Workplace Safety and Health Management
Workplace Safety and Health Management
Workplace Safety and Health Management
and review Planning
Measuring Implementation
performance and operation
Workplace Safety
and Health
Introduction .......................................................................................................... 7
1. Key elements of a Safety and Health Management System
1.1 Policy and Commitment .............................................................. 8
1.2 Planning ..................................................................................... 8
1.3 Implementation and Operation ................................................... 8
1.4 Measuring Performance............................................................... 9
1.5 Auditing and Reviewing Performance .......................................... 9
Appendix A Terminology........................................................................................ 36
There are sound economic reasons for reducing work-related accidents and ill-health, as
well as ethical and regulatory reasons.
Economic Reasons
Besides reducing costs, effective safety and health management promotes business
efficiency. Thousands of work-related accidents, resulting in more than three days off
work are reported to the Health and Safety Authority each year. Work-related diseases
and ill-health are more difficult to measure due to their long latency period but result in
excess of one million days lost at work each year. These accident and ill-health cases are
due to failures and deficiencies in the occupational safety and health management in
Legal Reasons
The Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act 2005 (the 2005 Act) requires you to ensure,
so far as is reasonably practicable, the safety, health and welfare of your employees and
to manage and conduct your work activities in such a way as to ensure their safety,
health and welfare. This requires you to be proactive in managing your safety, health and
welfare responsibilities and deal with them in a systematic way. This guidance should
help organisations to improve their safety and health performance by providing advice on
how safety and health should be managed, and in the process help them to comply with
their legal requirements.
describes the principles and management practices that provide the basis for effective
occupational safety and health management;
Safety and health principles are universal, but how much action is needed will depend on
the size of the organisation, the hazards presented by its activities, the physical
characteristics of the organisation, products or services, and the adequacy of its existing
Many of the features of effective safety and health management are analogous to the
sound management practices advocated by proponents of quality management,
environmental protection, and business excellence. Commercially successful companies
often excel at safety and health management as well, precisely because they apply the
same efficient business expertise to safety and health as to all other aspects of their
Organisations that manage safety and health successfully invariably have a positive
safety culture and active safety consultation programmes in place. Successful
organisations can establish and maintain a culture that supports safety and health.
Practical methods of designing, building, operating, and maintaining the appropriate
systems are outlined in this guidance. In the following sections the similarities and strong
links between total quality management, environmental protection and effective safety
and health management will become increasingly apparent.
The key elements of a successful safety and health management system are set out in
this section. Diagram 1 on page 10 below outlines the relationship between them. They
also comply with the main elements of an occupational safety and health management
system as set out in the ILO Guidelines. The manner and extent to which the individual
elements will be applied will depend on factors such as size of the organisation, its
management structure, the nature of its activities, and the risks involved. The
terminology used in this guidance is explained in Appendix A.
The organisation should prepare an occupational safety and health policy programme as
part of the preparation of the Safety Statement required by section 20 of the 2005 Act.
Effective safety and health policies should set a clear direction for the organisation to
follow. They will contribute to all aspects of business performance as part of a
demonstrable commitment to continuous improvement. Responsibilities to people and the
working environment will be met in a way that fulfils the spirit and letter of the law. Cost-
effective approaches to preserving and developing human and physical resources will
reduce financial losses and liabilities. In a wider context, stakeholders expectations,
whether they are shareholders, employees or their representatives, customers or society
at large, can be met.
The organisation should formulate a plan to fulfil its safety and health policy as set out in
the Safety Statement. An effective management structure and arrangements should be
put in place for delivering the policy. Safety and health objectives and targets should be
set for all managers and employees.
For effective implementation, the organisation should develop the capabilities and
support mechanisms necessary to achieve its safety and health policy, objectives and
targets. All staff should be motivated and empowered to work safely and to protect their
long-term health, not simply to avoid accidents. The arrangements should be:
sustained by effective communication and the promotion of competence which allows all
employees and their representatives to make a responsible and informed contribution to
the safety and health effort.
There should be a planned and systematic approach to implementing the safety and
health policy through an effective safety and health management system. The aim should
be to minimise risks. Risk assessment methods should be used to determine priorities
and set objectives for eliminating hazards and reducing risks. Wherever possible, risks
should be eliminated through the selection and design of facilities, equipment and
processes. If risks cannot be eliminated, they should be minimised by the use of physical
controls and safe systems of work or, as a last resort, through the provision of personal
protective equipment. Performance standards should be established and used for
measuring achievement.
Specific actions to promote a positive safety and health culture should be identified.
There should be a shared common understanding of the organisations vision, values and
beliefs. The visible and active leadership of senior managers fosters a positive safety and
health culture.
The organisation should measure, monitor and evaluate its safety and health
performance. Performance can be measured against agreed standards to reveal when
and where improvement is needed. Active self-monitoring reveals how effectively the
health and safety management system is functioning. Self-monitoring looks at both
hardware (premises, plant and substances) and software (people, procedures and
systems, including individual behaviour and performance). If controls fail, reactive
monitoring should find out why they failed, by investigating the accidents, ill-health or
incidents that could have caused harm or loss. The objectives of active and reactive
monitoring are:
to identify any underlying causes and implications for the design and operation of the
safety and health management system.
The organisation should review and improve its safety and health management system
continuously, so that its overall safety and health performance improves constantly. The
organisation can learn from relevant experience and apply the lessons. There should be a
systematic review of performance based on data from monitoring and from independent
audits of the whole safety and health management system. These form the basis of
complying with the organisations responsibilities under the 2005 Act and other statutory
provisions. There should be a strong commitment to continuous improvement involving
the development of policies, systems and techniques of risk control. Performance should
be assessed by:
external comparison with the performance of business competitors and best practice in
the organisations employment sector.
Many companies now report on how well they have performed on worker safety and
health in their annual reports and how they have fulfilled their responsibilities with regard
to preparing and implementing their safety statements. In addition, employers have
greater responsibilities under section 80 of the 2005 Act on Liability of Directors and
officers of undertakings which requires them to be in a position to prove they have
proactively managed the safety and health of their workers. Data from this Auditing and
Reviewing Performance process should be used for these purposes.
Control link
Information link
Safety and
Health policy
Auditing Implementation
and operation
performance Feedback loop
to improve
The organisation should carry out an initial review of its safety and health management
arrangements. This review should compare existing safety and health practice with:
As a minimum, in order to comply with safety and health legislation, the organisation
facilitate the selection of and support the role of the Safety Representative.
The initial review of the organisations safety and health management system should
cover the issues listed above. The following checklist may be use for the review:
Is the Safety Statement clear and concise so that it can be read and understood by those
who may be at risk?
Is it available at the workplace to which it relates and are workers given relevant extracts
where they are at specific risk?
Is the overall safety and health policy of the organisation and the internal structure for
implementing it adequate, e.g. are responsibilities of named persons clearly outlined?
Are risk assessments being carried out on a regular basis as risks change, and are the
necessary improvements made to keep the safety and health management system up to
Are the necessary safety control measures required for a safe workplace identified and
implemented - e.g. the provision of safe access and egress, good housekeeping, clear
passageways and internal traffic control?
Are written safe procedures available for those operations that require them, e.g. for
routine processing and ancillary activities, handling and using chemicals, preventive
maintenance, plant and equipment breakdown maintenance, accident and ill-health
Are procedures available for monitoring the implementation of safety systems and control
measures, e.g. are safety audits being carried out?
Is safety and health training being carried out and does the training give adequate
information to workers on risks they might be exposed to?
Is the impact of this training and the level of understanding of the information assessed
by anyone?
