Leon G. Maquera in His Own Behalf As Petitioner. Ramon Barrios For Respondents
Leon G. Maquera in His Own Behalf As Petitioner. Ramon Barrios For Respondents
Leon G. Maquera in His Own Behalf As Petitioner. Ramon Barrios For Respondents
EN BANC 5. That said Republic Act No. 4421 has, likewise, the effect of
disqualifying for provincial, city or municipal elective offices,
G.R. No. L-24761 September 7, 1965 persons who, although possessing the qualifications prescribed by
law therefor, cannot pay said premium and/or do not have the
property essential for the aforementioned counter-bond;
LEON G. MAQUERA, petitioner,
JUAN BORRA, CESAR MIRAFLOR, and GREGORIO SANTAYANA, in their 6. That said Republic Act No. 4421 has, accordingly, the effect of
respective capacities as Chairman and Members of the Commission on imposing property qualifications in order that a person could run
Elections, and the COMMISSION ON ELECTIONS,respondents. for a public office and that the people could validly vote for him;
RESOLUTION 8. That the bond required in Republic Act No. 4421 and the
confiscation of said bond are not predicated upon the necessity of
defraying certain expenses or of compensating services given in
connection with elections, and is, therefore, arbitrary and
The Court RESOLVED, without prejudice to rendering an extended decision,
Upon consideration of case G.R. No. L-24761, "Leon G. Maquera vs. Juan to declare that said Republic Act No. 4421 is unconstitutional and hence null
Borra, et al.," and case G.R. No. L-24828, "Felipe N. Aurea and Melecio and void, and, hence, to enjoin respondents herein, as well as their
Malabanan vs. Commission on Elections," and it appearing: representatives and agents, from enforcing and/or implementing said
constitutional enactment.