Statement of Faith
Statement of Faith
Statement of Faith
I believe the that humans are created in Gods image, and that we are sons and daughters
of the highest God and we were put on the earth to simply glorify God. Ultimately, I believe that
God is knowledge and He knows all things. I believe that knowledge is a gift from God to us
human beings. I think He created us to be curious and to seek knowledge and through knowledge
we see more of Gods characteristics. I want to integrate my faith into my classroom in a way that
is welcoming and safe for others. I want to be a guide that passes on cultural information as well
as encompasses Christianity in the things that I teach but allow for students to have differing
I hope to help my students find God in the games and sports we learn. I want them to be
active in their faith, just like they are in the gym. As a physical education teacher, I want students
to see their body as a temple of God and desire to live a healthy lifestyle to glorify God. I want
students to understand that not only does physical activity help with their physical health in
general but also different aspects such as emotional, social, mental and even spiritual well-being.
Being physically active helps one to concentrate and focus better in school and keeps the brain
cells active. Seeing the creation around them and the complexity and diversity of all the games
there are and the brilliant minds that came up with them. The same goes with the social aspect
thinking deeply about how we build friendships and relationships through sports that we carry on
with us for the rest of our lives. In the basketball unit that I have created I want students to set
goals for themselves and put full effort into every lesson. summarizing the verse from 1
Corinthians 9:26-27 that says to not run aimlessly, but run with purpose. That is why I strongly
believe that setting personal goals will help students be more driven to compete well and
countries. I believe it is important to be culturally educated about the world and different
countries and not so focused on ourselves. I will tell students how we can communicate to other
people through physical activity and playing sports, such as the game of basketball. I will tell
personal experiences of mission trips I have been on, where I barely knew Spanish and the kids
didnt know English yet we played for hours together and we created a special bond. I want
students to be informed about where and when basketball came about, by researching the origins
and the different rules of the game all around the world.