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SSCMTS Modelpaper1

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Staff Selection Commission

Multi Tasking Staff Posts Examination

Model Paper

Test-I : GENERAL INTELLIGENCE Answer figures:

Directions (Q. 1-5) : In each of the following
questions, select the related letter/word/ figure/
number from the given alternatives.

(1) (2) (3) (4)
1. Ink : Writing : : ? : Painting 12. From the below given responses, choose the
(1) Colour (2) Brush response which shows meaningful order of the
(3) Canvas (4) Painter following words?

2. Cuba : Havana : : Saipras : ? 1. Point 2. Triangle
(1) Zagreb (2) Prague 3. Square 4. Angle
(3) Caro (4) Nicosia 5. Line
3. 6 : 21 : : 3 : ? (1) 4, 1, 5, 2, 3 (2) 3, 2, 1, 5, 4
(1) 28
(3) 61
(3) 2, 1, 4, 5, 3 (4) 1, 5, 4, 2, 3
Which one set of letters when sequentially placed
4. LKJ : MNO : : DCB : ? at the gaps in the given letter series shall complete
(1) FEG (2) EGF it?
(3) FGH (4) EFG bca_b_aabc_a_caa
5. Brick : Mason : : Colour : ? (1) cbab (2) bacc
(1) Child (2) Teacher (3) acab (4) bcbb
(3) Painter (4) Potter 14. The height of a tree was 12 cm at the time of
plantation. At the end of 1 st year, it became 18
Directions (Q. 6-9) : Find the odd word/letter/ cm. At the end of 2 nd year, it became 27 cm.

number from the given alternatives. What will be its height (in cm) at the end of third
6. (1) CBCD (2) IHIJ 1
(1) 45 (2) 40

(3) ONOP (4) UTUW 2

7. (1) (96, 24) (2) (39, 18) (3) 40 (4) 39
(3) (81, 54) (4) (82, 64) 15. In a class of 51 students, the position of Yash is 21
8. (1) ADGPT (2) ACEIK st from the beginning. What is his position from
(3) ABDEI (4) ADIPY the last?

9. (1) 36 (2) 61 (1) 29 (2) 28

(3) 84 (4) 108 (3) 27 (4) 31
16. If '+' = '', '' = '+', '' = '' and '' = '' then which

10. If 'FEED' is coded as 20 then what will be the among the following equation is correct?
code for 'BREAD'? (1) 36 6 + 3 5 3 = 74
(1) 15 (2) 60 (2) 36 6 + 7 2 6 = 20

(3) 35 (4) 30 (3) 36 + 6 3 5 3 = 24

11. Find out the alternative figure which contains (4) 36 6 + 3 5 3 = 45
question figure as its part?
Question figure: Directions (Q. 17-18) : In the given series, some
letter/number/digit is missing. Choose the
appropriate option.

(1) I (2) H 25. A word is represented by only one set of numbers
(3) U (4) D as given in any one of the alternatives. The sets of
18. 17, 14, 15, 12, 13, ?, ? numbers given in the alternatives are represented
(1) 10, 11 (2) 14, 11 by two classes of letters as in two matrices given
(3) 11, 13 (4) 12, 15 below. The columns and rows of Matrix-I are
numbered from 0 to 4 and that of Matrix- II are
Directions (Q. 19-20) : From the given options numbered from 5 to 9. A letter from these matrices
choose the missing number. can be represented first by its row and next by its
column. E.g., B can be represented by 01, 31

etc., and P can be represented by 67, 75 etc.
Similarly, you have to identify the set for the word

Matrix - I Matrix - II

(1) 68 (2) 49
(3) 39 (4) 126
20. 24 51 67
2 4 6

5 7 5
53 211 ? (1) 32, 00, 56, 10 (2) 40, 21, 68, 44
(1) 135 (2) 235 (3) 11, 33, 57, 22 (4) 02, 42, 77, 20
(3) 347 (4) 407


If 1 10 = 9, 2 10 = 18, 3 10 = 27, then what
is the value of 8 10?
(1) 36 (2) 72
(3) 78 (4) 52 26. Two numbers are in the ratio 3 : 4. The product of
22. If a mirror is placed on the line MN then which of their H.C.F. and L.C.M. is 2028. The sum of the
the answer figures is the right image of the given numbers is:
figure? (1) 68 (2) 72
Question Figure (3) 86 (4) 91
27. If sin + cos = p and sec + cosec = q, then find
the value of q(p2 1).

(1) p (2) 2p
(3) 3p (4) 2p2
M N 28. In a school, the ratio of boys to girls is 4 : 3 and
Answer Figure the ratio of girls to teachers is 8 : 1. The ratio of

students to teachers is:

(1) 56 : 3 (2) 55 : 1
(3) 49 : 3 (4) 56 : 1
29. Average of first five odd multiples of 3 is:

(1) (2) (3) (4) (1) 12 (2) 16

23. Which one of the following diagrams represents (3) 15 (4) 21
the correct relationship among Dog, Animal and 30. The side AB of a parallelogram ABCD is

Pet? produced to E in such way that BE = AB. DE

intersects BC at Q. The point Q divides BC in the
(1) (2)

(1) 1 : 2 (2) 1 : 1
(3) 2 : 3 (4) 2 : 1
(3) (4) x y
24. If 6 + 3 = 13, 5 + 20 = 96 and 11 + 7 = 67 then 19 31. If + = 2, x 0 and y 0 then x3 + y3 + 3xy
y x
+ 11 = ?
(1) 207 (2) 209 (x + y) = ?
(3) 191 (4) 194 (1) 0 (2) 1
(3) 1 (4) 2
32. If population of women in a village is 90% of cos cos
population of men, what is the population of men 40.=If m=and n, then find the value of
cos sin
as a percentage of population of women? (in
approximate) (m2 + n2) cos2 .
(1) 100% (2) 105% (1) n (2) 2n
(3) 108% (4) 111% (3) n2 (4) 2n2
33. The length of each side of an equilateral triangle is 41. A can do as much work as B and C together can
do. A and B can together do a piece of work in 9
14 3 cm. What is the area of the incircle? (in hours 36 minutes and C can do it in 48 hours. The

time (in hours) that B needs to do the work alone
(1) 450 (2) 308 is:
(3) 154 (4) 77 (1) 18 hrs (2) 24 hrs
34. A person of height 2m wants to get a fruit which is

(3) 30 hrs (4) 12 hrs
10 42. If tan + sin = m and tan sin = n, then the
on a tree at height m. If he stands at a
3 find the value of m2 n2.