Management should develop and incorporate into the Safety Statement a safety and
health policy that recognises that safety and health is an integral part of the
organisations business performance. They should ensure that this safety and health
is appropriate to the hazards and risks of the organisations work activities and includes a
commitment to protect, so far as is reasonably practicable, its employees and others,
such as contractors and members of the public, from safety and health risks associated
with its activities;
includes a commitment to comply with relevant safety and health legislation, codes of
practice and guidelines as a minimum;
clearly places the management of safety and health as a prime responsibility of line
management from the most senior executive level to first-line supervisory level;
covers employee safety and health consultation, safety committee meetings where they
exist, worker participation; and safety representation and includes a commitment to
provide appropriate resources to implement the policy;
provides for employee co-operation and compliance with safety rules and procedures.
Effective safety and health management demands comprehensive safety and health
policies that fulfil the spirit and the letter of the law, are effectively implemented, and are
considered in all business practice and decision-making.
Organisations achieving high standards of safety and health develop policies that
the contribution that safety and health can make to business performance by preserving
and developing human and physical resources, by reducing costs and liabilities, and by
expressing corporate responsibility;
the need for leaders to develop appropriate organisational structures and a culture that
supports risk control and secures the full participation of all members of the organisation
the need for the organisation to develop an understanding of risks and risk control and to
be responsive to internal and external change;
As a minimum, the policy should contain a commitment that safety and health legislation
will be complied with, and should specify those responsible for implementing the policy at
all levels in the organisation, including senior managers, first-line managers, and
supervisors. It should also define their safety and health responsibilities. Employees
responsibilities should also be addressed. The safety and health policy should specify the
organisations commitment to ensuring it will manage and conduct its work activities, so
far as is reasonably practicable, so as to be safe for employees and others in its
workplace, and it will not allow improper conduct or behaviour which is likely to put
safety and health at risk. In particular, it should specify that adequate resources will be
provided for critical safety and health issues such as the:
design, provision and maintenance of a safe place of work for all employees;
design, provision and maintenance of safe means of access to and egress from each part
of the workplace;
design, provision, and maintenance of any article, plant, equipment or machinery for use
at work in a safe manner;
performance of ongoing hazard identification and risk assessments, and compliance with
the general principles of prevention as set out in the legislation;
provision and dissemination of safety and health information, instruction, training and
supervision as required;
review and keeping up-to-date the safety and health policy in order to prevent adverse
effects on the safety and health of employees from changing processes, procedures, and
conditions in the workplace;
appointment of people responsible for keeping safety and health control systems in place
and making them aware of their responsibilities;
The above list is not exhaustive and the critical safety and health issues that could be
covered by the policy will depend on the risks in the organisation. If the above issues are
adequately covered elsewhere in the Safety Statement or in the safety and health
management system, they might need only to be referred to in the safety and health
policy. Backup documentation may also be referred to in the policy.
The executive board of directors or other senior management controlling body of the
organisation needs to accept formally the contents in the safety and health policy and
publicly acknowledge its collective role in providing safety and health leadership in its
organisation by:
explaining the boards expectations to senior managers and staff and how the
organisation will deliver on them;
Planning is essential for the implementation of safety and health policies. Adequate
control of risks can be achieved only through co-ordinated action by all members of the
organisation. An effective planning system for safety and health requires a safety and
health management system that:
controls risks and as a minimum complies with safety and health laws;
promotes and sustains a positive safety and health culture and supports continual
improvement in safety and health performance.
monitor legal and other requirements and communicate relevant information on these to
Safety and health objectives and targets should be based on legal and other
requirements. The next step is to formulate a plan to fulfil safety and health policy,
objectives, and targets. The plan should include the following:
designating responsibilities;
Measurable targets should be agreed with all managers responsible for achieving the plan
and should be clearly communicated to those involved in its implementation.
Performance Standards
Performance standards are the basis of planning and measuring safety and health
achievement. The maxim what gets measured gets done applies. If the organisation is
to be efficient and effective in controlling risks, it needs to co-ordinate its activities to
ensure that everyone is clear about what they are expected to achieve. Both the direction
of the organisation as a whole and specific risks have to be controlled. Setting
performance standards is essential if policies are to be translated from good intentions
into a series of co-ordinated activities and tasks. Standards should:
set out clearly what people need to do to contribute to an environment free of injuries,
ill-health, and loss;
identify the competencies, expertise and training individuals need to fulfil their
form the basis for measuring individual, group, and organisational performance.
Good performance standards link responsibilities to specific outputs. They should specify:
who is responsible. This will give a name or position. Nobody should be made responsible
for a task unless they meet suitable competence criteria (i.e. they have been trained and
possess the necessary skills and knowledge).
what they are responsible for. This should explain what is to be done and how. It may
involve applying specific procedures or systems of work and the use of specific
documents or equipment because of legal duties. Some examples include: preparing
plans to implement the safety and health policy;
carrying out risk assessments in accordance with specific regulations;
periodic monitoring of safety and health performance;
checking contractors competence and safety and health performance before
awarding contracts;
holding supervisors weekly safety and health meetings, which may include, for
example, a reminder of important safety and health procedures or lessons from a
recent accident;
providing training;
providing first aid after an accident.
when should the work be done. Some work occurs regularly (e.g. monthly inspections) or
only when particular tasks or jobs are being done (e.g. when using a particular
chemical). A clear time frame should be set for these tasks.
what is the expected result? Some outputs may refer to legal requirements (e.g.
achievement of a certain air-quality standard). Alternatively, the output may be
satisfactory completion of a specified procedure (e.g. training). Output standards can be
used to specify how individuals will be held accountable for their safety and health
ensuring that each members actions and decisions at board level always reinforce the
message in the organisations safety statement;
Management Responsibilities
Accidents, ill-health, and incidents are seldom random events. They generally arise from
failures of control and involve multiple contributory elements. The immediate cause may
be a human or technical failure, but such events usually arise from organisational failings
which are the responsibility of management. Successful safety and health management
systems aim to utilise the strengths of managers and other employees. The organisation
needs to understand how human factors affect safety and health performance. Senior
executive directors or other senior management controlling body members and executive
senior managers are primarily responsible for safety and health management in the
organisation. These people need to ensure that all their decisions reflect their safety and
health intentions, as articulated in the Safety Statement which should cover:
the safety and health ramifications of investment in new plant, premises, processes or
products. For example such changes could introduce:
new materials are they toxic or flammable, do they pose new risks to employees,
neighbours or the public, and how will any new risks be controlled?
new work practices what are the new risks, and are managers and supervisors
competent to induct workers in the new practices?
new people do they need safety and health training and are they sufficiently
competent to do the job safely?
only engaging contractors to do new or ongoing projects that reinforce rather than
damage the organisations safety and health policies;
recognising their continuing responsibility for safety and health even when work is
contracted out;
providing their customers with the necessary safety and health precautions when
supplying them with articles, substances, or services;
being aware that although safety and health responsibilities can and should be delegated,
legal responsibility for safety and health still rests with the employer.
preparing safety and health policies and consulting employees, including the safety
committee where it exists, and the Safety Representative, as appropriate;
ensuring that the safety and health policy is effectively implemented, and checking
whether objectives and targets have been met;
implementing any necessary improvements derived from carrying out risk assessments;
giving all personnel the authority necessary to carry out individual safety and health
incorporating safety and health performance in the appraisal system where personal
appraisal systems exist;
developing safety and health cultures in project teams and team working situations.
Individual Responsibilities
Managers and supervisors have direct responsibility for the safety and health of
employees and activities under their control. Individual employees have responsibilities
for ensuring their own safety as defined by the 2005 Act and other relevant safety and
health legislation. These responsibilities should be clearly allocated and communicated to
the various duty holders. Individual responsibilities should be stated in the organisations
Safety Statement. They may include providing supervision and carrying out risk
Safety Consultation, Participation, and Representation
Participation by employees supports risk control by encouraging their ownership of
safety and health policies. It establishes an understanding that the organisation as a
whole, and people working in it, benefit from good safety and health performance.
