Method of Measurement of Building and Civil Engineering Works
Method of Measurement of Building and Civil Engineering Works
Method of Measurement of Building and Civil Engineering Works
( Reaffirmed 1997 )
Indian Standard
( Fourth Revision)
Second Reprint DECEMBER 1996
UDC 69.003.12:624.155
@ Copyright 1989
Indian Standard
( Fourth Revision )
0.1 This Indian Standard (Part 23 ) ( Fourth one another, the Sectional Committee during
Revision) was adopted by the Bureau of Indian its second revision decided that each trade as
Standards on 16 November 1988, after the given in IS : 1200-1964* shall be issued separa-
draft finalized by the Method of Measurement tely as a different part as it would be helpful
of Works of Civil Engineering ( Excluding River to users in using the specific standard. This
Valley Projects ) Sectional Committee had part covers the method of measurement of
been approved by the Civil Engineering Division piling work applicable to buildings as well as
Council. to civil engineering works was published sepa-
rately in the year 1971 and further revised in
0.2 Measurement occupies a very important 1977. In view of the large number of comments
place in the planning and execution of any civil received on this part, the Sectional Committee
engineering work from the time of first estimates decided to issue a fourth revision incorporating
to the final completion and settlement of pay- the changes to keep the latest method as being
ments of project. Methods followed for measure- followed by most of the organizations. The
ment are not uniform and considerable differ- principal modifications are in respect of rein-
ences exist between practices followed by forced cement concrete sheet, timber sheet, and
different construction agencies and also between bored piles.
various Central and State Government Depart-
ments. While it is recognized that each system 0.4 For the purpose of deciding whether a
of measurement has to be specifically related to particular requirement. of this standard is
administrative and financial organizations complied with, the final value, observed or
within a department responsible for the work, a calculated, expressing the result of a measure-
unification of the various systems at technical ment, shall be rounded off in accordance with
level has been accepted as very desirable IS : 2-1960*. The number of significant places
specially as it permits a wider range of operation retained in the rounded off value should be the
for civil engineering contractors and eliminates same as that of the specified valud in this
ambiguities and misunderstandings arising out standard.
of inadequate understanding of the various
systems followed. *Method of measurement of building and civil
engineering works (jrst revision 1.
0.3 Since different trades are not related to iRules for rounding off numerical values ( rcvisad ).
place as given below: 3.2 The cement concrete in piles shall be
measured in cubic metres, arrived at by multi-
a) Linear dimensions shall be measured to plying the cross-sectional area of the pile by the
the nearest 001 m, length of the pile as cast from the head of the
pile to the tip of shoes.
b) Areas shall be worked out to the nearest
001 ms, and
3.3 NO deduction shall be made for chamfers,
C) Cubic contents shall be worked to the tapered points or the volume of reinforcement
nearest 001 ms. or holes for lifting piles.
2.5 Work to be Measured Separately - The 3.4 The formwork, links and sleeves shall be
situations, such as, in/under water, liquid mud, included in the description of the item.
marshy land, tidal condition, etc, in which work
is to be executed shall be stated. 3.5 The reinforcement shall be measured sepa-
rately [see IS : 1200 (Part 8)-1975* 1.
2.5.1 The level of high and low water tides
where occurring, shall be stated. 3.6 The sho:ts for each size shall be enumerated
separately, stating the approximate weight.
2.6 Bills of Quantities - The bills of quan-
tities shall fully describe the materials and 3.7 Driving piles to a given level and redriving
workmanship, and accurately represent the of lengthened piles shall be measured in running
work to be executed. metres, separate measurements being made for
piles of 5 m length and less and subsequently
2.7 A general description of the nature of site for every 1 m length range. The driving of
shall be stated. piles shall be measured from the tip of the
shoes up to the level as shown in the drawings.
2.8, The available information as to the strata The raker piles shall be measured along the
through which the piles are to be driven shall axis of the pile.
be stated or reference showing records of bores
be given. 3.8 The measurement of handling, transporta-
tion and pitching of piles shall be enumerated
2.9 If piles are to be provided from any level for each occasion.
other than the ground level, it shall be stated.
If the piling frame is to be lowered or raised, 3.9 For stripping the heads of the piles, the
the exact height and nature of working shall length to be stripped shall be stated and
be described, separate items shall be provided measured per linear metre.
for driving raker/in groups/isolated/lengthened/
trial piles. 3.10 Stripping off the head of the piles for bond
length shall be enumerated.