4 (1) mn (2) 4 mn
distance of m from the foot of the tree, then (3) m2n2 (4) m3n3
43. Out of 4 numbers, whose average is 60, the first
the angle at which he should throw the stone, so
one is one-fourth of the sum of the last three. The
that he hits the fruit is:

first number is:
(1) 60 (2) 45
(1) 15 (2) 45
(3) 90 (4) 30
(3) 48 (4) 60
3 44. A certain distance is covered by a cyclist at a
35. The value of 2 4 2 3 4 2 3 4....... is certain speed. If a jogger covers half the distance
(1) 2 (2) 2 2

a in double the time, then what is the ratio of the

(3) 23 (4) 25 speed of the jogger to that of the cyclist?
36. 12 copies of a book were sold for ` 1800 and (1) 1 : 4 (2) 4 : 1
thereby gaining cost price of 3 copies. The cost (3) 1 : 2 (4) 2 : 1
price of a copy is: 45. Two trains of equal length, running in opposite
(1) ` 120 (2) ` 150 directions, pass a pole in 18 and 12 seconds
(3) ` 1200 (4) ` 1500 respectively. In how much time the trains will
37. In the given figure, ABCD is a square. A line cross each other?
segment DX cuts the side BC at X and the (1) 14.4 sec (2) 15.5 sec

diagonal AC at O such that COD = 105 and (3) 18.8 sec (4) 20.2 sec
OXC = x. The value of x is:
Directions (Q. 46-50) : Following table shows the
marks scored by seven students in different subjects.

Read the table and answer the questions based on

this table.

Student Maths Hindi English Physics Chemistry GK

(1) 40 (2) 60 (150) (120) (100) (100) (50) (80)

(3) 80 (4) 85 A 85 65 70 65 35 40
38. A man has in all ` 640 in the denominations of

B 70 80 63 68 49 30
one-rupee, five rupee and ten rupee notes. The C 32 60 40 80 50 35
number of each type of notes are equal. What is D 140 104 65 48 60 18
the total number of notes he has?

E 123 79 79 84 40 27
(1) 150 (2) 120
F 57 106 68 66 48 44
(3) 100 (4) 90
39. If the 4th term of an arithmetic progression is 16 G 144 76 64 58 56 22
and the 12th term is 80, then find the first term.
(1) 8 (2) 7 46. What overall percentage did student G get in all
(3) + 7 (4) + 8 subjects together?
(1) 62.5% (2) 64%
(3) 70% (4) 67.5%
47. What is the ratio of the total marks obtained by A (3) business centers in our state.
to that obtained by D? (4) No error
(1) 4 : 5 (2) 24 : 29
(3) 5 : 4 (4) 29 : 24 Directions (Q. 56-60): In these questions, sentences
48. What is the average of marks obtained by all the given with blanks to be filled in with an appropriate
students in Physics? word(s). Four alternatives are suggested for each
(1) 67 (2) 74.5 question. Choose the correct alternative out of the
(3) 75 (4) 76.5 four in the Answer Sheet.
49. What is the average percentage of marks obtained

by all the students in Maths? (in approximate) 56. I have always admired his .......... knowledge and
(1) 62% (2) 65% scholarship.
(3) 68% (4) 70% (1) highest (2) flexible

50. The total marks obtained by B is what percentage (3) provocative (4) profound
more than the total marks obtained by E? (in 57. The fight for liberation brings .......... the best and
approximate) the noblest qualities in mankind.

(1) 9% (2) 20% (1) with (2) in
(3) 13% (4) 15% (3) for (4) out
58. They were waiting for official ....... of the news
Test-III : ENGLISH LANGUAGE they had heard from a friend.

(1) ratification (2) confirmation
Directions (Q. 51 to 55): In these questions some part (3) sanction (4) recommendation
of the sentences have errors and some are correct. 59. They offered a ....... of incentives to attract
Find out which part of a sentence has an error and qualified people of the post.

choose the correct alternative out of (1), (2), (3). If a
sentence is free from error, blacken the oval
(1) bundle
(3) package
(2) assurance
(4) gift
corresponding to (4) in the Answer Sheet. 60. Those who have ...... the transition from villages to
cities have been able to secure good jobs.
(1) tried (2) arranged
51. These vegetables which are grown here are cheap
(3) planned (4) managed
in cost and rich of vitamins.
(1) These vegetables which are grown
(2) here are cheap Directions (Q. 61-65) : In the following passages
(3) in cost and rich of vitamins. some of the words have been left out. Read the
passages carefully and choose the correct answer to

(4) No error
52. I have criticise the remarkable book because I each question out of the four alternative and fill in
didn't benefit from reading it. the blanks.
(1) I have criticise
Many parents greet their children's teenage years

(2) the remarkable book

(3) because I didn't benefit from reading it. with needles dread. While teens ...(61)... assault us with
(4) No error heavy-metal music, ...(62)... outlandish clothes and
53. Citizens needed to know that our leader can't be spend all ...(63)... time with friends, such behaviour
trusted. ...(64)... adds up to full-scale revolt. Teenage ...(65)...,

