QSC Powerlight3 Pl325 Pl340 Pl380
QSC Powerlight3 Pl325 Pl340 Pl380
QSC Powerlight3 Pl325 Pl340 Pl380
QSC Audio Products, LLC *TD-000274-00*
Costa Mesa, CA 92626 USA Rev. A
PowerLight 3 Series
Technical Service Manual
RoHS-compliant materials
When servicing RoHS-compliant amplifiers, it is important for the service technician to use only RoHS-compliant components and solder
(lead-free). All replacement parts provided by QSC for RoHS-compliant products are certified as RoHS compliant.
RoHS-compliant tools
Soldering irons and desoldering apparatus used on RoHS-compliant products must also not be contaminated by hazardous substances, such
as lead. Therefore, you cannot use the same soldering and desoldering tools for RoHS-compliant products and solder as you do for non-
compliant products and solder. You must either use separate soldering irons, desoldering tools and braid, etc., or at the very least designate
separate tips and braids and use only the appropriate ones. If you contaminate a tip or braid, even inadvertently, by using it on a non-
compliant product or solder, you can no longer use it with RoHS-compliant products or solder.
Automated test equipment, such as an Audio Precision workstation, is very useful for servicing QSC amplifiers.
Contact QSC Technical Services to obtain applicable AP test files. Solder braid
2 With a soldering iron in each hand, hold one tip on the solder at one end of the component and the other
tip on the other end (Figure 1.2).
Figure 1.5. Place
3 Once the solder melts on both ends, grip the component between the two tips and lift it from the circuit
4 Use solder braid and a soldering iron to remove the solder from the two pads (Figure 1.3).
Insertion Solder
1 With a soldering iron and RoHS-compliant solder, melt just enough solder onto one pad to create a small
mound (Figure 1.4).
2 Grasp the component in the middle with tweezers. Melt the small mound of solder with the iron and place Figure 1.6. Solder one end
the component across the two pads (in the correct orientation, if the component is sensitive to direction) of the component
and press it flat against the circuit board, with one end of the component immersed in the melted solder
(Figure 1.5).
3 Hold the component in place and take the soldering iron away. Let the solder harden to tack the compo-
nent in place.
4 Fully solder the other end of the component to its pad. Let the solder harden (Figure 1.6).
5 Fully solder the tacked end of the component to its pad (Figure 1.7).
Figure 1.7. Solder other
2. Turn off the service fixtures power switch and connect it to the
AC mains. The service fixture has a universal power supply that Initial tests with the service fixture
can operate on any AC voltage from 100 to 240 volts. These initial tests with the service fixture will allow you to deter-
mine whether the amplifiers clock and control circuitry are working
Prepare the amplifier properly, with no risk of damaging high-power devices or circuits.
3. Disconnect anything connected to the amplifiers inputs and
outputs. Tools and equipment needed
4. Disconnect the amplifier from the AC mains and allow at least Oscilloscope (2 channels minimum) and probes
five minutes for the Digital multimeter (frequency counter is a plus)
internal voltages to
bleed down.
5. Remove the
Service fixture tests
amplifiers bottom 1. Start-up sequenceTurn on the service fixtures power
cover. switch and watch the amplifiers LED display on the front
Pin 1
panel. The clip/protect indicator LEDs should light briefly and
6. Set the amplifier on TEST POINT B
Remove jumpers on
pins 34 and 56 before then go out. (If they stay on, then it is usually because an audio
the test bench next connecting service fixture. signal is being put into the amplifier inputs. Disconnect any
to the service Replace jumpers for
normal operation. input signals for this stage of testing.)
fixture, with its
open side up and Figure 1.10. Jumpers to be removed The amplifier should start with its normal sequence. You
front panel facing from Test Point B should hear a small relay click after about two seconds,
you. followed by a large relay click about two seconds after that.
7. Locate the two test points on the amplifiers main circuit board. 2. Regulated +5 voltsCheck for the regulated 5 volts DC at
Test Point A is located near the output board, while Test Point the +5V REG. terminal (reference to the fixtures ground
B is in front of the power transformer (Figure 1.10).
8. Remove the two jumpers from Test
Point B (Figure 1.11). Set them Do not connect amplifier
to AC mains yet.
aside to be re-installed later.
Test Point B
Remove two jumpers
from Test Point B.
Connect long lead to
Test Point A and short
lead to Test Point B.
Figure 1.11. Connecting the hookup leads
are mounted under the single large heat sink, together with HF gain controls to regulate overall gain as desired; a three-position
diodes that clamp the output voltage when their respective FETs Parallel-Stereo-Bridge Mono switch; two three-position low-
turn off. frequency filter (high-pass) settings, and two clip limiter enable
At idle (i.e., no audio signal), the duty cycle of the drive signal is 50/ switches. LEDs of different colors indicate certain switch selections,
50 and the output voltage is zero with respect to the secondary so the end user can easily check the setup with a quick glance.
reservoir center tap. As with all Class-D (PWM) amplifiers, turning
on the positive side switch for longer intervals and the negative side QSC DataPort
for shorter ones will push the output voltage proportionally towards
The PL380 uses the same type of HD-15 connector used on other
the positive rail, and turning on the low-side switch for longer
QSC DataPort amplifiers to connect to QSControl devices such as
intervals will lower the output voltage towards the negative rail.
Basis processors. Two changes for the PowerLight 3 series are:
When either switchs on time reaches 100%, the amplifier has
reached the equivalent of clipping and the output voltage will be Input signals from the DataPort are directly parallel with the XLR
equal to that supply rails voltage. and euro-block inputs, allowing the signals to be patched to
other amps for greater flexibility.
Both switches must be operated in alternation, with very exact
synchronization to prevent cross-conduction (both switches on The sensitivity switch settings are visible to the Basis processor.
simultaneously) or excessive dead time (both switches off). A
complex, optically coupled, separately powered gate drive circuit for
each FET receives timing signals from the modulator and provides
Protection Systems
several amps of drive current to rapidly charge and discharge the As with all audio amplifiers, full rated power is only required for
FET gates. If there is any significant disorder in this circuitry, leading brief peaks in the audio program, and typical use rarely exceeds 1/8
to both FETs turning on at once, immediate failure is likely. of full power, when averaged over some time. Therefore the
amplifier must allow high peak power to flow for short periods of
time but also provide longer-term protective systems that limit this
Output Filter
power to reasonable levels. The amplifiers protection relies on peak
The pulse width modulated voltage must be filtered before it can be clamps for certain instantaneous overstresses, with analog gain
connected to external loudspeakers. The main low-pass filter uses a reduction in each channel to reduce long-term overloads, and as a
toroidal inductor and high-quality film capacitor (L1 with C64, and L3 last resort, muting of the amplifier if stresses continue to build up.
with C171) on each channel output, along with additional trap The limiter thresholds and time constants are matched to the
components to further reduce switching interference at 250 kHz to thermal behavior of the systems being protected.
approximately 55 dB. Some distortion analyzers may still have
In brief, protection systems are provided for:
difficulty reading the distortion with this much interference present.
Any available HF filters should be engaged to remove as much of Peak clamping of output current, with internal gain reduction
this interference as possible. and/or muting to reduce long-term output current to a reason-
able value. This protection occurs when outputs are shorted, and
gain reduction will also be observed within two seconds, when
Output Connections attempting full power into 2 ohms, and after about 5 seconds
A twisted pair of wires from each channel couple the high-current into 4 ohms.
output signal to the speaker connectors, which use parallel 30 A AC current limiting. An additional system measures power
binding posts and 30 A Neutrik Speakon connectors. The output supply current and reduces gain of both channels as necessary
peak voltage swing can reach 200 V, and output current can peak at to keep currents within the carrying capacity of the overcurrent
80 A, but internal limiter circuits and the normal dynamics of music protective devices. This prevents nuisance tripping of internal
program will prevent long-term currents in excess of the connector and external circuit breakers.
ratings. Technicians should be aware of the amplifiers potentially
hazardous output voltages when making bench connections. Over-temperature protection. A precision temperature
sensing IC is mounted in the heat sink close to each channels
output devices, and it controls a DC thermal bus for each
Input Connections channel, whose voltage is used to increase fan speed, cause
Input connections are balanced XLR in parallel with euro-block gain reduction (thermal limiting) and, if necessary, amplifier
screw terminals and the DataPort inputs. There are six input panel muting, to keep the temperature of the heat sink below 85 C.
switches: a three-position input sensitivity switch (1.2 V input,
High Frequency Limiting. Certain internal parts are subject to
32 dB, or 26 dB), which combines with the 21-detent front panel
overload if operated at full powers near 20 kHz, and therefore
frequency-sensitive limiting will prevent full power operation powered as soon as U41 starts operating, which normally occurs
above about 15 kHz. A backup system mutes the amplifier any time the amplifier is turned on.
quickly in the event of runaway oscillations. The +5:SW rail powers the crystal-controlled clock and divider
Clip Limiting. While clipping is not harmful to the amplifier, the circuitry (schematic: see sheet AMP CH-A, PL380, zone C-7 and D-7),
clip limiter will minimize distortion when it occurs. A user- which is centered around U1 and U4U7. The divider sends a sync
selectable switch engages the clip limiter on each channel. pulse train to U49 (schematic: see sheet Power Supply, PL380, zone
D-2), a PWM switch-mode supply controller that delivers switching
pulses with controlled dead time to U46. A specialized gate drive IC,
2.2 PL380 Major Circuit Blocks U46 in turn provides a gate drive signal through transformer T4, to
The following notes cover the same areas noted before in further the pair of isolated-case switching transistors Q68 and Q69. T4s
detail, with references to voltages, part numbers, and PCB locations. two secondary windings have opposing polarities so that the gate
All locations and directions are described though the amplifier is drive pulses will alternately switch the transistors on and off.
placed upside down with the cover removed, with the front panel The result of the switching is a 125 kHz alternating current through
facing the observer. This section should be read with the PL380 the primary of the power transformer, T2. The transformer has a
schematic at hand for reference. turns ratio of 10:11, so the secondary voltage is about 10% higher
than the primary voltage. Thus, the energy from the primary
Power Supply reservoir capacitorsC209, C210, C213, C214, C216, and C217
(zone D-5)couples through to the transformer secondary, where it
Unless otherwise noted, this section refers to the schematic sheet is rectified and stored in the secondary reservoirs comprising C247
SUPPLY, PL380. C250 and C253, C254, C259, and C260 (zone C-3). These are the
AC Entry 185-volt rails for the two channels output sections.
AC power enters the amplifier through an chassis-mounted cordset Ordinarily, at startup there is little or no voltage on the primary
or AC inlet, circuit breaker, and line filter located on an auxiliary PCB reservoir, and therefore, little current flows through the switches.
in the right rear corner (L15 and L16; Y-caps C234 and C235; and X- The aux supply powers a sequence of delays that causes the inrush
caps C294, C295, and C293, which are discharged by R348, R349, and main relays to close progressively, ramping the entire main
and R350 within 2 seconds after power is disconnected). Sleeved supply up to full voltage in a controlled manner.
wires couple the two sides of the AC voltage to selected terminals
on the main PCB: J19 to J20 (all voltages), and J15 to J21 (230 V) or Power Supply On-Off Sequencing
J15 to J22 (120 V). These lines lead to power control relays
discussed below (schematic zone D-8). The relay control circuitry is shown in zone C-5 of the schematic sheet
PROT/CNTRL, PL380. When the amplifier is turned on, the following
Housekeeping Supply sequence must occur to make the main power supply turn on:
A smaller fuse, F1, protects the inrush limiting resistors in the event 1. The AC voltage detector (schematic: see sheet Power Supply,
of a downstream load fault. A small amount of AC power is taken PL380 zone B-7 and B-8) connects to the incoming AC line
after this fuse to the power switch via W17 and W18, returning to a through resistors R258 and R259. It must sense that the amplifier
housekeeping reservoir C190 and C191 (zone C-8), charged by D64 has AC mains voltage coming in to the power supply.
through a current-limiting resistor bank that comprises R261, R263,
R264, and R267. This reservoir supplies U41, an integrated If it does, the AC voltage signal will turn transistor Q66 on, which
TOP244VN flyback switcher that produces auxiliary supply voltages turns Q67 off. This allows current to flow through the LED side of
through transformer T1. The components immediately surrounding the optocoupler, U40, and pulls the AC-ON bus high to +5 V.
U41 provide feedback, over- and undervoltage sensing, and flyback Resistor R265 adds a small amount of hysteresis, so that the
clamping. turn-off threshold is slightly lower than the one for turn-on.
The circuitry on the secondaries of T1 (zone B-6) provide a +10 V DC 2. In the relay control circuitry, the AC-ON bus turns transistor Q34
supply (for future low-power accessory circuits), and unregulated off. The IGBTs in the power supply should be receiving gate drive
25 V voltages. The 25-volt rails are reduced by regulators U42, pulses, which would cause bus IGBT-SW (a safety interlock to
U44, U45, and U50 to produce clean 15 V and 5 V bipolar supply prevent the relays from closing if the main power switches are
rails. These regulated rails are labeled +15_TOP, +5_TOP, , and inactive) to charge capacitor C104. The bus AC-OFF-LO is a
-15_TOP, -5_TOP. Providing power for the clock and audio switching remote control line that permits C104 to be remotely discharged
circuitry is another set of 5 V rails, labeled +5:SW and -5:SW, to shut down the main supply.
which are decoupled through L5, L6, C226, and C227 to filter out
3. When the capacitor charges to greater than 3.3 V, the compara-
switching noise. All circuitry connected to these rails will be
tor U24:1 will swing low, turning on Q35 and Q37. These actuate an actual difference to be noted.
relay K2 (schematic: sheet Supply, PL380, zone C-6), which
couples AC through large NTC resistors R262 and R266 to the High Current Switching
main AC rectifier BR1. The resistors limit inrush current as the
primary reservoirs charge. The amplifier channel uses two large switching FETs, Q10 and Q11,
operating as a half-bridge at 250 kHz. They are mounted under the
4. Transistor Q35 also charges C107 through R142. The voltage on single large heat sink, together with HF diodes D14 and D15 and
pin 7 of U24:2 reaches +5 V (the threshold set by bus +5V:LIN) in steering diodes D12:1 and D12:2, which clamp the output voltage
about one second, at which point the comparator will trip low when their respective FET turns off.
and turn on transistor Q43. This turns on relay K1, through bus
Power for Gate Drives
50A-RY, to bypass the inrush-limiting resistors. The main supply
will have now now reached full operating voltage and at normal Each FET is driven by a gate drive circuit that consumes appreciable
AC line voltage, the secondary DC rails should measure 185 V. power and also must be referenced to its respective FETs source
terminal. Therefore, each gate drive circuit has an unregulated 25-
5. The final timing delay is established by C108. When Q43 turns volt power supply that suitable for its location in the overall channel
on to energize K1, transistor Q48 turns off. This allows C108 to circuit. FET Q11s source is connected to the fixed -185 V rail;
charge through R163, D35, R166, and D43, controlling the rate of therefore, power for its gate drive circuitry comes from the LO-
charge of capacitors C111 and C114. When C111 and C114 SIDE GATE-A supply. The source terminal on the high-side (positive)
reach +5 V thresholds (set by the +5_TOP bus), which takes FET, Q10, is connected through D12:1 to the switched PWM audio
about one second, comparators U24:3 and U24:4 respectively bus SW-A, so its power supply, HI-SIDE GATE-A, floats with respect
switch the RUN-A-LO and RUN-B-LO buses low, which enables to the audio circuitry.
the audio switching on channels 1 and 2. This allows the
channels to pass audio signals.
Gate Drives and Signal Isolation
6. When AC power is removed, including when the amplifier is In the high-side gate drive power supply, the regulator U20 drops
switched off, the AC detector circuit mentioned earlier shuts the unregulated 25 volts down to 12 volts for the gate driver IC, U17,
down the AC-ON bus within several AC cycles. This lets Q34 so it can produce 12-volt gate drive pulses. Regulator U15 reduces
quickly discharge C104, which triggers a rapid discharge of all the 12 volts to 5 volts for the optocoupler U12, which isolates the
the other timing capacitors as well. This ensures that the delay gate drive circuitry from the ground-referenced modulator and logic
intervals are all reset when the amplifier is turned on again. The circuitry. The components D4, C29, and R43 delay the negative-
RUN-A-LO and RUN-B-LO buses disable the audio switching, going transitions out of U9:2 to control the dead time.
which immediately mutes the audio.