Pooling knowledge and experience through participation, commitment, and involvement
means that safety and health really becomes everybodys business.
actively promoting and supporting worker participation in all aspects of the safety and
health management system;
promoting partnership for prevention, where workers and the safety representative are
involved in identifying hazards and tackling actual problems, rather than being consulted
after decisions have been made;
Consultation and participation arrangements and the extent of their usage will depend on
the size and complexity of the organisation. This may range from informal one-toone
discussions to a more formal safety committee which operates as set out in Schedule 4 of
the 2005 Act. At a minimum, they must address:
preparation and revision of the Safety Statement with particular reference to the written
procedures covering the role of the Safety Representative, the operation of safety
committees, or informal safety discussions by work crews, which might take place as
methods to be used for ensuring a balanced approach to consultation with no one side
trying to get the upper hand;
legal requirement for consultation to be in advance and in good time of any work that
can have a substantial effect on employee safety and health.
the introduction of new technology, equipment or chemicals and their affect on working
conditions and environment;
the employment of competent persons and safety and health experts to study company
safety and health activities;
provide for adequate safety and health training for employees involved in the safety
consultation and safety committee processes and for selected Safety Representatives;
set up periodic meetings between employer, the safety committee, and Safety
allow the Safety Representative to carry out workplace inspections and investigate
accidents and complaints;
enable the Safety Representative to make representations to Health and Safety Authority
inspectors on safety and health matters;
permit the Safety Representative to accompany a Health and Safety Authority inspector
on a tour of inspection.
Safety Representatives and members of the safety committee, where it exists, must be
trained, in common with all employees, to enable them to make an informed contribution
on safety and health issues. They should also have access to the positive benefits of an
open communications policy and be closely involved in supporting the safety and health
effort through open discussion at safety and health committee meetings. Effective safety
committees should be involved in planning, measuring and reviewing performance as well
as in their more traditional reactive role of considering the results of accident, ill-health,
and incident investigations and other concerns of the moment.
Opportunities to promote involvement also arise through the use of safety audit
checklists, suggestion schemes or safety discussion workgroups, where safety and health
problems can be identified and solved. These too can promote enthusiasm and draw on
worker expertise. It has to be recognised that involving employees may initially increase
the potential for short-term conflict and disagreement about what constitutes safe and
healthy working. Such conflict should be anticipated by supporting the activities of
supervisors and managers with procedures and training to establish when and how
specialist advice should be obtained to resolve problems and disputes. It may also be
helpful to identify when specific investigations should be carried out and any
circumstances in which work should be suspended. Potential conflict is likely to reduce
over time as participants develop more constructive working relationships and shared
Training, Awareness, and Competence
If employees are to make the maximum contribution to safety and health, adequate
arrangements must be in place to ensure that they have the necessary skills to do their
work safely. This means more than simply training. Experience of applying skills and
knowledge is an important ingredient and needs to be gained under adequate
supervision. Managers should know the relevant legislation and be able to manage safety
and health effectively. All employees need to be able to work in a safe and healthy
manner. It is also necessary to check the abilities of contractors where they work close
to, or in collaboration with, direct employees. Good arrangements should include:
recruitment and placement procedures that ensure employees (including managers) have
the necessary physical and mental abilities to do their jobs or can acquire them through
training and experience; this may require individual fitness assessments by medical
examination and tests of physical fitness or aptitudes and abilities where work-associated
risks require it;
systems to identify safety and health training needs arising from recruitment, changes in
staff, plant, substances, technology, processes, or working practices;
training documentation as appropriate to suit the size and activity of the organisation;
arrangements to ensure competent cover for staff absences, especially for staff with
critical safety and health responsibilities
general health promotion and surveillance schemes that contribute to the maintenance of
general health and fitness; this may include assessments of fitness for work,
rehabilitation, job adaptation following injury or ill-health, or a policy on testing
employees for drugs or alcohol abuse.
Proper supervision helps to ensure the development and maintenance of competence and
is particularly necessary for those new to a job or undergoing training. The organisation
should identify its training needs and implement a training programme that takes legal
requirements on safety and health training into account (section 10 of 2005 Act). Records
of training should be maintained. Further information on training and competence is
outlined in Appendix B.
Effective communication about safety and health relies on information coming into the
organisation; flowing within the organisation; and going out from the organisation;
the meaning and purpose of the policy;
factual information to help secure the involvement and commitment of employees and
their safety representatives;
ensuring workers concerns, ideas, and inputs on safety and health matters are received,
considered and responded to;
performance reports;
Visible Behaviour: Managers, particularly directors and other senior managers, can
communicate powerful signals about the importance and significance of safety and health
objectives if they lead by example. Equally, they can undermine the development of a
positive safety and health culture through negative behaviour. Successful methods
demonstrating commitment include:
regular safety and health tours. These are not detailed inspections but a way of
demonstrating management commitment and interest and to see obvious examples of
good or bad performance. They can be planned to cover the whole site or operation
progressively or to focus attention on current priorities in the overall safety effort;
chairing meetings of the central safety and health committee or other joint consultative
Written and Electronic Communications: Among the most important written and
electronic forms of communications are:
the organisations Safety Statement, showing safety and health roles and responsibilities
which can be in written or electronic format;
Safety and health documentation should be tailored to the organisations business needs,
bearing in mind the requirements of specific legislation. In general, the degree of detail
should be proportional to the level of complexity and the hazards and risks. The greater
the risk, the more specific instructions will need to be. In some cases, formal systems
may be needed to keep track of key documentation, but material should always be
written according to the needs of the user.
Organisations can use notices, posters, handbills, safety and health newsletters, e-mail
or internal intranet sites or the internet to inform employees about particular issues or
about progress in achieving objectives. As organisations develop, electronic means of
communicating safety and health documents are used more often, but be careful with
overuse of this medium. This information might include results of inspections, compliance
with standards or the outcome of investigations. Well-directed use of notices, posters or
e-mail can support the achievement of specific targets or improve knowledge of
particular risks, and is likely to be more effective than general poster campaigns.
planned meetings (or team briefings) at which information can be cascaded and pooled;
these can include targeting particular groups of workers for safety-critical tasks;
safety and health issues on the agenda at all routine management meetings (possibly as
the first item);
monthly or weekly workgroup process meetings at which supervisors can discuss safety
and health issues with their teams, remind them of critical risks and precautions, and
supplement the organisations training effort. These also provide opportunities for
employees to make their own suggestions (perhaps by brainstorming) for improving
safety and health arrangements;
information about the safety of articles and substances supplied for use at work to others
who will use them in their organisations;
The format for such information is sometimes specified in, for instance, an accident
report form, a data sheet, or a prescribed layout. It may be appropriate to seek
professional advice on how to present less formal information so that it can be
understood by the audience to whom it is addressed. Special arrangements may also be
necessary for maintaining lines of communication whenever emergencies arise.
Document Control
Employees must have access to correct and up-to-date safety and health documents or
data. Procedures for controlling all documents required by the safety and health
management system, whether in written or electronic format, have to ensure that: safety
and health documents are readily accessible, clearly written, and readily understood,
particularly for workers whose first language is not English;
they are readily identifiable, traceable, and their retention times are specified;
safety and health documents are periodically reviewed, revised as necessary, and
approved for adequacy by authorised personnel;
current versions of relevant documents are available at all locations where operations
essential to the effective functioning of the system are carried out;
obsolete documents are promptly removed from all points of issue and points of use or
other appropriate measures taken to avoid unintended use;
obsolete documents retained for legal and/or knowledge preservation purposes are
suitably identified.
in either electronic or written form, legible, and easily understood by those who have to
use them;
stored and maintained so that they are protected against damage, deterioration or loss,
and are readily retrievable. Their retention times should be established and recorded,
and comply with legal requirements.