(1) Citizens needed according to psychologist Laurence Steinberg, has been

(2) to know that greatly exaggerated.
(3) our leader can't be trusted. 61. (1) can (2) must

(4) No error (3) may (4) should

54. Now a days the cost of living is so high that 62. (1) show (2) dress
people find it difficult to make both ends meeting. (3) put (4) flaunt

(1) Now a days the cost of living 63. (1) her (2) his
(2) is so high that people find it difficult (3) their (4) our
(3) to make both ends meeting. 64. (1) sporadically (2) always
(4) No error (3) infrequently (4) scarcely
55. Allahabad is one of the leading business centers in 65. (1) rebellion (2) subversion
our state. (3) mania (4) revolution
(1) Allahabad is
(2) one of the leading
Directions (Q. 66-72) : In these questions, four 75. The two brothers shared the property beside
alternative are given for the underlined Idiom/ themselves.
Phrase. Choose the alternative which best expresses (1) among (2) between
the meaning of the Idiom/Phrase and mark it in the (3) amidst (4) No improvement
Answer Sheet. 76. A bird in hand is worth two in bush.
(1) two in the bush (2) two at a bush
66. Rack and ruin (3) two on bush (4) No improvement
(1) Successful (2) Debt 77. Scarcely had he entered the room than the phone
(3) Destroyed (4) Ransacked rang.

67. To pour oil in troubled water (1) when (2) while
(1) To foment trouble (3) as (4) No improvement
(2) To add to the trouble 78. You called on me when I was not at home, don't

(3) To instigate you?
(4) To calm a quarrel with soothing words (1) did you? (2) didn't you?
68. Iron will (3) didn't I? (4) No improvement

(1) Good health (2) Strong 79. He paid the caretaker for his board and lodging.
determination (1) room (2) furniture
(3) Sticks to the point (4) Has high (3) boarding (4) No improvement

69. Having no arguments to defend his point, the Directions (Q. 80-82) : In these questions, out of the
speaker began to beat about the bush. four alternatives, choose the one which best
(1) Wander across the words expresses the meaning of the given word.
(2) Speak in a haphazard manner
(3) Speak in a round-about manner
(4) Make use of irrelevant reference
a 80. MORBID
(1) Diseased (2) Dyeing
70. Something up one's sleeve (3) Irritated (4) Angry
(1) A grand idea (2) A secret plan 81. Jink
(3) A profitable plan (4) Something (1) Inherit (2) Refrain
important (3) Dodge (4) Travel
71. Adam's ale 82. Reluctant
(1) Grace (2) Pleasure (1) Ready (2) Willing
(3) Water (4) Wine (3) Hesitating (4) Inclined
72. To draw the long bow

(1) To overestimate oneself Directions (Q. 83-85) : In these questions, choose the
(2) To put up high demands word opposite in meaning to the given word.
(3) To demand a very high price
(4) To make an exaggerated statement 83. HEREDITARY

(1) Carried (2) Acquired

Directions (Q. 73-79) : In these questions, a sentence/ (3) Possessed (4) Regained
a part of the sentence is underlined. Below are given 84. BARBAROUS
alternatives to the underlined part at (1), (2), (3) (1) Improved (2) Cordial
which may improve the sentence. Choose the correct

(3) Civilized (4) Modified

alternative. In case no improvement is needed your 85. Boisterous
answer is (4). Mark your answer in the Answer (1) Calm (2) Comfortable

(3) Good (4) Happy

73. If you have studied hard, you would have got a Directions (Q. 86 and 87) : In these questions, four

first class. words are given in each question, out of which only
(1) If you studied hard one word is spelt correctly. Find the word spelt
(2) If you had studied hard correct and mark your answer in the Answer Sheet.
(3) If you would study hard
(4) No improvement 86. (1) Incumbent (2) Incumbant
74. We hurried to the door but nobody is there (3) Incambant (4) Incambent
(1) nobody was there (2) nobody are there 87. (1) Psychology (2) Sycology
(3) nobody were there (4) No improvement (3) Psykology (4) Sychology
(4) time of police atrocities
Directions (Q. 88-92) : In these question you have a 92. "Tolerable state of balance" in the last sentence
brief passage with five questions following the may mean
passage. Read the passage carefully and choose the (1) an adequate level of police force
best answer to each question out of the four (2) a reasonable level of economic equality
alternatives. (3) a reasonable amount of government
Democratic societies from the earliest times have (4) a reasonable check on economic power
expected their governments to protect the weak against

the strong. No 'era of good feeling' can justify Directions (Q. 93-100) : In the following question,
discharging the police force or giving up the idea of out of the four alternatives, choose the one which can
public control over concentrated private wealth. On the be substituted for the given sentence.

other hand, it is obvious that a spirit of self-denial and
moderation on the part of those who hold economic 93. To confirm with the help of evidence
power will greatly soften the demand for absolute (1) Corroborate (2) Implicate

equality. Men are more interested in freedom and (3) Designate (4) Extricate
security than in an equal distribution of wealth. The 94. Those who go on to someone else land without the
extent to which Government must interfere with owner's permission.
business, therefore, is not exactly measured by the (1) Delinquents (2) Trespassers

extent to which economic power is concentrated into a (3) Offenders (4) Culprits
few hands. The required degree of government 95. Printed notice of somebody's death
interference depends mainly on whether economic (1) Condolence (2) Obituary
powers are oppressively used, and on the necessity of (3) Calumny (4) Ouija

keeping economic factors in a tolerable state of balance.
But with the necessity of meeting all these dangers and
96. Man whose wife has been unfaithful to him
(1) Dandy (2) Bastard
threats to liberty, the powers of government are (3) Concubine (4) Cuckold
unavoidably increased, whichever political party may be 97. The power of reading the thought of others
in office. The growth of government is a necessary (1) Psychopathy (2)
result of the growth of technology and of the problems Telecommunication
that go with the use of machines and science. Since the (3) Psychology (4) Telepathy
government in our nation, must take on more powers to 98. Use of more words than are needed to express the
meet its problems, there is no way to preserve freedom meaning
except by making democracy more powerful. (1) Circumlocution (2) Verbatim

