Chapter 15
Chapter 15
Chapter 15
Review Questions
15-5 In systematic sampling, the auditor calculates an interval and then
methodically selects the items for the sample based on the size of the interval.
The interval is set by dividing the population size by the number of sample items
To select 40 numbers from a population of 2,800, the auditor divides 40
into 2,800 and gets an interval of 70. He or she then selects a random number
between 0 and 69. Assume the auditor chooses 17. The first item is the number
17. The next is 87, then 157, 227, and so on.
The advantage of systematic sampling is its ease of use. In most populations
a systematic sample can be drawn quickly, the approach automatically puts the
numbers in sequential order and documentation is easy.
A major problem with the use of systematic sampling is the possibility
of bias. Because of the way systematic samples are selected, once the first item
in the sample is selected, other items are chosen automatically. This causes
no problems if the characteristics of interest, such as control deviations, are
distributed randomly throughout the population; however, in many cases they are
not. If all items of a certain type are processed at certain times of the month or
with the use of certain document numbers, a systematically drawn sample has a
higher likelihood of failing to obtain a representative sample. This shortcoming
is sufficiently serious that some CPA firms prohibit the use of systematic
15-6 The purpose of using nonstatistical sampling for tests of controls and
substantive tests of transactions is to estimate the proportion of items in a
population containing a characteristic or attribute of interest. The auditor is
ordinarily interested in determining internal control deviations or monetary
misstatements for tests of controls and substantive tests of transactions.
15-7 A block sample is the selection of several items in sequence. Once the first
item in the block is selected, the remainder of the block is chosen automatically.
Thus, to select 5 blocks of 20 sales invoices, one would select one invoice and
the block would be that invoice plus the next 19 entries. This procedure would
be repeated 4 other times.
15-8 The terms below are defined as follows:
a. Acceptable risk of The risk the auditor is willing to take of accepting a control
assessing control risk as effective or a rate of monetary misstatements as
too low (ARACR) tolerable, when the true population exception rate is
greater than the tolerable exception rate.
b. Computed upper The highest estimated exception rate in the population at
exception rate (CUER) a given ARACR.
c. Estimated population The exception rate the auditor expects to find in the
exception rate (EPER) population before testing begins. It is necessary to plan
the appropriate sample size.
d. Sample exception rate The actual rate of exception discovered in the sample. It
(SER) is calculated by dividing the actual number of exceptions
in the sample by the sample size.
e. Tolerable exception rate The exception rate the auditor will permit in the population
(TER) and still be willing to use the assessed control risk and/or
the amount of monetary misstatements in the transactions
established during planning.
15-9 The sampling unit is the population item from which the auditor selects
sample items. The major consideration in defining the sampling unit is making it
consistent with the objectives of the audit tests. Thus, the definition of the population
and the planned audit procedures usually dictate the appropriate sampling unit.
The sampling unit for verifying the occurrence of recorded sales would
be the entries in the sales journal since this is the document the auditor wishes to
validate. The sampling unit for testing the possibility of omitted sales is the shipping
document from which sales are recorded because the failure to bill a shipment is
the exception condition of interest to the auditor.
15-10 The tolerable exception rate (TER) represents the exception rate that the
auditor will permit in the population and still be willing to use the assessed control
risk and/or the amount of monetary misstatements in the transactions established
during planning. TER is determined by choice of the auditor on the basis of his or
her professional judgment.
The computed upper exception rate (CUER) is the highest estimated
exception rate in the population, at a given ARACR. For nonstatistical sampling,
CUER is determined by adding an estimate of sampling error to the SER (sample
exception rate). For statistical sampling, CUER is determined by using a statistical
sampling table after the auditor has completed the audit testing and therefore
knows the number of exceptions in the sample.
15-11 Sampling error is an inherent part of sampling that results from testing
less than the entire population. Sampling error simply means that the sample is
not perfectly representative of the entire population.
Nonsampling error occurs when audit tests do not uncover errors that
exist in the sample. Nonsampling error can result from:
15-12 An attribute is the definition of the characteristic being tested and the
exception conditions whenever audit sampling is used. The attributes of interest
are determined directly from the audit program. In a test of control, that attribute
is evidence of the operation of the control consistent with the design. In a
substantive test, the attribute is the absence of monetary misstatement.
