Medium Voltage SF GAS Insulated Ring Main Unit Up To 15Kv: Al-Ahleia Switchgear Co
Medium Voltage SF GAS Insulated Ring Main Unit Up To 15Kv: Al-Ahleia Switchgear Co
Medium Voltage SF GAS Insulated Ring Main Unit Up To 15Kv: Al-Ahleia Switchgear Co
Driven by a vision to pioneer, ASC has risen
from its humble beginning more than 25
years ago of a sole factory for LV boards,
to an organisation boasting of 11 factories
managing LV & HV Switchgear, Transformers
and Package Sub-stations, establishing itself as
the largest power equipment manufacturer in
the region.
2. Product Range 6
3. Technical Data 8
4. Salient Features 10
5. Optional Features 11
8. Protection of Transformer 16
9. Quality Assurance 18
Al-Ahleia make Ring Main Unit Type AR12 covers complete range of 12kV/15kV SF6 Gas Insulated
switchgear with various built-in functions. These are available in various combinations according
to customer needs. For different versions refer Table-A, B, C & D. These units are available
in non-extensible or extensible construction. Ring main units can be constructed in various
combinations with following switching functions:
Ring Main Unit Type AR12 is broadly categorized into two groups as indicated below:
Ring main units with ring switches and switch-fuse unit for transformer control (versions
given in Table-A & B).
Ring main units with ring switches and Vacuum circuit breaker and 3-Position Disconnector
for transformer control (versions given in Table-C & D).
Metering unit with CT, PT and Protection devices to align with above units can also be offered.
Ring Main Units are suitable for short circuit current levels up to:
Ring Main Unit Type AR12 meets relevant International Standards IEC 60265, IEC 62271-200,
IEC 62271-100, IEC 62271-102 and IEC 62271-105.
Ring Main Units have been successfully tested for all type test duties for above mentioned ratings
including Internal Arc Fault test as per relevant IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission)
ensuring utmost safety of operators.
Ring Main Unit Switchgear comprises of one to four compact functional units such as: ring switch
along with associated earthing switch, transformer switch-fuse along with associated earthing
switch or circuit breaker with associated 3-Position Disconnector functions. The switching units
together with other live parts and busbars (for versions given in Table - A, C & D) are contained in
totally SF6 gas insulated gas-tight steel tank. High voltage connections are brought out through
epoxy bushings. Circuit breaker is vacuum type and switches are load-break and fault-make
Make-break operation of ring switch and switch-fuse unit takes place in SF6 Gas (low pressure
0.05 to 0.3 Bar g). Pressure indicator is mounted on front panel of unit for ease of pressure
Operating mechanism of all switches and VCB are simple and highly reliable. All operating
mechanisms are located behind a front cover plate, displaying mimic diagram for various
switching and earthing devices.
Spring-assisted fast acting manual close/open mechanisms are provided for the ring switch/ring
earthing switch. Closing and opening is carried out by this fast acting mechanism. No energy is
stored in springs at final position of switches (for versions given in Table - A & B)
Switch-Fuse unit is also operated by fast acting manual operating mechanism for manual closing
operation. The fuses are normally equipped with striker pins which in the event of fault/abnormal
current will operate and trip the switch-fuse unit. Local manual tripping facility is also provided.
Earthing contact can be closed and opened manually through specific operating shaft. Hinged
lockable cover is provided for access to this shaft. A suitable common operating handle is
provided to operate all switches.
VCB is provided with independent manual close/trip mechanism for normal operations. During
conditions such as fault condition, VCB is tripped automatically with protection options described
in subsequent pages. Protection options are independent of auxiliary supply. Manual tripping
facility is also provided. 3-Position Disconnector switch connected with VCB facilitates isolation
and earthing of transformer circuit. This disconnector switch is fully interlocked with VCB.
Load break switches of ring switch and transformer switch are fully interlocked with their respective
earthing switches.
Suitable interlocks are provided for full safety of operating staff. These are described in details in
subsequent part of this catalogue.
Switch and VCB position mechanical indicators are directly attached to their respective
mechanisms, thus ensuring high degree of reliability.