(3) Ventriloquism (4) Pleonasm

88. The advent of science and technology has 99. The science of judging a person's character,
increased the capabilities, etc. From an examination of the shape
(1) freedom of people of his skull

(2) tyranny of the political parties (1) Physiology (2) Anthropology

(3) powers of the government (3) Phrenology (4) Morphology
(4) chances of economic inequality 100. One filled with excessive and mistaken
89. A spirit of moderation on the economically sound enthusiasm in cause
people would make the less privileged (1) Martyr (2) Pedant

(1) unhappy with the rich people (3) Fanatic (4) Patriot
(2) more interested in freedom and security
(3) unhappy with their lot Test-IV : GENERAL AWARENESS

(4) clamour less for absolute equality

90. The growth of government is necessitated to
101. Division of powers is the principle of
(1) make the rich and the poor happy

(1) Unitary form of Government

(2) curb the accumulation of wealth in a few
(2) Federal form of Government
(3) Socialist form of Government
(3) monitor science and technology
(4) Republican form of Government
(4) deploy the police force wisely
102. In which region does rainfall occur throughout the
91. 'Era of good feeling' in sentence 2 refers to
(1) time of prosperity
(1) Mediterranean (2) Equatorial
(2) time of adversity
(3) Tropical (4) Temperate
(3) time without government
103. The proceeds of income tax go to 116. The percentage of oxygen in air is approximately
(1) Central Government (2) State Government (1) 100% (2) 1%
(3) Centre and States (4) Corporation (3) 78% (4) 21%
authorities 117. Core Industries are
104. Which of the following properties is generally (1) Basic industries
found in non-metals? (2) Consumer goods industries
(1) Brittleness (2) Conductivity (3) Capital goods industries
(3) Ductility (4) Malleability (4) Government industries
105. Jaundice is caused due to the infection of 118. During which Five-Year Plan did India lay down

(1) brain (2) liver the objective of the need to ensure environmental
(3) kidney (4) spleen sustainability of the development strategy?
106. The part of the flower that can carry out (1) 6th Five Year Plan (2) 7th Five Year Plan

photosynthesis is (3) 8th Five Year Plan (4) 9th Five Year Plan
(1) Androecium (2) Gynoecium 119. The chemical used for cloud seeding for artificial
(3) Calyx (4) Corolla/dksjksyk rains is

107. Who is the first Aborigin to win a Gold Medal at (1) Silver Nitrate (2) Potassium Bromide
the Olympic Games? (3) Silver Iodide (4) Potassium Nitrate
(1) Maria Mutola (2) Cathy Freeman 120. Who constitutes the Finance Commission after
(3) Lorraine Graham (4) Katherine Merry every five years?

108. The central control of respiratory activity in (1) The Council of Ministers
human body is exercised by (2) The Parliament
(1) cerebrum (2) cerebellum (3) The President
(3) medulla oblongata (4) hypothalamus (4) The Comptroller and Auditor General
109. Legal Tender Money is
(1) accepted only by Government
a 121. Which of the following is at the apex of the
subordinate criminal courts?
(2) accepted by people and Government as per (1) Supreme Court
the law (2) High Court
(3) not accepted for business purposes by law (3) Court of Sessions Judge
(4) not accepted by Government (4) Court of District Judge
110. Which of the following is a river flowing from 122. In which session of the Indian National Congress
Central India and joining Yamuna/Ganga? did the historic union of Congress and Muslim
(1) Ghaghra (2) Gomati League take place?
(3) Kosi (4) Betwa (1) Surat (2) Bombay

111. What Constitutional provision enables the Central (3) Calcutta (4) Lucknow
Government to provide reservations in jobs and 123. Velocity of sound in air does not depend on
educational institutions for the weaker sections of (1) Density of air (2) Temperature of air
the society? (3) Pressure of air (4) Humidity of air

(1) Article 14 (2) Article 16 124. The red blood cells are produced by the
(3) Article 46 (4) Article 19 (1) Liver (2) Hormones
112. During whose reign did the Gandhara School of (3) Bone-marrow (4) Heart
Art blossom? 125. Who was not a politician?
(1) Harsha (2) Ashok (1) I.K. Gujral (2) S.L. Bahuguna

(3) Kanishka (4) Chandragupta II (3) J. Jayalalitha (4) H.N. Bahuguna

113. Name of the Indian army soldier who found alive 126. Of the following, who held the offices of Judge of
at siachen glacier? the Supreme Court and the Speaker of the Lok

(1) Dalbir Singh (2) Hanuman Thapa Sabha?

(3) Sarabjeet Rathaur (4) Ratinder Singh (1) M. Hidayatullah (2) K.S. Hegde
Sodhi (3) Subba Rao (4) P.N. Bhagwati

114. The strong earthquake-cum-tsunami which has 127. The famous slogan "GARIBI HATAO" (Remove
moved Japan's main island Honshu by a few feet Poverty) was launched during the-
has also caused Earth's axis to wobble by about (1) First Five Year Plan (1951-56)
(1) 1 inch (2) 2 inches (2) Third Five Year Plan (1961-66)
(3) 4 inches (4) 6 inches (3) Fourth Five Year Plan (1969-74)
115. Birds usually have a single (4) Fifth Five Year Plan (1974-78)
(1) Kidney (2) Lung 128. Clothes keep us warm in winter because they:
(3) Testis (4) Ovary (1) supply heat
(2) do not radiate heat 143. Basic infrastructure facilities in Economics are
(3) prevent air from contacting the body known as:
(4) prevent the heat of the body from escaping (1) Human capital
129. Which one of the following four secretions, is (2) Physical capital
different from the remaining three in regard to its (3) Social overheads capital
mode of transport from the source gland to the site (4) Working capital
of action? 144. German silver used for making utensils is an alloy
(1) Saliva (2) Sweat of
(3) Bile (4) Epinephrine (1) copper, silver, nickel

