affects your actions and your actions create reaction and those action and
reactions are bounded by norms and laws which in turn makes you either
moral or immoral. Statement 2: Freedom makes a man moral subject
because he makes decision which results in action and these acts can be
classified as either good or evil which makes a man accountable or
responsible. Which statement is/are correct?
a. Statement 1
b. Statement 2
c. Both Statements
d. Neither statement
2.He stated that "morality is not a mere phantom of the mind" and the
pioneer who proved that freedom is the foundation of the morality.
a. Nelson Mandela
b. Lisa Fritscher
c. Henry Sidgwick
d. Immanuel Kant
3.When is an act freely done?
a. when a person chooses to act according to what a stranger said.
b. when a person chooses to act according to what he knows is right.
c. when a person chooses to act according to his family and friends.
d. when a person chooses to act according to what society told him to do.
4.Being threatened by somebody and doing it voluntarily against what
he/she wants is an example of acts done out of fear because of conditional
a. True
b. False
c. Sometimes true
d. Sometimes false
5.Statement 1: External actions or commanded actions performed by a
person subjected to violence to which reasonable resistance has been
offered are involuntary and are unaccountable. Statement 2: Elicited acts or
those done by the ill alone are not subject to violence and are therefore
voluntary. The will insofar as it is a spiritual faculty is not within the reach of
violence. Statement 3: Suicide is an example of Interpersonal and Self-
Directed Violence
a. Statement 1 and 2 are true
b. Statement 2 is false
c. Statement 2 and 3 are true
d. Statement 1 is false
6.Violence is the intentional use of physical force or power threatened or
actual, against a group or community that either results in or has a high
likelihood in consequences of except?
a. Injury
b. Deprivation
c. Insanity
d. None of the above
7.Generally, it is the faculty of mind that selects, at the moment of decision,
a desire among the various desires present; it itself does not refer to any
particular desire, but rather to the mechanism responsible for choosing
from among one’s desires.
a. Moral courage
b. Will
c. Desire
d. Intellect
8.This will is exactly what it sounds like-they create it if they’re facing
certain death. They can write and sign it by hand, or they can type it out
and sign it in the presence of witnesses.
a. Deathbed will
b. Nuncupative will
c. Living will
d. Simple will
9.A leaders’ moral courage provides group members with a sense of
confidence that leaders will behave in a moral and ethical manner and take
action to promote the best interests of the organization and its members.
a. True
b. False
c. Sometimes true
d. Sometimes false
10.She suggested three ways in developing a moral courage to a child.
a. Michelle Borba
b. Elle Fanning
c. Geraldine Canete
d. Lisa Fritscher
11.Moral standards enables leaders to live with integrity, act to uphold the
loyalty to their subordinates, and execute their duties with confidence.
a. True
b. False
c. Sometimes true
d. Sometimes false
12.What are the two strong skills that are necessary in situations
demanding moral courage?
a. risk aversion and negotiation
b. assertiveness and risk aversion
c. assertiveness and negotiation
d. risk aversion and will
13.She stated that inherent in moral courage is the individual’s capacity to
overcome fear and stand up for his or her core values.
a. Louise Smith
b. Vickie Lachman
c. Lisa Fritscher
d. Geraldine Canete
14.Statement 1: One of the most simple and effective methods under this
mental strength training involves declining to satisfy unimportant and
unnecessary desires. Statement 2: Plato was the first known philosopher to
speak to the virtue of practical wisdom which is the ability to see clearly
how one can best act in the particular circumstances. Which statement
is/are incorrect?
a. Statement 1
b. Statement 2
c. Both Statements
d. Neither statement
15.Moral courage, in general, is the willingness to speak about a situation
regardless of the consequences.
a. True
b. False
c. Sometimes true
d. Sometimes true