Close Synchronization of FET Switching
Meanwhile, the housekeeping supply operated by U41 keeps Each FET of the pair switches on within tens of nanoseconds after
running, powered through D70 by energy stored in the primary the other switches off. These transitions must be coordinated
reservoir, and so the clock and power supply switching continue closely to avoid both overlapping conductionwhich would cause
until the reservoir voltage drops to about 45 V. Through this destructive shoot-through currentsand excessive dead time,
after-shutoff switching action, the primary and secondary which would increase audio distortion. Gate drive circuit disorders
reservoirs discharge together. This ensures that inrush current is that cause an FET to stay on too long are likely to result in both FETs
managed properly when the amplifier is switched on again. destruction.
7. The red Clip LEDs on the faceplate will light as long as auxiliary Output Current Clamping
power is present and the amp is in muting. On amplifiers The PWM signals also separately enable current sources that
manufactured in January 2008 or earlier, it is normal for the clip sample each FETs source terminal voltage during its on state to
LEDs to remain lit for about 1520 seconds after the amplifier is determine the current through the FET. Transistor Q8 is the current
switched off. On amplifiers manufactured in February 2008 or source associated with Q10; when it is switched on by U6:6, it
later, the clip LEDs will flash briefly at turn-off and then remain forward-biases D16 and D17, resulting in a signal voltage that
dark. corresponds with the current through the FET. Transistor Q12
converts the voltage into a current on the OC-LIM-A bus.
Amplifier Channels The negative FET, Q11, has a similar current sensing circuit
NOTE: Most components are duplicated in the two amplifier comprising Q9, U6:5, D18 and D19, Q13, and their associated
channels, so these descriptions will limit themselves to channel 1s components. This circuit also feeds bus OC-LIM-A.
circuitry (schematic: see sheet Amp Ch-A, PL380) unless there is The Overcurrent Feedback network (schematic: see sheet Amp Ch-A,
PL380, zone B-1) passes the current through resistor R87 to produce Protective Limiter
a signal voltage, which is compared to 5 V reference voltages. If A limiter circuit reduces stresses on the amplifier channel when
the signal exceeds about 6.2 volts the network sends a correction certain conditions are detected. For example, a fast-rising stress like
signal through R82 to bus OC-FB-A. This is a feedback bus for the excessive output current will be clamped first by the overcurrent
modulator, and the correction signal reduces the amount of feedback but will trigger the limiter if it is sustained. Slower-
modulation to limit the FET current to about 70 A peak when the changing stresses like high temperature trigger limiting as the first
FETs are cold, and less at higher temperature. defense, and then muting if the limiter control voltage is driven to
PWM Modulator its limit. Muting eliminates all significant stress and heat genera-
Comparator U8 is the pulse-width modulator that converts the audio tion. When the clip limiter function is engaged, the limiter also
signal into a PWM stream that controls the output FETs. At its non- reduces the amount of distortion that occurs during clipping.
inverting input, pin 2, a triangle wave develops from C21 integrating The gain reduction cell of the limiter circuit is op amp U3:1 and dual
the 250 kHz square wave current from bus CLK-A through R34. The LM13600M transconductance op amps U2:1 and U2:2, which act as
triangle wave is averaged about ground potential, so that with no parallel variable negative feedback loops about U3:1. Normally, the
audio signal the comparator produces two 50/50 pulse trains that control current via R7 and R8 is zero, and so the transconductance
switch between the negative and positive rails. One output, Q, is the op amps are cut off and have no effect on the gain of U3:1.
complement of the other, Q. If these pulse trains were averaged by Bus LIMITER-A is normally held at -5 V by R27. Several control
an integrator, the resulting voltages would be zero. PWM negative circuitsdetecting excessive FET current, excessive temperature,
feedback from SW-A through R35 and R36, as well as audio zobel network overload, and excessive power supply currentcan
negative feedback from OUT-A through R29 and R24, help keep any pull this voltage upward if necessary. For example, excessive high-
DC offset to minimal amounts. frequency voltage at bus ZOB-A, across R85 and R86 in the zobel
Audio signal voltage from U3:2, through R30, combines with the network, will cause Q4 to pull the LIMITER-A bus high.
triangle wave voltage, thereby changing the points, with respect to As the LIMITER-A bus voltage gets pulled more positive, Q1, D1, and
the triangle wave, at which pin 2 crosses zero volts. This varies the Q2 conduct, feeding up to 2 mA of control current via R7 and R8.
duty cycles of the Q and Q so they are proportional to the audio The transconductance op amps U2:1 and U2:2 then will pass signal,
signal voltage. increasing the effective negative feedback around U3:1 and
Amplifier Muting reducing its gain.
The amplifier mutes protectively during turn-on and turn-off, as well This ciruict offers up to 40 dB of gain reduction. If the control current
as when various overstresses occur. It mutes by disabling the PWM exceed 2 mA, though, the voltage across R19 will push A-LIM to a
pusle trains to the output FETs; when both FETs are off, the channel negative voltage and turn on Q3, which pulls bus A-MUTE-LO low,
passes no audio and power dissipation is minimal. muting the amplifier. Muting promptly relieves overloads such as
When bus RUN-A-LO is low, the output of U6:1 is high. It feeds flip overcurrent, and the amp will cycle in and out of muting quickly. A
flop U7:2s D input, and thus when the flip flops Q output goes high shutdown due to excess temperature will usually take 30 to 60
it will allow U9s four NAND gates to pass the PWM stream from seconds to return to normal, during which muting will continue.
AMP_TRIG_A. RUN-B-LO, U6:2, U7:1, and U30 do the same for Thermal Sensing
channel 2. A precision temperature-to-voltage converter, U10 is located in a
Output Filter Network heat sink hole packed with thermal grease near channel 1s power
A passive low-pass network comprising L1 and C64 integrate the devices. The sensors output voltage is amplified to a more usable
PWM stream on SW-A back into a fairly smooth audio waveform level by U11:1. The resulting thermal bus voltages A-THERM and
with the switching-frequency components reduced about 40 dB. The B-THERM change linearly from 6.84 V at 0 C to 3.41 V at 80 C, and
resulting audio spectrum deliverable to the loudspeaker load is are used for several purposes: fan speed control, protective muting.
reasonably flat to beyond 20 kHz. Fan Speed Control
Inductor L2 and capacitor C71 form a parallel-resonant 250 kHz trap In the fan speed control circuitry (schematic: see sheet Protect/
that adds about another 15 dB of attenuation of the switching noise. Control, PL380 zone A-7), buses A-THERM and B-THERM are
A zobel network, which comprises C78 and two high-power buffered respectively by Q41 and Q38. When either channels
resistors, R85 and R86, further stabilizes the output impedance. The thermal bus voltage drops to below 4.4 V (at approximately 55 C),
resistors, mounted under the large heat sink, are protected against its transistor, Q38 or Q41, will turn Q44 on. This will turn on Q47,
excessive high frequency output signals by the protective limiter gradually increasing the fan voltage from 10 V. Higher temperatures
described next. will further increase the fan voltage. The maximum fan voltage
available, which would be at temperatures at or about the point of
thermal shutdown, is about 30 V DC. Feedback elements R160, connects CL-A-ON to ground; when set to enable the clip limiter, it
R157, Q45, and R153 provide stabilizing feedback to regulate the is open and allows the falling voltage at CLIP-A to let Q72 turn on
fan voltage. R152 provides the reference current that sets the cold and put limiter control current directly into R7 and R8. This bypasses
or low-speed fan voltage. the relatively slow limiter bus, and acts rapidly on C228 and C257 to
Fan failure or blockage will ultimately result in amplifier muting produce prompt limiting of clip events.
once the heat sink temperatures reach about 80 C. This will DC Fault Shutdown System
remove most sources of heat dissipation and prevent further The DC shutdown system (schematic: see sheet Protect/Control,
overheating. PL380 zones A-4 and A-5) looks for significant DC offsets on either
Q36 and Q39 diode-OR the THERM-A and THERM-B voltages channel and triggers a power supply shutdown in such an event.
into a common bus called A/B_THERM. Large DC voltages normally indicate a serious component fault such
as a shorted output device, and limiting the energy to the load and
Thermal Limiting and Muting through the output devices may prevent further damage.
In the thermal sensing circuit (schematic: see sheet Amp Ch-A, Capacitor Overvoltage Protection
PL380, zone A-5), Q7s emitter connects to a 4.48 V reference,
Prolonged output voltage of a given polarity may in rare occasions
defined by R41, R42, and the +5V:LIN supply bus. When the heat
result in current being drawn from one rail and flowing to the other
sink reaches about 75 C, the voltage on THERM-A decreases to
rail (thru the catch diodes) long enough to pump the off-side rail to
turn on Q7, which pulls the LIMITER-A control bus voltage positive,
an excessively high voltage. The capacitor overvoltage protection
activating the limiter circuitry to reduce the heat dissipation. If this
circuit (schematic: see sheet Protect/Control, PL380 zones A-3 and
fails to arrest temperature rise, the amplifier will mute when the
B-3) divides the rail voltages down to compare them with 5 V
heat sink reaches about 80 C.
references. If either rail exceeds 225 V, the corresponding polarity of
Zobel Network Protection the amplifier signal will be clamped by the op amps and diodes to
The RC network on the output must be protected against dissipa- prevent further overvoltage.
tions that exceed the 200-watt rating of the resistors. When the If both rails exceed 225 V (corresponding to an approximately 22%
voltage on ZOB-A is excessive, it will turn on Q4, which pulls the high AC mains line with no signal present), both clamps will
voltage positive on LIMITER-A. operate, probably quenching the signal altogether. However, the
Prolonged high frequency overloads will trigger muting, but if the amplifier should continue switching, which will maintain a load on
instability is due to component fault or abnormal load conditions, the supply capacitors. The power supplys primary-side overvoltage
runaway oscillations will promptly trigger muting via C224, R383, shutdown may also occur in this sort of situation.
R384, and Q83 pulling low bus A-MUTE-LO.
Prolonged Overcurrent Limiting Peripheral Signal-Processing Circuits
Overcurrent feedback via OC-FB-A into the modulator instantly Many additional circuits, powered by the 15 V rails, provide for
clamps peak currents, but the amplifier also needs to prevent user adjustments, status displays, gain control, input buffering etc.
prolonged operation at such high levels. The output of the current A brief orientation and review of these circuits follows.
sensing network, OC-LIM-A, reaches a signal-rectifier circuit Q5 and
Q6, which pulls the LIMITER-A bus toward positive after several Amplifier Balanced Inputs with Gain Adjustment
seconds of peak output current. Op amps U21:1 and U22:1 (schematic: see sheet Inp-Displ, PL380)
are the input stages for channels 1 and 2, respectively. They are
Power Supply Current Limiting
arranged as differential amplfiers with precision 0.1% resistors to
Excessive long-term average power supply current triggers the bus maintain a very high common-mode noise rejection ratio.
PS-LIM, which turns on Q79 on channel 1 and Q76 on channel 2.
Both channels limit simultaneously. A three-position switch allows the selection of different gain
structures, and an auxiliary set of contacts light corresponding
Clip Detection and Limiting indicator LEDs and also provide an indicating voltage for remote
During normal switching, the modulator output is coupled via U6:4 monitoring of the switch position.
through high frequency rectifiers D6 and D7 into C35, producing a
Low Frequency Filters
positive voltage on CLIP-A. When the channel clips, the modulation
has reached 100% and switching therefore stops. The voltage on The signal is padded by R322 and R323 to prevent full-scale signals
CLIP-A drops to zero, which triggers the Clip LED, and sends a 4 V overloading the input of op amp U21:2, which with components
flag to the DataPort. C290, C291, C292, R334, and R335 make a switchable 30 Hz or
50 Hz, two-pole input filter. R327 and R337 restore the gain lost by
When the clip limiter switch on the rear panel is set to off, it R322 and R323. Channel 2 has an identical arrangement.
Gain Controls The +15 V DC line is fused at 1 A by surface mount fuse F4.
The front-panel gain control, configured as a variable attenuator, is Stby carries a voltage representing the main rails, scaled to
fed through a blocking capacitor, C95. The signal returns to and is about +12 V peak. Pulling this line to ground will shut down the
buffered by op amp U51:2. Channel 2 has an identical arrangement. main power supply via the STBY-LO bus.
Bridge-Mono and Parallel Signal Routing
The parallel inputs position of switch SW3 connects together the
corresponding input terminals of channels 1 and 2. The stereo
position completely separates inputs.
The bridge mono position routes the output from channel 1s gain
control buffer into channel 2s gain buffer, replacing that channels
normal input signals.
Switchable Clip Limiting
As described earlier under Clip Detection and Limiting, switches
SW2 and SW5 defeat clip limiting when closed and enable it, along
with a yellow LED indicator, when open.
Front-Panel Controls and Displays
Ribbon cable J7A-J7B runs from the input board to the front panel
board, carrying signals to and from the gain controls and various
status LEDs.
LEDs LD16 (orange) and LD17 (yellow) repeat the rear-panel status
LEDs that display the mode switch settings.
LEDs LD7 and LD8 (red) display clipping, limiting, and protect
Circuitry connected to LD1LD3 and LD4LD6 provide a stepped
display of the output signal level, triggering at -35 dB, -20 dB, and
-10 dB. Op amps U23:2 and U23:1 convert the output signal into a
quasi-logarithmic form that maps to the linear step circuits that
switch on the successive LEDs.
DataPort Connector and Monitoring Signals
The DataPort is a QSC-specific connector scheme that passes low-
voltage (line level) signals to and from external monitoring devices
such as the Basis series. The DataPort may also host a plug-in
accessory that receives power from the +15 V line and sends
processed signals to the amplifier. In brief:
Vmon-A and Vmon-B represent the output voltage, scaled
down 50:1 (100 V at the speaker = 2 V at the Vmon output). DC
voltages riding under these signals show the state of the bridge-
parallel and gain/sensitivity switches.
Imon-A and Imon-B represent the output current, scaled to
approx 50 A = 2 V. DC voltages riding under these signals
represent temperature information for each channel.
Clip-A and Clip-B rise to 4.2 V during clipping and muting, and
to 1.7 V during limiting.
The IDR line has a resistor and diode combination that is
unique to this model, allowing remote identification.
Figure 2.1. Signal with 250 kHz Figure 2.2. Signal with switching noise Figure 2.3. Burst sine wave signal for
switching noise filtered out 2 power testing
9. Plug the amplifiers power cord into a variable autoformer (set to 3. Turn down the signal by 10 dB. The -10 dB LED should be dim.
0 V) and set up an ammeter to monitor AC line current.
4. Turn down the signal another 10 dB (-20 dB to the reference
level). Both the -10 dB and -20 dB LEDs should be off.
5. Turn the amp gain control to minimum. All three signal LEDs
Power On and Mute Delay Test should be off. Repeat this test with the other channel.
1. Turn the amplifier on and slowly increase the AC voltage to
120 V (120 V model) or 240 V (230 V model) while monitoring the
AC line current. At full voltage, the idle AC current should be
about 2.5 A (120 V model) or 1.25 A (230V model). Bridge Mode Test
1. Turn off the power switch.
2. Verify that the fan is operating at low speed.
2. Set the mode switch to the bridge position. The bridge LEDs on
3. Turn the power switch off and on a few times to verify the 3-
the front and rear panels should light when you turn the
second power-on muting delay and the instant power-off mute;
amplifier back on.
listen to how the power relays engage about 3 seconds after
turn-on but disengage instantly at turn-off. 3. Connect the load to the two red output binding posts (channel 1
NOTE: When AC power is turned off, the amplifier mutes the positive and channel 2 negative).
audio immediately, but the power supply switches continue
4. Select an 8 ohm load resistance and apply a 2.7 V rms, 1 kHz
operating until the primary and secondary DC voltages have
sine wave signal to amp channel 1s XLR input. Adjust the amp
discharged to about 20% of normal. Below this point, the
gain control to obtain 5000 watts output (200 V rms).
auxiliary supply itself stops switching and the amplifier becomes
fully quiescent. On amplifiers made in January 3008 or earlier, it Quickly verify that the THD is below 1%, and then turn the
is normal for the Clip and Power LEDs to remain lit for about 15 gain control down all the way to prevent excessive
to 20 seconds after the amplifier shuts off. On later amplifiers, current stress on the AC line and power stress on the test
the Clip LED will flash at the moment of turn-off, and they and load.
the Power LED will shut off.
