 2008), item preknowledge (McLeod, Lewis, & Thissen, 2003; Segall, 2002), cheating
(van der Linden & Lewis, 2015), sensitivity to instruction (Naumann, Hochweber, & Hartig,
2014), and measurement noninvariance or differential functioning (Frederickx, Tuerlinckx,
Conclusion 393

De Boeck, & Magis, 2010; Fukuhara & Kamata, 2011; Sinharay, Dorans, Grant, & Blew, 2009;
Soares, Goncalves, & Gamerman, 2009; Verhagen & Fox, 2013; Wang, Bradlow, Wainer, &
Muller, 2008; Zwick, Thayer, & Lewis, 1999). The last of these topics is an example of where
Bayesian methods have been advanced because they support the formal inclusion of loss
or utility functions (Zwick, Thayer, & Lewis, 2000), and because they afford improving
our understanding over time as data accrue (Sinharay etal., 2009; Zwick, Ye, Isham, 2012).
Bayesian perspectives have also allowed for the resolution of paradoxes and deeper under-
standings of commonalities that cut across latent variable modeling families (van Rijn &
Rijmen, 2015).
We can employ latent variable models to account for the presence of measurement error
in larger models that focus on relationships among constructs, sampling, or other aspects
of designs. Again, a Bayesian approach has much to recommend it conceptually and in
terms of overcoming difficulties associated with conventional approaches. Plausible values
methodology is one instance. Others include models that acknowledge measurement error
in predictors and outcomes (Fox & Glas, 2003) as in structural equation models (Kaplan
& Depaoli, 2012; Lee, 2007; Levy & Choi, 2013; Song & Lee, 2012) and generalized linear
latent and mixed models (Hsieh, von Eye, Maier, Hsieh, & Chen, 2013; Segawa etal., 2008),
and the integration of latent variable measurement models of the sort described here with
generalizability theory (Briggs & Wilson, 2007).

15.2 Some Caution in Mechanically (or Unthinkingly)

Using Bayesian Approaches
We should build our model to connect what we want to make an inference about to the
data that will serve as evidence in making that inference. Models reflect our beliefs and
purposes, which may partially conflict. This necessitates careful thought and underscores
the larger point that modeling is often an exercise in making explicit what are the relevant
features of the situation to the inference at hand.
To develop this, consider the following situation that could arise in any of the psycho-
metric models considered, but is perhaps easiest to see in the context of Kelleys formula for
scoring in CTT. Our discussion here is an abstraction of the types of situations described in
Exercise8.4, and readers may wish to recall their thinking and answers to questions posed
there when considering the following. Recall that, under the assumptions articulated in
Chapter8, Kelleys formula may be seen as yielding the posterior mean or EAP estimate
for the examinees true score, expressing how observed scores should be shrunk back to
toward the mean of the true scores. Repeating (8.18) here,

Ti|xi = xi + (1 )T = T + ( xi T ).

Suppose we have examinees from two groups that differ in terms of their true score mean
on some educational test. The application of Kelleys formula here could then be with
respect to the group-specific true score mean (Kelley, 1947). Letting T(g) denote the true
score mean for group g and assuming that the reliability is constant across groups and
0 < < 1, the EAP estimate for examinee i that is a member of group g is

Ti ( g )|xi = xi + (1 )T ( g ) = T ( g ) + ( xi T ( g ) ). (15.1)
394 Bayesian Psychometric Modeling

This value may differ for examinees that have the same values of x but belong to differ-
ent groups. Suppose examinees in group A are on average higher scoring than those in
groupB; that is, T ( A ) > T ( B ). An examinee who is a member of group B will have a lower
EAP estimate than a member of a group A, even though their scores on the test are the
same. Moreover, the direction that the observed score is shrunk may differ. Let x0 be a
particular test score where T ( A ) > x0 > T ( B ). An examinee in group A with a score of x0 on
the test will have her/his true score estimate shrunk up, toward T(A), while an examinee
in group B with a score of x0 on the test will have her/his true score estimate shrunk down,
toward T(B). Exercise 8.4 illustrated this and contained a more extreme example where an
examinee who was a member of group B had a higher observed score than an examinee
from group A, but had a lower estimated true score.
Such an analysis is perfectly in line with Bayesian reasoning. If there are known or
believed differences between the groups true score means, building a model that includes
all salient aspects of the real-world situation would yield a multiple-group model with
varying T(g) for the different groups. Put another way, if groups differ in ways that mat-
ter, we should condition on group membership and incorporate that in our analysis. Ifan
examinee is a member of a lower scoring group, our estimate about their proficiency
should be downgraded, relative to an examinee that performed the same but is member of
a higher scoring group.
But in many cases, doing so runs afoul of our sense of fairness and would violate some
of the spirit if not the letter of the laws and professional standards regarding assessment
in education and related settings (AERA, APA, NCME, 2014; Camilli, 2006; Phillips &
Camara, 2006). How to reconcile this seeming nefarious implication of adopting a Bayesian
approach to scoring? The answer lies in recognizing that modeling is purpose oriented and
our models should be built to reflect the purposes of inferences as well as our beliefs. We
can understand the implications of purposes for psychometric modeling in the current
context by distinguishing between using tests as measurements versus tests as contests
(Holland, 1994; Wainer & Thissen, 1994). When a test is conceived of as a measurement,
accuracy is paramount. If group-specific applications of Kelleys formula yield more accu-
rate estimates, so be it.*
One area where the test-as-measurement metaphor typically works well is medical diag-
nosis. Two patients with the same symptoms or results from medical tests may have dif-
fering posterior probabilities of a disease based on, say, gender, race, or family history of
disease. We are perfectly content for doctors to take such group membership into account
when forming beliefs about our physical condition. We want them to take such things into
account on the grounds that it leads to more accurate diagnoses.
What is different about assessment in education and similar settings that would make
many of us recoil at the notion that examinees receive different proficiency estimates
based on their gender, or race, or family history? The answer, at least partially, is that in
education and related settings, assessments are often used as contests with consequences
for examinees that are linked to the consequences for the other examinees. Unlike medi-
cal diagnosis, where the consequences of one patients diagnosis are unrelated to those for
other patients, in assessments-as-contests, we have notions of someone winning (a student
is selected for a reward as in Exercise8.4, an applicant is selected for admission or hired,

* Interestingly, some have advocated that if we want a more accurate portrait of an examinees capabilities, we
should not only ignore what Kelleys formula implies, but in fact we should shift examinees scores in the
opposite direction than what Kelleys formula implies. This has generally not borne out when evaluated for
accuracy (Wainer & Brown, 2007).
Conclusion 395

a student or employee is promoted to the next grade or job) and a corresponding notion of
others losing. Accuracy remains important of course, but now principles of fairness take
precedence, which dictates that the same performance should yield the same score and
assignment of rewards. A seemingly paradigmatic example comes from athletic competi-
tions. At the moment the starter pistol is fired, we might believe that one Olympic mara-
thon runner is faster than another runner based on what country they are from or the past
performances of these runners. And even though we might still have these same beliefs
about the runners capabilities broadly construed when the former loses to the latter, we
should nevertheless award the medals based on the order they finish the race that day and
nothing else.*
On this view, the distasteful nature of the notion that examinees with the same observed
performance in an educational test receive different EAP estimates based on their group
membership is the result of viewing the test as a contest rather than a measurement.
Aproper treatment of the test as a contest would preclude the differential EAPs for stu-
dents with the same observed score on the basis of group membership. The solution here
is not to cast aside Kelleys formula or principles of Bayesian modeling on the grounds
that using such models that are based on our substantive beliefs leads to unacceptable
situations. Rather, we recognize that our models should be built in accordance not only
with what we believe about the situation, but our purposes as well. When our beliefs and
purposes are in conflict, some of the aspects of the former may need to be excluded from
the model to preserve some aspects of the latter. What models we use should reflect our
purposes, and we might intentionally use a model that does not fully capture our beliefs
about the world if the situation calls for it. In the situation at hand, we would be perfectly
content to build a model that does not distinguish between groups, in effect conducting a
single group analysisagain using Kelleys formula or Bayesian inference more generally.
Importantly, a Bayesian approach to modeling calls for the analyst to make more explicit
what aspects of the real-world situation are built into the model.

