Caring For The Environment
Caring For The Environment
Caring For The Environment
Volunteer Activities
Protecting your planet is all about increasing environmental awareness, and there is
always strength in numbers. Consider getting your class, church youth group or even
your entire school to help make an environmental statement this year.
Planting trees and drawing on posters is good, but what if you grabbed your crew and
ventured to do some out-of-the-ordinary environmental activities? Helping children
understand the importance of taking care of the environment is a great way to teach
them character traits like kindness and gratitude.
Learn how to protect, preserve, and restore the environment.
Although not every Young Women camp will be held in an outdoor, natural setting,
all young women should learn how to protect, preserve, and restore natural
environments (see D&C 104:13). Following are some principles and activity ideas
that will help you learn how to take care of our natural world.
Go on a hike. Use only the trails that already exist, and walk in the middle of
the trail. Do not touch or take any artifacts or plants. If you see any wildlife,
keep a safe distance and do not try to feed them. Never leave trash or food
on the trail.
Participate in an overnight camp. Use only the campsites that already exist,
and do not alter the site. Camp on durable surfaces, such as packed dirt or
rock, and make sure your site is at least 200 feet (61 m) away from any
lakes, rivers, or streams to avoid contaminating water resources. Store food
and trash properly in sealed containers to avoid attracting animals to your
campsite (see the activity on basic sanitation).
Clean up a local natural resource. Find a natural resource near where you
live, and plan a service project to pick up all the trash or debris in the area.
Use this activity to explore the correct ways to dispose of garbage, such as
burning, burying, or removing. You may need to ask local authorities to
teach you about the disposal methods that are proper for your area. Never
leave any trash, food, or litter on the ground. Bury all human waste in holes
at least 6 inches (15 cm) deep and 200 feet (61 m) away from water,
campsites, and trails.
Teach others how to take care of the environment. Invite friends to come
camping with you. Show courtesy to others in your area by regulating how
much noise you make.
Trail maintenance. Plan an activity to help rebuild, mark, or establish a
nearby trail.
Purify a local water resource. Invite someone with knowledge and experience
to teach you about the problems with water pollution in your area. Go to a
local water resource and help clean out trash. Practice clean water skills,
and do your part to prevent water pollution.
Plant trees. Learn about the problems with air pollution and erosion in your
area. Find an area and plant some trees to help decrease air pollution and
This day and age, it seems as though more and more children are disconnected from
nature. However, our future leaders need to be equipped for tomorrow's challenges.
As teachers, it is important that we prepare our children for the future that they will
inherit. This section includes lessons on Environmental studies from learning about
recycling to the state of our ozone layer. The Environmental lesson plan section will
continue to grow as more teachers like you share their work with the
community. The lessons you see here have been created by real teachers working in
schools across the United States. We encourage you to contact us in order to share
your inspiring lessons.
Kindergarten Environmental Lesson Plans
Bird Feeder Fun
Length of Time: 10-15 Minutes
Students will create an all natural bird feeder to hang near the school to feed birds
during the various seasons.
Students will create several plants (a garden) from parts of a plant that are normally
thrown away.
Students will understand why animals store fat for the winter or colder months and
how this affects how temperature is felt. How does the environment and our
protection of it help this?
Window Garden
Length of Time: About 20 Minutes. Several more days to watch growth process.
Students will plan, experiment, and observe as seeds grow in a window garden.
Students will explore why this is important to the sustainability of our environment.
This lesson will allow students to learn about the beach environment and experience
working with sand.
Students will create an all natural bird feeder to hang near the school to feed birds
during the various seasons.
Classroom Garden From Trash
Length of Time: 10-15 per day for several weeks
Students will create several plants (a garden) from parts of a plant that are normally
thrown away.
Students will discuss food webs and how animals interact together in an ocean
biosphere and make a model of how animals get their energy from other animals and
the sun.
Students will understand why animals store fat for the winter or colder months and
how this affects how temperature is felt. How does the environment and our
protection of it help this?
Window Garden
Length of Time: About 20 Minutes. Several more days to watch growth process.
Students will plan, experiment, and observe as seeds grow in a window garden.
Students will explore why this is important to the sustainability of our environment.
This lesson will allow students to learn about the beach environment and experience
working with sand.
Students will create an all natural bird feeder to hang near the school to feed birds
during the various seasons.
Classroom Garden From Trash
Length of Time: 10-15 per day for several weeks
Students will create several plants (a garden) from parts of a plant that are normally
thrown away.
Students will discuss food webs and how animals interact together in an ocean
biosphere and make a model of how animals get their energy from other animals and
the sun.
Students will understand why animals store fat for the winter or colder months and
how this affects how temperature is felt. How does the environment and our
protection of it help this?
Students will watch a video about reduce, reuse, and recycle and then complete a
gallery walk to discuss ideas of other ways to reduce, reuse, and recycle.