5. Turn the amplifier off and set its mode switch back to stereo.
Connect a separate load resistance to each channels output.
2. Adjust the gain control to obtain 2500 watts output power 3. Measure AC line current; should be about 1321 A (120 V model)
(100 V rms). Verify that the THD is below 1%. Check the output or 6.512 A (230 V model). As the amplifier gets hot, the current
power at 20 Hz and 10 kHz; it should also be 2500 watts, with draw will increase slowly. That is normal.
THD less than 1%.
4. Block the fans intake and verify that the fan speed ramps up
3. Turn the gain control down 3 dB to obtain 1250 watts from low speed to high.
(70.7 V rms). Verify that the THD is below 0.02%. Check the
5. After a while, the thermal protection should engage; the AC line
output power at 20 Hz and 20 kHz; it should be 1250 watts, with
current should drop significantly to about 2.5 A (120 V model) or
THD less than 0.06%.
1.3 A (230 V model).
4. Repeat steps 1 through 3 for channel 2.
6. Remove the short from the outputs and unblock the fans intake.
7. Select the 8-ohm loads and allow the amplifier to fully recover
from thermal protection; verify that output signals are still
2 Ohm Power and Short Circuit present on each channel and that the fan speed ramps down
from high speed to low.
Current Test
1. Connect a 2-ohm load resistance to channel 1s output. Apply a
2.3 V rms, 1 kHz sine wave burst signal (3 out of 10 cycles) to
amp channel 1s XLR input. Output Noise Test
2. Adjust the gain control to obtain 4000 watts of burst output 1. Connect an 8-ohm load resistance to channel 1s output. Apply a
power (at least 252 V p-p, undistorted, during the bursts), as 2.7 V rms, 1 kHz sine wave signal to amp channel 1s XLR input.
shown in Figure 2.3. 2. Turn the amplifier gain controls to maximum. Set the analyzers
NOTE: adjust the variable autoformer to maintain the AC line 0 dB reference to this level.
voltage at 120 V or 240 V during this test.
3. Disocnnect the input signal from the amplifier input and measure
3. Change the test signal to a 1.6 V rms, 1 kHz continuous sine the residual noise level produced into the load. The noise signal
wave. should be at least 104 dB below the 0 dB reference.
4. Verify amplifier output power of 2000 watts (63.2 V rms), with 4. Repeat steps 1 through 3 for channel 2.
less than 0.1% THD. While the amplifier is producing power into
the load, apply a short circuit across the output.
5. After a couple of seconds, the amplifier will start cycling in and
out of protective cutback, alternately drawing low current and Turn On/Turn Off Transient Test
then high current. Measure the AC line current at its maximum; it 1. Connect a loudspeaker to the output of each amplifier channel.
should be no greater than 13 A (120 V model) or 7 A (230 V
model). 2. Disocnnect any inputs from the amplifier.
6. Remove the short. The channels output signal should immedi- 3. Turn on the amplifier and listen for any transient or thump noises
ately resume into the 2-ohm load as before, with no delay or during turn-on delay sequences.
hangup. 4. Turn off the amplifier; on amplifiers made in February 2008 or
7. Repeat steps 1 through 6 for channel 2. later, all LEDs should turn off immediately, while on those made
in January 2008 and earlier the clip and power LEDs will stay lit
for some time. Listen for any transient or thump noise at turn-off.
Thermal Test
1. Set both gain controls to minimum and apply a 2.7 V rms, 1 kHz Final Check
sine wave signal to both channels inputs.
NOTE: You can do this by setting the mode switch to parallel. This completes the amplifier test procedure for this model. Inspect
the amplifier for mechanical defects. Inspect the solder connections.
2. Apply a short circuit across the output of each channel and turn Reassemble the amplifier and verify its operation prior to returning
both gain controls to maximum. The clip LEDs should light. the product to service.
Figure 2.4. Noise and distortion residual with bias properly set
Thermal Test
1. Set the amplifier gain controls to minimum and apply a Quality Review
1.96Vrms, 1 kHz input signal to both channels. Note: set the
Input Mode switch in the PARALLEL position if only one input is This completes the amplifier test procedure for this model. Inspect
available. the amplifier for mechanical defects. Inspect the solder connections.
Reassemble the amplifier and verify its operation prior to returning
2. Apply a short across the output of each channel and turn the the product to service.
amplifier gain controls to maximum. Clip LEDs should be on.
is properly set.THD+N.
Signal Indicators Test This adjustment must be done quickly, before the amplifier starts
1. Disconnect the load resistors. to warm up significantly. If the amplifier begins to feel warm to
the touch before you complete the bias adjustment, you must
2. With a 1.6 V rms, 1 kHz input signal into the channel, turn the
turn it off and allow it to cool down to room temperature before
gain control to maximum. The three signal LEDs (Signal, -20 dB,
trying again.
and -10 dB) should be be lit. Set the analyzers 0 dB reference to
this level. 5. Turn the channels gain control to minimum. Verify that the AC
line current is no more than 1.0 A (120 V model) or 0.5 A (230 V
3. Turn down the signal by 10 dB. The -10 dB LED should be dim.
4. Turn down the signal another 10 dB (-20 dB to the reference
6. Turn off the amplifier to let it cool down, then repeat the
level). Both the -10 dB and -20 dB LEDs should be off.
procedure for the other channel, if needed.
5. Turn the amp gain control to minimum. All three signal LEDs
7. Turn the analyzers 80 kHz filter back on.
should be off. Repeat this test with the other channel.
2. Turn off the analyzers 80 kHz filter. 3. Turn the gain control down 3 dB to obtain 425 watts (41 V rms).
Verify that the THD is below 0.02%. Check the output power at
2. Set the analyzer signal sine wave output to 0.16 V rms at 20 kHz 20 Hz and 20 kHz; it should be 425 watts, with THD less than
and set the amplifier gain controls to full gain. Put the signal into 0.02%.
the input of one channel.
4. Repeat steps 1 through 3 for channel 2.
3. Put an 8-ohm load on the channels output.
4. Adjust the bias trimpot VR43 (channel 1) or VR166 (channel 2) for
a total THD+N figure of 0.07% or slightly less. Figure 2.4 shows
what the residual crossover spike should look like when the bias
The primary and secondary reservoir capacitors are not
covered. They store dangerously high voltages during
operation and for some time after power is turned off.
Do not touch them until they are fully discharged.
Classifying Failures
Most amplifier failures divide generally into two categories:
1. SeriousProblems that keep the amplifier from running or that
cause catastrophic failure; these must be diagnosed using the
service fixture. Typical indicators of serious amplifier failure
include blowing a circuit breaker or fuse and/or emitting a
burning smell or smoke.
2. MinorThe amplifier runs without excessive losses, but with
incorrect or reduced performance. Figure 3.1 IGBT gate drive waveforms
What to look for Failed switch-mode power supply: If you suspect that the
switching supply IGBTs Q68 and Q69 (QSC part # QD-000315-00) are
Symptoms may include one or more of these: damaged:
The amplifier draws excessive current; it may trip circuit breakers Always remove and replace both IGBTs as a pair whenever one
or blow fuses. or both fails. Do this even if one appears to be okay. If either
The amplifiers switch-mode power supply (for example, the IGBT is damaged, check the gate coupling resistors R293 and
IGBTs and their control circuit) has failed. R294 for possible open circuits; check diode D106 for a possible
short. Confirm that the windings of T4 are intact. U46 may also
One or more output FETs and/or its control circuits have failed. be damaged.
Note: The PL380 uses a special type of IGBT with internal isolation.
Possible situations No mounting film or insulation is required. Use only thermal grease
between the IGBT and the mounting surface of the heat sink. Use
Overvoltage failure: If the amplifier has been operated with an only the exact replacement part, IXGR60N60C2 (QSC part number
excessively high AC voltage (>140 V for 120 V models, or >280 V for QD-000315-00).
230 V models), these components may be damaged and require Inspect and repair damaged or burnt traces, if needed. For best
replacement: results, always replace R293, R294, R290, R291, U46, and D106
Capacitors C190 and C191 may have vented. when replacing blown IGBTs. On amplifiers made after January
2008, there also are fuses to replace, F5 and F6. With the AC
The TOP switch supply U41 and diode D66 may have been
voltage completely shut off, check gate drives at each IGBT by
using the service fixture to power the control circuits via TEST
The primary winding of transformer T1 may be open. PORT-A and TEST PORT-B. Confirm that the IGBT gate drive
waveform is correct, as shown in Figure 3.1.
Excessive current draw: If the amplifier draws excessive current Check the drive waveform at the gate of each IGBT (schematic: see
at low AC voltage: sheet Power Supply, PL380, zone D-4), Q68 and Q69. Confirm that
Figure 3.2 FET gate drive waveforms Figure 3.4 The clock drive logic signals.
the wave shapes are normal and match each other well. Each gates When replacing FETs, also check their associated gate drive
pulse train should be a rounded square wave reaching 15 V. Note resistors, IC driver, diode, etc. For example, if Q10 is shorted,
how the waveform flattens slightly as the voltage passes through check D10, R60, R61, and U17.
zero (this controls the dead time between the IGBTs alternating
turn-off and turn-on). With the AC voltage completely shut off, check the gate drive signal
at each FET by using the service fixture to power the control circuits
If the pulse train waveforms are not correct or not present, see via TEST PORT-A and TEST PORT-B. Confirm that the signals on the
Troubleshooting switch-mode supply control circuit problems. FET gates are normal square waves at 250 kHz, alternating between
0 and +12 V (see Figure 3.2), before replacing the heat sink.
Failed output FETs: If you suspect that the output switching FETs
CAUTION: Voltageeven residual amountson the main supply
Q10 and Q11 (channel 1; QSC part # QD-000318-00) or Q58 and Q59
rails can cause high current surges into a grounded scope probe
(channel 2; same part number) may be blown or shorted:
when it is connected to the FET sources. To avoid this, use only
Check each FET in circuit by measuring the resistance between isolated scope probes to look at gate drive signals when the main
its gate and its source. Shorted devices will measure less than 1 power supply is operating.
With FETs in place (powered by the service fixture), each gate drive
should display a similar square-wave shape, with pulses alternating
between zero and +12 V, with a slightly rounded leading edge and
steeper falling edge as shown in Figure 3.2.
If there is any signal into the modulator, you should also observe
some pulse-width modulation (PWM).
You should observe a slight dead time between one gates shutoff
and the others turn-on (see Figure 3.3). The pulse shutting off
should pass thru 5 V about 2030 ns before the pulse turning on
does (the two traces should cross each other near zero volts). This
helps ensure that both FETs on a channel output never turn on
Check the gate drive resistors and the turn-off diode if the slopes or
dead time are wrong.
If the waveforms are not correct or not even present, see Trouble-
shooting Power FET Control Circuit Problems.
Figure 3.3 Dead time between one pulse turning off and the other
turning on should be about 2030 ns at the 5 V level.
is the same 250 kHz frequency as the clock drive signal but
comprises short positive pulses. See Figure 3.5.
With the AC shut off and the amplifier powered by the service
fixture, check the drive signal at the gate of each of the two
IGBTs. See Figure 3.1. They should appear as somewhat
rounded square waves from gate driver transformer T4
(schematic: see sheet Power Supply, PL380 zone D-3),
measuring about 14 V peak. Each waveform should have a
slight but visible flattening as it crosses zero, which forms a
short dead time where both IGBTs are off (an IGBT turns on at a
VGS of about 7 V).
The sources of the drive signals are on the primary side of
transformer T4. Trace T4 input back to U46 (schematic: see zone
D-2), which may be damaged after an IGBT breakdown. Verify
that the +15 V supply is present and so are drive signals from
Figure 3.5 The power supply sync pulse. U49, which should be synchronized to the 250 kHz pulse from the
SYNC line (see Clock, above). Check and if necessary, confirm
Troubleshooting switch-mode supply control circuit the values of, C275 and C277 (HF soft start time constant), Q70,
problems R297, R298 (reduces dead time), Q71, C276, D102, R300, and
Troubleshooting the power supply control circuitry requires that the R299 (resets C275, and also holds Q71 off if the TOP-SW supply
service fixture be connected to the amplifier. is not running).
Excessive current draw from the service fixture: The current NOTE: In normal operation, D102 and R299 couple negative
draw should be about 800 mA positive and 500 mA negative with all TOP-SW pulses into C276, turning off Q71 and enabling U49 to
the gate drives operating (measure using the service fixtures ramp up to normal operation. The service fixture simulates the
current monitoring feature). The current draw should be approxi- effect of these pulses by pulling the base of Q71 to -0.6 V.
mately +620 mA and -380 mA when the amp is muted (no gate DC Fault problems. If either channel develops a large DC
drive). offset, the power supply is shut down to prevent load damage.
Abnormally high current draw often indicates a short-circuited Sheet PROT/CNTRL, zone A-5, shows the DC shutdown system.
gate drive or a short on the output of one of the linear regulators, Each channels output is integrated via RC networks: R139 with
which will get very hot and current limit. When investigating C105 (channel 2) and R140 with C106 (channel 1). Excessive
possible short circuits, look for solder shorts or bad ICs. long-term positive or negative output voltages are rectified by
Solder shorts on the 5 V regulators will typically overload the signal network D29, D30. D32 and Q40, Q42, Q46, and D33,
12 V or 15 V regulators feeding them. pulling down on AC-OFF-LO which discharges C104 (zone C-6),
thus shutting down the power supply. This behavior is also likely
Abnormally low current draw: This usually indicates some major if a low-voltage audio stage generates DC due to component
switching subsection, such as a gate driver, is not working. If none fault, being shorted to a rail, etc.
of the switching subsections are working, check for clock problems.
Clock problems: If the clock is not working, there will be no drive
Power FET control circuit problems
to the power supply IGBTs or the audio output FETs.
Check logic circuitry (schematic: see sheet AMP CH-A, zone C-7). The service fixture supplies operating power for all four FET gate
Crystal Y1 should oscillate at 16 MHz, and you should be able to drive circuits, which can be inspected with the main supply voltage
trace the 1 MHz signal from U1 pin 7 to where it is divided to shut off. CAUTION: Voltageeven residual amountson the main
500 kHz and 250 kHz in U4. supply rails can cause high current surges into a grounded scope
probe when it is connected to the FET sources. To avoid this, use
The square waves in Figure 3.4 show what the clock drive logic only isolated scope probes to look at gate drive signals when the
signals should look like on pins 2 and 5 of U4. The signals main power supply is operating.
frequency and voltage are 250 kHz and 0 to 5 V.
With the FETs in place, AC power shut off, and the service fixture
Components C15, R26, and R21 create a short pulse buffered by supplying power, the drive signal at the gates (referenced to the
U5:1, which serves as the power supply sync signal. Note that it source) on each channel should be two similar but complementary
012 V square waves, with a slightly rounded leading edge and With your oscilloscope, check and confirm the optocoupler input
steeper falling edge (see Figure 3.2). signals, with respect to ground.
If there is any signal into the modulator, you should also observe On channel 1, optocouplers U12 and U13 should receive a 5 V
some pulse-width modulation (PWM). PWM logic signal at their inputs (pin 2). On channel 2, the
corresponding devices are U31 and U32.