15.3 Final Words

As the preceding example highlighted, our model is a story, not only of the world as we
understand it, but aimed at affecting a certain outcome, facilitating the inferences we
would like to make. Regardless of statistical framework we adopt, we strive to get our
story straightaimed at what we desire to reason about, reflecting our beliefs, purposes,
and constraints. Bayesian approaches to psychometric modeling serve us in two ways:
they enable us to tell better stories, and provide us better ways to tell them.

* Provocatively, some have argued that when the observations of athletic performances are prone to measure-
ment error, the Bayesian approach that yields higher accuracy at the price of fairness as we have presented it
is to be preferred, even on the considerations of fairness (Moore, 2009).
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Appendix A: Full Conditional Distributions

We develop the full conditional distributions for regression (Chapter 6), CTT (Chapter8),
CFA (Chapter 9), IRT (Chapter 11), and LCA (Chapter 13) models in Sections A.1throughA.5,
respectively. For each model, we restate the posterior distribution and then pursue the
full conditionals. For completeness and transparency in the full conditionals, we expand
beyond what was presented in the chapters to include conditioning on the hyperparam-
eters. When the hyperparameters are specified in advance, they are not random variables
in the sense of other model parameters and the data. However, including them serves to
highlight that they are involved in the computations and aligns with the use of expanded
DAGs that include them, as the full conditional distribution for any unknown is con-
structed by conditioning on its parents, children, and other parents of its children. Known
hyperparameters fall into the first of these categories. In several places, we denote the
arguments of the distribution (e.g., mean vector and covariance matrix for a normal dis-
tribution) with subscripts denoting that it refers to the full conditional distribution; the
subscripts are then just the conditioning notation of the left-hand side.
Many of the specifications involve normal distributions that afford conditional conju-
gacy relationships through the application of standard Bayesian results for models assum-
ing normality; see Lindley and Smith (1972) and Rowe (2003) for extensive treatments of
these results.

A.1 Regression
In regression, the unknowns include the intercept (0), the coefficients ( = (1 ,, J )) for
the predictors (x), and the error variance (2). We seek the posterior distribution for these
unknowns given the predictors and the outcomes (y).
We first develop the full conditional distributions for an approach where univariate
prior distributions for the parameters are specified. We then develop the full conditional
distributions for a more general version of the model, which illustrates certain features of
Bayesian inference.

A.1.1 Univariate Priors and Full Conditionals

Under the specifications in Chapter 6, the posterior distribution is given by (6.14), expressed
here as

n J

p(0 , , 2 |y , x )
i =1
p( )p( ),
p( yi |0 , , 2 , xi )p(0 )
j =1

398 Appendix A


yi |0 , , 2 , x i ~ N (0 + 1xi 1 + + J xiJ , 2 ) for i = 1, , n, (A.2)

0 ~ N (0 , 20 ), (A.3)

j ~ N ( , 2 ) for j = 1, , J , (A.4)


2 ~ Inv-Gamma( 0/2, 020 /2). (A.5)

For the intercept, the full conditional can be expressed as

p(0 |1 , , J , 2 , 0 , 20 , y , x ) p(y|0 , 1 , , J , 2 , x )p(0 |0 , 20 ). (A.6)

Working with the first term on the right-hand side, we can represent the conditional dis-
tribution of the outcomes as

y|0 , , 2 , x ~ N (10 + x11 + + x J J , 2 I ), (A.7)

where 1 is an (n 1) vector of 1s, xj is the (n 1) vector of values for individuals on the jth
predictor, and I is an (n n) identity matrix. In the full conditional distribution for 0, the
coefficients 1 , , J are known. We may therefore rewrite (A.7) as

([y ( x11 + + x J J )]|0 , , 2 , x ) ~ N (10 , 2 I ). (A.8)

Using this as the first term on the right-hand side of (A.6) and the prior distribution in (A.3)
as the second term, then by standard results of Bayes theorem it can be shown that the full
conditional distribution is (Lindley & Smith, 1972)

0 |1 , , J , 2 , 0 , 20 , y , x ~ N (0|1 ,, J ,2 ,0 ,2 , 20|1 ,, J ,2 ,0 ,2 ), (A.9)

0 , y , x 0 , y , x

1 n 1[y ( x11 +  + x J J )]
0|1,, J ,2 ,0 ,2 ,y , x = 2 + 2 20 +
0 0 2
1 n
20|1 ,, J , 2 ,0 , 2 ,y ,x
= 2 + 2 .

For the first slope, the full conditional can be expressed as

p(1 |0 , 2 , , J , 2 , 1 , 21 , y , x ) p(y|0 , 1 , , J , 2 , x )p(1 |1 , 21 ). (A.10)

In the full conditional distribution for 1, the coefficients 0 , 2 , , J are known. We may
therefore rewrite (A.7) as

([y (10 + x 22 + + x J J )]|0 , , 2 , x ) ~ N ( x11 , 2 I ). (A.11)

Appendix A 399

Using this as the first term on the right-hand side of (A.10) and the prior distribution in
(A.4) as the second term, then by standard results of Bayes theorem it can be shown that
the full conditional distribution is (Lindley & Smith, 1972)

1 |0 , 2 , , J , 2 , 1 , 21 , y , x ~ N (1|0 ,2 ,, J , 2 ,1 , 2 ,y ,x
, 21|0 ,2 ,, J , 2 ,1 , 2 ,y,x
), (A.12)
1 1

1 x x x [y (10 + x 22 + + x J J )]
1|0 ,2 ,, J ,2 ,1 ,2 ,y , x = 2 + 1 2 1 21 + 1
1 2
1 x x
1|0 ,2 ,, J ,2 ,1 ,2 , y , x
= 2 + 1 21 .