Operational Control
Workplace Precautions
The ultimate goal of any safety and health management system is to prevent injury and
ill-health in the workplace. Adequate workplace precautions must be provided and
maintained to prevent harm to people at the point of risk. Workplace precautions to
match the hazards and risks are needed at each stage of business activity. They may
include provisions such as machine guards, local exhaust ventilation, safety instructions
and systems of work.
Risk control: Risk control is the basis for ensuring that adequate workplace precautions
are provided and maintained. At the input stage, the aim is to minimise hazards and
risks entering the organisation. At the process stage, the focus is on containing risks
associated with the process. At the output stage, risk control should prevent the export
of risks off-site, or in the products and services generated by the business. The nature
and relative importance of risk control will vary according to the nature and hazard
profile of the business and workplace precautions. For instance:
Organisations need risk controls appropriate to the hazards arising from their activities
and sufficient to cover all hazards. The design, reliability and complexity of each
riskcontrol method should be proportion to the hazards and risks involved.
Devising workplace precautions: The control of risks is necessary to comply with the
requirements of the 2005 Act and the relevant statutory provisions. There are three basic
stages in establishing workplace precautions:
risk assessment assessing any risk that may arise from identified hazards;
This approach applies to the control of health risks and safety risks. Health risks do,
however, present distinctive features arising from their long latency period which require
a particular approach. The approach underpins legislation aiming to improve the
management of safety and health for many work activities, e.g. for construction,
chemical or biological agents, workplace, use of work equipment, and manual handling in
the General Application Regulations, noise etc.
In practice, many decisions at these three stages are simple and straightforward and are
taken together. Wherever the identification stage reveals a well-known hazard with a
known risk, the methods of control and consequent maintenance may be well tried and
tested. For example, stairs present an established risk of slipping, tripping, and falling.
They require traditional methods of control such as good construction, the use of
handrails and the provision of non-slip surfaces, along with the need to keep stairs free
of obstructions. In other more complex situations, decisions are necessary at each stage.
These are outlined below.
Hazard Identification
This is required by section 19 of the 2005 Act and should form a major part of the safety
and health management system. The identification of hazards is an essential first step in
the control of safety and health risks. It should involve a critical appraisal of all activities
to take account of hazards to employees, others affected by the organisations activities
(e.g. visitors, members of the public and contractors), and to those using its products
and services. Consideration should be given to hazards arising from routine and non-
routine operations. To ensure a systematic identification of hazards, the organisation may
refer to relevant safety and health sources of information, such as:
legislation and safety and health codes of practice, which give practical guidance and
include basic minimum requirements;
safety and health websites such as the Health and Safety Authority,;
relevant European Union and other international safety and health guidance;
information provided by manufacturers and suppliers of articles and substances for use
at work;
accident, ill-health and incident data from the organisation itself, from other
organisations, or from central sources such as representative organisations;
expert advice and opinion from competent safety and health professionals.
There should be a critical appraisal of all routine and non-routine business activities.
People exposed may include not only employees, but others such as members of the
public, contractors, and users of the organisations products and services. Employees and
Safety Representatives can make a useful contribution to identifying hazards.
In the simplest cases, hazards can be identified by observation and by comparing the
circumstances with the relevant information (e.g. single-storey premises do not present
any hazards associated with stairs). In more complex cases, measurements such as air
sampling or examining the methods of machine operation may be necessary to identify
the presence of hazards from chemicals or machinery. In the most complex or high-risk
cases (e.g., the chemical or pharmaceutical industries), special techniques and systems
may be needed, such as hazard and operability studies (HAZOPS) and hazard-analysis
techniques such as event or fault-tree analysis. Specialist advice may be needed to
choose and apply the most appropriate method.
Risk Assessment
There is a general requirement to carry out a written risk assessment under section 19 of
the 2005 Act, and many of the relevant statutory provisions (e.g. the General Application
Regulations or the Chemical Agents Regulations). Risk assessment is essentially
concerned with estimating the severity and likelihood of harm arising from identified
hazards. Where there is more than one employee or other persons exposed, there is
In order to comply with the law, any improvements considered necessary in the risk
assessments must be implemented as soon as possible. The risk assessments must be
repeated as required, e.g. on the introduction of new technology, new work procedures,
or processes. In addition, they may need to be reviewed after organisation mergers,
takeovers, or after downsizing.
Risk Control
When risks have been analysed and assessed, risk assessors can make decisions about
workplace precautions. All final decisions about risk-control methods must take the
relevant legal requirements into account, as they establish minimum levels of risk
prevention or control. Some of the duties imposed by the 2005 Act and the relevant
statutory provisions are absolute. However, the general duties of care in section 8 of the
2005 Act are qualified by the words so far as is reasonably practicable. This means that
in assessing risk, employers and those who control workplaces to any extent must put in
place appropriate preventive or control measures to protect the safety and health of
employees and others unless these measures are wholly disproportionate to the
elimination of the actual risk involved. In short, if the risk is high, a lot must be done to
eliminate or control it. To comply with this requirement, employers should adopt the
following hierarchy of risk control measures:
engineering controls or safety measures to reduce the risk. These can include using
machine guards, isolation or enclosure of hazards, local exhaust ventilation, mechanical
handling methods, or protective barriers;
personal protective equipment (PPE). Appropriate training in the use and selection of PPE
is an essential element of risk control.
Controlling Health Risks
Occupational safety and health legislation requires employers to ensure the health as well
as the safety of their employees. The principles for controlling health through risk
assessment are the same as those for safety. However, the nature of health risks can
make the link between work activities and employee ill-health less apparent than in the
case of injury from an accident. Unlike safety risks, which can lead to immediate injury,
the results of daily exposure to health risks may not become apparent for months, years
or, in some cases, decades. Health may be irreversibly damaged before the risk is
apparent. It is therefore essential to develop a preventive strategy to identify and control
risks before anyone is exposed to them. Failure to do so can lead to workers disability
and loss of livelihood. It can also mean financial losses for the organisation through
absence, lost production, compensation, and increased insurance premiums.
noise levels that are too high, causing deafness and conditions such as tinnitus;
excessive vibration, e.g. from hand-held tools, leading to hand-arm vibration syndrome
and circulatory problems;
exposure to ionising and non-ionising radiation, including ultraviolet from the suns rays,
causing burns, sickness, or skin cancer;
Some illnesses or conditions such as asthma and back pain have both occupational and
non-occupational causes, and it may be difficult to establish a definite link with a work
activity or exposure to particular agents or substances. However, if there is information
that shows the illness or condition is prevalent among the occupational group to which
the sufferer belongs or among workers exposed to similar agents or substances, it is
likely that work is at least a contributory factor.
Some aspects of managing risks to health may need input from specialist or professional
advisers such as technical staff or occupational health hygienists, nurses and
occupational physicians. Much can be done to prevent or control risks to health by taking
straightforward measures such as:
ensuring that employees are trained in the safe handling of all the substances and
materials with which they come into contact.
To assess health risks and ensure that control measures are working properly, employers
may need, for example, to measure the concentration of substances in air to make sure
that exposures remain within relevant maximum exposure limits or occupational
exposure standards (see HSA website for latest Chemical Agents Regulations Code of
Practice). Sometimes health surveillance of workers at risk of exposure will be needed,
which will enable data to be collected for the evaluation of controls and for early
detection of adverse changes to health. Section 22 of the 2005 Act requires employers to
make health surveillance available to employees, which is based on the risk assessments
carried out under section 19 of the Act. Health surveillance procedures include biological
monitoring for bodily uptake of substances, examination for symptoms, and medical
surveillance which may entail clinical examinations and physiological or psychological
measurements. The procedure chosen should be suitable for the case concerned.
