Survey Question Lesson Plan
Survey Question Lesson Plan
Survey Question Lesson Plan
2. State Content Standard Addressed (History/Social Science, Science, Physical Education, Visual and
Performing Arts):
3. ELD Standard Addressed: (include Part I, II; Communicative Modes A. Collaborative, B. Interpretive, C.
Productive; and Proficiency Level addressing Emerging, Expanding, Bridging)
ELD.PI.A.7.4.BR: Adapting Language ChoiceAdjust language choices according to task (e.g., facilitating a science
experiment, providing peer feedback on a writing assignment), purpose, and audience.
ELD.PI.B.7.5.BR: Listening activelyDemonstrate active listening in oral presentation activities by asking and
answering detailed questions, with minimal prompting and support.
4. Learning Objective: (What will students know & be able to do as a STUDENT-FRIENDLY TRANSLATION
result of this lesson?) Students will write their own original
Students will be able to identify and execute the components of a survey question for their Symposium topic.
successful survey question by writing their own original survey
questions that apply directly to their Symposium topic.
8. Anticipated Difficulties (Based on the information above, what difficulties do you think students may have with the
content? Please specify anticipated difficulties for English Learners, Standard English Learners, and/or students with
special needs. )):
Although there are only redesginated English Learners in the class, I still need to focus on English literacy as well as
academic and content vocabulary. The only student with a disability does not require any special accommodations,
and she is well-liked by her classmates. Because the students are seated in groups, they often talk about things
unrelated to math; however, I think that the benefit of these groups during instruction outweighs the negative
consequences. This lesson was created in order to help students create their own research question for Symposium,
which is a school-wide requirement for honors students. Students are allowed to work on their own, in pairs, or in
groups of three, so although I'm teaching this to 7th grade honors students, their partner or group members may not
also be in this class. Students need to learn how to write a research question, but they will not actually be
formulating one in this class period.
Describe how the 21st century skill(s) you have circled will be observed during the lesson
CommunicationStudents will need to discuss their answers with their table which will require them to share their
answers, evaluate their peers answers, and collaborate the decide on what they believe to be the correct answer.
One student from each table will also need to share their answer with the rest of the class when asked to.
Critical ThinkingStudents will need to analyze given examples, determine whether they are driving questions or
survey questions. They will also need to identify whether or not examples are good or bad and then give rationale for
their decision. After completing both activities, students will be required to share and justify their answers with their
11. Technology - How will you incorporate technology into your lesson? (TPE4.4, 4.8)
There is quite a bit of technology in this lesson. The students will be watching a video as an attention-getter at the
beginning of the lesson. They will complete their quick write online, as well as their progress-monitoring document.
12. Visual and Performing Arts How will you provide the students with opportunities to access the
curriculum by incorporating the visual and performing arts? (TPE1.7)
Students will be watching a short, 4-minute video as an attention-getter at the beginning of the lesson.
13. Assessment Criteria for Success: (How will you & your students know if they have successfully met the
outcomes? What specific criteria will be met in a successful product/process? What does success on this lessons
outcomes look like?)
a. Formative:
I will have the students complete a quick write after the video but before the introduction to the lesson. This will
allow me to assess their prior knowledge/experience on surveys, whether it is because they have conducted a survey
or participated in one. I will assess their understanding of the two main concepts of the lesson (driving question vs.
survey question; identifying good or bad survey questions) through the two activities. I will be walking around
monitoring their progress while they are completing each activity, and I will also collect their handouts at the end of
the lesson so that I can review them and assess whether or not the lesson was successful. The online document will
allow me to monitor their progress throughout the process of developing their research question and survey
b. Summative (if applicable):
There is no summative assessment for this mini-lesson. The summative assessment will be their final Symposium
c. (Attach rubric here, if applicable):
There is no rubric for any of the formative assessments in this mini-lesson.
d. How do you plan to involve all students in self-assessment and reflection on their learning goals
and progress? (TPE5.3)
There is not a specific self-assessment activity in this lesson, but I think that the students will be self-assessing their
understanding after they've completed the activities independently and are discussing their answers with their
group. They will be able to see whether or not their answers match their classmates' answers and then hear the
justifications from the other students in their group.
15. Resources/Materials: (What texts, digital resources, & materials will be used in this lesson?)
The students will be given one handout that gives 6 steps to writing good survey questions, the different types of
survey questions, and examples of each type. They will receive another handout that will include what to avoid when
writing survey questions, as well as two activities: one that requires students to differentiate between driving
questions and survey questions and the other with require students to identify good and bad survey questions,
giving rationale for their choice. Students will watch a short video at the beginning of the class. They will use their
chrome books to complete their 10-minute quick write. They will also complete a document online for homework that
will state their potential research and survey questions, as well as their population and sample.