The same process can be applied for each regression coefficient. To present all of them
compactly, we work with a matrix representation of the regression model,

y| A , 2 , x ~ N ( x A A , 2 I ), (A.13)

where x A is an (n [J + 1]) augmented predictor matrix obtained by combining an (n 1)

column vector of 1s to the predictor matrix x and A is a ([J + 1] 1) augmented vector of
coefficients obtained by combining the intercept 0 with the J coefficients in . Let A ( j )
denote the (J 1) vector obtained by omitting j from A . Similarly let x A(j) denote the
(nJ) matrix obtained by omitting the column of values of xj from x A. When j > 0, xj refers
to column vector with values for the jth predictor; and when j = 0, xj refers to the column
vector of 1s. The full conditional distribution for j , j = 0,, J, is then

j | A( j ) , 2 , j , 2 j , y , x ~ N ( j| A( j ) , 2 , j , 2 ,y ,x
, 2 j| A( j ) , 2 , j , 2 ,y ,x
), (A.14)
j j

1 xj x j j xj (y x A( j )A( j ) )
j| A( j ) ,2 , j ,2 = 2 + 2 2 + (A.15)
, y,x j 2

1 xj x j
= 2 + 2 . (A.16)
j| A ( j ) , 2 , j , 2 , y , x j


When j = 0, j and 2 j in (A.15) and (A.16) refer to the prior mean and variance of the inter-
cept, which we had denoted 0 and 20 in (A.3). When j > 1, j and 2 j in (A.15) and (A.16)
refer to the prior mean and variance of the coefficient for the jth predictor, which under
exchangeability was denoted by and 2 in (A.4).
Turning to 2, the full conditional treats A as known and the situation is akin to that of
the full conditional distribution for the variance in a univariate normal distribution in (5.10)
and (5.11). In the current context of regression, the full conditional distribution for 2 can be
shown to be (Rowe, 2003)
400 Appendix A

+ n 020 + SS(E )
2 | A , 0 , 20 , y , x ~ Inv-Gamma 0 , , (A.17)
2 2
SS(E ) = (y x A A) (y x A A).

Note the similarity between (A.17) and the full conditional for the variance in a model for
a univariate normal distribution in (5.10) and (5.11). In that context, the sums of squares
was taken with respect to the model-implied mean of the data. In the current context, each
individual has their own model-implied mean, given by the regression model. Hence, the
sum of squares is constructed as (y x A A ) (y x A A ).

A.1.2 Multivariate Prior andFullConditionalforInterceptand

Regression Coefficients
Here, we develop the full conditional distributions for a more general version of the model
in terms of A, which aids in illustrating several features of Bayesian inference. Under this
specification the posterior distribution is

p( A , 2 |y , x ) p(y| A , 2 , x )p( A )p(2 ). (A.18)

The first term on the right-hand side is the conditional distribution of the data given by (A.7).
We specify a multivariate normal prior for A,

A ~ N ( A , A ), (A.19)

where A is a (J + 1) prior mean vector and A is a ([J + 1] [J + 1]) prior covariance matrix.
Tocomplete the model, we specify the inverse-gamma prior distribution for 2 as in (A.5).
It can be shown that the full conditional distribution for A is (Lindley & Smith, 1972)

A |2 , A , A , y , x ~ N ( A|2 ,A , A , y , x , A|2 ,A , A , y , x ), (A.20)

1 1
A|2 ,A ,A ,y, x = 1A + 2 xA x A 1A A + 2 xA y

A|2 ,A , A , y, x = 1A + 2 xA x A .

The full conditional for 2 remains as in (A.17).

This model allows for a prior covariance matrix specification on the augmented vector
of coefficients. The model with the univariate prior distributions may be seen as a spe-
cial case, enacted by specifying A = (0 , 1 ,, J )and A as a diagonal matrix with
(20 , 21 , , 2 J ) along the diagonal.
This example highlights several principles of Bayesian modeling. First, note that we can
specify the posterior mean for the augmented regression coefficients as
Appendix A 401

1 1
A|2 ,A , A , y, x = 1A + 2 xA x A 1A A + 2 xA x A A ,

A = ( xA x A ) xA y

is the point estimate for the augmented regression coefficients from an ML or least-squares
solution. The posterior mean A|2 ,y, x is seen as a precision-weighted average of the prior
mean A and the point estimate based on the data alone A, where the weights are given
by the prior precision 1A (i.e., the inverse of the prior variance), and the precision in the
data xA x A 2 (i.e., the inverse of the sampling variance of
Second, the model with univariate priors for the intercept and coefficients reflects an
assumption of a priori independence between these parameters. In the current representation,
this manifests itself as A being diagonal. However, inspection of A|2 ,A ,A ,y, x reveals that its
off-diagonal elements will not necessarily be 0. This reveals that specifying a priori indepen-
dence does not force the parameters to be independent in the posterior. If the data imply that
they are dependent, the posterior distribution will reflect that.

A.2 Classical Test Theory

In CTT, the unknowns include the examinees continuous true scores (T), the mean of the true
scores (T), the variance of the true scores (T2 ), and the error variance (E2 ). We seek the posterior
distribution for these unknowns given the continuous observables (x). Under the assumptions
specified in Chapter 8, the posterior distribution is given by (8.47), re-expressed here as

n J

p(T , T , T2 , E2 |x ) p(x |T , )p(T | , )p( )p( )p( ),

i =1 j =1
ij i
E i T
E (A.21)

xij |Ti , E2 ~ N (Ti , E2 ) for i = 1, , n, j = 1, , J , (A.22)

Ti |T , T2 ~ N (T , T2 ) for i = 1, , n, (A.23)

T ~ N (T , 2 T ), (A.24)

T2 ~ Inv-Gamma(T/2, T T20 /2), (A.25)

E2 ~ Inv-Gamma(E/2, EE20 /2). (A.26)

A.2.1 Latent Variables

Given the other parameters and the observed scores for the examinee, the true score for
an examinee (Ti ) is conditionally independent of the true scores for the other examinees
(denoted T( i )) and the observable values for the other examinees. This allows for the sim-
plification of the full conditional distribution for each examinees true score,
402 Appendix A

p(Ti |T( i ) , T , T2 , E2 , x ) = p(Ti |T , T2 , E2 , xi ) p( xi |Ti , E2 )p(Ti |T , T2 ).

In the full conditional distribution T, T2 , and E2 are treated as known, which was the case
discussed in Section 8.2 where we noted that this may be viewed as the situation where a
sufficient statistic for the observables is normally distributed. Repeating (8.32),

xi |Ti , E2 ~ N Ti , E .

The prior for the unknown mean Ti in is normal with hyperparameters T and T2 that are
treated as known here. This is therefore an instance of a posterior for the unknown mean
of a normal distribution treating the variance and hyperparameters as known. The full
conditional is

Ti |T , T2 , E2 , xi ~ N (Ti|T ,2 ,2 , xi , T2i|T ,2 ,2 , xi ), (A.27)



Ti| T ,2 ,2 , xi =
( ) + ( Jx )
T i

(1 ) + ( J )


T2i| T ,2 ,2 , xi = .
(1/ ) (
T + J/E2 )

A.2.2 Mean and Variance of the Latent Variables

Given the true scores T, the mean of the true scores T is conditionally independent of the
observables x and the error variance E2 . The full conditional for the mean of the true scores
T can therefore be simplified as

p(T |T , T2 , E2 , T , 2 T , x ) = p(T |T , T2 ) p(T|T , E2 )p(T |T , 2 T ),

where the prior distribution p(T) is given in (A.24). Again, this is a situation where vari-
ables (here, T) are normally distributed with a known variance (T2 ) and unknown mean
(T), which is normally distributed with known hyperparameters (T and 2 T ). The full
conditional distribution for T is therefore

T |T , T2 , T , 2 T ~ N (T|T,2 ,T ,2 , 2 T|T ,2 ,T ,2 ), (A.28)



T|T ,2 ,T ,2 =
( ) + ( nT )

(1 ) + ( n )
Appendix A 403

2 1 n
T|T,T2 ,T , 2
= 2 + 2 .

