Photo Journalism
Photo Journalism
Photo Journalism
Unit 1
Basic photography: Types of camera film speed shutter speed lens speed
four operations (viewing, focusing, exposing, processing)
Unit 2
Photographic composition: qualities of a good picture (stopping power, purpose &
meaning, emotional impact, graphic quality)
Unit 3
News photography: Ethics substance aesthetics qualities and tasks of a
press photographer examples of great news photographs.
Unit 4
Photo essay: grouped pictures thematic sequence importance of layout text
and pictures the classic photo essay.
Unit 5
Photojournalisms media: newspapers magazines company magazines
special magazines record covers greeting cards posters.
Photo Journalism
Basic photography
There are a couple of terms that everyone really needs to learn first before they
get into this and beforehand. They are the most basic of terminology that is
essential to photography. I will be using these terms throughout my pieces and
this is a good reference guide for students that are taking a photography class as
Know this: these terms are very, very interchangeable in the photography world.
Heres the Sparknotes version of them all. You can refer to this list forever to
find answers.
Rule of Thirds- This is the basic idea of composition. It is essentially dividing the
image up into three horizontal and vertical sections.
These lines are available to see on most point-and-shoot cameras. On a DSLR, you
can either change the filter in your eyepiece (viewfinder) or imagine them.
Depending on who you ask (and Ive been taught both ways by my mentors and in
internships) you can either use the lines to ensure that your subjects (those you
are photographing) are not centered or that they are centered.
For more interesting images, dont center your subjects. However, there are times
when it really is essential to do that.
Shutter Speed- This is how long your cameras shutter stays open for and it can be
read on either the back of your screen or within the viewfinder. It is typically a
fraction or a whole number.
For example:
1/15 = a fifteenth of a second
1/1000= a thousandth of a second
1= 1 second
15 = fifteen seconds
Here are the basic rules to follow:
The longer the shutter speed the more motion that will be captured and the stiller
you need to remain. This is great for capturing nighttime scenes.
The faster the shutter speed the less motion will be captured. This is great for
capturing fast moving objects like sports action.
On your camera, this can be seen with the S mode.
Aperture- This is also known as an F stop. It controls how much of your image is in
focus or not (IE what is clearly and sharply seen and what is blurred out.) It also
controls how much light comes into the lens of your camera and hits the sensor
(the equivalent of film.)
In general:
f1.4 = Enables high shutter speeds, not much is in focus.
f2.8 = Enables almost as high shutter speeds, more is in focus. Great for portraits.
f11 = Needs slower shutter speeds, much more is in focus.
f22 = Needs the slowest of shutter speeds. Everything you point your lens at
should be in focus. Best used with a flash unless there is tons of available bright
On your camera this is also known as AV mode.
Depth of Field- This is what is the range of distance within the subject that is
acceptably and sharply in focus. It can be controlled using your F stops.
ISO- Light sensitivity of your cameras sensor. The higher the ISO, the more
sensitive your camera will be to light and the grainier your images will be. The
lower the ISO, the less sensitive the camera will be to light and the less grainier
your images. Higher ISOs allow for faster shutter speeds.
ISO 100 = great for daylight use, no image grain.
ISO 400 = great for twilight use, a bit more grain.
ISO 1600 = much more suited towards low light or high action where you need to
stop fast movement.
ISO 6400 = Even better suited to low light and fast action, but delivers grainy
Manual- A shooting mode on your camera that enables you to control every
aspect of shooting. You can manipulate the shutter speeds, ISO settings, aperture
settings and loads more. On your camera this is the M mode.
Exposure- This term is used very, very interchangeably in the photographic
community. It can mean your shutter speed, a single photo and other things. Your
camera has something called, Exposure Compensation that depending on the
meter will either make your image brighter or darker.
The way it typically can work on your camera is by adjusting the shutter speed, ISO
or aperture depending on what shooting mode (manual, aperture, shutter priority
or program) that you are in.
Usually, you just have to judge from the context.
Lens- The piece of glass attached to your camera. There are different types of
Prime: A fixed focal length with no zoom. They can be 50mm, 28mm 85mm etc.
They typically tend to have better results depending on manufacturer and have a
fixed aperture as well.
Zoom: a lens that zooms in and out. Lesser quality zooms will generally change
aperture when zooming in and out depending on the range. Higher quality ones
keep the same aperture throughout the zoom ranges. Once again, this depends on
many different factors such as zoom range.
