Family Partnership Plan
Family Partnership Plan
Family Partnership Plan
Eden Whitehead
1) Families are an integral part of the Waldorf Preschool Academy philosophy. Our mission
of creating an environment to support the growth of a child’s mind, body, and spirit can
only be fully realized through the active participation of parents and families. Parents and
families are closest to the child, know their potential best, and can provide our faculty
and staff with the keys to unlocking success in their child’s life. As we work together
with families, children will be supported and flourish to the bets of their abilities.
2) The benefits of family partnership are manifold. Children benefit directly from
partnerships between parents and teachers as this provides continuity and consistency in
everyday life. As the caregivers for the child collaborate they can share resources that
enhance the child’s learning environment and create best practices and the best possible
environments for growth. When parents are involved in the school setting, they receive
many benefits themselves that extend beyond the child. They are able to receive
information that will benefit their parenting skills and personal lives. They will also be
connected to valuable resources that can help them minimize the stress in their lives.
When parents are actively involved in the school, the larger community benefits as well.
As parents and teachers are supported, less strain is put on community resources and
3) Parents can be active participants in the Waldorf Preschool Academy in many ways.
• Helping instructors set up or take down the classroom before and after activities.
4) If parents are unable to come into the school directly, there are a variety of activities that
different ways. Home visits can be utilized to get to know parents’ strengths so that they
can be personally invited to make use of their skills in the school. Parents can also be
sought out and asked advice on certain topics involved in the curriculum. They can also
be invited to participate in the Parent Teacher Organization for a period of time that fits
their schedule.
6) To sustain family relationships with the program. The Waldorf Preschool Academy will
always send out thank you cards and discount certificates to those parents who
consistently help at the school. Parent Teacher Organization seats will be rotated so that
many parents have an opportunity to participate, and parent appreciation nights will be
7) Detailed records of each family visit and family interaction will be kept in the Waldorf
Preschool Academy office. These will list the skills and volunteer history of each family,
and how they reacted to those volunteer opportunities. These files will of course be kept