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DataPilot 4110

CNC Programming and

Training on a PC

September 2005
DataPilot 4110
Programming and Storing on a PC

DataPilot 4110 is the PC programming station for

the MANUALplus 4110 and the organization system
for the workshop and design office. By shifting
the programming, program testing, and program
optimization to the PC, machine idle times are greatly

Having the same conditions and same

functions as the MANUALplus contouring
control gives you the assurance that a
program created with DataPilot can be run
on the machine immediately.
That is why DataPilot 4110 is the ideal
supplement to the control for program
creation, archiving, and apprentice and
advanced training.

Creating programs
Programming, testing and optimizing cycle
programs and DIN programs with DataPilot
on your PC substantially reduces idle
machine times. You do not need to adjust
your way of thinking, since you program
and test with DataPilot in exactly the same
way as on the lathe. DataPilot has the
same software as the control. This ensures
that a program created with DataPilot can
be run on the machine immediately.

Storing programs
Even though the MANUALplus has a
nearly inexhaustible memory capacity, you
should also back up your programs on an
external system. The MANUALplus has
both an Ethernet and a serial RS-232-C
interface. This enables you to integrate the
MANUALplus into your existing network or
to connect the DataPilot PC directly to the
Convenient program-transfer functions
support both external programming and
archiving on the DataPilot PC.

Training with DataPilot 4110

Because DataPilot 4110 is based on the
same software as the MANUALplus, it is
ideally suited for apprentice and advanced
training. Programming and program testing
on the DataPilot PC function exactly the
same as they do on the machine. Even
setup functions such as workpiece datum
definition, tool measurement or machining
of individual cycles, cycle programs or DIN
programs are simulated with DataPilot. This
gives the trainee the experience needed
for safe operation of the machine.

Working as you do on a lathe Conversational languages
The operation and programming of the You can install DataPilot 4110 with several
DataPilot 4110 is identical with that of an national languages and switch among
NC machine. DataPilot 4110 even simulates them during operation of DataPilot. The
axis and spindle movements and the following languages are available:
execution of NC programs. Thus you can
train students how to operate a lathe and Danish Polish
familiarize them with NC programming for German Russian
workpiece machining on a readily available English Spanish
PC. Finnish Swedish
French Czech
Italian Hungarian

Graphic simulation Calculation of machining time

Program management and
Info system archiving
Management of operating
Program transfer resources

System requirements A USB interface is required for connecting

DataPilot runs on PCs with one of the the software-enabling dongle. An Ethernet
following operating systems: interface enables fast data exchange with
CNC machines.
Windows 98 SE
Windows ME Depending on the installed languages,
Windows 2000 DataPilot requires approx. 30 to 50 MB of
Windows XP hard disk space.

Fast Creation of NC Programs Using DataPilot

DataPilot 4110 offers the same functions as the

MANUALplus 4110 contouring control.
This way you can program as quickly and reliably
as on the machinewithout having to relearn.

Cycle programming Interactive Contour Programming (ICP) DXF import of contours

Recurring operations such as area clearance, The ICP Interactive Contour Programming Why should you still painstakingly enter
slot recessing, recess turning, undercutting, feature assists you in performing machining contour elements when the data already
parting, thread cutting, milling and drilling tasks for which standard cycles cannot be exists in the CAD system? ICP makes
are stored as fixed cycles. You only need to used due to missing data or highly compex it possible to import contours in DXF
enter the desired positions, dimensions contours. In most cases you can desribe format directly into DataPilot 4110. This
and valuesthe rest is automatic. the contour elements with the dimensions doesnt just eliminate time consumed by
given in the production drawing. programming and testing, but you can
Available cycles include: also be sure that the finished contour is
Standard and ICP roughing The contours are defined using linear and exactly according to the designers
Standard and ICP recessing circular contour elements as well as form specifications.
Standard and ICP recess turning elements like chamfers, roundings, and
Thread cutting (single and multiple undercuts. DataPilot 4110 calculates missing DXF contours can describe workpiece
threads, longitudinal, transverse, and data. If the entered data can result in blanks, finished parts, contour trains and
taper threads, undercuttings) several mathematically possible solutions, milling contours. They must exist as two-
Drilling cycles (drilling, deep-hole drilling, you are shown the various solutions for dimensional elements in a separate layer,
tapping, axial and radial hole patterns) selection. i.e. without dimension lines, wraparound
Milling cycles for axial and radial contours edges, etc. Since the DXF format is
and pocket milling (figures, ICP contours) fundamentally different from the ICP format,
Slot-milling cycles (axial and radial, the contour is converted from DXF to ICP
helical), surface milling, centric polygon format during the import. It can then be
milling, thread milling treated as a normal ICP contour, and is
available for roughing, recessing and milling