Lenses with a larger aperture (f1.4) are known as fast lenses. Lenses with a smaller
aperture (over f4) are known as slow lenses.
Focus- This is what the camera is mainly trying to take a picture of. On a point and
shoot, it is what appears in the green boxes on your cameras LCD. For a DSLR, it is
literally what can be clearly and sharply seen in the depth of field. The larger your
F stop (f1.8) the less will be in focus.
The out of focus area is affectionately called, bokeh and can deliver some
beautiful results.
There are also different type of focusing modes:
Macro, which is anything really, really up close. About a couple of inches or even
less. (seen as a flower symbol)
Infinity, which is for very, very far away objects. (seen as a mountain symbol)
Normal, which is generally everything in between Macro an Infinity.
Beyond this there is also:
Auto-focusing which lets the camera focus for you.
Manual-focusing which enables you to do all the focusing.
There are also in-between modes depending on the type of lens and who made it.
For example, Canon creates USM lenses that can auto-focus and allow you to
touch it up with manual focusing.
On Olympus, it is done through the camera. For them there is:
Single focus- Which will auto-focus on one stationary subject.
Single/Manual- Same thing but allows for manual touch up.
Continuous focus- which will continuously focus on one spot or subject as you are
Continuous/Manual- Same thing but allows for manual touch up
Tracking Focus- Which will continuously focus on one subject as it moves.
Flash - The burst of light that comes from the camera when a picture is taken.
There are different types of flash. Here are just two examples.
Fill Flash - light that will just fill in any dark spots.
Red Eye - flash that will prevent red-eye from showing up.
Types of camera
Cameras can be divided into several major types. Although most cameras operate
in roughly the same way, there are a few notable differences. It helps to know
what type of camera you are using, and what its strengths and weaknesses are.
Common Components
Firstly, let's look at what cameras have in common. Except for some specialist
types of camera, all cameras have the following basic components:
Body: A light-tight compartment to house the recording medium (film or CCD).
Lens: A transparent element to focus light rays onto the recording medium.
Aperture: A method of controlling how much light reaches the recording medium.
Shutter: A method of controlling how long the recording medium is exposed to
the incoming light.
Viewfinder: A way to see the image that is to be captured.
Transport: In film cameras, a method of moving the film and holding it in the
correct position.
Types of Camera
SLR (Single Lens Reflex): The viewfinder sees the same image as the main lens, i.e.
what you see is what you get. SLRs also allow you to change lenses for different
purposes. This is a hugely popular type of camera, pretty much the standard for
enthusiasts and professionals.
Viewfinder (or range finder): In this type of camera the viewfinder is separate to
the lens. This is common in cheap cameras, although some professional cameras
also use this configuration. The main problem with a separate viewfinder is that
the image you see may not be quite the same as the image that gets recorded.
This limitation is overcome in professional cameras by using viewfinders that
compensate for the different positions. Viewfinder cameras do have some
advantages; for example, lower noise and higher light levels to the viewfinder.
Twin reflex: The camera has two lenses one for the photograph and one for the
viewfinder. This type of camera has certain advantages in some professional
View: A flexible bellows joins two standards one with the lens and the other
with the viewfinder or film. This allows for unusual types of composition; for
example, distorting the shape of the image by skewing the film plane.
The ancient Greeks were the first to devise the golden section. Based on
geometry and mathematical formula, they constructed the golden section or
mean. They found that the proportions drawn were most beautiful and pleasing
to the eye. The golden section is applied to art, architecture, design as well as
photography. Examples are the Parthenon in Athens and Keops in Egypt.
The rule of thirds is an extension of the golden section. Since the 35mm frame
approximates the proportion of the golden section, we can use the golden section
to help us compose our picture. If the subject or points of interest are placed on
one of the intersection of the lines , it will give the image a more harmonious
balance. The rule of thirds helps to break the symmetry and monotony of the
The horizon line of the photograph is also usually placed either about one third
from the bottom or the top of the frame corresponding with the rule of thirds
lines. The horizon line is never or rarely placed in the center of the frame as the
image will have less impact. If the image is divided into equal parts, it tends to be
weak and undefined . Conversely, if the horizon line is placed at the lower or
upper third of the frame, it will divide the image into unequal parts, creating a
more dynamic composition.