2.10 Items shall include any extra excavation
filling and/or ramming required at the time of 3.11 When concrete piles are lengthened in
construction for the movement of piling frame position, after they have been lowered, the
for executing piling work. cement concrete when used for lengthening
shall be measured as a separate item. This
2.11 Bringing plant to the site and erecting it item shall include the extra labour involved in
and dismantling and taking it back, shall be stripping the exposed end to form connection
measured separately as lump sum items. of new with old work and any excavation,
NOTE-Shifting of plant at site of work shall be if required.
included in the item of piles.
2.12 If load testing is to be done, the provision TIMBER PILES
for such, test shall be specified and measured
separately. 4.1 Timber piles shall be described and
measured in running metre stating the species
3. METHOD OF MEASUREMENT OF of timber [see IS : 2911 (Part 2 )-198071 and
PRECAST REINFORCED CONCRETE size of the pile. If over 50 m in length, the
PILES length extra over 5 m shall be measured in
stages of one metre.
3.1 The precast reinforced concrete piles shall
be described accordmg to the grade of concrete,
*Method of measurement of building and civil
section and length, the extra strength of the engineering works: Part 8 Steel-work and ironwork
heads being stated. Any requisite mould shall ( third revision ) .
be included in the description as also the iCode of practice for design and construction of pile
necessary strapping, bolts and lifting holes. foundations: Part 2 Timber piles ( Jrst revision ).
IS : 1200 ( Part 23 ) - 1988
4.1.1 The diameter of the pile shall be arrived 5.4 Lifting, handling, pitching, engaging
at by measuring girth at two metres below the through interlocks or clutches of an adjacent
large end of the pile. Any tolerance on the sheet piles and driving shall be measured
cross-sectional dimensions of timber in permit- separately for each type in square metres
ting above or below those shown in drawings obtained by multiplying the length of the
shall be specified. embedded portion of the pile in soil and half
of the perimeter as defined in IS : 2314-1986*.
4.1.2 Shaping and shoeing of pile shall be The length of the embedded portion shall be
enumerated, stating the approximate weight of obtained by measuring from the level of the
the shoe and size of the pile. ground where the tip of the sheet pile first
touches before driving, to the ultimate level of
4.2 Handling, transportation and pitching of the tip of the piles after driving.
piles shall be enumerated for each occasion.
5.5 Wherever sheet piles are to be driven under/
4.3 Driving timber piles shall be measured from in water necessitating the use of special hammers
the tip of the shoe to the ground level as shown and/or loader frames, such piles shall be des-
in the drawings or as found at site at the time cribed and measured separately.
of driving. The method of measurement of
5.6 Driving corner piles and junction piles shall
driving pile shall be the same as given in 3.7.
be measured in running metres representing
This item shall also include cutting the top of
the length of embedment.
the pile and dressing it for fixing mild steel ring
against splitting during driving. 5.7 Cutting or burning through steel piles shall
be measured in running metres as extra over
4.4 The supply and fixing of iron rings to the the pile. The disposal of cut length shall be
pile head before driving and also the labour described.
involved in cutting off the ringed portion or
any portion damaged in driving shall be in- 5.8 Extraction of piles other than those describ-
cluded in the description of the item. ed in 5.6 shall be measured separately in
square metres obtained by multiplying the
4.5 Joints in piles shall be described and enu- embedded length in soil by the nominal width
merated. of piles from the centre of the clutches.
Operations such as lifting, handling and remov-
5. METHOD OF MEASUREMENT OF ing from the site shall be described and included
6.6 Empty boring shall be measured separately touches before driving to the ultimate level of
in running metres and the length shall be from the tip of the piles after driving.
working ground level to the cut off level of the
pile. The type of filling shall be stated. 8.4 Wherever sheet piles are to be driven
under/in water necessitating the use of special
7. METHOb OF MEASUREMENT OF hammers and,or loader frames, such piles shall
CAST IN SITU BORED REINFORCED be described by measuring separately.
8.5 Driving corner piles and junction piles shall
7.1 Empty boring shall be measured separately be measured separately.
in running metres and the length shall be from
working level to the cut off level of the pile. 8.6 Cutting piles shall be measured in running
The type of filling shall be stated. metres as extra over. The disposal of cut length
shall be described.
