MoA of Company LTD by Guarantee
MoA of Company LTD by Guarantee
MoA of Company LTD by Guarantee
1 The name of the Company is “Rail Safety and Standards Board Limited”.
3.1 The principal object for which the Company is established is to lead and facilitate the railway
industry’s work to achieve continuous improvement in the health and safety performance of the
railways in Great Britain and thus to facilitate the reduction of risk to passengers, employees
and the affected public so far as is reasonably practicable, so aiding compliance by providers of
railway services with their obligations under health and safety law.
3.2 Subject to clause 3.1, the further objects for which the Company is established are:
(a) to receive, purchase or otherwise acquire or have transferred to it and undertake all or
any part of the functions, business, property and liabilities of any person carrying on any
activity which the Company is authorised to carry on and to dispose of any part of such
business which falls outside such authority;
(b) to develop, operate and maintain any computer hardware and software systems and
other information systems including safety management information systems and
models, and safety culture tools;
(c) to develop, operate, control and manage safety specifications and standards,
procedures, codes of practice and protocols and without prejudice to the generality of the
foregoing documents of like character for use in the railway industry, including advising
about, and monitoring the implementation of, safety systems and procedures by third
(d) to design, plan, manage and provide consultancy, advisory, training, educational and
research services to all persons involved in or connected with the railway industry;
(e) to do all such other things as the board of directors of the Company considers to be
necessary, incidental or helpful to any of the above objects;
(f) to purchase, take on lease or in exchange, hire or otherwise acquire and hold, for any
estate or interest, and manage, any lands, buildings, servitudes, easements, rights,
privileges, concessions, machinery, plant, stock-in-trade, and any heritable and moveable
real and personal property of any kind;
(g) to purchase or otherwise acquire, dispose of, protect, extend and renew any patents,
registered designs, trade marks and service marks (whether registered or not), copyright,
design right or any similar property rights including those subsisting in inventions,
designs, drawings, performances, computer programs, confidential information, business
names, goodwill and the style of presentation of goods or services and applications for
protection thereof, which may seem to the Company capable of being used for any of the
purposes of the Company, or the acquisition of which may seem calculated directly or
indirectly to benefit the Company and to use, exercise, develop, receive or grant licences
in respect of or otherwise turn to account any of the same, for any purpose whatsoever,
whether manufacturing or otherwise, which the Company may think calculated directly or
indirectly to effectuate these objects;
(h) to form, promote, subsidise and assist companies, syndicates or other bodies of all kinds
and to enter into partnerships or into any arrangements for sharing profits, union of
interests, co-operation, reciprocal concessions, or otherwise, with any person or
company for the purpose of carrying on business within any of the objects of the
(i) to develop, work, improve, manage, lease, mortgage, charge, pledge, turn to account or
otherwise deal with all or any part of the property, assets or rights of the Company, to
surrender or accept surrender of any lease or tenancy or rights, and to sell or deal with
the property, assets, business, rights or undertaking of the Company, or any part thereof,
and on such terms and for such consideration as the Company may think fit, and
including for cash or shares, debentures or securities of any other company;
(j) to borrow or raise money in such manner as the Company shall think fit and in particular
by the issue (whether at par or at a premium or discount and for such consideration as
the Company may think fit) of bonds, debentures or debenture stock (payable to bearer
or otherwise), mortgages or charges, perpetual or otherwise, and, if the Company thinks
fit, charged on all or any of the Company's property (both present and future) and
undertaking, and collaterally or further to secure any obligations of the Company by a
trust deed or other assurance;
(k) to guarantee or otherwise support or secure, either with or without the Company
receiving any consideration or advantage, and whether by personal covenant or by
mortgage or charging all or part of the undertaking, property, assets and rights present
and future of the Company or by both such methods or by any other means whatsoever,
the liabilities and obligations or the payment of any moneys whatsoever by any person,
firm or company whatsoever, including but not limited to any company which is for the
time being the holding company or a subsidiary (both as defined by section 736 of the
Companies Act 1985) of the Company or of the Company's holding company or is
otherwise associated with the Company in its business;
(m) to pay all or any expenses incurred in connection with the formation and promotion and
incorporation of the Company;
