Gsis V Ca Facts: This Is A Petition For Review On Certiorari
Gsis V Ca Facts: This Is A Petition For Review On Certiorari
Gsis V Ca Facts: This Is A Petition For Review On Certiorari
Facts: This is a petition for review on certiorari respondent court. the trial court grossly erred when it found that
to set aside the Decision of the 10th Division of Meanwhile, after years of diligently paying the the purchase price agreed upon by the parties
the Court of Appeals ordering the petitioner monthly amortizations 6 and real estate taxes on was P19,740.00 and this agreement was not
GSIS to execute a Final Deed of Sale in favor of the subject property, the private respondents made subject to any posterior event or condition.
the spouses Raul and Esperanza Leuterio spouses informed 7 petitioner that the payments This finding of fact was based on the explicit
involving a house and lot in the GSIS Village, 8 for the property had been completed, and testimony of private respondent Raul Leuterio
Project 8-C, Quezon City hence, the execution of an absolute deed of sale that when he and his wife signed the Deed of
in their favor was in order. No action on the Conditional Sale in 1965, the notation "subject
That on December 18, 1963, the petitioner matter was taken by petitioner to adjustment pending approval of the Board of
GSIS conducted a lottery draw for the allocation Trustees" was not in the Deed. 14 Likewise, the
of lots and housing units in Project 8-C of GSIS The instant case was initiated on May 20, 1984 Answer of petitioner to the Complaint of the
Village. Private respondent Esperanza Leuterio in the RTC of Manila, Br. 11, with the filing of a private respondents admitted the non-existence
won and was issued a Certificate of Complaint for Specific Performance With of this notation at the time the Deed of
Acknowledgment to purchase the subject house Damages to compel petitioner to execute in Conditional Sale was signed, albeit, it called the
and lot. On December 27, 1963. In 1965, the private respondent's favor, the final Deed of Sale omission an honest mistake
parties entered into a Deed of Conditional Sale over the subject property. 9 The trial court found Quite clearly, therefore, the purchase price
evidencing the conveyance of the subject for the Leuterios. mutually agreed upon by the parties was
property and all improvements thereon to the P19,740.00. The spouses Leuterio did not give
Leuterio spouses for the purchase price of On January 24, 1992, the Court of Appeals 10 , their consent for petitioner to make a unilateral
P19,740.00, payable over a fifteen-year period, in its impugned Decision, upheld the trial court upward adjustment of this purchase price
in 180 equal monthly installments of P168.53 solely on the basis of estoppel. It held that depending on the final cost of construction of
each. petitioner cannot increase the price of the the subject house and lot. It is illegal for
subject house and lot after it failed, through the petitioner to claim this prerogative, for Article
Three years elapsed before the Deed was years, to protest against private respondents' 1473 of the Civil Code provides that "the fixing
notarized, and a copy of the same was given to P200.00-amortization or to require the payment of the price can never be left to the discretion of
the private respondents. by them of bigger monthly installments. one of the contracting parties . . . ."
Deeds of Conditional Sale covering houses and Issue: We also reject petitioner's contention that the
lots therein. The new price was based on the Whether or not the spouses Leuterio agreed to spouses Leuterio are bound by the
alleged final cost of construction of the GSIS the notation "subject to adjustment pending recommendation of the ad hoc committee as this
Village. It is noted that, on the face of the approval of the Board of Trustees" appearing on was set aside by then President Ferdinand E.
Leuterio's Conditional Deed of Sale is the the margin of the parties' Conditional Deed of Marcos. 16 The rejection was communicated by
marginal notation "subject to adjustment Sale. then Presidential Assistant Jacobo Clave to
pending approval of the Board of Trustees." The petitioner in a Memorandum dated May 30,
Leuterio spouses alleged that this notation was Ruling: The petition is not granted 1973. 17 Petitioner moved for its
not in the Deed when they signed the same in If there was no agreement, the Leuterio spouses reconsideration but the motion was denied by
1965. Resolving this factual issue, the trial court are only obligated to pay the purchase price of the former President thru Presidential Assistant
found that the appended words were inserted P19,740.00 as stipulated in the main body of the Joaquin Venus, in a letter dated December 18,
into the document without the knowledge or Conditional Deed of Sale. 1990.
consent of the Leuterio spouses. This finding of
Professional Academic Plans Inc (PAPI) v Initially, respondent Crisostomo received the demand. Unfazed, she sought a dialogue with
Crisostomo 10% franchise commission from December 1988 the President himself, petitioner Francisco
Facts: Respondent Dinnah L. Crisostomo was until April 1989. Later, upon the instance of Colayco. They, however, failed to arrive at a
the PAPI District Manager for Metro Manila. As petitioner Benjamin Dino, then Assistant Vice- settlement. 13 On July 6, 1992, respondent
such officer, she did not receive any salary but President for Marketing, respondent Crisostomo sent a demand letter to petitioner
was entitled to a franchise commission Crisostomo's franchise commission was reduced PAPI. The latter informed her that it could not
equivalent to 10% of the payments on to 5% to support the operational expenses of accede to her demand for the reasons stated in
remittances of clients whose contracts or PAPI. After a few months, the said commission the Inter-Office Memorandum dated June 1,
agreements had been negotiated by her, for and was again reduced to 4%. Two months later, 1992.
in behalf of PAPI. She was later promoted as petitioner PAPI asked for another .25%
Regional Manager reduction; hence, respondent Crisostomo's Thereafter, Crisostomo again approached
franchise commission was further reduced to Colayco who advised her to make a formal
Noel Rueda, a sales consultant of petitioner 3.75%. Finally, in January 1991, petitioner PAPI proposal. She complied and submitted a letter
PAPI, initiated negotiations for the sale of pre- again asked for a final reduction of the
need educational plans under the said program commission to 2% to which respondent However, in a Letter 16 dated August 17, 1992,
with the AFPSLAI Crisostomo agreed, on the condition that it be petitioner Colayco informed the respondent that
reduced into writing her settlement proposal was totally unacceptable
On November 9, 1988, the AFPSLAI and PAPI and that she was being placed under preventive
executed a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) Crisostomo received her 2% commission until suspension in order to abort any untoward
3 in connection with scholarship funding October 1991. 7 In the meantime, Col. Victor M. reaction resulting from the denial of her request,
agreements to be entered into by PAPI and the Punzalan succeeded Col. Noe S. Andaya as which may be detrimental to the company's
AFPSLAI members. These agreements shall President of the AFPSLAI. 8 In a Letter dated interest. Worse, she was advised not to come
then embody the provisions of the Professional December 16, 1991, Col. Punzalan informed back after the suspension. Thus, her services in
Academic Program Agreement. The parties PAPI of the AFPSLAI's decision to review the the company were terminated.
agreed that all support services would be 1988 MOA.
provided by PAPI and that any amendments On January 21, 1993, respondent Crisostomo
and/or modifications to the MOA would be The AFPSLAI resumed its remittances of the filed a complaint for sum of money and damages
effective only upon approval of the parties installment payments of its members to against petitioners PAPI, Colayco and Dino. She
thereto. petitioner PAPI in June 1992. This time, alleged therein that as of October 2, 1992,
however, Crisostomo was not paid her petitioner PAPI's sales of pre-need plans to the
By then, Rueda was no longer connected with commission. In an Inter-Office Memorandum 11 AFPSLAI amounted to P9,193,367.20; that she
the petitioner corporation, hence, was dated June 1, 1992, respondent Crisostomo's was entitled to 2% of such amount or the sum of
disqualified to receive the franchise commission. franchise commission on sales transacted with P183,867.34 as franchise commission; and that
Thus, the said commission was offered to the AFPSLAI was terminated, notwithstanding the said franchise, petitioner
Macariola who, however, declined and waived PAPI refused to give her the said commissions.
his right thereto in favor of respondent Nonetheless, respondent Crisostomo insisted on She, likewise, prayed for the grant of moral and
Crisostomo, Rueda's immediate supervisor. The the release of her 2% franchise commission. 12 exemplary damages, plus attorney's fees. 17
Executive Committee of petitioner PAPI agreed She first approached her immediate supervisor,
to give the franchise commission to respondent Mrs. Editha Bayoneta, the Senior Assistant Vice- The petitioners averred in their answer to the
Crisostomo President, but to no avail. She then went to complaint that Crisostomo was not entitled to
petitioner Dino, who allegedly threatened her the franchise commission because she did not
with termination if she persisted with her participate in the execution of the 1988 MOA.
They pointed out that under the December 1989 A reading of the letter of Col. Punzalan to the (2) that it is not transferable. At the time the new
company guidelines, a franchise holder shall be petitioner corporation indicates that it merely MOA was executed, the respondent was still
maintained only when 100 new paid plans are signified the suspension of the acceptance of connected with the petitioner corporation; hence,
completed on a month-to-month basis. They new applications under the first MOA, until such she was still entitled to her commission. Even
argued that since respondent Crisostomo was time that a thorough study was undertaken, and with the modification of the first MOA by the
unable to meet this requirement for the period of a new agreement mutually beneficial to both second one, the respondent had the right to
November 1991 to May 1992, her franchise was parties was entered into. By his letter, Col. continue receiving her franchise commission
terminated. The petitioners also claimed that the Punzalan did not unilaterally cancel or rescind from the petitioner corporation.
AFPSLAI did not resume payments in 1992 but the first MOA. Indeed, the petitioners failed to
entered into a new MOA after it undertook new adduce a morsel of evidence to prove that We agree with the respondent that the petitioners
negotiations. They maintained that under the AFPSLAI had agreed to such cancellation or are now in estoppel to question her entitlement
new MOA, no one is entitled to a franchise, rescission of the first MOA. It bears stressing to the franchise commission under the old MOA.
much less respondent Crisostomo. that abandonment of contract rights requires It must be noted that from December 1988 until
proof of actual intent to abandon October 1991 the respondent was continuously
Issue: receiving her franchise commission from the
A) WHETHER OR NOT THE OLD Once a contract is entered into, no party can petitioner corporation. It was only when the
MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT HAD renounce it unilaterally or without the consent of remittances for AFPSLAI were suspended that
BEEN CANCELLED AND RESCINDED BY the other. 36 This is the essence of the principle the respondent stopped receiving her
AFPSLAI; of mutuality of contracts entombed in Article commission.
B) WHETHER OR NOT RESPONDENT IS 1308 37 of the Civil Code. To effectuate
ENTITLED TO THE FRANCHISE FEE OR abandonment of a contract, mutual assent is C. On the issue of damages, we rule for the
COMMISSION UNDER THE NEW always required. 38 The mere fact that one has petitioners. Moral damages are recoverable for
MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT UNDER made a poor bargain may not be a ground for breach of contract where the breach was wanton,
WHICH SHE HAD NO PARTICIPATION setting aside the agreement. reckless, malicious or in bad faith, oppressive or
WHATSOEVER IN THE NEGOTIATION AND abusive. 42 However, moral damages are
EXECUTION; As can be gleaned from the second MOA, the improperly awarded, absent a specific finding
C) WHETHER OR NOT PETITIONERS, IN parties merely made substantial modifications to and pronouncement from the trial court that
DENYING RESPONDENT'S CLAIM, HAVE the first MOA, and agreed that only those petitioners acted in such manner. 43 In the
COMMITTED ACTS THAT RENDER THEM provisions inconsistent with those of the second instant case, despite the trial court's award of
LEGALLY LIABLE FOR MORAL AND were considered rescinded, modified and/or moral damages, it did not make any
EXEMPLARY DAMAGES AND superseded pronouncement as to the basis of such award.
ATTORNEY'S FEES AND COST OF SUIT. Therefore, the award of moral damages must be
B. The fact that the respondent did not deleted.
Ruling: The petition is granted. participate in the negotiations of the new MOA
is of no moment. As culled from the petitioners' DKC Holdings Corp. v Court of Appeals:
A. Even after a review of the factual issues testimonial evidence, the franchise commission Facts: On March 16, 1988, petitioner entered
raised by the petitioners, we find and so rule that was awarded as an incentive to the one who into a Contract of Lease with Option to Buy
the CA was correct in declaring that the first initiated and successfully negotiated the with Encarnacion Bartolome, which option must
MOA had not been cancelled, but was merely AFPSLAI account within a certain period. 41 be exercised within a period of two years from
modified by the second MOA. The franchise commission was granted subject the signing thereof. Petitioner undertook to pay
to two conditions only: (1) that the respondent P3,000.00 a month as consideration for the
must remain connected with the company, and reservation of its option. The contract also
provided that in case petitioner chose to lease INTRANSMISSIBLE RIGHTS; EXPLAINED.
the property, it may take actual possession of the Ruling: The petition is granted. The nature of intransmissible rights as
premises. In such an event, the lease shall be for Where the service or act is of such a character explained by Arturo Tolentino, an eminent
a period of six years, renewable for another six that it may as well be performed by another, or civilist, is as follows: "Among contracts which
years. Petitioner regularly paid the reservation where the contract by its terms, shows that the are intransmissible are those which are purely
fee to Encarnacion until her death in January performance by others was contemplated, death personal, either by provision of law, such as in
1990. Thereafter, petitioner paid the reservation does not terminate the contract or excuse non- cases of partnerships and agency, or by the very
fees to private respondent, being the sole heir of performance. In the case at bar, there was no nature of the obligations arising therefrom, such
Encarnacion. Private respondent, however, personal act required from the late Encarnacion as those requiring special personal qualifications
refused to accept these payments. On March 14, Bartolome. Rather, the obligation of of the obligor. It may also be stated that
1990, petitioner served upon private respondent Encarnacion in the contract to deliver possession contracts for the payment of money debts are
a notice that it was exercising its option to lease of the subject property to petitioner upon the not transmitted to the heirs of a party, but
the property, and tendered the rental fee for the exercise by the latter of its option to lease the constitute a charge against his estate. Thus,
month of March. Again, Victor refused to accept same may very well be performed by her heir where the client in a contract for professional
the tendered rental fee and to surrender Victor. It is futile for private respondent to insist services of a lawyer died, leaving minor heirs,
possession of the property to petitioner. that he is not a party to the contract because of and the lawyer, instead of presenting his claim
Petitioner thus opened a savings account with the clear provision of Article 1311 of the Civil for professional services under the contract to
the China Banking Corporation in the name of Code. Being an heir of Encarnacion, there is the probate court, substituted the minors as
private respondent and deposited therein the privity of interest between him and his deceased parties for his client, it was held that the contact
rental and reservation fees. When petitioner tried mother. He only succeeds to what rights his could not be enforced against the minors; the
to register and annotate the contract on the title mother had and what are valid and binding lawyer was limited to a recovery on the basis of
of the subject property, the respondent Register against her is also valid and binding as against quantum meruit." In American jurisprudence,
of Deeds refused to register or annotate the him. Moreover, the subject matter of the contract "(W)here acts stipulated in a contract require the
same. Hence, petitioner filed a complaint for is a lease, which is a property right. exercise of special knowledge, genius, skill,
specific performance and damages against taste, ability, experience, judgment, discretion,
private respondent and the Register of Deeds, CIVIL LAW; CONTRACTS; HEIRS ARE integrity, or other personal qualification of one
before the Regional Trial Court of Valenzuela. BOUND BY CONTRACTS ENTERED INTO or both parties, the agreement is of a personal
After trial on the merits, the trial court dismissed BY THEIR PREDECESSOR-IN-INTEREST; nature, and terminates on the death of the party
the complaint. On appeal, the Court of Appeals EXCEPTIONS. The general rule is that heirs who is required to render such service."
affirmed in toto the decision of the trial court. are bound by contracts entered into by their
Hence, this petition. predecessors-in-interest except when the rights Cui v Arellano University
and obligations arising therefrom are not Facts: Cui enrolled himself from first year to
Issue: Whether or not the Contract of Lease transmissible by (1) their nature, (2) stipulation fourth year 1st semester but during the 2nd sem
with Option to Buy entered into by the late or (3) provision of law. In the case at bar, there of his 4th year his uncle who was then the dean
Encarnacion Bartolome with petitioner was is neither contractual stipulation nor legal of Arellano accepted the offer of another
terminated upon her death or whether it binds provision making the rights and obligations university as a dean and so Cui followed his
her sole heir, Victor, even after her demise. under the contract intransmissible. More uncle and enrolled himself to that other
importantly, the nature of the rights and university then graduated. When he applied for
Both the lower court and the Court of Appeals obligations therein are, by their nature, the bar one of the requirements is his TOR and
held that the said contract was terminated upon transmissible. so he went to Arellano get his TOR from 1st
the death of Encarnacion Bartolome and did not year to 4th year 1st sem. But the school refused
bind Victor because he was not a party thereto unless Cui reimbursed the cash equevalent of his
scholarship. So he did in order for him to take whatsoever affecting said land, nor any other of the following applicants with their respective
the bar. When Cui became a lawyer he filed a person having any estate or interest thereon, shares including:
case in court, he sued the school to collect the legal or equitable, remainder, reservation or in
amount he reimbursed. The school contended expectancy; that said applicants had acquired the Salvador Encarnacion, Jr., of legal age, Filipino,
that while Cui was a scholar in the school he aforesaid land thru and by inheritance from their married to Angelita Nagar, and resident of
executed a waiver, stating that he shall waive his predecessors in interest, lately from their aunt, Vigan, Ilocos Sur, consisting of an undivided
right to transfer to other school unless he Doa Encarnacion Florentino who died in 66/297;.
reimburse the school of the cash equivalent of Vigan, Ilocos Sur in 1941, and for which the said
the scholarship grant. land was adjudicated to them by virtue of the Angel Encarnacion, of legal age, Filipino, single
deed of extrajudicial partition dated August 24, and resident of 1514 Milagros St., Sta. Cruz,
Issue: WON the waiver was valid 1947; that applicants Salvador Encarnacion, Jr. Manila, consisting of an undivided 33/297
and Angel Encarnacion acquired their respective portion;
Ruling: The petition is granted. shares of the land thru purchase from the Salvador Encarnacion, Sr., of legal age, Filipino,
Held: SC ruled in favor of Cui and declared that original heirs, Jesus, Caridad, Lourdes and married to Dolores Singson, consisting of an
the waiver is not valid as it is contrary to public Dolores, all surnamed Singson, on one hand and undivided 8.25/297;
policy. The essence of scholarship grant is to from Asuncion Florentino on the other.
recognize the talents of the receipients and The court, after ruling "that the contention of the
deserving students. It is never a tool for The crucial point in controversy in this proponents of the encumbrance is without merit
advertising business to attract more enrollees. registration case is centered in the stipulation because, taking the self-imposed arrangement in
Remember the principle that if a waiver is marked Exhibit O-1 embodied in the deed of favor of the Church as a pure and simple
against public policy it cannot be valid. extrajudicial partition (Exhibit O) dated August donation, the same is void for the reason that the
24, 1947 done here has not accepted the donation (Art.
Florentino v Encarnacion 745, Civil Code) and for the further reason that,
Facts: On May 22, 1964, the petitioners- In his testimony during the trial, applicant in the case of Salvador Encarnacion, Jr. and
appellants Miguel Florentino, Rosario Miguel Florentino asked the court to include the Angel Encarnacion, they had made no oral or
Encarnacion de Florentino, Manuel Arce, Jose said stipulation (Exhibit O-1) as an encumbrance written grant at all (Art. 748) as in fact they are
Florentino, Victorino Florentino, Antonio on the land sought to be registered, and cause even opposed to it,"
Florentino, Remedios Encarnacion and Severina the entry of the same on the face of the title that
Encarnacion, and the petitioners-appellees will finally be issued. Opposing its entry on the After Motions for Reconsideration were denied
Salvador Encarnacion, Sr., Salvador title as an encumbrance, petitioners-appellees by the court, the petitioners-appellants appealed
Encarnacion, Jr. and Angel Encarnacion filed Salvador Encarnacion, Sr., Salvador directly to this Court pursuant to Rule 41, Rules
with the Court of First Instance of Ilocos Sur an Encarnacion, Jr. and Angel Encarnacion filed on of Court, raising the following assignment of
application for the registration under Act 496 of October 3, 1966 a manifestation seeking to errors:
a parcel of agricultural land located at Barrio withdraw their application on their respective
Lubong, Dacquel, Cabugao, Ilocos Sur. shares of the land sought to be registered. The Issue:
withdrawal was opposed by the petitioners- I. The lower court erred in concluding that the
The application alleged among other things that appellants. stipulation embodied in Exhibit O on religious
the applicants are the common and pro-indiviso expenses is just an arrangement, stipulation, or
owners in fee simple of the said land with the The court denied the petitioners-appellees' grant revocable at the unilateral option of the co-
improvements existing thereon; that to the best motion to withdraw for lack of merit, and owners.
of their knowledge and belief, there is no rendered a decision under date of November 29, II. The lower court erred in finding and
mortgage, lien or encumbrance of any kind 1966 confirming the title of the property in favor concluding that the encumbrance or religious
expenses embodied in Exhibit O, the Art. 1311. Contracts take effect only between sufficient that the third person may be
extrajudicial partition between the co-heirs, is the parties, their assigns and heirs, except in incidentally benefited by the stipulation. The
binding only on the applicants Miguel cases where the rights and obligations arising fairest test to determine whether the interest of
Florentino, Rosario Encarnacion de Florentino, from the contract are not transmissible by their third person in a contract is a stipulation pour
Manuel Arce, Jose Florentino, Antonio nature, or by stipulation or by provision of law. autrui or merely an incidental interest, is to rely
Florentino, Victorino Florentino, Remedios The heir is not liable beyond the value of the upon the intention of the parties as disclosed by
Encarnacion and Severina Encarnacion. property he received from the decedent. their contract. In applying this test, it matters not
III. The lower court as a registration court erred whether the stipulation is in the nature of a gift
in passing upon the merits of the encumbrance If a contract should contain a stipulation in or whether there is an obligation owing from the
(Exhibit O-1) as the same was never put to issue favor of a third person, he may demand its promises to the third person. That no such
and as the question involved is an adjudication fulfillment provided he communicated his obligation exists may in some degree assist in
of rights of the parties. acceptance to the obligor before its revocation. determining whether the parties intended to
A mere incidental benefit or interest of a person benefit a third person
Ruling: The petition is granted is not sufficient. The contracting parties must
We find the first and second assignments of have clearly and deliberately conferred a favor In the case at bar, the determining point is
error impressed with merit and, therefore, upon a third person. whether the co-owners intended to benefit the
tenable Church when in their extrajudicial partition of
The second paragraph of Article 1311 above- several parcels of land inherited by them from
The stipulation embodied in Exhibit O-1 on quoted states the law on stipulations pour autrui. Doa Encarnacion Florentino they agreed that
religious expenses is not revocable at the Considering the nature and purpose of the with respect to the land situated in Barrio
unilateral option of the co-owners and neither is stipulation (Exh. O-1), We hold that said Lubong, Dacquel, Cabugao, Ilocos Sur, the fruits
it binding only on the petitioners-appellants stipulation is a stipulation pour autrui. A thereof shall serve to defray the religious
Miguel Florentino, Rosario Encarnacion de stipulation pour autrui is a stipulation in favor of expenses specified in Exhibit O-1. The evidence
Florentino, Manuel Arce, Jose Florentino, a third person conferring a clear and deliberate on record shows that the true intent of the parties
Victorino Florentino, Antonio Florentino, favor upon him, and which stipulation is merely is to confer a direct and material benefit upon
Remedios Encarnacion and Severina a part of a contract entered into by the parties, the Church. The fruits of the aforesaid land were
Encarnacion. It is also binding on the neither of whom acted as agent of the third used thenceforth to defray the expenses of the
oppositors-appellees Angel Encarnacion, person, and such third person may demand its Church in the preparation and celebration of the
Salvador Encarnacion, Sr. and Salvador fulfillment provided that he communicates his Holy Week, an annual Church function. Suffice
Encarnacion, Jr. acceptance to the obligor before it is revoked. 3 it to say that were it not for Exhibit O-1, the
The requisites are: (1) that the stipulation in Church would have necessarily expended for
The stipulation (Exhibit O-1) is part of an favor of a third person should be a part, not the this religious occasion, the annual religious
extrajudicial partition (Exh. O) duly agreed and whole, of the contract; (2) that the favorable procession during the Holy Week and also for
signed by the parties, hence the same must bind stipulation should not be conditioned or the repair and preservation of all the statutes,
the contracting parties thereto and its validity or compensated by any kind of obligation tables, carriages and all other things necessary
compliance cannot be left to the will of one of whatever; and (3) neither of the contracting for the celebration of the Seven Last Words.
them (Art. 1308, N.C.C.). Under Art. 1311 of the parties bears the legal representation or
New Civil Code, this stipulation takes effect authorization of third party. We find that the trial court erred in holding that
between the parties, their assigns and heirs. This the stipulation, arrangement or grant (Exhibit O-
article provides: To constitute a valid stipulation pour autrui, it 1) is revocable at the option of the co-owners.
must be the purpose and intent of the stipulating While a stipulation in favor of a third person has
parties to benefit the third person, and it is not no binding effect in itself before its acceptance
by the party favored, the law does not provide Salvador, Jr. and Angel Encarnacion, they too not extend to cases involving issues properly
when the third person must make his acceptance. are bound to the agreement. Being subsequent litigable in other independent suits or ordinary
As a rule, there is no time limit; such third purchasers, they are privies or successors in civil actions, has time and again been relaxed in
Person has all the time until the stipulation is interest; it is axiomatic that contracts are special and exceptional circumstances. (See
revoked. Here, We find that the Church accepted enforceable against the parties and their privies. Government of the Phil. Islands v. Serafica, 61
the stipulation in its favor before it is sought to 10 Furthermore, they are shown to have given Phil. 93 (1934); Caoibes v. Sison, 102 Phil. 19
be revoked by some of the co-owners, namely their conformity to such agreement when they (1957); Luna v. Santos, 102 Phil. 588 (1957);
the petitioners-appellees herein. It is not kept their peace in 1962 and 1963, having Cruz v. Tan, 93 Phil. 348 (1953); Gurbax Singh
disputed that from the time of the death of Doa already bought their respective shares of the Pabla & Co. v. Reyes, 92 Phil. 177 (1952). From
Encarnacion Florentino in 1941, as had always subject land but did not question the these cases, it may be gleaned and gathered that
been the case since time immemorial, up to a enforcement of the agreement as against them. the peculiarity of the exceptions is based not
year before the filing of their application in May They are also shown to have knowledge of alone on the fact that Land Registration Courts
1964, the Church had been enjoying the benefits Exhibit O-1 as they had admitted in a Deed of are likewise the same Courts of First Instance,
of the stipulation. The enjoyment of benefits Real Mortgage executed by them on March 8, but also the following premises: (1) Mutual
flowing therefrom for almost seventeen years 1962 involving their shares of the subject land consent of the parties or their acquiescence in
without question from any quarters can only be submitting the aforesaid issues for determination
construed as an implied acceptance by the The annotation of Exhibit O-1 on the face of the by the court in the registration proceedings; (2)
Church of the stipulation pour autrui before its title to be issued in this case is merely a Full opportunity given to the parties in the
revocation guarantee of the continued enforcement and presentation of their respective sides of the
fulfillment of the beneficial stipulation. It is issues and of the evidence in support thereto; (3)
Hence, the stipulation (Exhibit O-1) cannot now error for the lower court to rule that the Consideration by the court that the evidence
be revoked by any of the stipulators at their own petitioners-appellants are not the real parties in already of record is sufficient and adequate for
option. This must be so because of Article 1257, interest, but the Church. That one of the parties rendering a decision upon these issues.