130. What is the maximum permitted length of cricket (2) copper, zinc, nickel
bat? (3) copper, zinc, aluminium
(1) 32" (2) 34" (4) copper, nickel, aluminium

(3) 36" (4) 38" 145. Which one of the following is also called the
131. Which is the anti-coagulant substance in blood? 'power house' of the cell?
(1) Fibrinogen (2) Heparin (1) Golgi body

(3) Thrombin (4) Globin (2) Mitochondrion
132. The oldest source of energy known to man is (3) Ribosome
(1) wind energy (2) solar energy (4) Lysosome
(3) tidal energy (4) geothermal energy 146. In C language, the formatting character should be

133. The longest river of Peninsular India is: preceded by the symbol:
(1) Narmada (2) Godavari (1) + (2) /
(3) Mahanadi (4) Cauvery (3) % (4)
134. Where do you find the temple of Angkor Wat? 147. Match List I (Newspapers) with List II (Country)
(1) In Thailand
(3) In Cambodia
(2) In Malaysia
(4) In Myanmar
a and select the correct answer using the codes
given below the lists.
135. In which one of the following places is electricity List I List II
generated from hydel power? a. Al Ahram 1. Moscow
(1) Neyveli (2) Ennore b. Izvestia 2. New York
(3) Tuticorin (4) Mettur c. The Daily News 3. Beijing
136. Which among the following standard protocols is d. People's Daily 4. Cairo
the most widely used by the Internet? (a) (b) (c) (d) (a) (b) (c) (d)
(1) HTTP (2) TCP/IP (1) 1 2 3 4 (2) 4 1 2 3
(3) SMTP (4) SLIP (3) 4 1 3 2 (4) 1 4 2 3

137. Which of the following is most important for 148. Who said that 'The real seat of taste is not the
growth of children upto the age of 14? tongue, but the mind'?
(1) Proteins (2) Vitamins (1) Aurobindo Ghosh (2) Mahatma Gandhi
(3) Fats (4) Milk (3) Bal Gangadhar Tilak (4) Swami

138. NIFTY is associated with Vivekananda

(1) Cloth Market Price Index 149. Sardar Sarovar dam is being built on the river
(2) Consumer Price Index (1) Tapti (2) Mahi
(3) BSE Index (3) Chambal (4) Narmada
(4) NSE Index 150. Who said "The Simon Commission Report should

139. Litmus is obtained from be thrown on a heap of rubbish"?

(1) a bacterium (2) a fungus (1) Mahatma Gandhi
(3) an alga (4) lichen (2) Shivaswami Ayyar

140. Where is Brihadeshwara Temple situated? (3) Mohammad Ali Jinnah

(1) Karachi (2) Madurai (4) Jawaharlal Nehru
(3) Shri Shailam (4) Tanjore

141. Ashoka called the Third Buddhist Council at

(1) Pataliputra (2) Magadha
(3) Kalinga (4) Sarnath
142. Who was the author of the Kadambari, a great
romantic play?
(1) Banabhatta (2) Harshavardhana
(3) Baskaravardhana (4) Bindusara

1 (1) 26 (4) 51 (3) 76 (1) 101 (2) 126 (2)

2 (4) 27 (2) 52 (1) 77 (1) 102 (2) 127 (4)
3 (2) 28 (1) 53 (1) 78 (2) 103 (3) 128 (4)
4 (4) 29 (3) 54 (3) 79 (3) 104 (1) 129 (3)
5 (3) 30 (2) 55 (4) 80 (1) 105 (2) 130 (4)

6 (4) 31 (1) 56 (4) 81 (3) 106 (3) 131 (2)
7 (4) 32 (4) 57 (4) 82 (3) 107 (2) 132 (4)

8 (1) 33 (3) 58 (2) 83 (2) 108 (3) 133 (2)
9 (2) 34 (4) 59 (3) 84 (3) 109 (2) 134 (3)
10 (4) 35 (1) 60 (4) 85 (1) 110 (4) 135 (4)

11 (2) 36 (1) 61 (3) 86 (1) 111 (2) 136 (2)
12 (4) 37 (2) 62 (4) 87 (1) 112 (3) 137 (1)
13 (3) 38 (2) 63 (3) 88 (3) 113 (2) 138 (4)

14 (2) 39 (1) 64 (2) 89 (4) 114 (3) 139 (4)
15 (4) 40 (3) 65 (1) 90 (1) 115 (4) 140 (4)
16 (1) 41 (2) 66 (3) 91 (1) 116 (4) 141 (1)
17 (3) 42 (2) 67 (4) 92 (3) 117
a (1) 142 (1)
18 (1) 43 (3) 68 (2) 93 (1) 118 (4) 143 (3)
19 (4) 44 (1) 69 (3) 94 (2) 119 (3) 144 (2)
20 (4) 45 (1) 70 (2) 95 (2) 120 (3) 145 (2)

21 (2) 46 (3) 71 (3) 96 (4) 121 (3) 146 (3)

22 (2) 47 (2) 72 (4) 97 (4) 122 (4) 147 (2)
23 (3) 48 (1) 73 (2) 98 (4) 123 (3) 148 (2)

24 (3) 49 (1) 74 (1) 99 (3) 124 (3) 149 (4)

25 (3) 50 (2) 75 (2) 100 (3) 125 (2) 150 (2)