Given the true scores T, the variance of the true scores T2 is conditionally independent of
the observables x and the error variance E2 . The full conditional for the variance of the true
scores T2 can therefore be simplified as

p( T2 |T , T , E2 , T , T20 , x ) = p( T2 |T , T , T , T20 ) p(T|T , T2 )p(T2 |T , T20 ),

where the prior distribution p ( T ) is given in (A.25). This situation is the same as was

encountered in Section 4.2, where we have a set of variables (T) that are normally distrib-
uted with a known mean (T) and unknown variance (T2 ), which has an inverse-gamma
prior distribution with known hyperparameters (T and T20 ). The full conditional distribu-
tion for T2 is therefore

+ n T T20 + SS(T )
T2 |T , T , T , T20 ~ Inv-Gamma T , , (A.29)
2 2

SS(T ) = (T ) .
i =1
i T

A.2.3 Error Variance

Given the observables x and the true scores T, the error variance E2 is conditionally inde-
pendent of the mean of the true scores T and the variance of the true scores T2 . The full
conditional for the error variance E2 can therefore be simplified as

p( E2 |T , T , T2 , E , E20 , x ) = p( E2 |T , E , E20 , x )

p( x|T , E2 )p(E2 |E , E20 )


= p(x |T , )p( | ,
i =1
i i
E0 ),

where the prior distribution for E2 is given in (A.26). We have for each examinee i a col-
lection of variables (xi) that is normally distributed with known mean (Ti ) and unknown
variance E2 that is constant across examinees and has an inverse-gamma prior distribution
with known hyperparameters (E and E20 ). This is actually a special case of that derived
for the error variance in regression in (A.17). There, the subject-specific mean was given by
the regression function. Here, the examinee-specific mean is given by the true score for the
examinee, akin to an intercept-only regression model. The full conditional distribution for
E2 is therefore

+ nJ EE20 + SS(E )
E2 |T , E , E20 , x ~ Inv-Gamma E , , (A.30)
2 2
404 Appendix A

n J

SS(E ) = (x
i =1 j =1
ij Ti )2 .

A.3 Confirmatory Factor Analysis

In CFA, the unknowns include the examinees continuous latent variables ( ), the means
), the covariance matrix for the latent variables (
of the latent variables ( ), and the inter-
cepts (), loadings (
), and error variances (collected in ) for the observables. We seek the
posterior distribution for these unknowns given the continuous observables (x).
We first develop the full conditional distributions for an approach where univariate
prior distributions for the measurement model parameters are specified. We then develop
the full conditional distributions for a more general version of the model that employs
multivariate priors for each observables intercept and loadings.

A.3.1 Univariate Priors and Full Conditionals

Under the assumptions specified in Chapter 9, the posterior distribution is given by (9.31)
and can be expressed as
n J M

p( , , , , , |x ) p(x | , , , )p( |, )
i =1 j =1 m=1
ij i j j jj i (A.31)

p( m )p()p( j )p( jm )p( jj ),

xij | i , j , j , jj ~ N ( j + i j , jj ) for i = 1,, n, j = 1,, J, (A.32)

i | , ~ N ( , ) for i = 1,, n, (A.33)

m ~ N ( , 2 ) for m = 1, , M , (A.34)

~ Inv-Wishart(0 , d), (A.35)

j ~ N ( , 2 ) for j = 1, , J , (A.36)

jm ~ N ( , 2 ) for j = 1, , J , m = 1, , M , (A.37)

jj ~ Inv-Gamma( /2, 0/2). (A.38)

A.3.1.1 Measurement Model Parameters

Given the latent variables, the measurement model parameters ( , , ) are conditionally
independent of the means of the latent variables and the covariance matrix of the latent
variables. Further, given the values for the jth observable xj (i.e., the jth column of x), the
measurement model parameters for that observable are conditionally independent of the
Appendix A 405

other observables and the measurement model parameters for those other observables.
Suppressing the notation for the hyperparameters for the moment,

p( , , | , , , x ) = p( , , | , x ) = p( , , |, x ),
j =1
j j jj j

and we may proceed with the measurement model parameters one observable at a time.
For the jth observable,

p( j , j , jj | , x j ) p( x j | , j , j , jj )p( j )p( j )p( jj ),

where j = ( j1 ,, jM ), p( j ) = mM=1 p( jm ), and p( j ), p( jm ), and p( jj ) are the prior distribu-

tions specified in (A.36) through (A.38). In these full conditionals the latent variables are
treated as known. Thus the model is the same as the multiple regression model, now with
the jth observable xj as the outcome and the latent variables as the (treated-as-known)
predictors. We proceed using the strategies adopted there (Section A.1). Let A denote the
(n[M+ 1]) augmented matrix of latent variables obtained by combining an (n 1) col-
umn vector of 1s to the matrix of latent variables and let jA denote the ([M + 1] 1) aug-
mented vector of loadings obtained by combining the intercept j with the M loadings in j.
Let jA( m) denote the (M 1) vector obtained by omitting jm from jA . Similarly let A( m)
denote the (n M) matrix obtained by omitting the column of values of m from A. When
m > 0, jm refers to the loading for observable j on the mth latent variable and m refers to
column vector with values for the mth latent variable. When j = 0, jm refers to the intercept
for observable j and m refers to the column vector of 1s. Reintroducing the hyperparam-
eters into the notation, the full conditional distribution for jm , m = 0,, M is then

jm | , jA( m) , jj , , 2 , x j ~ N ( jm| , jA( m ) , jj , ,2 , x j , 2 jm| , jA( m ) , jj , ,2 , x j ), (A.39)

1 1 1 1
jm| , jA( m ) , jj , ,2 , x j = 2 + m m 2 jm + m ( x j A( m) jA( m) )
jm jj
jm jj

1 1
2 jm| , jA( m ) , jj , ,2 , x j = 2 + m m .
jm jj

The full conditional for jj is then

+ n 0 + SS(E j )
jj | , jA , , 0 , x j ~ Inv-Gamma , , (A.40)
2 2


SS(E j ) = ( x j A jA )( x j A jA ).
406 Appendix A

A.3.1.2 Latent Variable Means and Covariance Matrix

), the full conditional distributions for the means of the latent vari-
Given the latent variables (
ables are independent of the observables (x) and the measurement model parameters ( , , ),

p( | , , , , , , , x ) = p( | , , , ) p(| , )p( | , ). (A.41)

Equation (A.33) implies that the first term on the right-hand side is the multivariate nor-
mal conditional distribution of the treated-as-known latent variables given the unknown
means and the treated-as-known covariance matrix. The second term is a multivariate
normal prior distribution

~ N ( , ).

This is a generalzation of the prior in (A.34); the specification in (A.34) obtains when is
diagonal. It can be shown (Lindley & Smith, 1972) that the full conditional distribution is

| , , , ~ N ( | , , , , | , , , ). (A.42)

| , , , = ( 1 + n 1 )1( 1 + n 1 ),

| , , , = ( 1 + n 1 )1,

and is the (M 1) vector of means of the treated-as-known latent variables over the n
Given the latent variables, the full conditional distribution for the covariance matrix of the
latent variables is independent of the observables and the measurement model parameters,

p(| , , , , , 0 , d, x ) = p(| , , 0 , d) p(| , )p(|0 , d).