7.2 The boring through boulders and rock
strata shall be measured extra over. 8.7 The extraction of piles other than due to
defective driving shall be measured separately
7.3 Reinforcement .in pile including bars to be in square metres as mentioned in 8.3.
left in the pile cap for embedment shall be
measured separately. 9. METHOD QF MEASUREMENT OF
7.4 The description of the pile shall state the
nominal diameter, grade of concrete, size of 9.1 The timber sheet piles shall be described
aggregate, the reinforcing bars, the length of and measured in running metres stating the
cage, and the provision of liners, if any. species of timber and cross-section.
7.5 Permanent mild steel liners, if provided, 9.2 Handling, transportation and pitching of
shall be measured separately in weight in piles shall be enumerated for each occasion.
accordance with IS : 1200 ( Part 8)-1975* from
working level to foundation level. 9.3 Driving timber sheet piles shall be measured
in square metres obtained by multiplying the
7.6 In case of under-reamed or bulb based length of the embedded portion of the pile in
piles, the bulbs shall be measured and enume- soil and half the perimeter of the construction.
rated. The description of piles shall state the
diameter of the bulb. 9.4 Whenever sheet piles are to be driven
under/in water necessitating the use of special
8. METHOD OF MEASUREMENT OF hammers and/or loader frames, such piles shall
REINFORCED CEMENT CONCRETE be described and measured separately.
9.5 The corner and junction piles shall be
8.1 The reinforced cement concrete sheet piles measured separately.
shall be measured in cubic metres arrived at by
multiplying the cross-sectional area of the pile 9.6 Cutting pile shall be measured in running
by the length of the pile as cast from the head metres as extra over. The disposal of cut length
of the pile to the tip of the shoes. shall be described.
8.2 The description of the item shall include 9.7 The extraction of piles other than due to
the cross-sectional shape, grade of concrete, defective driving shall be measured separately
size of aggregate and extra strength of the head. as in 9.3.
Any requisite mould shall be included in the
description as also necessary strapping, bolts 10. METHOD OF MEASUREMENT OF
8.3 Lifting, handling, pitching engaging through 10.1 The precast reinforced concrete bored
adjacent piles and driving shall be measured piles shall be described according to grade of
separately for each type in square metres obtain- concrete, and size of aggregate section and
ed by mu!tiplying the length of the embedded length, the extra strength of the heads being
portion of the pile and half the parameter of stated. Any requisite mould shall be included
the section. The length of the embeded portion in the description as also the necessary
shall be obtained by measuring from the level strapping, bolts and lifting holes.
of the ground where the tip of the pile first
10.2 The cement concrete shall be measured
separately in cubic metres arrived at by multi-
*Method of measurement of building and civil
engineering works: Part 8 Steelwork and ironwork (U&-d plying the cross-sectional area of the pile by the
rcoision ) . length of pije as cast from the head of the pile
to the tip. No deduction shall be made for working ground level to the cut off level of the
chamfers, tapered points or the volume of rein- pile. The boring through boulders and rock
forcement or holes for lifting piles. strata except in respect of isolated boulders not
exceeding the diameter of the pile shaft shall be
10.3 The formwork, links and sleeves shall be made measured as extra over.
included in the description of the item.
10.7 The measurement of handling, transF
10.4 The reinforcement shall be measured portation and pitching of piles shall be enume-
separately [see IS : 1200 (Part 8)-1975*]. rated for each occasion.
10.3 Placing pile shaft shall be measured in 10.8 For strapping the heads of the pile, the
running metres from founding level to working length to be stripped shall be stated and
level of the pile. measured in running metres.
10.6 Empty boring shall be measured separately 10.9 Stripping off the heads of the pile for bond
in running metres and the length shall be from length shall be enumerated.
*Method of measurement of building and civil engineer- 10.10 Grouting shall be measured in cubic
ing works: Part 8 Steelwork and ironwork ( third revision ). metres describing fully the type of method.
Bureau of Indian Standards
BIS is a statutory institution established under the Bureau of Indian Stundurds Act, 1986 to promote
harmonious development of the activities of standardization, marking and quality certification of goods and
attending to connected matters in the country.
BIS has the copyright of all its publications. No part of these publications may be reproduced in any form
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implementing the standard, of necessary details, such as symbols and sizes, type or grade designations.
Enquiries relating to copyright be addressed to the Director (Publication), BIS.
Amendments are issued to standards as the need arises on the basis of comments. Standards are also reviewed
periodically; a standard along with amendments is reaffirmed when such review indicates that no changes are
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