Suitable weatherproof metal housings are provided to enclose SF6 gas tank, mechanisms, cable
terminations and high voltage fuses where applicable. Fuse compartment and cable termination
boxes are air insulated. Critical parts are made of stainless steel. Other parts are adequately
protected against corrosion which could have caused by atmospheric effects.
Table - A: RMU versions with Switch-Fuse Units - Non-Extensible
Overall Weight
Sl. Size
Description Rating SLD Mounting (kg)
No. (Width x Depth
x Height) in mm (Approx.)
W- 566
1 Way unit with Ring 12kV, 50Hz, Free
1 D- 1088 350
switch 20kA-3 sec, 630A standing
H- 1676
W- 646
1 Way unit with 12kV, 50Hz, Free
2 D- 1055 400
Tr. Switch-Fuse 20kA- 3sec, 200A standing
H- 1676
12kV, 50Hz, 20kA -3sec
4 Way unit with standing W- 2326
- Ring Switch - 630A
5 3 Ring switches and or D- 1088 1450
- Tr. Switch- 200A
1 Tr. Switch-Fuse Transformer H- 1676
- Fuse- 200A
Notes:- - Fuses as required for Transformer Switch-Fuse units can be selected from Table-F.
- Unit dimensions are without actuators.
- Busbar rating as required up to 1250A.
Table - C: RMU versions with Vacuum Circuit Breaker Extensible
Overall Size Weight
Description Ratings SLD Mounting (Width x Depth x (kg)
No. Height) in mm (Approx.)
Table - D: RMU versions with Vacuum Circuit Breaker Non-Extensible
Overall Size Weight
Description Ratings SLD Mounting (Width x Depth x (kg)
No. Height) in mm (Approx.)
Table E
Transformer Switch-
Ring Switch Vacuum Circuit
Ratings Unit (Load Break Switch) Breaker
(Load Break Switch)
Type: ARRS12 Type: ARTS12 Type: AH12
Rated Voltage kV 12/15 12/15 12/15
Rated Current (IEC Rating) A 630 200 630
P.F. Withstand Voltage kV 28/38 28/38 28/38
Impulse Withstand Voltage kVp 75/95 75/95 75/95
Frequency Hz 50/60 50/60 50/60
Breaking Current kA - 20/25 ** 25/20
Mainly Active Load A 630 200 -
Closed Loop Current (as per IEC 60265) A 630 - -
Cable Charging Current (as per IEC 60265) A 25 25 -
Short-time Withstand Current for 3 sec. kA 20 2.5 20
Short-time Withstand Current for 1 sec. kA 25 3.15 25
Rated Peak Withstand Current kAp 62.5 8.2 62.5
Rated Peak Making Current kAp 62.5 50/65 ** 62.5
Fuse Rating A -- Up to 160 -
Rated Busbar Current (IEC Rating) A Up to 1250
Minimum operating SF6 Gas Pressure Bar g 0.05
** Prospective value, the actual current being limited by fuse.
3 Way RMU Incorporating 2 Ring Switch and 1 Switch Fuse Unit (Provision for Manual Operation Only)
View with Front Door and Fuse Side View Showing Cable Terminals
Compartment Door Open
Suitable for Indoor and Outdoor use.
Available in Extensible or Non-Extensible versions.
Free standing or Transformer mounted.
Full protection from external environment.
Low operating gas pressure.
Common operating handle for all the switches (for versions given in Table - A & B).
Gas Pressure Indicator and Gas refilling valve.
Built-in Earthing Switches for ring cables and Transformer.
Earthing switch for earthing both sides of H.T. Fuse.
Built-in cable testing provision.
No external test plugs are required. Power cable on the ring circuits can be tested without
disconnecting from terminal bushing (for versions given in Table - A, C & D).
Extension of existing RMU switchboard is possible without handling of SF6 gas (for versions
given in Table - B & C).
High degree of operator safety due to:
Mostly required features for functions of RMU are included in standard design. However, following
additional features can be fitted to the unit on demand:
1. Voltage indication unit: This facility is in-built in cable bushing which makes it possible to
check the presence or absence of voltage in cable, through LED voltage indicators fitted on
the unit front panel.
2. Earth fault indication: This provides the indication of an earth fault current in Ring cable
system. This facilitates that location of fault can be isolated and power supply can be
restored quickly through healthy sections.