Equation (A.33) implies that the first term on the right-hand side is the multivariate nor-
mal conditional distribution of the treated-as-known latent variables given the treated-as-
known means and the unknown covariance matrix, as in (A.41). The second term is the
inverse-Wishart prior distribution in (A.35). Treating the latent variables as known, this
is a situation where variables () are normally distributed with known means ( ) and
an unknown covariance. In this case, the inverse-Wishart prior distribution with known
hyperparameters ( 0 and d) is conjugate and by standard analyses (Rowe, 2003) the full
conditional distribution is

| , , 0 , d ~ Inv-Wishart(d0 + nS , d + n), (A.43)


( )( ).
S = i i
n i

A.3.1.3 Latent Variables

The exchangeability and conditional independence assumptions imply that the full con-
ditional distribution for the latent variables may be factored into the product of examinee-
specific full conditional distributions
Appendix A 407

n n

p( | , , , , , x ) = i =1
p( i | , , , , , xi ) p(x | , , , )p( |, ),
i =1
i i i

where xi = (xi1,, xiJ) is the collection of J observed values from examinee i. The second
term on the right-hand side is the prior distribution for the examinees latent variables,
given by (A.33). The first term on the right-hand side is the conditional distribution of the
observables for the examinee, given by (9.13) and restated here:

xi | i , , , ~ N ( + i , ).

Recognizing that is a constant in the full conditional distribution, we may express this as

( xi )| i , , ~ N ( i , ),

which has a form amenable to standard Bayesian analysis (Lindley & Smith, 1972), such
that the full conditional distribution is

i | , , , , , xi ~ N ( i| , , , , , xi , i| , , , , , xi ), (A.44)


i| , , , , , xi = ( 1 + 1 )1( 1 + 1( xi ))


i| , , , , , xi = ( 1 + 1 )1.

A.3.2 Multivariate Priors and FullConditionalsforEachObservables

Interceptand Loadings
As was noted in Section A.1, a multivariate approach to prior specification affords sim-
plicity in the full conditionals for regression models. Recognizing that there is a regression
structure for each observable, this section develops the full conditionals for the model
using a multivariate prior specification for the intercept and loadings for each observable.
Rather than specify univariate normal priors for the intercept and loadings individually,
we employ a multivariate normal prior for the intercept and loadings for each observable j,
jA ~ N ( jA , jA ), (A.45)

where jA is an (M + 1) prior mean vector and jA is a ([M + 1] [M + 1]) prior covariance

matrix. All other prior distributions remain the same.
The full conditional distribution for jA is then

jA | , jj , A , A , x j ~ N ( jA| , jj , A , A , x j , jA| , jj , A , A , x j ), (A.46)

1 1 1
jA| , jj , A , A , x j = 1A + A A A A + A x j ,
jj jj
408 Appendix A

jA| , jj , A , A , x j = 1A + A A ,
and xj = (x1j,, xnj) is the (n 1) vector of observed values for observable j. The other full
conditional distributions remain the same.

A.4 Item Response Theory

This section develops the full conditionals for the latent response variable formulation
of the unidimensional two-parameter normal ogive IRT model described in Section 11.8.
Here, the unknowns of inferential interest include the examinees continuous latent vari-
), and the location (d) and discrimination (a) parameters. In addition, the continuous
ables (
latent response variables (x*) are unknown and part of our posterior, which is formulated
given the discrete observables (x). Under the assumptions specified in Section 11.8, the
posterior distribution is given by (11.69) and can be expressed as
n J

p(, d, a , x * |x ) p(x |x )p(x | , d , a )p( )p(d )p(a ),

i =1 j =1
ij i j j i j j (A.47)


1 if xij 0
xij |xij* = *
for i = 1, , n, j = 1, , J , (A.48)
0 if xij < 0

xij* |i , dj , a j ~ N ( a j i + dj , 1) for i = 1, , n, j = 1, , J , (A.49)

i ~ N ( , 2 ) for i = 1, , n, (A.50)
dj ~ N ( d , ) for j = 1, , J ,
d (A.51)
a j ~ N + ( a , 2a ) for j = 1, , J . (A.52)

A.4.1 Measurement Model Parameters

In this formulation of the model, the measurement model parameters characterize the
conditional distribution of the latent response variables given the latent variable. Given
the latent response variables, the measurement model parameters are conditionally inde-
pendent of the observables. Further, given the values for the jth latent response variable,
denoted x *j , the measurement model parameters for that observable, j = (dj , a j ), are con-
ditionally independent of the other latent response variables and the other measurement
model parameters. This mimics the situation for CFA. Momentarily suppressing the
hyperparameters in our notation, we have
p(|, x , x ) = p(|, x ) = *
p( |, x ).
j =1
Appendix A 409

The situation is analogous to that of CFA not only in conditional independence relation-
ships, but in distributional forms as well, where the latent response variables x *j play the
role of the observables x in CFA, j play the role of jA in CFA, play the role of in CFA,
and the error variances in CFA (i.e., the jj s) are equal to 1. The full conditional for j
therefore takes the same form as that for jA in (A.46), subject to the positivity restriction
for each a j . Reintroducing the hyperparameters into the notation,

j |, x *j , , ~ N ( j| , x *j , , , j| , x *j , , ) I ( a j > 0), (A.53)


j| , x *j , , = ( 1 + A A )1( 1 + A x *j ),

j| , x *j , , = ( 1 + A A )1 ,

A is the (n 2) augmented matrix of latent variables obtained by combining an (n 1)

column vector of 1s to the (n 1) column vector of latent variables , and I is the indicator

A.4.2 Latent Variables

Given the latent response variables, the latent variables are conditionally independent of
the observables. Further, the exchangeability and conditional independence assumptions
imply that the full conditional distribution for the latent variables may be factored into the
product of examinee-specific full conditional distributions

p(|d, a , x * , , 2 , x ) = p(|d, a , x * , , 2 )

= p( |d, a , x , , )
i =1

p(x | , d, a)p( | , ),
i =1
i i i

where x i is the collection of J observed values from examinee i. Equation (A.49) implies
that the first term on the right-hand side is the multivariate normal conditional distri-
bution of the latent response variables for the examinee. The second term on the right-
hand side is the prior distribution for the examinees latent variables, given by (A.50).
The similarity of the latent response variable formulation of IRT to CFA manifests itself
here as well, and the full conditional distribution for the latent variables here can be recog-
nized as a simpler version of the case of latent variables in CFA. Connecting the notational
elements, i here plays the role of i in CFA, dj plays the role of j in CFA, and a j plays the
role of j in CFA. What was jj in CFA is now the error variance of the latent response
variables, which is set to be 1. As the formulation of the model may be thought of as a
CFA model with error variances fixed to 1, and as we are confining our treatment to the
unidimensional model with fixed values of the parameters that govern the distribution of
the latent variables, the full conditional for each examinees latent variable is a somewhat
simpler version than that developed for CFA in Section A.3:
410 Appendix A

i |d, a , xi* , , 2 ~ N ( i|d,a , xi* , ,2 , 2i|d,a , xi* , ,2 ), (A.54)


a (x d )
( /2 ) +
ij j

i|d,a , xi* , ,2 =

(1/ ) + a


i|d ,a , xi* , ,2
= 2 +
a .