15-14 Tolerable exception rate (TER) is the result of an auditor's judgment. The
suitable TER is a question of materiality and is therefore affected by both the
definition and the importance of the attribute in the audit plan. It represents the
exception rate that the auditor will permit in the population and still be willing to
conclude that the control is operating effectively and/or the amount of monetary
misstatements in the transactions established during planning is acceptable.
The sample size for a TER of 7% would be smaller than that for a TER
of 4%, all other factors being equal.
15-15 The appropriate ARACR is a decision the auditor must make using
professional judgment. The degree to which the auditor wishes to reduce assessed
control risk below the maximum is the major factor determining the auditor's
The auditor will choose a smaller sample size for an ARACR of 10%
than would be used if the risk were 5%, all other factors being equal.
15-16 The relationship between sample size and the four factors determining
sample size are as follows:
15-17 In this situation, the sample exception rate (SER) is 4%, the sample size
is 100 and the ARACR is 10%. From the 10% ARACR table (Table 15-9) then,
the CUER is 7.9%. This means that the auditor can state with a 10% risk of being
wrong that the true population exception rate does not exceed 7.9%.
15-19 When the CUER exceeds the TER, the auditor may do one or more of
the following:
15-19 (continued)
15-21 The decisions the auditor must make in using attributes sampling are:
What are the objectives of the audit test?
Does audit sampling apply?
What attributes are to be tested and what exception conditions are
What is the population?
What is the sampling unit?
What should the TER be?
What should the ARACR be?
What is the EPER?
What generalizations can be made from the sample to the population?
What are the causes of the individual exceptions?
Is the population acceptable?
Discussion Questions and Problems
15-25 a.
15-25 (continued)
The command for selecting the random number can be entered directly onto the
spreadsheet, or can be selected from the function menu (math & trig) functions. It
may be necessary to add the analysis tool pack to access the RANDBETWEEN
function. Once the formula is entered, it can be copied down to select additional
random numbers. When a pair of random numbers is required, the formula for
the first random number can be entered in the first column, and the formula for
the second random number can be entered in the second column.
1. Sales invoice 110 39 39
(8274/75) 149
2. Bill of lading 149 18259 18259
[(29427-18221) = 18408
11206/75] 18557
3. Customer 13 Page 1, line #11 Page Line
(979 lines/75) 1 11
1 24
1 37
1 50
2 13
Using systematic selection, the definition of the sampling unit for determining the
selection interval for population 3 is the total number of lines in the population.
The length of the interval is rounded down to ensure that all line numbers
selected are within the defined population.
Nonstatistical sampling method: There is no one right answer to this
question because the sample size is determined using professional
judgment. Due to the relatively small TER (3%), the sample size
should not be small. It will most likely be similar in size to the
sample chosen by the statistical method.
c. Systematic sample selection:
15-26 (continued)
sales invoice numbers are not identical to the warehouse removal
slips it would be improper to use the same sample.
2 Entries in the sales journal have been shipped as
evidence by the existence of a related shipping document.
4 Prices used to calculate the sales amount on the
invoice match those on the approved price list.
5 The date that credit approval is documented on the sales
order precedes the date on the shipping document.
6 The calculation of the sales amount on the sales
invoice is mathematically accurate.
15-28 a. and b. The sample sizes and CUERs are shown in the following table:
SIZE 15-8 SER 15-9 TER
b. The SER and CUER are shown in columns 4 and 5 in the preceding
15-28 (continued)
15-29 a. The actual allowance for sampling risk is shown in the following table:
15-29 (continued)
the additional items, the CUER is 6.0% (sample size of 150, four
exceptions). With a TER of 6%, the sample results will be acceptable
if one or no exceptions are found in the additional 50 items. This
would require a lower SER in the additional sample than the SER
in the original sample of 3.0 percent. Whether a lower rate of
exception is likely in the additional sample depends on the rate of
exception the auditor expected in designing the sample, and whether
the auditor believe the original sample to be representative.
b. Using the attributes sampling table in Table 15-8, the sample sizes
for columns 1-7 are:
1. 88
2. 127
3. 181
4. 127
5. 25
6. 18
7. 149
15-30 (continued)
d. The difference in the sample size for columns 3 and 6 result from
the larger ARACR and larger TER in column 6. The extremely large
TER is the major factor causing the difference.
15-31 a.