You should observe a slight dead time between one gates shutoff Confirm that U12 and U13 are delivering a 5 V PWM output to
and the others turn-on (see Figure 3.3). The pulse shutting off inputs of U17 and U18 (etc). Confirm that U17 and U18 are
should pass through 5 V about 2030 ns before the pulse turning on delivering 12 V gate drive.
does (the two traces should cross each other near zero volts). This
helps ensure that both FETs on a channel output never turn on Undervoltage lockoutVoltage dividers formed by R342 and
simultaneously. R343 (on U17) and R340 and R341 (on U18) hold the respective
enables (pin 3) low until the 12 V supply has neared full
Gate drive issues: Each FET is switched on and off by a specific
voltage. Confirm that the values are correct.
isolated gate drive signal that uses the source terminal as a
reference. The FET sources are at different potentials, and each
gate drive circuit requires its own 25 V power supply. Therefore,
each gate drive and supply has a voltage shifting scheme appropri-
ate for its location in the circuit. For example, the gate drive for the
low-side (negative) FET, Q11 (schematic: see sheet Amp Ch A,
PL380, zone C-3), uses the -185 V rail (at the FET source), not
ground, as a reference. Therefore, the gate drive power derives from
capacitively coupling power pulses from the ground-referenced
housekeeping transformer tap via C262 and C263 (schematic: see
sheet Supply, PL380, zone C-3). The pulses are rectified by D94
and D95 and place about 25 V on C261 and C284. For channel 2, the
voltage at LO-SIDE GATE-B derives from an identical circuit
(schematic: zone C-2).
The source on each high-side (positive) FETs, Q10 on channel 1 and
Q58 on channel 2, must alternate between the positive and negative
rail voltages. The gate drive circuitry, therefore, is powered via a
coupling transformer, T3 (schematic: see sheet Supply, PL380,
zone A-4), a low-capacitance 1:1:1 gate drive transformer whose Figure 3.6 Triangle wave at comparator inputs (pin 2 of U8 and U28).
primary is coupled to the 16 V housekeeping supply tap, with each
secondary connected to rectifiers shown (schematic: zone A-3) that
provide 25 V of floating power to each high-side gate drive.
Both gate drives do not work Often, the customer complains that the amplifier runs too warm
in idle or exhibits excessive distortion, turn-on noise (excessive
First check the supply voltages and signal flow as described above
thump), or instability.
in One FET gate drive does not work. Then continue with these
Check the mute logic signals at U7. A logic low at pin 5 Possible Situations
(AMP_TRIG_B) or 9 (AMP_TRIG_A) will mute the PWM Idle current exceeds 2.5 A (120 V) or 1.2 A (230 V) because of
signals to their respective channels output devices. A logic high insufficient dead time
(approx. +5 V) will enable the PWM signals.
Excessive distortion
Check for PWM pulse streams at pins 3, 6, 8, and 11 on U9
(channel 1) and on U30 (channel 2). Turn-on noise (DC Offset) problems
Confirm that the audio signal to the modulator input is not DC- Instabilities
locked, which could drive the modulator output to full positive or Abnormal clipping behavior
full negative and result in no PWM switching.
Zobel network problems
Even during muting, the clock will drive a 250 kHz square wave to Current limiting
the modulators. On channel 1, clock signal CLK-A goes through R34 Output current clamping
and C19 into C21, creating a triangle wave for the inputs of the
LT1016 ultra-fast precision comparator, U8. Likewise, on channel 2, Main rail overvoltage clamping
clock signal CLK-B goes through R204 and C126 into C127, creating Fan does not run, or stays on high speed
the triangle wave for comparator U28s inputs.
Idle current exceeds 2.5 A (120 V) or 1.2 A (230 V) because of
The waveform shown in Figure 3.6 is what you should see at pin 2
insufficient dead time: On channel 1, R43, D4, and C29 on the
of U8 and U28 with no power on the main rails.
positive-going pulse transitions and R44, D5, and C30 on the
negative-going ones set the dead time by slightly delaying the on
Modulator waveform with normal amplifier voltage transition of each gate drive pulse.
With normal supply rail voltages, after muting ends you should On channel 2, R215, D48, and C137 set the dead time on the
observe a distinct change in the triangle wave to a double slope positive-going pulse transitions, while R217, D47, and C139 do the
waveform (see Figure 3.7) as feedback occurs thru R35 and R36. same for the negative-going transitions.
This may not be visible with zero main supply voltage.
Too little dead time will increase idle current and heating. Too much
When the amplifiers muting period ends, verify that there pulse-
dead time will reduce idle current slightly but cause excess THD,
width modulated logic signals on all outputs of U9 and U30 (pins
especially into loads of about 2 to 4 ohms per channel. The normal
3, 6, 8, and 11). Note that the polarities are reversed for positive
midband THD, at 10% of full power (approx. 32% of the voltage the
and negative gate drives.
amplifier starts to clip at) with a continuous sine wave, should be
about 0.05% into 4 ohms and 0.1% into 2 ohms.
Determine which channel draws excessive current:
Troubleshooting Minor Failures Disable the fan by disconnecting the plug from header J5.
NOTE: The audio circuits of channels 1 and 2 are identical. For Let the amplifier run at idle for 5 minutes.
simplicity, the PL380 troubleshooting instructions describe only After that, turn the power switch off and measure the tempera-
channel 1s components. See the schematic diagrams to idnetify the ture on the main heat sink at the front and rear.
corresponding components on channel 2.
If the front section of the heat sink is warmer than the rear,
check channel 2s dead time circuit (R215, D48, and C137; R217,
What to look for D47, and C139). If the rear section of the heatsink is warmer
Symptoms may include one or more of these: than the front, check channel 1s dead time circuit (R43, D4, and
The amplifier operates, but poorly or incorrectly. C29; R44, D5, and C30).
Excessive distortion: Each channel should exhibit midband With no load, the output may show one or two cycles of damped
(approx. 1 kHz) THD of 0.010.02% at output levels between about ringing after the square wave leading edge. If you increase the
50 W and 500 W (about 2063 V rms) into 8 ohms, increasing to signal or the channel gain to nearly the point of clipping, the
about 0.2% just below clipping and above about 5 kHz. A slight peaking may become excessive, resulting in the amp limiting or
oscillation or glitch in the distortion trace at about 1 to 2 dB below muting to protect against severe overshoot.
clipping is normal but should not exceed 0.2%. Running signals on
The amplifiers frequency response is set by C2 and C200
the opposite channel should affect THD only slightly.
(schematic: see sheet AMP CH-A, PL380 zone B-8), which are
Try each channel individually at full power (testing both channels set to produce flat frequency response out to 20 kHz. The phase
simultaneously will draw too much power, causing limiting). shift of the 2-pole output filter will result in about 10% peaking
Switching in a 4-ohm load should cause only a slight reduction in on the square waves leading edges.
the voltage at which the amplifier clips. After several seconds,
the gain may cut back to reduce power supply current below Stability compensation components include C10 with R13, C16
about 35 A (120 V) or 18 A (230 V). Typical midband THD at 10 dB with R32, C13 with R25, R22, and C17 (schematic: see sheet
below full power will reach 0.040.05%. AMP CH-A, PL380 zone B-7). Components R35, R36, and C21
must also be correct.
Switch the load to 2 ohms. You should observe about 4000 W
(approx. 89 V rms or 126 V peak) power for about 1 to 1.5 Abnormal clipping behavior: At just below clipping, you may
seconds, with an AC draw of about 60 A (120 V) or 30 A (230 V). notice some switching behavior that looks like a slight oscillation on
the output. This is normal for the class of modulator used in the
The gain should then reduce fairly quickly to about 2500 W
PL380 amplifier, and it should not increase THD beyond about
(approx. 70 V rms or 100 V peak), with an AC draw of about 35 A
0.25%. It also should not increase greatly when the channel clips
(120 V) or 18 A (230 V). Typical midband THD at 10 dB below full
with no load, which is the most severe test of the amplifiers
power will reach 0.1%.
Moderate distortion problems could be caused by incorrect dead If the switching behavior becomes chaotic with no load or the THD
time. climbs severely at higher powers, first check all the stability
Turn-on noise (DC offset) problems: On channel 1, resistors R23, components: C10 with R13, C16 with R32, C13 with R25, R22, and
R309, and R17 (schematic: see sheet AMP CH-A, PL380 zone B-7) C17 (schematic: see sheet AMP CH-A, PL380 zone B-7). Also
provide feedback from the modulator output to op amp U3:2 during check the soft-clip circuit, D68 and D108 (zone C-6), and the
muting, keeping the feedback voltages approximately where they reference threshold system Q80, Q81, R369R372, R148, and R391
belong so there is no large jump when muting ends. (schematic: see sheet AMP CH-B, PL380 zone C-7).
On channel 2, the equivalent components are resistors R194, R368, Zobel network: An RC damping network (schematic: see sheet
and R189 and op amp U27:2 (schematic: see sheet AMP CH-B, AMP CH-A, PL380 zone A-2) across the output, comprising C78
PL380 zone B-7 and C-7). (0.47 F) with 100-watt resistors R85 and R86 (20 ohms, mounted on
the heat sink). This maintains a 10-ohm load on the amplifier at high
If these resistors are missing or incorrect, the channel output may frequencies, but the resistors could still be overloaded by excessive
have DC offsets in excess of 50 mV, as well as turn-on thumps. HF output energy. If this happens, as the power dumped into the
Instabilities are indicated by continuous or intermittent bursts of resistors exceeds their wattage ratings, bus ZOB-A triggers Q4 via
high-frequency oscillation or noise in the audio signal. Check these R33, and pulls up on the LIMITER-A bus, reducing the overload. This
items: constrains long-term, 20 kHz power to about 900 W into 8 ohms,
Disconnect the load, disable the clip limiter, and drive the which should not interfere with any reasonable audio usage.
channel into clipping with a 1 kHz signal. You may observe slight A second, fast-acting muting scheme with C224, R383, R384, and
ringing on the clipped waveform, but no gross oscillations or Q83 (schematic: see sheet AMP CH-A, PL380 zones A-6 and A-7)
cutback. mutes the amp within 15 ms if it detects runaway HF behavior, such
Put a 6 kHz square wave signal into the channel input and with as no-load operation above 40 kHz.
the load still disconnected, adjust the gain or signal level to get If the zobel resistors fail, the amplifier may function okay into test
about 50 to 60 volts on the output. Observe the output signal on loads but will limit prematurely at all frequencies because voltage
the oscilloscope. will pass through C78 and trigger the limiter. The fast muting is
meant to protect the zobel resistors.
Switch an 8 ohm load resistance onto the output, then 4 ohms
and 2 ohms. You should observe only slight changes of leading Frequency response and gain issues: The amplifiers frequency
edge and overshoot as the loads are changed. response is set by C2 and C200 (schematic: see sheet AMP CH-A,
PL380 zone B-8), which are set to produce flat frequency response Gross overclamping (distortion) could be caused by missing or
out to 20 kHz. The zobel network components noted above will also open components D16 or D17, D18 or D19, or R76 or R79.
have a slight effect on frequency response.
Mild overclamping could be caused by missing or open R87, and
Gain problems with otherwise normal THD can be traced to the excess THD could be caused by missing C79.
input section and sensitivity switch (schematic: see sheet INP-
DISP zone C-5), the gain control buffers (zones D-2 and B-2), and Main rail overvoltage clamping problems: A typical character-
the main PCB re-referencing stage (schematic: see sheet AMP CH- istic of class D operation is that as the audio signal swings positive
A, PL380 zone B-8). and negative, the FET switches draw power from the loaded power
supply rail and recycle some of this power to the opposite rail, via
Gain problems accompanied by abnormal THD may be caused by
the large catch diodes. For abnormal DC outputs or very low
problems with the limiter or problems with feedback networks
frequency signals, this could pump the off-side rail up to abnor-
(schematic: see sheet AMP CH-A, PL380 zone B-7 and B-8) R29,
mally high voltages. The capactor overvoltage protection circuitry
R24 or R35 and R36. The amplifier will probably also be unstable.
(schematic: see sheet PROT/CNTRL, PL380, zone B-3) detects any
Current limiting problems: Confirm that each channel output can overvoltage on positive or negative rails via voltage dividers R171
be short-circuited, while passing a signal, without failing. The peak with R172 and R173 with R174. If either voltage exceeds a 5 V
current through a short circuit when the amplifier is cold is about reference, its respective section of U25 will clamp the input signals
80 A. of both channels via diode network D37D42.
With output signals up to about 4 V before the short circuit is This circuit will rarely trigger in actual use, since heavy low
applied, each channel shorted should draw about 13 A (120 V frequency output signals also tend to cause the power supply to
model) or 7 A (230 V model) of AC. If both channels are shorted at sag, offsetting any pumping. Therefore, it is difficult to test it for
the same time, the current draw should be about 26 A (120 V model) correct operation. However, if you observe positive or negative
or 13 A (230 V). After a few seconds, as limiting engages, the AC clamping on both channels signals, check for defects in the voltage
draw caused by each shorted channel should decrease to about 8 divider or op amp U25.
9 A (120 V) or 44.5 A (230 V). With higher output signals, the
The fan does not run, or stays on high speed: Thermal buses A-
amplifier may also periodically go into protective muting when it is
THERM and B-THERM are buffered by transistors Q41 and Q38,
respectively. The emitters drive into R147. When either thermal bus
Connect 8-ohm load resistors to the amplifier outputs. Use low duty- voltage goes below 4.4 V, (at approx 55 C), its transistor puts
cycle tone bursts to drive it into slight clipping. Observe the output current into Q44s base, in turn driving Q47 to increase the fan
signals on an oscilloscope. Switch the loads to 4 ohms and then 2.7 voltage from 10 V. The voltage to the fan can range up to the full
ohms; you should see very slight peak reductions. Switch the loads amount available from the housekeeping supply rails (about 30 V).
to 2 ohms; you should see only moderate peak reduction (this is the Feedback elements R160, R157, Q45, and R153 stabilize and
onset of current limiting). regulate the fan voltage. R152 provides the low-speed reference
Current limiting should look like rounded clipping; any high- current.
frequency oscillations should be minimal. If you have 1-ohm loads Fan failure or blockage will ultimately result in protective muting
available you can readily observe current limiting; the maximum as the heat sink temperature reaches about 80 C. Muting
short-term output current should be about 7080 A. removes most sources of heat dissipation and prevents further
Output current clamping problems: High-voltage current overheating.
sources Q8 and Q9 are enabled shortly after each FET is turned on Through their emitters, transistors Q39 (channel 1) and Q36
by U6:6 and U6:5, using a short delay set up by R49, D8, and C38. (channel 2) or the THERM-A and THERM-B buses into a
The current pulls up on D16 and D17 (zone D-3) and D18 and D19 common bus called A/B_THERM.
(zone C-3) after the FET has fully turned on. The resulting signals
through C67 and C68 create currents in Q12 and Q13 that track FET Note that the fan is powered from the main supply and runs for
current. These currents combine into an overcurrent feedback some seconds after turn-off, but it stops during prolonged
network (zone B-1), which compares this signal to 5 V references periods in Standby mode.
and sends excess current as feedback to the modulator. The Incorrectly mounting the main heat sink can damage or short the
feedback prevents any further rise in modulation, therefore thermal sensors, causing incorrect thermal reading.
clamping the output current to the desired limit (about 80 A peak;
less current at higher FET temperatures).
Any missing or open components will prevent current clamping,
which will probably allow FET failure if the outputs are shorted.
Possible situations:
Blown IGBTs
Follow Troubleshooting and Replacing Blown IGBTs instructions to
restore the IGBTs and their control circuit. Before applying AC
voltage, verify the following:
No drivers or output transistors are shorted. If you find any
damaged, see Troubleshooting and Replacing Blown Output
No rectifiersD72D75, D80, D81, D84, and D85are shorted.
Replace any that are damaged.
Figure 3.8. Switching pulse at node N401 (pin 3 of U19)
If the outputs and drivers are okay, check the current limit
circuitry. See Troubleshooting Current Limit (Audio Power Stage).