Civil Code and the cardinal rule of contracts that to a contract pour autrui is entitled to bring an
it has the force of law between the parties. 8 action for its enforcement or to prevent its In the case at bar, the records clearly show that
Thus, this Court ruled in Garcia v. Rita Legarda, breach is too clear to need any extensive the second and third premises enumerated above
Inc., 9 "Article 1309 is a virtual reproduction of discussion. Upon the other hand, that the are fully met. With regards to the first premise,
Article 1256 of the Civil Code, so phrased to contract involved contained a stipulation pour the petitioners-appellants cannot claim that the
emphasize that the contract must bind both autrui amplifies this settled rule only in the sense issues anent Exhibit O-1 were not put in issue
parties, based on the principles (1) that that the third person for whose benefit the because this is contradictory to their stand
obligation arising from contracts have the contract was entered into may also demand its before the lower court where they took the initial
force of law between the contracting parties; fulfillment provided he had communicated his step in praying for the court's determination of
and (2) that there must be mutuality between acceptance thereof to the obligor before the the merits of Exhibit O-1 as an encumbrance to
the parties based on their essential equality, stipulation in his favor is revoked be annotated on the title to be issued by such
to which is repugnant to have one party court. On the other hand, the petitioners-
bound by the contract leaving the other free Petitioners-appellants' third assignment of appellees who had the right to invoke the limited
therefrom." error is not well-taken jurisdiction of the registration court failed to do
so but met the issues head on
Consequently, Salvador Encarnacion, Sr. must Firstly, the otherwise rigid rule that the
bear with Exhibit O-1, being a signatory to the jurisdiction of the Land Registration Court,
Deed of Extrajudicial Partition embodying such being special and limited in character and
beneficial stipulation. Likewise, with regards to proceedings thereon summary in nature, does
So Ping Bun vs CA Petitioner refused to vacate. On March 4, 1992, The elements of tort interference are: (1)
Facts: In 1963, Tek Hua Trading Co., through its petitioner requested formal contracts of lease existence of a valid contract; (2) knowledge on
managing partner, So Pek Giok, entered into with DCCSI in favor of Trendsetter Marketing. the part of the third person of the existence of
lease agreements with lessor Dee C. Chuan & So Ping Bun claimed that after the death of his contract; and (3) interference of the third person
Sons Inc. (DCCSI). Subjects of four (4) lease grandfather, So Pek Giok, he had been is without legal justification or excuse. A duty
contracts were premises located at Nos. 930, occupying the premises for his textile business which the law of torts is concerned with its
930-Int., 924-B and 924-C, Soler Street, and religiously paid rent. DCCSI acceded to respect for the property of others, and a cause of
Binondo, Manila. Tek Hua used the areas to petitioner's request. The lease contracts in favor action ex delicto may be predicated upon an
store its textiles. The contracts each had a one- of Trendsetter were executed. unlawful interference by one person of the
year term. They provided that should the lessee enjoyment by the other of his private property.
continue to occupy the premises after the term, Issue: This may pertain to a situation where a third
the lease shall be on a month-to-month basis. I. WHETHER THE APPELLATE COURT person induces a party to renege on or violate
When the contracts expired, the parties did not ERRED IN AFFIRMING THE TRIAL his undertaking under a contract. In the case
renew the contracts, but Tek Hua continued to COURT'S DECISION FINDING SO PING before us, petitioner's Trendsetter Marketing
occupy the premises. In 1976, Tek Hua Trading BUN GUILTY OF TORTUOUS asked DCCSI to execute lease contracts in its
Co. was dissolved. Later, the original members INTERFERENCE OF CONTRACT? favor, and as a result petitioner deprived
of Tek Hua Trading Co. including Manuel C. II. WHETHER THE APPELLATE COURT respondent corporation of the latter's property
Tiong, formed Tek Hua Enterprising Corp., ERRED IN AWARDING ATTORNEY'S FEES right. Clearly, and as correctly viewed by the
herein respondent corporation. OF P200,000.00 IN FAVOR OF PRIVATE appellate court, the three elements of tort
RESPONDENTS. interference above-mentioned are present in the
So Pek Giok, managing partner of Tek Hua Ruling: The petition is denied. instant case.
Trading, died in 1986. So Pek Giok's grandson, CIVIL LAW; DAMAGES;
for his own textile business, Trendsetter ANOTHER'S INTEREST IN THE PRIVATE ACTS FOR THE SOLE PURPOSE OF
PRESENT. Damage is the loss, hurt, or harm INTEREST; DISCUSSED. Authorities
On August 1, 1989, lessor DCCSI sent letters which results from injury, and damages are the debate on whether interference may be justified
addressed to Tek Hua Enterprises, informing the recompense or compensation awarded for the where the defendant acts for the sole purpose of
latter of the 25% increase in rent effective damage suffered. One becomes liable in an furthering his own financial or economic
September 1, 1989. The rent increase was later action for damages for a nontrespassory invasion interest. One view is that, as a general rule,
on reduced to 20% effective January 1, 1990, of another's interest in the private use and justification for interfering with the business
upon other lessees' demand. Again on December enjoyment of asset if (a) the other has property relations of another exists where the actor's
1, 1990, the lessor implemented a 30% rent rights and privileges with respect to the use or motive is to benefit himself. Such justification
increase. Enclosed in these letters were new enjoyment interfered with, (b) the invasion is does not exists where his sole motive is to cause
lease contracts for signing. DCCSI warned that substantial, (c) the defendant's conduct is a legal harm to the other. Added to this, some
failure of the lessee to accomplish the contracts cause of the invasion, and (d) the invasion is authorities believe that it is not necessary that
shall be deemed as lack of interest on the either intentional and unreasonable or the interferer's interest outweigh that of the party
lessee's part, and agreement to the termination of unintentional and actionable under general whose rights are invaded, and that an individual
the lease. Private respondents did not answer negligence rules. acts under an economic interest that is
any of these letters. Still, the lease contracts substantial, not merely de minimis, such that
were not rescinded OBLIGATIONS AND CONTRACTS; TORT wrongful and malicious motives are negatived,
INTERFERENCE; ELEMENTS; PRESENT. for he acts in self-protection. Moreover,
justification for protecting one's financial forbidding an obligatory award for damages in complaint for torts and damages against
position should not be made to depend on a the absence of any malice. The business desire is petitioner before the Regional Trial Court (RTC)
comparison of his economic interest in the there to make some gain to the detriment of the of Sultan Kudarat.
subject matter with that of others. It is sufficient contracting parties. Lack of malice, however,
if the impetus of his conduct lies in a proper precludes damages. But it does not relieve In the complaint, private respondent, as then
business interest rather than in wrongful petitioner of the legal liability for entering into plaintiff, claimed that he entered into a contract
motives. As early as Gilchrist vs. Cuddy, we contracts and causing breach of existing ones. of lease with the late Bai Tonina Sepi Mengelen
held that where there was no malice in the The respondent appellate court correctly Guiabar over three parcels of land (the
interference of a contract, and the impulse confirmed the permanent injunction and "property") in Sultan Kudarat, Maguindanao
behind one's conduct lies in a proper business nullification of the lease contracts between beginning 1964. One of the provisions agreed
interest rather than in wrongful motives, a party DCCSI and Trendsetter Marketing, without upon was for private respondent to put up
cannot be a malicious interferer. Where the awarding damages. The injunction saved the commercial buildings which would, in turn, be
alleged interferer is financially interested, and respondents from further damage or injury leased to new tenants. The rentals to be paid by
such interest motivates his conduct, it cannot be caused by petitioner's interference. those tenants would answer for the rent private
said that he is an officious or malicious respondent was obligated to pay Bai Tonina Sepi
intermeddler. In the instant case, it is clear that ACTUAL DAMAGES; ATTORNEY'S FEES; for the lease of the land. In 1974, the lease
petitioner So Ping Bun prevailed upon DCCSI to WHERE PLAINTIFF COMPELLED TO contract ended but since the construction of the
lease the warehouse to his enterprise at the LITIGATE TO PROTECT HIS INTEREST; commercial buildings had yet to be completed,
expense of respondent corporation. Though BASES OF AWARD THEREOF. The the lease contract was allegedly renewed.
petitioner took interest in the property of recovery of attorney's fees in the concept of
respondent corporation and benefited from it, actual or compensatory damages, is allowed When Bai Tonina Sepi died, private respondent
nothing on record imputes deliberate wrongful under the circumstances provided for in Article started remitting his rent to the court-appointed
motives or malice on him. 2208 of the Civil Code. One such occasion is administrator of her estate. But when the
when the defendant's act or omission has administrator advised him to stop collecting
WHERE LIABILITY NOT QUANTIFIABLE. compelled the plaintiff to litigate with third rentals from the tenants of the buildings he
Section 1314 of the Civil Code categorically persons or to incur expenses to protect his constructed, he discovered that petitioner,
provides that, "Any third person who induces interest. But we consistently held that the award representing himself as the new owner of the
another to violate his contract shall be liable for of considerable damages should have clear property, had been collecting rentals from the
damages to the other contracting party." Here factual and legal bases. In connection with tenants. He thus filed a complaint against the
however, the lower courts did not award attorney's fees, the award should be latter, accusing petitioner of inducing the heirs
damages because the extent of damages was not commensurate to the benefits that would have of Bai Tonina Sepi to sell the property to him,
quantifiable. We had a similar situation in been derived from a favorable judgment. Settled thereby violating his leasehold rights over it.
Gilchrist, where it was difficult or impossible to is the rule that fairness of the award of damages
determine the extent of damage and there was by the trial court calls for appellate review such Petitioner claimed that before he bought the
nothing on record to serve as basis thereof. In that the award property, he went to Atty. Benjamin Fajardo, the
that case we refrained from awarding damages. lawyer who allegedly notarized the lease
We believe the same conclusion applies in this Lagon v CA contract between private respondent and Bai
case. While we do not encourage tort interferers Facts: Petitioner Jose Lagon purchased from the Tonina Sepi, to verify if the parties indeed
seeking their economic interest to intrude into estate of Bai Tonina Sepi, through an intestate renewed the lease contract after it expired in
existing contracts at the expense of others, court, 1 two parcels of land located at Tacurong, 1974. Petitioner averred that Atty. Fajardo
however, we find that the conduct herein Sultan Kudarat. A few months after the sale, showed him four copies of the lease renewal but
complained of did not transcend the limits private respondent Menandro Lapuz filed a these were all unsigned. To refute the existence
of a lease contract, petitioner presented in court The Court, in the case of So Ping Bun v. Court contract he is unaware of. While it is not
a certification from the Office of the Clerk of of Appeals, laid down the elements of tortuous necessary to prove actual knowledge, he must
Court confirming that no record of any lease interference with contractual relations: (a) nonetheless be aware of the facts which, if
contract notarized by Atty. Fajardo had been existence of a valid contract; (b) knowledge on followed by a reasonable inquiry, will lead to
entered into their files. Petitioner added that he the part of the third person of the existence of a complete disclosure of the contractual
only learned of the alleged lease contract when the contract and (c) interference of the third relations and rights of the parties in the
he was informed that private respondent was person without legal justification or excuse. In contract. In this case, petitioner claims that he
collecting rent from the tenants of the building. that case, petitioner So Ping Bun occupied the had no knowledge of the lease contract. His
premises which the corporation of his sellers (the heirs of Bai Tonina Sepi) likewise
Before the appellate court, petitioner disclaimed grandfather was leasing from private respondent, allegedly did not inform him of any existing
knowledge of any lease contract between the late without the knowledge and permission of the lease contract.
Bai Tonina Sepi and private respondent. On the corporation. The corporation, prevented from
other hand, private respondent insisted that it using the premises for its business, sued So Ping After a careful perusal of the records, we find
was impossible for petitioner not to know about Bun for tortuous interference. the contention of petitioner meritorious. He
the contract since the latter was aware that he conducted his own personal investigation and
was collecting rentals from the tenants of the As regards the first element, the existence of a inquiry, and unearthed no suspicious
building. While the appellate court disbelieved valid contract must be duly established. To prove circumstance that would have made a cautious
the contentions of both parties, it nevertheless this, private respondent presented in court a man probe deeper and watch out for any
held that, for petitioner to become liable for notarized copy of the purported lease renewal. conflicting claim over the property. An
damages, he must have known of the lease 10 While the contract appeared as duly examination of the entire property's title bore no
contract and must have also acted with malice or notarized, the notarization thereof, however, indication of the leasehold interest of private
bad faith when he bought the subject parcels of only proved its due execution and delivery but respondent. Even the registry of property had no
land. not the veracity of its contents. Nonetheless, record of the same
after undergoing the rigid scrutiny of petitioner's
Issue: Whether the purchase by petitioner of the counsel and after the trial court declared it to be On the third element According to our ruling in
subject property, during the supposed existence valid and subsisting, the notarized copy of the So Ping Bun, petitioner may be held liable only
of private respondent's lease contract with the lease contract presented in court appeared to be when there was no legal justification or excuse
late Bai Tonina Sepi, constituted tortuous incontestable proof that private respondent and for his action 16 or when his conduct was stirred
interference for which petitioner should be held the late Bai Tonina Sepi actually renewed their by a wrongful motive. To sustain a case for
liable for damages. lease contract. Settled is the rule that until tortuous interference, the defendant must have
overcome by clear, strong and convincing acted with malice 17 or must have been driven
Ruling: evidence, a notarized document continues to be by purely impious reasons to injure the plaintiff.
Article 1314 of the Civil Code provides that any prima facie evidence of the facts that gave rise to In other words, his act of interference cannot be
third person who induces another to violate his its execution and delivery. justified
contract shall be liable for damages to the other
contracting party. The tort recognized in that The second element, on the other hand, requires Furthermore, the records do not support the
provision is known as interference with that there be knowledge on the part of the allegation of private respondent that petitioner
contractual relations. 7 The interference is interferer that the contract exists. Knowledge of induced the heirs of Bai Tonina Sepi to sell the
penalized because it violates the property rights the subsistence of the contract is an essential property to him. The word "induce" refers to
of a party in a contract to reap the benefits that element to state a cause of action for tortuous situations where a person causes another to
should result therefrom. interference. 12 A defendant in such a case choose one course of conduct by persuasion or
cannot be made liable for interfering with a intimidation. 19 The records show that the
decision of the heirs of the late Bai Tonina Sepi 22 In BPI Express Card Corporation v. Court of warned by customs officials to advise private
to sell the property was completely of their own Appeals, 23 the Court turned down the claim for respondents to discontinue that practice. PIA
volition and that petitioner did absolutely damages of a cardholder whose credit card had further claimed that the services of both private
nothing to influence their judgment. Private been cancelled by petitioner corporation after respondents were terminated pursuant to the
respondent himself did not proffer any evidence several defaults in payment. We held there that provisions of the employment contract.
to support his claim. In short, even assuming there can be damage without injury where the
that private respondent was able to prove the loss or harm is not the result of a violation of a In his Order dated 22 January 1981, Regional
renewal of his lease contract with Bai Tonina legal duty. In that instance, the consequences Director Francisco L. Estrella ordered the
Sepi, the fact was that he was unable to prove must be borne by the injured person alone since reinstatement of private respondents with full
malice or bad faith on the part of petitioner in the law affords no remedy for damages resulting backwages or, in the alternative, the payment to
purchasing the property. Therefore, the claim of from an act which does not amount to legal them of the amounts equivalent to their salaries
tortuous interference was never established. injury or wrong. 24 Indeed, lack of malice in the for the remainder of the fixed three-year period
conduct complained of precludes recovery of of their employment contracts; the payment to
In So Ping Bun, the Court discussed whether damages. private respondent Mamasig of an amount
interference can be justified at all if the equivalent to the value of a round trip ticket
interferer acts for the sole purpose of furthering Pakistan International Airlines v Ople Manila-USA-Manila; and payment of a bonus to
a personal financial interest, but without malice Facts: On 2 December 1978, petitioner Pakistan each of the private respondents equivalent to
or bad faith. International Airlines Corporation ("PIA"), a their one-month salary. 4 The Order stated that
foreign corporation licensed to do business in private respondents had attained the status of
The foregoing disquisition applies squarely to the Philippines, executed in Manila two (2) regular employees after they had rendered more
the case at bar. In our view, petitioner's purchase separate contracts of employment, one with than a year of continued service; that the
of the subject property was merely an private respondent Ethelynne B. Farrales and the stipulation limiting the period of the
advancement of his financial or economic other with private respondent Ma. M.C. employment contract to three (3) years was null
interests, absent any proof that he was enthused Mamasig. and void as violative of the provisions of the
by improper motives. In the very early case of Labor Code and its implementing rules and
Gilchrist v. Cuddy, 21 the Court declared that a On 9 September 1980, private respondents regulations on regular and casual employment;
person is not a malicious interferer if his Farrales and Mamasig jointly instituted a and that the dismissal, having been carried out
conduct is impelled by a proper business complaint, docketed as NCR-STF-9-5151-80, without the requisite clearance from the MOLE,
interest. In other words, a financial or profit for illegal dismissal and non-payment of was illegal and entitled private respondents to
motivation will not necessarily make a person company benefits and bonuses, against PIA with reinstatement with full backwages.
an officious interferer liable for damages as the then Ministry of Labor and Employment
long as there is no malice or bad faith involved ("MOLE"). After several unfruitful attempts at On appeal, in an Order dated 12 August 1982,
conciliation, the MOLE hearing officer Atty. Hon. Vicente Leogardo, Jr., Deputy Minister,
In sum, we rule that, inasmuch as not all three Jose M. Pascual ordered the parties to submit MOLE, adopted the findings of fact and
elements to hold petitioner liable for tortuous their position papers and evidence supporting conclusions of the Regional Director and
interference are present, petitioner cannot be their respective positions. The PIA submitted its affirmed the latter's award save for the portion
made to answer for private respondent's losses position paper, 3 out no evidence, and there thereof giving PIA the option, in lieu of
claimed that both private respondents were reinstatement, "to pay each of the complainants
This case is one of damnun absque injuria or habitual absentees; that both were in the habit of [private respondents] their salaries
damage without injury. "Injury" is the legal bringing in from abroad sizeable quantities of corresponding to the unexpired portion of the
invasion of a legal right while "damage" is the "personal effects"; and that PIA personnel at the contract[s] [of employment
hurt, loss or harm which results from the injury. Manila International Airport had been discreetly
Ruling: The petition is denied. regulations by simply contracting with each Petitioner PIA cannot take refuge in paragraph
other. It is thus necessary to appraise the 10 of its employment agreement which
In its third contention, petitioner PIA invokes contractual provisions invoked by petitioner PIA specifies, firstly, the law of Pakistan as the
paragraphs 5 and 6 of its contract of in terms of their consistency with applicable applicable law of the agreement and, secondly,
employment with private respondents Farrales Philippine law and regulations lays the venue for settlement of any dispute
and Mamasig, arguing that its relationship with arising out of or in connection with the
them was governed by the provisions of its As noted earlier, both the Labor Arbiter and the agreement "only [in] courts of Karachi,
contract rather than by the general provisions of Deputy Minister, MOLE, in effect held that Pakistan". The first clause of paragraph 10
the Labor Code paragraph 5 of that employment contract was cannot be invoked to prevent the application of
inconsistent with Articles 280 and 281 of the Philippine labor laws and regulations to the
Paragraph 5 of that contract set a term of three Labor Code as they existed at the time the subject matter of this case, i.e., the employer-
(3) years for that relationship, extendible by contract of employment was entered into, and employee relationship between petitioner PIA
agreement between the parties; while paragraph hence refused to give effect to said paragraph 5 and private respondents. Neither may petitioner
6 provided that, notwithstanding any other invoke the second clause of paragraph 10,
provision in the contract, PIA had the right to Examining the provisions of paragraphs 5 and 6 specifying the Karachi courts as the sole venue
terminate the employment agreement at any time of the employment agreement between petitioner for the settlement of disputes between the
by giving one-month's notice to the employee or, PIA and private respondents, we consider that contracting parties. Even a cursory scrutiny of
in lieu of such notice, one-month's salary. those provisions must be read together and when the relevant circumstances of this case will show
so read, the fixed period of three (3) years the multiple and substantive contacts between
A contract freely entered into should, of course, specified in paragraph 5 will be seen to have Philippine law and Philippine courts, on the one
be respected, as PIA argues, since a contract is been effectively neutralized by the provisions of hand, and the relationship between the parties,
the law between the parties. 10 The principle of paragraph 6 of that agreement. Paragraph 6 in upon the other: the contract was not only
party autonomy in contracts is not, however, an effect took back from the employee the fixed executed in the Philippines, it was also
absolute principle. The rule in Article 1306, of three (3)-year period ostensibly granted by performed here, at least partially; private
our Civil Code is that the contracting parties paragraph 5 by rendering such period in effect a respondents are Philippine citizens and
may establish such stipulations as they may facultative one at the option of the employer residents, while petitioner, although a foreign
deem convenient, "provided they are not PIA. For petitioner PIA claims to be authorized corporation, is licensed to do business (and
contrary to law, morals, good customs, public to shorten that term, at any time and for any actually doing business) and hence resident in
order or public policy." Thus, counter-balancing cause satisfactory to itself, to a one-month the Philippines; lastly, private respondents were
the principle of autonomy of contracting parties period, or even less by simply paying the based in the Philippines in between their
is the equally general rule that provisions of employee a month's salary. Because the net assigned flights to the Middle East and Europe.
applicable law, especially provisions relating to effect of paragraphs 5 and 6 of the agreement
matters affected with public policy, are deemed here involved is to render the employment of Under these circumstances, paragraph 10 of the
written into the contract. 11 Put a little private respondents Farrales and Mamasig employment agreement cannot be given effect
differently, the governing principle is that parties basically employment at the pleasure of so as to oust Philippine agencies and courts of
may not contract away applicable provisions of petitioner PIA, the Court considers that the jurisdiction vested upon them by Philippine
law especially peremptory provisions dealing paragraphs 5 and 6 were intended to prevent any law. Finally, and in any event, the petitioner PIA
with matters heavily impressed with public security of tenure from accruing in favor of did not undertake to plead and prove the
interest. The law relating to labor and private respondents even during the limited contents of Pakistan law on the matter; it must
employment is clearly such an area and parties period of three (3) years, 13 and thus to escape therefore be presumed that the applicable
are not at liberty to insulate themselves and their completely the thrust of Articles 280 and 281 of provisions of the law of Pakistan are the same as
relationships from the impact of labor laws and the Labor Code. the applicable provisions of Philippine law.