Whenever surveillance is undertaken, a health record has to be kept for the person
pre-planning for medium- or long-term contracts. This will involve carrying out a full
safety and health pre-qualification procedure. For short-term contracts, safety and health
aspects should be suitably checked by questionnaire or review;
ensuring they have prepared an up-to-date safety statement for the project to be
defining responsibility for, and setting up communication links between appropriate levels
of the organisation and the contractor before work starts and throughout the contract;
providing site safety rules;
providing safety and health training and induction of contractor personnel where
necessary before work begins;
Procedures should be established and maintained to ensure the organisation complies
with all relevant safety and health laws when purchasing new equipment, materials,
using new services, or introducing new processes, particularly those which might require
changes to existing safety and health procedures. Issues to be considered include
whether new safety and health equipment or precautions need to be installed
beforehand, retraining of employees, and effects the changes might have on customers
or members of the public.
the testing and rehearsing of these plans and related equipment, including fire fighting
equipment and fire alarms;
advising people working or living near the installation about what they should do in the
event of an emergency;
familiarising the emergency services with the facilities at the organisation so that they
know what to expect in the event of an emergency.
details on the installation, availability, and testing of suitable warning and alarm systems;
details of emergency scenarios that might occur, including the means for dealing with
these scenarios;
Does your SAFETY AND
executive HEALTH
board or senior33
of directors management team ensure all their
decisions reflect the safety and health intentions in your Safety Statement?
Does your executive board of directors or senior management team recognise the t
need to involve all staff in issues that affect their safety and health? h
Do your directors and senior managers provide daily safety and health leadership in
the organisation?
Do you have an agreed safety and health policy? Is it written into your Safety
Have you allocated responsibilities for safety and health to specific people are they
clear on what they have to do, and are they held accountable?
Is safety and health always considered before any new work is started or work
equipment is bought?
Did you consult and involve your staff and your Safety Representatives effectively?
Have you identified the hazards and assessed the risks to your own staff, to others
and to the public in the workplaces you control?
Do you set standards for the premises, plant, substances, procedures, and people
you control or the products you produce? Are these standards in place and the risks
effectively controlled?
Do you have an emergency plan to deal with serious or imminent danger, e.g. fires,
process deviations, etc?
Do your staff have sufficient information about the risks they are exposed to and the
preventive measures they must take?
Do you have the right levels of safety and health expertise? Are your employees
properly trained and do they attend the training provided by you?
Do you need specialist safety and health advice from outside, and if so, have you
arranged to obtain it?
Do all your staff accept their responsibilities under safety and health law?
emergency procedures in the organisation, including the responsibilities of key personnel,
procedures for fire-fighting and evacuation of all personnel on site, and first-aid
details of emergency services (e.g. fire brigade, ambulance services, spill clean-up
services), and the contact arrangements for these services;
internal and external communications plan; training plans and testing for effectiveness;
details on the availability of emergency rescue equipment and its maintenance log.
The organisation should periodically test, review, and revise its emergency preparedness
and response procedures where necessary, in particular after the occurrence of accidents
or emergency situations. The plan should dovetail with the safety statement as required
by section 20 of the 2005 Act.
management issues. It is recommended that boards and other controlling bodies appoint
one of their number to be the safety and health director who will ensure other directors
are kept informed and that safety and health is actively managed on a daily basis. The
board of directors or other senior management controlling body needs to ensure that its
safety and health responsibilities are properly discharged by:
ensuring its safety and health management system provide effective monitoring and
reporting on safety and health performance or when circumstances change;
appointing someone at senior management level who has executive responsibility for
implementing its safety and health management system;
ensuring managers at all level take their safety and health responsibilities on board;
being kept informed about any significant safety and health failures and of the outcome
of the investigations into their causes;
ensuring that safety and health risk management systems are in place and remain
Thus, procedures to monitor, measure and record safety and health performance on a
regular basis should be developed, established, and periodically reviewed. The
organisation should measure what it is doing to implement its safety and health policy to
assess how effectively it is controlling risks, and how well it is developing a positive
safety and health culture. A low accident rate, even over a period of years, is no
guarantee that risks are being effectively controlled, and that injuries, ill-health, or loss
will not arise in the future. This is particularly true in an organisation where there is a low
probability of accidents, but where major hazards are present. Here the historical record
can be an unreliable, even deceptive, indicator of safety and health performance.
Like planning, monitoring safety and health performance against predetermined plans
and standards should be a line-management responsibility. Monitoring also reinforces
managements commitment to safety and health objectives in general and helps to
develop a positive safety and health culture by rewarding positive work done to control
risk. Two types of monitoring are required:
active systems that monitor the design, development, installation, and operation of
management arrangements, safety systems, and workplace precautions;
reactive systems that monitor accidents, ill-health, incidents and other evidence of
deficient safety and health performance.
Active Monitoring
Every organisation should collect information to investigate the causes of substandard
performance or conditions adequately. Documented procedures for carrying out these
activities on a regular basis for key operations should be established and maintained. The
monitoring system should include:
identification of the appropriate data to be collected and accuracy of the results required;
installation of the requisite monitoring equipment and assessment of its accuracy and
calibration and regular maintenance of this equipment together with documented records
of both the procedures involved and the results obtained;
analysis and records of the monitoring data collected, and documented actions to be
taken when results breach performance criteria;
evaluation of all the data as part of the safety and health management review;
documented procedures for reviewing the monitoring and safety and health implications
of forthcoming changes to work systems.
The following techniques, should be used for active measurement of the safety and
health management system:
systematic inspections of workplace processes or services to monitor specific objectives,
e.g. weekly, monthly, or quarterly reports;
systematic review of the organisations risk assessments to determine whether they are
functioning as intended, need to be updated and any necessary improvements are being
These techniques are explained in more detail in Appendix D. Active monitoring should be
proportional to the hazard profile of the organisation and should concentrate on areas
likely to produce the greatest benefit and lead to the greatest control of risk. Key
riskcontrol systems and related workplace precautions should therefore be monitored in
more detail or more often (or both) than low-risk systems or management arrangements.
Reactive Monitoring
A system of internal reporting of all accidents (which includes ill-health cases) and
incidents of non-compliance with the safety and health management system should be
set up so that the experience gained may be used to improve the management system.
The organisation should encourage an open and positive approach to reporting and
follow-up and should also put in place a system of ensuring that reporting requirements
are met.
The organisation should establish procedures for investigating accidents and incidents to
identify their causes, including possible deficiencies in the safety and health management
system. Those responsible for investigating accidents, and incidents should be identified
and the investigation should include plans for corrective action, which incorporate
measures for:
preventing recurrence;
The organisation should implement and record any changes in documented procedures
resulting from corrective and preventive action. Further information on measuring safety
and health performance is outlined in Appendix D.
Monitoring provides the information to let the organisation review activities and decide
how to improve performance. Auditing and performance review are the final steps in the
safety and health management control cycle. They constitute the feedback loop that
enables an organisation to reinforce, maintain, and develop its ability to reduce risks to
the fullest extent and to ensure the continued effectiveness of its safety and health
management system. Audits, by the organisations own staff or outsiders, complement
monitoring activities by looking to see if the safety and health management systems are
actually achieving the right results. Results from measuring performance should be
combined with information from audits to improve the organisations overall approach to
safety and health management.
Safety and Health Management System Audits
The organisation should establish and maintain a programme and procedures for periodic
safety and health management system audits to be carried out to enable a critical
appraisal of all the elements of the safety and health management system to be made.
Auditing is the structured process of collecting independent information on the efficiency,
effectiveness, and reliability of the total safety and health management system and
drawing up plans for corrective action. These audits should be carried out in addition to
routine monitoring, inspection, and surveillance of the safety and health management
system. The purpose of these audits is to ensure the continued suitability, adequacy, and
effectiveness of the safety and health management system. The audit process should
ensure that the necessary information is collected to allow management to carry out this
evaluation adequately.
