Tutorial 3
Tutorial 3
Tutorial 3
Calculate E (W ).
Hint: for X Poi (), we have
MX (t) = e(e 1) .
3. (Optional) Survival time X for a population of lives follows a Weibull distribution with the
following hazard rate function
hX| (x|) = x2/3
varies over the population with a gamma distribution having parameters = 5, = 0.5.
Calculate the median future lifetime for the population.
Hint: for X (, ), we have
(x/) e ,x > 0
fX (x) = x ()
0 , otherwise
MX (t) = (1 t) , t < 1/
4. Fix s 0, and define an Esscher-transformed frailty random variable s with probability density
function s
e f () , 0
fs () = M (s)
0 , otherwise
M (t s)
Ms (t) =
M (s)
(b) Define the cumulant generating function of to be
c (t) = ln [M (t)]
(c) (Optional) For the frailty model, prove that the associated hazard rate may be expressed as
(d) (Optional) Using (c), prove that if h0X| (x|) 0, then h0X (x) 0.
5. Let N have a Poisson distribution with random mean . Let the distribution of the random
variable have probability density function
2 ( + 1)1 ( + 1) e , > 0
u () =
0 , otherwise
(a) Obtain the unconditional probability mass function for the mixed Poisson random variable N .
(b) i. Find P (z).
ii. Hence, find PN (z).