If your picture is characterized by diagonal lines, you may want to apply the
golden triangle rule. Divide the rectangle of your frame into triangles as shown in
If you place your main subject on either of the intersection points (shown as black
dots), it will be more appealing to the eye.
What makes one or two photos rise to the top in a stack of 20, 30, or even 100
photos? The answer, despite what beginning photographers may imagine, is not a
secret known only to seasoned photographers and photo editors. Nor is there a
single element that makes a photo "good." Rather there is a not-so-secret
checklist of criteria commonly used to evaluate images.
Having said this, I hasten to add that evaluation checklists vary by person, and, like
other judging criteria, there are always exceptions to the rules. Furthermore, the
lines separating the criteria very often blur. Photography is, after all, subjective.
To evaluate your own photos for a strong center of interest, try asking yourself
these questions. Or show the picture to a friend and ask your friend to honestly
answer the questions.
When you look at the photo, what is the first thing you see? If you're
evaluating your own image, is what you see first the subject you had in
mind for the photograph?
Do other elements in the image compete with the subject for attention?
Do technical aspects such as light and the direction of light, depth of field,
focus, and so on add to or detract from the subject?
2. Is the image composed well? In a strong photo, there should be a sense of
overall organization. While entire books are written on composition, at the most
basic level, composition is the process of establishing a sense of order for the
elements within an image. Note Composition rules or guidelines are a helpful
starting point, but they are useful only as long as they enhance the overall image.
Fill the frame Filling the frame helps establish the center of interest, and,
simultaneously, it helps exclude competing background details. You can fill
the frame by moving closer to the subject or by using a longer focal length
(or zooming in).
elements In
composition, the
Rule of Thirds is
often used to
elements in a
This rule is
derived from the
Golden Section
or Golden
Rectangle that
divides a space,
such as a photographic frame, into equal segments to create pleasing
proportions. In simple terms, if you apply the Rule of Thirds in photography
you simply imagine a tick-tac-toe pattern on the viewfinder. Then, when you
place the subject of the photo at one of the intersection points, the result is
a pleasing sense of order.
Keep it simple The fewer the elements in a photo, the stronger the
statement the image makes. Simplicity also helps prevent the viewer's eye
from being distracted. To evaluate the composition of your images, try
asking these questions.
Is there a sense of order and balance in the image that helps lead the eye
through the composition?
Are elements included that do not contribute to the subject of the image?
Are elements excluded that, if included, would have enhanced the subject
of the image?
Do the depth of field, focal length (lens or zoom setting), lighting, angle, and
perspective enhance the composition?
On the other hand, if the image is a portrait of a person, I would look for quite
different exposure settings, for example, a low ISO, a wide aperture (small f-stop
number), and, depending on the light, a slower shutter speed. In this case, the
portrait would be little or no grain or digital noise and the narrow depth of field
would blur the background to emphasize the subject. (Of course, a photographer
might choose the opposite setting to achieve an entirely different look.) The
question is whether the exposure settings were planned to enchance the image
Questions that can help you evaluate whether focus and exposure settings are
appropriate for an image include:
Is the sharpest point in the image on the center of interest of the subject of
the photo?
Does the depth of field enhance the subject, mood, or look of the image or
does it distract from it?
Does the focal length or zoom setting enhance the subject and message?
Does the image have good overall contrast for the type image the
photographer intended?
Does the color appear natural and/or does it help set the mood of the
4. Does the photo tell a story. Most often, the difference between a photo you
remember and one that you quickly forget depends on whether the photo tells a
story. As a viewer, I
want to see the
story, and this is one
of the most
evaluation points I
look for in other
images. It is also the
element that I
always try to include
in my images.
At a minimum, does the photo make a statement that you can articulate?
Does the photo elicit an emotion? In other words, can you relate to the
subject or the situation?
5. Does the lighting enhance the subject and message? Like the composition,
lighting is a subject that is worthy of book-length discussions. Whether in shooting
or evaluating photos, light should be used to its maximum potential to reveal
what's important in the image and to set the overall tone of the photo.
Is the light too harsh, too contrasty, or is it too soft and too flat?
Are all important aspects of the subject well lit, or could the lighting be
improved by using a flash, fill flash, reflector, or auxiliary light?
Does the light help convey the overall message of the photo?