A.4.3 Latent Response Variables

Given the latent variable for examinee i, an observable variable xij, and the measurement
model parameters for the observable j = (dj , a j ), the associated latent response variable
xij* is conditionally independent of all other observables, latent response variables, latent
variables, and measurement model parameters:

n J n J

p( x * |, d,a , x ) =
i =1 j =1
p( xij* |i , dj , a j , xij ) p(x |x )p(x | , d , a ).
i =1 j =1
ij i j j

The conditional relationship of xij given xij* is deterministic. Given xij* , xij is known with
certainty, as formulated in (A.48). If xij* 0, xij = 1; if xij* < 0, xij = 0. Reversing the direction
of this relationship, knowing xij completely determines the sign of xij* and nothing else;
if xij = 1, xij* 0; if xij = 0, xij* < 0. The full conditional for xij* therefore follows the form of its
prior specification p( xij* |i , j ) subject to a truncation dictated by xij

N ( a j i + dj , 1) I ( xij* 0) if xij = 1
xij* |i , dj , a j , xij ~ *
N ( a j i + dj , 1) I ( xij < 0) if xij = 0,

where I is the indicator function.

A.5 Latent Class Analysis

In LCA, the unknowns include the examinees discrete latent variables ( ), the propor-
tions of examinees in each class ( ), and the conditional probabilities for the observables
given class membership (). We seek the posterior distribution for these unknowns given
discrete observables (x).
We first develop the full conditional distributions for the general case of a polytomous
latent variable and polytomous observable variables. We then develop the full conditional
distributions for the special case of a dichotomous latent variable and dichotomous observ-
able variables.
Appendix A 411

A.5.1 LCA with Polytomous Latent and Observable Variables

For the general case of polytomous observables and a polytomous latent variable, the pos-
terior distribution is given by (13.13), repeated here as
n J C

p(, , |x )
i =1 j =1
p( xij |i , j )p(i | )p( ) p( ),
c =1
cj (A.56)

( xij |i = c , j )~ Categorical( cj ) for i = 1,, n, j = 1,, J , (A.57)

i | ~ Categorical( ) for i = 1,, n, (A.58)

~ Dirichlet( ), (A.59)
cj ~ Dirichlet( c ) for c = 1,, C , j = 1,, J . (A.60)

A.5.1.1 Measurement Model Parameters

Given the latent variables, the measurement model parameters are conditionally inde-
pendent of the latent class proportions. Further, given the collection of values for the jth
observable xj, the measurement model parameters for that observable are conditionally
independent of the other observables and the measurement model parameters for those
other observables. That is,

p(|, , , x ) = p(|, , x ) =
j =1
p( j |, , x j ) = p( |,
j =1 c =1
cj c , x j ),

where = ( 1 ,, C ) and j = (1 j ,, Cj ) are the conditional probabilities for the jth

observable with components that are the class-specific conditional probabilities, each of which
is assigned a Dirichlet prior in (A.60). In these full conditionals, the latent variables are
treated as known, meaning we know which examinees are in each latent class. The implica-
tion is that we can construct the joint full conditional for by going observable by observable,
and for each observable by going class by class. The full conditional distribution for each cj is


p( cj |, c , x j ) p( x j |, cj )p( cj | c ) = p(x | = c, ) p( |
i =1
ij i cj cj c ),

where rc is the number of examinees in latent class c. This, along with conditioning on i = c
expresses that we are restricting attention to examinees in class c. Each of the observables
is categorically distributed (given membership in latent class c), as expressed in (A.57).
Recall that we conducted inference for the unknown parameter of repeated Bernoulli trials
by modeling the counts of successes as a binomial. Similarly, we can formulate the model
forthe current situation in terms of counts. For each observable, for each latent class, we
count the number of examinees who respond in each category of the observable. Let rcjk
denote the number of examinees in class c who have a value of k for observable j. Let rcj =
(rcj1,, rcjK) denote the collection of these counts for class c and observable j, which is suf-
ficient for inference about cj. We can re-express the full conditional distribution as
412 Appendix A

p( cj |, c , x j ) = p( cj | c , rcj ) p(rcj | cj )p( cj | c ).

The first term on the right-hand side is a multinomial and the second term is the Dirichlet
prior. Accordingly, the full conditional distribution is a Dirichlet distribution,

cj |, c , x j ~ Dirichlet( c 1 + rcj1 ,, cK + rcjK ). (A.61)

A.5.1.2 Latent Variables

The exchangeability and conditional independence assumptions imply that the full con-
ditional distribution for the latent variables may be factored into the product of examinee-
specific full conditional distributions,
n n

p(| , , x ) = p( | , , x ) p(x | , )p( | ).

i =1
i i
i =1
i i i

The first term on the right-hand side is the conditional distribution of the observables for
the examinee

p( xi |i , ) = p(x | = c, ).
j =1
ij i j (A.62)

where p( xij |i = c , j ) is given by (A.57). The second term is the prior distribution for the
examinees latent variable, given by (A.58). This is an instance of Bayes theorem for dis-
crete variables. The posterior distribution is a categorical distribution,

i | , , xi ~ Categorical(si ). (A.63)

Here, si = (si1,, siC) is a vector of probabilities obtained via Bayes theorem:

p( xi |i = c , )p(i = c| )
sic =
p( xi )

p(x | = c, )p( = c| )
j =1
ij i j i

= C J

p(x | = g, )p( = g| )
g =1 j =1
ij i j i


j =1 k =1
cjk )
I ( xij =k )
= C J K
g =1 j =1 k =1
gjk )
I ( xij =k )

where I is the indicator function.

A.5.1.3 Latent Class Proportions

Given the latent variables, the full conditional distributions for the latent class proportions
are independent of the observables and the measurement model parameters,
Appendix A 413

p( |, , , x ) = p( |, ) p(| )p( | ) = p( | )p(| ),

i =1

The first term on the right-hand side is the distribution of the treated-as-known latent vari-
ables given the unknown latent class proportions, which for each examinee is a categorical
distribution. Again, we can work with counts of the latent variables and employ a multi-
nomial distribution. Let rc denote the number of examinees for whom = c and r = (r1 , , rC )
denote the collection of these counts. We can re-express the full conditional distribution as

p( |, ) = p( |r , ) p(r | )p( | ),

where the first term on the right-hand side is a multinomial and the second term is the Dirichlet
prior in (A.59). Accordingly, the full conditional distribution is a Dirichlet distribution

|, ~ Dirichlet( 1 + r1 , , C + rC ). (A.64)

A.5.2 LCA with Dichotomous Latent and Observable Variables

We now consider the special case of dichotomous observables and a dichotomous latent
variable (i.e., C = 2), formulated as Bernoulli random variables. The posterior distribution
is given by (13.26), repeated here as
n J C

p(, , |x )
i =1 j =1
p( xij |i , j )p(i | )p( ) p( ),
c =1
cj (A.65)

where = (1 ,, J ), j = (1 j , 2 j ), cj is the probability of a value of 1 on observable j given

membership in class c, and, adopting the Bernoulli-plus-one construction that codes the
latent variable as taking a value of 1 or 2:

( xij |i = c , j )~ Bernoulli(cj ) for i = 1,, n, j = 1,, J , (A.66)

i | ~ Bernoulli( ) + 1 for i = 1,...,n, (A.67)

~ Beta( , ), (A.68)
cj ~ Beta( c , c ) for c = 1, 2, j = 1,, J . (A.69)

On this specification, is the proportion of examinees in latent class 2.

