Beyond B1 SB U5 PDF
Beyond B1 SB U5 PDF
Beyond B1 SB U5 PDF
6 a 2.05 PRONOUNCE Listen to the consonants in blue in the words below. Then listen and repeat.
smell taste sound watch strong grass text message sky hand soft
b Do you find any of the consonant combinations difficult? Which ones?
If so, practise saying the consonants slowly.
7 THE MOVING PICTURE Watch the video and imagine you are
in each scene. Say something using the sense verbs.
8 Some sense verbs can also be nouns. Choose the correct nouns
for these sentences.
1 I like the smell / sound of fresh bread. It reminds me of home.
2 I hate the taste / sound of motorbikes. Theyre so noisy.
3 I really like the look / taste of honey. Its sweet.
4 I dont like the look / smell of this homework. Its really difficult.
9 Work in pairs. Write the names of things you love or hate. Tell your partner.
1 I love / hate the smell of .
2 I love / hate the taste of .
3 I love / hate the sound of .
4 I love / hate the look of .
Do the Words & Beyond exercise on page 134.
Workbook, page 52 51
1 The worlds first chemist was a woman 5 When you buy a fragrance, the cheapest
called Tapputi, who made perfumes in thing you are buying is the actual fragrance.
Mesopotamia in the 2nd millennium BC. The bottle and the box cost more to produce.
2 The word perfume comes from the 6 It is almost impossible to tell the difference
Latin per fumum which means through between fragrances that have been created
smoke. The first form of perfume was for women and for men. The first popular
incense. It was produced from burning unisex fragrance for both women and men
wood or plants and was first sold in 1994.
was used in religious
ceremonies. 7 Companies that create perfume for fragrances
also make the fragrances that are used for
3 Ancient Egyptians and cleaning products, air fresheners and crisps.
Romans created the
first liquid perfumes 8 More than 4,000 ingredients
using water and oils. In Rome, perfume are used in the fragrance
was used by both women and men on industry. The formula of each
their bodies and in their houses. perfume is kept secret, and
the ingredients arent listed
4 Today, perfumes are on the bottle.
often called fragrances.
A new fragrance 9 Some fragrances can cause headaches or allergic
appears almost every skin reactions in some people. Many people dont
day, and many of them like the smell of fragrances and hope they will be
are promoted by celebrities. banned in public spaces.
3 2.06 Read the text and decide if each sentence is correct or incorrect. If its correct, write C.
If its incorrect, write I.
1 The very first perfumes were oils and water. 4 The first fragrance for men appeared in 1994.
2 New fragrances appear every day. 5 Each fragrance has more than 5,000 ingredients.
3 The worlds first perfume maker was called 6 The fragrance bottle is often more expensive to
Mesopotamia. produce than the fragrance.
4 Which tips in the HOWTO box did you use for help with Exercises 2b and 3? Tick () them.
A picture caption is a short text that
5 Work in pairs. What do you think? Tell your partner.
usually appears under a picture.
1 Which facts in the article surprised you? Why? Write captions for the pictures in the
2 Should fragrances be banned in some public places? If so, which? text. Use information from the text.
52 Workbook, page 53
Questions SPEAK
are/is/were/was + you/he, etc + past participle
will + you/she, etc + be + past participle 6 Work in pairs. Compare the information in
Exercises 4 and 5, talking about your country.
How will people eat food in the future?
by + the person/thing that did the action
black night
b Find as many of the colours as you can on the
colour wheel.
2 a Read the tips in the HOWTO box.
b Listen to the interview with Amy Shore about
the National Colour Wheel and order the topics.
a The ways in which different cultures interpret colours.
b A survey carried out in Manchester.
c The reasons for doing the new survey.
d How people can take part in the survey.
3 2.07 Listen again and choose the correct answers.
1 Amy Shore basically wants people to
A visit a website. B do a street survey. C visit Manchester.
follow a conversation
2 The main purpose of the survey is to
A know what colours mean. B make people more aware of colour. Basically, ... and The thing is, ...
C create an international database. introduce an important point.
3 She gives an example of how white is associated with death in
A China. B countries with jungles. C the West. For example, ... and For instance,
... introduce examples.
4 The presenter associates the colour green with
A grass. B the environment. C the country he was born in. Although, Even though and
However add contrasting
4 Which tips in the HOWTO box did you use for help with information.
Exercises 2b and 3? Tick () them.
5 Work in pairs. Look at the colour wheel and answer the questions.
1 Which of the colours reflects the way you feel now?
2 Which is your favourite colour? Why do you like it?
3 Work in pairs. Complete the colours task. Student A looks at page 141.
Student B looks at page 142.
1 Read the story of Braille. Do young people Then listen and check your answers.
today still use it?
Blind people
have restricted or no
sight. They depend on
their other senses in order
to live independently.
They use their sense of
touch to read Braille. A
form of Braille was used by Napoleons soldiers so
that they could communicate silently at night. But
it was a French teenager called Louis Braille who
developed the idea so blind people could use it. These
days, however, young people prefer using electronic
screen readers so that they dont have to use Braille.
Mike: Were talking to Jacquie today
(1) we can learn something
about being colour-blind. How did you find
out you were colour-blind, Jacquie?
Jacquie: My art teacher asked me to stay after class
STUDY one day (2) talk to me. She
2 Read the explanations and underline examples thought it was strange that I had painted
in Exercise 1. Do they refer to now (in general) the sky purple. I did a test (3)
or to the past? find out if I was colour-blind.
Mike: Whats the test like?