DIN programming DIN conversion
With the help of DIN programming, you The transformation of a cycle program
can create independent DIN programs or to a DIN program is referred to as DIN
DIN macros. Independent DIN programs conversion. DIN conversion is often the
contain all the necessary traversing and most effective way to make a DIN
switching commands. DIN macros can be program. You describe the contours with
used for individual machining tasks within ICP, program the roughing, recessing and
cycle programs. milling operations with ICP cycles, and
define the drilling and thread machining
The range of DIN commands includes: with cycles as well.
Traversing commands
Cycles for roughing, recessing, recess DIN conversion provides you with an easy-
turning, thread machining, milling and to-read NC part program that you, the
drilling experienced NC programmer, can optimize.
Switching commands The graphic simulation and the simulated
Mathematic operations for calculation of program execution of DataPilot 4110
address parameters or variables enable you to analyze each individual cycle
Commands for program organization or every traverse movement.
(branches, program-section repeats,

Program Simulation and Management with DataPilot

Graphic simulation for realistic testing before the

machining process is especially useful at the
programming station. DataPilot simultaneously
determines the machining time, manages both
programs and tools, and organizes the exchange of
data, guaranteeing efficient production planning.

Graphic simulation and time calculation Program and tool management,

The graphic simulation feature provides data exchange
suitable functions for testing and optimizing DataPilot 4110 manages cycle programs,
cycle and DIN programs. In the case of ICP contour definition programs, DIN
cycle programs, the programmed contours programs and the tools individually for each
and every traverse path are shown on your lathe or every machine group.
screen graphically. At the same time, the
system displays infomation on the respective Features such as listing programs by number
cycle or DIN command. or date, and copying, renaming or deleting
programs, provide all the prerequisites for
In addition, DataPilot 4110 shows the range efficient program management.
machined by the tool. Thus it is possible to
monitor the machining process exactly, You only need a few parameters to describe
especially for slopes, curves, recesses or the tools used. Each tool is assigned a tool
bore holes. description (designation, identification
number, etc.) to help you find it more easily.
You can inspect the milling and drilling The tool parameters are managed in
operations with the C axis in the face or conjunction with the cutting data and tool
lateral view. life data.

During simulation, DataPilot 4110 calculates DataPilot uses the commonly known
the machining times and idle times. The Ethernet interface networks for data
times are displayed per cycle or tool use exchange. This allows you to integrate
(in DIN programs) graphically or in tabular DataPilot into your company network and
form. conveniently exchange data between the
DataPilot PC and the MANUALplus 4110

Graphic simulation Tool management

DataPilot for Practice-Oriented NC Training

The use of CNC-controlled machine tools, personal

computers and IT systems in all areas of production
requires a practice-oriented system for apprentice and
advanced training. The modular setup of DataPilot
makes it ideal for NC training.

With the realistic simulation feature, it is Thus you can convey to the trainee the
possible to graphically represent and whole programming sequence with ICP
monitor each programming step. While NC contour definition, cycle programming and
programs are running, the machine display DIN programming as well as the operation
shows the actual values, tool data, etc. The of a lathe and the execution of NC
block display feature shows the commands programs.
of the cycle or NC part program. You can
set the program execution so that program
run stops after each cycle or DIN command
or displays every positioning and switching
command in DIN format (basic block

NC instructor

NC machine


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