We Must Recycle
Length of Time: About 20 Minutes
Students will use creativity to use something considered trash to create something
Window Garden
Length of Time: About 20 Minutes. Several more days to watch growth process.
Students will plan, experiment, and observe as seeds grow in a window garden.
Students will explore why this is important to the sustainability of our environment.
3rd Grade Environmental Lesson Plans
Angles in Nature
Length of Time: 50 - 60 Minutes
Students will take a walk outside with their protractor and measure the angles in
nature. They will record the angles that they find in branches, trees, bushes, flowers,
etc and then determine the supplementary angle.
Beach Day
Length of Time: 45 - 75 Minutes
This lesson will allow students to learn about the beach environment and experience
working with sand.
Students will make butterflies of various colors and then they will experience the
advantage that butterflies that are the same color as their environment have against
Students will create several plants (a garden) from parts of a plant that are normally
thrown away.
Students will learn a brief background about energy transfer between the sun,
producers, primary consumers, and secondary consumers. of the students are
primary consumers (plants) and of the students are primary consumers (rabbits) and
of the students are secondary consumers (hawks).
Ozone Layer
Length of Time: 1-2 Class Periods
Students will think about how people affect the environment and what they can do to
help it and prevent further damage.
Rainfall Gauge
Length of Time: 20 - 30 Minutes
This lesson will allow students to learn about the rain amounts in their area as well as
offer a hands-on science experiment that could lead to discussions about the water
Students will watch a video about reduce, reuse, and recycle and then complete a
gallery walk to discuss ideas of other ways to reduce, reuse, and recycle.
We Must Recycle
Length of Time: About 20 Minutes
Students will use creativity to use something considered trash to create something
Window Garden
Length of Time: About 20 Minutes. Several more days to watch growth process.
Students will plan, experiment, and observe as seeds grow in a window garden.
Students will explore why this is important to the sustainability of our environment.
Students will take a walk outside with their protractor and measure the angles in
nature. They will record the angles that they find in branches, trees, bushes, flowers,
etc and then determine the supplementary angle.
Beach Day
Length of Time: 45 - 75 Minutes
This lesson will allow students to learn about the beach environment and experience
working with sand.
Length of Time: 30 - 45 Minutes
Students will make butterflies of various colors and then they will experience the
advantage that butterflies that are the same color as their environment have against
Students will create several plants (a garden) from parts of a plant that are normally
thrown away.
This lesson will allow students to create a replica of the Earth that can also be used as
Students will learn a brief background about energy transfer between the sun,
producers, primary consumers, and secondary consumers. of the students are
primary consumers (plants) and of the students are primary consumers (rabbits) and
of the students are secondary consumers (hawks).
Ozone Layer
Length of Time: 1-2 Class Periods
Students will think about how people affect the environment and what they can do to
help it and prevent further damage.
Rainfall Gauge
Length of Time: 20 - 30 Minutes
This lesson will allow students to learn about the rain amounts in their area as well as
offer a hands-on science experiment that could lead to discussions about the water
Students will watch a video about reduce, reuse, and recycle and then complete a
gallery walk to discuss ideas of other ways to reduce, reuse, and recycle.
We Must Recycle
Length of Time: About 20 Minutes
Students will use creativity to use something considered trash to create something
Students will take a walk outside with their protractor and measure the angles in
nature. They will record the angles that they find in branches, trees, bushes, flowers,
etc and then determine the supplementary angle.
Length of Time: 30 - 45 Minutes
Students will make butterflies of various colors and then they will experience the
advantage that butterflies that are the same color as their environment have against
This lesson will allow students to create a replica of the Earth that can also be used as
Fish or Famine?
Length of Time: 10-15 Minutes
Students will understand food scarcity and unequal distribution through a simple, yet
concrete demonstration.
Help a Cause
Length of Time: 30 - 60 Minutes
Students will use recycled materials to create toys for a local shelter.
Ozone Layer
Length of Time: 1-2 Class Periods
Students will think about how people affect the environment and what they can do to
help it and prevent further damage.
Rainfall Gauge
Length of Time: 20 - 30 Minutes
This lesson will allow students to learn about the rain amounts in their area as well as
offer a hands-on science experiment that could lead to discussions about the water
Save the World
Length of Time: Two 45 Minute Lessons
Students will make butterflies of various colors and then they will experience the
advantage that butterflies that are the same color as their environment have against
Students will research and debate multiple topics in the topic of environmental health.
The class will take sides on whether they are for or against the controversial issue.
Students will read an article about the sale of tropical fish. Students will analyze the
information given and discuss their opinion based on facts from the article.
This lesson will allow students to create a replica of the Earth that can also be used as
Fish or Famine?
Length of Time: 10-15 Minutes
Students will understand food scarcity and unequal distribution through a simple, yet
concrete demonstration.
Help a Cause
Length of Time: 30 - 60 Minutes
Students will use recycled materials to create toys for a local shelter.