1. (1) Ink is used for writing, similarly Colour is (51 4) + 7 = 204 + 7 = 211
used for painting. (67 6) + 5 = 402 + 5 = 407
2. (4) Havana is the capital of Cuba and Nicosia 21. (2) 1 10 (1 10) 1 = 9
is the capital of Saipras. 2 10 (2 10) 2 = 18
3. (2) 6 + 15 = 21 3 + 15 = 18 3 10 (3 10) 3 = 27
4. (4) 8 10 (8 10) 8 = 72
22. (2)

23. (3)
24. (3) 6 + 3 3 6 (6 1) = 18 5 = 13
5 + 20 5 20 (5 1) = 100 4 = 96

5. (3) Brick is used by Mason and Colour is used
by painter. 11 + 7 11 7 (11 1) = 77 10 = 67
6. (4) 19 + 11 19 11 (19 1) = 209 18 =

25. (3) C 02, 11, 23, 32, 40
A 00, 13, 21, 33, 42
R 57, 68, 77, 88, 99
7. (4) 96 = 32 3; 24 = 8 3
D 03, 10, 22, 30, 41

39 = 13 3; 18 = 6 3
26. (4) Let the numbers be 3x and 4x respectively
81 = 27 3; 54 = 18 3
First number second number = HCF
Here (82, 64) are not multiples of 3.
8. (1) We can find more than one vowel in rest of
3x 4x = 2028
the options.
(2) 61 is the only prime number in the given
a x 2=
= 169
options. 3 4
10. (4) Since F(6) + E(5) + E(5) + D(4) = 20 = x = 13
B(2) + R(18) + E(5) + A(1) + D(4) = 30 Sum of the numbers = 3x + 4x = 7x = 7
11. (2)
13 = 91
12. (4) 1 5 4 2 3 27. (2) q(p2 1) = (sec + cosec) {(sin + cos)2
13. (3) b c a a / b c a a / b c a a / b c a a 1}
acab 1 1
14. (2) = + {sin + cos + 2sin cos 1}
2 2

cos sin
sin + cos
= (1 + 2sin cos 1)
cos sin
sin + cos

15. (4) Required number = 51 21 + 1 = 31 = (2sin cos )

cos sin
16. (1) + , +, ,
= 2 (sin + cos) = 2p
36 6 + 3 5 3 = 74
28. (1) Boys : Girls = 4 : 3 = 32 : 24
36 6 3 + 5 3 = 74 Girls : Teachers = 8 : 1 = 24 : 3

36 2 + 5 3 = 74 Boys : Girls : Teachers = 32 : 24 : 3

72 + 5 3 = 74 Required ratio = (32 + 24) : 3 = 56 : 3
74 = 74 29. (3) Average of first five odd multiples of 3

17. (3)
3(1 + 3 + 5 + 7 + 9) 3 25
= = = 15
5 5

30. (2) AD||BC

18. (1) AD||BQ

19. (4) 5 2 6 = 60
8 4 2 = 64
7 6 3 = 126
20. (4) (24 2) + 5 = 48 + 5 = 53
Point B is the mid-point of AE. 10
Q is the mid-point of DE. AB 3 4 3
tan = = =
In s DQC and BQE. BC 4 3 4
= tan 30 = 30
Both triangles DQC and BQE are 3
CQ : QB = 1 : 1 35. (1) x = 2 3 4 2 3 4.............

x y x 2 + y2 On squaring
31. (1) + =2 =2
x 2 = 2 4 2 3 4 .............
y x xy

x2 + y2 = 2xy On cubing,
x2 + y2 + 2xy = 0 x6 = 8 4x
(x + y)2 = 0 x5 = 32 = 25 x = 2

x+y=0 36. (1) Let the cost price of 1 book be x
x3 + y3 + 3xy (x + y) = (x + y)3 = 0 Cost price of 3 books = 3x
32. (4) If the number of men be 100. and, cost price of 12 books = 12x
Then Number of women = 90 Selling price of 12 books = 1800

Required percent = 12x + 3x
100 = 1800
= 100 = 111% (Approximate) 15x = 1800
= = 120

a x
The cost price of each book = ` 120
37. (2) OCX = 45 (ABCD is a square &
AC bisects BCD)
COD + COX = 180
33. (3) COX = 180 COD = 180
105 = 75
= DC
BD = 7 3 cm In OCX
AD= AB2 BD 2= (14 3) 2 (7 3) 2 OCX + COX + OXC = 180

45 + 75 + OXC = 180
=(14 3 + 7 3)(14 3 7 3) OXC = 180 120 = 60
x = 60
= 21 3 7 3= 21 cm
38. (2) Let the number of each type of notes be x

OD = Radius of circle = 21 =7 cm x + 5x + 10x = 640
3 16x = 640
Area of circle x = 40
22 Total number of notes = 3 40 = 120
= r2 = 7 7 = 154 sq. cm.

7 39. (1) a4 = a + (4 1) d
34. (4) 16 = a + 3d a = 16 3d

Also, 80 = a + 11d
After putting the value of a from equation

(1) in equation (2)

16 3d + 11d = 80
8d = 80 16 = 64
a = 16 24 = 8
cos cos
2 2
40. (3) (m 2 + n 2 )=
cos 2 + cos

cos sin
2 2
cos cos 60 4 x
= m = and n x=
cos sin 4
cos 2 sin 2 + cos 2 cos 2 2 4x = 240 x
cos 240
cos 2 sin 2 5x = 240 x = = 48
sin + cos
2 2
44. (1) Let speed of cyclist = x kmph
=cos 2 cos
& Time = t hours
cos 2
sin 2


1 Then distance covered by jogger =
=cos 2 2
cos 2
cos sin
and time = 2t
2 xt

cos 2 cos Required ratio = : x = 1: 4
= = = n2 2 2t
sin 45. (1) Let the length of each train be x metre.
41. (2) A's work = (B + C)'s work