Hint: shorting across C86 will put the unit in mute protect. This
might stop the repeadted switching on and off and allow you to
troubleshoot for faulty part(s).
Check for a faulty in DC protection circuit. See Troubleshooting
DC Fault Shutdown.
Power supply repeatedly turns on and off. Gain problems and oscillations
Usually this indicates shorted outputs or drivers, or bad or defective See Troubleshooting Stability Feedback.
parts in the current limit circuit. Follow the below steps to trouble-
shoot the unit: Runs warm in idle
Check the output transistors and drivers. If any are damaged, see Check the step FETs. If any is shorted, it will cause the amplifier
Troubleshooting and Replacing Blown Output Transistors. to run inefficiently. See Troubleshooting Step Problems for in-
Check for leaking capacitors C179, C180, C189, or C190. depth troubleshooting.
The bias may be set excessively high. Calibrate the bias on the
Faults With Signal Present suspect channel as described in the test procedure. Figure 3.10
The customer complains that the amplifier passes a signal but shows an acceptable crossover spike at the distortion analyzer
doesnt run correctly. output.
Symptoms covered:
Premature clipping (without load)
Premature clipping (with load)
Excessive distortion
Runs too hot
Unequal output in bridged mono mode
measure the bias voltage. (The switching will not start until the AC U16 uses this feedback to maintain regulation of the +16V and
reaches 90 V, so stopping here can save the IGBTs from blowing.) +18V supplies by adjusting the on time at pin 5 and thereby
Measure the bias voltage at the + terminal C138; it should be about adjust the flyback voltage out of T1.
+1819 V.
C142, R356, and R349 form a closed-loop stabilizing circuit that
230 V models: Start with the variable transformer set to zero. Turn keeps the regulated voltage from hunting, or varying unneces-
up the AC voltage slowly to about 25% of the amplifiers full sarily.
operating voltage (60 V). If the bias supply is working normally, the
green POWER LED should come on between 60 and 70 V, with its Transistor Q99 and resistor R374 reduce the voltage of the bias
usual steady half-brightness. supply by 33% when the AC voltage is turned off. This prevents
the Power LED from lighting at half brightness after turn-off as
If the LED comes on early (at about 40 V), or late (about 100 V or U16 continues to run from the main reservoirs for some time
more), or blinks, do not raise the AC past 120 V until you first after shut down.
measure the bias voltage. (The switching will not start until the AC
reaches 180 V, so stopping here may save the IGBTs from damage.) Resistors R375 and R376 sense the output of U13:3, the Loss of
Measure the bias voltage at the + terminal C138; it should be about AC comparator, and cause Q99 to turn on. If Q99 has shorted,
+18 to +19 V. the bias voltages will remain 33% low when AC is turned on.
Fault: Bias supply voltage much too high Fault: Replacing blown TOP-210
Diodes D63D67 or resistor R349 are open or missingthe If U16 has blown, check T-1 for continuity after removing U16, as its
feedback path to U16 may be broken. primary may be open. Between pins 1 and 2 should measure about
15 ohms. Replace diode D60 because it has been overstressed.
Fault: No bias supply voltage
U16 is missing or blown. Power Supply: Troubleshooting and replacing
T1 is missing or reversed or has an open primary. Check with an failed IGBTs
ohmmeter: from pin 1 to pin 2 should measure about 15 ohms.
Diode D62 may be open or missing.
Probable causes
Short circuits in control circuitry: The parts operate well
U16 may be overloaded (have an excessive current demand on within their ratings and should hold up well in the field. The
it). Check U13, U14, U18, and U19. Hints: with an ohmmeter, the usual cause of failure is when both IGBTs turn on at once,
resistance across C139 (between +16V and PRI_LO) should shorting node PRI_HI to PRI_LO. This occurs when something
measure > 20 k; between pins 16 (+VREF) and 1 (PRI_LO) of causes the drive signal to one part to remain on when the other
U19 should measure > 3 k. part is supposed to turn on. Short circuits from solder or other
debris are a possible obvious cause.
Fault: Bias voltage errors Short circuits in the load: Although there is peak current
The exact voltage is controlled by the feedback through diodes shutdown, shorts in the power amplifier transistors or second-
D63D67 and resistor R349, as described: ary-side supply components can cause currents to increase too
The + terminal of C138 is the +18V rail, with a typical voltage quickly to prevent damage.
of about 18.8 V. Overvoltage on the bias supply: If the TOP-210 bias supply
Diodes D63D65 each subtract a diode drop (approximately fails to operate, no harm occurs, the unit simply does not
0.7 V) from the +18V rail. operate. However, open circuit (missing part) in several key
components can cause the bias supply voltage to be much too
The + terminal of C139 is the +16V rail, with a typical voltage high. This blows the 2110 and thus the IGBTs.
of about 16.6 V.
Broken lead or open rectifier: D72D75, D80, D81, D84, D85.
D66, a 10V zener diode, in series with diode D67, subtract about
11 V from +16.6 V.
Troubleshooting failed IGBTs
Resistor R349 subtracts about 0.5 V, bringing the net voltage at
pin 4 (feedback reference) of U16 to about 5.1V. The amplifiers IGBTs are driven by an active, direct coupled
integrated circuit rather than a gate drive transformer. IGBT or driver
PLC Series Power Supply Restoration Kit (QSC Audio Output: Troubleshooting and replacing
part number: SG-000060-00) damaged output transistors
Part Number Description Reference Qty.
QD-000169-00 XISTOR IGBT TO-247AC 600V 55A Q96 and 97 2
QD-000042-00 DIODE RECT ULTRAFAST 400V 3A D70 and 71 2
QD-000108-30 DIODE SMT SWITCH 200V .2A 50NS D78 and 79 2 When an output transistor fails, it will usually become a short circuit
QD-000113-30 DIODE ZNR 10V 5% D66 1 across its base, emitter, and collector terminals. A short circuit in
RE-001003-30 RESISTOR SMT 10 OHM 1% 1206 R358 and 359 2
one device often cause another to fail as well.
RE-003921-30 RESISTOR SMT 39.2 OHM 1% R349 1
RE-000210-NR THERMISTOR NTC 15A R324 1 If an output transistor shorts:
IC-000134-00 IC CMOS HV DRVR IR2110 U18 1 The driver transistor connected to it will probably also fail (Q26,
IC-000024-00 IC REG PWM 40V 0.1A SG3525A U19 1
Q27, Q71, or Q72).
IC-000053-30 IC LIN SMT DUAL TIMER LM556 U14 1
IC-000054-30 IC LIN SMT QUAD COMP LM339AM U13 1 Certain transistors tend to fail or short in pairs: Q39 and Q40,
NA Technical Support CD NA 1 Q36 and Q37, Q84 and Q85, or Q81 and Q82.
Needed for PL340 Others may tend to fail or short in groups of four: Q28, Q29, Q34
and Q35; Q73, Q74, Q79 and Q80.
The PL340 amplifier uses the same parts except for the
IGBTs, which require a higher current rating.
Part Number Description Reference Qty.
QD-000315-00 IGBT,600V,75A,IXGR60N60C2,TO-247 Q96 and 97 2
Troubleshooting hint: Identifying shorted transistors in- Fault: Supply clamping diode shorted
circuit This would draw excessive current from the power supply and
Although the output transistors are arranged in two banks (one NPN trigger DC protection. Check D19 and D20 on channel 1, or D44 and
and the other, PNP) of four devices, you can identify a shorted D45 on channel 2.
output transistor among them without first removing them from the
circuit. This requires an ohmmeter that can resolve to tenths of an Fault: Baker clamping circuit problem
ohm reliably.
A shorted driver transistor may cause damage to one of the Baker
Measure the resistance across the collector and emitter of each clamp diodes.
transistor in the bank. The ohmmeters polarity is not important. A Channel 1: check D10D14 and D16.
damaged transistor will measure about 0.4 , while each good
transistor will measure about 0.7 (see Figure 3.11). This test can Channel 2: check D35D39 and D41.
be done on both NPN and PNP transistors.
Remove and replace damaged transistors with genuine ones of the Audio Output: Troubleshooting current limiting
same type. Do not substitute.
Troubleshooting hint: Checking emitter and base
resistors while transistors are removed The usual symptom of weak output current is premature clipping on
peaks of the audio signal. This could be caused by a malfunctioning
When you remove a failed output or driver transistor for replace- class H step, weak current limiting, or a dead output section.
ment, check also for damage in the adjacent resistors. Replace any
that are physically damaged or do not measure within 10% of their
Fault: No output on one polarity
correct value.
On each output transistors emitter is a pair of 0.47-ohm resistors If the positive or negative half of the output signal is missing, there
in parallel. is an open in the part of the current splitter circuit that leads to the
dead output polarity. Check for missing or open components in these
Each bank of output transistors has a 15-ohm resistor from the locations:
base to the supply rail (R85, R86, R208, or R209). Channel 1, positive: Q19, Q20, R70, R381, D10, and D14;
Each driver transistor has a 200 ohm resistor (R81, R82, R204, or negative: Q21, Q22, R71, R382, D11, and D12.
R205) from its base to the supply rail. Channel 2, positive: Q64, Q65, R193, R383, D35, and D39;
negative: Q66, Q67, R194, R384, D36, and D37
Table 3.1. Clamping voltage troubleshooting
check for shorted transistor Q14, Q18, Q24 Q15, Q23, Q25 Q59, Q69, Q71 Q60, Q68, Q70
If voltage is about 00.3 V
or missing resistor R51, R72 R53, R75 R174, R195 R176, R198
If voltage is approx. 0.7 V check for missing resistor: R59 R62 R182 R185
If voltage is wrong check for wrong value R59, R60 R61, R62 R182, R183 R184, R185
Check for low resistance R67, R73 R68, R74 R190, R196 R191, R197
Clamping Cutback
Check for high resistance R51, R72 R53, R75 R174, R195 R176, R198
voltages collapse occurs
too soon prematurely: Check for open or missing
D9 D8 D34 D33
Check for shorted diode D10, D14 D11, D12 D35, D39 D36, D37
Clamping Q28, Q34, Q36, Q29, Q35, Q37, Q73, Q79, Q81, Q74, Q80, Q82,
voltages are Check for missing, open, or unsoldered output Q39; R88, R91, Q40; R89, R92, Q84; R211, R214, Q85; R212, R215,
transistors or emitter resistors R94, R97, R102, R95, R99, R103, R217, R220, R225, R218, R222, R226,
correct but R107, R111, R113 R108, R112, R114 R230, R234, R236 R231, R235, R327
current is still
weak R88, R91, R94, R97, R89, R92, R95, R99, R211, R214, R217, R212, R215, R218,
Check for stressed emitter resistors that may be
R102, R107, R111, R103, R108, R112, R220, R225, R230, R222, R226, R231,
out of tolerance
R113 R114 R234, R236 R235, R327
Fault: Premature clipping at about 60% of maximum Audio Power Stage: Troubleshooting current
peak voltage, at any impedance limiting
This indicates a malfunctioning step in the channels class H
circuitry. See Troubleshooting a Step Problem. Fault: Output collapses prematurely
Power supply cutback normally will cause the output signal to
Fault: Constant premature clipping, worse at low load collapse after several seconds at continuous level at or near full
impedances power into low load impedances, such as 2 ohms per channel or a
If the amplifier can produce a full output voltage sine wave signal 4-ohm load in bridged mono. This is done to protect the power
into a load of 8 ohms (PL325: greater than 60 V rms or 85 V peak; supply circuitry from excessive long-term current or overheating
PL340: greater than 75 V rms or >110 V peak) but clips prematurely while still allowing full power for audio peaks and transients.
into 4 or 2 ohms, it is safe to assume that the class H step circuitry If the output collapses immediately instead of after several seconds,
is all right but the output current capability is too low. it may indicate a premature triggering of the power supply cutback.
First, check the clamping voltages across C21 (Channel 1 +), C22 Cutback in one or both output sections at high temperature and
(Channel 1 -), C56 (Channel 2 +), C57 (Channel 2 -), as shown in nearing maximum power into two ohms is also normal. But cutback
Table 3.1. At idle, all four voltages in the amplifier should be similar. that occurs when driving loads of 4 ohms or higher per channel (or 8
If one is significantly different from the others, check parts accord- ohms or higher in bridged mono), or when the amplifier is cold, into
ing to the following table 2 ohms per channel or 4 ohms in bridged mono, indicates a problem
The exact voltages will vary with temperature, but the one that does with the transistor power measuring circuitry (see Table 3.2).
not match the others will indicate the weak cell. A voltage that is
too low will cause premature clamping on that polarity of the Audio Power Stage: Troubleshooting power
output section.
supply cutback
If the voltage is correct and current is still low, also check for
missing or unsoldered output transistors or emitter resistors.
As noted in the power supply description, the amplifiers current
limit cuts back when necessary to protect the power supply circuitry.
Because the observed effect is a reduced maximum output voltage,
in response to prolonged operation above the long-term current
Figure 3.12. The overcurrent detection circuit for power supply cutback.
limit, we commonly refer to this behavior as power supply If pin 4 on U17 does not go high, examine the IC itself. If it appears
cutback, but we must remember that it is actually amplifier current undamaged, trace the circuitry driving U17 (CAUTION: this circuitry
limiting in response to an overload signal sent from the power is on the primary side, which uses PRI_LO as its reference). Check
supply. Full-power operation into 2-ohm loads (on both channels) for continuity through L6:2 to PRI_LO (from pin 3 to pin 4); also check
should produce a 50% cutback of current after several seconds. for missing or open R343, D61, Q95, or R347, all of which drive the
If the amplifier fails to cut back both channels after about 3 seconds input of opto-coupler U17. A short in R346 or C131 will also prevent
when driving a 2-ohm load on each channel with a continuous test voltage reaching U17.
tone at maximum output, the cutback signal is probably missing. If pin 4 of U17 goes high as it should yet both channels fail to cut
CAUTION: Prolonged operation under these conditions with no back, trace the voltage on the PS_OL bus to R273, which connects
cutback could blow the IGBTs or burn out capacitor C144. Conduct to the MUTE+ bus. Continue tracing voltage on MUTE+ to Q16 and
testing for no longer than 610 seconds. Q61. If only one channel fails to cut back, look for missing Q16, R65,
or Q17 or Q61, R188, Q62.
Check the output (secondary side) pins of the MOC8101 opto-
coupler U17 (see Figure 3.12). Confirm the presence of +6 V Capacitor C131 controls how quickly the power supply cutback
(reference to amplifiers ground) on pin 5. The voltage on pin 4 reacts. If it is missing, the amplifier current limits will enter cutback
should normally be at about 0 V, and go high (+1 to +5 V) after about almost immediately at or above full power into 4 ohms per channel.
3 seconds at full power.
Fault: Incorrect gain signal peaks exceed 4 V during clipping, check these components:
Channel 1: R23 and R31 set the gain of the output stage; R38 (channel 1) or R161 (channel 2) may be missing or open.
Channel 2: R147 and R153 set the gain of the output stage. R38 or R39 (channel 1), or R161 or R162 (channel 2), may have
The two gain control potentiometers are each buffered by a incorrect values.
single op-amp stage, whose gain is set by a pair of resistors. Q9 or Q10 (channel 1), or Q54 or Q55 (channel 2), may be missing
Channel 1: R11 and R16. or open.
Channel 2: R137 and R139. Make sure Q48 is turned on (with the
amplifier not in bridged mono mode). Grounding R137 at Q48 R34 or R35 (channel 1), or R157 or R158 (channel 2) may be
should not affect gain; if it does, check R132, which turns Q48 on missing or open.
or off. Q8 (channel 1), or Q53 (channel 2), may be missing or open.
Each channels balanced input is a differential op-amp stage. The
If the op-amp output clamps at 3.54 V as expected, check these
gain of each is set by four matched resistors R8, R9, R12, and
parts surrounding U3:
R13 on Channel 1 and R129, R130, R135, R136. Confirm both the
+ and - sides of the balanced inputs are working; check R5 and R32 (channel 1) or R154 (channel 2), may be missing or open.
R6 on channel 1 and R123 and R124 on channel 2.