(n) to make loans or donations, either of cash or of other assets whatsoever to or enter into
any arrangement whatsoever for the benefit of such persons and in such cases as the
Company may think directly or indirectly conducive to any of its objects or otherwise
(o) to subscribe for, purchase or otherwise acquire, take, hold, or sell any shares or stock,
bonds, debentures or debenture stock, or other securities or obligations of any person,
firm, government or other authority or issuer (including any subsidiary of the Company)
and to invest, deal with or lend any of the moneys of the Company in such manner, with
or without security and on such terms as the Company may think fit;
(p) to amalgamate with any other company either whose objects are or include objects
similar to those of the Company or which is possessed of property, assets or rights
suitable for any of the purposes of the Company, and on any terms whatsoever;
(q) to obtain or support any provisional or other regulation, bye-law, order or Act of
Parliament of the United Kingdom or in any other State or jurisdiction for enabling the
Company to carry any of its objects into effect, or for effecting any modifications to the
Company's constitution, or for any other purpose which may seem expedient, and to
oppose or make representations in connection with any proceeding, proposal or
application which may seem calculated, directly or indirectly, to prejudice the Company's
interests or the interests of any other person or company;
(r) to insure the life of any person who may, in the opinion of the Company, be of value to
the Company as having or holding for the Company interests, goodwill or influence or
other assets and to pay the premiums on such insurance;
lives of such persons; to establish, subsidise, subscribe to or otherwise support any
institution, association, society, club, trust, other establishment or fund, the support of
which may, in the opinion of the Company, be calculated directly or indirectly to benefit
the Company or any such persons, or may be connected with any place where the
Company carries on business or otherwise connected in any way with any of the
activities of the Company; to institute and maintain any institution, association, club,
society, trust or other establishment calculated to advance the interests of the Company
or to benefit such persons, and to join, participate in and to subsidise or assist any
association of employers or employees or any trade association; and to subscribe or
guarantee money for charitable or benevolent objects or for any public, general or useful
object or for any exhibition; the said persons are any persons who are or were at any
time in the employment or service of the Company or of any of its businesses or of any
company which was or is for the time being a subsidiary (as defined by section 736
Companies Act 1985) or a subsidiary undertaking (as defined by section 258 Companies
Act 1985) of the Company or are or were otherwise associated with the Company or any
of its businesses or who are or were at any time directors or officers of the Company or of
such other company as aforesaid, or who hold or who held any salaried employment or
office in the Company or such other company, and the families (including former
spouses) of them or any person who is or was dependant on them;
(t) to purchase and maintain insurance for the benefit of any persons who are or were at any
time directors, officers or employees of the Company or any other company which is a
subsidiary or subsidiary undertaking of the Company or in which the Company has any
interest, whether direct or indirect, or who are or were at any time trustees of any pension
fund in which any employee of the Company or of any other such company or subsidiary
undertaking are or have been interested indemnifying such persons against liability for
negligence, default, breach of duty or breach of trust or any other liabilities which may be
lawfully insured against;
(u) to do all such acts or things as are incidental or conducive to the attainment of the above
objects or any of them.
4 It is hereby declared that the word “company” in clause 3, except where used in reference to the
Company, shall be deemed to include any partnership or other body of persons, whether
incorporated or not incorporated, and whether domiciled in the United Kingdom or elsewhere,
and whether now existing or hereafter to be formed, and it is also hereby declared that the
objects specified in each sub-clause of clause 3, shall, except when otherwise expressed
therein, not be limited or restricted in any way by reference to or inference from the terms of any
other sub-clause, or the name of the Company, and none of the sub-clauses shall be deemed
merely subsidiary or ancillary to the objects mentioned in the first sub-clause.
6 Each member of the Company undertakes to contribute such amount to the assets of the
Company as may be required (not exceeding £100). The obligation to pay this amount only
arises if the Company is wound up while it is a member or within one year after it ceases to be a
member. The contribution can be required to be made towards the payment of the Company’s
debts and liabilities contracted before the member ceased to be a member, and of the costs,
charges and expenses of winding up and (if appropriate) for the adjustment of the rights of the
contributories amongst themselves.