Audit Protocols
Audit protocols and procedures should be established, documented, and maintained, and
should include the following:
personnel requirements, including that of the audit team; auditors should have the
appropriate training and skills so that they can assess physical, human, and other factors
and the use of procedures as well as documents or records wherever possible. Auditors
should be independent of the activity being audited and include support from a wider
range of specialists if necessary;
methodologies for conducting and documenting the audits, which may include checklists,
questionnaires, interviews, measurement, and direct observation;
procedures for reporting audit findings to those responsible to facilitate timely corrective
action and improvement;
Audit Records
The organisation should establish and maintain audit records consistent with the safety
and health management system records. Their retention times should be established and
should comply with legal requirements.
Further information on setting up and operating a safety and health management system
audit is given in Appendix E.
Reviewing Performance
Reviewing is the process of making judgements about the adequacy of performance and
taking decisions about the nature and timing of the actions necessary to remedy
deficiencies. Organisations need to have feedback to establish whether their safety and
health management system is working effectively. The main sources of information
come from measuring activities and from audits of risk-control systems and workplace
precautions. Other internal and external influences include new legislation or changes in
current good practice. Any of these can result in redesign or amendment of any parts of
the safety and health management system or a change in overall direction or
objectives. Suitable performance standards should be established to identify the
responsibilities, timing, and systems involved. Feeding information on success and
failure back into the system is an essential element in motivating employees to
maintain and improve performance. Successful organisations emphasise positive
reinforcement and concentrate on encouraging progress on the indicators that
demonstrate improvements in risk control.
The aims of the review process reflect the objectives of the planning process. Reviews
should examine:
the design, development and installation of the safety and health management system in
changing circumstances.
The organisation should decide on the frequency of reviews at each level and devise
reviewing activities to suit the measuring and auditing activities. In all reviewing activity,
the result should be specific remedial actions that establish who is responsible for
implementation, with deadlines set for completion. These actions form the basis of
effective follow-up, which should be closely monitored. The speed and nature of response
to any situation should be determined by the degree of risk involved and the availability
of resources. Reviewing demands the exercise of good judgement, and people
responsible for reviewing may need specific training to achieve competence in this type of
task. Key performance indicators for reviewing overall performance should include:
assessment of the degree of compliance with the safety and health system and legal
identification of areas where the safety and health system is absent or inadequate
( those areas where further action is necessary to develop the total safety and health
management system);
accident, ill-health and incident data accompanied by analysis of the immediate and
underlying causes, trends and common features.
accident rates with organisations in the same industry using similar business processes
and experiencing similar risks;
Are your executive board, your directors and senior management team kept
informed of your safety and health performance, and do you report on this
performance in your annual report?
How do you know if you are meeting your own objectives and standards for safety
and health? Are your controls for risks good enough?
How do you know you are complying with the safety and health laws that affect your
Do you have accurate records of injuries, ill health, bullying complaints, and
accidental loss?
Do you report on safety and health failures to your board and your directors?
Do you carry out safety and health audits at least annually? If you do, what action
do you take on audit findings?
Do the audits involve staff at all levels? Do you involve your Safety Representative
and safety committee, where it exists, in the audits?
When did you last review your Safety Statement and your safety and health
Does your executive board of directors or senior management team review your
safety and health performance and ensure safety and health risk management
systems are in place and remain effective?
Has your executive board and your directors or senior management team appointed
someone at director level to ensure safety and health risk management issues are
properly addressed and is this person competent to do so?
Action for Improvement
Arrangements should be put in place to ensure that the lessons learned from the Auditing
and Reviewing process are put in place. This will mean the identification of the root
causes of non-conformity and checking the effectiveness of, and documenting corrective
actions including changes to the management system. Arrangements should be made to
ensure the continuous improvement of the safety and health management system and
achieving buy-in for the improvements from the workers, members of the safety
committee (where it exists), and the safety representatives. The safety and health
processes and performance should be compared by the organisation with others in order
to improve safety and health performance.
In this guidance:
Accident means an accident arising out of, or in the course of employment which, in the
case of a person carrying out work, results in personal injury.
Continuous improvement means the process of enhancing the safety and health
management system to achieve improvements in safety and health performance in line
with the organisations safety and health policy.
Employee means any person who works for an employer under a contract of
employment. This contract maybe expressed or implied, and be oral or in writing. An
employee may be employed full-time or part-time, or in a temporary capacity.
Hazard means a source or a situation with the potential for harm in terms of human
injury or ill-health, damage to property, damage to the environment, or a combination of
Hazard identification means the process of recognising that a hazard exists and
defining its characteristics.
Safety and health means occupational health, safety, and welfare in the context of
preventing accidents and ill-health to employees while at work.
Safety and health management system means the part of the overall management
system that includes the organisational structure, planning activities, responsibilities,
practices, procedures and resources for developing, implementing, achieving, reviewing
and maintaining the occupational safety and health policy.
Safety and health management system audit means the systematic and documented
verification process to obtain and evaluate evidence objectively to determine whether an
organisations safety and health management system conforms to the safety and health
management system audit criteria set by the organisation, and communication of the
results of this process to management.
Safety and health objective means the overall safety and health goal, arising from the
safety and health policy, that an organisation sets itself to achieve, and which is
quantified where practicable.
Safety and health performance means the measurable results of the management
system related to an organisations control of its safety and health aspects, based on its
safety and health policy, objectives, and targets.
Safety and health policy means a statement by an organisation of its intentions and
approach in relation to its overall safety and health performance that provides a
framework for action, and for the setting of its safety and health objectives and targets.
Safety and health review means the formal evaluation of the safety and health
management system.
Safety and health target means the detailed performance requirement, quantified
where practicable, applicable to an entire organisation or its parts, that arises from the
safety and health objectives and that needs to be set and met in order to achieve these
Ill-health includes acute and chronic ill-health caused by physical, chemical, or biological
agents as well as adverse effects on mental health.
own functions and administration. For organisations with more than one operating unit, a
single operating unit may be defined as an organisation.
Risk means the likelihood that a specified undesired event will occur due to the
realisation of a hazard by, or during work activities, or by the products and services
created by work activities. A risk always has two elements: the likelihood that a hazard
may occur and the consequences of the hazardous event. Risk is also determined by the
number of people exposed as well as how often.
Risk assessment means the process of evaluating and ranking the risks to safety and
health at work arising from the identification of hazards at the workplace. It involves
estimating the magnitude of risk and deciding whether the risk is acceptable or whether
more precautions need to be taken to prevent harm.
Training helps people acquire the skills, knowledge and attitudes to make them
competent in the safety and health aspects of their work. It includes formal off-the-job
training, instruction to individuals and groups, and on-the-job coaching and counselling.
But training is only one way of ensuring satisfactory safety and health performance. It is
also helpful to integrate safety and health requirements into job specifications.
Training should not be a substitute for proper risk control, for example to compensate for
poorly designed plant or inadequate workstations. The key to effective training is to
understand job requirements and individual abilities. Effective training places greater
emphasis on methods of learning rather than teaching methods.
Consult job-specific accident, ill-health, and incident records to see what caused losses of
control and how they can be prevented.
Observe and question employees when they are working, to understand what they are
doing and why. This may be particularly relevant in complex process plant where any
analysis has to take account of all the possible consequences of human error, some of
which may be remote from the particular task in hand. It could include formal task or
error analysis.
Consider the financial and economic benefits of good safety and health performance.
There are three main types of training needs organisational, job-related, and individual.
Organisational Needs
Everyone in the organisation should know about the organisations safety and health
policy and the philosophy underlying it and the structure and systems for delivering the
Employees should also know which parts of the systems are relevant to them, to
understand the major risks in the organisations activities and how they are controlled.
Job-related Needs
These fall into two main types: management needs and non-management needs.