In a color photo, is the color balanced or corrected for the light temperature
(in other words, the overall color should be natural-looking). And if it isn't,
does the color cast contribute to the photo?
Does the photo disclose more about the subject, or show it in unexpected
Does the photo relate visual elements in unusual and intriguing ways?
Is the photo interesting and fresh, or is it just too weird for words?
Depending on the day, and depending on the photo, I may add other criteria to
my evaluation checklist, but I seldom delete one of these basic six points.
In the real world, I also know that if 10 people look at the same photo,
approximately five may give it good marks and five may give it low marks.
Photography is, of course, as subjective as individual taste.
But when everyone has had their say, the bottom line is that you now have
evaluation criteria so that you can evaluate your own work. If an image is your
best so far, enjoy the image and your achievement. Then go back in a month or
two and evaluate the image against the six basic criteria again. If it still passes the
test, frame it and hang it on the wall, and then go out and shoot a better picture.
Most print media use a combination of words and pictures to tell the news, but
some only use words. If you have ever seen a newspaper with no pictures, you will
know that it does not look attractive; it does not make you want to read it. It looks
as though it will be hard work, and readers are therefore put off. It is also limited
in its ability to tell the news accurately.
When we talk about "pictures", we are usually talking about photographs, but
there are other kinds of pictures, too. Good drawings, paintings and other graphic
work also work well as news pictures. We shall consider those in the next chapter.
That is a pity if some of those stories are well researched and well written, but it is
true. The readers who pay money for a newspaper expect their job to be made
easy for them. They expect the news to have been sorted out into big stories and
little stories, to have been written clearly, and to be presented in a way which is
easy to read.
Newspapers without pictures do not make the news easy to read. They make life
hard for the readers. The newspaper's journalists are not doing their job properly.
Not all stories will be ideal for pictures. Some will be told more easily in words
than in pictures, while other stories may be told with one picture more easily and
more clearly than in many words.
There is an old saying in English that "one picture is worth a thousand words".
That can be true, but only if it is the kind of story which is suitable to be told by a
picture, and only if it is a good picture. We shall look in a moment at what makes a
good news picture.
Pictures can sometimes tell the news just by themselves, with a caption to say
who the people are and where the event is taking place. At other times, the
picture may go with a story, to work as a team with the words. In either case, a
news picture must always leave the reader knowing more than he did before. It
must carry information.
To show what it looks like
Only a very gifted writer can use words in a way which lets the reader visualise
exactly what a scene is like. Not every reporter can write as well as that.
A picture can let the reader see what a person, or a place, or a building, or an
event looks like.
It is often best to recognize the nature of the emotions you experience when
viewing an image and to keep them in perspective. A field of pale clover will not
have the high drama and impact of a field of screaming yellow sunflowers. But the
field of clover may have its own quiet qualities that evoke powerful emotions.
Both high drama and subtlety are well represented through the medium of
If you recognize the subject or understand the message the first time you see a
photo, you may well connect it with your experiences. You carry the memories of
these experiences with you throughout the viewing process; this can make for an
extraordinarily moving experience. This is one reason that images depicting
human suffering are often so powerful. All people experience pain. When people
read a sad face, it brings back memories of their pain and suffering. As each
person has had diverse experiences, it follows that there cannot be a right or
wrong way to interpret the emotional aspects of a photograph.
The evaluation of the quality of light is subjective. There are various ways to look
at and interpret the light in a photographic image. Artists, being familiar with the
properties of light, come to the table with lots of ideas as to how it should be
captured in photography. Its important to put your personal preferences aside
and try to imagine the scene as the photographer might have seen it.
Is flash or other artificial lighting technique used? If so, how well was it
Does the light make you feel anything? Does it contribute to the mood of
the image?
Is the image too contrasty? Are the highlights too bright or the shadows too
Does the light have weight? Does it seem thin and light, crisp and airy, thick
and muggy?
Does the light cause glare or extreme contrast? Does the light add a sense
of drama? Did the artist purposely over or underexpose the scene to create
an artistic effect?
These are not questions that need to be answered for every photograph. They are
simply a range of things to be considered when evaluating the light in
photographic images.
