Ant Workshop Mar 07
Ant Workshop Mar 07
Ant Workshop Mar 07
Antenna Workshop
Dont be an Alligator!
Geoff Cottrell G3XGC offers you a loop antenna designed to improve your stations
capability on the 1.8MHz band.
n Top-band-speak, alligators are all One day, I noticed a sudden drastic Besides being small enough to fit in my
mouth and have no ears. Its a term increase in noise level, which I eventually garden, a really useful feature of a loop
thought to have originated in America. traced to one faulty and very noisy switch- antenna is the existence of one or more
When I moved to my present suburban mode power supply in my own house. deep nulls in the reception pattern at low
terraced house in Oxford in 2000, I hadnt Needless to say, it was immediately elevations, Fig. 1. The idea is to use the
operated on-air since the late 1960s and replaced! But theres not much that can directional nulls in the loops pattern to
gave no thought to the Amateur Radio be done about the multiplicity of failing or attenuate local interference whilst having
potential of the site. But what pitched me poorly specified equipment in surrounding little effect on the wanted signal arriving
back into activity was the loan of an old h.f properties. Problems with r.f. interference at higher elevations. By rotating the loop,
transceiver and a curiosity to see how the are worse on this band than any other, with the nulls can be oriented in the direction
bands sounded. However, the new QTH the exception of 136kHz! of a local noise source and reduce it by
was not exactly ideal, with a garden some tens of dB, so giving an overall
20 x 6m surrounded by (r.f. noise Some Research improvement in signal-to-noise ratio on
generating) houses in a densely I embarked on some research and the DX.
populated area. experiments to see if matters could be The loop described here is resonant
Then the bug bit, I had to get onto improved. My sources were the Internet in the 1.8-2MHz band. Incidentally, an
1.8MHz from this location. I wasnt then and useful publications (see references). additional advantage of having a tuned
aware of the high level of radio frequency For DX top band operation on 1.8MHz, the antenna is that strong out-of-band signals
interference (r.f.i.) that bedevils todays gurus generally deem separate receiving are attenuated before entering the receiver
would-be Topbander in suburban antennas to be necessary. This is because where undesirable intermodulation
locations like mine. When I first tried vertically-polarised transmit antennas pick- products could be generated.
listening using a simple wire antenna, all up much local noise in reception.
I heard was broadband noise, with the Many of the big 1.8MHz stations Extensive Tests
occasional very strong station breaking seemed to have some very effective After extensive tests, the most effective
through. Beverage receiving antennas. But these loop design that Ive found (not to mention
The band noise comes from a number require a lot of space - a typical Beverage cheap!) is one made using some spare
of different local sources, such as can extend some 260m or more. Such coaxial cable, Fig. 2. The antenna is
harmonics of the ubiquitous and often large antennas were clearly out of the electrically balanced and symmetric about
poorly suppressed switch-mode power question for my limited space. However, its vertical axis. There is a braid-break in
supplies, computer monitors, plasma TVs there was a viable alternative in the small the coaxial outer conductor at the top and
and so on. loop antenna designs. a simple matching circuit at the bottom
feed-point. It is important to realise that
this loop is not a purely magnetic antenna
- the coaxial cable outer conductor is not
an electrostatic shield but forms an integral
part of the antenna.
The loop works best when sited far
away from local houses. This means
putting it at the end of my garden where
it feeds some 40m of RG58 coaxial cable
running to the shack in the attic. Despite
having only passive components at the
feed-point, losses are minimal and the
signal levels I get at the receiver are in
Setting Up
To set up the antenna, I used an MFJ
antenna analyser but peaking the noise
on receive (at the required frequency) will
do just as well. One side of the resonant
circuit at C1 feeds a one-to-one isolation
transformer (T1) via a matching capacitor
C2. Naturally, there is some interaction
between C1 and C2 but in practice its easy
to find settings that give both the required
resonance frequency and a v.s.w.r of 1:1 in
the 50 feedline.
You may ask, why is transformer T1
needed? The answer is that its really a Fig 2: Diagrammatic layout of the loop.
balun, matching the unbalanced coaxial
feedline to the balanced antenna. If T1
is omitted the antenna will still work but
(being unbalanced) there is a risk that the as there are many ways to make one The Support Structure
run of coaxial cable to the shack could and I suspect that anyone contemplating In the antenna of Fig. 3, I used a circular
pick up noise on its sheath. This noise will making one will probably have their own support structure made from lengths of
find its way into the receiver, degrading ideas. However, a discussion of the critical standard (and cheap) 22mm diameter pvc
performance. I have tested loops with and aspects of the design, types of materials electrical conduit, together with some
without T1 fitted and believe that it makes a used and method of support may be matching adaptors (joiners, a tee piece,
positive difference at my site. useful. So, I give the main constructional clamps and a box entry adaptor). The
How does the loop work? The loop steps of a circular loop that has been in marked out cable element should be fed
diameter D is only 2m, which is very service reliably at my QTH for several years into the main pvc tube before attempting to
much smaller than 160m wavelength. Any (Fig. 3). These appear in rough order of form it into a circle.
interfering r.f. noise propagating towards assembly. The tubes were then joined and sealed
the loop directly along either of the central from the weather using pvc pipe cement.
axis directions, induce opposite and almost Loop Element Be careful this cement bonds very
equal currents in the conductors on the The diameter, D, of the loop is two metres, quickly indeed! The circularity of the
left and right hand sides. These currents which translates to a length of coaxial cable final structure was ensured by attaching
almost completely cancel resulting in no of roughly 6.3m (just over 20 feet). The the antenna tube to a single vertical piece
output. exact loop diameter is not very critical but of 50x25mm timber, using pvc screw-on
For waves coming from any other the geometry is. The element should be clamp fittings.
direction, signal current cancellation supported in such a way to keep it lying in
doesnt happen and the loop is capable as flat a plane as possible and with equal Matching & Tuning
of good reception. There are, therefore, lengths between the left and right-hand The two cable ends at the base pass
two narrow nulls aligned along the loops sides measured from the two free ends at through the pvc tee adaptor, through a
axis. To reduce local noise, it is simply a the base up to the centre of the braid break short length of pvc tube and enter an alloy
matter of rotating the loop face-on to the at the top. The length of the braid break, box containing the tuning and matching
offending source. The higher angle waves d, should be 25mm. Take care not to sever components (C1, C2) via an entry adaptor.
arriving from the required DX stations the inner conductor when removing the The removable box lid gives access for
suffer less signal cancelling and are much braid. adjustment. The variable capacitors were
less attenuated. In fact, for higher elevation Self-amalgamating tape was used to 200pF Varicon a.m. tuner types, mounted
signals, the loop is almost omnidirectional. weatherproof the joint. Carefully mark out on a small piece of copper-clad board.
(Fig. 1). the equal lengths of the element either Note: Some fixed silver mica capacitors
side of the break. The coaxial I used was from the junk box were used to pad out
Loop Construction RG92, which has a lower capacitance per these variable capacitors to give optimum
My loop has evolved from earlier designs unit length (30pF per metre) than RG58, values, found by trial and error. At the base
(see refs). I do not intend to give a blow- although there is no reason why the latter of the box is a BNC socket for the feedline
by-blow account of the loops construction should not work in a loop of this size. and the box was grounded to the (joined)