1 Ijeeerjun20171
1 Ijeeerjun20171
1 Ijeeerjun20171
P.G.Student, Department of EEE, AITAM Engineering College, Andhra Pradesh, India
Professor, Principal, Department of EEE, AITAM Engineering College, Andhra Pradesh, India
U.G.Student Department of EEE, IIT PATNA, Bihar, India
Associate Professor, Department of EEE, AITAM Engineering College, Andhra Pradesh, India
The problems associated with distribution system in terms of delivery of clean power and their solutions are
investigated through this paper. Power quality has become a major issue in the present power system network.
The network is mostly inductive in nature so it draws more reactive power. This causes harmonics and voltage flickering.
To maintain the proper operation of interconnected power system, we use one of the facts devices such as fuzzy controlled
D-Statcom which provides suitable compensation and thereby maintains proper power factor and also reduces harmonic
contents. The simulation is taken out by MATLAB/SIMULINK Hence optimized Fuzzy controlled D-STATCOM can be
Original Article
used for improvement of power quality. Fuzzy controlled D-Statcom improves power quality and stability for Distribution
of power system
KEYWORDS: Distribution Static Compensator (D-Statcom), Hysteresis Controller, Fuzzy Logic, PI Controller, Fuzzy
Logic Controller & Total Harmonic Distortion (THD)
Received: Feb 18, 2017; Accepted: Apr 07, 2017; Published: Apr 11, 2017; Paper Id.: IJEEERJUN20171
Power quality is the key to successful delivery of good quality power. The typical loads such as computer
loads, Lighting loads, refrigerators, other domestic and other commercial loads[1].A distribution system suffers
from current and voltage related problems which include poor power factor, distorted source current, A statcom
connected at the point of common coupling has been utilized to reduce above problems[2]
There are various controllers used for in distribution system those are static var capacitor(SVC),
The thyristor controlled series capacitor(TCSC), Static synchronous series compensator(SSSC),The unified power
flow controller(UPFC),And interline power flow controller(IPFC).Among them Dstatcom is very well known and
can provide cost effective solution for reactive power compensation.[3]. Conventionally PI have been use as
regulates of Dstatcom conventional PI controller has limitation over its operating range. It is highly in efficient
during non linear operation.[5].
The main advantage in the use of fuzzy controlled Technique is to allow designer own experimental effort
for adjustment of controlling parameters. In this paper we use Sugeno fuzzy controlled D-statcom which is used to
reduce harmonics, and power factor correction and maintain the voltage at the load terminal. Fuzzy controlled
D-Statcom connected for the point involving common coupling (PCC), it injects reactive along reactive along with
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2 B. Santhosh Kumar, K. B. Madhu Sahu, K. B. Sai Kiran & CH. Krishna Rao
harmonic different parts of load currents to generate source currents nicely balanced.
The D-STATCOM is a three-phase and shunt connected power electronics based device. It is connected near the
load at the distribution systems. The major components of a D STATCOM are shown in Figure 1. It consists of a dc
capacitor, three-phase inverter (IGBT, thyristor) module, ac filter, coupling transformer and a control strategy. The basic
electronic block of the D-STATCOM is the voltage-sourced inverter that converts an input dc voltage into a three-phase
output voltage at fundamental frequency
Figure 2. Shows the single phase equivalent representation of Figure 1.variable is switching function, and can be
either or depending upon switching state. filter inductance and resistance are and. respectively. Shunt capacitor eliminates
high switching frequency components. first discrete modeling of the system is presented to obtain a discrete voltage control
law. And it is shown that the pcc voltage can be regulated to the desired value with properly chosen parameters of the vsi
Then a procedure to design VSI parameters is presented. A proportional integral controller is used to regulate the
dc capacitor voltage at a reference value.
Instantaneous d-q Theory was initially proposed by Akagi. This theory is based on the transformation of three
phase quantities to two phase quantities in d-q frame and the instantaneous active and reactive power is calculated in this
frame. Sensed inputs Va, Vb and Vc and ia, ib and ic fed to the d-q controller and these quantities are processed to generate
reference commands which are fed to a hysteresis based PWM current controller to generate switching pulses for
Va= Vmsin(wt)
Ia= Imsin(n(wt)-an))
Ib=Imsin(n(wt-1200)-bn)) (II)
In a, b and coordinates a, b and c axes are fixed on the same plane apart from each other by 1200.These vectors
can be transformed into d-q coordinates using Clarkes transformation as follows.
Vd 2 1 1 2 1 2
V = Vb
q 3 0 3 2 3 2V
id 2 1 1 2 1 2
i = ib
q 3 0 3 2 3 2
Where d and q axes are the orthogonal coordinates .conventional instantaneous power for three phase circuit can
P=VdId+VqIq (III)
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4 B. Santhosh Kumar, K. B. Madhu Sahu, K. B. Sai Kiran & CH. Krishna Rao
di s
V S = I S (R S ) + L S + V fc
1 V RS
I S* = V fc + S + I S
dV fc
C fc + I ft = I fi
I fi I ft
V fc* =
C fc C fc
Lf + I fi Rf +Vfc = uVdc (b)
1 Rf
I *fi = Vfc + I fi + uVdc
L L Lf
f f (c)
Using above three equations (a), (b) and (c) to represent state space model
The State space equation for the circuit shown in figure 2 are given by
x = Ax + Bz (1)
1 1
0 0 0 0
C fc C fc
A =
R f
B =
0 0
L f L f L f
0 R a 0 0
L a L a
L a
[ i i]
x = v fc fi s
z = [u i v]
ft s
x(t ) = e
A( t 0 ) A ( t )
t 0 e Bz ( )d
t x( ) +
The general time Domain solution state vector x (t) given by equation (2)
The above linguistic quantification has been used in this paper to specify a set of rules or a rule-base. The rules
are formulated from practical experience. For the FLC with two inputs and four linguistic values for each input, there are
42 = 16 possible rules with all combination for the inputs. The tabular representation of the FLC rule base (with 16 rules) of
the fuzzy control based DC voltage regulator is shown in figure 5
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6 B. Santhosh Kumar, K. B. Madhu Sahu, K. B. Sai Kiran & CH. Krishna Rao
The conversion of a fuzzy set to single crisp value is called defuzzification and the reverse process of
fuzzification. The member ship functions to be employed for the inputs are of the triangular type where the membership
functions for the outputs are singletons. The membership functions for the inputs and the output of the fuzzy controller
controll for
the DC voltage regulator as shown figs..