News photography
Pictures are worth 1,000 words in the newspaper business that equals about 25
inches of print. Images are one of the most powerful forms of communication,
especially in journalism. One image or sound can summarize an event or person or
motivate a nation; one image can upset people more than endless pages of print
on the subject. Kenneth F. Irby from the Poynter Institute describes
photojournalism as the craft of employing photographic storytelling to document
life: it is universal and transcends cultural and language bounds.
In the early days of newspaper journalism the photojournalists role was relatively
straightforward. Armed with a camera he captured a moment in time a reality.
Back at the newsroom he spent hours in the darkroom mixing chemicals and
perfecting his art. The photojournalist emerged with a snippet of reality, ready to
show the truth to the public. The development of news photography in the 19th
century supported claims by newspapers that they reported events as they
happened, objectively.
When we talk about "pictures", we are usually talking about photographs, but
there are other kinds of pictures, too. Good drawings, paintings and other graphic
work also work well as news pictures. We shall consider those in the next chapter.
There are three main reasons why newspapers need news pictures.
A page without a picture is just a slab of grey text. It looks boring and many
people will not bother to read what is written on it.
That is a pity if some of those stories are well researched and well written, but it is
true. The readers who pay money for a newspaper expect their job to be made
easy for them. They expect the news to have been sorted out into big stories and
little stories, to have been written clearly, and to be presented in a way which is
easy to read.
Newspapers without pictures do not make the news easy to read. They make life
hard for the readers. The newspaper's journalists are not doing their job properly.
Not all stories will be ideal for pictures. Some will be told more easily in words
than in pictures, while other stories may be told with one picture more easily and
more clearly than in many words.
There is an old saying in English that "one picture is worth a thousand words".
That can be true, but only if it is the kind of story which is suitable to be told by a
picture, and only if it is a good picture. We shall look in a moment at what makes a
good news picture.
Pictures can sometimes tell the news just by themselves, with a caption to say
who the people are and where the event is taking place. At other times, the
picture may go with a story, to work as a team with the words. In either case, a
news picture must always leave the reader knowing more than he did before. It
must carry information.
Only a very gifted writer can use words in a way which lets the reader visualise
exactly what a scene is like. Not every reporter can write as well as that.
A picture can let the reader see what a person, or a place, or a building, or an
event looks like.
A strong news picture has to be about the news. That is, it has to be about
something which is new, unusual, interesting, significant and about people. To
that extent, it is no different from a news story. However, news pictures also need
three other qualities:
To the photographer, a picture assignment may seem dull. It may just seem like
yet another cheque presentation, or yet another graduation day, or yet another
To the people involved in the story, though, each of these is a big event - the
culmination of months of fund-raising, the fruit of years of study or the end of a
lifetime's service. It is the news photographer's job to feel the same excitement
which the people involved in the story feel, and to convey that through the picture
to the readers.
If the people being photographed look alive and involved in the subject of the
photograph, then the photograph will have life.
Relevant context
People sit behind desks for many reasons, and it is the reason which matters, not
the desk.
Also, it has to be a very unusual desk for the picture to have any interest for the
reader. A desk with a phone and some papers on it is very boring.
News pictures should always try to capture this context, the job which the person
does, or the reason why they are in the news. If a schoolteacher is in the news
because they have won a painting competition, then the relevant context would
be the painting. A photograph of them teaching would not provide the correct
However, a photograph of the teacher
painting, surrounded by the students,
might be the complete news picture.
It is not possible to give a complete list of types of news picture, any more than it
is possible to give a complete list of types of people. People come in all sorts of
shapes, sizes and characters; so do news pictures.
The list which follows is just a guide to the most common types.
Some news pictures will fit into more than one category - a portrait of a person
may well be humorous, for example. And there will always be good photographers
who can produce good pictures which book authors cannot fit into any category at
all. That is what makes journalism so interesting.
The happening
There are all sorts of news story, but the big one is the thing which just happened.
Perhaps there was an unusual act of nature - an earthquake, a cyclone, an eclipse
of the sun. Perhaps there was a man-made drama - a murder, a robbery, a
demonstration, a parade. Whatever happened, it was new; and if it was unusual
and interesting, then it was news. A photograph of it is just what a newspaper
editor wants.
The epitome
Epitomes are important to news pictures. It is impossible for the human mind to
imagine 10,000 people starving to death, or 500 refugees being turned back at a
border, or 30,000 miners on strike. These numbers are too vast, and our minds
cannot cope.