Center, Inc. will be transferred to you. (Although court. Hence, this petition for review on
Malbarossa v Court of Appeals we do not as yet have full information as to the certiorari
Facts: Philtectic Corporation and value of these shares, we have been informed Ruling: The petition is denied.
Commonwealth Insurance Co., Inc. were only that the shares have traded recently in the In affirming the decision of the CA, the Supreme
two of the group of companies wholly-owned vicinity of P60,000.00.) 4 Court ruled that the acceptance of an offer must
and controlled by respondent S.E.A. be made known to the offeror. Unless the offeror
Development Corporation (SEADC). The The respondent required that if the petitioner knows of the acceptance, there is no meeting of
petitioner Salvador P. Malbarosa was the agreed to the offer, he had to affix his the minds of the parties, no real concurrence of
president and general manager of Philtectic conformity on the space provided therefor and offer and acceptance. The offeror may withdraw
Corporation, and an officer of other corporations the date thereof on the right bottom portion of its offer and revoke the same before acceptance
belonging to the SEADC group of companies the letter thereof by the offeree. The contract is perfected
only from the time an acceptance of an offer is
Sometime in the first week of January 1990, the On March 16, 1990, Da Costa met with the made known to the offeror. The contract is not
petitioner intimated to Senen Valero his desire to petitioner and handed to him the original copy of perfected if the offeror revokes or withdraws its
retire from the SEADC group of companies and the March 14, 1990 Letter-offer for his offer and the revocation or withdrawal of the
requested that his 1989 incentive compensation consideration and conformity. The petitioner offeror is the first to reach the offeree. The
as president of Philtectic Corporation be paid to was dismayed when he read the letter and acceptance of the offeree of the offer after
him. On January 8, 1990, the petitioner sent a learned that he was being offered an incentive knowledge of the revocation or withdrawal of
letter to Senen Valero tendering his resignation, compensation of only P251,057.67. He told Da the offer is inefficacious.
effective February 28, 1990 from all his Costa that he was entitled to no less than
positions in the SEADC group of companies, P395,000 as incentive compensation. The CIVIL LAW; OBLIGATIONS AND
and reiterating therein his request for the petitioner refused to sign the letter-offer on the CONTRACTS; CONTRACTS; REQUISITES
payment of his incentive compensation for 1989 space provided therefor OF; CONSENT; MANIFESTED BY MEETING
On March 14, 1990, the respondent, through The respondent decided to withdraw its March THE THING AND CAUSE WHICH ARE TO
Senen Valero, signed a letter-offer addressed to 14, 1990 Offer. On April 3, 1996, the Board of CONSTITUTE THE CONTRACT. Under
the petitioner 3 stating therein that petitioner's Directors of the respondent approved a Article 1319 of the New Civil Code, the consent
resignation from all the positions in the SEADC resolution authorizing the Philtectic Corporation by a party is manifested by the meeting of the
group of companies had been accepted by the and/or Senen Valero to demand from the offer and the acceptance upon the thing and the
respondent, and that he was entitled to an petitioner for the return of the car and to take cause which are to constitute the contract. An
incentive compensation in the amount of such action against the petitioner, including the offer may be reached at any time until it is
P251,057.67, and proposing that the amount be institution of an action in court against the accepted. An offer that is not accepted does not
satisfied, thus: petitioner for the recovery of the motor vehicle give rise to a consent. The contract does not
come into existence. To produce a contract, there
- The 1982 Mitsubishi Super saloon car assigned The trial court ruled that there existed no must be acceptance of the offer which may be
to you by the company shall be transferred to perfected contract between the petitioner and the express or implied but must not qualify the
you at a value of P220,000.00. (Although you respondent for failure of the petitioner to terms of the offer. The acceptance must be
have indicated a value of P180,000.00, our effectively notify the respondent of his absolute, unconditional and without variance of
survey in the market indicates that P220,000.00 acceptance of the letter-offer before the any sort from the offer.
is a reasonable reflection of the value of the car.) respondent withdrew the same. The Court of
- The membership share of our subsidiary, Appeals (CA) affirmed the decision of the trial PERFECTED ONLY FROM THE TIME AN
Tradestar International, Inc. in the Architectural ACCEPTANCE OF AN OFFER IS MADE
KNOWN TO THE OFFEROR. The offer after knowledge of the revocation or longer give loans to plaintiff. Defendant now
acceptance of an offer must be made known to withdrawal of the offer is inefficacious. gave plaintiff the option of sale to plaintiff
the offeror. Unless the offeror knows of the amounting to P80,000; P5,000 each month
acceptance, there is no meeting of the minds of WHEN OFFEROR HAS NOT FIXED A during the first six months and P10,000
the parties, no real concurrence of offer and PERIOD FOR OFFEREE TO ACCEPT THE thereafter until full payment of the price.
acceptance. The offeror may withdraw its offer OFFER AND THE OFFER IS MADE TO A Plaintiff in turn agreed by letter. Defendant
and revoke the same before acceptance thereof PERSON PRESENT, ACCEPTANCE MUST demanded the plaintiff for performance after he
by the offeree. The contract is perfected only BE MADE IMMEDIATELY; CASE AT BAR. accepted the offer of plaintiff for the purchase of
from the time an acceptance of an offer is made When the offeror has not fixed a period for the yacht. However, plaintiff now brings action
known to the offeror. the offeree to accept the offer, and the offer is to recover the sum of money he used for repairs
made to a person present, the acceptance must of the yacht.
ACCEPTANCE NOT MADE IN THE be made immediately. In this case, the
MANNER PRESCRIBED BY OFFEROR IS respondent made its offer to the petitioner when Issue: Whether or not there was a valid contract
NOT EFFECTIVE BUT CONSTITUTES A Da Costa handed over on March 16, 1990 to the of sale which is binding against plaintiff as used
COUNTER-OFFER WHICH THE OFFEROR petitioner its March 14, 1990 Letter-offer but in the letter of offer which was accepted by the
MAY ACCEPT OR REJECT. If an offeror that the petitioner did not accept the offer. The defendant.
prescribes the exclusive manner in which respondent, thus, had the option to withdraw or
acceptance of his offer shall be indicated by the revoke the offer, which the respondent did on Ruling: The petition is denied.
offeree, an acceptance of the offer in the manner April 4, 1990.
prescribed will bind the offeror. On the other The Supreme Court held that it was not a valid
hand, an attempt on the part of the offeree to Rosenstock v Burke contract of sale. The words used by plaintiff
accept the offer in a different manner does not Facts: Defendant Edwin Burke owned a motor could not be interpreted as a definite offer to
bind the offeror as the absence of the meeting of yacht, known as Bronzewing, which he acquired purchase the yacht, but simply a position to
the minds on the altered type of acceptance. An in Australia in 1920. He wanted to sell the yacht deliberate whether or not he would purchase the
-offer made inter praesentes must be accepted and after several months plaintiff H. W. Elser, at yacht. It was but a mere invitation to a proposal
immediately. If the parties intended that there the beginning of the year 1922, began being made to him, which might be accepted by
should be an express acceptance, the contract negotiations with the defendant for the purchase him or not. He used such words as, I am in
will be perfected only upon knowledge by the of it. The plan of the plaintiff was to organize a position and am willing to entertain the purchase
offeror of the express acceptance by the offeree yacht club and sell it afterwards the yacht for of the yacht. not I want to buy the yacht.
of the offer. An acceptance which is not made in P120,000, of which P20,000 was to be retained Furthermore, the plaintiff wanted to organize a
the manner prescribed by the offeror is not by him as commission and the remaining yacht club and the only thing he wanted from
effective but constitutes a counter-offer which P100,000 to be paid to the defendant. To be able defendant was he sells it so that he could profit
the offeror may accept or reject. TIEHSA to sell the yacht, he wanted to make a voyage on from it if he re-sells it. The letter of the plaintiff
board the yacht with business men so that he not containing a definite offer but a mere
NOT PERFECTED IF OFFEROR REVOKES could make a sale to them. But the yacht needed invitation to an offer being made to him.
ITS OFFER AND THE REVOCATION IS THE. some repairs which in turn, plaintiff paid for Plaintiff is bound to pay the amount of the
FIRST TO REACH THE OFFEREE. The because defendant had no budget for that. It has repairs of the yacht in exchange for the use
contract is not perfected if the offeror revokes or been stipulated that the plaintiff was not to pay thereof.
withdraws its offer and the revocation or anything for the use of the yacht. Because of the
withdrawal of the offeror is the first to reach the said repairs, plaintiff loaned money from the CONTRACTS; PURCHASE AND SALE;
offeree. The acceptance by the offeree of the Asia Banking Corporation. Since it amounted to OFFER TO PURCHASE; INTERPRETATION.
its maximum amount already, the bank could no The expression "I am in position to entertain
the purchase of the vessel upon the following applies" the barge could not be turned over to "An accepted unilateral promise to buy or to sell
terms . . ." does not mean a definite offer to the latter company. a determinate thing for a price certain is
purchase, but merely the idea that a proposition binding upon the promisor if the promise is
be made to him which he would accept or reject On June 27, 1953, in view if such vacillating supported by a consideration distinct from the
according to the result of his deliberation. attitude, the Southwestern Company instituted price."
the present action to compel the Atlantic Gulf to Appellee ( Southwestern Company) contends
INTENTION. The question whether or not an sell the barge in line with the option, depositing that, even granting that the "offer of option" is
expression is a definite offer to purchase or with the court a check covering the sum of not supported by any consideration, that option
merely an invitation to a proposition being made P30,000. This check however was later became binding on appellant(Atlantic Gulf)
to him, is one of intention of the person using withdrawn with the approval of the court when the appellee gave notice to it its
said expression, which is to be determined by acceptance, and that having accepted it within
the circumstances surrounding the case. On June 29, 1953, the Atlantic Gulf withdraw its the period of option, the offer can no longer be
"offer of option" with due notices to the withdrawn and in any event such withdrawal is
Southwestern Sugar and Molasses Co Southwestern Company stating as reason ineffective. In support of this contention,
plaintiff-appellee, v Atlantic Gulf and Pacific therefor that the option was granted merely as a appellee invokes article 1324 of the Civil Code
Co defendant-appellant favor. The Atlantic Gulf set up as a defense the which provides:
option to sell made by it to the Southwestern
Facts: This is an action for specific Company is null and void because it is not "ART. 1324. When the offerer has allowed the
performance. supported by any consideration offeree a certain period to accept, the offer may
be withdrawn at any time before acceptance by
On March 24, 1953, the Atlantic Gulf & Pacific After due trial, the lower court rendered communicating such withdrawal, except when
Company of Manila, hereafter called Atlantic judgment granting plaintiff's prayer for specific the option is founded upon consideration, as
Gulf for short, granted an option to performance. It further ordered the defendant to something paid or promised."
Southwestern Sugar & Molasses Co. (Far East) pay damages in an amount equivalent to 6 per
Inc., hereafter called Southwestern Company, to centum per annum on the sum of P30,000 from Ruling: The petition is granted.
buy its barge No. 10 for the sum of P30,000 to the date of the filing of the complaint, and to pay
be exercised within a period of ninety days the sum of P600 as attorney's fees, plus the costs There is no question that under article 1479 of
of action the new Civil Code "an option to sell", or "a
On May 11, 1953, the Southwestern Company promise to buy or to sell", as used in said article,
wrote to Atlantic Gulf advising the latter that it The main contention of appellant is that the to be valid must be "supported by a
wanted "to exercise our option at your earliest option granted to appellee to sell to it barge No. consideration distinct from the price." This is
convenience" and requested that it be notified as 10 for the sum of P30,000 under the terms stated clearly inferred from the context of said article
soon as the barge was available above has no legal effect because it is not that a unilateral promise to buy or to sell, even if
supported by any consideration and in support accepted, is only binding if supported by a
On May 12, 1953, the Atlantic Gulf replied thereof it invokes article 1479 of the new Civil consideration. In other words, "an accepted
stating that their understanding was that the Code. This article provides: unilateral promise" can only have a binding
"offer of option" is to be a cash transaction and effect if supported by a consideration, which
to be effected "at the time the lighter is ART. 1479. A promise to buy and sell a means that the option can still be withdrawn,
available", and, on June 25, 1953, reiterating the determinate thing for a price certain is even if accepted, if the same is not supported by
unavailability of the barge, it further advised the reciprocally demandable. any consideration. Here it is not disputed that
Southwestern Company that since there is still the option is without consideration. It can
further work for it, and as this situation still
therefore be withdrawn notwithstanding the Atkins, Kroll , and Co. v B. Cua Hian Tek
acceptance made of it by appellee. Facts: For its failure to deliver one thousand In our opinion, an option implies more than
cartons of sardines, which it had sold to B. Cua that: it implies the legal obligation to keep the
CONTRACTS; OFFER AND ACCEPTANCE; Hian Tek, petitioner was sued, and after trial was offer open for the time specified. Yet the letter
RULE ON WITHDRAWAL OF OFFER. ordered by the Manila court of first instance to Exh. A did not by itself produce the legal
While it is true that under article 1324 of the pay damages, which on appeal was reduced by obligation of keeping the offer open up to
new Civil Code, the general rule regarding offer the Court of Appeals to P3,240.15 representing September 23. It could be withdrawn before
and acceptance is that, when the offer or gives to unrealized profits. acceptance, because it is admitted, there was no
the offeree a certain period to accept, "the offer The court of first instance and the Court of consideration for it.
may be withdrawn at any time before Appeals 1 found that B. Cua Hian Tek accepted
acceptance" except when the option is founded the offer unconditionally and delivered his letter Furthermore an option is unilateral: a promise to
upon consideration this general rule must be of acceptance Exh. B on September 21, 1951. sell 3 at the price fixed whenever the offeree
interpreted as modified by the provision of However, due to shortage of catch of sardines by should decide to exercise his option within the
article 1479 which applies to "a promise to buy the packers in California, Atkins, Kroll & Co., specified time. After accepting the promise and
and sell" specifically. This rule requires that a Inc., failed to deliver the commodities it had before he exercises his option, the holder of the
promise to sell to be valid must be supported by offered for sale. There are other details to which option is not bound to buy. He is free either to
a consideration distinct from the price, which reference shall not be made, as they touch the buy or not to buy later. In this case, however,
means that the option can still be withdrawn, question whether the acceptance had been upon accepting herein petitioner's offer a
even if accepted, if the same is not supported handed on time; and on that issue the Court of bilateral promise to sell and to buy ensued, and
by any consideration. Appeals definitely found for plaintiff. the respondent ipso facto assumed the
obligations of a purchaser. He did not just get
We are not oblivious of the existence of Ruling: The petition is denied. the right subsequently to buy or not to buy. It
American authorities which hold that an offer, Petitioner, however, insists the offer was a mere was not a mere option then; it was bilateral
once accepted, cannot be withdrawn, regardless offer of option, because the "firm offer" Exh. A contract of sale.
of whether it is supported or not by a was a continuing offer to sell until September
consideration (12 Am. Jur. 528). These 23, and "an option is nothing more than a OBLIGATION AND CONTRACTS; SALES;
authorities, we note, uphold the general rule continuing offer" for a specified time OFFER TO SELL A DETERMINATE THING
applicable to offer and acceptance as contained FOR A PRICE CERTAIN; ACCEPTANCE OF
in our new Civil Code. But we are prevented ART. 1324. When the offerer has allowed the OFFER; EFFECT OF; LIABILITY OF THE
from applying them in view of the specific offeree a certain period to accept, the offer may OFFEROR AND OFFEREE. The acceptance
provision embodied in article 1479. While under be withdrawn at any time before acceptance by of an offer to sell a determinate thing for a price
the "offer of option" in question communicating such withdrawal, except when certain creates a bilateral contract to sell and to
appellant(Atlantic Gulf) has assumed a clear the option is founded upon a consideration, as but. The offeree, upon acceptance, ipso facto
obligation to sell its barge to appellee something paid or promised." (n) (New Civil assumes the obligations of a purchaser. On the
(Southwestern Company) and the option has Code.) other hand, the offeror would be liable for
been exercised in accordance with its terms, and "Ordinarily an offer to buy or sell may be damages if he fails to deliver the thing he had
there appears to be no valid or justifiable reason withdrawn or countermanded before offered for sale.
for appellant to withdraw its offer, this Court acceptance, even though the offer provides that
cannot adopt a different attitude because the law it will not be withdrawn or countermanded, or OPTION WITHOUT CONSIDERATION. If
on the matter is clear. Our imperative duty is to allows the offeree a certain time within which to an option is given without, it is mere offer of
apply it unless modified by Congress. accept it, unless such provision or agreement in contract of sale, which is not binding until
supported by an independent consideration. . . ." accepted. If, however, acceptance is made before
a withdrawal, it constitute a binding contract of valuable consideration, by force of the New accordingly, withdraw it. Pending notice of its
sale, even though the option was not supported Civil Code, is null and void." Plaintiff Sanchez, withdrawal, his accepted promise partakes,
by a sufficient consideration. on the other hand, alleged in his compliant that, however, of the nature of an offer to sell which,
by virtue of the option under consideration, if accepted, results in a perfected contract of
PLEADING AND PRACTICE; APPEAL; "defendant agreed and committed to sell" and sale. Upon mature deliberation, the Court
CHANGE OF THEORY ON APPEAL NOT "the plaintiff agreed and committed to buy" the reiterates the doctrine laid down in the Atkins
PERMITTED. Where. a deliberately adopts a land described in the option. The lower court case and deemed abandoned or modified the
certain theory, and the case is tried and decided rendered judgment in favor of Sanchez and view adhered to in the Southwestern Company
upon that theory in the court below, he will not ordered Rigos to accept the sum Sanchez case.
be permitted to change his theory on appeal. judicially consigned, and to execute in his favor
We must therefore hold, as the lower courts have the requisite deed of conveyance. The Court of CIVIL LAW; CONTRACTS; CONTRACT TO
held that there was a contract of sale between the Appeals certified the case at bar to the Supreme BUY AND SELL; OPTION WITHOUT
parties. And as no legal excuse has been proven, Court for it involves a question purely of law. CONSIDERATION; CASE AT BAR. Where
the seller's failure to comply therewith gave both parties indicated in the instrument in the
ground to an award for damages, which has been Ruling: The petition is granted caption, as an "Option to Purchase," and under
fixed by the Court of Appeals at P3,240.15 the provisions thereof, the defendant "agreed,
amount which petitioner does not dispute in this The Supreme Court affirmed the lower courts promised and committed" herself to sell the land
final instance decision. The instrument executed in 1961 is not therein described to the plaintiff for P1,510.00,
a "contract to buy and sell," but merely granted but there is nothing in the contract to indicate
Sanchez v Rigos plaintiff an "option" to buy, as indicated by its that her aforementioned agreement, promise and
Facts: In an instrument entitled "Option to own title "Option to Purchase." The option did undertaking is supported by a consideration
Purchase," executed on April 3, 1961, not impose upon plaintiff Sanchez the obligation "distinct from the price" stipulated for the sale of
defendant-appellant Severina Rigos "agreed, to purchase defendant Rigos' property. Rigos the land, it is not a "contract to buy and sell." It
promised and committed ... to sell" to plaintiff- "agreed, promised and committed" herself to sell merely granted plaintiff an "option" to buy.
appellee Nicolas Sanchez for the sum of the land to Sanchez for P1,510.00, but there is
P1,510.00 within two (2) years from said date, a nothing in the contract to indicate that her ARTICLES 1354 AND 1479, NEW CIVIL
parcel of land situated in the barrios of Abar and aforementioned agreement, promise and CODE; APPLICABILITY. It should be noted
Sibot, San Jose, Nueva Ecija. It was agreed that undertaking is supported by a consideration that: Article 1354 applies to contracts in general,
said option shall be deemed "terminated and "distinct from the price" stipulated for the sale of whereas the second paragraph of Article 1479
elapsed," if Sanchez shall fail to exercise his the land. The lower court relied upon Article refers to "sales" in particular, and, more
right to buy the property" within the stipulated 1354 of the Civil Code when it presumed the specifically, to "an accepted unilateral promise
period. On March 12, 1963, Sanchez deposited existence of said consideration, but the said to buy or to sell."
the sum of Pl,510.00 with the CFI of Nueva Article only applies to contracts in general.
Ecija and filed an action for specific REQUISITE OF A UNILATERAL PROMISE
performance and damages against Rigos for the However, it is not Article 1354 but the Article IN ORDER TO BIND PROMISOR; BURDEN
latters refusal to accept several tenders of 1479 of the same Code which is controlling in OF PROOF REST UPON PROMISEE. In
payment that Sanchez made to purchase the the case at bar because the latters 2nd paragraph order that a unilateral promise may be "binding"
subject land. refers to "sales" in particular, and, more upon the promisor, Article 1479 requires the
specifically, to "an accepted unilateral promise concurrence of a condition namely, that the
Defendant Rigos contended that the contract to buy or to sell." Since there may be no valid promise be "supported by a consideration
between them was only a unilateral promise to contract without a cause or consideration, the distinct from the price." Accordingly, the
sell, and the same being unsupported by any promisor is not bound by his promise and may, promisee can not compel the promisor to
comply with the promise, unless the former Issue: Whether Equatorial was the owner of the
establishes the existence of said distinct Lease contracts contained a provision granting subject property and could thus enjoy the fruits
consideration. In other words, the promisee has Mayfair a right of first refusal to purchase the or rentals therefrom
the burden of proving such consideration. subject properties.
Ruling: The petition is denied.