Q7 (channel 1) or Q52 (channel 2), may be missing or open. Fault: FET does not stay fully turned on
R28 (channel 1) or Q151 (channel 2), may be missing or open. This generally causes clipping and possible distortion problems at
low frequencies when the amp drives 2-ohm loads.
Q6 (channel 1) or Q51 (channel 2), may be missing or open.
Use a 20 Hz sine wave signal and set it to just the onset of clipping
R18 (channel 1), or R141 (channel 2), may be missing or open. on the waveform peaks. Confirm that the step FETs remain fully on
R19 (channel 1), or R142 (channel 2), may be missing or open. for the entire time that the signal exceeds the step threshold and
shut off slightly after the signal descends below the threshold. If
On the rear panel DIP switches, SW1:1 (channel 1), or SW1:10 they shut off prematurely, check for weak gate drive and determine
(channel 2), may not be making contact. the cause.
Check each pin on U3. Weak positive step gate drive: check for about 14 V across C32
(channel 1) or C51 (channel 2).
Check capacitor C31 (channel 1) or C66 (channel 2).
Fault: Clip limiter oscillates Resistor R104 (channel 1) or R227 (channel 2) may be low in
C13 (channel 1), or C48 (channel 2), may be missing or open. value, and D18 (channel 1) or D148 (channel 2) may be missing or
R21 or R27 (channel 1), or R144 or R150 (channel 2), may be open.
missing or open. Also check R78, D15, and Q30 (channel 1) or R201, D40, and Q75
(channel 2).
Weak negative step gate drive: check for about 12 V across C67.
Audio Power Stage: Troubleshooting Step Check R83, D17, and Q32 (channel 1) or R206, D42, and Q77
Problems (channel 2).
Fault: Step wont turn on (premature clipping) Fault: FET turns on or off very slowly
First, inspect the step FETsQ38 and Q41 on channel 1, or Q83
This generally causes problems at high frequencies when driving 2-
and Q86 on channel 2as well as diodes D21 and D22 on
ohm loads.
channel 1 or D46 and D47 on channel 2 for broken leads.
Replace any damaged components. If the turn-on and turn-off slopes are both equally slow, check
capacitor C30 (channel 1) or C65 (channel 2) on the positive steps
Check the DC supply voltages on the LM311 step comparators, and C29 (channel 1) or C64 (channel 2) on the negative.
U4 and U5 on channel 1 or U8 and U9 of channel 2. Measure
across pins 8 (V+) and 4 (V-). If only one slope is slow, check these components and buffer
The supply voltages should measure about 14 V on the positive transistors:
step driver comparators U4 and U8, and about 12 V on U5 and Positive step: R78, R79, D15, Q30, and Q31 (channel 1); R201,
U9, the negative step driver comparators. R202, D40, Q75, and Q76 (channel 2).
If any step circuit will not switch to the high rail, the channel will Negative step: R83, R84, D17, Q32, and Q33 (channel 1); R206,
clip prematurely on that polarity, with any load or even with no load. R207, D42, Q77, and Q78 (channel 2).
Make sure the clipping is not actually current cutback, which is
usually evident only when driving signal into 2-ohm loads. Fault: Step stuck on (stays on high-voltage rail)
With your oscilloscope, probe the output voltage and intermediate Check for shorted FETs Q38 and Q41 (channel 1) or Q83 and Q86
rail voltages to confirm the clip point and the lack of step action. (channel 2) and replace damaged FET if necessary.
Trace the circuit back from the step FET via the gate drive to the
drive circuit, to locate cracks, missing parts, etc. If the positive step is stuck on, (as evidenced by a permanent high
voltage on the switched rail) the FET is certainly bad, since the
Check the voltage of the nodes POSREF (it should be about 20 V
positive gate drive circuitry cannot indefinitely stay turned on due to
below the +MID-RAIL node) and NEGREF (it should be about 17.5 V
its bootstrapped supply.
above the -MID-RAIL node). Look also for severe mismatches among
the comparator resistor ladders: R52 and R54R56; R57, R58, R63, If the negative step is stuck on, the cause could be a bad FET, or the
and R64; R175 and R177R179; R180, R181, R186, and R187. gate drive circuit could be holding the FET on, which can be
confirmed easily by measuring the gate voltage with no signal
present; the gate voltage should be very close to the negative high
rail voltage. If it is several volts positive with respect to the negative
high rail, then the gate drive is incorrectly turning the FET on. impedances. Two or three false switches at the step threshold on
Malfunctioning gate drive circuitry should be checked as descibed very low frequency signals into 2-ohm loads is acceptable, but
under Fault: Step wont turn on (premature clipping). prolonged bursts of chattering on mid or high frequencies may
cause FET failure.
Fault: Repeated FET failure To minimize chattering the step comparator has hysteresis, or
Repeated failure of a step FET is usually caused by thermal stress positive feedback, to slightly shift the threshold when it changes
because of a failure to switch fully on or offthat is, the FET state; when the comparator switches the step on, it shifts the off
lingers in its linear region. Failures usually occur with 2-ohm loads, threshold slightly toward zero.
when the FETs dissipation is highest. Positive step: Check the hysteresis resistor R66 (channel 1) or
R189 (channel 2).
After replacing the FET, you should monitor the step waveform with
a large signal. Start with at light load, 8 ohms, to avoid a repeat Negative step: Check the hysteresis resistor R69 and capacitor
failure. Advance briefly to heavier loads4 and then 2 ohms C187 (channel 1) or R192 and C193 (channel 2).
while closely watching the waveform. You will need to use an
isolated scope probe which allows voltage readings to be taken
with respect to the intermediate rails, or to FET sources. Fault: Slow or fast switching
Slow switching reduces step glitch but puts more stress on the FET.
Fault: Excessive step distortion (step glitch) Fast switching, on the other hand, increases step glitch. The usable
range of step transition speed is about 1727 volts/s.
Close scrutiny of the distortion trace, and scope probing of the
switched waveform, will help determine the cause of excess step If the turn-on and turn-off slopes both appear to be equally off
distortion. The step should switch when the output voltage rises to speed, check the slope capacitors: C30 (positive) and C29 (negative
within 10 to 12 volts of the low rail voltage. This switching margin on channel 1, or C65 (positive) or C64 (negative) on channel 2.
should be fairly constant throughout the audio spectrum, from 20 Hz If only one slope is slow, check these components and buffer
to 20 kHz. transistors:
The switching event itself should be a fairly uniform up or down Positive step: R78, R79, D15, Q30, and Q31 (channel 1); R201,
ramp, changing at a rate of about 25 V/s. It should therefore take R202, D40, Q75, and Q76 (channel 2).
about 2 s to complete its transition. Negative step: R83, R84, D17, Q32, and Q33 (channel 1); R206,
R207, D42, Q77, and Q78 (channel 2).
Fault: Step switching too close to the rail
The step switches well after the signal voltage has approached to Fault: Step FET oscillation
within 10 to 12 volts of the low rail voltage.
Certain FET types tend to oscillate at extremely high frequency
This will cause increased step glitch, especially at low load while ramping up and down. This injects interference into the
impedances. If this happens at all signal frequencies, check the signal, effectively increasing the step glitch. Identifying such
reference voltages at the nodes POSREF and NEGREF. tendencies is one of the evaluative tasks in qualifying or disqualify-
POSREF should be about 20 V below the +MID-RAIL node. ing specific FET types. If these problems appear in any QSC
NEGREF should be about 17.5 V above the -MID-RAIL node. amplifier, please report it to QSC Technical Services.
Confirm correct resistor values in the output voltage divider: R48 Fault: Severe step oscillation
R50 (channel 1) or R171R173 (channel 2).
This happens generally on low frequencies with low load imped-
If the switching problem is present only on high frequencies, check ances, right at the step threshold.
the value of the speed up capacitor C20 (channel 1) or C55 (channel
Positive step: Check the hysteresis resistor R66 (channel 1) or
2) in the output voltage divider, or look for slow switching (see Fault:
R189 (channel 2).
Slow or fast switching, below).
Negative step: Check the hysteresis resistor R69 and capacitor
Fault: Step chattering C187 (channel 1) or R192 and C193 (channel 2).
If the step repeatedly switches on and off in rapid succession, it
creates an oscillation burst which increases step glitch. The
tendency is usually greater with low-frequency signals and low load
Audio Power Stage and Power Supply: Fault: Shutdown occurs when output signal exceeds
Troubleshooting DC Fault Shutdown 4V
Check Q87, C7, R240, and D48 for open or missing components.
Normal circuit behavior Confirm that D48 is pulled low (-13 V), holding transistor Q87 on.
Any amplifier fault that causes a severely asymmetrical output, such If not, check R117, R118, and Q42.
as premature clipping of one polarity, a missing step, etc., may NOTE: This control voltage responds to the Bridge Mono mode
trigger DC fault shutdown. This is normal behavior of the DC fault switch.
shutdown circuit. Check R348 at U15.
Check for open or bad connections at step diodes D21, D22, D46,
Tracing the cause of false triggers and D47.
If amplifier is shutting down for no apparent cause, you must locate
the source of the false DC fault signal. Check the amplifier outputs
with a DC coupled oscilloscope to confirm the actual absence of a Troubleshooting Thermal Tracking
DC offset. The circuit will trip on DC offsets exceeding about 4 V,
positive or negative. Fault: Mounting problems with 10K NTC sensing
The input of opto-coupler U15 can be safely disabled by shorting thermistor
pins 1 and 2. This will indicate if the false DC signals source is Each channels thermal sensing for fan and bias tracking depends on
before or after U15: a 10K NTC thermistor, R30 (channel 1) or R155 (channel 2), that is
If the amp comes out of shutdown when you disable U15s input, mounted in a hole in its heat sink. The hole is filled with thermal
then look for faults in the DC sense circuitry, including the grease to improve coupling. If the thermistor is not straight while
comparator U10:1. Check the output of U10:1, pin 1. If it goes the heat sink is mounted, it may short out against the side of the
low during DC shutdown, it is sending the false signal. hole. The thermistor is mounted on a standoff that protrudes into
the hole, so it should not short-circuit if care is taken while installing
If the amplifier stays in DC shutdown, then the fault lies in U15
the heat sink.
or the power supply control circuitry, which is referenced to
PRI_LO. The heat sinks are live, as they carry the output voltage of their
respective channels. If a thermistor short-circuits to its heat sink,
this output voltage is coupled to the it. If the short is to the
Fault: Shutdown occurs as soon as power supply thermistors grounded lead, the thermistor might not be damaged,
switching starts although the channel output will then be shorted to ground. If the
NOTE: Connect a 50-watt resistor in series with AC line to limit other leadthe live endshorts to the heat sink, a large signal
fault current, in case the output transistors are shorted. For voltage could be put across the thermistor, which could damage it.
120 volts the resistor should be 50 ohms, and 100 ohms for 230
volts. Fault: Short from the live end of the thermistor to the
Connect the DC-coupled oscilloscope to an amplifier channels heat sink
ouput. Briefly disable U15 as described under Tracing the cause of NOTE: This type of short circuit may occur unnoticed and the
false triggers to determine if there is actually a DC fault. Repeat for amplifier will appear to operate normally. However, the amplifier
the other channel. will exhibit poor bias tracking, and the fan speed may fluctuates
If the amplifier outputs look okay, check the comparator output at between low and high.
pin 1 of U10:1. If it is low, check the voltages on pins 2 and 3: Inspect and replace affected NTC.
Pin 2: should be zero (no signal)
Pin 3: should be about 2 V, set by R243, R244, and R245. Fault: Thermistor is bent over and shorted to the driver
Check R348 at U15.
The thermistor may touch Q19 or Q26 (channel 1) or Q64, or Q71
(channel 2).
This will cause severe overcurrent to the affected output cell,
possibly damaging the parts in series with the shorted transistor. It
Symptoms covered:
The fan is stuck at full speed.
The fan doesnt run.
Top side
Mute and
fan control
Output Zobel
DataPort Power
signal supply
processing control
Input AC rectifier
buffers and and main
HP filters reservoir
To J410
on input
board 15V supply
To J5A
on input
Clip limiting, thermistor
loop gain and relay
bias, current
Utility 15V Ch. 1 Ch. 1 current Ch. 1 Ch. 2 current Ch. 2 Ch. 2 Secondary HF
supplies negative limit and positive limit and positive negative rectifiers and
step mute control step mute control step step reservoir caps PL325 and PL340 main circuit board,
with major circuit sections shown
circuit circuit circuit switches
PL3 Series Service Manual 53
TD-000274-00 Rev. A
Top layer
Top side
Top side
Bottom side
(mirror image)
Silk screen layer is
shown for reference.
Top layer
AC rectifiers
and reservoir
Loss of AC
Inrush thermistors,
relays, and fuse
HF transformer
Power supply
Aux supply
fan and audio
EMI filter Ch.2 Ch.1 Ch. 1 & 2 Ch. 2 pos. Ch. 2 neg. Ch. 2 output Class D gate HF power
board gain pot gain pot temperature gate drive gate drive section drive power rectifiers and
signal amps 25V supplies reservoir caps
PL380 main circuit board, with
major circuit sections shown Ch. 1 temp Ch. 2 output Ch. 2 temp Ch. 2 output
58 sensor filter network sensor MOSFETs QSC Audio Products, LLC
Relay timer & DC
stby/mute control shutdown
-15V, 5V Service +15V Fan speed
supply plug-in regulator control
Ch. 2 clip
Ch. 1 & 2 limiter BMF
Ch. 1 limiter pot buffers drive flag
control system &
protection limiter Ch. 1 & 2 log Ch. 1 clip
Ch 2 amps, signal limiter drive
Ch. 1 feedback LED drivers
voltage mute +5V supply
& modulator Ch. 1 overcurrent Ch 1
high-frequency Ch. 2 m/f XLR Ch. 1 m/f XLR
feedback inputs, buffer inputs, buffer
Ch. 1 clip voltage mute
& HP filter & HP filter
Audio mute
Ch. 1 gate drive
Temperature control & dead 15V
compensated time isolation Crystal-divider supply
modulator clock circuit
Ch. 2 gate drive Ch. 2 gain/ Ch. 1 gain/
clamp reference
control & dead sensitivity resistors sensitivity resistors
Clean 5V supply time isolation Ch. 2 clip Ch. 1 clip
Ch. 2 overcurrent limiter switch limiter switch
14V power
feedback Ch. 2 HP Ch. 1 HP
Ch. 2 clip
filter switch filter switch
Capacitor voltage
Ch. 2 limiter protection
Gain/ Mode
control system & Limiter control: sensitivity switch
protection limiter PS current switch
Ch. 2 feedback
Vmon, Imon,
& modulator
Temp (Ch. 2)
PL380 main circuit board, PL380 input board, main
detailed view circuit blocks shown
PL3 Series Service Manual 59
TD-000274-00 Rev. A
Top layer
Top layer
PL380 main
circuit board,
mid1 layer Silk screen layer shown for reference
PL3 Series Service Manual 61
TD-000274-00 Rev. A
Mid-2 layer
Silk screen shown for reference
PL380 main
circuit board,
Silk screen layer shown for reference mid2 layer
62 QSC Audio Products, LLC
Bottom layer (top view)
Silk screen shown for reference
PL380 main
circuit board,
bottom layer Silk screen layer shown for reference
PL3 Series Service Manual 63
TD-000274-00 Rev. A
5. Schematic Diagrams
Check www.qscaudio.com for the latest schematic revisions.