What people can understand is one thin mother, with no milk in her breasts,
watching her baby starve to death.
They can understand the despair of one refugee as the door of hope is shut in his
They can understand the hopes and fears of one striking miner, as he balances the
desire to stand up for what he considers to be his rights against the need to
provide for his family.
In each case, by reducing the vast scale of the story to the human scale, the story
gains in emotional power. The epitome is the picture which shows in one person
what the story actually means to 500, 10,000 or 30,000. It turns statistics into
There are also pictures which epitomize situations, in that each part of the picture
stands for something bigger. For example, when the Soviet Union sent its army to
occupy Czechoslovakia in August 1968, and end the liberal reforms of the Dubcek
government, people went out on to the streets of Prague to protest. One
memorable photograph showed a young man, still wearing his pyjamas, standing
in front of the gun of a Russian tank baring his chest defiantly. The picture
summed up the whole situation - the weak humanity of Czechoslovakia being
defeated by the metal inhumanity of Russia, but still refusing to accept it. It was a
brilliant and memorable epitome.
News is about people. It is about things which people do, and things which
happen to people. To tell the news, we need to let the readers know who those
people are and what they are like.
A picture can do this, if it shows the person's character and the person's context. If
the news story is about a man's house being burned down, then we do not want a
picture of him smiling: he needs to look sad. He needs to be photographed either
in the burned remains of his house, or on the beach where he has to sleep now, or
in whatever other context tells the story.
Most of our readers see only a few places and meet only a few people in their
everyday lives. They do not see a lot of what goes on around them, because it
happens in places which they never visit.
There are many other things which most of our readers do not see because they
do not want to see them, even though they may be happening in places which
they visit regularly - beggars on the street, people looking in rubbish bins to find
food, pickpockets and car thieves.
It is part of the job of all the news media to reveal to their readers or listeners
what their society is like, and newspapers in particular can publish pictures which
force people to see clearly the society they live in.
These pictures may show that crime is committed, that some people live in poor
conditions in squatter settlements or shanty towns, that there is social injustice,
that there is fighting going on between rival clans in remote parts of the country.
All this may sound very negative, but it is only possible for things which are wrong
to be put right when people know about them. When you sweep out a room, the
first job is to get all the dirt out from under the furniture into the middle of the
room. Only then can it be cleaned right out of the door. In the same way,
journalists often need to bring the dirt of society into the open, so that it can be
cleaned up.
Not all revelations need to be negative, though. It is just as valuable to make your
readers look for the first time at the life of a person or a family which overcomes
difficulties - perhaps dealing with physical handicap, or finding ways to make
money when there are no jobs available, or getting on with life while tribal
fighting is going on all around.
Pictures can often be funny by bringing together things which are not usually seen
together, or by using contrasts of extreme sizes.
Pretty pictures
If you get back to the office, and find that the one picture you have taken does not
really tell the story, it is too late to do anything about it. You cannot gather
everybody together again for another attempt.
So when you are sent to cover a story, and when it has picture possibilities, you
should always take more than one picture.
In the first place, cameras can be held two ways, to take both horizontal and
vertical pictures. You should always take at least one picture of each shape.
You should also come up with more than one picture idea, in case one of them
does not really work. That means thinking in advance about the story, and
imagining what the finished picture could look like.
So, for each picture idea, you will have a horizontal and a vertical shot.
Now, for each of those, you will need to try a number of different camera settings,
to make sure that you get at least one picture with the right light quality. Try
several different shutter speeds and several different f stops. (If your camera is
fully automatic, this does not apply to you.) In particular, even if the light is not
very good - inside a building, for example - always try at least one shot without
flash, using available light. If it is too dark, you have lost very little time; if it works,
you will almost certainly have a better picture than one which uses flash. Flash
makes everything look very flat and dull, and should only be used when there is
no alternative.
This is why you need to take more than one picture even when the newspaper will
only use one picture. There are also some types of job which require more than
one picture to be published in the paper, and these make special demands on the
A sequence of pictures can show a story unfolding, and therefore tell that story
better than a single image can do. Very often, the editor will want to use the last
picture like the punchline of a joke, using it bigger than the rest, so that the early
pictures give the background to the main news, which is shown in the final climax
picture. Be prepared when news is happening in front of you to keep taking one
picture after another, in rapid succession, so that you may have a good sequence.
