Portfolio: International Network Availability Why Choose Bureau Veritas
Portfolio: International Network Availability Why Choose Bureau Veritas
Portfolio: International Network Availability Why Choose Bureau Veritas
Bureau Veritas serves its clients globally with a full range of Food
Testing, Inspection and Certification services in a unique A WORLD LEADER COMBINING A GLOBAL NETWORK
integrated approach. WITH LOCAL knowledge
Bureau Veritas is a world leader in laboratory testing, inspection and certification services. Created in 1828,
50 Testing Labs : the Group has more than 66,700 employees in approximately 1,400 offices and laboratories located all around
the globe. Bureau Veritas helps its over 400,000 clients to improve their performance by offering services and
- Quality and Quantity innovative solutions. We ensure that their assets, products, infrastructure and processes meet standards and
regulations in terms of quality, integrity, health and safety, environmental protection and social responsibility.
- Microbiology and Pathogen Services
Bureau Veritas highly qualified professionals are dedicated to serve our clients, offering them recognized
- Residues and Contaminants international know-how combined with local knowledge (language, culture, laws, regulations, customs, etc.).
- Nutritional Analysis
- ISO 17025 Accredited Bureau Veritas can help every player in the food value chain meet the highest standards of Quality, Product
Integrity, Health & Safety, Environment and Social Responsibility compliance. Our comprehensive service portfolio
covers the entire spectrum of testing, inspection and audit services. Our clients value the global presence of
1500 food Inspectors and Auditors : our specialized product inspectors, auditors qualified against most food certification schemes, and food testing
laboratories (physical, microbiological, chemical and DNA testing).
- Certification Qualified Auditors (GFSI, ISO,...)
Our experts work closely with our clients and partners in designing food safety monitoring programmes globally,
- Industry Specific Inspections complying with regulations, best practices, private specifications. We have gained a broad knowledge over the
years of the different food sectors (seafood, dairy, meat, processed food, grain, F&V).
ANAB, COFRAC, ENAC and DANAK. Our experts are involved in several technical committees.
The laboratories of our global network are accredited against various international schemes (ISO 17025, Testing
*The independent certification body of Bureau Veritas
portfolio certification