Management needs include:
leadership skills;
communication skills;
training, instruction, coaching and problem-solving skills relevant to safety and health;
Some managers in key positions may have particular needs. This would apply to those
who devise and develop the safety and health management system, investigate accidents
or incidents, take part in review and audit activity, or who implement emergency
Non-management needs include:
detailed knowledge of the safety and health arrangements relevant to an individuals job;
Individual Needs
Individual needs are generally identified through performance appraisal. They may also
arise because an individual has not absorbed formal job training or information provided
as part of their induction. Training needs vary over time, and assessments should cover:
Under the 2005 Act, account must be taken of the employees capabilities for the specific
tasks for which safety and health training is being provided.
Deliver Training
Training can take place internally or externally, in either case using internal resources or
consultants. Under the 2005 Act, safety and health training must be provided in a form,
manner, and language that can be understood by employees. It is important that
employees are provided with the opportunity to apply their training, and that supervisors
ensure they apply their training as intended.
employing appropriate safety and health professionals as part of the management team
to advise the organisation on relevant safety and health matters;
acquiring the necessary skills and advice from external providers as required.
formulating and developing safety and health policies, not just for existing activities but
also with respect to new acquisitions or processes;
promoting a positive safety and health culture in the organisation and securing the
effective implementation of safety and health policy;
planning for safety and health, including the setting of realistic short- and long-term
objectives, deciding priorities, and establishing adequate systems and performance
day-to-day implementation and monitoring of policy and plans, including accident and
incident investigation, reporting, and analysis;
reviewing performance and auditing the whole safety and health management system.
maintain adequate information systems on topics including safety and health law, safety
and health management, and technical advances;
demonstrate the ability to interpret the law in the context of the organisation;
establish and maintain procedures for reporting, investigating, recording, and analysing
accidents and incidents;
establish and maintain procedures, including monitoring and other means such as review
and auditing, to ensure that senior managers get a true picture of how well safety and
health is being managed (where a benchmarking role may be especially valuable);
have a direct reporting line to directors on matters of policy, and have the authority to
stop work if it contravenes agreed standards and puts people at risk of serious injury;
have responsibility for professional standards and systems; on large sites or in a group of
companies, they may also have line-management responsibility for other safety and
health professionals.
equipment suppliers;
insurance companies;
the media.
health surveillance;
control strategies for eliminating or reducing risk, i.e. engineering controls or PPE;
carrying out safety and health management system measurements, reviews and audits.
The 2005 Act requires that preference should be given to appointing internal expertise to
carry out this work, where the expertise is available. It should also be noted that the
definition of director in the 2005 Act does not include a person who gives advice in a
professional capacity.
Under section 20 of the 2005 Act, the employer and workplace controllers (under section
15) must also prepare a safety statement which specifies the manner in which the
safety, health and welfare at work of his or her employees and others should be secured
and managed. The safety statement must include the hazards identified and the risks
assessed under section 19, the protective and preventive measures to be taken, and the
resources to be provided for protecting safety, health and welfare. These risk
assessments and the safety statement must be updated as necessary, particularly when
situations change that affect safety and health.
Several other statutory provisions contain provisions for risk assessment, e.g. the
General Application Regulations on use of work equipment, PPE, manual handling,
pregnant employees, etc, on noise, chemical and biological agents, major accident
hazards, and on the classification, packaging, and labelling of chemicals.
All these Regulations require risk assessments to be carried out on the subjects covered
by the Regulations. Risk assessment is the process of examining what can cause harm to
people in the workplace so that a judgement can be made as to whether sufficient
arrangements and precautions are in place or additional measures are required. Risk is
also dependent on the number of employees exposed to the risk. The aim is to identify
potential sources of harm and put in place adequate control or preventive measures
before they result in an accident or ill-health.
The key stages in the risk assessment and control processes are as set out in the
flowchart following.
Prepare an Inventory
An inventory of all work activities, processes, equipment, or machines used must be
prepared for each work area or location being assessed. It is vital to include infrequent
maintenance tasks as well as more routine day-to-day work. Possible ways of classifying
work activities include:
inadequate headroom;
hazards from plant and machinery associated with assembly, commissioning, operation,
maintenance, modification, repair and dismantling;
vehicle hazards, covering both site transport (e.g. at loading bays or in the warehouse)
and travel by road;
human factor hazards (e.g. human error, stress, violence to staff, bullying, passive
smoking, sexual harassment, shift-work, piece-work);
temporary work;
The above list is not exhaustive. Organisations should draw up their own hazard
checklists, taking into account the nature of their work activities and locations where
work is carried out. Relevant safety and health legislation, codes of practice, standards
and guidelines should be used for drawing up hazard checklists.
Safety and health legislation requires that employees, including the Safety
Representative, be consulted and involved in the risk assessment process, to ensure they
understand the reasons for it and take ownership of the remedial measures or
precautions that are put in place. A system for involving employees in the risk
assessment process must be developed in the organisation.
Prioritisation should take account of the analysis of the likelihood of injury and the
consequences carried out under the risk assessment section above. A simple form of risk
estimation is described below to illustrate these general principles.
The organisation should document its risk assessment and risk control procedures so that
they are proportional to its business needs, hazards, and risks. The control of relatively
minor hazards affecting all employees (such as ensuring passages and gangways remain
free from obstruction) can be dealt with by a number of simply stated general rules. The
control of more hazardous activities may need more detailed workplace precautions.
Control of high-hazard activities may demand detailed workplace precautions, which need
to be strictly followed, such as permit-to-work systems.
All the components of the safety and health management system need to be adequately
inspected, maintained, and monitored to ensure continued effective operation. Risk
assessments and workplace precautions should be reviewed in the light of changes and
technological developments. The type, frequency and depth of maintenance should
reflect the extent and nature of the hazards and risks revealed by risk assessment. The
balance of resources devoted to the various control systems will also reflect the hazard
profile of the business.
A Simple Risk Estimation Example
The potential of something at work to cause harm will vary in severity. Hazard is the
intrinsic property of the material or activity before controls are put in place. The likely
effect of a hazard may, for example, be rated as:
major: death or major irreversible injury (e.g. amputation, fracture or serious hand
injury that could affect its future use) or illness causing long-term disability
Harm may not arise from exposure to a hazard in every case. In practice, the likelihood
and severity of harm will be affected by how the work is organised, how effectively the
hazard is controlled, and the extent and nature of exposure to it. In the case of health
risks, latent effects and individual susceptibility will also be relevant. Judgements about
likelihood will also be affected by experience of working with a hazard; for example, the
analysis of accident, ill-health and incident data may provide a clue. The likelihood of
harm may be rated as:
Only one or several employees maybe exposed, either continually or for a short period.
In this case, risk can be defined as the combination of the severity of harm with the
likelihood of its occurrence and number exposed, or:
Number of
Severity workers
Risk = x of x
of harm exposed to
This simple computation enables a rough and ready comparison of risks. If hazards could
affect more than one person, risk assessors can assign a relative weighting to reflect this.
In practice, organisations use risk assessment systems which best suit their needs, e.g.
the major accident prevention policies and safety reports required for major accident
hazards sites might use a combination of quantified risk assessment (QRA), hazard and
operability studies (HAZOP) studies, and fault tree analysis.
Remedial Measures
Remedial measures to control the risk should be chosen, taking into account the following
hierarchy of control:
if elimination is not possible, the reduction of risk, e.g. by using a safe substance instead
of a dangerous one, or by using a low voltage electrical appliance;
measures that protect everyone, e.g. local exhaust ventilation, noise reduction measures,
machine guarding, restricting access to trained and authorised personnel, safe work
procedures and systems;
the need to introduce planned maintenance of, for example, machinery safeguards;
the use of personal protective equipment, but only as a last resort after all other control
options have been considered;
any improved control measures that may arise from technical progress.