WHERE A UNILATERAL PROMISE TO SELL However, before the contracts ended, the subject CIVIL LAW; OBLIGATIONS AND
GENERATED TO A BILATERAL CONTRACT properties were sold for P11,300 by Carmelo to CONTRACTS; OPTION CONTRACT;
AND 1479, NCC., NO DISTINCTION. This This prompted Mayfair to file a case for the GRANTS TO MAYFAIR THE RIGHT OF
Court itself, in the case of Atkins, Kroll & Co., annulment of the Deed of Absolute Sale between FIRST REFUSAL, NOT AN OPTION. We
Inc. vs. Cua Hian Tek (102 Phil., 948), decided Carmelo and Equatorial, specific performance agree with the respondent Court of Appeals that
later than Southwestern Sugar & Molasses Co. and damages. the aforecited contractual stipulation provides
vs. Atlantic & Pacific Co., 97 Phil., 249, saw no for a right of first refusal in favor of Mayfair. It
distinction between Articles 1324 and 1479 of In 1996, the Court ruled in favor of Mayfair. is not an option clause or an option contract. It is
the Civil Code and applied the former where a Barely five months after Mayfair had submitted a contract of a right of first refusal. Respondent
unilateral promise to sell similar to the one sued its Motion for Execution, Equatorial filed an Court of Appeals correctly ruled that the said
upon was involved, treating such promise as an action for collection of sum of money against paragraph 8 grants the right of first refusal to
option which, although not binding as a contract Mayfair claiming payment of rentals or Mayfair and is not an option contract. It also
in itself for lack of a separate consideration, reasonable compensation for the defendants use correctly reasoned that as such, the requirement
nevertheless generated a bilateral contract of of the subject premises after its lease contracts of a separate consideration for the option, has no
purchase and sale upon acceptance. In other had expired. applicability in the instant case. There is nothing
words, since there may be no valid contract in the identical paragraphs "8" of the June 1,
without a cause or consideration promisor is not Maxim Theater contract expired on May 31, 1967 and March 31, 1969 contracts which would
bound by his promise and may, accordingly 1987, while the Lease Contract covering the bring them into the ambit of the usual offer or
withdraw it. Pending notice of its withdrawal, premises occupied by Miramar Theater lapsed option requiring an independent consideration.
his accepted promise partakes, however, of the on March 31, 1989. An option is a contract granting a privilege to
nature of an offer to sell which, if accepted, buy or sell within an agreed time and at a
results in a perfected contract of sale. The lower court debunked the claim of determined price. It is a separate and distinct
Equatorial for unpaid back rentals, holding that contract from that which the parties may enter
Equatorial Realty Dev. Inc v Mayfair Theater the rescission of the Deed of Absolute Sale in into upon the consummation of the option. It
Inc. the mother case did not confer on Equatorial any must be supported by consideration. In the
Facts: Mayfair Theater, Inc. was a lessee of vested or residual propriety rights, even in instant case, the right of first refusal is an
portions of a building owned by Carmelo & expectancy. integral part of the contracts of lease. The
Bauermann, Inc. Their lease contracts of 20 It further ruled that the Court categorically consideration is built into the reciprocal
years (1. which covered a portion of the second stated that the Deed of Absolute Sale had been obligations of the parties. To rule that a
floor and mezzanine of a two-storey building rescinded subjecting the present complaint to res contractual stipulation such as that found in
with about 1,610 square meters of floor area, judicata. paragraph 8 of the contracts is governed by
which respondent used as a movie house known Article 1324 on withdrawal of the offer or
as Maxim Theater 2. two store spaces on the Hence, Equatorial filed the present petition. Article 1479 on promise to buy and sell would
ground floor and the mezzanine, with a render ineffectual or "inutile" the provisions on
combined floor area of about 300 square meters right of first refusal so commonly inserted in
also used as a movie house Miramar Theater) leases of real estate nowadays. The Court of
Appeals is correct in stating that Paragraph 8 dominant portion under the right of first refusal. comply with its obligation to the property under
was incorporated into the contracts of lease for A valid and legal contract where the ascendant the right of the first refusal according to the
the benefit of Mayfair which wanted to be or the more important of the two parties is the terms at which they should have been offered
assured that it shall be given the first crack or landowner should be given effect, if possible, then to Mayfair, at the price when that offer
the first option to buy the property at the price instead of being nullified on a selfish pretext should have been made. Also, Mayfair has to
which Carmelo is willing to accept. It is not posited by the owner. Following the arguments accept the offer. This juridical relation is not
also correct to say that there is no of petitioners and the participation of the owner amorphous nor is it merely preparatory.
consideration in an agreement of right of first in the attempt to strip Mayfair of its rights, the Paragraph 8 of the two leases can be executed
refusal. The stipulation is part and parcel of right of first refusal should include not only the according to their terms.
the entire contract of lease. The consideration property specified in the contracts but also the
for the lease includes the consideration for the appurtenant portions sold to Equatorial which Asiasin vs Jalandoni
right of first refusal. Thus, Mayfair is in effect are claimed by petitioners to be indivisible. Facts: The parties agreed upon the sale of the
stating that it consents to lease the premises and Carmelo acted in bad faith when it sold the land there in question, they had in mind chiefly
to pay the price agreed upon provided the lessor entire property to Equatorial without informing the area and quality of the land, the subject of
also consents that, should it sell the leased Mayfair, a clear violation of Mayfair's rights. the contract, as will be seen from the letter of
property, then, Mayfair shall be given the right While there was a series of exchanges of letters Asiain dated May 6, 1920, in which, among
to match the offered purchase price and to buy evidencing the offer and counter-offers between other things, Purchase of land of Mr. Luis Asiain
the property at that price. As stated in Vda. De the parties, Carmelo abandoned the negotiations and his wife Maria Cadenas, by B. Jalandoni,
Quirino vs. Palarca, in reciprocal contract, the without giving Mayfair full opportunity to containing 25 hectares more or less of land
obligation or promise of each party is the negotiate within the 30-day period. bounded by property of the purchaser, with its
consideration for that of the other. corresponding crop, estimated at 2,000 piculs,
THE RIGHT OF FIRST REFUSAL SHOULD the total value of which is 55 thousand. The
SINCE PETITIONER IS A BUYER IN BAD BE ENFORCED ACCORDING TO THE LAW price is to be paid by paying 30 thousand at the
FAITH, THE SALE TO IT OF THE ON CONTRACTS INSTEAD OF THE CODAL signing of the document, and 25 thousand within
PROPERTY IN QUESTION IS RESCISSIBLE. PROVISIONS ON HUMAN RELATIONS. one year with interest at the rate of 10 per cent.
Since Equatorial is a buyer in bad faith, this Under the Ang Yu Asuncion vs. Court of In accordance with the foregoing memorandum
finding renders the sale to it of the property in Appeals decision, the Court stated that there was the deed of sale was executed in the City of
question rescissible. We agree with respondent nothing to execute because a contract over the Iloilo, the parties stipulating among other things,
Appellate Court that the records bear out the fact right of first refusal belongs to a class of the following:
that Equatorial was aware of the lease contracts preparatory juridical relations governed not by
because its lawyers had, prior to the sale, studied the law on contracts but by the codal provisions (1) That Luis Asiain does hereby promise and
the said contracts. As such Equatorial cannot on human relations. This may apply here if the bind himself to sell to Benjamin Jalandoni a
tenably claim to be a purchaser in good faith, contract is limited to the buying and selling of parcel of land of the hacienda Maria of the
and, therefore, rescission lies. Petitioners assert the real property. However, the obligation of aforesaid Luis Asiain, situated in the
the alleged impossibility of performance Carmelo to first offer the property to Mayfair is municipality of La Carlota, Province of
because the entire property is indivisible embodied in a contract. It is Paragraph 8 on the Occidental Negros, P.I.
property. It was petitioner Carmelo which fixed right of first refusal which created the
the limits of the property it was leasing out. obligation. It should be enforced according to (2) That Benjamin Jalandoni does hereby
Common sense and fairness dictate that instead the law on contracts instead of the panoramic promise and bind himself to purchase the
of nullifying the agreement on that basis, the and indefinite rule on human relations. The latter aforesaid parcel of land in the sum of P55,000
stipulation should be given effect by including remedy encourages multiplicity of suits. There is upon certain conditions specified in a
the indivisible appurtenances in the sale of the something to execute and that is for Carmelo to
memorandum signed by the parties which is in quality the vendor had assured the vendee it had, cannot prevent relief when there was mutual
the hands of Attorneys Padilla & Treas. it is clear the latter was entitled to rescind the gross mistake as to quantity.
contract, upon the strength of the authorities
Jalandoni then took possession of the land, cited in the opinion of the court. We believe that Equity will rescind a contract for the sale of
milled the cane at La Carlota Central, from Jalandoni was entitled to rescind that contract, land which the boundaries given in the contract
which he realized 800 piculs and 23 cates of the inasmuch as the vendor did not deliver a parcel contained, where the deficiency is material.
centrifugal sugar. And after he had secured from of land of the area and quality stipulated in the Sales in gross for the purpose of equitable
Asiain the certificate of title, he had a surveyor contract. relief may be divided into four subordinate
measure the land, which was found to contain classifications. One class concerns sales in
only 18 hectares, 54 centares, and 22 centares. 3. the judgment appealed from is reversed, and it which it is evident from extraneous of the parties
Jalandoni had paid P30,000 leaving an unpaid is held that the contract between the parties is that they did not contemplate or intend to risk
balance of P25,000 of the purchase price of valid and binding upon them. Wherefore, the more than the usual rates of excess or deficiency
P55,000 stipulated in the contract. Asiain sued to defendants are absolved from the complaint in similar cases, or than such as might
recover the balance from Jalandoni. reasonably be calculated, or as within the range
Ruling: The petition is denied. of ordinary contingency. In sales of this class an
The competent court declared the deed of sale CONTRACTS; VENDOR AND VENDEES; unreasonable surplus or deficiency may entitle
void, absolved the defendant from paying RESCISSION OF CONTRACTS FOR ERROR the injured party to equitable relief, unless he
P25,000 and ordered the parties to return what OR MISTAKE; ARTICLE 1471 OF THE CIVIL has, by his conduct, waived or forfeited his
they had received under the contract.Upon CODE CONSTRUED. J thought he was equity.
appeal to the Supreme Court, the judgment was buying, and A thought he was selling, a tract of
affirmed on the ground that both parties had land containing between 25 and 30 hectares, The phrase "more or less" or others of like
acted by a mutual mistake. with a standing crop capable of producing 2,000 import, added to a statement of the quantity, can
piculs of sugar. As a matter of fact the tract of only be considered as covering inconsiderable or
land contained slightly more than 18 hectares small differences one way or other. The use of
ISSUE/S : Whether or not the seller and buyer and produced 800 piculs of sugar. Held: Not a such phrases in designating the quantity covers
misrepresented each other or committed an contract of hazard but a contract for the sale of only a reasonable excess or deficiency.
error? land in gross which will be avoided for mutual
LAWS: Article 1343 Misrepresentation made in error or mistake. Irureta Goyena vs. Tambunting ([1902], 1
good faith is not fraudulent but may constitute Phil., 490), distinguished.
error If land is sold within boundaries with an
HOLDINGS expression of the area and if the area is grossly Heirs of William Sevilla vs Leopoldo Sevilla
1. The judgment was affirmed on the ground deficient, the vendee has option, either to have Facts: Felisa Almirol co-owned Lot No. 653
that both parties had acted by a mutual mistake. the price reduced proportionately or to ask for with her sisters Filomena Almirol de Sevilla,
the rescission of the contract. deceased, and Honorata Almirol. Her 1/3
2. The vendor undertook to deliver to the vendee undivided share in said lot was increased by 1/2
a parcel of land some 25 hectares in area and of Mutual mistake of the contracting parties to a when she and Filomena inherited the 1/3 share
such a quality as to be able to produce 2,000 sale in regard to the subject-matter of the sale of their sister Honorata after the latter's death.
piculs of centrifugal sugar. The vendee, in turn, which is so material as to go the to go the Felisa died single and without issue on August 8,
agreed to buy said parcel of land with the essence of the contract, is a ground for relief and 1986. On June 21, 1990, petitioners, heirs of
understanding that it contained that area and was rescission. It has been held that, when the parties Filomena, sought the annulment of the two
of the quality guaranteed by the vendor. saw the premises and knew the boundaries, it deeds executed by Felisa during her lifetime.
Inasmuch as the land had neither the area nor the The first deed executed on August 8, 1986 was
denominated as "Donation Inter Vivos" whereby bases his claim, the defendant is under no of at the time of the execution of the deed of
Felisa ceded to her nephew respondent Leopoldo obligation to prove his exception or defense. donation.
Sevilla, son of Filomena, her 1/2 undivided The Court further ruled that the Deed of Extra-
share in Lot 653, which was accepted by judicial Partition was void ab initio and not DEED OF DONATION INTER VIVOS;
Leopoldo in the same document. The second merely unenforceable. According to the Court, FRAUD AND UNDUE INFLUENCE THAT
document was executed on September 3, 1986 there was no consent given to the execution of VITIATED A PARTY'S CONSENT MUST BE
denominated as the Deed of Extra-Judicial the deed, and therefore, there is no contract to ESTABLISHED BY FULL, CLEAR AND
Partition dividing the share of Honorata to Felisa speak of since Felisa had no legal capacity to CONVINCING EVIDENCE, OTHERWISE,
and to the heirs of Filomena. Petitioners alleged give consent to the Deed of Partition at the time THE LATTER'S PRESUMED CONSENT TO
that the Deed of Donation was tainted with fraud of its execution inasmuch as she was neither the THE CONTRACT PREVAILS; CASE AT BAR.
because Felisa Almirol, who was then 81 years owner nor the authorized representative of Ei incumbit probatio qui dicit, non qui negat.
of age, was seriously ill and of unsound mind at respondent Leopoldo to whom she previously He who asserts, not he who denies, must prove.
the time of execution thereof; and that the Deed transmitted ownership of her undivided share in We have consistently applied the ancient rule
of Extra-judicial Partition was void because it Lot No. 653. that if the plaintiff, upon whom rests the burden
was executed without their knowledge and of proving his cause of action, fails to show in a
consent. Respondents, however, denied CIVIL LAW; MODES OF ACQUIRING satisfactory manner facts on which he bases his
petitioners' allegations. The trial court upheld the OWNERSHIP; DONATION; CAPACITY OF claim, the defendant is under no obligation to
validity of the Deed of Donation, but declared DONOR SHALL BE DETERMINED AT TIME prove his exception or defense. In the instant
the Deed of Extra-judicial Partition OF THE MAKING OF THE DONATION; case, the self-serving testimony of the
unenforceable. On appeal, the Court of Appeals ATTENDANCE OF A VICE OF CONSENT petitioners are vague on what acts of Leopoldo
affirmed in toto the assailed decision of the trial RENDERS THE DONATION VOIDABLE. Sevilla constituted fraud and undue influence
court. Hence, this petition. Donation is an act of liberality whereby a person and on how these acts vitiated the consent of
disposes gratuitously of a thing or right in favor Felisa Almirol. Fraud and undue influence that
Ruling: The petition is denied. of another who accepts it. Under Article 737 of vitiated a party's consent must be established by
The Supreme Court sustained the validity of the the Civil Code, the donor's capacity shall be full, clear and convincing evidence, otherwise,
Deed of Donation. According to the Court, the determined as of the time of the making of the the latter's presumed consent to the contract
self-serving testimonies of the petitioners were donation. Like any other contract, an agreement prevails. Neither does the fact that the donation
vague on what acts of Leopoldo Sevilla of the parties is essential, and the attendance of a preceded the partition constitute fraud. It is not
constituted fraud and undue influence and on vice of consent renders the donation voidable. necessary that partition should first be had
how these acts vitiated the consent of Felisa because what was donated to Leopoldo was the
Almirol. It held that fraud and undue influence COMPREHENDS ALL THE PRESENT 1/2 undivided share of Felisa in Lot No. 653.
that vitiated a party's consent must be PROPERTY OF THE DONOR. In the case at Moreover, petitioners failed to show proof why
established by full, clear and convincing bar, there is no question that at the time Felisa Felisa should be held incapable of exercising
evidence, otherwise, the latter's presumed Almirol executed the deed of donation she was sufficient judgment in ceding her share to
consent to the contract prevails. Moreover, already the owner of 1/2 undivided portion of respondent Leopoldo. As testified by the notary
petitioners failed to show proof why Felisa Lot No. 653. Her 1/3 undivided share therein public who notarized the Deed of Donation,
should be held incapable of exercising sufficient was increased by 1/2 when she and Filomena Felisa confirmed to him her intention to donate
judgment in ceding her share to respondent inherited the 1/3 share of their sister Honorata her share in Lot No. 653 to Leopoldo. He
Leopoldo. The Court consistently applied the after the latter's death. Hence, the 1/2 undivided stressed that though the donor was old, she was
ancient rule that if the plaintiff, upon whom rests share of Felisa in Lot No. 653 is considered a of sound mind and could talk sensibly.
the burden of proving his cause of action, fails to present property which she can validly dispose Significantly, there is nothing in the record that
show in a satisfactory manner facts on which he discloses even an attempt by petitioners to rebut
said declaration of the notary public. Clearly, parties to the contract. The legal capacity of the of lower courts may be set aside but none is
therefore, the courts below did not err in parties is an essential element for the existence present in the case at bar.
sustaining the validity of the deed of donation. of the contract because it is an indispensable
condition for the existence of consent. There is
DONATION INTER VIVOS; IMMEDIATELY no effective consent in law without the capacity Spouses Theis v Court of Appeals
OPERATIVE AND FINAL. In the case at to give such consent. In other words, legal Facts: Private respondent Calsons Development
bar, at the time Felisa executed the deed of consent presupposes capacity. Thus, there is said Corporation is the owner of three (3) adjacent
extra-judicial partition dividing the share of her to be no consent, and consequently, no contract parcels of land covered by Transfer Certificate
deceased sister Honarata between her and the when the agreement is entered into by one in of Title (TCT) Nos. 15515 (parcel no. 1 in the
heirs of Filomena Almirol de Sevilla; she was no behalf of another who has never given him location map), 15516 (parcel no. 2) and 15684
longer the owner of the 1/2 undivided portion of authorization therefor unless he has by law a (parcel no. 3), with the area of 1,000 square
Lot No. 653, having previously donated the right to represent the latter. meters, 226 square meters and 1,000 square
same to respondent Leopoldo Sevilla who meters, respectively. All three parcels of land are
accepted the donation in the same deed. A CONSIDERED VOID AB INITIO ABSENT situated along Ligaya Drive, Barangay
donation inter vivos, as in the instant case, is CONSENT TO THE EXECUTION THEREOF. Francisco, Tagaytay City. Adjacent to parcel no.
immediately operative and final. As a mode of Evidently, Felisa did not possess the 3, which is the lot covered by TCT No. 15684 is
acquiring ownership, it results in an effective capacity to give consent to or execute the deed a vacant lot denominated as parcel no. 4.
transfer of title over the property from the donor of partition inasmuch as she was neither the
to the donee and the donation is perfected from owner nor the authorized representative of In 1985, private respondent constructed a two-
the moment the donor knows of the acceptance respondent Leopoldo to whom she previously storey house on parcel no. 3. The lots covered by
by the donee. And once a donation is accepted, transmitted ownership of her undivided share TCT No. 15515 and TCT No. 15516, which are
the donee becomes the absolute owner of the in Lot No. 653. Considering that she had no parcel no. 1 and parcel no. 2, respectively,
property donated. legal capacity to give consent to the deed of remained idle
partition, it follows that there is no consent
SUCCESSION; PARTITION; DEED OF given to the execution of the deed, and However, in a survey conducted in 1985, parcel
EXTRAJUDICIAL PARTITION; NO therefore, there is no contract to speak of. As no. 3, where the two-storey house stands, was
CONSENT, AND CONSEQUENTLY, NO such, the deed of partition is void ab initio, erroneously indicated to be covered not by TCT
CONTRACT, WHERE THE AGREEMENT IS hence, not susceptible of ratification. No. 15684 but by TCT No. 15515, while the two
ENTERED INTO BY ONE IN BEHALF OF idle lands (parcel nos. 1 and 2) were mistakenly
ANOTHER WHO HAS NEVER GIVEN HIM REMEDIAL LAW; EVIDENCE; FACTUAL surveyed to be located on parcel no. 4 instead
AUTHORIZATION THEREFOR UNLESS HE FINDINGS OF THE TRIAL COURT, IF (which was not owned by private respondent)
judicial Partition, we find that the same is void Petitioners, however, insist that respondent On October 26, 1987, unaware of the mistake by
ab initio and not merely unenforceable. In Delos Leopoldo Sevilla employed fraud and undue which private respondent appeared to be the
Reyes v. Court of Appeals, which is a case influence on the person of the donor. This owner of parcel no. 4 as indicated in the
involving the sale of a lot by a person who is argument involves appreciation of the evidence. erroneous survey, and based on the erroneous
neither the owner nor the legal representative, The settled rule is that factual findings of the information given by the surveyor that parcel no.
we declared the contract void ab initio. It was trial court, if affirmed by the Court of Appeals, 4 is covered by TCT No. 15516 and 15684,
held that one of the requisites of a valid contract are entitled to great respect. There are private respondent, through its authorized
under Article 1318 of the Civil Code is the exceptional circumstances when findings of fact representative, one Atty. Tarcisio S. Calilung,
consent and the capacity to give consent of the sold said parcel no. 4 to petitioners.
Appeals: "A contract may be annulled where the
In the early part of 1990, petitioners returned to The trial court rendered judgment in favor of consent of one of the contracting parties was
the Philippines. When they went to Tagaytay to private respondent. Identifying the core issue in procured by mistake, fraud, intimidation,
look over the vacant lots and to plan the the instant controversy to be the voidability of violence, or undue influence."
construction of their house thereon, they the contract of sale between petitioners and
discovered that parcel no. 4 was owned by private respondent on the ground of mistake, the Art. 1331 of the New Civil Code provides for
another person. They also discovered that the trial court annulled said contract of sale after the situations whereby mistake may invalidate
lots actually sold to them were parcel nos. 2 and finding that there was indeed a mistake in the consent. It states:
3 covered by TCT Nos. 15516 and 15684. identification of the parcels of land intended to "Art. 1331. In order that mistake may invalidate
respectively. Parcel no. 3, however, could not be the subject matter of said sale consent, it should refer to the substance of the
have been sold to the petitioners by the private thing which is the object of the contract, or to
respondents as a two-storey house, the Aggrieved by the decision of the trial court, those conditions which have principally moved
construction cost of which far exceeded the price petitioners sought its reversal 4 from respondent one or both parties to enter into the contract."
paid by the petitioners, had already been built Court of Appeals. 5 Respondent court, however,
thereon even prior to the execution of the did not find the appeal meritorious and The petitioners cannot be justified in their
contract between the disputing parties. accordingly affirmed 6 the trial court decision insistence that parcel no. 3, upon which private
respondent constructed a two-storey house, be
To remedy the mistake, private respondent Ruling: The petition is denied. given to them in lieu of parcel no. 4. The cost of
offered parcel nos. 1 and 2 covered by TCT Nos. construction in 1985 for the said house
15515 and 15516, respectively, as these two Art. 1390 of the New Civil Code provides: (P1,500,000.00) far exceeds the amount paid by
were precisely the two vacant lots which private "Art. 1390. The following contracts are voidable the petitioners to the private respondent
respondent owned and intended to sell when it or annullable, even though there may have been (P486,000.00). Moreover, the trial court, in
entered into the transaction with petitioners. no damage to the contracting parties: questioning private respondent's witness, Atty.
Petitioners adamantly rejected the good faith (1) . . . (2) Those where the consent is Tarciso Calilung (who is also its authorized
offer. They refused to yield to reason and vitiated by mistake, violence, representative) clarified that parcel no. 4, the lot
insisted on taking parcel no. 3, covered by TCT intimidation, undue influence, or fraud. mistakenly sold, was a vacant lot:
No. 155864 and upon which a two-storey house
stands, in addition to parcel no. 2, covered by In the case at bar, the private respondent Thus, to allow the petitioners to take parcel no. 3
TCT No. 15516, on the ground that these TCTs obviously committed an honest mistake in would be to countenance unjust enrichment.
have already been cancelled and new ones selling parcel no. 4. As correctly noted by the Considering that petitioners intended at the
issued in their name Court of Appeals, it is quite impossible for said outset to purchase a vacant lot, their refusal to
private respondent to sell the lot in question as accept the offer of the private respondent to give
Such refusal of petitioners prompted private the same is not owned by it. The good faith of them two (2) other vacant lots in exchange, as
respondent to make another offer, this time, the the private respondent is evident in the fact that well as their insistence on parcel no. 3, which is
return of an amount double the price paid by when the mistake was discovered, it a house and lot, is manifestly unreasonable. As
petitioners. Petitioners still refused and immediately offered two other vacant lots to the held by this Court in the case of Security Bank
stubbornly insisted in their stand. petitioners or to reimburse them with twice the and Trust Company v. Court of Appeals:
amount paid. That petitioners refused either
Private respondent was then compelled to file an option left the private respondent with no other "Hence, to allow petitioner bank to acquire the
action for annulment of deed of sale and choice but to file an action for the annulment of constructed building at a price far below its
reconveyance of the properties subject thereof 1 the deed of sale on the ground of mistake. As actual construction cost would undoubtedly
in the Regional Trial Court. enunciated in the case of Mariano vs. Court of constitute unjust enrichment for the bank to the
prejudice of the private respondent. Such unjust 4.) It must have resulted in damage and injury to
enrichment, as previously discussed, is not Private respondent appealed the said orders of the party seeking annulment (Tolentino, IV
allowed by law." the trial court to the Court of Appeals, which Commentaries on the Civil Code of the
reversed the decision of the trial court and held Philippines, 507 [1991 ed])
Alcasid v CA and RUFINA L. that the complaint stated no cause of action. As to the alleged mistake, Article 1331 of the
LIM,respondents Hence, this petition. Civil Code of the Philippines provides:
Facts: Petitioner is one of the co-owners of two
parcels of land located in Calamba, Laguna. Petitioner alleges that her complaint for "In order that mistake may invalidate consent, it
Private respondent offered to purchase from annulment of contract is based upon fraud, should refer to the substance of the thing which
petitioner and her co-owners the above- mistake and undue influence which vitiated her is the object of the contract, or to those
mentioned property. Petitioner was willing to consent. According to her, were it not for the conditions which have principally moved one or
sell her share for P4,500,000.00 and only if all misrepresentation of private respondent and both parties to enter into the contract."
her co-owners would sell their respective shares Atty. Fernandez that her co-owners had agreed
of the said land to sell their share to private respondent, To invalidate consent, the error must be real and
petitioner would not have agreed to sell her not one that could have been avoided by the
Petitioner engaged the services of Atty. Antonio share. party alleging it. The error must arise from facts
A. Fernandez for the purpose of negotiating the unknown to him. He cannot allege an error
sale, without knowing that he was also Private respondent, on the other hand, claims the which refers to a fact known to him or which he
representing private respondent. complaint is in the nature of a malpractice suit should have known by ordinary diligent
against Atty. Fernandez and not against her examination of the facts. An error so patent and
On March 4, 1990, petitioner signed a Deed of obvious that nobody could have made it, or one
Sale drafted by Atty. Fernandez. Subsequently, Ruling: The petition is denied. which could have been avoided by ordinary
petitioner learned that the other co-owners did On the matter of fraud, Article 1338 of the Civil prudence, cannot be invoked by the one who
not agree to sell their shares over the subject Code of the Philippines provides: made it in order to annul his contract (Tolentino,
property supra at pp. 486-487).