ure 6: Member Ship Function Ship for Input 1
ure 7: Member Ship Function ship for Input 2
According to IEEE-519
519 the permissible limit for distortion in the signal is 5%.
The load voltage harmonic analysis, using Fast Fourier transform (FFT) of power GUI window by simulink, as
shown in Figure 8.. It can be seen, without compensation implementation in system total harmonic distortion (THD) of load
voltage is 9.38%. Due to harmonics presence in the load side, because of non linear load, it
i will inject harmonics and
disturbs line performance..
m n
e l)
a o
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
Harmonic order
The load voltage harmonic analysis, using Fast Fourier transform (FFT) of power GUI window by simulink, as
shown in Figure 9. It can be seen, with compensation of D-Statcom implementation in system total harmonic distortion
(THD) reduced because shunt connected D-Statcom reduces harmonic content from 9.38% to 5.90%.
The load voltage harmonic analysis, using Fast Fourier transform (FFT) of power GUI window by simulink, as
shown in Figure 10. It can be seen, with compensation of D- Statcom with fuzzy control logic implementation in system
total harmonic distortion (THD) of load voltage is 4.55%.
Figure 11: Shows Input Supply Voltage 98V RMS Value of the Three Phase System. It is Symmetrical With
Respect To Time
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8 B. Santhosh Kumar, K. B. Madhu Sahu, K. B. Sai Kiran & CH. Krishna Rao
Figure 12, 13 and 14 shows the line currents of the distribution system. The line currents are not symmetrical with
respect to time due the harmonics present in the system. These harmonics can be reduced by using by Fuzzy Controlled
D-Statcom to regulate the output voltage
Table 1
Without D- D-Statcom. D-Statcom
Statcom (Pi Controller) (Fuzzy Controller)
THD of source current 9.38% 5.90% 4.55%
System Parameters
Nonlinear Load: Three phase full bridge diode rectifier with load( RL=8.6)
This paper is presented the design of fuzzy controller for a DSTATCOM to develop Quality and lively
performance of a distribution power system. Comparison study of the Controlled and the optimal fuzzy logic controlled
DSTATCOM for improving power quality and lively Performance of a distribution power system which has been by
simulated using Sim Power system in MATLAB/simulink environment. The simulation results obtained in MATLAB/Sim
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10 B. Santhosh Kumar, K. B. Madhu Sahu, K. B. Sai Kiran & CH. Krishna Rao
Power systems show that the fuzzy logic controlled DSTATCOM provides enhanced system lively response and hence
improve power quality and stability for the distribution power system.
Reactive power compensation and harmonics mitigation with fuzzy controller based D-Statcom is more efficient
use in further for distribution power systems. It can be further extended Neuron-fuzzy loop controller based on D-Statcom
in power distribution system.
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Mr. B. Santhosh Kumar received his B. Tech Degree in Electrical & Electronics Engineering from Aditya
institute of Technology and Management Engineering and Technology, Tekkali, Srikakulam, A.P, and India in 2011.
Currently persuing M. Tech in Aditya Institute of Technology &Management, Tekkali, and Srikakulam, India. His research
interest, Power Electronics and Drives.
Dr. K. B. Madhu Sahu received the B. E. Degree in Electrical Engineering from Gandhi Institute of Technology
& Management, Visakhapatnam, India in 1985 and the M. E Degree in power systems from college of Engineering,
Andhra University and Visakhapatnam in 1998. He obtained his Ph. D from Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University.
Hyderabad. He has 27 years of Experience. Currently he is working as a professor & Principal in the Department of
Electrical & Electronics Engineering, AITAM, Tekkali, and Srikakulam, Andhra Pradesh. His research interests include
gas insulated substations, high voltage engineering and power systems. He has published research papers in National and
international Conferences.
Mr. K. B. SaiKiran received his B. Tech degree in Electrical Engineering from Indian institute of technology,
Patna, Bihar and India in 2016. His research interests are power systems and Power electronics and Drives.
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12 B. Santhosh Kumar, K. B. Madhu Sahu, K. B. Sai Kiran & CH. Krishna Rao
Sri. Ch .Krishna Rao obtained B. Tech Degree in Electrical and Electronics from GMRIT, Rajam. He also
obtained M. Tech in Power Electronics and Electric Drives from STIET Garividi, Vizianagaram. He has 13 Years of
Teaching Experience. Presently he is working as associate professor in the Department of Electrical & Electronics
Engineering, A.I.T.A.M, Tekkali, Srikakulam, Andhra Pradesh. He has published number of papers in journals, national
and international conferences. His main areas of interest are Power Electronics, Switched Mode Power Supplies, Electrical
Drives and Renewable Energy Sources.