In any case, whether you have used only one frame or 30, the photos must be
developed or downloaded as soon as you return to the newsroom. If you are using
film, it should not sit in your camera for several days, waiting for you to finish the
roll, while the news becomes old; you may as well use all the film on the current
Big events
At these times you will need to look for pictures of all the types listed above. You
will want a picture of the moment the flag flies out of the hands of the soldier,
perhaps; a picture of the proud and emotional face of a person in national dress
looking up at the flag as it is raised, to epitomise the nationalism of the day; lots
of pictures of people, of both high and low rank; a picture of a drunk collapsed
under a tree; funny incidents; happy children.
All aspects of human life are there on these big occasions, and it is the job of the
news photographer to capture them all.
And dont forget that many big days are not happy for example Hiroshima Day in
Japan - or may be sorrowful for some people in the society. In Australia, for
example, Australia Day signifies for many Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders the
day their country was colonised by the British. A spread of photos of Australia Day
celebrations would be incomplete without some showing the perspective of
indigenous people.
Taking the picture
Most people, however, become confused by all those lenses and different
settings. If you are like this, you will probably get better results with a simple
fixed-lens fully automatic camera than with a fancy one.
The reason for this is simple: you should be concentrating on the picture which
you are taking, not on the camera. If you find that you have to puzzle over the
camera settings, then you would probably do better with an automatic camera.
These can now be bought for as little as US$100, though for newspapers and
magazines you will probably need to spend more for a good quality lens necessary
to take pictures which can be reproduced in large and clear format.
Whatever kind of camera you use, learn to look at the picture through the
camera. Do not look at the scene first, decide it will be a good picture, and then
click the camera shutter. Look at the scene through the camera, and see what it
looks like.
Look all around the picture, too, not just at the subject. Look into the corners, and
at the background. Photographers who do not do this often take photographs of
people who seem to have things growing out of their heads - it may be a tree
which is behind them.
Always remember that you can move - not only from side to side, and backwards
and forwards, but up and down, too. Your knees bend. Try kneeling down, or even
lying down; try standing on a chair. See what a difference this makes to your
Remember, too, that the people in your
picture can move. However, they can
only move if you ask them to do so. You
will need to take control of the situation
and be the boss.
If you can take a better photograph of the President outside the building than
inside the building, explain to him what you want and ask for his cooperation. If
he says no, you have lost nothing; but if he agrees, you will get a better picture.
This will please the President as much as it will please you. (See Chapter 16:
Interviewing for details of how to deal self-confidently with important people.)
By comparison, the photograph on the right took longer to set up and take, but it
is a more memorable shot. Your subjects will recognise this and may even ask for
a copy to put in a frame on their wall!
When you photograph a group of people, you will need to organise them. Left to
themselves, they will stand in a long line, with big spaces between them. Your
photograph will then look awful.
Try to arrange different groupings. Bring more important people closer to the
camera, so that they will appear bigger than the other people. Try putting tall
people behind short people, or get some people to sit and others to stand behind
them. Try putting everybody in a crowd, looking up, and stand on a table to
photograph them from above.
However you arrange the group, persuade them to stand closer together than
they really want to. It is a strange thing, but people look unfriendly in a
photograph unless they are very close together, and you will have lots of dead
space through the picture if they stand apart. Explain why, and get them to stand
so close together that they touch, unless this is entirely socially unacceptable. If it
is, bring some people nearer the camera to cover the gaps in the line behind
Above all, have ideas for good pictures before you start a job. You can then take
control of the situation. If important people try to tell you what to do - "I think we
will have one of me behind my desk" - take the picture they want first, and then
say: "Can we now try another idea? My editor always likes me to have a selection
of shots." Even if you never use the boring picture of the person behind the
desk, it was worth the cost of a little film or digital processing time to win the
person's confidence in you.
Today, the ethics of photojournalism goes far beyond the ethics of the newspaper
photo. It includes the millions of news-related images that appear on our
televisions, cell phones, computer screens and other multi-media devices. We are
an image-saturated world.
