6 Methods For Curing of Concrete
6 Methods For Curing of Concrete
6 Methods For Curing of Concrete
There are various methods of curing. The adoption of a particular method will
depend upon the nature of work and the climatic conditions. The following methods
of curing of concrete are generally adopted.
Curing of Concrete
Curing of Concrete
Sprinkling of water
Ponding method
Membrane curing
Steam curing
The object of shading concrete work is to prevent the evaporation of water from the
surface even before setting. This is adopted mainly in case of large concrete
surfaces such as road slabs. This is essential in dry weather to protect the concrete
from heat, direct sun rays and wind. It also protects the surface from rain. In cold
weather shading helps in preserving the heat of hydration of cement thereby
preventing freezing of concrete under mild frost conditions. Shading may be
achieved by using canvas stretched on frames. This method has a limited
application only.
This is a widely used method of curing, particularly for structural concrete. Thus
exposed surface of concrete is prevented from drying out by covering it with
hessian, canvas or empty cement bags. The covering over vertical and sloping
surfaces should be secured properly. These are periodically wetted. The interval of
wetting will depend upon the rate of evaporation of water. It should be ensured that
the surface of concrete is not allowed to dry even for a short time during the curing
period. Special arrangements for keeping the surface wet must be made at nights
and on holidays.
This is the best method of curing. It is suitable for curing horizontal surfaces such as
floors, roof slabs, road and air field pavements. The horizontal top surfaces of
beams can also be ponded. After placing the concrete, its exposed surface is first
covered with moist hessian or canvas. After 24 hours, these covers are removed and
small ponds of clay or sand are built across and along the pavements. The area is
thus divided into a number of rectangles. The water is filled between the ponds. The
filling of water in these ponds is done twice or thrice a day, depending upon the
atmospheric conditions. Though this method is very efficient, the water requirement
is very heavy. Ponds easily break and water flows out. After curing it is difficult to
clean the clay.
The method of curing described above come under the category of moist curing.
Another method of curing is to cover the wetted concrete surface by a layer of
water proof material, which is kept in contact with the concrete surface of seven
days. This method of curing is termed as membrane curing. A membrane will
prevent the evaporation of water from the concrete. The membrane can be either in
solid or liquid form. They are also known as sealing compounds. Bituminised water
proof papers, wax emulsions, bitumen emulsions and plastic films are the common
types of membrane used.
Whenever bitumen is applied over the surface for curing, it should be done only
after 24 hours curing with gunny bags. The surface is allowed to dry out so that
loose water is not visible and then the liquid asphalt sprayed throughout. The
moisture in the concrete is thus preserved. It is quite enough for curing.
This method of curing does not need constant supervision. It is adopted with
advantage at places where water is not available in sufficient quantity for wet
curing. This method of curing is not efficient as compared with wet curing because
rate of hydration is less. Moreover the strength of concrete cured by any membrane
is less than the concrete which is moist cured. When membrane is damaged the
curing is badly affected.
Steam curing and hot water curing is sometimes adopted. With these methods of
curing, the strength development of concrete is very rapid.
These methods can best be used in pre cast concrete work. In steam curing the
temperature of steam should be restricted to a maximum of 750C as in the absence
of proper humidity (about 90%) the concrete may dry too soon. In case of hot water
curing, temperature may be raised to any limit, ay 1000C.