ATQ, Speed of first train = m/sec
(A + B)'s can complete the work in 9 hr 36 18
48 x
minutes i.e. hrs Speed of second train = m/sec

C can complete the work in 48 hours. When both trains cross each other, time
2x 2x 2x 36 72
= = = = = 14.4 sec.
x x 2x + 3x 5x 5

a 18 12 36
46. (3) Required percentage = 100 = 70%
We know that 360 24
A's efficiency = (B + C)'s efficiency 47. (2) Required ratio = = i.e. 24 : 29
435 29
C's efficiency = 1
48. (1) Total marks of Physics = 469
then, A B = 1 and A + B = 5
A's efficiency = 3 and B's efficiency = 2 469
Average marks = = 67
48 7
Time taken by B is = = 24 hr

2 49. (1) Average marks = = 93
42. (2) m2 n2 = (tan + sin)2 (tan sin)2 7
= 4 tan sin 93
Required percentage = 100 = 62%
[ (a + b)2 (a b)2) = 4ab] 150

And 50. (2) Total (B) = 70 + 80 + 63 + 68 + 49 + 30 =

4= mn 4 (tan + sin )(tan sin ) 360
Total (E) = 123 + 79 + 79 + 84 + 40 + 27 =
sin 2
= 4 tan 2 sin 2
= 4 sin 2 432

cos 2 Required percentage

432 360
sin 2 sin 2 cos 2 = =
100 20%
=4 360
cos 2

51. (3) 'Rich' will be followed by 'in', as 'rich in

sin 2 (1 cos 2 ) something' means 'containing or providing
=4 a large supply of something'.
cos 2

52. (1) 'Have' is followed by 'V3'. Here we have

sin 4 sin 2 present perfect tense.
= 4= 4
cos 2 cos 53. (1) Change 'needed' into 'need'. The sentence
sin is a general fact.
= 4sin = 4sin tan 54. (3) Make both ends meet is a definite phrase
which means to earn livelihood.
m2 n 2 = 4 mn 55. (4) No error
43. (3) Let the first number be x, then 56. (4) Profound means extreme.
73. (2) The formula of past conditional sentence is system to be valid for meeting a financial
- If + sub + had + V3, sub + would + have obligation. So it is accepted by people and
+ V 3. government on a legal basis. Paper
74. (1) The sentence is of past. Change 'is' into currency and coins are common forms of
'was' legal tender in many countries.
75. (2) When there are 'two', we use 'between'. 112. (3) The Kushan period is considered the
77. (1) Scarcely.... When is a correlative. Golden period of Gandhara. Peshawar
78. (2) Question tag is in the same tense as that Valley and Taxila are littered with ruins of
of the sentence and if the sentence stupas and monasteries of this period.

101. (2) The separation of powers, often Gandharan art flourished and it produced
imprecisely used interchangeably with the some of the best pieces of Indian sculpture.
trias political principle, is a model for the Many monuments were created to

governance of a state. The normal division commemorate the Jataka tales. The
of branches is into a legislature, an Gandhara civilization peaked during the
executive, and a judiciary. Division of reign of the great Kushan King Kanishka

powers is the often overlooked principle of (128-151). The cities of Taxila
dividing governmental power among the (Takshasila) at Sirsukh and Peshawar were
federal, state, and local governments. built.
102. (2) The equatorial climate is found between 5 115. (4) Female birds in most families have only

degree north and 10 degree south of the one functional ovary (the left one),
equator. Precipitation in the equatorial connected to an oviduct-although two
region is heavy between 60 inches and 106 ovaries are present in the embryonic stage
inches and is well distributed throughout of each female bird.
the year. Due to this abundant rainfall,

tropical rainforest climate is usually found
116. (4) Composition of air
Nitrogen : 78.08 percent
at latitudes within five degrees North and Oxygen : 20.94 percent
South of the equator. Argon : 0.93 percent
104. (1) An important physical property of non- Carbon dioxdie : 0.03 percent
Neon : 0.0018 percent
metals is that they are brittle and hence
cannot be beaten into sheets or drawn into Helium : 0.005 percent
wires. In other words, non-metals are non- Ozone : 0.00006 percent
malleable and non-ductile. When stress is Hydrogen : 0.00005 percent
applied on non-metals, they shatter into 118. (4) The Ninth Five Year Plan recognised the

pieces. integral link between rapid economic

105. (2) Jaundice is a yellow discoloration of the growth and the quality of life of the mass
skin, mucous membranes, and the whites of the people. Ensuring environmental
of the eyes caused by increased amounts of sustainability of the development process

bilirubin in the blood. Normally, the liver through social mobilisation and
metabolizes excretes the bilirubin in the participation of people at all level was one
form of bile. However, if there is a of the specific objectives of the Ninth Plan
disruption in this normal metabolism as approved by the National Development
Council. In the Ninth Plan document,

and/or production of bilirubin, jaundice

may result. policies and programmes during the Eighth
106. (3) The different parts of a flower are calyx, Plan period were reviewed, shortcomings
identified and new policy framework

corolla, androecium and gynoecium. Calyx

and corolla are accessory organs, while suggested overcoming the shortcomings
androecium and gynoecium are and ensuring sustainability of the
development process not only in economic

reproductive organs. Photosynthetic

activity is found in the calyx, green terms but also in terms of social and
shoulder, pericarp and locular parenchyma. environmental factors.
It suggests that all of these tissues have 119. (3) The chemical used for cloud seeding for
significant roles in CO2 scavenging and the artificial rains is silver iodide.
120. (3) Article 280 of the Indian Constitution
provision of carbon assimilates. deals with the Finance Commission. The
109. (2) Legal tender is a medium of payment Finance Commission of India came into
allowed by law or recognized by a legal existence in 1951. It was established under
Article 280 of the Indian Constitution by farm land. The total length of the dam is
the President of India. It was formed to 1,700 m. The dam creates Stanley
define the financial relations between the Reservoir.
centre and the state. 138. (4) The NSE's key index is the S&P CNX
122. (4) Lucknow Pact, (December 1916) was a Nifty, known as the NSE NIFTY (National
famous agreement made by the Indian Stock Exchange Fifty), an index of fifty
National Congress headed by Maratha major stocks weighted by market
leader Bal Gangadhar Tilak and the All- capitalization. Nifty Fifty was an informal
India Muslim League led by Muhammad term used to refer to 50 popular large cap