+5V:SW +5V:SW
+14V -5V:SW
Schematic sheet AMP CH-A, PL380 through January 2008
+5_TOP +180
+14V -180
Signal Path (linear)
Signal Path (PWM)
Schematic sheet AMP CH-B, PL380 through January 2008
A-25V-LO B-25V-LO
16V-SW -180
+15_TOP +5_TOP
PRI-LO +5V:SW +16V
-5V:SW -16V
-15_TOP -5_TOP
Schematic sheet POWER SUPPLY, PL380 through January 2008
VM-B -15_AUD
+15_AUD +10DP +10V
BR-R -15_AUD
-15IN VM-A
+5V:SW +5V:SW
+14V -5V:SW
Signal Path (linear)
Signal Path (PWM)
A-25V-LO B-25V-LO
16V-SW -180
+15_TOP +5_TOP
PRI-LO +5V:SW +16V
-5V:SW -16V
-15_TOP -5_TOP
VM-B -15_AUD
+15_AUD +10DP +10V
+5V_IN +5V_IN
BR-R -15_AUD
-15IN VM-A
IC-000024-00 IC-000047-30
PWM controller, SG3525AN COMPARATOR, DUAL, LM393, SMT
IC-000025-00 IC-000051-00
IC-000073-30 IC-000128-00
Dual transconductance op amp, LM13600M +5 V voltage regulator, LM78L05
IC-000106-30 QD-000315-00
D FLIP FLOP, DUAL, 74HC74, SMT 600V 75A IGBT, 250W, IXGR60N60C2, TO-247
IC-000316-00 IC-000342-00
Counter, 14 stage, 74HC4060, SMT TOP SWITCH, TOP244YN
Y Package (TO-220-7C)
Tab Internally 7D
Connected to 5F
QD-000318-00 IC-000371-30
N-channel MOSFET 500V 85A, IXFN80N50Q2, SOT-227B package MOSFET DRIVER, UCC37321D, SMT
RE-003921-30 39.2, 1 PCNT, 1/8W, THICK FILM, 1206, 200V 6 R248, R246, R247, R249, R349, R357
RE-004752-30 47.5, 1 PCNT, 1/10W, THICK FILM, 0805, 100V 12 R5, R6, R100, R110, R123, R124, R223, R233, R308, R309, R312, R313
RE-005605-EM 56, 5 PCNT, 2W, METAL OXIDE, , 1 R372
RE-007502-30 75, 1 PCNT, 1/10W, THICK FILM, 0805, 100V 4 R70, R71, R193, R194
RE-010002-30 100, 1 PCNT, 1/10W, THICK FILM, 0805, 100V 10 R21, R27, R144, R150, R334, R364, R381R384
RE-015007-00 150, 5 PCNT, 2W, METAL OXIDE FP, , 1 R278
RE-020002-30 200, 1 PCNT, 1/10W, THICK FILM, 0805, 100V 4 R81, R82, R204, R205
RE-027401-30 274, 1 PCNT, 1/10W, THICK FILM, 0805, 100V 4 R67, R68, R190, R191
RE-030003-00 300, 5 PCNT, 2W, METAL OXIDE FP, , 1 R256
RE-038301-30 383, 1 PCNT, 1/10W, THICK FILM, 0805, 100V 4 R44, R167, R254, R255
RE-047002-00 470, 5 PCNT, 2W, METAL OXIDE FP, , 2 R279, R280
RE-047502-30 475, 1 PCNT, 1/10W, THICK FILM, 0805, 100V 4 R28, R37, R151, R160
RE-053602-30 536, 1 PCNT, 1/10W, THICK FILM, 0805, 100V 6 R22, R146, R302, R361, R374, R377
RE-068002-00 680, 5 PCNT, 2W, METAL OXIDE FP, , 2 R274, R275
RE-082002-00 820, 5 PCNT, 2W, METAL OXIDE FP, , 2 R276, R277
RE-093101-30 931, 1 PCNT, 1/10W, THICK FILM, 0805, 100V 1 R379
CA-410006-30 0.1UF, 10 PCNT, 50V, CERAMIC X7R, 1206, 19 C19, C54, C88, C116, C125, C135, C155, C162, C163, C177C180, C183,
C185, C189C191, C194
CA-410011-00 0.1UF, 10 PCNT, 400V, FILM, DIPPED, 2 C107, C123
CA-422001-10 0.22UF, 5 PCNT, 50V, FILM, DIPPED, LOW PROFILE 2 C10, C45
CA-422004-30 0.22UF, 10 PCNT, 50V, CERAMIC X7R, 1206, 2 C121, C39
CA-447001-00 0.47UF, 20 PCNT, 250VAC, FILM, BOX STYLE, XCAP 1 C117
CA-447003-00 0.47UF, 10 PCNT, 400V, FILM, WRAPPED, PULSE 1 C144
CA-510003-10 1.0UF, 20 PCNT, 50V, ELECTROLYTIC, , 1 C80
CA-510005-30 1.0UF, 20 PCNT, 50V, ELECTROLYTIC, SMT, 2 C13, C48
CA-510006-00 1.0UF, 20 PCNT, 250VAC, FILM, BOX STYLE, XCAP 2 C110, C112
CA-610002-10 10UF, 20 PCNT, 35V, ELECTROLYTIC, , 7 C3, C31, C38, C66, C86, C114, C192
CA-610006-30 10UF, 20 PCNT, 16V, ELECTROLYTIC, SMT, 1 C184
CA-622006-10 22UF, 20 PCNT, 16V, ELECTROLYTIC, , 4 C21, C22, C56, C57
CA-647001-10 47UF, 10 PCNT, 10V, ELECTROLYTIC, , NON-POLAR 11 C7, C11, C42, C46, C71, C91, C92, C102, C104C106
CA-647002-10 47UF, 20 PCNT, 50V, ELECTROLYTIC, , LOW PROFILE 1 C89
CA-710002-10 100UF, 20 PCNT, 25V, ELECTROLYTIC, , 11 C15, C32, C33, C51, C67, C72, C78, C79, C139, C142, C143
CA-710004-10 100UF, 20 PCNT, 25V, ELECTROLYTIC, , LOW ESR 3 C138, C149, C150
CA-747001-10 470UF, 20 PCNT, 16V, ELECTROLYTIC, , 7 C73, C74, C76, C77, C82, C83, C131
CA-810003-00 1000UF, 20 PCNT, 90V, ELECTROLYTIC, , 10 C152, C153, C159, C160, C165, C166, C169, C170, C173, C174
CA-810004-00 1000UF, 20 PCNT, 55V, ELECTROLYTIC, , 10 C151, C154, C158, C161, C164, C167, C168, C171, C172, C175
CA-833005-00 3300UF, 20 PCNT, 200V, ELECTROLYTIC, , 6 C132, C133, C136, C137, C140, C141
CH-000102-00 HEAT SINK, AUDIO, , PLX3002, 4
CH-000103-00 CLAMP, TO-3PL, 22 GA, PLX3002, 9
CH-000104-00 HEAT SINK, PS, , PLX3002, 2
CH-000114-00 CLAMP, DIODE, 2 FINGER, PLX3002, 4
CO-000009-ZT ZTAB, 0.025" TAB, 1 POS, MALE, AUTO INSERTABLE 3 J19J21
CO-000155-00 HEADER, 0.1" CENTERS, 2 POS (1X2), MALE, RAMP LOCK 1 J13
CO-000193-00 HEADER, 0.1" CENTERS, 20 POS (2X10), MALE, BOX 1 J5A
CO-000194-00 HEADER, 0.1" CENTERS, 20 POS (2X10), MALE, LATCHING BOX 3 J3B, J5B, J14A
CO-000196-00 HEADER, 0.1" CENTERS, 3 POS (1X3), MALE, RAMP LOCK 1 J11
IC-000024-00 CONTROLLER, PWM, SG3525AN, , 1 U19
IC-000046-30 OPAMP, DUAL, TLO72, SMT, 2 U11, U12
IC-000047-30 COMPARATOR, DUAL, LM393, SMT, 1 U10
IC-000048-30 OPAMP, DUAL, MC33078, , 2 U1, U6
RE-159002-30 5.90K, 1 PCNT, 1/10W, THICK FILM, 0805, 100V 15 R8, R9, R12, R13, R29, R78, R83, R129, R130, R135, R136, R152, R201,
R206, R281
RE-163402-30 6.34K, 1 PCNT, 1/10W, THICK FILM, 0805, 100V 1 R127
RE-175002-30 7.50K, 1 PCNT, 1/10W, THICK FILM, 0805, 100V 6 R15, R38, R120, R132, R140, R161
RE-178701-30 7.87K, 1 PCNT, 1/10W, THICK FILM, 0805, 100V 1 R360
RE-182005-EM 8.2K, 5 PCNT, 2W, METAL OXIDE FP, , 5 R96, R105, R219, R228, R251
RE-190902-30 9.09K, 1 PCNT, 1/10W, THICK FILM, 0805, 100V 3 R258, R266, R272
RE-210003-30 10.0K, 1 PCNT, 1/10W, THICK FILM, 0805, 100V 8 R253, R295, R336, R338, R363, R366, R375, R376
RE-212702-30 12.7K, 1 PCNT, 1/10W, THICK FILM, 0805, 100V 23 R14, R19, R36, R46, R65, R76, R77, R104, R106, R133, R134, R142, R159,
R169, R188, R199, R200, R227, R241, R245, R259, R329, R337
RE-215002-30 15.0K, 1 PCNT, 1/10W, THICK FILM, 0805, 100V 7 R25, R45, R122, R148, R168, R262, R365
RE-216501-CM 16.5K, 1 PCNT, 1/2W, METAL FILM, , 2 R31, R153
RE-220002-30 20.0K, 1 PCNT, 1/10W, THICK FILM, 0805, 100V 10 R18, R141, R229, R242, R244, R271, R291, R294, R331, R346
RE-224901-30 24.9K, 1 PCNT, 1/10W, THICK FILM, 0805, 100V 3 R16, R139, R325
RE-230002-10 30K, 5 PCNT, 2W, METAL OXIDE FP, MINI, 2 R351, R352
RE-233201-30 33.2K, 1 PCNT, 1/8W, THICK FILM, 1206, 200V 4 R49, R50, R172, R173
RE-239202-30 39.2K, 1 PCNT, 1/10W, THICK FILM, 0805, 100V 9 R20, R60, R61, R143, R183, R184, R243, R261, R323
RE-247503-30 47.5K, 1 PCNT, 1/10W, THICK FILM, 0805, 100V 5 R2, R26, R43, R149, R343
RE-310002-30 100K, 1 PCNT, 1/10W, THICK FILM, 0805, 100V 5 R33, R119, R156, R224, R332
RE-310003-30 100K, 1 PCNT, 1/8W, THICK FILM, 1206, 200V 7 R73, R74, R196, R197, R268, R344, R345
RE-315002-30 150K, 1 PCNT, 1/8W, THICK FILM, 1206, 200V 21 R51R54, R57, R58, R174R177, R180, R181, R283R286, R288, R333, R335,
R341, R342
RE-339201-30 392K, 1 PCNT, 1/10W, THICK FILM, 0805, 100V 9 R24, R66, R69, R145, R189, R192, R260, R263, R340
RE-348702-30 487K, 1 PCNT, 1/8W, THICK FILM, 1206, 200V 4 R321, R322, R326, R328
PCB Assembly PL380 (120V) (QSC part # WP-038001-00) through January 2008
QSC Part # Description Qty. Reference Comments
CA-022004-30 22PF, 5 PCNT, 200V, CERAMIC NPO, 0805, 11 C3, C8, C13, C17, C79, C123, C125, C186, C224, C225, C310
CA-047002-30 47PF, 5 PCNT, 50V, CERAMIC NPO, 0805, 8 C29, C30, C38, C39, C137, C139, C145, C146
CA-110002-30 100PF, 5 PCNT, 50V, CERAMIC NPO, 0805, 7 C34, C87, C88, C91C93, C98
CA-122003-30 220PF, 5 PCNT, 50V, CERAMIC NPO, 1206, 3 C15, C16, C124
CA-122009-00 220PF, 10 PCNT, 250VAC, CERAMIC CLASS X1/Y2, DISC, YCAP 3 C302, C303, C315
CA-133001-10 330PF, 5 PCNT, 500V, MICA, DIPPED, 8 C58, C59, C94, C128, C141, C143, C150, C151
CA-147003-30 470PF, 5 PCNT, 50V, CERAMIC NPO, 1206, 15 C10, C35, C37, C80C86, C112, C113, C121, C142, C230
CA-168003-30 680PF, 5 PCNT, 50V, CERAMIC NPO, 0805, 10 C25, C67, C68, C165, C166, C174, C175, C197C199
CA-210005-30 0.001UF, 5 PCNT, 50V, CERAMIC NPO, 1206, 11 C2, C31, C36, C115, C138, C144, C200, C278, C304, C308, C309
CA-233002-00 0.0033UF, 20 PCNT, 125VAC, CERAMIC, DISC, YCAP 3 C211, C234, C235
CA-256001-30 0.0056UF, 10 PCNT, 200V, CERAMIC X7R, 1206, 16 C56, C57, C60, C163, C164, C167, C205, C237, C238, C252, C296, C297,
C311, C313, C314, C316
CA-310013-30 0.01UF, 5 PCNT, 50V, CERAMIC NPO, 0805, 2 C21, C127
CA-322008-30 0.022UF, 10 PCNT, 50V, CERAMIC X7R, 1206, 2 C55, C162
PCB Assembly PL380 (100V) (QSC part # WP-038001-01) through January 2008
QSC Part # Description Qty. Reference Comments
CA-022004-30 22PF, 5 PCNT, 200V, CERAMIC NPO, 0805, 11 C3, C8, C13, C17, C79, C123, C125, C186, C224, C225, C310
CA-047002-30 47PF, 5 PCNT, 50V, CERAMIC NPO, 0805, 8 C29, C30, C38, C39, C137, C139, C145, C146
CA-110002-30 100PF, 5 PCNT, 50V, CERAMIC NPO, 0805, 7 C34, C87, C88, C91C93, C98
CA-122003-30 220PF, 5 PCNT, 50V, CERAMIC NPO, 1206, 3 C15, C16, C124
CA-122009-00 220PF, 10 PCNT, 250VAC, CERAMIC CLASS X1/Y2, DISC, YCAP 3 C302, C303, C315
CA-133001-10 330PF, 5 PCNT, 500V, MICA, DIPPED, 8 C58, C59, C94, C128, C141, C143, C150, C151
CA-147003-30 470PF, 5 PCNT, 50V, CERAMIC NPO, 1206, 15 C10, C35, C37, C80C86, C112, C113, C121, C142, C230
CA-168003-30 680PF, 5 PCNT, 50V, CERAMIC NPO, 0805, 10 C25, C67, C68, C165, C166, C174, C175, C197C199
CA-210005-30 0.001UF, 5 PCNT, 50V, CERAMIC NPO, 1206, 11 C2, C31, C36, C115, C138, C144, C200, C278, C304, C308, C309
CA-233002-00 0.0033UF, 20 PCNT, 125VAC, CERAMIC, DISC, YCAP 3 C211, C234, C235
CA-256001-30 0.0056UF, 10 PCNT, 200V, CERAMIC X7R, 1206, 16 C56, C57, C60, C163, C164, C167, C205, C237, C238, C252, C296, C297,
C311, C313, C314, C316
CA-310013-30 0.01UF, 5 PCNT, 50V, CERAMIC NPO, 0805, 2 C21, C127
CA-322008-30 0.022UF, 10 PCNT, 50V, CERAMIC X7R, 1206, 2 C55, C162
CA-410003-10 0.1UF, 10 PCNT, 250V, FILM, DIPPED, 7 C262, C263, C268, C269, C279, C317, C318
CA-410006-30 0.1UF, 10 PCNT, 50V, CERAMIC X7R, 1206, 48 C1, C4C7, C11, C14, C18, C22C24, C26, C28, C33, C40, C41, C43C45,
C50, C52, C97, C99, C100, C110, C116C119, C129C134, C136, C140, C147,
C148, C152, C157, C159, C188, C194, C251, C270, C271, C276
