01 Reading Diagnostic Test Student
01 Reading Diagnostic Test Student
01 Reading Diagnostic Test Student
2. The author mentions order to belittling and humiliating comments in paragraph 1 in order to
A. demonstrate how serious the problem of aggression is
B. clarify the difference between intentional and unintentional aggression
C. provide examples of verbal aggression
D. illustrate the nature of physical aggression
Done by Dmitriy Funkner daniel_daniel@mail.ru
4. Which of the sentences below expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence in
paragraph 2? Incorrect choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out essential
A. Biological theories of aggression emphasize its instinctive nature.
B. Theories that consider aggression biological are more accepted than those that consider it
C. Various theories about aggression attribute it to either natural or learned causes.
D. Various theories try to compare the idea that aggression is biological with the idea that it is
8. Look at the four squares 8 that indicate where the following sentence can be added to paragraph 3.
One may, for example, release aggression by joining a football team or a debate team or even
a cooking competition.
Click on a square 8 to add the sentence to the passage.
9. The phrase schools of thought in paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to
A. institutions of higher learning C. methods of instruction
B. lessons to improve behavior D. sets of shared beliefs
10. It is NOT mentioned in paragraph 4 that some believe that instinctive aggression may occur
A. without being provoked C. in response to minor provocation
B. in order to cause provocation D. in response to strong provocation
12. The author begins paragraph 5 with expression In contrast to instinct theories in order to
A. introduce the instinct theories that will be presented in paragraph 5
B. indicate that paragraph 5 will present two contrasting theories
C. contrast instinctive theories of aggression with biological theories of aggression
D. provide a transition to the idea that will be presented in paragraph 5
13. Which of the sentences below expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence in
paragraph 5? Incorrect choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out essential
A. Research on aggression has shown that the best way to combat aggression is to model
appropriate behavior and positively reinforce non-aggressive behavior.
B. Children learn to behave aggressively by witnessing aggressive behavior that is rewarded or is at
least not punished.
Done by Dmitriy Funkner daniel_daniel@mail.ru
C. When aggressive behavior is combined with modeling, it takes positive reinforcement to disrupt
this type of behavior.
D. Children will model aggressive behavior even in circumstances when the aggressive behavior is
negatively reinforced.
18. Look at the four squares 18 that indicate where the following sentence can be added to paragraph
Thus, it is more common for a youth to imitate aggressors who have been rewarded than
those who have been punished.
Click on a square 18 to add the sentence to the passage.
Select the appropriate sentence from the answer choice, and
match them to the theories to which they relate. TWO of the
answers choices will not be used.
This question is worth 3 points.
theories attributing aggression to
theories attributing aggression to
learned behaviors
An introductory sentence or a brief summary of the passage is
provided below. Complete the summary by selecting the FOUR
answer choices that express the most important ideas in the
DIRECTION passage. Some sentences do not belong in the summary
because they express ideas that are not presented in the
passage or are minor ideas in the passage.
This question is worth 4 points.
Done by Dmitriy Funkner daniel_daniel@mail.ru