"There is fraud when, through insidious words
On November 4, 1990, petitioner filed a or machinations of one of the contracting Petitioner could have avoided the alleged
complaint in the Regional Trial Court, Branch parties, the other is induced to enter into a mistake had she exerted efforts to verify from
34, Calamba, Laguna, for annulment of the contract which, without them, he would not have her co-owners if they really consented to sell
contract of sale and damages with a prayer for agreed to" (Art. 1338, Civil Code) their respective shares.
temporary restraining order or writ of
preliminary injunction against private In order that fraud may vitiate consent and be a As to undue influence, Article 1337 of the Civil
respondent. cause for annulment of contract, the following Code of the Philippines provides:
must concur:
Private respondent filed a motion to dismiss on "There is undue influence when a person takes
the grounds that the complaint stated no cause of 1.) It must have been employed by one improper advantage of his power over the will
action. The trial court denied the motion to contracting party upon the other (Art. 1342 and of another, depriving the latter of a reasonable
dismiss. 134); freedom of choice. The following circumstances
2.) It must have induced the other party to enter shall be considered: the confidential, family,
On August 20, 1991, a motion to declare private into the contract (Art. 1338); spiritual and other relations between the
respondent in default was filed by petitioner. 3.) It must have been serious (Art. 1344); parties, or the fact that the person alleged to
This was granted by the trial court. have been unduly influenced was suffering from
mental weakness, or was ignorant or in by a promissory note 2 dated June 26, 1968 and currency denominated loans sourced from DBP's
financial distress." secured by a mortgage 3 executed by own foreign borrowings were extended to
respondents over their present and future respondents on various dates between 1980 and
Undue influence, therefore, is any means properties such as buildings, permanent 1981. 13 These loans were secured by
employed upon a party which, under the improvements, various machineries and mortgages 14 on the properties of respondents
circumstances, he could not well resist and equipment for manufacture. and were evidenced by the following promissory
which controlled his volition and induced him to notes.
give his consent to the contract, which otherwise Subsequently, DBP granted to respondents
he would not have entered into. It must in some another loan in the form of a five-year revolving Under the two notes, respondents also bound
measure destroy the free agency of a party and guarantee amounting to P1,700,000 which was themselves to pay bank advances for insurance
interfere with the exercise of that independent reflected in the amended mortgage contract 4 premiums, taxes, litigation and acquired assets
discretion which is necessary for determining dated November 20, 1968. According to expenses and other out-of-pocket expenses not
the advantages or disadvantages of a proposed respondents, the loan guarantee was extended to covered by inspection and processing fees as
contract (Tolentino,supra at p. 501). If a them when they encountered difficulty in follows
competent person has once assented to a contract negotiating the DBP Progress Bonds.
freely and fairly, he is bound thereby. Respondents were only able to sell the bonds in Apart from the interest, the promissory notes
1972 or about five years from its issuance for an imposed additional charges and penalties if
The finding of the Court of Appeals that amount that was 25% less than its face value respondents defaulted on their payments. The
petitioner executed the contract of her own free notes dated December 11, 1980 and June 5, 1981
will and choice and not from duress is fully On September 10, 1975, the outstanding specifically provided for a 2% annual service fee
supported by the evidence. Such finding should accounts of respondents with DBP were computed on the outstanding principal balance
not be disturbed (Martinez v. Hongkong & restructured in view of their failure to pay of the loans as well as the following additional
Shanghai Bank, 15 Phil. 252 [1910]). LLjur interest and penalty charges on the loan
The restructured loan was evidenced by a new amortizations or portions in arrears
Private respondent did not commit any wrongful promissory note 6 dated November 12, 1975
act or omission which violated the primary right payable within seven years, with partial The note dated December 16, 1981, on the other
of petitioner. Hence, petitioner did not have a payments on the principal to be made beginning hand, provided for the interest and penalty
cause of action (State Investment House, Inc. v. on the third year plus a 12% interest per annum charges on loan amortizations or portions of it in
Court of Appeals, 206 SCRA 348 [1992]). payable every month arrears
DBP v CA , PHILIPPINE UNITED On the other hand, all accrued interest and However, the foreclosure proceedings were
FOUNDRY AND MACHINERY CORP. and charges due amounting to P3,074,672.21 were suspended on twelve separate occasions from
PHILIPPINE IRON MANUFACTURING denominated as "Notes Taken for Interests" and October 1985 to December 1986 upon the
CO., INC., respondents. evidenced by a separate promissory note 8 dated representations of respondents that a financial
Facts: Sometime in March 1968, the November 12, 1975. rehabilitation fund arising from a contract with
Development Bank of the Philippines (DBP) the military was forthcoming. On December 23,
granted to respondents Philippine United Notwithstanding the restructuring, respondents 1986, before DBP could proceed with the
Foundry and Machineries Corporation and were still unable to comply with the terms and foreclosure proceedings, respondents instituted
Philippine Iron Manufacturing Company, Inc. an conditions of the new promissory notes. As a the present suit for injunction
industrial loan in the amount of P2,500,000 result, respondents requested DBP to refinance
consisting of P500,000 in cash and P2,000,000 the matured obligation. The request was granted On January 6, 1987, the complaint was amended
in DBP Progress Bonds. The loan was evidenced by DBP, pursuant to which three foreign to include the annulment of mortgage. On
December 15, 1987, the complaint was amended LINKED RESPONDENTS' CONTRACTS preliminary injunction it issued to enjoin the
a second time to implead the Asset Privatization WITH THE AFP WITH RESPONDENTS' foreclosure proceedings. Respondents were
Trust (APT) (now the Privatization and LOANS WITH DBP. directed to pay only the amount of the original
Management Office [PMO]) 25 as a party xxx xxx xxx loans, that is, P6.2 Million, with the P5.3
defendant III. THE CA ERRED IN PERMANENTLY Million which they previously paid to be applied
ENJOINING THE DBP AND APT FROM as interest and penalties. The RTC did not find
Respondents' cause of action arose from their FORECLOSING THE MORTGAGES ON respondents culpable for defaulting on their loan
claim that DBP was collecting from them an RESPONDENTS' PROPERTIES THEREBY obligations and passed the blame to the AFP for
unconscionable if not unlawful or usurious VIOLATING THE PROVISIONS OF not fulfilling its contractual obligations to
obligation of P62,954,473.68 as of September P[RESIDENTIAL] D[ECREE NO.] 385 AND respondents.
30, 1985, out of a mere P6,200,000 loan. PROCLAMATION NO. 50.
Primarily, respondents contended that the The CA affirmed the RTC decision and agreed
amount claimed by DBP is erroneous since they On the first issue, PMO asserts that the CA erred that DBP cannot be allowed to foreclose on the
have remitted to DBP approximately P5,300,000 in declaring that the interest rate on the loans mortgage securing respondents' loan. The CA
to repay their original debt. Additionally, had been unilaterally increased by DBP despite surmised that since DBP failed to adequately
respondents assert that since the loans were the evidence on record (consisting of promissory explain how it arrived at P62.9 Million, the
procured for the Self-Reliant Defense Posture notes and testimonies of witnesses for DBP) original loan amount of P6.2 Million could only
Program of the Armed Forces of the Philippines showing otherwise. PMO also claims that the have been "blatantly enlarged or erroneously
(AFP), the latter's breach of its commitment to CA failed to take into account the effect of the computed" by DBP through the imposition of an
purchase military armaments and equipment restructuring and refinancing of the loans "unconscionable rate of interest and charges."
from respondents amounts to a failure of granted by DBP upon the request of respondents The CA also agreed with the trial court that there
consideration that would justify the annulment was no consideration for the mortgage contracts
of the mortgage on respondents' properties. Anent the second issue, PMO argues that the executed by respondents considering the
failure of the AFP to honor its commitment to proceeds from the alleged foreign currency loans
Both DBP and PMO appealed the decision to the respondents should have had no bearing on were never actually received by the latter. This
CA. The CA, however, affirmed the decision of respondents' loan obligations to DBP as DBP view is untenable and lacks foundation.
the RTC. Aggrieved, DBP filed with the CA a was not a party to their contract. Hence, PMO
motion for a reconsideration 28dated May 26, contends that the CA ran afoul of the principle As correctly pointed out by PMO, the original
1999, which motion has not been resolved by of relativity of contracts when it ruled that no loans alluded to by respondents had been
the CA to date. PMO, on the other hand, sought further interest could be imposed on the loans. refinanced and restructured in order to extend
relief directly with the Court by filing this their maturity dates. Refinancing is an exchange
present petition Finally, PMO claims that DBP, being a of an old debt for a new debt, as by negotiating a
government financial institution, could not be different interest rate or term or by repaying the
Issue: enjoined by any restraining order or injunction, existing loan with money acquired from a new
I. THE CA DISREGARDED THE BINDING whether permanent or temporary, from loan. 36 On the other hand, restructuring, as
AND OBLIGATORY FORCE OF proceeding with the foreclosure proceedings applied to a debt, implies not only a
CONTRACTS WHICH IS THE LAW mandated under Section 1 of Presidential Decree postponement of the maturity 37 but also a
BETWEEN THE PARTIES. No. 385. modification of the essential terms of the debt
xxx xxx xxx (e.g., conversion of debt into bonds or into
II. THE CA VIOLATED THE PRINCIPLE OF Ruling: The petition is granted. equity, 38 or a change in or amendment of
LAW THAT CONTRACTS TAKE EFFECT As mentioned, the RTC ultimately sustained collateral security) in order to make the account
ONLY BETWEEN THE PARTIES AS IT respondents and made permanent the writ of of the debtor current
For undue influence to be present, the influence contracting parties; their validity or compliance
The reason respondents seek to be excused from exerted must have so overpowered or subjugated cannot be left to the will of one of them.
fulfilling their obligation under the second batch the mind of a contracting party as to destroy the
of promissory notes is that first, they allegedly latter's free agency, making such party express At this juncture, it must be emphasized that a
had "no choice" but to sign the documents in the will of another rather than its own. The party to a contract cannot deny its validity after
order to have the loan restructured and thus avert alleged lingering financial woes of a debtor enjoying its benefits without outrage to one's
the foreclosure of their properties, and second, per se cannot be equated with the presence of sense of justice and fairness. Where parties have
they never received any proceeds from the same. undue influence. entered into a well-defined contractual
This reasoning cannot be sustained. relationship, it is imperative that they should
Corollarily, the threat to foreclose the mortgage honor and adhere to their rights and obligations
Respondents' allegation that they had no would not in itself vitiate consent as it is a threat as stated in their contracts because obligations
"choice" but to sign is tantamount to saying that to enforce a just or legal claim through arising from it have the force of law between the
DBP exerted undue influence upon them. The competent authority. It bears emphasis that the contracting parties and should be complied with
Court is mindful that the law grants an foreclosure of mortgaged properties in case of in good faith
aggrieved party the right to obtain the default in payment of a debtor is a legal remedy
annulment of a contract on account of factors given by law to a creditor. 46 In the event of Thus, respondents cannot be absolved from their
such as mistake, violence, intimidation, undue default by the mortgage debtor in the loan obligations on the basis of the failure of the
influence and fraud which vitiate consent. performance of the principal obligation, the AFP to fulfill its commitment under the
However, the fact that the representatives were mortgagee undeniably has the right to cause the manufacturing agreement 53entered by them
"forced" to sign the promissory notes and sale at public auction of the mortgaged property allegedly upon the prompting of certain AFP and
mortgage contracts in order to have respondents' for payment of the proceeds to the mortgagee DBP officials. While it is true that the DBP
original loans restructured and to prevent the representatives appear to have been aware that
foreclosure of their properties does not amount It also bears emphasis that the second set of the proceeds from the sale to the AFP were
to vitiated consent promissory notes executed by respondents must supposed to be applied to the loan, the records
govern the contractual relation of the parties for are bereft of any proof that would show that
The financial condition of respondents may have they unequivocally express the terms and DBP was a party to the contract itself or that
motivated them to contract with DBP, but undue conditions of the parties' loan agreement, which DBP would condone respondents' credit if the
influence cannot be attributed to DBP simply are binding and conclusive between them. contract did not materialize. Even assuming that
because the latter had lent money. The concept Parties are free to enter into stipulations, clauses, the AFP defaulted in its obligations under the
of undue influence is defined as follows: terms and conditions they may deem convenient; manufacturing agreement, respondents' cause of
that is, as long as these are not contrary to law, action lies with the AFP, and not with DBP or
There is undue influence when a person takes morals, good customs, public order or public PMO. The loan contract of respondents is
improper advantage of his power over the will policy. 48 With the signatures of their duly separate and distinct from their manufacturing
of another, depriving the latter of a reasonable authorized representatives on the subject notes agreement with the AFP.
freedom of choice. The following circumstances and mortgage contracts, the genuineness and due
shall be considered: the confidential, family, execution of which having been admitted, 49 Incidentally, the CA sustained the validity of a
spiritual and other relations between the parties respondents in effect freely and voluntarily loan obligation but annulled the mortgage
or the fact that the person alleged to have been affirmed all the concurrent rights and obligations securing it on the ground of failure of
unduly influenced was suffering from mental flowing therefrom. Accordingly, respondents are consideration. This is erroneous. A mortgage is a
weakness, or was ignorant or in financial barred from claiming the contrary without mere accessory contract and its validity would
distress. transgressing the principle of estoppel and depend on the validity of the loan secured by it.
mutuality of contracts. Contracts must bind both 54 Hence, the consideration of the mortgage
contract is the same as that of the principal the interest is void. The debt is then considered prepared by the bank's lawyer, where she was
contract from which it receives life, and without to be without stipulation as to the interest. In the made to admit that she had swindled the bank
which it cannot exist as an independent contract. absence of an express stipulation as to the rate of and had return the money equivalent of the
55 The debtor cannot escape the consequences interest, the legal rate of 12% per annum shall be spurious check. During her stay at the said bank,
of the mortgage contract once the validity of the imposed. the complainant, who was five (5) months in the
loan is upheld family way, was watched by the bank's
Lee v CA employees and security guards. It was about six
Again, as a rule, courts cannot intervene to save Facts: This is a petition for review on certiorari o'clock in the afternoon of the same day when
parties from disadvantageous provisions of their to set aside the decision of the Court of Appeals the complainant was able to leave the bank
contracts if they consented to the same freely dated June 29, 1989 which reversed the decision premises
and voluntarily. 56 Thus, respondents cannot of the Regional Trial Court (RTC), National
now protest against the fact that the loans were Capital Judicial Region, Branch 129 at Caloocan Issue: Whether or not the acts of petitioner in
denominated in foreign currency and were to be City, Metro Manila, and reinstated as well as simply "shouting at the complainant with
paid in its peso equivalent after they had already affirmed in toto the decision of the Metropolitan piercing looks" and "threats to file charges
given their consent to such terms. 57 There is no Trial Court (MTC), Branch 2, same city. The against her" are sufficient to convict him of the
legal impediment to having obligations or RTC decision found the petitioner guilty of the crime of grave coercion
transactions paid in a foreign currency as long as crime of light coercion,
the parties agree to such an arrangement Ruling: The petition is granted.
The complainant Mana Pelagia Paulino de Chin, Considering that the present case does not
Due to the variable factors mentioned above, it 23 years old was fetched from her house at 112 involve violence but intimidation, the provisions
cannot be determined whether DBP did in fact BLISS Site, 8th Avenue, Caloocan City by of Article 1335 of the New Civil Code on
apply an interest rate higher than what is Atanacio Lumba, a bank employee, upon the intimidation are relevant. It states:
prescribed under the law. It appears on the instruction of the petitioner "Art. 1335. . . .
records, however, that DBP attempted to explain "There is intimidation when one of the
how it arrived at the amount stated in the Petitioner Branch Manager Francis Lee of contracting parties is compelled by a reasonable
Statement of Account 63 it submitted in support Pacific Banking Corporation (hereinafter and well-grounded fear of an imminent and
of its claim but was not allowed by the trial referred to as bank). Upon arriving at the office grave evil upon his person or property, or upon
court to do so citing the rule that the best of Pacific Banking Corporation located at the person or property of his spouse,
evidence of the same is the document itself. 64 Caloocan City, petitioner Francis Lee did not descendants or ascendants, to give his consent.
DBP should have been given the opportunity to attend to her immediately. After an hour later, "To determine the degree of the intimidation, the
explain its entries in the Statement of Account in the petitioner confronted the complainant about age, sex and condition of the person shall be
order to place the figures that were cited in the a forged Midland National Bank Cashier Check borne in mind.
proper context. Assuming the interest applied to No. 3528794, which the latter allegedly "A threat to enforce once's claim through
the principal obligation did, in fact, exceed 12%, deposited in the account of Honorio Carpio. competent authority, if the claim is just or legal,
in addition to the other penalties stipulated in the During the said confrontation, the petitioner does not vitiate consent."
note, this should be stricken out for being Francis Lee was shouting at her with piercing
usurious. looks and threatened to file charges against her The records show that complainant is a highly
unless and until she returned all the money educated person who is familiar with banking
In usurious loans, the entire obligation does not equivalent of the subject cashier check. procedures. She is a graduate of Business
become void because of an agreement for Administration major in Banking and Finance
usurious interest; the unpaid principal debt still Accordingly, the complainant was caused to sign from NCBA. She also finished one semester of
stands and remains valid but the stipulation as to a prepared withdrawal slip, and later, an affidavit MA in graduate school. In 1983, complainant
worked with the Insular Bank of Asia and wholly against his better sense and judgment as In her insistence to clear up her name, it is not
America as a bank teller (TSN, November 20, when he acts in conformity with them. Between farfetched for Us to think that the complainant
1984, pp. 5-7; Records, pp. 96-98). the two acts there is no difference in law. But voluntarily but grudgingly returned the money to
when his sense, judgment, and his will rebel and show good faith. Thus, it was she who informed
In the light of the foregoing circumstances, he refuses absolutely to act as requested, but is the petitioner about the existence of the RCBC
petitioner's demand that the private respondent nevertheless overcome by force or intimidation Time Deposit Certificate (Exh. "A", pp. 4-5,
return the proceeds of the check accompanied by to such an extent that he becomes a mere Records). The allegation that she did so because
a threat to file criminal charges was not automaton and acts mechanically only, a new of petitioner's threats came from the complainant
improper. There is nothing unlawful on the element enters, namely, a disappearance of the herself. She has not been able to present any
threat to sue. In the case of Berg v. National City personality of the actor. He ceases to exist as an other witness to buttress her claim.
Bank of New York (102 Phil. 309, 316), We independent entity with faculties and judgment,
ruled that: and in his place is substituted another - the one Further, We find that contrary to complainant's
exercising the force or making use of the allegations in her affidavit (ibid, p. 5) it was not
". . . it is a practice followed not only by banks intimidation. While his hand signs, the will the petitioner who suggested the encashment of
but even by individuals to demand payment of which moves it is another's. While a contract is the BCBC Time Deposit Certificate but her
their accounts with the threat that upon failure made, it has, in reality and in law, only one party sister; and that again, it was not the petitioner
to do so an action would be instituted in court. to it; and, there being only one party, the one who agreed to the sister's suggestion but Cruz,
Such a threat is proper within the realm of the using the force or the intimidation, it is the PRO Manager, Foreign Department of the
law as a means to enforce collection. Such a unenforceable for lack of a second party. bank (TSN, January 8, 1985, pp. 40-41,
threat cannot constitute duress even if the claim Records, pp. 131-132).
proves to be unfounded so long as the creditor "From these considerations it is clear that every
believes that it was his right to do so." case of alleged intimidation must be examined to Moreover, while complainant claimed that her
determine within which class it falls. If it is freedom of movement was restrained, she,
The Solicitor General argues that the within the first class it is not duress in law, if it however, was able to move about freely
complainant was intimidated and compelled into falls in the second, it is." unguarded from the office of the petitioner
disclosing her time deposit, signing the situated at the ground floor to the office of Cruz
typewritten withdrawal slip and the affidavit by The circumstances of this case reveal that the at the mezzanine floor where her sister found her
the petitioner's threat to detain her at the bank. complainant, despite her protestations, indeed
voluntarily, albeit reluctantly, consented to do all The bank security guards then were at their
At this point, there is a need to make a the aforesaid acts posts. Complainant herself admitted that they
distinction between a case where a person gives manifested no overt acts to prevent her from
his consent reluctantly and against his good Bearing in mind her involvement in the deposit leaving despite the alleged loud threats of the
sense and judgment and where he gives no and encashment of the check, the complainant petitioner (ibid, p. 20-21, Records, pp. 111-112)
consent at all, as where he acts against his will admitted to being nervous upon being informed which could be heard considering that the door
under a pressure he cannot resist. Thus, in Vales that the check was spurious (TSN, November to petitioner's office was kept open (TSN,
v. Villa (35 Phil. 769, 789), We ruled: 20, 1984, p. 15; Record, p. 106). October 8, 1985, p. 184, Records, p. 276). Given
such atmosphere, the complainant still did not
". . . It is clear that one acts as voluntarily and We find that complainant's lengthy stay at the leave the bank
independently in the eye of the law when he acts bank was not due to the petitioner's threat. It was
reluctantly and with hesitation as when he acts rather due to her desire to prove her innocence. The respondent court cited the prepared
spontaneously and joyously. Legally speaking Her testimony on this point is a revelation typewritten withdrawal slip and the non-
he acts as voluntarily and freely when he acts
presentation of the complainant's passbook as enormous task of reimbursing the bank the UGC Leather Factory which was specifically
indicators of her involuntary acts. balance of the proceeds of the forged check added as a highlight of the tour was not visited,
allegedly taken by Carpio, she refused to and the Filipino lady tour guide by private
We disagree. The petitioner testified that the cooperate any further. Notwithstanding the respondent was a first timer, that is, she was
general rule was that the bank requires the alleged threats of petitioner, she did not budge. performing her duties and responsibilities as
presentation of the passbook whenever Thus, We find it as a logical consequence that such for the first time.
withdrawals are made. However, there was an she merely asked for the receipt of the
exception to this rule, i.e. when the depositor is a P18,000.00 she deposited rather than the Issue:
regular customer in depositing or withdrawing cancellation of her earlier withdrawal. On this Whether or not private respondent acted in bad
money in the bank (TSN, October 8, 1985, pp. point, complainant claimed that after her refusal faith or with gross negligence in discharging its
189-190, Records, pp. 281-282). The to sign the document, she no longer insisted on obligations under the contract
prosecution failed to submit evidence to rebut the return of the money because she felt that it
his contentions. Besides, the trial court's was the only way she could leave the bank Ruling: The petition is granted.
conclusion that the withdrawal slip was premises (TSN, November 20, 1984, p. 31, After thorough and painstaking scrutiny of the
typewritten was without basis considering that Records, p. 120). This pretense, however, was case records of both the trial and appellate
the complainant merely averred that the belied by her subsequent actuations. We find that courts, we are satisfactorily convinced, and so
withdrawal slip was already prepared when she she and her sister left the bank unescorted to eat hold, that private respondent did commit
signed it their snack; that they were required by the fraudulent misrepresentations amounting to bad
petitioner to come back; and that they decided faith, to the prejudice of petitioner and the
The most telling proof of the absence of not to eat but instead went home (TSN, members of the tour group
intimidation was the fact that the complainant November 20, 1984, pp. 31-32, Records, pp.
refused to sign the promissory note in spite of 122-123 and January 8, 1965, pp. 49-50, The fact that the tourists were to pay a
the alleged threats of the petitioner (TSN, Records, pp. 140-141). With such behavior, We supposedly lower amount, such that private
January 8, 1985, p. 48; Records, p. 139). are at a loss to understand how coercion could respondent allegedly retained hardly enough as
American authorities have declared that "(t)he attach in this case. Obviously, the complainant reasonable profit, 59 does not justify a
force which is claimed to have compelled has not been cowed into submission. substandard form of service in return. It was
criminal conduct against the will of the actor private respondent, in the first place, which
must be immediate and continuous and threaten LYDIA L. GERALDEZ, petitioner, vs. HON. fixed the charges for the package tour and
grave danger to his person during all of the time COURT OF APPEALS and KENSTAR determined the services that could be availed of
the act is being committed. That is, it must be a TRAVEL CORPORATION, respondents. corresponding to such price. Hence, it cannot
dangerous force threatened 'in praesenti.' It Facts: An action for damages by reason of now be heard to complain that it only made a
must be a force threatening great bodily harm contractual breach was filed by petitioner Lydia putative marginal profit out of the transaction. If
that remains constant in controlling the will of L. Geraldez against private respondent Kenstar it could not provide the tour participants with
the unwilling participant while the act is being Travel Corporation, failed to arrive at an first-class lodgings on the basis of the amount
performed and from which he cannot then amicable settlement, trial on the merits ensued. that they paid, it could and should have instead
withdraw in safety." (State v. Hood, 165 NE 2d, increased the price to enable it to arrange for the
28, 31-32, Emphasis ours). Petitioner claimed that, during the tour, she was promised first-class accommodations.
