Lesson 4 - Offense Deffensive Strategies
Lesson 4 - Offense Deffensive Strategies
Lesson 4 - Offense Deffensive Strategies
I. Objectives
How does this lesson connect to the unit plan?
Learning different strategies of offense and defense in basketball will allow for students to be able to play the game of basketball at a more advanced level than they
did in elementary school
Projector screen or laptop to show video clips. Two basketballs. All hoops set up (4 total) Handout
Materials-what materials of the basic basketball rules
(books, handouts, etc) do you
need for this lesson and are
they ready to use?
Bring in projector from closet and have the screen down. The ball rack on the side.
7minutes Development
(the largest For our warm up today we are going to be doing Line up in groups of threes behind the baseline.
component or a three man weave drill. One person on the left side of the hoop, one
main body of person underneath the basket and one person on
the lesson) the right side of the hoop. The person in the
middle will start with the ball, and they will
throw it to either the person to the right or left
who has started to run ahead. They then follow
This warm up works on reviewing our passing, their pass and continue down the court and finish
layups and gets the heart rate up as they run. with a lay up. Once the group is halfway down
the court they next group can go.
minutes Following the warmup, the teacher will go over
the offensive and defensive positions briefly. On
15 offense, you are trying to get open and want to
minutes constantly be moving. We are going to start by
playing man to man defense. Which means that at
the beginning of our games you will match up to
someone similar skill level to you. We arent
playing a game today but I want us to be familiar
with how it works. You will stay with that person
the whole time, and when you are on offense you
are trying to get away from the defender and
when you are on defense you want to stay as
close to them as you can. We are going to run
through a drill that will help us with this.
Teacher: Demonstrate proper defensive stand facing player with feet hip-width
positioning. apart, knees bent. To block player from
- Explain defense is typically one-on- receiving ball, turn backside to ball. To
one. Use student leader to block player from passing ball, face
demonstrate. To defend player (your player with ball. Block passing lane by
man), moving to and standing in open space.
Raise arms overhead/to side to block
We will try these positions by a 2 v 1 drill. passes.
8 In conclusion ask students to talk in their group Students talk in groups about what worked well
minutes of threes for 2 minutes about what worked well and what didnt and come up with three effective
and what didnt well and to come up with three defensive positions to share with the class.
effective defensive positions and be prepared to
share with the class. Each group will have a turn to share what they
came up with.
Your reflection about the lesson, including evidence(s) of student learning and engagement, as well as ideas for improvement
for next time. (Write this after teaching the lesson, if you had a chance to teach it. If you did not teach this lesson, focus on the
process of preparing the lesson.)
I did not get to teach this lesson but one thing I struggle with is time. I know that this is the introduction to
offensive/defensive strategies and I know it will take more than one day to get through everything but its hard not to want to
cover all of it. My thought process was starting on basic offensive and defensive drills that gets them prepared for our game
play in the next upcoming section of our unit. I also wanted to provide resources for those who are visual learners and want
to look over rules and might not be familiar with them as some other students. I think showing people walk through the
defense and offense will be helpful and I will also ask volunteers to help. Overall this introduction on different strategies will
be rather basic but provide students with some basic knowledge and understanding of how the game works.