(In order) to , so (that) Jacquie: They show you a circle with lots of coloured
Use: dots (4) find out if you can see
To explain why somebody does, did or will do a number in the dots. They also do the test
something. (5) they can discover which
type of colour-blindness you have.
Form: Mike: Is it a problem being colour-blind?
(in order) to + infinitive Jacquie: Not really. But I usually buy clothes with
in order to is more formal than to a friend (6) I dont choose
so (that) + subject colours that look bad together.
+ can/present simple = now, in general
+ can/will/present simple = in the future 5 Complete the sentences in your own words
+ could/would/past simple = in the past using in order to/to or so that/so.
See GRAMMAR DATABASE, page 124. 1 I use my phones touchscreen
2 Lifts have Braille on the buttons
3 You try clothes before you buy them
PRACTISE 4 We often use our sense of touch
5 Signs often use the colour red
3 Choose the correct option to complete 6 You enter your PIN number in a cash machine
the sentences.
1 When he was 10, Louis Braille went to one of the
first schools for the blind in order / so that he
could study with other blind boys. 6 Work in pairs. Answer the questions.
2 At that time, blind people used their fingers to / 1 Why do we need each of the five senses?
so feel the shape of normal letters. 2 If you had to live without one of the senses, which
3 A soldier called Charles Barbier visited the school would you choose and why?
in order / so that to demonstrate a system hed
created for soldiers. We need our sense of
4 He created his system in order / so that soldiers smell in order to/so that
could pass messages at night.
5 Louis adapted Barbiers system to / so make it If I had to live without a sense, Id
possible for blind people to read and write. choose my sense of because
6 Over the years, the system has been adapted
in order / so that it can be used in almost
every language.
Workbook, page 58 55
To find out if someone is
telling the truth, look at their
movements. If they touch things
a lot while they are talking, then
they might be lying.
How much does someone
like you? The closer they
stand to you, the more they
possibly like you.
Recognise non-verbal co
mmunic ation 3
The way a person stands
can say a lot about their
character. If they stand with their
arms folded, they might be trying
SPEAK AND READ to build a wall between you
and them.
1 Work in pairs. Choose one of the phrases in the box.
Communicate the phrase to your partner without speaking. We communicate best when
4 we look each other in the
Can your partner understand you?
eye. If someone looks down while
Bequiet. Doyouknowthetime? Icanthearyou. Imhungry. they are talking, they might be
Imtired. Ittastesdisgusting. OK. Whatsthatsmell? hiding something.
DO 6
When someone mirrors
your body language and
does the same movements as you,
3 Work in groups. In turns, demonstrate the examples of body this means they might like you
language in Exercise 2. Think of other examples. What do or they want you to like them.
they mean?
4 Discuss the questions with your class. Do you agree with
1 How accurate do you think the article is? POINT
2 In what situations might someone not read a persons body Sometimes our body language
language correctly? can reveal a lot about the way
3 How aware are you of your own body language? Do you ever try and we think and feel. However,
control or change it? If so, in what situations? there might be other reasons
for our expressions and body
EXTEND movements. So it isnt
always accurate.
5 Work in groups. Create a scene from a silent film.
1 Think of a situation for the scene and who the characters are.
2 Decide what happens in the scene. Think about how the characters
feel and how they can express this with body language.
3 Rehearse your scene and then perform it for the rest of the class.
Can the other students describe what happens?
56 Workbook, page 61
SPEAK a b c
1 Work in pairs. Look at the photos
and answer the questions.
1 Whats wrong with the people in
the photos?
2 What should they do?
3 Which of the situations have you
been in?
2 2.09 Watch or listen to the scenes. Which problem in Exercise 1 is not
talked about in the scenes?
1 2
Finn: Are you all right there? Ruby: Can I help you?
Bella: I need something for my (1) . Ive Emma: Yes. I need some of that cream you put
got Im not sure how to say it in English. Its a on your (4) . I dont know
pain. what its called. Its a special cream for
Finn: You mean (2) ? keeping (5) away.
Bella: Yes. Is this the right thing for a (3) ? Ruby: Do you mean (6) repellent?
Finn: Yes, it is. Emma: I think so.
Bella: Also I dont understand what this means. Can you Ruby: This one is very good.
help me? Emma: What does light fragrance mean?
Finn: Let me see. Ah sunset yellow. Its a colour Ruby: It means the lotion has a fragrance, but
they use in the medicine. its not very strong. Here. Smell it.
Bella: I see. Does this sign mean that it is bad for you? Emma: You called it a lotion. Whats the
Finn: It can be bad for some people. Are you allergic to difference between a lotion and a cream?
anything? Ruby: A cream is thicker than a lotion.
Bella: No, I dont think so. Emma: OK. Thank you. Ill take it.
Finn: Then youre probably OK.
2.09 Watch or listen again and write the missing HOW TO
ask for help with words
4 a Read the tips in the HOWTO box. When you dont know the name of something:
Say that you dont know the word.
b Complete the phrases from the
conversation. Then listen and repeat. Pay Explain what its for (its for + verb + -ing).
attention to which words are stressed. When you dont understand a word:
1 Im not how to say it in English. Say that you dont understand.
2 I dont understand what this .
3 I dont know what its . Ask the other person for more information.
4 Its a special cream keeping insects away.
5 Whats the between a lotion and
a cream?
Workbook, page 59 57
I can use pictures to help me understand.
Yes, I can. No problem! I can follow a conversation.
Yes, I can. But I need a bit of help. I can recognise non-verbal communication.
Yes, I can. But I need a lot of help. I can ask for help with words at the chemists.
I can link similar ideas when I write.