very uneasy and disappointed when it turned out
Complainant was willing to return the sum of that, contrary to what was stated in the brochure, On the foregoing considerations, respondent
P48,000.00 she took since it was only up to this there was no European tour manager for their court erred in deleting the award for moral and
amount where her involvement lies. However, as group of tourists, the hotels in which she and the exemplary damages. Moral damages may be
soon as she realized that she would have the group were billeted were not first-class, the awarded in breaches of contract where the
obligor acted fraudulently or in bad faith. 60 imposed by way of example or correction for the he made demands for their payment, which were
From the facts earlier narrated, private public good, in addition to moral, temperate, ignored. He thereupon filed his complaint.
respondent can be faulted with fraud in the liquidated or compensatory damages. According
inducement, which is employed by a party to a to the Code Commission, exemplary damages On July 21, 1988, the trial court rendered a
contract in securing the consent of the other. are required by public policy, for wanton acts decision holding that the promissory note for
must be suppressed. An award, therefore, of P85,000.00 was invalid and that the private
This fraud or dolo which is present or employed P50,000.00 is called for to deter travel agencies respondents were liable to the petitioner only for
at the time of birth or perfection of a contract from resorting to advertisements and the loan of P20,000.00. 1 On appeal, this
may either be dolo causante or dolo incidente. enticements with the intention of realizing decision was affirmed by the respondent court. 2
The first, or causal fraud referred to in Article considerable profit at the expense of the public, The petitioner then came to this Court to seek
1338, are those deceptions or misrepresentations without ensuring compliance with their express reversal of the courts below on factual and legal
of a serious character employed by one party commitments. While, under the present state of grounds.
and without which the other party would not the law, extraordinary diligence is not required
have entered into the contract. Dolo incidente, or in travel or tour contracts, such as that in the Ruling:The petition is granted
incidental fraud which is referred to in Article case at bar, the travel agency acting as tour REMEDIAL LAW; EVIDENCE; PAROL
1344, are those which are not serious in operator must nevertheless be held to strict EVIDENCE; RULE; EXCEPTION;
character and without which the other party accounting for contracted services, considering EVIDENCE REQUIRED TO OVERTURN
would still have entered into the contract. 61 the public interest in tourism, whether in the WRITTEN AGREEMENT. The Rules of
Dolo causante determines or is the essential local or in the international scene. Consequently, Court provide that "when the terms of an
cause of the consent, while dolo incidente refers we have to likewise reject the theory of private agreement have been reduced to writing, it is to
only to some particular or accident of the respondent that the promise it made in the tour be considered as containing all such terms, and,
obligations. The effects of dolo causante are the brochure may be regarded only as therefore, there can be, between the parties and
nullity of the contract and the indemnification of "commendatory trade talk." their successors in interest, no evidence of the
damages, and dolo incidente also obliges the terms of the agreement other than the contents of
person employing it to pay damages. Sierra v CA the writing." It is true that parol evidence may be
Facts: On November 2, 1984, the petitioner admitted to challenge the contents of such
In either case, whether private respondent has filed a complaint against the private respondents agreement "where a mistake or imperfection of
committed dolo causante or dolo incidente by in the Regional Trial Court of Dumaguete City. the writing, or its failure to express the true
making misrepresentations in its contracts with He sought recovery of a sum of money he intent and agreement of the parties, or the
petitioner and other members of the tour group, allegedly lent them under the following validity of the agreement is put in issue by the
which deceptions became patent in the light of promissory note pleadings." However, such evidence must be
after-events when, contrary to its clear and convincing and of such sufficient
representations, it employed an inexperienced At the trial, the petitioner testified that he had credibility as to overturn the written agreement.
tour guide, housed the tourist group in lent the private respondents the sum of
substandard hotels, and reneged on its promise P85,000.00 which they said they needed "to pay AUTHENTICATION AND PROOF OF
of a European tour manager and the visit to the some cattle for fattening to be inspected by the DOCUMENTS; EVIDENTIARY NATURE OF
leather factory, it is indubitably liable for inspector of the Land Bank that day" in PUBLIC DOCUMENTS SUSTAINED IN
damages to petitioner. connection with their application for a loan of ABSENCE OF STRONG, CONVINCING AND
P400,000.00 from the said bank to finance their CONCLUSIVE PROOF OF NULLITY; CASE
When moral damages are awarded, especially logging and cattle business. The application was AT BAR. The non-presentation at the trial of
for fraudulent conduct, exemplary damages may apparently not approved. When the note fell due, the notary public who attested the promissory
also be decreed. Exemplary damages are notes did not have the effect of invalidating
them. It is well settled that the evidentiary nature volition and induced him to give his consent to through the signature he affixes thereto as a
of public documents must be sustained in the the contract, which otherwise he would not have token of his good faith. If he reneges on his
absence of strong, complete, and conclusive entered into. It must, in some measure, destroy promise without cause, he forfeits the sympathy
proof of its nullity. A notarial document, the free agency of a party and interfere with the and assistance of this Court and deserves instead
guaranteed by public attestation in accordance exercise of that independent discretion which is its sharp repudiation. So must it be in the case at
with the law, must be sustained in full force and necessary for determining the advantage or bar.
effect so long as he who impugns it does not disadvantage of a proposed contract. In every
present strong, complete, and conclusive proof such case, there is a moral coercion. The moral LAURETA TRINIDAD, petitioner,
of its falsity or nullity on accounts of some flaw coercion may be effected through threats, vs. INTERMEDIATE APPELLATE COURT
or defect provided against by law. A mere denial expressed or implied, or through harassing and VICENTE J. FRANCISCO, respondent.
of the receipt of the loan, which is stated in a tactics." Facts: The house looked beautiful in summer
clear and unequivocal manner in a public but not when the waters came. Then it was
instrument, is not sufficient. To overthrow the FRAUD; DEFINED; DEGREE OF FRAUD flooded five feet deep and leas than
recitals of a mortgage deed, clear, convincing THAT RENDERS CONTRACT VOIDABLE; prepossessing, let alone livable. Disenchanted,
and more than merely preponderant evidence is PROOF REQUIRED. Art. 1338. There is the buyer sued the seller for the annulment of
necessary. A contrary rule would throw wide fraud when, through insidious words or the sale and damages, alleging fraud.
open doors to fraud. The mere assertion of the machinations of one of the contracting parties,
private respondents that the notes were not the other is induced to enter into a contract The house was Bungalow No. 17, situated at
notarized in their presence does not meet this which, without them, he would not have agreed Commonwealth Village in Quezon City, and
standard of proof. In any event, a promissory to. Art. 1344. In order that fraud may make a belonged to the late Vicente J. Francisco.
note does not have to be notarized to be binding. contract voidable, it should be serious and Sometime in early 1969, Laureta Trinidad, the
The private respondents have admitted signing should not have been employed by both petitioner herein, approached him and offered to
the two notes and they have not succeeded in contracting parties. To quote Tolentino again, the buy the property. Francisco was willing to sell.
proving that they did so "under duress, fear and "misrepresentation constituting the fraud must Trinidad inspected the house and lot and
undue influence." be established by full, clear, and convincing examined a vicinity map which indicated
evidence, and not merely by a preponderance drainage canals along the property. The purchase
CIVIL LAW; OBLIGATIONS AND thereof. The deceit must be serious. The fraud is price was P70,000.00 with a down payment of
CONTRACTS; UNDUE INFLUENCE; serious when it is sufficient to impress, or to P17,500.00. The balance was to be paid in five
DEFINED; AMPLIFIED. Art. 1337. There is lead an ordinarily prudent person into error; that equal annual installments not later than July 1 of
undue influence when a person takes improper which cannot deceive a prudent person cannot each year at 12% interest per annum.
advantage of his power over the will of another, be a ground for nullity. The circumstances of
depriving the latter of a reasonable freedom of each case should be considered, taking into On March 29, 1969, Trinidad paid Francisco
choice. The following circumstances shall be account the personal conditions of the victim." P5,000.00 as earnest money and entered into the
considered: the confidential, family, spiritual and possession of the house. However, as she relates
other relations between the parties, or the fact LOAN; PROMISSORY NOTE; NATURE it, she subsequently heard from her new
that the person alleged to have been unduly THEREOF; LIABILITY OF MAKER. A neighbors that two buyers had previously
influenced was suffering from mental weakness, promissory note is a solemn acknowledgment of vacated the property because it was subject to
or was ignorant or in financial distress. This a debt and a formal commitment to repay it on flooding. She says she talked to Francisco about
definition is amplified by Tolentino, who says the date and under the conditions agreed upon this matter and that he told her everything had
that "undue influence is any means employed by the borrower and the lender. A person who been fixed and the house would never be
upon a party which, under the circumstances, he signs such an instrument is bound to honor it as flooded again. Thus assured, she gave him
could not well resist, and which controlled his a legitimate obligation duly assumed by him P12,500.00 to complete the down payment.
They signed the Contract of Conditional Sale on Issue: Whether or not, under the established Second, the petitioner had full opportunity to
August 8, 1969. facts, there was misrepresentation on the part of inspect the premises, including the drainage
Francisco to justify the rescission of the sale and canals indicated in the vicinity map that was
Upon her return from the United States on the award damages to the petitioner. furnished her, before she entered into the
October 11, 1972, she wrote the City Engineer's contract of conditional sale.
office of Quezon City and requested an Ruling: The petition is denied.
inspection of the subject premises to determine The pertinent provisions of the Civil Code on Third, it is assumed that she made her appraisal
the cause of the flooding. The finding of City fraud are the following: of the property not with the untrained eye of the
Engineer Pantaleon P. Tabora was that "the lot is ordinary prospective buyer but with the
low and is a narrowed portion of the creek." Art. 1338. There is fraud when, through experience and even expertise of the licensed
insidious words or machinations of one of the real estate broker that she was. 9 If she
On January 10, 1973, the petitioner filed her contracting parties, the other is induced to enter minimized the presence of the drainage canals,
complaint against Francisco alleging that she into a contract which, without them, he would she has only her own negligence to blame.
was induced to enter into the contract of sale not have agreed to.
because of his misrepresentations. She asked Fourth, seeing that the lot was depressed and
that the agreement be annulled and her payments Art. 1339.Failure to disclose facts, when there is there was a drainage lot abutting it, she cannot
refunded to her, together with the actual a duty to reveal them, as when the parties are say she was not forewarned of the possibility
expenses she had incurred for the "annexes and bound by confidential relations, constitutes that the place might be flooded. Notwithstanding
decorations" she had made on the house. She fraud. the obvious condition of the property, she still
also demanded the actual cost of the losses she decided to buy it.
had suffered as a result of the floods, moral and Art. 1340.The usual exaggerations in trade,
exemplary damages in the sum of P200,000.00, when the other party had an opportunity to Fifth, there is no evidence except her own
and P10,000.00 attomey's know the facts, are not in themselves fraudulent. testimony that two previous owners of the
property had vacated it because of the floods and
In his answer and amended answer, the Fraud is never lightly inferred; it is good faith that Francisco assured her that the house would
defendant denied the charge of that is. Under the Rules of Court, it is presumed not be flooded again. The supposed previous
misrepresentation and stressed that the plaintiff that "a person is innocent of crime or wrong" 7 owners were not presented as witnesses and
had thoroughly inspected the property before she and that "private transactions have been fair and neither were the neighbors. Francisco himself
decided to buy it. The claimed creek was a regular." 8 While disputable, these presumptions denied having made the alleged assurance.
drainage lot, and the floods complained of were can be overcome only by clear and preponderant
not uncommon in the village and indeed even in evidence. Sixth, the petitioner paid the 1970 and 1971
the Greater Manila area if not the entire Luzon. amortizations even if, according to her
In any event, the floods were fortuitous events Our finding is that the fraud alleged by the Complaint, "since 1969 said lot had been under
not imputable to him. He asked for the petitioner has not been satisfactorily established floods of about one (1) foot deep," 10 and
rescission of the contract and the forfeiture of to call for the annulment of the contract. This despite the floods of September and November
payments made by the plaintiff plus monthly finding is based on the following considerations. 1970.
rentals with interest of P700.00 for the property
from July 2, 1972, until the actual vacation of First, it was the petitioner who admittedly Seventh, it is also curious that notwithstanding
the property by the plaintiff. He also claimed approached the private respondent, who never the said floods, the petitioner still "made
litigation expenses, including attorney's fees. advertised the property nor offered it for sale to annexes and decorations on the house," 11 all of
her. a permanent nature, for which she now claims
reimbursement from the private respondent.
becomes indefeasible after the expiration of one of the contract. To make her forfeit the payments
Assuming that he did make such representations, year from the entry of the decree of registration. already made by her and at the same time return
as the petitioner contends, she is deemed to have Such decree of registration is incontrovertible the property to the private respondents for
accepted them at her own risk and must and is binding on all persons whether or not they standing up to what she considered her right
therefore be responsible for the consequences of were notified of or participated in the would, in our view, be unfair and unconsionable.
her careless credulousness. In the case of registration proceedings. Justice demands that we moderate the harsh
Songco v. Sellne effects of the stipulation. Accordingly, in the
The law allows considerable latitude to seller's If such title is to be challenged, it may not be exercise of our equity jurisdiction, we hereby
statements, or dealer's talk, and experience done collaterally as in the present case, because rule that the Contract of Conditional Sale shall
teaches that it is exceedingly risky to accept it at the judicial action required is a direct attack. be maintained between the parties except that
it at face value. . . . Section 48 of the Property Registration Decree the petitioner shall not return the house to the
expressly provides that a certificate of title private respondents. However, she will have to
Assertions concerning the property which is the cannot be subject collateral attack and can be pay them the balance of the purchase price in the
subject of a contract of sale, or in regard to its altered, modified or cancelled only in a direct sum of P52,500.00, ** with 12% annual interest
qualities and characteristics, are the usual and proceeding in accordance with law. This was the from July 1, 1972, until full payment
ordinary means used by sellers to obtain a high same rule under Act 496. 14 Moreover, the right
price and are always understood as affording to of reversion belongs to the State and may be Manila Banking Corp v Silverio
buyers no ground for omitting to make inquiries. invoked on its behalf only by the Solicitor Facts: Purificacion Ver was the registered owner
A man who relies upon such an affirmation General. of two parcels of land located at La Huerta,
made by a person whose interest might so
readily prompt him to exaggerate the value of Nevertheless, we cannot say that the petitioner On 16 April 1979, Purificacion Ver sold the
his property does so at his peril, and must take was, strictly speaking, in default in the payment properties to Ricardo C. Silverio, Sr. (Ricardo,
the consequences of his own imprudence of the remaining amortizations in the sense Sr.) for P1,036,475.00. 4 The absolute deed of
contemplated in that stipulation. She was not sale evidencing the transaction was not
We have also held that "one who contracts for simply unable to make the required payments. registered; hence, title remained with the seller,
the purchase of real estate in reliance on the The fact is she refused to make such payments. Purificacion Ver.
representations and statements of the vendor as If she suspended her payments, it was because
to its character and value, but after he has visited she felt she was justified in doing so in view of The Manila Banking Corporation (TMBC), filed
and examined it for himself and has had the the defects she found in the property. It is a complaint with the RTC of Makati City for the
means and opportunity of verifying such noteworthy that it was she who sued the private collection of a sum of money with application
statements, cannot avoid the contract on the respondent, not the other way round, and that it for the issuance of a writ of preliminary
ground that they were false and exaggerated." 13 was she who argued that the seller was not attachment against Ricardo, Sr. and the
entitled to the additional installments because of Delta Motors Corporation
''The Court must also reject the petitioner's his violation of the contract. If she asked for the
contention that the lot on which the house stands annulment of the contract and the refund to her On 29 March 1993, the trial court rendered its
is a portion of a creek and therefore outside the of the payments she had already made, plus Decision in favor of TMBC and against Ricardo,
commerce of man as part of the public domain. damages, it was because she felt she had the Sr. and the Delta Motors Corporation. 7 The
right to do so. Decision was brought up to the Court of Appeals
The said property is covered by TCT No. for review.
102167 of the Registry of Deeds of Quezon City. Given such circumstances, the Court feels and
Under the Land Registration Act, title to the so holds that the above-quoted stipulation should In the meantime, on 22 July 1993, herein private
property covered by a Torrens certificate not be strictly enforced, to justify the rescission respondent, Edmundo S. Silverio (Edmundo),
the nephew 9 of judgment debtor Ricardo, Sr., Issue: Ricardo, Sr., and not by Edmundo, who is
requested TMBC to have the annotations on the I. concededly not a debtor of TMBC. If the
subject properties cancelled as the properties . . . HOLDING THAT PETITIONER TMBC properties were validly transferred to Edmundo
were no longer owned by Ricardo, Sr. 10 This CANNOT QUESTION THE VALIDITY OF before the levy thereof then cancellation of the
letter was referred to the Bangko Sentral Ng THE SALE OF THE PROPERTIES COVERED annotation is in order. If, however, the sale was
Pilipinas, TMBC's statutory receiver. 11 No BY TCT NO. 31444 (452448) AND absolutely simulated and was entered into
steps were taken to have the annotations 45926 (452452); UNDER ARTICLE 1421 OF between uncle and nephew for the lone reason of
cancelled. 12 Thus, on 17 December 1993, THE CIVIL CODE, THE DEFENSE OF removing the properties from the reach of
Edmundo filed in the RTC of Makati City a case NULLITY OF A CONTRACT IS AVAILABLE TMBC, then the annotation should stay.
Certificates of Title Nos. 452448 and 452452 of II. WHERE THERE IS CONFLICT BETWEEN
the Office of the Registrar of Land Titles and . . . ORDERING THE CANCELLATION OF TRIAL COURT AND APPELLATE COURT.
Deeds of Paraaque, Metro Manila." In his THE NOTICE OF LEVY ON ATTACHMENT The issue of whether the contract is simulated or
petition, Edmundo alleged that as early as 11 AND THE WRIT OF ATTACHMENT MADE real is factual in nature, and the Court eschews
September 1989, the properties, subject matter ON TCT NO. 452448 AND 452452 factual examination in a petition for review
of the case, were already sold to him by Ricardo, SINCE AS AGAINST TWO (2) under Rule 45 of the Rules of Court.
Sr. As such, these properties could not be levied TRANSACTIONS CONCERNING THE SAME This rule, however, is not without exceptions,
upon on 02 July 1990 to answer for the debt of LAND, one of which is when there exists a conflict
Ricardo, Sr. who was no longer the owner THE REGISTERED TRANSACTION between the factual findings of the trial court
thereof. In its Answer with Compulsory PREVAILS OVER THE ALLEGED EARLIER and of the appellate court, as in the case at bar.
things, that the sale in favor of Edmundo was III. PRESUMPTIONS; PROPRIETY OF
void, therefore, the properties levied upon were . . . FINDING THAT PETITIONER TMBC IS CONTRACT. The validity of the contract of
still owned by Ricardo, Sr., the debtor in GUILTY OF BAD FAITH IN FAILING TO sale being the focal point in the two court's
Civil Case No. 90-513 MAKE INQUIRIES ON THE RIGHTS OF decision, we begin our analysis into the matter
RICARDO SILVERIO, SR. OVER THE with two veritable presumptions: first, that there
On 02 May 1995, after trial on the merits, the SUBJECT PROPERTIES. was sufficient consideration of the contract and,
lower court rendered its Decision dismissing second, that it was the result of a fair and regular
Edmundo's petition. TMBC's counterclaim was Ruling: The petition is granted private transaction. As we held in Suntay v.
likewise dismissed for lack of sufficient merit REMEDIAL LAW; PROVISIONAL Court of Appeals, if shown to hold, these
REMEDIES; ATTACHMENT; ONLY presumptions infer prima facie the transaction's
The Court of Appeals, upon reviewing the case PROPERTIES BELONGING TO THE validity, except that it must yield to the evidence
at the instance of Edmundo, reversed and set DEBTOR CAN BE ATTACHED. Basic is the adduced.
aside the trial court's ruling. rule that only properties belonging to the debtor REQUISITES; CONSENT; ABSOLUTELY
can be attached, and an attachment and sale of SIMULATED CONTRACTS; ELUCIDATED.
The motion for reconsideration filed by TMBC properties belonging to a third party are void. At An absolutely simulated contract, under
was denied for lack of merit in a Resolution the pith of the controversy, therefore, is the issue Article 1346 of the Civil Code, is void. It takes
dated 25 February 1998. Hence, the present of ownership of the subject properties at the time place when the parties do not intend to be bound
petition, TMBC imputing upon the Court of of the levy thereof as the right of petitioner at all. The characteristic of simulation is the fact
Appeals grave error TMBC, as creditor, depends on whether such that the apparent contract is not really desired or
properties were still owned by its debtor, intended to produce legal effects or in any way
alter the juridical situation of the parties. Thus, exercise acts of dominium over the subject the Civil Code, that such action can be instituted
where a person, in order to place his property properties buttresses TMBC's position that the only when the party suffering damage has no
beyond the reach of his creditors, simulates a former did not at all intend to be bound by the other legal means to obtain reparation for the
transfer of it to another, he does not really intend contract of sale. In Suntay, as reiterated in such same. The contract of sale before us, albeit
to divest himself of his title and control of the cases as Santiago v. Court of Appeals, Cruz v. undertaken as well in fraud of creditors, is not
property; hence, the deed of transfer is but a Bancom Finance Corporation and Ramos v. merely rescissible but is void ab initio for lack
sham. Lacking, therefore, in a fictitious and Heirs of Ramos, Sr., we held that "the most of consent of the parties to be bound thereby. A
simulated contract is consent which is essential proturberant index of simulation is the complete void or inexistent contract is one which has no
to a valid and enforceable contract. absence of an attempt in any manner on the part force and effect from the very beginning, as if it
REMEDIAL LAW; EVIDENCE; RULES OF of the [ostensible buyer] to assert his rights of had never been entered into; it produces no
ADMISSIBILITY; DOCUMENTARY ownership over the [properties] in question." effect whatsoever either against or in favor of
EVIDENCE; USE OF NOTARIZED DEED The supposed buyer's failure to take exclusive anyone. Rescissible contracts, on the other hand,
NOT REPORTED TO THE RTC. In Tala possession of the property allegedly sold or, in are not void ab initio, and the principle, "quod
Realty Services Corporation v. Banco Filipino the alternative, to collect rentals, is contrary to nullum est nullum producit effectum," in void
Savings and Mortgage Bank, as reiterated in two the principle of ownership. Such failure is a and inexistent contracts is inapplicable. Until set
other Tala cases, the Court rejected a notarized clear badge of simulation that renders the whole aside in an appropriate action, rescissible
deed that was not reported to the Clerk of Court transaction void pursuant to Article 1409 of the contracts are respected as being legally valid,
of the RTC by the notary public who notarized Civil Code. binding and in force. Tolentino, a noted civilist,
it. The Court held that this fact militates the use VOID AND INEXISTENT CONTRACTS; distinguished between these two types of
of the document as basis to uphold the RIGHT TO SET-UP ITS NULLITY, contracts entered into in fraud of creditors, thus:
petitioner's claim. AVAILABLE TO THIRD PERSONS WHOSE Absolute simulation implies that there is no
CIVIL LAW; CONTRACTS; REQUISITES; INTERESTS ARE DIRECTLY AFFECTED existing contract, no real act executed; while
CAUSE OF CONTRACTS; ABSENCE THEREBY. When a contract is void, the fraudulent alienation means that there is a true
THEREOF RENDERS THE CONTRACT right to set-up its nullity or non-existence is and existing transfer or contract. The former can
VOID AB INITIO. A deed of sale in which available to third persons whose interests are be attacked by any creditor, including one
the stated consideration has not in fact been paid directly affected thereby. The material interest of subsequent to the contract; while the latter can
is a false contract that is void ab initio. TMBC need not be belabored. Suffice it to say be assailed only by the creditors before the
Likewise, "a contract of purchase and sale is null that as judgment creditor of Ricardo, Sr., it has alienation. In absolute simulation, the
and void and produces no effect whatsoever the right to protect its lien acquired through a insolvency of the debtor making the simulated
where it appears that [the] same is without cause writ of preliminary attachment as security for transfer is not a prerequisite to the nullity of the
or consideration which should have been the the satisfaction of any judgment in its favor. contract; while in fraudulent alienation, the
motive thereof, or the purchase price appears DIFFERENT FROM RESCISSIBLE action to rescind, or accion pauliana, requires
thereon as paid but which in fact has never been CONTRACTS; ACCION PAULIANA; that the creditor cannot recover in any other
paid by the purchaser to the vendor." AVAILABLE WHEN SUBJECT MATTER IS A manner what is due him. Finally, the action to
SALES; WHERE THERE WAS FAILURE TO CONVEYANCE, OTHERWISE VALID, declare a contract absolutely simulated does not
EXERCISE ACTS OF DOMINIUM UNDERTAKEN IN FRAUD OF CREDITORS. prescribe (Articles 1409 and 1410); while the
OVER PROPERTIES SUBJECT OF SALE The remedy of accion pauliana is available accion pauliana to rescind a fraudulent
CONTRACT, SUCH FAILURE IS A CLEAR when the subject matter is a conveyance, alienation prescribes in four years (Article
BADGE OF SIMULATION THAT RENDERS otherwise valid, undertaken in fraud of creditors. 1389).