1. 2% 3% Probably*
3. 2% 3% Yes
4. 2% 3% Probably*
7. 0% 5% Yes
b. Using the attributes sampling table in Table 15-9, the CUERs for
columns 1-8 are:
1. 4.6%
2. 6.2%
3. 4.0%
4. 4.6%
5. 9.2%
6. 16.4%
7. 3.0%
8. 11.3%
15-31 (continued)
d. The factor that appears to have the greatest effect is the number of
exceptions found in the sample compared to sample size. For
example, in columns 2 and 6, the increase from 2% to 10% SER
dramatically increased the CUER. Population size appears to have
the least effect. For example, in columns 1 and 4, the CUER was
the same using the attributes sampling table even though the
population in column 1 was 10 times larger.
e. The CUER represents the results of the actual sample whereas the
TER represents what the auditor will allow. They must be compared
to determine whether or not the population is acceptable.
15-32 a.
15-32 (continued)
c. The sample size for attribute 1 is smaller than the sample size for
attribute 3 because the estimated population exception rate is 0%
for attribute 1 but 1% for attribute 3. Because there is no expectation
of errors in the population, the sample size is smaller for attribute 1.
15-33 (continued)
15-33 (continued)
e. For each exception, the auditor should check with the controller to
determine an explanation for the cause. In addition, the appropriate
analysis for each type of exception is as follows:
6810 Confirm the account balances to the customers; examine the
reduction in the perpetual inventory records.
7625 Trace the amount to the sales journal and accounts receivable
master file; examine the shipping document and recompute the
sale amount.
8431 Determine who recorded the invoice and check several others
prepared by him or her to determine if the problem consistently
8528 Examine the accounts receivable master file for subsequent cash
receipt; examine sales invoices for other invoices to the same
customer to determine if customer orders were attached.
8566 Check the price on other invoices to the same customer. Check
the price on other invoices that have the same product.
8780 See 7625
9169 Check credit history of customer and evaluate collectibility of the
customer's account.
9974 Recheck actual price, extensions and postings; determine who
the clerk was and check several other invoices for proper
indication of performance.
b. The most appropriate sampling unit for conducting most of the audit
sampling tests is the shipping document because most of the tests
are related to procedure 4. Following the instructions of the audit
program, however, the auditor would use sales journal entries as
the sampling unit for step 3 and shipping document numbers for
step 4. Using shipping document numbers, rather than the documents
themselves, allows the auditor to test the numerical control over
shipping documents, as well as to test for unrecorded sales. The
selection of numbers will lead to a sample of actual shipping
documents upon which tests will be performed.
15-34 (continued)
A duplicate sales invoice exists for 1.0 5.0 10 77
the shipping document selected.
Shipping document agrees with 0.0 4.0 10 57
related duplicate sales invoice.
The duplicate sales invoice has 1.0 5.0 10 77
attached a copy of the shipping
document, shipping order, and
customer order.
The shipping order has proper 1.0 5.0 10 77
credit approval.
The duplicate sales invoice has 1.0 5.0 10 77
internal verification of computations.
The duplicate sales invoice has the 0.0 4.0 10 57
same price and quantity as approved
price list and shipping document.
Customer name, amount and date 0.0 4.0 10 57
agrees between duplicate sales
invoice and sales journal and
subsidiary ledger.
Integrated Case Application
15-35 a. and d.
Results: Based on the results of the tests, all controls appear effective except for evidence of internal verification.
Since there were also two errors on timing and an error in comparing the vendor's invoice amount to the
acquisitions journal that is not included as an attribute, a larger than normal sample in year-end testing of
accounts payable is appropriate.
15-35 (continued)
Notes: 1. The planned audit variables are judgmental. The results of the prior year from part III were used to
decide EPER. Initial sample size and CUER are judgments.
2. There was an error discovered where there was no attribute. This happens in practice too. The auditor
should not ignore the exception even though it is an unplanned discovery.
Define the Objective(s): Examine cancelled checks and other related documents
to determine whether the system has functioned as intended and as described in
the audit program.
Sample size = 50
Random Selection:
15-35 (continued)
If random selection is performed using Excel, the command to
select numbers randomly from the population is:
=RANDBETWEEN(6734, 33722)
e. The upper confidence limit is the projected misstatement plus the
allowance for sampling risk. The auditor uses the upper confidence
limit to evaluate whether the sample result is acceptable or not.
If the upper confidence limit exceeds the maximum tolerable
misstatement amount, the auditor decides that the misstatement in the
population may exceed the tolerable amount. If the upper confidence
limit is less than the maximum tolerable misstatement, the auditor
decides that the potential misstatement in the population is
acceptable (tolerable).
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