CA-410011-00 0.1UF, 10 PCNT, 400V, FILM, DIPPED, 3 C20, C187, C221
CA-410020-10 0.1UF, 5 PCNT, 50V, MYLAR, RADIAL, 2 C288, C291
CA-410030-00 0.1UF, 10 PCNT, 250V, METALLIZED POLYESTER, DIPPED, MAX HEIGHT 0.433" 20 C63, C65, C66, C69, C70, C72C76, C170, C172, C173, C176, C177, C179
CA-415002-10 0.15UF, 5 PCNT, 50V, FILM, DIPPED, 4 C286, C287, C290, C292
CA-422004-30 0.22UF, 10 PCNT, 50V, CERAMIC X7R, 1206, 43 C27, C32, C42, C46, C53, C54, C103, C135, C149, C153, C160, C161, C168,
C184, C189, C195, C196, C206, C207, C219, C220, C222, C223, C236, C241,
C242, C245, C246, C255, C256, C261, C264C267, C272C274, C281, C298,
CA-422008-00 0.22UF, 5 PCNT, 400V, FILM, BOX STYLE, 2 C71, C178
CA-447001-00 0.47UF, 20 PCNT, 250VAC, FILM, BOX STYLE, XCAP 1 C293
CA-447003-00 0.47UF, 10 PCNT, 400V, FILM, WRAPPED, PULSE 2 C231, C232
LENGTH = 0.90"
PCB Assembly PL380 (230V) (QSC part # WP-038001-02) through January 2008
QSC Part # Description Qty. Reference Comments
CA-022004-30 22PF, 5 PCNT, 200V, CERAMIC NPO, 0805, 11 C3, C8, C13, C17, C79, C123, C125, C186, C224, C225, C310
CA-047002-30 47PF, 5 PCNT, 50V, CERAMIC NPO, 0805, 8 C29, C30, C38, C39, C137, C139, C145, C146
CA-110002-30 100PF, 5 PCNT, 50V, CERAMIC NPO, 0805, 7 C34, C87, C88, C91C93, C98
CA-122003-30 220PF, 5 PCNT, 50V, CERAMIC NPO, 1206, 3 C15, C16, C124
CA-122009-00 220PF, 10 PCNT, 250VAC, CERAMIC CLASS X1/Y2, DISC, YCAP 3 C302, C303, C315
CA-133001-10 330PF, 5 PCNT, 500V, MICA, DIPPED, 8 C58, C59, C94, C128, C141, C143, C150, C151
CA-147003-30 470PF, 5 PCNT, 50V, CERAMIC NPO, 1206, 15 C10, C35, C37, C80C86, C112, C113, C121, C142, C230
CA-168003-30 680PF, 5 PCNT, 50V, CERAMIC NPO, 0805, 10 C25, C67, C68, C165, C166, C174, C175, C197C199
CA-210005-30 0.001UF, 5 PCNT, 50V, CERAMIC NPO, 1206, 11 C2, C31, C36, C115, C138, C144, C200, C278, C304, C308, C309
CA-233002-00 0.0033UF, 20 PCNT, 125VAC, CERAMIC, DISC, YCAP 3 C211, C234, C235
CA-256001-30 0.0056UF, 10 PCNT, 200V, CERAMIC X7R, 1206, 16 C56, C57, C60, C163, C164, C167, C205, C237, C238, C252, C296, C297,
C313, C314, C316, C311
CA-310013-30 0.01UF, 5 PCNT, 50V, CERAMIC NPO, 0805, 2 C21, C127
CA-322008-30 0.022UF, 10 PCNT, 50V, CERAMIC X7R, 1206, 2 C55, C162
CA-410003-10 0.1UF, 10 PCNT, 250V, FILM, DIPPED, 7 C262, C263, C268, C269, C279, C317, C318
CA-410006-30 0.1UF, 10 PCNT, 50V, CERAMIC X7R, 1206, 48 C1, C4C7, C11, C14, C18, C22C24, C26, C28, C33, C40, C41, C43C45,
C50, C52, C97, C99, C100, C110, C116C119, C129C134, C136, C140, C147,
C148, C152, C157, C159, C188, C194, C251, C270, C271, C276
CA-410011-00 0.1UF, 10 PCNT, 400V, FILM, DIPPED, 3 C20, C187, C221
CA-410020-10 0.1UF, 5 PCNT, 50V, MYLAR, RADIAL, 2 C288, C291
CA-410030-00 0.1UF, 10 PCNT, 250V, METALLIZED POLYESTER, DIPPED, MAX HEIGHT 0.433" 20 C63, C65, C66, C69, C70, C72C76, C170, C172, C173, C176, C177, C179
CA-415002-10 0.15UF, 5 PCNT, 50V, FILM, DIPPED, 4 C286, C287, C290, C292
CA-422004-30 0.22UF, 10 PCNT, 50V, CERAMIC X7R, 1206, 43 C27, C32, C42, C46, C53, C54, C103, C135, C149, C153, C160, C161, C168,
C184, C189, C195, C196, C206, C207, C219, C220, C222, C223, C236, C241,
C242, C245, C246, C255, C256, C261, C264C267, C272C274, C281, C298,
CA-422008-00 0.22UF, 5 PCNT, 400V, FILM, BOX STYLE, 2 C71, C178
CA-447001-00 0.47UF, 20 PCNT, 250VAC, FILM, BOX STYLE, XCAP 1 C293
CA-447003-00 0.47UF, 10 PCNT, 400V, FILM, WRAPPED, PULSE 2 C231, C232
CA-447011-00 0.47UF, 5 PCNT, 400V, FILM, BOX STYLE, 2 C78, C185
CA-510004-30 1.0UF, 20 PCNT, 50V, CERAMIC Z5U, 1210, 16 C49, C51, C62, C77, C156, C158, C226C229, C257, C258, C282C285
CA-510006-00 1.0UF, 20 PCNT, 250VAC, FILM, BOX STYLE, XCAP 2 C294, C295
CA-515004-00 1.5UF, 5 PCNT, 400V, FILM, BOX STYLE, 2 C64, C171
CA-610002-10 10UF, 20 PCNT, 35V, ELECTROLYTIC, , 2 C89, C90
CA-610006-30 10UF, 20 PCNT, 16V, ELECTROLYTIC, SMT, 13 C19, C47, C48, C104, C107, C111, C114, C126, C154, C155, C193, C275,
CA-633001-00 33UF, 20 PCNT, 400V, ELECTROLYTIC, , 2 C190, C191
CA-647001-10 47UF, 10 PCNT, 10V, ELECTROLYTIC, , NON-POLAR 9 C9, C61, C95, C96, C105, C106, C120, C169, C289
CA-647002-10 47UF, 20 PCNT, 50V, ELECTROLYTIC, , LOW PROFILE 2 C108, C109
CA-647007-30 47UF, 20 PCNT, 16V, ELECTROLYTIC, SMT, 1 C192
CA-710004-10 100UF, 20 PCNT, 25V, ELECTROLYTIC, , LOW ESR 18 C12, C101, C102, C122, C201C204, C208, C212, C215, C218, C239, C240,
C280, C299, C300, C301
CA-747001-10 470UF, 20 PCNT, 16V, ELECTROLYTIC, , 3 C243, C244, C312
CA-833005-00 3300UF, 20 PCNT, 200V, ELECTROLYTIC, , 14 C209, C210, C213, C214, C216, C217, C247C250, C253, C254, C259, C260
CH-000103-00 CLAMP, TO-3PL, 22 GA, PLX3002, 5
CH-000104-01 HEAT SINK, PS, , PL380, 2
RE-224901-30 24.9K, 1 PCNT, 1/10W, THICK FILM, 0805, 100V 8 R78, R79, R87, R248, R249, R257, R260, R373
RE-229402-30 29.4K, 1 PCNT, 1/10W, THICK FILM, 0805, 100V 2 R300, R382
RE-230002-10 30K, 5 PCNT, 2W, METAL OXIDE FP, MINI, 7 R75, R245, R278, R279, R303, R307, R308
RE-230102-30 30.1K, 1 PCNT, 1/8W, THICK FILM, 1206, 200V 6 R59, R229, R358, R359, R383, R390
RE-239202-30 39.2K, 1 PCNT, 1/10W, THICK FILM, 0805, 100V 7 R23, R144, R145, R194, R332, R334, R377
RE-247503-30 47.5K, 1 PCNT, 1/10W, THICK FILM, 0805, 100V 6 R6, R133, R179, R265, R316, R319
RE-269801-30 69.8K, 1 PCNT, 1/8W, THICK FILM, 1206, 200V 3 R270, R290, R291
RE-275001-BM 75.0K, 1 PCNT, 1/4W, METAL FILM, , 2 R24, R195
RE-310002-30 100K, 1 PCNT, 1/10W, THICK FILM, 0805, 100V 6 R123, R130, R142, R161, R367, R396
RE-310003-30 100K, 1 PCNT, 1/8W, THICK FILM, 1206, 200V 9 R33, R35, R36, R203, R205, R207, R348R350
RE-315002-30 150K, 1 PCNT, 1/8W, THICK FILM, 1206, 200V 12 R55, R56, R139, R140, R163, R166, R225, R226, R258, R259, R309, R368
RE-324302-30 243K, 1 PCNT, 1/8W, THICK FILM, 1206, 200V 3 R167, R168, R312
RE-339201-30 392K, 1 PCNT, 1/10W, THICK FILM, 0805, 100V 3 R17, R189, R304
RE-339202-30 392K, 1 PCNT, 1/8W, THICK FILM, 1206, 200V 2 R171, R174
RE-410001-30 1.0M, 1 PCNT, 1/8W, THICK FILM, 1206, 200V 6 R70, R240, R272, R273, R398, R399
RE-510001-30 10M, 1 PCNT, 1/8W, THK FLM, 1206, 200V 1 R4
SC-063100-PP PHILLIPS, PANHEAD, #6-20, 0.625" L, ZINC, TYPE AB, CR111 12
SC-080124-HC HEX, CAP, #8-32, 0.375" L, BLACK, CR111 8
SW-000105-00 RELAY, DPDT, 12VDC COIL, 16A, 250VAC, 1 K2
SW-000109-00 RELAY, DPST, 24VDC COIL, 30A, 250VAC, 1 K1
WC-0.3514-JW JUMPER, BARE, 14 AWG SOLID, 1 CONDUCTOR, , 0.35" L, 1 W1
WC-000338-00 RIBBON CABLE, , 26 AWG, 10 CONDUCTOR, PL380, 4.0 IN INSULATION, 2 J11, J12 J11A TO J11B, J12A TO
WC-000345-00 WIRE ASSY, SPEAKER, 16 AWG, 2 CONDUCTOR, PL380, 9.00" L, BLACK/WHITE 1 W10, W9 WHITE: W9A-W9B & W9C-W9D,
BLACK: W10A-W10B & W10C-
WC-000345-01 WIRE ASSY, SPEAKER, 16 AWG, 2 CONDUCTOR, PL380, 14.00" L, BLACK/GREY 1 W13, W14 GREY: W13A-W13B & W13C-
W13D, BLACK: W14A-W14B &
WC-000347-00 WIRE ASSY, AC SWITCH, 16 AWG, 1 CONDUCTOR, PL380, 14.00" L, BLACK 1 W18 W18-SWITCH
WC-000347-01 WIRE ASSY, AC SWITCH, 16 AWG, 1 CONDUCTOR, PL380, 7.00" L, RED 1 W17 W17-SWITCH
XF-000108-30 BEAD, 100MHZ, 50 OHM, SMT 9 L5, L6, L8L14
XF-000287-00 TRANSFORMER, GATE DRIVE, , TOROID, , , , P0584 2 T3, T4
XF-000297-00 INDUCTOR, , TOROID, 40UH, PL380, , 2 L1, L3
XF-000298-00 TRANSFORMER, SWITCHING, 125KHZ, E55, 2000W, PL380, , 1 T2
XF-000306-00 INDUCTOR, COUPLED, , 1.8UH, PL380, , 2 L2, L4
XF-000307-00 INDUCTOR, COMMON MODE, TOROID, 3.2MH, PL380, , 2 L15, L16
RE-224901-30 24.9K, 1 PCNT, 1/10W, THICK FILM, 0805, 100V 8 R78, R79, R87, R248, R249, R257, R260, R373
RE-229402-30 29.4K, 1 PCNT, 1/10W, THICK FILM, 0805, 100V 2 R300, R382
RE-230002-10 30K, 5 PCNT, 2W, METAL OXIDE FP, MINI, 7 R75, R245, R278, R279, R303, R307, R308
RE-230102-30 30.1K, 1 PCNT, 1/8W, THICK FILM, 1206, 200V 6 R59, R229, R358, R359, R383, R390
RE-239202-30 39.2K, 1 PCNT, 1/10W, THICK FILM, 0805, 100V 7 R23, R144, R145, R194, R332, R334, R377
RE-247503-30 47.5K, 1 PCNT, 1/10W, THICK FILM, 0805, 100V 6 R6, R133, R179, R265, R316, R319
RE-269801-30 69.8K, 1 PCNT, 1/8W, THICK FILM, 1206, 200V 3 R270, R290, R291
RE-275001-BM 75.0K, 1 PCNT, 1/4W, METAL FILM, , 2 R24, R195
RE-310002-30 100K, 1 PCNT, 1/10W, THICK FILM, 0805, 100V 6 R123, R130, R142, R161, R367, R396
RE-310003-30 100K, 1 PCNT, 1/8W, THICK FILM, 1206, 200V 9 R33, R35, R36, R203, R205, R207, R348R350
RE-315002-30 150K, 1 PCNT, 1/8W, THICK FILM, 1206, 200V 12 R55, R56, R139, R140, R163, R166, R225, R226, R258, R259, R309, R368
RE-324302-30 243K, 1 PCNT, 1/8W, THICK FILM, 1206, 200V 3 R167, R168, R312
RE-339201-30 392K, 1 PCNT, 1/10W, THICK FILM, 0805, 100V 3 R17, R189, R304
RE-339202-30 392K, 1 PCNT, 1/8W, THICK FILM, 1206, 200V 2 R171, R174
RE-410001-30 1.0M, 1 PCNT, 1/8W, THICK FILM, 1206, 200V 6 R70, R240, R272, R273, R398, R399
RE-510001-30 10M, 1 PCNT, 1/8W, THK FLM, 1206, 200V 1 R4
SC-063100-PP PHILLIPS, PANHEAD, #6-20, 0.625" L, ZINC, TYPE AB, CR111 12
SC-080124-HC HEX, CAP, #8-32, 0.375" L, BLACK, CR111 8
SW-000105-00 RELAY, DPDT, 12VDC COIL, 16A, 250VAC, 1 K2
SW-000109-00 RELAY, DPST, 24VDC COIL, 30A, 250VAC, 1 K1
WC-000338-00 RIBBON CABLE, , 26 AWG, 10 CONDUCTOR, PL380, 4.0 IN INSULATION, 2 J11, J12 J11A TO J11B, J12A TO
WC-000345-00 WIRE ASSY, SPEAKER, 16 AWG, 2 CONDUCTOR, PL380, 9.00" L, BLACK/WHITE 1 W9, W10 WHITE: W9A-W9B & W9C-W9D,
BLACK: W10A-W10B & W10C-
WC-000345-01 WIRE ASSY, SPEAKER, 16 AWG, 2 CONDUCTOR, PL380, 14.00" L, BLACK/GREY 1 W13, W14 GREY: W13A-W13B & W13C-
W13D, BLACK: W14A-W14B &
WC-000347-00 WIRE ASSY, AC SWITCH, 16 AWG, 1 CONDUCTOR, PL380, 14.00" L, BLACK 1 W18 W18-SWITCH
WC-000347-01 WIRE ASSY, AC SWITCH, 16 AWG, 1 CONDUCTOR, PL380, 7.00" L, RED 1 W17 W17-SWITCH
XF-000108-30 BEAD, 100MHZ, 50 OHM, SMT 9 L5, L6, L8L14
XF-000287-00 TRANSFORMER, GATE DRIVE, , TOROID, , , , P0584 2 T3, T4
XF-000297-00 INDUCTOR, , TOROID, 40UH, PL380, , 2 L1, L3
XF-000298-00 TRANSFORMER, SWITCHING, 125KHZ, E55, 2000W, PL380, , 1 T2
XF-000306-00 INDUCTOR, COUPLED, , 1.8UH, PL380, , 2 L2, L4
XF-000307-00 INDUCTOR, COMMON MODE, TOROID, 3.2MH, PL380, , 2 L15, L16