3. Short circuit indication: These are used to indicate short circuit fault in cable section. This
facilitates that location of fault can be isolated and power supply can be restored quickly
through healthy sections.
4. Motorized Linear actuator: For electrical operation from remote, motorized linear actuators
can be provided as built-in or add-on feature. For details refer Page No.15.
5. Cable test plugs: Separate cable test plugs for testing power cable can be supplied.
6. Trip coil for Transformer control: This can be provided for tripping of transformer switch-
fuse/circuit breaker.
7. Overcurrent / Earth fault protection: This can be provided where circuit breaker is used
for transformer control.
8. Phase comparator: This can be used in conjunction with voltage indicating device for
checking status of phase angle of two ring connections.
9. Anti-reflex operating handle: This facilitates the required delay in any attempt to bring the
switch to OFF condition from ON condition during making operation.
10. Pressure switch: This is used for indication/alarm of gas over pressure or low pressure at
local/remote location.
11. Cable termination kits: XLPE/PILC cable termination kits suitable for cables up to 300mm.
12. Key interlocks: Mechanical key interlocks can be provided to interlock between various
feeders of multi function RMUs.
13. Operation counter: To have a record of number of operations switches have performed,
operation counters can be provided.
14. Auxiliary intertrip relay with indication: To discriminate the tripping commands given by
the transformer integrated safety device.
Manual Operation of Ring Switch Fuse Replacement
View with Front Door Open Manual Operation of Ring Switch
All versions of Ring Main Unit Type AR12 are fully interlocked to avoid mal-operation, thus
ensuring the safety of operating persons. Following are the interlocks provided on switch
positions to prevent incorrect operations. Additional interlocks can be considered as per specific
Padlocking Provisions
The actuators will allow the switches to be controlled from remote for simple ON/OFF operations
or Automation functions by using suitable Remote Telecontrol System. Besides allowing user-
defined switching functions, Remote Telecontrol System can also perform measurement,
recording and display of necessary analog data and can indicate the status of switches at Remote
Control Stations.
The automation can be extended to hook-up several RMUs or integrate with existing SCADA
A) When Vacuum Circuit Breaker is controlling the transformer
When short circuit protection / earth fault protection has to be provided for transformers of various
rating, two options are available. In both the options auxiliary power is not required.
Option-1: Protection with Time Limit Fuse Links (refer schematic drawing for Option-1).
Protection CTs are fitted on HT cables running between vacuum circuit breaker and transformer.
Time Limit Fuse links are mounted in LV compartment which will short the CT secondary terminals
as shown in schematic drawing. Thus current flowing through Electronic unit is negligible, under
normal healthy conditions.
In the event of abnormality (i.e. faulty conditions), fuse will blow-off and resultant current will pass
through the electronic circuit. Electronic circuit in turn will give trip command to VCB. Fuse link
characteristics selection is based on transformer rating, LV side protection and inrush current of
the transformer.
In place of fuses, normally close contacts of IDMT over current/earth fault relay, short the
CT secondary giving effect as fuses. Relay characteristics selection is carried out, based on
transformer rating, inrush current, L.V side protection and short circuit withstand of transformer.
Notes: - Fuse ratings given above are for reference. Rating of fuse to be finalized based on specific applications.
- Fuses are with strikers for operating transformer switch through linkage.
- Fuses to other standards such as IEC can also be considered on demand.
Quality Assurance
Al-Ahleia has the unique distinction to be the first Kuwaiti Company to be awarded the prestigious
BSEN ISO 9001, Quality Management Certificate in recognition of its high quality in product /
customer services and its excellent Quality Assurance System.
Comprehensive Quality Control is carried out at every stage from incoming materials up to the
end product. Group of Engineers and skilled manpower with the help of latest testing equipments
ensure compliance to the customer requirements and IEC/BS Specification.
Al-Ahleia Ring Main Units are tested for short circuit tests at KEMA Laboratories, Netherlands.
3 Way RMU Incorporating 2 Ring Switch and 1 Switch Fuse Unit with Provision for Motorised Operation
View with Front Door Open View with Front Door and Fuse
Compartment Door Open
Copy Rights 2010 - Al-Ahleia Switchgear Co. GPS Location
All Rights Reserved 29 13 59.40 N - 48 00 59.76 E