WHOLE TRANSACTION VOID. Taken Such a contract is governed by the rules on
together with the other circumstances rescission which prescribe, under Art. 1383 of Suntay v Court of Appeals
surrounding the sale, Edmundo's failure to
Facts: Respondent Federico Suntay was the of the same notarial register could be found any September 13, 1969, the Court granted the same.
registered 4 owner of a parcel of land with an entry pertaining to Rafael's deed of sale. 17 27
area of 5,118 square meters, more or less, Testifying on this irregularity, Atty. Flores
situated in Sto. Nino, Hagonoy, Bulacan. On the admitted that he failed to submit to the Clerk of On July 8, 1970, Federico filed a complaint 28
land may be found: a rice mill, a warehouse, and Court a copy of the second deed. Neither was he for reconveyance and damages against Rafael
other improvements. A rice miller, Federico, in a able to enter the same in his notarial register. 18
letter, dated September 30, 1960, applied as a Even Federico himself alleged in his Complaint In his answer, Rafael scoffed at the attack
miller-contractor of the then National Rice and that, when Rafael delivered the second deed to against the validity and genuineness of the sale
Corn Corporation (NARIC). He informed the him, it was neither dated nor notarized. 19 to him of Federico's land and rice mill. Rafael
NARIC that he had a daily rice mill output of insisted that said property was "absolutely sold
400 cavans of palay and warehouse storage Upon the execution and registration of the first and conveyed . . . for a consideration of
capacity of 150,000 cavans of palay. 5 His deed, Certificate of Title No. 0-2015 in the name P20,000.00, Philippine currency, and for other
application, although prepared by his nephew- of Federico was cancelled and in lieu thereof, valuable consideration."
lawyer, petitioner Rafael Suntay, 6 was TCT No. T-36714 was issued in the name of
disapproved, obviously because at that time he Rafael. Even after the execution of the deed, At the initial hearing on April 7, 1971, Federico
was tied up with several unpaid loans. For Federico remained in possession of the property took the stand and, when asked why title to the
purposes of circumvention, he had thought of sold in concept of owner. Significantly, property was no longer in his name, Rafael's
allowing Rafael to make the application for him. notwithstanding the fact that Rafael became the counsel objected thereto upon the ground that
Rafael prepared 8 an absolute deed of sale 9 titled owner of said land and rice mill, he never Federico, in the petition wherein he asked Rafael
whereby Federico, for and in consideration of made any attempt to take possession thereof at to surrender his owner's duplicate of TCT No. T-
P20,000.00 conveyed to Rafael said parcel of any time, 20 while Federico continued to 36714, had alleged that he sold the land to
land with all its existing structures. Said deed exercise rights of absolute ownership over the Rafael, which allegation, Rafael contends,
was notarized as Document No. 57 and recorded property. constitutes as a judicial admission which may
on Page 13 of Book 1, Series of 1962, of the not be subject to contradiction, unless previously
Notarial Register of Atty. Herminio V. Flores. 10 In a letter, 22 dated August 14, 1969, Federico, shown to have been made through palpable
Less than three months after this conveyance, a through his new counsel, Agrava & Agrava, mistake. Rafael's counsel, in effect, was
counter sale 11 was prepared 12 and signed 13 requested that Rafael deliver his copy of TCT assailing the admissibility of Federico's
by Rafael who also caused its delivery 14 to No. T-36714 so that Federico could have the anticipated answer which would most likely tend
Federico. Through this counter conveyance, the counter deed of sale in his favor registered in his to establish the simulated nature of the sale
same parcel of land with all its existing name. The request having been obviously turned executed by Federico in favor of Rafael. Judge
structures was sold by Rafael back to Federico down, Agrava & Agrava filed a petition 23 with Emmanuel Muoz overruled the objection and
for the same consideration of P20,000.00. 15 the Court of First Instance of Bulacan 24 asking reset the case for hearing on June 9, 1971.
Although on its face, this second deed appears to Rafael to surrender his owner's duplicate
have been notarized as Document No. 56 and certificate of TCT No. T-36714. In opposition On June 7, 1971, Rafael, obviously for the
recorded on Page 15 of Book 1, Series of 1962, thereto, Rafael chronicled the discrepancy in the purpose of delay on account of its pettiness,
16 of the notarial register of Atty. Herminio V. notarization of the second deed of sale upon instituted certiorari proceedings in the Court of
Flores, an examination thereof will show that, which said petition was premised and ultimately Appeals in order to have the aforecited ruling
recorded as Document No. 56 on Page 13, is not concluded that said deed was a counterfeit or "at nullified and set aside. Rafael was naturally
the said deed of sale but a certain "real estate least not a public document which is sufficient rebuffed by the Appellate Court. Considering
mortgage of a parcel of land with TCT No. to transfer real rights according to law." 25 On that the petition for Rafael to surrender his
16157 to secure a loan of P3,500.00 in favor of September 8, 1969, Agrava & Agrava filed a owner's duplicate of TCT No. T-36714 had been
the Hagonoy Rural Bank." Nowhere on page 13 motion 26 to withdraw said petition, and, on withdrawn upon motion of Federico, the alleged
admission of Federico as to the questioned and transcripts submitted before the trial court rice mill in question. After the sale, he should
deed's validity in effect disappeared from the because the factual findings of the Court of have entered the land and occupied the premises
record and had ceased to have any standing as a Appeals and that of the trial court are contrary to thereof. He did not even attempt to. If he stood
judicial admission. 33 Dissatisfied with the each other. as owner, he would have collected rentals from
ruling, Rafael elevated the matter to the Federico for the use and occupation of the land
Supreme Court via a petition for review on LEGAL PRESUMPTIONS ON THE and its improvements. All that the late Rafael
certiorari. This was summarily denied by us for VALIDITY OF THE DEED OF SALE. The had was a title in his name. The failure of the
lack of merit. validity and integrity of the deed of sale late Rafael to take exclusive possession of the
necessarily concerns two veritable legal property allegedly sold to him is a clear badge of
Whereupon, Rafael's counsel moved, as he often presumptions: first, that there was sufficient fraud. The fact that, notwithstanding the title
did previously, for continuation of trial of the consideration for the contract and, second, that it transfer, Federico remained in actual possession,
main case. 35 After a thirteen-year trial with was the result of a fair and regular private cultivation and occupation of the disputed lot
no less than six different Presiding Judges; 36 transaction. These presumptions if shown to from the time the deed of sale was executed until
numerous changes of lawyers; countless hold, infer prima facie the transaction's validity, the present, is a circumstance which is
incidents; and a mountain-pile of pleadings a except that it must yield to the evidence unmistakably added proof of the fictitiousness of
decision in the case was finally rendered on adduced. the said transfer, the same being contrary to the
April 30, 1984 principle of ownership. The cumulative effect of
CIVIL LAW; SIMULATION OF the evidence on record as chronicled aforesaid
Issue: Whether or not the deed of sale executed CONTRACTS; ILLUSTRATION IN CASE AT identified badges of simulation proving that the
by Federico in favor of Rafael was simulated BAR. The history and relationship of trust, sale by Federico to his deceased nephew of his
and without consideration, interdependence and intimacy between the late land and rice mill, was not intended to have any
Rafael and Federico is an unmistakable token of legal effect between them.
Ruling: The petition is denied. simulation. It has been observed that fraud is
From decision of the trial court, both Federico generally accompanied by trust. Hardly is it NATURE OF CONTRACTS; THE PRIMARY
and Rafael appealed. Before the Court of inconsistent with practical experience, especially CONSIDERATION SHOULD BE THE
Appeals both pleaded invariably the same in the context of the Filipino family's way of INTENTION OF THE PARTIES. Though the
arguments which they had raised before the trial life, that Federico, the uncle, would almost notarization of the deed of sale in question vests
court. On January 27, 1993, the Court of naively lend his land title to his nephew and in its favor the presumption of regularity, it is
Appeals rendered judgment in affirmance of the agree to its cancellation in his nephew's favor not the intention nor the function of the notary
trial court's decision, with a modification. because Federico, in the first place, trusted his public to validate and make binding an
Federico was ordered to surrender the nephew; was well aware of his power over him instrument never, in the first place, intended to
possession of the disputed property to Rafael. as uncle, client, and patron; and was actually in have any binding legal effect upon the parties
possession of the land and rice mill. No one thereto. The intention of the parties still and
could even conceive of the possibility of always is the primary consideration in
REMEDIAL LAW; EVIDENCE; FACTUAL ejecting Federico therefrom on the basis of the determining the true nature of a contract.
FINDINGS OF THE COURT OF APPEALS; sham transaction. The late Rafael never
WHEN NOT BINDING UPON THE attempted to physically dispossess his uncle or Umali v CA
SUPREME COURT. While the rule is that actually take over the rice mill during his Facts: Plaintiff Santiago Rivera is the nephew of
factual findings of the Court of Appeals are lifetime. Indeed the most protuberant index of plaintiff Mauricia Meer Vda. de Castillo.
binding upon the Supreme Court, this Court simulation is the complete absence of an attempt 2. The Castillo family are the owners of a
endeavored, however, to scrutinize the case in any manner on the part of the late Rafael to parcel of lands which was given as security for a
records and read and examined the pleadings assert his rights of ownership over the land and loan from the DBP.
3. For their failure to pay the amortization, 14. ICP sold to PM Parts the four parcels of business conduit of a person, or where the
foreclosure of the said property was about to be land. corporation is so organized and controlled and
initiated. 15. Thereafter, PM Parts, through its President, its affairs are so conducted as to make it merely
4. This problem was made known to Rivera, Mr. Modesto Cervantes, sent a letter addressed an instrumentality, agency, conduit or adjunct of
who proposed to them the conversion into to plaintiff Mrs. Mauricia Meer Castillo another corporation.
subdivision of the four parcels of land adjacent requesting her and her children to vacate the
to the mortgaged property to raise the necessary subject property. Respondent Court of Appeals made several
fund. 16. The heirs of the late Felipe Castillo filed an findings to the effect that the questioned
5. The Idea was accepted by the Castillo action for annulment of title. documents are valid and binding upon the
family and to carry out the project, a 17. Judgment of the trial court is hereby parties, that there was no fraud employed by
Memorandum of Agreement was executed by rendered in favor of the plaintiffs agreements private respondents in the execution thereof, and
and between Slobec Realty and Development, etc - null and void for being fictitious, spurious that, contrary to petitioners' allegation, the
Inc., represented by its President Rivera and the and without consideration. evidence on record reveals that petitioners had
Castillo family. 18. Respondent court reversed the decision of every intention to be bound by their
6. Rivera, armed with the agreement, the trial court and rendered the judgment subject undertakings in the various transactions had with
approached Mr. Modesto Cervantes, President of of this petition private respondents. It is a general rule in this
defendant Bormaheco, and proposed to purchase jurisdiction that findings of fact of said appellate
from Bormaheco two tractors. Issue: court are final and conclusive and, thus, binding
7. Slobec, through Rivera, executed in favor Whether or not there is necessity to pierce the on this Court in the absence of sufficient and
of Bormaheco a Chattel Mortgage over the said veil of corporate entity of Bormaheco, ICP and convincing proof, inter alia, that the former
equipment as security PM Parts, to determine whether they employed acted with grave abuse of discretion. Under the
8. As further security of the aforementioned fraud in causing the foreclosure and subsequent circumstances, we find no compelling reason to
unpaid balance, Slobec obtained from Insurance sale of the real properties belonging to deviate from this long-standing jurisprudential
Corporation of the Phil. a Surety Bond, with ICP petitioners pronouncement.
(Insurance Corporation of the Phil.) as surety
and Slobec as principal, in favor of Bormaheco. Ruling:The petition is granted. In addition, the alleged failure of Rivera to pay
9. The aforesaid surety bond was in turn Under the doctrine of piercing the veil of the consideration agreed upon in the Sales
secured by an Agreement of Counter-Guaranty corporate entity, when valid grounds therefore Agreement, which clearly constitutes a breach of
with Real Estate Mortgage executed by Rivera exist, the legal fiction that a corporation is an the contract, cannot be availed of by the guilty
as president of Slobec and Castillo family, as entity with a juridical personality separate and party to justify and support an action for the
mortgagors and ICP as mortgagee. distinct from its members or stockholders may declaration of nullity of the contract. Equity and
10. In giving the bond, ICP required that the be disregarded. In such cases, the corporation fair play dictates that one who commits a breach
Castillos mortgage to them the four parcels of will be considered as a mere association of of his contract may not seek refuge under the
land. persons. The members or stockholders of the protective mantle of the law.
11. For violation of the terms and conditions of corporation will be considered as the
the Counter-Guaranty Agreement, the properties corporation, that is, liability will attach directly There is absolute simulation, which renders the
of the Castillos were foreclosed by ICP - the to the officers and stockholders. 12 The doctrine contract null and void, when the parties do not
highest bidder. applies when the corporate fiction is used to intend to be bound at all by the same. 9 The
12. The mortgagors had one year to redeem the defeat public convenience, justify wrong, protect basic characteristic of this type of simulation of
property, but they failed to do so. fraud, or defend crime, 13 or when it is made as contract is the fact that the apparent contract is
13. Consequently, ICP consolidated its a shield to confuse the legitimate issues, 14 or not really desired or intended to either produce
ownership. where a corporation is the mere alter ego or legal effects or in any way alter the juridical
situation of the parties. The subsequent act of He is now estopped from questioning the (b) at the time of the foreclosure of the
Rivera in receiving and making use of the tractor validity of the suretyship contract mortgage, the liability of ICP under the surety
subject matter of the Sales Agreement and bond had already expired.
Chattel Mortgage, and the simultaneous issuance In the first place, the legal corporate entity is
of a surety bond in favor of Bormaheco, disregarded only if it is sought to hold the A. Fundamental likewise is the rule that, except
concomitant with the execution of the officers and stockholders directly liable for a where required by the provisions of the contract,
Agreement of Counter-Guaranty with corporate debt or obligation. In the instant case, a demand or notice of default is not required to
Chattel/Real Estate Mortgage, conduce to the petitioners do not seek to impose a claim against fix the surety's liability. Hence, where the
conclusion that petitioners had every intention to the individual members of the three corporations contract of suretyship stipulates that notice of
be bound by these contracts. The occurrence of involved; on the contrary, it is these corporations the principal's default be given to the surety,
these series of transactions between petitioners which desire to enforce an alleged right against generally the failure to comply with the
and private respondents is a strong indication petitioners. Assuming that petitioners were condition will prevent recovery from the surety.
that the parties actually intended, or at least indeed defrauded by private respondents in the There are certain instances, however, when
expected, to exact fulfillment of their respective foreclosure of the mortgaged properties, this fact failure to comply with the condition will not
obligations from one another alone is not, under the circumstances, sufficient extinguish the surety's liability, such as a failure
Neither will an allegation of fraud prosper in this to justify the piercing of the corporate fiction, to give notice of slight defaults, which are
case where petitioners failed to show that they since petitioners do not intend to hold the waived by the obligee; or on mere suspicion of
were induced to enter into a contract through the officers and/or members of respondent possible default; or where, if a default exists,
insidious words and machinations of private corporations personally liable therefor. there is excuse or provision in the suretyship
respondents without which the former would not Petitioners are merely seeking the declaration of contract exempting the surety or liability
have executed such contract. To set aside a the nullity of the foreclosure sale, which relief therefor, or where the surety already has
document solemnly executed and voluntarily may be obtained without having to disregard the knowledge or is chargeable with knowledge of
delivered, the proof of fraud must be clear and aforesaid corporate fiction attaching to the default.
convincing. 10 We are not persuaded that such respondent corporations. Secondly, petitioners
quantum of proof exists in the case at bar failed to establish by clear and convincing There is nothing in the records of the
evidence that private respondents were proceedings to show that ICP indemnified
The fact that it was Bormaheco which paid the purposely formed and operated, and thereafter Bormaheco for the failure of the plaintiffs to pay
premium for the surety bond issued by ICP does transacted with petitioners, with the sole their obligation." 25 The failure, therefore, of
not per se affect the validity of the bond. intention of defrauding the latter. Bormaheco to notify ICP in writing about
Petitioners themselves admit in their present Slobec's supposed default released ICP from
petition that Rivera executed a Deed of Sale The main issue for resolution is whether there liability under its surety bond. Consequently,
with Right of Repurchase of his car in favor of was a valid foreclosure of the mortgaged ICP could not validly foreclose that real estate
Bormaheco and agreed that a part of the properties by ICP. Petitioners argue that the mortgage executed by petitioners in its favor
proceeds thereof shall be used to pay the foreclosure proceedings should be declared null since it never incurred any liability under the
premium for the bond. In effect, Bormaheco and void for two reasons, viz.: (1) no written surety bond. It cannot claim exemption from the
accepted the payment of the premium as an notice was furnished by Bormaheco to ICP anent required written notice since its case does not
agent of ICP. The execution of the deed of sale the failure of Slobec in paying its obligation fall under any of the exceptions herein before
with a right of repurchase in favor of Bormaheco with the former, plus the fact that no receipt was enumerated.
under such circumstances sufficiently presented to show the amount allegedly paid by
establishes the fact that Rivera recognized ICP to Bormaheco; and Furthermore, the allegation of ICP that it has
Bormaheco as an agent of ICP. Such payment to paid Bormaheco is not supported by any
the agent of ICP is, therefore, binding on Rivera. documentary evidence. Section 1, Rule 131 of
the Rules of Court provides that the burden on Consequently, the foreclosure of the mortgage, Milagros Teves and Pedro Teves. Thereafter, the
evidence lies with the party who asserts an after the expiration of the surety bond under parties to the case entered into a Compromise
affirmative allegation. Since ICP failed to duly which ICP as surety has not incurred any Agreement.
prove the fact of payment, the disputable liability, should be declared null and void
presumption that private transactions have been When Antonia died an action for partition was
fair and regular, as erroneously relied upon by IV. Private respondent PM Parts posits that it is instituted where the parties entered into a
respondent Court of Appeals, finds no a buyer in good faith and, therefore, it acquired a Compromise Agreement which embodied the
application to the case at ba valid title over the subject properties. The partition of all the properties of Don Julian. On
submission is without merit and the conclusion the basis of the compromise agreement, the CFI
B. While ordinarily the termination of a surety's is specious declared a tract of land known as Hacienda
liability is governed by the provisions of the We have stated earlier that the doctrine of Medalla Milagrosa as property owned in
contract of suretyship, where the obligation of a piercing the veil of corporate fiction is not common by Don Julian and his two children of
surety is, under the terms of the bond, to applicable in this case. However, its the first marriage. The property was to remain
terminate at a specified time, his obligation inapplicability has no bearing on the good faith undivided during the lifetime of Don Julian.
cannot be enlarged by an unauthorized extension or bad faith of private respondent PM Parts. It Josefa and Emilio likewise were given other
thereof. 27 This is an exception to the general must be noted that Modesto N. Cervantes served properties at Bais, including the electric plant,
rule that the obligation of the surety continues as Vice-President of Bormaheco and, later, as the movie property, the commercial areas, and
for the same period as that of the principal President of PM Parts. On this fact alone, it the house where Don Julian was living. The
debtor. cannot be said that PM Parts had no knowledge remainder of the properties was retained by Don
of the aforesaid several transactions executed Julian.
It is possible that the period of suretyship may between Bormaheco and petitioners. In addition,
be shorter than that of the principal obligation, Atty. Martin de Guzman, who is the Executive On 16 November 1972, Don Julian, Emilio and
as where the principal debtor is required to make Vice-President of Bormaheco, was also the legal Josefa executed a Deed of Assignment of Assets
payment by installments. 29 In the case at bar, counsel of ICP and PM Parts. These facts were with Assumption of Liabilities in favor of J.L.T.
the surety bond issued by ICP was to expire on admitted without qualification in the stipulation Agro, Inc. (petitioner). Later, Don Julian, Josefa
January 22, 1972, twelve (12) months from its of facts submitted by the parties before the trial and Emilio also executed an instrument entitled
effectivity date whereas Slobec's installment court. Hence, the defense of good faith may not Supplemental to the Deed of Assignment of
payment was to end on July 23, 1972. Therefore, be resorted to by private respondent PM Parts Assets with the Assumption of Liabilities
while ICP guaranteed the payment by Slobec of which is charged with knowledge of the true (Supplemental Deed) dated 31 July 1973. This
the balance of P180,000 00, such guaranty was relations existing between Bormaheco, ICP and instrument transferred ownership over Lot No.
valid only for and within twelve (12) months herein petitioners. Accordingly, the transfer 63, among other properties, in favor of
from the date of effectivity of the surety bond, or certificates of title issued in its name, as well as petitioner. The appellate court ruled that the
until January 22, 1972. Thereafter, from January the certificate of sale, must be declared null and supplemental deed, conveying ownership to JLT
23, 1972 up to July 23, 1972, the liability of void since they cannot be considered altogether agro is not valid because the Compromise
Slobec became an unsecured obligation. The free of the taint of bad faith Agreement reserved the properties to Don
default of Slobec during this period cannot be a Julians two sets of heirs their future legitimes.
valid basis for the exercise of the right to JLT Agro Inc. v Balansag The two sets of heirs acquired full ownership
foreclose by ICP since its surety contract had Facts: Don Julian Teves contracted two and possession of the properties respectively
already been terminated. Besides, the liability of marriages, first with Antonia Baena and had two adjudicated to them and Don Julian himself
ICP was extinguished when Bormaheco failed to kids namely Josefa and Emilio. After her death, could no longer dispose of the same. The
file a written claim against it within thirty (30) he married Milagros Teves and they had four appellate court in holding that the Supplemental
days from the expiration of the surety bond. children namely: Maria Teves, Jose Teves, Deed is not valid, added that it contained a
prohibited preterition of Don Julians heirs from (B) As a general rule, No. Well-entrenched is the in favor of the person whose name appears
the second marriage. rule that all things, even future ones, which are therein. A certificate of title accumulates in one
not outside the commerce of man may be the document a precise and correct statement of the
The appellate court likewise emphasized that object of a contract. The exception is that no exact status of the fee held by its owner. The
nobody in his right judgment would preterit his contract may be entered into with respect to certificate, in the absence of fraud, is the
legal heirs by simply executing a document like future inheritance, and the exception to the evidence of title and shows exactly the real
the Supplemental Deed which practically covers exception is partition inter vivos referred to in interest of its owner.
all properties which Don Julian had reserved in Article 1080.
favor of his heirs from the second marriage. It Thus, contrary to the appellate court's ruling, the
also found out that the blanks reserved for the Article 1056 of the old Civil Code (now appearance of a mere thumbmark of Don Julian
Book No. and Page No. at the upper right corner Article 1080) authorizes a testator to partition instead of his signature in the Supplemental
of TCT No. T-375, "to identify the exact location inter vivos his property, and distribute them Deed would not affect the validity of petitioner's
where the said title was registered or among his heirs, and this partition is neither a title for this Court has ruled that a thumbmark
transferred," were not filled up, thereby donation nor a testament, but an instrument of a is a recognized mode of signature.
indicating that the TCT is "spurious and of special character, sui generis, which is revocable
dubious origin." at any time by the causante during his lifetime, However as petitioner bases its right to the
and does not operate as a conveyance of title subject lot on the Supplemental Deed, it should
Issue: A.) Was there preterition (the omission in until his death. It derives its binding force on the have presented it to the Register of Deeds to
testators will of one, some or all of the heirs from the respect due to the will of the secure the transfer of the title in its name.
compulsory heirs in the direct line, whether owner of the property, limited only by his Apparently, it had not done so. There is
living at the time of execution of the will or born creditors and the intangibility of the legitime of nothing on OCT No. 5203 or on the succeeding
after the death of the testator.) in the case? the forced heirs TCT No. T-375 either which shows that it had
B) Whether or not the future legitime can be presented the Supplemental Deed. In fact, there
determined, adjudicated and reserved prior to the The partition inter vivos of the properties of Don is absolutely no mention of a reference to said
death of Don Julian Julian is undoubtedly valid pursuant to Article document in the original and transfer certificates
1347. However, considering that it would of title. It is in this regard that the finding of the
Ruling: The petition is denied. become legally operative only upon the death of Court of Appeals concerning the absence of
A) None. Manresa defines preterition as the Don Julian, the right of his heirs from the second entries on the blanks intended for the Book No.
omission of the heir in the will. marriage to the properties adjudicated to him and Page No. gains significant relevance.
In the case at bar, Don Julian did not execute a under the compromise agreement was but a mere Indeed, this aspect fortifies the conclusion that
will since what he resorted to was a expectancy. It was a bare hope of succession to the cancellation of OCT No. 5203 and the
partition inter vivos of his properties, as the property of their father. Being the prospect consequent issuance of TCT No. T-375 in its
evidenced by the court approved Compromise of a future acquisition, the interest by its nature place are not predicated on a valid transaction.