Be Curious
Curiosity can result in great pictures! Theres no virtue as fulfilling as that, because
if youre curious, photography doesnt become a chore. Instead, its a joyful
experience. Also, when its all work and all play, youll end up with a far greater
output than a less curious photographer whos doing it only for the money and
recognition. Also, curious people see things around them with renewed interest,
as if theyre seeing it for the first time. You need to perceive things without your
mind being in a hurry. Thats the main secret! Great photos may come, but being
curious itself is greatly enjoyable. Remember, the voyage of discovery lies not in
finding new landscapes, but in gaining new eyes.
Make Mistakes
Know no fear! Its okay to mess up a photo by trying out all kinds of exposures,
angles, subjects and moods. Dont be afraid to make mistakes. The way to take
great photographs is to take a lot of them. Learn from the mistakes of others, but
dont be afraid to make your own as well. Some photographers have a weekly
ritual of taking approximately 50 photos a day and reviewing them over the
weekend. Many have reported that their photography techniques have improved
and their level of quality has gone up. It could be their ability to understand light
and manipulate the aperture, shutter speed and ISO. Or, it could be their creativity
that has reached a new high. It could also just be their constant exposure to
photography and its elements. Therefore, the lesson here is shoot, shoot, shoot!
Be in Control
I dont mean that in a negative sense. Im talking about keeping an eye on
everything that makes up a good photo every time youre out with your camera.
That could mean changing the ISO, aperture value, shutter speed, light, etc.
Shooting becomes more fun when you control the settings. Thats also when you
become more creative. When you can control the settings, you can control
anything for a good photo. With control comes your own style. Be brave enough
to do something crazy. Shoot what impresses you and youll impress others!
See Things Differently
A good photographer is one who notices things others are oblivious to. The best
way to testify to that is to go through interesting photos on the Flickr Web site
every other day. One of the things youll notice is that most photos are of ordinary
subjects, but are taken in an extraordinary manner; be it lighting, angle, contrast,
background, foreground, focal length and so on. For example, sometimes a
building that appears ordinary by day might end up looking spectacular by night.
Be Different
Great photographers dont do different things, they just do things differently. So,
try and be different in everything you do. Stay away from monotonous angles,
subjects and backgrounds. Step out of your comfort zone and push the envelope
of creativity to break new ground. Know the rules, but also set out to break them.
Just be different!
Be Playful
Some of the best photos come about when youre just fooling around with your
camera with no agenda whatsoever. Therefore, the key is to play with new angles,
with different shooting distances, with shooting from different perspectives and so
on. A playful approach to life could very well take your photography to a new
Be Patient
Many of us feel happy when we take many photographs, no matter how bad they
are. And to achieve that, we end up racing against time and shortening our life
cycle. Instead, a better bet would be to give time a break and just relax. Just watch
the world go by with no intention of shooting scores of images. At one time or
another, youll end up capturing a Kodak moment. Just wait it out and enjoy life at
the same time!
Unit 4
Photo essay:
Sequencing refers to the order you put your samples in within your portfolio.
While mostly relevant to [photography portfolios], the sequence acts as a guide to
the information, ideas, and picture making skills contained in your portfolio.
Aspects of your work may be played up or subtly minimized. Any time, in fact,
pictures are strung together in a book, on a gallery wall, on a website, they have
an effect on one another.
Advice on Sequencing
Both the content of a picture and its form (line, shape, color scheme, tonality)
subtly overlay our experience of the next picture in a sequence. Consider the
order of your images with that in mind.
Be clear about what you want your pictures to communicate. Use sequencing to
establish the subject matter you want to work with, the skills you want to
highlight, and your particular way of working.
Take a look at well-designed photography books (especially monographs). Read
the foreword and text to understand the photographers agenda then try to get a
line on how their sequencing strategy works to enhance that agenda. Then
consider how the order of your pictures can bring forward the qualities in your
work that you believe are most important.
Begin to experiment with the sequence. Do this over time, as its subtle work
Visual Sequencing: At issue in every sequencing strategy is the way that visual
elements relate to each other from picture to picture and page to page whether in
print or on a monitor. Visual or formal elements like line, tone, color scheme,
scale, and shape can encourage a flow of information or can work to isolate
images and their ideas from each other. Pairing pictures together that share
formal qualities encourages the viewer to associate them together even if their
content is different while pairing pictures that dont visually connect supports
their differences. Youve heard the expression form is content right?
Page layout strategies may also work towards similar ends including; placing sets
of images in a grid on a page or screen to create cohesion among the images,
leaving a blank page next to a key image, and using image size to direct the
viewers attention.