Yes No
Carry out
Maintain record of Take
the risk assessment appropriate
and keep it up to remedial
and review of
date actions
determine whether safety and health policies and plans have been implemented and
check that risk-control measures have been implemented and are effective;
learn from safety and health management system failures, including hazardous events
(accidents, near misses and ill-health cases);
promote better implementation of plans and risk controls by providing feedback to all
provide information that can be used to review and, where necessary, improve aspects of
a safety and health management system.
confirm that recently appointed staff have attended an induction course. Reactive
monitoring should be used to investigate, analyse, and record safety and health
management system failures, including accidents, near misses, and ill-health cases.
Measurement Techniques
The following are examples of methods that can be used to measure safety and health
inspections of specific machinery and plant to check that safety-related parts are fitted
and in good condition;
A system for inspecting workplace precautions is important in any active monitoring
programme. It can form part of the arrangements for the preventive maintenance of
plant and equipment, which may also be covered by legal requirements. Equipment in
this category includes pressure vessels, lifts, cranes, chains, ropes, lifting tackle,
scaffolds, trench supports, and local exhaust ventilation. But inspections should include
other workplace precautions, such as those covering the use of premises, other places of
work, and systems of work.
A suitable programme should take all risks into account but should be properly targeted.
For example, low risks might be dealt with by general inspections every month or two,
covering a wide range of workplace precautions such as the condition of premises, floors,
passages, stairs, lighting, welfare facilities, and first aid. Higher risks need more frequent
and detailed inspections, perhaps weekly or even, in extreme cases, daily, or before use.
An example of a pre-use check would be the operation of mobile plant. The inspection
programme should satisfy any specific legal requirements and reflect risk priorities.
Suitable schedules and performance standards for the frequency and content of
inspection can help. The schedules can be supplemented with inspection forms or
checklists, both to ensure consistency in approach and to provide records for follow-up
Inspections should be carried out by people who have the necessary skills and training to
identify the relevant hazards and risks and who can assess the conditions found. A
properly thought-out approach to inspection will include:
well-designed inspection forms to help plan and initiate remedial action by requiring
those doing the inspection to rank any deficiencies in order of importance;
summary lists of remedial action with names and deadlines to track progress on
implementing improvements;
periodic analysis of inspection forms to identify common features or trends that might
reveal underlying weaknesses in the system;
information to aid judgements about any changes required in the frequency or nature of
the inspection programme.
the types of events to be investigated (e.g. only investigate near misses that could have
led to serious harm);
the authority of the investigators, their required competencies, and associated training
needs (including line management);
Investigation personnel should begin their preliminary analysis of the facts while further
information is collected. Data collection and analysis should continue until an adequate
and sufficiently comprehensive explanation is obtained.
A description of the circumstances, including the place, time of day, and conditions;
What was the worst injury or damage, which could have resulted (the severity
How many people could the event have affected (the population potential)?
Prioritised actions with responsibilities and targets for completion
Whether the risk assessments need to be reviewed and the safety statement updated.
Accident and ill-health data are important, as they are a direct indicator of safety and
health performance. However, some cautions relating to their use are listed below:
Most organisations have too few injury accidents or cases of work-related ill-health
to distinguish real trends from random effects;
If more work is done by the same number of people in the same time, increased
workload alone may account for an increase in accident rates;
The length of absence from work attributed to injury or work-related ill health may
be influenced by factors other than the severity of injury or occupational ill health.
Such factors can include poor morale, monotonous work, stressful working
conditions, poor management/employee relations, and local advice or traditions;
A time delay can occur between safety and health management system failures and
harmful effects. Moreover, many occupational diseases have long latent periods.
Management should not wait for harm to occur before judging whether safety and
health management systems are working.
ensure that appropriate action is taken to improve the control of specific risks;
In general, safety and health audits need to consider overall safety and health policy,
procedures, and the conditions or practices in the workplace. Senior managers should
evaluate the overall strategy of the safety and health management system to determine
whether it meets the needs of the organisation, its shareholders, and the regulatory
authorities. This should allow them to provide directional feedback to the organisation,
help them determine future priorities for meaningful planning and continual
Formal Auditing
Formal auditing provides a comprehensive and formal assessment of the organisations
compliance with safety and health procedures and practices. The end result of a formal
audit should include a detailed written assessment of safety and health procedures, the
level of compliance with procedures and practices, and where necessary, identify
corrective actions.
Audit Programme
A programme of auditing should be prepared and included in the Safety Statement. Some
of the factors that may need to be taken into account when deciding the frequency of
audits include the nature of the hazards; an adverse audit or incident record; and any
legislative requirements.
Auditors need to understand their task and be competent to carry it out. They need to
have the experience and knowledge of the relevant safety and health standards and
systems they are auditing to enable them to evaluate performance and identify
deficiencies. Auditors should be familiar with the requirements set out in any relevant
safety and health legislation so that they can identify unsafe behaviour that would not be
reflected in the organisations documents and records. In addition, auditors should be
aware of, and have access to standards and authoritative guidance relevant to the work
they are engaged in.
any reports or communication from the Health and Safety Authority (e.g. verbal reports
and advice, letters, notices); statutory registers and certificates;
training records.
The value of an audit depends on the experience and knowledge of the auditors and their
ability to interpret observations and elaborate on the findings. It is also dependent on the
integrity of all parties involved. Wherever possible, checks should be built into the system
to help to avoid misinterpretation or misapplication of audit records.
Audit Reporting
At the end of the audit, the auditor or audit team should summarise and feed back their
initial findings to the manager responsible and, in particular, draw attention to any issues
that are so significant that they need immediate action. The audit report should assess
overall performance, identify any inadequacies, and make recommendations on action for
Audits are designed to assess the key elements of safety and health management listed
the acceptance of safety and health responsibilities by line managers and the adequacy
of arrangements to secure control;
the adequacy of arrangements to consult and involve all employees in safety and health;
the adequacy of arrangements to secure the competence of all employees and the
provision of safety and health assistance;
the adequacy of resources and their proportional allocation to reflect the hazard profile of
the business;
Measuring Systems
The adequacy, relevance and design of measuring systems.
Reviewing Systems
The ability of the organisation to learn from experience, improve performance, develop
the safety and health management system, and respond to change.
1. Guidelines on occupational safety and health management systems, International Labour
Office, Geneva, ILO - OSH 2001
2. Successful health and safety management (2nd edition), HSG 65, HSE Books, London
1997 , ISBN 0 7176 1276 7.
3. Strategies to promote safe behaviour as part of a health and safety management system,
Health and Safety Executive, UK, Contract Research Report 430/2002
4. BS 8800: 2004 Guide to occupational health and safety management systems, British
Standards Institution, London.
5. Occupational health and safety management systems Specification, OHSAS
18001:1999 and Guidelines for the implementation of OHSAS 18001, OHSAS
18002:2000 , National Standards Authority of Ireland (NSAI )
6. Systems in Focus guidance on occupational safety and health management systems,
Institution of Occupational Safety and Health, UK, 2003
specific workplace hazards, e.g. on manual handling, noise, stress, violence, bullying,
chemicals, carcinogens, asbestos, petroleum, and confined spaces;
certain work sectors, e.g. for construction, quarries, agriculture, forestry, chemical
processing, LPG filling, offices, shops, transport of dangerous goods, security industry,
hotels, catering and restaurants, retail and distribution;
sector specific safety statements, e.g. for agriculture, shops, fishing vessels, small
businesses, and;
All of these publications are available on the Authority website at Most
are free of charge. Priced publications are also available from Health and Safety Authority
Publications at telephone 1890 289 389.
Workplace Safety and
Health Management
Achieving a
10 Hogan Place, Dublin
Tel. 1890
289 389
Callers outside
Republic of Ireland
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ISBN 1-84496-033-1