Agreement. Thus, it is premature if not was inchoate. Evidently, at the time of the
irrelevant to speak of preterition prior to the execution of the supplemental deed in favor of Going by the legal, accepted and normal
death of Don Julian in the absence of a will petitioner, Don Julian remained the owner of the process, the reconstitution court may order the
depriving a legal heir of his property since ownership over the subject lot reconstitution and replacement of the lost title
legitime. Besides, there are other properties would only pass to his heirs from the second only, nothing else. Since what was lost is the
which the heirs from the second marriage marriage at the time of his death. owner's copy of OCT No. 5203, only that
could inherit from Don Julian upon his death. owner's copy could be ordered replaced. Thus,
The rule that a certificate of title serves as the Register of Deeds exceeded his authority in
evidence of an indefeasible title to the property issuing not just a reconstituted owner's copy of
the original certificate of title but a new transfer we consider that as against the deceased
certificate of title in place of the original The Court of Appeals, on the other hand, Salvador P. Lopez, who was a man advanced in
certificate of title. But if the court order, as the apparently considered the 1948 mortgage which years and mature experience, the appellant was a
entry intimates, directed the issuance of a new is annotated on the back of the TCT No. T-375 mere minor, 16 yrs of age, when the donation
transfer certificate of title even designating as the consideration for the assignment. 56 was made; that there is no finding made by CA
the very number of the new transfer certificate However, the said annotation 57 shows that the that she was fully aware of the terms of the
of title itself the order would be patently mortgage was actually executed in favor of bargain entered into by and Lopez and her
unlawful. A court cannot legally order the Rehabilitation Finance Corporation, not of parents; that, her acceptance in the deed of
cancellation and replacement of the original of petitioner. 58 Clearly, said mortgage, executed donation (Art. 741) did not necessarily imply
the O.C.T. which has not been lost, 53 as the as it was in favor of the Rehabilitation Finance knowledge of conditions and terms not set forth
petition for reconstitution is premised on the loss Corporation and there being no showing that therein; and that the substance of the testimony
merely of the owner's duplicate of the OCT. petitioner itself paid off the mortgage obligation, of the instrumental witnesses is that it was the
could not have been the consideration for the appellant's parents who insisted on the donation
Apparently, petitioner had resorted to the court assignment to petitioner. before allowing her to live with Lopez. These
order as a convenient contrivance to effect the facts are more suggestive of seduction than of
transfer of title to the subject lot in its name, Article 1318 of the New Civil Code enumerates immoral bargaining on the part of appellant. It
instead of the Supplemental Deedwhich should the requisites of a valid contract, namely: (1) must not be forgotten that illegality is not
be its proper course of action. It was so consent of the contracting parties; (2) object presumed, but must be duly and adequately
constrained to do because the Supplemental certain which is the subject matter of the proved. Second, the rule that parties to an illegal
Deed does not constitute a deed of conveyance contract; and (3) Cause of the obligation which contract, if equally guilty, will not be aided by
of the "registered land in fee simple" "in a form is established. the law but will both be left where it finds them,
sufficient in law," as required by Section 57 of has been interpreted by this Court as barring the
P.D. No. 1529. Thus, Article 1352 declares that contracts party from pleading the illegality of the bargain
without cause or with unlawful cause produce either as a cause of action or as a defense.
A plain reading of the pertinent provisions of the no effect whatsoever. Those contracts lack an
Supplemental Deed discloses that the essential element and they are not only voidable CA correctly held that Lopez could not donate
assignment is not supported by any but void or inexistent pursuant to Article 1409, the entirety of the property in litigation, to the
consideration paragraph (2). 59 The absence of the usual prejudice of his wife Maria Ngo, because said
recital of consideration in a transaction which property was conjugal in character and the right
The amount of P84,000.00 adverted to in the normally should be supported by a consideration of the husband to donate community property is
dispositive portion of the instrument does not such as the assignment made by Don Julian of strictly limited by law
represent the consideration for the assignment all nineteen (19) lots he still had at the time,
made by Don Julian. Rather, it is a mere coupled with the fact that the assignee is a Ruling: The petition is denied.
statement of the fair market value of all the corporation of which Don Julian himself was Appellant vigorously contends that the Court of
nineteen (19) properties enumerated in the also the President and Director, forecloses the First Instance as well as the Court of Appeals
instrument, of which Lot No. 63 is just one, that application of the presumption of existence of erred in holding the donation void for having an
were transferred by Don Julian in favor of consideration established by law. illicit causa or consideration. It is argued that
petitioner. Consequently, the testimony 55 of under Article 1274 of the Civil Code of 1889
petitioner's accountant that the assignment is Liguez v CA (which was the governing law in 1943, when the
supported by consideration cannot prevail over Facts: CA erred in applying to the present case donation was executed), "in contracts of pure
the clear provision to the contrary in the the pari delicto rule. First, because it can not be beneficence the consideration is the liberality of
Supplemental Deed. said that both parties here had equal guilt when the donor", and that liberality per se can never
be illegal, since it is neither against law or totality. Thus considered, the conveyance was any satisfaction for the donor; contacts, in other
morals or public policy. clearly predicated upon an illicit causa. words, in which the idea of self-interest is totally
absent on the part of the transferor. For this very
The flaw in this argument lies in ignoring that Appellant seeks to differentiate between the reason, the same Article 1274 provides that in
under Article 1274, liberality of the donor is alleged liberality of Lopez, as causa for the remuneratory contracts, the consideration is the
deemed causa only in those contracts that are of donation in her favor, and his desire for service or benefit for which the remuneration is
"pure" beneficence; that is to say, contracts cohabiting with appellant, as motivesthat given; causa is not liberality in these cases
designed solely and exclusively to procure the impelled him to make the donation, and quotes because the contract or conveyance is not made
welfare of the beneficiary, without any intent of from Manresa and the jurisprudence of this out of pure beneficience, but "solvendi animo".
producing any satisfaction for the donor; Court on the distinction that must be maintained
contracts, in other words, in which the idea of between causa and motives (De Jesus vs. Urrutia MOTIVE REGARDED AS "CAUSA.". The
self-interest is totally absent on the part of the and Co., 33 Phil. 171). It is well to note, motive of the parties may be regarded as causa
transferor. For this very reason, the same Article however, that Manresa himself (Vol. 8, pp. 641- when it predetermines the purpose of the
1274 provides that in remuneratory contracts, 642), while maintaining the distinction and contract.
the consideration is the service or benefit for upholding the inoperativeness of the motives of
which the remuneration is given; causa is not the parties to determine the validity of the DONATION OF CONJUGAL PROPERTY BY
liberality in these cases because the contract or contract, expressly excepts from the rule those THE HUSBAND, EFFECT OF. The right of
conveyance is not made out of pure beneficence, contracts that are conditioned upon the the husband to donate community property is
but "solvendi animo." In consonance with this attainment of the motives of either party strictly limited by law (Article 1409, 1413,
view, this Supreme Court in Philippine Long 1415, Civil Code of 1889; Baello vs. Villanueva,
Distance Co. vs. Jeturian* G. R. L-7756, July The same view is held by the Supreme Court of 54 Phil. 213). However, the donation made in
30, 1955, like the Supreme Court of Spain in its Spain, in its decisions of February 4, 1941, and contravention of the law is not void in its
decision of 16 Feb. 1899, has ruled that bonuses December 4, 1946, holding that the motive may entirely, but only in so far as it prejudices the
granted to employees to excite their zeal and be regarded as causa when it predetermines the interest of the wife. The rule applies whether the
efficiency, with consequent benefit for the purpose of the contract. donation is gratuitous or for a consideration.
employer, do not constitute donation having
liberality for a consideration. In the present case, it is scarsely disputable that LEGITIMATE OF FORCED HEIRS
Lopez would not have conveyed the property in UNAFFECTED; LEGITIMATE, HOW
Here the facts as found by the Court of Appeals question had he known that appellant would COMPUTED. The forced heirs are entitled to
(and which we can not vary) demonstrate that in refuse to cohabit with him; so that the have the donation set aside in so far
making the donation in question, the late cohabitation was an implied condition to the asinofficious; i.e., in excess of the portion of free
Salvador P. Lopez was not moved exclusively by donation, and being unlawful, necessarily disposal (Civil Code of 1889, Arts. 636, 654),
the desire to benefit appellant Conchita Liguez, tainted the donation itself. computed as provided in Article 818 and 819,
but also to secure her cohabiting with him, so and bearing in mind that "collationable gifts"
that he could gratify his sexual impulses. This is DONATION; CAUSE OR CONSIDERATION; under Article 818 should include gifts made not
clear from the confession of Lopez to the LIBERALITY OF DONOR WHEN DEEMED only in favor of the forced heirs, but even those
witnesses Rodriguez and Ragay, that he was in "CAUSA". Under Article 1274, of the Civil made in favor of strangers. (Decision of the
love with appellant, but her parents would not Code of 1889, liberality of the donor is deemed Supreme Court Spain, May 4, 1889 and June 16,
agree unless he donated the land in question to causa only in those contracts that are of "pure" 1902.)
her. Actually, therefore, the donation was but beneficience that is to say, contracts designed
one part of an onerous transaction (at least with solely and exclusively to procure the welfare of "PARI DELICTO" PARTIES TO ILLEGAL
appellant's parents) that must be viewed in its the beneficiary, without any intent of producing CONTRACT BARRED FROM PLEADING
ILLEGALITY OF BARGAIN. The rule that consecutive weeks. On July 13, 1989, the said dissolved the conjugal partnership. By virtue of
the parties to an illegal contract, if equally Extra-judicial Settlement was recorded in the such dissolution, 1/2 of the property should
guilty, will not be aided by the law but will both Register of Deeds of Caloocan City. TCT No. C- appertain to Marciliano as his share from the
be left where it finds them, has been interpreted 124222 was then cancelled and TCT No. 190363 conjugal estate plus another 1/4 representing his
by this Court as barring the party from pleading was issued in their names. 4 share as surviving spouse of Aurelia. 9 Petitioner
the illegality of the bargain either as a cause of Adelaida Victorino, as the sole surviving niece
action or as a defense. On August 1, 1989, petitioners sold the subject of Aurelia, is entitled to the other 1/4 of the lot.
lot for TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND PESOS 10 When Marciliano died intestate on March 10,
ACCESSION; RULES GOVERNING (P200,000.00) to Elena Adaon and Nestor Tejon. 1986, petitioner Bonifacio Olegario, the only
IMPROVEMENTS MADE IN GOOD FAITH. 5 TCT No. 190132 was then issued in vendees' surviving brother of Marciliano, stepped into his
Improvements made in good faith are names shoe.
governed by the rules of accession and
possession in good faith. Private respondents alleged that the Extra- We shall now determine whether the inheritance
judicial Settlement came to their knowledge right of petitioners can be prejudiced by the sale
Olegario v CA only on August 21, 1989. On that same day, they of the subject lot by the deceased Marciliano to
Facts: tried to register their contract of sale three (3) private respondents. In a contract of sale,
Spouses Marciliano Olegario and Aurelia years from its execution. The registration was consideration is, as a rule, different from the
Rivera-Olegario owned a parcel of land denied as the subject property has been motive of the parties. Consideration is defined
transferred to Elena Adaon and Nestor Tejon as some right, interest, benefit, or advantage
The Olegario couples were childless but reared conferred upon the promissor, to which he is
and educated private respondents Manuel The fight for ownership of the subject lot otherwise not lawfully entitled, or any detriment,
Rivera, Paz Olegario, and Socorro Olegario- ensued. Private respondents filed Civil Case No. prejudice, loss, or disadvantage suffered or
Teves. Petitioner Bonifacio Olegario is the C-13973 for Annulment of Extra-judicial undertaken by the promisee other than to such as
brother of Marciliano while petitioner Adelaida Settlement of Estate and Damages against he is at the time of consent bound to suffer. 11
Victorino is the niece of Aurelia. petitioners. 6 As special and affirmative defense, As contradistinguished, motive is the condition
petitioners assailed the Deed of Absolute Sale of mind which incites to action, but includes
On March 19, 1986, Aurelia Rivera-Olegario between Marciliano Olegario and private also the inference as to the existence of such
died at the age of eighty-three (83). To preclude respondents. On the other hand, cross-claimants condition, from an external fact of a nature to
her heirs from inheriting and to avoid payment Elena Adaon and Nestor Tejon maintained they produce such a condition. Under certain
of taxes, Marciliano, then eighty (80) years old, were buyers in good faith and for value. circumstances, however, the motive of the
executed on April 15, 1986 a Deed of Absolute parties may be regarded as the consideration
Sale of the subject property in favor of private In due course, the trial court ruled in favor of when it predetermines the purpose of the
respondents. 2 The purported consideration was private respondents. It annulled the Extra- contract. When they blend to that degree, and
FIFTY THOUSAND PESOS (P50,000.00). The judicial Settlement of the subject lot and its sale the motive is unlawful, then the contract
contract of sale was not registered. to Adaon and Tejon entered into is null and void.
Petitioners Bonifacio Olegario and Adelaida Ruling: The petition is granted In the case at bench, the primary motive of
Victorino were the sole heirs of spouses There is no question that petitioners are the Marciliano is selling the controverted 91-square
Olegario. On May 23, 1989, they executed a lawful heirs of spouses Olegario. Under Article meter lot to private respondents was to illegally
Deed of Extra-judicial Settlement of Estate 3 160 of the New Civil Code, the subject lot is frustrate petitioners' right of inheritance and to
covering the subject lot which was published in presumed to be conjugal property. The death of avoid payment of estate tax. This was
the Metropolitan Newsweek for three (3) Aurelia Rivera-Olegario on March 19, 1986 unabashedly admitted by witness Susan Rivera,
wife of private respondent Manuel Rivera, on ownership/possession and nullification of the differently, the cause or consideration is not the
cross-examination Deed of Donation over the portion belonging to One (P1.00) Peso alone but also the other
her and for Accounting. valuable considerations
The trial court and respondent court failed to
consider the lack of cause in the alleged deed of In their responsive pleading, petitioners claimed Although the cause is not stated in the contract it
sale of 1886. 18 The evidence does not show that the Quitclaim Deed is null and void is presumed that it is existing unless the debtor
that private respondents had FIFTY inasmuch as it is equivalent to a Deed of proves the contrary (Article 1354 of the Civil
THOUSAND PESOS (P50,000.00) and paid the Donation, acceptance of which by the donee is Code). One of the disputable presumptions is
same to Marciliano. Private respondents necessary to give it validity. Further, it is averred that there is a sufficient cause of the contract
allegedly borrowed THIRTY THOUSAND that the donee, Sandra Maruzzo, being a minor, (Section 5, (r), Rule 131, Rules of Court). It is a
PESOS (P30,000.00) from the cooperative of had no legal personality and therefore incapable legal presumption of sufficient cause or
Mary Help of Christian Parish to prove their of accepting the donation consideration supporting a contract even if such
financial capacity. However, they floundered in cause is not stated therein (Article 1354, New
their cross-examinations The trial court rendered judgment in favor of Civil Code of the Philippines.) This presumption
respondent Maruzzo and held that the Quitclaim cannot be overcome by a simple assertion of
Applying Articles 1352 and 1409 of the Civil Deed is equivalent to a Deed of Sale and, hence, lack of consideration especially when the
Code in relation to the indispensable requisite of there was a valid conveyance in favor of the contract itself states that consideration was
a valid cause, we hold that the alleged deed of latter given, and the same has been reduced into a
sale is void. public instrument with all due formalities and
Respondent Intermediate Appellate Court solemnities.To overcome the presumption of
Ong v Ong promulgated its Decision affirming the appealed consideration the alleged lack ofconsideration
Facts: judgment and held that the Quitclaim Deed is a must be shown by preponderance of evidence
Records show that on February 25, 1976 Imelda conveyance of property with a valid cause or in a proper action. (Samanilla vs. Cajucom, et
Ong, for and in consideration of One (P1.00) consideration; that the consideration is the One al., 107 Phil. 432)
Peso and other valuable considerations, executed (P1.00) Peso which is clearly stated in the deed Moreover, even granting that the Quitclaim deed
in favor of private respondent Sandra Maruzzo, itself; that the apparent inadequacy is of no in question is a donation, Article 741 of the Civil
then a minor, a Quitclaim Deed whereby she moment since it is the usual practice in deeds of Code provides that the requirement of the
transferred, released, assigned and forever conveyance to place a nominal amount although acceptance of the donation in favor of minor by
quitclaimed to Sandra Maruzzo, her heirs and there is a more valuable consideration given. parents of legal representatives applies only to
assigns, all her rights, title, interest and Hence this Petition onerous and conditional donations where the
participation in the ONE-HALF (1/2) undivided donation may have to assume certain charges or
portion of the parcel of land burdens (Article 726, Civil Code). The
acceptance by a legal guardian of a simple or
On November 19, 1980, Imelda Ong revoked the Ruling: The petition is granted. pure donation does not seem to be necessary
aforesaid Deed of Quitclaim and, thereafter, on A careful perusal of the subject deed reveals that (Perez vs. Calingo, CA-40 O.G. 53). Thus,
January 20, 1982 donated the whole property the conveyance of the one-half (1/2) undivided Supreme Court ruled in Kapunan vs. Casilan and
described above to her son, Rex Ong Jimenez. portion of the above-described property was for Court of Appeals, 109 Phil. 889) that the
and in consideration of the One (P1.00) Peso donation to an incapacitated donee does not need
On June 20, 1983, Sandra Maruzzo, through her and the other valuable considerations (italics the acceptance by the lawful representative if
guardian ad litem Alfredo Ong, filed with the supplied) paid by private respondent Sandra said donation does not contain any condition. In
Regional Trial Court of Makati, Metro Manila Maruzzo, through her representative, Alfredo simple and pure donation, the formal acceptance
an action against petitioners, for the recovery of Ong, to petitioner Imelda Ong. Stated is not important for the donor requires no right
to be protected and the donee neither undertakes was no actual valid consideration for the deeds were sold for a valid consideration, and that the
to do anything nor assumes any obligation. The of sale, and even assuming that there was indeed respondents-children actually paid the purchase
Quitclaim now in question does not impose any consideration, the price was grossly inadequate. price stipulated in their respective Deeds of Sale.
condition." The trial court ruled in favor of the respondents Said factual finding by the trial court is binding
and dismissed the complaint. The trial court on the Court
The above pronouncement of respondent ruled that petitioners had no valid cause of
Appellate Court finds support in the ruling of action against respondents since there can be no REMEDIAL LAW; CIVIL PROCEDURE;
this Court in Morales Development Co., Inc. vs. legitime to speak of prior to the death of their PARTIES TO CIVIL ACTIONS; PARTIES IN
CA, 27 SCRA 484, which states that "the major parents. On appeal, the Court of Appeals INTEREST; PETITIONERS DO NOT HAVE
premise thereof is based upon the fact that the affirmed the decision of the trial court. The LEGAL INTEREST OVER THE PROPERTIES
consideration stated in the deeds of sale in favor appellate court ruled that petitioners have no SUBJECT OF THE DEEDS OF SALE; RIGHT
of Reyes and the Abellas is P1.00. It is not legal capacity to challenge the validity of the TO THEIR PARENTS' PROPERTIES IS
unusual, however, in deeds of conveyance subject deeds since they are not parties thereto MERELY INCHOATE AND VESTS ONLY
adhering to the Anglo-Saxon practice of stating and are not principally or subsidiarily bound UPON THEIR PARENTS' DEATH. It is
that the consideration given is the sum of P1.00, thereby. evident from the records that petitioners are
although the actual consideration may have been interested in the properties subject of the Deeds
much more. Moreover, assuming that said Ruling: The petition is denied. of Sale, but they have failed to show any legal
consideration of P1.00 is suspicious, this The Supreme Court affirmed the ruling of the right to the properties: The trial and appellate
circumstance, alone, does not necessarily justify Court of Appeals. According to the Court, courts should have dismissed the action for this
the inference that Reyes and the Abellas were petitioners do not have any legal interest over reason alone. An action must be prosecuted in
not purchasers in good faith and for value. the properties subject of the Deeds of Sale. the name of the real party-in-interest. Petitioners
Neither does this inference warrant the Petitioners' right to their parents' properties is do not have any legal interest over the properties
conclusion that the sales were null and void ab merely inchoate and vests only upon their subject of the Deeds of Sale. As the appellate
initio. Indeed, bad faith and inadequacy of the parents' death. While still living, the parents of court stated, petitioners' right to their parents'
monetary consideration do not render a petitioners are free to dispose of their properties properties is merely inchoate and vests only
conveyance inexistent, for the assignor's and the sale of the lots to their siblings does not upon their parents' death. While still living, the
liberality may be sufficient cause for a valid affect the value of their parents' estate because parents of petitioners are free to dispose of their
contract (Article 1350, Civil Code), whereas while the sale of the lots reduced the estate, the properties. In their overzealousness to safeguard
fraud or bad faith may render either rescissible cash of equivalent value replaced the lots taken their future legitime, petitioners forget that
or voidable, although valid until annulled, a from the estate. The Court also ruled that theoretically, the sale of the lots to their siblings
contract concerning an object certain entered payment of the price has nothing to do with the does not affect the value of their parents' estate.
into with a cause and with the consent of the perfection of the contract. Failure to pay the While the sale of the lots reduced the estate,
contracting parties, as in the case at bar." consideration is different from lack of cash of equivalent value replaced the lots taken
Spouses Buenaventura v CA consideration. The former results in a right to from the estate.
Facts: Petitioners sought to declare as null and demand the fulfillment or cancellation of the
void ab initio certain deeds of sale of real obligation under an existing valid contract, CIVIL LAW; SPECIAL CONTRACTS; SALE;
property executed by their parents, respondents while the latter prevents the existence of a valid A CONSENSUAL CONTRACT; PAYMENT
Leonardo Joaquin and Feliciana Landrito, in contract. In the case at bar, petitioners failed to OF THE PRICE HAS NOTHING TO DO
favor of their co-respondents-children and the show that the prices in the Deeds of Sale were WITH THE PERFECTION OF CONTRACT.
corresponding certificates of title issued in their absolutely simulated. On the issue of inadequacy A contract of sale is not a real contract, but
names. They alleged that the sale of the subject of the price or consideration, the Court did not a consensual contract. As a consensual
properties impaired their legitime and that there disturb the ruling of the trial court that the lots contract, a contract of sale becomes a binding
and valid contract upon the meeting of the minds WERE ABSOLUTELY SIMULATED. mentioned in Articles 1355 and 1470 of the Civil
as to price. If there is a meeting of the minds of Petitioners failed to show that the prices in the Code which would invalidate, or even affect, the
the parties as to the price, the contract of sale is Deeds of Sale were absolutely simulated. To Deeds of Sale. Indeed, there is no requirement
valid, despite the manner of payment, or even prove simulation, petitioners presented Emma that the price be equal to the exact value of the
the breach of that manner of payment. If the real Joaquin Valdoz's testimony stating that their subject matter of sale. All the respondents
price is not stated in the contract, then the father, respondent Leonardo Joaquin, told her believed that they received the commutative
contract of sale is valid but subject to that he would transfer a lot to her through a deed value of what they gave. Moreover, the factual
reformation. If there is no meeting of the of sale without need for her payment of the findings of the appellate court are conclusive on
minds of the parties as to the price, because purchase price. The trial court did not find the the parties and carry greater weight when they
the price stipulated in the contract is allegation of absolute simulation of price coincide with the factual findings of the trial
simulated, then the contract is void. Article credible. Petitioners' failure to prove absolute court. This Court will not weigh the evidence all
1471 of the Civil Code states that if the price in simulation of price is magnified by their lack of over again unless there has been a showing that
a contract of sale is simulated, the sale is void. It knowledge of their respondent siblings' financial the findings of the lower court are totally devoid
is not the act of payment of price that determines capacity to buy the questioned lots. On the other of support or are clearly erroneous so as to
the validity of a contract of sale. Payment of the hand, the Deeds of Sale which petitioners constitute serious abuse of discretion. In the
price has nothing to do with the perfection of the presented as evidence plainly showed the cost of instant case, the trial court found that the lots
contract. Payment of the price goes into the each lot sold. Not only did respondents' minds were sold for a valid consideration, and that the
performance of the contract. Failure to pay the meet as to the purchase price, but the real price defendant children actually paid the purchase
consideration is different from lack of was also stated in the Deeds of Sale. As of the price stipulated in their respective Deeds of Sale.
consideration. The former results in a right to filing of the complaint, respondent siblings have Actual payment of the purchase price by the
demand the fulfillment or cancellation of the also fully paid the price to their respondent buyer to the seller is a factual finding that is now
obligation under an existing valid contract father. conclusive upon us.
while the latter prevents the existence of a
THE PRICES IN THE DEEDS OF SALE Petitioners failed to prove any of the instances