Ali Jinnah which was adopted by the stocks on the New York Stock Exchange
Congress at its Lucknow session on in the 1960s and 1970s that were widely
December 29 and by the league on regarded as solid buy and hold growth

December 31, 1916. The meeting at stocks. NIFTY means National Index for
Lucknow marked the reunion of the Fifty.
moderate and radical wings of the 140. (4) The Brihadeshwara Temple at Thanjavur

Congress. The pact dealt both with the (Tanjore) in the Indian state of Tamil
structure of the government of India and Nadu, is a Hindu temple dedicated to
with the relation of the Hindu and Muslim Shiva and a brilliant example of the major
communities. heights achieved by Cholas in Tamil

126. (2) K.S. Hegde served as a member of the architecture. It is a tribute and a reflection
Rajya Sabha from 1952 to 1957, holding of the power of its patron Raja Raja Chola
office as its vice chairman between 1952 I. It remains India's largest temple and is
and 1953. He served as Judge of the one of the greatest glories of Indian
Supreme Court of India between 1967 and
1973 and as Speaker of the 6th Lok Sabha.
a architecture. The temple is part of the
UNESCO World Heritage Site "Great
K.S. Hegde and Baharul Islam are the only Living Chola Temples".
Supreme Court judges to have served in 141. (1) The Third Buddhist Council was convened in
the Parliament of India prior to their about 250 BCE at Ashokarama in
appointment to the judiciary. Pataliputra, supposedly under the patronage
128. (4) It is just because woolen clothes have of Emperor Ashoka. The traditional reason
fibres and between those fibres air is for convening the Third Buddhist Council is
trapped which reduces heat loss. Air reported to have been to rid the Sangha of
reduces heat loss because it is an insulator corruption and bogus monks who held

i.e. poor conductor of heat. Hence, all the heretical views. It was presided over by the
Elder Moggaliputta Tissa and one thousand
heat from our body gets trapped inside the
monks participated in the Council.
clothes which makes us feels warmer with
142. (1) Kadambari is a romantic novel in Sanskrit. It
the clothes. was substantially composed by Banabhatta in

129. (3) Saliva: It is secreted by the salivary glands, the first half of the 7th century, who did not
Sweat achieved by the water-rich secretion survive to see it through completion. The
of the eccrine glands. Epinephrine: It is novel was completed by Banabhatta's son
also known as adrenaline is a hormone and Bhushanabhatta, according to the plan laid
a neurotransmitter. Bile: It is a bitter- out by his late father. It is conventionally

tasting dark green to yellowish brown fluid divided into Purvabhaga (earlier part) written
produced by the liver that aids the process by Banabhatta and Uttarabhaga (letter part)
of digestion of lipids in the small intestine. by Bhushanabhatta.

Bile is the odd one among all four as it is 143. (3) Social overheads capital is the capital spent
secreted by liver, while others are secreted on social infrastructure, such as schools,
by glands. universities, hospitals, libraries. They are

135. (4) The Mettur Dam is one of the largest dams capital goods of types which are available to
in India built in 1934. It was constructed in anybody, hence social and they are not
a gorge, where the Kaveri River enters the tightly linked to any particular part of
plains in Tamil Nadu. The dam is one of production, hence overhead. Because of their
the oldest in India. It provides irrigation broad availability they often have to be
provided by the government. Examples of
facilities to parts of Salem, the length of
social overhead capital include roads,
Erode, Namakkal, Karur, Tiruchirapalli
schools, hospitals and public parks.
and Thanjavur district for 271,000 acres of
144. (2) Nickel silver, also known as German silver,
Argentan, new silver, nickel brass, albata,
alpacca, or electrum, is a copper alloy with
nickel and often zinc. The usual formulation
is 60% copper, 20% nickel and 20% zinc.
Nickel silver is named for its silvery
appearance, but it contains no elemental
silver unless plated. The name "German
silver" refers to its development by 19th

century German metal workers in imitation
of the Chinese alloy known as paktong,
Nickel silver first became popular as a base
metal for silver plated cutlery and other

silverware, notably the electroplated wares
called EPNS (electro-plated nickel silver). It
is used in zippers, better quality keys,

costume jewellery, for making musical
instruments (example: cymbals, saxophones)
and it is preferred for the track in electrically
powered model railway layouts, as its oxide

is conductive. It is widely used in the
production of coins.
146. (3) In C language the formatting character
should be preceded by the symbol %.
148. (2) 'The Story of My Experiments with Truth An

Autobiography' brings out that all of his life,
experiments with food were to be part of
Gandhi's experiments with truth. While in
England, where food is sometimes tasteless
anyway, he decided he could do without
condiments, for "The real seat of taste is not
the tongue but the mind."
150. (2) Those were the words of Shivaswami Iyer
who was a prominent lawyer, administrator
and statesman who served as the Advocate

General of Madras from 1907 to 1911. He

was the Indian delegate to the third session of
the League of Nations in 1922 in which, he
condemned the mandate policy of General

Smuts of the Republic of South Africa.

Shivaswami Iyer served as a member of the
Council of State from 1922 to 1923. He also
opposed the Simon Commission on its arrival
in India.

(This model paper was prepared by subject experts of Race Institute, Hyderabad)

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