A.5.2.1 Measurement Model Parameters

Each cj is a class-specific conditional probability of a value of 1 on observable j, and is
assigned a beta prior distribution. The full conditional distribution for each cj is given by

p(cj |, c , c , x j ) p( x j |, cj )p(cj | c , c ) = p(x | = c, )p( |

i =1
ij i cj cj c , c ),

where rc is the number of examinees in latent class c. This, along with conditioning on i =c
expresses that we are restricting attention to examinees in class c. Each of the observables
414 Appendix A

is distributed as a Bernoulli (given membership in latent class c), as expressed in (A.66).

Again, we can formulate the model for the current situation in terms of counts. Let rcj denote
the number of examinees in class c (out of nc ) who have a value of 1 for observable j, which
is sufficient for inference about cj. We can re-express the full conditional distribution as

p(cj |, c , c , x j ) = p(cj | c , c , rcj ) p(rcj |cj )p(cj | c , c ).

The first term on the right-hand side is a binomial and the second term is the beta prior in
(A.69). Accordingly, the full conditional distribution is a beta distribution,

cj |, c , c , x j ~ Beta( c + rcj , c + rc rcj ). (A.70)

A.5.2.2 Latent Variables

The exchangeability and conditional independence assumptions imply that the full con-
ditional distribution for the latent variables may be factored into the product of examinee-
specific full conditional distributions,
n n

p(| , , x ) =
i =1
p(i | , , xi ) p(x | , )p( |).
i =1
i i i

The first term on the right-hand side is the conditional distribution of the observables for the
examinee, given by (A.62), where p( xij |i = c , j ) is given by (A.66). The second term is the
prior distribution for the examinees latent variable, given by (A.67). This is an instance of
Bayes theorem for discrete variables. The posterior distribution is a Bernoulli distribution

i | , , xi ~ Bernoulli(si ) + 1, (A.71)

where si is a probability obtained via Bayes theorem:

p( xi |i = 2, )p(i = 2| )
si =
p( xi )

p(x | = 2, )p( = 2|)

j =1
ij i j i

= C J

p(x | = g, )p( = g|)

g =1 j =1
ij i j i

(j =1
) ij (1 2 j )
1 xij

= J J

j =1
) (1 2 j )
1 xij
+ (j =1
) (1 1 j )
1 xij
(1 )

A.5.2.3 Latent Class Proportions

The full conditional distribution for the latent class proportion, , is

p( |, , , , x) = p( |, , ) p(| )p( | , ) = p( |)p(| , ).

i =1
Appendix A 415

The first term on the right-hand side is the distribution of the treated-as-known latent
variables given the unknown probability of being in latent class 2, which for each exam-
inee is a Bernoulli distribution. Again, we can work with counts of the latent variables and
employ a binomial distribution. Let r denote the number of examinees in class 2. We can
re-express the full conditional distribution as

p( |, , ) = p( |r , , ) p(r| )p( | , ),

where the first term on the right-hand side is a binomial and the second term is the beta
prior in (A.68). Accordingly, the full conditional distribution is a beta distribution

|, , ~ Beta( + r , + n r). (A.72)

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Appendix B: Probability Distributions

This appendix presents and briefly discusses features of some standard probability distri-
butions, as an aid to understanding their use throughout the book. In each case, we pres-
ent the notation, probability mass or density function, and summary quantities such as the
mean, variance, and mode (where applicable). In addition, we discuss common usage of
these distributions. We use the notation x for a random variable and x for a random vector,
except in the cases of the Wishart and inverse-Wishart where we use W and W1 to stand
for the random matrix, respectively. For deeper discussions of these and other distribu-
tions, see Casella and Berger (2008), Gelman et al. (2013), and Jackman (2009). See Lunn et al.
(2013) for details on their implementations in WinBUGS and its variants.

B.1 Discrete Variables

B.1.1 Bernoulli
If x {0, 1} has a Bernoulli mass function, denoted x ~ Bernoulli(), then
p( x = 1) =
p( x = 0) = 1
[0, 1]
E( x) =
var( x) = (1 ).
The Bernoulli may be thought of as a special case of the binomial (which is defined in more
detail shortly) where the number of trials J = 1. It may also be thought of as a categorical
distribution with only two categories, usually with a recoding of the category labels to the
0/1 coding adopted here. The conjugate prior for is the beta distribution.

B.1.2 Categorical
The categorical distribution is a generalization of the Bernoulli distribution to the case of
K > 2 categories, typically assigned values 1, , K. If x has a categorical distribution with
parameter vector , denoted by x ~ Categorical(), it has probability mass function
p( x = k ) = k
= (1 , , K )
k [0, 1] for k = 1, , K

k = 1.
k =1

418 Appendix B

The categorical distribution may be thought of as a special case of the multinomial (which
is described in more detail below) where the number of trials J = 1. The conjugate prior for
is the Dirichlet distribution.

B.1.3 Binomial
A random variable x {0, 1, , J } has a Binomial distribution with a parameter , denoted
by x ~ Binomial(, J ), if it has probability mass function

p( x) = x (1 ) J x
[0, 1]
E( x) = J
var( x) = J (1 ).
x is commonly viewed as the sum of J independent Bernoulli variables, each with success
probability . When J = 1, the binomial specializes to the Bernoulli distribution. The con-
jugate prior for is the beta distribution.

B.1.4 Multinomial
The multinomial generalizes the binomial to the situation of more than two categories. If
x = (x1, , xK), where xk {0, 1, , J } for k = 1, , K and k =1xk = J , then x has a multinomial

mass function with a parameter = (1 , , K ), where k [0, 1] for k = 1, , K and kK=1k = 1,

denoted by x ~ Multinomial(, J ), then

p( x ) = 1x1 KxK
x1 ! xK !

E( xk ) = J k
var( xk ) = J k (1 k )
cov( xk , xk ) = J k k .

x is commonly viewed as the collection of counts of J independent categorical variables

that can take on any of K values, where the elements of are the probabilities of any such
categorical variable taking on any of the K values. When J = 1, the binomial specializes to
the categorical distribution. The conjugate prior for is the Dirichlet distribution.

B.1.5 Poisson
A random variable x {0, 1, 2,} has a Poisson distribution with a parameter , denoted by
x ~ Poisson(), if it has probability mass function

1 x
p( x) = exp()
Appendix B 419

E( x) =
mode( x) =
var( x) = .
The conjugate prior for is the gamma distribution.

B.2 Continuous Variables

B.2.1 Uniform
A random variable x has a uniform distribution, denoted as x ~ Uniform( , ), if it has a
probability density function
x [ , ]
p( x) =
0 x [ , ]

E( x) = ( + )/ 2
var( x) = ( )2 / 12.

B.2.2 Beta
A random variable x [0, 1] has a beta density with parameters > 0 and > 0, denoted as
x ~ Beta( , ), if it has a probability density function

( + ) 1
p( x) = x (1 x)1

where (t) is the gamma function,
x t 1e x dx, with:
E( x) = /( + )
var( x) = /[( + )2 ( + + 1)]
a unique mode at 1 /( + 2) when , > 1.