16. Procedure (Include estimated times. Please write a detailed procedure, including questions
that you are planning to ask.):
0-15 min
I will begin by giving a brief introduction about Symposium and then explain to them that I will be giving a series of
mini lessons to help them with each step of the process. I will go over the schedule and emphasize that their survey
questions are due on 03/28 (I will be giving this lesson the week prior to the due date). I will pass out a handout that
all students need to fill out an return to me on Thursday, 03/23. It will include their Symposium topic, their research
question, their survey questions, the names of their group members, and the name and period of their ELA teacher.
Some students may not have groups yet, and if they have groups they may not be in the same class. I will explain
that everyone needs to brainstorm some ideas for their topic and try to create a possible survey question even if
they have not decided on their final topic. They can discuss it later with their group and then decide which topic to
proceed with.
I will play an attention-getter video that was provided by my master teacher that covers surveys, data collection,
samples, and populations. This video is 4 minutes long. After the video the students will use their chrome books to
type a response to a quick write (Insert Question). I will give them 10 minutes to work on their responses. Then the
students will be instructed to put away their chrome books and we will have a class discussion regarding the purpose
of surveys, what biased questions are, and why it is crucial to eliminate all biased questions from their surveys.
15-25 min
I will then explain the difference between a driving question and a survey question as it pertains to Symposium. I will
have students independently complete the front side of the handout, identifying which questions are driving
questions and which ones are survey questions. I will give them 3 minutes to complete it individually and then 2
minutes to discuss it with their table. While they are working independently and as a group, I will walk around to
monitor their progress, check for understanding, and answer any questions. I will then have one student from each
table share their answer with the class (there are 8 questions and 8 tables).
25-40 min
I will then go through how to write good survey questions, as well as how to avoid writing bad survey questions. I will
reiterate the importance of avoiding biased questions, leading questions, and double-barreled questions. I will also
go through the 6 tips listed on their other handout that will facilitate students writing good survey questions. The
students will spend 5 minutes completing the second activity independently, and then they will discuss their answers
with their table for an additional 2 minutes. I will again walk around checking for understanding, monitoring progress,
and answering any questions. We will go through each example together so that they can identify the problems with
the bad examples.
40-45 min
I will let the students know that they need to complete an online document that will record their potential research
questions, 6-10 potential survey questions, and their planned population and sample. I will be able to see all of these
documents so that I can monitor their progress and help guide them in the right direction. I will also collect their
handout with the activities on it to see how effective the lesson was.
1. Please include your rubric data here. Include 5 student work samples low, medium, high, EL, &
Student with Special Needs
I have attached the student work samples in another document. I do not have a rubric for any of the activities I had
the students do, but for the first activity (driving or survey questions) I am looking for students to have their original,
independent answers, as well as the correct answers marked after we went over them as a class. This will show me
that they were participating in self-assessment. For the second activity (good or bad survey questions) that I had to
assign for homework, I am looking for a completed chart with strong and thought-out rationale. I am not as
concerned with the right answer because their rationale will tell me if they are critically thinking about what
constitutes a survey question. If their arguments are sound, that can indicate more understanding than simply
getting the question "right." I only attached student examples from the second activity. I included the answer key. I
also included:
MarinaLow (Marina answered "good" for every question. She also did not explain why she thought it was a
good survey question; instead, she stated the purpose of the question. This shows low effort and a
misunderstanding of the assignment.)
NathaliaMedium (Nathalia got most of the questions correct, but she did not provide rationale for all of them. I
chose this as the medium sample because it was incomplete. A lot of the students also got multiple questions
wrong and had poor rationale. I would have scored most of the assignments as low because no one did well
labeling the questions or providing rationale.)
MarcusHigh (Marcus got almost all of the questions correct and his rationale was the closest to correct that I
could find. Like I said, most of the students did very poorly on this. Even the highest sample is full of mistakes and
room for improvement.)
DavidEnglish Learner (David struggles in class and on his assignments, but I don't think that his language is
fully responsible. His attitude and effort level need to be adjusted, as you can see from his work.)
EricSPED Student (Eric is the only student in the class with an IEP, but he is unaware that he has one. He used
to have a 504, but he stopped requiring special needs in 2014. His attitude also needs help, but he does struggle
with his attention span. I am unsure of whether he literally answered the questions because he thought that he
was supposed to or if he did it as a joke.)
4. What would you change about the lesson and why (according to your data analysis)?
I would change so much about how the actual lesson happened. I would first like to teach the full, planned lesson. I
already said what I would change about the second activity that I gave them for homework. I also think that I needed
to explain the activity in more detail and make the information needed to successfully complete the activity more
apparent. I don't think that I did a good job at connecting what I was lecturing about to the activity. Also, because
some students do not have a group, topic, or driving question, they were unable to write any survey questions for
me to analyze. This lesson, and the data that I collected from the second activity, establish that my lesson was
ineffectual. I will be less ambitious in my next lesson and more focused on making sure students fully understand the
information and directions before having them complete an activity or assignment.
Classroom Lessons ONLY: After presenting your lesson in your BST classroom, please review and reflect on student
work related to this lesson. Make copies of student work for levels of high, middle, low, EL, and Student with Special
Needs, and write your comments on the copies.