MOA Signed 2025-01-16
MOA Signed 2025-01-16
MOA Signed 2025-01-16
II. The Registered Office of the Company will be situated in the State of
III. (A) The main objects to be pursued by the company on its Incorporation
1. To acquire and undertake the whole or any part of the business, property
and liabilities of any person carrying on any of the business which the
Company is authorized to carry on or possession of property suitable for
the purposes of the objects of the Company.
desirable to obtain and to carry out, exercise and comply with any
arrangements, rights and privileges and concession.
4. To apply for, purchase or otherwise acquire and protect and renew in any
part of the world any patents, patent rights, brevets, invention, trade marks,
designs, license, concessions and the like concerning any exclusive license,
or non- exclusive or limited rights to their use or any secret or other
information as to any invention which may seem capable of being used for
any of the purposes of the company or the acquisition of which may seem
calculated, directly or Indirectly, to benefit the company and to use,
exercise, develop or grant licenses in respect of or otherwise, turn to
account the property, rights or information so acquired and to expand
money in experimenting upon, testing or improving any such patents,
inventions or rights.
8. To buy, sell, exchange, install, work, alter, improve, import or export and
otherwise deal in plant, machinery, ancillary equipment, apparatus, tools,
spare parts, materials and things necessary or convenient for carrying on
any of the business which the company is authorised to carry on or are
usually dealt in by persons engaged are in such business.
9. To purchase, sell, import, export, rent machines and machinery of any kind
which may appear to be necessary or convenient or incidental to any
business of the company.
of the business of the company for the purchase and sale, either to ready or
future delivery of any merchandise, commodities, goods or wares
materials, products, articles and things, required for or dealt in of
manufactured by or at the disposal of the company.
12. To purchase, take on rent or lease, erect, construct, extend, alter or maintain
immovable properties, factories, show-rooms, buildings and structures
necessary or convenient for the company's business.
13. To the carry on any other trade or business which may seem company
capable of being conveniently carried on to in connection with any of
company's objects or calculated directly or indirectly to enhance the value
or render profitable any of the company's property or rights of which it may
be advisable to undertake with a view to improving, developing, rendering
valuable or turning to account any property movable or immovable
belonging to the company or in which the company may be interested.
14. To buy, sell, exchange, let or hire and deal in all kinds of goods, stores,
articles and things which may be required for the purposes of or used in
connection with the business of the company.
16. To borrow or raise from any bank(s), financial institutions or other persons
or secure the payment of money in such manner as the company shall think
fit, particularly by executing mortgages and by issuing bonds or debentures
or debenture stock perpetual or redeemable charged upon all or any of the
company's assets (both present and future) including its uncalled capital,
provided the company shall not carry on banking business as defined in the
Banking Regulation Act, 1949 and to accept deposits subject to provisions
of Section 58A of the Companies Act, 1956.
17. To draw, make, accept, endorse, discount, negotiate, execute and issue and
to buy, sell and deal with bills of exchange, promissory notes and other
negotiable or transferable instruments, provided that the company shall not
carry on any banking operation within the meaning of the Banking
Regulation Act, 1949.
18. To enter into partnership or any joint venture profit- or sharing agreement
with and to co-operate in any way with assist or subsidise any company,
firm or person carrying on any business which this company is authorised
to carry on or possess of any property suitable for the purpose of the
20. To sell, lease, grant licenses, easements and other rights over and in any
other manner deal with or dispose off the undertaking, property, assets,
rights and effect of the company or any part thereof for such consideration
as may be thought fit and in particular for stock, shares or securities of any
other company whether fully or partly paid up.
21. To repair, alter, remodel, clean, renovate, convert, manipulate and prepare
for resale and resell any goods from time to time belonging to the company.
22. To acquire and undertake the whole or any part of the business, property
and liabilities of any person carrying on or proposing to carry on or engage
in any business which the company is authorised to carry on or possess any
property be suitable for the purpose of this company or which can of carried
on in conjunction there with or which is capable being conducted so as
directly or indirectly to benefit the company.
23. To take any or otherwise acquire and hold share in other company having
objects altogether or in part similar to those of this company or carrying on
any business capable of being conducted so as directly or indirectly to
benefit this company.
24. To invest and deal with the moneys of the company not Immediately
required in such manner as may from time to time be determined by the
25. To create any depreciation fund, reserve fund, sinking fund, Insurance or
any special or other fund whether for depreciation or for repairing,
Improving, extending or maintaining any of the properties of the company
or for redemption of debentures or for any other purpose whatever is
conducive to the interest of the company.
C) The other objects of the Company not included in A and B above are:
lease and otherwise deal in all and every kind of instruments, equipments,
gadgets, devices, components, accessories and the like.
2. To manufacture, buy, sell, Import and export all kinds of vitrified tiles,
glazed tiles, other decorative tiles, all kinds of bricks, roofing tiles and all
other building materials.
We, the several persons whose names and addresses are subscribed, are desirous
of being formed into a Company in pursuance of this Memorandum of
Association, and we respectively agree to take the number of shares in the Capital
of the Company set opposite to our respective names.