When = = 1, the beta specializes to the uniform distribution, that is, x ~ Uniform(0, 1).
The beta distribution is the conjugate prior for the probability parameter in the Bernoulli
and binomial distributions.

B.2.3 Dirichlet
A random variable x = (x1, , xK) has the Dirichlet distribution with parameter vector
= (1 , , K ) if it has a probability density function
(1 + + K ) 1 1
p( x ) = x1 xK K 1
(1 ) ( K )
420 Appendix B

xk 0 for k = 1, , K
= (1 , , K ) with k > 0 for k = 1, , K .

Letting S = k ,
k =1

The marginal distribution of any xk is Beta( k , S k )

E( xk ) = k / S
mode( xk ) = ( k 1)/(S K )
var( xk ) = k (S k )/[S2 (S + 1)]
cov( xk , xk ) = k k /[S2 (S + 1)].

The Dirichlet distribution may be seen as a multivariate generalization of the beta dis-
tribution, or the beta may be seen as a special case of the Dirichlet where K = 2. That is,
specifying x ~ Beta( a, b) is equivalent to specifying ( x , 1 x) ~ Dirichlet( a, b). The Dirichlet
distribution is the conjugate prior for the probability parameter in categorical and multi-
nomial distributions.

B.2.4 Normal
A random variable x has a normal distribution, denoted as x ~ N ( , 2 ), if it has probability
density function

1 1
p( x) = exp 2 ( x )2
2 2
2 > 0
E( x) = mode( x) =
var( x) = 2 .

The normal distribution is the conjugate prior for the mean of a normal distribution.

B.2.5 Lognormal
If log x ~ N (, 2 ), then x has a lognormal distribution, denoted as x ~ log N ( , 2 ) with a
probability density function

1 1
p( x) = exp 2 (log( x) )2
2x 2
2 > 0
E( x) = exp( + 21 2 )
var( x) = exp(2 + 2 )(exp(2 ) 1)
mode( x) = exp( 2 ).
Appendix B 421

B.2.6 Logit-Normal
If logit( x) ~ N (, 2 ), then x has a logit-normal distribution, denoted as x ~ logit N ( , 2 ),
with a probability density function

1 1
p( x) = exp 2 (logit( x) )2
2x(1 x) 2
x (0, 1)
> 0.
B.2.7 Multivariate Normal
If a random variable x = (x1, , xK) has a multivariate normal distribution with parameters
and positive-definite , denoted as x ~ N ( , ), then it has probability density function
p( x ) = (2) K /2 exp(( x ) 1( x )/ 2)
E( x ) =
var( x ) = .
If x is partitioned as x = (x1, x 2) such that

x1 1 11 12
x = ~ N ,
21 22

where 22 is positive definite, then

x1 and x 2 are independent if and only if 21 = 0
the marginal density of x 2 is normal: p( x 2 ) = p( x1 , x 2 )dx1 = N ( 2 , 22 )
the conditional density of x 2 given x1 is normal: p( x 2 |x1 ) = N ( 2|1 , 2|1 ), where
2|1 = 1 + 12 221 ( x 2 2 ) and 2|1 = 11 12 221 21.

The multivariate normal distribution is the conjugate prior for the mean vector of a multi-
variate normal distribution.

B.2.8 Gamma
A random variable x has a gamma distribution, denoted as x ~ Gamma( , ), if it has a
probability density function

p( x) = x exp(x)
> 0 and > 0
E( x) = / if > 1
var( x) =
mode( x) = ( 1)/ for 0.
422 Appendix B

If x ~ Gamma( , ), then 1/ x ~ Inv-Gamma( , ). If x ~ Gamma(/2, 1/2), then x follows a

2 density with degrees of freedom, denoted by x ~ 2 (). The gamma is a conjugate prior
for the parameter for a Poisson distribution and for the precision (inverse of variance)
parameter in a normal distribution, that is, 2 . In the latter case, a reparameterization
where = 0 2 and = 002 2, that is, 2 ~ Gamma( 0 2 , 002 2), yields a convenient inter-
pretation where 02 may be thought of as a point summary or best estimate of the variance
and 0 as an associated degrees of freedom or pseudo-sample size associated with that

B.2.9 Inverse-Gamma
A random variable x is has an inverse-gamma distribution with parameters and ,
denoted as x ~ Inv-Gamma( , ), if it has probability density function

p( x) = x exp
() x
> 0 and > 0
E( x) = /( 1) if > 1
var( x) = 2 [( 1)2 ( 2)] if > 2
mode( x) = /( + 1).

If x ~ Inv-Gamma( , ), then 1/x ~ Gamma( , ). If x ~ Inv-Gamma(/2, 1/2), then x follows

aninverse- 2 density with degrees of freedom, denoted by x ~ 2 (). The inverse-gamma
is a conjugate prior for the variance parameter in a normal distribution 2. In such a case,
a reparameterization where = 0 2 and = 002 2, that is, 2 ~ Inv-Gamma( 0 2 , 002 2),
yields a convenient interpretation where 02 may be thought of as a point summary or best
estimate of the variance and 0 as an associated degrees of freedom or pseudo-sample size
associated with that estimate.

B.2.10 Wishart
A random variable W has a Wishart distribution, denoted W ~ Wishart(S, ), if it has a
probability density function
J 1
W 2
tr(S1W )
p(W ) = J J exp
2 S J ( 2 )
2 2 2

W is a (J J) symmetric positive definite matrix
S is a (J J) symmetric positive definite matrix
> 0 is the degrees of freedom
tr( ) is the trace operator
J ( J 1)
J + 1 j
J is the multivariate gamma function J ( 2 ) = 2 j =1
E(W ) = S.
Appendix B 423

A special case obtains when J = 1 and S = 1, in which case the Wishart reduces to a 2
density with degrees of freedom. If W ~ Wishart(S, ), then its inverse has an inverse-
Wishart distribution, W 1 ~ Inv-Wishart(S, ). The Wishart generalizes the gamma and 2
distributions for precisions to the case of a precision matrix (i.e., the inverse of the covari-
ance matrix), as commonly arise when working with multivariate normal distributions.
The Wishart density is the conjugate prior for a precision matrix (inverse of the covariance
matrix) of a multivariate normal distribution.

B.2.11 Inverse-Wishart
A random variable W has an inverse-Wishart distribution, denoted by W ~ Inv-Wishart(S, ),
if it has a probability density function
( + J +1)
S 2
W 2
tr(S1W 1 )
p(W ) = J exp
2 J ( 2 )
2 2

W is a (J J) symmetric positive definite matrix
S is a (J J) symmetric positive definite matrix
> 0 is the degrees of freedom
tr( ) is the trace operator
+ 1 j

J ( J 1) J
J is the multivariate gamma function J ( 2 ) = 2

j =1 2
E(W ) = ( J 1)1 S1, > J + 1.

When J = 1 and S = 1, the inverse-Wishart reduces to an inverse- 2 distribution with

degrees of freedom. If W ~ Inv-Wishart(S, ), then its inverse has a Wishart distribution,
W 1 ~ Wishart(S, ). The inverse-Wishart density generalizes the inverse-gamma and
inverse- 2 densities for covariances to the case of a covariance matrix, as commonly arise
when working with multivariate normal distributions. The inverse-Wishart density is the
conjugate prior for a covariance matrix of a multivariate normal distribution.
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