Ozone Layer
Length of Time: 1-2 Class Periods
Students will think about how people affect the environment and what they can do to
help it and prevent further damage.
Students will research and debate multiple topics in the topic of environmental health.
The class will take sides on whether they are for or against the controversial issue.
Students will read an article about the sale of tropical fish. Students will analyze the
information given and discuss their opinion based on facts from the article.
This lesson will allow students to create a replica of the Earth that can also be used as
Fish or Famine?
Length of Time: 10-15 Minutes
Students will understand food scarcity and unequal distribution through a simple, yet
concrete demonstration.
Help a Cause
Length of Time: 30 - 60 Minutes
Students will use recycled materials to create toys for a local shelter.
Students will research and debate multiple topics in the topic of environmental health.
The class will take sides on whether they are for or against the controversial issue.
Students will read an article about the sale of tropical fish. Students will analyze the
information given and discuss their opinion based on facts from the article.
This lesson will allow students to create a replica of the Earth that can also be used as
Help a Cause
Length of Time: 30 - 60 Minutes
Students will use recycled materials to create toys for a local shelter.
The students will identify products that need water to be manufactured, and the
amount needed for each product.
On day one, the students will list as many words as possible related to environmental
science and on day two connect the meanings of each to real life situations based on
Each pair of students will trace 1 single recyclable product, from manufacturer to
recycling center, examining costs of making the product and recycling it, answering
the question: Is recycling worth it?
This lesson will allow students to create a replica of the Earth that can also be used as
Students will understand the impact that packaging and out of season items have on
the environment. Students will create a week long menu using only basic foods and
in-season items available in the area.
The students will identify products that need water to be manufactured, and the
amount needed for each product.
On day one, the students will list as many words as possible related to environmental
science and on day two connect the meanings of each to real life situations based on
Each pair of students will trace 1 single recyclable product, from manufacturer to
recycling center, examining costs of making the product and recycling it, answering
the question: Is recycling worth it?
This lesson will allow students to create a replica of the Earth that can also be used as
Pairs of students will do an environmental impact study for local development near
the school or another area.
Ocean Pollution
Length of Time: 2 Class Periods
Students will research ocean pollution and compare/contrast current data, hypotheses
and other information and check for accuracy.
Students will find, list, and explain how to limit consumption of new goods by
designing an alternative registry for an event (wedding, birthday, anniversary)
A controversial issue, such as global warming, will be researched using the vast
resources of the Internet. The students will research both sides, either supporting or
disputing the facts, opinions, and other information.
The students will identify products that need water to be manufactured, and the
amount needed for each product.
On day one, the students will list as many words as possible related to environmental
science and on day two connect the meanings of each to real life situations based on
11th Grade Environmental Lesson Plans
Better Alternatives
Length of Time: 2-3 Class Periods
The students, with a partner, will research the negative environmental impact of every
day products and identify safer alternatives.
Cost of Recycling
Length of Time: 3-4 Class Periods
Each pair of students will trace 1 single recyclable product, from manufacturer to
recycling center, examining costs of making the product and recycling it, answering
the question: Is recycling worth it?
This lesson will allow students to create a replica of the Earth that can also be used as
Eco-Friendly Homes
Length of Time: 3-4 Class Periods
The student will work in groups of three or four to design an eco-friendly home.
Pairs of students will do an environmental impact study for local development near
the school or another area.
Students will understand the impact that packaging and out of season items have on
the environment. Students will create a week long menu using only basic foods and
in-season items available in the area.
Ocean Pollution
Length of Time: 2 Class Periods
Students will research ocean pollution and compare/contrast current data, hypotheses
and other information and check for accuracy.
Students will find, list, and explain how to limit consumption of new goods by
designing an alternative registry for an event (wedding, birthday, anniversary)
A controversial issue, such as global warming, will be researched using the vast
resources of the Internet. The students will research both sides, either supporting or
disputing the facts, opinions, and other information.
The students, with a partner, will research the negative environmental impact of every
day products and identify safer alternatives.
This lesson will allow students to create a replica of the Earth that can also be used as
Eco-Friendly Homes
Length of Time: 3-4 Class Periods
The student will work in groups of three or four to design an eco-friendly home.
Environmental Impact Studies
Length of Time: 3-4 Class Periods
Pairs of students will do an environmental impact study for local development near
the school or another area.
Students will understand the impact that packaging and out of season items have on
the environment. Students will create a week long menu using only basic foods and
in-season items available in the area.
Ocean Pollution
Length of Time: 2 Class Periods
Students will research ocean pollution and compare/contrast current data, hypotheses
and other information and check for accuracy.
Students will find, list, and explain how to limit consumption of new goods by
designing an alternative registry for an event (wedding, birthday, anniversary)
A controversial issue, such as global warming, will be researched using the vast
resources of the Internet. The students will research both sides, either supporting or
disputing the facts, opinions, and other information. image